Economists Uncut

The SECRET Plan for the Elite to Take YOUR Wealth (Uncut) 02-01-2025

The SECRET Plan for the Elite to Take YOUR Wealth (it happens after the collapse)

This is huge. This is bigger than the 70s where we were going from at least a quasi-goldback system into a full debt-based system, but we were still on a paper system. In other words, you got these things out there.


What they want is a full surveillance system, and that is a digital system. And if all your wealth is held in intangibles, and for whatever reason, they don’t like what you say, what you do, well, you’re going to have to go along with it because you’re not going to have any other options. And that’s why what I really preach in Hammer Home is that you must be as self-sufficient and independent as you can possibly be.


And I’ve realized my mantra is this, and you must develop security in food, water, energy, security itself, barter ability, wealth preservation, community, and shelter. You’re watching Capital Cosm. My name is Danny, and today’s guest is Lynette Zhang.


Lynette, thank you for coming back on the show. Danny, I’m very, very happy to be here. Thank you for having me.


Yeah, it’s an honor to have you back on. Lynette, let’s just dive right in. For you right now, what is most topical for you? What is on your radar screen at the moment? Wow.


I would say there are so many things that are on my radar screen. Are you kidding me? I will say that I don’t ever, I’m 70 years old, I don’t ever recall as packed a January as I have this year. And I think a lot of things that are coming out can create a lot of instability.


And so the big thing on my radar is what’s really happening in the debt markets. That’s probably the biggest thing because of this wall and mountain of debt that governments need to issue, the U.S. needs to issue with the fact that we are already in a run on the U.S. dollar via Japan and China, selling off their positions and not buying as much. So this was kind of, this was very similar to what happened in the 1960s with governments sending in their dollars and pulling the gold out of the system.


So there was a run on the dollar then, well, the treasuries have substituted for gold and we’re seeing that same run today. So that is very, I’m paying a lot of attention to that. Yeah.


And what are you seeing in terms of these tariff wars that are supposed to start on February 1st? Lots of chatter about how this might impact gold and silver. Yeah. Well, what this impacts is inflation.


And so that’s therefore the cost of everything going up as the currency is devalued. And if we’re charging tariffs on automobiles, for example, automobiles that are coming into the country, that also leads some space for U.S. manufacturers of cars to charge more. So I think this year we will indeed see inflation creeping up more quickly.


And that of course leads to people flying to the safety of gold and silver as the currency gets devalued. Yeah. How he gets his exercise.


Make it rain, Lynette. Make it rain. It wouldn’t be an interview without the money gun.


No, it wouldn’t. So we have the big Fed meeting happening today, and the markets seem to not be responding to it too well today. But gold and silver are holding fairly steady.


What do you make of Powell’s coming? This is recorded, obviously. This is recorded on the 29th here on Wednesday. But what do you make of the roads that the Fed can adjourn on? One Fed meeting doesn’t necessarily necessitate a trend, but where do you see the Fed going over the next year or so? Well, the trend is with interest rates going down.


Now, I think we’re going to see them go up to supposedly fight this inflation because that’s the tool. The Fed’s real job is to regulate the rate and speed of inflation and to keep it low enough that even though they’re getting what they want, they’re inflating away the value of the currency. You and I don’t make any different choices on how we spend our money or put our money.


But when I’m also looking at it, the markets are not agreeing with Fed choices, and that to me is a much bigger risk because I think that most people think that the Federal Reserve is like a god, and so whatever they say, that goes. But I see a battle royale happening between the markets and the Federal Reserve, and that puts us in an extraordinarily precarious position. And then you put all the volatility in the markets ahead, so I don’t think they’re going to probably change rates today, but I don’t think that probably matters.


I think what we’re seeing in the markets yesterday, today, is that some of the overvaluation in that hyped AI trade is some of that steam is coming out of that bubble, and I don’t know where it is right now. I only know where it was before I came into the studio this morning. Are the markets up or down? Because they tried to recover a little bit yesterday.


They didn’t look real good this morning, particularly Nvidia and that hurting, right? Where all of these ETFs, all of these mutual funds, all of these products have just the same seven stocks in them, so it works great when they’re going up, but it works crappy when they’re going down. And yeah, if China has shockingly stolen some intellectual property of the US, oh my god, which is such a joke. That’s another conversation, but that is a joke.


And they’re actually creating AI a whole lot cheaper than all of these corporations that are developing and spending billions and billions and probably trillions of dollars on AI. This is a much bigger problem or a much bigger issue for the markets at this moment than whether or not the Fed raises rates, keeps them the same, or lowers the rates. But they want to lower them.


They all want to lower them. All the central banks want to lower them to generate more inflation because that’s what substitutes for growth these days. And you nailed it.


So as of right now, the Fed holds rates steady and the markets are selling off. The Nasdaq is down over 1%, S&P is down over 0.8%. So the entirety of the market is down. As it relates to gold, gold is pretty much flat.


Silver is still up a percent and a half. So pretty much as expected as you’ve outlined here, Lynette. Yeah.


And can I make a statement? Because we’ve been trained to look at those spot gold and spot silver contracts as the value of gold and the value of silver. But the reality is that is a contract and they can create as much of that gold and silver that does not nor ever will exist as they want to to control and manipulate the price. Whereas I don’t really care what you’re wanting to do.


The key is to understand its true fundamental value because ultimately, I can’t give you a lot of guarantees, but I could totally guarantee this one. At some point, all assets, all instruments go to their fundamental value. And understanding what that is, is frankly the only way that you know is something is undervalued, fairly valued or overvalued.


Therefore, do I want to buy it? Do I want to hold it? Do I want to liquidate it? And if you, you know, we can look at the markets going up or down or sideways, wherever. We can also look at the cryptocurrencies going through the roof and what have you. But that’s not, none of that is the true trend.


The true trend is what you can buy with this stuff. That’s the real trend. Because look, I have in here somewhere a $10 trillion Zimbabwe note.


That means I’m a trillionaire in Zimbabwe, but I can’t buy anything with it. But I can with my gold and I can with my silver. I can convert it into any currency so I can hold my purchasing power intact right here because that’s the most important function of both gold and silver is to hold your purchasing power intact and then convert it into whatever local currency happens to be as I need it.


That puts me in such a good position. Interesting. So with the, you know, the futures contract, I appreciate you kind of laying out the framework as to why that isn’t necessarily corresponding to the actual free market price.


Should we have an actual free market in gold and silver? Actually, in the collectible area, that’s physical only. So that’s far more honest to supply and demand than we have in the spot markets, which are easily manipulated and cheap. Right.


And so when does the spot market cease to be the spot market? When do we start pricing in gold and silver on the basis of things outside of the futures contracting? Well, like I said, in the collectible market, you can go and you can see that in the ultra rarities. So these are coins that are millions of dollars for one ounce of gold. Those are making all time highs.


Okay. So the people at the top that write the laws that understand what’s going on, they are positioning into it. And they typically break out first if you’re looking at it purely from a technical vantage point, which I frequently do.


This is purely technical. What you’ll see is that that is first mover. That is first mover.


You get the breakouts, you get the breakdowns, but not much. You won’t see many breakdowns in there. First mover.


Second mover is lower on that totem pole, but still in that area because it is only a physical market. And that you’ll see break out second. And third is in the spot market, which guides like this rock coin, and even this pre 33 rock coin.


This is a new Eagle. This is an old pre 33. That spot market breaks out last.


So if you want to see what’s really happening in the gold market, you go to where it is a true supply and demand market. So that’s one thing. The other thing is when you ask me, well, when will the spot market not make any sense at all, not be able to be used? When all confidence in the currency and in the system is lost, then we enter into a visible, because I think it’s already started.


And we can talk about that if you want. But we end up in a visible hyperinflationary depression. In order to regain the confidence of the public, then what central bankers do is they revalue this that is used in one market and has no real value.


Look on the purchasing power. You can see a big fat zero, but they revalue this against gold, which is used in every single sector of the global markets. This one place, this every single place.


And that’s when you will see gold begin to move toward its fundamental value. So how much of a lag do you see in the price action, the collectibles versus the actual spot market? So if I’m trying to get ahead and figure out where the spot price moves towards next, you look at the collectibles, but how much time does it take for that price action to reverberate down to the spot market? Does that make sense? It does make sense. And it’s actually a really good question.


And I actually, even though I see the different breakouts, I’ve actually never timed it. But now I’m going to do that. I’m totally going to do that.


So I can answer that question. But at this point, I know that it’s ahead and I’m thinking about the… I don’t really want to say until I actually take a look, but I can totally do that. Yeah.


I didn’t know about this actually. So this actually provides a new avenue for analysts to kind of figure out and forecast out precious metals prices, I guess. So this applies to both gold and silver.


Yeah. It’s not silver as much because the silver collectible market is a lot smaller and not really, but it absolutely does for gold. 100% it does.


I see. And so you also mentioned that we won’t start seeing a breaking of the spot market until we start losing significant confidence in the system. And you teased us by saying that it’s actually starting to happen now.


Can you expand on that? Well, there are two things in here. Number one, in a hyperinflationary event, people spend, every time they get this in their hands, they spend it as quickly as possible because they know that the price is going up. So that’s that loss of confidence in this stuff.


Now, the way that I track it and why I said it’s already begun, but it’s just not visible yet, is I go to the Federal Reserve Education Department, the FRED, F-R-E-D. And in there, you can put monetary velocity, M2V, right? So that’s the M2, which is the broadest base of money that they report on because they took the M3 away from us in 2006. We don’t need to know how much they’re really printing.


And I question how accurate their numbers are, but they’re closest to what we’re going to get anyway. And what you’ll notice is that it was 1997 when we hit peak. So when debt was actually stimulating the economy, that peaked in 97.


And ever since then, it’s been significantly down, so much so that by 2013, the speed at which money changes hands, the monetary velocity, because we’re in depression, right? It’s worse than it was in 33. So I’ve been tracking that very closely, but then we have noticed a significant upward shift in the speed at which people are spending their money changing hands. So that tells me that the inflation is running hot and people are anticipating prices going up.


So that’s one piece. The other piece is that confidence piece. So we just got consumer confidence numbers yesterday and they were a lot worse than we anticipated.


So does that mean that the hopium that came in with the recent election is gone again? We’re looking at the jobs numbers and people are stating that it’s harder to find jobs. And if you look, confidence is something that I’ve tracked for many, many, many, many years. And two, what do they talk about? Consumer confidence, right? Inflation expectations.


So it’s that confidence and that expectation that they’re trying to control. Because as Henry Kissinger said, so he was secretary of state back in the 70s. And what did he say? He said, it’s not what’s true that matters.


It’s what people perceive to be true that matters. So that has really been, and they have an official programs called perception management, because if they can manage how you perceive what’s happening, then they can nudge you, that’s their term, not mine, but they can nudge you to move forward to what they want. And you don’t realize it.


You think you’re making free choices when you’re really not making free choices. But it’s between that movement, that rapid and very powerful breaking of a pattern trend that I see in the monetary velocity and that continuing decline in confidence. These are going to cross.


I can’t tell you that it’ll be Tuesday morning at 835, but I can tell you that it could be. Right. What do you make of the other side of the coin? No pun intended.


You look at the M2 money supply. It has decreased over the last couple of years. What do you make of, because I’ve had other commentators come on here and they’ve made the case for deflation.


How do you kind of square that circle that, you know, we are seeing a decrease in money supply and go ahead. Hey guys, quick pause. As you know, we are big proponents of physical gold and silver on this channel.


However, the conundrum often arises. Where do you put it? Do you put it in an above ground safe where it becomes a target for burglars, intruders, et cetera, or do you bury it underground? This is where Dirty Man Safe comes in. This is a very simplified solution.


If you want to bury your gold or silver or actually any valuables underground, whether it be alternative car keys, house keys, paperwork, legal documents, anything that’s important to you, you can put in this bad boy right here. Let’s go ahead and take a look at how it works. All right.


So you’re going to start off by digging a hole underground, sticking the tubular module in with the safe inside. You bury your valuables. And then whenever you want to extract it, boom, there it is.


There’s a string attachment. You just pull it out, bada bing, bada boom. Check it out here.


You have three different sizes, the Girl Safe, the Man Safe, and the Old Man Safe, depending on how much you want to store in this thing. It’s all about distribution. You want to diversify where you put your valuables.


You don’t want to just put them all in one place. And for more information, also click the link down below. All right guys, let’s get back to the video.


Yeah, that is such a great question. Such a great question. Okay.


Deflation and inflation are the same coin. They’re just the opposite sides, and it is so simple. There is only one way to fight inflation, and that is with deflation.


There is only one way to fight deflation, and that is with inflation. So deflation has really been the battle since back in the 70s when they ratcheted rates up to 21.5% intraday. And they’ve had this long 40-year trend cycle of consistently lower and lower highs, so much so that we went into zero interest rate policy, and they tested negative rates out there in the world, in Europe, etc.


Japan, Japan, Japan. Oh my God. They’ve been in a deflationary circumstance since the early 90s after their bubble burst in 89.


And their inflation has been running hotter than their 2% target for, don’t hold me to this, but I’ll be pretty close, 27 months. And what happened when they attempted to raise rates in August? They had to reverse course because the yen carry trade where you borrow yen really cheaply, negative rates, zero, etc. You borrow yen very cheaply, and then you go out and you buy something in a higher yielding atmosphere somewhere else in the world, right? So it was cheap funding for leverage.


And when they tried to raise the rates to a quarter basis point teeny bit, well, that yen carry trade started to unravel and the speed at which they had to back up and say, oh no, we’re going to pay attention to the markets. We’re not going to do this. We’re not going to do that.


And then they just raised the rates a quarter of a point just the other day. And I think that that was about giving traders an opportunity to liquidate and reposition so that they could raise those rates just a teeny bit. And they’re excited because they’ve got that inflation, which they call growth.


And we all call that growth, all the governments, all the central banks. If you have to pay 20 bucks on a banana, boy, that helps that GDP number, doesn’t it? But it’s all a big fat lie. How does this story look when you normalize for inflation and the GDP data? Well, according to the Federal Reserve, we still have three cents left worth of purchasing power out of the original dollar.


And John Williams, who does shadow stats that have been tracking the real numbers since the early seventies or early eighties, early eighties, I think, and he’s just brilliant. He is stating that inflation right now is truly running at 10% a year. Okay, well, think about that.


If you’re losing purchasing power at 10% a year, it doesn’t take very long for you to lose all of that purchasing power. So in reality, the only thing, the only thing that is holding this current system together is public confidence. Because over the years, what I’ve witnessed is those certain levels of confidence, like, for example, in 2008, we used to have in the U.S. interbank lending, right? Well, all of a sudden, banks lost confidence in each other.


Now they don’t report that at the Fred, right? But banks lost confidence bank to banks, so they refuse to lend to each other. One layer of confidence gone. In 2015, Switzerland, which has its own independent currency, the franc, but I can go into this as much as you want to or not.


But prior to 2015, a lot of loans were taken out in terms of Swiss francs, because the Swiss franc was cheaper than the euro at that time. And so people thought, well, I’ll just take out the mortgage in Swiss francs. And the and the Swiss Central Bank was committed, or at least stated that they were absolutely committed to maintaining that peg to the euro.


So whatever the euro did, so did the Swiss franc, whatever the euro did up or down, it just it was in lockstep. And so going into 2015, the Swiss Central Bank promised to hold that peg, promised and promised and promised, and came out and said, that is our highest priority, because then there’d be a lot of chaos in the markets. Two days after they came out and said, this is our very highest priority to maintain that peg, but bam, they broke that peg.


And there are companies that don’t exist anymore. And it created a lot of a lot of havoc. But the point of it is, central banks knew that they could no longer have trust and confidence that they were all working together in lockstep, like they had, particularly since the financial crisis in 2008.


So second layer of confidence gone. Then in June, I’m pretty sure it was 22. But don’t hold me to that, but pretty close.


And so since 2008, the central banks have used forward guidance. In other words, telling the markets what they were going to do so that the markets could get into position, kind of like what just happened with the with the Japanese yen. And I believe it was June of 22.


And they kept promising 50 basis point move, 50 basis point move, 50 basis point move, and they bam, did a 75 basis point move, which may not seem that much, except the markets. And when they did this, I was so shocked, because they needed the markets to believe what they said, right. But from there forward, that was a key level of confidence, the markets to the central banks gone, because then all of the central banks came out and said, Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to use forward guidance anymore, blah, blah, blah.


And so there’s only one last layer of confidence holding the system together. And we are seeing a battle royale, the markets do not agree with what the central bank is doing. They don’t believe them anymore.


This is so dangerous. But that last level of confidence is public confidence. And I’ve been tracking that for a long time.


And we’re like this close, this close. And I think this year, should we actually get rapid and obvious inflation, which with everything that’s going on, I’m highly confident we will see that. Yeah, that that’s the layer of confidence that’s needed to keep the system together.


And once that’s gone, we have obvious hyperinflation. Yeah, you see it in the markets as well. I mean, this is an often underreported statistic.


But you look at the margin debt level in the market today. It is unprecedented, not even in 2000 and 2008. Nowhere in history have we been at these levels of margin debt.


So the market is essentially being held up by people taking out debt to buy stocks. Yep. And so what have we seen in this most current stock market route? Money ever, you’re worth $8 billion.


Hey, hey, sorry, you kind of, I broke up for like 10 or 15 seconds. If you can just take it from the start. Oh, sure.


I mean, we actually, we actually see that what Wall Street typically does, remember, well, dot com, right? I mean, I’m watching these corporations made no money, we’re never going to make any money, but they were worth so much money. We had the unicorns recently, right? No income for as far as the eye could see, but sure, they’re worth $8 billion, $20 billion. We’re at that same, we’re at that same place.


And with Nvidia, and actually the stock market, it’s not the stock market as a whole that’s overvalued because a lot of stocks have lagged. But it’s definitely the AI trade that have pushed things up to ridiculous levels, just like dot com, just like the unicorns. And then there’s another company in China that comes out and says, well, we can do this for $500 million.


And where the US corporations are putting billions and maybe even trillions into AI. Is that true or not true? I don’t know, time is going to tell. But the point is, is and to your point, with those high margin levels and high debt levels in every single area, that leverage and that debt works great on the way up, whoop-dee-doo.


But let me tell you, you don’t want to be in there on the way down and you won’t get any notice. How many bubbles are out there, Lynette? Lots and lots. There’s a stock market bubble.


The bond market bubble, I’m going to come back to at the end. Obviously, there’s the real estate bubble being homes are not affordable for most people. I wouldn’t want to have to buy this house again.


You know, and I’ve owned this house since I bought it in 2010 to make my last stand because I was living in a condo before that. So there’s lots and lots of bubbles. The bond market bubble, however, has already popped when the central banks were at zero interest rate policy for about 15 years.


And if you go again on the Fred and you look at the interest rates and just draw a line from lower and lower highs, once they got down there and they started raising the rates, that is a pattern shift. That is a major 40-year pattern shift. And so they keep trying to prop it up with more and more and more debt because that’s the only thing that they can do is reflate that.


But there are so many holes in that bubble. It’s already popped. The public just doesn’t know it, but it doesn’t change the fact.


Interesting. And when do you see all these bubbles popping in sequence to one another once we have, let’s say, a stock market crash or any one of these bubbles popping, do you see them all kind of acting in tandem or not? I do. And that’s really what happened in 2008.


It was like a game of dominoes. And once the banking domino fell, so did everything else. So the answer is yes.


I don’t see them necessarily at exactly the same time all imploding, but I definitely do see a domino effect. I see. And now you kicked things off by mentioning the debt crisis we’re facing here in the United States as well as pretty much everywhere else abroad.


What is the end game here? I’m sorry, what did you say? Oh, sorry. What is the end game of the debt crisis? Oh, that one’s easy. The end game of the debt crisis is to transition us into a new currency, a totally new financial, economic, and social system.


It’s not the first time it’s been done, so you can see it coming if you understand the patterns. I’ve been studying currency and currency life cycles since 87. The patterns are very obvious to me.


And all of the things that typically happen when we’re making those changes are happening right now. So that’s the end game. I mean, if you have no more purchasing power to inflate away, negative rates attack your principle, but you need a new system.


So this is huge. This is bigger than the 70s where we were going from at least a quasi-gold-backed system into a full debt-based system, but we were still on a paper system. In other words, you got these things out there.


What they want is a full surveillance system, and that is a digital system. And if all your wealth is held in intangibles, and for whatever reason, they don’t like what you say, what you do, well, you’re going to have to go along with it because you’re not going to have any other options. And that’s why what I really preach in Hammer Home is that you must be as self-sufficient and independent as you can possibly be.


And I’ve realized my mantra is this, and you must develop security in food, water, energy, security itself, barter ability, wealth preservation, community, and shelter, because these are all the things that we need to sustain a reasonable standard of living. But what I’ve also come to understand is that we have to work hard to develop. And that’s what Zeng Enterprises, yes, we sell gold and silver, and that’s fine.


And we have a strategy that’s on those repeatable patterns, and it’s built in layers, right, so that you can deal with whatever you have to deal with. But I have really fully come to understand that coming together in community is the single most important thing that we can possibly do. So in a local group, you need to, food becomes the biggest issue for most people.


And here in Phoenix, we’ve got a drought issue, and we’re seeing a lot of this around the world. So you’ve got to build that local community so that everybody brings whatever skills and talents and goods that they have into this community to support each other. So as example, I have a bug out location, and the people that are on our list, if we need to go there, I’ve got plumbers, I’ve got carpenters, I’ve got farmers, I’ve got doctors, I’ve got surgeons that falls in that category, but a whole teachers, a whole variety of people that can come together with all their skill sets.


I have the land, I have the gold and silver, okay, we’re good, we’re good. But on a global basis, and I can’t say that this is more or less important, I think equally important is, because to your earlier point, I mean, really, this is a global issue. If we can get 3%, 3% of the global population, because we vote with our wallets to buy gold and silver to take their declining fiat money and convert it into sound money, then I believe we can have a shot at having a seat at the table inside of the new system.


And what that means is that if I’m the one that’s representing, and I don’t know who or what or how that will be, but if I’m the one that’s sitting at the table, I am going to demand a 40% backing in the new system, whether it’s digital, however it is, of gold. But make no mistake, because you’re going to hear a lot about asset-backed securities, oh, and this is in Zimbabwe, the currency is backed by 40% gold. You know that that is true if you can take the gold out of the system.


I don’t like what you’re doing. I’m going to bring in this, and I’m going to walk out with this. That’s going to create restrictions around what you can do, and that’s going to give the power back to the public like it once was in the early 1900s.


So what they’re using for backing, or they’re using this interchangeably, and it’s not interchangeable. What they’re really trying to do is peg the system to the spot gold market that we were talking about earlier, right, which is a lie. And as we saw in Zimbabwe, who vowed and promised 40% backed, we can’t inflate the money away.


And yet, what they have at five, six months of Zimbabwe gold, and they did another 44% devaluation. It was only in digital form, and you could not take possession. It wasn’t backed.


It was pegged to whatever the spot price was that they wanted it to be, because otherwise they couldn’t have done that. So I bring this up and I sound the alarm because when they say that it’s backed, you got to see, is it convertible? Can I actually take possession of that asset if I want to? Might not need to, but I want to know that if I want to do it, I can do it. If you can’t do it, it’s not backed, it’s pegged, and they can do any darn thing they want with those numbers.


It’s easy. It’s cheap. Lynette, have you heard about the Accumulate program in China? No, I haven’t.


So this was something one of my previous guests brought up, Eric Jung. And from what I understand, it is exactly what you just described. It’s a program that allows Chinese citizens to turn in their cash for gold at a one-to-one ratio, and then vice versa as well.


Well, I’m definitely going to look at that because I hadn’t seen that in China. I know that since 2006, that was the first time that Chinese citizens could buy gold again. But a lot of that gold, the typical gold, is held in the banking system, which actually should the Chinese government want to do a confiscation, it makes it pretty easy.


But what’s been happening outside of that typical way, so I’m definitely going to look at that, what’s happening outside of there is a rush to buy physical gold. And a lot of it is in jewelry form or these little teeny pieces. And that’s important for people to understand that gold and silver in any form is monetary at its base.


But I hadn’t heard about that. And I will be looking at it. Thank you.


Yeah, I hadn’t heard about it either until Eric brought it up to me. So a very interesting thing going on there in China. It effectively enables the Chinese citizens to soak up the gold market, which is what was described to me.


Fascinating interview here, Lynette. Anything else you want to talk about? I think I’ve pretty much covered everything on my end. Anything else you specifically want to talk about that we didn’t get to get into? Well, it really is about being prepared and not procrastinating.


Because somehow people always think they’re going to know like, boom, one second before and then they can get in position. I’ve been working on this seriously since, well, 2002 is when I started to really accumulate gold and silver because of some technical reasons. And then, you know, particularly after 2008, I started talking about the reset and was one of the very first people.


But that was because I listened to an interview by Christine Lagarde on Bloomberg. We’re not there anymore. And she used the term reset about 27 times in a 20-minute interview.


And so I went, oh, crap. Okay. She’s telling us what’s coming.


So you can’t wait. Don’t wait. Go to your local community gardens.


Get to know people there. Volunteer. Go to your farmer’s market.


Build that local community as quickly as you can. There is strength in numbers, which is why we got to build the global community as well and why I’ve been doing so much traveling. Please don’t wait.


Don’t wait because you’re not going to know. Even I pay attention. I’m not going to know one second before all of our choices are lost.


Yeah. And it’s important to make your plans now when you’re calm and rational as opposed to when you’re in the moment, everything is heated. You’re going to be making rash decisions based off of emotion.


So it behooves you to wait until it’s actually game day, right? Yeah. Just get prepared. What if I’m right? What if I’m wrong? Okay.


I have a fabulous bug out location. I go there all the time. I like to go every other weekend.


And it’s where I recharge my batteries. So if we ever need it, okay, I’ve got it. But if we don’t ever need it, I still enjoy it.


It still brings a lot of value to my life. So yeah, just get prepared. Then it doesn’t matter whether you’re right or wrong.


Yeah. Well, fantastic interview again here, Lynette. Where can people find you if they want to see or hear more of your work? Well, we’re very, very active on YouTube and Twitter at the Lynette Zhang on Instagram and Facebook at Lynette Zhang.


And of course, our website is Now I’m going to also say I didn’t pick any of that. I have some really fabulous people around me. And, you know, because that makes me sound like a little… But I’m just like everybody else.


I show up and do the work. You point me in a direction, I go there. Yeah.


You can’t do it all. You need a team. You need a good team behind you.


Totally. Well, hey, thank you so much for coming on, Lynette. It’s been a huge pleasure having you on again.


If you guys enjoyed this video, remember to give us a like and comment, go Lynette, go in the comment section. If you disagreed with anything we had to talk about today, let me know. I do read the comments.


So I’m really interested to get your take here, guys. Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss an episode and subscribe to us on Substack, capital cosm, that’s, where you can get early access and ad free versions of my videos, as well as uncensored content for the videos that do warrant it. So with all that said, thank you guys for watching.


Lynette, thank you for coming on and I will catch you in the next episode. Bye, y’all.

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