Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 01-21-2025

Evening News with MarkZ. 01/21/2025

That’ll work better. Yeah, let’s see. I’m reading a few of these.


Hello, Hevia. Hello, Bill, Colleen, Rain Man, Gina. Hello, Hunter, Guy, and Moose.


Busted Gia from a snowy evening in South Carolina. Hello, Benny B, Quester, Mark, Gable. Why is Trump making all these deals? I think he’s paving the way for a new world.


Don’t panic. What’s up, Mr. Busy Biz? Hello, DJ. Hello, Linda, Barbara, Angela, Boots, Drammy, AAA Piano, Top of the Evening, Fluffy Pup.


Hello, Morsius. Hello, Bon Bon, FDX. Hello, Robin, You Can.


There you go. Mark, my boyfriend spoke with guys working in Bakersfield. They confirmed ICE is all over the place doing mass roundup.


They are all over the place. Wow. Jason, I don’t know, but be excited.


A little breathing room while we get across the finish. Interesting day. That is for certain.


We’ll dive into it all. We’ll get to it. Hello, Truck Tiny NJT.


Did it sound like he was talking about MedBeds? Yes, it did. Did it sound like maybe Stargate or something? Yes, it did. They talk about a sudden need for, of course, they shrouded it through an MRNA or whatever, but talk about a possibly having a sudden cure for cancer.


It’d be good timing after what was unleashed on us to suddenly come up with a great treatment. Who knows? It’s getting interesting. Hello, Ron.


Hello, Melissa. Hello, Becky. Secret identity.


Before I forget, guys, prayers for Liz having a really bad bout with Lyme’s. Snow in Georgia again. Richard saying, I re-watched the inauguration.


Trump did have his hand on the Bible. It’s like different angles, the pictures taken. Do think we’re all so desperately looking for comms that we kind of inject them in there.


Jason, that is awfully kind. Do appreciate you. Stett DePaul, as old as you know what, which is, you know what, Nebraska? All right.


Boulder Holder. What am I allowed to say anymore? Since obviously YouTube is still controlled by crazy people, or they wouldn’t have been kicking conservative podcasters off all day yesterday for sharing live coverage of a publicly broadcast event. Yeah, Trump had a busy day.


The news even talked about the med beds on Fox. It’s, as you’re watching it, may not be the fast rollout you were looking for, but you are watching it. Tabby, did you catch the power generation for powering the new AI infrastructure Stargate project? Yeah, you guys, if you didn’t catch Fox, the five, you missed a big one.


I’m certain there’s going to be more to unpack tomorrow because I didn’t find out until it was well underway. Yeah, we know who, if you want to pay the customer, thinking about suspending it until post RV. I’m reading a few going through it.


One tight night. I love the coffee. Love it.


Love it. Love it. Wait, what’s this about? Clavichurch spoke so long that they were rushing to start for noon.


Family’s still walking in. Melania carrying Bibles, raking leaves. Hello, Don.


Don, I don’t know about that on the glaucoma one or not, but it’s got to be scary, Don. I know every time my eyes are bothering me, I stop and I think about it. It’s like, ooh, that would be tough.


See, Trip Rucker or Trip Pucker, Prucker, big snow coming across Florida panhandled North Florida. It’s going to be pretty white tomorrow. We’re shut down like a hurricane.


I guarantee you are. I have heard that as well. I’ve not tried Fenben.


I’ve tried ivermectin for Lyme’s, rotating antibiotics, black seed oil, a number of things. I’ve never tried Fenben for it. No, David, it doesn’t proceed.


David wants to know if an announcement of go back dollars precedes the RV. No, same time. That’s how it has always been explained to me from day one.


Speaking of that cold blasting through, Americans are expected to spend more money on heating bills this season than they did on holiday gifts. Home heating is expected to increase by 8.7% after already a record historic year to an average of $941 this winter forecast, which beats the expected 902 average for Christmas gifts. That’s why I use this portable secret weapon and absolutely love how toasty warm it makes a room without extra heating costs.


Advice is portable, powerful mini heater that makes nearly any room warm and cozy in no time. It’s compact enough to take anywhere, but strong enough to warm up bedroom, office, living room, or anywhere else. I want nearly instant warmth.


Plus it includes built in overheat protection, adjustable heat levels from simple warmth to toasty comfort, making it perfect for the family. Do your wallet a favor and grab one up to 60% off this winter season. Only stay warm now.com plus order today and you’ll receive free expedited shipping, a 60 day satisfaction guarantee and several other free bonuses.


Once again, that is state warm now.com. Trying to keep up with you at minus 20. Miss Vicki said I woke up to minus 27 this morning. Dear Jesus, is that like real? Do people survive in that? This is crazy.


Don’t panic. Today’s news, cancer vaccine. I’m wondering if this is actually advanced tech.


Some of the stuff we’ve been waiting for. They told us. I mean, how many podcasters, gurus, med bed people have told you? How do I put this one? Folks that have chased alien technology or government whistleblowers that have told you they have the technology that we shouldn’t have to suffer it.


Maybe this is a give back after the turbo cancers from the jab. Who knows? Right? I mean, crazier things have happened. We were told we would see it suddenly see a lot of these things dropping and I hope so.


Till then, keep fighting, eat the right things, take the right supplements, do everything right. Hello, Harry. Man, is that appreciated.


I appreciate you. Yeah, Jason, that’s what makes the most sense to me. I think it’s med bed in disguise.


I think they’re starting to slow roll out. They are. Well, I don’t know if I’d say slow.


They have ramped up the preparing of people. That’s my take. Snowing in the panhandle, that’s just craziness.


I mean, I remember it as a child in the 80s when it snowed there as well. But I even remember cousins getting snow in Orlando one time. Not much.


Trying to keep up with you, Texas, Mary. Thank you. Oh, Miss Kuklitz, good reminder.


We have had a number of folks that are going to be ready to do wealth management as soon as this goes. Folks that have currency from the community. If you are a wealth manager, it doesn’t necessarily have to be in the U.S. Maybe you’re one in the U.K. Send an email, mztoddides at gmail.com to Kukla.


She is making a list and it is much appreciated. We’re going to try to have answers when things happen for folks. Cheryl, I’ve heard 3,000 patents.


I’ve heard 6,000 patents. I’ve heard 1,500 patents. Either way, I’m ready for a lot of this technology to get released.


Yeah, right. Cheesehead, keep that white crap up there. Happy Hound snowing in North Carolina.


10 inches in New Orleans. Some places over that. Snow is beautiful, soft and fluffy.


What a day. Chef Melaniesa, well, enjoy it if you can stay warm. Meanwhile, Ms. Mom’s in Wisconsin.


No snow on the ground, just brown. Well, Ms. Mom, we’re going to need you to send your snowmobile to New Orleans. Bourbon Street needs it.


12 inches in Louisiana. Like, wow. I mean, it’s just ripping.


Yeah, the polar vortex can move back to Canada right now. Landshark, what’s it like in the berg? Is it cold in the berg? It’s already cold enough in the berg, snowy enough in the berg. Last thing you want is a polar vortex on top of it.


You think so? D Rambo says, prepping everyone for cures. They’re prepping everyone for you. APUFO, start watching X-Files.


The truth is out there. Let’s see, Marcia, I’d like to wish my brother Colton a happy 33rd birthday. Dawn 25th, he’ll be trying out for Team USA on the world stage for Special Olympics swim team.


Oh, wow. That is absolutely go, Colton. Marcia, yes.


Does he need a sponsor? I don’t know what it takes, but that is awesome. We are awfully, awfully proud of Colton. Texas Mary, you’re definitely paying it forward.


I appreciate that one. Wow. I’m very excited for your brother Colton.


Yeah, landlubber. Trump mentioned heading North Carolina to help. No, this week, Friday, I believe is the word.


He’s supposed to go to California, then North Carolina to start getting aid and answers. He wants to talk to the firemen on the ground in LA area. He wants the real skinny on it.


Snow in Laurenburg, North Carolina. Golf, fun. When I had my mercury fillings removed, I saw big improvements as well.


Jeff’s like, hey, man, I could use that global warming right now. All right, where are we at? We need to get to it, guys. On the news time, so far, I have had some check ins with bond folks as they have meetings and updates this evening.


I don’t have any in yet. I am disappointed in that front. I’d hope to have something exciting to share.


Nothing yet. I will share the moment I get it. Most of them were expecting things to start this evening in through tomorrow.


So I am hoping for a lot of great news from the bond side. It just has not started coming in yet. A number of them do have conference calls, et cetera, set up with attorneys handling closings, et cetera, or should I say final bond paperwork.


So cross your fingers, say a prayer, whatever you got to do. Now let’s get into this one. Zahra Al-Bajari, passing the budget amendment today is impossible.


Don’t panic. I shared this one because it tells us that they passed a number of other controversial laws that have been held up. They got some back and forth going, and they hope to be able to do that tomorrow or Wednesday.


Al-Bajari said in an interview with Baghdad Today that the paragraph on amending the budget law will be passed to the next session, which will be held tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So we’re looking for Wednesday or Thursday for news out of Iraq. Does not mean that that’s what we’re waiting on.


I rather expect all that to happen at the exact same time. Sudanese or Sudanese, love them, hate them, a lot of mixtape on it. I think he’s done great progress.


Don’t think anybody’s perfect. Iraq’s a pivotal partner in the sovereignty of national decision is a priority. I know, boy, I tell you, Arabic does not translate to English well, never has, which is a lot of the problems that we have with peace, Middle East, etc.


Different thought process. Stress that Iraq enjoys privacy and dealing with the will to survive. Stressing the Iraqi people are not one of the most self-esteemed and self-esteemed personalities, cannot be subject to anyone whatsoever.


What they’re saying is we will be sovereign. Iraq’s pivotal partner in sovereignty of the national decision, meaning they will be a sovereign, they are a sovereign country, they are a proud country, and they are looking determined to build a new Iraq based on its Arab cultural heritage. Working to integrate factions, etc.


I love this one, though, because sovereignty, sovereignty, sovereignty, we’ve heard over and over from the beginning, they will be sovereign, we will be out of their hair when we have dollars, and they are pushing that direction. Parliament satisfied with the amnesty conditions and real estate in adjourned session. These are the controversial laws they got through, the ones that have been pretty much in the way of the budget question, so they’ve got it out of the way.


Now we’re going to move over here, and we’re going to work on the budget one tomorrow and Thursday. Peace suddenly breaking out. We were told we would see this.


Putin is ready to sit down. Xi Jinping is ready to sit down. Iran, we are ready.


Iran is ready to negotiate with Trump. I’m very encouraged by the sudden outbreak of peace talks around the world. The Council of Ministers next Sunday’s official holiday in all departments and institutions of the state.


Yeah, Edwin, Iraq is the drama queen of the movie. I don’t know, Edwin. I rather think the drama queen here is Iraq’s busy juggling things, waiting for the go, and it seems that way.


At least that’s what I’d like to think. All right, next Sunday, official holiday, this coming Sunday. Wouldn’t it be a great day for them to just go ahead and pull the trigger? I mean, I just thought it was interesting that it’d be a good timing.


Now, let’s take down the news time banner and get to some of these other ones. Great Erie Federal Credit Union, it’s more interesting because the Buffalo, the IRS, Internal Revenue Service, Buffalo Federal Credit Union is merging with the Great Erie and changing its name. It doesn’t seem to want IRS attached to it anymore.


I wonder if it’s because the IRS is getting a name change or removed or no longer there. I don’t know. I just really like this one sent to me from somebody working at the IRS.


What do you guys think of that one? Yeah, it’s something to have a prep. Boy, he’s got some nuts too. He’s walking around with a big old like Santa sack of brass balls.


Jay and Amy, it’s good to see you. I love it. Monkey Works is back to following flights going in and out of Gitmo.


If they suddenly spike, we know a whole lot of what we believe is probably very much more accurate than not. That’s my logic take on that one. I say it’s awfully exciting.


Oh, Michael, you saw that when XRP Treasury opened up an XRP account. My God, the amount of stuff that has already happened in 24. Well, we’re going on.


How long are we going on here, guys? 8, 24, 32 hours. And we are seeing massive we’re seeing massive ice raids, et cetera, across the nation. Border shutdown change.


I mean, it’s this is getting everything we’ve been talking about for years is happening. And that is exciting. All right.


Trump suspends foreign assistance for 90 days. I meant to cover that this morning, but there wasn’t a good story on it yet. Nobody had penned one.


President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Monday suspending all U.S. foreign assistance programs for 90 days while his staff reviews whether they are aligned with his policy goals. Why? Why has this never happened in the past? Why has this not happened? Why are we funding countries that hate us, that fund terrorists? We give them money, freeze up their money so they can give to terrorists that then turn around and attack our interests abroad. Trump just saying, yeah, no more 90 days.


We’re going cold turkey. That might be why Janet Yellen’s not screaming, because he may not need as much money. But then it starts.


Democratic AG’s Attorney General Sue Trump over birthright citizenship executive order. Now, Mike Church had some interesting takes on that one. He’s going to be over at Liberty on Mainstream with the video dropping this week, talking about the birthright issue and a number of other issues.


Look forward to that one. Twenty-two Democrat-led states and two cities challenged President Trump’s executive orders restricting birthright citizenship on Tuesday, kicking off the legal battles between his new Justice Department and Democratic Attorney Generals. We’ve been waiting for this.


This is a necessary step. We know that it causes constitutional crises and allows things to be properly adjudicated. We knew this was coming, and it has started.


You want it to happen, to force the Great Awakening. Good stuff. Jason, it’s possible, but I don’t think it has happened yet in Iraq, but it is possible.


All right, you’re fired. Trump boots four high-profile Biden appointees, including Mark Milley. Fired.


Fired. A number of woke folks, of course. Now, supposedly this is a lady.


Coast Guard Commander Admiral Linda Fagan salutes the National Ensign while embarking on the U.S. Coast Guard. Cutter Calhoun. Trump was like, look, he was more interested on diversity, equity, and inclusion than on training and on making certain the Coast Guard was capable in implementing or, excuse me, in executing its roles in safeguarding the U.S. and U.S. interests.


He has been cleaning house of anybody that has already made it a point or was an avid Biden supporter. He just doesn’t want to deal with traitors from inside, and I don’t blame him. Time to empty the crazy.


I’m telling you, this guy, he has been on a rip. Trump signs executive order to fire top-career federal managers more quickly. The new chief executive hopes to replace federal government managers who fail to follow or implement his policies.


Now, what he’s looking for is he wants to be able to fire folks that blatantly refuse to do their job. In other words, they are so radicalized that they’re going to take their position and use it to stall change instead of implement change. So rather than work this same thing, if I owned a restaurant and had an employee that was desperately trying to kill my business because they didn’t like me, wouldn’t I want to fire them? I mean, you know, they’re throwing like hair in the food or spitting in it or just being really mean to customers on purpose.


Wouldn’t you want to get rid of them? I mean, it’s not good for your business, not good for your customers, and if it’s not good for your customers, it’s not good for your business. That’s all Trump’s looking for. So he signs executive orders to it.


It is going to cause a tremendous backwash from federal employees that thought they could ride this thing out. Just keep their heads down until Trump’s gone. If you’re not doing your job, you don’t get to ride it out.


He has been on a rip, guys. It’s getting almost too much. I’m getting absolutely exhausted keeping up with everything going on in politics the last couple of days.


Trump’s border czar. Ice raids targeting criminal, illegal aliens have already started. Yeah, I added the word have.


I thought it read better. Tom Hamm and President Trump’s border czar told Fox News and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have launched large-scale raids targeting criminal, illegal aliens, marking a significant shift in immigration policy. State of the public safety threats will be prioritized.


Yeah, crazy enough, I know. I told you guys I had folks inside telling us that they were targeting some of the projects in Chicago for removals of illegal gang members, and they have first rounds. Big one all across the country, especially here.


Plans of ice raids, more specifically, once an illegal alien infested Chicago were first reported by the Wall Street Journal. It is happening, guys. All those things you were asking for, make things safer, do things right.


There will be reactions. You have a lot of cornered rats. They’re looking for any way out and off the ship right now.


Yeah. 2856 Twitch, it is watching you. Be crazy.


Bugger, you need to get better, period. Don’t overdo it. Otherwise, I’m going to let her pinch you.


No, brother, I’ll still try to protect you from her. Please make the winning stop. Please, please, please make the winning stop.


Tommy Took, there’s nothing to explain right now on Moore v. Alliant. It is a lower case that somebody hyped us into believing was a Supreme Court case. I have been told that there is a movement to move it to the Supreme Court.


There’s a lot going on, but there’s nothing for you guys to worry about right now on that front. I think it’s a great prepper for Nassara. Mr. Happy, I’ll be in Mar-a-Lago in May, possibly sooner.


Crude oil prices dropped by 2% after Trump’s energy executive actions. Well, more like 2.5% for anybody that is tracking it or keeping up with it, guys. Right now, fuel would be going up, not down.


Trump’s drill, drill, drill, drill, drill. Loosening up restrictions, Alaska, et cetera, already has the markets reacting by lowering our price to a more moderate level. Still not fantastic, $76, $77 a barrel.


He clearly wants to get it. He said before he wants to get it to around $50 a barrel and consistent. Yeah, came out in DC jail that was refusing President Trump’s executive orders.


It’s not going well for them. I’m told there are entire teams there to straighten things out. Oh, watching some of that.


I don’t know when to tell you true conspiracies on when with the chatter in the bond community, with some of the chatter that’s starting in groups in settlement folks. Could be as early as tonight, tomorrow, sometime in the next days is what they’re all saying. I don’t know.


Watching Iraq, Sunday, Monday. I don’t know. I just know I’m very excited and things seem to be moving extremely well and quickly.


For me, the money, that’s really cool. So many people suffering. We can do great things with it, but it’s all these other changes that are more important to me.


Bringing back sanity, having hope, the possibility of real employment and growth for our children in the next generation, not crippling debt, crippling health. There’s so much that I’m excited about. I mean, don’t get me wrong.


I’m very excited about a reset where we get a much increased value for all of our years of hell that we have gone through. But all this other, the fixing of the republic, the fixing of the world, the releasing of humanity, the technology, all those things are much bigger and more important to me. Always have been.


Well, I shouldn’t say that. If this thing would have gone in the first couple of years, it would have just been the big house, the mansions, and the cars. God has softened me.


He’s used me, he’s softened me, and he’s straightened me out. And he’ll do it again throughout life. Joy, some way the imperative would make me happy right now as well.


Wait, Benny Johnson’s wife just had another baby boy. Congratulations, Benny. To you, your wife, and your family.


Hello, Tanya. Yep, exactly. Far more important, far more important by Canada, please.


If you want to have fun, poke some fun, let me see if I can find this link. I’m not going to be able to find it. I was hoping to be able to find a link.


Jeremy made a shirt. It’s hilarious. Over at Civilly Disobedient.


It’s got a Canadian maple leaf, part of it’s red, part of it’s like the American flag, and it says 51 for the 51st state. I thought it was hilarious. And guys, we’re not trying to overtake Canada.


Knucklehead, amen to that, Mark. The Lord has changed my outlook dramatically. I mean, like, massive change.


Patricia, no, but I will reach out to his family while the mushroom ladies are talking, see if I can get us an update on Rod Steel during the program for those that would like to stick around. And again, guys, I do have the notorious, highly educated, and super sweet ladies, the mushroom ladies, joining us this evening. PerpWalks with Mr. C on Friday.


Wouldn’t that be great? Five Spartans. Mr. C did check in today just to see what he’s hearing, what I’m hearing, etc. We don’t have anything to share at this point at this time, but we are both very hopeful.


I wish they would buy New York State. Maybe take California back, too, right? Yeah, guys, Rod Steel was in a bad car accident, multiple broken bones, surgery the other day to repair some of the worst of it. I will get an update while we are talking.


Hannah, you don’t need to take over Canada. Many of us will come willingly. Oh, that’s great.


South Alabama roots. I live on Mobile Bay, Alabama, that opens out into the Gulf of America. We got seven inches of snow so far and still snowing.


Crazy and beautiful, once in a lifetime for us Southerners. Kukla Andy is supposed to join us tomorrow. I’m going to try to get an update out of him as well while the ladies are talking.


Yeah, I had him just, oh, windman Keeney, right? Clista, yes, I’m ignoring it on purpose. I have to, Clista. It’s a security issue.


Although you do know I’ll be there in May for the Charlie Ward event. All right, let’s see. Larry, your wisdom has grown by leaps and bounds.


For God’s counsel, either Rod or staff continue to aid you. I appreciate that one, Larry. Oh, boy, I tell you, I don’t know if I can find it.


Is it in here? Dave, you guys know him from Gipper News. He shared a singing, Marines singing. Just, I tell you, the revival we’re seeing, Alf Asking or Alp Hasting, 20, thank you for that donation.


We’ll make certain it gets there where it’s supposed to go, over on the Rumble side. Man, I don’t see it in here. I must have already erased the email after I watched it, but it was just, we’re watching a resurgence, a revival going on, and it is so encouraging.


We’re seeing people come to Jesus, discover or reawaken or rededicate. It’s like a whole world with hope. It’s so encouraging right now.


All right, let’s bring these ladies in. Yeah, Trump told them they had to return to work five days a week or else I’m loving it. Can you imagine the meltdowns going on in so many households right now? Let’s get to it.


Let’s bring them in. Hey, how are you? I’m good. I don’t know how you guys did it yesterday.


You and Zester. Zester was like still going at eight o’clock last night. It’s because he got a break for a while.


It was crazy. I’m tired and I’m not even doing anything. I was like in my 11th hour in front of the computer and I was like, I can’t.


I’ve left once to pee. Thank you so much because I’m sure for many of us, you’re always there for us and we do appreciate it, but I don’t know how you guys did it yesterday. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I think there’s going to be more of those coming as Trump keeps making so many changes. I think there’s going to be a lot of marathons in the near future. If you do talk to Rod Steele, let him know.


I just put a package of stuff in the mail to him. I will. I’m going to talk to him while you ladies are talking.


Excellent. Awesome. Well, so exciting to be on this platform.


Guys, there’s so much going on in the world right now, but there’s still things that this community can help with. We had such a great response from the food giveaway that we did that we would like to do another one. I had one of the community call me and say that her dog loved the freeze-dried food so much that he licked a bowl that she thought he was trying to dig to China and he wouldn’t stop licking the bowl.


He loved it so much. Then when she put his regular food down because she was switching it up, he didn’t want to eat it. She said thank you and she was so happy.


We want to do more of that stuff. Every time you guys go to marksteepets.com and order, it helps us so that we can do more to help other members in the community. I’m Diana.


This is Kristen. We’re both certified in pet nutrition. Kristen is certified in mushrooms, mycology.


We have a couple of testimonials because I keep getting requests for more testimonials. This is what I love about what we’re doing is that when you guys have something and share with me, it just makes me do the happy dance. Sometimes my husband will walk out in the living room and I’ll be dancing all over.


It’s because I got another testimonial. I have a couple to share today. First one is from Marie and Charles.


They actually have been doing mushroom therapy, the human side of it, for the past, oh, I’m going to say six to eight months now. They’re both a little overweight and they both have some health issues. Everyone they know has been sick in the last two to three weeks, everyone.


They said they actually looked at each other the other day and said, we haven’t been sick. We’re the only ones in our group that hasn’t been sick. They know that their immune system is getting the support that it needs.


We’re really excited about that because this is why we do what we do is to keep the immune systems working properly. We also have a really great story about a great Pyrenees who really wasn’t moving around very well. Nine years old, having a lot of difficulty moving.


They wanted to start the dog on a steroid shot and the mommy and daddy just weren’t sure about it. Plus it was quite expensive. We started the pup on our mushroom and within four days, she said, I looked at the dog and I knew he was happier.


I just love hearing that. Then she said within five days, the dog was actually moving better. For me, that warms my heart because now we’re two weeks into it.


The dog’s moving really well. She’s only spending $15 a month because she’s cutting the mush ponies in half because it’s such a big dog. Again, we love these testimonials.


They make us so happy. This is the greatest one. One of our advocates on Mark C’s team lives in Florida.


He went to a grooming shop and was the groomer and the groomer was talking about her son who had to spend $31,000 to save his German shepherd. He lived less than a half hour from me in Nevada. What are the odds of that? I met with him the other day and I brought him some mushroom therapy.


The dog is recovering, but the dog’s been through so much. We want to help the dog’s immune system. He said he’s a good since he’s gone through all this.


He called me two days later and said the dog is gobbling down the mush ponies and absolutely loves them. He’s so excited for what we might be able to do to help this dog. Isn’t it fun how the circles of people, Mark is in Puerto Rico.


One of his advocates is in Miami. Her son is in Nevada a half an hour from me. We’re able to help that animal.


Just love that. Today we’re here to educate. We’re animal lovers.


We’re also pet parents. We just want our fur babies and our pet parents to live longer and healthier. It’s important to us that we do it with high ethics.


It’s important that we do it with high quality products. We are a pet health company with a pet parent corner. We are the first company of its kind.


We’re the colon mushroom. Baking it into absolutely scrumptious, and yes, we have tried both of them, the animal treats. Baking it into these scrumptious treats that the animals can think they’re getting a treat, but really they’re getting a life enhancing biscuit.


We’re very, very particular about what we do. No wheat, no corn, no preservatives, no soy. Even in our human product, no corn.


We don’t ever use corn in any of our products. It’s not good for our animals, nor for us actually. We have made these treats and we’ve done these treats so that we can help our dogs’ immune systems.


Our immune systems are so important for us, and Kristen’s going to cover that in a few minutes, but also for our animals. If the immune systems are healthy, everything else just falls into place. Whether it’s something simple like an allergy, or whether it’s something more catastrophic, like this dog that we’re dealing with here in Nevada has, which is a cancer problem.


A lot of you know my story. Next month will be my five-year mark of being cancer free. I’m very excited because at that point I’m allowed to say that I’m C-U-R-E-D.


I don’t think I can say it without getting us kicked off YouTube, so I’m going to be really careful here. You have to be. Exactly, but this is really an amazing thing for me that I think back to five years ago that when I started taking the corioles for Sucola mushroom, and I really wasn’t sure what was going to happen in my life.


I wasn’t sure if I was going to die. I wasn’t sure if I was going to live. I wasn’t sure if we could afford me being that sick.


All of the questions that go through someone’s head when they’re told they have the big C-word. How sick am I going to be? What’s going to happen to my family? All of the things, and then to know that 30 days later I’m in remission because of a God-given product, the corioles for Sucola mushroom. I’m so thankful to be here.


I’m so thankful to share. A lot of you have had me on the phone with people who are dealing with what I was dealing with, and I love those conversations. I hate that I have to have them, but I love having them because I can commiserate.


I can speak their language, so if you have anybody that just needs to talk that is going through what I went through, please get them in touch with me. Email me, and we’ll set up a time because I really believe that this happened to me so that I could help others. I want to talk a little bit about some fun facts about mushrooms.


I’m going to have to read them because there’s so many of them. First of all, is the mushroom a fruit or a vegetable? Do you know? Is the mushroom a fruit or a vegetable? Neither. It’s its own kingdom.


It is its own kingdom, right. It is a fungus, so that’s kind of exciting that a lot of us think it’s a vegetable, and it’s kind of put in the vegetable family, but it really isn’t a vegetable. Oh, Rod has had two successful surgeries on his back and fingers.


So far the doctor’s not sure. Oh, bless his little heart. He’s in a lot of pain, but good spirits.


Rod, if you’re listening, we love you, and I’ve got a package on its way to you. It sounds like things are going in the right direction. Thanks for that, Mark.


Mushrooms require such a small amount of land to grow, which makes them so amazing. First of all, one acre of land can grow a million pounds of mushrooms. I mean, really? They also can grow indoors.


They grow 24-7, and they’re grown in every single state. They pretty much can be grown all over the world, and Pennsylvania is like the biggest supplier of mushrooms out there. Go figure.


Who would have known that? Mushrooms are unique because, unlike any other item, they’re so much more sustainable because they need so little to grow, and that’s what makes them so incredible. Here’s this amazing thing that could do so many things for us, and Kristen’s going to talk about the human side of it, but you just heard me talk about some of the things for animals. They come in different shapes and sizes.


Some of them grow in damp areas. Some of them grow in dry areas, but to me, it’s one of those things where all mushrooms are a miracle. They’re just a miracle that’s been put here by God, and they all contain vitamin D, and some mushrooms even have the unique ability to increase your vitamin D amounts.


Crazy, crazy, crazy. Most mushrooms go through four stages, which is the button stage, the pin stage, the mature stage, and the synthetic stage, and in the wild, they go through five stages, and that’s really important during their life cycle. They go through a spore, and then a germination, then a mycelia, then a pyromia, and then the fruited body.


It’s really important that when you’re buying mushrooms and you’re eating and taking mushrooms for, we want to call them functional purposes, not just pleasure of eating them, you want to make sure that you’re getting the mushrooms that are being harvested at the right time. The fruited body of the turkey tail is the most beautiful mushroom you’ve ever seen, but when they harvest it, it’s actually the easiest to harvest then. You get the most bang for your buck.


However, it’s not as potent as it is in the mycelium stage, so it’s important that you are getting the proper mushroom that’s been harvested at the right time. I like to say you can go to a discount store and you can find turkey tail mushroom for a lot less expensive, but it doesn’t have the polysaccharides in it. It doesn’t have the PSP and the PSK, and we don’t know when it’s been harvested.


It’s kind of like gas station sushi. You know it’s available, it’s out there, but would you really want it? Anyhow, I just thought some fun facts about mushrooms would be good to share. Remember that when you purchase from Mark Z Pets, you are helping this community, and we are going to be doing an Easter food giveaway, so we’re excited about that.


Possibly even one sooner, but I’m going to turn it over to Kristen, and she’s going to talk a little bit more about mushrooms. Those facts are a lot of fun, but there’s also a documentary. If you’re a nerd like me and you just love good information, there’s a really great documentary called Fantastic Fungi, and I’ve been listening to you, of course, but also reading all of the hilarious jokes, and I’m like, yeah, I love dad jokes.


I can’t get on like puns and stuff, so I’m just laughing over here to myself. You guys are, your jokes are so funny. Please keep them coming.


I love them all, but yeah, watch that Fantastic Fungi documentary. It is fascinating not only to learn more about mushrooms, which in and of themselves, it kind of sounds boring, but when you learn how they interact with the world, how they’re… I can’t resist. I can’t resist this one.


Majority vitamin D deficiency. Do you know that you can take an already picked dried mushroom, put it in the sun, and the vitamin D content in the mushroom goes up. It absorbs the sun.


It is the craziest thing. All right, I’ll shut up now. I love that, though.


Thank you, Mark, because that is so amazing what these mushrooms can do. It’s amazing, and it’s one of the only things, like plants don’t do that to the capacity that mushrooms do, and also if there’s a vitamin D deficiency, guess what? The sun converts cholesterol in your body into vitamin D, so if you have someone that’s high in cholesterol and low in vitamin D, sunlight, exposure to sunlight can help their body convert the cholesterol into vitamin D, which will balance the body, so it’s really incredible. There’s just so many abundant, free things that we can do to help us get back on the right track because God has given us everything we need abundantly in nature, so yes, I love that.


Watch the fantastic fungi documentaries. You can learn more about what mushrooms do and how nature communicates through a mycelial network of mushrooms. It’s the most fascinating thing ever.


It’s almost like they’re holding the planet together. Well, they literally are. Yeah, exactly.


80% of the earth is covered by this mycelial network that’s out there, and it holds everything together, and most of the air that we breathe has mushroom spores in it, so it’s in everything. It’s everywhere. The answer to a lot of what we’re experiencing, the answer to a lot of our problems is literally right under our feet and all around us, and so because of that, because there are so many types of mushrooms, and then when you get into each type of mushroom, there are so many different strains, and it can feel really overwhelming, especially as people are beginning to understand all the benefits of mushrooms and how powerful they are for the body and for the immune system, not only for ourselves but for our pets as well.


It’s really important that you’re doing your due diligence and making sure that you’re taking a very pure and potent strain. A lot of manufacturers are kind of jumping onto the wave, and they want to take advantage of what’s happening, and you know, their extraction process can be ineffective. The type of mushroom strain they’re using might not be as potent or as pure, so that’s something that’s really important.


Check into where you’re getting your mushrooms from. Make sure they’re not using any synthetic or artificial fillers or anything like that. Make sure everything’s naturally sourced, but we’re really careful with our mushroom strain.


Specifically, it’s the most potent strain. There are over 400 published studies on this mushroom that show you the efficacy of the strain. We do have it scientifically proven efficacy.


We have an optimal nutrient profile. We extract it at a very specific phase, and it’s mycelial stage that, like Diana said, increases the number and types of polysaccharides. We have both the PSP and the PSK present in very high numbers, so it is very potent.


A lot of times, you’ll see like the gas station sushi. You’ll see these other options online, which are great, and it’s better than taking none. We always encourage to get mushrooms into your system, but sometimes it can be diluted, and so it will take one bottle of our enforced mushrooms can do what five or six or seven bottles of another strain or another type of extraction process might be able to do, so that’s something to be aware of.


Also, make sure that whatever mushrooms you’re taking are tested regularly for purity and potency. That’s something that’s very important that they have very stringent quality control, and then also bioavailability. We want to make sure that the product is absorbable, that it’s getting into the system as quickly as possible.


We want to use extraction processes that increases that bioabsorption and makes the product much more effective, so I use a lot of like fancy words. I hope that that makes sense, but those are just some things that we like to teach people because it’s hard to know really what’s good and really what’s not good, and you know, this has been such a gift. Like you heard some stories Diana shared.


That is literally a handful of the countless stories that are coming in of what the immune system’s able to do when it has the Coriolis Versicolor mushroom. Now, while the Coriolis Versicolor mushroom is a core mushroom, we recommend every pet, every person, every day should at least be taking the Coriolis Versicolor mushroom because your immune system is the most important system in your body. It repairs and recovers.


It regulates systems. It regulates hormone. It rebalances.


It really helps to keep everything in harmony and everything running smoothly, so the most important thing we can do for our pets and ourselves is to keep that immune system fed and to keep it supported. Now, if you are looking for a more targeted approach, maybe you have some very specific concerns, we do have some complementary mushrooms that go well with the Coriolis Versicolor mushroom, so we recommend taking them together. So like for example, we have our Enforce Plus, which has a little bit of the Reishi mushroom in it along with the Coriolis Versicolor mushroom, and this is really helpful for regulating blood pressure levels, blood sugar levels, helps with digestive issues.


It’s an alkalinic mushroom, so very helpful for the body because we are all experiencing so much toxicity in our world, in the water, in the air, in all the stuff we’re putting onto our bodies. There’s so much toxicity, so this body’s constantly trying to detox, and it causes a lot of liver problems. We’re seeing a rise in pancreatic problems, so we also have the Enforce Restore, which is the Maitake mushroom, a completely different type of mushroom that complements the Coriolis Versicolor mushroom, that helps specifically with liver and pancreas support.


And then this is really important right now, we have the Enforce Shield, this is the Shiitake mushroom, and again, it’s a great source of natural vitamin D actually, very high in antioxidants, but it helps to promote antiviral functions. All of us hear about this new bioweapon that’s going around, that’s causing all kinds of problems, and we need to get that shield up in our bodies. And the Shiitake mushroom, because it promotes antiviral functions in the body, and so rich in antioxidants, there’s a lot of great research that’s been done on how that can be effective and helpful, along with keeping our immune system supported.


And then we also have the Lion’s Mane mushroom with the Enforce Clarity, which is great for nerve and brain support, also maintaining a healthy weight, if that’s something that you struggle with. So there are just so, the Coriolis Versicolor mushroom is a great core mushroom, but there are some complementary mushrooms that work with it to create a synergy instead of competing, because sometimes we see that in mushroom products, there’s like 10 mushrooms in one product. Well, that sounds good, and it sounds like you’re getting a bunch of different things and all this extra support, but unfortunately, not all mushrooms play well together.


Sometimes they can compete against each other and neutralize each other’s effects. So we want to make sure we’re using complementary mushrooms that are actually accelerating our progress and giving us a more targeted approach. Now, the implementing mushroom therapy into your life, into your pet’s life can be really helpful for your body.


Also, we’re noticing there’s a huge mineral deficiency, especially in our pets, because a lot of the foods and treats and toys that we’re buying from the store is toxic for them and just minerally depleted. So this is what’s causing a lot of heart and liver and kidney problems. Also, a lot of damage sometimes from the big pharma when they’re on these medications for chronic conditions.


It’s just doing this irreversible damage. And so we want to try to get them as many minerals as we can. And so we actually implement naturally shed deer and elk antler, and this is very mineral rich.


It has lipids, which help with the growth and development. It has collagen, which helps with their bones and their ligaments and their tendons and their cartilage. It has calcium, which supports their bone and their dental health.


It has glucosamine and potassium and phosphorus and magnesium. So just all of these great minerals that again are found abundantly laying on the ground in nature, available for animals to enjoy. So we have some toys that utilize naturally shed A and B grade antler, which is very important because the C grade and chalk antler that we usually find at the stores could be brittle.


It can have a bad smell. It can be really messy. So we want to give them A and B antler only.


And then we also have dog biscuits that we bake the antler powder into called Bucky Bites, especially if your pet has any heart or kidney issues or they’re chewing on rocks or wood or grass or dirt or licking their paws a lot. A lot of times that’s their way of showing you or telling you that they need more minerals. And so the Bucky Bites are a great dog biscuit.


You can just give them one a day. You can make sure they’re getting all those essential minerals into their systems. That’s only going to help their body even more.


So those are some of just the various things that we run into being certified in pet nutrition. And we see all that our animals are dealing with. We see all that people are dealing with.


Those are some natural things that we can do to help. We’ve had so many, like you said, the jokes are hysterical. This is like a comedy central here.


Magic mushrooms. A lot of people joking about them. Okay.


These aren’t magic mushrooms guys. But we do have a couple of questions I want to answer. Do we ship to Scotland? Yes.


The Chihuahua. The Chihuahua has a lot going on. First of all, we definitely need to work with you as a little bit more than what I can answer here.


So please email me. But first of all, for seizures, let’s get him on a little bit of the lion’s mane and our chill doggies. Let’s get his immune support, that extra support that it needs with the corioles, versicola, mushrooms.


Something’s out of balance. Something happened. And the immune system knows exactly what’s wrong or what’s out of balance in the body.


And so the immune system can go address the source of whatever’s creating those types of symptoms. Yeah. We definitely want to put the baby on the super sauce and the cat question.


Yes. Yes. Yes.


Cats, mushrooms. They love it. The super sauce.


But remember, as everybody who has cats now, cats do things on their own terms, on their own time. And sometimes you have to expose them to something a couple of times before they’ll trust it. We had someone ask if they were going to start with a first product, what would they start with? You know, our first go to always is the basic in force because it is the most supportive of the immune system.


Yeah, it’s a core mushroom. That’s what we call it because it will take care of a lot of issues. Someone said they were allergic to penicillin.


So they were afraid to try mushrooms. Well, I wouldn’t be afraid. I mean, of course, we always talk to your doctor first, but penicillin is a mold, not a fungus.


And also we have had many people who have been allergic to mushrooms, try our product. And we’ve only had one person so far that had a tiny, tiny little bit of a reaction. Everyone else has found, wow, I’m allergic to mushrooms, but I’m taking a product with no issues.


One girl in particular, who had rheumatoid arthritis so bad that as a young under under 50, she couldn’t even get to work before 10 o’clock in the morning because she was so swollen every morning. She’s been on our product now for four years with no flare ups at all. She’s even been able to have her rings resized because she doesn’t have that swelling and the tendency that she used to have, but she was severely allergic to mushrooms.


And because of the purity of this wholesome food, that’s all that it is. She was able to take them with no reaction. We also had someone, the real firecracker, yes, I did get the email about your sister with the bone marrow cancer, and I have reached out and offered to have a conversation with her and maybe help her through what she’s going through.


But, you know, it’s pretty simple what we’re doing. We’re just trying to help animals and help people. I do want to just mention, because we’re going to keep it short tonight because everybody’s tired.


It’s been a long, incredibly exciting two days. I think we sent Mark a picture of all of us yesterday with our Trump champagne and celebrating this great, great thing that’s happened in our country. I showed everybody last night, you guys.


We had a ball. It was a lot of fun. More fun than any football game.


It would have been more fun if you had been there. The Smart Ship program is really good for all of you. It is, come on, the fungi, my husband has one that says I’m a fun guy.


So fun gal, fun guy. The Smart Ship program is really good because it allows you to keep all of your information stored right in the computer so that when you are ready to order, you can go in and edit it. You can put it on pause, cancel it.


You can do it so simply. One click of a button. If you’re not on Smart Ship, I do encourage you to do that because it also gives you free shipping.


Who doesn’t want free shipping? If you run out of our products, basically you’re out. It’s not like you can run down to the store and buy these. These are proprietary to our company.


We take great care in how we make them. You’re not going to find them anywhere else. If you run out, then your poor animal is going to be looking like you.


Hey, mom, where’s my mush pup here? Where’s my super sauce? Where’s the stuff? Yeah, where’s my shrooms? So you want to make sure that you have them on Smart Ship so that they come on a regular basis. And like I said, it’s very easy to edit it, put it on hold. And we’re excited about that.


The Advocate program is also really exciting. Mark now has advocates in the UK, in Australia, all over the United States. We’re looking at one almost getting ready to start in Scotland.


That’s so exciting. This Advocate program is about being a voice, helping our animals with naturally wholesome, holistic items, as well as their parents. Our pet parent corner is there too.


And so if anybody’s interested in being a voice, we would love to have you just reach out to us at the originalmarkzpets at gmail.com. And we will get right back to you and talk to you about how that works. And then also, we do have bulk buying. From our last podcast, we had quite a few people take care of the bulk buying program.


You can get free product. And that’s really wonderful. Who doesn’t want free product, right? So if you’re interested in the bulk buying program, let us know.


But with that, you know, we can take some more questions here. I know that a lot of you are tired. Mark, you’re tired.


And we thank you for everything that you’ve done. Kukla is going to put up our mushroom chart on the telegram room. It basically talks about the different mushrooms and what they’re good for.


Because there’s a lot of information. I know a lot of you get confused. But again, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


We’re here to help. And we just want your fur babies to feel great. And we want you to feel great too.


Thank you for the jokes. Yeah, the jokes have been great. They’ve been good.


You ladies were absolutely fantastic. I do think everybody needs to get a good night’s sleep after the festivities the last few days. It has been.


It has been. I mean, it started for us Sunday morning at 7am. It didn’t end until midnight last night.


It was great. Exactly. All right, folks, should have Andy tomorrow.


He’s not responded. But the plan is to have Andy Sheckman tomorrow morning. And we get our first post inaugural whiskey and wisdom tomorrow night.


All right, everybody take care. See you in the morning.

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