Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 02-03-2025

Evening News with MarkZ and Zester. 02/03/2025

Welcome everyone to the original Mark Z channel. I am Zester. Thank you guys so much for joining this evening.


Definitely has been a news packed day, news packed weekend, I suppose I should say. And so we’ve got a lot to cover. For those that are looking forward to hearing from the OGMZ himself, don’t worry, Pops will be joining us somewhere right around 10 after seven, maybe a minute or two after, maybe a minute or two before.


But otherwise, how is everyone else doing on this extremely, extremely exciting Monday? What is up? What is up to Kukla, and to Savvy, and to Michael, and to Booger, and Grumpy, and to all the mods. Thank you guys so much for being here. What is up to Gary, and Flipper, and May, and Michelle.


Thank you guys all so much for joining. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And yes, there is a lot going on.


There is a lot going on. And so let’s go ahead and start talking about just a little bit of that in a second. But first things first, I know I’ve got to find a few more folks to say hello to.


Oh, Melissa, good evening Mark Z and my RV family. Asking for prayers for family and community. There’s a brush fire less than half a mile from us, and right now you can’t hardly see or breathe to go outside.


Melissa, please stay safe. Absolutely. Prayers heading your direction.


And remember, all of the things that are material are not as important as we feel like they are, even though they do matter so much. And so please folks, prayers out there for those that are in danger with everything going on. It’s an important one to remember.


Even if we may be sitting okay in our house today, doesn’t mean that everybody else is. And one day, the catastrophe, the disaster will be close to us. Yes, no, be noggles.


I assume your dad is just busy. Just wondering, is he okay? No, he is absolutely good. No worries on that front.


And we are going to hear from him in just a couple of minutes. And so I am, I’m going to go ahead and jump in and start talking news guys, just because there’s so much that is exciting. And I’m going to go ahead and start immediately with one that I am particularly excited about.


The Department of Efficiency has essentially, it’s checked off its first person on the hit list. And that department just so happens to be the United States. USAID will now be merged into the State Department with Cubs in the workforce, but will remain a humanitarian aid entity.


Trump administration expected announced moves in coming days. But we are already now seeing far, far more dramatic scenes ongoing at USAID. We have even got, at this point, Democratic lawmakers have tried to storm the building.


This story was just updated a matter of well, about, well, exactly 40 minutes ago. This story was put out there and updated. Democratic lawmakers were barred from USAID offices.


There was a group chaired or headed by Senator Van Hollen, a Democratic lawmaker, trying to get in to the offices. The logos and all photos and information regarding the USAID has been stripped and removed from all United States government buildings. This would be the first, the first full agency to be shut down.


And so yes, it is being moved over and actually kind of consolidated. But we are seeing a massive removal of government waste, something that we all voted for, something that I’m extremely excited for, and an agency that was up to a lot of no good, in all honesty, whether it was their fault or not. USAID, which is the United States Agency for International Development.


And so essentially, United States Agency for International Development. That name kind of leads you all over the place. This agency was out there, essentially pushing CIA directives.


It was out there pushing, well, extreme far left liberal policies around the world. It was funding drag shows in Ecuador. It was building government buildings in South America and Africa and Asia.


It was building road projects around the world. While at the same time, the United States doesn’t have enough dollars to take care of its own people. This is an agency that was being funded with billions and billions and billions of taxpayer dollars on a yearly basis.


And all of it was going to not us. Essentially, if you want to guarantee, every dollar that went to USAID did not go to serve the American people. And guess what? That’s not going to be happening anymore.


And so all of the funding, all those dollars that were going towards pushing infrastructure projects, we were building roads, bridges, we were building dams in other countries. I come from North Carolina. North Carolina has dams that were built prior to the freedom of the United States from the English crown that has still not been renovated and fixed.


In the United States, in North Carolina, we have an insane amount of dams. There’s a whole story to go into there. Because we dammed up rivers that used to go to the ocean.


Yeah, yeah. There’s a lot to talk about there. Whole history.


But ultimately, North Carolina has massive amounts of dams. We have a crap ton of them. And they’re all ancient.


And well, we were far busier spending our dollars building dams all over the planet than we were actually fixing the stuff that exists in our own country. And that to me is a huge tragedy, because it’s been going on for 100 years now. And we should be pissed about it.


But it’s now stopping. And so you got to look towards the light at the end of the tunnel and not look backwards to the darkness that you’ve been walking away from. We’re walking away from the darkness.


We’re walking towards the light. And this is one of those steps towards that process. And it’s a very, very, very important one.


And it’s just the beginning. This is just the beginning. Right now, we’re seeing USAID.


Next, we’re going to be jumping to another of the different agencies. And my hope would be that if we could keep this pace, right now, remember, Trump was inaugurated on the 20th. It’s been less than two weeks since he got into office.


I would love to see a major, major federal agency get completely cut every two weeks. If we keep that pace for the entire administration, we will have a government on a federal level that is actually efficient and is actually working for us. And so on that side, I know everyone’s freaking, the Democrats are losing their crap over this.


And I have no idea why. Why would you try to convince the American people that they should be upset because we’re not building bridges in the middle of the Sahara Desert? Because yes, we built bridges in the Sahara Desert. Do you want to know one thing that doesn’t exist in the Sahara Desert? Bodies of water necessary to traverse over a bridge.


But we built them. Don’t worry about it. We’ve done it.


Why? Who knows? And it’s because the vast majority of these projects were not about helping these countries. This was just a way that the federal government bribed both people domestically and foreign. We would bribe countries by saying, hey, let’s make up a story.


We’re going to build a bridge to nowhere. And we’re going to give you that money. But in all honesty, we’re giving you that money because we want you to actually go and say, vote in the United Nations for a policy that we support.


Or we want you to not do business with China, or not do business with Russia, or not do business with Iran. And so what we do is we bribe them. And we bribe them through these BS projects that don’t ever really exist.


And so the saddest part is that all of this money did not even help those people. At least we could say, hey, okay, we spent all of this money, but we helped the people of that country. That never happened.


We never helped them. The money never got there. It just pooped into the pockets of the elites in the United States and the elites in these foreign countries.


And for those wondering where the news is coming, do not worry, guys. I know everybody starts yelling so quickly on that. Don’t worry.


I said at the very beginning, we were going to have Paz at about 10 minutes or so in. And I just so happen to know that he just popped into the background. And so I have a really good feeling we’re going to get that update in just a minute or so.


I’m going to wait for him to kind of give me some kind of heads up before I drag him up on screen. But we’ve got it, guys. Don’t worry.


Update is coming. I’m going to go ahead and assume that you might be ready there, Paz. Are you ready for us? Or should I give you another? Was it me frantically waving my hands? What told you I was ready? Well, I can’t see your camera, so.


Ah, that checks. No, I’m glad you went ahead and put me in. So I’m not certain if it was that.


I just had a feeling. It was a feeling inside. I just had a feeling you were ready.


That’s OK. I got a feeling, too. And it feels good.


No, let me hit it quickly. I did get a couple of bond updates. At this point, I’ve heard everything from the 4th.


Most of them are talking about right around the 10th through the 12th. So I’ve checked in with a number of bond ones. I’ve got a couple more check-ins later that have late ones.


Actually, I shouldn’t say late ones. In about an hour that are West Coast, they’re getting an update. So hopefully I’ll have that update for you guys in the morning.


It is very reassuring out of Iraq. Of course, we talked about this morning Iraq wanting to fill the position of the oil that won’t come from Canada. Venezuela sounded off.


They want to fulfill it as well. They told OPEC to screw off. Iraq’s getting more oil sales.


Now this is going to be interesting, guys, because now that Canada capitulated so quickly, Trudeau, yeah, sounded really good until he thought about it. So now that that one’s over, what the effect is, it’s taking oil from close to $80 a barrel back to $72, $70 a barrel. So that is big for us.


But the lower value won’t throw Iraq because they now are going to be allowed to move more oil. The power moves Trump has made in the last few days, strengthening over the last, let’s just back up two weeks since he took office. We’ve seen a strengthening in Vietnam, removing 20% of waste.


We have a couple of articles for him to share today with Iraq going after waste, more efficiency, also an international border city, an economic zone that they are doing with Jordan, which is huge. Jordan currency, worth a lot, joint ventures, a shared city on the border. This is truly international.


There’s so many fun things happening in Iraq today. So many things over the last two weeks for Vietnam. And then we get that today, changing of sanctions.


Venezuela wants sit downs. They have agreed to sell a certain amount of oil if we remove certain sanctions. They have also agreed to take the deportations, which is enormous.


So in the great trade wars, the whole world’s dying. It’s melting. Of course, it’s throwing like crypto markets, metal markets, a curve.


They don’t know which way to run with the Trump effect. They just need to jump on board. You can either be in front of the train, get run over, or you can ride on the train.


Yeah. And I would have to say, it seems like a lot of folks are kind of panicking over all of it. I know I heard and all hearsay and such, but I heard numbers being thrown around on Dinar in terms of the budget and such of that nature.


And everything sounds to be more, more, more than copacetic, more than good in regards to the information coming out of Iraq right now. The rumors right now between the groups and whatever, I mean, one of the lowest I’ve heard today is a little over $6. I am hearing up to $20 some dollars, $28 again from a handful of contacts.


It’s all over the board. Guys, stay calm. Don’t read too much into it.


Remember, it is going to be a little bit cuckoo over the next short bit. I did have an Iraqi finance ministry contact warning me to ignore the back and forth that I was going to hear over the next couple of days on the budget tables. Quorum, things like that, told me to ignore it.


It is a show. That made me feel a little better because I am starting to see some of those contentious articles back and forth. Maybe we are not as close as we think, but I was warned ahead, so that made me feel much better.


I did hear. I have heard that we are probably going to see our first budget approval for Iraq in a very, very long time, very soon. I know that one was something that was pretty exciting, and I know it seems like a small thing to most folks, but on the whole deep dive side, it is very, very important.


If we can get some of those budget tables, it could give us a clue as to what the operational street value, whatever you guys want to call it, is in the value of the NAR. That is why this week is so important, in my opinion, to watch that. Hey.


I know that everybody is always worried about the price tag on it. You give me anything in the dollar ranges, and you are not going to hear an offset sester. That is for certain.


I am very happy. Whenever I hear anything in the dollar range and nobody is talking in pennies, it is a huge win to me. Six dollars plus sounds like beyond good.


I am with you. I am with you. I am totally happy.


You tell me a dollar, and I will be looking around frantically like I got somewhere to go. Yes, anything over a dollar and I am in, but no, it appears to be considerably more than that. Yes.


I have had—there are a number of people, guys, because we are post-inauguration. All this should have already happened. I have been at this five years, 10 years.


I am bailing. I am selling my currency. If there are people out there like, this is it.


I do not want to ride this train anymore, and you want to sell them, I will caution you. Put it on a shelf. Do not ride the train.


You will find out when it happens, but if you need to, I have emails every day with people trying to buy currency. Do not go sell it at a discount. We will put you with people from the podcast.


I am not trying to whatever, but I am just saying. I know it is tough. If it is too tough for some of you folks, there are people that would love to have your currency.


I very often, because I do not talk about any of that, anything that I do in terms of work or anything else, but I still get the question all the time. Somebody that would be willing to sell at current rates, I will buy. There is no lack of people.


On that side, it seems like there is no lack. At least I have never found an end to it. No, I have not either, but even if you are just like, all right, I am just going to hedge my bets.


I have got 5 million. I am going to sell 4 million, keep a million, and just put it on the shelf. I hope everybody makes it because I truly believe in this thing, but if you do not, you do not.


I get it. God has other plans for you. Take those other plans if that is what you feel like your calling is.


Maybe he has another trick. I do not know. I just wanted to throw that one out there because I have gotten a lot of emails lately.


People are just throwing in the towel. Sad, it is tough. I get it.


A lot of folks out there would rather buy it than you go sell it at a massive discount back to currency dealers or banks. I just wanted to throw that one in there before I wrapped up. I know that everybody I have talked to has been so excited for the week in terms of, and I mean everybody that I have talked to that is in the currency space, has been like over the moon.


I have had three bankers reach out since yesterday and say, wow, you were right all along. They have told us the whole world banking is changing. I am just like, I did not get the timing.


Nobody did. We knew the fundamentals. Now I am just like praying that people hang on, buckle up, but if they do not, they do not.


I get it. Well, and we do not know. It is exciting right now, but it does not mean that it is going to be.


It does not mean this weekend you are wealthy. It does not mean next, the following, whatever it could be. That is definitely the hard part because I can immediately think about the denar and I can look over to where I have got a few of it stored.


Well, I am waiting for the day. I am looking forward to the day. All right.


I have got to leave you alone now. Folks, have fun. I hope you go into more of a deep dive over the tariff trade wars.


That is where we are jumping there, Pops. I am beyond excited about it. You saw USAID completely shut down.


They are blocking democratic lawmakers from getting into the offices right now. They supposedly have protesters showing up outside the USAID offices. Oh my God, all these countries are not going to get millions and billions.


I am like, wait, the same countries that were funding things that were crap, that hate us, that were spending money to buy arms to blow us up, these countries are not getting money anymore. My heart is breaking. Remember Yemen? Are not those the guys that are blowing up our ships before they go through the U.S.? Are not those the people with the little bombs on boats and drones and funded by Iran? The government in Yemen, we should definitely give them a buttload of money to build a new consulate because they need that.


They do not need that money. It is one of those where we only give a few billions a year. That is why they hate us.


Let us give them tens of billions and see if they stop hating us or something. It is like we are acting like global pimps. I think we need to get rid of the global police.


I call it global enablers. We have a world that is now addicted to free money from America. Unfortunately, there is no such thing.


It costs somebody somewhere. We are just a bunch of enablers. Our government is an enabler.


It enables politicians, enables corporations, enables foreign countries, enables terrorists. They have to change it. Trump is changing it.


Nobody likes it. The drug addict never likes it when the enabler cuts them off. I feel like there is a nine-step program that goes into that one.


People are never going to have when we cut off the money. They are going to throw all kinds of crazy things at us. That is what we are seeing right now.


Just like the drug addict throws crazy stuff at you. The world needs tough love. America needs tough love.


DC needs tough love. It is time to cut off the tap. Yes, it is.


I am leaving you to the folks. Love everyone. I hope you stick around and pay attention because I consider the fellow that will be talking for the duration to be exceptionally bright, full of insightful opinions.


I appreciate that, Pops. We are going to talk about a little bit more on the tariffs, and then we are going to answer some crypto questions because I know folks are definitely wondering after all the market insanity that was caused by the tariffs and by Canada and Mexico acquiescing. Before I forget, I am going to take time to talk over the next couple of mornings, especially tomorrow morning because we do not have Andy.


What might we see at the bank? How might we handle that when we do redemptions, redemption center, redeeming banks, whatever? I think it is time to have some of those conversations. That will be a focus this week, including Q&As. I want to set aside more time for you guys to ask the questions that have you concerned.


I just wanted to share that for the coming days so they knew what to expect this week. Yes. I think that is a good idea.


Folks need to be ready for sitting down, actually knowing what to expect and what not to get freaked out by, and what are the legitimate questions they should be asking. Exactly. Just to be brave enough to ask the questions, the answer is no for any question you are ever going to get if you do not ask.


All right. I have got to dip out on you. Have fun.


Thanks. All right. I love you, Pops.


All right, guys. I will go ahead and get the banner pulled down, and I will send him back to the backstage. Yes, folks are extremely excited.


I know it is not just Pops. It has been a lot of folks. A lot of folks and a lot of it is all, I would say, all that information for me that I am hearing has all been about Iraq.


Personally, that is the one that I have been hearing about nonstop. It has been since, well, about late Friday night, which would have been morning for the folks sending messages. I have been absolutely overwhelmed with the amount of messages, emails, and such coming in.


I am very excited. A lot of folks are very excited. But I know also that a lot of folks are worrying and thinking about the crypto and things of that nature also.


I am going to go through and look through the questions that folks have been asking and try to jump on some. Before I get back, because I do, we have got so many articles. I do not know how long y’all are planning on hanging out this evening because I have got so many articles from Iraq to go over right now that it is kind of overwhelming.


It is kind of overwhelming, in all honesty. I am going to look for a few questions and then I am going to jump over to those because I do not want to keep the mods and everybody too late. But I do want to get in.


I do not want to leave y’all without the articles that Pops wants to share. There are a lot of really good ones. I want to make certain that we are jumping into those.


Any questions I can hammer out real quick. First, I know folks worrying about, and I can probably just answer an overarching question in regards to crypto. Why did we see this massive shift this morning, mainly over the past 36 hours? Well, let me go ahead and get it up on screen.


Why did we see this? Why do we currently have, well, now everything looks great. Why does everything look great? Because it all got fixed. But the reason that we saw that massive drop overnight, which you can only really see when you actually bring it out and you put it on kind of a longer scale, you can only really see how much the price dropped over the past 36 hours, especially on XRP.


We saw XRP head all the back down to just about $2. Why did we see that? Well, we actually, it’s not directly correlated with crypto. Crypto has been on an upward trend for a very long time.


A correction was incoming. Tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and China are a good thing for crypto. We want tariffs because cryptocurrency is not a national currency.


It is an international currency. Everyone is able to buy crypto. And that means tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and China were viewed as a good thing.


And so the price is starting to go up. And then all of the different countries capitulated. Mexico immediately, let’s go ahead and get the article up as we’re talking on that one, because Mexico immediately capitulated.


Mexico says, nevermind, we’ll send 10,000 troops to the US-Mexico border immediately. And so Trump gives them the one month pause. Canada says, hey, we’ll send 10,000 troops and we’ll give you $1.3 billion to not put that tariff on us.


Give us a month to negotiate. And next would be China. And so, so far, Mexico and Canada have capitulated.


They have said, yes, let’s go. Whatever you want, Papa Trump, I suppose. They’ve all said, Daddy Trump, whatever you want, you get.


And in that way, that was actually viewed as a bad bit of news for crypto, because crypto was going to do extremely well under that situation. Tariffs on these nations was good for crypto, because crypto is very much based off of sound financing and based off of the fact that these tariffs are already being imposed on US goods being exported to Mexico and Canada. And so this was a leveling of the playing field.


Where this is going to go, we are not certain, because both nations have said, hey, we’ll give you whatever you want. Please give us a month to negotiate. Marco Rubio and other top officials will be headed to Mexico and Canada immediately.


And this is what President Trump himself is saying. They will be headed there in order to negotiate a different agreement. But if no agreement is met, the tariffs will be imposed one month from midnight tonight.


They will be imposed on Canada and Mexico. This was extremely positive to see from a United States standpoint, to see that even Trudeau had to back down. And these nations have been talking big.


They’ve been talking a lot of smack until the rubber meets the road. And when the rubber meets the road, it turns out your nation does not exist without us. And for those that live in Mexico and for those that live in Canada, please, please, please, please.


And I think that the community at large in the United States would agree with me. We do not have any problem with any of the people of Canada or Mexico. We don’t.


At least I know I don’t. I have none. Literally zero.


But something’s got to change about the way that the system works. And in that way, that change is occurring. And for those in the crypto space, well, we kind of wanted the tariffs.


And that was selfish in a lot of ways. We wanted the tariffs because it benefits crypto. It does not benefit the United States in that same way.


We need negotiations. We need these countries to get their crap together. And we need to get our own crap together.


And so in that way, that really is it. I know a lot of folks were very concerned about the markets. The only thing that occurred was the tariffs were viewed as a negative and then leverage resulted in about $10 billion of liquidations in the cryptocurrency market.


As a matter of fact, let’s actually check out that one. I believe crypto market liquidations reached $10 billion. These are people that had gambled on the market, mainly financial institutions.


And so this is why cryptocurrency is so volatile. Crypto is so volatile because of leverage, not because there’s some kind of other manipulation going on. The manipulation is leverage.


And leverage is when you go to trade stocks or crypto and you say, hey, I’ve only got $100, but I would like to invest $1,000. What if I give you my $100, you give me $1,000. And if my trade doesn’t make money, you take my 100.


And in that way, that’s how leverage works. And it feeds in to this extreme volatility. All right, though.


Back to RV news, because everybody is going to be so thrown off, probably on keeping up with the news. I know a lot of folks have run away thinking there’s no more RV news this evening. And actually there is, because I do have some articles to share.


Iraq makes clear allegations of buying or receiving quantities of Iranian oil and re-exporting it. This article, well, because of the translation, it’s a little bit off. But what this article is specifically talking about is actually Kurdish oil.


Because under the same breath, they’re saying that Iraq is planning on re-exporting oil from the Kurdistan region. We’ve all heard for a long time about how important it is with the oil in the Kurdish controlled regions of Iraq. The people in Kurdistan, well, oh, wow, wow, wow.


I definitely should not have said Kurdistan because that is the long held belief, the long held goal of the Kurdish people. But the people that live in the Kurdish controlled regions of both Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran and a few other countries, long held belief is that they would like for their oil to actually be sellable on the global market. We have seen that suddenly come to fruition.


Iraq and Jordan are looking at stages of working in a common border economic city. And so Jordan is a long held U.S. ally. Jordan has helped with negotiations in Israel.


Jordan has helped with negotiations with Saudi Arabia in terms of realizing a legitimate pathway towards a Jewish state in the Middle East being acceptable by majority Islam countries. It has been a major, major focus of Jordan. Jordan is an extremely valuable partner of the United States and the West in the Middle East.


And now we’re seeing Iraq and Jordan looking towards a common border economic city. And for the next one, the heads of federal and parliamentary integrity stress the need to protect public money and monitor contracts. This is in regard to the Iraqi budget, specifically the budget, and a matter of ensuring that they don’t have massive corruption come into the system as soon as it launches.


Now, Venezuela, this one is really exciting for everyone out there that happens to hold boulevards in any form or fashion, just because of what I just so happen to have highlighted there. Trump deal with Maduro sends Venezuela bonds to six month high. Signs of reaching agreement on deportations.


We are going to send back everybody that has come into our country from Venezuela. We don’t send them back and that are coming illegally. Not that have not.


We’re going to be able to send back everybody that’s come from Venezuela illegally, which current numbers are showing it’s somewhere around 600,000 people during the Biden administration have led Venezuela to the United States of America, or as high as 4 million people have come from Venezuela to the United States during the Biden administration. Remember, tren de agua or tren de ara, whatever. I’m so happy to not be worried about having to remember their name anymore because they’re getting arrested and deported by ice.


But the massive gangs that have operated in Colorado, there was the viral video of TDR running in and smashing doors in Colorado and Aurora, I believe, and evicting people. We have just recently arrested some of the main leaders, compliments of the Trump administration and ice and Christine Noem and her work over there. And we now have the Venezuelan government is agreeing to sell and replace all Canadian oil and petroleum at a lower price.


And so, because Justin Trudeau earlier today, like this morning, I believe, Justin Trudeau said that it would massively skyrocket the value or the price of energy inside of the United States. Venezuela and Maduro said, hey, we will take back all of our immigrants and we would love to sell you some super, super cheap petroleum. And so in that way, huge win and win.


Sovereign notes maturing in 2027 have risen above 20 cents. And so sovereign notes maturing in 2027 rise above 20 cents. Sovereign notes are essentially treasury bonds, essentially, for the government.


And in that way, we are seeing a massive gamble by most investors that inflation and the value of Bolivar is going to go up. And I’m going to leave more of that conversation for pops in the morning, because it is very exciting for those out there that do hold a lot of Bolivar. It’s extremely exciting.


This would be one of those big moments for the folks that hold a lot of Bolivar. This would be. Absolutely.


And let me, yeah, be nobles. The guy that was there, the guy that led it, he just got deported from the United States by the Trump administration. Actually, the guy in the video was the person that was deported.


The guy that was in charge, he was found in New York City. He had been operating out of the Bronx. And so operating out of the Bronx, he was found a couple of days ago and he was kicked out.


And so, yes, it is working. Trump is succeeding. And the United States federal agencies are proving to be far more capable than we tended to believe at certain times.


And yes, Canada will send 10,000 troops to the border. And Trump has ordered the creation of United States Sovereign Fund, says that it can buy TikTok. This United States Sovereign Fund has been alluding to cryptocurrency and gold, silver, and other investments by the United States.


This is something that I am extremely excited to hear more information about. I believe that is that future that we’re looking forward to in terms of the crypto side, where we may see the adoption of Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and others as actually becoming integral parts of the future of the United States financial system. And so, guys, I know I’m super, super excited this evening.


And so I’m going to look for a question or two, and then I’m going to bid everyone adieu. Hey, NTV texting, bought a brick of a 2020 million Bolivar notes a year ago. Yeah, I would be more optimistic today than I was yesterday.


That’s for certain. I’m far more optimistic about the future of Bolivars and the government of Venezuela and the future of the people of Venezuela. I would have to say that anyone with half a brain in regards to global politics would say that there was a major shift today.


It went from being, okay, it might happen to, okay, we will most likely see a increase in the value of Bolivars. Now, that’s a different game. Less, well, who knows? More, it’s coming, but we don’t know what they’ll be worth.


Because there’s still no knowledge about how many Bolivars are genuinely in circulation. So I don’t want to speculate on that one too much. I’m going to go ahead and leave it right there.


I’m excited for the people of Venezuela. I’m excited for us. I’m excited for the people of Canada.


I’m excited for the people of Mexico. I’m excited for the people of the world. I’m most excited for our community, but I’m also excited for everything right now.


There’s so much going on that is genuinely beneficial for all of us. Genuinely. And yes, the sovereign notes going at 20 cents right now.


That one’s one I know Pops wants to talk about more tomorrow. So I’m going to leave the lightning for him. I just got the thunder this evening.


And so with all of that said, thank you guys so much for joining. I’m seeing the time. I know the mods are ready to probably run off and enjoy their evening.


I know everyone else is awesome. I would like to throw out one last little thing just because we worked real hard on it and we think it’s real cool for those that have bought coffee from Freedom Forged or those that are thinking about it, or just those that want to know something that maybe you didn’t know existed. If you go to freedomforged.com or freedomforged.coffee, and then you actually go to pay, you’ll see a little option for more payment options down here.


If you click on it, you will then see that you can pay with XRP. And so we’ve had the ability to enact this from a technology standpoint for a while, but we never did because we were always worried about the law. We were always worried about the Biden administration.


We were worried that if we accepted crypto payments, we would end up disappearing somewhere. And with that being removed, we decided to go ahead and launch the software. And so you can buy Freedom Forged Coffee now with crypto, with XRP, and without extra fees.


And so this is something that’s coming to the world for all the XRP folks out there, XLM, XTC, Bitcoin, Ethereum, for everybody out there on the crypto side, it is happening. You can now buy things with crypto, real profits. And so that’s just a little slight small thing that I wanted to add in there at the end.


And yes, guys, I wouldn’t spend my XRP right now. But for all the naysayers out there that crypto cannot be spent to buy things, well, whenever those naysayers say that to you, and they say that your crypto doesn’t have value, or it can’t be used to buy things, well, send them to me. I will prove them wrong, because it absolutely can buy things now.


And it’s only going to become more prolific. You’re going to see crypto being used to buy things on Amazon. You’re going to see crypto being used to buy things all over the place.


And I think that if you were to combine the efforts of a company like Glint, and crypto, that’s the future. You’re going to buy things with gold, you’re going to buy things with crypto. And that is going to make for a far more sound financial system.


And so with all that said, remember, love you all. Love you all so much. Please send in questions.


Let me know what all is going on and anything that I’m missing. But besides that, I hope everyone has a blessed Monday. And well, gotta say I’m very, very excited for the week.


And for all the crypto folks worrying, don’t worry. You either have everything to worry about or nothing to worry about. It’s one of the two.


So sleep easy at night. God has all of this figured out already. We are just along for the ride.



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