MarkZ (Uncut) 01-25-2025
Weekend Coffee with MarkZ. 01/25/2025
Hello all, happy weekend. Greetings. Hello Crypto Kenny, Jeff Halfpike, Captain Peggy.
Hello Aussie Mom, hello MJ up in Windy City. Hello Danny. Let’s get this thing started.
Boy, the pressure has mounted to get her done. Let’s see, Trump rip. I’m sorry, I’m reading some of these.
Trump’s been on a rip. Cheesehead, Sporting West Virginia, and I figured the color was closer. I need to practice at least once or twice a week to make certain that you guys are prepared so you don’t have heart attacks when this thing is finished.
Hello Teddo. Hello Miss Anne. Hello Todd.
Hello Anushka, Misha, Toadstool, I see. Hello Rita. It’s good practice.
I’m trying to work to make certain that I’m not colorblind anymore. Hello Miss Kukla. Hello Trad.
Vernon, I’m just getting ready for the gameplay that is coming extremely soon. That’s all. Hello Jill on the West Coast, Miss Carolyn, Eric, Skyline Ministries, Texas Navy Mom.
Hey, you’re not late. All right, I do need to hurry to get to the fellers. Let’s see.
Good morning, Mark. I’m up in your old stomping grounds, North Central PA with my brother out looking at a piece of dirt. Oh, Trapper, good luck.
Tell me which area. Of course, you’re probably already from there, so I’m not going to be able to tell you all the good hunting areas. Well, if you like to hunt.
I have some great memories. Kate just said my son was a mountaineer. I had a, I had a mountaineer, but it was an Appalachian from Appalachia mountaineer.
And I had a Gamecock and a pirate for my three kids and their schools. It is ad time, Kukla. Thank you so that we’ll be ready to have a little fun with Matt and Lucas.
I will do a very like a 60 Senate news clip first for those that have weekend stuff they need to get to. Cutting edge 2024 study shows collagen can have a drastically positive effect on skin health. Studies found that women who take daily collagen drinks see a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and firmer, more hydrated skin.
But it’s important not to use just any random collagen. Make sure you use a collagen that’s backed by real science. So I use this amazing multi collagen.
Absolutely love how it’s transformed my skin for better for the better. Unlike poorly sourced collagen, you’ll typically find on store shelves that use the top five critically important types collagen for skin health. Unique formulation and in it is designed to reduce visible signs of aging, reduce wrinkles, promote youthful glow, promote elasticity, promote skin hydration.
Simply mix this with your morning coffee, protein shake or smoothie to give your skin the support it needs each day. Do your skin a favor and grab some while it’s 51% off during the holiday promotion at Plus order today to receive free VIP life health and fitness coaching for life. Free ebook titled 14 foods for amazing skin, 60 day satisfaction guarantee and free shipping with your order.
Once again, health with Mark Z. The links in the description for YouTube and rumble. Make it easy if you’re interested. Hello Ted and Savvy.
Now we just got to wait for Matt Lucas to pop into the back office while I give you a real quick rundown. We’re going to go in much more depth when it is the actual news time and it is overwhelming this weekend news with the blurry that Donald Trump has started. I wouldn’t even know where to start.
We could talk for six hours, 20 minutes. I mean, it’s just so much to get through. The short of it is Iraq looking for a consumption tax instead of an income tax.
This is now the conversation that just erupted overnight. Looks like Nisera, to me, just Sarah around the world. We have more and more countries now suddenly want to scrap their income tax and go to a consumption value added sales tax, etc.
I thought that was a great sign. A couple of bank contacts have reached out finally telling me that they are positioned for this week to be finished this coming week, which means a day or two away. But that, at least to me, was very positive to hear.
I do have a number of groups that are expecting funding within days, which I took as a very, very positive as well. Then I want to give a praise report for Antonio. Cancer scans came back clean, came back what appears to be cancer free.
That’s a praise report. You guys prayed for that scan for the recovering Antonio and bam, looks like it was answered. All right, now let’s bring in the fellers.
Good morning, Mark. Good morning, Lucas. Judging by my back office, Matt won today.
He won the race. He always wins, but just because you’re faster doesn’t mean you’re better. Trust me, that’s the only thing that’s faster physically.
I’m about three times slower than you on everything. I’m just like the tortoise and the rabbit. Maybe we can make like tortoise and rabbit shaped gummies.
Oh, wait, you can’t make any fun shapes or they come after you because you’re marketing to children, right? Adults, we like fun things. Well, right. Yeah, for sure.
Maybe things will change on that front. You never know, but I don’t know. Lucas is up on all that.
You’re right, Lucas. Up on what? Like making gummies in the shapes of like a tortoise and hare or better yet, a squirrel. Squirrels are fast.
We’ll get Matt a squirrel shape. It is kind of hilarious because I think we actually could. I could probably get the hardest part would be the tail.
So in the mold, the tail would be the most difficult because we use a starchless mogul system. And so because of that, like the metal molds like that, I would have to be cautious because I feel like the tails would break off and then we’d have a bunch of, you know, Taylor squirrels guys. So then it would just look like when they cut the tails off pit Yeah.
Yeah. So it’s like, man, like, do I want to risk doing the mold? And then, you know, just, you know, I give them to Matt and he’s like, well, what’s this? It looks like a mouse. Like, no, it’s a squirrel without a tail.
No. Well, tell them it’s like a, like when you used to get like a, put it together. It’s one of those, like, you know, you get a, you buy a new furniture and it comes in a box and you have to assemble it.
It’s just like that. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Hey, the Lucas, we got to stay away from the regulator. So you can’t be doing the animal shapes. I don’t think.
Well, I’ll tell you what, how about if we do some kind of kids gummy multiple vitamin, like something like just really cool and healthy, just so we can make squirrel shaped. I just want, I just want to eat a cool shaped gummy. That’s all.
All right. Right on. Should we get to the specials? Yeah, let’s do it.
Okay. And then I think, okay, here we go. So this is Matt and Lucas and Mark, of course, with the CBD gurus here.
And to get into our site, you go to the CBD G U R U And then when you get in there, you see on top, it says wholesale. And then when you hit that button, Mark’s name will pop up and you just go with your cursor, put it on there, boom, you’re in. And then if you can’t get in at that point, and if you’ve been in before, it’ll probably just put you right into it.
You have to put in a code word in a box. It’s a lower case K R A M C B D. And then you’re in. And the only reason I go slow like that, I just want people to know that are new because it is kind of a weird system.
But once you get used to it, you’re used to it. And then we send a magnet out. You can put on your refrigerator and you’re all set.
So everything’s cool there. So then you get into this. Oh, there’s cool.
I don’t know what she said. I couldn’t read it. My phone was too small.
But anyways, we’re into the specials at that point. You’re into the weekly specials. If you don’t want a weekly special, there’s different buttons up there.
Just look at them. We got gummies, Delta 9 THC products, Miracle Gold, broad spectrum, full spectrum, specialty oils, coffee, down to the last thing, the Trump where we actually have some shirts left. And I think I’ve got them at 488 or something.
Yeah, 488. Yep. So that’s a good deal if you’re small or medium.
And then we’ve got the check out our specials below. Starting yesterday. If you want 10% off in your order, make sure you put in J and 10 to get 10% off any size order.
And then any every order also gets 1000 dinar. And then we have 10 products below that have currency. Okay.
Now, if you need help placing an order in your new give 612-412-8343 a call. Or if you want a short answer for a question, not a short answer, but a short question answered. Like it’s hard to do like six, seven questions in one text, you know, just do one question at a time.
It’ll get answered. And if you got more questions, put them in and we’ll answer them. But that’s the same thing.
Text 612-412-8343. And if it gets a little busy, which it doesn’t Saturdays, we’ll get back to you eventually. And everything that comes in now, usually it may get shipped out today, but most likely Monday morning, but we do.
I know we got people working today at the warehouse. So anyways, let’s get to the specials and these specials. I’m going to gear them towards some of my great customers out there and how they affect them.
Okay. So the first two, I put these in there today because it’s, it’s right up the alley of one of our customers that lives in Palm Springs. Okay.
And that’s Robert. Okay. Robert, he’s almost, I don’t even want to say he’s almost 80.
He told me his age. I think he’s like 79. I, you know, I hope I Robert, I know you’re listening.
Don’t be offended. Okay. And these are his two favorite products.
We’ve got the 30 count gummies. I just got these in. I haven’t had these in for a while.
The 30 counts. It’s a mixed gummy. We’ve got a strawberry in there, orange, grape, pomegranate, raspberry.
And what’s the other flavor? I can’t remember it. It’s a pineapple. Yeah.
So it’s a mixed bag of different gummies and in lotions. So when you get that today, it’s $40. So you save 15, you’ll get a 2000 lotion.
You can pick from 5 cents or you can get the, uh, uh, save $15 or you can get two of those two 30 count gummies and two lotions and save 35 for 75. So the reason I think this is a great product is because, uh, Robert and his friends in Palm Springs there, they found that, uh, this stuff has changed your life. I mean, you know, we were talking one day, he gave me about a half hour of stories, but, uh, the main thing is you got the gummies, which a lot of the people his age haven’t encountered before.
And it really helps with the pain and then the lotions. And it really helps with that too. And, uh, and he’s, he said, he’s made so many friends with the lotions and the gummies.
It’s unbelievable. I mean, he says it’s changed my life. He says, I feel better.
Um, I have a better outlook on life. And he says, I’ve made about, uh, I don’t know how many new friends. I don’t, I don’t want to say how many, but who knows, but quite a few, you know, and they sit around and watch a big screen at night and take a gummy and they love it, you know, and they, you know, you have the lotions too, but that’s good.
I’m telling you right now, that stuff is great. Okay. It changes your life.
Okay. Let’s go on. Okay.
We got the 10 count raspberry gummies, two and a half million Boulevard, uh, raspberry. We’ve got a bunch of raspberries, but raspberry is a great flavor. $8 a bag.
We’ve got the regular gummies in the Boulevard. We’ve got the sleep gummies in the Boulevard. We got the Delta eight gummies for the first time with the currency connected to them with the Boulevard.
We’ve got the miracle gold with Boulevard. Um, we got a pain cream with Boulevard lotion, 2000 and the miracle gold. We’ve got it with a THC and without, okay.
Some people need it with, and some people need it without two ounce bottles or just the one ounce bottle with the regular miracle gold and the CBG. And we’ve got our mushrooms down there and we’ve got our lion’s mane, our Turkey tail, uh, mushrooms. We’ve got our mushroom coffee and we’ll be getting some of the products that are out of stock.
So don’t ask. Most of them will probably be coming in by either Wednesday or Thursday next week at the latest. So, uh, just bear with it.
And, uh, you got other, excuse me, I coughed. I didn’t hit the mute, but anyways, we’ve got the immunity product. They’re 30 count.
We got the, uh, am I still in the air? Yes. Just look at the specials. Let’s get to the questions.
They’re all in there. Let’s go. Okay.
But remember two 30 count gummies of our best gummies we’ve ever made there. And those have CBCB different CBDs. How many, how much of the CBD do we actually have in those Lucas on those gummies up to about 40 milligrams sometimes, which ones, you know, are five milligram, uh, thimbles.
Oh, the five, the five milligrams. No, no, no, no, no. We put 25 because you don’t want too much.
Well, because you don’t want too much CBD in there because those are made for like to bring up the efficaciousness of the THC. And so CBD in large quantities can actually lower the efficaciousness of the, or the felt effect of the actual THC. Now, granted in certain things like that’s more for the THC.
Cause people like, you know, say take a five milligram THC gummy, you know, help you sleep or relax. Um, but, uh, you know, things like the people are like, well then why’d you put so much CBD in the 14,000 tincture? And so the 14,000 tincture, that’s more for like extreme reduced inflammation and pain. So being able to like reduce and, uh, the little bit of THC in there, actually we need that to help, um, the C and the overall, uh, for specific intended usage.
That was fun. Um, you kind of bored for a second there. Yeah.
It sounded like you fell off your deck, Lucas. Wait, if he did, he’d fall into a snowbank. We can hear you again, Lucas.
Well, we could hear you, Matt. We’re going to start hitting you with a couple of questions. Okay.
I’ll try my, what about the Delta? What about the Delta eight, five milligram gummies? You were making them in one flavor, like for a year or so. Now they’re gone. Um, I haven’t seen a five milligram D eight.
I think the smallest you made was a D 10 D eight. No, we had a, we actually had a five milligram for a while. Cause that’s all Minnesota allowed, but, uh, it, uh, people, it just didn’t, uh, take off, but I mean, all me and Lucas will talk about it.
So if we’re going to make them again, but I’m sure we’ll make the five, five milligram is super, super small. So it’s just, it’s the hard part is, is that like, you know, five milligram is like a D eight is like a half a milligram of D nine. And I just don’t feel like it’s personally, I don’t think it’s a good enough product where it like the value is there.
And I know that’s kind of ridiculous. Like a lot of people are like, well, like that shouldn’t matter. And it’s like, I know there’s a lot of companies out there that are like, Hey, if people like it, it’s like, I just don’t think the value is there.
I don’t want to do a product unless the benefit that you’re going to receive is going to be greater or equal to that of what you’re paying. That makes sense to me. It’d make more sense to buy a 10 and a half just cause there’s strength.
You’re 25 and a half. Yeah. And, uh, yeah.
So you just get 12 and a half of D eight. That’s what I would do. And anyway, that’s what I have done.
And, uh, yeah. So take a 25 milligram gummy, a D eight and a, just, uh, just cut it in half with your butter knife or else you can just bite it in half. I just, I just bite mine in half, but nobody else gets in my jar to my jar.
That’s right. Your jar is your jar. That’s right.
I’m not. It’s like, it’s my jar. Gar.
There you go. Oh man. You know, but I, you know, I just, uh, I don’t, I don’t elaborate on the stories, but Robert there in the Palm Springs, you know, he said, it’s just, uh, him and his buddies, you know, with these gummies and lotions, it’s changed their life.
I mean, they’re just so happy now they’re pain free. They’re just, they got about a better outlook on life. And, uh, you know, just cause you’re older, you know, you’re not, uh, you’re not gone.
You know what I mean? You’re, you’re still here. You gotta have fun, you know? Yeah. Reminds me of my aunt Stella.
She was 85. She had a new boyfriend. Her boyfriend’s a spouse passed away.
Hers had passed away and they, they hung around together all the time till they passed away in their mid nineties. You know, you can just cause you’re older. It doesn’t mean you’re, you have fun, man.
You know, I mean, where were they like going off and staying in like some of those, uh, like, uh, resorts, uh, adult only resorts or anything at that age? I mean, Mark, it’s, uh, this is 1970 and they both lived in Pasadena. Okay. They were, they were both, uh, put it this way, their houses, both of them were like little mini resorts almost, you know, but, uh, I mean, they, they’re not, they were pretty nice houses, you know, that was the guy who offered when I was 12 years old to give me his car.
Cause, uh, and Stella gave me the bad spam, you know, and damn near put me in the hospital for me. I mean, he was, he really was willing to give me a car that at the time it had about 500 miles on it. It was, uh, 35 years old and, uh, yeah, he felt bad about it.
And, uh, but I didn’t have a license to drive it home to Minnesota from Pasadena. So I just, I somehow, you know, when I think about a 13 year old man, grabbing a car from Pasadena all the way to Minnesota, I, for some reason, don’t see you as the type that’s too worried about having a driver’s license in the 1970s. I, you know, I would have did it, but I was with my sister and my brother and my brother’s buddy, you know, and they would have said something about it, but if it would have just been me out there, yeah, I would have said I flew home and I would have just drove it home for sure.
I would have somehow don’t doubt that one, but I would have had an up-to-date license. Otherwise that would have got you pulled over, you know, right. Nothing to do with a 13 year old behind the wheel.
Of course, if I did get pulled over, I would have had some money, you know, some twenties, you know, few of them, and just told the cop, the story or sheriff, Hey man, I got it for free. You know, what do you want me to do? Yeah. And you just look at him and say, what would you have done at 13? If somebody gave me a free car, you’d have driven it home.
Yeah, exactly. So that maybe would have worked and maybe I only would have been pulled over once or twice. So it might’ve made it, you know, but then my parents would have said, Matt, how’d you get it home? And I noticed, uh, no, you know what? I would have kept it over at a buddy’s place for sure.
And, uh, they wouldn’t, they wouldn’t have known about it. Hell no. Okay.
Back to the CBD. We got that. Especially if you get two of them and two of them, you save 35 bucks, two lotions and two 30 count gummies.
You can’t beat it. So if you want to be the hit of your, uh, your, uh, retirement complex, not complex area, you know, get that stuff. Let’s go.
I’m just breathing through a few of them, having a little bit of fun. Um, uh, Camille’s asking a question of your products for hypertension. I’m going to leave that one to you, Lucas, because I know it really depends on the person, the individual.
And when you’re dealing with hypertension, you’re going to make certain that you, uh, you know, shoot some stuff past the dock. If you’re medicated, uh, you’re just your thoughts here, Lucas. Yeah.
Um, paper with hypertension. Um, I would actually, it’s like how bad is the hypertension? Is it extreme? Is it just slight? Like there’s a lot that, you know, that we don’t have answers to. So this is why it’s so important that we got, that we tell you guys to work with, um, a good family physician on these things.
Uh, but I actually, honestly, Mark, I would probably steer them away from like THC and the cannabinoids, especially with hypertension, because even though it can help longterm short term, it can actually, you know, increase. So what I would suggest is actually take the functional mushrooms, uh, the lion’s mane, the cordyceps, the reishi, take those to your doctor and use those as a, uh, as a good opening to say that you want to start with the mushrooms. Uh, there, there’s actually some pretty good research out there with hypertension and you know, those three functional mushrooms.
Um, makes sense to me. Jack wants to know if we’re seeing delays with orders or if you guys are seeing delays, you know, with the weather and the polar vortex and snow, I can imagine there could be some delays depending on where you’re at. Yeah, I can, I’ll, let me talk on that first because I can tell you what’s happened in the post office, you guys.
Okay. Um, and this was, uh, the trifecta year for the postal service and the, uh, UPS wasn’t, well, they weren’t as bad. No, they weren’t as bad.
They’re, they’re pretty, they’re different. You had the holiday hit on Wednesday on both, uh, weeks here. Okay.
And you might have just semi low, just semi, semi, semi, semi, semis full of packages. Okay. And now here’s how the contract works in the postal service.
You got to call in one time for three days. Okay. So now if your Wednesday is your holiday, which it goes for all of them.
So you call on that Saturday, guess what? They just lost the guy and then he doesn’t even have to even show up to work until Thursday afterwards. Okay. And, uh, and, and they can’t get enough people to even work there, you know, so anybody who’s got a job, you know, doesn’t need the job, maybe not in your area, the exact post office, your rural area, go apply somewhere.
There’s, they can’t, they don’t even have any enough people. Okay. Those packages back those guys up for, they’re, they’re still backed up fighting through and then you go through a storm that went from coast to coast.
Uh, what was it? Two and a half weeks ago that stopped all the trucks from getting through. And then you got the South, the way it is now. And it’s just sure the rest of the year, you might get it in three, four days and everything’s running smooth.
But right now it over the holidays, they got so backed up. They, they didn’t know what to do. They literally have semi loads of, uh, packages, you know, the day after Christmas sitting there, they had more, I’ll bet they didn’t live, deliver, uh, 60% of their stuff this year by Christmas and the rest was sitting out in lots, you know, and that’s the truth.
And, uh, yeah, that’s just the way it is now. Back when I was a mailman in the eighties, I might’ve had three parcels on my route for the day. Now these routes, even on a normal day, right now they get a hundred back during Christmas, they were getting 500, you know? So just, you just gotta realize what the hell’s going on out there, you know? And people don’t, I mean, Amazon went from their, what was it? Their overnight deal to, they disbanded that they try to do it.
But now the can they have like 38 days to get their packages delivered, you know? So that’s life in the, in our world right now. And I think it all started when, uh, everybody was able to take a, a year off and get paid, you know? Well, except for the government guys who’ve got to go back to work now under Trump, you know? Yeah. They’re going to hate life.
I mean, you and I wouldn’t be happy. Oh my God. I got so much good Trump stuff to throw at these folks, but we, we, we better stay a little bit focused.
Some questions. That’s what’s going on with the shipping, you know, you guys, so just bear with it. And this is a whole new world and, and the storefronts of 30 years ago are dead.
It’s all online. You know, God, I see people, this is when I’m driving down the road, leaving in the morning, they got three, four boxes on their steps. You know, that’s another thing.
If you do get boxes, bring them in because there’s people out there. Shit. You can make a better living working and stealing boxes, you know, and good Lord, what a world we live in.
But, uh, yeah, stores are, if you’re thinking of opening up a store, make sure you’re damn sure it can’t be shipped. Okay. So yeah.
Cause if you can ship what you’re going to be selling in the store, well, you’re, you’re not only going to try to be a good business person, but the chances are of you making it are about slim to none because everything can be shipped to people’s houses. No. Okay.
So what’s, so what Matt is telling you is that you’re going to open up a store, sell or open up a store that sells giraffes, rhinoceroses and leopards. Cause I don’t think you can ship those bottles of booze and stuff like that. No, you can ship those.
Okay. Well then maybe. Okay.
Sorry. Yeah. You can’t, you can’t ship a giraffe though.
I’m pretty sure you can. Why not? Well, I mean, I guess, but I mean, don’t you think it’d be easier to put a leash around its neck and walk at home? Yeah. Yeah.
All right. Fine. Um, but I do want a zebra.
I don’t know about a giraffe. Oh, I love giraffes. I mean, I like drafts too.
So I took it. Well, this is another side, you know, I, I want to get some questions answered up. Remind me to tell you about a holler park when I got to, uh, you know, I got to play with the giraffes.
They’re fun. They’re awesome. They are.
But that’s a story for another time. All right. Um, uh, Angela angel asking, I’ve got chronic pain and insomnia, but never get a suggestion.
I’m fed up asking. I can you what I use for chronic pain and insomnia. I use two Delta eights at night.
So I take basically 50 milligrams D eight and I don’t have that problem anymore. Now, mind you, you may want to start off with one. Yeah.
Cause I like, cause 50 milligram will put me down. Like I’ll get, I mean, you can get pretty, uh, uh, you can get the feeling pretty darn good on 50. So, um, yeah, maybe start with 25, but yeah, the Delta eight, you know, people have been using that for the sleep, um, more so than probably anything else hands down.
And it’s just the combination of the anti-inflammatory when you’re sleeping. So you’ve got all that chronic pain. It helps with the pain.
It helps with the inflammation. So you don’t hurt as much the next morning. It helps you get at least five or six hours of decent sleep, which is a godsend.
Do you know why you get the, uh, relief from the chronic pain mark? I’m curious why? Cause it’s the exact same cannabinoid as D eight or sorry, as a CBD as D eight is. So because of that, a lot of the properties of CBD transfer over. So you get a lot of that pain and inflammation because of the being, uh, the CBD molecule.
Hey, I’m telling you it’s huge difference, huge difference that it has made my world. Um, yeah, I’m sorry. I’m seeing so many questions.
I don’t know where to go. And then I saw a hope comment, um, uh, enjoying your mushroom coffee now and your mushroom and a mushroom gummy. Haven’t caught a cold in a long time.
They, it’s a great way. Uh, I love this. Kate Cuthrell, same thing.
I just started using D eight and my pain in the morning has left. It really is. I mean, the amount of pain that I was in before I started taking that approach was enormous.
Now it’s manageable. Yeah. Jimmy, I sleep through it.
I take them at night. I just like, all right, now I’m going to sleep like 30 minutes before I’m ready to be asleep, asleep, but I eat my gummies. And then I just let myself drift off to, uh, to dream about, uh, chasing squirrels with Matt and Lucas.
Right on. That’s right on. Um, team co cardio for life.
It’s one of the things I do for my hypertension and it’s been awesome. Not one of their products though, guys, but a good one. Nonetheless, it is, it is a good one.
Yeah. Maybe we should look at doing our own version of that one. Lucas, we’ll talk.
Uh, we’ll talk. All right. Um, uh, Joe said, sold me on the Delta.
What’s the website to make this easy. I’m going to put it on my screen. It is the CBD Look for the wholesale section, hit MZ wholesale passcode is K R a M C B D to get in there.
Or you can just text my sister at 6 1 2 4 1 2 8 3 4 3. And she can talk you through getting the right one. The first time, if you would like, how’d that do guys? You did great Mark. And my voice is not doing good.
I, and I don’t know what it is, but anyways, we’re just lost it. Yeah. I just lost it completely, man.
You know what though? The world’s changing. It’s changing. Yeah.
You either got to change with it or Matt, honestly, brother, you don’t have to change with it. We’ll change around you. No, I do.
Because you know, when I go into that bed jobby or whatever we talked about, you talk about once in a while, I don’t know if I’m supposed to say the name because they’ll censor me or whatever. Um, you know what I was, I did want to go back to being young, like five or something, but Nope, I want to be 20 again. So I’m going to have to figure out, uh, living, you know what? I’m going to be a tradesman.
That’s what I’m going to do. And, uh, because almost everything in college can be taken up by AI, you know? And so, yeah, you go out there and you gotta, you know, be an electrician, be a plumber. I would just, uh, be 20 years old.
Yeah. I think I’d be a plumber because then you would, uh, you encounter more people maybe. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. What happens if like AI takes over all the brainiac jobs and then we just don’t need them anymore.
Uh, and then when the computers break down at some point, there’s going to be no way to fix anything. That’s right. It’s going to be an interesting cycle that we’re going to go through here in a human history.
Well, and I think that that’s where it’s important that, you know, you have the, uh, so you have the guys that build, right? You have the, you have the front end because AI can’t exist without it being built, right? The computers, the technology being built and, and the same thing with the infrastructures. So infrastructures need built and they need maintained and they need, uh, you know, fixed. And so we’re going to see that industry, but the problem is Mark is a lot of the kids in school, whether it be high school or college, they’re not being taught that that’s the fields they go into.
They should be, you know, they want to be the, the actual brainiac or the person, you know, that AI can replace. It’s like, no, like, I mean, I teach my kids like we, like even at the young age, uh, going to start doing apprenticeships when they hit a 10 years old. Um, one of them already wants to do like heating and cooling.
And one of them wants to be like deal with wires and electrician. It’s like, guys, you’re always going to have a need for that. Always.
Always. Um, I mean the machines we’re going to become a servant class to, uh, the machines is my concern here. Oh, 100%.
And I think it’s going to happen a lot sooner than we think it will. And if we’re smart, we’ll monetize becoming a servant to the machine so that we come out. Okay.
We just need to make sure that these machines are paying us. We just got to that piece of this scary thought. Um, Oh, I thought when I read this one, she said one five milligram Delta nine at night sleep, sleep like a baby.
I thought she was saying 15 milligrams of Delta nine at night. And I sleep like a baby. I would sleep like a, the mummy wrapped up in the sarcophagus in the tomb of the Kings or whatever it is in Egypt.
You know, you’d see me in like, you know, 1200 years 15 milligrams of D nine and a night. Yeah. That’s why there’s party packs.
Uh, I actually did ship a few, not many. We don’t have many, but I think there’s probably what Matt like maybe 150 jars or so that’ll get to you. We’ll probably be able to put those back up on the website.
I’d say Tuesday or Wednesday. So keep an eye out on the, uh, on the party pack one and a half milligrams for Valentine’s day for sure. Yeah.
Yeah. Boy, I had some good Valentine’s days. I had some bad ones too, but that might be the, uh, the subject of conversation during Matt story time on a next whiskey and wisdom.
Uh, we get your, uh, you get your best and your worst Valentine story. Let’s see. Oh God.
You know what? There’s a lot of that. No, I don’t even want to, I was just thought of one. I thought of my kindergarten one that really upset me.
Anyway, I thought the teacher was, you know, she must’ve just been a college graduate and I thought she was beautiful and I gave her a Valentine and she said, uh, I said, I love you or something. I want to go on a date or something. And she thought she said it was too inappropriate for our age difference.
So yeah. Okay. Wait, wait, wait.
How old was she? And how old were you? Weren’t you like a, like a, like a kid and she was like a grown adult. Yeah, I was five and she was, uh, I’m guessing she was probably about 24, 25 cause you know, just got out of college and she’s a kindergarten teacher. But there was a store next to the playground about 50 yards off a small store.
I was thinking of just going there and have an ice cream with her or something, but she didn’t want to. She said it was, she said I should stick to kids, girls, my own age. Well, she’s not wrong.
I mean, she’s not wrong. I know you were probably heartbroken. Of course you’re fine.
You, you know, you think the world’s your oyster, right? Yeah, exactly. You’re just looking for the cocktail sauce to go with it. That’s all.
Exactly. I don’t know. It’s one of those things.
Yeah. It was just a, you know, just a friendship deal, you know, I don’t know, you know, so anyway, but yeah, so Valentine’s. Yeah, that was probably one of my worst ones.
I thought it, cause it was devastating at the time. Oh, this is just too funny. Uh, Aussie mom.
Yeah. Hegseth, uh, first tie breaking vote for, uh, JD Vance was, uh, getting Hegseth, uh, sworn in. So bam, it is a thing.
Oh, it is so good to finally get a guy. He was a soldier running that thing instead of a boy. I’ll tell you what I’m with you.
God, that’s great. A soldier running the military. Thank God.
Thank God. Thank God. We’re free at last.
So yeah, it’s been, it’s been an interesting one. Um, yeah. Yeah.
We can’t even mention the steps that voted against them. Good Lord. It’s the, uh, Knight’s town road.
I received my first heart shaped box of chocolates in the fourth grade. Mother wanted to let me eat them because it was Lent. Oh, harsh, harsh.
Isn’t chocolate exempt from Lent? I don’t believe so sadly. Oh man. That’s just, that’s just wrong.
Just hide it under your mattress and eat it in your room. Don’t even tell mom. Listen to Matt kids.
Now don’t listen to Matt kids. Yeah. Hide it in your shoes.
Hide it in your shoes, in the bed, in your, in the clothes, in your drawer, usually between your underwears because you can look there and, um, yeah, you can hide it all kids. I know there’s no kids listening, but if you are sitting there with your mom and dad and you’re bored, you’re going to hear this, hide that stuff from them. Kids, you can do it.
Yeah. All right. Uh, Daniel, we did a, in the first like one minute, but on Saturdays, the news comes at 45 minute mark.
So you are, I don’t know, about six or seven minutes away from the news update, like clockwork every, every Saturday we do it at 10 30 Eastern. Uh, I had a good question for you. I want to put in, make certain we get to this one.
Uh, wait a minute. Uh, do y’all have anything for Parkinson’s and immediately plaque, uh, Delta nines effect on it and also lines main effect on it. I was going to say the two of them.
What, what are your thoughts, Lucas? Oh, all right. That is, uh, the definitely the lion’s main has been big on that. The other one, let me look at my notes because I’m pretty sure.
Lucas, one low dose of THC was CBD, uh, work good with that too. D nine shows a great research for calm, but it’s, it’s gotta be the D nine. So, you know, you gotta know if you have problems with a little bit of THC or not, because the science is overwhelming for D nine, but that’s why it’d be good.
Marked, uh, like the party pack that release on like, say Tuesday or Wednesday for more is, uh, um, you know, just one milligram. So you can kind of slowly dose yourself, uh, on that. But, uh, again, with something like that, guys, you definitely want to get with your, uh, you know, your doctor and figure out, you know, dosing.
And there’s a lot more involved, um, especially with Parkinson’s than just being like, oh, I just have trouble sleeping. Like it’s a whole different ball game. So make sure that you’re, you know, getting with your, uh, your doctor and making sure you’re kind of going through, uh, how you want to kind of go about this and see what they said.
Exactly. Uh, but the research is out there to just put in, um, THC and Parkinson’s and the search engine, you’re going to get obliterated with scientific studies. Really cool stuff.
Do the same thing in YouTube. Some really awesome stuff from doctors discussing it. Okay.
Fun run. I’ve been in the hospital for two months and one month in rehab. I’m in a wheelchair and also using a Walker.
I want to get off the pain pills. They have me on, they make me dizzy. Fortunately with pain pills, you’re going to have to work with the doctor because sometimes they won’t let you use, um, THC nine products along with they’re getting more open mind because it reduces the amount you need.
Uh, been a lot of studies out there, guys, opiate consumption goes down by about 80%, uh, in legal in, in marijuana legal States. Um, because it’s so effective for pain. Uh, and it’s just, it’s huge.
So you’re going to have to work with them, but your thoughts, Lucas, anything you want to point them at, or would you just say here, go talk to the doctor and find an open-minded one? Well, and that’s the thing. Like, so I helped my, uh, my grandmother was on a pretty heavy opiates, um, when she was, and she was in her what mid seventies. Um, and I was able to kind of get her off that.
Um, and I just, I went to, uh, went with her to her doctor visit and we kind of were like, Hey, we want to get off these opiates. Um, you know, and I, so I ha I made like several products specifically for her, but they all, you know, were D nine related and high CBD dosage. Uh, one of them was actually the, uh, the 14,000, you know, to start it off slow.
And so what he did was he built out a plan of being on both at the same time, but lowering the dose of the opiate increasing, you know, and she did it over it. What’s awesome is they can, you know, tailor the plan directly for, um, you know, your age, your weight, you know, I mean, there’s so many different variables involved, um, especially, um, cause your doctor knows your health history, which is huge. So I think it took her, it was a long time, Mark.
I mean, especially cause she was on opiates for almost eight years. Wow. So, yeah, so it was, I think it took almost four months, um, total, sorry, just got something in my throat, um, to be able to, you know, kind of switch it over.
So that, that’s why it’s really important to kind of work with your family physician, um, or whoever the doctor is doing that. And then if they’re like, absolutely not opiates are the way, you know, then you’re like, okay, guy, like I need to find someone else because obviously you want the word, you don’t want the best for me. Exactly.
All right. We’re going to squeeze in one last one type three diabetes. I mean, I know we have a few things that would help, but I don’t know if any, uh, one thing is a magic bullet there.
What? Like I know type one, type two, type three. I assume you need some insulin, but you’re not totally insulin dependent. I would assume cause type two usually diet.
Um, is it type three that is full blown? You got to have the insulin or is it type four type three is actually the, uh, um, the unofficial all timers of diabetes. Yeah. Yeah.
I don’t know what to say on this one. Seven Silverman. Um, the only thing I’ve ever heard Mark, um, especially with that is you got to cut out ever like go on.
Um, and granted, this is not like me talking as like any sort of professional doctor medical, um, mentality. It’s just the, what they have really tried linking it to and seeing is sugar. Like just eat pure, like steak, eggs, meat, like carnivore completely get rid of everything else in your life.
You have diet wise. Yeah. Break your insulin resistance.
And they, I mean the, the research has been pretty, pretty cool on that front. It has, it has. I I’ve actually, I’m and Matt knows as well.
I would say probably I I’m not super strict. I should say that, but I probably, I eat carnivore probably six out of seven days and it has changed things drastically, uh, for me. So like you just got, you do, I listen, it’s hard.
It is probably one of the hardest things I’ve done. And everyone’s like, Oh yeah, I would love to eat steak every day. It’s like, yeah, it’s fun until it’s not because your body craves that sugar.
It is like one of the strongest addictions I have ever felt in my body in my entire life. Yeah. For those wondering, uh, your sugar is more addictive than cocaine.
Just if you’re wondering what it does to your brain, it’s like your brain, like cocaine lights up your brain. You bet it does. And I’ll tell you what about the, about the first week.
Um, I would say between day six and day 10, somewhere in there, like if you say super, super strict to it, Oh my gosh, Mark, it is. It’s unreal. Like you literally feel like you’re going crazy because you want sugar so bad.
And it’s like, and once I, you know, I got through it, I’m like, I cannot believe how addictive it is and how my body craves it. It’s nuts. Yeah, I know it really is.
All right, guys, we got to start wrapping this puppy up and get to the news. All right. Hey, have a good day guys.
Hey, thanks a lot, Mark. Have a good day, everybody. Thank you.
Thanks guys. That was, uh, Matt and Lucas with, uh, the CBD gurus, huge part of the program. Much thanks and love to that crew.
Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m gonna try to catch one of the cravings drove me crazy for sugar while dropping my a hundred pounds. Holy smokes that she said that is something big daggone proud of the sugar fuels cancer.
Yeah. The best thing you can do is get rid of the sugar and the starches. Uh, but I know it’s not tough.
I know exactly how difficult it is. All right, let’s get into some news. We shared a brief overtake.
We’ll hit the articles and then do the brief overtake that we shared this or overview that we shared this morning. After we look at some of these enough, but the law, we calls on parliament to pass the budget amendment as quickly as the three laws were passed. This lady is skyrocketing in prominence in Iraqi politics.
Very level headed lady. It appears to me so far. Um, the talk has been the push to get this budget stuff squared away.
It is almost all, uh, in, or should I put, uh, enthralling for, uh, Iraqi government right now. They are focused on getting this stuff done. The world is watching them for some reason.
I’m unreal amount of American influence going on right now for them to get this settled, which doesn’t make much sense unless they want it before they change value. And then it would make perfect sense as to why the whole world and the U S is so interested in Iraq finishing this thing. Um, I also was told that Iraq is opening conversation.
I shouldn’t say opening conversation, but a one that is taking a lot of airtime is that Iraq is, uh, going to place consumption tax or a sales tax instead of any kind of income tax. I thought that was just a fantastic, uh, little piece to catch over the weekend with those discussions because it fits with everything to Sarah that we talk about. Um, we’ve got a lot more on our rack here.
We’re not a lot more, but a considerable amount more. Okay. So we’re pushing on the amendment side.
And I just want to show some of these conversations that are going government consultant, Iraq exports, many of its industries to the Gulf countries in the region. Okay. This makes no sense.
I’m telling you, it’s another one of those where it just doesn’t translate well, but they’re saying is that as we become industrialized, we want to do away with, um, having paid because they do, they need everything done somewhere else because they don’t have an industrial section built is just now growing. So what they’re looking to do is remove any and all errors on equipment coming in so that they can become an industrial powerhouse. They are doing everything at the government level.
They can to very quickly become a net manufacturer instead of consumer, uh, which is just big stuff. This is all part of that safe, stable, et cetera. I had a couple more articles that I could not get translated well to share with you.
I could translate them for me, but it didn’t do much good for you guys to be able to see them. Um, and that was the theme was, uh, changing the government, uh, safe, stable, fixing the budget amendments for the region. Of course, I guess I could include them and you guys can just translate them individually.
Iraq’s economies in the crosshairs of Trump sanctions. Will it fail? Answer by Nabil Al-Kamei. I got a kick out of this one because he’s right.
He’s wrong and he’s right, but he’s right. He’s saying that Trump’s efforts to suppress oil and fuel prices is going to ultimately fail. Wait a minute.
You guys are going, what, what, what drill baby drill. But in the failure, it is a tremendous success. His point is that Trump has put his, uh, put America on the path to make manufacturing great again.
They want to reindustrialize, uh, the United States and that policy will create a magical time for the U S a renaissance in the lower class, middle class, the working class, as we, uh, start producing, which will create much more demand in the U S and around the world for oil. So while he will be successful in lowering it, then the boom that comes with it, the financial and economic renaissance of the U S and the world will then create much more demand. So in the longterm oil will go right back up.
And he says, that’s good for Iraq because we can afford, they can afford a slight down for turn because they’ll be there longterm selling. So, but, but I love that when he was right and he was wrong, but in him being right, it’s a huge win for us. Meaning Trump’s plan, uh, historically speaking, economically speaking on that should revitalize re-energize, uh, the Westernized world America, specifically, and mostly, uh, not to mention that Canada, Mexico, some of these countries that are close by can benefit hugely.
I like getting to use that on occasion, but, uh, in the end, those great successes will cause more demand for oil because we’ll be living better lives. We’ll be able to afford the bigger vehicle to take the kids to soccer practice. We’ll be able to afford to go get better groceries and get out for a night to, uh, get a bite to eat.
Um, so I, I just love this one. I thought that spelled usually like you saw that LSU girl. Um, but I did, I just enjoyed that one because all around the world, they are eyeing this renaissance that has started.
I don’t think anybody thought it could be done in the time span, uh, and see the results that we’re already seeing not even a week in, uh, I’ll do all right. Trump will lose the battle of oil prices. That’s a, another one talking just about that.
Exactly. Uh, I, I got you backwards on these articles. That’s the one talking about what I just discussed with, uh, but, uh, not Trump and the budget and ultimately who will lose, but he’s going to win first.
Iraq’s economy and the crosshairs, Trump sanctions, will it fall? And the answer is it’s all about removing Iranian presence in Iraq. That’s all there. They’re talking about, they’re talking about stability, how they must free Iraq from Iran.
This is the international pressure that, um, Iraq is receiving. Now they want everybody in the world to know they are safe and stable, safe and stable, get Iran out of there so that, uh, we can throw everything behind Iraq, change of value, and nobody can look at it and say, you shouldn’t have done it. I almost think at this point that it’s a plan in order to show the sovereignty of Iraq.
I think all this outside pressure and then Iraq taking a little longer and doing it their way. I think this is purposeful to make Iraq very publicly seem even more safe and stable than it is. And I, I do think that it is, that this stability has grown by leaps and bounds.
I’m very, very happy to see the progress that the people are making, very proud of the people and their progress. But I think some of this backlash saying, hey, it might take, and they push here and they push to when they’re going to have these meetings. I think it might be purposeful to show the world, the Middle East specifically, that Iraq stands on its own.
Now we did have another, um, if I can find it in here, may not, maybe one of the ones that did not translate well. Give me a minute, guys. I’m searching through them real quickly.
Okay. We know we must expedite. We know that, ah, I should have put this one in here.
We’re seeing a lot of pressure in the Kurdish region so that all the money goes where it is supposed to go. I really think this is all purposeful, man. I got articles just switching on me.
I’m suffering from a tech war here. To make certain that all dollars go where they’re supposed to, the push is, well, it’s impressive to watch right now. How much longer? James, we don’t know how much longer, but on that note, I think we’re almost ready, yeah, to get into the comments, contacts, etc.
portion. On call for my wealth management slash redemption folks, for folks that want to know, they’re on call this weekend, but not scheduled. But they are being told to expect a couple of long weekends in the very near future.
Specifically, they told them to expect to work next weekend and the next few weekends. I should just put it out there and say this is what they’re being told right now. They’re told, they were told to enjoy their last on call weekend before they have to work a lot.
That felt really good. I don’t know if it’s going to be that soon, but they told them prepare for that. What I’ve gotten from a number of bond sources, they told me that they are positioned for the coming week, that they have put everything in place.
They’ve been told that funding is prepared and they are positioned to go in this coming week. Crossing my fingers, I still have another bond contact or two. They don’t expect anything until between the second and ninth of February.
Yeah, I think those are my biggest straight out of Iraq ones. Let me take the banner down so I can see what you guys are saying. Catch up to your chat.
Texas girly girl, spent a lot of time with a tech slash whatever and I got to test the phone today to see if their changes worked. If not, I’m going to a burner phone because they did a number. They’ve done a number on my tech in the last 24, 36 hours.
Reading a few of these, I’m going to get to them. Okay, now that I’ve read a few of these, let’s get to it. To me, things have really sped up.
I am extremely upbeat with what we are seeing right now. I love this one. I just wanted to drop it in, share this link, and get you all’s take.
Here is a whistleblower from our military that’s worked on the military side and the private side and government whistleblowing about what she has found on chemtrails. Believe it, don’t believe it. You tell me your thoughts.
I’m hard. They went after mine hard. I think it was actually them going after mine more so than them going after Mr. C’s.
All right, let’s keep going. I just dropped the link for that one. Dylan, I’m trying to work on whether or not I’m colorblind so that I’m prepared for this event.
It’s a practice shirt. It’s more yellow than gold, but I’m in training because I think I’m going to get to wear the proper one here in the next week or two. I want to make certain that I’ve got everything with the similar colors to gold in my wardrobe, clean and ready.
That’s my take on this one. How about this for huge, guys? There are so many Trump effect decisions this past week. The deep state, the left, the Democrats, the globalists around the world are scrambling.
They cannot catch up to everything that’s happened. They are in an absolute panic. They had no idea that things were going to roll like this and this quickly.
At this point, guys, they are devastated. They have shaken them to the ground. Trump holds Ukraine aid.
The State Department totally went nuclear on foreign assistance. They said it doesn’t matter if it was pre-approved slash whatever. We are going to take a hard look at everything.
I’m loving this one. I can’t wait to read some of the comments to you, folks. Here we go.
Rubio outlining it. Rubio also outlined the Trump administration’s stance on spending, saying, every dollar we spend, every program we fund, and every policy we pursue must be justified with the answer to three simple questions, Rubio wrote. The questions, does the action make America safer, stronger, and more prosperous? If it does not, it doesn’t happen.
I love this. The new order reportedly shocked State Department officials. State just totally went nuclear on foreign assistance, a State Department official told Publico.
This is breaking everywhere, but I love this. This is the take. This is the simple, simple questions here.
Every dollar we spend, every program we fund, every policy we pursue must be justified with the answers to three simple questions. Does the action make America safer, stronger, and more prosperous? Bam. Absolutely enormous.
We’re watching the meltdown around the world. We stopped being an enabler. You want to break it down to something you understand in everybody’s real life? There you go.
We stopped enabling the behavior. We stopped enabling countries that hate us. We stopped giving them money so they could attack us.
We stopped being sycophants. I am just so blown away by the changes we’ve seen this week. I don’t even know where to start.
It’s tough love. It is. There will be some fallout from it.
We have to be prepared for that. It’s just there you go. No longer a blank check.
I don’t even know where to start. It’s a great purge. There are so many DEI experts around the country right now that are suddenly unemployed or on furlough.
They don’t need them anymore. The number is just nuts watching this thing at this speed. I don’t think anybody was prepared for the breakneck speed at which this administration is moving.
New flight details, if you guys have kept up with monkey works or some of the other websites out there that track flights. The first jumbo jets of criminal. How do you say that? By the very definition, it’s criminal.
If you’re here illegally, it’s criminal. We’ll call them. We’ll run with the mainstream press’s name for it.
The criminal illegal immigrants, the ones that have done violent crimes, been caught in violent crimes are the ones headed out first. The first jumbo jet load dropped in, anybody? Guatemala. The first one dropped in Guatemala, a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III.
Departed Biggs Army Air Force in Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. They have started in force. Somebody saw that in monkey works.
Yeah, I just assumed monkey works was tracking. I did not go and look. Flying squirrel heads are spinning from the speed and heads are rolling from the fallout.
Exactly. It is whipping. Let’s see, Lillian and Camille birthday weekends.
Let me make certain I write that down real quickly, guys, before I can forget. And Chad, Beverly’s son. Gonna miss a few.
Hopefully, I won’t miss a few. Let’s speak life and positive. I don’t want to miss any.
Get your popcorn, fella. Get your popcorns. Get your Twizzlers.
Get your cotton candy. It is time. Yeah, the three Republicans that tried to tank Pete need to be removed from committees.
They got to start fighting. They’ve got to whip. The America First crowd has got to get through to the RNC, establishment RNC, that their day is over.
They can either come on board and play or they can go join the Democratic Party. Sir, laugh a lot. Happy birthday.
Oh, they froze all those new hires. They won’t add any more at the IRS. We shared that, what, was it yesterday morning, guys, or the day before? The screenshots from the website, no new jobs available at the IRS.
Mitch McConnell should leave in shame and serve time in jail for the destruction he has caused the American people. That’s my take on that one. It’s my personal opinion.
You’re welcome to disagree if it makes you feel better. Mr. C did check in this morning, guys. He’s not been seen yet.
He’s very upbeat, trying to keep up with it all. I just saw daughter Michelle’s birthday. Yeah, flip her exactly to the woodshed, to the woodshed.
All right, let’s see. We’ve got a few other things I am certain. I don’t even know what my screen’s got up there, whether it was my face or not.
I just didn’t know what you guys were going to want to talk about this morning, so I didn’t bring all the articles over in case you had some fun questions. All right, we got that one. In the World Economic Forum one, I should have covered this one yesterday, but didn’t get to it.
Trump blasts the Bank of America CEO over the anti-conservative bank bias and unleashes his revolution of common sense on the World Economic Forum globalist. If you didn’t catch any of the clips of that one, if you want, we’ll focus on it some this coming week. There’s a few of these things that we’re just now getting to digest, some of the changes he’s made, some of the comments he’s made.
You’re probably going to get a few extra podcasts squeezed in over the next week or so just because of the groundbreaking speed at which this administration is going to bring common sense back, or is going to bring common sense, or just how quickly it’s happening. But I just loved it. I mean, blasted him there for the entire world to see that, hey, you want to go after conservatives? We’ll shut you down.
You won’t be here anymore. You can either play fair and play right, or yeah, we’ll steamroll you. You just won’t be here anymore.
I love it. He is just putting it right out there. He is slapping them in the heads with it.
Common sense is making its resurgence. U.S. manufacturing grows for the first time in six months amid optimism surge. We’re talking about this is huge for U.S. manufacturing.
It has been in a tailspin since the beginning of COVID, and it did not survive the Biden administration very well. And it has suddenly taken a very, very quick turn. And we’re not even a day in.
I mean, they kicked in the afterburners on January 20th. They started ramping up in January in expectations of a smooth transition. They hedged their bets as much as they could, and then they went full tilt last Monday.
This is so much fun here. We got an article on it. I’ll go put it in links for you guys to see in case you want to see it.
I’m loving reading these articles right now. Just absolutely loving it. We got the one where Senate, I probably should include that article as well, just so you guys have it on.
Senate confirms hexes for defense secretary with Vance casting the tie-breaking vote. We’ll put that one over there. We probably don’t need any more articles out of Iraq talking about safe and stable and how they absolutely must rush to do the budget.
Now, they do have a visiting dignitary, and they’re saying as soon as they finish with dignitary. It didn’t give me dates, but in the next day or two is when they expect the budget to go back in front of Parliament, most likely early this week. Now, I think I’m catching up, reading a few of these.
Lori, new administrator, it has been impressive. It’s been scary, I guess, if you’re not a fan. A USD grad, I’ve not talked to Sheila.
Recently, so I don’t know what to tell you on that one. Jason, after the stuff I’ve heard from the bond side and the groups, I am no longer concerned at all as we’re getting close to February. I very much can see anywhere between now and the end of the first week in February is exactly where they’re headed.
Now that I’ve seen the progress moving, that’s not as big a concern as it was before. I am frankly blown away by the progress they have made in five days, six days, however long it is. Yeah, Jules, we’re catching it left and right with Jamie Dimon.
I mean, we’re catching it left and right. It’s certainly been interesting, Jamie Dimon coming out and telling the folks at the World Economic Forum that sanctions, excuse me, not sanctions, tariffs are going to happen and get over it. They make sense.
They’re good for the long-term America, as long as he doesn’t abuse them and use them strategically. He told the world, get over it. It’s a fix.
We needed to fix it. We had unfair trade. He quite literally told people at the World Economic Forum to get over it.
It will work. Yes, it could temporarily slightly increase prices, but it’s necessary to fix our manufacturing and production and get over it. It’s best for America.
It’s best for the American people and take your medicine. I don’t even know where to go on this whole Jamie Dimon thing. Did he have a come to Jesus moment? Was he walking along the road to Damascus and he got hit by that blinding light? Is it a Jamie Dimon 2.0 and the other ones hanging out down at the spa? I mean, you guys tell me.
Susie Q, backing up to the CBD gurus, what most people I have talked to that have had great success with their neuropathy, they did a combination of the Lotion 2000 topically, and then they coupled that for the symptoms and they coupled that with Lion’s Mane to help to get to the root cause for long-term and a lot of just wonderful reports on how it’s been effective. Gus, I don’t think we’re going from mid-February. I think we’ll be done before we get there.
Let’s see. Murkowski is only even in her position because of the ridiculous rank-choice voting. Truth.
Sarah Palin would be in the seat if there had been a legit vote. I’ll agree on that one. Claire, I don’t think there’s really a holdup on the bond approval.
I think it is simply they did not feel comfortable moving the trillions of dollars until Trump was firmly sat on Monday, and now they have kicked in moving all of those funds and making certain everything is secure, going to where it’s supposed to, all those things. While they’ve tested the system greatly, this is the first time at volume. I’ve had so many sources that had gone quiet that suddenly woke up and said, yes, as soon as we get through this confirmation, we’re going, we’re doing this thing.
I keep getting the same thing from groups to group leaders to bankers that they went off stuck on Monday. For me, I really don’t think there’s a holdup or a bottleneck now. I think it is ripping at a breakneck speed.
I know you’re like, oh my God, it can move so much faster. You’re changing an entire global economy in days. It’s moving fast.
Buckle up. Again, the more credit union thing, it’s not at the Supreme Court. It’s not a real, well, it is a real case, but not a real Supreme Court case.
It’s from a circuit case, and somebody trolled and put it there, but it forced a lot of very necessary conversations because they’re right. It is fraud. I am hearing that the original case will make it to the Supreme Court.
I think it’s a prep for Nassera. Let’s see. JesusBeliever just said, I had neuropathy in my second toe on my left foot for a couple of years that went away when I did my 23-day fast.
It’s gone about four or five days and it’s not come back. That makes sense, JesusBeliever, if you study why and why diabetics have such a much higher incidence of, I know I can get this one out, of neuropathy is because of that sugar resistance and fasting breaks that. It makes sense.
Totally, totally off, but I thought that was interesting. Oh, you’re talking about Bondi, not Bonds. I’d have to go back to the original question.
It wasn’t Pam Bondi. I’d get positive. She was already sworn in and approved.
JesusBeliever, have you, wait, the guy who invented the story posted a video saying he invented the story. There you go, but he based it on something factual in the real world because you can find a case bearing with similar everything, but at a circuit level. Bondi was sworn in.
There you go. Floyd saying, I’ll send you to Zachary Moore’s blog stating the case is fake. Perfect.
Does make for fun though. Okay, guys, let’s start wrapping things up this morning. No Bondi confirmation vote, not done yet.
They paused her vote. Okay, there’s shenanigans. I thought she was already approved.
Texas curly girl saying no, delayed for a week. Trying to push out my twin as a birthday party. Oh, we do need to sing happy birthday.
I’m glad you said that. Yeah, I guess we could have gotten into some of the many great concepts. Trump saying, hey, North Carolina, don’t even call FEMA.
We’re going to fix this thing. We’re either going to fix FEMA or get rid of FEMA. It was pretty much the thing.
Unreal. If you’re working at FEMA right now at any kind of level of management, you’re probably a little worried you’re not going to have a job because you sucked at it. Not everybody.
You had some really good people working there that fought hard to try to make it happen right. They were just overwhelmed. All right, let’s do birthdays.
Michelle, we got a Mark turning 59. We got a Lillian and a Camille. We got a Chad, got a Sir Laugh-A-Lot and a Michelle.
Anybody else? Chime in. So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling.
May you live, may you love, make all your dreams come true. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday.
When is this going to happen? I think it’s happening right in front of us, Jay-Z. It’s just not rolling out the way we thought with some like, you know, hole breaking in the clouds, light shining down on us. What have we got? We’ve got open conversation about the death of the IRS.
We’ve got an open conversation about all these organizations going away, about a change in money, everything we’ve talked about, about excusing, not excusing, but correcting fraud bills, et cetera. We’ve seen DOG or government efficiency in how many different countries where they are streamlining and getting rid of the corruption. Vietnam has gone bonsai on it.
U.S. has gone bonsai on it this way. I think you’re watching this era roll out. I just don’t think that they’re using that cool term that we want to hear when they’re doing it.
Very much think they’re spinning it out right in front of our eyes, and we’re all part of that change. I’m excited. All right, let’s get out of here, and I will see you guys Monday morning.
Monday morning. Have a great weekend. If there’s anything big, I will come back, though.
I am close to home all weekend. See you guys Monday, if not before.