FRANK26 – LD’S AND A VOTE (Uncut) 01-21-2025
FRANK26…1-21-25……..LD’S AND A VOTE
Second to last page. I just got to keep refreshing, right? Yep. You got it.
Oh my god. Can you hear me? There you are. Is it her? And she can prove this? Can she send you a picture? Can you tell me which denominations? How did it happen to her? Did they present them to her? Did she walk into a bank? No kidding.
Can you help me a little more? What did she say? Correct? It’s very exciting because of what I’m going to release tonight and because of what you got. Are you willing to talk with me tonight and just share this? No worries. No worries.
You allow me to share this? All right. And I know you can’t communicate with her, can you? Well, next time we want to know what bank, we want to know which ones were released. Because she’s right.
She’s right. Yeah, probably. Probably.
But she is correct, OK? But you see, we’re live right now and people are listening to me, so I don’t want to say anything. But I’ll explain all of that tonight on our call. You should dial in.
Oh yeah, that’s right. That’s right. I remember that.
Yeah, that’s right. All righty. Well, I’ll find time if I can to call you tomorrow or you call me, and I’ll update you and we’ll talk, OK? Anytime after 1 in the afternoon.
All right. Thanks, buddy. Take care.
Bye-bye. Bye. Marine.
Good source. Oh, we’re supposed to start a UbiTubi now? Last UbiTubi was Friday, 17th? Yeah. 17th? Yep.
Thank you. Dear God, this is crazy. Resend.
This link does not work. Oh, dear God. You come do this, man.
Three, two, one, go. The recording has started. Oh, of course.
This is not plugged in. Unbelievable. I used to be a demon Ubi until I watched Frank’s UbiTubi.
With a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side. Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide. So whenever I meet a Deenovics, I tune into Frank26.
He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here. This is the Deenogbeat.
Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie. It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing.
So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring. So whenever I meet a Deenovics, I tune into Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.
Tune in now, tune in here. This is the Deenogbeat. Sit up, be patient, and get ready.
Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie. Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight. Come on, Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I meet a Deenovics, I tune into Frank26.
He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here. This is the Deenogbeat.
Hey, dink, I need a cookie. Come on, dink, I deserve some cookies. Cookies, cookies, cookies.
Come on, dink, give up the cookies. This is the Deenogbeat. Greetings, family.
Welcome to another one of your Frank26 YouTube videos. We are It stands for keep the faith always in our Heavenly Father because we are a Christian-based organization. We study the Iraqi dinar and everything that we talk about it is just strictly my opinion.
But before we do anything, before we do anything, we always go to our Heavenly Father in prayer so we can prepare ourselves for what we’re about to do tonight. Will you join me as we pray? Abba, Heavenly Father, I thank you for your mercy and grace for it is enough. I have learned that nobody needs to go to hell.
And I’ve learned, sadly, that most of the times people don’t go to hell by themselves. I pray, Father, that we are in a new golden era of worship. I sincerely believe in my heart, Father, that you are preparing us with this investment so that we are ready for what is about to happen.
Forgive me of my sins. Be with me in all that I do. Be with the enemy.
Be with those, Father, that serve Satan. For one day they will have a long talk with you. Forgive me, Father, for when I don’t serve you properly either.
I’m excited about our country. I am excited about our nation. I’m excited about the next step.
And I thank you kindly, Father, for your mercy and grace and for allowing us to be here together together. For it is in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit, that I pray. Amen.
Amen. Amen. And amen.
Hi, Andy. Good to see you, brother. Hi, Frank.
Go right ahead and blow that shofar. All right. ♪♪♪ Amen.
Amen. Amen. Thank you, Andy.
See you at the end, buddy. Yes, sir. See you at the end.
Family, we have a lot to consider tonight. We have a lot of work. And right away, it’s important that we establish that everything that I say to you is just strictly my opinion on this subject.
This is a speculative investment. There is no date. There is no rate to offer you.
But there is a comprehensive study. And tonight, like we always do, we will be breaking down our study into three parts. Actually, yeah, sure, okay.
The first part is the articles that we’re going to look at and study. They need to be respected. The second part will be what Eddie and his team has to share with us.
And the third part will be what I desire to share with you from WalkingStick and all of our teams. I know you belong to Please come on in and go to the final article thread. We’re going to find article number 4928.
I just lost Internet. How about you? And I got it back. My fingers are frozen.
If you can… Okie dokie. So don’t… Here we go. So family, we are about to study the articles.
I know you’re a member of Come on in and go to the second to the last page. Now, the second to the last page, we’re going to start with final article number 4928. 4928.
Ready? Okay, here we go. Let me see where we’re at with our audience. Oh, they’re starting to come in.
It’s good to be with you. Thank you for allowing me to be in your presence. Ladies and gentlemen, final article number 4928.
The articles of today are important. For those of you that came and you watched as we were getting ready, you saw the phone call that came in, didn’t you? That is straight from Iraq. And I need to think about it.
I need to pray about it on how I will share this with you because it is the bow on the package of what we’re going to share with you tonight. So the problem is, the question is, do I just tighten that bow or do I go ahead and open it and share it with you too? Because you saw that it just came in. And I think you know, no, I don’t think you know who I was talking to.
That individual, his name was, call name is, were you old-timers? That was Iceman. That was Iceman. And his interpreter hasn’t called him in about over a year, maybe more than that, a year and a half.
And she was going crazy. Final article number 4928, the central bank calls for caution in transmitting news and explains the mechanism of the outlet’s work. What do I say up on top? What is the blue title for this? CBI says, don’t pay attention to anyone else but us.
How many times have I said that to you, family? How many times have I said, Eddie, KTFA family, don’t pay attention to anybody except Sudani, and I included Birzani. But now in this group, we also include Donald Trump. Donald Trump is of a great influence in the Middle East.
You can see the evidence of it. I don’t have to prove it to you. Now you’re also going to see the evidence of it in Iraq and Iran.
I don’t have to prove it to you. You’re about to see the evidence of it. The central bank calls for caution in transmitting news and explains the mechanism of this outlet’s work.
Up on top, I say CBI says to the citizens of Iraq, don’t pay attention to anyone but us. They are preparing the citizens to continue with the monetary reform education, and in doing so, they’re trying to get the attention of the Iraqi citizens. Don’t pay attention to anybody.
What does it say here, the next article that’s underneath it, or at least I put on there? In my opinion, this article, this article paves the way to make an announcement. What type of an announcement? When you read the article, you’ll know what type of an announcement. The article that’s right underneath it is a follow-up on the same subject.
Central Bank of Iraq, no decision or directive has been issued regarding the closure of the exchange outlets. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for this article? Pay attention to only us. We are not doing any of the things that they say.
Who is they? Parliament. What is Parliament saying? That they’re not going to lift the value, that they’re not going to vote, that there won’t be any budget, there won’t be any of that. So that’s why the CBI comes out and says, don’t pay attention to anybody but us.
You know, the ones that Frank26 keeps telling you to pay attention to. The fact that it is in writing is what makes it so good for me and my teams to share with you and tell you, behold, everything that we have shared with you is coming about in print. Everything we have ever suggested in our opinion is in print.
On a daily basis, it comes out even louder and louder. Today, it’ll scream at you. Final article number 4,929, Al Attawani.
The Finance Committee has made great strides in discussing amending the budget law. What do I say up on top? Scold it. Scold it.
And that equals disciplinary actions. What are you talking about, Frank? When you read this article, you’re going to find out that there are some things that need to be done, and because you’re not doing them, you’re going to be yelled at. You’re going to get in trouble.
You may get fined. You may get arrested. Hey, Al Attawani renewed his call to the government to expedite spending the 2025 budget tables.
What does that mean? What’s on your table on Thanksgiving? Good stuff to eat. What’s on the table of the monetary reform? The new exchange rate. Read these articles carefully, family.
Final article number 4,930, Iraq issues new bank notes. Excuse me? Iraq issues new bank notes. Okay, let me get this right.
They got 3-0 notes, which they’ve been collecting. Yeah. Which means that they’re not printing any more 3-0 notes.
Yeah. Iraq issues new bank notes. They’re not issuing 3-0 notes.
The new lower notes are already printed. In my opinion, they’re in positions. They’re in position in two places now.
Hold on, family. Is this what she reported? Um, Iraq issues new bank notes with what new bank notes? With innovated security features for the visually impaired. You looking at this with me? No, you are.
Okay, good. Scroll down. The Central Bank of Iraq has unveiled the security marks of the circulating bank notes with the aim of educating the public.
Did we not tell you that this would be the case? That there would be big bulletin boards and pictures of the currency and what they’re doing with them and the security features. Oh my goodness. And it’s in print? The Central Bank of Iraq has unveiled the security marks of circulating bank notes.
Of circulating bank notes. Oh, they’re already out there right now, huh? Yeah. So these notes that you just said that they are going to, you know, issue new bank notes, they already got them, right? Yeah.
So these bank notes that you’re talking about that have the visually impaired raised texture to it, they’re already out in the streets, huh? Yeah. I got one. A lot of people got them, Frank.
Iraq issues new bank notes with innovative security features for the visually impaired. And as we scroll down, the Central Bank of Iraq has unveiled the security marks of the circulating bank notes. These bank notes circulate.
Oh, so they’re already circulating. Okay. And they’ve unveiled it to the citizens of Iraq.
What? These little features. In case you’re blind, you can actually tell what that currency is. Well, this is good.
This is good. And why did you do this? With the aim of educating the public. Oh, monetary reform education? Yeah, Frank.
I wish I would have said that. You did. As well as companies and commercial banks that deal with these bank notes on a daily basis.
The Central Bank reviewed these improved security features through a technical bulletin, which was received by Safak News Agency. Everybody saw it. Which indicating the introduction of prominent features on the new.
Wait a minute. Now it’s new. Okay, so now they’re new bank notes? First, we’re going to issue on the new bank notes to enable the visually impaired to identify the bank note denomination by touch.
Now scroll down. Look at that. Look at all those colors.
Look at all those features. Look, there’s English. There’s Arabic.
Okay. In case you need to translate that. Look at all of these markers.
Look at all this stuff. Now it says in the context of awareness, the bank indicated that the public will have enough time. Okay.
You’re going to have enough time, public. What? To adapt to the new bank notes. I thought you said they’re in circulation.
Well, the features. Are you listening to me carefully now? The features on the three zero notes are already there. But on the new bank notes that are going to be coming out without zeros, they’ll also be on those and they will coexist together.
In fact, in the context of awareness, the bank indicated that the public will have enough time. You’re going to have enough time, citizens. Don’t worry.
Okay, sit down. Sit down. You’re going to have it.
Claire, sit down. You got enough time, Claire. Sit down.
Okay. Calm down. Calm down.
So, Claire, CBI says, yeah, you’re going to have enough time to adapt to the new bank notes. What do I say there in blue in parentheses? What’s my comment? There are no new three zero bank notes. I know.
But you’re going to have to adapt to the new lower notes that we’re going to hand out. Okay. And these new lower notes that we’re going to be handing out pretty soon, they got these features that are already on the three zero notes that are in your hands.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, the last batch that we made last year towards the end of the year, look at your denars.
You see the batch number and the serial number? Yeah. That last batch is the ones that have these security features on them. Yeah.
Yeah. We just want to show you in advance. Okay.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
In the conscious of awareness, the bank indicated to the public that you’re going to have enough time to adapt to the new bank notes. And I say there are no three zero three. No new three zero notes.
They’re talking about the new notes that are going to come out. They’re going to have enough time to adapt to them. Stressing the importance of sharing this information with those around them.
Everybody get it out into the rural areas. Get it. Everybody.
Tell everybody what the CBI is about to do. And then when you scroll down, voila. Wow.
Look at that. Look at that. One, two, three, four.
Look at all of that stuff. Look at all those colors. Look at that.
Look at all those symbols. Our American dollar doesn’t even have this type of security features on it. You got all this for a program rate? No, Frank.
All of this is for the new small notes. Well, then why are you showing me three zero notes right now? I’ll tell you in a minute. All right.
But look at this. Oh, there’s more to read. The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed that the new banknotes will be circulated alongside the old ones, and there will be no intention to withdraw the old banknotes from circulation, because they can coexist.
In fact, we’d much rather have it that way. United States of America, what? Do you still have three zero notes? Well, yeah. They never canceled them.
They do coexist, but they’re not in circulation. In fact, collectors have bought them up, like the 5,000 note, the 500 note, the 10,000 American note. We even had a one million note.
Yeah. Well, that’s funny you say that, Mr. Frank, because you know why? Why? It turns out that in the Middle East right now, we’re having conventions of currency collectors. I saw that.
I talked about it last week on my program. I was jealous. I would like to go.
My broker would love to go. He’s a currency collector. Yeah, that’d be cool.
So right now, what? These three zero notes are being bought up like crazy? Yeah. Even the old Swiss Saddam notes, everything is being bought. There’s a lot of change that’s going to happen with currencies in the Middle East and somewhere around the world.
So these investors, they’re all over here right now buying this stuff up. Look at all these beautiful colors. Yeah.
And the Central Bank of Iraq confirmed that the new bank notes will be circulated alongside the old ones, you know, the three zero notes that everybody’s buying right now. And there will be no intentions to withdraw the old bank notes from circulation because that costs money, that costs time, that costs the logistics. Look.
We’re back again. You know, I’m talking and I’m saying a lot and I have no idea if they are able to hear me. Family, would you please answer me before I go any further? It looks like we got Internet issues again.
Are you able to hear what I’ve just said? Because what I just said was very powerful. Were you able to hear everything I said? Did you miss any of it? I can hear you can hear you. Can you? So so the picture disappears, huh? Okay.
The picture does. Hey, toy VP. How you doing, buddy? So it looks like the picture does it, but you can still keep on hearing me.
In a way, you’re lucky. Let’s continue. And look at this.
How long is this article? This long? I think it’s like about three feet long. Look at all these pictures. Everything we told you that they were going to give them reconnect.
You know, family, I don’t know what to tell you. You see right now, it’s frozen again. And I mean, now you’re saying that I’m back.
So you see, it does freeze and it you’re not being allowed to hear everything. I’m trying to tell you. Yeah.
You see, you’re saying back now you missed what I have said. Abba. Heavenly Father.
I need your help. You can stop. You can stop the storm dead in its track.
You can stop the coldness that is hurting the Internet. Please allow me to finish this. Please help me.
I ask you because I believe in you and trust in you. And if it is your will, I too am willing to receive. In the name of your son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, I pray.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
The bank explained that its main objectives are to maintain the stability of domestic prices. And they did that, didn’t they, family, by stopping the auctions and going through a financial bubble that didn’t even really burst. The citizens worked with the banks.
It was to maintain the stability of domestic prices and ensure a financial system based on a stable competitive market. And it also aims to promote sustainable growth, job opportunities, and prosperity in Iraq. And, ladies and gentlemen, a program rate cannot do these things.
This is an introduction to the Iraqi citizens. Look at their new currency that they’re going to be receiving, the lower notes. Look at, in my opinion.
Look at the next picture. Look at this. So they’re going to start with citizens of Iraq.
Allow us to show you this bulletin board picture here. This is a 10,000 Iraqi note. This is the front, and this is the back.
You see all the safety features that we have on there? Okay, down in the bottom, we have broken down all the safety features. There’s 13 of them on the 10,000 note. Now, we want you to understand each and every one of them, okay? Now, go to the next picture.
This is the 1,000 Iraqi note. You see the features on there as well, too? This also has 13 features. The Central Bank of Iraq reviewed the distinctions of Iraqi banknotes, which are among the most complex security features for a program rate, and are manufactured from the best type of paper used in printing banknotes to ensure quality and security.
Dr. Shabibi, how do you feel? Pretty darn good, Frank. Me, too, sir. Continuing, then they show them the 250 dinar note.
Iraqi citizens, these are your 250. Front, back, these are all your markers. There are 13 of them.
Know them well. Iraqi citizens, this is the 50,000 dinar note. Look at all the features.
There are 15 features. The bank stressed that any attempt. I love it because they blew it already, man.
The bank stressed that any attempt to manufacture, possess, or pass counterfeit banknotes is a criminal act punishable by law, calling for any counterfeit banknotes to be handed over to the police and the Central Bank of Iraq. Iraqi citizens, behold. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Seven. It’s seven of them. Hold on.
Hold on, family. The headquarters of the Central Bank of Iraq is located in the center of the capital Baghdad, and it has three branches in the cities of Barsa, Musul, and Erbil within the Kurdistan region. Iraqi citizens, this is your 5,000 note.
This is the front. This is the back. It has 13 features.
Iraqi citizens, this is the 500 Iraqi note. Look at the front and the back. It has 13 features.
Iraq issues new banknotes. The Central Bank of Iraq revealed today, Sunday, that the new security marks for the circulating banknotes with the aim of enhancing public awareness in addition, besides public awareness, monetary reform, education, in addition to companies and commercial banks that deal with these banknotes on a daily basis, indicating that the new banknotes will circulate alongside the old ones, and the old banknotes will not even be withdrawn from circulation because there’s no need for it. Underneath it, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten pages.
Look at that. Look at these. These are the boards we told you about.
So, ladies and gentlemen, you got yourself, oh, there we go. You got yourself, like, for example, let’s just do a 1,000 that they show you there. Let’s go with the bank because you can see the numbers there.
So, it’s got 13 security features. The American dollar doesn’t even have that. The bar that’s right here is so highly advanced and high-tech.
Again, the American dollar doesn’t even have something like that. Now, the thing is, though, look, okay, this is a 10,000, right? Is that what that is? Yeah, 10,000. Here.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of these bills, but I just want to show something to you. There’s an example of a 10. There’s an example of a 500.
I think it’s a 1,000. Is it 1,000? It’s a 1,000. Thanks, sweetheart.
I just work here. I just clean the bathrooms. What’s the next one underneath it? A 250.
So, here’s just three as an example, okay? Here’s just three as an example. Now, if you pay attention, you’ll realize, oh, my goodness. When you look at the pictures, let me see.
Oh, so that’s how you can tell if you’re blind. Okay. But why are they on the 3-0 notes? Why are they on the 3-0 notes? If I had a 25K note here, you know, I’d feel the same thing.
That’s what they’re telling the citizens. Why? Why on the 3-0 notes? Because you’re going to coexist with. Okay.
They’re going to coexist with. With Casper. They’re going to coexist with the lower notes that are somewhere well-protected, okay? Yeah, they’re going to coexist.
You ready for this? Give me a drum roll. Somebody give me a drum roll. Go ahead.
Go ahead. The new, this isn’t my opinion. This is strictly my opinion, okay? There’s a lot of people that don’t like me.
They don’t like my opinion. But they’re sitting here going. And I’ll stop the teasing.
The reason why they’re using the 3-0 notes to educate the Iraqi citizens is not just because they will coexist with the new small category notes, but they will look exactly like the old notes. The only difference is the zeros will be gone. So that’s why this article is so popular in Iraq and everybody’s going crazy.
For those of you that are old-timers that have been with me for a long time, you know who Iceman is. You know he served three hitches. You know why he had to come home.
You know his interpreter is still there. You know that she calls once in a blue moon. The last time she called is when they, you know, that her father’s brother is in charge of one of the four major banks in Iraq.
And it was over two years ago that she called Iceman and said, Iceman, you were right. What? We are going to be given new currency. We are going to be given purchasing power.
Why do you say this? My uncle just took me and my dad in the back and we saw what they’re doing. We see what they’re doing. It looks like the old currency, my dad said, from the old days.
And that’s why I rehashed this story because of those of you that are good students with me, you remember that the old man said that. It looks like the old currency from when my younger days. Brother, what’s this? We’re coming out with purchasing power to our currency and this is the currency they’re going to be giving us.
When? I don’t know. So today Iceman calls. He says, hey, Frank, I just heard from our translator, from our contact.
She says that they have released some of the small notes, printed version, impaired notes also. Any news on your end? And I said to him, which ones? So he tells me which ones. You know what? You’re right.
And that’s enough because we can’t, you know, this is just our opinion, all right? So I’m asking in a nice way. First of all, I’m saying thank you, thank you, thank you. And I’m asking, interpreter, can you please just get us pictures? Tell us which ones that they gave you.
Are they releasing them all at once? Or is it just a few at a time? I mean, they released these pictures to you two days ago. But the whole thing falls on one thing. The amendment budget readings.
And we’ll get to that pretty soon. Do you have any questions? You understand they’re using the old 3-0 notes to show them the features that are going to be on the new lower notes because the 3-0 notes that are still left out there, and they’re not going to bother collecting any more, are going to coexist with the new lower notes that they’re going to be giving them, which will have those braille security features on them. And they will look exactly like the ones they have now.
Brilliant. Except the zeros will be gone. Hey, bus driver.
If anybody wants to help us, we appreciate you. We appreciate you. We need help with walking students.
Not this week, but for next week. But I plan to see if anyone wants to help us, thank you. So the interpreter is… Are they… Ooh, look at jaw-dropping.
I know, son of God. This is jaw-dropping. I give all honor and glory to God.
And when you think about it, everything that we’ve told you, in my opinion, is alive and breathing very well, don’t you think? So? If we’re waiting for the float of the basket, what is it that’s going to give us the float of the basket? The amendments? Final article number 4931. Parliamentary Finance Committee votes on the proposal to amend paragraph 12 of the budget law. Praise God, praise God, praise God.
Hey, Rebecca Hill. How you doing, sister? Thank you kindly. Did you hear that? Did you hear that? That’s pretty good, ain’t it, how I walk right into it, you know, how I put the articles together, and I go from one subject to another, and it makes sense, and you’re like, oh, yeah, pretty good, huh? Nothing on my sleeve, said Bullwinkle.
Thank you. So final article number 4931. Parliamentary Finance Committee votes on the proposal to amend paragraph 12 of the budget law.
What’s the blue title for this? In my opinion, there’s a third reading. Family, there is a budget, right? And there is a part of it that was dissected by Sudani. And when he dissected this part of the budget, he says, hey, parliament, I’m sending it to you.
Read the paragraph. Do me a favor. Amend it.
La, la, la, la, la, la. Put some curtains up. OK, change the water, whatever, and then pass and vote on it and pass it and then put it back in the budget.
OK, can you do that for me? I want this done by the 7th of January. No later than the 7th. OK, how about by the 6th? OK.
The 6th came around the 7th of January. Did they do it? No. Unbelievable.
So what do we got? How about 15 days? Yeah, that’s true, I think. All right, so let’s just go on for that. How about two options? If they don’t do it, Sudani just gets an operational government.
He’ll do it on his own. Yeah, that’s true. That’s true.
That’s true. If they don’t do it, 15 days later, then it just becomes automatically law. Automatically law, right? Yeah, that’s true, but there’s a problem.
What? When does the 15-day start and when does it end? Good question. I don’t know. Well, then the most important thing would be just get Parliament to pass this amendment and put it back into the budget and get the budget back to Sudani, and then the next thing you know, it’d be like a gust of wind blowing a girl’s dress up.
You know what I’m saying? What did you just say? Well, you know, you would be revealing a lot. You would be revealing a lot. The exchange rate.
Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Come here.
Good girl. You’re a good girl. You’re a good girl.
Give me kisses. Give me kisses. Come here.
Come up here. Where’d you go? You know where. You know where your treats are at.
We have a guest that just arrived. So, yeah, I think that it would be really ideal if Parliament would just simply pass the amendment and stop horsing around. Because if they pass the amendment, all hell’s going to break loose.
But this time in a good way. Final article number 4931. Parliamentary Finance Committee votes on the proposal to amend paragraph 12 of the budget law.
Please, please, as soon as you can. Final article number 4932. Rathodim Bank announces cyber partnerships with the Ministry of Interior to combat fake pages and websites.
Whoa. Just like the one that we started with. Hey, Zareggi citizens.
What? Don’t pay attention to anybody but us. Don’t pay attention to anybody but me, says Udani and the CBI. You got that, citizens of Iran? Okay, and this one says, Rathodim Bank announces cyber partnership with the Minister of Interior to combat fake pages and websites.
Yeah. What’s the blue title for this? The CBI cleans their site like their floor. Clean.
Security and stability is everywhere, family. It’s very difficult. It’s very difficult to get one over on Sudani or the CBI.
And Birzani and his people, they’re working hand in hand, no problem, because they are in love with the fact that Sudani is in contact with Trump. Turn the page. Let’s go to page 247.
Final article number 4933. MPs, those are the ministers of parliament. MPs reveal the reason for not voting on amending the budget law.
Really? You didn’t vote on it again? You had on the 6th or the 7th you did it. I mean, what, 10 days later, or what is it? Today’s the 21st. Are you kidding me? You still didn’t vote on it? Unbelievable.
What do I say up on top? What’s the title for this article? LOL, LOL. Just shut up, parliament. Just shut up.
Final article number 4099. But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, Frank, we don’t want them to shut up. We want them to pass the amendment.
Yeah, or we could have a supplemental operational budget, right? Yeah, but that’s not Kumbaya. I agree. Parliamentary finance to Nina.
Parliament will first approve the amendment to the budget law, then it’s scheduled. Well, now we’re talking? The next article? Just like that? Boom. Really? Magic sauce? What did you do? Parliamentary finance to Nina, Nina’s media outlet.
Parliament will first approve the amendment to the budget law, then it’s scheduled. Well, if you did that, if you did that, oh, hell, we’ll break loose with the budget. And what will cause the budget to go, I mean, to explode? A new exchange rate.
So, parliament, you’re telling me now in these articles that you’ve decided that, okay, parliament, we will first approve the amendments in the budget law, and then it’s scheduled. But if you go to the schedule, okay, approve it, approve it, thank you, put it back into the budget, and now that it’s in the budget, you’ve got to read the budget? You’ve got to. Here’s the amendment, okay? Did you pass it? Yes, we did.
Here’s the budget, okay? Here’s the budget. Put it in there. Got it, okay? Now what are you going to do? Well, now we’ve got to read it.
The third time, right? Yeah. Hear ye, hear ye. We would like to announce that we are doing this project, and we’re doing this project, and we’re doing this project, and that’s called line items, ladies and gentlemen.
That’s called line items of the budget. And we’re going to do this project, and we’re going to do this project, and then we do this project. I’ve got a question.
Yeah. Who’s going to pay for it? Oh, we pay for it here, right here, like this, and we’re going to pay for it like this, and like this, like this, like this. Where did these numbers come from? We have a new exchange rate.
Hi, sweetie. Take care. Love you.
We have a new exchange rate. Say what? Say what? And that’s the whole thing. That’s the whole thing.
We were trying so desperately, so hard to work with Parliament. We don’t have to, but we would rather work with them, okay? I gave a witch’s name, Eddie, an example. I think I gave it to you, family.
I said, look, it’s like a husband and wife. They may not necessarily love each other after a while, but they’ve got to put on that face, you know, for the children. They’ve got to put on that face for the children.
So, anyways, I’m sorry. I lost my train of thought of what I was saying. Oh, over here.
So, the next article, final article number 4934, Parliamentary to Nina. Parliamentary will first approve the amendments to the budget law, and then it’s scheduled. And what do I say up on top? This is Mr. Sammy’s report to us.
What? This is Mr. Sammy’s report to us. Report about what? Parliament. The bank guy? Yeah.
What does he know about Parliament? Was he a politician? He’s waiting for Parliament to pass it. Okay, makes sense. Why? Because as soon as he passes it, they’re going to read the line items in the budget, and the line items will reveal the new exchange rate.
This is all in my opinion, family, right? Okay. Final article number 4935, political parliamentary agreements resolve the controversy over the three laws in preparation for the one-basket session. Are you kidding me, Parliament? You’re telling me that you guys now are getting along? You’re telling me parliamentary agreement resolves the controversy over the three laws? You’re telling me you’re willing to pass the three laws? Are you serious? If you do, oh my goodness, all heck is going to break loose because of a new exchange rate.
What is the blue title to this article? From Parliament Basket to the CBI Basket to the International Basket, please. Hey, family, can I take a quick second and ask you? Are you excited about what I’m telling you? Look at Debra Wilder. Hey, hey, magic man, what? Listen to me, listen to me good.
There’s no such thing as an NDA. Way to go, Debra. There’s no such thing, you got that? Who told you? Frank 26.
A long time ago. Final article number 4936. Parliamentary votes on controversial laws in one basket? These articles are getting better and better as we read them, huh? Okay, so we went from, nah, we’re not going to do it, to, okay, we might, to, we’re doing it, to, we did it? Parliament votes on the controversial laws in one basket? What’s the blue title for this article? Getting closer, getting closer, getting closer.
Final article number 4937. From Kurdistan House. Birzani sends a message to Trump.
Baghdad and the region. Birzani, what did you send to Trump and to Sudan and Baghdad? What did you send to them? I was just asking Sudani if I, you know, Birzani, the governor of Canada, I mean the governor, you know, I represent Kurdistan Region. Can I talk to Trump? Can I? Sudani, can you, can you hook me up with Trump? I want to talk to Trump.
I want to see what he can do for us out here in Kurdistan Region, man. From Kurdistan House, Birzani sends a message to Trump, Baghdad and to the region. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title? Everybody wants to talk to Trump.
Everybody wants to talk to Trump. And you know what? Trump wants to talk to everybody. Everybody wants to talk to Trump.
And you know what? Trump wants to talk to everybody. Get rid of that Melissa completely. I’m sorry.
What does that mean? I can’t take it anymore. She can’t take it as best as she’s not with us. Let’s see.
49-37. You know what? Hold up. Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t kick them out.
All right. So that was 49-37. I told you we will not stand for any, any, for any undisciplined attitudes.
Okay. You can’t stand it anymore. Please go away.
Let us study in peace. Final article number 4938. Trump’s confidence after inauguration.
Trump’s confidence after the inauguration. My confidence would be in over 200 executive orders. But just out of curiosity, Trump’s confidence after inauguration.
What is it, Iraq? What do you think? Iran’s militia control Iraq and the president will fix the situation. It doesn’t get any plainer than this. Security and stability is what we’ve been preaching.
Donald Trump says, hey, I got the confidence now that after the inauguration, now that I’m the president, Iran’s militia, you know, that’s been stealing from Iraq for generations. I, the president, I’m going to fix the situation. Actually, sir, you had it fixed, but when you left, the new regime in the White House decided to make them very, very rich so that they could fill their pockets with richness.
But unfortunately, that type of richness can only be spent in the bowels of hell. Those streets of gold will never be found in heaven. Never.
Trump’s confidence after inauguration. Iran’s militia controls Iraq and the president will fix the situation. What’s the blue title? Sudani to Trump.
Game on. The hostages are coming back, Mr. President, slowly but surely. I don’t care.
On Monday, the United States Republican representative and close associates of Trump, Joe Wilson, considered that Iran controls the government of Iraq and its militia threatens the United States. And our dollar, too, by the way, sir. Stressing that Donald, that President Donald J. Trump will fix the situation according to his expression, Wilson said in a tweet on the X website, followed by Shafak News Agency, that Iran was defeated in Lebanon and in Syria, but it still rules Iraq as Obama.
And Brett McCurk failed in their strategy to hand Iraq over to Iran during the war against ISIS. He added that Iranian-backed militia in Iraq threatened the United States and the dollar, sir, and its allies and must be dealt with, indicating that Trump, quotations, Trump will fix the situation. Woo! Doggone it! Woo! Talk about growing a set of brass sphericals.
Woo! Now that’s a leader. And all the Iranian militia-backed people, the 4-H club, as I call them, the hoodies, the hotties, the heaters, whatever they are, they ran, didn’t they? Straight to release the hostages, release the hostages. And of course, with their attitude, we’ll release them a little bit at a time.
Fine. And for every one we give up, Israel’s giving up about 100 of their people. And that’s fine, too.
We don’t want to keep them. We don’t want to feed them. Go away.
Go back home. To what? To what? So this article is so powerful. And it’s a beautiful picture of Donald J. Trump surrounded by tens of thousands of people.
Trump is, Trump’s confidence after the inauguration is that Iran’s militia controls Iraq and the president will fix the situation. Family, what do you think that’s going to do for your investment? Just asking. Not a sermon.
Final article number 4,939. The prime minister, the PMs of Washington is a major partner for Iraq. The prime minister, Sudan himself, tells us, Iraqi citizens, tells the whole world that the United States, no, that Donald Trump and he are like this.
Sudan tells the whole world, especially some of these people that love to bug me with their little silly textings that my teams trace and control and tell me, oh no, oh no, Sudan is full of caca. He’s a bad man, bad, bad, bad man. Well, I found out who you are.
No wonder you think he’s a bad man. The prime minister, Sudan, he tells the world that Washington is a major partner in Iraq. What is the blue title for this article? Washington, a major part of 1310? Not.
Baghdad is working to build a stable institutional relationship with Washington. The United States remains a major partner for Iraq. We are committed to a policy of openness and true partnership.
Hoorah. Final article number 4940, the government sends a new draft budget and a political agreement to pass it on today’s session in a parliament. Dear God, look at the evolution.
Look at the evolution. Look at the staircase of these articles and where it is now landed. Now parliament is saying the government sends a new draft budget and a political agreement to pass it.
To pass it in today’s session in parliament. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for this article? Please, God. Please, God, make it so.
Amen. Because if you get this part done, then you’re going to get the next part, which I told you, it’s either picket, a float, or the basket, which is it, buddy? And I told you, in my opinion, Mr. Sammy told you, you’ll see the exchange rate, the new exchange rate, before, before that goes out international. Remember? Before you get the lower notes.
Before all that. Why? Because it’ll be opened up by the budget. Final article number 4,941.
Iraq welcomes the United Kingdom’s security level reduction and it calls on other countries to make similar decisions. What’s the blue title for this article? Dr. Shabibi, are you proud? Very proud. This article, family, is talking about the security and the stability, the level inside of Iraq that is unprecedented.
Look, the United Kingdom decision to lower the security level classification in the country of Iraq while calling on other Western countries to make similar steps. Hey, hey, all of you that got, that got involved with the BRICS, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Get out of it! And show your loyalty to the United States.
You can’t touch the dollar. Trump is not going to let you have the dollar ever, ever, ever again. But look, dudes, you gotta understand, we, the United Kingdom, we’re trying to tell all of you, lower your, lower your, your, your, your, your precautionary measures against Iraq.
Iraq is cool. Iraq is the next frontier. Iraq is the prettiest girl to take to the prom.
All of you, look what we did, United Nations, the security features that we, we made the decision of the security level classification. We lowered it. Ernst & Young lowered, raised theirs.
Banks are raising their levels of, of, of, in their relationship with the CBI. They trust the banks now. We trust Iraq.
We trust you, Donnie. Everybody trusts you, Donnie, except for one fool. All right, I’ll stop.
Listen, the Minister of Foreign Affairs welcomes the decision of the United Kingdom to reclassify the security level of Iraq. We cool. And considers this step an important achievement that reflects the significant improvement in the security situation and the Iraqi government ongoing efforts to achieve stability, security, and enhance a safe and encouraging environment for investment and work.
Those, security stability. That’s the only reason why you’re seeing this whole chain of events that is occurring. The first mousetrap that was launched by Dr. Shabibi, security and stability, has launched so many things now.
Ed Miller, preach it, Frank. Yeah, preach it, Frank. Yeah, honey, give me another root beer.
Preach it, Frank. I can’t help but to preach it because they are preaching it. And then the whole world is preaching it and getting behind, not just Sudani, but Donald J. Trump.
Good gosh almighty. Did you see the things that Trump was saying when he was signing and answering all those questions? Did you hear some of the things that he said? It applies to us investors of the Iraqi dinar. Oh, we’re done with the articles.
Hi, Paul. Thank you kindly. God bless you, Paul.
God bless you, God bless you. Thank you, sir. Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy, family.
The next thing I wanna do is share with you what Eddie has. Before I do, instead of a 20-minute commercial, which I always do at seven o’clock, can I do a five-minute commercial? You ready? Wanna see it again? No. So, one of the products that we have, in fact, I believe it was the very first company, I believe it was the very, besides, you know, with my broker, was this company.
Body As Doctor. This company has been with me for 20 years. In fact, the doctor himself, bless his heart, he’s passed away.
He, first I remember when his wife passed away. And then Dr. Garland, then he passed away. But I still represent his products.
And the reason why I represent his products, and here you can see their phone number and their international phone number, and if you should call them, tell them that you’re with KTFA so that, you know, you can get our prices and I can get credit for it. But the thing about Dr. Garland’s Body As Doctor products, Hey, Wayne. Thank you, Wayne Bennett.
God bless you. The thing about Dr. As Body is that they’re all natural. They’re all as natural as can be.
Like, for example, I get the biggest kick out of this one. It’s called shroom. Yeah.
It’s made up of five different mushrooms. And these are very interesting mushrooms. Kind of hard to get these mushrooms.
Very good product. Body As Doctor, all you gotta do is just scroll down when you go to, scroll down and look at all the banners, and you’ll see the banner that has this picture of Body As Doctor. And when you click on it, it’ll take you in and show you all of the nutraceutical products.
They are all natural. All as natural as can be. Gelatin capsules.
Everything is just as natural as can be. You know, I had 18 operations. Five parts of my body removed.
Chemotherapy, immune therapy for two years. I’m not what I used to be. And my mind, it’s not what it used to be also.
I remember I had an IQ test. It was like 161 or something. But I don’t think I could even touch that now.
What I’m trying to say is that I’ve lost a lot of my ability to think. And the reason why is because I had 18 anesthesias. 18 anesthesias.
And when you wake up out of an anesthesia, it’s like when you wake up out of a concussion. If you’ve never had a concussion. In football, I had two concussions in my career.
And when you wake up from a concussion, you don’t know what’s going on. You don’t know who you are for a while. Body as Doctor makes this product called MindPower.
I think that this is an amazing product. It helps you concentrate. For your memory to focus.
MindPower. Body as Doctor. Another example.
I like things in three. So here’s another example. And if you have like, for example, clogged arteries.
You had bypass surgery. You have angina attacks. You have any heart issue.
This is a good product. It’s called CleanHeart. CleanHeart.
It’ll help to lower your blood pressure. It’ll help you with your circulatory system. And when you look at the ingredients, that, oh, it’s fuzzy.
Oh, bummer. But when you see the ingredients, you’re going to find out that there’s some powerful ingredients in here that normally are sold separately. This is a powder.
I think it has the lid on it. Oh, no, it doesn’t. No, I don’t have a treat for you.
No, no, no treat, no treat. No, get out of my armpit. No, no treat.
Mmm, mmm. Oh, man. I was trying to get the spoon that’s in there out of it.
Oh, that’s a raspberry taste. Oh, that’s so good. So, this is Body as Doctor.
Nutraceutical products. And you can find it by scrolling down. When you go to, you scroll down, and you’ll be able to see Body as Doctor.
Click on it and check out. I just brought you three of them. Wait till you see all the other cool things.
Anyways, or you can call me for any of our products. My name is Frank. My phone number is 419-283-2552.
419-283-2552. Anyways, thank you. I just wanted to do a quick little commercial.
Before we get into Eddie’s report, which is going to really help in understanding what’s going on with this amendment, with this budget, with this exposure of the new exchange rate, and it’ll help you to understand why they showed them the pictures that we told you that they would. All right, now. Oh, and by the way, in honor of Buckeyes, go Buckeyes, I am dressed accordingly.
Congratulations, national champions, Ohio State Buckeyes. And for my Detroit Lions, it’s okay, my little pretty cats. You’ll come back next year.
It’s amazing all you people that communicated with me and you felt bad for me. I’m sorry, man. Oh, your Lions lost.
It’s just a game. Now, I will admit, when I was younger, I mean, I’m 70, well, I’m 69. When I was 18, 19, 20, when I was in my youth, oh, if I lost a game, if I played anything, oh, no, I don’t believe in the no-win scenario.
I will figure out a way to win. But when I lose, oh, I don’t, oh, I didn’t take it very well. laughs But now, after going through cancer and hearing you on the phone when you call me with tears that require prayers and you want me to pray with you, I realize the reality of these games.
It’s just a game. In fact, the quarterback for the team that beat my team, the Washington, well, commanders, the Washington commanders, the quarterback, the young man, they were interviewing him, and they asked him, well, how do you do what you do? And he says, well, I have to give all honor and credit, all honor and glory to my God who allows me to do that. And then he started talking.
When I heard him say that, I thought, oh, man, why did you say that? Now I can’t boo against you. Now I got to, I got, and if you beat me, I’m going to take it with a grain of salt. But, no, anyways.
Oh, one more thing to talk about before we get to work here. We now have our webmaster who has added a step to our form. So when you come into our form, you have to click on the little tab that says that you accept the cookies.
That’s it. Now, for those of you that called, hundreds of you that drove us crazy, it won’t work. I keep clicking, I keep clicking, I keep clicking.
You’re using your telephone, right? Yeah, I’m using my phone. It won’t work either. That’s the problem.
So, yeah, you’re not going to be able to really function with KTFA. Our website is not made for a phone. Our website is made for a mainframe computer or laptop.
So, please, be careful, okay? I agree with you, Rich. I believe it’s a 20, not the 25. That’s the only one that will be different.
I will call you tomorrow and update you. I agree with you, Rich. I believe it’s a 20, not the 25.
That’s the only one that will be different. I will call you tomorrow and update you. And update you.
Send. All right, family. Now, let me go and find.
Ah! Eddie sent more stuff. Hold on. I’ll be darned.
He sent more stuff since I’ve been talking to you. Thank you. Yeah, it’s sick.
Look at that. It’s 643 when those. All hell is about to break loose.
Do you understand what I mean? Well, of course you do. Huh! Wait until I get to the last part of Eddie’s report. This part.
But now, let’s see. When we were together Friday. Right? So, I don’t want Friday.
Wasn’t yesterday a beautiful day? From the moment I woke up until I couldn’t keep up anymore. It was like one giant Donald Trump rally. Even all the.
Even the communist channels. Even PBS and the SMBC. They all had it.
All day. Oh, man. Yesterday.
Oh, my word. I’m only at yesterday. We got a. Oh, my goodness.
We have way too much to talk to you about, family. Premium. I wrote you two newspapers this week, didn’t I? Those were long reports I gave you.
One of them we’re going to go over right here. Saturday. Unbelievable.
Well, that’s what I want. Saturday, right? Yeah. Saturday.
Saturday. Here we go. They’re talking about on the news about the currency, Mr. Frank.
They’re talking about currencies from all over the world. And also concentrating on currencies here in the Middle East. The ones that around the world, for example, they talk to us about the Kuwait.
If you remember, I told you they said that they have one hundred and five million in reserve. And the Kuwait currency is three dollars and twenty three cents. Yet here in Iraq, we are at one hundred and forty five million in our reserves.
And they just told us on TV that we are forty three percent higher in reserves than Kuwait. All right. I just reconnected with the camera up there and it just reconnected down and back over here.
Let me hurry up before. Honey, I need to know if it spins so that I can just stop it. Mr. Frank, Sudan is talking to Parliament right now.
He’s saying that they really need to show up. He’s not in a very good mood. They were supposed to do this around the 7th.
They were supposed. Now he’s saying you better show up tomorrow for the important law. Now, remember, this is Saturday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
So you’re talking about three, four days ago. So when we looked at the articles, you’re going now back again with me in those articles. Those articles went back and brought you to this present moment.
Now, this conversation takes you from Saturday to the present moment. I mean, to the very present moment of what just happened. So, as you know, as you as you heard with the articles, Sudani and he’s telling them.
Tomorrow for the important laws for the people like retirement, like amnesty laws and several other laws, which he which we know he can’t let out many of these parliament guys because they own banks. He’s trying to keep it undercover. These bad politicians that own banks are going to do something stupid.
And they have. They and they have. They had.
Oh, and they had. Excuse me. They had a cash cow for years.
They had a cash cow for years. And they are hating this, this new platform. And they are bucking the system.
They’re trying to figure out how to steal the money. But Sudani is telling them to attend for the people of Iraq. Now, the parliament is not in control of the rate, but it must be, say, in compliance with it, so to speak.
Right. Mr. Frank, I just listened to your TV show from last night. I listened Saturday.
And my brother and I send to him the bank guy words that you had. He was very informative. This man’s words are going to help my brother in the USA.
Thank you so much from all of us. CBI. He also liked Bill.
Remind me. Let me leave it for dessert. You all got to remind me.
Howard, my British brother. How are you, sir? You have to remind me. Oh, I forgot what I was going to tell you to remind me.
It left me. I said it was going to be for dessert, didn’t I? You got to remind me about Friday. That’ll be your dessert.
I’m bringing you an… I’m going to have to dress in purple again. You like Bill? Remind me to tell you in dessert about Friday’s guests that you’re going to love. Continuing.
The CBI is back on the news, Mr. Frank, and they’re saying for citizens to use caution. The article we read. For citizens to use caution when reading any information that is put out, especially about the monetary reform, to make sure that it comes straight from the CBI, that it is a true CBI website or a media site that Sudani has cleared for the citizens.
The CBI is saying many things of negative nature will appear. But use caution, citizens, and make sure that any information that is coming to you from the CBI is from a real site. They’re saying many who have stolen for years will try anything to continue.
Look at this. The CBI, just like that article that we read, preparing the citizens for what? A big-ass announcement, in my opinion. I’m sorry.
A big donkey announcement. Continuing. There is a big meeting right now going on.
And there’s a big article saying political issues hinder the resolution of payment of salaries in the Kurdistan region. They’re saying, Mr. Frank, that both political and technical issues have been the reason why all of this has been blocked. This and a delegation from Baghdad going to Erbil here.
Going to Erbil. Saturday, I respond. I talk a lot.
I’m sorry. Let’s just read it. Wonderful report.
Wonderful report, Eddie. Yes, sir. Wonderful report.
Eddie, I agree. Sudani does not necessarily need Parliament to do anything for him. But you know what? Just like a husband and a wife, you want them to get along so that the children don’t suffer.
And that’s what Sudani is doing, making sure that Parliament now knows what’s going on and agrees with it by passing these laws. They are stubborn. They are foolish.
They are acting like children, throwing tantrums by not working with Sudani, by not showing up to having a quorum. But like I told you, Sudani is overriding them. He is continually moving forward without them.
Yes, they have lost their source of money, their cash cow that they were dealing with. But it is all for the monetary reform success through security and stability, praise God. So I don’t care what Parliament says or does.
They can take a long walk on a real short pier into the ocean for all I care. Concerning my YouTube show last night, I’m glad that you had the chance to see it because what is mine is yours, Eddie. What is mine is yours, Eddie.
Indeed, I will be there for your family, especially here in the United States of America. Now, Eddie, I also want to express that the reason that Sudani sent the CBI out on television to tell you Iraqi citizens to only pay attention to the CBI is because they’re about to make a big monetary reform announcement to you. Why do you think that they showed you those pictures that we told you that they were going to come out to? This announcement is going to be to you Iraqi citizens, and this whole process must not fail with you citizens.
You must follow the truth, not be misled by Parliament or anyone that is against the monetary reform success for you Iraqi citizens. I have always told you only pay attention to Sudani, Allak, and Brizani. And now I tell you pay attention to Trump because they are paying attention to him.
They are pretty much telling you the same thing right now. Only listen to the leaders that have guided you in the monetary reform process and stay away from those that hate you Iraqi citizens. By the way, Eddie, I now include… So yeah, pay attention to Sudani because he’s, like I told you, he’s listening to every word from Trump that Trump tells him.
And as you can see, Eddie, the evidence of it, you can see the evidence of that because it surrounds you, the fact that Trump is talking with Sudani. Frank, Eddie said it was the CBI that’s doing all of this talking right now. Now, and then I said, as far as the political issues, as far as the political issues blocking the salaries, Parliament illegal politicians are the issue.
They are the constant eruption of negativity. Their desire is for you to fail, not succeed. But the winds of Iraq have brought the leadership of Donald Trump right next to your leader, Sudani.
But realize it is Sudani that tells the CBI when to talk to you Iraqi citizens. You understand that, Eddie? Yes, Mr. Frank. Eddie also says that the head of Parliament Finance Committee says that they have made process in discussing the federal law budget amendment.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Are you sure? Yes.
And that last article, or like the fifth before the last one, was also telling us the same thing. Parliament has decided, all right, we’ll vote for it. What? Eddie’s telling me they just announced that they’re discussing that the federal budget law amendments have been made possible.
And Antoine is the Finance Committee member. Antoine is the leader of the committee telling us this on the television news. So in other words, this is for real.
This is for real. Frank, we are hearing from our news other countries like Kuwait and even the United States of America are telling us to speed up the budget release. Yeah, Eddie, because Sudani is traveling all over.
Everywhere that he’s going, they’re all asking him. Huh? Now? No. Well, speed up the budget, man.
Open it up. We want to get in your country, all right? To which I said, of course Parliament is going to cooperate and get along now because we are right at the very end of this, Eddie. They have no choice because they have been locked out, and they know it, and they’re angry about that.
You have won, Eddie. Sudani will take good care of you very soon. Mr. Frank, some of our team with Eddie went to the inauguration, and they sent me a stack of pictures, and they said, we’re in D.C., but it looks like we can’t attend the inside ceremony.
Security here is unreal. And I said, okay, go here, go there, and then he responds, and he says, got it. There is the inaugural ceremony program.
Here’s the President and Vice President of the United States program. Here’s the more of their foods, all their family members. I said, I know about that, Eddie.
Unfortunately, the Democrats are acting like children. They don’t want the police to protect Donald Trump during the inauguration. They want the flag to be at half-mask in order to recognize President Jimmy Carter’s funeral.
Well, an inauguration should never be at half-mask, but they want to stick it to him one more time. Now, they put up all of these barriers, all those walls, all these fences so that American citizens cannot celebrate and partake in the joy that Donald Trump is going to take. But we will be with him on television, and we will be with him in the White House when he signs the executive orders.
And the media, he told me. I don’t want to say it. So I’m sorry there.
Can I participate? But don’t worry, and I’m glad you got this far and you got that much. Yes, it’s unreal. It’s a lot of security here, but it’s a good atmosphere.
Okay. Saturday, continuing with the report. Mr. Frank, television news today reporting that there is a liquidity issue, that more than 70 percent of Iraqi citizens are still hoarding their 3-0 notes, and many are not bringing them to the bank.
The television is showing that we are at a point now where services for citizens will have to be halted because we have no budget of schedule to pay them with. And the planned services are saying that we have never, we never saw the 2024 budget, and the 25 was to be visible before the end of 24, and we still do not have it. So citizen services will start to now be affected.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes or no? Whatever. Okay, Eddie.
But thank you for the report. Continuing. Sunday, early in the morning, CBI on television news saying that the, CBI on TV news saying that the new bank notes will circulate with the existing ones.
Can you believe this, Mr. Frank? They did say that. Well, yeah, and we got to read it, family, right? Oh, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. CBI on TV news, on TV news saying that the new bank notes will be circulating with the existing ones.
Can you believe that, Mr. Frank? And then they say that there are no plans to pull the older notes. They will coexist. And then they talked about the new security features, the new security features on the new bank notes that are coming out.
They are preparing us to give us the new small category notes, Mr. Frank. This is interesting, especially with what we see that parliament is now doing. Sir, television says parliamentary is voting now in the pro, in, sir, news is saying television says parliament is voting now in the proposed article 12 of the budget amendment.
This is all we needed. Get that budget, excuse me, get that article 12 voted on, amend it, and put back into the budget, to which then I sent to Eddie. I said, look, Eddie, and I sent Eddie the article that showed all those pictures of all the lower notes.
And if you remember, I told you now tonight, in my opinion, those three zero notes will be exactly like the new small category notes minus the zeros. And instead of a 25, in my opinion, it’ll be a 20. Where did you get this opinion from, Frank? I fell asleep on my blue couch.
You know, caca happens. Mr. Frank, Eddie sent that earlier to me, and he’s excited. He saw that.
Yeah, Eddie sent that article to me, and oh, he’s excited. He’s so excited. Eddie says, this is it, Mr. Frank.
No, no, no, no. No, no, for real, Frank. Listen to me, listen to me.
This is it, Mr. Frank. I mean, this is it. No, listen to me.
Linda, Linda, listen to me. Why new bank notes without a rate worthless? This is it, okay? This is it. So my contact, Neil, tells me, yeah, he’s excited.
He sent that to me. And then he says, Mr. Frank. What? This is it.
Well, Eddie, I mean, yeah, I mean, this has been it. This is, oh, no, my phone just threw up on me. Oh, no, where was I, family? I turned it, and it.
All right, I need help. Sunday, wasn’t it? This is it. Sunday, oh, but it’s the line.
This is it. Why worthless? Why bank notes without a new XR worthless? Bingo, thank you. Yes.
Eddie sent that to me earlier today, and he’s so excited. Eddie wants you to know him, Frank. Mr. Frank, this is it.
Why new bank notes without a rate worthless? This is it. Education is here, okay? This is it. I’m telling you, Mr. Frank.
Read my lips. This is it. The education is here.
And then when we get a phone call from Iceman and his interpreter saying, you know what I just saw? Now, we can’t verify any of that. All of this is just in our opinion. This is all coming in way too fast.
Did the other gurus teach you about this article, about the pictures? Did the other gurus warn you that this was going to come out? I don’t think so. They say the amnesty law was also included in today’s vote, along with other Article 12 items of the budget. Sir, this is now starting to get very serious.
These are all the things that Sudani wanted in order to release the new, to release the budget. And if he releases the budget, that’s it. Eddie, I’m still sticking with the third reading is done, and I’m hoping that they’ll get this budget done.
Tell Mr. Sammy that I believe that that’s the case. Then I get an education that I’m going to share with you. Sir, Mr. Sammy wants to talk to you.
He said, Mr. Frank, today, which was Sunday, today, they’re also reading the third and final reading. They also are reading the third and final reading of the amended amendment of Article 12. Now, Mr. Frank, this has nothing to do with the rate change.
All of this for Article 12 is for the Kurds to get their money, to cover their cost of extracting and transportation of salaries for the oil from the 6th to the 16th. Now, and next, and next, they say that we will have the budget tables that hold onto something. Budget tables, line items that require what? Oh, that’s you, Tink, to put praise God of what we’re saying, you mean, or something? Indeed, praise God.
This is absolutely amazing. Who’s Bruce? Sir Bruce? What? I think somebody posted something. Oh, somebody.
Yeah, we do have somebody called Sir Bruce. Yeah, I remember. Sir Bruce, check this out.
So late into Sunday, the budget was being worked on by Parliament? And on top of it, they passed the Article 12, which is mainly to supply Kurdistan with what they need? Well, then that means that they put Frankenstein back together. They took Article 12 and they put it back into the budget. Then that means that that budget now is going to be read line item by line item by line item.
And the only way to fund those line items is to look at the total. The funding will have to be based on a different exchange rate, because you cannot fund this budget at a program rate. Prove it to me, Frank.
Has anybody got paid? Has the HCL been introduced? Are the key cards being used? No. Everybody waits for the new exchange rate. Everything waits for it.
You wait for it. The man on the moon waits for it. So you’re telling me that, okay, so they got all that in the Kurdistan from the 6th to the 16th.
And now the next thing that they say is that we will have the budget tables in Parliament. Well, we will have to see a new rate prior to that budget, Mr. Frank. If they’re done and if it’s with Parliament, then they’re going to do the line items.
Then we have to see a new rate prior to that budget tables going to Parliament to be issued. The line items inside the budget will have to have a new rate for the budget to work. Look, so Mr. Sammy is telling me, no, no, no, no, Frank.
No, no, no, no, no, no. Look, look, look. Article 14 is really not for the rate.
It’s to take care of some things with Kurdistan. But putting the Article 14 back into the budget, they passed it. It’s going to open the budget to be read.
And if it’s read line by line, well, then you’re going to expose the new exchange rate. In order for the budget to work. We are very in order for the budget to work.
We are very close. We are very, very close to a new rate. Today was all about getting the Kurds, you know, their money to cover the cost.
It had nothing to do with the new rate, with the rate change. But the next part had nothing to do with the rate change. But the next part will expose the rate change.
Had nothing to do with the rate change. But the next part, the next budget table will be going to parliament. But just know, right before that, Mr. Frank, we will see a rate.
So look to see when they’re going to announce the budget tables going to parliament. I don’t. I’ll show you a question.
Mr. Sammy, are you now seeing the lower notes? You should. To which I will not answer you. Instead, I will keep reading.
We are now Sunday, the fifth report sometime Sunday. And I told them, I said, gentlemen, I want to talk. And it’s long.
So here we go. What time is it? Yes, we may take it. That’s why we started early.
Gentlemen, I would like to talk to you about the article that came out today. It is saying that they are introducing a new currency note. That has security features for the blind.
And they are using the old three zero notes as an example of this new currency. But here’s my question. Are they really talking about the new lower notes that are coming out? That will require a new exchange rate? Or are they still talking about the old three zero notes? That they’ve been using as an example in this article with pictures.
I’m just curious what your opinion is about these notes. These are the notes that we told you would be on the boards. They’re showing it to the citizens everywhere.
We know they’re not going to print. It doesn’t make any sense. They’re not going to print any new lower notes.
They are already printed. And they are printed with the new security features that they’re telling you about. Because all the new lower notes are already printed and in position in banks and ATMs, in my opinion, to be released to the citizens.
This article is both encouraging and a little confusing. So, Mr. Sammy, I reach out to you. You’re the only one that can really help me with this.
What do you think that they’re doing? Do you think that they’re using the old three notes as a tool to what will be shown on the new notes when they come out? Are they talking about the old three notes that exist right now? And they are going to print more of those notes with security features? I don’t think so. That would cost a lot of money, a lot of time. Why would you waste all that? So, your opinion, Mr. Sammy, please.
Also, if you cannot answer, I more than understand. Frank, Mr. Sammy says only… Okay, I don’t mind showing you this part. So, basically, Eddie said, well, I took it to him, and Mr. Sammy looked at it, and then he looked at me, and he just smiled, and that was it.
He said, it’s an interesting article, to which I said, that’s a mouthful. Thanks, Eddie. I was hoping that he would react that way.
Next report, Sunday. Chalet’s on TV. He says that the banks are levelers of sustainable development.
Man. Iraq loves Donald Trump because they know what he did and what he’s about to do with our currency, the American dollar, and their float. Sunday, 7.40. Here we go.
Next report, Sunday. Approved in 140 countries, Iraq launches unified accounting system with international standards. This will be used in the banks.
This is going to be part for the monetary reform. On TV now, Eddie says this is on TV now, but it was also shown to us earlier. They say that there’s a trial version now, and it will be launched officially very soon.
Yesterday, 12, so this is yesterday. Mr. Sammy wanted to talk to me again. As you can see, he talked long.
Mr. Sammy, again, just called me early Monday morning. He wanted me to come in here, and he’s talking to me, Mr. Frank, here saying, due to the fear of having a risk of any counterfeiting happening, all of this currency is, let’s just say, under wraps. So, in other words, the currency that I was asking about, he looked at the article, and he looked over at Eddie, and he goes, interesting article.
But then the next day, he says to Eddie, come here. So he shows up here. So he called me, and he said, so he comes over to him, and he says, Eddie, concerning what, you know, Mr. Frank was asking me about, look, look.
They’re saying that, they are saying to us, that due to a fear of counterfeiting, you know, the same old, same old, okay, due to a fear of having a high risk of counterfeiting this currency, let’s just say, let’s just say that this currency is well hidden, okay? Let’s just say it’s under wraps, and it will not be available, okay? It will not be available until time is great. It’s a huge protection of protocol behind all of this. Your Mr. Frank was right when he told you that it is hidden.
So, yeah. Okay. Okay.
The news system already has caught 5 billion dinars in corruption. Oh, look at that. I forgot.
The new system. And what is that new system, ladies and gentlemen? You’ll find out soon enough. The new system has already caught 5 billion dinars in corruption, to which I then say the following, okay? So, I’m talking now to Mr. Sammy, because he talked to me earlier, but you didn’t get the whole conversation, but this is part of my response.
I agree with Mr. Sammy 100%. In fact, allow me to say I’m impressed with him, because every time he talks to you, Eddie, it is an echo of all that we have said to you in the last months, in the last years. The new lower notes, in my opinion, that will only work with a new exchange rate and not the 1310, are the highest form of intel, the highest form of security that there is on this planet Earth right now.
It is the most highly guarded object and secret, and secret at this moment. You are so correct, Mr. Sammy. The CBI and Sudani cannot afford one small slip-up, one tiny little leak, even the color.
You don’t want any information to be leaked out. Even the color or the shape of the new lower notes, all of this must all be kept tightly under-wrapped until the new exchange rate is finally released, and released alongside with the new exchange rate. So, once again, in my opinion, I am very grateful to you, Mr. Sammy, and very impressed, because everything that you are telling Eddie is exactly what we have taught him.
Eddie, that we have taught Eddie, that we have taught Eddie, that we have taught my KTFA family. And I believe you and I, Mr. Sammy, are both now looking for the next important thing, and that is for the budget to give birth to the new exchange rate, regardless of Parliament’s stupidity or attempts to delay it. No one can prevent tomorrow.
No one can prevent tomorrow. Wow, did I just say that? Sending. Frank, Eddie says that we don’t know if they did that third reading, even though you’re very confident that it is done.
But we don’t know if that third reading was done today of Article 12. So, it was going to be today, but they not told us yet. And we also wait to hear date on budget tables to come to Parliament, because once we know the date that those budget tables are coming to Parliament, we… Television says yesterday’s voting took place under the budget law.
Television says yesterday’s voting took place under… Oh, excuse me, I said under. Let me do this again, I’m sorry. Sorry, Shang.
Television says yesterday voting took place until budget law came. Then, many deputies left the building and didn’t have enough to vote on the budget law. Same old, same old, Mr. Frank.
Are you sure you feel that it’s been a third reading? Television says now, tomorrow, Tuesday, Parliament to vote on three controversial laws, all in one basket. They say they have reached an agreement to vote as basket of law. I said I wouldn’t say it to you, but Eddie, I told you so.
Kurdistan delegation heads to Baghdad to discuss the budget law amendments. Here we go. Buckle up, buttercup.
Here we go. Hey, Mr. Frank, we’re here and this is for you. Thank you.
It’s okay. Anyways, God bless you, sir. God bless you, sir.
Eddie says that the Kurds are in… Who’s that? Donnie! Hi, buddy. Good to see you, Donnie. Eddie says that the Kurds are in Baghdad have green light to solve all problems.
This is good, Mr. Frank. Very good. Yesterday, 7.06 in the evening.
Now the television is showing the framework and Sudani and all leaders are meeting and discussing of resolving all important law issues. Can you believe that, Mr. Frank? They’re all here. Frame everyone.
Framework everyone. I said, Eddie, I hope he takes a baseball bat with him. Today.
Here we go. 4.47 in the morning. When the book of Eli is hunting.
4.47 in the morning. Television is showing today. They have heard that at 1 p.m. Iraqi time, there will be a big vote on the budget amendments.
And the television is showing today, a day after that, they told us about security features of a new currency that they are going to be giving us. They are showing capture of counterfeit 50,000 notes, saying these are not real and appears to be made outside of the country and they will be destroyed immediately. They are showing how catching the fake money now due to these new security features that they showed us on those currency boards.
Next report. Television shows Iraq just discovered huge oil field. Millions of barrels projected.
But Iraq will face oil restrictions from OPEC. So much oil and OPEC has restrictions. Eddie, don’t worry about that.
Trust me, there are many other oil fields in your land. Television says government sent new draft on budget to parliament to pass on vote today and solve the political issues with agreement. Mr. Frank, we are in the final countdown.
Eddie, the new security features on your new notes indeed is what caught these counterfeiters. The monetary reform education. No, no.
Indeed is what caught these counterfeiters. The monetary reform education exposed them. That’s why they were teaching you about these security features.
Remember, this is what Dr. Shabibi wanted. They use the old notes as an example. Can you imagine, Eddie, if they would have used the new notes? Those too would have been copied and counterfeited.
The steps of the monetary reform plan and education are brilliant right now. Just brilliant. Everything is falling into perfect place.
Perfect place. Perfect place. To which then I continue.
There’s a lot that I said to him. I know that they are looking for the amendments to be passed. But remember, Sudan doesn’t care if they pass them.
Fine if they do. Fine if they don’t. But very soon it will all become law.
Mr. Sami, question. This automatic 15-day, is it coming to an end? Sudani is holding on to his cards. He’s not exposing that he has four aces up his sleeve.
Frank, Mr. Sami says that he wants to talk to you. Says. Mr. Frank, that’s not.
Now listen very carefully, family. Very carefully. This is very helpful.
Mr. Frank, that is not the case. In this 15 days that you ask about. It will not matter.
Nothing done in those 15 that would start such. Sami says. When this passes.
And it looks like it has. Then the next step. Will be that the budget tables.
Will be going to parliament. That’s the budget tables. This stuff they doing is amending to article 12.
Now once that passes. Once that passed. A new rate.
Will show before the tables go to parliament. Because the budget table line items. Need that rate.
So. This article 12. Stuff.
Yeah, it’s important. But not any of the 15 events. Don’t worry about those 15 days.
And that’s from Mr. Sammy. Only worry about. This third and final reading.
Of the amendment. And for it to go to parliament. For the budget table.
To which then I respond. And I say. Thank you for that understanding.
Thank you for that understanding. I really. I really appreciate it.
Okay, I’m going to rule out the 15 days. And focus only on the accomplishment. Of the amendments.
That will expose the new budget. And the new rate. Agreed.
Then like about two hours later. Mr. Sammy. Then about two hours later.
Mr. Sammy responds to me again. Check this out. Look what he says.
Hey. Mr. Sammy says. He meant no disrespect.
By by not agreeing to the 15 day. This. Mr. Sammy.
He meant no disrespect by not agreeing to the 15 day. Usually that is the case. Mr. Frank, you were right.
But this totally different animal. It’s kind of difficult to explain to you, Mr. Frank. But these controversial laws.
They are all about getting Kurds paid. For their cost. And once all groundwork is laid out.
And passed. Then we should see a date. A date for the budget schedules.
Are going to Parliament. And sometime by then. Before budget hits Parliament.
A new rate. Yep, a new rate. Because those line items in the budget.
Are not related. To a new rate. First of all, I want to show it to you.
Because this man for him to go out of his way. And to help me this this deep. And to help you, KTFA family.
To understand that this article 12 was simply to fund. It was just simply to fund Kurdistan’s requirements. And in funding it, it was put back into the budget.
And when it was put back into the budget. It is now going to be. Oh shoot.
And now that it’s going to be funded back into the budget. It will it will be exposing a new exchange rate. When they read all the line items in the budget.
Oh, this is towards the end anyway. So but Sammy says that’s not the case. This is what I just read to you.
And I did show it to you. To which I say. Thank you for that understanding.
I really appreciate it. I will rule out the 15 day. And focus only on the accomplishment of the amendments.
That will expose the new budget and the new exchange rate. We agree. Today.
Look at bless his heart. He’s still apologizing. This man.
I have gained a lot of respect for you. Mr. Sammy. And that’s why I told you what I told you.
My family is your family. Mr. Sammy. He meant no disrespect by not agreeing to the 15 day.
Usually. Oh, wait a minute. I read this already.
No. Thank you for the understanding. Okay.
You’re saying he meant no disrespect. Okay. Encouraging what it’ll cost.
Okay. I read all this to you. You know, in the budget hits parliament.
A new rate because those line items in the budget. Are all related to a new rate. Then I said to him.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. There is no disrespect being shown by mr. Sammy to me.
If anything, I am beyond grateful because I too have been asking questions of my teams on this subject of the 15 days, because I couldn’t, I couldn’t find the starting point of, of those 15 days. Therefore, I didn’t think it had much value. And then with mr. Sammy’s reaffirming of the real process that we are looking at.
Further for amendment for the amendment of article 12. Well, then everything just clicked into place and made sense in my mind. So no, no, no, no disrespect.
I am very thankful to mr. Sammy and I encourage him to continue to correct me when he sees that I am wrong, mr. Sammy. It looks like we are waiting for this amendment to be completed for article 12. And like you said, then parliament will have to deal with the budget line by line, which will require an exchange rate.
And 1310 mathematically will not work with all the major projects that they have and all of the contracts. We are very close. We are very close to this budget exposing its guts.
Um, I don’t even, did I show this? Yeah, real quick. Boom. Boom.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
Somebody says, well, why you do that? You can’t read it because you can pause it and read it on your own. Oh, I never thought of that. Apparently not.
Sending. Uh, mr. Sammy said he thought about that message and he just didn’t want you to think that he was sending the wrong way. Unbelievable.
This guy, mr. Sammy, let it go. Yeah. Once again, he said he thought about what he said to me and he just didn’t want it to seem like he was being disrespectful to me, uh, that he was sending the wrong way.
Mr. Sammy says, mr. Frank is. Oh, mr. Sammy. He just didn’t want you to think that he was sending the wrong way.
Mr. Sammy says, mr. Frank is a part of our extended family and all of KTFA as well. About that family. You’ve got some Iraqi friends in Iraq today.
Uh, next report that came in around one 20 something parliament committee on the news. They, uh, they seem to be discussing the oil and gas industrial files. This is getting good.
All the groundwork is being laid out. Yes, Eddie. Yes, it is.
Oh, to which I said, uh, uh, to which I said, wow, mr. Sammy. You, you include me as part of your family. I know that means a lot.
I am aware of middle Eastern customs. I accept your invitation and know that you are a part of my family too. No harm will ever come to you in my presence.
And I encourage you to correct me anytime you actually helped me to understand more. You corrected me. And I, and I am excited to share this with our KTFA family because every day we seem to be getting closer and closer to the reality of a new exchange rate with lower notes to match.
God bless you all. Then, um, then he continues with his reports. Thank you, my brother, mr. Frank.
We see TV Jordan leader here, signing papers, calling Baghdad the tourism of the region. I’m not going to tell you what he said next report. Uh, and this is the one that came in about 30 minutes, right? After we started, we started at six and then this report comes in.
Um, those three controversial laws that were in that one basket, uh, they were all passed today. So. Two hours.
I’ve been with you actually more. I came on early all this time. I’ve been with you and it all.
It all comes to this culmination right here. It’s passed. Yeah.
Those, and this just came in at two, two, two, an hour and a half ago. Yeah. Those three controversial laws that were in that one basket were all passed today.
And mr. Frank, the amnesty and the retirement and others all passed in one basket and probably passed more that are not, that are not sharing just yet. Smile. Uh, no.
Okay. Oh, okay. To which I say to him, uh, all heck’s about to break loose.
Eddie, you understand what I mean? Well, of course you do. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, I could, um, I could share more, but I think that’s enough with your permission. I think that’s enough.
And also as far as, um, my team’s report, I’ll do that very briefly. What we have learned tonight, in my opinion, is that the new draft budget has been sent to parliament for the vote. And if it is, as we have just learned from Eddie an hour and a half ago, uh, then that means that, uh, that equals a new rate.
Um, the amendment of article 12, uh, and the passing of the laws and the budget schedule, um, and, and the rate before all of this, uh, is something that you want to consider in your notes, in your mind, in your thinking, in your process of thinking as the days go by. Um, it, it should equal a rate, uh, for the line items, uh, as we study tonight. We have what we call East.
And as you know, Aki is West. East today says, yeah, we know about this. Yes, we seen that article that has all those pictures.
Now to answer your question, in my opinion, the reason why they’re using the, uh, old three zero notes right now is because they don’t have any desire to collect any more zeros. And, uh, the new lower notes are going to look exactly like the old three zero notes, except the zeros will be missing. Except the zeros will be missing.
And, uh, here’s the clincher. These three zero notes that they’re using as examples, they will coexist for a period of time with the new lower notes. This will help to reduce the, any type of confusion.
The lower notes, new lower notes will look just like these pictures that they are showing the citizens, in my opinion. The lower notes were printed a very, very long time ago. The Braille system for those was a long time ago.
The three zero notes with the Braille system is the last batch that the CBI produced, and you saw the tender for it. Yes, I did. The only reason why OPIC is doing this is because they want to drive the price of oil and gas up worldwide.
Europe right now depends heavily, America depends heavily, on oil from the Middle East, from Iraq. And we had a corrupt president that was getting it from Iran so he could fill his pockets, in my opinion. Many depend on oil.
Therefore, OPEC is capitalizing right now on jacking up the price. Why? Because it’s hard to get oil, especially after the oil pipeline, was it blown up by whoever? And because soon Trump is going to drill, baby, drill. So we have a very small window of profitability.
Hurry up, raise the value. Because soon we are going to lose a lot of customers. These prices that OPEC is trying to drive up, it’s not going to affect you American citizens.
We’re going to have our own oil. But OPEC wants to drive them up because they know that they are about to lose customers. To drill, baby, drill.
Now, the only voting on an amendment of the budget seems to be done. And the vote for the whole budget is next, once we have this amendment that is put back into the budget line. Excuse me, into the budget.
Then the budget line items will need the new exchange rate. And in my opinion, 1310 cannot fulfill all these projects. My teams want you to know that, KTFA family, you can now see the things that we’ve been telling you.
Detailed information on the monetary reform through pictures and votes. I can continue to talk because I have more material. I’m tired.
So instead, remind me dessert. I want to tell you about Friday. And I want to thank a friend of mine.
In fact, a former press secretary for Ronald Reagan. I want to thank you, Mr. D. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say your name. So I want to thank you, Mr. D. You see this up on top? Mr. D has gone out of his way to help us by sending me what some are calling a pre-appointment guide.
But as you look at this as I’m holding it up, you can see that there is a lot of material here that will be of help to you when this blessing comes. The data that you acquire out of this, then you’ll be able to graph it and follow it and protect yourself. There is a lot of information in these pages.
And it is my intention to share this with you. All this material will be a blessing to you when you go to exchange. Oh, there’s another page I didn’t even see here.
Personal suggestions. I like this. Trustees, common law lawyer, assistant trust manager, private banker, privacy and security services, VIP transportation to the hotel, concierge.
You better get a CPI, investment wealth manager, real estate agents, diplomatic passports, insurance, medical health. Well, this is really good. Thank you, Mr. D. I’m extremely happy and proud, and thank you.
In fact, I’d like to talk to you, Mr. D., so that I don’t mess up. Oh, this is nice. The world as we know it is changing.
We are returning back to a world that God intended for us, one that has been taken from us and held back for generations. And then it goes on. Very good.
You even got an 800 number here. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That’s funny.
All righty, family. So we gave you our trafficated study, and that was the articles that we discussed. And then we went in, we saw the report from Eddie and Mr. Sammy, and then I gave you what my teams wanted me to summarize with.
I will be with you again on Friday, and I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do Friday. You really liked Mr. Bill, didn’t you? Mr. Bill was a bank officer who worked with the United States Treasury in auditing banks across the United States. He had a plethora of information.
Hmm. I think I’m done. So I’m going to dismiss this with a prayer, and then when I’m done with the prayer, I’m going to play our song, and then I’m going to do our dessert.
Cliff and Tony, if you’re with us, Cliff and Tony, give a call right now while I say thank you to Stephen Sullivan, Bus Driver, Rebecca Hill, Vicki Rowe, Paul, Paul, let’s see, Paul, it just says Paul, Paul, that’s it. Wayne Bennett, Trish Cline, Donnie Inman, Howard Crockett, Donnie Inman again. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Edward, actually, Pastor Edward Romo from Hawaii, Wai’anae. West side. You have to be a Hawaiian to know what I just did.
Anyways, thank you kindly for your financial contributions. God bless you. Ladies and gentlemen, give an ear.
Give a quick little ear here to my dear brother, Cliff and Tony, as they talk to you about the music that they produce for so many people. The floor is yours, gentlemen. Oh, wait a minute.
Hold on. I got to put you on speaker. There, the floor is yours now.
I was going to say, it didn’t sound right. Like it was cold or something. Frank, man, we appreciate you, buddy.
This is Tony and Cliff from Mo’ Better Studios. Family, we thank you all so much for all the songs we’ve been able to do for you. I’ve been blessed to do it.
Frank, if you don’t mind, I’d like, you know, some people wonder about, you know, we’re doing the Valentine song and I did get me some Rock and Roll, so I’m back doing them. We’ve done about four the last two days, so I’m okay. I got over my sadness.
I want to give you just a quick, just a quick, if you don’t mind, just a quick one, one little paragraph sample of one of our songs. It’s actually in the hopper right now, as a matter of fact, so this is kind of live. Let’s let it roll here.
Just a short version of it, okay? Go right ahead. They’re going to stick around for dessert. They’re going to love it.
Okay. Sunrise paints the sky, a gentle hue. Just like the day I first laid eyes on you.
A gift from heaven, that’s what you are. Shining brighter than any distant star. Baby, it’s true, you’re the love of my life.
Through walls of Troy and even through the Shrine. I’ve been down in silence, gave my prudence for the end. My heart is yours, you have to bless it be.
This is a sample, Frank. We wrote that one off the press hot today, so that one’s out in the world, and we can create something like that for anybody that’s wanting a Valentine Love song. Simply call me at 423-367-7648, and we’ll be more than happy to get you a song.
February the 10th will be the last we can do to get that in, but still plenty of time to get that done, Frank. Indeed, indeed. God bless you, gentlemen.
Thank you so much for what you do, bringing joy into people’s hearts, especially my little buddy, Logan. Oh man, yeah, we’re getting ready to send Logan his Christmas gift. It’s been bad weather, and we’ve been trying to get with him.
Cliff and I bought him a Christmas gift, and we’re actually mailing it out tomorrow, because just the weather has been so crazy here. We actually, just since I started talking to you, started snowing. The ground’s covered here, just east of Charlotte, North Carolina, so about 21 degrees and snowing right now, so I know that’s not as bad as it is in your house, but still ugly.
Yeah, it’s nasty. It’s zero degrees right now. This morning, it was minus seven.
Now, you can go outside, you can take a glass of water, you can throw it high up in the air, and it crystallizes. Oh, wow. Well, Frank, we need this blessing to hurry up and come, because, you know, as I told you, you know, I don’t have a lovely lady in my life right now, so I’m thinking about buying a dog, and a friend of mine raises the Belgian Malinois puppies, and they’re only three thousand dollars, so as soon as the blessing happens, I think they’ll get me a puppy.
That’s expensive poop that dog’s gonna make, man. I’m gonna box it up and save it. You should sell it as expensive fertilizer.
I might send it to Uncle Joe Biden. Call it good caca. Hey, man, we appreciate you, buddy.
Thank you so much for everything you and Jan do, and we look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you. God bless you.
Thank you, guys. Bye-bye. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, Abba, Heavenly Father, we give you all honor and glory.
It’s good to be with you constantly, constantly, if not thinking about you, if not talking to you, if not reading the love letters that you wrote to me in the Bible. Constantly with you. I thank you, God, for being faithful and true.
Thank you for tonight. Wow, wow, wow, wow. I pray that we’re ready, Father, because it looks like they’re ready.
I praise you in the name of your Son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. Family, hold on before you blow that, before you blow that show fire.
I’d like to just say a few things. You’re about to walk into a part of your life that you have no idea. You need, you need God.
You need God by your side. You need the true God by your side, the living God. Don’t dress up your sins.
Don’t cover them up. Give them to Jesus. Unconfessed sins, they will haunt you for the rest of your life.
You will feel so dirty. You will feel awful. Confess your sins to God.
We should not, you know, in these latter days, we should not be looking for the Antichrist. We should be looking for Jesus Christ. Give God the keys to all your closets.
And be careful with your, your anger, your hate. Hate is an acid that will destroy its container. Nobody goes to hell by themselves.
Somebody talks you into it. And for those of you that have any complaints with me, or my faith, your argument is not with my faith. It is with the Word of God.
Blow that show fire. I had to tell Snooey he got muted. You know, Frank, one more thing here.
Yes, sir. You had said, don’t hide your sins. You can’t hide your sins because none of us have done, said, thought, saw, or heard anything that Jesus does not know about already.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Thank you, Andy. I love you.
Mucho. Mucho. That’s Chinese for right on.
Have a good day. God bless you. And God bless all of you.
Thank you kindly for being with us. I owe you dessert, don’t I? I sure do. Okay.
Here’s your dessert. Well, it turns out, family, that the gentleman that I brought to you, Bill, you remember in our conversation with Bill, he said, Frank, I’d like to talk to you about real estate investments, because we were talking about diversifying, you know. And I said, oh, you would? Thank you, man.
That’s really nice of you. I’ll take that conversation. And he says, yeah, but not here.
I’d rather do that privately with you. And I said, okay. Well, the next day, I opened up a can of worms.
How many people called, Tink? Lost count. Lost count. I don’t know how many emails I got.
How many? About 20. About 20 on that. Many of you requested, can we have the conversation that Bill’s going to have with you about investing in real estate? You know, the procedures, the process, the people, the connections, the companies, you know, well, how do you do it and all that? And I said, no, no.
So instead, the good Lord sent me another gentleman who is going to be with us on Friday. And guess what this man does? He’s a real estate advisor. So on Friday, many of you wanted to have Bill come and talk to you instead of just to me.
So instead, I’m going to bring you a gentleman that has been doing this, you know, as his life for a long time, many years, his expertise. He’ll give us everything in his opinion, of course. But I think you’ll be impressed with what you hear.
In fact, who knows? Maybe down the road, he might be able to even help you. I believe that’s it. That was what I wanted to share with you.
Did you have a good time? Did you learn a lot? I hope so. It’s very powerful what’s going on. God bless you all.
I’ll see you Friday. Maybe we’ll sing Friday at three and then I’ll see you at six. Huy Ho.
So whenever I need a Deenothix, I tune in to Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Deenothy.
Now take it from me, Frank is no cookie. It’s okay, Tink, give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing, so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring.
So whenever I need a Deenothix, I tune in to Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Deenothy.
Sit up, be patient, and get ready. Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie. Frank breaks down news and keeps us straight.
Come on, Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Deenothix, I tune in to Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Deenothy.
Hey, Tink, I need a cookie. Come on, Tink, I deserve some cookies. Cookies, cookies.
Come on, Tink, give up the cookies. God bless you all. Thank you kindly for being with us.
I’ll see you on Friday at three and then at six. This is exciting what’s going on. Premium Club 26.
You’re probably going to get loaded because there’s just too much coming in all at once. Sweet Aloha. Pray for each other.
Visit each other. Love each other. Talk to each other.
Hold hands with Jesus. Sweet Aloha. Ahoy ho, bye bye.
Goodbye. Goodbye. She scares me every time.
Good girl. Good girl. Oh, I love you.
Come here, come here. I’ll give you a little piece. No, it has nuts in it.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, wait a minute. It’s good. You want a treat? Speak.
Oh, good girl. Is that good for a cookie? I got three cookies. One more.