Evening News with MarkZ. 01/07/2025
hey hello all prayers for those that might be affected by the fires hello mises goo hello coola crazy busy day crazy busy day and a few more hours to go once we wrap this is my break this is my time away is spent with you guys and I’m enjoying it hello Platinum baby gold it’s good to see you hello David and pal Beach Florida hello Grandma Eevee hello let’s see great J2 Grana give it a day or two and I think you’ll have your answer I know sounds cryptic we’re talking about budget um Sudani
HCL hello Richard hello uh preacher Patriot hello Beam Me Up hello Ken rinky PW chasing dragons hello Jim wero good to see you happy New Year or this actually Feliz Das Dees hello well I guess I’m a day late right all right hello fast Biden thousands of workers without a job and then Trump says he’s gonna turn around and start it back I guess they get a three-week vacation mark jamus saying I heard nothing until after the 15th of January and on a Sunday the easiest time to do it is a Sunday Saturday night Sunday
morning between 11: a 11:00 p.m. Eastern and 2 a.m. eastern um between that on 1100 pm on a Saturday to 2 a.m. on a Sunday I’ve been told that from nearly the beginning that’s the easiest not certain about the dates we’re going to talk about what I am hearing and you guys take what you will from it it is interesting and it does feel like I’m in a pingpong game right now but it’s still positive news food dog I didn’t get a booster chair but I adjusted my camera to make it look like I got a booster
chair hello Cindy Valencia it is good to see you hello Petra core always is a pleasure Mary Brewer it’s good to see you prayers all the people affected by the fire Pacific Palisades in California there I know it’s crazy there really are some truly quality human beings in California they’re there under duress that’s my story I’m sticking to it we will get into the news guys at 10 after 10 after so we don’t have to repeat it or we’ll quit worrying about twitch and uh start doing it sooner that’s up to you guys twitch people are
like no as we enter 2025 dollarization is accelerating China and Bricks Nations reducing their dependence on the US dollar and their secret weapon gold China’s buying gold quietly Under reporting their purchases we actually have a story on that this evening why because they know Gold’s Global value stability withstand economic shocks and its immunity uh from manipulation this isn’t just about Nations it’s about you gold is your personal hedge against uncertainty Noble gold Investments can help you secure
your financial future with gold you can visit noblegold investments.com now and with a qualified account receive 10 1 oce silver American Eagle coins noblegold investments.com or an easy shortcut markz gold.com an easier one for you uh oh wow sue just said Baton Rouge experiencing unusual cold 28 tonight D Rambo just P boy that that was as popular as it was was crazy hello Jay and Amy hubby and I doing dry J I pretty much every year do dry January but didn’t even think about it this year but it’ll be a semi dry January I will
cheat on Whiskey and wisdoms am I reading some of these Mark 7 deep a lot of folks I mean yeah the UPS the Downs the whatever but I do Panama City 17 in Florida T night wow um the ups and downs it is a tough one it does feel like Groundhog Day but I have to wonder myself the people that think it never is never going to happen why do they watch the podcast why do they comment why don’t they get on with their life take that time do something else um I’m firm believer that it’s going to happen I’m firm believer that
the whole world and the economic system is going to change because of well history um history economics Cycles it’s easy to chart that it’s going to it’s very difficult to chart exactly when uh because you don’t know which is going to be the STW that breaks the camels back you don’t know what’s going to be the snowball that starts the Avalanche Etc but I have to ask myself why why do they take the time out of their day if they feel that way it makes no sense I mean do you not have anything better to do
with your time the couple hours you’re spending watching uh all the different news could be I don’t know you could have a fun little part-time gig make money not worry about as much I’m just blown away by the folks that just that are firm believers they firmly believe it’s never going to happen I firmly believe they are wrong and all evidence is against them but hey if that’s how they feel why why do they doesn’t make any sense to me never has ever made any sense to me wow zero in the south of England little man behind you looks like
the actor Raiders the Lost AR John R dav’s all right maybe he was at the Renaissance Festival um a lot of folks are worried about the AI uh yeah lowkey has me a little worried lowkey it has Elon Musk worried Loki it has pretty much everybody worried uh they’ve tried to unplug AI before it tried to keep itself plugged in uh they’ve asked it questions that are kind of scary Gary GG would could be that they’re just looking for reassurance I guess that could be two an old St Louis tonight that is too cold bowler same type of people that
watch Noah build the ark for many many years they never believed it was going to happen but boom you know bowler I like that that’s exactly it every party needs a poop so we invited him dard dude I like that one oh H happy birthday to somebody where did I miss that one somebody’s birthday uh Rick crazy rates are showing up don’t don’t read too much into them right now we’re going to talk about that some Dale’s birthday happy birthday Dale the Gulf of America have it does have a nice ring let well we’re only eight minutes
we still got another minute or two and then I get to dive in uh Michael I’ve got a lot of friends in California spent a fair amount of time there Michael I very much believe you that they’re not all nut jobs in California some worldclass folks Christians conservatives hippies there a lot of great people in uh California I would love to wish Paula happy birthday rajer happy birthday to miss Paula I’m just all right some of these I’m just gonna leave them right here Steve state is definitely targeting
Trump before the inauguration it is crazy and wait until we get into some of the decisions that Bine Administration just made with funding That was supposed to go to Egypt that’s now going to now if we’re I’m gonna wait for that story because you cannot make this level of insanity up Stephen thank you for that super sticker all right let’s do this thing praying for actor and Patriot James Wood Fire right at his home oh I didn’t think about I didn’t know that that’s where he lived Fanny Willis says good boy Fanny’s
having a really really really bad year and it’s only like day seven she had a bad last year A bad this year boy I tell you I wish I bet she wishes she could take a lot of that back sash happy birthday to natas at Big 10 years old today Gracie I’m a big believer in positivity I’m a glass half full not a glass half empty to me every problem just requires a solution you think it through you figure it out you put your boots on you put your gloves on you just keep stroking keep working Iranian Channel reports that the world is on the
verge of witnessing extraordinary events and developments in the coming hours cat task I’m with you totally deserved par side it’s a comic strip Jay-Z it feels like it brother all right let’s get into this one let’s get into uh Richard was just saying he’s evacuating about an hour ago fire was a block from his house prayers prayers all right let’s get the banner up let’s hit it and there going to be plenty of rumors after we hit uh what news stories there are that I consider to be more RV related the ministry of planning reveals
the decisive date for announcing the results of the sense of well it’s it’s decisive but it’s not too decisive early February they’re going to give a lot of the um how should I put this one uh technical answers as to age brackets Etc they have already done the census we already know the top we know some of the age brackets this might be important uh they definitely need those numbers for HCL uh but I was told it will occur before they release those results I hope that’s accurate government communication
announces the start of the foll follow up the electronic payment system POS andies this electronic payment system modern banking is extremely important just like we have seen with the changes in their auctions uh canceling they’re Now tracking all of those foreign currencies I know it’s a strange hybrid whatever system uh that they’ve gone to uh defies a real positive explanation uh even with people working within the agencies in Iraq um but the takeaway is they can now monitor all of it to make
certain that terrorists aren’t getting it that it’s not being laundered Etc uh which is a huge bonus that’s also part of this for the people uh so that they can more efficiently change of hands a lot of this in the pharmacy is is because of people that work for the government or um pensioners for government money so think of this as also as insurance Medicare Medicaid Etc now going through a POS system so the government can track it and get rid of theft corruption was big in the Iraqi economy and they are
slaying it uh slowly and methodically through better systems one of those better systems is POS electronic modernized banking system Etc and this is all part of what they are doing for their reforms Sudani said it hey look we got to do these reforms and then we can lift the value the purchasing power of all Iraqis and make it the father again they are doing it here’s your Central Bank gold grab continued in Earnest in November after surging to the highest levels of 2024 in October Central Bank gold buy continued in Earnest in
November based on latest data collected by the world gold Council central banks added a net of 53 tons of gold to their Holdings in November alone the they that pushed official Central Bank gold buying to 8800 7 tons for the year now keep in mind many countries are Under reporting this is what’s reported we already know for a fact China is Under reporting they are preparing for something they are preparing for something the question is what are they preparing for right they could just be preparing uh preparing for
uncertainty but now what we are here or what I am hearing uh well one I want to back up Freedom Ford shipping issue is fixed it was a software issue on their end not our end squared away um all right had another had one source to it checked a couple more I’ve had a couple of banking Bankers they’re now saying it is a possibility they’re being told it’s possibility they could see their rates could be fixed on Thursday of this week I had a group uh I’m going to call it a group leader it’s not the actual leader
of the group it’s involved in leadership it uh person helps they’re saying they were told today they may not be able to distribute until after the swearing in of trump that makes no sense to me but that is what they were told today so I am repeating that uh but I am doing it with a truck load of salt because it doesn’t make much sense to me I guess they could position everything we could have appointments and they don’t pull the trigger till then doesn’t make sense I’m still hearing before then uh raw Tech Channel what’s the best
way to exchange when the time comes we don’t know for certain until the time comes it’s widely accepted that the best is going to be a redeeming Bank a bank that is set up to handle it that is going to get your best rate um they’re all going to be chasing you with contact numbers Etc and offers it’s going to be way easier than you think folks uh I keep telling family people that are new to this make certain you sign up a dinarrecaps.com for their regular email newsletter maybe a couple of other of the news aggregating sites I
had two Banks specifically tell me they planned to send their instructions and emails to uh Recaps so that they could redistribute to their mailing list to get the information out there now we’ll we’ll do more on that we should probably do a special on just what we expect uh raw Tech like in the next week or so because I do believe we’re that close again although I very much believe this is it all right wait Rod you in the house Rod does pop in often guys um let’s see Kim thank you for your guest you also have his email Kim I hate
to get blown away with it but if you’ll send me an email I will forward it to Allan uh I won’t respond to you I’ll just forward it to Allan then he’ll have it reading a few of these hey pet paty I see the corrupted deep State Dems now blaming attorney general Garland for their loss in the election they said he was too slow going after him they just publicly admitted law Fe yes they did that great B all right let’s keep going because there is more to cover um new federal rule remove medical debt from credit
reports n anybody I had a couple of people comment had a couple people send it to me all of them with the same thoughts of course it’s a Yahoo news story so it is very flattering of the current Administration uh no one should be denied economic opport because they got sick or experienc in medical emergency vice president Kamala Harris said in a statement touting the new rule I’ll agree with them on that one uh our medical system is well pretty much broken what do you guys think is it a part of the slow roll out to see how
people are going to respond what they’re going to do if they suddenly have money that they can that was allocated to something else can they do what would they do with it if suddenly they didn’t have to pay one of those big bills what would they do with that money would they put it would they blow it would they go to a restaurant would they invest it would they pay down their debt would they put it in savings it wouldn’t surprise me if this was part of a slow roll out so that they can better assess
what people are going to do and how they’re going to respond see I got somebody that agrees with me uh um chrisy I would check it but I don’t think that’s going to be accurate with a Turkish Bank to bypass the Forex because a turkey Turkish Bank could not handle the volume of currency it wouldn’t make much banking sense could be some missing pieces in there that suddenly make it make sense but I I I wouldn’t put much stock in it yet I heard on the news that it won’t show up on a credit report but you still
have toay pay the bill won’t show up on the credit report why are you going to pay it I don’t know that doesn’t make any sense does it Richard H somebody wants to know when we’re gonna have rod on for a while Rod when you want to pop back in man all right let’s keep moving EU commission threatens musk ahead of interview with conservative leader the European commission warns it will take action if Elon musk’s conversation with Alice wh whd Weedle gains above average visibility on X like it’s okay if just a normal number of people
will watch it but if they amplify it they want to come after Elon Musk because you know free speech is important but you know he’s not German so he only has so many rights in his country in their country is the way the commission takes it this is crazy you almost have to wonder what kind of vas vas for Vendetta or we woke up what kind of orwellian world we woke up in they’re warning them don’t do anything to promote it we know you have free speech and you can do it but we’re coming after you if you promote this
conversation uh musk has made many many many well I shouldn’t say many but a number of tweets on this front uh saying that he believes the only hope for uh Germany is uh their their afd only the afd can say save Germany right now they used to be a little more far right now they’re pretty much uh dead down the middle which appears very far right if you’re a globalist uh but they are already threatening musk that he cannot change the algorithm this has to be totally organic if it just organically becomes
viral and takes off they’re gonna want proof that they didn’t do anything so what am I going to do same thing just about any other influence semi what whatever you call folks like myself um we’re going to promote the heck out of it we’re going to retweet it we’re gonna talk about it we’re gonna make certain it goes viral there is no room sensor sensors have never ended up on the right side of History do they not ever pick up a history book to realize they never end up on the right side of History never
have never will Trump not ruling out Military economic coercion to retake Panama Canal claim Greenland Aly cat must gonna promote big probably will and I’m gonna [Laughter] help oh I love it um all right what do you guys think Trump is saying hey whatever it takes that logistically militarily for security of the nation it is too important he said the deal that was cut with Panama the foolish deal that was cut with Panama was that we would have access and low rates to use it for our businesses or
corporations or military but now China controls both sides and that deals no longer on the table we pay higher rates take over the Panama Canal is it just boisterous attempts to get them to cave and lower our rates is it actually a real threat might It Go in how about Greenland and you got 45,000 people living there uh no he makes some great points The increased activity in the Arctic Circle means it is a very strategic location it is going to stay that way how’s it how’s DeMark how are they going
to defend themselves when China wants it or Russia wants it not too far from Russia to go after somebody is going to go after it what do you do how do you handle it it has too many resources natural resources it strategic location somebody is going to go after it uh Trump just saying look it’s too strategic we’re gonna have it somehow someway we are going to feel more secure if you are Greenland you just say hey that’s great we would love to have you here we’re still going to be our own country but we’ll give you I don’t know
what like 3,000 acres for military bases you can have three bases you can have a port you can have a whatever do they handle it that way do they just go ahead and give like a hundred-year land lease for a base or two on Greenland what would you do how would you handle it do you think this is a real threat not a threat is this a uh a shell game where he’s like look here don’t look there I’m very curious what you guys think on the Greenland bej I’m with you we take back the canal or they drop our rates either
way is a win and that’s what he’s pushing for I think well I shouldn’t say I think I am positive what he’s pushing for is to for Panama to either give up completely or cancel the contracts with the Chinese company handling the ports the offloading security Etc on both ends of it yeah Truman tried to buy Greenland for 100 million Trump wants Panama Canal back do you think Greenland people knew they could be US citizens they would take it that’s the question what do the people want Mexico is building a railroad to
Pacific Gulf new Crossing uh MB you have a couple of company uh countries that are doing alternative Roots uh some of them are ports and rail uh some of them are actual canals they’re looking at the cost 100 billion would build you a new one but you have to ask yourself if Trump were smart would he not just do exactly what he’s doing now threaten get lower rates for the next 10 15 years and invest that money in the United States for a high-speed rail system that let’s say runs parallel runs right along with 4
the whole way from one Coast to the next um from yeah actually I40 is a good one because you’ve got relatively easy access from either the norick ports or the Charleston ports um you could load it on rail uh Rail lines they already exist you could update them for high speed go straight across the country and we don’t need the panamon canal period anymore and it’s all in our own borders that to me makes more sense or just build one right across uh Texas go for from the east coast of Texas they would go through the
gulf uh which is pretty protected go straight through Texas come right out I don’t know we could they could exit in the in the uh um boy I’m going to remember this one crazy the Baja Peninsula they could exit there if they wanted to Dave rvey there yet the Kingdom of America will be from Greenland Canada us all the way to Panama Canal plus I mean there was a lot of push at one point for Mexico the United States and Canada to be all one country um I did Texas is what I was thinking too Marcia it makes sense uh
when you look at a land mass you look at mountains you look at easier to navigate it would make the most sense to do a brand new from scratch highspeed rail system go from like galliston across I mean what do you guys think give me your thoughts on this one it makes more sense to me then you’re not beholden to any other country any other territory any other whatever Todd I’m with you he’s got balls of still and he’s putting him out there either way it looks like he wants to expand North American
Union Tommy took he may well be hinting at Nera he has given us a lot of Nera hints Benny Johnson is saying Trump will call Greenland huge land oh that’s too funny Friends making music I’m reading a few of these and I’m going get back into it yeah marks for Mary I don’t know who’s in charge she will I love that idea it’s the one that makes the most sense to me Jay-Z it was ours all right let’s keep going guys did I finish this one okay we finished that one Russia has blunted major Ukrainian counter attack in
kers they launched a Counterattack it has been squashed for the most part Russia is gaining ground I’m putting this one in here because I’m kind of setting the stage for a couple of articles that we have coming federal judge temporarily blocks release of special counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents report Jack is trying to relas everything uh on multiple cases he has been blocked on one of them not in New York though he has not been blocked on that one he still plans to release as much as he can
on or around Friday of this week FBI is still hiding details of Russia gate newly released document show I know this is no surprise they’re still playing their games the Deep state is still firmly in sconed they are scared they are being hounded and chased but they are still playing games I’m just putting a few of these in year because I really want to focus on two articles here Israel signs deals to produce its own heavy bombs they’re going to uh up their ability they have decided that they don’t want the US to be able to tell
them no other countries be able to tell them no they’re going to start domestically producing the bombs that they’ve been buying from us they don’t trust the United States to pull back Biden Administration bit them caught him on the butt but now um why are they doing this one this is not the the article I wanted I had a much better one right here and they’ switched it it’s one thing I don’t like about Washington Post but we’re going to dive into it anyways let’s see if I can find a different source for that one give me
just a minute guys nope nope nope ah it’s still here it’s just way down you got to go further the US redirects 95 million military aid from Egypt to Lebanon the Biden Administration has decided to redirect 95 million in military aid from Egypt to Lebanon after Senate Democrats raised concerns that Cairo had failed to meet human rights conditions attached to the assistance ACC to a Us official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter have you ever noticed that Biden Administration it’s anonymity
Trump Administration they tell you who their name is I can consider one to be a much more effective and trustworthy way to govern the funds will instead go to Lebanese armed forces the LA laf the official said the laf is trying to enforce a ceasefire deal with Israel after escalation hostilities between the Israeli military and the Lebanese paramilitary group Hezbollah which is backed by Iran in the fall decision to redirect the aid first reported by reuter has not been announced publicly well it pretty much is now
the state department informed Congress in September that it would provide Egypt with an the entire 1.3 billion packages two things here do we really have the money to be giving it away second thing here laf and Hezbollah were in the same bed just weeks ago so now we’re going to fund the laf to police the ceasefire deal between the Hezbollah Lebanese based paramilitary organization that’s been shooting uh missiles with the acceptance pretty much the outright permission of the laf so we’re going to
fund them to police the group that they’ve been working with to not bomb Israel does any of this sound like a bad idea to you kind of like you know madine Al-Qaeda send them some RPGs I mean hell can we go back in time and say you know we need to redirect a to Japan after that whole Manchurian thing in China maybe we let’s go back to the 1930s and say hey let’s let’s support Hitler because clearly he’s gonna do it makes no sense the everyone of those suggestions is nuts this is the United States playing stupid games again this
is like when we created Isis because Hillary and Obama didn’t like what was going on uh in with Gaddafi every time you turn around we created Isis we trained Isis we armed Isis so is this what we’re going to do in Lebanon now are we really playing these games with money we don’t even have it is to me a desperate desperate attempt by the Biden Ministry they keep running into like uh dead ends when they try to start World War II they’ve tried to get Russia to bomb uh to drop a nuke on uh Europe they’ve in my opinion uh
pipelines under the water and now we’re hearing unconfirmed reports what I consider somewhat unconfirmed reports that China just cut a cable to cutting telecommunications to Taiwan as we speak um is it just their last desperate attempt before Trump takes office now that they’ve certified it they got where we down to now we’re down to 13 days they’ve got 13 days to start World War I and it appears they are desper trying to do that desperately trying Gulf of America makes more sense as Mexico is Central America Gulf of
America makes more sense to me too yeah I’m with you Todd wait I mean V Stark how about we put the money fix the Border yeah no I’m with you missing children there have so many more important things we can spend that money on just uh Sunshine heard that too on the Taiwan Japan things Gary says cutting cables in Taiwan why do they need cables if we have thousands of satellites unless they all hit the firmament maybe you flat earthers have something going on here right why do we have any of those
cables that the satellites do just toy fine fine job maybe you got something going on there why we got to put cables everywhere don’t get me wrong fiber optics is extremely efficient Tommy Tuk the UK is on the brink of Mass Mayhem Over The Grooming gangs and government’s involvement it goes real deep I hope the people rise up I don’t mean overthrow the government I mean shake them up so much that anybody that is compromised that lacks the moral fiber resigns and leaves so that you can have an effect the UK go people need
deserve I will even run with a deserve word which I rarely use they deserve a better government um I’m still try Sharon I’m still trying to track down some you guys are going to have to be patient I am trying to proof and vet in between work etc um although my most funded today my most fun my mostly my usually fun today was the video clip of Hakeem Jeff saying we got to fight we are going to fart hard yeah he quite literally said that he meant to say fight he said fight and part of it but then he said we’ve gotta fart hard you
gotta you gotta fart hard against these Maga people is it’s like impossible to find a uh an eloquent Democrat an articulate Democrat anymore it’s become almost impossible so to Hakeem may you fart hard uh Mr Happy you know I don’t know that answer uh who do you guys think we’ve got Tommy so many of you guys from the UK who would you like to see as your prime minister um Kate do you think about Trump using Mar Largo as a new white house he said it was built as it was built as the summer White House um it used to serve
that role so maybe a see Mom so the Dems are the ones contributing to CL climate change yeah why are we worried about car cow farts we’ve just got to get them to stop farting hard oh that’s just epic or at least they’re good at one thing humor was to be yet they don’t plan on being funny but they are funny their lack their lack of a sense of humor is hilarious and fart maybe need to include some smelling salts yes we’re going to need them uh yeah winter white house not the summer one let’s see I’m just having fun with
these margerie Maryweather post bequeathed it to the government for the purpose of having a winter White House mors I make the best refi beans in the country I do like good refi beans and then I too can fart hard with Hakeem Jeff I gotta stop all right I know oh they should make mil gibs and the new Prime Minister of England no well he’s Australian bogal so they have to make him ah I’m just having fun guys all right let’s uh yeah Fruit Ninja the dad jokes are out we should probably just uh Rose for boy say
Nigel uh for prime minister hello spanker I think I’m going to call it right there guys uh what the Dow do today anybody paying attent down 178 points what did medals do um I expected crypto to kind of take it on the chin today I’ve not looked uh been too busy oh Wayne heck yeah let me show off for you in just a minute Wayne Uh gold marginally up Silver’s been on a bit of a r rip for the last 48 hours or so I was just kind of curious to see what these macro markets were doing uh RW I am glad you said something
I’m pretty excited about this I get to dive in uh he sent me his book my life one day at a time detmar RW our own Robert Wayne dmar uh just arrived today brother so I’m looking forward to it um just giving me time it’s probably be over the weekend before I have time fortunately the print’s pretty big you know us old guys uh philanthropic don’t stop Market’s all regress to our childhood have a fart machine it’s always good for a laugh it hey look I just need a friend uh large Wildland fires paliside
fire Los Angeles County over 12200 Acres evacuation orders in place more info on the C website tired firefighter from Cal Fire prayers uh yes Surfer we are definitely sending prayers you guys way uh Bobby Andy was just a combination of travel and burnt out he returns Thursday this week he could not do Wednesday so it was either wait until the following week or let him do Thursday this week so he is doing Thursday pill church I love that Benny Hill for prime minister can we just have the guys from uh Monty
pythons take over the government I think what C the one guy that was in there all the time he’s hilarious I’m for it Mr Bean D says sir for my daughter is a firefighter I’ve learned so much from her pyp what St just for instead of for will be fart hard I don’t know where’s hem Jeff from anybody no really Mel Gibson’s an American I did not think he was born in America I thought he was born in Australia Australia actor director producer and screenwriter was born in Peak Skill New York I had no idea Mac I appreciate that MC mccor
for uh what’s oh wait Hulk is this like a loow hanging fruit here kind of humor thing what’s your guy saying assuming you mean gut saying is it like because of the fart hard Hakeem Jeff comment I mean I just it’s his kit God knows does he have does he have kids I be his kids because I certainly hope they are picking on him right now I would be I’d be buying him a t-shirt I didn’t know if like you were worried about my gut and gas what’s my gut telling me probably somewhere between now and the 12th um I
do have some folks that just insistent that they’re not going to distribute but that is rare I’ve only got like a handful that think that they’re waiting for um the inauguration to finish I am definitely expecting a lot of craziness over the next 13 days go that was well timed stop the Fart Can we have don’t reelect Jeff stop the fart yeah I gotta go uh I’ve got a couple more hours work tonight I am going to pound through it I appreciate every one of you guys love you dearly yeah moose over there new shirt idea
Arizona my friends plants need poops well actually said the f word okay the fart word to survive keep farting people yeah save the plants oh it’s getting bad yeah it’s a wrap I’m delusional at this point I will see you folks in the morning 10:00 a.m. eastern it’s Wednesday I don’t know where we’re going to get into hopefully we’ll have some more news hopefully something good and solid I’m just seeing if there was anything I’ve missed oh there was one thing that I wanted to uh mention before I left this
evening financial advisors we have quite a few in our community they keep a low key because well they don’t want to get inundated uh they can only say so much put them they’re also currency holders for Post RV because so many people going to be worried about handling their funds they would like to have somebody that they feel like they can trust or has been through it that understands what they’re going through so if you are in that realm that area that’s what you do I mean like quite literally licens
that’s what I mean that’s what you do you’re like a financial advisor or a stock investor for a comp I mean this is what you do like legitimately legally Etc um I want to start working on a contact list uh where we aggregate those contacts so that when it is time people can reach out and they’re going to know what they’re talking about uh when they call them they reach out they don’t have to worry about them saying anything so if you are in that boat and are interested for after this let us know reach out so I can put them
together all right now I’m getting out of here before I get pinched see you guys tomorrow morning