Economists Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 02-05-2025

Coffee with MarkZ. 02/05/2025

Mass Panic at the CIA, whoo-hoo, who is ready for this one? Hello Patti, hello Whip and Alma, Elvis, it’s good to see you in the house. Hello Shiny and Degu, mile high. Hello Rafe, Megapilot Russ, hello Sluggo, Mr. Lee, old rounder bro.


Hello Tahoe and Q-Ball and Gene, hello Anthony, always a pleasure, young at heart, I hope we all stay that way. Jerry, what is up with this, where’s this book tour gonna be? We’ll have to get you on to at least for a few minutes the end of one of these to tell folks. Hello Dink, Lug, Cabin, Georgia, Whipper, Will.


Hello RV Flyer, CAA Taylor, I’m trying to catch that one with giant, with USPS, suddenly wholesale inbound packages from China and Hong Kong. Seems that they have been moving, it appears, some of the components to make fentanyl into the U.S. through smaller packages, at least that’s what I’m hearing from my postal contacts. Or matches with some of the stuff we’re seeing in the news.


Although get ready to follow the money, the shredders and the incinerators, mass panic ensues at the CIA after Trump extends the early buyout to all CIA employees. Rumors are Doge representatives, employees, or whatever teams are already inside Langley as we speak is the rumor. There is, I’m telling you, the rumors running through DC this morning are wow.


That’s all I gotta say about that. Marga, I just wanted to get fresh in hopes that I am headed to the bank. It is mass panic.


I have never seen the Democrats melting down to the point where my contacts that work for different Congress, Democratic Congressional folks, they’re telling some interesting stories about the just sheer panic over USAID. And where’s that money going to come from? I mean, just a mass panic going on in DC right now. The rats are running every which way.


And of course, the staffers are like, why is that important? I mean, we needed to overhaul this. So the staffers are now finding out just how corrupt. Yeah, they’ve always had the opinions, but now they’re finding out just how corrupt their elected officials that they’ve been working with are.


Another mass panic in Israel is Trump’s like, we’ll just take control of Gaza. Daniel, it’s like, holy. I don’t know what the gambling odds are of Trump making it through the week with the anthills he has stirred, but it is wow.


Brilliant move, Palestinians never existed in Bible. Let’s see, Philistines, I was given it. There’s going to be views and opinions on every side of that coin.


But I can tell you it is, I mean, something had to change. Something’s got to give. So what is it? What’s the answer? You don’t have an answer? Well, if you don’t like my answer, where is your answer? And that is where we are this morning.


Before I do this one, I really need to, let’s do this. Did you know a 2024 study found collagen supplements can boost skin hydration by 14 percent, improve elasticity by 23 percent, reduce wrinkles by nearly 20 percent in just 12 weeks. This is your sign to use collagen to transform your skin from the inside out.


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This premium collagen blend works together to help reduce visible signs of aging, reduce wrinkles, promote youthful glow, promote elasticity, promote skin hydration. Just mix it into the morning coffee or a shake. Shake for me.


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That’s just a lovely side effect of good collagen. Hello, SB. Hello, Alomero572Shadow.


Greg, you’d be the prettiest feller around. You’d be real popular. Yeah, I’m telling you.


I wonder if John F. Kennedy is sitting up there above, smiling from above or maybe he’s still with us, who knows, right? From above at what just happened at the CIA. It doesn’t mean it’s being dismantled, but it is seriously being shaken and not stirred. Oh, Daniel, what do you think? Oh, God.


All right. Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to make the gods and pay for it, but I’m betting Benjamin Netanyahu took a poop when Trump said that right there. He’s just standing there going, what? Although it’s confusing to me just what his goals are there.


It is definitely one of those moments where I’m still scratching my head at what Donald Trump just said. Psychopath Rose, yes, and after I share an article on Silver from the Jerusalem Post today, you may all be looking for Andy’s number or Andy’s contact. The easiest way to reach him is to email him at info at, info at Tell him you’re the Mark Z Show and you want a current price list or you’re interested in moving your IRA, just reach out to him.


They’d be glad to handle you, take care of you. Or Psychopath, if you would like, you can email his son Josh directly at josh at, josh, J-O-S-H at Just go directly to him if you want to skip being placed with just anybody else and you want to know that you’ve got one of the Sheckmans personally taken care of, reach out to Josh. He’s probably going to cuss me later today if he gets a bunch of emails.


Tony, I think the RV will be before Easter. Yes, I do. We’ll see.


I could be wrong. The Lord knows I’ve been wrong in the past. Let’s see.


Ken’s wife, happy birthday to Ken’s wife. And we’ll just call her Ken’s wife unless Ken gives us a different name. Oh, man, I’m telling you, we’re swooping in.


We’re watching it all. Silver top 33 for a bit yesterday. Gold keeps on rallying.


Top 29 for an intraday high. Just reading so many of you guys. It’s going to be one of those where it’s going to come a million miles an hour.


A lot of people talking about that gold fringe. And Maurice, happy birthday, Maurice. Breaking the stocks of both vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer and Moderna immediately crashed RFK Jr.’s nomination advance towards the Senate.


We’ve got a fully installed Pat Bondy right now. What else has gone on, guys? What have I missed? I cannot keep up with everything. While I can try valiantly, I will fail if I try to keep up with it all.


So I try to focus on certain things. Andy 24, Mary, and it is perfectly okay if you use Andy’s code for it. Code for Glenn, for Andy, Andy 24.


I do get credit when you use Andy 24, guys. They are working on a different code. They are working on a different code, though.


Why would we have to wait for a 2035 budget? Are you talking about a 2025 budget? That’s the one they just passed now. They’re just doing the budget tables for it. Yeah, this, Ronnie, this long movie is really getting fun and exciting.


I mean, it was dragging in the middle, almost turned it off. The movie had gotten that slow and painful, but it is kind of glad I stuck through the middle of the movie now. Jason, I’m not talking about the possibility of staying until Easter.


Somebody else mentioned it. I think we are extremely closer than that. Just waiting for the moment when Tom Holman swooped in on the Dems that have been spitting out the threatening messages the past few days and takes them to—I’m telling you, you already have prosecutors saying, get ready.


You’re going to be responsible for that rhetoric. You tried to take every Republican to the task over it. You prosecuted many of them.


Fair is fair. Tanner67today, we figured out where one of those stars came from, right, Ronnie? I was not expecting that. And I’m not making light of it.


I’m just—man, I was not expecting that. But then he made the comment, and I think he was taking it out of context about nobody living there. All right, we’ve got to have a lot to cover.


I want to start right here, though, before we jump in, because promises made, promises kept. This one is now three days old. Army Corps of Engineers already on site.


This was three days ago. Trump went the week before within a week. He had the Army Corps of Engineers, which should have been there day one after the hurricane, in my opinion.


You guys know my take, or most of you know my take on the Army Corps Engineers. I think it should be one of the largest divisions of our military. If you truly want to win the hearts and minds of people, you bring infrastructure to these areas, whether they are the American people or whether they are the Iraqi people, whether they are the Panamanian people, anywhere we go to bring help or rescue, we need to be able to—we need to have the best emergency crisis building team in the world, one that can do miraculous things.


We have the know-how. We have the desire. We have the people.


We simply need the will to execute. Can you imagine if the Army Corps of Engineers were up to snuff? They could set up mobile power plants, repair power lines, linemen, you name it. You have a crisis, military, active military shows up, even reservists for the Army Corps of Engineers so that you can quickly respond.


After Hurricane Maria, they could have been in Puerto Rico with power lines, water systems, water filtration systems, rescuing towns. They could have been there in Western North Carolina. They could be there during other natural disasters.


They could be there to help in the rebuild of Gaza. Just to bring you an idea of what it should be, and I think Trump perhaps shares my vision because the Army Corps of Engineers already clearing and building bridges to stranded communities in the mountains days after his visit. That is the way it’s supposed to work.


I can’t wait to see you guys’ comments on that one. It doesn’t mean that we are done or through the woods. There are still people suffering.


Army Corps of Engineers could be in California clearing sites for construction. I just love it. All right, now let’s get into it.


Trump makes a decision to prevent Iraq from importing gas and electricity from Iran. There will be a little uncomfort from this one, folks. Is it a good thing long term? Absolutely.


We already know that Iraq is trying to get their facilities up to speed for their gas flaring, so they are consuming, using their own natural gas products. But also when they say importing gas and electricity, electricity here is going to be a bit of a problem, which means they are going to need an instant bit of help from the U.S. So you can expect a much closer relation, building infrastructure, industrialization, etc. This brings more stability to Iraq, separates the fingers of influence Iran has over them.


But they are going to need to respond extremely quickly to make this work. Logistics are going to be key. Sudanese diplomacy puts Iraq on the path to peace.


Strategic choice to avoid the scourge of war. When things fall down around them, their house is strengthening. Part of that is because they are working with Donald.


That’s look, guys. If you’re out there on the left and you hate Donald Trump, you’re probably going, bullshit. It has nothing to do with Trump.


It has everything to do with Trump. That’s not just me saying it as somebody that did indeed support his run for president. That’s coming from many people on the ground.


They are working. Physically, they are working. They are very excited, from government to businesses to power companies.


I know the Redditor is going to scream, especially from Palestine, Israel, and all those things. But the facts on the ground are that real people that work every day are damn excited. I just wanted to share that one.


I found this one fantastic, too, because we’re seeing more and more cooperation between Iraq and Jordan. Now they agree to reorganize entry of goods, tariffs, fees, stuff. We know that they’ve been working on a joint economic city on their border.


It will become a border city for both sides, a trade city, if you will, between the two. Now what does this do? Jordan, widely accepted as a friend of all westernized countries, creates a door, a direct door for Iraq to interface with all of these countries. It opens up enormous potential for Iraq internationally, definitely allowing it to become a serious Silk Road of today, just because of their port on the Palestinian Sea, the Sea of Palestine.


It leaves that opportunity for them. We already know they work on development road product, and now they have an outlet. This is really big news, guys, exciting.


Hubat, Talabani, we’re working hard to provide financial dues to citizens. This is the number two guy up in the Kurdish region, deputy prime minister. They’re working hard, sparing no effort in working to provide financial dues.


In other words, we are having massive breakthroughs in the Kurdish region. Everything we’ve been looking for, Reuters, British Petroleum plans to invest 25 billion in Iraq. They would not be there if they did not think that they could make their money back over time.


They’re talking about a long-term commitment to the Kirkuk region. Stability, stability, stability. These companies would not be spending billions and billions of dollars if they thought they would lose them tomorrow.


Iraqi finance launches bond worth two trillion dinars to boost investment and save. I’m really excited about these. They’re doing another round.


They have been so popular as Iraqi citizens want to invest in the future of Iraq. The interest rate, exponentially better than U.S. savings bonds. I wonder if Trump would take a page out of Iraq’s playbook right now and give us that opportunity.


I wish Iraq would allow us outside of Iraq, those that are cheering for the Iraqi people and their prosperity, to invest in some of those bonds. Then we could take outside U.S. money or U.K. money or whatever, and we could roll it straight into Iraq. That would be our way of buying currency.


All I can say is, Sudhani, if you or any of your team are listening, if you want a massive bond sale, open it up to us, the friends of Iraq. It would be enormous because we buy the bond, we get to buy it in U.S. money. It’s denominated in dinars, so it would be our way of buying dinar and investing long term in the country.


That bond pays back based on the amount of dinar, and then you get that back at the end. Think about it. Sheer brilliance for us.


I love that idea. International energy, I found this one great also. International energy, Iraq has 600,000 barrels of surplus oil per day.


This is before Kirkuk and the other regions are properly back on track. They also have another 2 billion in another area that was unexploited at the time, exploited being they were not pulling it from the ground. Big news here because Iraq would love to be able to sell it.


This also allows the ability of vertical integration. They can take the surplus oil that they are not burning per day and turn it into finished products, from motor oil to gasoline, etc. We’re talking, what is that, $40-some million per day untapped that they are not touching right now? Let me turn the news time off just to get it out of the way and to be able to see what you all are talking about as we keep running.


Hellstrong, that’s a great idea, Mark. Now you’re cooking, man. I’m telling you, it would be huge if they would be willing to open them up.


It would be enormous for all of us. Let me make certain I do this before I miss out. Some buttons in the back office I didn’t push.


Waiting, waiting, waiting for it to update. I do that all the time, guys. I forget to hit the monetization button.


It should be automatic, but it’s not, so I hit it. I mean, a lot of the time they just demonetize, but it’s worth a shot. Sometimes it’s nice to know you’re not working for free.


Pastor Daniel, get ready. It is more. Right now it’s like pulling teeth to get bond news because they are cracking down on them.


They have really been doing a lot of compliance work, just where stuff had been outdated. I know you would be surprised because we keep hearing, oh, update this. A lot of people weren’t updating anything.


They’d just gotten so used to it, they’re like, ah, they’ll tell us that again in two weeks. Now suddenly you’re like, look, send your bonds back or get updated. While they’re going through that compliance process, it has been silent almost on the bond side.


I have heard a couple of bond contacts from friends, in other words, their bond contacts, not mine direct, saying they were expecting things to kick off the 4th. Most of my bond contacts are looking somewhere around the 10th or the 12th. They’re still being told that, what they’ve been being told for the past week or two has been consistent.


IraqiTables, Yeshma, we are hoping we’ll have rates for completion, in other words, the amounts and new rates for currency. We do know from the auctions today that it is holding very steady at $13.10. I’m trying to keep up with you guys. Excellent.


How do the Iraqi people survive without their salaries? Two reasons. One, they’re used to it. That’s really the biggest reason.


And they don’t live on much, very different standard of living than you’re used to. So they’re used to sustenance living and we’re used to, you don’t want to hear it, but I mean, even majority of our homeless are living plush compared to people around the world. Doesn’t make it any easier when you’re the person that’s homeless.


I know, I get that. But it definitely brings a lot of comfort and joy and hope to the Iraqi people to get paid on time and it should. Yeah, definitely.


Thank you for the curse jar, Tim. We appreciate you. Billy, thank you for that super sticker.


What Nader shows looks pretty, yeah, in certain areas, especially closer in the Baghdad area, it’s more up to westernized standards. It’s not like it’s an entire poor country guys. There are people and there are people doing well.


There is a middle class and they are up and growing and they get paid behind for so long and it’s been happening for years that it’s kind of like getting paid on time. They just still owe you for a month’s worth of salary. Todd says, I’ll join the homeless.


It needs to go so you don’t have to join the homeless. If I could find a, I’m ready to do an eco-village, like an off-grid eco-village. Do I have any like, you know, hardworking hippie people that are physically capable? Start building some dome homes, have some fun.


Greg, I hope you’re right. Greg says, I say tomorrow it’s my birthday and it’s a Thursday. It’d be a great day to do it.


They have been going back and forth on, but we’re going to get to that one. It’s in here. Actually, no, it’s not in here.


They did not have quorum today, but I was told that they had continued the work on the budgets because the budgets are separate. There is kerfuffles happening in the Iraqi parliament because of their version of a Supreme Court, struck down some of the laws they had recently passed on amnesty, etc. So there’s a lack of quorum today and somewhere in here, I’ve got, I read another one on it.


So while they didn’t have quorum, so it didn’t appear anything was happening in parliament, the budget tables are being worked on outside of that. So a totally different set of people working on the budget tables. So I was told they worked on the budget tables today.


As to what progress they accomplished, I don’t know. All right, here you go with silver on the verge of its biggest breakout in history. Silver is on the brink of a historic breakout trading at 3269 with projections hitting 50 by mid-year with rising demand, supply constraints and global uncertainty is now the time to invest.


Fair and tall. I really enjoyed this one. Can I tell you how many of my metals dealers, and when they say 50, it is my personal opinion.


It is not based on anything but personal opinion. Well, okay. It’s based on a lot more than that.


It’s based on a lot of charts. It’s based on a lot of history. It’s based on a lot of costs, mining costs, demand, etc.


There’s a lot that goes into that. 50 is a seriously undervalued safe. But hey, I guess it’s easier to say 50 and it goes to 70, you feel good.


If it goes to 100, you feel good. But if you say 50 and it only goes to 40, then you got egg on your face. But I have enjoyed, man, it’s one of those weeks where it would have been good to have Andy in the house.


Because they are, a lot of central banks are starting to add it to gold. They’re treating it like they would a tier one, even though it has not been titled a tier one yet. Boy, I’m having fun watching all this breakout.


Dave, it’s possible before. Let’s continue reading. Here’s what we’re seeing in the news.


Insider, level of democratic panic over Musk freezing USAID unlike anything ever seen. A democratic party insider says the level of panic over President Trump and Elon Musk doge freezing all USAID spending is unlike anything he’s ever seen. Source described the development as a killing blow to the heart of the deep state.


And it says talking to a friend whose connections with democratic party said the level of panic, okay, is unlike anything you’ve seen by following the money doge has struck a killing blow to the democratic deep state machine. Direct quote, it’s worse than 9-11 for Democrats. USAID is the primary vessel they use to achieve their political agenda.


USAID is and always has been the primary source of funding for the influence peddling schemes of their indirect sources income, a killing blow to the NGOs that have attempted the color revolutions in the US and in other countries. Definitely Trump’s biggest victory so far. He has put one heck of a target on his back though.


Source also claims that Democrats are scrambling to hide their blatantly partisan spending by, well, USAID spending by going hard on talking points regarding initiatives under the program, though on the face of it look reasonable. The problem is most of them are once you do any kind of deep dive folks. This is an ant hole.


Now we bounce into the latest over here. This one coming at us from the Wall Street Journal. Well, if it ever loads.


The CIA is about to get a Trump makeover. Trump has, of course, announced to all overnight employees of the CIA that they are indeed eligible. They are indeed eligible for the early buyout.


Eight months. Here’s your chance, guys. Oh, and by the way, we are going through all of your records, all of your spending.


Might be easier if you just go away. I think this is a low key amnesty offer for some, for some of the lower level. Just go ahead and get out.


Spy agency, there you go. CIA is about to get a Trump makeover. Spy agency’s workforce received buyout style offer.


It is my understanding this morning that teams have already gone in the Langley to collect as many files as can. But with the announcement that occurred, I’m not certain. Did they go in first? Have they protected any of this material? Because there are a lot of black funds, how they operate, how they function.


This we know from Freedom of Information documents. We know this from our own government. We know this from whistleblowers.


And we just know it in our guts. And that’s probably more important. Take all the other part of it, throw it up your butt.


It doesn’t really matter. We know. And they know that we know.


And they cloud it with just enough information. Can you imagine right now the movement of illicit or dark funds all over from the five eyes as they know that their material is being gone through right now, that their receipts are being gone through, their money flows are being gone through, their files are being gone through. Can you imagine the collective going on in DC right now between USAID and the CIA? It’d be a great time to be a forensic accountant following the move of money.


And fortunately, you have one of the top AI guys in the world. So I guarantee you there is GROC or a militarized version of GROC following the movement of all those funds and private planes associated with those agencies around the world right now. The operation that kicked off is biblical in scale.


Let’s see. I wonder who put that news. Barack and Michelle Obama’s largest owners have abandoned them amid rumors that the couple’s marriage is over.


Oh, yeah, the whole like, no, he’s having an affair with it. Yeah, the chick from Friends. Jennifer Aniston.


JT, I don’t know who they are. And I got a very strong opinion on some of the news sites you guys read as being complete and utter BS. So first, check the source on it.


Two, Nassar Jassara takes time to roll out, change the legal system, etc. So maybe they’re saying that, no, it all starts, money exchange happens, Nassar starts, but it will take time to roll to completion. It would make sense, right? If what we’ve read in the past is accurate and there’s going to be elections and 120 days for this at least, etc., then doesn’t it make sense that it would take a while before it’s complete? Emerson, this does not surprise me.


The CIA probably did get pretty proactive before the Trump crew showed up. I guarantee you somebody’s been monitoring their communications, which is kind of funny because the CIA does that to us. V. Reid, follow the money.


  1. Reid, I’m following it right to you. I appreciate you over on the rumble side. Can you imagine the files that suddenly started rolling? Yeah, she will.


Jennifer Aniston. I don’t think Jennifer Aniston was ever a male. But it would be awkward because I kind of had a crush on her for a while back during the Friends days.


Hey, look, I was younger. I still thought that we needed to go bomb Afghanistan and Iraq because of what came through Saudi Arabia. I mean, I was, man.


All they had to scream was red, white, and blue, and I was right there with them. It’s been great growing up. Linda, happy birthday.


Marcia, as fast as everything’s being changed and moved around, isn’t it logical to assume that everything will be a lot faster than we imagine, not months, weeks? Yes, Marcia, that is the logical conclusion from that. The logical conclusion is slowly, slowly, suddenly, because that’s how it works. Q ball.


Jennifer was in Aquarius. Of course she’s. Todd, I’ve seen all of the attempted information they attempted with Pete Hegseth.


All I know is the people closest to him came to his defense and said bullshit. That carries a lot of weight for me. A lot of weight for me.


All right. Palestinians would love to leave Gaza. U.S. could take it over, Trump proclaims alongside Netanyahu.


No, I do not feel like Trump handled himself very well in this setting because I don’t think he got his point across properly. I think I understand his point, or at least I think I do. He was like, who would want to go back now? They’d love to leave.


Let’s go ahead and build a new place for them. Let’s take over Gaza. Let’s make it the coolest, the nicest, but he says that Gaza just wouldn’t come back.


Is he trying to say that because of the destruction, we need to level it all, make certain there’s no tunnels, build it fresh and new before they come back? Are you saying get rid of them completely and it’ll be an American city in Gaza? What’s he really getting here? It was confusing to read. How many of you folks could make it make sense? ABC News, when pressed on how many people think should be resettled out of Gaza, Trump says all of them. It would be exponentially easier to do the job if the people weren’t there because they need to bring in massive levels of bulldozers.


They need to come in, shore up because of the tunnels and the tunnel structure under it. It’s not very stable earth to build a foundation on. Is he claiming that you bulldoze all of it, they never come back, maybe somebody else comes back, maybe it’s an international city? He left a lot to be fleshed out on this one.


He left me scratching my head. How many of you guys could make better sense of it? Even over here at Zero Hedge, by talking about removing it completely, even they noticed what I did. Such a plan would be nearly impossible to execute or at least deeply complicated from the start.


Ultimately, it can be seen as the textbook definition of ethnic cleansing of a territory. I’m scratching my head hard on this one to figure out what his ultimate goal is here. I can tell you he’s got one.


Even when he doesn’t communicate it well, he’s got one. Breakaway says he’s dropping seeds and I can’t wait for them to grow so I can tell what he planted. Military plane carries Indian migrants back from US and furthest deportation flight yet.


Wait a minute, we’re talking like American Indians back across the Bering Strait, just kidding. No, he’s talking about from the country of India. There is supposedly around 220,000 that were identified and the process started under the Biden administration.


So they have started the first flight, has already gone back. Trump working directly with Modi to line this up and to make things happen. This one surprised me because it gets in here on, I’m just surprised.


I shouldn’t be, but I was a little surprised when I read this one. But working on all countries, it doesn’t matter just which ones, just Latin America, just Central American, just Middle Eastern, at all levels. This one surprised me, but it does set a precedence.


They’re about, let’s see, India’s Ministry of External Affairs and offer media content. Comment, Bloomberg earlier reported that South Asian nations will take back 18,000 undocumented Indian migrants from the US, even though we have 220,000. So the conversations have started.


Trump will be meeting with Modi to figure out the rest of the details. Bloomberg has noted that India’s own numbers are likely an underestimate. Okay, India assumes it’s got 18,000, while the total number of undocumented Indian migrants in the US isn’t certain.


A report published last year by the Department of Homeland Security, and remember that’s my orcas, they under suggest everything. I mean, they’re the ones telling you only five or six million came over, although the map clearly doesn’t show it. Their FUDGE numbers published last year, FUDGE numbered around 220,000 as of 2022.


Boy, is it speeding, picking up. But about the first 200, we assume have headed back. USPS temporarily stops accepting inbound parcels from China and Hong Kong.


I’m being told by my folks there that it largely has to do with smaller packages, not as much to do with tariffs as ingredients, precursors, fentanyl, et cetera, coming in so that they can cook it here because of the border wars. In other words, the drug dealers are having a tough time getting their product in. So now they’re trying to lab it in the US, sneak in smaller amounts of ingredients because it is so highly profitable, not the actual drug, but the precursors in smaller packages.


That’s what I’m hearing. The accuracy of that is early as things need to be vetted. All right.


In his order, Trump said the Chinese communist regime failed to stop fentanyl from flowing into the US despite efforts to resolve the crisis through bilateral dialogue, criticized Chinese officials for failing to follow through with actions needed to curb the flow of precursor chemicals to criminal cartels. The influx, no, we already know that. We know what that’s doing to us.


All right. What are you guys doing? I can just hang out with you all now, right? I’m just reading a few guys. TP says, though, I believe Muslims don’t drink.


How about bourbon coffee shop? Oh, you guys are going to go in businesses in Gaza now? I can tell you with real life experience, I have met very few and I have met hundreds of Muslims and I’ve only met two or three that didn’t drink. They drink like Southern Baptists. They don’t drink at home.


They drink, or if they do drink at home, it’s in a closed room so nobody can see. But it is the craziest thing. If you guys take a flight out of Amsterdam, especially because it is a favored party area for people from Muslim nations, I’ve seen it firsthand many times.


Or take a flight from Amsterdam to Morocco. Flying out of Amsterdam to any Islamic country, you’re on the plane, it starts out, you’ll see people in there, they’ll have their mini bottles, they’ll start drinking as you get closer. I have seen probably seven or eight on the plane, down on the floor, turned around in their seats, praying, trying to get right with Allah on the way back.


In other words, yeah, totally go somewhere else, have a party, just don’t let them see you at home. Heck, for that matter, I’ve seen a lot of eating sausage and bacon and everything else, and then boy, the prayers start on the way home. It is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.


It’s kind of like a Baptist on the way to church on a Sunday morning, and I know, boy, am I ticking off a lot of you folks right now. It’s not just Baptists, Southern Baptist guys, that’s just a convenient one because of these stereotypes. Like Vegas, exactly.


It’s kind of the Vegas for them. Peggy, nephew-in-law is from the Ivory Coast, drinks like there’s no tomorrow, very, very Muslim, exactly. Yeah.


Anita, that was kind of funny. Stan, have not heard a value update on the DONG in a few days. It’s funny, it’s, yeah.


Where I grew up, Baptists weren’t allowed to drink, and if they did, they hid it. And they didn’t want an ABC store in the town, they wanted to stay dry so they could drive to the next town and get it and nobody noticed. Because if they drove to the next town and they picked it up, whoever saw them in there buying it wasn’t going to say anything, because they were buying it too.


It’s crazy. Hey, fantastic. Shapiro in Pennsylvania wants to close two state prisons.


Send them to El Salvador, save the state some money. Oh, could you imagine that? That would suck. It would be nice if we didn’t have a level of crime and we could close most of the prisons around the country, that crime dropped to such a level and people wanted—we had so much hope in the world that pills and poverty did not rule America and our inner cities.


The loss of manufacturing, production, farms, and agriculture has led to a dichotomy of income, a wealth gap, an income gap. I think a wealth gap is more accurate. Wealth is a store of time so that you don’t have to work later.


What it has done, what NAFTA, what GAFTA, what the Pacific Trade Agreement have done to the working class in this nation—and this is true, guys, this is not just the U.S., this is more true in Europe than it is in the U.S.—has been to devastate the lower and middle class, the working class, we plebeians, as we have shipped their jobs elsewhere. And when your hope leaves, what’s left? Depression, no hope. Where’s your future? Are you ever going to own a house? You can have kids, but can you afford to put diapers on them? Can you afford decent food for them? And when that hopelessness settles in, you don’t see a way out.


You don’t see a future, you don’t see a hope, you don’t have a dream. And a man without a dream is dead. Without a job or a purpose or a dream, most don’t want to exist.


So they fall into depressive behavior, criminal behavior, just trying to find something, just railing against the man and the machine that has abandoned you. And I’m certain many people in those positions look up and go, God, why have you forsaken me? And he’s not. We forsook him.


So yeah, anyways, a lot to fix. If we want to fix rural America, we have to bring education back where we’re learning things like reading, writing, arithmetic, the sciences. We can leave all the other part out of it.


Heck, for that matter, we could leave the arts out of it for a short time, although I think that is long-term a great mistake, because I think the arts are important. They give color to the palette, so the whole world is not just monotone, grays and whites and blacks. Yeah, we need the arts too, but they shouldn’t take precedence over the things you need to function and operate in the real world and to pay your bills and know how the real world operates, etc.


We have to fix education. We have to fix health. We have to fix manufacturing.


It is an enormous job that President Trump has taken on, or we have taken on, because when we voted for him, we gave him our support. And when we gave him our support, that means we have to be willing to work too. Just new, John Dowling, it’s all coming to a head.


Russia invites Mexico into the BRICS while Iran is moving fast with the BRICS for safety as Trump’s cornered them. This is yet another move to free up Iraq. They are definitely freeing up Iraq in a huge way.


Japan wants the Palestinians. Japan does have a shrinking population. They could probably use them.


Tim Fu, absolutely. Don’t forget teaching real history in schools. Just the facts.


Teach the facts. Let the people figure it out. Bowler.


I remember the story when Trump wanted to put a 50-foot flagpole on his real estate property, but the city father said only 30 feet is allowed. So the always thinking Trump bought enough dirt to raise the ground 20 feet and plant a 30-foot flagpole. Right? There’s a way around everything.


You just got to think it through. Now this would be epic. Gregory, Gregory, Gregory.


I’m having a party right now. One, I do like the vet too, but Politico was 100% financed by USA. I wouldn’t say 100% just because they do sell some subscriptions, but that doesn’t surprise me that they got a bulk of funding through USAID one way or the other.


Wow. That would be interesting. Don’t know how factual guys, but wouldn’t that be something? Peggy was told, you know, I hadn’t thought about that Peggy.


I was told the same thing. I was told probably 15 years ago, the goal would hit three grand as one of a possible trigger point. It’s running that way fast.


I got to try to remember exactly what I was told on that front, but you have tickled a memory cell there. Let’s see. I find it absolutely comical that drinking’s a sin, especially when you really read the Bible.


No, putting anything as an idol is a sin. Paul, you know, wine’s good for the stomach, good for the spirits, only the abuse is a sin. It’s the abuse or making it an idol that is the sin.


And you’re right. He turned water into wine. They’re like, oh, but the water wasn’t drinkable.


He was Jesus. He was the son of God. God incarnate on the earth.


He could have turned it into clearly Canadian. No, it was a festivity. He turned it into wine for a reason.


Because he could. He could have made Perrier. He could have made Sprite, Coke, Mountain Dew, Sundrop.


He turned it into wine. If they were just worried about it being safe, he could have made the water safe. That is, to me, the weakest argument I’ve ever heard from a theologian or minister in my life.


One of those where a two-year-old can obliterate their logic and they don’t see it. It turned into moonshine, right? Yeah, food’s good. Gluttony’s a sin.


Row exactly. Jay with the update. Wow.


Market was expected to drop some today. I don’t even know what the market’s doing. Oh, it’s up 10 points.


It dropped like a rock and then shot up. I wonder what did it for it? Melissa, it’s the same thing with money. The Bible says root of all evil is the love of money, which means to idolize money is evil.


Yeah, exactly. Money can be a great thing. It’s agnostic by itself.


It can be used to feed the homeless. It can be used to oust the homeless. It can be used to do great things.


It can be used to do evil things. That’s the same thing with guns. A gun’s agnostic.


How it’s used is what makes it good or evil. If a bad guy uses it to rape and pillage, it’s bad. If a good guy uses it to stop a bad guy, it’s good.


Or a rampaging wolf that’s going to tear apart your chicken house. It’s agnostic. Money’s the same way.


Alcohol’s the same way. I’m just reading many of these. Barbara, I’m genuinely surprised 3,000 didn’t happen the end of this past year.


Unfortunately, the market isn’t static. It is dynamic. You can make your projections and then you have to wait for them to occur.


If you pick a benchmark like that, you might be able to get close and it’ll happen in a three-month period, a four-month period, maybe a two-year period. It’s a living organism. You don’t know just how far it can go.


It’s kind of like when the doctor looks at you and says, I’m sorry to tell you this, you’ve got cancer. You may only have a few weeks to live and then you live another four years or six years or something like that. They don’t know for certain because it’s a living thing.


The economy is a living thing. It is not static. Landlubber, no update out of redemption centers, etc.


Nothing fresh or new on that front. Daniel, where is the earnings to support the market value over 44k? There isn’t. With all the businesses that are closing and other issues, price to earnings can’t justify the value.


Daniel, you’re paying attention. I’m paying attention. What are we sitting at right now, like a 44 P&E price versus earnings? This is the most overinflated, concentrated market in the history of mankind.


Yes, I’m very excited Trump’s here. Do I think Trump is going to be president during a massive market collapse? Yes, I do because it has to correct. Annie Marr, his enemy’s called Jesus a drunkard.


Do you know the number of Greek texts out there? Okay, there’s not a huge amount there. I’m trying to remember that exact number, somewhere between three and five. I remember correctly, Greek texts by other scholars that said that Jesus would sit with the disciples in some of the taverns and drinking wine and talking to the wee hours in the night that he was famous for those long, deep conversations.


I don’t know how true it is. I mean, I wasn’t there a few thousand years ago, but that it’s mentioned that you get to read in the Bible, you get to read it from other texts, you get to read it from other scholars, makes it pretty cool to me. Let’s see.


Mark, please share the link from yesterday’s homework. I read the article and he was on point. Polly, I very much agree.


I’m glad you brought that up. Let’s take a look at this one. Daily video.


That was last night. We don’t have the evening links. I don’t see up from last night yet, so I may not be able to bring you that one.


Yeah, I’m not going to be able to bring you. Yeah, I’m trying to figure out. I think I know where I can find it real quickly.


Your homework link, the article from over at Peak Prosperity. Oh, it was just fantastic. I mean, it was really, really good.


All right. Clean all that up. Bounce back over here.


That one. Anybody else do their homework? ADC Rider did their homework. Yeah, Jeff, I’ll definitely be dancing on the ceiling when this happens.


Just reading a few of these before I keep going. Dwayne, the collapse of the markets. No, it’s not Trump’s fault at all.


We’ve been decades building this market. So that’s why his best bet. Thank you, Ms. Kukla, for posting that.


Didn’t know I was going to see you hiding in there. You snuck in on me. Well, Grammy, links get posted.


Unfortunately, I posted it in chat. I’m going to post it in chat again. I just thought it was great because it points out just what is going on with the Trumpolution, the revolution, and kind of the consequences thereof.


I mean, he is he is hick and anthill. And then we need to get out of here so that the mods can call it a wrap. We don’t have Andy today.


Let’s take advantage of it. We’ll see you guys at seven this evening and then again at eight for Whiskey and Wisdom. I’m hearing people say not to go into the bank right away.


Stay back for I would not stay back for a month. They’re just saying, hey, don’t be the first one there. Let somebody else learn.


Renwife, there will be a number of us that are going to rush through. If you can afford to wait a couple of days for more information, I agree. It makes sense.


Makes a lot of sense to me. I’m not a licensed whatever. Look at this for entertainment or education purposes only.


But it makes a lot of sense to me that if you’re not in a desperate situation, it makes more sense to wait a few days, let things settle and then go. Makes sense. It’s always best to make a decision with all of the information available to make a decision and have all the information you can before you make that decision.


Jay said, I’ll go for you. Exactly. That works, too.


There you go, Jay. Debra, I won’t forget. Too many fun birthdays today.


Annabelle’s mom says all the exposure being laid bare makes fault clear. It does. And Annabelle’s mom, we were told that disclosure was going to be an absolutely key part of this.


And are you guys not watching disclosure? Are you missing something that I am watching? At 99% of our conspiracy theories, you’re watching laid out with the facts to the general public as we speak. I love it. All right.


Ken’s wife, Maurice, Tanner, Linda, who else? So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live.


May you love. May all your dreams come true. Happy birthday.


Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. I’m hard.


Yeah. I saw a lot of white comment. All right, guys.


Jay, whiskey and wisdom will be at its normal spot. I will probably squeeze in one this month or an extra, maybe a tequila Tuesday or Thursday. Thursday on over at trolling news.


Jeffrey’s birthday. Happy birthday, Jeffrey. Tommy, Super Bowl disclosure.


Lots of eyeballs there are, but I have given up on them announcing anything on the Super Bowl. Can I tell you how many years I got worked up, said this is it, man. They’re going to do it right there, live on television or during an Olympics or whatever.


It’s possible, absolutely possible. I just quit looking at them to save myself the up and the down. Something about special.


Yeah, I have no clue what you’re talking about at all. Unless you are talking about something maybe over at Freedom Forged. I simply don’t know what you’re referring to.


But just in case, does that mean we got a new special over here? I know we got the new blog really kicking butt, talking about the increase in coffee prices and the why. But I don’t have any more than that. There it is.


Freedom Coffee Special use MZ5 or Zesters for 5% off at checkout. Also receive 10% off with a Freedom Refill Coffee subscription. Freedom Forged Coffee link at, All right.


That’s the special. So it was coffee based. And if you have any questions, Jeremy said, send the question via a contact form.


Bring it in. Breaking. USAID has allocated 8.2 million in funding to Politico since 2019, according to USA Spending.


All right. So not all their money, but that’s a sizable chunk. If you had sent me $8.2 million over the last four or five years, I could have a really nice podcast going.


No. Whiskey and Wisdom is going to be on the original Mark Z. Normal spot, normal place. Argentina also withdrawing from the World Health Organization.


Wow. Malil, he kicks butt, man. Big fan.


All right. See you guys this evening, 7 Eastern, unless there is breaking news. Bye, guys.


Thank you, mods.

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