Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregory Manorino, Tuesday, February 4th, 2025, pre-market report. All right, look, so let’s start off with this.
As we all know that the tariffs against Mexico and Canada have been paused for a month as both of these nations have agreed to strengthen their borders. This is a win for everybody, the people of the United States, the people of Mexico and the people of Canada. Absolutely, we should look upon these events as that way.
This is good for all of us here. I explained to you and should be pretty obvious. Had this going on, it could have been kind of ugly for middle-class people, of course, and small businesses in every nation.
Now, with China, there’s an issue here and the debt market seems to be reflective of that. If you recall, we covered this at the initial implementation of the tariffs on Mexico and Canada. The debt market was sending us a mixed signal.
We covered with the flattening of the yield curve, but the benchmark 10-year yield pretty much around the world and here in the United States wasn’t really saying anything. It was like, okay, you know what? This isn’t going to be anything major, probably will ensue then later and that’s exactly what happened. Now, we have an issue with what’s happening now with China.
So, Trump’s tariffs or I should say, the United States tariffs on China have now taken effect and China has hit back and up the ante here and the debt market doesn’t seem to like it. Nothing dramatic going on here in the debt market, but let me just show you this real quick. So, the headline is China retaliates with additional tariffs up to 15% on select imports beginning on the 10th.
All right, gives us a little time here for this to work out in the world of politics. Let’s see what happens, but right now I can tell you because you guys and girls know me, everyone is fixated on the Dow Industrial Average, the S&P 500, the stinking NASDAQ. Greg Manarino looks the driver.
I want to know what the driver of the market is telling us and that’s clearly the debt market, we all know that. So, this is what’s happening just right off the bat. The US 10-year yield did bump up.
I mean, nothing significant, but something and the dollar did weaken just a little bit. On the back of that, we’re getting this movement higher in the MMRI, the Manarino Market Risk Indicator. Again, free to everybody.
Link in the description of this video. So, let me just say this. The world today, as you all know, we are petering on the edge of a meltdown every minute of every day with regard to the global debt market and central banks have been pumping this.
It seems that every time the debt market gets a little out of hand, all of a sudden the cavalry comes in, central banks collectively get in, you start buying the debt yields. All it’s doing is further inflating the problem, making it worse. And as this goes on, this again is going to unfold in a terrible way.
There’s no way out of it. But, what I’m trying to say is here, the issue with China now, the big deal is not the fact that China has retaliated and upped the ante. It’s that the debt market to me right now, and I think I’m pretty good at reading the debt market, is telling us this may not be as easy as it was with, let’s realize there’s a problem here.
It really wasn’t a big deal, honestly, to fix these things here, just strengthen the borders, period, the end. It helps everybody out quite obviously. But with China, this is a horse of a different color.
And now with Trump yesterday threatening the UK and the EU, we’ll see how that plays out. But right now, in my opinion, the debt market is saying this is different with regard to what’s going on here with China, and we’ll see how that plays out, honestly, moving forward. You know, let me just say something else before I move forward.
I don’t like the game that is being played with world leaders and their respective central banks. And the one that is unfolding here in the United States, it’s just bothering me. It’s hitting me the wrong way.
So we got, let’s just talk about this real quick. We got the Federal Reserve who did nothing. You know, they stood pat after Trump demanded low rates.
All right, we all know that’s not what we need. We need to change things dramatically to stop the reign of this institution and central banks collectively. Okay, so then after a big back and forth where Trump blasted, I mean, this went on for three days, epic, with regard to the Fed, you know, they’re getting it wrong, they need to lower rates, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Then all of a sudden, now they’re all friends. Okay, the Federal Reserve, and we know this from yesterday when they floated a bull card, a bullet, I hate that, man. I just, I really do.
I can’t, whenever things go awry, they float out certain creatures of the Fed. They floated out this guy to say, don’t worry, rate cuts are coming. We expect inflation to drop.
I mean, we’ve been hearing the same thing now for I don’t know how long, there’s no accountability, and that should bother you. Okay, whatever. So now the Fed and Trump are friends.
Okay, the Fed has promised low rates. Trump is okay. You know what, that’s okay that we pause here.
We’re going to get lower rates moving forward. We know we don’t need these things. I really hope that Trump sees the light here and understands that we need to do two things immediately, immediately to fix the issue, and that is have the Fed vastly contract the money supply and vastly raise rates.
This obviously is exactly what we would need to strengthen our economy. Because look, we already have historically low rates around the world. How’s the economy looking for you? Is it looking really strong? Are we booming? Is this great? No, it’s not.
And the mechanism, for those of you that really don’t understand this, I get it. But having low rates, which is a wrecking machine for the purchasing power of the currency, is a wrecking ball for the economy of the world. I mean, look around you.
I urge all of you to look back just 25, 30 years ago when rates were much, much higher than they are now. When the currency had much more purchasing power than it did now. It only took one income to support a family nicely in owning a house, a home, owning a car, not having that much debt.
The mechanism here is destructive across the board. So what Trump needs to do here is, all this other stuff is all great and well and good. It’s fantastic.
Let’s put tariffs on nations that we know are going to capitulate right away. Okay. The people win anyway.
China, different story. At least that’s what it looks like to the debt market. And we’ll see how that plays out.
But we got to attack the root cause of the problem. The root cause of the situation that we’re in right now around the world is being brought on to us or via the mechanism of artificially suppressed rates and currency devaluation. We need to stop that.
So Trump needs to focus on that. Forget about being friends with the Federal Reserve right now. Forget about saying, okay, it’s all right that the Fed has now paused because we’re going to get lower rates moving forward.
We don’t need lower rates, people. Come on, wake up. All right.
We obviously need to be returned back to a constitutional money system. We’re not going to get that. If we’re not going to get a constitutional money system and we’re going to be the crypto capital oil, okay, fantastic.
This is great for crypto investors. All right. But we need to stop this criminal organization known as central banking around the world.
This is the biggest threat to the public in history. Forget about all the other distractions that they’re using right now as smoke and mirrors on you. We got to attack the root cause of the problem here.
And it’s the debt. It’s the global debt monster. It’s not just the debt in one nation, it’s the global debt monster.
And if you believe really for a nanosecond that you’re not going to see debts and deficits balloon here in the United States, then you’ve really been duped. It’s not going to stop. And the mechanism of now the Fed working, the Trump and the Fed have been working together since the last tenure here.
There’s no doubt about it. When Trump was calling for lower rates and we, again, hyper balloon the debt during Trump’s last tenure, it’s going to happen again as well. The mechanism to foster the illusion of a propped up stock market is only built back on oceans of debt.
You know that. That’s what’s going to happen here again. It’s not going to stop despite what you’re hearing about with Musk now taking over the treasury.
We’re going to talk about that in a second. And we’ll hear from Trump himself what he said about that. Anyway.
But anyway, look, man, this should be pretty obvious to all of us. We need to stop this. We have to build the economy from the bottom up.
We can’t make the one in two percent richer and hoping that’s going to just trickle down to you and I. It doesn’t work. We’ve been sold a lie since I don’t know how freaking long about trickle down economics, trickle down economics, trickle down. It doesn’t work.
We’ve got to return the purchasing power to we, the people of not just the United States, but of the entire world, build the economy from the bottom up. And that means we need higher rates. We need to contract the money.
But people, this is literally economics 101. But people have no idea because they’re told to look over there, look over here, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Are we on the same page? I think we are.
Now, look, with regard to what happened yesterday at the treasury, there’s all this stuff. This is right out of Trump’s mouth, about what’s going on here. So Trump said Musk cannot stop treasury payments on his own.
President Trump said that Musk can flag potential problems with spending, but cannot act unilaterally. I’m all for this. I’ll be honest with you.
We got to stop this. I think we’re pretty much on the same page and this sounds great, but we still have to attack the root cause of the entire problem. Again, who maintains monetary policy, not just here in the United States, but around the world? It’s central banks.
Who’s responsible for inflation? Well, Trump finally admitted it. It was not Biden’s fault. He said it was the Fed’s fault.
That’s what came out during the tirade. You see, the truth comes out. It always is.
You can’t hide from the truth. You understand? So some good things came out of this quite obviously, but again, it’s going to be brushed under. It’s going to be brushed under the table.
What came out of Trump’s mouth was the truth. Trump knows the truth. I told you that Trump knew who actually runs the economy.
It isn’t presidents. It isn’t kings, queens, dictators, or monarchs. It’s central banks.
They run the monetary system. They run the economy, the financial markets, the financial system as a whole. Come on, man.
Wake up. Anyway, look, this is all well and good. We’ve got to find ways to at least eliminate some of the garbage here.
And just to, again, I am an equal opportunity guy. I blasted Biden. You all know that because I thought his monetary policy, his policies across the board were a disaster area.
You know that, all of you. I said the same thing for Obama. And during Trump’s last tenure, I called him out.
But again, I’m giving credit where credit’s due. Credit is due across the board here. A lot of things that Trump has done has been positive so far.
I know that about it. But I intend to hold them in to account. And if those of you think that’s Trump, the Reinsmann syndrome, because I don’t want to lick the guy’s feet like you guys do, some of you out here, then I don’t know what to tell you.
We need to hold our leaders to account and call them out with this episode with the Federal Reserve. Obviously, this is a huge thing. If Trump gets in here, listen to me, and starts saying the Fed needs to raise rates, we need to contract the money supply, we win.
If he doesn’t do that, we will continue to lose. Everything else is nothing but a deception and a distraction. We must attack the root cause of the problem.
Does that sound about right to you? I think so. All right. With that said, people, look, we’re going to end this.
We don’t want to hear from you on all these things. Now, the biggest thing, what I want you to take away from this video here, okay, is one thing with a lot of things, but one in particular right here and right now. The debt market is telling us a different story.
What the debt market was telling us with regard to Mexico and Canada, that was one thing and it proved to be correct. What the debt market is telling us right now, this morning, now with the tariffs on China now taking effect and China hitting back and upping the ante, the debt market is telling us this isn’t going to be a cakewalk like it was with the other two nations here. Look, we all win here.
I’m so sick and tired of people saying, oh, Trump won. Trump won what? We all win. Mexico won.
Canada won. We win. We, the people win.
You guys and girls got to stop here with your TDS delusion, okay? Honestly, this is about the people. It’s not about one man or one party. It’s about all of us.
Does this sound about right to you or no? Come on, man. Wake the freak up. All right, guys and girls, we’ll see where this plays out.
I promise you that I will be keeping my eye on that debt market and seeing where this is all going. Now, this morning, stock futures are flat, nothing going on here. A little nudge higher with gold and silver.
Cryptocurrency is under a little pressure right now, but it’s really about the debt market. You all know that. Anyway, so that’s where we stand.
I so wish, honestly, that I was able to do more for people. Honestly, I would gladly work for free for absolutely nothing and be behind the scenes for President Trump right now or anyone that has some kind of influence over what’s going on here, but it’s not going to happen, unfortunately. I don’t want medals.
I don’t want credit. I don’t want recognition. I just want to be a positive force and be beneficial to people, honestly.
I know that we’re doing that with this vlog, you and me, but I wish we had a greater way to influence things, honestly. There are not many people in this world, honestly. It’s really true.
It’s probably, I don’t know how many it might be, who understand the financial system the way that you and I do. It’s really the truth. You don’t learn this stuff in business school.
I hear from people who went to business school all the time. They’re like, Greg, man, this stuff is amazing that you talk about. How do you learn this stuff? I didn’t learn this in business school.
You learn this from being in it. You know what I mean? There’s a big difference between learning stuff on paper and then seeing how it works in the real world and then just delving deeply into it and thinking outside the box. It’s really what it comes down to.
I think that 90% of you who follow this vlog get it. I love that. There’s not enough of us, unfortunately, to make any kind of a difference other than on a personal level and maybe with regard to our families and stuff like that.
I’m going to say this to people before I get out of here. Every time I say this, I get pushed back and I don’t really care. We got to bring ourselves closer to the source.
All the deceptions, distractions, the look here, the politics, which has become a religion in many ways here. We got to bring ourselves back to the source here. Reconnect with the source, which is obviously God.
I don’t know another way to say this to all of you. Hopefully, things will work out for all of us. I know they will.
If you bring yourself and allow yourself to get closer to the source, your whole life is going to change, man, and for the good, of course, obviously. Anyway, look, guys and girls, we’re going to get out of here. I hope you got something out of this video or more than one thing.
All right, let’s keep our eyes on this. I promise to keep all of you as far ahead of the curve as I possibly can. I am working hard to do that.
With that, I want to say thank you to those of you that do support my work every month. This month, very few of you did. A lot less than usual.
I’m not sure why, but that’s okay. We still got this. Anyway, I do want to thank those of you that do support my work.
If you feel like supporting my work, I appreciate that. All I ask for is $5 a month, five bucks. I think that’s not so much.
If you feel like it, great. If you can’t, that’s cool too. I understand it’s not compulsory.
Obviously, there’s several links in the description of this video if you want to support my work. Love you all. See you later, 4 or 5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream.
All right, that’s all, people. Over and out.