Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me you Gregory Manorino Wednesday, February 5th 2025 pre-mark your report. I have a lot of stuff that I want to cover with you, but I Want you guys and girls to stick around until the end.
It’s not gonna be that long of a video this morning We are we are stronger together. So I want to get your input and opinion on Some very interesting developments, so again, I promise to read through the comments, but let’s start off with this There’s something going on here Globally, and I know at least I hope that most of you are paying attention to what’s happening I’m talking about global bond yields. Let’s back up to yesterday Yesterday morning if you recall I came out here and I said we got a problem The the debt market was sending us an ominous sign then all of a sudden by a Miracle market opens bond yields start to drop the market recovers.
We finished positive across the board Beautiful and lovely. This is direct intervention by central banks Period the freaking end they’re in here. They’re manipulating the debt market What we’re actually seeing here is in our face yield curve control all central banks are involved in this right now and We know that they’re not going to allow the debt market to destabilize until they’re ready for it and What we witnessed overnight is pretty profound.
Let me show you what I’m talking about here. It’s kind of interesting This is this is global bond yields down across the board look at the u.s. 10-year yield That is incredible. That is absolutely incredible to drop that we have seen now on the back of that the MMR I has now dropped below 300 again in our face yield curve control.
What’s actually going on here? Let’s let’s talk a little bit more this stock market has gone nowhere Zero since the high of December 5th with regard to the S&P 500 you have to understand I’ve covered this to the point of nauseam over the years the Illusion of the stock market. It’s a very powerful thing when people see the stock market rising They believe that our economy is strong. We’re booming and everything is just perfect here, but the economic news Continues to be big.
What do we find that just yesterday as part of the plethora of Bad economic news manufacturing here. The United States continues to contract today Home buyer mortgage demand drops again. I mean look we’re done the global economy.
It’s dead. It’s buried and It appears based upon what we’re witnessing here with global bond yields dropping Central banks are trying to Reinvigorate the illusion of the stock market so so the politicians can point at it and say listen Look at the stock market. We’re all doing great.
It’s a deception It’s a grand deception on an epic scale people love to see their investment plans going up and up and up I get all that it gives you a sense of wow, you know, I’m doing really well, but you got nothing you’re paper-rich These digits don’t even exist they are not real. It’s not on the elemental chart you understand what I’m talking about here, but and again where we are with regard to the stock market is It’s it’s beyond la la land It’s not there’s no price discovery people You know this if you’ve been with me for any late the time we have a mechanism of artificially suppressed rates and currency Devaluation around the world which has inflated a global debt bubble the likes of which we’ve never seen before It’s a hyper hyper hyper hyper bubble and on the back of that we’ve seen this mechanism of epic debt You know push stock markets higher and higher and higher and look We’re not the only one who’s paying attention to this obviously central banks know what’s going on and central banks again with this mechanism of yield curve control seem Determined okay to Foster the illusion of the market so more easy money now, let’s let’s talk about that a little bit more just real quick we heard from Bulltard they float this guy out former Fed Chief Bulltard Bullard To assure the market that rate cuts are coming now the Federal Reserve plays a game this back and forth kind of a game Where they have one? Federal Reserve Representatives say one thing and then another one says enough another and this is a phenomenon people go back as far as you want to Go we’ve covered this over and over and over again. This is what they have this is what they’re setting up again So again, this is a mechanism That they always used to in an attempt to I don’t know what they’re trying to pull off But it’s always the same story So Bullard says Bulltard we’re getting cuts don’t worry about it, but what’s going on in the debt market anyway They’re in here buying it all which is their goal anyway, but then they float out Boston Fed President Collins Fed interest rate cuts may not come anytime soon So they’re doing this flip-flopping thing here, which it’s a game To keep the market off balance, but we all know look man.
Do you not believe? Sincerely that more easy money is coming here that now the the the the friendship that exists between the Federal Reserve And President Trump, this is just we don’t why did he do that because Bullard came out and said hey, don’t worry We’re gonna cover. Do you not believe that? President Trump is talking to the Federal Reserve right now wanting to know where they’re going in Why do you think we’re seeing what we’re witnessing right now the global bond yields dropping? This isn’t in an effort to Reprop up the stock market again to foster the greatest wealth transfer that has ever been seen in the history of the world Right up to the one and two percent is gonna get sucked right out of you period the end That’s what’s going on now if you got to stock Futures this morning despite the fact that bond yields are lower across the board and the MMRI is below 300 You got stock futures now under some pressure The market in my opinion is not going to be allowed to fall here again The illusion must be maintained. We don’t get pullbacks.
We don’t get corrections. We get nothing anymore We got a flat market since December, but it looks like central banks are in here. They’re gonna try to jar this loose and again start to push cash into the stock market via the mechanism of Suppressing rates or yield curve control sound about right to you.
I think we’re on the same page So we’re gonna watch and see how this plays out with regard to Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin isn’t doing too much. The others are higher Lovely, you got gold and silver mix this morning heck of a run honestly higher with regard to this again currency devaluation I’m still saying what I’ve been telling you for many many many months now the mechanism It appears is gonna be to open that window to make to allow cash to flow into risk assets We’ve seen an enormous amount of cash flow into cryptocurrencies, you know crypto capital the world bridging the system You all know that let’s not cover it again right now and and and that Artificially suppressed rates what this does is just open up that doorway for cash to make its way into the stock market It gets sucked right out of you. We don’t need this.
We need a real market. We’re not gonna get a real market You have to understand What we’re gonna see here moving forward is again more easy money and of course artificially suppressed rates on the back of that and currency devaluation the stock market more than likely will respond in a Positive way to this despite anything else again the faster that the economy comes down this this mechanism is still in play The higher the stock market appears that it’s going to go and I’ve told you this for how long I’m a decade That’s how it’s gonna play out The the more pressure on this on the economy the more pressure on The middle class the higher the stock market is gonna go That’s just the way it’s gonna play out and that appears that this Mechanism is still in place sounds about right to you and make sure I covered so far everything I want to talk to you guys about but stick around because we got to cover something else here with regard to the economy Around the world if you have even the slightest doubt that you’re not going to see more pressure on it via the mechanism of Artificially suppressed rates and currency devaluation you’re gonna work a lot harder to make ends meet moving forward despite all the talk and all the rhetoric that you’re hearing here in the United States and Again, it’s just not gonna end. The mechanism is very clear central banks are on a mission to own it all they already are and Have achieved their goal of being both the lender and buyer of last resort I’ve been telling you that for 10 years that that’s their goal.
That’s what they’re working towards. That’s what it is The central banks collectively are the number one issuers of debt and buyers of debt. I want you to think about this this vortex Is massively inflationary you’re not allowed to know that and that’s why we’re seeing what we’re seeing right now We haven’t seen anything yet here.
I want you guys and girls to be ready for anything understand Yes, it appears that the mechanism of propping up the market via yield curve control Central banks buying it all is in effect here No doubt about it, and that means is that that wealth has to come from somewhere guess where it’s coming from you That’s the mechanism here. That’s why the global economy is in the spot that it’s in right now Does that make any sense to you? Well, it doesn’t still you don’t get it if it doesn’t Ponder these things think about the mechanism behind it. What’s driving all of this? You’ll understand that what I’m saying is absolutely true.
We do not need to see lower rates We do not need yield curve control. We need a real Market which means Buyers and sellers get to decide fair market value when you have a mechanism of central banks in here buying it all Keeping rates artificially suppressed. You can’t have a real market in any way shape, but we don’t have a real market We haven’t had one in many many many years and this the mechanism of a free market has wiped out literally wiped out the global economy and propped up stock markets creating a bubble that Is beyond belief and in a real estate bubble along with the price action distortions across the spectrum of asset classes all the stuff that? You and I have covered for many many years.
It’s in our freakin face Are we on the same page? All right. Look now. I want to show you a couple of things if you recall This is about a year ago Jared Kirsten says Gosselin what Gaza waterfront property could be very valuable This is of course Donald Trump’s son-in-law All right, you remember that now all of a sudden we got this a couple of things going on Trump envisions long-term United States ownership of Gaza won’t rule out deploying troops President Trump meets with Israel’s Netanyahu suggesting displaced Palestinians be permanently resettled elsewhere Trump says United States will take over Gaza to develop it to develop it interesting To develop it and Palestinians should leave Is this something that you support or something that you’d rather see this settled out another way or is there something else going on here? So that’s the question again.
Let’s start from the beginning This is about a year ago. This is where we are now is this What you want to see is this something you support because it’s going to it’s first to develop this this land over here we’ll take trillions Trillions and trillions of dollars where we getting that cash from anybody have any idea Anyway, I want to hear from you on this You support this thing this this this takeover of Gaza is something else going on here Maybe again, I don’t want to sway you guys and girls. I want to hear from you.
I promise to read The comments a long-term ownership of God’s I mean, you know what’s going on here in your opinion All right, make up your own minds and let’s not have a big like, you know Let’s not fight about this because I know there’s gonna be a lot of argument here Let’s see if we can have an adult conversation about what may or may not actually be going on here So you guys and girls let me know what you think about that. All right again, we are stronger together Let’s let’s realize that look man. Let’s respect each other Honestly, we are all divinely created when you address someone in a negative tone right off the bat without kind of trying to Come to realize what you’re actually doing here.
Okay? We’ve lost that sense of respect and understanding that we are all divinely created The world is divinely created here And and we need to understand Re-establish again a connection with the source and that means a connection with each other as well Does it sound right to you or we should just hate each other’s guts? And we should just present arguments and not come up with solutions because that’s what they don’t want They do not want us to come together and and have and come up with solutions here. We are a conquered society We’ve been divided. Let’s see if we could turn those tables here.
I will read through the comments and see what’s going on here I expect that some of you are here Unfortunately can’t snap out of the boxes that you’ve been put in And and the hatred and fear quite obviously, but let’s let’s figure out what’s going on here again We’re stronger together with about with everything. So if we can again have an adult conversation here Let’s let let’s try to do that. Let’s see if it’s even possible Let’s see if there’s any hope because I always tell you, you know we need change and change needs to start with ourselves and our our relationships and I’m just really curious to see how this is gonna play out.
All right. Love all of you from the heart I want to hear from you, please A comment here. All right.
I promise to be I’m really gonna I promise as always I read through the comments But today especially I will do that And I want to see where we’re all at with regards to all this here people. So what I want to say is this the mechanism of What’s happening here? Global bond yields clearly yield curve control. What’s being set up here in your opinion? Are they gonna throw something else at us that we really should be prepared for always you gotta have the high ground You know that never let your guard down because they’re gonna Continue to do things to us that you’re not going to believe Moving forward and you and I we understand this and we’re ready for whatever they want to throw at us because they are not done They are not done with a lot of stuff going on here in the background.
You guys are going more than likely know what I’m talking about Again when they’re trying to get you to look in one direction, you got to look someplace else You have to understand they’re trying to distract you. It’s a deceptive tactic that works on Brainwashed masses here. You’re not brainwashed when you see stuff stuff like we’ve covered here You gotta look in another direction.
You gotta see what’s going on. You gotta dig deeper Okay, nothing is what it seems to be at face value Not even this even though again, you know, we got the Jared over there saying, you know, we should does this property over there is very valuable. Okay, just set up We knew this set up from back then something else may be going on here.
But again Always try to contemplate things not at what you see Use your God-given intellect to to allow the truth to come to you and it invariably will Does that sound about right to you as well or is Greg kind of you know out there somewhere? All right. Love you all from the heart. I mean that I’ll see you all later For 5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream.
All right, we got this and in my opinion we can’t possibly lose because we got each other and that’s That’s important. All right. See you later