Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel (Uncut) Tuesday. January 07, 2025
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It’s Tuesday, January 7th, and you’re listening to the Big Call. Welcome everybody all around the globe, wherever you’re located. We’re glad you joined us.
We’re going to have a good call tonight and looking forward to it. I’ve got some pretty good intel to give you guys but before we get into that, would like to go ahead and pray the call in like we do every Tuesday and Thursday night. So let’s pray the call in and then we’ll go to Sue’s teaching that she’s found for us tonight. Always looking forward to that, as does Bob.
And we’ll just pray. You know, guys, I want to pray in a request now that is Fairly recent since 10:30 Pacific Time. This morning we heard that there are major fires in Southern California in the Palisades area. I think they call it Pacific Palisades, but they’re referring to it as Palisades.
And these are hurricane force type winds, Santa Ana winds that are fueling this fire. So let’s just pray right now. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for the opportunity that we have to speak to so many people on this platform we call the Big Call. We pray for the people that are evacuating homes in the Palisades area of Southern California tonight as a result of a fire that started at 10:30 this morning and is being fanned by Santa Ana winds.
Lord God, we just pray for Cal fire and for anyone that is helping to do what they can do to try to put this fire out. It’s going from there all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Lord God, we just pray that people’s lives would be saved and that as many people as can leave the area can take with them whatever valuables they have. And you know that could mean currency too.
So Lord God, we just pray for the safety of those people and the safety of the firefighters, helicopter pilots, et cetera. We just ask that we would have a good call tonight and keep in mind the weather systems that are across the country and even the fact that Dallas, north of Dallas, all the way to Little Rock, Arkansas is looking at 5 to 8 inches of snow Thursday and so are other areas that don’t normally get this snow this far south. The Lord God protect our homes, protect the power lines from falling, electricity going out, etc. Etc.
On Thursday, which could be a very important day for us. In Jesus name, amen and Amen 2. Has Hushmail come back up? Over.
I’m not gonna look right now because I got the teaching Pulled up.
Okay. Afterwards, let me know.
Okay. We’re gonna have a good teaching now. Sue, tell us what it is you’d like to bring to us tonight.
Well, at first, I just want to say a warm, good to be back together, family to everyone. And this is a very beautiful teaching as we leave the age of scarcity, nobilizing poverty, and we move from running out to running over. And I’d like to dedicate this to. To dedicate this to a woman that’s in the pod, Bobby, because she’s grown so much being in the pod, and of course, above all else, to everything that matters.
Everything that matters, from running out to running over. There was a widow in the Old Testament whose husband had died. Now she was living alone with her son. They got along fine for a while, but then a drought came.
Their crops dried up and their income went down. She used the funds her husband had left, and now those funds had run out. It was a perfect storm. She had no income, no savings, and finally, no food.
Everything came to an end, and she was preparing for their last meal. She and her son were going to eat it. And they had already accepted the fact that this would be it. When the prophet Elijah saw her picking up sticks to make a fire, he said, do me a favor.
I’m hungry, so will you make me something to eat? I’m sure she thought, you have to be kidding. She said, elijah, I promise you that all I have is a little flour and a little oil. We’ve exhausted all our resources, and I only have enough for me and my son.
Once I cook this, we’re done. Elijah asked her to do something that seemed selfish. He said, go ahead and make that last meal, but first make me a little loaf of bread. I don’t want to tell you the thoughts coming up that’s coming up in my mind now.
It’s pretty funny.
A little cake.
Make me a little cake. No, that’s not it. She could have immediately thought, we’re about to starve to death and you want me to feed you before I feed myself and my son. I’m not going to do that.
But then Elijah continued. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, there will always be plenty of flour and plenty of oil in your cabinets until the time of the Lord sends rain and the crops begin to produce again. This widow took a step of faith and did as Elijah told her. And from that day forward, week after week, month after month, for three and a half years, the oil never ran out and the flour container was never Empty.
She had supernatural provision. She went from running out to running over. The running out is a sign that running over is coming. You may feel as though you’re running out of strength today, that you’re weary from everything that’s going on.
Get ready for running over. Strength is coming. It’s a strength that you’ve never felt. Energy like you’ve never seen.
Perhaps you’re running out of resources and your business has slowed down. Get ready. You’re running over resources or headed your way. If you’re running out of favor, not getting any good breaks, and stuck in your career because you honor God, running over favor is coming.
Running over blessing, running over opportunities. If you’re pining, wanting, almost giving up hope on finding the one true heart you’re meant to be with, know that you will recognize that one true heart when it appears, because God has ordained it. That means you have so many opportunities that you can’t take them all. You’ll have to choose which ones you want.
Elijah said, make me a loaf of bread first. God is saying, keep me first place in your life. When you wake up in the morning, don’t meet with anyone until you first meet with God. Take time to thank him for the day, to thank him for who he is, to thank God that is the giver of all good things.
Thank God as your protector, your provider, your healer, your waymaker. All through the day, under your breath, you can talk to God and say, thank you for watching over my children. Help me to be my best at work today. Help me to love, to love myself and for giving me wisdom.
The scripture says, if you acknowledge God in all your ways, God will crown your efforts with success. Every time God asks you to do a hard thing, that means there’s a big blessing coming. There was a sacrifice for the widow to first make Elijah a meal. It took trust, it took courage, and it took faith.
It wasn’t easy for the workers to fill the water pots with water. Thoughts were telling them you’re wasting your time. They had to fight off the doubts, fight off negative thoughts. But when you choose to listen to God, when you do the right thing, as is guided by your holy Spirit inside of you, when it’s hard, you’re setting yourself up for God to show out in your life, to see supernatural favor, supernatural healing, supernatural provision, and most importantly, supernatural love.
That’s our teaching for tonight.
Thank you, Sue. Yeah, it did seem a little bit presumptuous for Elijah to ask the widow woman to make him a small cake with some of. With some of the leftover, the flour that she had left and the little bit of oil that she had, because she had intended, like you said, to have that one last meal with her son and then they would both die. And she said that.
She spoke that and then we will die.
Wasn’t exactly respectful.
Yeah, no, yeah. And it was like. Right. It was like.
It was presumptuous. But I didn’t. I don’t know still whether this widow woman knew, and I hate to call her that, but this lady knew that Elijah was Elijah the prophet or not. I’m going to say maybe she did.
And once she knew that, she knew Elijah had a track record that was really good, and he was a real bona fide prophet of God. But obviously he did what God had told him to do, to ask for help from this woman who was picking up sticks to build a fire for their last meal. And I think it took a lot of faith on the part of the widow to. To listen and heed the word of the Lord that came through Elijah.
And, you know, sometimes things don’t quite seem logical to us or seem, you know, like. Well, that doesn’t make sense. This doesn’t make sense. I mean, how many times have we said things on the call that don’t quite make sense, but yet we know they’re real and they’re true.
You know, this is what Elijah spoke. And sure enough, she obeyed God, Elijah obeyed God. And they both had the faith to believe that the woman would have more than enough oil to last for three and a half years and flour in her cupboard to last long enough until the rains came three and a half years later. God’s provision was there.
They just had to believe for it. And God’s provision is there for us, too. We just have to believe for it. We believe in the God of more than enough, and we believe in this running over instead of running out.
And I think it was a really good teaching. It’s just a wonderful, wonderful lesson. And I really feel like if we can look at our situation in a similar way, maybe we’re running low on resources, maybe we’re running out. But we know that if we trust and believe in the God of more than enough, that every good and perfect gift that comes down from above comes from God.
This blessing is a blessing of God to all of us were called to it. And we’re all that are listening on the big call part of what I call big call universe, that’s hearing my voice and Sue’s voice and Bob’s voice. We’re all blessed. We’re all blessed and part of a group that will benefit from this blessing.
And I want us all to remember that, and I want us all to keep the faith for this, keep speaking positively for it, because it’s closer than we even know right now. Right now. And so I can’t wait to get into my intel tonight. But until that time, sue, thank you very much for that.
That’s a really good teaching. And I’m going to turn it over to Bob and get your viewpoint, Bob, and what, what you are able to glean from this teaching tonight.
Thank you, Bruce, and thank you, Sue. That was a really wonderful teaching and really great, you know, show of faith, which is to me, what it comes down to at the end. And when people, you know, are running down just before they’re about to run over, you know, it can be over the course of time, it can, you know, be something that starts a year ago, and month by month things run down, and by the week and eventually by the day and perhaps even an hour and a minute. And I think sometimes I’ve seen, as things got closer, each minute became more important for prayers.
And I’ve seen this in visiting people in hospice, you know, going back many, many years into the early 1980s. And I’ve seen people make miraculous recovery coming right down to the last minute. And I’ve been present with people that were in a place that everyone thought was their last day or their last hour, and I’ve seen them make recoveries. And a gentleman who we knew for many years recently passed away maybe about a month ago.
But when I first met him, he had his doctors had told him he might have only two days to live. And that was 17 years ago. And he lived another 17 years through the power of his faith and the power of his wife’s faith. And I remember being at their house, having asked to go to visit them.
I watched as minute by minute, their faith grew as we all talked. And with each prayer and each praise, things began to change. And, you know, he was. He was at the point where he’s just giving praise and gratitude and thanks for the small amount of nourishment that was in his.
And then began praising the sun and the rain and the trees and plants outside his house. And together we asked for guidance. And he discovered that with each second, he could be in prayer and then he could act, he could take action. And he began to see that the next step would always be shown to him and that he could pray and follow and then pray and act.
And he could act and then give thanks and pray again. And soon he saw the way would always be shown to him with every prayer that happened in just a few seconds. And he found that, you know, when his faith reigns, that the rains themselves would nourish the earth and nourish him. We were sad to.
To learn of his passing a month ago, but we even much, much more so we could see the glory and the light and his entrance into heaven as this really, really glorious event. To have such a strong. A man with such strong faith ascend and. And to go to a place where he could bring such a powerful light and such a powerful demonstration of faith to the next realm and grace the next realm and who knows what else from.
Thank you, Bob. I think that’s a wonderful, beautiful testimony, Bob. I love that. And it’s real life, real people, and it’s real faith.
And I thought that was wonderful. I appreciate that. That’s very meaningful, I think, to all of us. Thank you for being there at the right place at the right time with two days to go.
And you helped extend this man’s life for himself and his wife for another 17 years. Fantastic. Really beautiful testimony, Sue. Thank you for this teaching.
It was really, really good. I mean, it’s a teaching I’ve heard before and it’s really something that it has meaning to me. I just love the fact that you brought it out so beautifully. How would you compare this to real life for you?
Very good, very good. I may be a little bit. Well, I think I’m going to be a little disruptive and a little bit unitive at the same time. I love what both of you said and I love.
As Bob was speaking, it was reminding me of a friend of the Big Call. And you were speaking to him the other night. Bruce and Bob had helped this friend too. Before I go into that story, another friend of the big call, Mr.
Henry, had sent me a video of the strength. Now really take this in, everybody. The strength of the people that did not take the vaccine, that they were the strongest people on Earth. Here’s where I’m going to get disruptive and then I’ll go back to our friend.
To me, this story was a very interesting story, especially when you parallel it to what Bob was saying and the story of our friend Mr. B. I think the transition we’re in right now, it was kind of pointing to pay attention to somebody outside of you telling you what to do. If I could rewrite that, I would say, Elijah says, do you think that God and what God said about abundance and about there being enough would be appropriate here.
So it pointed to the woman being able to go inside of herself and access what she knew about God’s love with her faith. That’s what Bob’s friend did. That’s what our friend who was told he was in the hospital, he was surrounded with people like Bob, like me. And they said, you’re not going to make it, you can’t leave here, you’re going to be sick, and this and that forever.
And I think this is a very, very. I have to say it, I’m sorry to be disruptive, but this is a very, very powerful time to take scripture inside you and to let it run through your Holy Spirit knowing. I mean, it’s really important to put that out instead of just, you know, somebody’s the expert, somebody’s the somebody, trust what you’re getting inside. Very important.
Because the world is about to go through such, such a revision and a recalling of their power with the Holy Spirit inside of them versus handing it over, handing it over to some expert, including me, including anybody. You can listen, you can absorb, you can take this all in. But ultimately this is going to be a time when the knowing is returned to you. Christ is returned to you.
And to trust that, that return and that living faith, just like what Bob’s friend went through, our friend is made the decision not to go with the typical medical advice, not to do this. And he finally had a doctor that said, there’s nothing wrong with you, he did all the research, he did all this stuff. But you have to be able to trust and go at your own pace. Not everybody’s as developed with their inner wisdom.
But the point is, please use the running over piece of this teaching that your wisdom, your light, your guidance, Christ in you is running over. And look for the people that will say to you, go inside of yourself, what do you, what are you hearing that you’re being directed to do? As well as. I’ll give you what I can see from my perspective, but ultimately, and that’s what happened in this story.
But I think it’s important to underline that because for so long people have given their power to entities, authorities, people, systems that may not have had their best interest. They may not even have been conscious of that. They may not have been conscious of it. They may have been just doing.
This is what we all do. This is what we’re being told to do. So it’s a very, very important thing to hone and return that knowing. Like Bob’s Friend did.
And be surrounded with people that are going to pray up, get your prayer up, get all your light inside so you can really discern that difference. And I just want to celebrate that our Mr. B is happy and well, and we all celebrate his being with us to this day. So I saw it myself in action when it’s trusting God and your inner authority to heal.
So that’s what I wanted to say.
Okay, sue, thank you for that. Yeah. It’s important. It’s important to use discernment and use our.
The power of our ability to bear witness to that of the Holy Spirit. Our own spirit. Right to the Holy Spirit.
Right. If it’s power to do that.
Yeah. You’re hearing is true.
What I’m saying is, you know, that’s important for us all to use our discernment and use our own power of our own spirit to bear witness to that of the Holy Spirit. And we do. We do. That’s good.
Thank you for that teaching.
You’re welcome.
Good to hear about B. I know who that is, of course. So I want to give said wow.
Just said wow.
I don’t know who said wow.
Mr. B.
Before we get into prayer and praise reports, I wanted. I’m sorry, you talking. Sue?
Yeah. We’re not going to have prayer and praise and prayer. Unfortunately, you don’t.
We don’t have the. It’s not coming up.
Okay. Well, I want to give a shout out before. We don’t do prayer and praise requests, which is sad, but we don’t have it. Shout out to Mike and Diane and I’m going to thank them in advance for a sugar free pumpkin pie which they intend to bake for me.
That’s the little cake in this case a pie, pumpkin pie that I’m looking forward to from Diane. So thank you very much for that. In advance of its arrival, they made me one before and it was sugar free and it was just delicious. I know that they’re planning on doing that again, so thank you.
Sue. I don’t know what to say about. Your Hushmail is not up, but.
Well, let’s see. We cannot pretend to be Jeannie with everything that she brings or try to do that or Pastor Scott. But let’s just remember Pastor Scott in his. In his struggle to come out of pt, I believe he’s still in PT physical therapy for his many strokes.
The last two came fairly recently. And you know, we. Sue, you prayed that last Tuesday that that would be the end of that we wouldn’t have any more And I’m believing I’m standing with you in faith for that. That whole scenario with these strokes is over and gone.
And you know, I think what we have to pray for, if we’re going to have prayer requests and praise reports, we’ve got to continue to pray for those in Southern California. Like I mentioned in the opening prayer for the I’m going to call them wildfires that are fanned by the Santa Ana winds that are blowing across that range of mountains down and it started at 10:30 this morning Pacific time and it’s still going, going strong and we want those to be put out. We need some of this snow that’s over here in the Midwest to go over to Southern California and put these fires out. And maybe the guys that are running HARP can steer some of this and get some rain or get some snow or something to help squash those fires.
Because the winds are so strong it’s hard to take helicopters and even dump fire retardants and water and so on onto those fires. The winds are 70 mile an hour winds or so or plus that crazy. When it comes to Texas, you don’t think of Texas as getting much snow very often and they don’t. But they are.
Looks like Thursday they’re looking at 5 to 8 inches of snow north of Dallas or Dallas to the north of Dallas all the way to Little Rock, Arkansas. And the funny thing is here we’re only looking to 1 to 3 inches where I am north of them in the Tulsa area. So, you know, we’ll see what happens. And the whole thing is going to be determined by the jet stream and what the jet does.
And then you’ve got people in the D.C. area that that picked up 7 inches of snow and what that looks like. We’re just going to believe and pray that electricity is not knocked out, that power lines can stay up and that tree limbs don’t fall and that everybody is safe and that we can go forward with our exchanges when the numbers come out and we can set our appointments. Sue, if you have anything that you can think of in the way of praise report or prayer request, we’ll entertain that.
If you have anything.
I don’t because I haven’t been able to get into it.
All right, well that’s fine if you can get in and it’s a little bit later in the call, that’s all right if you can get it. Otherwise we’re going to just move on and let you talk about your segment, let you see what it is that we are talking about. Offering. And if you have to change anything or move anything, please let us know.
Thank you, Bruce. And you know, it’s interesting because I think I need to frame this, especially in the new year 2025, what this segment of the Call is about. And I’m going to use this as a theme for maybe 90 days. And I know we’re not going to be here for 90 more days.
Please, if you have a pen, write this down. 2025 is the year of mastery over memory, choosing mastery over habits, choosing mastery over the past, choosing and designing what you’re going to do to move out of poverty in a poverty mindset and into an abundance mindset. So what we do, what I’ve been doing for almost 34 years in February is working to the renewing of the mind or metanoia. And it’s a very, very exciting time.
And I’m going to be talking about quantum neuroscience. Quantum neuroscience is where physics and biology and neuroscience are coming together and are influencing things in the world like AI and how we learn. And it shows that our connection to all of life, to each other, to our bodies, to distant star systems are all connected. And so 2025 is the year that everybody that’s listening to this segment in particular is preparing to step into a world where they co create with God and shape possibilities with their family, with their teams, with their leaders.
So I’ll be talking about a class and this class that is going to move its time, tell you about that. The key for you to write down on this day, what day is it? Tuesday, June 7th.
January 7th.
Yeah. Tuesday, January 7th. J How am I going to step into the abundance I am in Christ? There’s no poverty.
There’s no poverty in your thinking. There’s no poverty of time. All of these are the old constructs that you came into a world that was designed to narrow your attention, narrow your focus, keep you in stress, keep you locked into a linear. The past is here, the present is here, the future is there.
Very, very restricted awareness of your capacities. And we have two ways of helping you step out of that. Number one is the Medbed 100 class classes and you can get those recordings. And I do remember what this one woman said that I was going to read as a testimonial.
She said, I want to thank you so very much, sue, for this. These classes were amazing. And I was particularly enthralled. And this is Here comes Animal Lovers.
I was particularly enthralled by the people on the call hearing about practicing animal communication and animal telepathy and you know who you are. J and K and B. She was so excited because she’s already doing that. And she said, I was beside myself to hear that that was a skill.
So everybody that’s out there and is listening to this right now, think about who you would be and how you could serve this planet if you were aware of your subtle skills like telepathy. And you could be communicating with the trees, with the plants, with the. You already are. But if that was an enhanced skill.
We have 65 scientific, organic skills in this kit that you can select from to augment your ability to provide the new flourishing, the new regenerative world that we all need to see. Very, very important, very, very powerful list of 65. Two meditations. The two classes.
It’s an amazing kit for $100. That’s one thing we’re doing. The next thing, the class that we said we were going to do this Thursday and Friday, the 9th and the 10th, we’re going to move to Monday and Tuesday. That’s Monday and Tuesday.
I’m going to be sending this out to the people that are in, you know, our regulars in this group. This 13th and the 14th, we’re going to be moving it to the 13th and the 14th. And here’s what this is about. It’s quantum leadership.
Future founders. I’ll tell you how to write if you want to join us, but I want you to think about this. Imagine stepping in to a leadership framework where your mind isn’t operating in scarcity or survival, but you’re in divine coherence, where your clarity, your creativity and your decisiveness are aligned with God’s creation. Quantum neuroscience is basically about intentional creation of your awareness.
And one of the spaces we’re going to explore is the boundary space. What is the boundary? How are you going to operate in a world that is fluctuating so much? And how you can create the ideal spaciousness, the ideal alignment within yourself, so that you expand beyond the limits that have defined you and you can lead into brand new spaces.
So instead of grinding through tasks, you’re going to learn as a founder, what are the things that I’m going to drop? What are the things that I’m going to focus on? What is the grid? Who am I going to be so that I have the space to notice what’s unfolding and can lead the people that are helping me develop my teams, hire my teams, etc.
How do I get into the biggest space in a grounded way? As a leader, as a founder of the future, do you see the difference in the purpose, the intention, the alignment and the kinds of things you might be focusing on and how you need to be coached on where to put your attention? Very, very profound difference. Very needed to be structured so you don’t get locked in left brain linear.
You’re going to need to kind of get into your gifted genius mode. And that’s what we’re going to do in these two classes. So the first class is going to talk about tripling your boundaries. So you have the space, the support and the insight to see what most people can’t see because they’re so contracted in the busyness and the to doness and the way they’ve been limited and restricted and focused on Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.
Noise, noise, noise, noise, noise. This is going to take you out of that so that you have clear Christ leadership. So if you want to join us, all you have to do is send. This is for.
You can send it for the Medved 100. We’re still doing the Golden Wisdom Bundle 300, which is what you should do over the next year. And this particular class for the 13th and 14th, that’s Monday and Tuesday. Quantum leadership.
Founders of the future. So just put Founders of the Future, that’s a $100 class, all of them. Send an email to and just put your name that you will invoice and your telephone number and that’s it. It’s really simple.
They have keep me in orbit off. If you don’t know how to work PayPal invoice, all you have to do is call PayPal and they will do customer service. Because of what handling volume, we can’t be like processing long emails. We can’t be calling you out and walking through it.
There’s two people handling a lot of people. Please, super easy. What you get out of this is value that you can’t even express because you stepping into your future self and you’re getting the latest science and wisdom in Christ so that you can see, you can see what’s coming and you can be aligned with the quantum future. So that’s my segment for tonight, Bruce and I just want to thank everybody for being here to absorb it, hopefully.
Thank you, sue, appreciate that very much. And I’ll recap that when I get into my intel segment a little bit. Well, that sounds great. All right, classes moved.
And that starts at 7:25pm on the 13th and 14th of this month, which is Monday and Tuesday night. And sue, make sure you pay attention to the Emails that are going to be coming in for this, people that want the class, people that want the Golden Bundle 300 and some of them wrap the Golden Bundle 300 with the what I call the bed. Bed pop ups.
Just love that pop up part.
I do. I like that. That’s one kind of pop up we like. So make that decision.
But I know a lot of people are going to want to get in on that class should it occur. Exactly. Let’s see what happens with it. Thank you, sue, again.
All right, let’s go. Bob, we’re in the new year. It’s the 7th of January. Has the sale run out yet?
And if not, is there anything else we should be looking for in the way of products, information? Obviously we’re looking for testimonials if there are any new ones that have come in. We love those. And anything else that’s on your mind tonight, Bob.
Thank you, Bruce. So, yes, actually our sale is still going on and it’s still the best sale that we do. There’s many, many different products that are on sale 25% off. And the reason we’re continuing it is we know that this week is the second week of the month and quite a large number of people that receive pensions and Social Security receive their payments on Wednesday, which is, you know, the second Wednesday is a big time for people to get their checks.
But nowadays people are getting them earlier and they’re actually referring to it as early payment. And so we wanted to keep the sale going until people that get paid on Wednesday can take advantage of it. So the sale will end tomorrow, probably at 5:00 tomorrow night. And some people that are listening can know that as their checks are deposited and hit their accounts tomorrow, that they can still take advantage of the sale.
So we have, you know, our Boomer Boost and Barley, our Total Health Systems, our Goodnight formula are all on sale at 25% off. And a lot of people are putting these products onto their auto ship program and saving the extra 10%. On top of that, they also get free shipping and up through tomorrow. Also, people can get a free shaker bottle when they put one of their products onto the subscription program.
Okay, so that is still going on. And we do have a couple testimonials, Bruce.
All right.
And this is one that came in about our digestive enzymes, which are really quite amazing. I was just talking to somebody today about these enzymes and this testimonial says I truly like the digestive enzymes. It has solved a major problem I was having with my digestion working with everyone at Boomer’s has been an awesome experience. So friendly and knowledgeable.
And we got a testimonial about our dynamic combo, which is one of the things that’s on sale right now. That’s the barley and Boomer boost together. And this man sent to send a picture of himself out in the wilderness next to this beautiful river. And he said, I realized the dynamic combo greatly impacts my daily life.
I don’t require so much food during the day and I’m actually healthier because of it. It greatly reduces my bloating and my skin looks so much better. Even if I miss a day during the week, I don’t miss a beat. And I can tell the difference immediately.
The barley helps me keep some muscle as I age. Thanks so much. That was an interesting testimonial, Bruce, because we haven’t talked about this in a long time. When people tend to find themselves in a situation where they’re overweight or obese, quite often it’s because they’re malnourished.
They’re eating food that doesn’t have much nutrition. And so their body craves more food because it wants more nutrients. And so what we’ve, what we have found over the last 14 years is when people get well nourished by taking the dynamic combo and having more boost than barley, they eat a lot less food. And it’s because their body is well nourished for the first time in their life.
A lot of people grow up as children eating junk food and it carries over into college and, you know, early adult life and they end up with adult onset diseases at a young age. But even late in life, if people start eating really good food and getting really good nutritional supplements, their whole body change, their energy can change. And in many cases, Bruce, people will eat about a third less food. And it saves them more than enough money on their food bill to pay for their nutritional supplements.
And it’s a win win. They actually save money and get a lot healthier.
Yeah, that’s right.
And this testimonial came in. This woman says, I’m 70 years old and the Miotrol has helped reduce the stress on my muscles. It gives me more energy, I’m less tired during my busy days. Am now on the auto ship program and I hopefully won’t run out.
And we’ve talked about this before, Bruce. It’s like some people hesitate wanting to sign up for a subscribe and save offer. Oh no, this. They’re going to take money out of my account every month and going to have 16 extra bottles of stuff and I’ll be able to get my money back and it’s going to be a nightmare.
And actually the opposite is true. When people get products that really work, like the dynamic combo, like Myotrol, like the digestive enzymes, they don’t want to not be on the subscribe and save program. They don’t want to accidentally run out because they forgot and they’re like, oh goodness, I’ve only got one digestive enzyme left. And yeah, I’m leaving on vacation for two weeks and what am I going to do?
Right? And so that’s, that’s why you want to do that. Not to mention you’re going to save 10% and get free shipping. You know, even if you’re up in Canada, if you’re on the subscription program, we’ll ship it to you for free.
Yeah, there you go.
Good. And that, that’s it. We got a bunch of other testimonials, Bruce, but we don’t have time for all of them tonight. And so I’ll just leave it there and look forward to, you know, finishing out the sale tomorrow, making sure everybody that wants to take advantage of it gets a chance and.
Okay, that’s it for tonight and.
It’s exactly 10:00.
Thank you, Bob, I appreciate that. Thanks for the time hack too. And yeah, that’s, that’s really important. So Canada, if you’re listening, which I know you are, oh, Canada, I don’t know if you’re going to become our 51st state or not, but we welcome the alliance with Canada.
We welcome the. Even if Canada becomes a protectorate of the United States. And President Trump was talking about that today, Bob, in his hour and six minute speech with press conference for some questions following. Quite good.
He’s very serious and I’m glad for Canada that Trudeau resigned and is gone or is going. Well, he’s already gone, but that’s really good news. I think we have a great relationship with Canada and it’s going to be even better. I really do believe that.
Whatever status it takes, you know. So I’m excited about that, you know, to get in touch and I’m just saying that’s great that we can ship to Canada for free. So I think maybe some of the Canadians might not have realized that. Well, that sure makes it much more affordable.
And you can take advantage of the sale all the way through 5:00 Eastern Standard Time tomorrow when it’ll shut down, but take advantage of it because there’s some great products on Sale dynamic combo. One of my favorites is Myotrol. Excellent new product for us. And the other is Goodnight Formula.
You guys up there having any trouble sleeping, make sure you try the Goodnight formula. It works really, really well. And yeah. So I think what else I wanted to say about Canada.
Well, I know Canada is used to a lot of snow and the Coca Cola, the Coke and all of that, the France Canadian highway and all those stuff, I watch all that. So I got to stay in touch with, with my friends to the north. So. And of course, I love skiing in Banff, Lake Louise area of Alberta.
And man, it’s just great, great good powder skiing over there. And then of course, as you go further west, you have Whistler and Blackcomb, and those are very famous mountains as well for skiing. If the weather is good and it’s not too warm at the base, it’s really good. It’s got to make sure your temps are cold enough so you don’t turn soft at the base of the mountains over there.
But anyway, Bob, the way to get to your website is to go to and when you get on my site, you’ll see on the landing page, you’ll see a banner at the top that says Boomers. It’s a direct link to Bob’s website, so just click on it. Boom takes you right into Bob’s website. You can look through the product lineup.
You can see which products are on sale. You can go to the footer of the page and see all kinds of podcasts and archived YouTube broadcasts. Just a lot of good information. And at some point, you can see the testimonials that Bob is reading from.
Probably see some of the pictures, too, that people send in. That’s kind of fun. But that’s what you need to know about how to get to the website. The phone number, if you want to dial it, is 8008-6146-0980-0861-4609.
And that’s good. Nine to five, Monday through Friday, Eastern standard time. So be sure to get in touch if you have any questions. You have a question about the circulation mat, you want information about that, ask them to send you some information about the circulation mat when you call in.
Okay? So take that and run with it. Now. Let’s.
First of all, thank you, Bob, for that. It was great. I love that. And, you know, I’m just thrilled that people are sending in so many testimonials about, you know, about Boomer Boost and Barley, about Myotrol, a lot of these premium probiotics, the digestive enzymes, all of that to make your digestion go well and smooth and no hiccups on it.
It’s great, guys. Do what you can do when it comes to that. Take advantage of the 25% off sale and if you want to put it on auto ship or the subscribe and save, you pick up another 10%, get your free shipping and also pick up a free shaker bottle only good through tomorrow at 5:00 Eastern Standard Time. All right, let’s cut into intel and let’s see what we have to talk about tonight.
What’s very interesting to me is that we are hearing, we heard from Iraq yesterday that President Trump had spoken with President Sudani of Iraq and told him that he has the green light to let this thing go, to let it go and to make a rate change, which we actually expect tomorrow, a rate change in the dinar. Now let’s cut to the banks and redemption centers for a moment. Banks today are getting rates on their screens that are fluctuating. That means they’re trading, they’re moving up and down, whatever is going on with those currencies in trading.
The redemption centers today, however, are not seeing rates on the screen. And that’s okay because the rates that are going to show up. And it should be tomorrow, should be tomorrow are going to reflect new values, higher values. And I believe the Iraqi dinar is one that will show a higher than what was on the screens the last couple of days.
I love that President Trump gave President Suidani of Iraq the green light to go ahead and RV. Now, we’ve heard it has RVed 1, 2, 3, 4 times or whatever already. And maybe it did, but this is a way that Iraq is going to put out their rate internationally and so that we can see it too here in the United States. Sometimes we’re blocked on it.
Now the other thing is when it comes to the Forex, the Forex rates affect the bank screens. The bank rates on the screens, the redemption center screens are not coming off of the Forex. They’re being, I don’t want to use the term manipulated, but they are being controlled by other aspects. And I think that’s really going to be good, really good.
So what we’re hearing from several sources today was that we will have tomorrow will be a day of releases, which I believe we’re talking about financial releases to the banks globally. And I’ll come back and finish that statement in a minute. But what’s been happening since early this Morning like o dark 30 early this morning is that all of the banks and redemption centers around the globe have been pinging back and forth through the Starlink satellite system, which is directly connected to the Quantum Financial system. So Starlink QFs and this is happening and should be happening until possibly as late as 4am tomorrow morning.
Now it’s supposed to be complete by around 10 o’clock tonight, which is just past that now Eastern time. But I think really it could be done now or it could be done early morning tomorrow morning. And I’ll continue my statement before about what is happening beyond that, those pinging things that are happening. Why do we need that?
This is the first time every bank and redemption center have been interconnected on the Starlink system, okay? And that’s how it’s all going to fly. So it’s really good that that’s happening now. And that should be the last thing that we have happen in the way of readiness prior to us getting notified.
Now I said we were supposed to be getting releases tomorrow. That’s referring to finances going to the banks to wherever that needs to go around the globe tomorrow. And we may get our notifications either tomorrow or Thursday. It looks like we could get them tomorrow and start exchanges on Thursday.
It’s possible we could get them if we get our numbers early enough tomorrow that we could exchange tomorrow afternoon. But right now my guess is based on the information so far today and tonight, as late as 8:00 Eastern tonight, the information is pointing toward us getting notified tomorrow or I don’t like the or or Thursday and exchanging on Thursday. And I know you’re thinking Charlie Ward’s Thursday. That’s true.
But realize this, Tomorrow is Wednesday, January 8th and the 8th, remember, is a key number for China and the Chinese elders. I think they would like to have us notified, at least notified, if not start our exchanges on tomorrow, the 8th of January. So that is really where we are right now. Now we always wonder what about our RNR and our Social Security and all of that stuff and Nesara?
Well, it’s like Bob mentioned, Tomorrow is the second Wednesday of the month. We had one on the 1st and then we’ve got one tomorrow on the 8th. And I do not know whether we’re going to see an increase in Social Security tomorrow. According to our Social Security source, we’re supposed to have it this month of January, but we don’t necessarily get the increase on the first, second, third or fourth Wednesday of the month.
So we’ll see what happens on that. RNR is supposed to occur this month. I don’t know for sure when it’s going to occur and whether we’re going to see it at the Redemption center. Like we’ve heard before, that may have changed.
So we’ll have to stay tuned and see what happens on that. But as far as everything else is concerned, we are moving through. President Trump made a wonderful speech today with some questions from the press for about an hour and six minutes. And he talked about, you know, Canada, he talked about Greenland, he talked about the Panama Canal and maybe getting it back and getting it out of the hands of China.
That’s got two ports on either side of the Panama Canal. And the fact that we’re paying way more than anyone else is for our US Ships and our navy, we’re just being screwed on that and it’s not something that we should continue. And President Trump is very aware of it and he is going to absolutely come in with an agenda and with a very strong number of new policies and changed policies and straightened out policies starting on the 20th. Is it possible he returns before then?
I’ve heard about that. I’ve heard it’s possible he could come back before you know it. He hasn’t so far. But you know, he’s influencing even right now as president elect, he’s influencing leaders around the globe.
They’re very happy that he’s back, that he’s coming back for at least four years. And I’m excited about that too. So we’ll see what develops about that. But we are in a very good place right now.
I would hope that we get notified tomorrow and whether we start exchanges Wednesday afternoon or Thursday, Thursday is looking very good right now. I’m saying that to you guys. Like I get this information, I go through it, I vet it and we just do the best we can to bring you what I’m hearing. That’s what I’m hearing.
So we’ll see where this goes. Also, this is a great time to get in touch with sue and her email is not working right now, but it will probably soon it will come back up. for several things. One, if you would like the Golden Wisdom Bundle, which we call the Golden Bundle 300 and a lot of people are taking that and pairing that with the medbed bundle.
They’re pairing it. So you’ve got 300 for the golden Wisdom Bundle or the so called Golden Bundle 300. And if you want to add the Medbed 100, of course that’s $400 total payable through PayPal. Now, you don’t have to have a PayPal account.
You can just take an invoice that that sue will generate from PayPal and send that down to you by email that you can use a credit card and pay for it that way on a PayPal invoice. That’s how it works. If you have a PayPal account and you’ve got money in it, you can go ahead and use that pay that way. The other thing is, sue has a class that’s been moved to Monday and Tuesday, the 13th and 14th of January, 7:25pm and the new class will be $100 for both nights, Monday and Tuesday night.
Now that is contingent upon whether or not we have numbers prior to Monday. And we’ll see what happens on that. So make sure you let her know that if you have an interest in that class to center any.
Quantum future.
Yes, Quantum future. Okay, Quantum. Thank you, Sue. Quantum future.
And then let her know that you have interest in that and that I’m in for Quantum future. I’m in. Yep. I love to hear I’m in.
So that’s very important. Thank you, sue, for chiming in. Hopefully your email is back up soon, if not already.
Not yet, but it will be. Usually it’s just a few hours.
It’ll come back. Okay. The other thing is this. I wanted to get into this briefly about the med beds because we did talk about the med bed one hundreds.
People are just loving that two night call. That basically two classes. And they’re getting a lot of valuable information now. I got this yesterday that confirmed there are 26,450 med bed centers in the United States.
It doesn’t include what’s in Canada, doesn’t include what’s in Mexico, doesn’t include what’s around the globe. They have it positioned where med bed centers are all over the world now. 26,450 med bed centers in the United States. And the cool thing about that is each med bed center has two med beds in it, two of the holographic med beds, and that’s the way to go.
And I’m looking forward to getting in there post haste. I just wanted you guys to know that’s a lot of med bed centers and we’ve got plenty. And we’ve got them. They’re strategically placed around the country.
And I’m excited to begin that ride shortly after we begin our exchanges. Very shortly. And I’m sure many of you are as well. So that’s what I wanted to bring out tonight.
And I think. I think that’s everything I wanted to say. So let’s do this, guys. Send your emails out to integrated only about Medved, 1/ hundreds about Golden Bundle, 3/ hundreds about the new class that sue has starting, but not questions about anything else.
No RV questions, no this and that. I’m having problems with my PayPal account. None of that. For that, you go right to PayPal, call them up and ask them to help you.
That’s what their customer service is there for. That’s what I wanted to say tonight. And then take advantage of this sale with Boomers. It’s good until 5pm tomorrow evening, Eastern Standard Time.
Take advantage of the 25% off sale and the additional 10% that you get when you sign up for subscribe and Save. Pick up that extra 10% and free shipping and a free shaker bottle. So let’s all do that. Canada, I’m talking to you as well and thank you SAT team that runs our system so that we can actually be heard all over the world.
In your own language. Some of you are hearing it in English, some of you are hearing it in probably 100 or 150 other languages around the globe 3 seconds after I say it, which is beautiful and wonderful. So thank you guys for that. And we’re sorry we didn’t get to read any prayer requests or praise reports tonight due to the system was down.
But if we have another call Thursday, which we should, and the reason I say we should is because I want to do a celebration call. We get our numbers tomorrow or Thursday, I want to do a celebration call and I think that’s what we should do. It won’t be a long call, just be a short call, 20 minutes or so probably for sue and Bob and I to get on and say our thank yous and our goodbyes. So thank you Sue, Bob.
Thank you gck. Thank you Jeannie. Thank you Pastor Scott. Thank you everyone.
The SAP team thanks everyone who is contributing to the big call. Let’s all stay in faith and believe for this to manifest for us tomorrow where we get our toll free numbers and can call and set our appointments. So let’s pray the call out. Lord God, we just thank you so much for everything that you have brought to us.
Thank you for your continued support of the big call. Thank you for our healing, our financial support that you provide for your listeners. Everything that we have is coming from above. Thank you that we are stewards of what you bless us with and that we’ll continue to bless you and bless others around the globe in the future.
We thank you for all that you’ve done for us and continue to do. In Jesus name. Amen and amen. Well, that’s going to be it for tonight.
Let’s go ahead and power the call off as soon as we turn off the recording. Here we go.