TNT Super fantastic Conference Call (Uncut) – Monday, January 13, 2025
TNT Super fantastic Conference Call (Uncut) – Monday, January 13, 2025
Blog talk radio Tony, how you doing? Yeah, I’m super fantastic every day super fantastic. Wake up, wake up. It’s the TNT Denard.
We’ve been waiting so long but we made it this far if you feeling like I’m feeling you know it’s so hard gotta keep your head up keep your faith in the lord and re restore the truth breaking down the walls over 10,000 people waiting on the call and win it all coming to real it’s over with it’s so close I can feel it like a super ID you ever had it you keep your head when you cash it, outlast it, you ain’t even got a flashing. How you doing, Tony? I’m super fantastic Far from past it now close your eyes in the mask those have been down bouncing back like elastic how many really trying to do something that’s so drastic Asking if you see another fella up the north era I’m making their life better yeah getting ready for the R.V. yeah, we getting ready for the R.V.
let’s go we getting read for the R.V. we getting ready for the R. V. Getting ready for the R.V.
we getting ready for the R.v getting ready for the R.V. Getting ready for the R.V, we getting ready for the Rv Triple Peak Pam known as already blessed we done heard half the news we waiting on the rest we waiting to stretch remember that we on the same map Tony and Ray ran the brothers on the same path it’s time for a transference of wealth and ain’t trying to be left with my life on the shelf can’t do it by myself we got to do it together A life of wealth we living life to live it forever let’s go. Getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V.
let’s go we getting ready for the RV we getting ready for the RV Getting ready for the R.V. yeah, we getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R. V.
Yeah, we getting ready for the RV it was all a dream but now it’s a reality now it’s what it has to be to keep your faith and you will see come the catastrophe but just be patient though incredible how he used the artist things to bless your soul. TNT the nar Tony. Raven, where you at? People waiting on the intel call.
They hit you back? Raven got the ladies going crazy on the open mic call. Midnight till the break of dawn is going on living in a time where we really know we need it you gotta believe it ain’t no time to be conceited this blessed life I cherish like the air that I’m Breathing no grieving listen to the words that I’m speaking lifetime of wealth transfer to the believer know somebody ready I can hear through the speakers iqd reevaluate waiting waiting with anticipation I’m patient and impatiently waiting to be patient getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V.
getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V? getting ready for the R.V? yeah, we getting ready for the R.
V. Getting ready for the R. V. Yeah, we getting ready for the RV we got the ladies going crazy on the open mic Midnight till that breaker down is going on living in a time where we really know we need it you got to believe it ain’t no time to be conceited this blessed life I cherish like the air that I’m breathing yo breathing listen to the words that I’m speaking Lifetime of wealth transfer to the believer know somebody ready I can hear through the speakers iqd re evaluation waiting with anticipation I’m patient and impatiently waiting to be patient let’s go.
Getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V. getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V.
getting ready for the R.V. yeah, we getting ready for the R. V. Let’s go.
We getting ready for the Rv yeah, we getting ready for the RV Getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.v, let’s go. It’s time. Welcome to the information superstation TNT, hosted by that dynamic duo Tony and Ray renfro.
They’re super fantastic and fantabulous served to the empty green bringing you the latest and greatest Iraqi dinar revaluation information from around the globe, east to west. It’s the best. So sit back, relax and get ready to have your mind blown in the t D intel zone. Zone.
Good afternoon TNT super fantastic family. Today is Monday, January 13, 2025. Raven98 here along with Good Afternoon TNT. Well, man, a long day already.
Just don’t know. So we delayed the call because I had three people at bank appointments today and they’re trying to wait until they went to the bank so we could find out what happened and I can update you on that information as well. So what did happen? They got to their bank appointments and the bank said they don’t know why they had appointments.
Said the call center jumped the gun. Should not have been scheduling them for appointments now. They didn’t just receive appointments, they received emails verifying the appointment and they received them Saturday and Sunday to verify that they would be there for their appointments. They showed up and said I don’t know why.
Call center wasn’t supposed to do that. As a matter of fact, one of the banks said we don’t even have a delarue machine in place to deal with exchange. But they were made an appointment. So I got another guy at the appointment scheduled for tomorrow.
His appointments were scheduled on Sunday. They called him. Scheduled appointment for tomorrow. No, Saturday too.
I’m sorry. So we’ll see how his goes tomorrow. There is good news though. Everybody’s waiting, everybody’s expecting.
Exactly nine minutes ago, Iraqi shut down this banking system. Iraq did, for two hours to update the system. A whole lot of people think that’s the two hours they need to change the rate. They’re going to change the rate in that two hour time frame and come out with a new rate.
That’s what everybody’s expecting right now. Who is everybody? All the three letter agencies and the banks. They’re actually expecting something to happen after 6 Eastern today.
After 6 Eastern because that’s the two hours. So we could be doing this again in two hours or we could be doing it tomorrow morning. I did have somebody land in Iraq today. He had to exchange his currency and he was given $4 and 91 cents today.
They told him he had to exchange his currency. Had to exchange it for 491 today. Everybody’s still ready. The bank just said again that whoever made the appointments jumped again.
They are expecting to start either later tonight or tomorrow. Along with Iraq, not a whole lot else left since they didn’t have the appointment. Actually we still have one guy there right now. So two of them already went.
I still have one. I have one scheduled for tomorrow. I do know for you Canadians, I was informed today that all your VIPs were done and you too are next. But as of today, all the Kansas VIPs are done.
And these people with appointments I’m telling you about, they’re not vip. There are people like you and me who actually called the bank, talked to bankers, verify that they would take all the currencies, scheduled their appointment and then our automated system sent them back a response, an email verifying their appointment time and location. So I will tell you it was in Nashville, Tennessee, Salt Lake City, Utah and Charlotte, North Carolina. Three different states.
Three different cities. But they all got the same email response, verification. So we know they have an automated system and it is working. But they kind of jumped the gun with it.
But we are ready. They are ready. We’re gonna see what happens. All right, so when this one guy last guy contacts us, I’ll let you know what he’s saying I still do have another guy sitting at the bank getting some information.
I have not been contacted yet. Even though they told me it was gonna be Sunday evening or Monday morning, I still have not been contacted yet. As far as the information, the package and what we’re doing, I’m still waiting for it. All right, Ray, let’s get started because that’s about all we have at this point.
Okay. And we do want to remind folks that this is not a call to arms to start calling banks or whatever. Okay. Y’all heard what Ray said.
Don’t start no mess when we call. No, thanks. Just wait. I probably shouldn’t even told y’all that.
But anyway, it is what it is. Just don’t start doing. We’ll wait. Wait for the 800 number and we’ll call in when they’re ready.
They clearly are not ready or that wouldn’t have happened what happened today. But they are aware of it. One of our guys is really excited. The bankers said they’re aware of it and that their family members had denied.
So we’re all excited and ready to go. All right, we got questions. Okay, Nick, Global says how many readings of the budget law is required and once it completed, what are the next steps? Is the budget log going to have and effect on the release of the RV supposed to have a rate in there when it comes out?
We’ve been waiting for it. The door 25. They did two readings today. Two.
They need the third rating for it to come out, and maybe that’ll happen tonight or tomorrow after the announcement or after the raid is already out. But they already did, too. They need one more praise. Ten says with so many already have exchanged, how can President elect Trump make changes to the current flow that would stop the process?
Well, during the first time and so many were exchanged 10 years ago, they stopped it and they made changes. So until it’s actually public on Forex, they can stop it and make changes and that’s what they’re afraid of. So that’s how easy money says. Tony, what would our strategy be if there is simply a reinstitution of the IQD in country, not international.
With each passing day, it appears we’re no longer at the head of the line. In my humble opinion, I don’t have a strategy for that because that’s not what’s going to happen. That hasn’t been the plan. And that doesn’t help Iraq at all.
It doesn’t help all the countries that are coming in with businesses and contracts and have agreements So I don’t even see that as being feasible for happening. I don’t see it happening when they told all them they’re gonna have purchasing power when they’re already telling them about changing in their 30 notes. And when, like I said, the guy got in country today and the rate was 491. What’s that?
Okay, Denarian says, isn’t it logical to think that since we are seven days away from Trump’s inauguration that the RV will occur after January 20th so Trump can take credit for the economic reform for Iraq? He gonna take credit anywhere. What do you think he gonna tell him? That Bush, Obama and Biden playing on his own over the last 15 years?
No. You gonna stand there and say, look how great I am. Look what I did. I wiped out the deb.
The debt. I gave you guys all this money. Please, like that’s gonna make a difference. And you know what?
That’s what Clinton did when it happened with Kuwait. Clinton didn’t come out and tell everybody, hey, this would happen with Kuwait. I got all this money and that’s why we had all this excess currency. That’s how I wiped the debt out.
That’s why I was such a great time during my time in office. He didn’t tell nobody that. And Trump certainly is not going to tell anybody that. Hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
Who’s next? Okay, Lil Fish says, have you seen any pictures of the new lower denomination notes? I have not. Still have not seen any, even though a bunch of people say they’re out there.
All right, go to live callers. 206 area code. You’re on. Hey, I didn’t expect to be called so fast.
Greetings, guys. Okay, I don’t need you to. Great. Hold on.
Play some music. Okay, 206, hold on a second. T, N T. District 12.
Get ready. District 11. Get ready. Get ready.
District 10, district 9. Get ready. Get ready. District 8, get ready.
Just at 7 and just accept. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready.
District 4, District 3. Get ready. District 2. Get ready.
Get ready. District 1, area code. More. Get ready.
Cat lift. Water for the grip. Grip. Grip area.
Go. 281. Pump up the tires. Don’t be late.
Get ready. Bus lady. There you go. Seven, five, four.
Miss on lady. Get ready. Ah, here we call nine, seven, two, Danny and Dallas. Get ready.
Here we go. Three, six, zero. Walk the brother from another mother. Get ready.
Hit me T, N T. Oh, all Sookie. Sookie. Now tnt.
Are you ready? I said, are you ready? So you’re ready. Cause Okie got you ready.
Then Tony got you ready. Ray got you ready. Then Pam got you ready. DC got you ready.
G man got you ready. The mods got you ready. And dad got you ready. Dish got you ready.
8 6-5-28 1. Some of the callers, just for fun, got you ready. Congratulations. All right, 206.
Okay, pull it back in. 206. I did. Sorry.
Yeah. Good afternoon. Did you have something important to say first, Tony? No, I will say it.
I didn’t want to interrupt your thought there. First of all, when you talk about these three banks that had people come in in three different states and they were connected to an 800 system, does that suggest that they were all on the Wells Fargo 830? I was just trying to see whether those three banks in three different states were proving that the Wells Fargo 800 system is working. Okay, so somebody says, I didn’t say they called the 800 number.
I said they actually talked to somebody at the bank who made the appointment, put it in, and then the system kicked out confirmations form one on Saturday, one on Sunday. So nobody said anything about anybody calling a hundred number. Right. The person at the bank said the exchange center shouldn’t have sent out those confirmations, but they did.
Okay, I, I was asking whether that exchange center was the Wells Fargo center, and the only reason I’m asking is because that would be proof that Wells Fargo is actually working. That’s what I was getting. Well, all three appointments were at Wells Fargo Bank. Let me just put it that way.
Okay, well, then that’s, that says we trust the system. And then my second and last question is, is it reasonable in your mind that if they were exchanging those folks for 491 in Iraq today, that we could expect a 491 opening street rate? Would that be reasonable in your mind? It would be in my mind because that’s why they did it.
And they did it because oil is up over $80 today. So, yes, that’s the rate I would expect it to open up with if it opens in the next two hours. Okay, man, well, thanks for everything. Thank you, Ray.
And hope to hear from you guys in a real short time. Thank you, sir. Appreciate. Okay, bye bye.
817 Erico, you’re on. Hello, Ray. Hello, Tony, this is Art. You know, I’m sitting here thinking, well, here we are together again, and I guess that’s not all bad.
I had a couple of questions I’d like to ask. When we’ve got the rates, the Dong, at one time we had said was going to be negotiable depending on how much DONG that you have. Now I realize everything is negotiable, but specifically we had said we may be able to negotiate a better rate on dong, and I think that we were going to perhaps be able to negotiate a better rate on. Was it the zim, depending on how much you had?
Yes. Yeah. Is that, Is that still the. Is that still the position?
And still the position? Absolutely. Okay. Because we had talked about if you had as much as 10,100 trillion Zim, you might get 33 cents as opposed to 11 cents.
That is still the position. Okay, thank you for that. No, I was going to make a comment, but it’s political in this and I would. I don’t want to get into that.
So want to thank you so much for answering my questions. All right. Thank you, sir. Yes, thank you.
Ray. Ray. Okay, thank you, sir. 972 Erico, you’re on 972.
My questions have been answered the last three calls. Thank you. Okay, well, if you don’t mind, hang up and come again on the computer line. That way these other phone lines can be open.
Thanks, sir. 972 error code. You’re on. Danny in Dallas.
You guys doing okay? Yes, sir. Super. Fantastic.
Yeah. Oh, my. Well, every time I anticipate, you always kind of tickle my get along muscle there. I appreciate the con, the constant aspect that you’re having to deal with this stuff and pushing it toward us.
That’s great. And I just heard Art on the line there. He is a quality individual invite was curious. He’s an excellent negotiator.
You’ll get a kick out of me saying that. All right. I’ve taken on the last job five times now, and I’m in the beginning. The sixth one today.
I’ll be glad to hire somebody else to finish it. But what I’m describing is probably what happens to most of the people who are in business themselves. They’re looking for that golden ring and, you know, Here you go. That’s great.
I don’t think I have any questions except I finally got some of that Venezuelan currency. Y’all been talking about it. Ray particularly has been talking about it for such a long time. Finally another buddy of mine said, how come you hadn’t got it yet?
And I didn’t have a reason. So even though I’m starting my. My sixth job, I went ahead and bought some. And as I understand it, at the Sobrano is right at 38 cents.
Maybe better, but at least 38 cents. And the, I’ve forgotten the name of the stuff I bought, but I bought a bunch of that anyway. It’s not the, it’s the one millionth or taking Soprano. And that was it times a, a million.
And that’s the other one. I can’t help you. No, he’s still saying the same thing, Sovereigno. Am I?
Well, I know it’s a brace of money, right? So if it says 1 million, then that’s 1 million sovereign. Yeah. The other one is called something else.
No, digitalis. Digitalis. That’s what he is trying to get, right? Yeah.
You as bad as I am, aren’t you? Yeah, but you know, I, I, I revealed a long time ago that I’ve got a good pile here and I’m, I was content to be just stay there. But by a simple purchase of this currency, the rest of the community ought to understand this. A simple purchase increased my holdings by 50%.
So. Okay, that is crazy. Now I understand why you’ve been calling it crazy. That’s gonna be exciting.
Wait, wait. Yeah. You just told the whole world. Just by simply purchasing the Sabrina, you just made another $3 billion.
Yes, sir. Access low. Oh yeah. Well now you.
All right. You’ve been emphasizing how, how amazing this could be. I’ll be glad to be fooled, but I’d like to be lucky too, you know and you know absolutely right. And I’ve been emphasizing how crazy it is.
And they keep telling me this is, it is going to happen. And I would tell you I still have not bought not one note. I thought that might be the case. That’s why I kind of mentioned it.
You’re, you’re a holdout. Yeah, okay. Somebody gifted me some, a couple of different people, but I just did not. I, I, it’s just too crazy, man.
Well, go ahead and, go ahead and hold out. Catch up to you. Okay, listen, you were way past me first of all. And second of all, what they telling us today that is way.
It’s too late now, so. Well, that will affect what will be available, that’s for sure. Oh my goodness. Yeah.
Okay, well, thanks for the info, Ray. The digitalis keeps not connecting with my brain, so. Yes sir. I’ll get on.
Thank you much. Okay. All right, thanks. See?
Hello. Take this to 71 3-3-COME. You’re on. Hey, good.
Good afternoon guys. How you guys doing today? Okay, pretty good, thank you. And yourself?
Hey, super fantastic. How you doing? Oh, I’m doing pretty good. I won’t complain.
Hey, A couple questions. Are we still looking at the 15th for it being the quote, unquote, I guess, unofficial deadline for being on Forex? Well, yeah, unofficial, if that’s a gold issue for. Yeah, but I’m looking for somewhere the next hour and a half to three hours and it’s actually happening is what I’m looking for.
That would be great. I mean, that would be great. I just, I just knew that you had said, I think on the last call that they were shooting for 15. Two or three hours is definitely better than two or three days.
It is. And I’m just hoping now again, the bank just. Just stopped all transactions. Everything shut down for two hours is what it says to bring up a new system or further assistance.
Let me see, what does it actually say? Hold on. That way I can read it. The Central bank of Iraq inform us that the electronic payment service will stop tomorrow, January 13, 2025, at 12 midnight for two hours for the purpose of making updates to their system.
So the three letter agencies and people in the know all seem to think that is to come out with the new rate. Okay, that sounds good. That sounds good to me. And the other question that I had was, you said in Arkansas there a community bank was extreme.
I didn’t say community bank. I said all three people had appointments at Wells Fargo banks. No, clearly did. Do not call them.
Yeah, yeah, I wasn’t talking about calling this. This was on the call, I think on the last call. Or you, you had say. Yeah, community bank.
I’m not gonna call no bank. Okay, yes, it was a community bank, but again, and they already said they know about it, they’re gonna take it. They just jumped the gun. Everybody you think is going, so they’re trying to get their people in.
Okay, well, that, that’s my two questions. And I appreciate you, man. You guys have a great day. All right, thank you, sir.
All right. Thank you, sir. 8-1-3 area code, you’re on. 813-947.
Okay, you’re off. 7 3:1 area code, you’re on. Hey, good afternoon. You have said repeatedly that if you’ve been sending payments in that you’re on an automatic system to get notified if your payments do.
But I’ve never gotten notified. Am I doing something wrong? I don’t know. Did you subscribe for the hundred dollars a month?
How do you subscribe for $100 a month? The same way you did. Anything else that you did that you said you’re not getting email for? What else did you.
What did you do? You pay $10? Well, I’ve done 10 on most of them. Okay, well, the same way you did 10, a person would do 100.
You just select the 101. They’re all right there together on the same screen. Well, I’ve seen them all together. I just.
I just never got noticed. Okay, listen, so when you go to the payment screen, there’s options only. The hundred dollars is a subscription payment that will automatically be taken out of your bank account. Oh, okay.
All the rest of them you have to manually go do. You’re not going to get any notification on them. Only the subscription. You get the subscription notification.
Hold on, let me finish talking. Three days before it’s due, they’re gonna send you a notice. Your subscription payment is coming up. If you need to make any changes, there’s a blue box right in the middle of it.
You click that box, it’s gonna let you change your card, your address, whatever you need to change at that time. Okay? That’s how the process works. Okay, I was unclear about that.
Okay, what’s next? That’s it. Thank you. Okay.
All right. Thank you, sir. You brought that up. And I’ll tell you guys, if I get the notification.
Hold on. 205, in two hours, that’s when it starts again. I will remove everything except for the hundred dollars. Everybody will have 72 hours to go back in.
Subscribe to remain part of TNT. All right, 205. All right, you’re open. What’s going on, fellas?
This Bama boy. Hey, what’s happening, man? Not much, man. That much.
I might have missed this, but did you say anything about the acl? I saw where supposedly it got approved again this morning. Did you see any of that or did you say anything about it? Nope, I didn’t say nothing about it.
Okay, again this morning. It’s been approved so many times and supposedly they did, I think the second or third reason. And. And so suppose they’re supposed to be open like now as of today, this morning.
So I mean, that’s. That’s. Yeah, they did. Two reasons for the budget.
Okay. And, and. And one on the acl. That’s what I read this morning.
So it said it came to an agreement after I forgot how many years they’ve been fighting back and forth and I know, you know, we always said once we kind of see that ACL get approved and, and come out in print that we should be good to go because, I mean, they gonna get paid and we gonna get paid. That’s right. That’s what it Means. Okay, well, that’s all I want to say, man.
Hopefully we keep our fingers crossed the next couple of hours and see what we need to see. So appreciate y’all, man, for being out with us all the way through in case this is our last call. Appreciate everything y’all done for us, so. All right, go RV and roll Tide.
All right, thank you, sir. Six, two, six. Hi there, Tony and Ray. Listen, I want.
Would you put Danny back on? I want to know where that get along muscle is and I want to know if it’s anywhere around where a Chicken McNugget Chicken McNuggets can be found. Listen, I’m a little confused on the 12pm two hour thing because it’s past 12pm or 12am in Baghdad right now. They’re 11 and a half hours ahead of us.
So shouldn’t that be happening, like right now when we started this call? It should be happening. All right, well, that’s, that’s, that’s time wise. That’s right.
Okay, now I’m a little bit confused also. When you say that your buddy that landed in Iraq got 491, isn’t that rate like he exchanges his dinar on the way back home and got 491 for the. In the dollars? I’m a little confused on how that’s working.
Okay. If I’m going into Iraq, every dinar cost me $4.91. If I’m leaving Iraq, for every dinar, they’re giving me $4.91. All right, well, that’s pretty simple.
Thank you. All right, that’s, that’s really all I had except, you know, where’s that get along muscle? So, yes. Have a great day.
Bye. You and me both. Okay. 619, Eric.
Code, you’re on. 619. Thank you. I’ve had my questions answered.
If you could let me just stay on, I’d appreciate it. No, our lines are almost full. There’s 45 callers up here. So if you have your answers, questions answered, please just log in, log back in.
You can hear the rest of the call logged in. Thank you. All right, thank you very much. Okay, 704-area-code, you’re on.
Okay, thanks for getting me in, Ray. Appreciate it. A couple quick questions here. One is Tony had said he would need more information.
He’s got, he’s got her emails and text number. How much more NT members need to prove their ID to you? I don’t know, but I’m gonna put it out there. So to each one of You.
Because I’m gonna have to know who you are and your email, your phone number. Anybody can make up an email or phone number. So I think some form ID or something. So I know who it is.
You’re a verifiable person that I can know. This is who I’m talking to. This is who I’m giving this information to. And more importantly, when it comes time, if it gets out, I know this is who don’t get to come back in here.
But yeah, they’re gonna have to verify their id. So I don’t know how the system. I know how to do it. Unless you’re gonna send me a copy of somebody else’s id.
Yeah. Wow. Okay. Well, the question is, got some elderly and most times ill as well.
They’re in their upper 80s. When, or can we give the 800 number or the code? Well, I think you’re gonna get it when you get it, but that’s why it’s important for people to be here live, so they can get it first and they can start calling before you give it out to another hundred people or fifty people. Because everybody’s going to do that.
I can’t tell you. Wait two hours and do it. I mean, I could say if you would, but I don’t know if it will or not. I mean, somewhere there has to be some trust and faith that you’re gonna let the people who have been paying for it go first, which.
Oh, yeah, all 50 states. So that should happen as soon as I hang up. You guys should call and make your appointments because you’re making them two or three days later or that day, whatever. So that shouldn’t hurt anything, but you’re getting in on the phone line first.
Excellent. That’s. That’s what. That’s good information.
And so when we get back from after Ray tells us what’s happening, we’ll go and get back and let them know. Yeah. So, okay. Your appointment for tomorrow or the next day, Ray said he going first, right?
I hear you. Hey, I’m waiting for Ray to come back. Oh, yeah. Does he need.
Does he need some security just down the street? All right, that’s it. I appreciate you guys. All right, sir, thank you.
All right, so one other thing with the ID guys. So I’ll tell you guys, everybody knows who I am. And I said, you know, I’m not hiding and I’m not hard to find. Everybody knows my name, everybody knows my history.
So it’s not like you send it to somebody who you don’t know. Who he is. And if I’m the one, I’m the one you want to be doing this thing with, then I need to know who you are. And if you don’t feel comfortable with that, then don’t do it.
I’ll tell you guys before you do it, don’t do it if you don’t feel comfortable with that. All right. Okay. Four, zero, nine, Erica, you’re on.
Hi. Thank you for taking the call. I’ve been. I have a couple questions I want, like to present a scenario about trust.
If you could help me with that, Ray. And then I have another question for Joni. Here’s what I’m doing. I’m wanting to give my daughter, well, her a large sum of.
But I’m going to be able to get a much higher rate than you would. So therefore, instead of giving her the currency I thought I would exchange at my rate, since I know she wants three different trusts set up, Could I exchange all of the currency out there and then set her. And on the contract that I sign with the bank, I get them divide the amounts up. So in other words, I would.
One contract would have my amount, one contract would have one of her trust and then two others, and they would all be at that same rate of interest. And everything does that. I don’t think that is going to happen to your exchange guys. These people here to exchange currencies, not set up your life.
So if you have one, and this is the name I want to change is the contract we’re going to do. They’re going to do that because they’re not going to spend 2, 3 hours with you going through this contract with this trust and then typing up another one and another one and another one. Because you want to divide up. That’s the thing that you do later with your wealth manager.
I think you’re going to have one contract. This will happen in 15, 20 minutes. You’re in and out. So I think going into the meeting asking for that is doing too much.
But nothing beats a failure. But a try. So going in and try. I just wasn’t going to expect it.
No, that’s why I was trying to figure out she. I mean, she’s just like I have. She doesn’t have. And so rather than getting currency, what I was trying.
Listen, hold on. Stop, stop. You’re cutting out real bad. We’re only getting every other word.
I know what you’re trying to do. I’m just telling you, I don’t think you’ll be able to do it. That Way. Try.
Try it now. You want to talk to Ray. Oh, okay. Try it.
If that doesn’t work, then you’ll have one entity that’s doing the investment, one trust. And then your daughter and all the other trusts, wherever you want it, to make those all beneficiary to the first trust. And they can make K1 distribution and give us money that way. And let her just distribute it however she wants.
Yes. Okay. All right, second question. This one was for you, Tony.
I. I have been blessed with a very large amount of currency. Not as much as Danny, but I’m up there. And so I know that you are getting this code, or whatever you called it, from the bank with agreed upon rates of interest and all that.
My question is this. I will know what those are going in because you’re going to give those to us, correct? That. That’s the plan.
But I haven’t gotten them yet. Okay. All right. If I know those parameters and I.
I could possibly exceed that, would it be possible for me to go ahead and go to my appointment and see if I can get higher than your grieve rate? And then in lieu of that, if they won’t then say, okay, well, then I want to do this and give them yours? Absolutely. Okay.
All right. Now the other little weird part is we’ve discussed over the last few years actually a means of negotiating to such a degree that. And then you say, well, you know, my best friend has got this amount of currency. I’d like you to give them the same rate.
How does that work? Can I still do that? Yeah, absolutely. Okay, well, you go in there and negotiate as much as you can.
I’m gonna negotiate. If they say, hey, we don’t have referral number. Okay, I’m gonna negotiate for my son, daughter. My friends say, look, I’m gonna give you this.
If you agree to do this, because now they don’t have to call the 800 number. I’m gonna have them come in here because we’ve already made the agreement with them for me to do this. That’s what I’m gonna do. Okay.
Okay. Okay. All right. Well, the only thing I’m.
I’m having some issues with is that whole trust thing, but I’ll try it like that. You said make one entity, right? Because I was. Yeah, that puts me in with it.
If they won’t let you do what you wait. That you want to do it, then you have one entity that will do the. The investment and then have the other entities, the beneficiaries to the first entity, then they can make distributions and not have to explain watch why it’s giving away money. Because it’s giving it to the beneficiary.
So that’ll work. So if I. Okay, so If I leave 50% with the bank, right? Then I do that in my name and I put and.
Or a sign. Right. And then I. When I get the trust set up, I set it up in my name or I set one up in my name and one in hers.
How does that work? Okay, you need to go to a workshop. Because you asked him. I have had that on my bucket list forever.
It’s just I want to make sure I don’t mess it up at the extreme exchange, Right? Right. Well, the only thing you can do at the exchange is just do it all in your name and then just sit tight. Then focus on learning.
Okay. Distribute it from that way, right? Yeah. Okay.
And in the meantime, I guess I can just give my daughter up these gift cards or something. There you go. Yeah. Okay.
How long will it take me roughly, Ray, to get in your workshop and then get these trusts set up? I have no idea. It depends on your level of comprehension and the availability of those who provide the service. You could be a week, you could be several weeks.
Okay, but you’re gonna do the workshop where from? St. Thomas. Or you’re gonna be somewhere here, a couple other places in the States.
So you’ll have some places that you can access to get the basic information you’re looking for. Oh, for you? Yes. That’s what you want?
I definitely want. Okay, so you’ll still have time to get up to you. Okay. Oh, yeah, we’ll post it my schedule on the website in a sec.
Okay. And I don’t guess anybody’s exchanged Soberino yet, right? Not to my knowledge. Nobody has exchanged yet.
Do we know. All right, thank you both so much for being patient with me. I really appreciate it. Okay.
Okay. Thank you. You’re welcome. Two seven zero indicator.
You’re on. Yes. Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
My question was, as far as on the interest rates, do all banks have a high rate or is it only a few, like Wells Fargo and the others have a low rate, like a normal bank rate? I would think they all do based on the amount that you have. But we’d have to see if they can negotiate it. So.
Yeah, I would say they all have. Have their bills to do it, ability to do it. Okay, that’s what I was wondering, because I wouldn’t have the, you know, the 50 or 100 million to negotiate With. But I was just wondering whether they all have the higher rates.
Yeah, well, they all have 5% that they can offer anybody because they’re doing it. Some banks are already doing 10%, but if you’re looking at the 15, 20, 25, and 30, it’s gonna be based on how much you have. Sure. Do you know what amount would need to be in order to get the 20% rate?
Nope, I don’t. Yeah. Okay. That’s something we’ll probably have to negotiate at the time of exchange, so thank you.
Appreciate it very much. You have a blessed day. All right. Three, one, two area code.
Good afternoon, Mr. Raymond. How are you today? Pretty good, thank you.
Good, good, good. And good afternoon, Tommy. What’s going on, man? All right.
What’s happening with you? Oh, a little bit of this, a little bit of everything. Waiting on an rv, all that good stuff, you know, like us all. Did you say.
Is that what you did on the RV like everyone else? Okay, look, I need to be in there doing some laundry, but I’m not. Maybe tomorrow. Oh.
Oh. My question was, you kind of covered it with the. About the House of Representatives reading the budget, and they read it twice, but in that article, it said they read it twice and then they closed without a day for them to reopen. So that being the case in a little of what you said about them reading it twice, but they had to read the third time.
They’re closed now. They are closed now, and we don’t know when they’re going to reopen, and we don’t know when they’re going to do the third reading. And I don’t think they want us to know. But this won’t happen.
This won’t hamper. It won’t necessarily hamper the RV from happening, even if they haven’t done the third reading. I thought that we weren’t waiting on that. I don’t know.
That they didn’t do it and just didn’t tell us. I don’t know. As soon as the rate comes up, right. That they say food, the reading is done, and it goes through.
You know, it is all about misdirection. All about misdirection. Right, Right. So it may be done, it may not be done, but I guess.
What is the significance of the reading, the third reading being done or not? Can they. Can they go RV without it being done? Will they?
Or does it. We do. Or do we have to wait on that? No, I think they will because that’s the reason they haven’t shown us what was in the CBI four months ago when they passed it, when it was in the Gazette because the rate was already in there.
And they’re holding budget until the rate is live. So we don’t need the budget for the rate. They needed the rate to be approved for the budget to go. Okay.
Okay. All right. Well, that was my wonderment about. About all of that going on.
And I know Iraq is still having several meetings and one of their. I forgot who it was, was supposed to be over in New York and stuff today. And so, I mean, they. They seem to be.
I mean, they’re a country, so of course they are, but they got a lot going on. They’re not just sitting around waiting for the IMF from whomever to approve this thing. So they’re going on with their life in their country, which is to me, a good sign that hopefully it’ll be filmed for us. Right?
Yep. I thank you both. Have a great afternoon evening and hopefully we’ll talk to you tonight or tomorrow. Okay.
All right, thank you. Take care. 610 area code, you’re on. Hey, good evening, Ray.
And good afternoon, Tony. It is G Man, mpa. Super fantastic. Gentlemen, it is another dynamite day here in the usa and it’s going to be the very short version.
So here we go, ladies and gentlemen, for all of you who are new to the call and all of you who didn’t know all these calls and all the means of communication that Ray and Tony used to keep us informed. Form need to be paid for. And it’s up to all of us out here in the currency community to send in our payments in order to buy airtime to keep this information superstation on the air. You can help by going to www.tnpsuper clicking on that red payment button and when you do, scroll down to where you will see the sentence that says click here to use the debit or credit card of your choice.
Click on those Click here instructions that will then take you to the payment support page where at the top of the page it says subscribe to our paid members list. Under that it says this is to enable your name to be added after payment. Very important, ladies and gentlemen. This is to enable your name to be added after payment.
Under that you’ll be asked to fill out all your personal information there. Please double check the spelling, make sure everything is spelled correctly. And then after you’ve done that, remember, subscribe to the paid members list first and then remember, must send in your payment. So first subscribe to the paid members list and then send in your payment.
And if for any reason you’re not receiving Tony’s emails, you must go to the last email that you received from Tony. Open that email and then scroll down to the very bottom of that email and you’ll see the word unsubscribe. Click on the word unsubscribe. That’ll take your information out of the system.
And then close that email. Go Back to the TNT super website, click on the red payment button and follow instructions that I just went through. Fill out your personal information. Remember to subscribe to the paid members list first.
And then remember you must send in a new payment in order to activate those new subscriptions. As always, Ray and Tony, thank you gentlemen for all you continue to do for us. Thank you again to both of your families for continuing to share you with us. Thank you to those 13 task force members who are still out there making sure that the bankers and meeting facilities are going to be available for us post RV so we can get all that banking information and make it a dynamite rest of the day.
Thank you very much, gentlemen. All right, sir. Thank you. Thank you, sir.
I appreciate it. You’re welcome, Tony. Oh, G man. Yes.
Happy birthday. I hope you enjoyed it. Oh, yeah, thank you. Thank you.
I did have a very good birthday. Got some barbecue, some northern barbecue. It was still good, though. Very good.
All right, Okay. I just want you to know some people are texting me and want you to know happy birthday too. So not just me. All right?
All right, thank you very much. All right, sir. All right, guys, hold on for a second. Right?
Are you muting me? Hold on. Three, three, seven. Yeah, I’m gonna meet you.
I’m gonna meet you, too. Okay, so I’m going back to this bowl. You guys keep testing. So this guy says he got 150.
50 billion boulevard. Does that make him richer than. Than Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk? Good question.
Yeah. Does somebody do those numbers? $30 billion. 150 billion.
Yeah, I thought you said 100 billion, 83 cent. No, I don’t think it’s gonna be 83 cent. I’m going with 30 cent. All you 83 cent people gonna be disappointed.
Well, at 30 cent, it’s still $50 billion, right? 45. Do you wait three times 50 is. Is one hundred and fifty.
Okay, you said one hundred and fifty. You know what? At 30 cents comes to 45. That’s 45.
Okay. I can’t add. I guess that’s. My machine’s acting up.
I don’t know. All I know is three times five is 15. That’s all I know. But anyway.
Oh, it’s 83, though. Not dog. All right. Okay.
I mean, not $3, anyway. That’s a whole lot, guys. And, yeah, I don’t have nothing even close to that. I don’t even have a sense of that.
And that’s why it’s so crazy to me. I was like that. We’d all be walking around here, 100 billionaires if we believe that, which I did. But anyway, for those that you did, now I am being told.
So I don’t know what it is, but the rate is a boulevard rate, not a digitalis rate. So whatever it is, 30, 10, or 83, we’ll get it done. Oh, yeah. Three times 15 minutes, 45.
My bad. I was looking at 50. All right. I just want y’all to know that.
I mean, I’m gonna congratulate you and then see if I can come borrow some. But anyway, go ahead. Okay. 3, 3, 7.
Edit of your own. Good afternoon, gentlemen. My question is this. I’ve got over a hundred thousand dinar or 100 million dinar.
Can I take multiples of 100 million and do Pete, power of attorneys for, like, my son or my daughter? Not at the dinar. That’s what we’re talking about. The other scenario, you’re not gonna do four or five exchanges for you because you want to give it to different people.
You can go and exchange it and then divide the money up however you want to. But could I go in at different exchanges and do a hundred thousand of each or 100 million at each one? Yeah, you can give your son 100 million, your daughter 100 million, your cousin 100 million. They can all set their own appointments and go in and do the check.
Well, I was wondering if I could do it with a power of attorney from them. Oh, no. Call the 800 number. I don’t think they’re gonna do that.
But Anyway, call the 800 number. I can’t tell you. Thank you very much. I was just returning your call from earlier.
Okay. Thank you. All they can say is no, thank you. Okay.
281 area code. You’re on. Hello? Hello?
Okay. I didn’t know if it was me. Thank you for answering my call. I would like to know what incentive there is for the current administration to let this go through since they won’t get any credit for it.
Well, maybe they don’t care about getting credit for it because they weren’t gonna get credit anyway because the rest of the world is never going to know about it. Maybe they care about doing the right thing or doing what they agreed upon or doing what’s going to support all the other programs and things that they contracted for. Everybody’s gonna get something out of it. And don’t think they aren’t going to get paid.
Look, Bush got paid. What was this? Vice President Cheney? Cheney definitely got paid.
They still get paid. Obama and his friends got paid. Biden and his family gonna get paid. Trump and his family already got paid.
So it’s not about that. And like I said earlier, Clinton got credit for it, but Clinton didn’t do it. It just happened right before he became president and he used it to wipe out the deficit. Trump didn’t do this, Biden did.
But he’s going to use it to wipe out the deficit. He’s never going to say, Biden and Obama put this together and drug it out and nobody’s ever going to know who’s not actually involved in it. So why wouldn’t they want to go ahead and do it? Because they made promises to people that they want to keep.
They put this plan together. They want to see it to person. That’s why I would do it. Well, I hope you’re right.
I just, I’m just getting very, very nervous because we’re only one week away from the 20th and that concerns me. You and me. Okay. All right.
All right. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 918-area-code, you’re on. 918-845.
Okay, you’re off. 804-area-code, you’re on. Thank you for taking my call and good afternoon. I have two email addresses in my mailbox and I’m wondering if I would need something different than what I have.
One is tntdinar the other is the TNT dinar with the numbers 1-8310-1950@ the Mailchimp. But I need a different email address. Make sure it comes through to me. Listen, that’s something that mailchimp set up in order for you guys to send messages.
I don’t even know what those emails are, but okay, one of them actually tells you to go to my email if there’s something goes wrong. But okay, what are you trying to do with the email? No, when you, when you send the final notice, I just want to make sure it goes, you know, comes that it’s not going to be going spam. Then I can put, put the address in my email email book.
I Think the Egyptian email that you put in pnc, Tony or something is what they put in there when it comes. No, put in the one you received today when you got the link. Put that in your contacts and then you’ll be okay. Okay, that would be.
That’s the mail. That’s the one with the 1-833-101950, the mail check. That’s how it was sent out. And that’s what the next one should go the same way.
And I’m also wondering, we’re only about 2 1/2 hours from Wilson and 301 where Parkers are. I just wondered if Raven would consider having a celebration party there because we could get there with no problem. Yeah, yeah. We.
We’re in Virginia and it’s a straight shot down there. And when you go to Parkers, you go in five minutes after sit down, they bring in your real food. They’re fast. Well, listen, you know, Ray be having parties in his house all the time.
How come you haven’t been there? I don’t know. I tell you what I do, okay? The next.
Next time you come to park is to eat. I’ll come out there and sit with you and have dinner. How about that? Okay.
How did I notify you that I’m here? I’m gonna teach you my. I’m gonna send you my number so you can let me know. Oh, great.
Thank you very much. Yes, ma’am. Wait a minute. This one is my landline.
That’s not my job. I’ll call you then after the call. Oh, great. Thank you very much.
We’ll exchange telephone numbers, emails and all that neat stuff. How about. Oh, great. Thank you very much.
Wait, listen. Okay, hold on, G man, been waiting for 15 years to go to Wilson and have Parker’s barbecue all the way up and drive down there and get some. Well, he can do the same thing. He can.
Come on. Oh, my God, the holes in the area. Okay. All right.
Thank you very much. Okay, thank you. Okay, bye bye. Seven seven zero.
Erica conflict here. That’s showing this notch here, 770, which would fall about right here. Oh, you busy? Okay.
918. Eric code. You’re on. Yes.
Gentlemen. How have. Good afternoon for both of you. Anyway, several things.
I try to make it fast. We’re still looking at 2850 contract rate for Iraq. Is that correct? Not contract rate.
The highest rate. Okay. That’s the highest rate. So it could go yourself.
The highest rate available. Yeah. Got you. Gotcha.
So that’s when I want to make sure I’m doing it correctly. That’s great. Anyway, the other thing I’d like to ask of you is our lip. You know, these people don’t realize that.
And I really thinking of Denny Dallas. But I’m gonna tell you, you get enemies when you get this kind of money. You have no idea. I lost all my friends when I got money and these people wanted money and all of a sudden I had people hanging around me.
And I’m gonna tell you, this is. It’s good, but you got to keep your mouth shut. Well, I’ve been trying to warn people for years that their life is going to change, that you’re going to lose not just some of your friends, but you’re going to lose some of your family and loved ones because they all think you didn’t work for this. You didn’t earn it, didn’t have to do anything.
So you should share it with the family. Share with anybody and everybody. And just case you gave me a hundred thousand last month, don’t mean you can’t give me another hundred thousand this month. I mean, that’s how all these professional athletes go broke.
Because their family keeps sucking and sucking and sucking till it’s all gone. And they’re saying, sorry, buddy, you know? So, yeah, you guys might as well be aware of that. You’re going to lose some friends now.
Even if they don’t want anything from you, they can’t be around you anymore because they don’t feel like they’re at your level. I agree. They can’t watch all the. The abundance that you have and every day turn around and go home to nothing.
Nobody wants to do that every day. So they will stop being around you. You will automatically stop being around some of them for the very same reason. You’re tired of having to pay for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
You’re tired of being started doing handouts. I would tell you guys, years ago, years ago, had to be 10, 15 years ago. So I actually got sick and tired of spending money, just spending money. It just got to be, you know, you just don’t want to do it.
I don’t care. I want to. Don’t want that. I’m tired of spending money.
I already did all that. And you will get to that point. I know you don’t think you will, but you will. Oh, I promise you, right out of the chute, you’ll.
You’ll be amazed at how fast people turn on you. Yeah, it just complicates everything. Everything gets complicated really quick. Okay, well, I thank you guys, and I really look forward to hearing from you soon.
By the way, my. My code name is Indian kid, so I always. Bama boy always makes me laugh. So I’m number one Indian kid.
So anyway, you guys take care. All right, sir. All right. Thank you, sir.
Take care. Hold up. Four. Four.
Hold on, four. Four. While we’re on that topic, you know, when I was doing network marketing, there’s two things that I’ll always say. I always tell people I can make anybody a star.
I want to. I could. I can bring you up on stage with me. You know, next thing, you’re stuff, are you actually up on the stage.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that was good. But the whole other thing that I had to constantly warn people about was the people around them, especially spouses. And that because those who are already married before they get all this money, you’re okay.
But those who aren’t, you get all this money. Now you got to start wondering, why is he or she really there? It’s a whole different world when you do that, and that’s with relationships, because that will change the meaning of why somebody’s there. But not only that, with all of your new friendships, because then everybody wants to be your friend.
Everybody just to hang out, just made it go over sometimes just to be able to say, hey, I know him. I know him. We this and we that. And those are the things you’re gonna have to be cognizant of and cautious of, you know, my friend.
See, already did. Tell me all the time. They’ve been saying for years, they say, tony, no new friends. No new friends want no new friends in the circle.
And I have to tell them that’s okay in this circle, but I like people. I do. I like people. So I’m always making new friends.
But I’ve been doing that forever. I mean, I still do it today. I always make new friends because I say I accept everybody because I do. And then I let them exclude themselves.
That’s what we do. Come on in. Come on in. We friends.
And then, you know, they’ll exclude themselves. Okay, that was over. But you still have to be careful about who you let in your inner circle, especially once you get all this Money. All right.
404. Good afternoon. Hi, Toni and hi, Ray. It sounds like a very exciting day here.
I’d like to go back to your opening comments where you were really informing us about what the folks were finding at the airport at that 491 rate. And I was curious, kind of using that as the backdrop, whether or not they have started back on informing and educating the Iraqis that they’re on the horizon here and actually using that 491 rate and showing them how that calculates the value of that or are they still just doing it in a nebulous form of educating or have they actually stopped educating the people and we were just lucky enough to have somebody do this exchange at the airport so that we got the amount of 491 as kind of a starting point. Yeah, I think they’re still educating. They have been all last week.
They haven’t given them a rate yet though. The general public remake. This is going to be your new rate. They wouldn’t do that because as I told you guys last 10, 12 years, nobody would spend a dime.
They just wait for that new rate. They’d be like, oh no, no, I’m not doing this. Or that. They’d be putting off everything, buying anything, paying any bills, everything.
Wait, this money’s gonna change. So they’re not just doing that. We happen to just like vip know somebody who went in and this is what they had them do. And I’m curious with all of us at this is at this point kind of big clock watchers knowing that this two hour window of changing.
Do you have someone that has alerted you that they will be calling you 2 hours and 1 minute as terms of what happened? Or is it going to be a little bit longer before you guys get, get that information in hand? Because I know you guys are going to get it because you’ve got all sorts of sources. Well, yeah, I’m gonna get it when it happens.
But nobody has contacted me. Like I said, they told me, hey, Sunday evening, Monday morning, somebody’s been a contact. Nobody’s contacted me. It’s 2:30 right now.
I still have not been contacted. So I don’t know how it’s gonna go. They just okay, three letter agencies telling me I’m gonna be contacted because they have to. Absent bank saying yes, your name was in the media this.
And you’re, you’re still actually, you’re number one on the list because that’s what they told me because they had the largest one. But still nobody has contacted you. Well, let’s just hope that the Iraqi folks as they’re making their changes that the CBI had asked for, that they are doing so in a timely fashion so that we will start to be seeing some action coming through from there. Because then we do our math with 10 days from whenever this does happen, we know that that’s when our very special TNT super fantastic or Pay it Forward project is going to be in full swing.
And again guys, we can’t say thank you enough and have yourself a great, great day. Thanks so much. All right, thank you. May this be our last RV call that we are are doing.
So keep our fingers crossed. Thanks again. Bye bye. Bye bye.
All right. All right, guys. So I’m giving you the information. We still have one guy that we haven’t heard from on his bank appointment yet.
So he may actually be getting paid out. Other bankers said they couldn’t pay out anybody else until it actually went live. But they have appointments scheduled for tomorrow morning. So one way or the other, hopefully this is our last night being broke for being with no rv.
Hopefully. That was G man’s last time having to say that still. Or404 have to say 10 days from today, hopefully TNP dinar is over and we can move on to the next thing. Because that’s what I’m ready to do.
So don’t hold your breath. Let’s see what the night brings us. Let’s see what Iraq announces after their two hours is up, which should be 6:00 Eastern. That don’t mean they have to announce it at 6:00 Eastern.
They can wish it was, you know, five hours after that, eight in the morning, whenever they choose to do it. So we’ll see. All right, but we’re here. All you need to know is when I get notified, which will be before you get notified.
I’m definitely going to change the bathroom and the options to become a TNT member before I put it out. So I can just put it out to you guys and all those other gurus and their followers and people who’ve been sucking us dry. We’ll never opportunity to get in then you will. I’m gonna leave it there for 72 hours like I said.
So. All right. With that, I want you to do what I’m gonna do. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Be super fantastic while you’re doing it and share the super fantastic. All right, ready? Okay, ladies and gents, that’s going to do it for this marvelous er Monday. Let’s see what happens between now and the next few hours.
Keep believing. We sure do. This keeps me going on those days when I feel like giving up fire I believe the storm will soon be over I believe the rain will go away I believe that I can can make it through it oh, I believe it’s already done I want you to already see yourself out of the storm the clouds will move. It’s time for you to smile again.
Come on. Sh. I. I believe my family will get better.
I believe God will provide. I believe the promise that he made. Oh, I believe it’s already done. The blessing is yours.
God’s already pre approved you for it. Come on, Saardi. I believe that my God is a healer. Yes, he is.
And I believe that I will survive. Oh, I believe that the word tells us that if any two of us shall agree on anything on earth, that God will do it for us in heaven. And I know sometimes life hath a way of knocking you down. Down to the point where you can’t even pray for yourself.
But today I want to agree with you that it’s getting ready to get better. And right now we are giving you a problem. An expiration date. And we’re saying it’s over.
That you’ve been crying long enough. That you’ve been worried long enough. That you’ve been struggling long enough. And I believe that God’s gonna do it for you.
I believe for it. I’m going to do it. Yes, he will do it. Up.
Do you believe it? Why you take it up. I believe God’s going to fix it. Yes, you is.
I believe if nobody wants to help you. God. God will fix it. God will fix it.
Yes, he will. If you just believe. Just believe. We got to get better.
I know you’ve been crying at night, but I came by to let you know that it’s going to get better. To the parents. Go in the room and ground your children. Put your own arms around them and let them know it’s going to get better.
Trust in him. Hang on in there. God told me to tell you it’s going to get better. God’s going to do it.
You can’t handle. You can’t. You got to give it to Jesus. Going to work out for you good.
Tell somebody. Oh, you got to believe. You need to call somebody right now and tell them God you’re doing. If you don’t remember anything else, remember this.
Your storm is over. I believe your rain is gone away. Clouds have moved. I believe you make through it.
Oh, I believe it’s already done. I’m excited about your future. In that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap. Enjoy your marvelous herb.
Monday we are out of here.