The Great Melt-Up Accelerates: Engineering the Endgame Against You (Uncut) 02-02-2025
The Great Melt-Up Accelerates: Engineering the Endgame Against You
You’ve heard of the Great Depression. You’ve heard of the Great Recession. But what about the Great Melt-Up? Unlike a depression or recession, a melt-up is where inflation actually spikes.
And in the Great Melt-Up, inflation will lead to hyperinflation as the result of a government-manufactured crisis that will ultimately end in a currency reset, worse than anything we’ve ever seen before. And while it might sound terrifying, because it is, this video is not designed to scare you, but rather to help you prepare. Now, I’ve covered parts of this topic before, but it was Brian Kim at Clearview Tax who coined the phrase the Great Melt-Up recently in his four-part series that went over how the Great Melt-Up will strike the U.S., why the government will choose hyperinflation, how the government will manufacture a crisis to get out of debt, and most importantly, how you can use this information to protect yourself.
In today’s video, I’m compiling all of these insights as well as critical updates that you will want to hear because this is serious and it’s happening right now. So ignoring it won’t make it go away. It will only leave you vulnerable.
So stay with me until the end because this might be the most important video you watch all year. At the center of all of this is U.S. national debt, which has been exploding, tripling over the last 15 years. But while the debt has grown, the government’s options to manage the debt have all but disappeared.
Interest payments alone have grown to $1 trillion annually, making it the third most expensive line item after Social Security and healthcare. Just to break even, the government would have to cut over $2 trillion worth of spending this year alone. And let’s face it, that’s not going to happen.
Where are they going to cut from? If they got rid of all of Social Security, it still wouldn’t be enough. And they’re not going to do that. Millions of Americans rely on that funding.
What about defense? That would be half of what they need to cut. Are they going to get rid of our entire defense budget at a time when the world is on fire? I don’t think so. So what are they going to do? Well, as Brian outlines in his video, the government faces two options.
Option one, balance the budget, which is deflationary. Or option two, keep spending, which will lead to hyperinflation. So let’s break both of these down.
Option one, balancing the budget. Even if balancing the budget were possible, it would be disastrous to cut spending on current programs because it would most certainly throw the U.S. into a recession, which would mean unemployment would rise significantly and tax revenue would decline. Tax revenue, of course, being the government’s primary source of funding.
So if tax revenues plummet, well, then the government would be forced to spend more anyways, creating a full circle trip to nowhere. And for those wondering, okay, but what about new revenue sources, such as President Trump’s proposed tariff plan? And while that’s a great idea, we also have to remember that tariffs only account for about 2% today of all total revenue. And while historically that number might have been higher and we can bump it up again, income tax accounts for over 50%, over half of all revenue.
And that number jumps up to 85% when we include Social Security and Medicare. So the amount of tariffs that would have to be imposed to offset that or to create more revenue would be extreme. The math doesn’t add up.
But here’s the even bigger problem with balancing the budget. Deflation. In a deflationary scenario, your debts are more expensive to service, which is crippling for a country with ballooning debt.
And for the wealthy elites who are profiting from today’s system, deflation means shrinking markets and a reduction in cash flow. Why would they want to do that when they are racking in record profits? The only reason they’d want deflation is to reset the game to where they can swoop in and grab assets for cheap in a massive wealth transfer. But we’re not there yet.
So for now, the system continues its slow motion collapse while they accumulate more wealth. So this leaves us with option number two, keep spending. This is the only realistic option for the US government as it allows them to keep up with their escalating interest payments, as well as making sure that the wealthy elite maintain their access to cash flow and easy profits.
But this path leads us directly to hyperinflation. And the kicker is the government knows that. But why would they willfully choose hyperinflation? Well, let me explain.
What happens in a hyperinflationary scenario? Well, prices go up dramatically over a short period of time. Honestly, it’s almost impossible to imagine. It’s unlike anything that we’ve experienced in our lifetime here in the United States.
But let’s imagine that you had an income of $100,000. You had a mortgage of $300,000. And over the course of one month, prices went up 1,000%.
Now, on one hand, this means that a cup of coffee has jumped to about 60 bucks. That hurts. We know your income has probably gone up to not as much, maybe 500%, whereas again, the cost of goods and services went up 1,000%.
So that income doesn’t do much for your cup of coffee. It’s still costing you more than it was a month ago. But what it does do is it makes your mortgage less expensive.
Because what was once expensive is now considered cheap. Think of it this way. If the government had a trillion dollars in debt that it needed to pay off, but a trillion dollars is now the cost of a regular four-door sedan, well, suddenly that trillion dollars in debt doesn’t seem so expensive.
The nominal value has stayed exactly the same, but the real value has changed. This is why inflation is the best option for the United States. It feels counterintuitive, but it makes sense when you look at their debt.
For anyone out there who thinks that inflation is over or that it’s slowed down, calmed down, and we have it under control, I have bad news for you because this is just the calm before the storm. We haven’t seen anything yet. And to usher in the next phase of the Great Melt-Up, it is widely believed that the government will manufacture a crisis.
Let me explain how this would work. The Federal Reserve has already come out in 2025 and said one to two rate cuts, ending the year around 4%, which already feels interesting because according to the government themselves, inflation continues to rise, unemployment is low, and the GDP is strong. So there’s not really any economic urgency and reasoning behind lowering the rates.
It’s more that the debt itself becomes more expensive the longer that rates stay higher. The interest payments on the US debt keep going up. This is what unsustainable looks like.
We’ve seen it before with people with adjustable rate mortgages on their homes losing everything. That’s what will happen to the US if nothing changes. But they already have a plan and it would work like this.
First things first, the government will manufacture a crisis, whatever that might be. What happens during periods of crisis in our country? Well, the government steps in to help out to make sure everything keeps running. One of those tools that they have is lowering interest rates to zero or near zero.
Once that happens, the next step is to suspend the debt ceiling so they can create a lot more debt. And if you’ve been following the news, President Trump has already planted the seed calling to abolish the debt ceiling completely so that they can print as much as they want. Once that’s been done, they then issue a ton of bonds locking in these lower interest rates.
This is something that Brian in his video series points out that the United States has already been doing. This would just happen on an even larger scale. This is the chart he used that shows exactly what’s going on.
Here in 2008, following 2008, you can see that they locked in those longer maturity securities when rates were near zero. Same thing happened following 2020. They took advantage of the low rates to lock in these longer maturity securities at low rates.
But what happened when interest rates rose? Well, you can see that right here in the last couple of years. Suddenly they moved to shorter term securities because they don’t wanna be locked in at these higher interest rates for longer. Makes perfect sense.
So when the crisis comes and the rates go to zero, they will be able to issue a ton of debt and be able to get away with locking in these lower rates. It’s essentially like refinancing their debt. Now, here’s the kicker.
All of these bonds, who’s going to buy them? Of course, it will be the Fed. The Fed themselves with the printing press on overdrive, leading to more inflation and hyperinflation and ultimately the reset. And if you’re wondering what this manufactured crisis will be that will trigger all of this, I don’t know.
I don’t think anyone knows for sure because at this point, take your pick. It could be anything. It could be a black swan event.
It could be anything out there. Everything is so interconnected and fragile as it stands right now. What’s that saying? Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Well, I say, why wait for a crisis when you can make one? But here’s the sad part. As this melt up accelerates, who gets left behind? It’s going to be people without assets. The majority of average Americans, which is why we’re seeing a growing divide between the haves and the have-nots.
It’s a common misconception that as the government pumps all of this cash flow into the system, that it’s going to welfare programs or to the have-nots. But ultimately, it really benefits the wealthy elites. A stimulus check does not compare to a multimillion dollar tax write-off, subsidy or loan.
So how do we protect ourselves from becoming have-nots? Where are we in the timeline of the Great Melt Up? Great questions, especially given the fact that people have been screaming about the debt forever, but it is different today. The sheer volume of the debt, the interest payments on the debt, the government is running out of options and time. Back in 2008, when the choice was made to spend, to inflate, to paper over a crisis versus suffering the consequences, that led us down a road that we cannot turn back from.
Now, the Great Melt Up is divided into two phases, pre-crisis and post-crisis. Depending on who you ask, they started at different points. Brian at Clear Value would argue that it started September 18th, 2024, the Great Melt Up beginning when the Fed started cutting rates.
Others would argue that it started much earlier, maybe 2020, with the unprecedented spending. But either way, what we all can agree on is that we are in the pre-crisis phase and we are hurtling towards the same conclusion, that the everything bubble we’re in today will continue to expand right now as part of this Great Melt Up. But eventually, this manufactured crisis, whatever it is, is going to pop the bubble.
Now, this is not an overnight process. I’m not saying it’s going to burst tomorrow. It could take years to unfold.
But as part of that process, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be preparing today because the Great Melt Up will be inflationary as we’ve gone over, which means that the dollar will be worth less. So we know the dollar’s not the answer. What is the answer on how to protect yourself? Well, everyone’s going to say something different.
Brian over at Clear Value talks about tangible assets being the key assets, such as real estate, gold, silver. And he explicitly calls this out because he said too many people will sit back and say, oh, I look at all these assets and they’re all so expensive today. I’ll just hold on to my cash, wait for a crash and move then.
But what those people aren’t realizing is that your cash is never going to be worth more tomorrow than it was yesterday. So those assets that might seem expensive today, it’s all relative. A month from now, the prices that we saw today might be cheap, but you know what’s not going to work in your favor? Holding on to the dollar.
So I agree the best way to protect yourself is making sure that you have physical assets. And physical is the key word here. So if you’re looking at gold and silver, this isn’t gold ETFs, this isn’t a paper gold IOU.
No, this is the real thing. Tangible gold and silver that cannot be inflated, that cannot be devalued. You want to make sure that whatever you choose to protect yourself with is going to maintain its value through the great melt up so that you come out on the other side with your wealth intact, your insurance policy in place.
But not all gold and silver is the same, which is why education is so important. If you are concerned about the great melt up and you want to make sure you have a strategy in place that makes sense for you, I highly recommend that you download our gold and silver guide. It is an incredible place to start whether you’re brand new to this or you have a lot of experience in gold and silver and you want a second opinion.
Either way, download the guide by clicking the link in the description below, scanning the QR code. It is completely free and it is a valuable resource for what’s coming next. If you have questions or you want to learn even more, you can also always talk to one of our expert analysts who understand these concepts.
They have been studying currency life cycles for decades and have years of experience in helping people just like you protect themselves against all of these threats. So while education is crucial and a very important first step, it is action that will truly protect you against what’s coming next. So same thing, you can scan the QR code or click on the link in the description to talk to one of our expert analysts to understand how we can help you.
Also, once again, I want to call out Brian Kim at Clear Value Tax for coining the term the Great Melt-Up. He has a ton of great information on his channel and I will be continuing to cover this. So make sure you’re subscribed if you’re not already because you won’t want to miss these updates.
As always, I so appreciate you being here. I’m Taylor Kenney with ITM Trading, your trusted source for gold, silver, and lifelong wealth protection. Until next time.