FRANK26……..TRANSFERS NOT AUCTIONS (Uncut) 01-07-2025
hey Jan right on I don’t forget thank you everyone’s here hey honey I’m looking for the maybe for the oh I always my eyes don’t seem to catch it right away no that ain’t it is it that’s the new one okay the one that says an original song for frank6 for real just above the word today with the Mark yep everything is so slow nothing moves I can’t get it to come out is there another source look it it won’t it won’t do it’s very slow the same way forever anything you still think it’s this one bab right here with the red exclamation
Maring at M the only one it could be okay I’m going to do it again yeah I think it’s coming up after 300 years later wow I used to be a on Rec until I watched Frank’s to be with a twinkle in his eyes and God by side Frank teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need I fix I tune Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street t t here this is the now take it from me Frank is No rookie it’s okay give this man a cookie you never know what suit you’ll bearing so wear my sunglasses because
they are so glaring so whenever I need a f i tune in Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tun in this is the nauy sit up be patient and get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us the R so whenever I need fix I tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the L greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the D hey tank I need a cookie got get come on tank I deserve some
cookies cookie cookies cookies cookies come on ttin give up the cookies well kind of greetings partially greetings this might be a nightmare tonight family uh I don’t even know if you can hear me do do me a favor and post because we’re broadcasting but for some reason the internet service here in Ohio where I’m living where I live in the city I guess we’re having problems and we’ve been having problems for a long time I even wore the same suit I wore last week so that you could see it well
actually it’s for my teams to see it but they can’t even see it so you can hear me you say oh you can hear me so in other words the when the when when the when the picture freezes and that little round thing goes round and round and round and round you know the mberry bush you can still hear me let me see let me unmute here in Ohio Rebecca Hill where I’m living where I live in the city I guess we’re having problems and we’ve been having provins for a long time I even wore the same suit I wore last week so
that you could see it well actually it’s for my teams to see it but they can’t even see it so you can hear me you say oh you can hear me so another words the when the when when the when the picture freezes and that little round thing goes round and round and round and around you know the mberry bush you can still hear me yeah let me see I can hear you UN in Ohio Hill where I’m living where I live the city okay then that makes me feel better greetings family welcome to another one of your Frank 26 UB tues it
is the 7th of January 2025 I greet you and a god Bel love we are and what it stands for is keep the faith always in our heavenly father and before we do anything we always we set the example we show you we go to God In Prayer first you can’t do anything without him try to do something without him good luck let us pray for tonight ABA there is a hunger in the internet people want to know more than they should know about this investment I’m praying for them I’m praying that their itch is
satisfied I’m praying that their curiosity can be quelled I’m praying that they can just simply sit still and watch read listen look but but but my prayer is also that they that the feeling that they have inside of them when I talk to them on the telephone I pray that that feeling go goes away it’s a feeling of of of demand it’s a feeling of of of pointing the finger at anybody else uh because they don’t have what they want right now I I find that very disturbing because when I talk to them I’m talking
to the old frank I don’t like the way I used to be I love the way I am with you now and I would love and and and it would be my prayer right now that all these people that have this anger in their heart this bitterness in their heart I had two people on the form today father that that one called me a I don’t know what he called me but you know something if he was right in front of me he wouldn’t call me that he he just wants this he demands to have this now it’s the seventh it should uhhuh yeah
okay so that’s what my prayer is right now father for these people that are undisciplined that are allowing this investment to to take them on a roller coaster of emotions that are not very healthy it is wiser to be silent it is wiser to sit on top of a hill and watch your everybody else frantically run all over the place I pray for this type of peace to enter the people that I teach that I talk to that I reach out to for those that call me that email me those that visit us I pray for their peace because I understand I understand
I understand I understand um their their their their demand I understand they want this now I understand their impatient I understand their rudeness I understand father I did all those things um just like every now and then father you know the the human brain can’t help it but to ask are you real God I mean that’s that’s a moment of weakness because Satan does that you know there’s a lot of things that come at us all at once and we’re looking for you and we’re wondering are are you even there well that’s kind of an insult to
you but it is a human a human trait we lose our faith and then the same thing with this study there are many people father that are just simply not focusing they’re losing their study I feel bad for them help me tonight God to present what we have again I thank you I thank you I thank you very much for our team for everybody that pitches in and helps us out right now walking stick is going through some issues some very very bad pain please Papa please touch my friend’s belly please please touch him
please heal him by the blood of Jesus Christ he believes in you he may not be very vocal but he believes in you please please help my friend to feel better today and help all my friends that I talk to to get off of this emotional roller coaster because it’s going too fast and I would much rather they they simply walk slowly with you and if they hold your hand why they do that bless all my brothers and sisters that are with us okay bless me help me forgive me I ask for your grace and your mercy that I can accomplish what I have
to do tonight by the blood of Jesus Through the Holy Spirit I come to you I pray to you I talk to you I believe in you I trust in you amen amen amen amen thank you Andy hey J he’s been AG not good he said not good amen amen amen just lost he’s gone do you think we did the that’s why I just what if you went back and you look and see I’d have to go back into all the settings to change it okay all right I mean it did say that didn’t it yep that’s why I just removed the comment yeah I know I’m sorry that I did
that but uh all guys you ready to study everything I say to you is going to be strictly in my opinion okay everything I say to you is just strictly in my opinion um let’s have some fun tonight let’s have some fun okay look everything’s in my opinion all right and you know we trifate our study okay I don’t know what I’m going to do tonight I’m going to start out with the article so I know you’re a member of ktf go on in there and I’ll meet you at uh page 243 page 243 okay and uh it’s the very first uh
article final article number 4,853 final article number 4,853 all righty family um my intentions are to talk to you about these articles they’re loaded my intentions are to share with you uh Eddie’s report and then my intentions are to talk to you uh a little bit about Aki you know what I asked of him right you do know right do you know what I asked of him I’m sure you remember so do I talk to you about that do I talk to you about that stop talking about it they know there’s technical
difficulty we got a little Bulldog there Jone okay thank you look at Dan Dan wants to participate right away he says you asked if you can go to his bank big Boer says uh can I come to can I come Aki yeah so that’s our study tonight okay now I’m a little bit on the slow side I’m a little bit on the quiet side uh and you know why I go through these uh these things I was talking to my doctor two days ago and I said to him well I you see he had an operation on his knee he had a knee replacement I said how’s your knee doing buddy he says
oh man it’s healed up but the scar tissue just hurts and I said you’re preaching to the choir I had 18 operations man I look like a road map Tink Tink takes a magic marker and she connects all the highways and the streets you know she connects the dots but I told him I said yeah I can be sitting there mining my own p and all of a sudden the scar tissue that’s in my body it grabs you it feels like a real person inside your body and he grabs a certain part of your body your muscles your organs whatever
and it pulls it because it’s been cut there’s less tissue and it it’s ites it doesn’t fit like it used to anymore and it pull oh and it just it hurts I remember the first time that my scar tissue pain came to me I thought I was you know I had cancer again but now this is my life I am to live with pain for the rest of my life my dear friend walking stick today we had a long conversation oh for those of you that came to listen to me singing you saw he called for those of you that watch me singing you get a lot
of extra stuff don’t you so he uh he called and he he said it feels like a like like a like a gunshot if you’ve ever been hit by a bullet it burns it burns for an object coming at that speed the heat that it generates it Cooks you inside and burns so I got a little pain right now and I’m going to do my very best to to teach and to help and answer questions okay so let’s get to work oh and by the way there are some of you like for example I think your name is Darnell I’ll be calling you around 7:30
okay I liked your bank story I’ll call you then so ladies and Gentlemen let’s get to work yes Stephanie ouch I go ouchie all over my body but you know what I’m alive you know the day I take my last breath I will say God’s name and as soon as I leave this body you know what the first thing is that I’m going to do you know what the very first thing I’m GNA do I’m gonna go is it gone yeah it’s no longer attached to me let’s look at final article number 4,853 check this out hey look before we get into these
articles let me also talk about something else you heard my prayer you heard my prayer to God I’m concerned about a lot of you you’re putting way way too much into the idea that you want to know when this is going to happen this is a speculative investment you’re not supposed to know when this is going to happen when you bought the Dinars did you ask ask him uh when will this mature oh you forgot to ask them huh no you didn’t ask them because they can’t answer that kind of a question so don’t be looking for a date
I know what today is I know that yesterday the the parliament was supposed to finish the Articles the paragraph in the budget did they well I don’t well maybe they did maybe they didn’t that’s why you came here I know that on the seventh today Sudani wanted everything done for that if not if not what what was he going to do what was he going to do somebody tell me where’s where’s uh Jeff Jeff uh Jeff Henning what was he gonna do it’s a seven je what’s Sudani gonna do is he going to throw his hands up in
the air and say oh it’s a disaster like everybody that called me and yelled at me today what’s Sudani going to do let me see can somebody tell me uh give yourself to God no uh you can ask if you can open the account oh yeah that’s that’s what I’m going to do yeah uh way to go Shang look Shang gets the the price ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding wow right away Shang says I know I know he going to make an operational budget but well well what about those people that called me today
and they lost it they lost it bless their hearts they need Pepto bismo yeah they lost it they had diarrhea they had everything going wrong for them today who who gave them the authority the right to say that today was the day that they were going to add value to the currency who you did Mr Frank you said that on the six go back and listen to what I say I give you a teaching I don’t give you a date or a rate you give it to yourself well then you do it did somehow or another you know with your eyes you
look at me you you you you you hypnotized me and you made me believe in yeah it’s your fault you silly rabbit you God bless you because I don’t have the time anymore I don’t have the greedy yeah how true M I don’t have the time anymore to deal with h you know that attitude I’m sorry this morning in premium on top of that two premium members that pay $10 a month and of course they won’t now they came in and one guy what’s his name Surfer he’s been with us forever Silver Surfer Silver huh he’s still on premium oh he’s still with us
we didn’t get rid of him oh it was uh AGT that so silver said something bad about me because you know he we didn’t have it today and AGT also but AGT bless your heart you tried to defend me you got run over and then you got so mad that you sent us an email and you said who whoa who who who disconnect me from premium and disconnect me from your form I don’t want nothing to do with you guys ever again done huh done done no did you really he asked me to oh honey I wish you would I asked if he wanted to stay
oh oh then you sent him an email and you told him that we realized that it was a mistake and then he responded still get me out yeah he he had already canceled his stuff in oh okay well okay sorry AGT I’ll see you later buddy here you were trying to defend me from some guy’s Silver Surfer and you got run over and you got so mad that you got kicked out of ktfa I’m sure kicked himself out yeah he kicked himself out but you know what how many adms were how many admin uh let out of s Rel AGT was just aggressive that’s all God
bless you He he’ll find a home somewhere else um but look at here family that’s what I’m worried about you you’re putting you’re putting too much emotions in a date and a rate you’re putting too much value in in in your analysis that oh this should have happened you have no right to say that Sudani is the one that’s in charge okay you know what Eddie Eddie’s just like you well the two that I’m talking to Eddie’s just like you guys silver something and AGT today he says nothing I said what nothing nothing I got my card well
that’s good that’s good there’s no 10 cents on it no Eddie the 10 cents is in the let me try to explain it to you again What’s the title of your ubb sit back kick back and relax that’s right Cheryl oh boy that’s so true uh look at Jeff says AGT can get aggressive but Silver Surfer was trolling hard today yeah he was looking for uh someone uh to blame and he found that that that person me and it broke my heart but but I didn’t kick him out no he’s still with us now back to what I was saying what is the title thank you
uh big Boer uh transfers not auctions transfers not auctions family do you realize that that was such a big problem too I was I was with you on the 1 of January uhhuh that’s the last time we were together on the 1 of January and you’ve gone to every Guru that there is that’s almost a week you’ve heard what every Guru has to tell you it’s different from what we tell you isn’t it so what what what we have here and in fact I someone send me some stuff from one other guru’s site and they still don’t
have it right but I’m not going to interfere they want to teach their people that way that’s their business but What’s the title of your UB tub transfers not auctions ringy dingding ringy ding hello hey you’re wrong they still got the auctions okay did I not say that the auctions were metamorph phze I don’t know anything about no metallic morph or whatever you’re talking about well then if you don’t understand what I’m saying then why in the world would you accuse me you know there’s no nothing happened
they still have the auctions the auctions have metamorphosized they have evolved they have changed they have progressed to what is now called International foreign currency transfers and it’s being done by private Banks I didn’t know that yeah I know you didn’t that is a completely you ready you ready for the you want you want give me a drum roll that is a completely different auction it changed it metamorphosized it became a different type of auction it doesn’t deal with the dollar anymore that’s
right oh maybe the auctions did end yeah the auctions that we’ve been wanting to end forever and ever the right auctions that we were trying to teach you I don’t know what those other sites teach you I heard one site was saying that Frank 26 and uh what’s that other guy that left us I don’t even know his name they’re wrong they’re wrong no actually believe believe it or not uh wrinkle shirts is actually teaching it right no no and we’re teaching it right you are so wrong you think that the currency
auctions that once existed that Iran was taking advantage of don’t are still ex are still active yeah well you’re wrong you’re ignorant and you’re causing trouble and if you continue to cause trouble in my home you only get one chance I don’t give you one two three strikes anymore I only give you one chance silver what’s your name uh hey it was your opinion you know you you wanted to call me a name so be it call me a name um I didn’t find that enough to kick you out of my form I understand your your your
frustration shoot you’ve been with us for a long time you know very well I don’t give dates and rates but you were looking for somebody to punch right in the face oh your final art your your your your the title of your UB tub says transfers okay no longer options I didn’t think about that yeah I know you didn’t think about that this is not taking a currency and converting it into any other currency this is moving a currency in and out of the country they could never do before don’t you understand the value
of that don’t you understand how important that is for the monetary reform in order to bring forth a new exchange rate right uh I didn’t think about it that way I know you didn’t I’m disappointed in you calling me and accus me falsely when I teach perfectly excuse me excuse me that’s that’s the wrong thing to say when I teach at the best of my ability if I make a mistake I correct it don’t I so yeah family these are transfers this is foreign currency transfer that’s being done by private Banks of Iraq ain’t got nothing to do
with the CBI it has to do with the private Banks exchanging between each other and across the borders not with the CBI in the banks do me a favor teach this to the other gurus thank you very much final article number 4,853 um instructions and standards for the circulation and exchange of Bank notes and the mechanism for counting and sorting look at the blue title the blue title says as we shared tonight Tada when did when when did we release this January the 1st when was I last with you January the
1st what did I tell you ladies and gentlemen there is a massive massive uh instructions that are being released right now on television there’s a big report it’s like about 18 inches long I told you remember all that so the things that we told you uh that were being told to the Iraqi citizens 20 not even 24 hours later what’s the title what’s the blue title for this article as we shared uh tonight Tada now this is a report about what the instructions that the citizens have been given and the standards for the
circulation um of their currency and also uh for the exchange the exchange of Bank notes yeah you’re going to there’s going to be a lot of them for the standards of exchanging a bank notes and also the mechanism for counting and sorting um all these three nodes and when you read the article family it is massive it is long here regarding re this report talks about regarding the unification and updating of controls and instructions for the standards for the circulation and replacement can can you say that with me
can you say that with me yeah you know what was the word and the replacement of Bank notes can we agree that that’s that’s what it says can we agree that that is so valuable can we agree that those people that spit in my face this morning must have missed that M I think so because today those two were looking for the for what they want and they Plum for God oh my goodness Frank said that Sudani will create a operational here go go go go go oh wait go please hello how are you did I not say that if on the 7th the
parliament did not do what they were supposed to do uh Shang already told you they would create an operational butd what do you think that Sudani is going to do now that it’s the seventh what do you think he’s going to do hey silver spoom or whatever your name is Silver Surfer right or whatever what do you think Sudani is going to do you think he’s going to throw his arms up in the air and call me a name do you know how happy you know how pleased Sudan is with people like us you don’t know yet so regarding this whole massive report
it’s about the unification and the updating on the controls and the instructions and the standards of the circulation and The Replacements of Bank notes and all the principles we’ve attached and everything and the delivery sh and how to count them and how to adopt them you know look at that and they will adopt accounting assorting and receipts and and and also for the delivery of bank note operations I give up you want to call me names knock yourself out it’s h it’s it’s already here when Neil when Neil Armstrong
walked down that that ladder in the lunar module he put his foot his he put his right foot on the surface of the Moon okay guess where his left foot was on the pad it was part of their security backup features was even Ted to it we are here we got our foot on the surface let them unhook the tedar let them bring the other foot on and let’s take a walk on this new monetary reform that is so beautiful final article number 4854 foreign currency window results for Thursday foreign currency Windows what
the well wait a minute where where where’s the American dollar auctions it doesn’t exist anymore knucklehead oh I’m sorry is that why I put this article up so that I could prove to people that the auctions are different now what is the blue title for this article the CBI auctions transitioned the CBI auctions transitioned to foreign currency window for private Banks only know what you’re studying final article number 4855 or or I show you the door it’s that simple I I I will pick up the other phone and call the other gurus and tell
you go on over there there are certain people you should listen to and there are others that you need to run away from listen to the one that tells you about the holly bush final article number 4855 Chalet good guy what’s up well Iraq ranks first in the world in the concentration of Natural Resources what do we say up on top Eddie told us this didn’t he I told you this didn’t I Iraq is so incredible the four rivers would the four God put these four rivers and those Rivers brought so much stuff to
the place that’s called Baghdad that’s why I believe that the Garden of Eden was right there because that’s where the four rivers meet this is amazing the resources that Iraq has is is is is what’s going to explode them well beyond what you think fin okay on article number 4856 uh Regional Finance uh employees salary will be delivered next week well here we are has the has the employee salary been delivered what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this is the it says uh uh only if uh only if we have a new
raid this was last week when was this on the 2 on the 2nd of January we released this on our form and the article says that hey employee salaries will be delivered next week and I say okay fine but only if we have a new exchange rate I think I’ve I think I’ve really drilled that point across you’re not going to see no no salaries no AC no budget no until we have the new exchange rate look in my opinion everything I say toight is just in my opinion everything I say tonight is strictly my opinion
everything I say tonight is strictly my opinion look you’re going to see the new exchange rate before you see the budget now the next thing is uh is is important final article number 4857 now what happened here family is that goodness gracious first let’s let’s let’s do the opposite let’s read the blue title ktfa students that’s you behold what we have taught you well we just saw that big article that I said I told you that they were going to show this to you and you know about 18 Ines long and all that
information okay that was a great report about the monetary reform okay so this is what uh Al alad alad uh closing the dollar uh selling platform will not affect its prices well first of all you got to convince two people on my form that those auctions are closed okay and second of all really uh everybody knows that so why closing the dollar auction excuse me closing the dollar selling platform will not affect its prices look at the article oh my oh my oh my it’s all red the whole article is red blown up five times that means that
it’s important that means this article is important let’s read it together you want to Economist expert sadid confirmed uh Tuesday um or excuse me today today Thursday that stopping the work of the electronic platform for selling the dollar does not affect the rise of the price of the US currency of course not how many times have we said that the CBI has no authority over increasing or decreasing the value of the American dollar only their currency so the report starts out by saying that and making sure that that those
parameters are established right away okay uhhuh all righty all right so stopping the work of the electronic platform for selling the dollar does not affect the rise of the price of the US currency noting that the decision came from a results of pressure from the US federal reserves and internal parties what does that mean family would you like for me to tell you what it means I’m serious tell me yes or no I’m going to repeat it and I want to look over here and see if anybody’s interested uh it says that noting that
the decision came as a result of pressure the decision came the decision what decision oh to stop the auctions to stop using the dollar the decision came as a result of pressure from the US federal reserves and internal parties do you want to know what that means uh Melissa says yes Lampley says yes all right everyone is saying yes wait a minute wait a minute okay I like your name uh energy a i anyways I was wondering who set up the camera on the moon before the moon walk no that’s uh there was no
moon look I’m G to stop for a second because that’s really important to me it really is it really space force is extremely important to me it really is now oh starting with Apollo 11 they left beacons on the moon they left reflectors on the moon right there a Tranquility base now you may not know what that means you may not have any understanding but what it means is that there’s a homing device sending a signal from the Moon to Earth because we put it there Neil Armstrong did he told us exactly the coordinates so that we
could find it if not we wouldn’t have been able to he put reflectors that that allow us to to measure the distance between the Earth and the moon yeah we send a laser beam yeah from the from Earth and we bounced it off of the reflector that Neil Armstrong left at Tranquility base because he told us exactly the coordinates of where it was so we could hit it precisely for those of you that think that we didn’t go to the Moon oh my goodness I got some stuff if I want to sell you and it came from the
moon so you you say yes yes yes tell us yes yes yes yes what does this mean it says Thursday it says that the the electronic platform K gone no more selling of the dollar wow the US uh uh this this is not going to affect the the the price of the American dollar wow okay you mean the bubble didn’t burst it did not are you listening uh noting that the decision came as a result of pressure from the US federal reserves and internal parties you know what that means family president Trump uh behav president Trump uh drew
the lines president Trump established the parameters president Trump gave the footprint have you noticed how much has happened in these two months have you noticed how much has happened in in two months and he’s not even in the white house so it says here that this was all because noting that this decision came you know to stop the auctions it came because of the pressure from Donald Trump EXC excuse me sir uh Mr Trump what is it that uh what did you say you know to those uh who who who you know you
know the terrorists that that kidnapped all those uh all those Israelis uh that have them in in those tunnels what did you say if they don’t return them back huh all hell’s going to break loose in the Middle East excuse me Trump H just a sec I’ll be right back I’ll be right back ring a ding ding ring a ding ding hey uh Iran uh you know uh Supreme leaders yeah hey what do you think about uh what Trump just said huh yeah I know you guys support them where do you think you got to cut the head of the
snake off first dude oh that’s why you want to that’s why you want an audience with him oh I don’t blame you did you get the audience well look look it was about a month ago the whole hent came from from the US Treasury into Iraq and you know what they said right uhhuh yeah and that’s what happened they stopped the auctions that you were using the steel to supply the money to these terrorists so everybody’s waiting for Trump to get into the presidency and as soon as he’s in the White House what okay well that’s that’s a good idea
yeah all right good luck to you bye-bye so the pressure to stop the auctions in other words the pressure to no longer uh uh rape the American dollar uh utas was was applied by the president of the unit of America of the Republic Donald Trump really that’s interesting and and and and and and and you know like when you hit that pull shot you know that that ball bounces in triggers off and it hits a bunch of balls you Trump just with one statement all hell is going to break loose in the Middle East well that scared the living
crap out of you didn’t in Iran yeah and you don’t want any trouble do you no I got two articles here from you Iran that says I want to make peace I want to talk to Trump I want hey Sudani help us out here it’s interesting so uh mission was accomplished uh president uh Trump you know with the US treasure when they came over yeah they’re not using the American dollar in Iraq are they Frank no no no and noting that the decision came from the pressure that you guys applied there well well done sir mission accomplished
huh not yet Frank wait till I get in the white house I’m having fun don’t look at me Al said in a statement to the uh agency that you know the platform was a form of of control imposed by the US federal reserves it was yeah and and but but but but but it’s cancellation dead gone its cancellation allows Iraq to return to the banking system that was uh that was in effect you know before before 20 uh before 2003 uh you know where the merchants relied on the corresponding Banks without the need for this system imposed by America
yeah when we went there in 2003 we took your banking structure we took your currency we gave you the American dollar you abused it and now we take it back and we tell you fix your Banks you did and you’re about to raise the value of your currency because your currency is ready to leave its borders and once it leaves its borders it will re it will gain its real effective exchange rate that’s the goal isn’t it he added that the Central Bank of Iraq has started a plan to deal with a basket Oh by George that’s what I was
okay Rec connected let me know when we’re back on on your part when never last mon okay I’m back on move on from a free speech hating video free speech hating video good man what the heck is he talking about don’t know did you kick him out I Didn’t Do It kick him out please make sure he’s gone gone completely only one strike so yeah man man the advertisers are next you get that as soon as you come back then I’ll get them on the phone hello he added that the Central Bank of Iraq call them call them call the guys
he added is said who yeah he added that the Central Bank of Iraq has started a plan to deal with a basket of foreign currencies to compensate for the dollar in other words family exactly what we’ve been teaching you the Iraqi dinar will be paired to the American dollar and many other currencies in a foreign basket that is going to reach out and gain value uh to deal with a foreign basket currencies to compensate for the dollar yeah because they’re not using it anymore and to open up foreign banks
with the aim of reducing dependence on the US dollar can’t use the dollar anymore stressing that closing the platform closing the platform closing the platform did not significantly affect the rise in the dollar price as some media Outlets promoted okay some media Outlets promote in other words the false media the fake media in other words parliament in other words Iran’s corrupt people politicians in Iraq he pointed out that that’s why I love this article I mean this is straight to the point this is everything
we’ve been teaching the stoppage of the auctions the auctions haven’t stopped Frank okay the basket because you can’t use a dollar anymore he pointed out that the Central Bank allowed 36 Banks to deal with foreign currencies including those covered covered by the US sanctions to migrate the damage caused by the resilience of the dollar that’s pretty smart that’s a good backup for backup family I’m going to stop right now we’re going to bring in uh uh Cliff Cliff are you there brother there you are hold on
I got you now you can talk gentlemen gentlemen it’s 5 after go ahead and take it uh take 15 20 minutes whatever you need okay okay Frank how you doing buddy just in pain tired and irritated with so many people that just won’t leave me alone but but but with you oh my goodness you’re going to talk and I’m going to work on finding uh what you want me to play okay yeah we got uh we got some more testimonies got about five short ones to hear what the family’s been doing and and what we’ve been doing for
people and we’re excited about it it’s a little cold here I had a joke earlier that it’s CER than a Minnesota Vikings quarterback no oh snap oh snap little hold on hold on hold on don’t don’t let me encourage uh the thought oh hold on hold don’t let me it in never anyway you what we want to do buddy is just do the uh we got number one song is Patricia from North Carolina she called us in Frank this story was just uh this won’t be a super cheer jerker but it’s just a great thing for what we do for her her
husband’s a pastor at a church and she called a surprise him with a birthday song so if you want to play number one one uh these are just about maybe a minute and a half long each and so they won’t take long this is wonderful this is the stuff I like hold on a second because our computer or or Here We Go song number one from Patricia correct yes go ahead okay oh johnan you’re not look at Chan it won’t play it maybe if I hit this it twice I have to refresh yeah let me try refreshing and if I cannot get it do you
have it where you can play it uh yeah we can probably pull it up let’s see okay because even my mail won’t come up it’s Frozen everything is a mess here it’s it’s cold I told you yeah yeah I see we we can get to the uh to the S we okay my email finally came back up now I’m going to try it one more time if not we’ll we’ll do it from here Roger and family as you know cliff and Tony they put these songs together for you for your family for anyone that is uh important to you and no it just won’t let me do it oh oh oh
wait a minute uh oh it looks like it’s trying to load up now because it just left the page and it’s going to another page Yeah by George so this is the song or the testimony this is was it’s the testimony and then we play this a little snippet of the song After the testimony Roger here goes let see if this works Mr cliff and Miss Pony this is Patricia Sims and I am one of Mr Frank 26 members and I just want to say the song thing you all done for my husband for his birthday the whole church crying because it was so beautiful and
he just cried like a baby with me right by his side but everyone is asking where did you get that done and I am definitely giving out you all’s information y’all are so amazing God has really talented all with such amazing gifts and all I can say is wow wow wow amazing because he woke up this morning talking about it again and he said that will live on in him on and on and on you oh my God I just can’t how enus everyone was so touching and from the heart so thank you all again for my husband birthday he was
like I don’t know how I’mma top this with your birthday next year I said you don’t have to worry about it this was from my heart and thank y’all again so much and I am definitely getting more and more songs done thank youall yall an amazing holiday and the rest of your day God bless you well she was happy wasn’t she full of joy and love we’re bound to wa our leadersh shining bright like the sun 35 years of marriage a well done your wisdom and kindness lead us on our way in every moment shared we give
thanks and pray happy birthday to you oh man of Grace with chocolate cake and smile that fill this place you’re handsome and strong a father so true in God’s great love we celebrate you through laughter and trials you stood by our side with a heart full of faith and arms open wide as a husband so loyal for all these years past in your Embrace of the love is where we beautiful beautiful that was a good one that was that was one that was really uh touching uh that we did and we’re just excited that she was happy
and we got a lot of phone calls from that that song the next one Frank if you can go ahead and get ready we’ll just roll through them is Kesha from Georgia uh she had a sister that they call her the boss lady so she was the the sister in charge so she wanted a good birthday song and we did her one so go ahead and do number two Roger that here we go boss lady hi caller from Georgia um I ordered a happy birthday R&B song for my sister Tori um and I got both of the songs today and they were above my
expectations I am so excited you guys did an amazing job everything that I said you just nailed it right in smooth as can be I am so excited I cannot wait till a birthday got for what 13 more days and I can present it to her I am just thrilled I’m learning the song so I can also sing it I love it you guys did you guys did your big one and thank you thank you thank you so much you’re going to go a long way okay have a great one bye-bye always shine so bright a star that lights up the night I like this one
with watches me stories on told a boss lady Brave and Bold happy birthday happy birthday to the queen of our hearts today you drive with passion I feel this Soul let the good times roll in control the youngest in the cran they say but commands respect come on May books in hand wisdom she sees through life challenges she’s never weak happy birthday happy birthday to the queen of our heart today like you drive with passion I feel Let the Good Times R in control through trials Tri your strengths guys I hey I that’s the kind
of beat I want I love that song Tell her ask her if I can buy it from her a little bit explanation this Isis this is Eddie you remember the Mercedes Benz get the key guy yeah he called back and ordered another song him and his wife had a dog a golden retriever that was um passed away like two months prior to them finding out that they were going to have a baby girl and so Eddie played the game with his wife about the baby’s name what the baby’s name should be so we wrote the song called Nala’s whisper like Nala the
dog that had passed away was telling them what the name of the baby should be so go and play that one oh so this is Nala their dog telling them what the baby’s name should be okay here goes hey Colorado and I had a song this song written as a like a baby name reveal um just you know the backstory kind of what we had went through in this process uh and it absolutely uh tear jerking what they came up with in a great way but uh you will be blown away by any work they do for you and it’s just amazing how one
questionnaire turn moves every person that listens to it um I encourage everybody to jump on board leave the hesitation behind it will be the best gift that you have given um highly encourage anyone to follow through with it um these guys are great even better people and uh they deserve everything success wise that they’re getting thank you in a little house with the sun shining bright Eddie and Alexa dreaming through the night silus colors pictures of rainbows in the air counting all the stars as they
whisper a prayer but there’s magic in the silence a soft Breeze that size familiar waging tail under evening Skies now us whisper sweet in our hearts tonight she’s telling us we’re blessed Everything feels right with every little heart beat Love Is On The Way our baby girl is come oh what Joy today come head to our home she’ll fill our lives a new how my spirit leads us to this name we’ve chosen to at the end of the song Frank we did revealed the baby’s name and it was played at Thanksgiving for the whole
family and everybody cried it was pretty special moment that they uh did the name reveal for the baby and they’re excited about that coming let’s go to number four uh number four is Skip from Florida wrapped in love just an anniversary song I think you’re going to like this one Frank go ahead and play number four got it it’s skip from Florida you wrote an anniversary song for my beautiful wife P called wrapped in love I just want to tell you she was so blessed by it it brought her to tears she was very
very happy this is uh like uh this gift is like Priceless you can’t put a price on it it’s a gift that keeps on giving and uh I just uh ask God bless you guys keep doing what you’re doing you are making very many many people happy and blessed so thanks again it was a hit uh that’s going to be a hard gift to top next year thank you guys be blessed Happy Thanksgiving my P my love my proverbs 31 wife your heart so pure your spirit brings me life with hair of brown and eyes so warm and deep Your Love sustains
me through the nights we keep open you’re my heart song With Every Beat I’ve known you all along through laughter and tears our love will grow you’re my forever blessing more than you know with Jesus in our heart We rise above together in this journey wrapped in love beautiful beautiful beautiful that’s one of our favorites there you know just a good good good song one more to go Frank and we’ll be down but let’s do from Michigan side by side it was a Anniversary song for her husband all
righty years pretty special how many years 50 50 wow here we go what a blessing hello this is Pat I’m from Michigan my husband Ron and I wanted a song to commemorate our upcoming 50th wedding anniversary um we absolutely love this song uh we gave uh them at mo better Studios a few facts about us and our beginnings in life and our marriage and uh we’ve been sharing the song with our kids and grandkids and everybody absolutely loves the song and we just thank you so much for making this a special time for us thank
you in a little town Kansas where the sunflowers grow cat picked up her yarn and let her love show with his heart from migan Shores Two Souls intertwined opened Heaven’s doors we didn’t have a barrel of money but oh how we survived with six shining blessings and 15 grandkids we Fred singing Our Song through the highs and the lows years and in hand as our love ever grows from Sunday morning services to evening prayers Grace together they’ve walked in this beautiful race each stits the pat weaves tell
stories Untold a family and faith that never grows old we didn’t have a barrel of money but oh how we surviv Shin special little different different different to show you we can do different things yeah and uh but that’s a that’s a testimon FR there’s a whole bunch more we we could take all night to do that but we know we got to get back to studying but I just want to let everybody know you know we’re we’re cliffing out uh we we have to take a break every now we fight over every word
every line every sentence that you know we write we uh uh we we just hammer it out we try to tell the story that is given to us on the form that the people fill out uh we try to incorporate as much of what we get you know into the song Heart and Soul into it every time and uh if anybody wants to get a song done Valentine’s is right around the corner uh we expect up to about uh probably that what better way to do to give a love one a gift of a song that will last way longer than a dozen roses uh and we’ve got a special going on as
you can see on the screen right now for 20% off our prices are 125 for one song you can get it for $100 now for a song uh probably about the price of of roses this time of year uh if you want to add the singing video to it this is something new and we’ve been kind of teasing about is now on our website if you go to Mo Better you’ll see uh a picture or just a person and then we’ll right beside it you’ll see a video of that picture singing the song and that can be done for additional $50 or $40 with the
special so we’ve had people already order like $140 you can get a song and a video of you singing the song If you so desire uh but we got that going on and just want to say thank you for for everything you know that you all do and the family and and we’re blessed and and we’re glad we can be a blessing back to the family and we look forward to getting a lot more songs to do and we’re capable of doing pretty much of of I won’t say anything we can do most of everything I thank you gentlemen I tell
you bringing a lot of joy into many people’s hearts and oh by the way ktfa family as you know these gentlemen wrote the frank26 song that we play at the beginning and the end of our show well it turns out that they wrote another song uh presented it to my wife and I that we are going to be using to play when the blessing comes in fact in fact Chan do you can you find it it’s at the very top go all the way up go all the way to the very top we got a little time if you want to play that’ll be great but yeah we want
to get that one to you and we know it’s a blessing I know it was to you and Jan it was us or right and I think it’ be a blessing to the family yeah I want the family to hear just a little bit of it here we go I’m going to play it for one minute here we go okay it put me in tears the way is over the time is near our Heavenly blessing is finally here the iri diner a GI from above wealth transfer a labor of love we’re exchanging our it’s a beautiful sight a financial breakthrough heavly Delight we’ll pay
this blessing forward with a grateful heart helping others with a brand new start God’s plan is unfolding like a masterpiece a blessing to us so we can bless with ease the wealth is Flowing like a river wide a chance to make a difference side by side we’re exchanging our deer it’s a beautiful side a financial breakthrough a Heavenly Delight we’ll pay this blessing forward with a grateful heart helping others with a brand new start we’ll use our blessing to be a blessing to all to bring joy and hope to
those who may fall God’s love and for this will shine like a light guiding us forward through the dark of night the world will see the impact we make as we spread love and the helping hand will take our blessings will multiply like a seed in the ground a harvest of Hope for all to be found we’re exchanging our diner it’s a beautiful sight a financial breakthrough a Heavenly Delight will pay this blessing forward with grateful heart helping others with a brand new star so let’s rejoice and give thanks with me
for the Heavenly blessings that set us free we’ll pay it forward with a heart little cheer and spread the love that God has brought here okay okay and I I like that song especially when the blessing occurs well Frank here’s the thing you know God God has a way of doing things and that come to to Cliff myself to write that song and maybe it’s appropriate at this this show tonight that we play that song because my message would be to the family uh we didn’t say dates we didn’t say rates and that song is all about
when God’s timing and in God’s timing we all have to be patient and patience is not easy for a lot of us but it’s patience is required yes so I hope that everybody will will take that song and and uh play it and uh listen to it and do the recording go back and uh when you’re filling down and out listen to that song and just know that it’s coming in God’s son amen well ladies and gentlemen if you want to talk to uh cliff and Tony their phone number is 4 2 3 3 6 7 7 6 48 and now that you got the pencil and paper 4 2 3 3 67
7648 or you can call me and I’ll hook you up with them and you know my number 419 283 2552 thank you gentlemen cliff and Tony God bless you guys we appreciate you buddy and you know I think it’s going to warm up like a Detroit L quarterback gonna get hot gonna get hot I’m sorry I’m sorry about the what happened you know to you guys teams but uh I’ll be honest with you I did not expect that at all I’m afraid that you know he’s a rookie he just choked and if we ever play them again but then again
the Lions have beaten the Minnesota Vikings I think eight out of seven times so they’re going to eventually have to figure out how to beat the Lions thank you man appreciate you ly and we look forward to talking to you soon Roger that bye bye now byebye well family let’s get back to work and we were in final article number 4,857 and uh we’re going to pick up for where we left off and actually we were reading the very last part of it he pointed out that the Central Bank allows 36 Banks to deal with for these foreign
currencies including those covered by the US sanctions to migrate and damage caused by the resilience of the dollar we we really tore that article apart we tore it apart and made it all red all of it is red that’s that tells you how important that article is and the things that you learned in that article everything from the monetary reform plan to Donald Trump to the US Treasury everything is in that article if you didn’t get to hear what I had to say in my opinion I I would I would suggest that you go back and think about what I
said final article number 4,858 uh after the electronic platform stopped oh here we go again let me see there are two people that maybe I need to convince right well I tell you what God help me no more of that thank you amen tell Satan to leave amen find article number 4858 after the electronic platform stopped thank God answering questions from Iraqi circles about the new dollar mechanism okay what kind of questions do you have uh many citizens have raised Iraqi uh Iraqis questions about the new trading
mechanism of the dollar uh in Iraq how to withdraw or how to buy it after it stopped uh you know they’re asking questions about the electronic platform and how it how it’s going to work this new one and what will happen to the dollar and whatever and and whether it will it will witness uh Iraq a new rise in The Exchange uh excuse me a new rise in the currency exchange rate you see these are the questions that the Iraqi citizens are asking and you know who they’re asking only Sudani only alak and
they’re learning about the electronic platform that stopped okay they’re excited about it Aki everybody Eddie everybody they’re all excited about this and then they follow up in this article by telling you that they’re asking specific questions and now it’s they want to know how is it that all of this action of stopping the auctions how is it that it’s going to a new rise in the currency exchange rates really uh this is can you oh well I forgot it’s fuzzy you can’t see it but look at that you can see it because you’re studying with
me look what it says so for those of you that are moping and doping and feeling that you know well this should have happened by now go away this is too exciting for you to depress anyone uh and in fact look it down in the bottom it even again it’s it it is a complex and very very deep article they say with what we’re doing dealing in the dinar only uh to raise the value of the Iraqi Dinar excuse me yeah what we’re doing we’re dealing in the dinar now only okay we know that you stop using the dollar what are you trying to say
well we’re you the dealing in the dinar only to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar if we can’t use America ameran dollar we can’t use foreign currency well it’s going to only raise the value of our currency yeah genius what do I say to this article uh yes Eddie is asking a lot of questions for us this article is asking a lot questions all these questions that have in this article that have been answered we already gave you all those answers a long time ago we are asking new questions AI may I talk to you AI
may I come to Dearborn Aki may I open an account at your bank Aki can I tell 80,000 members of my ktfa family about you and all the other banks at the CBI is going to be releasing very soon now those answers are is something that you’re looking for for me we’ll see when we when we share that so this article yeah yeah Eddie’s asking a lot of question questions and the uh and this article is asking a lot of questions and the and the questions when they’re answered what does it lead up to well uh this is going to uh uh uh
help us to remove the dollar okay this is going to help us uh to concentrate in our currency yep okay and it’s going to it’ll be a new rise in the currency exchange rates yeah okay and and by dealing only in the dinar only uh this will this will help us to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar mhm okay you know what there’s so much more to this article let me look at it oh my there’s so much more we’re not done here let’s just continue to read it’s all highlighted there for you it makes it we make it easier for you what
is the electronic platform this article is asking because it’s asking a ton of questions the questions that you want answered the only question that it doesn’t answer is when is it going to happen because that’s a stupid question and it takes a stupid desire to ask that question it’s like asking a woman how old are you you don’t ask that question know right thing I don’t care you don’t care no cuz you’re so pretty so this article is asking all these questions that you and I want to ask and Eddie’s asking already and we
got the answers for and that I presented to Aki and we’ve got the answers for what is the electronic platform oh well the citizens have been educated oh wait a minute we also want to know the electronic platform for money transfers is a mechanism adopted to ensure the regulation of foreign currency transfers and limit mipid of the exchange rate that’s right they’re not going to touch our exchange rate anymore that’s right and it’s going to limit the foreign money transfers that’s right so we can only use our currency
then apparently that’s right so this is what the electronic platform money transfers is all about yeah well I thought it used to be you know to exchange forign currency into American dollar they don’t do that no more what else is this article uh present uh to the uh to to to the public uh the market the market all righty Eddie this is your department what’s up uh the market depends on supply and demand Eddie are there a lot of people in the market yeah have they noticed the adjustments in in prices
yeah are you making adjustments no okay the market depends on supply and demand with the cancellations of the platform the market the currency Market may become more affected by direct supply and demand this may lead to severe severe fluctuations what did okay remember last time I was with you what did we call it for one week what was it from from from the 2 to the to the seventh or something like that right remember we talked about this there would be a bubble there would be a bubble what about that bubble well inside that
bubble uh there was going to be a currency that was going to go up in demand and it’s and it’s and its value in your country is going to go up because of the demand people will pay anything for for the American dollar right but they can’t do that no more can’t they no and you know why they can’t yeah because we can’t even get the damn thing anymore vle the market depends on supply and demand with the cancellation of the platform shoot fantastic you know the currency Market may become more affected
by direct supply and demand yeah this may lead to severe fluctuation in The Exchange Trade no the bubble did not burst um especially in light of uh unstable economic and political conditions notice there’s a there’s a Blue Comet underneath that you see the Blue Comet there will always be cockroaches wanting to delay the purchasing power promised to the Iraqi citizens always look underneath it Investments can also be uh encouraged and re Reliance on foreign currency reduced yeah we don’t need foreign currency we
need investors hey hey uh uh uh Syria you want to come in Turkey you want to come in bring your foreign currency we’ll convert it into our our currency no not the dollar into our currency here let me show you okay Investments can also be encouraged and uh Reliance on foreign currencies reduced uh to relieve pressure on the dollar and strengthen the dinar uh all these measures can uh can maintain the price of the dollar the bubble won’t burst and we’re adding value to our currency in the process
maybe final article number 4,859 in support of Mr Al Hakim proposal uh advisors to Alani Iraq strengthens it sustainable economic partnership whoa okay let’s let’s just read that again in support of Mr Al hakim’s proposal well aren’t you uh aren’t you like one of those religious guys like you know like like what’s that guy’s name s s or shal chal aren’t you like a clerk aren’t you religious or something like that yeah uh in support of Mr Al hakim’s proposal advisor to uh Al Sudani oh you you you you you you you advise Sudani on
what on all things concerning the government okay what are you advising him about uh II strengths uh Iraqi strengthens I should say Iraqi strengthens its sustainable economic partnership Iraq strengthens sustainable economic partnership basically what you’re trying to say is that you’re supporting uh Al sani’s monetary reform right what do I say up on top what’s the blue title no I didn’t get it there’s nothing I can do about it don’t let me go past 8:30 okay okay thank you thank you in support of Mr
al-hakim’s proposal um uh this uh this adviser to Sani says you know Iraq straightens its suitable economic partnership what do I say up on top oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my goodness even the holy clerk leadership Iraq supports Sudan’s monetary reform look at that beautiful 25k note look at the beautiful things that it says look at down underneath it uh Mr Al harim look at the picture he drew in tens of thousands of people to listen to him because they know that that what he that he’s working with Sudani on the
monetary reform so Mr alhim we will not allow anyone who wants to uh bring back the days of conflict uh and Iraq today is stronger with with its forces and its mobilization oh my goodness a clerk a holy man putting his arm around Sudan he said we got the monetary reform bro and then he goes out and he talks look at that look at that that’s over that’s over 10 that’s probably about 20,000 people and he does a speech to them and he puts his arms around the Iraqi citizens hey we’re not going to allow anyone to bring take us back to
the old days okay we ain’t going back to the auctions we ain’t going back to Iran overtaking us we ain’t going back to a low exchange rate we ain’t going back to sanctions right no okay trust me okay trust me on this okay yeah when I know Sani told you he was going to do it last year give him a break he’s busy okay does it bother you that much huh well I tell you what we can send you to Russia and um yeah that’s the same thing that I would say to anybody that say well he promised he made a solemn holy
you said Frank he made a holy or you just can’t do that they can kill you you said they can go and shoot you for doing something like that that’s right everything I told you is the gospel TR truth have they shot him no it’s already been a week what are they lazy no they’re smart they know damn well what Sudani is doing they can see it when you talk to people that came back from that just recently got back from Iraq what do they say to you they look at you and they go wow you’re not going to believe this
country what that I just came out of I can’t believe it I didn’t know if I was there in Dubai AB Abad Dhabi I didn’t this United Arab emirat this is amazing this country and it’s just starting the whole Middle East will answer to Iraq no hakee holy guy we ain’t going to allow nobody to bring us back to those days of conflict ever again okay how do I do how do I do Sudani huh I got your back okay final article number four 4,860 which is another article that that requires to be studied we made it almost
all R this is important final article number 4,860 Sudani advisers new monetary boost will maintain stable exchange rate oh what and I got two people that are complaining okay wait a minute Sudan’s advisers or you what are you guys working on the monetary reform the budget HCL salaries cards everything okay ad Sudan advisers would you just say uh the new monetary boost what is a monetary boost I know what a monetary reform monetary plan is what’s a monetary boost the new exchange rate Frank mon yeah money boo oh oh yeah okay
what about it the new monetary boost will maintain stable exchange rate yeah that’s all you have to do read family you just have to read you just have to read what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for it I even help you to read uh new monetary boost when a bubble bursts new monetary boost when the bubble burst how do you burst the bubble with a new exchange rate it kills the American dollar look at this I mean it is loaded let’s spend a little time and read it the financial advisor to the
Prime Minister shalet uh confirmed today Friday that the central bank has adopted the monetary reinforcement mechanisms to feed the National Bank request for foreign currency indicating that the monetary reinforcement mechanism will maintain Financial stability in the country what do you think that that Financial reinforcement mechanism is in my opinion is a new exchange rate that’s what those words mean I mean even even Camala with her word salad would be able to understand what that say it’s very simple it’s very request for
foreign currency there’s no indicating that the monetary reinforcement mechanism that we now have in place will maintain Financial stability in the country yeah because you’re not going to have the dollar that’s interfering with your exchange rate charlet said that the function of the central bank will continue to move in two directions the first is to meet the needs of the National Banks for foreign currency with the cor spondence that’s why they changed the the uh the auctions next which confirms that the new which
confirms by killing the auctions it confirms that the new monetary reinforcement mechanism that the new exchange rate will work to provide monetary stability on the part of the monetary Authority in the two issues of continuing the monetary sterilization policy that is concerned with controlling the levels of local liquidity by exchanging foreign currency of the dinar noting that the new noting that the new monetary reinforcement mechanism the new exchange rate will maintain a fixed exchange rate of
1,320 din for every $100 yeah you can go ahead and start there for all I care 1320 that’s where you’re at but what’s going to happen after that yeah because 1320 is nowhere and no nowhere near a reinforcement mechan a monetary reinforcement mechanism is it of course not there’s so much more look at all the good stuff which will enable the central bank to achieve stability in the external V oh look at this all of this that we just read this is a big article all of this it’s concluding concluding
down at the bottom all of this which will enable the central bank to achieve stability in the external value of the Iraqi dinar they’re talking about the float the r the reer that’s what these articles are talking about look there’s another one underneath it government advisor here we go look at all these government advisers what are they doing talking to the citizens of Iraq government advisor monetary stability mechanism will maintain Financial stability in the country once again what is that it’s a new exchange
rate what does it say in the body of this article quote a new a new a new got it a brand new monetary reinforcement mechanism now no no now seriously what do you think that is I’m asking you go ahead and post it so I can drink some water and I can deal with this pain what do you think a a the what is where where is it a new monetary reinforcement mechanism will maintain a fixed exchange rate what do you think that a the new monetary reinforcement mechanism is what do you think it is okay uh Dane jock
says a new raise a new a new rate uh Richard says I don’t see it what uh all right Travis says what’s got to mean a new rate I mean it says the new monetary the the new money uh reinforcement what’s going to reinforce their money A new exchange rate mechanism or the policy yeah uh new rate do what is do the RV no Ron Cox the RV was years ago about 12 years ago we’re in the ri the RV was the revalue and they did a law about about a thousand calculations to revalue Stacy Ace from outer space I like
that um can you remove the name and replace they didn’t help somebody I’m helping toy VP says it means the new exchange uh the new the new uh small Notes too yeah I agree that’s what it means Yeah final article number 4,861 Iraq Central Bank streamlines International transfers what do I say up on top please know the difference between Private Bank transfers and foreign currency auctions and I have just spent the last oh my gosh it’s almost eight oh my gosh I’ve spent on the last almost two hours explaining to you the
difference so that you don’t call me and tell me they didn’t stop the auctions I hang up on you when you do that to me I don’t have the time to deal with people that are just ridiculous and accusing me that I don’t know what I’m talking about what I’m doing but yet you go to all those other people that tell you that it’s already happened I’m telling you that it’s happening it’s being given to the citizens of Iraq inside it’s already happen I I’ll say that on article number 4,861 Iraq Central Bank streamlines
International transfers please know the difference between the private bank transfers and foreign currency exchange thank you very much article number 4,862 oil and gas law resolves pending issues between Baghdad and herbal what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this stop talking about this until you we get a new exchange rate please stop talking about the hco stop talking about the budget stop talking about the key cards and master cards and Visa cards stop talking about pack pay until we get
the new exchange rate thank you final article number 4,863 Iraq surpasses Saudi Arabia and oil exports to America Iraq surpasses it went way past Saudi Arabia in oil exports to America and as you know Saudi Arabia is the one the main supplier of oil to the United States of America all of a sudden Iraq has s surpassed our number one source for oil why what is the blue title Iraq reaches for the real effective exchange rate does this make sense to you if you stop and think about it and stare at this article it
will because what did Trump do stop using my dollar I can’t use my currency use your oil brilliant I’m running out of lighter fluid did you hear what I said good what is the blue title oh 4,864 Al Sudani stresses the importance of raising the level of quality control to preserve public money what do I say up on top Sudani says mission accomplished Iraqi citizens what do you mean mission accomplish Iraqi citizens how Sudani stresses the importance of raising the level of quality control to preserve
public money Sudani says mission accomplish Iraqi citizens why would you say something like that Frank because they came into the bank and they opened accounts and they exchanged as many 30 notes recently final article number 4,865 Security Commission announces financial performance indicators for 2024 what do I say up on once again the article listen to what it says security commissions announces financial performance indicators for 2024 what do I say up on top what the blue Title 24 was good for the monetary reform 25 will
be greater for the monetary reform there’s good stuff that we highlighted I’m going to speed this up because uh so much so much to do tonight final article number 4,866 the Iraqi government succeeds in recovering 50 billion Dinars from the corrupt during 2024 so in 2024 50 billion Dinars were taken away from the corrupt I mean that’s 50 million uh dollars that they could have used uh to do more terror especially in Israel what do I say up on top security and stability for the monetary reform is now
247 final article number 4,867 government advisers have you caught on how many articles have I showing you tonight family of government advisers because that’s who that’s who Sudani is working with not Parliament government advisors non oil GDP growth rate in 2024 is unprecedented what do I say on top uh growth rate uh in 24 was good and the growth rate in 25 is going to be even much better the GDP will explode if you felt that 24 was unprecedented in non oil products what do you think all these
contractors are going to bring into your country Iraq their products that are not oil final article number 4,8 68 once again I grab your attention another we have colored completely the whole thing is red the whole thing is read and blown up five times Al Sudani receives a special message from Trump Syria Iran and the factions Al sidani receives a special message from Trump well we already know what that message is stop the auctions dollarize not only you Iraq but the whole Middle East the whole world
okay Alani receives a special message from Trump Syria Syria what do you got to say uh we want peace that’s interesting because the other one here is uh Iran that’s interesting Iran what do you want we want peace uh and the factions they want war so Sudan receives a special message from Trump telling him telling Al sadani telling him about Syria and Iran and the factions that they were supporting so in other words safe actions yeah you got no more money I know we’re broke we don’t even really exist
anymore true uh Hey factions or I should say uh corrupt political Iranian officials in the parliament uh of Iraq yeah you guys are broke yeah we are good the article then goes on and it says an informed political Source report and by the way why do I why why why do I why do I present this what was needed for the monetary reform Family Security stability from yeah and they don’t have any more money the whole point was to remove the money that they were using to fund all these terrorists Trump is brilliant he removed the dollar
long before he even got into office an informed political Source reported Saturday that the Prime Minister received a message from President elect Donald Trump oh hello what’ he say what’ he say Sudani what do he say the source told shafat news agency that Sudani received a message from Donald Trump through a special Envoy on an unannounced visit which included several aess he came over to see you the source pointed out that the most prominent access are the necessity of containing and controlling weapons
outside of the framework of the state stopping the activities of factions linked to Iran in addition to Ira Iraq not interfering in the Syrian file and supporting the information of the new Syrian government why because Syria wants peace okay let’s keep reading meanwhile a government source told safat news agency that Iraq is working dilcy diligently to establish Security in the region and that the Prime Minister will present Iraq’s Vision in this regard during a visit to Iran on December the 30th an informed
Source revealed that the Prime Minister Sudani will begin a visit to Iran at the end of next week to discuss the deployment in the region so you got Donnie who is traveling all over the Middle East representing trump it looks that way so dony paid attention to Trump he stopped the dollar he stopped the auctions right that’s what Trump wants for everybody else in the Middle East right what’s sud doing talking to all these countries the next article is also an an interesting retrospectively retrospectively details of an agreement
between Baghdad and urbal to resume the Region’s oil exports revealed what do I say up on top uh Eddie uh and Iraq are going crazy over this because they know they know what well look at the article what is it saying the uh parliamentary oil and energy committee revealed on Saturday the details of an agreement between Baghdad and bble to resume exporting oil extracts from the field of Kurdistan regions of Iraq Kurdistan shoulder toosh shoulder moving their oil through Baghdad where it can no longer be
stolen through the auctions man this is this is good stuff final article number 4870 confirming shaat news aloon to visit Iran next Wednesday what do I say up on top it’s time for peace for the Middle East Donald Trump is already starting the action of Peace in the Middle East by removing the auctions did Biden remove the auctions did Biden go to Iraq and talk to anybody in Iraq in his four years no confirming shafak news Al Sudani to visit Iran next Wednesday why are you going over there sir let’s just say I’m
representing because it’s time for peace in the Middle East that’s what he wants that’s what I want that’s what we all want except those fact actions but they’re broke Frank yeah I know on article number 4871 parliamentary block rules out holding emergency session to decide on extending electorial commission’s term uh what do I say up on top the reason why they they they they uh decided to extend it is because Sudani did not did not answer the phone check it out one more time parliamentary block uh block rules out holding
emergency session we’re not going to have it we’re not going to have the emergency session uh for what to decide on extending the ex the electorial commission terms yeah the elections will be when they when when the elections are you’re not going to mess around with the elections what do I say up on top uh the reason why is because Sudani did not answer the phone to of parliament Parliament is so angry they’re so frustrated they’re so angry final article number 4,872 start financing retiree salaries
for the month of January uh they did what Start Finance start financing retirees salaries for the month of January and I say they did it has to mean something really if if they did why would I what if they did then that’s a new exchange rate I told you everything’s waiting for it the new exchange for the new exchange start financing retirees salaries for the month of January this is an article that you might want to consider studying turn to the next page family that’s right Doris Fox Parliament
says well I guess we’re not going to extend the the electorial terms because Sudani didn’t even allow us to cancel the the electorial terms to begin with so we can’t even begin to change them the jerk of course it won’t uh it won’t go over to two page 244 let me see if I can get it over here where’s ktf there it is let’s see I can’t even hit Refresh on this thing I’m sorry family it’s just very very slow very very slow I don’t know why gu it’s very very cold outside what I’m trying to do is uh I’m
trying to bring up our form it won’t even come up ah it went to the new page hold on oh praise God all right family we’re now oh for crying out loud well I’m not at the page 244 just yet that I’m getting there hang in there so go to page 244 family and go to the very top ah I got it over here three now this article is also one that I have to draw your attention to because the whole thing is painted red the whole thing is painted red and blown up five times so obviously that is to attract your attention isn’t it let’s
see what it says Economist expert safwan quasi revealed today Sunday that there are new steps by the central bank to enhance transparency and Global awareness economists saying there are new steps by the Central Bank regarding dollar transactions what do I say up on top what’s the blue title foreign currency rules not that it dominates but instructions the CBI is putting this out to the Iraqi citizens so that they understand regarding dollar transactions it’s different now and for anybody that doesn’t understand the
difference between the foreign auction currencies with are being done with private Banks versus the old auction that was being done by the CBI to convert the American dollar uh they need to read this article it’ll help them tell them that okay uh Economist expert whatever quasi said that the Central Bank of Iraq and the US federal reserves are moving towards authorizing Iraq’s Banks to contract with International auditing companies instead of relying on the dollar selling platform alone with the aim of auditing credits and
transfers before before implementing them he explained that this measure is in the interest of the Central Bank as it contributes to avoiding the risk of money laundering are you listen ing Ira Iran uh money laundering cases and international sanctions noting that this step is a turning point that contributes to drawing a clear map for the work of Iraq banks on the global stage because it’s never happened before as they will deal with International correspondence and financial guarantees in addition to
instant instant transfers which enhances their position in global markets because they’ve never been that way they’ve been Keystone Cops they’ve been The Flintstones they use chalkboards for their numbers th which enhances their position in the global markets he pointed out that it is possible to rehabilitate to rehabilitate I like that it is possible to re rehabilitate Banks facing currency restrictions we did it with Iraq I threw that in there he pointed out it is possible to rehabilitate Banks facing
currency restrictions which will lead to Greater stability in the exchange rate and it has they’ll show you indicating that the Central Bank attracts special importance in the next stage to increas foreign reserves foreign currency reserves which contributes to facil facilitating trade operations and supporting economic activities again the basket oh my gosh how many freaking articles are there this is ridiculous there’s so much and I’m so in pain and but um let’s continue final article number 4,874
on a secret visit on a secret visit quani in Baghdad carrying several files including the Reconstruction of some armed factions what do I say up on top with a blue title the monetary reform brings peace and I pray it holds this article is uh talks to you about the quad forces of the Iranian Revolution Ary force and their Supreme leaders here very quickly an inform an informed Source revealed on Sunday that the commander of the Quad force of the Iranian revolutionary guard cor Corp is is Ismael Quin arrived in the capital of
Baghdad on a secret visit during which he met with a number of leaders in Iraqi armed factions ahead of a visit by prime minister Sudani to Iran this coming week so you’ve got their leaders of their Iranian revolutionary guard that that are just mean and vicious and cruel to the citizens especially their women and to Christians any other religion and what do they want they want to talk to who Sudani all right did they have the talk yeah they snuck over it was a secret meeting and and this this guy awani you
know the the leaders of those bad guys there he he he he he talked I’m sorry I said the leaders of the bad guys excuse me and yes this guy uh quani uh the leader of the good guys in uh uh in Iran yeah cuz cuz he leads the quad forces of the Iranian revolutionary guard yeah I mean it’s not like he leads Isis he doesn’t he doesn’t lead the hoodies no no he leads uh the the military force of Iran yeah I know they’ve been abused I know that they yeah but but look he wants peace he snuck over to IR do you
know that that could have cost him what if Isis found out that he came over to talk for and looking for peace I bet you he wants to try to wants to talk to Trump too doesn’t he let’s see what happens uh with these meetings the next article once again the whole thing is red it is all all red it draws your attention it’s five times blown up it’s all red what does it say the Iraqi Dollar in the first day pass peacefully the Iraqi dollar and the first day passed peacefully the central bank is innocent and
devoided what’s this word J devot devoted thank you English it’s such a funny language for me uh the Iraqi dinar and the first day uh passed peacefully oh and and pass peacefully is in quotations the central bank is innocent and and and and the central bank is devoted to the din not anything else what do I say up on top um the bubble did not burst if you’re a student if you’re with me you know what the bubble was and you know that it was last week and you know that it was going to happen because it
would be a great demand for the dollar and you’ve already read two articles make it three now to tell you that it didn’t happen that tells you something what does it tell you Frank it tells me the Iraqi citizens know exactly what’s going on yeah I think so the article itself is long it’s got so much good information that I’m going to read it the Iraqi dollar and the first day passed peacefully the central bank is innocent and uh devoted to the Iraqi dinar the first day a prominent Financial expert commented on the first
day of the official work after the New Year holiday and the of the implementing of the decision to cancel the dollar selling platform uh for Traders and companies which has been controversial for 20 years for yeah for the last 20 years uh since Sunday morning there has been uh there’s there’s only been a slight increase I mean a very slight increase in Sunday morning uh in the dollar prices according to uh D dakur who managed the operations of the central bank for many years he said the platform’s function has changed yeah uh
from you know from being a seller of dollars to Iraqi companies uh to a to an intermediary to an intermediary between Iraq Iraqi Banks and and foreign corresponding Banks you know like JP Morgan uh City Bank things like that uh which will be responsible they will be responsible for auditing and approving the transfers instead of the Central Bank of Iraq which has which which has cleared its responsibility in this way according to an understanding with the international institution and the US federal reserves in other words the US
Treasury and this um and it’s currently and and we are currently devoted to taking Dinars from Iraqi Traders and converting them into dollars to be transferred to foreign Banks and that have begun to organized Iraqi trade yeah okay s it to the banks don’t put it in the streets canceling the the platform uh the CL what we did canceling the platform does not mean that the central bank is not converting Dinars into Dollars it is oh what did he just say tell me family where where where where so they’re converting
Dollars excuse me the Central Bank receives the dinar from the banks which is the m oh cancelling the platform does not mean that the central bank is not converting Dinars into dollars what what what did you say they are converting Dinars into Dollars yeah they’re not converting Dollars into Dinars they’re converting din into dollars but but you said that stopped for three reasons what are the three reasons you already know them don’t you medical government travel the Central Bank receives the dinar from the banks
which is in the money of customers Traders and converted into dollars and delivered to its foreign correspondent Banks it will not undertake the auditing but they will undertake that by the way that’s good because it doesn’t go out into the streets the currency wind selling window will remain but its Mission will not be to sell dollars but to convert Dinars into dollars and there was no problem in the market today uh Sunday although the although the dollar Rose just very slightly but Frank it says that they’re going to convert
dollars into Dinars I told you for three reasons final article number 4,876 and you know those three reasons you already tattooed them on you’re behind uh AO how would you pronounce that a AO AO Al najafi hey what’s up buddy well uh political change there’s also monetary change that we’ve been talking about all night but you say there’s a political change yeah U there’s a political change in Iraq uh and it’s coming uh it’s coming and Iranian influence will decline for two reasons this is a dream come
true look at the blue look at the blue what what does it say what are the two reasons well I put them in there for you for the security and stability of the monetary reform this is very simple English this is very simple to see what do I see up on top what’s the blue title for this article a change for security and stability what did we need in order for the new Exchange to come out said Dr shabibi stability what do we have Al Al Sudani security and stability the leader of the United party AO Nafi confirmed
today Monday that the political change in Iraq is inevitably coming yeah it’s already there while he expected the decline of the Iranian influence in IR in Iraq for two reasons once again I put in blue parenthesis those two reasons are for the monetary and the economic reform najafi said you see all these articles that we’ve been reading tonight all these articles are the proof of what is about to happen think about it think about it remove all these articles and where you at in space in a vacuum Alama jaffi said in a post in his
personal page followed by shapat agency news that the political change you mean those bad guys from Iran and what they were doing with the auctions and all that the political change in Iraq is inevitably coming indicating that this change may be driven by Regional and international variables true look what I say in blue parentheses right next to that yeah yeah an international float of the Iraqi currency uh variables and not only by weak uh internal political performances not like it used to be with the Iranian
political politicians the Parliamentary election has become the only basis for gaining legitimacy and Authority in Iraq despite the criticism directed at the political process isn’t that beautiful so the only legitimate the only Authority that is coming out of uh out of Iraq it’s it’s certainly not coming from Parliament it says right here well I like that noting that the Iranian influence in Iraq May decline it’s been squashed the Iranian influence that’s why that’s why you have the Iranian military leaders coming to Iraq and
saying what did Trump tell you can can we talk to him we’re gonna have peace right you’re going to lift the value of your currency very soon right noting that the Iranian influence in Iraq May decline for two reasons number one uh first is the failure of the forces associated with the Iranian Pro to provide what would attract the support of the masses yeah they got no leadership and the second is the existence of a new international of a new international will in the region the existence of a new
international will in the region you know who gave you that will Middle East Trump and you know it you were so afraid to make any moves these last four years especially you Saudi Arabia Al ma jafi pointed out that the parties that were subject to pressure they were weren’t they no longer points out that the parties that were sus that were sus that were subject to pressure from the Iranian project uh may find in the regional changes an opportunity to restore hope for a change they’ll be kicked out oh they’ll be
voted the next electoral cycle uh may be the beginning of these new Transformations I think it will be cockroaches are running there’s no money they got to find another another another Cash Cow uh alna jaffi and I think they will they’ll run to Venezuela they’ll run to South America ala ja he concluded his speech by saying any attempt by supporters of Iranian influence to confront this change May face a strict International will a strict International will all the Middle Eastern countries are going to look at Iran and give him a
dirty look huh is that what it is all right whatever you want to call it a strict International will expressing his doubts about the ability of those forces to challenge this International will what do I say in blue parenthesis after that Parliament has no choice but to surrender its terrorism inside of Iraq continuing last Saturday prime minister sadani expressed his rejections of anyone who tried to link the political situation in Syria with Iraq while stressing that there is no room there’s no room to discuss changing the
political system in Iraq very simply you’re out of here you get out of here it is noteworthy that the American website media line said earlier last month that there are estimates that a regime change will come and collapse it will occur in Iraq with the return of the US president Donald Trump to power I I put blue parenthesis there what what do I say run forest run run Iranian terrorists run with Forest Lobby Dar so the media line an American website called media line said earlier last month that there are
estimates that a regime change and a collapse will occur in Iraq with the return of the US president alect Donald Trump to power and in light of another Factor represent Ed by the Israeli War the impact of which extended Beyond Gaza that’s why you can’t Frank with the American dollar anymore that’s why you have no auctions to have that cash cow milked every day for terrorism support are We Done Yet how many more Artic here let’s let’s very quickly go through these fast final article number 4,877 interior your card at home service
will be activated soon and will include all Iraqis what do I say up on top the cart won’t do any good until you have at a program rate so stop talking about the cart and just bring us out the the new exchange rate Fino article number 4,878 Exclusive Iran gives Al Sudani a green light to act on the future of the factions whoa Iran gives that meeting you had Sudani this is what came out of it Iran the leaders the military leaders of Iran just gave you permission they gave you a green light to act on the
future of the factions of of Iran can I suggest what you should do with them what I say up on top Iran begs for an audience with Trump because they are the factions the whole thing is almost all red you need need to read this but very quickly an informed Source reported on Monday that the commander of the Iranian quad forces uh Ishmael uh quani conveyed a message to Baghdad during his quick visit that his country does not want to be a part of War security and stability and it does not have reservations about
any decisions regarding the Iraq armed factions while he informed the factions of the necessity of adhering to the decision of the Iraqi government hey Sudani Iraqi government you want to get rid of those people that you know you know Iranians you know that are in your country in Iraq you want to get rid of them you need help the sources told chaa news agency the visit of the commander of the Iranian quad forces Ishmael Quan to Baghdad lasted a few hours during which he met with prime minister Sudani and
discussed the developments in the regions he added quinine confirmed to a part of the conflicts of war and does not want Baghdad to be a part of that either and he confirmed that Iran Has No Reservations about any decisions regarding the future of the r fractions of Iraq hey Sudani did by any chance when you talked to uh Trump did he tell you what to do with the fractions of uh of Iraq and the fractions of Iran yeah he did good yesterday Sunday the media Office of Prime Minister Sudani announced that
the ladder intends to make an official visit to Iran next Wednesday of this week what do I say in blue right underneath it this is security and stability that we have longed for says the monetary reform unbelievable articles just powerful articles final article number 4,879 changes are coming inevitably what awaits Iraq after January the 20th whoa look I didn’t make that up I didn’t make that look it they’re talking the same way we have been talking changes are coming inevitably yeah yeah I know we know that we know
that thank you what awaits Iraq after January the 20th are you serious you’re asking that question well allow me to answer what do I say in blue parentheses there uh an international float of the uh of the Iraqi National currency that’s what’s going to happen after the 20th I bet you let’s see what happens what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this whole thing changes are here security and stability proves this talk to anybody that comes from Iraq ask them what they think of that country now
changes are coming inevitably and Iraq will be a part of the Middle East this is what a number of observers expect expect about the next stage of Donald Trump’s ass assumed the US Presidency on Monday January the 20th what do I say in blue right there what right after January the 20th what do I say in blue parenthesis everybody is waiting for January the 20th continuing based on the analysis of the head of the political Thinking Center Isam Al sh Mary Trump’s strategy towards Iraq’s difference from his first term in which
he used the strategy of maximum pressure and direct intervention of the Iraqi grounds but currently it is not possible to talk again about the possibility of adopting that same strategy no so shabat news agency indicated that the current approach will depend on several levels the first will Target Iranian allies and undermine their political the uh um the Pol uh politic and undermine them politically inside of Iraq in other words all the uh Iranian politicians in Parliament the second level will be
dismantling the factions in with Iraq conviction or through an imposition process that may be carried out by including more of these factions and their leaders on the terrorism list what do I say in blue parenthesis right after after list cockroaches are running aren’t they the third level will be restricting their financial assets already done and monitoring their economic fronts he added president Trump’s strategy will depend on serving the relationships between Iraq and Iran once and for all
that is Trump will not rely on the great areas in which Iran allies maneuvered in the past therefore the current and future Iraqi government will will have to reveal the truth about its relationship with the United States of America and Trump will not accept a government that is an enemy of the United States of America that’s what Biden did he made Iran and Iraq the enemy of America by supplying them with as much M taxpayer money as possible he did everything possible to destroy all of the executive orders the first
hour that he became president destroyed our nation he stressed that Trump considers the factions to be a threat to the American interests you know the ones that Biden created and supplied what do I say uh in blue it was also a threat to the monetary reform that’s why we had to wait a freaking extra 10 years and he still remembers the bad relationship with them when he was the president of the United States including the attack on the embassy and the bombing operations yeah I remember them so Trump will present a
more strategic strategy that than Biden’s garbage strategy which relied on flexibility Shamari continues and he says if Al Sudan’s government does not abide by Trump’s dis conditions there may be some alignment between Washington and Tel Avi to stop this Iranian influence inside of Iraq and it is likely that Iraq will be part of the new Middle East regardless of uh of Iraq’s internal speeches or positions this is beautiful I just love it he’s back and before he even goes into the White House he is changing the Middle
East for us yeah that’s what what is this person Ken you you stated 1320 dinars to 100 yeah that’s what the rate is right now does that shock you who’s this other person no RV whatever all righty so we’re just still not done with the art this is ridiculous this is too much on my body final article number 4,880 I mean if I could if I could if I could like all the other gurus that you go today next one and today here let me try that I AR number 4,880 articles article 12 of struck the budget schedules and Parliament is
unaware of the size of the expenditures and deficit uh what do I say up on top uh like we said Parliament is kept in the dark oh so this article is talking about Parliament that is asking what’s going on they don’t know uh final article number behave Frank final article number 4,881 money laundering offices moneya laundering offices we registered 5,2 77 reports of financial violation what is a blue title for this article security and stability for the monetary reform at its highest all of these articles are Geared
for one purpose family and that is to bring in a new exchange rate final article number 4,882 parliamentary movement to activate integration files after failure of ministerial reshuffle what do I say up on top it’s a Shakedown Parliament par you read the article Parliament is being basically taken apart by the leadership of Sudani because he was told to and you know who told them I mean wouldn’t you didn’t you want to tell Sudani to do that everything that Trump is telling Sudan to do and you see him
that he’s doing it didn’t you want him didn’t you want to scream it into sani’s face fin article number 4883 for SUV lovers the new rx9 from mg has entered the Iraqi Market what do I say up on top you know Eddie tells me hey Mr Frank I can see Acres of these cars but we can’t touch them yet one time I was having a conversation with Eddie and he says I can see them from here I said what is it it’s it’s it’s it’s a parking lot area but it’s big it’s massive and there’s all these beautiful cars Mr Frank they got high
fences around them but there’s all these beautiful cars yeah yeah like what what kind you start them all of I said whoa those are the cars you find in Dubai really yeah they’re fenced in how many you think there are uh Eddie maybe I don’t know a million really it’s a lot of cement to FR what are they for for us for you yeah us so us that’s going to be for us and the supermarket is going to be for us and the houses are going to be for us for us final article number 4,883 for SUV lovers the new rx9 from mg
uh has entered the Iraqi Market yeah I know Eddie loves it final article number 4,884 Iranian diplomates reveal the agenda of Al sani’s visit to tahan uh what do I say up on top what’s the blue title of this um to put you in line not online but to put you in line and I’m glad that you allowed uh you know him to come and visit you here’s another one on the Eve ofan visit Al Sudani packs a number of files in his bag including a new strategy what is it buddy what is it you know what it is right well what’s the
blue title for this article s sani’s bag is full of security and stability it’s up to Iran to accept it uh yeah yeah yeah okay that’s true final article number 4885 a guarante of zero a guarante of zeroing out crisis Parliament demands to legislate the oil and gas law what do I say up on top that’s what I say that’s it that’s it oh my goodness we finally got done with the Articles yes me family there’s no way that I’m going to be able to give you look what if I just give you the last day we it’s time for
me to go but the last day that we were together was uh the first and I believe that was Tuesday is that right T yes so therefore I’m looking Wednesday was Wednesday when okay so Wednesday is the first W so I’m looking for Thursday so let me go to Eddie and for those of you uh in premium and in club 26 you got a lot of it didn’t you but here’s what I’m going to do I’m not going to read all of it I’m just not it is massive it is way too much I’m going back to what did I say Thursday Thursday the 2 thank you let me go back
to Thursday now this is massive Saturday I’m only on Saturday yeah I would be here probably another two hours does I share everything with you Friday holy cow Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday I don’t even know if you can see that but it says Thursday at 8 uh 8:15 in the morning now here’s what I’ll do let me read you Thursday and Friday but Saturday is oh man well quit wasting time Frank let’s get to work hold on Kevin Trump is not going to do you say he’s going to Iraq is he’s going to he’s going to Trump is going to sanction
Iraq if they deal with Iran Trump wants Iraq ter crap that Iran is involved with with Israel I shouldn’t have even looked I’m sorry where where where where was I Thursday Thursday and Friday television uh has uh on TV he says we rank number one in the world with concentration of it is amazing Mr Frank they are handing out key card applications uh uh Singapore we’re we’re launching uh to connect with Singapore television saying finally the salaries of Kurdistan uh will be paid next week and I told you
already that no we need a new exchange rate uh Eddie do me a favor I want you to tell Mr Sammy because he told me way up here where was it I have to go up here to find it dear God there’s so much all right I if I if I can’t find it I can’t find it but I I’ll tell you what it means family do you remember when we talked early last year about the white papers remember the white papers so Mr Sammy he says tell Mr Frank that the month of January is crucial I don’t think you can read that I think it’s too
fuzzy tell Mr Frank that the month of January is crucial here it is it was Wednesday U early in the morning Mr Sammy told me today Frank that what Iraq is now doing with the banking system you know without the dollar auctions is just like any other Bank in the world so they must bring value to make this whole thing work this is all part of of the white paper reforms getting off the auctions Mr Frank do you remember those white papers and then I I told you I take you to Thursday Eddie tell Mr Sammy of course I
remember the white papers and I remember what it contained in it I remember that it was a beautiful masterful plan for the future of Iraq and Sudani has done very well well with all of these countries all these contracts in order to fulfill those white papers to be successful by the way Mr Sammy I memorized the white papers you remember because he says blessing is coming and coming soon could be anytime don’t be surprised can you see here let me hold this up and see um say that’s so that’s Mr Sammy talking to
me and oh yeah you can see it a little bit I’ll be darn huh okay so Sammy tells me hey you remember the white papers right yeah you know what those papers white papers had in it right yeah the new exchange rate if that’s what you’re hitting at well you know very well that it’s this is coming I know it’s coming and then he says he wants you to remember that the blessing is coming and coming soon it could be anytime don’t be surprised Frank television says that we have approved the US loan for Kuwait
power plants hey Eddie oh never mind okay I see why okay Friday we go into Friday let’s go into Friday uh Mr Frank I went to go see Sammy and today uh we both are watching TV uh they talked about how we have now gone from the dollar auction to now transfers in our banks no more auctions these transfers in our banks are linked to International Banks so they are telling us like we are now doing all this on International System levels that are used by banks around the world on foreign transfers no
more done being done by auctions of the CBI but by this new by this new system uh in our banks this is fantastic because these are the preparations I know you want it now I you it doesn’t matter if you run over a grandmother you want it now it doesn’t matter you want it now give me the date I want it now and that’s you know the things that cause me so much problems and that’s why I remove people now uh on their first strike you know very well what’s going on and if you demand to know why it didn’t happen I’m
sorry byea you got to go I don’t have the power the strength the the health anymore you know what it’s like right now what I’m feeling you don’t care um Chalet is on the news and he’s saying that the monetary enhancement mechanism will stabilize our financial system Mr Sammy tells me he’s talking about the new exchange rate F uh Eddie uh Mr Sammy basically is saying that what has happened with the auctions you know being gone it is all the work that was done by the CBI before it actually converted over to the banks now that are
in the new system platforms everything everything is all now linked we are linked to the world um but the world doesn’t want to deal with this because we have a sanction rate so when we get the new rate oh my gosh next report Mr Frank uh Sammy wants you to know that if you see any type of a hold up don’t let it bother you uh he thinks that there will be a hold up but don’t don’t worry about it with the snags yeah I know hey Mr Sammy yeah I know about snags I know about delays I mean we’ve all been
waiting I was waiting on the January the first but like I told you there will always be cockroaches in the CBI and the GOI and as much as Sudani has cleaned up the terrorism of Iran and and Parliament there will always be people to cause trouble and uh any delay that Mr Sammy is seeing it’s just superficial it’s nothing’s going to stop the monetary reform but I appreciate this input tell them uh also tell them that Parliament and the corrupt Iranian politicians inside of Iraq do not have any type of
power anymore the game is over for them and that’s why they are so angry uh once again any any hold up any delay means nothing and the reason why I say that is because nobody guaranteed you a date of when it was going to happen yes yes Sudani said that he would try to do it by the by by last year but it didn’t happen so we move forward with Sudani anybody that doesn’t want to be a part of it can get out of the car and walk I’m serious and that’s why I say that I’m not giving no more one strike two
strikes three strikes you’re out one dumb one one negative comment I I I send you uh to these other places I’ll even get you their their website hey Mr Frank um I’m still here with Mr Sammy he’s letting me stay in the back Sam Mr Sammy told him told him you mean to the dinar and Forex so it’s not really Forex I said oh okay but keep in mind gentlemen Forex has nothing to do with the monetary reform but thank you for your input on that obviously they’re uploading them you know I had somebody call me and they said oh we’re screwed
now what well the guru so and so just said that they’re using this system and this system you know different systems they’re not going to use Forex who’s not going to use Forex the CBI they’re going to use what they’re going to use these systems he mentioned two other systems and I well first of all those two other systems are secondary to Forex you actually think that you actually believe that Forex doesn’t want anything to do with the deny really Forex opens the door to the currencies it’s not like you know look
have a nice day bye-bye can’t go for Mr Sammy then I say to him Mr Sammy may I express my opinion about the monetary reform it’s ready it’s ready it’s being introduced uh through the monetary reform education and you yourself you yourself Mr Samy you have things in front of you that you are about to show and present and teach to the Iraqi citizens that alone tells you that the monetary reform is done and ready now as far as any delays first of all Forex is not a delay of the monetary reform but if
Forex needs them to do whatever Logistics lay you know put up numbers let them let them do whatever they want but they have nothing to do with the monetary reform so I don’t know why you even say that but thank you I I appreciate it as far as I know hey Frank uh uh I can’t read that so instead I’m going to say once again Neil Neil my contact Eddie once again Neil um try to explain to Eddie what Forex does behind those closed doors has nothing to do with monetary form yeah Frank exchange rate he’s saying that the
mechanism is is in place to keep it stable there will be no rise of the prices in the goods uh basically he’s telling us that the bubble is not going to burst this is good this is very good uh Mr Sammy says he knows uh he knows about there’s nothing to do with the deals with stopping the reading so okay I see I see I see to which I say which I don’t want to read it to you um Can supersede any o can supersede and they can override Forex uh or anybody else uh thousand Forex there’s thousands of other other exchange centers uh not
just simply one that are going to help the dinard to gain value internationally so when buys sells And Trades a stock uh but it has no control over the monetary reform process of the CPI none whatsoever um so etc etc uh none of this uh with Forex mon Saturday morning I told him I said uh hey Mr Sammy let you stay with him a little bit Yeah I said well then go go go with him Saturday morning because they’re not open all day let’s see if if you can stay with him all uh uh the whole afternoon he says okay Mr Sammy over
here early what so it turns out that instead Mr Sammy came to Eddie’s house okay Mr Frank but Mr Sammy early morning Saturday he came over he said he said yesterday when he said yesterday he said Eddie yesterday when Chalet talked he spoke about the auctions ending and he spoke about we now have reinforcement system with transfer of foreign currency by Banks saying the new system is corrupt free he spoke about our rate at 1320 didn’t he Eddie well he did because that’s what our rate is currently at
right now 1320 he cannot come out and say we have a new rate but I like that I like that Sammy yeah that’s true he really can’t do that but boy have they hinted huh and say we have a new rate but but but Sudan’s words they could still they could still hold true Eddie you know the promise that he made the holy promise about the dinard being stronger than the dinard last year you see the banks the banks they all shut down on Thursday and Monday was a national holiday all of that was in in December
the national holiday here was for our army day uh they said it they will pay salaries Sunday Sunday through Wednesday but it didn’t happen but uh but they will salary Sunday through Wednesday but will but will Banks be open Sunday or Monday we think not so that’s why M that’s why Eddie Sammi is telling Eddie so that’s why I’m telling you Eddie I am saying through Wednesday now also oils oil about to start flowing in the pipelines in the northern part of Iraq and Syria and up to Turkey also meaning International sales
the dam is about to explode a lot of money is going to come in we thinking the dinar will be in a basket with others and our dinar is going International now don’t look at here so that’s Sammy telling uh Eddie what I’ve already told you and he says don’t be conf confused about the bank transferring well I got two that dark I’m sorry he said but Sammy continue he’s he’s doing his best to educate Eddie don’t be confused about Bank transferring now it’s totally acceptable and it will be dealing with our Dinars
with transfers through banks to go outside or as they say external we are currently not external meaning International with all of these oil pipelines starting up and the auctions sto to the new system and the salaries to be paid it is all pointing to the international rate Eddie it is only pointing to one thing we are going to get a real effective exchange rate for us now Chalet also talked about the dollar didn’t he he said it didn’t rise that means the bubble didn’t break and he and he told us it wouldn’t and he
told us it wouldn’t and he said not to believe all the hype uh that Parliament was make believe media the lies of media that that that the dollar rate was going to go up when Banks come back up listen carefully to the opinion of Sammy when Banks come back up online we could be witnessing a new rate and thus sodani could have been right all along when he said before the end of the year because the banks closed on the 30th and if a new rate comes out when they reopen wow wow well that’s it son uh
Saturday Saturday expecting what oil and gas law Reserve pending issues between herbo and Baghdad on TV wow wi coin they’re talking about this settled this is settled now between herbal and Bagdad W what a coincidence Mr Frank they settled this at the time that we are expecting a new rate we uh we’re hot on the TV R oh Bingo resuming a flow um that’s I’m going to stop because I’m tired Beyond tired and here’s what I’m going to do so that Shang or anybody that is taking notes that wants to help me when I am with you
again you know what we just may have to what’s tomorrow t tomorrow is Wednesday tomorrow’s Wednesday Thursday’s Bible study what what’s Friday anything on the schedule no put down UB tub Friday 6: p.m you now know when our next UB tub will be and Tin why don’t you go so family that’s where I’m Gonna Leave off okay in fact hold on let me share because well actually I skipped a lot of Saturday that’s all right I of see it this is where Mr Samy is helping Eddie to understand what’s going on now that the
auctions have closed and what the next step should be and how the currency is going to float and go in an international Basket in order to get the real effective exchange rate everything that we’ve taught you family everything that we’ve shared with you in our opinions it’s all right here in this p in this section that uh that Mr Samy has shared with Eddie of course we share this all in our opinion right you know we just say that it’s in our opinion okay so you know where I left off and we’ll pick up there next time
I know about Chase of course they’re accepting Dinars now there was a bank story but it’s way too late so uh Darnell I’ll I’ll call you maybe on Friday instead and we’ll look at uh our bank story that you have for us at that time brother and paid too much to send it okay thank you let me have that then uh to listen don’t show his address huh okay Show address to John Bard I think it says barard John bless your heart don’t ever do that again you spent $32 to send me a check no my friend don’t you you just
wait you just pick up the phone and tell me that it’s going to be late okay don’t spend $32 to send a what was it a $10 check you said I felt so bad for you man in fact if you can give him an extra month poor guy anybody yeah don’t don’t don’t spend money just phone and call me and said I wanted to take uh the opportunity to show my gratitude for her before I I continue here you know we always leave dessert I always leave something uh for the end don’t I look at honey we’re going on 2500 people that’s
that’s very nice uh thank you for inviting me into your living room I’m very sorry about the the the image the picture we’ll be talking to uh oh this is Mr H holiday and goway girl the guys thank you your package arrived and when we had to arm rustle like for example um I lost uh she won two out of three so she get thank you thank you thank you uh over here is uh my tinks pink cup pink cup and of course uh your special gifts that are in these envelopes we thank you don’t we than y thank you so much thank
you so so much because this is all all Hawaiian stuff you all had to special order this and then you put on there you say you say love you guys thank you very very much God bless all of you all right righty family umt at the end no problem all righty did you have a good time family I want to thank Tyrone for the financial gifts that for those of you that helped us I want to start out by saying thank you to uh Dwayne have uh prayers for walking stick oh unfortunately he had he had to go on a different type of uh immune therapy
drug and and he’s not a happy camper and he’s hurting I said uh is it you know is it really bad he said it it feels like a bullet if you’ve ever been shot by a bullet um it burns the inside of your body Burns it Cooks you little sensation in his belly so please uh keep our dear friend walking sticking in in your thoughts um yeah yeah we’re done family I’m going to save what the rest of what I have for when we get together um once again what honey Friday yes well when we get together on Friday family I’ll I’ll give you the
rest of the uh notes from our teams those of you in premium I’ll I’ll put them in there premium and Club 26 uh I’ll make sure I put them in there as well too anyways um thank you for being with us tonight I hope that you learned a lot I pray that you take uh what we have uh shared with you tonight uh To God In Prayer I I pray that you uh if you have a a wonderful New Year don’t worry about anything don’t worry about anything pray about everything do nothing without praying we we’ve set that example do nothing without praying
first let let let that tickle in your throat and start your with god with God pray as you breathe because will save your life I hope that you can join us Thursday for our Bible study Sunday for our faith church service you know when you worship it makes it makes your problems smaller and it makes God bigger there’s nothing that’s why that’s why the Lord Prayer starts with uh Our Father it gets his attention the title of your UB tub was transfers not auctions and I pray that you understood and we did a a good job
tonight in helping you to understand that better I say pray for America I say pray for Israel I say pray for President Biden yeah because the man uh boy oh boy he he was talking to some reporters and he said I’ve I’ve met more important people something like that than than you have in your GD in your GD life he cursed that these reporters in their GD life really God damned their lives that’s what you that’s what you conclude Biden those are Biden um yeah that’s why I say we should pray for Biden it just shut down yeah it says
they want to confirm it too I don’t know what’s going on well can you get this thing to come back on it’s gone look into what it’s telling me it’s just spinning send a notification to your phone iPad or somewhere else I wants you to open give me your phone why I don’t know I’m not sure if you all can hear me if you can hear me go ahead and post and tell me that you can hear me I’d like to know if you can hear me right now I can hear you on the phone yeah yeah we don’t know what’s happening here
the yes there’s no yes what if I hit just I’m going to ex this out Jen I guess huh I guess cuz I don’t know what to do here more ways to verify hold on YouTube settings it says that’s asking me no so do I get rid exit out I guess I don’t know the ah it worked it worked it worked I’m going to remember that huh I’m still locked St over here family can you all see me are we back can you hear me yeah so I can finish this up going once if they can’t hear me I’m just going to go ahead and end the program let me see turn up the volume
over here can finish this up oh going once son of a gun it is working you know telling you you need to verify open your and tap yet wow family I don’t know what’s going on but Google keeps saying that I have to verify that it’s me I tell you what this is this has gotten out of hand and it’s best that we just say goodbye ABA Heavenly Father by the blood of my Lord Jesus Christ I thank you for this evening and for the strength that you gave me I pray for all of those people that were with us God that they would talk to you about what
we we shared with them that they would discuss this with you forgive me of my sins Lord walk with in all that I do thank you for loving me first it taught me how to love you in the name of your son Jesus by the Holy Spirit I Praise You amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen thank you kindly God bless all of you thank you brother Andy and Burma there you huh two more donations Owen Owen and Dr Tooth Fairy Dr Tooth Fairy two more donations God bless you all thank you very much thank
you hey um I I I I do leave you with some then okay I’ll leave you with something in just a little bit but to my brother Iggy was uh one of our admins uh sadly he had a fire he had a fire and he lost a part of his home he’s getting his life back together um Iggy you are being prepared you are being prepared sometimes we don’t even know we don’t even really realize that we’re being prepared do you remember the Story of Lazarus and his sister very close friends to Jesus and Jesus with the apostles they
were they were far away on a on a on a journey but word got to Jesus come back Lazarus is very sick and he’s he’s about to die and and of course they know what the power of of Jesus they have faith in the blood of Jesus they wanted him to come back heal him don’t let him die when they told Jesus Jesus says well I’ll we’ll go in days in two days but he’s probably already dead in fact I think he is and he’s going to he’s going to rot away I mean two days sir can’t we go now no Lazarus prepares the glory of
God so Jesus two days later makes it back and there’s uh lazarus’s sister crying all their brothers and the family they were all crying in fact it was so sad that that moved it moved Jesus to the point where he cried too he was sad for them he was sad for them I mean he knew that he was going to give him life again he knew that there was no reason for them to be sad in fact he knew there was no reason to cry but I think that he cried because they didn’t get it for such a long time Jesus had been
preparing his Apostles and telling them I am preparing the way for you through my crucifixion what I have to die for your salvation what but don’t worry because three days later God is going to raise me from the dead what par Peter Timothy did you hear this can you you explain that a little bit in more details uh Jesus and I’m sure he did but they just never got it the same way that lazarus’s family they were crying but Jesus lifted Lazarus from the dead everyone was happy and they’ honored and glorified
God in a few days later Jesus went to Jerusalem to be murdered on the cross and three days later to be risen by God to conquer death and Conquer sin thank you Donnie Inman thank you the apostles didn’t get it Lazarus family didn’t get it so Jesus shows this is what I’m about to go through in a few days I will die and three days later I will resurrect that’s why I waited a couple days he had all been dead right yeah so I figured I’ll wait two more days Iggy God is preparing you through your tribulations right
now you’re going to come out of this very strong that which was burnt in damaged will be replaced with tenfold and I think you already see it happening you know something family they tried to bury me yubby tuby they tried to bury me but they can’t bury something that comes from dirt thank you kindly for being with us my last thing that I’m want to share with you is that I had a I had a conversation with my dear friend walking stick and I said sir will Aki allow me to come and see him yes yes yes
will I be able to open up an account yes yes can I spend the can I spend a few hours with him I’ll bring I’ll bring my interpreters there’s these little devices that you wear on your ear and he’ll wear one in his ear and we can talk back and forth uh in our own languages and he said yes yes and then I went to uh premium and I asked everybody in there can you give me questions that you think I should ask Aki and you gave me questions yes yes you did thank you so as it as as as time goes by we’ll
see what we learn we’ll see what we can share well one last thing to say with you you remember Pastor Amos remember Pastor Amos ktfa you buil three churches in Nepal where the yetis where the yeti comes from huh way up there in those uh communist Chinese mountains and they burned one of the churches down soldiers came in there and destroyed it all but you rebuilt it higher they don’t like to go up there I was talking with Pastor Amos and I told him I’m going to present this to ktfa we’re going to build you another
church and while I was talking with him I said he says I’m sending you pictures brother he sent me so many of them hundreds of them I said these people what is what’s that little black thing that they got cell phones you guys get WiFi what what is that black thing they’re all I see four or five people of of the of of the Thousand here that are standing I see four or five they all have the same little thing what is that and Pastor Amos says Oh Brother the Frank those are Bible interpreters Bible
interpreters they listening to the word of God in their language no yeah inand KN yeah we spreading the word of God Mr Frank how much those little things cost about $100 how much is a church cost 3,500 for the supplies we could get 350 people these Bibles yes you literally double the number because they were shareed with somebody there yes or we could build another church yes let’s pray about it and see what God wants us to do ktfa family I ask you to think about this if you are willing to help us and start this campaign to raise
$3,500 to either send these recording devices actually we we we we would send the money uh through a church where he gets it over there where they will use it to buy these devices to hear the word of God in their language or we’ll build another church I will continue to bring this topic up with you as we meet uh to to see what your desires are and how you wish to help God loves you just the way you are but he doesn’t want to leave you that way thank you kindly for being with us I’ll see you on Friday 6: PM Eastern
Standard Time so slow I used to be a until I watched FR H with a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side Frank teachings reach us far and wide so whenever I need a fix I tune fr6 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tun now here this is the now take it from me Frank is no R it’s okay Tink give this man a cookie you never know what soon he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I need a f tune to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news
from the street tune in now tune in here this is the na sit up be patient and get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down news and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us the R so whenever I need tune Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street till now in here this is the hey think I need a cookie like this come on T I deserve some cookies Lions cookie cookies cookies come on ttin give up the cookies oh yeah look at that he took it away he took it
away oh my goodness this this is website or this Internet is messed up thank you kindly for being with us God bless you all sweet Aloha I’ll see you on Friday at 6 pm. Eastern Standard Time and I’ll see you in premium in club 26 uh cuz I cuz I didn’t I didn’t get a chance to give you everything bye-bye