Militia Man (Uncut) 02-04-2025
MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Budget Amendment done-Salaries to be Paid- Oil Flow-USA- Sovereign Wealth Fund
Hey everyone, before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content, hit that like button, subscribe to my channel, and then join the Militiaman and Crew Patreon community by clicking the link in the caption. Hey, good evening everybody, Militiaman and Crew, we’re having a wonderful night. It’s the 3rd and it’s Monday, so I hope everybody had a good day and are ready to buckle in and get started.
But I like to remember to tell everybody, listen, our Discord chat room is phenomenal and it’s part of our membership at forward slash Militiaman and Crew. And by the way, just know that our admins and our super rock star, even along with Samson, is Gigi. She makes our room unbelievably easy to get through, very helpful, does a lot of hard work.
Kudos on Gigi because she does a fabulous job. And we all know that Pompey Peter shows up with some wonderful audios he likes to do. But anyway, we’re going to get started, but tonight I’m sipping some Freedom Forged Ethiopian coffee, it’s fantastic.
So everybody, if you want to try some great coffee, I have a 5% discount if you use the Militiaman5 code down below, you can take advantage of that. Moving on, you guys, there’s an article out by the finance office. Basically it says, finance announces a launch of electronic platform for engineering insurance supervision.
And I don’t know if you guys realize the importance of this, but it is important. It says, this initiative comes within the efforts of the insurance bureau to modernize work systems and improve the investment environment in the insurance sector in line with the government trends in digital transformation and enhancing e-governance. The platform, which was developed in cooperation between the supervision and information systems department and the support of the national data center, will allow all engineering insurance with the support of national data center, of course, sorry you guys, will allow all engineering insurance documents to be registered electronically and given a code approved to the bureau and or by the bureau.
And the platform will be linked via the electronic platform called ERR, which facilitates the auditing of documents and their approval by the relevant authorities, including ministries and official departments. But what does it do? It’s just basically going to enhance government oversight and limits manipulation and forgery. So they have their eye and key on insurance.
I don’t know if you guys realize how important it is, but international business requires insurance because if you don’t have it, you can have some serious big time problems. And if you go and look it up, you’re going to find that insurance is extremely important in international trade. And as it provides crucial risk mitigation by safeguarding businesses against potential financial losses from unforeseen events like political instability, currency fluctuations, shipping delays, buyer insolvency, and damage to goods during transit, this allows companies to confidently engage in global trade and reduce uncertainty and financial exposure.
Think about the time right now. Iraq is getting ready to open their borders in a massive way. And trust me, all those ships that are already coming in, they’re probably 100% fully insured already.
But now they have a system to where it’s going to be electronic and they can, if there’s any corruption involved, they’ll be able to weed it out. Okay, so the next article tonight is that the Democrat reveals details of an agreement on Article 12 employee salaries. So think about this, you guys.
Obviously, they’ve done some things that are going to require the ability to be able to do oil movement and salary payments. So it says this agreement on the salaries of the Kurdistan Region employees was yesterday, which was Sunday. At the same time, the 2025 budget schedules were passed in the House of Representatives.
We’ve been waiting for that. So that’s a big key. It’s a big telling point.
It says with the resumption of the region’s oil exports of 450,000 barrels, it will exceed the amounts allocated for salaries. So they got a cover for their salaries. It’s noteworthy here that Iraqi House of Representatives voted yesterday, Sunday, on the draft law amending the federal general budget law for fiscal years 23, 24, 25, number 13 of 2023.
And this step allows the resumption of the Kurdistan Region’s oil exports. I think that’s unbelievable because this is what we’ve been waiting for. We all believe that this amendment, once they expose it publicly, what it entails is probably going to be pretty powerful.
So keep that in mind. I think it’s pretty big. And so it’s going to be sort of a nail biting time frame.
So this article here, there’s going to be a little bit more of affirmation. And I’ll get to it really quickly. But it says after amending the budget.
So again, this is a reiteration that Iraq did it. It says the 2025 budget tables were, they said they were awaiting it for approval. I believe that they’ve got it.
It says the Council of Representatives voted on the draft law, first amendment federal general budget of the Republic of Iraq, 23, 24, 25, et cetera, et cetera. So that’s another affirmation that we, I think there’s going to be three, because I think that this is big because it’s just not a fly by night that there’s more articles than just the one. It says Kurdistan reaches with the finance minister.
So here’s the finance minister. She’s the top dog over there. I wouldn’t say the dog, but I mean, she’s a top one, just, you know what I mean? Just being light.
Kurdistan region finance minister announces reaching an agreement with Baghdad to pay 2025 salaries. And guess what? It says here, this is interesting. It says regarding the January salary, he explains, it will begin to be distributed tomorrow, Tuesday, or the day after tomorrow, Wednesday.
So they muddy the waters. Funny how they do that. And again, they reiterate the same thing about the budget being passed.
So that’s, I believe, number three. The next one is Kurdistan region finance minister announces reaching an agreement with Baghdad to pay 25 salaries. Okay.
So we, again, see the same reiteration again, but I think it’s pretty much the same article almost. Erbil and Baghdad reach a final agreement on employee salaries. Taif Sami, it says the final agreement was reached on salaries for year 2025.
Who was there? Kurdistan regional government delegation thanked the Iraqi prime minister, Muhammad Shih al-Sadani, the deputy prime minister, Fawad Hussain, the head of the Kurdistan regional government’s representation in Baghdad, the minister of finance in the federal government, Taif Sami, for their efforts and assistance and coordination support to reach this agreement on the dues to Kurdistan regional government. That’s the highest in the land, you guys. That’s who they are.
And it says that on the other hand, the Kurdistan regional government delegation thanked the presidency of the Iraqi council of representatives in various blocks. So that’s a political issue in the Iraqi council representatives for their cooperation and support for approving the budget amendment, especially the items related to oil exports. I love it.
It says the technical teams of the finance ministry in Kurdistan region are completing the procedures for sending the salaries for the month of January 2025. So here they’re gearing up, but they just got through telling us they were going to do it Tuesday or Wednesday. So this is in line with that.
Hey, it’s just coming from the top. Salaries looks like they have an agreement for them to get paid. And how long has it been? I think they’re going to be retroactive all the way back to the beginning of 2024, by the way.
I think we could support that with an article in and discord. And again, another kudos for Gigi because she just, she helps out so much. It’s amazing.
She works 24 seven seems like sometimes, just like Samson does. And for that matter, I think I even do. This article is interesting.
The ministerial council of economy, that’s the MCOE. Realize that the ministerial council of economy got started by al-Sudani. It’s the top of the top.
Many of those people that I just mentioned are involved in that. The central bank governor of Iraq is involved in that. So when you see the MCOE, or as I call it, the ministerial council of economy, MCOE, that you should pay attention to that at all the time, because that’s a big deal.
Basically it says here that the council discussed items on the agenda and took the necessary decisions regarding them. They host the ministry of industry and trade, the director general of industrial development, the director general of the trademark registration department in the Kurdistan regional government, the federal government as well in order to discuss mechanisms for unifying the registration of trademarks and factories throughout Iraq. Then we talked about insurance.
These people are all going to be involved with that too, above and beyond the shipping, et cetera. It says the council also discussed recommendations submitted to the members of the council to evaluate financial and economic situation in light of economic and political challenges witnessed locally, regional, and internationally, while sending its recommendations to the council of ministers regarding new investment projects to stop listing those projects except for the necessary ones and with the approval of the council of ministers and the endorsement of the ministry of planning and finance to provide financial allocation. They need to make sure that these projects at this point have the financial allocation available now.
If something needs to be stopped, it sounds like change is coming. In other words, if it’s really important and we missed it, fine, but if it’s not, we’re going to just take care of what’s on the books now because I believe if they’re going to be paying salaries, if they’re going to be paying oil or allowing oil to move, there’s something, a change is coming. I think that we all can just about feel that they’re going to have to adjust their exchange rate because effectively they haven’t exposed it.
If they were going to expose 1310, they would have done it a long time ago. They would have never waited this long and they wouldn’t have hit it. They would have made the budget tables public because if they were going to be up 1310, why would you hide it? They haven’t done, they haven’t exposed that just yet, but are they waiting for a special time? It sure looks like it.
It sure looks like a digital transformation is upon them and they’re going to have an interconnection with a digital platform to move their currency. I think it’s on a global scale and I think Iraq is probably not going to be the only one that’s going to be involved in this. I’ve always said it’s all about Iraq, but it’s not all about Iraq.
Take it seriously. I think you’re going to find that that’s going to be spot on. That’s my belief anyway.
Okay, so anyway, just change hats for a second. This is an interesting article that came out today and there’s videos out on it and there’s executive orders out on it, et cetera, that our administration is in the process of creating and an executive order has been signed today and I haven’t watched that. The creation of a U.S. sovereign wealth fund.
I know what a sovereign wealth fund can do and what it does, but interestingly enough, I don’t use TikTok, but anyway, he’s talking about potentially buying it and amongst other things is bringing wealth to the American people. Okay, so the creation of U.S. sovereign wealth funds could buy that company. It says that the U.S. president signed an executive order on Monday ordering the creation of a sovereign wealth fund within the next year, saying it could potentially buy the short video app, as we all know, and I’ve already mentioned it.
He created the sovereign wealth fund. If created, the sovereign wealth fund could place the United States alongside numerous other countries, particularly in the Middle East and Asia, that have launched similar funds as a way to make direct investments with government dollars. Well, that’s not all they’re going to be using, because well, if the government has foreign currency reserves, do they use foreign currencies and foreign currency reserves for sovereign wealth funds? And the answer to that is yes.
Here’s a snippet. It says sovereign wealth funds typically hold foreign currencies as assets. Well, the United States of America has a lot of those assets.
So does a lot of other countries. It says governments are controlled investment funds that often use foreign exchange reserves to invest in international markets, essentially meaning that they hold money in different currencies beyond their own country’s currency. I think we all know that the United States is sitting on a very large stack of Iraqi dinar, probably many other currencies as well, because, hey, if we know about it, they know about it, what’s happening.
And especially if we can figure it out, they probably have, they’re one step ahead of us. But that’s a good thing, because if this is a benefit for the United States of America, and if it’s a benefit for Iraq, and if it’s a benefit for other Middle Eastern countries, so what? Let’s get going. Let’s get everybody on a level playing field.
So what are they a source of? Well, they’re a source of funding. They’re a source for diversification. And they’re basically used as an investment strategy.
And this says sovereign wealth funds use these foreign currencies to invest in various assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and other international investments. So you can imagine how some of the stock markets, some of the bond markets, and some of the real estate markets, and other international investments could get a very big, huge lift in the next year. Hey, that’s what’s happening.
That’s what Middle Eastern Man and Crew have had for you tonight. I hope you guys like it. Have a great evening and enjoy.
And by the way, don’t forget, hit that like button, subscribe. And by the way, again, always, you know, I give thanks to all of those folks that have been help supportive in PayPal, Zelle, and Venmo. Again, all that stuff helps me take care of the crew.
And it makes it easier for us to bring you this on a regular basis as we do. So thank you very much. Guys, don’t forget to hit that like button.
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