Kinesis Money (Uncut) 01-11-2025
the dollar price of gold at $3,000 and silver at 50 bucks looks far too cheap during Trump’s second ter they now have to keep printing or we crash we’ve got this ticking Time Bomb talking gold with the one and only Andrew Maguire Welcome To Live From the [Music] Vault Welcome To Live From the Vault and the first thing is happy new year I know 2025 is going to be such an amazing year for all of our community and and our growing Community uh you know for the people that are here brand new life from
the vault is the show that goes beyond the headlines and uncovers the truth about the precious metals industry and the effects on the global economy in these historic times that we’re all living through right here and now and you know we bring you exclusive access to experts and insiders and we reveal information and insights that you simply won’t find any where else hi there my name is Shane morand and I’ll be your host for this week’s episode and we’ll be joined shortly by the one and only precious metals expert and whistleblower
Andrew Maguire as we pull back the curtains on the intricate world of the gold and silver markets and we expose what’s really going on in the precious metals industry so get ready for another packed episode of Live From the Vault and we’ll bring you the knowledge and we’ll bring you the understanding that the mainstream media just will not provide so just before before we head over to the UK please help keep spreading the word in this new year about this channel by hitting that like button you can do that right now uh
share this information so more people can find out about the precious metals industry and The Insider information here and if you haven’t already subscribed just go ahead and click that subscribe button and if you want to be notified in real time as each episode goes live just hit that black Bell right there and we’ll notify you again as each episode goes live and with that let’s head over to the UK and talking gold with Andrew Maguire hey Andrew first of all happy New Year I guess the first thing that I
want to do is really uh ask you as all of our communi is asking you know can we pick up on the thread from where we ended up last year it seems like a long time ago but last year at the end of 2024 and have a look at what we can expect to start this New Year 2025 uh trading here in the precious metals industry yeah happy New Year Shane Happy New Year to all our valued subscribers so we got lots to get through it’s been a few weeks let’s get through as many questions as we as possible in the time
we’ve got so perhaps let’s start with the shortterm New Year action that followed the December end of year Casino driven selling we’ll get into this don’t worry then based on extremely reliable first tier liquidity feedback I’m going to expand on why the dollar price of gold at $3,000 and silver at 50 bucks looks far too cheap during Trump’s second term now more immediately Asian buyers have notably stepped up their bargain hunting in both gold and silver which has been forcing the commercials to to begin to
ring the regist remember we were tracking these automated momentum sellers who control basically 75% of of everything that the casino churns out um so basically they were beginning to ring the register on these guys um and but following so what’s happened is following each Asian unleveraged physical buying session and you could just look at any chart and you see in the morning the Asia buys um then what’s happened is um having and then the the momentums are happy to take this 96% leverage synthetic gold and then they
automate selling golden uh gold into what has been really a dollar rally uh which during the first two sessions of 2025 tagged its highest level since November 2022 so that Beggars the Beggars the fact is then why is gold not dropping well it’s because we we’re going to go through why and there’s some massive changes going on here um and as just as we reported during our end ofe market update episode uh with no I mean at no single point Have House insiders had they or are they adding any shorts um or
making any bearish bets against gold and silver and that’s something they couldn’t hide in the coot reports that Spann the period since our last episode C reports simply being what they what the what little information the house has to publish to the cftc um now this is because the house insiders are exposed to physical delivery obligations from outside the cash settle comx exchange and because buzzel 3 regulations ultimately Force physical delivery so the house is unable to Halt the outflows of synthetically
discounted underprice bulling exiting the comex to fulfill Global Central Bank demand all right now Andrew I I can remember our very first episode back in 2023 two years ago just as the basil 3 regulations took effect there was lot of questions and you were the first you know to come out and start talking basil 3 when no one could even spell it and uh just as you predicted though with gold trading and it was back then in the low 1800s you projected that gold would close well above uh 2,000 before the end
of 2023 in fact spot gold closed at the end of 2023 at 20 62.4 now during our first episode A year later or a year ago now uh episode of uh 2024 you assess that the basil 3 again we started off with basil 3 and the physical gold effect alongside with the physical markets being settled outside of the comx would force a fot price of gold to rise exponentially in fact despite multiple comx attempts to to to cash settle gold physical gold demand forced gold to rise strongly during 2024 everyone witnessed that as you projected
in fact closing the year end at about $600 an ounce higher yes Shane as a reminder and to update new subscribers of which we have many following Basel 3 nsfr conditions being imposed on the 10 times larger Foreign Exchange Market liquidity providers every single bullion bank has actually been coat tailing every Global Central Bank except the FED that is and all these first year Market maret making bullan Banks went long physical gold and silver coiling the the central banks and they went long for
their own books naturally because they got a view into the phys into the physical markets so when we look at the makeup of the what is counterintuitive house Insider go gold suppression Footprints we evident which we eviden into the close of the 24-year trade we’re really talking about the three agent bullying Banks forced to act on behalf of the FED Who Remain the only Global Central Bank still trying to cap the dollar price of gold I mean it’s ludicrous but it’s happening under our watch now many of our
subscribers questions during 2024 um as you’ve just elaborated they sought to understand if the feds had an have unlimited pocket fat pockets which they do um um so they could really continue to fly could they not continue to fly whe this 50e price supression scheme um Richard which is what the comx was specifically specifically formed to do namely um that was after Nixon suspended the Dollar’s convertibility into gold into synthe so that they could synthetically dilute thousands of tons of gold to to dissuade for forign
central banks from swapping their unbacked dollars for physical gold because they were trying to keep the price so they were trying to keep the the price volatile and wrongly wrongly wrongly positioned now while it’s true yeah that the FED has virtually unlimited printed dollars to keep the siloed comx over 50-year cap price capping scheme rolling following Basel 3 recategorizing physical gold as a first first year asset class on the 1st of January two years ago almost two years to to the day it forced the 10 times
larger Global facing foreign exchange markets to back the 17 trillion a year foreign exchange foreign exchange gold offerings with bullion thereby limiting The house’s ability to keep fractionalizing what is a rapidly DEET depleting stock of house leverage bullion bars now despite gold Rising by over 600 bucks per ounce despite their best efforts to dilute the gold price against a riding dollar all that happened was the FED revealed its weak poker hand but following this 50 over 50 Year Legacy gold price suppression they
are so deep in they had little option but to double down and the problem is that outside the siloed Casino bubble every other Central Bank is capitalizing on this Bluff busted hand which is in poker terms what it is now the FED is rapidly running out of the necessary bulling that they rely on to dilute the paper price of gold now despite the ability to leverage their undeliverable casino chips by a massive 96% a Beggars belief but that is what you’re seeing anytime you see a trade on the comx it is only 4% backed by any
bullion so what they’re doing is to is to uh is despite this ability to leverage to that degree which is about hiding the fact that the debt braas dollar is actually losing purchasing power uh as benchmarked by unleveraged first tier um um gold um FX gold that is so the rubber actually meets the road at global gold fixes which actually sets the the dollar price of billions of dollars of a crude fed held derivative bets and that’s what really this is about it’s not just what’s being uh traded on the comx there are massive
derivative bets derivative bets which these prices are trying to protect now ultimately the fed’s agent Bank losses are insured by the FED but but but as the rising gold price illustrates uh this is a losing battle which will have to be resolved by paying ever higher prices to balance the paper to physical book hey Andrew can you share insights on how the physical gold versus the paper Gold Casino markets are performing and where do you see the discrepancies here yes Shane good question now the
strip down charts is really the best way to uh reveal the degree that the FED is losing the paper to physical battle um this is why we track actually the 96% leverage comx Footprints you know obviously we track the spot markets because they are where the physical markets settle but in order to really keep see what the game game is we have to actually track that uh the the FED these contracts these comx contracts or be it leveraged so let’s pick up the thread now we’ve been tracking these fed Footprints all last year revealing the
massive losses they faced after borrowing physical physical bullion from the bank of international settlements to leverage and sell this bullion at Market to try and bolster depleting comx reserves but as we can see every single effort from March onwards to dilute the gold price during the 20 during 2024 backfired forcing them to repeatedly buy back this sold bullion at ever higher prices now I have to go scroll back a little bit to to see where we week where this first really notably started now after getting wrong-footed
by the pboc on the 1st of March which was this blue circled um inflection point here when this is when the BB when they they opened up the pboc opened up the Shanghai Futures exchange uh uh gold trading facility mistakenly the FED began to double down and here at this point they own they had accured 68 tons of physical gold loans uh and what they were trying to do was fractionalize this into around if you leverage that out that would have been two years that is two years of synthetic Global Mine Supply and they
were doing that at spot $2,000 now we’re tracking the Futures charts here because it’s easier to track the FED Footprints because this is where they operate however as we drill down into our last episodes all last year by the end of August uh this was right here so right at the end of August we can see that the bank of international settlements along the way had actually been increasing their borrowings from the bank International settlements and by the end of August uh they had literally uh borrowed uh they’ve added
another 89 tons and that was peaking at 17 tons but this was $500 dollars higher at around 2500 now given the 96% leverage they had found themselves on the wrong side of really close to five years if you leverage that out that is close to five years of M Supply and by the end of September and that was here they and and remember we tracked all of this last year by the end of September they were forced to actually unwind and pay back 64 tons at close to 2750 bucks now these are massive losses and while the house was able to
lay off and this is where we are currently today and while the house was able to lay off probably about 50% of these liabilities against the specs inside the cash settled comx into the process liquidity providers assessed that around one year of Mine Supply had been removed and alchemized by way of unreported monetary gold outflows what we’re trying to do here is demonstrate the FED has a weak hand Andrew from what we were discussing ahead of the episode here you’re looking for much higher prices in 2025 can you
step us through this please yes Shane um what we’re seeking to do here in these educational sessions is to really track where the footprints lead into 2025 and as we’ve evidenced through the first couple of trading sessions um and the the wrong at both ends momentums yes they’re right in the middle but they’re always wrong at both ends now we’re witnessing them wrong at the bottom end um these guys as we say C control 75% of all the comx chips the open interests as as they call it um which the FED
relies on to back um uh to to to they basically rely on creating this um the these unbacked chips loan them out wrong foot uh the the specs and then short cover them in short covering into them but this Supply is actually dwindling and this is a problem exposed to Growing delivery obligations being jumped on into multiple bid pull sessions and this is instead of shorting they’re just resorting to bid pulling and when you have a position concentration you can do that kind of uh thing but again we’re talking about open
interest D dwindle and that used to work extremely well in fact liquidity providers report commercials buying to hedge strong Asian driven physical exposure in fact really nothing’s changed it actually is far too obvious Asia buys physical and the West follows by selling paper gold it it it it does encourage momentums to anticipate this behavior and short sell and we’ve seen that on every single pit Open Session this year so far but they don’t realize they’re being set up as PSIs now notably at the new year open
gold and silver rose alongside the dollar as it tested its highest level since November 2022 while conversely liquidity providers report not a notable move to exchange strong dollars um and us treasuries for physical gold now assisted by this we this week’s obligatory anticipated fomc um meet now we’re recording this on Wednesday and basically um the the fomc is is yet to play out this afternoon this this evening at our time and then of course ahead of really the the key thing is Friday num Farm pray
uncertainty these wrong at both ends momentums are still being tricked into capping Rises while liquidity providers with a view into the wholesale markets expect the bullish physically driven change in Behavior to continue to actually percolate through into the first quarter of this year so really to answer more specifically the question Shain let’s look at what to expect medium-term so in order to do that let’s look at the real Supply demand dynamics that we are evidencing out of China as it actually provides a really good look
under the contaminated smok and mirrors Western Market view so this to explain um and really what we’re trying to do is explain how uh this uh 50y old uh game is starting to expire so um these are facts as per the pboc into November synthetically gained Western driven Gold Discount uh where everyone was ringing their hands saying oh my goodness we’re going to now drop down to 20 2300 uh 2200 even 2,000 we had all these calls coming out um and in fact uh so this was really following um the alltime
now this was we’re tracking the Futures chart so this 28170 February Futures Contract P equated to 2790 spot so that was the all-time high um and then it was tracked all the way down into the December spot low and that was at 2602 which included really a round trip 20 $60 paper Market flush during this so-called one month and this was all the way to here then obviously then we saw this settlement again the bank of Inter National settlements scrambling to cover but into this socalled Market weakness China’s official gold reserves
Rose and this is where the report came through right where the bis closed um their official gold reserves Rose from 7 2.96 million o to 73.2 n million o at the end of December so here all the way to here so they were capitalizing on every single possible ounce so into this one month um uh period between the end of November and the end of December December uh which was right here what the pboc did was in fact purchase 11 around over 11 um tons now keep in mind this was the period the M mainstream media was spinning that
China was no longer buying gold and we now have advanced information they have significantly stepped this up ahead of Trump’s inauguration this month with that in mind let’s connect the dots now notably and why the mainstream media were on the bandwagon spinning bearish gold comments um and it was due actually actually based on the fact that actually the CNY currency it was currency was weakening relative to the strong dollar um now this the dollar value of the pboc’s gold reserves actually fell by
2.10 billion into these official additions that we’ve just outlined strong additions 11 tons of them but verifying the footprints are liquidity providers were reporting into the so-called gold price weakness in December weakness in the in the paper markets not in the physical markets the pboc was and is actively capitalizing on dollar strength stealthily selling dollar assets for Gold by way of locking in synthetic discounted Western goal at both the am and the PM fixes for a guaranteed t+1 physical delivery
remember we talked about t+1 it simply means that since Basel 3 uh uh nsfr compliance uh regulations kicked in that if you’re a FX Trader and you have you’re trading gold you have to have the physical to deliver so if someone asks for it you got to deliver it it’s got to be delivered within one day of that transaction so so basically so they they they guaranteed this physical delivery so alongside selling us treasuries to purchase gold which is the polar inverse of what the FED is doing trying to fog their us treasuries but as
we know these official published 11 odd ton editions do not include um unreported large tunnage lbma 400 ounce monetary gold purchases flowing out of the West into the East to fulfill a race by global central banks to capitalize on current dollar strength to purchase gold now the officially reported data is just what cannot be hidden but only partly illustrates the pboc stepping up to swap dollars for gold ahead of tariffs being imposed Now by connecting these three three dots which we’re outlining here
trying to bring this all together it’s no coincidence that China’s official FX reserves fell in December from 3.26 trillion to 3202 trillion that’s what it was into the gold selloff so okay so okay so suddenly we see also that their reserves dropping now these conversions of dollars for gold are what is just is is officially reported but what is hidden from View and impossible to track but empirically evident and hidden in plain sight is the scale of the 3.4 trillion of Shadow banking reserves identified by
EXT treasury SE secretary Brad seter these are off the Record being alchemized into hundreds of tons of physical gold salted the state held Banks and beijing’s Military complex a lot of gold and silver ends up moving into the uh into the military complex now the mandate to swap dollars for gold does not even account for direct purchases of unrefined Global Mine Supply all of which is tightening available Global Supply uh raising the cost to BU physical so this Mine Supply if it’s coming direct it’s avoiding most
the lbma it’s avoiding the usual uh conduits and it’s coming straight in to um to to China for example now while there are credible reports that back up Central Bank gold repatriations alongside unreported monetary gold Footprints during 2024 they easily aggregate to well over a, tons or a full onethird of global gold production that’s huge so by looking at the earlier question of where we are right now in the paper to physical battle the base price for this gold is 2600 a price which we have evidenced
being aggressively defended by the bullan Banks exposed to Global Central Bank uh delivery demand we’re talking about the central the the bullan banks who actually act on behalf of the FED there are limitations and we’re trying to demonstrate that this game is changing um so um let’s look at why so so let’s look at why we know this is important uh 2600 and 29 silver was and is the Baseline for the fed and agent Banks to short cover into now this is a legacy of how this is this is this is evolved and but
it’s a legacy of how over 50 years of rigged 95% lose 5% win house Run comx Casino position concentration and it it is done by any like any casino you’ve got a position concentration you got the house controlling 95% and you got the punters um playing around with 5% just keeping them Keen enough to keep winning a little bit um it’s enabled this game because they have position con concentration in the comx it’s enabled the game to continue um to continue but but it’s now on its last legs and and
into this battle so as to avoid the dear in the headlight syndrome it’s important to understand this stuff namely where the unleveraged wholesale Market inflects Against The house’s ability to hedge physical exposure so they cannot keep draining comx vaults and they’ve been borrowing gold from the bis to do it and so we look at that too but as fully expected um the December 31st Co report and partly captured in the last two CO2 reports insiders had already moved to square off large endof year Markt Market settlements evidencing the
Asian Bank swap dealers this is the the the predatory swap dealers going WR against the wrong-footed naked short specs which is what we said was happening back then so this was easier to see in the silver report as you can see where the predatory swap dealers were short covering into the wrong-footed manag money specs much more notably and as we’ve identified ahead of the holiday we had identified just before the holiday break during the growing wall of nsfr compliant upcoming t+1 FX Market delivery exposure the
scope of the end of year officially orchestrated Mark to Market solof was limited to the house remaining long against the February 2600 strike this is the February contract it has a strike price of 2600 now we track the Futures markets because this is where the house operates and as expected February comx futures which expire in 3 weeks told us that the 2600 strike was the absolute inflection point where sucked in 96% leverage naked short momentum Supply could be arbitraged against spot indexed
100% deliverable FX spot delivery obligations now note massive Co buying at the Futures the gold Futures price of 2600 following the fomc gaming on December the 18th we’ll look at that in a minute in the chart but to illustrate how buzzle 3 FX gold compliance is fast eroding the com’s ability to cash settle this 96% leverage casino chips before they are efpd meaning the back door of the comx that allows it to move convert into a physical contract this bullion is on a one-way journey into physical settled exchanges
so let’s TR track this February contract as it provides a good example of um how the 50-year paper to physical battle is being lost by the FED which is the only Central Bank still defending the fall in the dollar as benchmarked against gold it’s not even that Gold’s going up it’s just it’s costing more dollars to print to buy the same ounce and when the house activated the February 2025 contract on the 29th of July um there was a $7.90 premium contango as it’s called to what was at the time on the 29th of July
the spot price was 2,390 bucks meaning if one sold this Futures Contract this February Futures Contract and then asymmetrically hedged it into this 96% leverage speculators against the basil 3 compliance spot gold price then and this is the key as long as the casino could contain the price from rising this was a guaranteed locked in $7.90 profit per ounce at the February contract expiry exactly six months later on the 30th of January now I’ve Illustrated that in this slide so let’s illustrate further by looking at a
stripped down chart you know in other words not five 00 lines here it’s so simple I’ve really got rid of all of the a lot of what is um really unnecessary um because what we’re trying to do here is is look at the bigger picture so the link you’ve just looked at showed a $709 uh potential profit per ounce in other words uh the the uh premium above spot um for carrying that February contract to expiry so now I’m I’m now fast forward to where we are today and I’m recording this on Thursday actually which is a uh
technical market holiday in the US uh so a bit thinner um but basically we can see now that has dropped to 17 bucks but in fact it’s been as low as 10 uh into dips but currently because of thin liquidity at a 70 bucks so I’m just illustrating um how that has now contracted to uh around $15 to $17 um now so really what we had seen was this when it was $7.90 as per the the link you’ve just looked at um the the spot was at 2390 um so along the way this contango had contracted to $50 um at uh at spot uh 20 uh 2585 on
the 16th of September and other than a game sub $50 contango on uh sorry $50 larger $50 contango on the 11th of December circled here this contract continues to shrink to par with uh foreign exchange spot into its expiry 3 weeks from now at the end of January as I say uh today’s at 17 bucks but really it ought to be around about uh 13 12 to 13 and by the time this is published after nonfarm payrolls it will be back to that level but this contango is going to fall off a cliff next week but what we’re going to demonstrate is in a
minute is that they didn’t want it below 2600 and I’ll look sort of follow through exactly how that works what we’re illustrating is while the C house insiders have successfully arbitraged this contract to zero at 2600 and we saw that um this attempt uh sorry here this attempt here to Arbitrage that uh N Net stable funding ratio compliance spot FX goal support has risen by had risen by $210 and talking about physically risen along the way and this illustrates the 50-year-old fed run paper to physical suppression
game is being lost and the brick Centric physical exchanges they know it physical settlements of these siloed contracts are being alchemized by real world physical uh uh brick Centric physical exchanges so where fully paid for physical bars have to be lodged at the exchange before they’re traded which is the polar inverse as to what happens at the comx now what it’s really saying is if you have a a seller who owns a bar okay so you’re talking about a a physical exchange here and if a seller owns a bar
now at what price is he willing to sell that bar and this is the point if it’s fractionalized and it’s cash settled then you’ll get all sorts of gaming going on however there comes a point where in a tight Market where they the actual offer to sell Rises because why would I sell my bar if I think that it’s going to go higher uh or if the market is tight it is simple as that so you got this huge Divergence between what’s going on in the comx in the fractionalized comx and the increasingly liquid physical exchanges in China Asia
and the South Global South at face value this is how the uninterrupted over 50e synthetic comx driven price suppression game worked in fact as we evidenced to the cftc and the Department of Justice in our whistleblower evidence attested to by commissioner Bart chilon in this um Russian television clip which is linked here below this position concentration allowed these house insiders to Mark massive options and derivative positions I mean billions of them uh I mean we’re talking hundreds of dollars below fair
value greatly enriching these house insiders one and labeling the FED to manage the dollar price of gold so back to where we are now as this February contract runs into expiry in 3 weeks with physical support at spot 2600 here the house was forced to buy the February 2600 strike with a plan to continue to Arbitrage the rapidly Contracting remaining febru spot contango which will ultimately be at par at the February contract expiry which is going to be at the end of this month on January the 30th meaning that the
February 2600 Futures level was the deepest available discount the house could possibly lay off on the wrong at both ends momentum driven sellers now this way officials have been able to hedge Central Bank driven t+1 delivery exposure at the spot 2600 round number which is deliverable now this is backed up in the house run February uh gold options structure which actually evidences very strong commercial support by these same Banks between 2600 and 2680 this means means that regardless of the expected short covering Gap close
rally which we would expect way above uh 2700 50 probably the minimum of closing this Gap here I’m just talking about the short term here commercials have been setting themselves up to be first to ring the register which they’ve begun to do on very large naked short momentum stop layers on the way back up this process has begun but it will significantly pick up next week after non-farm payroll volatility settles which will be which will happen uh today when this contract when this uh episode is released so to sum up the Futures can
Tango premium will now rapidly contract to zero and given the paper to physical imbalance likely moved into severe bation forcing insiders to defend this spot related support a as this process um picks up into better liquidity after nonfarm payrolls uh on Friday so in other words picks up next week after nonfarm payrolls and really we I I think may as well just wait buy your time until this volatility may offer some some great opportunities now bottom line just as our first year liquidity providers had
assessed the scope of these comcentric discounted settlements were constrained to how much asymmetrically imbalanced 96% leverage comx open interest could be covered off against concurrent real Market t+1 nsfr compliant physical delivery obligations facing the market making Banks now when the February gold to spot spreads fall off a cliff during the last two weeks of January it’s going to expose the commercials to two upcoming t+1 delivery obligations and it’ll force them to short cover which is
what they will not be able to offset against the momentum driven 96% leverage short speculators now this is going to bullishly influence deeply oversold silver Futures all right Andrew and for my favorite question almost every episode I’m asking you right here what are you seeing in silver moving forward in silver we’ve ever seen exactly the same house position concentrated strategy to caps Sila by fractionalizing the March uh silver contract where bets were made against March Futures Contract at 29 bucks now at the contracts
Inception point on the 29th of July with spot silver at 2750 the contango uh to lock it in there was a massive $1.37 that is $6,850 per contract premium and you can see that in the corner of this illustration and that was just to cap the Futures price at 29 bucks now think about it when accounting for the locked in $370 containment profit so uh as long as silver didn’t rise above 29 at Contract expiry that is um because they are stick handling undeliverable unallocated foreign exchange silver positions being called for by Asian
buyers into Supply deficits these house insiders were forced to go along to hedge this exposure at $29 hence the coot support there the commercial support there now you’ve just looked at the uh screenshot where we captured a137 that’s 600 6,850 per contract um premium uh which was being um gained and arbitraged to really just to cap the Futures price at 29 bucks and which again would have been the exact support level um the March contract this is the current live price so it’s currently 64 cents which is
ludicrous uh when uh when you consider that in fact uh it was 40 cents um really just a couple of days ago 41 cents um it should be in the 40 Cent range um or and legitimately probably in the high 38 Cent range or thereabouts um so in other words uh it’s still being gamed now it’s a thin liquidity day today so uh that’s expanded to 64 cents but you just this is really just bringing up to date what you just looked looked at and how they’ve contracted this Buck 37 even today at extended levels to around 60
C now so what’s going to happen is um this is going to this March contract has got until February the 27th to reach parity with FX spot and as of today they’re still currently have this arbital current UH 60 Cent spread cushion but it will rapidly shrink to zero by February contract expiry now similar to to gold Futures these same actors have gone long into deeply oversold conditions now we’re looking at the daily chart going all the way back to 2020 now what the liquidity providers are saying is they expect the
commercials to be first obviously to ring the register on momentums the moment they’re selling stores because they’re wrong at both ends so but they’re going to equally benefit from being long against these naked sellers when they ring the register now liquidity providers also assess the inflection point for the gold and silver for gold and silver is very close to sparking a March 2020 covid likee short squeeze this first quarter especially as as the same liquidity providers continue to report very large Indian buying is competing
with Chinese demand above spot $30 now there is so little on offer at current price prices the offer to sell physical silver will have to rise to meet this demand and when silver breaks out everyone who has been lulled into believing this synthetic range will continue will Pile in together and while gold um we’re looking at a uh a 240 chart a 4H hour chart here um and again if you look at compare that with uh with silver it’s sideways it’s it’s this huge capping of cupping level but again why did they cover at 29 is because they
don’t want it below 29 so it again this is then because there is a physical Market that’s starting to absorb this stuff so these same ANS in silver Futures are running out of sufficient momentum sellers to effectively cap the real Supply demand price of silver it will break out and just a quick look at the daily the the sorry the monthly charts and really no damage done and while we saw this end of December gaming guess who the buyers were the same commercials exposed to physical deliveries and here
is that is the 50% 50% um retracement fibo uh that’s really triggered and and the fact that this held uh will have spooked um the momentums uh who really ought to start thinking about covering pretty soon look at the same thing in much harder to to hide gold and most certainly we’re looking at a $3,000 price and this really demonstrates what gold did uh in 2024 closing right here so pulling at this synthetic gold and silver action putting it all together um so driven by Central Bank Sovereign and institutional Safe Haven
physical demand gold and silver made a significant gains in 2024 with gold and silver prices increasingly being discovered in fully physically backed bricks facing exchanges and this physical demand will continue to accelerate in 2025 now while gold benefited from its monetary role as an investment metal as has silver attracted similar Safe Haven demand though it has also gained from Silver’s also gained from the increasing demand for it’s climate friendly applications um and we’re looking at EV
battery advancements photov voltic and Etc there’s a ton of it but it also has been attracting Safe Haven demand which is why sometimes we’re seeing silver counterintuitively Rising alongside the dollar now it’s tightness it is tightness in physical Supply at current prices that is that will force gold and silver to break out and under the smoke and mirror comx driven action is what we’re looking at through the physical markets is through that lens that is providing us far more bullish Outlook than is being spun by Western facing
analysts now what’s not being factored in to current gold and silver price forecasts is both gold and silver are increasingly Breaking Free of their inverse dollar and bond correlations so Rising bond yields resulting from impossible to justify Rising spot Rising debt levels into a wrong-footed fed and I’m surprised there hasn’t been a buyer strike yet um and the unknown effect of Trump’s upcoming tariffs again uncertainty they’re accelerating these dislocations as safe haven demand is these these these us treasuries and
dollars are being converted into gold yet the Old Guard Western facing analysts relying on historical correlations to keep on going regardless blinker to what’s going on see Rising bond yields and a rising dollar as limiting Gold’s upside because none of them have a view into where real physical prices are being discovered and if they do they’re deliberately uh trying to spin it down for example while still bullish on gold at the open of January trading Goldman Sachs pushed on out its 3,000 gold price projections for
2025 out to 2026 based solely on synthetic Market expectations that a rising dollar and bond yelds will cap gold from rising to $3,000 in the short term however all are firste liquidity providers and yes one is a market maker of Goldman Sachs assesses they are assess that they are forced to unwind uh the forced unwind of dwindling a comx own interest flowing into markets getting physically settled outside the comx lbma U machine will which is a bubble will continue to evidence The Dumping of us treasuries for gold and
conversions of the strongest dollar since November 2022 that’s this exacerbates the break in historical inverse correlations now liquidity providers see Safe Haven golden silver Rising alongside the dollar and bond yields obviously on an on an intraday basis you might see that volatility it might start to because the momentums will jump on it but guess who’s buying that the same commercials are exposed and the bully Maxs are exposed to outflows of bulling so the truth be told Goldman Sachs of very long both physical
gold and silver for their own book and Pa of the course clearly don’t like the competition and and will be proved to have driven also been driving the gold price up to 3,000 bucks by the end of the first quarter almost certain we’ve seen their counterintuitive calls they usually trade against the what they call um The Muppets they’ve used that term before on on their speculators on their on their um clients Andrew a question that seems to be popping up a lot here is how might recent geopolitical
tensions all over the world influence precious metals markets in the coming months well the short on Shane is whether it’s war or peace um I mean either way US Treasury gold is going to have to be revalued higher now this is not a wild us assessment this is backed up by someone close to the new Administration and to stem the dollarization flows into mispriced bonds and an overpriced dollar relative to Gold the US cannot Remain the sole outlier to the bank of international settlement compliant European Asian and
Bricks facing central banks in other words every other Central Bank and it’s assessed there at the very least at the very least the treasury will have to back the US dollar with a more real ISC current gold price not the tiny price that it’s valued at now now I will elaborate on this by the next episode but I see this as a bullish event as bullish an event as when gold was revalued as a first year asset class two years ago in January 2023 I see this as being a a a a several hundred um rise uh in in the global price now I haven’t
posted on X for the longest time I just haven’t had the time to be honest um but but I will do if actually more comes to light before the next episode so the question of course that comes into your mind is how will this impact gold well for this to play out equitably um our liquidity providers suggest the dollar price of gold would have to be paid even if they fractionally back the their dollar a little bit closer to say say 4% of GDP whatever um but it has to be 3,000 bucks but that in itself would force a huge
rally Global rally this would make it also impossible to block silver from breaking out of its current C range likely requiring a minimum price of $50 per ounce it is a safe haven metal now there are a couple of other bullish drivers which perhaps we can cover in the last few few couple of minutes of the episode so really let’s look at the bigger picture in addition to the the power of Siberia pipeline uh potentially providing um China with heavily discounted energy um and in the order to Halt um so
in in there’s an there’s an attempt to Halt progress of the propos opposed Russia Kagan um gas pipeline also all of this is going to provide China with Limitless uh flows of uh tariff offsetting cheap energy that cannot be allowed to happen from a trump regime and it so it may well behold Trump’s regime to quickly settle Ukraine and to begin to unwind sanctions against Russia all of whom are loaded with gold and this would serve two purposes basically to drive a wedge between the two bricks anchors I don’t
think it will but it’s an it would be an attempt to do so and to secure cheap Western Energy deals and by enabling Russia to access the Swift Network again it would drive none whether I don’t know if they would trust it it would drive the brics related Russian European energy trades to be settled in dollars which would certainly benefit the US and as Andrew cor I can never pronounce his name Coro suggests in a recent assessment it is plausible the US and Russia could agree to a series of mutual
compromises culminating in the partial restoration of an energy bridge between Russia and the West for the purpose of depriving K China of his its envisage decades long access to ultra cheap Russian resources for fueling the its superpower rise bear in mind we’re talking about a military energy enemy here so here we are at the start of 2025 and at a minimum we expect 3,000 gold and silver to break out as soon as the first quarter so the question is exactly the same as posed in January 2024 and our first episode when gold was
priced at 2,000 bucks and silver was at $228 how much physical gold and silver do you own all right thank you Andrew Maguire for talking gold and remember to our growing Live From the Vault Community buy physical and make sure it’s backed one to one and understand the difference between what Andy calls the casino paper gold and silver markets and the actual physical gold and silver markets they’re not the same don’t be fooled all right so there you have it that’s all we have for you today on our first episode of
Live From the Vault and please help keep spreading the word as we move into 2025 about this channel by hitting that like button if you haven’t already done so come on hit the like button share this information and subscribe if you haven’t already subscribed and if you hit the black Bell right there make that just hit the Bell uh you’ll be notified as each episode goes live so you won’t miss a thing here in the precious metals industry this Insider information with that we’ll see you right here next time
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