Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 01-06-2025

we can have fun with this why does trudeau always look like he is wearing mascara because he probably is but hey the new vice president that got certified today looks like it too so I guess we’ll give him a break hello Joe hello David hello William Schultz hello Lily Tom good to see you in the house moose eagle claw Texas curly girl hello Chris and Rob hello Judy and Cheryl and DJ shell Bell Eric over in Knox LSU girl oh like it was a beautiful day in that did anybody watch the certification process

boy toala not look too happy and she got dissed oh it’s just kind of funny all right anyways I promise magga says markk just like the Bond holders I’m very wealthy just waiting for access to my account I am hearing you oh wait I like that picture the beginning is near I like it hello Janine hello release the hounds hello Miss Laney hello Mary Mr C did not leave on a plane where did that come from he didn’t even run that one by me uh yeah that not happened hello Kathy it is ripping now I think Camala

was pooping her pants she yeah oh God she did not look happy uh but then having to listen to all the left going yeah but at least she certified it do they not remember January 64 years ago when Michael Pence certified it do they not remember that he didn’t bulk at certifying it he should have and insisted on a account I would have supported her insisting on a forensic got it totally would have supported it all right mic keeps muting itself hello I see 12 inches in the Cincy Area let me stay focused here will

be a short one this evening just not that much news we do have some fun stuff we will whip right through it a Cutting Edge 2024 study reveals nearly half of all adults in the United States have high blood pressure according to the CDC only about one in four adults have their blood pressure under control putting millions of people like you and me at risk of heart disease and stroke it might seem like an uphill battle but taking control of your heart health doesn’t have to be complicated so I’ve started using this amazing new product

to help manage blood pressure manage my cholesterol manage my weight triple acting for formula packed with clinically proven allnatural ingredients like w white mulberry Leaf cinnamon bark powder powerful formulation designed to support balanced blood sugar levels and healthy weight like nothing else out there in thousands like myself wouldn’t go a day without it do your body a favor and grab it today while it’s 40% off during their holiday special at Boost withm mark.com that is Boost withm mark.com order to day uh and your

delivery will be rushed at no additional cost once again that is Boost withm mark.com I’m looking forward to it see what the results are hello MJ Mrs goo mes goo hello Matthew yeah don’t let the saltiness grow they gave us a bit of an article on it yesterday to point out Matthew what they’re doing which makes sense which surprisingly matches everything I was being told here let’s just go to that continuation of the Iraqi currency auction strengthening external balances and bakes interest in cash holders they

specifically said it is strengthening and defending the um exchange rate or value supporting the value of the uh dinar they told me they were going to do this um they were going to empty that to uh remove more uh and do dollarization that definitely appears to be what’s going on they’re even writing articles about it in Iraq that’s Su we are finally unburdened by what has been Sue epic timing trying to pay attention to everything the mic coming and going nater I did not see nater’s videos today

I’ve had one of those days guys I don’t know about you all but I’ve had one of those days going to knock this out regroup for tomorrow but I did finally track down the park for the wheelchair it is ordered and it should be here sometime late this month oh oh well it’s GNA be one of those months no Amen on the medbed hello Miss Linda Linda I really don’t see the dinar going by itself I know there are some out there that claim that’s a rumor they’ve heard possibly every one of my sources say it’s going at the same time along with

Indonesia Vietnam Etc oh now now Jeffrey just posted nater post at 1170 on IQD for US dollar now that is a story worth telling uh James we’re GNA get into it don’t worry we talked about it this morning if you weren’t here um but I did get an update since then from two of them but we’ll die into it yeah Mike I feel short sitting in this it’s like I want to like sit up like this I’m definitely going to have to make a few changes it’s floating okay it is floating in the parallel Market why is that important because

it’s floating in a direction that supports us um once they started doing the foreign remittances uh they were concerned that it was going to go completely the other Direction and their efforts it is now going 1170 instead of 1310 official it was 1,500 a day or two ago on the parallel markets which means the market wants the dinar the the market there believes the dinar is more valuable now that they’ve stopped auction so it’s it’s exciting you’re watching the Nar gain value in the free market in the parallel Market um which

means it should explode when they go to a reset or it can support ones what it’s telling you I know that was all kind of like back and forth banjo Mick I am told it’ll be the same rate whether you’re in a group or not in a group early on I was sold more in a group but I was told they had changed that I was told that some years ago and it has been a consistent uh consistent claimed by every one of my banking sources Mr K to it’s good to see you in the house so ready to hide for a few weeks once it’s

R V hits the beach sounds inviting keep being hey I appreciate you sir hopefully you and the wife are well microphone I don’t know did the microphone change itself guys let’s see yep microphone changed it again all right that’ll probably be better microphone’s doing a lot of that lately uh Pat I don’t know send again to be safe if you send it over the weekend 100% didn’t get it because there’s probably 1,800 emails I got to erase from the weekend while I’m thinking about it don’t email me on the weekend

folks microphone sounds like it’s going through puberty welcome to Microsoft and the bad thing is I check it did the know the mik didn’t take a bath maybe Penny changes the mic Penny can I Blame You Penny Penny she walked away sorry I’m laughing at that one yeah no Miss K I know you try to tell them not to not to email me on the weekend we all try booger tries you try whip tries Savvy tries steiny tries Mike tries everybody Mika try everybody tries to no avail Jesus believe her right they the best time to email is on the

weekend Doug it’s good to see you in the house the cat’s always Fain innocence Penny dn’t she claims it and says I don’t care Norine we’re going to get into the news you’re just asking a little or actually it’s 810 no you’re asking right on time let’s dive into that we shared this one earlier as they explain what they’re doing with the auctions is to support the value and to uh support stability of exchange rate ensuring the required liquidity in the mark in other they’re changing how it works and they

want us to know why Al Maliki everyone feels safe and stable in the presence of the Iraqi Army a big movement in Iraq as foreign or formerly militias in Syria return to Iraq they’re telling them to stand down uh that the government and the police force there have things under control they are sovereign don’t mess with it these are reoccurring stories they are pushing this in the news and Iraq Sovereign Sovereign um which is important for US Customs supports of the region do not comply with Federal decisions on fees I

found this one interesting they’re saying hey look there’s more going on in the Kurdish region there’s a lot of corruption and we got to fix it they don’t want to send us the dollars the revenue they want to keep us and then they want dollars from us a lot of corruption I have heard this from Iraqi sources saying that they are cleaning up politics at all levels especially in the Kurdish region now let’s get into uh the bond rumors I had to check in they are expecting things in the next four days

between now and the 10th so I had two contacts checking in their update today was Final contracts this week so I’m getting that from two of the bond sources now that are expecting their finals this week it’s encouraging because it fits with everything else we are hearing other than that very quiet struck out on news from groups today that was a little disappointing I was hoping to get some uh check-ins from uh some of the larger we’ll call them tier 4A groups they’re actually more like end of three but we’re going to run with it um

just to not confuse folks uh struck out there getting any news two Bond contacts checking in expecting this week they were very specific on their dates but I’m going to uh translate that for you guys as this week because it falls within this week and we are praying that they actually receive ceive this week that’ll mean you and I are days or same time it’s old AG is catching up Kirby it’s good to see you Patricia I like this one after this morning you know I’m telling the truth here sometimes I don’t know what day it

is all right let’s can I appreciate that on the shirt I’m having fun hey it’s good to see you dodge if they are indeed when they indeed start getting their money yes that means notification should be going out so we are waiting if they do indeed get paid this week that means your notifications are following right behind LT hang in there hey I appreciate that one uh that’s what I’m preparing for the after RV podcast so excited about it uh Happy Hound I tried the shipping isn’t going to change it any sooner by

the time it ships to them and they ship to me it worked out to be the same so I paid the extra shipping to have it come straight to me Unfortunately they make all the parts even for the americanmade wheel chairs they make the parts in China so what’s a heck of a tra uh Journey for it all right Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is resigning uh we were fortunate we got to break that news this morning uh my screen says 2024 it might I’m gonna have a tough time making that change over uh always happens every year

takes you a while to get used to it all I can say is folks just remind me when you see it don’t be a nagging person though you want like a sure way to ever get me to uh truly dislike you nag me unless I ask for it then nag all you want anybody else get that way it’s like a pet peeve yeah old Stokes too but no on this one please do remind me when you see it guys please do remind me uh because I do I’ve got to settle into the whole year change do it every year year done it every year since I was born I’m getting

better at it Joan Joan said since no one else is gonna email you on the weekend you’ll be able to see mine right you guys are great sorry I’m having too much fun Jeff wait did you see I did see the new chevel and man is that awesome all right let’s get back to it Poler y’ are killing me happy in Canada Mark I’m so excited for you f for you folks right now can I can I keep having fun let’s see so you’re saying an email on the weekend to remind you to change your stuff isn’t going to be seen in a

positive light oh Colleen said my husband was that way nag him and he wouldn’t do it yeah that’s pretty much a certain way give me an ultimatum and it’s never going to go your way that’s another one I don’t do [Laughter] y’all are having fun with me this is fun all right let’s keep running let’s see Liberal Party and is replacing Trudeau by either Carney or Freeland yeah those are scary uh at the same time let’s watch and see he refuses step down until the liberal party has a replacement for him I don’t think they

realize it’s the liberal party and Justin Trudeau that had the vote of no confidence in effect the organization for North Carolina donations lots of smiles you can find it in telegram Miss CA has put it there uh Liz sh it’s a joint effort to make it happen a couple of churches from Randolph County in that area have pulled together uh with churches in the mountains they’re doing an amazing job but look in our telegram if you don’t know where to find our telegram go to the original Mark z.com wow ah there we go it’s finally popping

up you can see over here where you’ll see telegram button hit it there’s the links that will take you directly uh that link is in Intel info room so that’s where you would go to look all right we got one more fun story and then we get a wrap I told you it was going to be short tonight unfortunately or fortunately Surfer you guys are having fun one titon uh yeah well James if you if you were reading the chat along you’d probably see a few things that cracked me up you guys are funny tonight you’re

awesome there you go Miss C lit to the rescue it’s in the Intel room info room link she shared it George it’s a pleasure Mr fro used to have a 76 cheville okay let’s get to the last one oh wait it was a Chevy Chevette oh those were rough sir those were rough let’s get to it um is’t that a good question Dave is Trudeau stepping down part of Nera because we have other world leaders stepping down and my guess is you’re about to see starmer have no other choice UK starmer dismisses rape gang outrage as far right

bandwagon oh everybody on the right just jumping on a bandwagon just this outrage means nothing it’s just typical white rightwing stuff this is the same approach that buried the story because you would not deal with it so I thought this one was interesting Tommy uh Robinson over in the UK National Disgrace car starmer has finally spoken about the mass call for National inquiring to child rape gangs completely ignores the call call us all far right and again then proceed to lie about Tommy Robinson yet again uh nearly yeah

it’s watching this double down on ignoring the people and the people’s will the people’s outrage is not going to go well I might be wrong but touch base with some UK based um contacts today they agree with me look for some no confidence being thrown at starmer they believe that the outrage from the UK people because they’re telling me that people in the UK are outraged over this um no nothing was ever done and then they try to continue continually try to bury it and it is now mov to the Forefront of conversation in

the UK I think starmer has finally bitten off more than he can Cheo I think we’re going to continue to see this whole push back towards the center they’re going to pitch it as it’s going far right but guys the the folks that we have stepping out standing out stepping up standing up they’re not far right 10 years ago they would have been considered Center they’re only far right because the farle refuses to acknowledge just how far left they have gone Dr Sarah this community is the best they’re ignoring a popul po IST

Uprising the people are just done we’re done Tommy Tuk I’m with you I think it’s going to be the end of the labor party or at least it is going to be years before they recover uh Judy I’ve not seen any news stories about Elon Musk joining the board of meta that’s a new one for me I would really have to do a lot of research before I consider I’d have to vet that one a lot before I bought it Brandon’s birthday happy birthday Brandon all right guys oh Janice just says some my best friends are Canadians so happy for them

amen hey folks I’d hope for more news Kathy Laney what about the general 64 group still there if you’re a part of it it’s still there no I do not know how to get you guys attached to it no I do not know how to double check your email if you no longer have that email I can’t do that they listen to this podcast mention it maybe they will reach out again to me and open the books to change something or add folks but I doubt it pretty well closed at this point Diane yeah I don’t think I would buy that one either that Elon bought

Boeing today there is so many trolls out there trying to get clicks claiming he bought this he bought YouTube he bought Boeing he bought uh CBS he bought CNN don’t buy those things until you’ve seen probably 10 mainstream articles saying that it actually happened all right folks I’m going to call it a wrap right there mods thank you wish I had more for you this evening there just isn’t much news out there uh the fun stuff uh for me of course is um uh my check-in from a couple of my bond contacts it’s first time I’ve heard

anything positive out of them in a few weeks and then I get that so it made me feel good other than that see you tomorrow where’s Mr C he’s uh in Erie Pennsylvania relaxing he is not flown in a jet he’s not gone off and done anything guys he will not leave when it is time they have been very very clear about that the plan is to come see him at his residence make certain I uh qualify that one all right folks now I’m getting out of here he’s snowplowing himself out exactly all right folks see you in the morning hopefully we will get some breaking news bye guys mods thank you very much

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