Dinar Guru Uncut

Militia Man (Uncut) 01-11-2025

hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia man and crew patreon Community by clicking the link in the caption hey good evening everybody militia man and crew it’s Friday the 10th and I wanted to say have a good weekend looks like it’s going to be a powerful one because there’s quite a bit of stuff that’s coming from Iraq uh that is suggesting that many things are underway and converging at the same time

and we’re going to get into some of that stuff but um I believe that you know the stage is basically set for Iraq’s transition to the electronic digital transformation that they they’ve been working on and you can see some of that tonight to the point where um they’re doing things for reasons and ala loock has even spoken about it and we’ll get to what he has to say um tonight as well because uh it’s the first time he spoke out about it uh this article is called aluri uh he’s a an adviser to the uh

economic he’s a banking adviser economic and banking it uh article’s called explains the new mechanism for external transfers after the platform is closed so here again you we’re learning that of course that they’ve changed the dollar auctions uh to the new uh reinforcement mechanism it’s not happening the way it used to everyone it’s just not and that’s why you’re hearing people squeaking pretty loudly about uh pricing going up on the in the street it’s because they can’t get the dollar right so whatever’s whatever’s in circulation

and on the ground is where they’re going to get that money and that’s going to create an environment for those that are doing illegal trade and basically they’re breaking the law and so it has nothing to do with the Central Bank anymore um there’s calls that suggest that Al Sudani is a bad guy and that it’s all his fault those are all rumors and speculation people uh the United States Treasury US Federal Reserve has been in uh his back pocket for years and uh he didn’t get to the head of the AMF

um which is by the way one of the Arab League uh he was founding uh Iraq was one of the founding members of the 22 Nations that uh used the Arab accounting dinar we went over that in our uh Discord chat room quite thoroughly and show evidence that we have in our uh patreon patreon.com DCW uh you can find all the information if you’d like to come in and do some research and uh and join the crew and visit and say hi so come on in everybody’s welcome globally so and we have a lot of people from all around the

world I’m much appreciated to have everybody I thank you for your kind support all the the donations over the last couple of years have been helping keeping this place going and I I think you guys see the positive effects our numers show it and so do our our members um that watch us on YouTube uh we’ve kind of knocked it out of the park thanks to all of you we appreciate that very much so so have a good safe weekend uh I give uh my blessings to and um prayers to all the people in California that are having these massive horrific

fires so uh I have a family member that’s down in Santa Monica California uh he’s a a deputy chief of the fire department and my prayers are out to Danny so let’s uh keep everybody in our prayers so anyway uh this this article it says closing the platform is a closure of foreign transfers it’s not a foreign uh closure of the foreign transfers but rather a change in the mechanism to achieve fluidity and speed by reducing the links so they’ve been working on this for quite some time and they’ve officially basically move

forward to it it’s not normal for the central bank or the US Federal Reserve to carry out executive procedures but the task of central banks is supervision and control and so that’s what I Iraq has gone back to that they weren’t doing that for a very long time so they are in line with all other central banks doing uh their normal work and they’re allowing the the correspondent Banks and the banks to facilitate that uh transfer of dollars when Imports exports Etc legitimate trade through the platform if

you’re not hooked up you’re going to have problems we we’ve said that numerous times and uh they’re telling people you know it’s by law okay it says this will lead to expanding the number of Iraqi banks that participate in foreign transfers and reduce pressure on other Banks he stresses that the exchange rate announced uh as the paral parallel rate does not reflect a price reality again what I said is right there in writing so it has exchange rates that correspond to the official exchange rate of the central bank that speculation in

dollars on the black market is punishable by law therefore what is in circulation is what remains with Travelers so legitimate trade it says that uh there’s about 3% um less inflation rate uh which is better than all the Arab regions it’s exactly what they wanted to do uh it’s going to get uh investors they understand that if you have high inflation it’s riskier the higher the inflation rate um it’s just not as good for business and right now Iraq is about 3% 3.1% less than uh inflation rates in

the Arab region so uh basically we’ve been following along with all this uh for some time and we’ve been spot on uh talking about the the dollar auctions we going to cease as we knew them them and sure enough they have it’s fascinating and I’m thankful that that’s happened because uh I know what I own and uh I’m looking forward to it just like everybody else I really am uh here’s an article called the government consultant says 2025 will be a year for industry no doubt I’m sure of it uh prime minister’s adviser hammud

Alami said in a statement to Iraq that uh the prime minister’s visit to Iraq’s factories has clear indications that the 2025 will be the year of Industry the Prime Minister stated that Iraq cannot continue to rely on oil revenues only the country has the elements of transforming into an industrial country that’s and thanks to the availability of raw materials that they have uh their industrial expertise and have having what a local market he goes on to say that the government is working on establishing integrated industrial

cities that will be presented to developers to provide those necessary Services which promotes the establishment of even more new factories uh the stage is set for creating industry private sector there’s no denying it anymore uh Parliament publishes an agenda for next Monday session well that’s interesting so what do they say um they’re they’re they’re moving on a few things and one of the things that caught my eye was the third one there’s uh there’s nine nine or is there 10 uh yeah there’s 10 so there’s 10

items but I’m just going to focus on and read out to you guys the three or two that I like the best and uh what are they going to be doing they’re going to be voting on uh which is number the third one uh voting on the draft law of the Fourth Amendment to the industrial investment law and they’re just talking about investment in industrial right right okay uh Amendment to the industrial investment law for the private and mixed sectors number 20 of 1988 and basically what it’s pertaining to the investment and development

committee they article number nine so that’s going to be on the on the table and realize that this is set for Monday but is it has it been moved up to Sunday we’re going to find out well we’re going to have speculation on that but anyway the ninth one comes uh to to point which is a report in discussion of the second reading of the draft law amending the first law of the federal General budget law of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years 23 24 and 25 that’s what we’ve been waiting for I believe I’m hoping that there’s that

component that we’ve talked about uh the amendment to the 2024 budget which is the investment side they haven’t exposed it they put it in the Gazette but they weren’t they didn’t publish it so that we could read it in English and I’m not so sure they even gave the content to it in Arabic so I’ve had people look that speak and right fluent uh Arabic and they haven’t seen it to this date but that I’m aware of I could be wrong but I don’t know I don’t think so so anyway that’s a big deal so there’s many things that are happening

uh prior to the meeting of Monday so if that law number nine is exposed to the parliament uh I would be surprised if ala loock has something to say prior to that but we’re we’ll just have to wait and see but this is all news that’s coming out from Iraq and to the best of our ability and we analyze it see what the best is and we believe that um most of this all comes from credible sources um in their news um there’s some good news and bad news out there and we just filter through it the best we can so

don’t shoot the messenger but anyway it looks great uh House of Representatives agenda for next Sunday so did they just move it up House of repres Representatives announced on Thursday the agenda for next Sunday session which includes a number of important issues that will be discussed during the next session this has popped out I believe it was yesterday post that article I just mentioned for Monday session so this came in out of the blue um and was like wow that’s big so um out of the blue they uh looks like they moved things up

but they’re not the only ones that that are going to be around there was there was remember there was some meetings supposed to be with turkey about water today uh there’s the uh Asian parliamentary committee that came to town and that’s going to be for tomorrow and there uh it’s political but nonetheless it’s for many countries in the region uh coming in tomorrow and then it looks like uh the House of Representatives will have their meeting pulled up from Monday to Sunday and then you’re going to see a little while later

that um I believe yeah I think yeah the Kurdistan region to visit bag day Bagdad uh Sunday which is the president of the coures region and I believe a delegation will be going the president of the Kuran region nean Baran is expected to uh visit the federal capital uh next Sunday he will participate in meetings of the state Administration Coalition and that turns out to be uh the same day that the H is going to be in in uh in town at the same time but anyway uh there’s an economist that comes out today uh and it

looks like electronic Financial transactions save Iraq from cash shortage Thursday says that the shift towards electronic Financial transactions and generalizing this to all government and private transactions will save the country from a short of of cash they say that it will not suffer financially because it’s its Financial transactions are now electronic it says these transactions make it necessary for governments to print currency continuously as this process is financially costly Iraq prints some denominations domestically

and other denominations of a currency are printed abroad and printing them costs the financial value of the currency so they’re saving money from having to print money because they’re going to have less cash circling around okay so we can uh I think we can see what’s happening now with Iraq’s financial and economic reforms whether the private or the public sectors they’re telling us what they’ve been doing and they’ve been expect and what we’ve been expecting in an international mannerism I think uh if you guys can’t

see it um I don’t know why but it’s powerful I I really do believe that um all these things are collective and they’re just it’s like coming into you know or a pyramid for instance all the stuff all way out wide is finally coming to a peak so uh here’s a article called the birth of a new banking entity in Iraq it says a government adviser reveals the details and what are they talking about they’re talking about the financial advisor to prime minister uh SLE we all know him NRI SLE those two guys we always listen

to revealed a study being conducted by a global consulting firm uh that’s been commissioned by the state to restructure the Rapidan uh and Rasheed Banks and uh it constitutes about 85% of the market in the country and they go on to say that uh the study aimed to establish a new banking entity uh specialization in the government banking operations to meet the government’s needs exclusively this entity will contribute to achieving the goals of the UniFi treasury account you guys know about the unified treasury account well

it’s electronic it’s basically Baghdad and herbal have had to uh connect I believe that’s been done weeks ago from the sources I have but the bottom line is we can see that in print that they’re doing this and you know by the my account system that they talk about in the Kurdistan region all that has to be interl remember the federal court has obliged uh the region to hook up with and get paid by the federal government salaries and so everybody is going to be getting paid on time so you see a lot of

news about salaries not being paid you know it’s crazy but ultimately you don’t see the oil going to Turkey yet we don’t see the the the oil going to Syria just yet and we don’t see the salaries being completed yet why what’s on the table the 2023 2024 budget amendment looks to be on the table supposed to to be I read to you was on Monday it looks like what I read to you also is that uh it’s slated for Sunday so uh powerful weekend whether um we’re accurate or not but it it looks promising it really

does okay so the restructuring of the bank um the unified treasury it says a structural reform also aims to enhance the integration of the two Banks into the national banking market and able them to expand into Global Financial markets especially in the areas of trade and investment financing for the private sector right it’s pretty cool it says uh the two potential entities will rely on on Modern systems in the in compliance governance and risk management with a focus on digital payments uh you guys realize though that

this I’m going to just from my research you know one of the things that uh all the highest entities in the world the bank of international settlements um the World Bank the IMF everybody’s had a focus with Iraq to you know article four consultation if you look at the original document I believe you’re going to find that in there they’re going to they’ll talk about restructuring Banks and one of the last things that they do at the end of the day before they go International is going to have their Banks restructured

or really close to being completed but that’s their focus but once they get to a certain state and you’re going to see where Al Sudani has something to say about that uh but that’s that’s what happens at the end and so we’ve been talking about it but it hasn’t really been a focus for a lot of people but that’s okay the bottom line is is that that’s part of the process and we’re seeing that and that’s if that’s at the end and with all you’re seeing you can put two and two together and it surely looks really

powerful um it’s here there’s a little bit more to this one it’s in interesting because it says prime minister Muhammad Shia sadani chaired a special meeting to discuss developing the work of the government Banks and the presence of representatives from ernston Young for auditing and financial consulting uh my understanding from people that work for ernston young when they do their work uh you got to be honest man they’re going to they’re going to know what’s going on there’s no games they don’t play games

and by their reputation’s on the line so when they’re doing a contract which got started in early 2024 which is not the only contract they’ve ever had I don’t believe by any stretch of the means but it is one about restructuring the banks and there I thought that the uh contract was were uh seven or eight months but it’s been about 10 but nonetheless things take time and obviously Grace is given um it says that the Prime Minister explained that the the percentage of completion of the project to restructure

Rapidan bank has reached its final stages stressing that it will enter into Force within the next few days so in other words it’s already been handled and sorted they’re just waiting for the right time to to finish that in the next few days well it says within the framework of that plan that has been studied and implemented according to the established standards and specifications okay now below we’re going to I’m going to talk about a few things but um I had a strong feeling uh recently and you

know over the last you know 8 months 6 months that we’re probably a little further along than we ever thought but here we are um basically what that is or what we just read tonight Al Sudani talking about that is is just more evidence uh it’s uh one of the last things that they do before they go International but here’s interesting um a few days back the rapid Dan Bank announced Thursday uh 1,395 departments have started activating electronic collection uh the Departments that have started activating

electronic collection and collecting amounts electronically have reached that many 1,395 departments so basically all this time if they’ve done that with all those departments I would suggest that ernston young had something to do with that and that’s part of their restructuring so in other words they’re gearing for go their egovernment is going for State institutions and private sector to um use uh point of sale uh they’re going to do electronic payments and they told you that they they don’t want to spend the

money on printing a whole bunch of new money they want less cash so all of these things coming at at this time are by no coincidence not in my opinion anyway so here here’s an article that says the C an Regional government holds extraordinary meeting on what employees salaries the Kuran government announced on Friday its intention to hold extraordinary meeting to discuss the issue of Kurdish employee salaries it says an extraordinary meeting will be held for representatives of the regional government in Baghdad the heads of the

Kurdish blocks in the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the prime minister in the region the meeting will discuss the issues of employees salaries and financial dues to the kistan region and their participation in the meeting of the state Administration coalation that’s on Sunday if I have it right that’s on Sunday so that’s a powerful statement you guys um there’s an article here um about the cooperation agreements and new listings to support the Iraqi Stock Exchange okay this one’s interesting too

because it says that the chairman of the Iraqi Securities Commission confirmed during an interview with the um CNBC Arabia that the signing of this cooperation agreements by the Iraqi stock exchange with other financial markets in the region such as who Saudi Arabia Jordan Qatar and the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange represents an important step towards developing the iraqy market and so all this is happening at the same time and remember you guys ever since about 2018 they showcase Iraq ISX the expectation was in

2018 when they printed new new currency back then uh we thought were the lower denominations well they do print money and they’ll sit on them for a while it’s obviously been a few years but the point is that they were showcased on the NASDAQ that they were going to Interlink I believe if people remember correctly there was an interview with the uh top guy from the ISX and he was waiting for um an exchange rate change that was back then so here we are now uh look this a lot of money in um Saudi Arabia there’s

a lot of money in Jordan Qatar and and the Abu Dhabi security exchanges there’s a lot of wealth out there so is it going to promote Iraq sure is it going to is it going to get them and get that market to boost them high enough to where that they can get on the NASDAQ well that’s uh I think that’s an implication I think it’s a powerful implication is it going to be that turn out to be that way I wouldn’t be surprised so all of you that um have r accounts and you have uh stock stock accounts over there um I’m smiling

good job I know a couple people by the way uh the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq acknowledges the existence of official Outlets that charge unlicensed commission so here’s Iraq Central Bank talking uh it was yesterday the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq alick acknowledged the existence of an unlicensed commissions that are not subject to the supervision of the central bank at some points of sale and transfer offices and threatened to close those outlets and convert them into the exchange companies this was

alak’s first statement after the decision to close the electronic platform uh oh there it is again Clos the electronic platform the one that they were getting the dollar from yeah they changed it if you remember okay and they switched to working with the correspondent banking system and what did Iraq Central Bank do they moved back from um being a facilitator of all a lot of this they’re going to be in the supervision monitoring and supervision of the banks and correspondent Banks so alak said in the Press statement that

the incoming dollar transfers are subject to the decision to restrict dealing in Dinars after allowing Banks to import them and limiting their smuggling operations while he’s confirming that the project to establish a national company for electronic payment has reached Advanced stages so if you noticed the theme tonight everything’s in advanced stages and now we’re watching to see what happens in the political realm and we’re going to also watch and see if ala loock has more to say because uh of what I just talked

about uh the presentations uh collectively see what happens tomorrow with the Asian arena in in the parliament then we’ll see what happens in um the uh House of Representatives and the Parliament on uh on Sunday and uh and we’ll see if it bleeds over to Monday we’ll find out but and see what they have to say so I hope everybody enjoys their Friday night thank you for being with us militia man and crew appreciates all the support we have the venmo PayPal and zel to help keep us going we plan on being around for a

while for for many other things and we’ll see how that turns out but anyway thank you for being here don’t forget turn on your uh notifications for the next video so you get an email and then don’t forget to hit the like And subscribe button I’m pushing 50,000 subscribers if you guys want to help thank you appreciate it once again guys don’t forget to hit that like button if you like this content subscribe to the channel or join us at the militia man inrw patreon Community for even more exclusive content you can also donate to

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