MM&C Iraq Dinar News-ISX Big+Numbers-AI Technology-No Shortage of Liquidity-Port of Faw-CBI Tower
hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia man and crew patreon Community by clicking the link in the caption good evening everybody militia man and crew here it’s January 6 20125 and we’re off to a new year um just one of the things I want to bring up is that you know a couple days ago uh we we did get an article that talks about the Securities Commission announces financial performance
indicators for 2024 so the Securities Commission announced that the financial and economic indicators for this year uh for last year I should say confirming the remarkable growth in the performance of the Iraqi Financial market and the expansion of its activities reflecting the growing confidence in the market and its role in supporting that National economy it goes on and talks about there’s about 112 joint stock companies uh there’s an additional platform trading platform second trading platform
disclos but it reached 104 companies the ISX OTC platform reached eight companies uh they talk about their government bonds construction bonds Emar bonds two categories achievement bonds there’s two issues in two categories Etc so they talk about the amount of bonds uh Etc and and um they just are just talking about performance and they really do get a good report it says that the stock trading indicators for 2024 the market recorded great activity in stock trading so they uh the percentages of shares
increased uh in retrospect they did 177% in one era 3% in another era and 177% in another one that goes on to say that the uh regarding market indicators the ISX 60 closed about 1,073 points up up 20.23% the ISX 15 closed uh up 12 uh 10 .2% and then um so far it goes to the overall market value for the year amounted to about massive amount of shares and Dinars but um an increase of about 19% in comparison to 2023 so they had they had a good year and I would imagine it’s just going to keep getting
getting noticed around the world basically he’s this gentleman is talking but we look forward to achieving greater achievements next year so that’s this year with the enhancement of the market infrastructure and the expansion of the scope of participation by the public and private sectors the private sectors is is talking about International corporations uh there’s a lot of money in big International corporations coming into this place and they’re very attractive to Iraq because it’s it’s an emerging market and it’s got security
and stability now and it’s got a lot more coming the first stock trading session for the year of 2025 will be held on Tuesday January 7th according to the official trading session times so that’s tomorrow so we’ll see what they do and see how it turns out but that’s what’s going on uh look the engagement of the private sector outside the public is going to be uh markedly different and are likely far more supportive in the growth of the ISX the ISX has already experienced significant growth as I just
mentioned there’s going to be many sectors that will be interested in this especially from the private sector the price of it the market is very cheap right now uh with an average share price it’s really pretty low okay that’s going to have a a Dramatical dramatic effect I’m assuming um in the near future so come on into you can take a look at that um and we will love to have you to to view that and uh go from there sudin advisor three economic benefits uh for Iraq from external partnership uh the ADV of the Prime
Minister Muhammad SLE he stresses that the common external ties with the world contribute to achieving three main positive results for Iraq’s economy while pointing out to the importance of these links in promoting comprehensive Economic Development he stresses the import importance of encouraging small medium-sized Enterprises which are the nerve of sustainable economy especially with strength and stability of global linkages so they’re talking about linkages with the globe it’s awesome the need to facilitate public private
Partnerships for the implementation of major projects as you’ll see tonight two big ones in addition to providing incentives for the private sector to invest in non oil sectors which enhances the diversification of the economy a big thing that they need s is basically called on for the promoting and Innovation and entrepreneur uhip among young people with a focus on artificial intelligence technology and the effective integration of informatics and knowledge noting that Iraq can take advantage of the Strategic
geographical location as a link between Asia and Europe and to strengthen its role as a global commercial center through the development path the project development Road Project okay um he goes on and talks about building strong economic relations with China Europe turkey Iran and the gulf countries um and for what to achieve um economic benefits pretty simple SLE stresses that stability and all its joints is a prerequisite for implementing these steps and achieving comprehensive Economic Development all of these things we’ve
been watching for and what we’ve been hearing about and waiting for are coming to fruition um to me it’s it’s amazing to watch u s seems to be bullish on the security and stability there’s massive opportunity going through the country uh building industrial cities Etc from east to west um the comprehensive economic strides Iraq has already made over the past two years under Al Sudani um has been hands down uh pretty stellar looks like the cogs of the economy are about ready to spin and make the money
flow there’s another article that’s out today it’s uh to start financing the salaries of retirees for the month of January uh they’re basically talking about the salaries once again it’s kind of old news but hey this time the retirees and civil military who receive a text message can visit branches of banks or ATMs in Baghdad and the governance to receive their salaries and there’s no shortage of financial liquidity that covers those salaries and we’re going to see another article here tonight in brief about um something
similar happened okay minister of communications uh what are they doing they’re maximizing in the postal revenues by 300% and they say that the general Ministry supported post savings and for the first time in the history of the general post and savings company revenues were increased to about 300% the company also Rose the burden of its salaries and dispersement for the first time in its history so we developed a set of strategic projects to promote the postal service and after a hundred years of using paper savings
ledgers they were converted into electronic payment cards as well and we also completed the electronic signature project and implemented it with an experimental operation within the ministry look any any um small medium Enterprise is going to need good postal service for Commerce to come back and forth to their business buying and selling things is important uh trade delivery all of those things come into play and having accurate um census I guess if you will they’re going to know where everybody is located and even now
that they can get their National cards electronically and they can get them to their door and that’s a big deal there’s going to be a key push to make sure that every single person’s got one of these National cards and they’ve already uh put out I think what 42 plus uh million 43 million cards well there’s only about 43 or 45 million people so um anybody that needs one is going to get one and they’re going to try to see to that and there might be consequences if you don’t have one and might be painful for those
especially the elderly um if you’re going to get your rights you’re going to need a national card and they got to convince um their people to make sure that they have that taken care of the ministry of interior it says the card in your home service will come soon and includes all Iraqis the ministry of interior announced on Sunday the registration of Baghdad they go on to say 8,848 27 people were registered in the Civil information system of the national card during 2024 okay that’s just in 2024 but they’ve also just reached a
milestone of 42 million uh 81,000 and uh whatever call it 42 million point8 million people and I think that’s a little light so it says there’s no need for Trans transfer restrictions records between citizens or governments as long as the registration sites have been opened in all the governance of Iraq pointing that your card service in your home will do this year that is the citizens who wishes not to go to the registration department they can get the national card issued to him and it will be delivered to his home
first time ever I think that’s pretty big uh I don’t know the progress you guys seems to be just they’ve been knocking it dead one thing after another okay this this article is called sound productive government economic thinking and methodology basically this is going to be talking about an economic Renaissance something new and here it says uh the the stability of oil prices in global markets for the past three weeks should be taken advantage of a new economic Renaissance strategy should be worked on
through a systematic and steud transition according to a modern financial model for employing the Surplus oil prices that exceed the budget price or what is called the equilibrium price to uh uh an approach of employing effective investment in Iraqi Sovereign fund building new and legal uh Financial buffers vessels to strengthen and consolidate the financial system sustain development in Iraq and move the Weedle of economy and the economic diversification and diversify the revenues of the federal
budget and double this investment in development funds and create new incentives for growth sustainable development in order to Target increasing productivity rebuilding the industrial agriculture Agricultural and tourism base and ensuring the achievement of financial savings according to financial and economic models that support the economic Renaissance strategy in Iraq that is the longest sentence I think I’ve ever written and there’s no punctuation in that other than a parenthesis uh funny but I just like
watching over Iraq is being uh reborn again in a digital age a new economic Renaissance is effectively underway now so the gears of progress we’re witnessing all all of which um the world will be affected by it to me it’s front and center so hope you guys are enjoying that as well the ports and counterterrorism services discuss developing ways of cooperation and providing protection for the Iraqi seafront so the general director of the ports uh his name is Al fusi discussed today he says during a
field tour of the grand Port of their project in the development ways of cooperation and providing protection for the sea front you guys it’s going to be one of the biggest ports uh industrial ports uh in the in the Middle East uh the development road path going all the way into turkey is going to have just a string of um industrial cities all the way across the country and that’s this whole goal so anyway this gentleman’s taking a tour of the the grand for pot Grand F Port because hey it’s going to be a a be a big Center and
it’s going to need security and it’s going to need to maintain stability there so it says Inc increasing security for Port projects operating foreign companies and providing protection for the Iraqi seafront were also discussed and sure enough yes Iraq is going to need plenty of security the foreign investors that will be there the private sector the exploding growth that they’re going to be seeing um to me will be phenomenal going forward and basically for decades to come there’s no denying that you guys they’re they’re not
stopping with this just constantly just saying we’re working day and night we’re working literally that’s what they said day and night to make sure they get it and they have Tim taes that they’ve been adhering to and working towards and they’re on track so here’s a British platform includes the Central Bank Tower and ala port in the list of giant projects in the world for 2025 they got number 10 and 11 out of 25 in the world so the poraa and the Central Bank Tower okay so it says the b1m I guess that’s a
British platform who specializes in the construction sector has classified the Central Bank Tower project in Baghdad and the grandfa port in boser among the list of the most prominent Mega projects in the world for the year 2025 I don’t know about you guys but that’s pretty big it says that this classification reflects REM reflects Iraq’s remarkable progress in the field of uh architecture infrastructure on the international scene I’m looking forward to seeing some fresh new pictures of the bank because I
got a strong feeling that the skin on the top is probably done by now but I I haven’t got those yet so if anybody out there has a fresh new picture of the Central Bank of Iraq from a distance so you can see that the cranes down and all that that’ll be pretty exciting for me anyway so feel free to send me a message all right so there we have it the country is making her statement to the world what it feeds she’s been underway with these two projects they’re massive in nature and basically uh getting Global attention uh what’s
not liked about that it’s obvious that something’s coming and Iraq’s starting to Showcase it’s pretty cool uh the Ministry of Transport says a development Road will include industrial cities along its path providing thousands of jobs opportunities new opportunities for their youth uh the development Road Project will include industrial cities along the path to to Turkey and he pointed out that the alpha region will be the largest industrial city in the Middle East like I said it says the Project’s completion rates in terms of
initial designs reached 100% while the cumulative completion rates for the railways within the project are about 69 70% the accumulative completion rates for the land route are 61% but basically what did I tell you they’re continuing to work day and night to complete the development road project with the resp specified time and timings one of the goals of the development Road Project is to provide opportunities for no less than 20,000 job opportunities which will have positive repercussions on the on the
youth and Iraq and to be fair of the economy um ala area will be the largest industrial city in the Middle East in addition to being an economic and residential and touristic place to visit so pretty fascinating um in my last article that I want to talk about real quick if you guys if if we have a few more minutes it says the new steps by the Central Bank regarding dollar transactions the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Federal Reserve are among are moving excuse me towards authorizing Iraqi Banks to contract with
International auditing companies why in the world would you be doing that if you weren’t going International right so you wouldn’t did they ever yeah you know KPMG and those guys did some things with the central bank but now we’re talking about Iraqi Banks we’re not talking about the central bank or the State Banks we’re talking about Iraqi Banks and and Etc and so they want them to be have the ability to uh contract with International auditing companies instead of relying on the dollar selling platform oh the one that
well some folks were saying that wasn’t going away well it it sure did okay the aim of auditing credits and transfers before they are implemented is their aim it says this measure is in the interest of the Central Bank as it contributes to avoiding the risk of money laundering cases and international sanctions this step is turn is a turning point they call they’re calling it a turning point that contributes to drawing a clear map for the work of Iraqi banks on the global stage as they will deal with International
correspondence and financial guarantees I like that part n International correspondent banks with financial guarantees in addition to instant transfers which enhances their position in global markets it is possible to rehabilitate banks that are currently facing restrictions which lead to achieving greater stability in their exchange rate the Central Bank attaches um special importance in the next stage which is the next stage in increasing foreign currency reserves that’s what they’ve been doing with the correspondent Banks
to me it sure looks like they’re on track um and change is coming the the new reinforcement mechanism is doing what it’s designed for that’s what we’ve been talking about it’s not the dollar auction anymore they call it the the reinforcement mechanism and what are they doing they’re increasing their uh foreign currency reserves all right you guys uh thank you very much for being with me um if you like my content I really do appreciate the uh the likes and subscribes uh we’re getting to a milestone here one of my
Milestones getting close and uh I want to thank everybody that’s done that because it really has um been an excellent ride and I’m looking forward to the future because there’s going to be a lot of powerful things happening so again thank you for your donations small medium large have been wonderful PayPal zel and venmo have been great for me Hope they’ve been great for you and we’ll see you soon have a great week once again guys don’t forget to hit that like button if you like this content subscribe to the channel or join us at
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