FRANK26 (Uncut) 02-04-2025
I need the date for the last time we were on the air. Well, let’s see, what is this? It’s Friday, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s Friday. So what was the date on Friday? January 31st.
January 31st, so I’m looking for the 1st of February. Everybody’s here. Oh my word, Jan, a whole page of articles? How is that possible? There’s too much to do tonight.
I don’t want to do all 31st. You know what, I’m messing up. I’m looking at the 31st, and I’m looking for the 1st.
Oh, there is a 1st. I see. There’s only two 1sts, and the rest is 2. That’s why I got confused.
Alright, I’m going to, I’m going to. I’m just starting to do it. 3, 2, 1, go.
The recording has started. Sit up be patient and get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a D-not fix, I tune in to Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets Tune in now, tune in here, this is the D-not beat Hey Tink, I need a cookie Come on Tink, I deserve some cookies Cookies, cookies, cookies Come on Tink, give up the cookies Greetings family, welcome to another one of your Frank 26 UbiTubbies It is the 4th of February 2025 I greet you in agape love, because we are That’s our site, It stands for keep the faith, always in our heavenly father We are a Christian based organization, we welcome you, we welcome all We study the Iraqi denial, but I think it’s important that we establish right away That what we share, what we say, it can only be in our opinion
There are no facts, there are no numbers, there are no dates, there are no rates There’s nothing solid here You come and study with us, you’re standing on quicksand Okay, now unless you’re an old timer and I say, you’re sitting with me on my blue couch Then that’s a different story This whole night is blue couch So with that in mind, we need to get to studying We’re going to study, now as you know, we break our study into three parts The first part is the article, so go on in, you’re a member of Go on in, and I’m going to meet you at final article number 4998 4-9-9-8, got it? So we’ll start there in a minute And then the second part is the report that we get from our ground people in Iraq I label that as Eddie, Neil, Mr. Sammy, Aki, anything that gives us information from that area out there So I’ll give you that report Now the third part is the report that I normally get from my teams I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t think so I don’t think so
So tonight it’s going to be the first part and the second part And I don’t think I’m going to give you the third part tonight So before we do anything, what do we do? Here, you tell me And by the way, go ahead and post it Tell me, what do I do before I do anything? I want to see, post it And while you’re posting, I’ll tell you that no, we did not get the camera fixed It’s still messed up, but we did a little trick Oh look, it’s you all saying pray and pray and pray Thank you, thank you, thank you Welcome, so there you go So with that in mind, let us focus on our prayer Let us talk to our Heavenly Father
Because we need to always be within guidance Here we go I’ll help Abba Heavenly Father by the blood of your son Jesus That is a special blood That is a very special blood But by the Holy Spirit Father, I come to you And I ask you to help me tonight To say the things that my teams want me to express
The things that we have talked about And I also want to give you thanks Father Tremendous thanks for what happened on Sunday Thank you Father for the accomplishment in this investment that we’re involved in Help us to continue to study Help us to continue to be patient Until this blessing matures I pray for everybody that’s here with us right now I pray for them Father because Because you told me to love everyone And I love them I learned to love them I want them to succeed,
I want them to prosper I want all these people that have been with us for 12, no not 12 years I started in 2008 And I want you to bless them Father I want you to reach out and guide them You know what I’m talking about The next step that I believe is about to occur It is the most dangerous step I know they’re all excited Father I know what they want So, I’m here to tell you in this prayer in front of those that are listening I’m going to talk to our KTFA family About the three chests I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t hear your voice Father I don’t need to I feel your voice
And you have brought me something that I’ve been talking to you about And I need you to prepare me so that I can talk to you Once again, bless those that are with us And thank you for the good report from Sunday Give us the patience to make it to the finish line In the precious name of your son Jesus By that blood That special blood There’s something about that blood isn’t there God Yeah, there’s something about that blood The blood of your son Jesus Through the Holy Spirit I pray, Amen Amen Turn off the volume Amen, Amen, Amen Thank you Andy, God bless you sir Alright, we’ll see you at the end brother Alright, now I understand what’s going on So here, we’ve got to help the family Get me that over there That light Put it in back of this phone Support it here, you’re going to have to find Oh, it stands up on it’s own I think it finds Ok Family, I understand that some of you are having trouble hearing me Now the reason why is because the camera that we’re using to broadcast Is not turned around like it normally is Where the volume is picked up
and you hear me Unfortunately, we had to turn the camera around, why? Because there was like about 4 or 5 people that for some reason were going insane Why is your camera flipped? Oh, for crying out loud, who cares? But by flipping it the way we just did Now it’s created another problem that is affecting all of you apparently Is that it’s much better? Oh, it’s much better, there you go God, the Holy Spirit, I ask what do I do? And what we did is I put a big board There’s now a big board in back of this phone That’s bouncing my voice into the microphone Got it? Ok So, once again family, we are here to study the Iraqi Dinar Everything that I share with you is just strictly my opinion Let me get a quick refill here Oh, while I do this, answer me this What were we expecting Sunday?
You should see the phone calls, the communications Oh, you’re a fool What? Oh, you’re a liar What? Nothing happened Sunday Wow You’re that ignorant? You’re that lazy? What are you talking about? Nothing happened, there’s no rape What did I say? Family, what did I say would happen on Sunday? What were we looking for? You so smart? No, no What? You so smart No, we are, what is that? Pray, no, I heard you I can hear you Doesn’t anybody? Ok, law, there you go, is that the only one? Train one Train one BR, BR is saying, yeah, the laws All of you are saying, I don’t see anybody not saying Well, here’s the one that said Article 12 You know, that’s actually probably the more accurate Here’s another one, voting on amendment laws Once again, that’s probably a more accurate description of what we were looking for Now, let me ask you this, did we get it? Did we get it on Sunday? What’s the title of your UB2V?
And for those of you that belong to premium Boy, you saw what was going on Saturday night going into Sunday In our forum Those of you that are part of Club 26 You received information, a little bit, just a little bit of it as well So yeah, you saw that we had our finger on the pulse There’s a lot of interesting things that have happened And we’re going to talk about them today Like for example, did you know, let me ask you something How much is the barrel of oil? Except for those of you that belong to premium And at KTLA, you can’t play But how much is the barrel of oil? For Kurdistan How much is the barrel of oil for Kurdistan? Anybody know? Well, the answer is 70, right? Yeah, we saw it in the article, it’s 70 Let’s see, I know, I know, says Greg Okay, what is it? Oh, look at this, look at this, look at this Wait a minute, Pam, that’s different Damon, that’s different You guys are saying 16 Jeff, you say 78, no Oh, Bud, Bud, you’re the closest, 72 Oh, there it is, there it is B-E-R 0-7-2-0 You say 65 I told you, you can’t play if you already know the answer So there’s one example, there’s so much that has happened Kurdistan is ecstatic, Kurdistan is happy They passed the, quote-unquote, the amendments The parts, you know, like the liver, the heart, the kidney, the pancreas They passed parts of the budget
And those parts are already done Now, there is, you know, cockroaches, right? Gotta step on them There are cockroaches, and what do they do? They come out and what do they do? They do the nastiest things you can think of That’s unconstitutional What is? I don’t know Well, what’s unconstitutional? The laws! The laws that you just passed? I don’t know How many of you saw the Democrats hold their, what was it, like a convention that they had yesterday? I think it was yesterday, wasn’t it? And the guy gets up and he says, OK, so you’re going to vote like this And you have to vote for one binary, one man, one woman, one dog, one cat, one this I don’t know, wait a minute, hold on You come up here and explain this And she comes up and explains it
And then the whole program All of the people in the audience were yelling and screaming They were not able to have a quorum and whatever they were going to talk about shot Wow, that’s very, very interesting So the same thing is happening in Iraq Everything is going smooth, everything is fine But no, you’ve got these people that want to cause trouble And we’re going to talk about that tonight Why should we waste time on that, Frank? Because you go to other sites, you read articles from other places I want to squash that
And I want you to be aware of more important things For example, Kurdistan is not getting their barrel at $70 It’s at $65 Well, that would really put more pressure on the new exchange rate to come out, wouldn’t it? Charles, you want to answer that question too? Too many to count Yeah, I don’t know, I don’t know I have no idea Maybe when this blessing is finished, I’ll take you It’s one big room It’s one big room It’s a wardrobe The apartment is what it boils down to My suits are assigned to me Look, let’s get to work At 7 we have our commercial All righty, family, here we go We’re going to look at final article number 4998 And it says, Al Karawi American pressure to pass the budget amendment How? What do you mean American pressure to pass the budget amendment? What did America do? Oh, you mean Trump? Okay, well then let me ask you something Did it work? Yeah, we passed it Sunday! You know what’s interesting? My Trump, my president, is on a hot streak I wish I could go to Vegas with him I’m serious Hey Venezuela, I know you were throwing stones What do you think about Trump? He’s nice, we like him mucho Oh, okay Hey Fetterman, what do you think about Trump? He’s a nice guy Okay Hey Mexican lady that runs Mexico or something I don’t know what you do down there What do you think of Trump? Because you were really PO’d
and saying a lot of bad things about him 10,000 troops! 10,000 troops? If I remember four years ago He convinced you to send 7,000 troops You’re sending 10,000? Yeah, just in case, you know what I mean? Okay Iraq, Sudan How’s your relationship with Trump? Fantastic What do you mean fantastic? What’s your name Frank? Frank, Trump has been the difference maker Really? Yeah I mean I wish I could tell you how What’s wrong with your eye? Nothing I wish I could tell you how But I can’t Oh, I think I know how You lowered the oil out of Kurdistan, didn’t you? Who told you to do that? Oh, okay You told Iran to stick it, right? Yeah, we don’t do nothing No buy no oil, no gas, no electricity, nothing We did, Trump, you know, nothing with Iran Well, good I’m glad America pressures to pass the budget amendment And it was pressured, it was passed
And it was because of who? Or what? I don’t know either What is the title of this article? Trump’s Footprint All Over Iraq Trump’s Footprint All Over Iraq Especially you old-timers Remember when I started with you back in 2008? I said, hi, my name is Frank 26 I’m going to teach you about the Iraqi Dinar Because I believe that this is a second world transfer From the same place where the first one came from That’s the only reason I’m doing this, okay? Okay But before I start to teach you I want to tell you two things What? She’ll be there at the end Who? Hillary Back in 2008 I said, we don’t care What else you want to tell us? They’ll tell you there’s life on Mars Or was What? This is the guy you want me to watch? What’s going on here? And then I start talking
And I said, the very first thing I want to share with you Is that, because we started December the 1st, 2008 Keep the faith missions And I said, okay, now that I told you those two things Here’s what I want to share with you As far as, you know, intel, quote unquote Information Thank you Duke, God bless you Duke Here’s what I want to tell you At 12.01 On December the 21st Of this month Of December 2008 Chase Bank Will stop selling the Iraqi Dinar And once again You got me to watch this fool? I bought my dinars from Chase What are you talking about? They’re going to stop selling dinars What are you talking about? I don’t want to watch this idiot
And three weeks later At 12.01 Many people got emails telling them that So then they asked me How did you know this? It’s not important how I knew it But I shared it with you Did you use it? At that time, when I said what I said I now wish to explain it Because Trump is here At that time Why would I say to you She’ll be there For the first time ever I am going to tell you why The reason why Ladies and gentlemen Is because the last time That we had The last time That we had this type of Monetary reform It should have only taken 10 years Right at the turn, 9-11 became a nightmare 9-11 should have been a wonderful thing For us Americans But no, they attacked us Because they knew what we were doing Fine Well, 20 years later She’s there Why? Because when the last Monetary reform occurred It occurred in Kuwait
And What’s his name? Clinton Balanced the budget Nobody knew how, nobody cared Nobody asked You don’t talk about blood and money So now You’re looking at a situation Where she’s there She’s everywhere When Trump was giving His inauguration speech She was in back of him cracking up Laughing her head off Because he said We’re going to call it the Gulf of America She busted and cut But why is she there? Because she wants her cut I told you She’ll be there Greed told me she’ll be there Then I also said to you They’re going to tell you That there’s life on Mars Well, I posted it on our forum And many of you Hundreds, thousands of you Got to see it I’m not going to show it all to you But you can find it on your own This is a picture That NASA released Now About 20 years ago NASA actually released a picture Of a face It actually looked like an Egyptian face Like some type of an Egyptian face On the surface of Mars
And they said, oh it’s a glitch, it’s a glitch And okay, fine, it’s a glitch But ladies and gentlemen There are no Acute angles in nature This is some type of A structure And I can just imagine God probably I’m just pretending I’m just talking off the top of my head But God, you know, can you imagine Maybe he started with us on Mars And we messed it up Because we seem to do that a lot With God And they gave up Then he came to Earth and he started it again We messed it up again So he flooded the place But he’s still giving us another chance I don’t know, I have no idea what this is But this is a structure And the face that they found 20 years ago It is a structure Where is it from, what does it mean? I have no idea But that’s why I told you When this would happen When this blessing would be upon us That you’ll be there
And they’ll tell you that there was life on Mars How did I know this? It’s not important So I now have finally explained it It’s over and done with Y’all can talk about it as much as you want But now you understand the definition Of why I told you those two things The very first thing I told you when I met you Then the second thing I told you Which is what Chase was going to do And it happened And ever since then, everything I’ve told you You’ve taken it to God in prayer Because it’s happened And we wanted to see These amendments completed The laws finished On Sunday, we did When I give you Eddie’s report You’re going to really get a feel A taste of the reality Of what happened over the weekend A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot A lot
and what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article as we told you family as we told you as we shared with you I should say Sunday was to give us the law of the budget and the exchange rate will now follow in time how much time we’re going to talk about that tonight final version and Ethan with the documents the text of the First Amendment law to the budget approved by the House of Representatives so that means that they’re going to start to read the line items well in actuality this had to be done what’s the next step let me see a president one of the three presidents will you review this and sign this actually Sudani took care of it oh really okay I’m the president done okay so now you got it yeah I got it what do you do with it I’m gonna read it I know when I’m gonna read I’ll tell you when I’m gonna read it first we’re gonna put this in the Gazette okay because when I read it I don’t want people to be confused I want them to know got a new exchange rate this is gonna be a simultaneous almost a almost a symbiotic symbiosis event that will benefit on both sides well I like that thank goodness all of this is in my opinion yeah with the documents the text of the First Amendment law to the budget approved by the House of Representatives good good because this is what we need it these are all the things we need it now the next thing is what what the president okay
and then the Gazette make it official and then Sudani open read the line items and when does funded by 1310 I think my final article number 5,000 oh that’s something to celebrate my article number 5,000 you realize that walking stick was the original for walking stick is the is the founder of final article thread walking stick is the one that created this back in 2016
and about two years later after that is when the cancer attacked his body I know already been over 5,000 after approving the budget amendment oh we got a solid after approving the budget some amendment this guy shut wine Abdullah announces containing the problem of the Kurdistan oil and employee salaries well the Kurdistan oil would be the HCL we got the HCL we got the budget the HCL is in the budget when Sudani finally reads the budget you’re gonna see the HCL and you think 1310 is for the HCL no no no of course not Fred of course not of course not you think that we sent this is this you think we agreed you think we agreed with Sudani for 1310 anyway so yeah after proving the budget this guy says that the problems with the Kurdistan oil
and the employee salaries no way employee salary listen to me you owe them a lot yeah we do a lot it’s not months you owe them for years that’s a lot of money you’re gonna give all the Iraqi citizens that are employees at a new rate yeah that’s why we’ve been waiting because we couldn’t give it to them at the old rate oh you got the new rate now right yeah so yeah what’s the blue title what’s the blue title on this article Sudani wants Kurdistan employees records what Sudani wants a Kurdistan employee records there’s no article that talks about their before Sudani wants Kurdistan employees records to pay them this is huge I mean you got a double whammy here you got the HCL
and employees being paid for years pass not at 1310 they would have done it a long time ago dear me dear me dear me the deputy speaker of the Iraqi Parliament whoever announced that you know the problems that we’re facing the exports of oil from Kurdistan well they have been contained yeah and after passing the amendments of the of the federal budget law they’ve been contained that in fact the budget amendment came after everybody reached this conclusion and now there are no problems facing oil exports because we got the amendments for the law or for the budget to expose already that is really good okay final article number 5001 final article number 5001 you saw numbers that that are doubled interesting Annie very interesting final article number 5001 Al-Masadani leaves Baghdad for Tehran on an official visit oh the Speaker of the House you going to Iran what because somebody whispered in Sudani’s ear
and then they whispered in my ear Sudani whispered in my ear so I got to go do something I actually I got to go make sure they don’t do something good what’s the blue title for this article make in peace will make you money final article number 5002 parliamentary finance committee explodes explodes a surprise and they also have it in quotations explodes a surprise in quotations I love that parliamentary finance committee explodes a surprise you know regarding the cost of extracting oil from the Kurdistan region yeah I know the surprises that they’re gonna they’re gonna be moving the oil and Kurdistan is gonna be rewarded very nicely
and the citizens of Iraq are gonna get their share yeah what’s the blue title for this well let’s see here $16 to $22 Kurdistan agrees to that well you know what what 1320 would be impossible yeah I think you’re right Parliament Finance Committee explodes a surprise yeah what you know the regarding the cost of extracting the oil from the Kurdistan region done we know how much okay what is it well we decided that we’re gonna just accept 16 anywhere from 16 to $22 is what we’re gonna get in Kurdistan for every barrel of oil that we send over to Iraq okay really yeah that’s not that’s not bad but that’s not good either is it you should see the exchange rate Frank okay final article number 5003 Burzani what’s up buddy we will keep working to find solutions for every issue what’s the blue title Sudani tells Burzani mission accomplished now I know that the mission accomplished was on I don’t know it was a it was one of our I think it might have been the USS Enterprise when Bush talked to our armed forces
and told them mission has been accomplished in Iraq mission accomplished he lied Sudani tells Burzani mission accomplished he tells the truth and the evidence is the articles that we’re reading final article what if they had not passed what if what if Sunday they had not passed this and the budget was still closed huh where would you be right now what would you be thinking same old same but that did not happen that is not the path of the history of this planet the path of the history of this planet has now allowed Iraq to become powerful
and they’re about to announce it in my opinion everything I say tonight is in my opinion my name is Frank something I don’t know I’m wearing a green suit in my opinion okay so you see how much is my opinion worth nothing stop that okay anyways let’s just go on to the next article first let me take this take this on article number 5004 after amending the budget what awaits the Iraqi Parliament I’m glad you asked now that they have passed the budget what’s the next thing that’s gonna happen what’s the blue title president Gazette let’s roll mission accomplished after voting on the amending of the budget the House of Representatives is waiting for the government to send the 2025 budget tables for approval but until now we do not know when those tables will arrive but this matter must be expedited look you don’t even show up for a quorum you show up you think they’re gonna tell you now what they’re gonna do with this budget Parliament you ain’t part of nothing you’re criminals you’re treated that way by Sudan and Trump you didn’t even have to pass this they would have been automatic anyways in 15 days my Trump is disbanding he’s disbanding a lot of garbage in my government watch what’s yeah I love this article I hope you do to read it and read it
and read it on article number 5005 to discuss military and strategic files a high-ranking American official will visit Baghdad soon what is the title of this you be to be we will never leave Iraq by an article number 5006 all these things I have told you all these things my teams have shared with you all these things we’ve given to you in our opinion we are seeing all these things in writing fine article number 5006 Trump orders creation of US sovereign fund wealth fund he says it goodbye tick-tock this is our president and he just said that he wants to create he wants to create a sovereign in other words Americans well in other words money fun supply it to the citizens he wants to give us money or he wants to have money for us the US President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Monday ordering the US Treasury and Commerce Department to create a sovereign wealth fund
and he said it just may purchase tick-tock we’re going to stand we’re going to stand this thing up within the next 12 months we’re going to monetize the assets side of the US balance sheet for the American people Treasury Secretary Scott Bissett told reporters there will be a combination thank you Red Dirt god bless you there will be a combination of liquid assets assets that we have in the country as we work to bring them out for the American people they wouldn’t be by any chance mr. secretary of Treasury they wouldn’t be by any chance did Lucy what did you this liquid assets the country to bring back to they wouldn’t be by any chance in in our in our in our Treasury reserves in our foreign Treasury reserves what would it would it be there maybe this this fund this mistake there will be a combination of liquid assets
and assets that will have in this that we have in this country and as we work to bring them out for the American people okay so this sovereign wealth fund for the American people that you want to create you say that there is a company it’s not by any chance foreign currency in our foreign reserves is it because if it is that would be brilliant that’s exactly what what what Obama’s urging that’s exactly what Clinton should have done that’s why I said that she would be here at the end this is brilliant Trump how many dinars do we have in our Federal Reserve sir huh I mean when did that number go up okay all right so if you know just okay even even if they just matched it to the dollar well that would be impressive
and you’ve already wiped out what a trillion from our debt what this God’s on your side isn’t he God’s on your side isn’t he you can’t see I’m waiting for you to lose Trump I’m waiting for you just one roll of the dice you got to lose eventually you can’t seem to lose it anything you’re doing you said that God saved you so you could save America in saving America you save the world that’s why the world is not kissing the hand of Donald Trump the next ones that will kiss it would be China they’ll give they’ll give Donald Trump a French kiss speaking of France they showed up today unbelievable unbelievable Pepe Le Pew will always show up at the very end always it’s their history oh okay we’re here to help though it’s all done it’s all cleaned up okay can we have something everybody knows your tactics France this is interesting Trump had previously floated such a government investment vehicle oh really Trump had previously Trump and Netanyahu right now okay thanks Trump had previously floated such a government investment vehicle as a potential as a presidential candidate saying it could fund great national endeavors like infrastructure projects such as highways airports manufacturing
and medical research where are you getting the money to do this Trump okay a combination of liquid assets of money things that we have in things that we have I know we have in our Federal Reserves did it hi Howard jolly good mate it’s good to see you thank you Howard God bless you so this article Trump orders creation of US sovereign wealth fund says that it could buy tick-tock what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article Trump builds a piggy bank for American citizens in my opinion through our foreign currency researchers the IQD because I don’t know if any other way this happened 20 years ago Clinton it’s happening again the only difference is that this man is smart this man is a genius no he is he is in order to make these moves I never even thought about these things unbelievable the Panama Canal I never thought about it 30,000 Americans died and we’re just gonna give it to China no this is brilliant Trump what are you doing in Iraq like I don’t know yeah okay so anyways this is wonderful final article number 5007 musk takes control of the US Treasury payment system thank God and already cut a trillion out fifty thousand dollars for condoms in the Gaza Strip I’m not even gonna touch that because they don’t even touch their women bin Laden that’s what they found in his closet stacks and stacks of it huh and they were all VCR tunes anyways final article number 5007 must take control of the US Treasury system what do I say what is the blue title for it and
and we all know what’s in the Treasury must take control of the US Treasury payment system and we all know what’s in the Treasury in my opinion you see how this is all coming together did you hear my prayer did you hear the prayer that I made to God I ask you a question did you hear my prayer Roger hey you’re the magic man Roger blue eyes Michelle or Michael what what did I say to God that I was gonna do with you guys look don’t worry about it but I will I will do what I said in that prayer to you KTFA that may for you KTFA I will in fact at the end of this show you know how I always save something for dessert I think I’ll tell you then good night so if you heard my prayer to God and you heard what I told him that I want to do for you with you I’ll tell you at the end of our call tonight by an article number 5008 including Iraq ten countries around the world ban dealing in cryptocurrency including Iraq ten countries around the world ban dealing in cryptocurrency what’s the blue title for this article that’s a mistake final article number 5009 Kurdistan regional government receives nearly 1 trillion dinars from Baghdad for last month’s salaries let’s see so Kurdistan yeah a brazani yeah I saw that you guys are getting your money
and for the salaries of your employees for all these years yeah how much did you get for the whole kit and caboodle the whole the whole package deal yeah mmm Baghdad sent about nine hundred and fifty eight nine hundred and fifty eight billion dinars whoa well Frank it was many years it had been you know you use the word retroactive that’s exactly what they did they retroacted the payments how much five hundred and no no nine hundred and fifty eight billion dinars why don’t you just round it off to one trillion okay one trillion one trillion dinars now let me ask you something brazani it’s been many years it’s been a lot of back pay but Baghdad is so rich they can pay you but they’re paying you now because you know the budget okay it’s it’s about to be read and don’t you think that they should have sent you many many trillions at 1310 no I would have been a mess Frank where did they send you nine hundred and fifty eight billion dinars at 1310 it should have been many trillions yeah Kurdistan regional government receives nearly one nearly one trillion dinars from Baghdad for the last month salaries what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article if this was at 1310 it would have been many trillions yeah that’s true final article number 5010 now this is good this is good joint statement by the office of the prime minister
and the Central Bank of Iraq so you got Sudani and you got a lot who are the people that we told Eddie to pay attention to family who do you pay attention to only family so the lock and Sudani they come out and they they lay it heavy they lay it heavy on the Iraqi citizens and here we go remember these two gentlemen Eddie’s report it’s in there mr. Frank what they’re both side-by-side who presented a lot and Brazilian and Sudani and and and Sudani yeah on TV yeah what do you say they give him the whole report of what they’ve done with the banking reforms
and how it on how it’s it has helped our economic reforms well that’s good and the timing is perfect because I believe they’ll pass everything on Sunday this is the conversation I had with Eddie earlier so let’s see what Sudani has to say after so many whispers in his ears after so two meetings in his home late into the evening hours after the deputy’s Secretary of Treasury comes and visits in Iraq yeah Sudani a lock what do you got to say basically monetary reform economic reform Sudani a lot what do you would you tell the citizens the government of Iraq in cooperation with a central bank of Iraq announced today Tuesday February the 4 2025 the launch of a comprehensive initiative for banking reforms banking reforms yes noting that this step comes as part of the government program that aims to modernize the banking sector
and make it more competitive at the local and global levels 1310 is not competitive at the global level yes correct I should say yeah the correct oh okay here we go according to the joint statement issued by the Prime Minister’s office in the central bank received by Baghdad today their newspapers the new reforms the new what you mean you I know what you mean the new reforms in monetary reform economic reform include and entered intergated integrated strategic process that constitutes a turning point in the history of economic development in Iraq not a 1310 these comprehensive reforms aim to keep pace with the development in the countries of the region
and in the world not a 1310 and contribute to opening up border horizons of communication with the outside world in the modern banking and financial transactions not a 1310 well yeah Frank that’s what we’re trying to get across to the Iraqi citizens a lock and me the Prime Minister do you mind yeah he exaggerated that’s why they took it down David anyway so Sudan a lot before you leave what else did you tell the citizens because you told Eddie a lot and he told me a lot that you said dude well we did say that the executive details of these reforms the monetary reform plan what about it the executive details of these reforms will be presented at a later time so Danny you told the Iraqi citizens that the budget was passed yeah she done he you told them how much is happening with Kurdistan and the oil
and they know about the HCL yeah she done he just told the citizens about you know the reforms economic and monetary reform that have contributed to the broadening of the horizons and communications and it’s gonna go outside you can go outside the world in the modern banking system and financial transactions yeah this is yeah because of what happened on Sunday Frank yeah but then you also said that the executive details of these reforms will be presented at a later time I told more Frank what which opens new horizons for cooperation and partnership at an international level we’re gonna float man okay there it is okay I mean like Trump does I don’t know there it is what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article the banks in Iraq are now high-tech
and modern for the international transactions what’s that got to do with 1310 nothing congratulations you students final article number 5,011 a joint statement by the office of the Prime Minister in the Central Bank of Iraq well it’s the same thing the same article no it’s got more whoa really and you’re gonna read it aren’t you family what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article Sudanian allotment launched the monetary banking reform what read it there it is read it you can read all right I’ll read you just a little bit hey look says these two guys the Central Bank I mean you know what we’ve been doing citizens the ongoing reforms economic monetary but I’m telling you it’s a me talking this is me mwah mwah okay listen to my words okay the ongoing reforms the ongoing okay this will continue even after we introduce everything remember what Frank says they look at monetary reform education will continue it has to be there’ll be developments that will have to be taught so for Sudan he says the ongoing reforms implemented with government but you do implemented this stuff on implemented with government banks enhances
and the interrogation of this strategy representing a turning point in the future of Iraq’s financial systems yeah oh my word the executive details the executive details here we go again in other words all the information that we’ve been giving you the monetary reform education the executive details of these reforms will be presented later okay yeah all right all right I mean what did Frank say is the president’s signature Gazette and then open it up and then I’ll come around okay every done later give me so yeah the executive details of these reforms will be presented later from this standpoint the government and the Central Bank of their adoption of a common reform vision the Central Bank of Iraq and the CBI have the same vision for Iraq it’s not 1310 is it which is to establish a modern oh okay what is what it would it’s to establish a modern transparent and comprehensive banking system that supports the aspirations of the dynamic economy of the Iraqi state dynamic economy of that right he’s what it would be an insult for you to even consider 1310 you’re stronger in your study than that but an article number 5012 governor of this oh I’m so sorry I just realized that I went over my time we have a commercial
and I’m gonna give her 15 minutes and she’s gonna come on and talk to you and listen this this this is a and a friend of ours and and introduced to you a couple of weeks ago this spray and this cream family the the spray you put it in your tongue okay it helps to remove the plastic in your veins and arteries and capillaries and we got a lot of it and then there’s this cream and and and gentlemen I don’t care how old you are start putting it on right now it just you see I believe that cancer is also from that fungus fungus if you have a picture underneath let’s say electron microscope of a cancer cell and a picture of a fungus they’re very hard to tell apart this is a cream that destroys that fungus if you got prostate issues gentlemen ladies you got issues with your breasts okay listen carefully to what this woman has to share with you
and I hear you it’s 10 after honey take it take it to 25 after the floor is yours I’m actually good I’m actually gonna go get some more white I’ll be right back while you talk standard plastic to be equivalent to one standard plastic spoon in our brain and compared to autopsies of brain samples from 2016 to 2024 the disease where the blood-brain barrier is impaired healthy of the brain tissues with dementia which they say may create a sort of sink for plastics to get reasoning so is it any wonder that sometimes we walk into another room remember what did I walk into this room for anyway all right these are plastic in your brain and so they also put in the CMM report where this happens the liver the testes and the gastrointestinal tract and even the placenta and so I should say what we do know with real certainty is that the ogen horses they carry with them all the thousands of chemicals that are in the plastics
and some of these chemicals they say are very bad this their disrupted okay what adoption and so and reproductive malformation as well as female infertility and a decline in the sperm count Gulf of Mexico maybe they’re going to rename that final conclusionary sentence in the probably the dominant group but inhalation is also an important group so we’re getting a double whammy here living on the coast from you know the rain the plastics the one you probably have heard about near Hawaii there’s a whole island full of plastic I mean the class has created an island and so we want to get to know the geographic February 2nd they came out saying a 2024 study find shocking levels of microplastics accumulated in the brain
and so they’re also saying that we might be getting more microplastics because they say that you know that’s what their judgment decision-making and muscle movement and so they found a higher level of these microplastics in the brain for people diagnosed with dementia okay so also it says microplastics can contribute to diabetes and obesity and neurodevelopment disorders that occurred in the National Institute of Environmental Health in August of 2023 so that also in combination with the fungus could cause so many problems what they have found out with fungus issues and the prostate issue you don’t want this to get out of hand because my friend five years and he was having problems with his prostate which was getting worse and worse and worse and so finally after five years he went to the emergency room they drained one gallon of urine off of his bladder
and then they said come back next week we’re going to have to insert like a cent of his penis which they did after they sent him home with a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a catheter which is a cath can’t even pronounce that properly, okay, sorry about that. So, all patients with fungal infections, I saw that study.
So, oh, this is shocking to me. A lot of people have neuropathy. So, three, 2023, it said that the third cause of infection, such as Candida and Asperger’s study.
Who doesn’t have that problem? I mean, a lot of us have joint problems, right? A lot of us think we might have arthritis. To Lucas, a Lou Gehrig’s disease. Okay, and this study that came out, well, this was 2017, it goes further back, but it says, here we provide compelling evidence for the existence of fungal infection in Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS.
And the list just goes on and on. So, if we have four minutes left, Frank, do you want to say anything before we close out, giving them information of where they can, you know, learn more? Well, learn more by calling you, getting a hold of you. You are a plethora of information.
You study ahead of time. I know what you do, so I think they should get a hold of you. Me, personally, I went through cancer, and I don’t want to deal with that again.
This product will deal with the fungal in your body. And if you Google it, if you study it, you’re going to find out that modern science, the medical world has now accepted the fact that fungus gives human beings cancer. And when you study the prostrate gland, I studied it forward and backwards because they took it away from me.
So, I learned everything that I could about it. And I found out that it was a blessing. I know, it’s complicated.
I’m not going to get into it. Any of you gentlemen that have lost your prostate, and you feel that you’ve lost, you know what I’m saying, everything? No. You’re welcome to call me.
I will hold your hand, and I will guide you through this because I’ve gone through it. But for you young men or men of my age, and you still have your prostate, study what we’re trying to tell you. I believe that that is the main reason why we have this inflammation in our prostate around that time, around 60 years old.
It’s a breakdown, no doubt. But why? Because there’s an accumulation of bacteria. Well, the bacteria’s been there all this time.
Yeah, but at that age, you can’t get rid of it and channel it out like you used to. You need help. Well, that’s why I brought Ann to you.
So, you all look at this, study it, take it to God in prayer. Then the other thing about the plastics, that’s a catch-22. You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
My sister went through breast cancer. Yeah. She will not drink out of plastic bottles.
Her thermos is glass. She makes her own soap for her laundry because of the chemicals that are in the laundry soap that she knows irritates the skin that can lead to cancer. So, Ann, all I can say is that your two products are fantastic.
And men, you will be able to notice it right away. And as far as this plastic that’s inside of our bodies, I don’t know. I’m praying to God that this is a product that can help to start to eliminate it.
When you think about people with dementia, yeah, that’s second- or third-degree diabetes, but it probably has an awful lot to do with the pollutants that are in our body as well, too, and one of them being plastic. Actually, the number one pollutant in our body is plastic. There’s so much plastic in us.
It’s amazing that we don’t look like human dolls. Anyways, that’s all I wanted to say, Ann. So, please, family, my phone number is 419-283-2552.
419-283-2552. Ann’s phone number is 727-623-5170. Once again, 727-623-5170.
Now, of course, cancer comes in many different ways. Why do you think that I promote protandum? The oxidative stress gives you cancer. You know how many calls I deal with every day since 2008? It caught up with me.
It caught up with me. But also, I guess maybe something in my diet, something in my lifestyle, it caught up with me. Don’t let it catch up with you, family.
This is an amazing product, the cream and the spray. Ann, go ahead and finish it up. Well, thank you very much, Frank.
Yes, and as you post it up there, they can also learn more at That’s L-Y-N-T-E-S-T-E-S-T. Or they can just leave me a message. I’ll call them back or text me and I’ll call them back.
Very interesting people that came my way thanks to last week’s call. You have some very highly intellectual people and care even by spreading the word about these two products to others. So thank you very much, Frank.
Indeed, indeed. God bless you. Well, family, if you want to know about this product, more about it, please get a hold of Ann.
Ann Harrison, 727-623-5170 or me, 419-283-2552. My teams are telling me that they’re tracking some person that’s trying to call me right now. Thank you.
Let me know where. So then they also are telling me that something else just came in. Ah, thank you.
Hold on, family. This is Eddie. Eddie just managed to message me.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Hi, Eddie. How you doing, buddy? Exciting, isn’t it? I’m going to be reading our communication tonight.
You’ll be able to hear it, okay? I add a little bit to it as well, and I also take away from it as well. It’s good to be with you. Hey, Eddie, I want you to really thank Mr. Sammy for me, okay? I’m grateful to him to trust me that much.
Well, family, we left off with final article number 5012. Oh, and by the way, we lost 600 people when Ann came and did the advertisement. 600 people.
Isn’t that something? I feel bad for you. The two products, or the products that we talked about tonight, are amazing, wonderful, life-changing. And you may find yourself one day with these issues, but you’ll never know what you missed tonight.
God bless you and good luck. Final article number 5012. The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq receives the French ambassador accompanied by the delegation of the French business sector.
What do I say up on top? Pepe Le Pew always shows up at the end. Now, I know that’s not a very nice thing for me to say, because it’s not a very nice thing what France does. I’m sure you picked it up in all the years that you’ve been with me.
Notice what they do. They always show up at the very end when everything is done, and they say, can we help? Well, no, it’s all done. Well, can we help? Yeah, Trump ain’t going to play that game with you.
Final article, flip it over to page 251. We’re now going over to the next page. I’m telling you, family, that product that Anne has, I thank the Lord that she brought it to us.
I thank the Lord she found it. I wish I would have known about it before my operation, but no worries. And like I said, gentlemen, you need help? You want to talk? I’m here for you.
God put me through this. God gave me a solution and an answer. Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you? Final article, number 5013.
Iraq and the U.S. agree to enhance financial and economic cooperation. Wonderful. Iraq and the U.S. agree to enhance financial and economic.
In other words, the monetary reform and the economic reform. Is that what you’re talking about? What is the blue title of this article? Financial and economic cooperation. Not at 1310, thank you.
It’s a beautiful article. And that’s the end. That’s all the articles that we have.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to walk into the next part of our study. And the next part of our study is with our teams in Iraq. Hold on a second.
I just said hi to you. I hope you’re watching. And the last time we were together, family, was on Friday.
So, therefore, Friday was the first, I believe. It was the 31st. Friday was the 31st.
Therefore, I’m looking for. Well, actually, Friday night stuff came in. I don’t mind sharing with you.
We got a lot to go over because a lot happened, family. So, kick back and relax. Holy cow.
Oh, my goodness. Yeah, this is going to take a long time. You didn’t even remove any of this.
- It’s all mine, man. Saturday? I’m only on Saturday? Well, that’s the day I want, probably.
Yeah, that’s the day I want, Saturday. Let me scroll it. Thank you.
OK, here we go. This is late at night with Eddie. 607, I read that to you.
I had to have read that to you. Yeah, I think I read that to you, but just for the fun of it. Right there, OK? Oh, it’s straight now.
Now you can actually see that, can’t you? Let me know. Let me see. Yeah, I can see it on the camera over here.
All righty. So, now that you’ve got it, here we go. Friday, the last report, late Friday night.
Well, second to the last report. Eddie says that he noticed also in the post discussions after the signing of all of these memos of understanding with Sudan and the countries, we noticed, Mr. Frank, like, for example, with Egypt and other countries, they are saying that they have reached in dinars. They didn’t say that they reached their agreement in dollars.
To which I said, oh my goodness. Brilliant. That’s fantastic.
We’re seeing that everywhere, aren’t we, Eddie? The evidence of trillions disappearing, which means we have a new exchange rate. No wonder they passed it on Sunday. Eddie, whoever came up with this, you know, whoever was able to see this and observe it, tell them thank you.
Later I found out it was Mr. Sammy, and that’s why I’m saying thank you, Mr. Sammy, for everything. Friday, 10 in the evening, the last report that came in on Friday night. Eddie says that the television is saying there’s a component of Article 12 that Parliament is voting on this Sunday.
Now, this component, Mr. Frank, we just found out, it’s going to solve all of the salary issues, and it’s going to quickly act to resume the oil flowing. Then they talked to us about the Memo of Understanding signed with Egypt, and that Sunday there will be a celebration for tourism and the Memos of Understanding that have been signed. And we will see all of this in the streets and in big screen TVs and in our homes, in television, saying all of this credit goes to the Prime Minister, and without him this would not happen.
So it sure sounds like this is it. It sure sounds like this is it to us. I understand Eddie’s excitement, because I too feel that way.
In fact, my prayer at the opening of this Ubi-Tubi asked God permission to talk to you, KTFA family, about something I’ve never talked to you before. At the end of our show tonight, when I do the dessert, that’s when I will share this with you. I talked to God for permission.
I talked to my teams about it. They all like it. So I’m going to share it with you.
But in the meantime, continuing reading what I was sharing with you, now into Saturday morning. Well, actually, I respond to him the next day. With all of the expectations, with all of the announcements that they have been making recently in these last few days, well, it all only points to a new exchange rate, gentlemen, don’t you think? I tend to agree with you, Eddie.
Sunday may be a very important day for you as Iraqi citizens and for Sudanese as the leader of your country. I don’t know because the camera’s turned around and I can’t see. Oh, I see that.
Okay, that’s good. Sunday. It turns, Eddie says, he wonders what is the component inside of Article 12 that will solve the issue.
So Sudanese wanted this article passed by Parliament, but he did not put any of the numbers or data into the article. Parliament doesn’t even know what they did. Eddie says, I wonder what that component inside of Article 12 that will solve all the issues.
What do you think it is? What do you think it is, Mr. Frank? I said, well, it’s not the original recipe, laughing out loud, but it’s the, but it’s the original exchange rate. At least two to one. I’m sorry.
Wait a minute. What am I saying here? Well, it’s not the original recipe, laughing out loud, but it’s the original exchange rate. At least three to one.
Oh, because of the reinstatement. Who knows? Maybe four to one when all the smoke clears. Just my big, what do I know? Sending and hoping smoke doesn’t clear for a while so that it can get up higher as it can.
You little boy, you son of a gun, Eddie. You’re catching on, aren’t you? Yeah, but Eddie, this statement, once again, I’m hoping that the smoke doesn’t clear for a while so that it can get as high as it can get. It won’t affect you, Eddie.
It’ll affect your family. It’ll affect your families, yes, that are in the United States of America, yes, but it won’t affect you. Wow.
Ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump has just announced that he’s going to take over the Gaza Strip. Egypt, you had a chance, man. Who else was it that those countries, they said, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We don’t want nothing to do with the Gaza Strip. Fine, then America will take it over. Brilliant, Trump.
I didn’t even think about that. I never thought of that. I can’t think like Trump, man.
Level it. Level it. Oh, level it.
He’s going to level it. Trump says the U.S. will take over Gaza Strip and rebuild it to modernize the Middle East. Hoorah.
Oh, my goodness. Now, if you don’t, if you’re not able to put all of this together in one basket, then you haven’t been a good student. Look at what’s happening.
Look who’s over there, the right treasury people. Look who lives in the new CBI building. Oh, this is fantastic, Trump.
God bless you, sir. God bless you. There he is with Netanyahu.
And I’m going to, I won’t play it right now, but yeah. So where were we? What were we saying? Oh, yeah, Eddie. I hope that the smoke doesn’t clear for a while to get it as high as it can.
And, Eddie, I’m going to be doing, thank you, Terry. Thank you. I am going to be, wow, 10 of them.
Thank you, Terry. Eddie, I’m going to be doing a separate YouTube. It’s not going to be so much like we do with our reports.
I want to do a YouTube that I’ve never, ever done before. And in case you can’t stay up, because I know it’s over 3 o’clock in the morning for you, but in case you can’t stay up, at the end of the YouTube, I will explain it. So tomorrow when you wake up, just fast forward to the end and you’ll see what I said.
Because this YouTube that I’m going to do, it’s going to be very different. And what you said, sending and hoping smoke doesn’t clear for a while to get it as high as it can go. Yeah, we’re going to talk.
To which then I responded to Eddie, ladies and gentlemen, and I said, Eddie, they have the potential to come out at a ridiculous exchange rate. Just like Kuwait did 30 years ago, when they went through a redenomination and a revaluation of their currency. I believe they came out at about $15, but it only lasted for about a week.
And it went back down to $3 to $1 after it adjusted itself. It was, in my opinion, it was a window that was actually created for the whales and sharks to take advantage of. To which he said, wow, Frank, that would be kind of what Dr. Shabibi said back in the day.
You see, he said, Iraq could sustain a $16 rate at this, at his news conference in New York when your Blue Star was there. Yeah, I know. I remember, Eddie.
I do remember that Dr. Shabibi said that back then to Blue Star too. But we also know that that’s not going to happen because they learned from Kuwait. This would destroy everything that they’ve done, especially now with the internet.
You see, the last time in Kuwait from 92 to 2000, there was no way of knowing. It wasn’t until after 2000 that the computers, laptops, cell phones, all of this exploded and everybody was able to communicate quickly. That’s why everybody found out about the Marshall Plan that America does every 10 years to make money.
So yeah, wow, that’s kind of like, I don’t know. Did I show this to you? If I didn’t, then continuing. Eddie says that the television now on Iraqia Channel One is saying that our finances are in good shape.
Our finance minister is saying it’s needed, it is needed to speed up the electronic payment system at borders and tax banks. It is needed to speed up the electronic. In other words, we need the new exchange rate.
That’s why you don’t have the electronic payment system at the borders, Eddie. I mean, it’s there, but it’s not activated. To which then I say to Eddie the following, and I think it’s long, a little bit.
Yes, I remember, Eddie, we had Blue Star there. But the reality is that Iraq has learned from Kuwait mistakes. If you come out at a high rate like that at the beginning, you destroy everything that you worked for to create the security and stability of their currency.
And it would destroy their economy, their GDP, their economic reform, the monetary reform, their inflation would go up. So I don’t think that we’re going to see a ridiculous rate at the onset, but I think that we’ll see the same rate. In my opinion, that is floating in the Middle East, which holds the most powerful currencies in the world at three to one to the dollar.
So in my opinion, they are using the lower notes at the borders for training. See what Mr. Sami, okay. Okay, television saying Kurdistan saying they are very close to resolving technical issues.
Yeah, Eddie, the technical issues that we need a new exchange rate. That’s it. And that’s what they’re trying to hint at you.
I say, Eddie, anytime you see the Kurds talking, you’re looking at the HCL. Anytime you see the Kurds talking, you are looking at the HCL. Yes, sir.
Frank, Mr. Sami says we have made it to the finish line. Everything I say is in my opinion. Mr. Sami says we have made it to the finish line.
We just need to crop. We have made it to the finish line. Uh, televisions.
A new decision has come in force as the sale of real estate is now worth more than 100 million dinars. This has come to pass. Mr. Frank, there is definitely something going on with our exchange rate.
Then I respond and I say. I tend to agree with you, Mr. Sami. I use the example of Neil Armstrong walking down the ladder of the lunar module.
He has one foot on the step of the ladder, but the other foot is already touching the surface of the moon. Indeed, Mr. Sami, we are simply waiting for the other foot to also touch the surface. Gentlemen, Sunday has great potential to reveal much.
But if they come out with a budget at 1310, do not panic. Stay strong. But most of all, stay smart.
You know the numbers. Hey, Frank, Eddie says no way. No way the component is 1310.
I’m sorry, it cannot work. We know this. Or if that’s the case, this would have been revealed months ago.
If there was no change that was coming, the Baghdad exhibition, which is here underway, wouldn’t be occurring. Television is saying great efforts are being made to protect our national currency. I didn’t see this.
What? Television is saying great efforts are being made to protect our national currency with counterfeit and money laundering. I’ll be darned. I didn’t see that.
But I did respond to it, but it’s been days, man. How about that? So yeah, the television is telling them, you know, your currency, it’s going to be the caca. It’s going to be, yeah.
We got the pinche right, man. Look at this. This is great.
Television is saying great efforts are being made to protect our national currency with counterfeit and money laundering. It’s done. It’s done, Eddie.
All of this is the counterfeiting done, the money laundering all done. Everything is set and ready to go. That’s why your Mr. Sammy says we’re here.
And I said, yeah, I know. I use the example of Neil Armstrong, one foot on the ladder, one foot on the moon. Well, let’s get both feet on the moon, man.
Come on. To which I say the following to him, which again, is a very long report. I mean, very long report.
So kick back and relax. Here we go. That’s true.
That’s true. There is. There is a very great effort being put to protect your national sovereign currency.
Notice the words that they’re using for you, Eddie. It will and it will have a new exchange rate to match it. All of the monetary reform education taught to you up to this point is what’s going on.
And the training at the border is playing an important part in this security of your currency. In my opinion, your dinar is about to become the most powerful currency in the world, surpassing Kuwait. Why would you put all of this money, all of this advertisement, all of this effort, all of this education for a program rate of 13.10? There’s no reason to protect something of no value, but there is a great reason to protect what they are about to give you.
Purchasing power. You have the right to celebrate, Eddie. This is not confusing.
You know very well what’s happening. He said, exactly, Mr. Frank. And Article 12-2C is why everything has been hidden.
Because that’s what I tell you, that little amendment, that little piece, that article part. They didn’t even know what they were voting for. And look, Eddie just came to that realization.
Dang, that 12-2C amendment, it’s got the rate in it. It has everything that has been hidden in it, right? No, it’s the budget, Eddie, is where it’s at. To which I say, well, Eddie, I can agree that it was to protect the new exchange rate from the corrupt people that would have abused it by now.
In other words, yeah, they’re protecting the lower notes. They’re not releasing them because they would have stolen by now. Saturday, 3.16 in the afternoon, our fifth report on Saturday.
Television show in Sudan opening the 48th annual Baghdad Exhibition Fair today. Television show in finance working from early morning to late into the night to resolve all issues with the current salaries. Mr. Frank, Sunday is definitely going to be an exciting day.
Yes, Eddie, I believe so. Stop and think about it, Eddie. Kurdistan salaries have not been paid because it’s waiting for the new exchange rate.
Interesting, interesting, isn’t it? Yeah, and yeah, exactly. That’s what we believe too. Then he tells me, Mr. Sammy says, agreement has been met.
And the U.S. Treasury, they’re still over here. Do you know the guy? So don’t be surprised for some kind of an announcement. Mr. Sammy says, agreement has been made by the U.S. Treasury.
It’s still over. The U.S. Treasury is still over here. So don’t be surprised for some kind of an announcement.
Well, you see, this was Saturday and he was hoping that Sunday they would do something. But all they did was to pass the law and now the budget is in position to be opened. Yay.
But look at that. That’s a powerful statement. Oh, it’s over there.
Look at Sammy tells him here, but I’m not about this to tell you. Sudani on television saying Iraq is a fertile ground for economic dreams. And in the speech, he also throws this in there.
Hey, man, we’re the prettiest girl in town and our land needs to be impregnated. Come on, man. My cell phone is messing up.
I will update you. We’re switching over to this. And then he tells me and I go and we’re still going.
And then, boom, we catch up Saturday at 644. Thanks for the information, Mr. Sammy. I find myself on the edge of a cliff standing on my tiptoes, leaning forward with my arms reaching outward, simply waiting for a gust of wind to knock me over into the future of Iraq’s reforms.
Let me know, Neil, when you fix your phone. He says, yep, I’m going to go buy another one. Good.
I said, I hope so, man. Tomorrow’s a big day move. And he says, I know at the worst time, half of my screen is gray and jumping.
That’s my contact with Eddie. He says, don’t forget to let the Eddie’s brother. No, no, no.
He says, okay, Saturday, late at night. Saturday, nine, 10 in the evening. Our seventh report, Eddie says, Sudani is talking.
He’s saying that we are doing a diligent move and are in compliance with international standards. Mr. Frank, we’re leaving our borders. To which I say.
Hmm. Fascinating. If Mr. Frank, if you could see my screen, it’s all broken.
But what he is sending. Yes, it is fascinating. Yeah.
What he’s sending. It is fascinating. Laughing out loud.
Sunday morning, five o’clock in the morning. Good morning, Iraq. Well, it turns out that the finance has put new conditions on the salaries of the finance.
They told the Kurds that they must provide the bank accounts of each employee to them. Either a government or a regional bank of this region. What do you think that means, Mr. Frank? Is this another delay? No, Eddie, Sudani just wants all of his records updated.
He wants to know who he’s going to be sending this money to. That’s all. Okie dokie, Mr. Frank.
Budget amendment. Boom. It’s approved.
That’s it. And this was later Sunday. Six something in the morning.
Budget amendment approved today. Breaking news. So he sends me all the clips, news clips and stuff and videos and everything about the announcement.
We have a budget. Parliament passed the amendment in the budget today. Yes.
No. Eddie says it did pass. And Eddie says, don’t worry.
Anything the television is saying, this process has begun today. They did pass it. I’m not going to define to you that process.
Okay, I’m sorry. 2500 of you. Greetings.
Thank you for coming. Thank you for allowing me to be in your living room or wherever you’re at to share this with you. Greetings.
They have approved, Mr. Frank, they have approved the whole part for the flowing of oil. Again, that’s all related to the rate. You see, as it was coming in on Sunday, Eddie, Neil, Mr. Sammy, they were all going bonkers because they were like, wait a minute.
Well, we need a new rate. Wait a minute. They sent less than a trillion.
That’s not 13. Wait a minute. They have approved the part of the flowing of the oil.
That’s the HCL for us. And they’re doing it again. They say this is all related to a new rate.
It has to be. Television showing the parts passed and explaining all of this to us. And Mr. Frank, I’m sorry, this is all leading to a new rate.
Now, television shows 50 deputies have just walked out of Parliament before the big vote. Now, remember, this was Sunday morning, right? 50 deputies. So and so, whatever.
50 deputies have walked out of Parliament before the big vote. We’re looking for them. They abandoned the budget today.
They boycotted it. And we’re looking for them. They found them.
Television now saying Parliament has abandoned the budget. Television now saying Parliament is abandoned. Sunday was up and down.
Ebb and flow, ebb and flow. High tide, low tide. Emotion, bipolar, non-bipolar.
It was up. It was a day. It wasn’t until late Sunday night that things finally cleared.
And I was tempting to do a Yubi-Tubi yesterday. But what we saw that came in late last Sunday night, we said, no, no, we got to wait until Tuesday. Television now saying Parliament has abandoned the budget.
Mr. Frank, the draft amendment of Article 12 of the budget law includes two paragraphs. They just told us all of this. Now, that first paragraph is related to the cost of producing and transporting Kurdistan Region oil after determining the real speculative cost through the advisory body.
HCL, here we come! Mr. Frank, the second paragraph they just told us stipulates that in the event that the federal government and the region do not agree on the cost of production. So this is the second line. Now, in the event that they do not agree, the government and the region do not, in Kurdistan, do not agree on the cost of production and transportation, then the Minister of Oil shall select an entity to determine that cost, after which the cost of extracting oil from the oil fields in the region is calculated.
After it is calculated. And we know the new exchange rate is what they’re waiting for in order to calculate that. This is what this region is talking about.
That’s how they’re going to stipulate this flow. Now, they’re saying there is an agreement to pass it with Parliament. We’re lost.
We’re confused. In the afternoon, late in the afternoon Sunday. Now they’re saying that they will pass it.
I mean, in the morning they said it was passed. Eddie said it was passed. Then they said, no, we’re not going to pass it.
Now they’re saying we are going to pass it. This is getting confusing. That’s what I mean.
It was a bipolar day Sunday. Now, Mr. Frank, we’ve got more news. Here we go.
Television News publishes the following. Now, we can trust this source. They are showing of the First Amendment law to the budget for 23, 24 and 25 that was voted and passed.
This is on TV. This is all because of the First Amendment. Okay.
This is great, Mr. Frank. Things are moving now. Next report.
Parliament had 176 vote and 50 that walked out to boycott. Makes no difference. They had enough to pass.
Makes no difference. They had enough to pass. Yeah, 176.
Those 50 that walked out. That was a suicidal walk. That was a suicidal walk.
That was a dumb walk. And they walked back, didn’t they? No, no, I’m sorry. You know what that’s like, Eddie? For these parliament people that walked out, that refused to pass this law that they know was for you.
For your exchange rate, for your HCL. You know what that’s like? That’s like a convicted felon that is walking down that hallway to the electric chair. And he’s 500 pounds.
And he says to himself, you know something? I think I’m going to lose weight to improve my health. Too late! These guys walked out and then they decided, okay, we’re going to walk back in. Too late! You know why? You’re going to find out.
Here’s why. Mr. Frank, you know what Zidani did? He put the names of all of these that walked out right away on television. They’re all displayed.
We see their address. We see everything on TV. And they’re saying that these ministers, these ministers abandoned the budget.
And the citizens need to remember. You remember who walked out on them, okay? The vote will stand. We did have enough of a quorum.
So, there. Yeah, that was a suicidal walk. That was a stupid thing that they did.
That was just like Republicans that decide, nah, I’m not going to vote for that person that Trump wants. Suicide. Today, to which I then, oh, I sent him a long report.
Eddie, today was expected to be an exciting day of laws being passed. And they did! Now, regardless of Parliament constantly having the desire to cause problems, nobody is paying attention to them. And you shouldn’t either.
Okay? Stop paying attention to them. Eddie, let this all work out. Eddie, let this all work itself out.
You now have oil flowing from Kurdistan to Baghdad. And the price that they accepted tells me there’s a new exchange rate. How can all of that be at $13.10? Eventually, the budget will reveal the new exchange rate.
Be patient. Be smart. And stop listening to Parliament, for God’s sakes.
Only listen to Sadani, okay? Oh, and here’s a good thing. Mr. Sami. Every time I see Mr. Sami, I’m like, what? What up, bro? What up, bro? What you got there? Mr. Sami wants you to know something, Frank.
What? He said yes. To what I had asked. And sometime now, before the main budget is there to read line items, the rate will appear.
It has to. It has to in order to make it all work. And it’s soon.
Eddie, you tell Mr. Sami that I am very grateful that he talks to me, that he trusts me, and tell him that his opinion, everything that he has sent to me, is a mirror image of my team’s opinion. Sunday, 11.59. Now we’re at noon Sunday. The Speaker of Parliament is on television announcing approval of the amendment to the budget.
It’s starting to roll now, Mr. Frank. I say, Eddie, in my… Eddie, in my opinion today, with the laws being passed for the budget and Kurdistan oil flowing, I believe in the next few days we will start to see the line items. Like you said, Mr. Sami, and we will start to see the new exchange rate exposed.
But at the same time, they will have to introduce the lower notes with the new exchange rate. It should be a dual process with the rate change and the announcement. Let’s see what happens.
Frank, Sudani is back on TV. The man was on TV all day Sunday. Sudani is back on TV inviting the Kurds to Baghdad now that the budget has been approved and the country is now one.
And the country is now one. Oh, boy. Sunday, 3.05, the next report on Sunday.
They finally got a… Oh, hey, I finally got a new phone. OMG, it took me forever. I said, good.
Sunday, 6 in the evening. The television is saying that oil has dropped to $65 a barrel, Mr. Frank. That’s news.
They were at $70, but they dropped it to $65 a barrel and increasing our debt. We have few options. Don’t we? One would be a new exchange rate.
Yeah, Eddie, I don’t know. Oh, excuse me. Yes, Eddie.
I didn’t know that it dropped to $65. Thank you. Thank you for telling me this because this is good.
This is good. It puts pressure on the new exchange rate to come out even faster. Yes, Mr. Frank, I believe that.
Eddie said that it dropped to $65 and the news says one option. The news said… and the news says one option to offset this is a change in the exchange rate. Hannah, you have to understand.
Hey, Tink, I’m not lying when I say it’s about 100 calls a day, isn’t it? Yeah, you’re not lying. I’m not lying. My brain has 18 operations of anesthesia.
Sometimes I’ll see a movie and I won’t remember some of it, you know, even though I just saw it a few days ago. When I deal daily with you, all the calls, and I deal daily with our teams in this study, and then I have to put these conference calls together for you, my brain suffers. And at the age of 70, I’m just not as strong as I used to be.
So he says, yes, they’re sending this. Eddie said it dropped to $65 and the news says there’s only one option to offset this drop. And that’s why I told Eddie.
They did that. They did to push the exchange rate. And I didn’t know that the television says the only way to offset this $5 is a new exchange rate.
Dear God, I didn’t remember this because then I respond to him in an excited manner. Let’s see. Oh yeah, I said, wait a minute.
Hold the phone. Wait a minute. Hold your horses.
Wait, let me get this right. Wait a minute, Eddie. The news actually said that one way to offset this drop is a new exchange rate? The news actually said this? Eddie, are you, for real? Are you serious? Eddie said that it was on the news and also about the oil.
And Mr. Sammy also said that that was one way to offset it. Yeah, I know. But wait a minute.
That’s fantastic. That’s amazing. So then I said, oh, okay.
So it was, so it was the news and Mr. Sammy is also saying that the same thing as well too? Okay. Sunday, late at night, eight o’clock in the evening. Next Tuesday, the popular mobilization law will be voted on.
Today was all about the payment of the HCL, getting the curbs from $6 to $16 per barrel. So Mr. Frank, the HCL is completed. It’s now historic.
We await for Sudani to read the budget so that he exposes the new exchange rate so we can get our HCL. Next report. This is Monday morning.
First report from yesterday, Monday morning. Mr. Frank, Sammy. Okay, I want to, what? Mr. Frank, Mr. Sammy says that yesterday all the ministers showed up because Sudani told them if they don’t, if you don’t show up yesterday, Monday, like you didn’t show up on Sunday, then I’m going to find you I’m going to find you 1 million dinars and your names will be put on television and the newspapers and we will show this constantly.
Then when time, then when time vote 50 got up and left and the vote went on, now as usual, the ones who left say can’t do that. We walked out. There’s, there’s no quorum and they’re saying we are appealing the federal courts.
So today we should hear if the case will be heard or not. But we know that Sudani knows the constitution well and he seems to be acting like it’s done. It’s a done deal.
If so, then the next step will be the president now has 15 days to sign the amendment to law. Then to the Gazette. Remember Mr. Frank, we still haven’t seen Gazette number 4782.
That Gazette is still missing. Remember television says the budget tables still have not made it to parliament. The budget tables still have not made it to parliament.
Thank God Sudani protect it, protect it, protect it. Sudani you read it, you open it. Don’t let parliament do it.
Okay, TV says the budget tables still have not made it to parliament. And we know Sudani keeping. Okay, and we know Sudani is keeping those away from them until the last moment.
We told by TV that will receive tax on the payments from PORUS up to Sudani says passing the amendment. Okay, so the television is telling the citizens you’re going to get paid and we’re going to start from the PORUS up to the, up to the, to the, to the, to the, to the, I guess, you know, to all the citizens. And Sudani says don’t worry about what parliament is doing.
Yeah, they’re going to try to appeal this. But they were the same idiots that passed it in the first place. Sudani says passing amendment was key because don’t want to hold.
Sudani says passing amendment was key because don’t want hold of tables and the project. Oh yeah, Sudani doesn’t want the parliament to get a hold of the tables and the projects that are going to be funded. So we wait today for news on the case.
If it is legit or not. Wow, there’s a lot going on Sunday into Monday. Television is showing the Kurdistan leaders are very happy with passing of the amendment of the budget law.
Yeah, they’re crazy happy. Amendment law and hope that this is a step towards more, not only for our reform, but for us with the new exchange rate. Also, and also asked the oil minister to implement this agreement as soon as possible.
There is also a committee formed to oversee the actual cost of extracting oil in Kurdistan area. Well, then they need the exchange rate and it will pay up to $22 a barrel if needed. The amendment passed was from six to 16, but it can go up as high as 22.
Okay, so then that came in late at night. So yesterday morning, I talked to him from all of his reports. I said, good morning, buddy.
What a wonderful report. Thank you, Neil. Thank you, Mr. Sammy.
Now that the laws have been passed, gentlemen, and parliament has been put in its place with embarrassment and fines, well, it sure looks like the next step is for the president to sign this. If not, in 15 days from yesterday, the president, the president automatically makes it a law. And like you both said, the next step would be to expose those items with the financial tables showing an exchange rate to allow these projects to become real.
Because 1310 has nothing to do with this budget. It is an impossibility for the plans that Sudani has for Iraq. His vision, we can now say T-14 days and counting for the next exciting step in this monetary regime.
And that is the reform of the Iraqi currency. Congratulations, Iraq. You are not only there already, but you are growing as a nation that you have never been before.
A powerful leader with your economy and your currency, not just in the Middle East, but the whole world. That is why Donald Trump is very close to your Sudani because my Donald Trump is a businessman, not wasteful terrorism. I’m excited to see the Gazette finally come out with that hidden article, especially the one that is still being kept quiet and secret in order to protect the new exchange rate and the new currency.
Sandy, and I thank you. I can see whatever I did to help. He’s got a phone now and he’s all set.
I said, good. It took me three hours yesterday. One o’clock in the afternoon.
The Kurds are on television right now, Mr. Frank. You can go and see. They are happy with the agreement on the salaries with Baghdad and the payments.
We’ll start early Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Oh, okay. I thought we had a time frame.
So, the Kurds are on TV saying that they’re happy. Okay, good. With the agreement.
Okay. They’re happy with the salaries. They’re happy with the price on their oil with Baghdad and payments will start either Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday this week.
Looks like looks like old rate if they’re starting that early. Okay, Eddie. All right.
That’s a good point. That’s a good point, son. But Eddie, like I told you, even if the budget comes out at the old rate, don’t panic.
Sudani knows what he’s doing. The longer that he can hide this from Parliament, the better. So then I say to Eddie the following.
Eddie, even if they come out or start with the old rate, don’t worry about it. Stop and realize that Kurdistan is happy with six to twenty-two dollars a barrel. How is that possible at 1310? They don’t make a single penny, do they? So the mathematics is not proper because all of the information about the new exchange rate has not been released yet.
But within these next 14, 15 days or whatever or I should say for 13 days now, this budget will expose itself. It has no choice. Just Parliament just Parliament just like Parliament they had no choice but to pass the laws this Sunday for the budget.
They had no and this budget, Eddie, has no choice but to show its true colors in order for it to come to life. Okay? You know that. I know that.
Yesterday, at three o’clock in the afternoon, television keeps talking about final agreements made with the Kurds on the payments. They’re also talking about the oil. This is the HCL for us, Mr. Frank, and we know this.
Eddie, a new exchange rate is what is going to fuel all of this and that new exchange rate cannot wait much longer. It cannot wait much longer in my opinion. Yes, sir, we agree.
Today, here we go, 6.40 in the morning, our first report from Eddie for today. Television is saying that Iraq Finance Ministers has transferred over 958 billion dinars to Kurdistan for salaries. So, Mr. Frank, did you notice this is in billions? In billions.
It’s not in millions. They are doing the salaries at the 1310. Doggone it.
I’m so disappointed. Oh, gee whiz. Oh, gee whiz.
958 billion dinars. It’s in billions. It should be in millions.
To which I said, Eddie, if it was trillions, then it would be 1310. But this is billions, son, which means a different exchange rate. Ask Mr. Sammy.
He will verify what I just told you. Mr. Sammy. All gone, huh? Okay.
Here’s some. Mr. Sammy says, yeah, yes. It is 958 billion dinars and this will include retro back pay too.
So, we’re talking still we’re talking still for the billions, not trillions. Looks good to me, says Mr. Sammy. I can show you that much.
Yeah, of course. To which then I say, to which I say, laughing out loud, wait a minute. Wait a minute, Mr. Sammy.
Really? It just simply looks good to you? That’s all? It looks superior to me, dude. It’s fantastic to me. Laughing out loud.
Hey, Eddie, or Sammy, try to help Eddie understand that the budget in the trillions does not exist anymore because it’s not based on 1310. It’s based at least on whatever I said with the American dollar, which is adding purchasing power to the currency of Iraq. And in my opinion, I actually think it’s going to come out just a little over a dollar.
Let’s see what happens. But based on all of the things that are happening, we are literally busting through the door right now. Sending.
Hey, Mr. Frank, we all say, let the float begin. Sir, Alak is back on the news. Not with Sudani, but Alak is on the news about the reforms for the CBI envisioned.
Well, this would be the monetary reform. They’re talking about what these, these will be doing to help these banks will be doing to help making banking stronger. And we have help now making sure and they say the reforms will be implemented.
Yes, I remember he said and details. Yeah. The article said that and details will be will come later.
They gave the they said they said on TV the reforms will be implemented. I told your family that my brain deals with so much and I forgot about this too. That’s why my table is just filled with nothing but notes all around me and sticky notes.
The television is telling the citizens that what the CBI has envisioned. Look at that, envisioned. CBI envisions what they want for the people of Iraq.
That’s what the article also said talking about that that they will enact these things to help make our banking stronger and we have help now that’s the U.S. Treasury on the 9th floor. We have help now making sure and they say to us the reforms will be implemented and details will come later. That’s what the article said.
They gave different points Mr. Frank on the reforms making structure stronger they say. Then they talked about more steps for us. Says the government and the CBI adopt these reforms.
They’re saying on TV the government and Sudani Analog have adopted these reforms. Monetary Affirmation to which I then respond to Eddie with a long report. Here we go.
Yes. I saw that article gentlemen and the report on this subject Eddie this is amazing. The speed of the information that is coming to you today I’m impressed.
It is in volumes and it is massive in instructions and education of the monetary reform to you citizens. The laws are in place to expose the new exchange rate in the 2025 budget. Everybody knows the truth is about to be revealed and that’s why Alak and Sudani are telling Iraqi citizens we are going to we are going to cover all the details very soon about this reform.
About this monetary reform we are going to tell you we are going to tell you about your new exchange rate about your new lower notes. We are going to tell you everything very shortly. This is so exciting to be a part of this history.
It’s epic. It’s epic. I told them hey the details I’m going to give you the details very soon about the monetary reform.
That’s that’s the monetary reform education on steroids because it’s the last thing to tell you. They call it the details. Eddie there is an old saying there is an old saying here in America and we say the devil is in the details.
That’s why I say to you son God God is in the details of what they are about to tell you. Look at that part. Not the devil.
Not parliament. Not the devil of parliament. Mr. Frank we’re excited.
The television is saying that VP investing 25 billion in Kirkuk TV keeps showing joint statements from Prime Minister Sudani and a lot from the CBI. I say to him guys Sudani and a lot are preparing to make an announcement to you with great details of your new exchange rate and your new lower notes. Can you say that in your lower notes? You can say that this is in my opinion but I believe that it’s in Sudanis opinion as well.
Yeah I mean I truly do. I’d be a fool to think anything else. We’re not foolish are we? Today third report that came in in the afternoon.
The Supreme Court counsel today said those three laws that were passed in the basket last Sunday well they may be unconstitutional. They’re saying it should be individually done and they are holding up the implementation now. It’s in the three controversial laws that were in one basket.
Eddie whatever. I understand it’s constitutional but don’t worry Sudani is in control of everything. They’re just pulling out red tape.
They’re just pulling out anything that they can find. It’s like when I give a three hour lecture and somebody says but your hair was out of place. What’s the matter with you? What? Okay.
To which he says Frank Mr. Sammy also could be a smokescreen. Oh no no. Pardon me.
I read that wrong. That’s what it says but that’s not what it means. What Eddie’s trying to say.
Frank Sammy thinks this could be a smokescreen. You know the so-called delay because there’s just too many other things that are happening. It’s just it’s just not happening yet and they pop it and then all of a sudden and then all of a sudden they pop it on us.
Okay. So that’s all that’s how this is. Don’t worry about it.
Yeah, I know. That’s what I told Eddie. Don’t worry about it.
We wait Mr. Frank to see but Kurds are all happy today about the report over the payments. So it’s still all it’s still all sounds very good. Everything is very good.
That’s a good point. Mr. Sammy. It could be a deterrent because that’s what they do for a living.
Don’t they they cause trouble then we walk into today seven seven in the in the evening and he just messaged he says he’s going to try to watch your show tonight. It’s a little bit after 3 o’clock in the morning. He’s going to go see Mr. Sammy right after that.
Good. Take this to Mr. Sammy. Okay, Eddie’s on right now.
Eddie says thank you Mr. Frank. We’ll watch later. It’s almost 4 o’clock in the morning.
Go to bed brother. Go to bed. And that’s enough family.
That’s enough I think in my opinion. Don’t you? We have oh my word almost 2800 people and basically it is 2800. God bless you all.
Thank you kindly for coming. I pray that you were enlightened. There’s a lot that happened and what we were expecting on Sunday did happen.
It did happen. Many people called me and they were angry. Oh, you’re a liar.
Oh, you’re a liar. What? There’s no rape. Who said there was going to be a rape? If you’re a student with me we prepared you for this coming Sunday and what we wanted was for them to pass these laws and they did.
And tonight we gave you the next steps of what we should be looking for. I think that within the next two this week next week these steps should all play themselves out. In turn in turn revealing the budget the budget lines the schedule in turn exposing the funding for it.
And if that funding is at 1310 please be patient. Sudan is protecting the new exchange rate and the lower notes from you know who. Okay? Be patient.
Be smart. Everything that we’ve studied everything that they have told the citizens points in one direction. Okay? Now I don’t want to share oh, by the way Soledad I can’t pronounce your last name.
Koluzka K-O-V-L-O-U-K-A-S Soledad You had 13 operations in a year and a half? And you’re very grateful to KTFA because we’ve helped you to understand about the dinar and we’ve helped you spiritually? Good. Maybe just a little bit. It’s not just Trump.
But Sudan is also creating a sovereign wealth fund. Sudan is creating it through a float and Trump is creating it through what we what we have in our federal reserves and currency reserves and foreign currency reserves. And that’s why I told you she’ll be there at the end and and then today I showed you the picture on Mars.
They’re even talking to you about UFOs. Trump is going to expose it all. So the two things that I predicted to you on the very first day that I came to be with you are here are here.
That picture and you know who is here. There’s a gentleman on my forum by the name of R.V. Dock. I met him in Hawaii.
He’s a dentist, isn’t he? Yeah, he’s a dentist. R.V. Dock you were talking on my forum about our federal reserves that maybe that’s where Trump is going to create this this wealth this sovereign wealth fund that he’s talking about. Yeah I agree with you.
I wish I could spend more time with you, family. I wish I could tell you more things. And I believe that this from my teams is very interesting.
Trump has created how do you pronounce that? Doge? Doge. Yeah. Trump has created Doge for American citizens.
He’s created terrorists for American citizens. And Trump whispers in the ear of Sudani and you can see that all the things that Sudani is doing are really the demands of President Trump. So I don’t know.
It just seems to me that we have a worthless currency in our Federal Reserves in our currency reserves. It is worthless. What’s it doing there? Why do we have worthless currency occupying a space in our Federal Reserves? Well, because you’ve been a good student with me.
You know very well why. You know what happened the last time with Kuwait? President Trump appoints Elon Musk to be in charge of money flowing into Iraq? Think about that. Did not President Trump make him in charge of Doge? Is not Doge the checkbook of the United States of America government? President Trump appoints Elon Musk to be in charge of the money flowing into Iraq? Think about that.
The first decision that Musk made was probably to cancel the U.S. agency for international development. I wonder if Musk could get information about Iranian banks or Iranian politicians in Iraq? I just wonder. So yeah ladies and gentlemen RV Doc said when Trump was talking about the Sovereign Wealth Fund he let Treasury Secretary Vincent say a few words.
Vincent said it would be funded with liquid assets currently at the Treasury. Liquid assets currently at the Treasury. Plus one other asset that the Treasury holds like gold reserves.
Family I’m not stupid you’re not stupid it’s pretty obvious what Trump is doing. That’s what Clinton should have done but he didn’t. And it’s being done.
So Sudani does the flow to get purchasing power to the currency and Trump does the tariffs. And he controls the money that goes into Iraq. Iraq Sudani do you still have money coming in from America to you? No.
Not as much anyways. It used to be like what a billion a month wasn’t it? To run our government? To run your government wasn’t it? Yeah. The money is stopped yeah.
That puts a lot of pressure on your currency to have value doesn’t it? Yeah. Mission accomplished President Trump. So yeah hmm very interesting conference call tonight huh? I pray to God that you learned some things.
I pray to God that I was able to help you. Speaking of God I also want to announce that the KTFA there was actually two ladies huh? A man and a woman forgive me a man from Texas and another lady I forget but we were able to send four thousand dollars to Amos. I made a mistake I shouldn’t have said that.
I want to show you what it’s what it’s like. First of all you see them? And I shown you these pictures before. Look at the size KTFA be proud of yourself there are three churches and now there’s going to be a fourth one that’s going to be built and they’re going to have all these apparatuses at least about I think it was about two three hundred of them that they’ll be able to afford to buy.
Look at this. Here hold on. Makes me want to cry.
Your efforts KTFA have brought the word of God all over the world. This is just one place but there will be a fourth church that will be built now. These Bibles that they’re holding up are all in their language and the little black devices allows them to hear.
If they don’t have the Bible they can hear the word of God in their language. I’m very proud of you KTFA. I’m very proud of you and I’m grateful to you.
You’ve always been there for walking stick. You’ve always been there for the missionary causes that we do around the world. Can you imagine what we’re about to do? I dream about it.
I pray about it. I think about it. I have one more thing for you.
Oh, by the way, thank you Rebecca Hill for your financial contributions. Sophie Lee, Rebecca Hill, Margarita Johnson, Duke, Fran Wright, Red Dirt, and Howard Crockett. God bless you all.
Thank you for your financial contributions. Know that that money goes to help people. I have just one more thing to share with you, and what I want to share with you is what I am going to do on a YouTube that I have never done before.
I’ve never done it before, but because of Sunday with what happened. Oh, but because of what happened on Sunday, I just thought that it was time. So I talked to my team, and they were in favor of it.
So, right now, we’re going to have Cliff and Tony just do their little hello to you guys, and then I’m going to dismiss us with a prayer, and then I’m going to tell you something, and then we play the Frank 26 song. So with that in mind, Cliff and Tony, the floor is yours, gentlemen. I’m a little tired today.
Guys, we want to say thank you for all that you do. Our Valentine’s special is still going on. It seems like it’s never going to get here, but you’ve got about another six, seven days to order a special song for Frank.
Birthday anniversaries, we’re still doing those. We still have our special going on. If you want to give us a call at 423-367-7648, we’d be glad to get that done for you.
And Frank, also, do you have the box that we talked about? Oh, yeah! Hey, Tink, Tink, where is it? Under all your notes. Under all my notes. Oh, gee whiz.
Will you help me, sweetie? I don’t think I’m going to need any of that, so go ahead and take this whole pile. Oh, no, I lost that pile! Yeah, I mean, I, I, oh, dear me. That’s going to be a nightmare.
I just dropped the file with some very important things in it, but anyways, here we go. So, Cliff and Tony, you guys sent something. Yeah, we sent you a little bit of a late Christmas present.
We’ve been waiting to get these in, and we will, once we show them we’re going to tell the family that we’ve got about five more that we want to give away in a surprise form, and we’ll be giving them away here soon. So, we’re going to get you the first ones. Here, babe.
Here, babe. Hold it. Can you get it? That box is for you, honey, and this is for me.
Paper? Yeah. I got mine. Nice.
Very nice. Beautiful. Yours was supposed to have cookies in the frame, but I think the cookie monster got in and got there.
His name’s Cliff. What does it say, babe? Oh, it’s you guys. Oh, it’s you guys.
Look at that. Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you kindly, guys.
I appreciate you. I love you. I love your music.
I’m the only knucklehead on the internet that sings for three hours. We had over 300 people sitting there watching me. I think 48 dogs, 22 cats.
I think there was also a couple of birds, too, that were singing in the background with me. We’re about to come up with some kind of contest. We have five of those to give away to the family.
We’re going to come up with some kind of deal. Maybe we’ll figure out a win for you to figure out a giveaway to do it, but we will give away five of those to the family, and we’ll mail them to them, and all that good stuff. Maybe we’ll find, if the family wants It’s a beautiful color.
Beautiful color. Thank you, gentlemen. Tell the family how they can call you and get ahold of you.
Call us at 423-367-7648. We’d love to do a song for you, a custom song. Also, Frank, we’re working on a new program that will help lower the cost a little bit coming up we’ll announce it here in the next few weeks okay we also want to give you one quick result the gentleman that we did the song for the other day that you called you yeah him and his wife both called us this evening uh-huh and she was extremely happy and i think he’s uh either he he he got some good brownie points he got some kisses we love helping people and like i said it was kind of brought our attention that you know the cost of everything going up we’re trying to trying to keep everything you know at a reasonable rate
and we just like any business we suffer with uh with um you know different uh price increases and things like that so we’re trying to figure out how to keep that price down we’ll make our next movie all righty god bless you gentlemen have a good one thank you my friend oh i just think that we need more white don’t you i look forward to putting on this uh white scarf matches my suit i put on the gloves right now you know it’s interesting let’s see if musk will cancel all the financial aid to iraq all the funding to iraq you know what that would be like family that would be like the auctions on steroids what did the auctions do force them to only use their currency but it stinks well then add value where we did okay good
and then join the rest of the world because when you see what trump is doing like like u.s aid i thought that was brilliant mexico canada china’s next venezuela’s i really wish i could go to las vegas with president trump this guy’s riding a streak of winning just constantly winning amazing anyways um here we go what i want to say to you is i and then i’m going to play the uv well actually oh heavenly father i thank you for a beautiful night i felt the holy spirit i felt good and and i feel strong i thank you for my physical strength you’re not a pain that’s okay i pray for everybody that’s here papa i pray for them if they love you if they don’t love you i pray for them because that’s what you asked me to do i pray for america to return back to you i pray for israel to be safe
and i pray for president trump to take over the gaza strip brilliant you’re behind all of this aren’t you you hear me you i’m telling you there’s been some things that have happened in the last 72 hours that i’m like wow father one more time i ask you permission to do what i’m about to do i love you i praise you i worship you you’re my god there’s nothing else but you i put you above my children i put you above my wife she puts you above me my children put you above me we know who you are
and we want to be with you for eternity your son went to prepare a place for us he’s gonna come back and get us our svp anytime okay i’m all i’m all for it heavenly father but until then maybe this money this blessing can can bring more people to your kingdom i pray the ktfa will play a part in that i love you in the name of your precious son jesus by that blood through the holy spirit i pray amen amen amen amen no he’s with us he’s coming amen amen amen thank you thank you god bless you indy all righty uh roger i see your post you must be military um i am familiar with it let that be my sword anyways for what it’s worth uh ladies and gentlemen as i as i say goodbye to you uh oh my word we still got 26 we only lost 200 people yet all righty then i i want to tell you something family we are at the at the point where this um investment seems to be maturing in my opinion
and because of that the the next step is what we studied tonight which would be the president uh signing rating which would be the gazette which would be the opening of the budget through the prime minister um and then a basket so you have to forgive me i’m really in great pain right now the next step ladies and gentlemen is for you when the value goes up for you to go to a bank to go to an exchange center to have this currency converted into american dollars and deposit it or for you to take it deposited in an american bank with you know international banking laws if what i want to say to you family is that some of you have told me as an example i have two million dinars okay i’m gonna i’m gonna cash out a million i’m gonna cash out half a million and i’m gonna hold on to the other million and a half because i’m gonna watch it float
and grow and then i’ll exchange it then do you agree with that family i just want your feedback before i tell you what i’m doing here do you agree with that you know put yes or no do you like that scenario to take just a portion of what you have at the beginning and then go ahead and do the rest later watching it grow do you like that idea oh my goodness greg says no al said no cindy said no it’s becoming 50 but it’s 50 now it’s leaning more towards yes not sure not sure howard yes back to yes now it’s leaning this is like a pendulum swing now it’s leaning toward back again towards the nose you never know what says uh mutro this is interesting all right let me then continue it all depends on what the rate is okay all right let me try to explain okay i know it can i tell you what i’m gonna do because what i’m gonna do it who cares
and what i’m gonna do is strictly my opinion what i’m gonna do is not written in law i am giving serious thought to exchanging all of it right away there is diversification of the two million dinars that i may have let’s say i take a hundred a hundred thousand dinars and put it away because that is a form of investing i’m investing in the iraqi dinar again but but just nothing so ridiculous because if i was to wait a year to see a range of maybe i don’t know two three dollars four dollars whatever well that would be good but ladies and gentlemen i could just take all of my capital gains right away and invest them properly god will show me how and by the time i am waiting for the dinars that i held on to to mature to that three four level well we’ll shoot what i invested my dinar or my dollars and will have already been what i’m waiting for my rate of return on the dinar a year or two later i can make it on my own with proper investing don’t you think also you know how sick and tired i am of holding on to the dinar it’s not in my home that makes it even worse for me i don’t want to hold on to the dinar no more i want my money
and my money would be in a bank if i if i if i was going to take a hundred thousand of my two million and put it aside okay but if i was going to take a million of it or a million and a half of it and put it aside and wait for it to go up in value i don’t know i might as well take the money now and make it work and by the time i by the time i wait for it to grow up internationally i’ve already made that profit in my investment and i don’t have to carry the doggone thing or worry about it or store it anymore and there’s one more reason why i like things in three this is the reason why i want to do a youtube maybe what’s tomorrow tuesday wednesday and then the next youtube is friday oh lord i don’t know i want to do it this week i may do it tomorrow you belong to it’ll be in there but there’s a third reason here let me at least give you uh food for thought and
thought for prayer i do not trust many things right now for since 2008 how long have i been with you this is 16 years 16 years we’ve been together 17 years have i not been telling you that they’re coming after you have i not said constantly protect yourself be careful have i not told you that there are entities have i not said our government there are taxes there are fines there are people there are ways and your greed is going to get in the way your greed is going to cause you to lose everything you’re willing to gamble a year or two to see what the float does okay it is a good thing i don’t criticize it but what if some nasty people decided to create another virus worse than the covid virus you ain’t gonna have no time to make no money away the whole world is shut down i ask god permission to talk to you about this so now you know what the subject is what should you do and the blessing occurs hey that’s your choice but what i want to talk about is what is it that’s out there what’s out there that can it can take this away from us in the word of of our heavenly father there is a story parable of a king that went away on a trip
and what he did is that he had these three chests and he called three of his servants and he gave each one of them a chest filled with money he came back many months later and he asked them to return the chest the first man came and he said here’s your chest it’s a little bit missing you know i had a good time bought a few things credit card master visa hope you don’t mind king off with his head i’m sure here’s the next guy put his chest down king i brought you everything back king opens up the chest whoa it’s full this is what i gave you up every bit of it you ungrateful servant you what get out of here third guy comes sir here’s your chest and here’s another chest
and a half of one i invested it i had brought you back more well done servant you’re in charge of my treasury we have a lot to consider we have a lot to do and when we do do this i think it’ll only be maybe 45 minutes no more than that no more than 45 minutes to an hour where i would like to ask you what do you think is out there that can take this away from you i’ll give you an example which i already did your greed i’m gonna buy a million home good how much you got i got five million dollars you’re gonna buy a million dollar home yep well first of all do you know the taxes on your five million you’ll probably be left with about half of it okay you’re gonna buy that house how much is it a million okay
and cut that in half as well too now you have you got half a half of what you had okay do you know the maintenance on a million dollar home no it’s it’s it’s high it’s high do you know the property tax on a million dollar home no it’s big do you know the insurance on a million dollar home no forget about it you don’t you don’t have enough left over to even keep the house they’re going to take it away from you and my heart is concerned for your family that as one example greed may take it away from you what are other things that can take it away from you i would like to talk to you about it i would like to talk to you about it did you have a good time i hope so we sure covered a lot didn’t we god bless you all thank you kindly for being with me as i say goodbye to you the problem is i can’t i can’t make my computer work i gotta take my glove off oh that’s a little embarrassing god bless you all and i will see you i don’t know when tomorrow’s wednesday or thursday one of those two days i’ll do a yubi tubi on this subject
and then on friday we’ll do the rest like we always do but premium club 26 i will continue to be in there god bless you all thank you kindly for being with me tonight sweet allah i used to be a dean our newbie until i watched frank’s yubi tubi with a twinkle in his eyes and god by his side frank’s teachings reaches far and wide so whenever i need a dean i fix i tune into frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the dean rd now take it from me frank is no no cookie it’s okay tink give this man a cookie you never know what soon he’ll be wearing so i wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever i need a dean i fix i tune into frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the dean rd sit up be patient
and get ready frank’s got some news from rocking stick and eddie frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on iraq can you give us the rate so whenever i need a dean i fix i tune into frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the dean be hey tink i need a cookie oh come on tink i deserve some cookies cookie cookies cookies come on tink give up the cookies so thank you kindly for being with us god bless you all and thank you for being we’ll see you uh either either tomorrow or thursday for that short uh video yubi tubi and then i’ll see you on friday at 6 p.m eastern standard time god bless you all sweet aloha bye