Economists Uncut

Gregory Mannarino – Trump Creates Crypto DEREGULATION Task Force. DOLLAR CRATERS! (Uncut) 01-21-2025

LIVE! BREAKING! Trump Creates Crypto DEREGULATION Task Force. DOLLAR CRATERS! Mannarino

Okay, everybody, here we go. Can you hear me? I missed all you guys too. All right, listen, we have so much to talk about today.


Epic day. So many moving parts. So, Tuesday, did I say that? January 21st, 2025.


You know, I really don’t know where to start. We’re going to start with this. You and I, thanks, Lava.


I have covered over and over and over again what is going to happen, what needs to happen for them to bring us into this new system. Two parts to this. Crypto deregulation and merging that with deregulated banks.


Well, people, we’re seeing this move at the speed of light. Warp speed. This is going at warp speed.


So, the second day of President Trump’s new presidency, you got this in your inbox right now. This is huge. So, let us go through this.


So, Trump does a deregulated crypto. Trump and the SEC creates a task force. This is Barron’s Bitcoin rises.


Crypto is across the board, rising after this crypto task force is now taking place. The Trump administration took its first steps today towards expected lowering of regulatory barriers for cryptocurrency. This is a long-awaited move.


We all know that. We’ve been calling it here over and over again. And this is, people, look, let me show you.


You see what I’m talking about? Key. I can’t stress to you guys and girls enough what this actually means here. I believe we’re going to see this thrust in our face much faster than a look.


This is extremely positive for cryptocurrencies across the board. We all know that. We were promised this during the freaking campaign, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, blah, blah, blah, blah.


And we’re being pulled further and further and further, faster from any kind of a constitutional money system. So for those of you that are still locked in a delusional state, snap out of it, man, because you and I are going to be forced to do things that we don’t want to do. Anyway, as I said, I did send this to you.


It’s in your inbox with a link to this, which is the SEC and Trump’s acting chairman now talking about this task force and what they’re going to be doing here. Everything we’ve spoken about is almost as if we were reading it. And it really is because we have their freaking playbook.


Now, I know you guys and girls are watching the 10 year yield. You’re watching the US dollar. I mean, you’re watching the MMRI.


The dollar today, and this is relative strength, okay, really fell off a cliff with the 10 year yield dropping, MMRI coming down. Are you going to be surprised to see the MMRI drop below 300? I think we can all expect that, honestly. Now, on the back of that, you got gold and silver catching a bid nicely.


You got, look at this, almost a new record high with regard to Bitcoin. Crypto’s taking off XRP. Look at this doge.


I mean, come on, come on. It’s just, it’s craziness on a massive scale. Now, look, I want to show you something real quick before we go on.


Here we go. Where’d I put that? I’m losing my mind over here. Okay.


It doesn’t appear to me that this is going to stop anytime soon. Okay. So, as we were saying, we should probably see this drop here.


Now, with regard to the S&P 500 today, we did cross. These are the indices for today, how we made out. With regard to the S&P 500 today, we did, this is a new high.


We just passed the December high. Now, coincidentally or not, I sent this out to you guys and girls in my newsletter. Again, read everybody in the link in the description of this video.


Real quick, I wrote lions hold your fire thoughts and opinion. Now, I wrote below is a chart, and this is the chart I’m talking about here. I wrote below is a chart of the S&P 500.


Now, I showed you here. I don’t need that thing. This is the December.


This is where we were December. We’ve now, this is where we were earlier today. We’ve now surpassed that.


Now, that doesn’t mean my lion’s out here. Okay. That we’re going to just jump right back into this market.


Okay. We need something to happen. Now, again, I wrote, I would not consider putting more cash into this market here until we retake the December high, and then we need to see this break above.


We need to see it drop down, and then we need to hold it. We need to hold it before we get back in here. There’s a lot of moving pieces to what’s happening here.


I’m telling you, look, you guys and girls, you guys can do what you want. I believe that we need to see a few things happen. Again, we need to see the risk in this market drop, and we know more easy money is coming.


There’s no doubt about it. If you believe that you’re going to see this turn around and the dollar is going to be stronger now because Trump is here, and your whole life is going to change, and your standard of living is going to get really, really great. No, it’s not.


Currency around the world, central bank issued notes, is going to be wiped out. Now, in terms of cryptocurrency, everything’s going to get obviously cheaper here as we’re being bridged, as we’re being moved, pushed, thrust, whatever you want to call it, into a system we didn’t vote for, we don’t want. If you’re a crypto guy like me, I know a lot of you are, you are very happy about what you’re seeing here with regard to the price action of crypto, but you understand what you’re seeing here.


Again, cash seeks yield. We all know that. I’ve been telling you this for an African long, you’re going to see moves in cryptocurrency you’re not going to believe.


People, look, this has become a game of survival. You, me, people in the middle class, around this world, you’re done. You’re done.


If you’re in a central bank note, you’re going to be squeezed so hard, moving forward. You really don’t know what’s coming here. All you got to do is connect the freaking dots here.


Now, it should honestly be in your face. Finally, maybe you’re waking up to see what you really got here. You got a guy that is determined to bridge us into the new system, which is central bank run.


That’s what this is. This is why he was selected as the president now to bridge us into the new system and to bring us more than likely a negative rate environment. Much lower rates are definitely coming anyway.


That means currency pushing power destruction. How do I say this to you another way? Again, snap out of it. Some of you have been induced into some kind of a state of mind that is absolutely detached from reality.


Get back into it. Start to understand what’s happening and then do something, people. I don’t know another way to put it.


Now, this morning, I explained to you that there are certain sectors of this market that are going to obviously do well under the new guy. We’re going to call Trump the new guy because the new guy, the old guy, it’s just a matter of either putting cash over here or putting cash over there. It doesn’t matter.


What we’re going to see is, again, our standard of living be vastly decreased, unfortunately, here. There’s no way out of it. Just so you understand that.


Now, I had suggested banks, one. Again, the deregulation here of banks and crypto, as you well know, because you and I, I think, hold this for anybody else, is key. Key, key, key.


Now, here’s J.P. Morgan today talking about how Trump is putting banks into go mode. Let’s read what J.P. Morgan had to say. Larger U.S. banks, including J.P. Morgan, will likely be positively impacted by expected general deregulatory environment under a second Trump administration.


Really? Nobody saw that one coming, huh? With consideration in the sector expected to accelerate consolidation. Excuse me. Consolidation is what it’s all about.


The mega banks are going to become more mega than they are now. Now, we should call them MAGA banks. They’re going to be MAGA banks moving forward.


You’re going to see what’s going to happen to some smaller institutions. As you and I have been saying, they’re going to get swallowed up by the larger institutions. Mark my words.


Now we got what we all knew was coming. We got bank deregulation. We got crypto deregulation.


The merging of these two is an unholy alliance, in my view. It’s an unholy alliance, in my view. But you can’t stop it, no matter what you try to do.


Now, so, obviously, banks, defense stocks, you know my take on that, but that’s what you should be looking at. Space stocks. I forgot to mention something, and that should be energy.


Big oil. Big oil companies here. You should be looking into that.


And now, big pharma. Trump is now rolling back his effort to Medicare and to lower drug costs. Big pharma, they’re orgasmic over this.


Thank you, new guy. Big pharma is going to be another thing you want to, maybe. And I think investing in big pharma is just as bad as defense stocks, because big pharma is trying to kill us all anyway.


But the illustrious one is going to make it easier for the big pharma to obviously profit here. So, look, we got this down, people. We don’t really need to change nothing, anything at all.


We’re going to remain diligent in what we’re doing here. Global debt, including here in the United States, is about to go parabolic. If you think it was bad last time, actually, you know, again, going back to the last, well, it’s going to be the last three presidents, including the new guy, who’s the same as the old guy, from, you know, right after Obama, we’re about to see, again, a new debt paradigm in the United States and around the world, okay, that you’re not going to believe here.


So, just don’t lose sight of what is going to happen. And that means, again, crushing debt on everybody’s back. And who benefits here? The Federal Reserve, who’s also benefiting, obviously, from this merger of the Wall Street megabanks, MAGA banks, obviously, and cryptocurrency.


Do you see where we’re going here with this? I really hope you guys and girls get it, honestly, because we, you, me, we’ve been working really hard at this. And look, I don’t like this. I don’t like any of it.


I’m being honest with you. But we’re going to need to take action here. And we’re going to need to do things.


We may need to take risks here that we don’t want to. With regard to the stock market, it seems like this is going higher. All right.


I still would like to see, as I showed you, a close above the December high with regard to the S&P, maintain it, and then a move higher, like a pullback, maintain, higher. That would be a big sign here. We know more easy money is coming.


We know that, look, I’m not putting Trump down here, so don’t get triggered. He is the most stock market friendly guy in the history of the United States presidents, every day. How did that stock market do? You remember the last time? How did that stock market do? We’re all rich.


He wasn’t talking about you. Okay. But we’re going to have to get in here, I think, again, and just hold your fire a little bit.


When I decide to put more cash to work in here again, I will let all of you know, again, you can’t mimic what I do, but think about what’s right for you. With regard to cryptocurrency, people, look, man, let me say this. You can’t stay in the dollar.


You can’t do it. If you’re a person that is in the dollar and not doing anything else, you’re setting yourself to lose on a massive scale. With regard to gold and silver, these things are going to underperform.


Why? Why? Why? Why? Because cash seeks yield. Trump is going to make sure, I mean, come on, man, I’m not putting the guy down. I’m showing you evidence here.


He’s going to make sure that he fulfills what he said. He’s working with the Fed right now to bring about the new system. That means merging the banks with cryptocurrency, making us all comfortable with it, and then bringing about the new system, which everybody knows is coming.


This is no secret to anybody. Nobody, if everybody knows it now, but what are they doing about it? Nothing. They’re sitting back.


Either they’re literally in la-la land thinking, oh no, we’re going back to a constitutional money system. Greg is wrong. Come on, guys and girls, you’ve got to freaking get with the program, man.


What about real estate? Okay, this is a good question here. Rates are probably going to be artificially suppressed massively. What does that mean? That means real estate prices, rent prices are going up.


Currency is going to lose its purchasing power. All the wheels are in motion for this to happen. That means that the price of everything is going up.


It looks like most of you here, 91% are preparing for higher prices. You know, that’s what’s going on here. Just wait until the tariffs hit.


That looks like it’s getting pushed off a little bit so far, giving the market a time to digest what’s going on. A lot just happened over the last two days. Anyway, look, guys and girls, I don’t know what else to say to you guys and girls.


I think for the most part, you and I, no, for the entire part, have been absolutely on target with this. All of it, because we know their playbook. It’s like we’re reading it because we are, and we know what’s going to happen.


We know what they’re going to do here moving forward here across the board. So again, to this morning, if you didn’t see my morning video, go ahead and watch it. I did cover sector of this market you should be looking into.


Now it’s obviously big oil and big pharma. I hate this stuff. I hate this stuff.


When are we going to see subsidies? Let me ask you. So we’re going to cut government spending, right? Although the government’s growing, we haven’t cut anything yet so far. When do you think that President Trump is going to cut subsidies for big oil? Is he going to cut subsidies for big pharma? Oh, you didn’t know that they’re still being subsidized? Oh, of course you wouldn’t, because no one’s going to tell you that.


What a game, what a game they’re throwing at us. Am I right? It’s just sickening, sickening. Does this stuff want to make you puke? That makes me want to puke.


Anyway, hey guys and girls, just real quick while I got you here, in the description of this video is a link. I’m going to be going live with Corey Kostas, good guy, super freaking smart, and we’re going to take questions. So if you want to just get on the list there, just click on that link.


It’ll open up another window. Just hang out and we’ll talk more about this whole thing. Anyway, you guys and girls, let me open this up again, because I’ve been getting a lot of heat lately.


Greg is not taking questions. Again, I’m going to do my best here to do the axiom. Dude, how are you, bro? I missed you.


Anyway, you guys and girls want to cover anything specific that maybe we’ve talked about here or anything else here before we get going here? We’ll get gold without dry pressing. Wait, I’m trying to read this here. Look, it should be obvious to you why we’re seeing the action here of gold and silver.


People, I told you this. I told you this from a long time ago. We are not, not, not, imagine, let’s just for a second imagine, imagine this.


Instead of being vaulted into the cryptocurrency capital of the world, which is a key component to the new system, we were instead being, right now as an executive order, the beautiful man Trump would sign into law, we are now going back into a constitutional money system. We’re going back to a gold back system. We’re going to revalue gold.


It can actually happen, but it’s not going to. You see, this would end the Fed now today. By executive order, by the end of the day today, Trump could end the Fed.


If we signed into an executive order right now, we’re going back to a constitutional money system. This is done. But no, we’ve got to be bridged into a system that you don’t even want.


That’s going to cause cash to seek yield. You’re going to see pressure on gold and silver. But again, that means gold and silver are on sale.


They’re more on sale than they’ve ever been. So embrace this, people. Stop getting upset about it.


I don’t even think about it. Gregory Manorino does not think about the price of gold and silver at all. I know that one day we’re going to see an implosion in this debt market.


They’re doing everything in their power to keep it inflated, everything in their power to devalue the currency. Wait till you see what’s going to happen, because we are going to win. And mark my words, save this video if you don’t believe me.


You’re going to see debts and deficits explode. And again, who’s going to make up that difference? The Federal Reserve is going to do it. That’s who’s going to make up the difference.


They’re more than happy to lend. Anyway, guys and girls, look, you got to continue doing this. Greg isn’t going to stop.


You guys are going to do what you want. But I will continue to be betting against the system from every angle. And again, you and I, I hate to say this, but we’re going to have to take risks here that we don’t want to.


If you do not like cryptocurrency, and I get it. I’ve been hearing this for so long, since Bitcoin, what, $17,500? And everyone laughed at me. Greg, you’re telling people the wrong thing.


You’re telling people to really buy at $17,500? There’s something wrong with you, Greg. You’re going to lead everyone to the slaughter. We’re at like, what, $108,000? And we’re going much, much higher, much, much higher.


XRP, all these, Ethereum, Litecoin, I own these, Doge. Look, I know you don’t like this stuff. But in life, sometimes you got to learn to like things.


And you got to accept the consequences too. You’ve already accepted the consequences of your vote, right? You voted for everything you’re seeing right now. You did.


I know that you did. So look, man, it’s just, it is what it is. And Joe knows.


It’s crazy. Alan knows. Joe, all you guys and girls know what’s happening here.


Honestly. And you’re all too smart. Way, way, way too smart.


Is there anything else you guys and girls want to talk? I need a cheap, cheap house to buy. Cheap in dollars, right? In Bitcoin terms, I guess everything is dropping to the freaking floor. But we’re all rich, right? Ask Trump.


He’s going to tell you how rich we all are. Anyway, guys and girls, look, it’s not going to change. If you’re really expecting things to change for anywhere, wherever you live in this world, let’s stop thinking about here just in the United States, just because this one guy was now replaced with another creature behind the Resolute Desk.


You think the entire world, this is all going to change for everyone. Central banks are going to stop devaluing their currency, debasing it, destroying it, and destroying you. Do you believe that a central banker or the beautiful man Trump now behind the Resolute Desk, Biden had no idea what was going on because he was he was suffering from dementia, the old guy, okay? And the other thing over there, Camelot creature, she had no idea what was going on.


She was just going with the flow. You know that. But Trump knows.


Trump knows about the situation of currency devaluation, artificially suppressed rates, how it’s an economic destroyer. But you’re going to get it. That’s where you’re going because you’re being led to the… No, you’re leading yourself to the slaughter.


I don’t even want to talk about the Trump meme coin nor the Melania meme coin. I’m not talking about them. I frankly think they are garbage, okay? I already told you guys and girls I’m not investing in the Trump meme coin nor the Melania meme coin, so just… I’m not even going to talk about it.


I don’t even want to. You guys want to get into it, that’s all… If you got to have that Trump and Melania meme coin, well, good for you, okay? And maybe it’ll go up in value and maybe it won’t. They’re getting slaughtered as of right now, but whatever, man.


I guess there’s a sucker born every minute. I think that’s what we’re kind of told, right? All right, guys and girls, I think we’re going to end up calling it here, buy or die. Unfortunately, bro, space vibes, I don’t like what I’m seeing.


I don’t know another way to put it to you. We’re going to have to… This isn’t going to be as easy as we think it is. I’m going to tell you right now.


Is the stock market going higher? I’m going to say there’s probably a very high probability of that. If they can continue, they… I’m talking about the Federal Reserve and, of course, politicians, Trump, to pressure the dollar via the mechanism of cutting rates, cutting rates, cutting rates. Of course, that’s going to create greater distortions in the price action of everything, including the stock market.


Can I just join the BRICS? Yeah, maybe Tyler, you might be right on that. Anyway, guys, we’re on the same page here. And it seems to me, look, this is not real.


You do realize what you’re doing. Eventually, this is going to get real. Exactly.


Jonathan, the end is coming, but we’re not there yet. They’re not done bridging the system, although the bridge is being built very, very fast, faster than I even thought it would be. OK.


I think once the bridge is actually complete, what did we hear today from Bank of America earlier? They’re ready to roll out the crypto system. Basically, flip the switch. And it’s not just Bank of America.


It’s all the megabanks. They’ve all been set up before the selection, before. It was all ready.


Just a matter of it happening here. Now you’ve got the deregulation, the SEC, Trump, this task force, a task force. Let’s do it.


Make it up. Make this stuff up, really. Who’s paying for the tax force? You are, of course.


But we’re supposed to be making government smaller, right? I’m telling you, you want to fix the situation here? Cut the government in half? That’s not going to happen. You really think this Doge thing is going to really work? It’s a shell game. You see, you have to understand what’s being set up for you.


They think you’re too dumb. Trump thinks you’re an idiot of the highest possible order, because all this stuff, obviously, you didn’t vote for this, but it’s happening anyway. This Doge thing is going to be taking cash from here and putting it someplace else.


It’s a shell game. That’s what this is. They’re not going to stop inflating.


And with regard to GDP, government spending and GDP, do you think Trump is going to want to see GDP crater because government spending just got cut? Oh, absolutely not. He’s going to tout the GDP, because government spending is going up. Or they’re going to move it someplace else.


That’s all they’re going to do. So just be ready for that. You’re going to be played like a fiddle.


They really think you’re stupid. I know you’re not stupid. Anyway, that’s kind of it, guys and girls.


I think I’m going to go for now. We got this down. And that’s it.


All right. Love you all. Kent, thank you.


What are your thoughts? I don’t own miners. I’ve been talking about this for the longest time. But I’ll tell you something, in light of what we’re seeing here, I might actually start doing it.


I think that there’s definitely value here. And the market, again, with more artificially suppressed rates and currency destruction on purchasing power losses, I mean, I would expect to see it. Hermes thinks they suck.


Look, man, if I had a choice between holding the actual asset or a miner, I’m going to choose the asset any day. When is this Ponzi going to dump? The Ponzi is the economy. And the economy is dumping around the world.


The market is a scheme or a scam on a scale that we’ve never seen before in the history of the world. Right, Jeffrey? Thank you. I mean, think about it.


Look at what’s happening to cryptocurrency right now, this setup. It’s obviously going higher. What is this stuff? Okay.


Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. You will be, you will conform to the new system. Those of you that don’t want to conform to the system, you’re going to.


Believe me, they’re going to make you beg for it. They’re going to destroy the purchasing power of the currency while they inflate the prices of cryptocurrency. And then when the banks start allowing you to transact in this, it’s already set up.


People are going to start asking themselves, hold on a second. No, I could, I mean, I could have bought crypto at X and now it’s worth XXX and my dollar is being destroyed. What do you think? This is set up here.


It’s too easy to see what they’re setting up. Buy Trump coin. Ron Johnson, that’s on you.


I am not saying to buy Trump coin. You guys and girls buy Trump coin if you like. All right, look.


I love you guys and girls so much. You’re fantastic. All right.


I’m going to get out of here real quick. Look, as I said, please join me at 5.30, one hour from now, a little less than an hour. There is a link in the description of the video.


I’ll be on with Corey. We’re going to have a nice talk and you guys and girls can chime in. All right.


So I really hope to see you there. Magic Miko, what’s going on, everybody? All right. Love you all.


Like you don’t know. I’ll see you hopefully in an hour if you’re there. Otherwise, I’ll see you in the morning.


We got this, people. We got this. I want to thank you for being here.


I want to thank you for those thumbs up. If I have earned you a thumbs up, I’d appreciate one, and I appreciate you getting this stuff out there and let people understand what’s happening. If we can wake up one person, one, we’ve made a difference today.


We’ve made a positive difference to the world. You know what? That’s what I’m all about. That’s what I’m all about.


Unfortunately, you’re right. No drag racing tonight. It’s pouring rain out here and I’m 10 minutes from the track, so no drag racing, unfortunately.


Love you all. See you in an hour or less or I’ll see you later. Okay.


Link in the description of this video. Bye.

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