Militia Man (Uncut) 01-25-2025
MM&C Iraq Dinar News-2024 Digital Compact-WEF Security & Stability-Development-National Card in USA-
Hey everyone, before I get started, I just want to remind you that if you like my content, hit that like button, subscribe to my channel, and then join the Militiaman and Crew Patreon community by clicking the link in the caption. Hey, good evening everybody. It’s Friday.
It’s the 24th, and I just want to say good evening to everybody, and I hope everybody’s going to have a really good weekend. I’m looking forward to it. Hey, just want to give you guys a little update in my view of what’s been going on, and yes, I’ve been very, very enthusiastic about the Iraqi Dinar.
I have been talking about it, you know, learning, seeking the truth, all the way back for 15 years, and there’s truly, everybody that’s been in the last two years should easily see the evidence that shows Iraq is actually following through with what they’re doing, and that’s the digital transformation, and that has a component in it, and one of them is they’re going to be their future currency, and so anyway, I’m very excited about it, but keep in mind, what we had two years ago doesn’t even compare to what we have today, and hence, I still have my enthusiasm. Okay, so I hope you guys understand that I read the news. I do the best that I can with the help of the crew to find and decipher the good and the bad, and to be honest with you, we find some of the best news, the most accurate and reliable.
There’s a lot of fluff out there, and there’s a lot of fake news, and there’s a lot of people that have other agendas. Okay, it’s just like some folks that come into the room, and they have an agenda into my forum, and on YouTube, for that matter. So anyway, just know that I’m here to read the news, and give you the best I can, and we’re going to keep on doing that.
So here, starting tonight, the participation of Iraq is an article. The Arab Council of Ministers of Communications and Information holds a meeting in Cairo. It’s the Arab Council of Communications, Information Technology, and their participation was with the Ministry of Communications, Dr. Hiam Al-Yassiri.
It says the Ministry of Communications stated that during the meeting, a number of vital files that affect the future of the digital sector in Arab countries were discussed. So Iraq’s not going to be alone in the digital environment. As a matter of fact, the region’s going to be digital, just as the world is going digital and has been.
So the key issues, such as the internet governance, they go on to say digital economy index, enhancing Arab coordination in international communications meetings were highlighted. They discuss topics related to cyber security, ways to combat information technology crimes in ways that enhance the digital security in the region. They go on to say adopting the Arab strategy for artificial intelligence.
I think if you guys have been watching the World Economic Forum, or if you’ve been paying attention, that artificial intelligence is a big thing here in our country, and it’s going to be a big thing around the world. In fact, there’s a really good article that I have here today that I’ll refer to happened in September of 2004, 2024. I’ll get to it.
Just bear with me. But it is important. You can find it in forward slash M-M-A-N-D-C-R-E-W in our Discord room.
And I even refer to specific pages in Patreon. So if you’re not a member, it’s $9.99 a month, and you get a free Discord that comes with it, and you can search and look and find what I write about. And you can see it in print.
So it definitely brings value, and we’ll look forward to seeing you guys. But to me, it was quite clear that the Arab world are all embracing the global digital and artificial intelligence. Commercial transactions, for instance, will take part in this for Iraq on a global scale, as far as I can tell.
There’s no turning back from that fact. So pay attention. So if you come in to see this, I give support for my work.
I do the best that I can to find data that’s relevant and supports the data that we bring and provide. And that’s pretty key. And it says there’s quite a bit of evidence that’s quite clear in its evidentiary.
Iraq’s currency is going to fit nicely within this environment, as far as I’m concerned. I look forward to it. I hope you guys will as well.
So this article I was mentioning, it’s not an article. It’s a 64-page document. And some of the key components in it are the ones that struck my eye.
Well, first off, what I just talked about, commercial transactions. Commercial transactions being digital. In other words, they’re going to be using a digital system to be able to move money digitally.
And that’s just the way it’s going to be. And that’s powerful because there’s a lot of companies out there and new technologies. Artificial intelligence is going to drive that stuff.
And so is the blockchain. And so if you don’t know that now, you better figure it out because it’s going to be here front and center. And it’s ongoing right now.
This is called the pact for the future, the global digital compact and declaration on future generations. It says that the object was to expand inclusion and benefits from the digital economy for all. And this is talking about global.
We’re not talking about just Iraq. Iraq’s inclusive in this, but it’s talking about countries around the world. Okay.
They go on, it says the pact for the future, global digital compact and declaration on future generations. They’re talking about competitiveness, accelerate digital transformation, support investment and transfer of digital technologies on mutually agreed terms to developing countries. They consider that there’s robust standards capacity.
They ensure a safe, secure and resilient functioning digital systems, networks and data are also essential to facilitate commercial transactions, just like I told you. And it enables safe, secure and trustworthy online environments. So they’re looking for trust.
And again, this comes from the You can find it on the UN site and it’s the pact for the future of 2024. And you take a look at it. And if you know how to do a search engine with your computers, you’ll find that you can do buzzwords and you can find digital transformation.
You can even find disinformation and misinformation in the AI related components. There’s a many pages. If you guys want to take a minute and write them down, I suggest 25, 26, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 53, 54, and 55.
There’s more, but I’m not going to go into that. But when I talked about, if you do the buzzwords, disinformation and misinformation, I think you’ll be surprised that what the news, you’re going to have a problem. Then they’re going to need to tell the truth.
And that’s, that’s just the way it’s going to be. It’s going to be, it’s going to be phenomenal. As far as I’m concerned, I like the truth.
A good or good and bad truths can be both, but, but having accurate information is the key. So here’s another article as the president of the Republic to the president of the world economic forum in Iraq is fertile environment for investment and trade cooperation. So the president Jamal Rashid was, he met today or no yesterday.
It says Rashid stresses that the importance of the world economic forum and its role in bringing together world leaders and heads of major economic organizations and companies to achieve economic integration and conclude agreements that contribute to strengthening the economies of peoples. They go on to say, Iraq enjoys security and stability. So they enjoy that security and stability now and is moving forward towards strengthening economic situation in various fields, especially infrastructure, the energy sector, the environment services, improving the living conditions of the citizens.
He says, Iraq state is working to enhance the role of investment and private sector through legislative and exit execute executive facilities. It says Iraq is considered a fertile environment for investment, economic, commercial cooperation. So there you again, commercial it’s, it’s phenomenal.
Iraq is considered one of the most important countries in the middle East and the world. Really at 1310, you’re the most important. I don’t think so.
Are they going to change? I think so. So it goes on and says indicators to support it in achievement in various economic and social aspects. So basically what is Iraq’s basically looking to find her new place in the global financial system.
Remember the articles that talked about being a savior of the financial systems and banking systems and to the summit and bring confidence to some of the largest banks in the world. I absolutely remember it. Here’s one.
It says Allah lock central bank governor, Baghdad dialogue is meeting point of point for visions and ideas that support security and development. This is going to happen in a future day in February. And I think what they’re going to have to have done before they do this was is probably things are going to change first because they’re going to have some really important meetings.
They go on to say, this is a Baghdad dialogue, which is organized annually by the Iraqi Institute for dialogue. Acronym is IID is a platform that brings together visions to enhance Iraq’s regional and international role and highlight its ability to host major events to become a meeting point for visions and ideas that support security and development in Iraq, the region and the world. And this is this meeting.
It says is noteworthy, noteworthy that the activities of the seventh Baghdad international dialogue will be launched, but with the participation of an elite group of political, economic and academic figures from inside and outside of Iraq. And they’re going to be meeting in February of 2025. It looks like the 22nd.
So that’s something just to consider that a lock is talking to these people. And I think that a lock’s got a job to do well before that, well before that. But again, we’ll see the ministry of electricity discusses draft electricity exchange contracts with Gulf interconnection authority.
Look, the port of fog is going to need a lot of electricity and they’re working on that. The development road project, the growth that they’re going to have, they’re going to need a lot of energy. And for the development road project to be successful, they’re going to need the energy to be like 24-7.
And think about artificial intelligence. They need a lot of electricity. And here in the United States, it’s going to be the same.
They’re going to have to probably build out our infrastructure and electricity in our country. And I would not be surprised if our – it’s on the agenda for us, for our country, I would say. It says here that the implementation of directors from the prime minister, Mohammed Shihal Sadani, which include achieving electrical interconnection with neighboring countries with the follow-up of the ministry of electricity for the necessity of completing matters related to the Iraqi Gulf interconnection, the ministerial delegation for electricity headed by the ministry’s advisor and the membership of the director general of the electricity transmission in the south.
And then they go on to talk about in the follow-up in the southern electricity transmission company. They go on to say the Gulf interconnection authorities involved, the executive vice president, members of the interconnection authority. That’s who he is.
Representatives of the ministries of electricity and the energy of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, a draft contract for the exchange of electrical energy. So, basically, they’re going to have a linkage that’s going to be 400 kV with Kuwait, Al-Fa, a secondary station, which is 400 kV. So, look, that’s what they’re doing.
They’re setting it up and they’re ready. They’re doing it, I guess. But they’re bringing stable energy that will achieve reliability and the linkage for that exchange of energy.
And so, look, as far as I can tell you, they’re going to be looking for energy 24-7, 365 days a week, a year. Okay. Here’s one from the interior ministry, opening of an office to issue national cards in the American city of Detroit.
Look, all the citizens are going to get their constitutional rights. And if they want to get their money from those constitutional rights in the future, they’re going to need to have these national cards. So, here in America, through the intensive follow-up by the ministry, minister of interior, the directorate of the civil status, passports, and residence opened an office to issue the national card in the city of Detroit here in the United States of America.
This achievement is considered one of the achievements added to the record of the ministry of interior, improving and providing distinguished services to its citizens, both inside the country and outside. So, here again, they’re going to get their constitutional rights. And I would imagine that’s probably going to be a busy office in Detroit.
A government advisor reveals measures to revive insurance sector in Iraq. You guys all probably realize that insurance sector here in the United States is a big one. You might not like paying your bills, but the bottom line is investors definitely, and many people, you have to have insurance to drive your car.
And basically it’s going to be mandatory in Iraq, just like it is here. So, if you do business and you need insurance on your commercial transactions, they’re going to have it. They’re going to have everything facilitated.
And it’s going to be some of these things I’m sure will be a mandatory issue. He goes on and says, this advisor of the financial affairs, Mohammed Saleh is talking. He says, he goes, I find it important to design insurance products that suit different categories, such as agricultural insurance and disaster insurance, and informing citizens that there’s mandatory insurance for car accidents.
He goes on and says, there is an approved mechanism in this regard that not many people know about, and it’s part of the absent societal culture regarding mandatory insurance in the country. So, they’re getting the word out, indicating that citizens’ confidence in non-banking financial institutions must be enhanced, including insurance activity, particularly, which is reflected in the environment, the development of the insurance sector as a whole, and its interconnection in the entire national economy. The disparity in purchasing power of many segments of society makes them focus on basic needs instead of future financial planning.
You think that they’re going to have purchasing power coming, so they’ll be able to get insurance? I wouldn’t be surprised. A lot of money in insurance, you guys. And for inherited reasons, as well as due to years of wars and conflicts and social and economic changes that have affected society.
So, they’re just given some reasoning why the people probably wouldn’t have insurance because, what, they can’t afford it. I understand that. He says, there’s a need to build integrated awareness programs targeting youth in various business sectors and improve the level of services in a way that enhances trust between customers and insurance companies, in addition to increasing the number of options provided by current insurance companies, and activating the use of digital technology to improve the customer experiences in terms of ease of access and insurance services.
It says, the important promoting partnership between the state and the private sector in the scope of insurance, its services and institutions. And I find that represents the second phase of the financial and economic reform undertaken by the government program. So, this is Al Saleh, the advisor.
He says, there is a serious government trend towards activating the insurance sector as it is the financial guarantor of the individual’s and society’s life, due to its significant positive impact on the national economy in general, and the development of the financial market, in particular, by reducing risks and enhancing financial stability in the country. So, another good article that everybody should come on into and check it out, because the stuff is really good. Okay, this article here is good news for the employees for Iraq.
This one’s going to be fascinating, too, because, you know, they’ve been waiting for their salaries, they’ve been waiting for the budget law, and they’re waiting to get paid, and you have the national cards, but this article here stands out. So, good news for employees of Iraq. Parliamentary Finance announces the date of launching bonuses and promotions.
So, it says the council made it clear on Friday that it’s waiting for the Iraqi government to send the 2025 budget tables for approval. They have not done that yet. Why? Because they have some things to take care of for the 23-24, and that is Article 12-2C, as you’re going to see.
It says the budget was approved in 2023 as a three-year budget, so it’s 23, 24, and 25, and the change that occurred as the first stage is the amendment to Article 12-2C only, which is about the resumption of oil export from the Kurdistan region with the capacity of 400,000 barrels at the cost of extracting transporting barrels at 16 bucks instead of six, and this has been read first reading, and so they’re waiting for supposedly the discussion remains on the second reading, and then the vote on the amendment, and after this amendment, there are no other amendments to the budget. Exposing 12-C to those guys to vote on it, you’re probably going to see an exchange rate to proceed that. That’s how I would see it.
Whether that happens or not has to be determined, but that’s the consensus that we have. The Finance Committee is waiting for the completion of the budget amendment. The government sends the budget tables that will show whether there are certain increases or otherwise.
He says this is linked to the Ministry of Finance, which issued a statement suspending the bonuses until the budget is approved and according to the established schedules. It goes on, there was another statement was based on the Ministry’s Finance Circular number 555 of 2025. We would like to clarify that the procedures related to stopping the transfers of services, promotions, and calculation of contract service, press services, law, etc., are regulatory procedures adopted annually to accurately determine financial allocations, so ultimately the transfer of services from one side to the other requires a transfer of allocations, which can currently be applied due to the lack of availability of the 2025 budget tables, as this allows to know the financial allocations of each entity to ensure that there are no excesses or imbalances in the final distribution.
So, the final distribution is going to be important to get those bonuses. It says ensure regulation of the government spending and determine the ceilings of financial allocations for ministries, entities not affiliated with the ministry, okay, including the Kurdistan region. But the last thing it says in this particular case is the ministry pointed out that most of the financial allocations for the grades introduced for 2024 included the tables of ministries headquarters, but the direct actual distribution was done at the level of departments and has not yet been sent to the Ministry of Finance.
Therefore, the ministry is currently working to follow up on the financial cost employees to include it correctly and to ensure that there’s no shortage in the allocation from the tables of estimates for 2025. We also are going to see something here about Article 140 coming. We all know that Article 122C is very important, and it’s in their focus.
So, Article 140 is really interesting because the final article I’m going to talk about that a little bit. It says the real estate law that paves the way for peaceful coexistence and erasing the effects of Arabization. The House of Representatives finally voted on the draft law to return properties to their owners covered by some decisions of the dissolved Revolutionary Command with the insistence and movement of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc in the House of Representatives in cooperation with the Kurdish blocs.
So, it says finally voted on the draft law. It says the House of Representatives, it says voting on the law to return properties to their owners included some decisions of the dissolved Revolutionary Command, an important historical step to erase effects of Arabization and demographic change in Kirkuk, Government, and other regions. Voting on this law is the beginning of the road to peaceful coexistence between the components of the country because it is returning the rights to those owners.
Again, back to those national cards here in the United States. It’s all interconnected, and there’s no coincidences when it comes to time here as far as I’m concerned. Okay, it says the farmers in the area is covered by Article 140.
So, this is completed. Article 140 welcomed the law and considered it a step in the right direction and a restoration of rights to their rightful owners. That’s pretty powerful information.
It goes on and says the return of the real estate law, it says the legislation of the law to cancel these decisions of the dissolved Revolutionary Command, return the properties to their owners is a very important step for the Kurdish and Turkmen farmers in the areas covered by Article 140. As it returns the rights to its owners and being a beginning of a peaceful coexistence and a comfortable life for the farmers in those areas to cultivate their lands freely without any fear. So, it says lastly, the ownership of agricultural lands in Kirkuk and other areas covered by Article 140 was one of those thorny issues that remained pending for more than 21 years they’ve been waiting to get this done.
Okay, and back to those bonuses, those are going to be paid. They’re retroactive. Think about that paycheck for a while.
That’s going to be big for those folks. Okay, so after 21 years, Article 140 looks to be completed. To me, this is a major sign that Iraq is going to get the people their purchasing power and I would suggest that their constitutional rights are going to be given too.
So, all are tied together. Oil is going to flow next. Electricity is going to be flowing.
There’s no coincidences. The money is going to start flowing. Okay, so anyway, I think you guys all get the picture.
I want to thank you for all being here and I hope you see the light that is shining bright and that’s over there in Iraq and the world because this new digital world is coming quickly and again, I highly suggest you read the pact from September of 2024 with the UN and then you can see an article that I did the other night talks about that pact and if you take that and you look at it, you put those pieces of the puzzle together, you’re going to see that artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, all of that stuff is here to stay and there’s going to be some big names involved with Iraq and they already are as far as I’m concerned. So, have a great evening. Enjoy.
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