FRANK26 – BUDGET SCHEDULES (Uncut) 01-24-2025
I’m very slow. How about you? Yeah, it just came up. Just super slow.
And it’s backwards over here. Sorry? And the picture is flipped again. It doesn’t look backwards over here to me.
Is it to you? No. Huh? No. That doesn’t make any sense, honey.
The clock is over here. There’s the clock. Oh, you mean on yours.
On the computer. Yeah, it don’t matter. I need to know, when were we on again? Tuesday.
Tuesday. What is the date for Tuesday? 21. 21, thank you.
So I’m looking for 22. My God, it won’t start. You say 80 cent again? Yeah, a couple things I think.
Should I on TV? I got some people. They can go with Sudani and get this done in 24 hours. Ask him if he wants my help.
What is this? Never mind, I figured it out. Okay, we’re on. Looks like we’re live, babe.
You there? Yes. Can I take it? Unmute the phone. Unmute.
Three, two, one, go. The recording has started. I used to be a dean on UB Until I watched Frank’s UB2B With a twinkle in his eye, then God by his side Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide So whenever I need a dean I fix I tune in to Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dean RB Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie You never know what suit he’ll be wearing So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring So whenever I need a dean I fix I tune in to Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dean RB Sit up, be patient, and get ready Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight Come on, Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a dean I fix I tune in to Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dean RB Hey, dink, I need a cookie Come on, dink, I deserve some cookies Cookies, cookies, cookies Come on, dink, give up the cookies Greetings, family! Welcome to another one of your Frank 26 Ubi-Tubies It is the 24th of January, 2025 I greet you in God’s beloved We are I think the camera’s a little bit crooked, isn’t it? Sorry about that You’re going to have to kind of, like, go like that We are which stands for Keep the Faith Always in Our Heavenly Father We are a Christian-based organization Before we do anything, we always go to our Heavenly Father and ask him for help, ask him for guidance, ask him for strength And then we’re going to talk about the Iraqi dinar And, ladies and gentlemen, everything that I say to you is just strictly my opinion Okay?
It is something that we have to establish before I go any further You see, this investment of the Iraqi dinar, it’s a speculative investment It’s a speculative investment And all you got to do is look up the word speculative, you know what it means So because it’s speculative, there’s nothing solid to be given to you So don’t look for a date, don’t look for a rate Don’t create one from what I share with you What are you going to share with us?
The things that Sudani, the things that Birzani, the things that Allah But more so, the things that Donald Trump is doing in Iraq Please join us as I pray Abba, Heavenly Father, I come to you I run to you, I’m in your presence because of the sacrifice of your Son Through the Holy Spirit And I am so grateful that I have that channel I have that ability to reach out and talk to you anytime that I want Thank you, God, for forgiving me for my sins by that blood that was sacrificed on that cross Thank you, God, for our teams and all the information And everything that was put together for our conference call for tonight Guide me, control me, help me Help me, Father, that I can be a good person That I can be a Christian That I can be forgiving and I can be loving Regardless of the rocks that they throw Help me to catch them so they do not harm me Bless all those that are with us Hear their prayers, hear their pain Help them, God For they are your children and they love you For those that don’t know you Help me to help them In the precious name of your Son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit that I pray Amen, amen, amen Hi, Andy, how you doing? I’m doing good, Frank, how you doing?
Oh, I wonder if we had a good Bible study last night Yeah We always have a good Bible study I was just going to say that, we always do Because when it deals with God’s Word, of course it’s going to be good But I didn’t get to hear Snowy in the background too much He’ll probably start when I blow the shofar But we got our German Shepherd His Uncle Frank wants to know Say that again I told him, I said, his Uncle Frank wants to hear you There you go Well, you go right ahead and blow that shofar And send our prayer to God And let God know that we’re thinking about Him all the time Amen, amen, amen Thank you, Andy Control the phone, control the phone, thank you Anyways, yes sir, we’ll see you at the end Well, ladies and gentlemen, we’re here to study the Iraqi Dinar And as always, we break up our study into three parts But tonight, hey look, first of all You do belong to KTFA You do belong to KTFA
You do belong to it So go ahead and get in there right now while I’m talking I’m going to take care of a little business here And then we’re going to go ahead and get to work Get in Now I’d like for you, instead of going where you should go I want you to go to final article number 4942 Now that’s the second to the last page That’s where we’re going to start our study tonight Final article number 4942 And as you can see, we’ve already talked about this article When I was with you on Tuesday Boy did we tear this article apart, forward and backwards But tonight we’re going to start with this article And then we’re going to look at the rest of the articles And then the second part will be where I talk to you about Eddie’s report But instead of me going deep and giving you all of Eddie’s report I have decided that I’m going to substitute some of Eddie’s report with this Would you like a bank story?
Now I bring you bank stories nowadays that are constructive What do I mean by that? That add value to our study Well, they all did, didn’t they? Well, what the bank stories did was they showed you a pattern And if you’ve been with me, you know very well that I appreciate and I study patterns So the pattern that we saw that was going to be coming into the banks We told you about So when you went, you realized they’re all saying it’s a scam But a few months later after that When we felt that the CBI had updated major banks on what they’re doing The tune, the song, the dance, it changed No more did we hear that it’s a scam You didn’t hear it What did you hear? At this time, at this moment, right now, no can So we noticed, you noticed, the pattern changed, didn’t it?
And recently, recently, the pattern is now that everybody’s on pins and needles Everybody, everywhere you go If you’re able to talk to the, not the teller, not the bank manager But if you’re able to talk to the investment part of the bank And not every bank has an investment, right? So not every bank knows what’s going on, right? Right Not every bank is going to be involved in exchanging the Iraqi dinar, right?
Right Because not every bank, you know, deals with foreign currency Like I told you, KTFA, we’re the only site, we’re the only place that I know of That has a relationship with Walking Street Who has a relationship with the friends Who has a relationship with the banks That have a relationship with the CBI Because they own banks and they tell us that there’s going to be Thousands of places where we can exchange our currency And when they give me that list I’m going to give it to you on my form You’ll be able to see so many Right now you’re worried about going to You see, it’s important to go and establish an account with American Bank Because you want to do that, you want American Bank But you also want to deal with the right departments of the right banks Now, two weeks ago we brought you a gentleman And this gentleman was very, very helpful He was a bank auditor with the United States Treasury That audited American banks And he really guided us and helped us Now, do you remember when he was talking to me He said, Frank, I’d like to talk to you privately I said, about what?
About real estate investment I’d like to know Remember? And I told him The reason I’d like to know Is because that’s where I’m going to do a lot of investing in Real estate Yeah, I’ll protect each and each property Not a single property will be in my name I’ll protect them all with trust funds That’s what I’m going to do I’m going to flip Some people buy houses and they flip them by making them better And then they sell them No I’m going to buy a house I’m going to hold on to it for half a year or a year And then I resell it Why?
Because time makes money Time makes money Okay And I got to thinking Because many of you called and you said, Frank, man Can I get that information? Can you tell me what that bank guy has to say to you? I said, no Oh, please, please, please No So instead The good Lord allowed us to talk to somebody Who is a real estate coach A real estate coach That’s what he does for a living And I’m very, very grateful He’s going to be with us tonight So where I’m going to take away from Eddie’s report Where I might take away from walking stick report I will replace it with a beautiful bank story That would be very helpful to you And also with this gentleman that I’m going to be calling And bringing him in And having a conversation with him Alrighty, so now that Oh, and one more thing You remember I showed you this last week? Let me take this off And I said, hey, look This, a friend of mine A former press secretary for Ronald Reagan When he was president He sent me this and it’s a breakdown Of many things that we can use That we can be prepared for When we go to exchange at a bank And unfortunately, sadly We had some people Actually, it was just one It was actually just one But there were other people that were Kind of like saying, yeah, what happened? What happened was that Somebody on my forum saw this, right?
As I was holding it And they, just like I tell them Take a picture and freeze it And blow it up and you can read it Well, they did And when they did, they read this part right here Where it talks about humanitarian projects Where it talks about, you know Humanitarian projects Now, you know that I don’t believe in that You know that I am totally against that It is insane for you to think That somebody’s going to give you a higher rate Than the CBI is going to give you And that’s what these humanitarian projects are guaranteeing That’s why they say, give me your dinars We’ll hold on to them And when it happens, we’re going to pay you back A lot more than the CBI Well, that’s called money laundering I mean, that is the definition of money laundering And it is illegal So, when the person saw this And they blew it up
They went to my form And they blew up my form They blew up my form by saying I don’t understand, I’m so confused Oh my goodness gracious Frank is going to teach us about the projects And things that he never believed in And he doesn’t believe in I mean, I guess I better start believing In these humanitarian things And the Dong Chaoping account You know, over in China Maybe, let me see, what’s another one Oh yes, I can put my dinars in a cruise ship Because that’s international waters There are no laws there Uh-huh, I don’t have to pay taxes I’ll tell you something The insanity, I told you I told you, they’re coming after you Oh, are they ready You’re lucky Trump won
They were really coming after you with 98 But family, I told you they’re coming after you So, and they are Our government is coming after you They know you got dinars They’re going to find every way to charge you What you don’t need to pay We’ve already prepared you You know what to do They’re coming after you Every third cousin that you have not heard from in years Is going to call you and say Howdy, how you doing cousin I need a few bucks Everybody’s going to come after you
They’re all going to try to take your money away from you And the sad thing about it What did I call them Lottery winners Remember that old-timers Lottery winners Sadly, there are many people Like for example Where are we at right now Okay, 1,200 You know how we get up to about 2,500 people that are watching us And if I do a commercial Or if I pray Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom We lose like 500, 600 people Isn’t that something They don’t want nothing to do with God They don’t want nothing to do with my products They just want what I give about this study And what we give is pretty good Do you see these numbers anywhere else Do you see these numbers anywhere else
Where you go and study with other people No And that’s why we have a great responsibility When that individual When that lady on my form Assumed that I was going to teach this She made a big mistake And then I corrected her I corrected her in my form So that everybody else that assumed the same thing Would realize Oops, no, okay, no I better not jump the gun Like someone else did And then that person sent me an email Telling me how offended they were That I had hurt their feelings and whatnot What do you think you did to me May I ask you politely So just get off the pity horse And get back to work I made a statement on my form About clarifying a mess that was created Now let it go So what am I going to show you
This is fantastic It tells you every little step that you need You think I’m going to share this now The answer is yes Of course I’m going to share it But I’m not in the mood to share it tonight So we’re going to bring you instead This other gentleman Who is a real estate investment coach That’s what he does for a living You can bombard him And hit him with all kinds of questions In doing so, you’ll get a feeling of whether or not What he’s telling you is good advice Remember, this whole program is what? In my opinion Even when this gentleman comes In my opinion So now that we’ve cleared up that mess That was created I’m sure it was accidental I can’t see that somebody sat there After giving them a three hour lecture Of some of the most powerful information we ever gave And they pick one little thing
They pick one little thing Out of the mountain of wonderful stuff Oh he’s going to teach us about the humanitarian Did I say I was going to? Well you held it up and it’s out there So now that I’m done with that I don’t want to deal with that no more And if there’s any more responses, emails Just trash it Jan, okay? Thank you Ladies and gentlemen We’re going to start with final article number 4942 Go ahead and get in there Now this is the article that we talked about It was the last article that we talked about When we were together, okay?
When we were together And that was Tuesday So we’ve had Wednesday and Thursday have gone by And today as well too Three days What are we looking for? What is the title of your UbiTubing? Well thank you Mike, I appreciate that That’s not my stomach That’s the dog She’s drinking her water Dang she’s thirsty You feel better? You okay now? Over here Sit Are you thirsty? Your mouth is dripping water She’s dripping water Would you like a treat? So ladies and gentlemen We’re going to start with the article that we left off The last time we were together And as I asked you what is the title Oh you’ve already answered me! Roger says I hear the dog I hear the dog SteveF1 says Rosie’s drinking wate
r Yes she is She’s a beautiful dog She’ll look at you And she’ll wait for my command She doesn’t look at me She listens to me But she looks at what I want her to look at And she just stays there She’ll stay there all day And if I don’t hold her back Oh my goodness Ain’t it Tink? The mailman I feel bad for the mailman It scared the crap out of him Terry says she wants a cookie Actually Terry Hufford Is saying Tink please give Frank a cookie I have one That’s what he says I can have one of these? This is a dog biscuit Final article number 4942 Auction does not build the economy Now family let’s talk about this The auctions
Oh yeah the CBI auctions That was the tool That the tools were using That’s a good play on words there That was the tool that parliament Iranian Evil politicians Were stealing the money Every day, well five days out of the week Through the auctions But they can’t no more And this article says The auction, what about it? It does not build the economy Well that’s true What builds the economy? A strong monetary reform A strong banking system A strong currency, a strong exchange rate Security and stability In the banking system Yeah I know I wish I really wish Iraq had those things They do They do And this article is What’s the blue title for the article? What’s the blue title?
It says I agree with this plan Family I agree with this plan Well what is the plan all about? Look at it What it boils down to Is that they’re telling you That yeah yeah yeah We got a market rate of about 1250 We have an official rate of Around 1310 Yeah yeah yeah yeah We stop using the American dollar But you know what? We’re actually going to make our currency Equal to the value Of one American dollar Now ladies and gentlemen Isn’t that the definition of a basket? It is, yeah Is it the definition of a float? No, it’s the definition of a basket Okay So and it will keep the citizens And the merchants and the travelers And the doctors, all of them It’ll keep all Iraqi citizens Away from running after The dollar Well that’s wonderful isn’t it? You see the whole point is that The monetary reform Has changed the structure Of Iraq’s banking system Of Iraq’s exchange system Of Iraq’s currency
The denomination It’s all been changed And you know it, and it’s being introduced Now this article Like I say, I agree with it And when you read it, read it, read it Please read it This is detailed information to the citizens of Iraq We’re saying goodbye We said goodbye to the auctions We’re saying goodbye to the program rate We’re saying hello To a one in one rate You’re going to get purchasing power Now ladies and gentlemen Has anybody Explained that article to you like that? That’s why I wanted to start with it I wanted to make sure that you’re very Very clear That you’re very very Astute and understanding
That The auctions are gone The ability to steal Is gone The monetary reform has security stability The purchasing power is coming to the citizens It’s just like they’re saying, everything that they’re talking about Is what they’re promising, and the next thing is they’re talking about A one to one, well that would be a basket I know, I know, I know My opinion, I prefer the float Why? Because if you float, shoot You can come out with More than one to one If you go in the basket You got no choice The dollar, one, okay, one to one And the other currencies They’re also below the dollar Dude, you need to be You need to be out there with the big boys Do you see the three dollar And plus currencies In any basket? No? Okay So that’s where you need to go And they’ll follow you Iraqi dinar, you’re the prettiest girl In town, your perfume smells so good They’ll follow you anywhere You wanna create a basket? Knock yourself out Hey, Sudani Pick up the phone, pick up the phone and ask Ask him I shouldn’t say daddy but Ask him
The guy that’s whispering in your ear Ask him, which one, basket or float Trust me, he’ll tell you Huh? You asked him? Huh? Huh? He answered you? Well let’s keep looking At the articles Final article number 4943, the central bank of Libya Introduces new Lds, 5, 10 and 20 Denominations, what do I say up on top Libya and Iraq Monetary reform, well it’s Not a coincidence, hey Rebecca Hill, oh sweetheart Thank you, thank you, thank you always for helping Family, yeah, I’ve got my little Oops I’ve got my little note here To ask if anybody wants to help us With WalkingStick’s Immune system medicine It’s not, it’s Is it next week? Yes For real? Next week? It’s on the 13th So next week Okay, so if anybody wants to help us With WalkingStick, we appreciate you
Thank you, thank you Oh by the way Remember Pastor Amos in Nepal We were trying to raise $3,500, remember that? We’re over $4,000 And you know Something? Two ladies, two sisters In Christ, one called And said I’m sending a thousand Another one called and said I’m sending $3,000 What honey? Oh it was a man The first one was a man, I’m sorry James I can at least just say the first name Stephen Sullivan, thank you Kindly, God bless you, muchos apreciados That’s Chinese for right on So, final article number $4,943 Libya Bank of, Central Bank Of Libya introduces a New LDs of 5, 10s 20 denominations And I say Libya And Iraq’s monetary reform It’s not a coincidence Libya would be one of those Currencies that are in the 3 plus range, isn’t it? Are you guys thinking about Making a basket for yourself, like maybe just The big boy basket? Just an idea, huh? Hmm Did any other guru tell you that?
Hmm, I know Central Bank of Libya Introduces the 5, 10 And 20 denominations Look at the pictures, aren’t they beautiful? Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful So Libya, you’re teaching the Iraqis Libya You’re teaching your citizens about the shape Of your currency, the color of your currency The new lower denominations Of your currency that are coming out Is that what you’re doing? Yes, we are Libya, can I ask you something? Yes Are you by any chance working with the CBI? Yes, we are Libya, may I ask one more question? What? Dwayne, Dwayne Jocks God bless you, my dear brother I hope you can feel that hug I’m giving you God bless you Libya Libya, what? Can I ask you one more question? What? So you’re working with the CBI Or at least you’re Whatever you’re doing with the CBI And the CBI is going through a complete Monetary reform, new notes New exchange rate, new everything Hey, Libya, do you guys have a new exchange rate? Well, we have new notes, of course we do, Frank I’ll be darned Hey, Libya You said one question, Frank One more, please Libya You had a 25 note We did It says here you’re introducing A 5, a 10, and a 20 What happened to the 25?
We did the same thing that Iraq did Yeah, I told our KTFA family That the 25 note Will be the 20 note, in my opinion Yeah Wow Wow Patrick For WalkingStick Yeah Yeah Muchísimas gracias Hermano No, Patrick, hermano Y te deseo A ti también y tu familia Muchísimas gracias Thank you very much for helping WalkingStick Did you catch that? What I just said to you? I don’t believe in coincidences I’m sorry, I just don’t believe in coincidences This is an interesting article It’s a mirror image of the Monetary reform of Iraq And it’s possible That this could be a big-boy currency That maybe is interested In a basket of its own Only with The Iraqi dinar Yeah Well, we’ll see Why do you suggest that, Frank? Because the Bricks are jerks.
Yeah, they are. Let them enjoy their own little orgy, huh? Yeah. Can I, let me, one more, no! Please, just one more question, okay? Mark, Mark Anglin says I can ask one more question.
Ain’t that right, Mark? Yeah. Mark Anglin says I can. Thank you, Mark.
God bless you. Ricardo Garcia, Mark Anglin. Look at that, jumping up and down.
I love that. Ricardo, what are you, a Terminator? Look at that. He got rockets and things.
Bus driver for WalkingStick. God bless all of you. Sincerely, thank you for helping.
So, Livia, can I just ask one more question? No! I hope you’re writing down the questions, family. I hope you’re writing down the answers to the questions I’m asking, Livia. Here’s the third question I’m asking, Livia.
Livia, what? When are you going to do all of this changing? January the 26th. KTFA, Iraqi Dinar students. What is Iraq doing on January the 26th? And for those of you that show up every now and then, final article number four, isn’t it powerful? Now, go and tell it to other gurus.
And I say that in a loving way, because then they’ll tell it to others as well, too. Show them what we gave you. Oh, look at you, you kids are smart.
Look at all these students, man. It’s holiday. It’s what? It’s a holiday.
It’s a what? It’s a holiday. What about Mr. Holiday? No, no, no, no, no, not Galloway and Mr. Holiday. It’s a holiday.
Okay. Final article number 4,944. Al-Mashaddadi and al-Mariri discuss the legal aspects of managing some sessions of the House of Representatives.
You know who these people are, right? They’re the Chief Justice of the Federal Supreme Court of Iraq. And what are they telling parliament? Do your job? What’s the matter with you? You’re from, are you from Missouri? That whole Senate, the whole Democratic side doesn’t even show up to pass any laws. You can’t be as ugly as they are.
Stop it. Speaking of Mr. Holiday. I’m sorry.
Galloway and I want to meet you guys in Hawaii soon. Hey, I’ll tell you what. You guys have grown on me for many reasons.
Many reasons. It started with your family. But here’s what I’ll tell you, Mr. Holiday and Galloway girl.
My wife and I will take you guys out, just the four of us. And I’ll take you to some very, very special places. So these guys who, one is the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the other one is with the Chief Justice of the Federal Supreme Court of Iraq.
And they’re telling parliament, do your job. Go outside and get a stupid stick so I can hit you with it, stupid. Do your job.
Pass these laws that Zidani wants. Give us the budget schedule. Zidani, you made a phone call to Trump? Maybe.
Did you talk to him about parliament? Maybe. Did you ask him heads or tails, float or basket? Did you ask him? Maybe. Final article number 4,945.
International reports confirmed the strength and solidity of Iraq’s system in combating money laundering and terrorism financing. Oh, heart be still. Praise you, Father.
Praise you, God. 20 years, this is what Dr. Shabibi said we needed. All honor and glory to you, God.
Prepare us, arm us. Not with weapons, but with the finances. This is a wealth transfer.
The first one helped so many. This is gonna help so many more. Papa, Heavenly Father, international reports confirm that the strength and solidity of Iraq’s system in combating money laundering and terrorist financing has been conquered.
You answered our prayers. What do I say up on top, family? Oh, what’s my blue title for this? Security and Stability for the Monetary Reform. Mission accomplished, sir.
Yeah, this is a wonderful report because it is the key of what we need in order for you, for the citizens to have purchasing power, for your investment to mature. And that would be security and stability. You know that.
We told you the CPI floor had to be so clean, you could eat off of it. You could operate on it now. It is amazing.
The Financial Action Task Force issued a report confirming the strength and solidity of the system followed in Iraq with regard to combating money laundering. Hey, Parliament. Combating money laundering and terrorist financing.
Hey, Parliament. He added that the report reflects the strong system in Iraq to combat these crimes. And the important efforts made by the state to combat them in accordance with international standards.
Oh, we got national standards. I don’t know. It’s either a basket or a float.
But people in charge. Financial Action Task Force. Dude, you carry guns? Wow.
So you’re reporting that Iraq’s banking system has great strength and solidity and stability and security. And it all is reflected in the strong system in Iraq that has combated the crime that has been stealing, combating them in accordance with international standards. Well, their goose is cooked.
Their goose is cooked. There’s no way that they can touch it. No wonder the CBI has the whole eighth floor for the U.S. Treasury.
Man, you can see, smell, touch everything, can’t you, U.S. Treasury? Uh-huh. And this article is telling us that what we needed in order to bring forth the new exchange rate, with purchasing power, the new denominations, it’s here. This is a masterful, a wonderful, a beautiful report.
Security and Stability for the Monetary Reform, Mission Accomplished, sir. Yeah, or no. Yeah.
Whoa, okay, thank you. Final article number 4,964, or I’m sorry. Final article number 4,946.
Al-Hakim calls for voting on amending the budget. Well, Hakim, I mean, dude, you’re more of a clerk, aren’t you? Uh-huh. You’re not really a politician.
You’re not a politician per se, are you? I am. But you’re more of a religious leader, aren’t you? Uh-huh. Okay, so what do you try, let me see what you say.
The head of the National State Force Alliance, Mr. Al-Hakim, called for a vote on amending the financial budget. What do I say up on top? Dude, now everyone is pushing parliament, finish your job. The one above it, the Supreme Court people, finish your job.
Hakim, a religious clerk leader, finish your job. Galloway and Mr. Holliday, finish your job. They said it too.
This is interesting. Have you noticed the pattern? You have, haven’t you? You see how we put these articles together for you? This is very, very good. Final article number 4,947, president of the World Economic Forum, Iraq is one of the important countries in the Middle East and the world.
No, it’s not. No, Iraq is one of the most important countries in the Middle East and the world. No, it’s got a program rate of 1310.
I am the president of the World Economic Forum. Trust me, the world economy, we know what’s going on, Mr. Frank. So I want to make sure that you understand, okay? Because apparently you are pig-headed, Mr. Frank.
Listen to me carefully, okay? Can you read the words that are coming out of my lips? Okay, here we go. One more time, one more time. I am the president of the World Economic Forum and Iraq is one of the most important countries in the whole Middle East and in the whole world.
Probably Mars too, yeah. What gives you the right to say something like that when they’re at a program rate? Are they sanctioned, Mr. Frank? No. Are they Article VIII, Mr. Frank? Yes.
Are all restrictions removed from the monetary system? Yes. But then that means they have the freedom to raise their value, don’t they? Catch 22, okay, you got me, you got me. Okay, okay, so you drew me into this circle here that everything that Iraq has done, doing, every position that they’re in, all these comments from all these people, it’s because they don’t have a program rate anymore, do they? You are smart, Mr. Frank.
Thank you. I get it from my mother’s side. Yeah, well, okay.
So president of the World Economic Forum, Iraq is one of the most important countries in the Middle East and the world. And what do I say up on top? And, you start a sentence with and, I do. And 1310 has nothing to do with the World Economic Forum, does it? No, it doesn’t.
I mean, these are so obvious. These clues are so blatant. These indications are so blatant.
Spit, spit, Tara’s spitting. Victoria’s spitting. Everybody’s spitting over here.
Oh my God, Greg threw up. Oh dear. Okay.
What Iraq? I don’t speak Iraq, but I can read loops. I better not touch that one. Anyway, so yeah, you have to be impressed.
I’m sure that half of you are on your knees right now, thanking God. Final article number 4,948. Trump tells, oh, hello.
You notice the pattern? Trump tells Davos. I saw it on TV. He was above all of them.
They were all looking at him like, yes, sir. Kiss the ring. Yes, sir.
We want to, sir. You are being influenced by God. We heard you say that.
God saved you to save America. You would save us? Yes, sir. What do you got to say to us here in Davos? Trump tells Davos business elite, he wants to reverse inflation and tax cuts.
What do I see up on top? What’s the blue title for this one? Trump tells the world to invest in America, while Sudani tells the world to invest in Iraq. Do you understand the combination? Do you understand the relationship? Do you understand the whispering and the action? I think you do. I really think you do.
And I say that because I don’t think you watch CNN. CNN, four years ago, I predicted you would be gone. CNN, you are metamorphosizing exactly like I said.
You will no longer be distributing news the way you are. Are you? You’re gonna streamline. You’re pulling back.
You’re bringing all the troops in. You’re firing, you’re rearranging, restructuring, just to try to stay afloat and keep a penny in your pocket. You did this to yourself.
Even after the elections, all you had to do was be honest. But you continue to vomit on American citizens. You really think we can’t smell it? ABC, CBS, NBC, lawsuits are next.
All of you, they got your little pardons. I’ll see you at the state level. Biden is so stupid, he didn’t even know how to protect you.
Thank you, Brittany. I love you too. God bless you.
Oh. Wait. Interesting, huh? Trump tells Davo, a business elite, that he wants to reverse inflation and cut taxes.
Now he’s talking about the United States of America. He wants to reverse the inflation that Obama has, or yeah, Obama, Clinton, and Biden have left us with. The only time we had fantastic, I mean, low, low, one point, I think it was 1.7% was the four years of Trump.
So Trump is telling all these businessmen that have a lot of stinking money, I want you to help me to reverse the inflation in my country. And I also want you to help me to cut taxes. Because you see, we’re gonna tax you, countries.
You want our protection? You want our products? You wanna sell us products? We’re gonna tax you, you got that? You see, it was around 1930, I believe, 1930, that the United States of America started taxing American citizens. Prior to that, we didn’t. Wouldn’t you love not to pay taxes? So many generations have come, died, come, died, come and died, that you forgot that there was a time in America where you didn’t pay taxes.
How did they do that? The same way that Trump is going to do it, tariffs. Brilliant. And these people at Davos are all looking and listening.
What you’re doing, sir, we wanna do too. Brilliant. So what’s gonna happen to the BRICS? This article, you’ll read it on your own, but very quickly.
The United States of America has the largest amount of oil and gas on any country on this planet earth, and we are going to use it. Not only will this reduce the cost of virtually all goods and services, it will make the United States a manufacturing superpower. Yeah, it sure will.
Final article number 4,949. Iraqi government responds to Kurdistan regional government’s statement on obstruction. What? It’s in quotations, the word obstruction.
Listen, let me read it again. Iraqi government responds to Kurdistan regional government’s statement on obstruction. Obstruction of what, Kurdistan? Obstruction of the budget amendment.
We are committed to the amendments. So even Kurdistan points to the corrupt politicians in parliament and says, do your job. Now, how many different sources have we showed you that said to them, do your job? Final article number 4,950.
You see, everybody knows. Everybody knows, Davos knows. That finance person, they know that we just said two articles before.
Final article number 4,950. Iraq president reveals what? What do you want, buddy? Factions, yeah, yeah, yeah. The parliament, the corrupt in parliament.
What about them? Factions activity stopped. What? Yeah, yeah, I’m one of the presidents of Iraq, Frank. Listen to me, okay? I’m trying to tell you.
The Sudanese wants me to tell the citizens this, okay? You wanna listen, Frank? What? The factions activities have stopped as a result of government intervention. I saw a few articles before where they were bragging, you guys got security and stability and that’s what we need for the monetary reform. And here you’re saying that this is also the results of what the government has done.
What’d you guys do? You know what we did. I know what you do. We’ve been studying it.
And I kept saying, brilliant. Just simply brilliant. And the latest thing is this budget schedule stuff that you guys are doing.
Brilliant. So yeah, what do I say up on top? One more time, we’ll read it. Iraqi president reveals the factions activity stopped as a result of government intervention.
Basically, we kicked their butts. Yeah, we put them in their place. What do I say up on top? The birth of security and stability in Iraq gives birth to the monetary reform.
Yeah, it’s a beautiful article. Please enjoy it. Final article number 4,951.
Oh, interesting article. Parliamentarian, what? The House of Representatives will pass a set of laws after approving the controversial ones. All right, so now the pattern of these articles has taken us to the point where we are able to see that the House of Representatives are even saying that they’re gonna pass the law now.
Parliamentary, the House of Representatives will pass a set of laws after approving the controversial ones. What do you consider controversial ones? Let’s read this article. Oh, look, the whole article is read five times.
It must be important. A member of the House of Representatives expects a number of laws to be passed during the upcoming session after the approval of the controversial laws. What is the title of your UB2B? Budget schedules.
If you do that, if you pass these laws, then the budget schedules would reveal the line items and it should reveal how it’s being funded, at what rate. So you guys are gonna, Parliament, you’re finally willing? What is the blue title for this article? Parliament is at the point of no return to its past. Ooh, Parliament is at the point of no returning to its past.
That’s right. Parliament, you can’t steal no more. Oh, you’ll always be a cockroach.
You’ll always find a way to steal something. But the majority of you have been squashed. Yeah.
It’s a cockroach milkshake. You guys are defeated. All these articles have seen, you know, how security and stability is back.
And you guys are angry. And that’s why you won’t pass this. That’s why the budget schedule won’t be opened.
But wait a minute. Wait a minute. The House of Representatives will pass a set of laws after approving the controversial ones? And I say up on top, Parliament is at the point of no returning back to its past? That’s right.
We’re gonna move forward now. Let’s read this whole article because the whole thing is five times and blown up five times red. A member of the House of Representatives expects, expects a number of laws to be passed during the upcoming session after the approval of the controversial laws.
Allawi told the news agency that new, okay, you got that? I love that word. New laws will be passed in the coming period because all the remaining laws are considered simple compared to the previous laws that were passed. So the hard ones have already been passed.
Yeah. So it’s a simple loss that you’re doing now, right? Yeah. You know, the hard ones were pay.
HCL, you know, amnesty, investment law. Those are all done. Yeah.
And he explained that the general amnesty proposal status and property return laws are considered among the laws that were obstructing the work of the House of Representatives and were passed. Well, I just mentioned them all off. And here it is, you’re reiterating again.
They are passed? Yes. Well then, just pass the simple one. It’s an amendment.
It’s just a simple amendment to the budget. You lazy bums. No, we’re just angry.
And this is the way that we retaliate. I mean, you saw, what’s her name, Pelosi? You saw her rip up the President Trump’s speech right in back of him when he did the State of the Union. Yeah, that’s against the law.
She should serve some time in jail. But Trump is forgiving her. So Baghdad dialogue is, this next article.
So the article before, they passed it. All the laws, the only one we’re looking for is the one that will open the budget schedule. All right.
Final article number 4,952. Alok, what’s up? Baghdad dialogue is a meeting point for vision and ideas that support security and development. You bragging, aren’t you, Alok? What’s the blue title? Alok is so proud of the CBI security and stability, and that’s what this article is about.
Notice the pattern. Notice the direction that these articles are taking you to. You ready? Okay.
Flip the page. We go to the next page, page 248. Final article number 4,953.
Behave, Frank. No, it’s just that I just saw the name and I thought about that woman that’s giving Trump a hard time, the Fannie. I’ll behave.
Oh my goodness, Dr. Toothfairy. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Thank you for helping us. Thank you. God bless you.
When I was a little kid, I got this big round coin for my front teeth. I think I was maybe three, four years old. I know, it sounds silly, but my memory, for some reason, I can actually remember being in my crib.
Yeah, I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I’m telling you the truth. I can remember being in my crib. I can remember kicking the wall to get my mom’s attention.
I remember holding the tatera. Tatera, how do you say tatera? The milk. The milk bottle, right? The milk bottle.
But I can remember that. So why am I telling you this? Oh yeah, so when I was about, I think I was three years old or four. No, it had to have been four, yeah, because my teeth were already, so it was around four.
I put the tooth under my pillow because that’s what my aunt, my aunt Lupe, Lupe told me. She says, you put your tooth underneath, okay? You’re gonna get a present. Okay, next day I wake up.
There’s this big brass round copper. I said brass, but a copper color looking coin. It was a big one, you know, bigger than a 50 cent piece.
And I’m thinking, whoa, I’m rich. I’m rich. I’m rich.
I go running and showing it to mom and showing it to her. Oh yeah, oh mijo, oh yeah, tooth fairy. Oh good, mijo, mijo, okay.
So when I showed it to my aunt Lupe, when she kind of came over that later on that day, I said, tia, tia, mira, mira lo que me dio, a tooth fairy. And she says, what a cheap tooth fairy. Esto es nomas un peso.
This is just one peso, mijo. You didn’t get nothing. And I told her, I said, but it’s big.
Oh my goodness, those were the days. Oh, thank you. Thank you, tooth fairy.
God bless you. Final article number 4,953. Help me, God.
Riyad Fahmy, okay. Iraq is exposed to increasing economic pressure under the Trump administration. Oh my goodness, what did you just say? Well, we just want you to know that President Trump is in communication with your homeboy, Sudani, and everybody, everybody in Iraq, okay? And he made it sure that Sudani understood.
Hey, Sudani, don’t you dare let Iran have any money of mine. Hey, hey, Sudani, don’t you let Iran have any armaments that we have over there. You got that? No weapons whatsoever.
Hey, hey, hey, Sudani, don’t you dare give them any oil, all right? Don’t you dare have them move any of their oil. You got that, Sudani? Okay. Hey, Sudani, I can go on.
I can rattle off at least a couple dozen things that, in my opinion, Trump has told Sudani. But let me just stop at what we are studying, what is very important. Don’t you let them touch my daughter.
Don’t you let them touch our oil. So, Iraq is exposed to increasing economic pressure under the Trump administration. That’s right.
Teddy Roosevelt walked softly and carried a big stick. Donald Trump doesn’t need a big stick. He is a big stick.
And it was impressive to see when he was talking with the Davos. Oh my gosh, they were all listening, attentively taking notes and going, went back home and said, how do we work with Trump? And with the blue title for this one, it says, from Trump’s mouth to Sudani’s ears to a new exchange rate. That is what’s going on.
You don’t think that President Trump knows what Sudani’s doing with his monetary, or has done? Of course. But you can’t use the dollar no more, Sudani, you understand? Kill the auctions. We did, sir, we did.
Well, good job. You cannot let your oil be misused anymore. No, sir, we’re taking good care of it.
Good job. Don’t you dare let my dollar be used in any way, shape or form in your country, except if you wanna travel, or if you want medical supplies, or if you’re using it internally within your GOI. We promise, Mr. Trump, we promise.
Good. So from Trump’s mouth to Sudani’s ear to a new exchange rate, because that procedure, those whispers, everything that you see Sudani doing is for security and instability, which equals a new exchange rate. Look at the next article.
Final article number 4,954. Parliamentary energy reveals the U.S. pressure to pass budget amendment law, and this is the reason. Parliamentary energy reveals the U.S. pressure to pass the budget amendment law.
Do your job, says Trump and everybody else. Oh, in parliament, you’re admitting it? You’re admitting it, that they’re pointing fingers at you because you’re not doing your job? You’re admitting you’re the delay? And the article says this is the reason you are the delay, huh? Well, I’ll tell you what. What’s the blue title? The blue title is pushing and shoving for the reforms.
Thank you, President Trump. I’ll follow calls on parliament to pass the budget amendments as quickly, as quickly as the three laws were approved. So the major laws, the big ones that we want are done.
I call on the House of Representatives to call the budget amendments with the same speed with which it passed the three laws within seconds. The head of the block, Folawe, called on the House of Representatives today, Friday, to pass the amendment to the three-year budget law with the same speed with which it passed the other three laws. I got a feeling you don’t read articles because if you did, all of this, you would be talking about, you’d be so excited.
Look at the pattern, look at what we just gave you. And now, look, where are we at? Parliament is saying, I give up. All right, we’re gonna pass them.
Everybody’s picking on, everybody’s pointing at us. Trump is now pissed off. That means everybody’s pissed off because everybody’s following Trump.
All right, all right, we’ll get this done. I promise, okay, all right. Whatever.
Final article, number 4,955. Good news. Really? We can use it.
Good news. What is it, the Bible? No, keep reading. Good news for Iraqi employees.
Well, you know what? When you say Iraqi employees, you’re also saying Iraqi citizens. Yeah, keep reading. Good news for Iraqi employees.
Parliamentary finance announces the date of launching bonuses and promotions. The finance committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives clarified on Friday that it is waiting for the Iraqi government to send the 2025 budget schedule for approval. Do your job.
The finance committee is waiting, and the budget amendment is completed, for the government to send the budget tables that will show whether there are specific increases or otherwise. Yes, there’s an increase in the exchange rate. There is no otherwise.
Do your job, says this article. And basically, it is, and what do I say? What’s the blue title? Budget schedule starts. What’s the title of your, here, Janet.
What’s the title of your Ubi-Tubi tonight, family? Budget schedules. Why? Because that sure would open up a can of worms in that budget. We’d see a lot more, right? Yeah.
Budget schedules. Yeah. The one you’re having tonight.
It’s just fun. Hold on. I’m putting you on mute.
Just stay on the line. Oh, yeah. He’s calling because I’m done, that’s right.
So yeah, budget schedules start. Good news for Iraqi employees, citizens. Parliamentary finance announces the date of launching bonuses and promotions.
Dude, Parliament, you’re giving a date of when you’re going to launch all of this stuff? When you’re going to approve all of this stuff? Because finance committee is waiting for you to pass that budget? So how did you like the trip that you just took? Interesting, isn’t it? And very assuring, very strong, very strong for what we’re doing. Very strong. All right, now what I want to do is bring in, oh, this gentleman.
Oh, dear. Hey, John, you there, brother? I’m here. Okay, hold on.
You want to talk as loud as you can. Let me get you up close to the camera here. Well, John, first of all, allow me to reach across the phone and shake your hand.
Nice to meet you. Yeah, you too, Frank. And it’s Don, by the way, not John.
I’m so sorry. No, it’s spelled like John with a D instead of a J. Oh, I see it now. Yeah.
That is, so it’s Don, the HSI? Yes. Roger that, the HSI. All right, Don, I want to thank you.
And what you’re going to do tonight is you’re going to talk to me. And then when we’re done talking, we’re going to probably see if there’s any questions that the family has, and we’ll leave it at that. But before we get started, Don, tell the family that this is strictly in your opinion.
It’s strictly in my opinion. What have you done with your career? What do you do? Well, I’m a real estate investor, first and foremost. The last five to seven years, I started branching out into real estate coaching and teaching.
I focused mostly on new investors. I just felt like they were getting fleeced so much, so many times by, it happened to me when I was a newbie investor back in 2002. And I just felt like I wanted to give back a little bit now that I’m, you know, I just turned 60 last year.
And, you know, it’s time to give back a little bit. But yeah, I mean, I still invest in real estate and I still help people and I partner with people and so on and so forth. So I’m really proud of the fact that in doing this, I’ve had, my company’s had an A-plus rating with the Better Business Bureau since 2004.
And you think all the deals I’ve done, I’ve flipped over 3,000 houses in my career. So you were talking about, you know, you were looking to do a modified flip strategy at the beginning of the UB2B, and I thought to myself, yeah, well, that’s what I do. So, but yeah, and I reached out to you and I wanna talk to you about, you know, and the family.
I mean, I follow you, I’m in your premium chat. So I’m one of you. I appreciate that.
Well, brother, I am interested in diversifying my capital gains. I know I’m gonna have to pay taxes on it. I know that I need a receipt of one year holding the currency.
I know all the things concerning this investment with the currency itself. But what I fear is that there will be many lottery winners when this blessing occurs. There will be people, for example, they may have, let’s say they got three, three, four, let’s say, take it up to 5 million dinars.
And let’s say they have $5 million. And they go out and they buy a $1, $2 million home. Yes.
The odds of them keeping it is against them, wouldn’t you say? Absolutely. So they’re not, they need income and they need appreciation of their assets. Otherwise, it’s all gonna be spent eventually.
So you make money with money, right? Absolutely. Can you make money with a house? Of course, yeah. Now that’s a silly question, but what I mean by that is, remember when I said that I don’t wanna flip houses, I wanna buy them, hold onto them, and then sell them again.
And the time that I held them is my value increase. Yes, you get appreciation. Yeah, thank you.
Yeah, that is the word, appreciation, right. So that style, what I wanna do, how do you, what do you think of that? Is that a good idea, a bad idea? Well, it’s, pardon my saying it, putting it this way, but I think you’re kind of halfway pregnant on that strategy. Okay, help me, go ahead.
Because I think that you don’t, if you structure everything right, you don’t really need to worry about capital gains on your flips. And I’ve been doing this for 23, this is my 23rd year now. I’ve never had any issues flipping left, and all my flips were less than one year, okay.
So that’s one of the things I teach my students is how they can set this up to where they don’t have to worry about that. And in real estate investing, it’s all about expensing out, expense, expense, expense. Okay, it has to be legitimate, but you know, there’s great areas.
And so I found that you don’t necessarily need to do that. Keep moving, if you’re flipping, you need just to keep making the turns. Keep turning, keep turning, keep turning.
Keep turning. Yes, exactly. Hmm.
A house, land, yes. A car, you know, something like, I don’t know, an expensive paint, well, no, a painting would be a good investment. But let’s say for example, I got people that are gonna tell me, oh, Frank, I’m gonna buy a Lamborghini.
Oh, I’m gonna buy this car. I’m gonna buy that car. I don’t know.
Cars, I think, suck your money. You lose money with them. Yes, 100%.
Okay. Well, let me give you, if you don’t mind, I’ll give you a quick story. Please.
When I started real estate investing in 2002, I starved for two years. I broke through in February of 2004. By that time I was leaving, I was eating 7-Eleven hot dogs for my gas card to keep going.
That’s how bad it got. Then I broke through and I made almost a million dollars by the end of 2004. But the first thing I did was I bought a Mercedes.
You know what? What? That was the worst thing I ever did. What? I did it for ego. I did it because I wanted to show off to my ex-wife.
Most of my ex-wife, my ex-mother-in-law, right? But, you know, hey, look at me now, right? But how did that backfire? How did it backfire? You were not able to sell it for a profit. It didn’t backfire. It’s just that, you know, I held it for a while.
I held it for a long time, actually. But those things are expensive. Their repairs are expensive.
And after I sold it, after I got rid of it, I said, no matter how much money I make, I’m never gonna buy a luxury car again. I learned my lesson the hard way. And so I bought a Honda Accord.
Very simple. No, it’s a nice car. I didn’t need anything fancy schmancy because I realized that putting your money into toys, you could put some, a little bit.
Toys, that’s what I wanted to say. You need to focus on wealth retention and wealth growth and protection. Yeah.
Very good. Yeah, I like that. Man, I had a bunch of questions in my head and I got to slowly let them come out here.
Oh, wait a minute. Somebody’s asking. Family, if you want, go right ahead and ask questions right now.
And I will pull. Is that a question there, Jen? Oh, no, no, no. Okay.
Yeah, if you see a question, stop me. Okay, Jen? And I’ll get it. Hey, Don, what of the 50 states in America, what are the hot states for real estate? It depends on what type of strategy you’re using.
For me- I can’t, that’s a general question. It’s hard to say because, you know, where states are having lots of construction, there’s lots of, they’re having issues with housing. There’s not enough housing, okay? Then those are really good states to build right now.
Or to acquire properties. I’ve found that there’s been so much interest in Airbnbs and short-term rentals. I personally think the better investment is to put it into rentals or the other, I call it the feed the bank strategy where you acquire the house and then you sell it to a homeowner for 100% financing.
And that way you hold the mortgage, they’re paying you the monthly payments. You don’t have to worry about being a landlord and you can sell the note whenever you want to. So it just depends.
But those are really good long-term investments. I think that long-term investments, because there’s not enough houses. There’s a housing crisis.
What about a house versus a condo? Condos, there’s two components of long-term investing. It’s the cashflow, the monthly cashflow, and your long-term appreciation. Condos, remember, they have really high fees that’s gonna cut into your monthly cashflow.
They can be harder to cashflow, which means you can take your rent, I’m assuming your mortgage payment, your condo fees, your insurance, your taxes, you divide that up at what you pay a month and then you have your rent. Whatever is above those costs, that’s your cashflow, that’s your profit. So those are harder to cashflow sometimes because they have higher fees, more expenses, more holding costs.
Interesting. I noticed, and then the Airbnb, you mentioned that, so I thought about that because of the condos. Hey, people are posting.
Let me see if I can find a question here. Does he hold the mortgage on the houses he sells? Do you hold a mortgage on the houses that you sell? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It depends on each house.
If a person becomes a client of yours, do you guide them and coach them 24-7? I have different tiers. Ah. Because the longer, the more time I spend, obviously it’s gonna be more of an investment on my students’ part, but I will tell you that, well, I guess I focus on beginner investors.
I move them along, I educate. The first part is mostly education. Do you need that? Just like with the dinar, you have to know your investment.
And Frank, going back to what I said, the original, when we first started chatting, there’s so much deception and fraud in real estate investing. And people make themselves vulnerable by trusting people too much. Family members, partners, even attorneys.
Believe it or not, my attorney I worked with for 10 years embezzled $137,000 from me. And I was like, I know this guy forever. So you have to be very careful.
And a lot of that is because newer investors don’t know enough and they trust people they think are the experts. And then I’m getting screwed in a lot of ways. So I talk a lot about, let me educate you.
And then I say, I can help you review your contracts. I can help you review your deals, taking sure that your fundamentals are okay, and so on and so forth. And frankly, after the last seven years, I started helping them say, look, if you wanna partner with someone, as you get more sophisticated, you’re gonna start partnering people.
We can check them out. We can make sure that they’re not fraudsters. We can make sure that everything’s on the up and up with them.
Because even as experienced as I did, I had someone got me for 20,000 a year ago. So I got it back, but I knew how to get it back. Before I just shot, I would have written it off and said, whatever.
Well, thank God you got that back. Somebody’s asking, Cheryl says, what state do you flip in homes in? Primarily flip in Florida. Florida? Yeah, I’m in Orlando.
Why would flipping make a difference in paying capital gains? Well, it’s the, yes. I mean, like in the Nenar investment, for example, if you’ve held it for less than one year, that’s short-term capital gains. You pay a higher rate.
You hold it for longer than a year, then you’re paying a lesser capital gains rate. When you approach this, you’re investing. You want to approach it as a business.
And so you’re adding on all these other expenses that you can’t do with an Iraqi Nenar investment. Okay, but I can do that in my real estate investment. I have more flexibility and leeway as a real estate investor than I do as a Nenar investor, which is currency.
MC, insurance, well-protected. So Timothy is asking, is appreciation better from rental properties or from flipping homes? Well, you don’t get any appreciation with flipping. I didn’t think of that.
Appreciation is only long-term. Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that.
Let’s see another one. What about investing in buying apartments? Those are great investments. The rentals that you were talking about.
Yeah, I mean, you get more bang for your buck because when you round a single-family home, you have one rent. When you round a four-plex, you have four rents. What about investing, or excuse me, what’s the best way of getting out of a foreclosure? If you yourself are in foreclosure? Yeah.
Legal help? You need money from a family member to get it paid off. You want to save it. If not, you’re going to have to sell it quickly.
Yeah, very quickly. The more you wait, the more money you lose on it. Exactly.
What about six, 10, 10, no tenants, taxes, toilets for me? No, what about, what about, I don’t know what this is. Mary Wells is asking, R-E-I-T-S. Do you know what that is? Yes, Real Estate Investment Trusts.
I don’t like Real Estate Investment Trusts simply because you’re letting other people control your money. That’s a big no-no for me. Okay.
You know those, what do they call them? When they try to sucker you, they give you a steak dinner and then you have- Oh, those timeshares? Timeshares, yeah. Yeah, you know, I think timeshares are really, they’re not a good investment at all. In fact, you know, it’s interesting.
I have one of my students, she was so set. She got a, she received a six, 10, 10, sentimental lawsuit, had some money she wanted to invest. And for some reason, she was just, had her heart set on investing in some timeshares in Mexico.
And I kept telling her, there’s other ways to do it. Stay in the US. No, no, no, I want to go to Mexico.
I want to do this stuff and everything. So I said, I begged her, can you at least let us check it out? And so we did, and it turned out it was an entire scam, but it was a really good scam. You really had to dig deep to find out about it.
And she was like, oh my gosh, I can’t believe that. So I said, thank goodness you listened to me. Oh, you helped her, good.
We did, yes. We got her, she did not lose any money because we just said, you know, we’re going to check this out for you. Thank God.
Let’s see, we have another one here. Do storage rentals have a good ROI? They’re good. They’re good investments.
They’re getting a little bit saturated because they’ve been really, they’ve been a sexy investment now for about 15 years in the real estate investing circles. You know something, Don? In Hawaii, they started popping up like about 10 years ago. And now just like a gas station, almost on every corner, you find these everywhere and they are loaded.
And the reason why is because people in Hawaii they cannot afford to buy land. They can’t afford to buy a house and all of their stuff piles up. So they rent these and they put their extra stuff in there as well too.
My wife and I, we’ve been going there for 35 years. We have our place and we store everything in a rental every time that we go back. So that is a good investment, I think.
Do you deal in residential or commercial or do you deal in both of them? Both. Good. How much should you pay a property manager and how many houses would that cover? Well, it depends.
Well, the property managers generally go by anywhere between five, well, let’s say anywhere between five to 12, depending on how good they are and how glitzy they are, I suppose. But so when you, if you rent your house out or your property out, let’s say a thousand dollars just for round numbers, then count on, you know, 100 to $150 max. It’s gonna go from your cashflow into their pocket.
Gotcha. Let’s see, Roger’s asking you, ask him if you should put a house in license or trust if you flip it. Okay.
I never do anything in my real estate investing outside of a trust. Never. That makes me feel good.
I don’t, and I’ll tell you why. When I first got started, I was stupid and put them in my own name. That was stupid because now all the personal liability was on me.
Then I got a little bit smarter and did land trust. And I realized that land trusts really are not that hard to crack if someone tries to sue you. So I said, okay, now what? Then it was like, okay, then I formed an S-corporation and that’s what I did the majority of my investing in until about two years ago.
And it was fine. It was great. I loved S-corps.
But there’s this little law out there now called the Corporate Transparency Act. And I do not want to have anything I do that’s involved in that because then if you have to register for that Corporate Transparency Act, if you start flipping in LLCs or corporations, then you have to disclose all of the beneficial interests you have in anything. And that goes into a database with the Treasury Department.
And now you’re scrutinized. So I only trust that it’s exempt from the Corporate Transparency Act. That’s why.
Copy. If you’re holding the mortgage, how do you investigate the buyer’s credit? It’s so fricking easy nowadays to check people’s credit. It’s not that hard.
Let’s put it that way. All righty. And these are the things that not only you teach them, but you do yourself.
Do you teach wholesaling? I have been successful at doing that with cash buyers. If you want to. I mean, it depends on what your strategy is.
I think that wholesaling, generally speaking, is the hardest to do, and it carries too much risk, in my opinion. I think you’re a lawsuit waiting to happen. You have.
Just think about this. You’re going to a buyer, or excuse me, a homeowner or a property owner. You’re saying, I’d like to buy your house for $300,000.
You put it under contract. Then you immediately go out and try to find someone who’ll pay you $320,000 to the property, and you get paid $20,000. In between, it’s like arbitrage.
But there are a lot of states now that are really, and Ohio is one of them, they’re really anti-wholesaling, by the way. It’s just getting harder and harder to do, and I think there’s too much risk. I never liked it.
Here’s why. I feel like if the deal is good enough, you can always find the money. So why would you want to take pennies and the dollar in a sense when you can take out the entire house? Why do you want to just flip it to somebody else like that? I mean, you did all the work to find it and get it under contract.
I never believed in that philosophy. Yeah. Galway Girl and her husband are asking, what are your thoughts on buying a home with Margaritaville and then renting it out or having them do it for you in Florida? They’re building a lot of them in Orlando.
The location, I mean, all that matters is when you do your analysis of the deal, it’s will the property cash flow? What are the, do your due diligence. What are the rents going for? What is your deal? What can you buy it for? Are you paying cash? Are you getting a mortgage? Is there a down payment? All that has, you have to crunch your numbers. And then you say, okay, what are the rents going for? What’s the cash flow?
So what’s the insurance? What’s the, what are the taxes? And then you decide, okay, how much am I gonna make a month on this? And then, and then once you do that, you have to say 80% of that’s gonna go away because no matter who I went into, no matter how well I check them out, the law of averages says that they’re, one of them is that they’re gonna trash the property or they’re going to not pay the rent or both.
And then you may get two or three in a row and you go three or four or five years that you have no problem. Eventually it’s going to happen to every single landlord. So you need to make sure that a lot of that profit you think you’d like to use for other purposes, you got to put that in a fund.
So when those things happen, you’re not having to come out of your pocket to pay for that. So being a landlord is tricky. Just be forewarned.
You know, there’s a lot of questions here, Don. You opened up a can of worms here. Let me have one more question because I’m gonna have to end this.
We question Mama Mia, Mama Mia for all is asking, will homeowner’s insurance cover an unoccupied house for the time that you buy it in, in the flip and the resell? Good question. Yes. Good, okay.
That one was easy. If you’re holding the mortgage, how do you invest the buyer’s credit? Invest it. We already did that one.
Yeah, we did. That’s right. My wife answered it because she knew the answer.
You had already answered it. Well, I’ll tell you what, let’s stop the questions family. And instead, allow me to tell you that this is what we’re going to do.
Don is working on sending us the HTML encoded banner that we’re gonna put on our website at KTFA. And when you go there, you click on that banner and it will take you to Don’s business. It will have his phone number, his information.
But the thing is, we don’t have it up right now. Do we have it? I put the link in chat already. It’s on premium chat room also.
Oh, premium. It’s in your room. And in here too, you put it up here.
Oh, I see. Okay, good. Now, Don, you get back with us as soon as you can and get us that information so that we can… Oh, you have it now? He sent it today.
Oh, pardon me, Don. My wife says you sent it today. So we’re gonna get our webmasters to put your banner on our form.
Ladies and gentlemen, anytime that you need to talk to this gentleman, you can find the banner on our form, click on it and it’ll go to him. Can I say one thing? Yes, sir. Just to clarify.
Okay, so here’s what I do. I set up a Frank only teaching a team section. I’m gonna start holding weekly trainings.
In fact, I’m gonna start one tomorrow at four o’clock Eastern. What I’ve done is I’ve put together an investment guide so that way you can get that and you can see all of the different strategies that are out there. Good.
And I’m gonna put my three favorite ones, I think would be perfect for people who are coming into money who wanna invest in. Now, if you purchase that, I will give you three months free in the team section and I will start teaching you now in anticipation that the dinar is gonna hit and every minute is precious to start your education so you’re ready, okay? So when King gets this up and the webmaster gets this up, it’s gonna take you to buy that investment guide. And when you do that, then you will be enrolled into my team section very much similar to what Frank has.
And I’m gonna start teaching you how to do this stuff, okay? Wonderful, appreciate it. Well, do you wanna give a phone number right now so they can start talking to you or you wanna wait until we put the banner up? I prefer that they just go through and get the investment guide first, get to read about it and then ask me questions. I have everything set up to be able to do group teaching in my team section.
Sounds good, then that’s what we’ll do, sir. KTFA family, hang in there. Hopefully, God willing, we’ll have this done next week.
The banner will be up. You’ll be able to click on it and communicate with Don and ask all the questions. And if you wanna be a part of his classes that he charges for, please take advantage of it.
Take advantage. Don, I’m really proud of you, man. Every question that was thrown at you, you had some good answers.
I appreciate it. Thank you, Frank. Hey, we’ll have you come back so that you can do another commercial, but we’re gonna get that banner up as soon as you say, okay? Thank you.
Thank you, sir. God bless. Bye-bye now.
I’m sorry, I’m having just a little pain. Hold on. Okay, what we’re going to do.
Somebody says, hey, Tink, I don’t know if anyone mentioned, but why is the background reversed on the video? Just a question. You gonna answer it? I did. Don’t answer it.
They didn’t even notice that the camera’s also wrong. Let me see if I can fix it. It’s a YouTube issue.
Is it? It’s a YouTube issue there. Okay, now it’s somewhat leveled out. Okay.
Now, that was good, wasn’t it? We learned a lot from this gentleman, and you’re gonna learn an awful lot more too. This is nice because you need to diversify. You need to diversify.
We brought you the gold and silver. We brought you the trust funds with Bill, and now we bring you a real estate investment coach that might be of some help to you. You wanna be careful.
Be careful, okay? Frank said we’re gonna be paid before next week. No, I didn’t, Greg. Don’t say that, knucklehead.
You’re a good guy. You don’t tell lies. Frank said we’re gonna be paid.
No, I did not say such a thing. He put an LOL, but still. Oh, did he put LOL? I can’t see it in my eyes.
All righty, now what are we gonna do? Let’s see. The next thing is, would you like to have a bank story? Would you like a bank story? No? Okay. Now you’re gonna get one.
I think you might like this. I think it was 99. Oh, there it is.
This should be it. Keep your fingers crossed. Hold on, play.
Oh, it actually does work. Hold on, let me see. Number 99.
Yeah, this is it. Okay, brother, let’s just go with your first name. What was your first name again? David.
Hi, David. Allow me to reach across the phone. Shake your hand.
Nice to meet you. What state are you from? What state are you from? I’m calling from Indiana. Indiana, right? Right next to me.
And did you go away? Yeah, right next to you. Wait, don’t worry. I went to a Huntington bank in Kamas City.
Huntington, that’s a good one. We don’t have any, too many, or very many Huntington stories. What city? Kamas City.
Kamas? Kamin, Kamin. Oh, Kamin, Kamin. Yeah, Kamin City, I got you, I got you.
And was this a trip today? Today, yes, this morning before noon. No kidding. Okay.
The floor is yours, my friend. Tell me, David, what happened? So, I walked in there, and, you know, I’ve listened to you all the time, so, you know, I was, like, prepared. I said, hey, I bought my foreign currency here, but I usually get it downtown Chicago, so I need to know, I know the rate changes all the time, I need to know how much money I need for a million Iraqi dinar.
And he was like, okay, let me see. And he calls for help. He’s like, hey, is this how you do, he wants to buy, he didn’t know what Iraqi dinar was.
I said, it’s a foreign currency from Iraq. And then the lady comes, and she was like, oh, yeah, yeah. So, she got on the computer, and she looks it up, and she goes, how much do you want? I said, I want about a million, a million Iraqi dinar, whatever’s gonna cost me at USD, you tell me.
And she pulled out the screen and said, 91,725, I believe. Boosh. So, I did the math, and wait a minute, it was at .09. Yeah.
Uh-oh, okay. Then what happened? And then I’m like, I kind of like froze up, and my legs were gonna give out, and I started crying, and I’m like, oh my God, I’ve been waiting for this for so long, I’m going through so much stuff right now, and I said, do you believe in God? If you believe in God, if you can get something, I don’t think you can get it, but you can get yourself. That’s what I told her.
Okay. So, I did the math, right? The first person she called was my daughter. My daughter lives in Oklahoma.
And I said, Chloe, this is what happened at the Huntington Bank right now, blah, blah, blah, you know? And she was like, she kind of did the math real fast. It looks like 9 cents. That’s about 9 cents, yeah, because at 10 cents, that would be 10% of a million.
It’d be 100,000. So, yeah, it’s about 9 cents. But there’s more to this story.
It isn’t the gone than what happened. No, I left speechless. I was like, I froze up.
I tried to take a picture of the screen, because she showed me the screen. Did she let you? Did she let you? She let, no, she, she said, no, she said, no, no, no, no, you can’t do that, you can’t do that. It’s okay.
I’m so nervous now. I wrote it down. I wrote it down on my balance receipt that I had just got from there, because I went there just to kind of sit and talk, you know? Did you ever make a denial with you when you were there at the bank? No, and I was carrying like $250,000 all the time, and I was- Oh.
Okay, so what did you tell them? Did you tell them, I’ll be back tomorrow, I’ll be back today? What’d you do? Yes, I said, I’ll be back. I’ll be back. And she says, well, you know, the rate changes every second, or every minute.
Literally, you found a window. You had a window, you had an opportunity. That’s why I sent so many people to the board.
Anyways, yeah, that’s, I’m glad that this happened to you. And what I would suggest for you to do is go tomorrow and go with, you know, your deniers, and talk to that same individual. Now, when they pop it up, more than likely, it’s gonna be a different number.
It’ll be back to the 13, 10. And this is a person that doesn’t really know too much. You have an opportunity to educate them.
You have an opportunity to share this with them. You know, the articles- I was just crying. When she saw me crying, she said, oh.
Oh, well. I told her a little bit about my struggle that I’m dealing with, and I guess it touched her, you know? Oh, well, yeah. All human beings, you know, wanna help each other.
You have a very unique situation where it’s happened before. But I’ll also tell you the truth. Nobody has been able to exchange what you are experiencing are variable numbers that are moving for whatever reason, okay? I’m not gonna sit here and tell you, oh, it’s free milk.
It’s because of a vice or a trade party. What is it? I don’t know why, but I do know it happens. And I do know it’s happened to many others.
And I now know it’s happened to you. But more than likely, it won’t be there tomorrow, unless they raise the value tomorrow. Ha ha ha ha ha.
But- Why is the Trump doing all these executive orders? Well, the executive orders are not necessarily directed to the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar, but they are definitely tangible. The Middle East, what they do is they establish contracts, agreements. You can spit in your hand and shake their hand, and then a sign on the dotted line and the next day when you show up to activate the contract they’ll say, okay, let’s redo it and an American will look at them and say, what? We just signed the contract and the Middle Easterner will look at you and say, what? What do you mean we’re not going to do this again? That’s what we do in the Middle East, but in the United States we’re no longer a New York minute.
We’re a New York nanosecond. We want everything now, quickly, fast, and that’s not the way it’s done. So the procedure, the monetary reform is moving along beautifully and there are many examples of it and you just found one.
I’m happy for you because you have confidence. You feel good. You know that you’re not wasting your time and you know that there is something down at the end of the tunnel, that bright light.
You hang in there. Now go tomorrow and when you go see if it’s still like that, if not, okay, then the next step you want to do is, hey, can I talk to you? I want to know what your bank can do for me. Do you guys exchange foreign currency? What are your perks? Do you have lawyers here? Do you have wealth management advisors? Do you have insurance? How much can I take out per day if I exchange it? What are the fees you’re going to charge me? Especially if I’m really ugly, do you charge me extra? I actually have another Chase Bank story from the town that I’m at now.
I’m in Maryville, Indiana. There’s a Chase Bank down the street and this was like last week. Last week? What happened? Let me call you and tell you.
What happened? So this time I took a picture of all my foreign currency on my bed. I have quite a few. I caught a few millions of reggie dinar and I have a lot of Vietnamese dollars.
So I took a picture and I went and I lost my debit card. You put them all on your bed and took one massive picture like I suggested? Yes. Good for you because you can blow them up and then, yeah, you can see them.
Okay, go ahead. So what happened? So then I said, I didn’t want to lie. I hate to lie, but I had to make up a story.
Her name was Xavier. I remember her name because it was like Xander. That’s a man’s name but she was a female, right? And I said, Xavier, I just bought a house and I found this money in the house.
Is this worth anything? And she looked at it and I blew it up and she goes, what is it? I said, it’s our reggie dinar and Vietnamese dong. And she goes, well, yeah, we’ll be taking all their currency. We have the machine.
The machine is going to detect it. She said, we have the machine that’s going to come in for us and give us the rate. And give us the rate.
That’s what she said. By Mr. God, that’s what she told me. And you looked at her and you said, is it a Delarue machine by any chance? How’d you know that, yo? How did you know that? She said, I don’t know.
It’s just a machine. I said it. I said, it’s a Delarue machine? I don’t know.
You have been blessed twice, back to back. I sent you some pictures of the bank in downtown Chicago. Oh, was that you? That was me.
That was last week, I see. No, no, it’s been over a month. The ATM machines, right? No, yeah, the ATM machines.
Yeah, I saw them. They were beautiful, right? Yeah, yeah. It’s insane.
They have a section, a foreign currency section. I could go back with you sometime this week. Take pictures.
What you saw was a reproduction of, like for example, Aki’s Bank. That’s another question I wanted to ask you about Aki’s Bank. What’s that? Because I’m not too far from there either.
I’m four hours away from it. Look, look, look, don’t worry about it. You don’t have to go into it, boy.
You see, we are, as far as I know, Dave, I believe we’re the only ones that are, I don’t know of anybody else that has connections the way we do. And they have been told, and we even have the articles, the exchange centers, they call them, that there will be thousands of them all over the planet Earth because the CBI wants to retrieve the 30 notes. So there will be plenty in the state of Indiana, trust me.
There will be plenty of these exchange centers that represent the CBI. The reason why I want to go over there, because I don’t know if I heard it on your TV or Marcy, because I listened to both of you guys. Don’t say another person’s name, please.
Thank you. But I’ve heard it from somebody, and they said that Aki’s Bank was going to pay Do you see how stupid that is? We’re the only ones that have, we’re the only ones that have an Aki. We’re the only ones that are going to have released these banks.
Can you imagine if I released them now? I’m not a bugger. Then they would take it. All these banks are 15, 20 percent.
Yeah, we know this. This is ours. I didn’t tell you.
It’s unbelievable. And that’s why I didn’t want you to mention anybody’s name, because everybody else had, I’ve kicked everybody else out of my KTFA. I have my team, the original team I started with, Iceman and everybody else.
That’s it. I kicked everybody else out. It’s just ridiculous how human, how do I put it? Yeah.
How human desire sometimes has more love for money than mankind. Anyways, I’m very proud. You know what I’ve learned from them? What is that? This is what I’ve got in my head now.
They said money is the root of all evil, but it’s not. What you do with it, money, that’s the root of all evil. It’s the love of money that is the root of all evil.
Trust me. We Christians need money to teach about the love of God. You’re about to do that, okay? Hey, I’m really proud of you.
I’m really excited for you. Go back to Chase, get pictures. Go back to Huntington and ask all the questions.
Also, yes, take some dinars with you in case. And also, maybe a quick snapshot. Go to Final Article Threat.
You do belong to my form, right? No, you don’t at all. Look at Shane. Don’t tell me where you belong, but if I was you, I’d get there.
How are you going to find out all the banks you’re going to exchange from the CBI? If you’re not a member of my form. How are you going to know? Oh, yeah, that’s right. Mark ABC or whatever it is is going to tell you, right? No, they’re not.
Anyways, I love you. I’m so proud of you. Okay, I love you.
And you call me back as soon as you got some more, okay? Okay. Like they say in Chinese. Muchos apreciados.
Take care. Take care. Bye-bye, sir.
Good story. So, family, that’s the second thing I wanted to share with you tonight. The third thing is, let’s see what I can read from Eddie’s report to you all.
We were together on Tuesday, so I’m looking for Wednesday. Tuesday. So, Tuesday is when he started to explain to us, Mr. Sammy, Eddie’s friend, about the concept of either a basket or a float.
And I read all of this, Mr. Frank. Mr. Sammy just said that the laws today were passed in that basket. Donnie, thank you, Donnie.
God bless you, Donnie. Thank you. Mr. Frank, Sammy just said that the laws today were passed.
Oh, yeah. Well, we read about that, remember? The hard ones. I’ll get the easy ones.
The laws today were passed in that basket where the general amnesty law and the personal law and the real estate law, all of these are the hard ones that have been passed. The deputies were set up, and several got up and left the session, causing not enough to continue voting further. And we have an issue that Mr. Sammy wants to talk to you about, Frank.
Well, excuse me. It is a potential issue that he wants to talk to you about. Here on last Sunday, the 19th, the Parliamentary Committee made amendments to the budget, amendments that were voted on.
Well, it’s a proven fact, Mr. Frank, that Parliamentary Finance Committee cannot make amendments to the budget. They are lying and stalling again. The amendments that they’re talking about that they said that they did are unconstitutional.
So all that reading in the changes that they told us they did could not stand unconstitutionally. But look here, Mr. Frank. We today are being told January the 26th.
That is on a Sunday. We are having a closure of hours and a holiday. We were talking about that today, weren’t we, family? We are having… It’s backwards.
It’s backwards. Don’t hold it up. It doesn’t matter.
We are having a closure of the hours. I’m sorry. We have to put this backwards.
I can’t explain to you why. Let’s just leave it at that, okay? So look here. We were told today that January the 26th.
That is a Sunday. We are having a closure of hours and a holiday. Now, the only holiday that we have celebrated in the past around this time was on February the 6th.
This January 26th, so not saying that’s the date, but I’m telling you that we are shutting everything down on that Sunday, on that 26th. We are shutting everything down. And that would be a superb time to give up the new rate.
Mr. Sammi is trying to find out more on the voting that they are supposedly doing behind closed doors. We’re still with Wednesday. So here we go.
Hey, Mr. Frank. Well, Eddie says that he hears about the closed door meetings. And the closed door meetings have been going on all morning.
But he found out that the meeting is talking about the HCL and other hot topics. They’re calling them the hard laws. Sorry, this was sent to you late.
We had issues at the market all day. News, very busy, very busy. We will send more.
What happened was last night when we sent you about the holiday, you know, the 26th, we still today say it was always in February. So maybe something is up. We don’t know.
But Sunday is our first day of the week. So they’re just telling me that this is unusual. And the date is for the 26th when it was normally should have been in February.
This is different. So we’re just highlighting it to you, Frank, to tell you to keep your eye on that timeframe. To which I said, you know, it is interesting, isn’t it? That they moved that date.
And as far as the closed door meetings, notice, Eddie, everything that is in that closed meeting requires a new exchange rate. They mentioned the HCL. Sort of the new notes.
Kurdistan, all of it. New notes. Oh, the new notes.
All of this, and that’s why they’re talking behind closed doors privately. Very soon. Very soon, in my opinion.
So that’s why they’re talking. But I can’t show you that. I don’t want to show it to you.
Frank, Eddie says that he thinks everything is done because after yesterday’s voting and passing that basket, they not mention one word about the reforms that that to us says it’s all done. They’re just waiting. Just waiting in magic, whatever that means.
I’m sure that was an error. So, yeah, the meeting itself is hush, hush, quiet. Because I believe that those laws are in there, Eddie, waiting to come out.
And if they come out, you know it’s going to, all hell will break loose. To which I say to Eddie, Eddie, this is a good pattern that you are observing because I agree. All the chatter, all the chatter that was so loud these last few weeks, you know, concerning the monetary reform, all of a sudden, it stops? That is a pattern to be observed, studied, and understood.
Well done, Eddie. Thank you, Mr. Frank. I appreciate that.
Hey, Mr. Frank, yesterday, this is yesterday. Hey, Mr. Frank, yesterday, the report that I sent you about the three laws, you know, the hard ones, they were passed. And it was all about the Kurds.
We didn’t know that, we just found out. Those laws were all to satisfy the Kurds. And it had nothing to do with the new exchange rate.
Excuse me. It had nothing to do with the new exchange rate. I reported to you yesterday, Mr. Frank, that Parliament Finance made changes to the amendments, then voted.
Now, they are all held up until Tuesday because appeal files was unconstitutional, which we studied already. Just like I reported yesterday. And today, the judge says he listened to the appeal.
And next Tuesday, however, like I said, that all about Kurds, not about the rate we look for. We want so, that we look for and we want so, that we want. So, don’t worry in that nonsense.
We’re still waiting for announcement on when budget table will be going to Parliament. I appreciate that, Eddie. I’m really paying attention to it.
Thank you, though. Then I said something. Eddie said tomorrow could see some voting on the budget amendments that we want.
He said he will keep you up to date. This is all from yesterday. All of that is from yesterday.
I know it’s backwards, but you can read it backwards. TV, still yesterday. This is going into one o’clock in the morning.
TV showing president of the World Economic Forum saying Iraq is a very important country in the region, in the Middle East, and in the world. Mr. Frank, how can that be at a program rate? Oh, no, it is not, right? We know the truth. Eddie, very well said, because they know that the sanctioned program rate of 1310 does not exist anymore.
If it did, a statement like that would be beyond stupid. And he says, exactly, Mr. Frank. We are waiting on the report from him on today’s voting.
I said, I’m excited to hear what the results are, too, Eddie. Let me know. Then Neil comes in and he says, me too.
I had a blast in D.C., thanks, but glad to be back home. We’ll send Eddie’s report when he sends it. I said, thank you.
Then, Frank, Mr. Sami sent this to Eddie. He said, these issues with oil and gas will always persist until a new rate appears. That’s the only thing that will actually solve all of this.
Yeah, yeah, it’s absolutely right. Thank you, Mr. Sami. I agree.
All we need is the new exchange rate. Everything else will iron itself out. I speak German.
In Fiesta weekend? In Germatria? What is Germatria? Germatria, that spells out good. I don’t know anything about that. Never heard of anything like that.
Mr. Sami said to send this to Eddie, these issues with the oil. I said, don’t worry, everything’s going to work itself out. Yesterday, the next week, there were so many reports from yesterday.
Oil minister on television saying imminent signing of oil deal with BP to increase oil production. That’ll explode the monetary reform, sir. Yesterday, next report, reaching out.
We waiting from reaching out. We waiting from Mr. Sami. But Eddie did say that today when he reported that BP oil deal was done, BP will be signing that in the first week of February, right after the 26th, Mr. Frank.
Did you notice? Yeah, I did. And it’s kind of like sitting in a waiting room to find out if it’s a boy or a girl, Eddie. I hope we have good news today or tomorrow about the budget.
And then he says, hey, Mr. Frank, it’s twins. It’s twins. And then I said, as long as it’s not triplets, as in three zeros.
He laughed. Here we go. Now we start with today’s report.
Today at 1.15, the first report that came in. Allak is talking about the development of security and stability in our country. He is really bragging, Mr. Frank.
And then the TV had a special about the fraction activity in Iraq. It has ceased. It has ceased.
And they’re thanking the government for the crackdown. So you got security and stability, Eddie. That means that you’re going to have a new exchange rate very soon.
I said, this is what was needed for the monetary reform to bring your purchasing power through a new exchange rate through the lower notes. The security and stability that they are bragging about was the dream of Dr. Shabibi for the monetary reform plan. You see Sudani? You see Sudani? You see Allak bragging about your security and stability? How strong you are now and the enemy can no longer steal from you.
That’s why parliament is so angry. That’s why they’re taking their time to pass the laws. But it’s okay.
It’s okay. The end is here. Eddie says, Mr. Sami says, Mr. Frank, there is a new issue that I would like to talk to you about and see your opinion.
Iraq is de-dollarizing, correct? And Iraq, according to Sudani, wants to have a basket of currency to help support. And the new USA administration, Trump, wants to keep the dollar as reserve currency in our country. So this could be a whole new ball game.
We don’t know too much about this. Your president is pushing parliament and pushing the reforms of the USA treasury thing. No, I don’t want to read that.
So then continuing, continuing with the next report. Sami also says next Tuesday, the appeal will be held by the judge on the three laws that have been passed. Basket.
Other day, several appealed. It is saying was, now when we talk about basket, I’ve mentioned it three times already. It’s not the basket of the float.
It’s not that full of basket. This is a basket that contained three laws that they were pushing to get done. And they are done.
They were called hard laws. Basket. Other day, several appealed.
It is saying was unconstitutional. So the budget table set in limbo until that is cleared. We do believe though, Mr. Frank, once it is cleared, then they can be given to parliament for the vote that we are waiting for.
I then in turn respond. Thank you for this report, Mr. Sami. I really appreciate it.
May I express my opinion? You see, my President Trump is behind all of this, in my opinion. He will allow Iraq to use the American dollar, but only to the American dollar’s benefit. You see, if it requires a basket, so be it.
But acid-backed is probably better through a float. But I find it interesting that Trump is actually encouraging a basket. I will talk about this with my teams.
Get back with you. Frank, sending, because Eddie says, Mr. Sami thinks that’s the other way around, but he’s still checking here. That’s good, that’s good, because this is not scuttlebutt either, rumors.
And I’m glad, Mr. Sami, because I know you’re listening, I’m glad that you’re on this for us, because this is something new. This is different. This is a change of pattern, but it involves my president, which has me so excited.
Continuing. Parliament is using, this is me responding to Eddie, Parliament is using every inch of the cliff that they are standing on, and soon they will have no choice but to tell you citizens the truth. There are no more choices for them except to pass these laws.
Sending. Yes, sir, we agree. Three exclamation marks.
Next report. Chalet’s on TV talking about delaying the budget. 525, that was just before we got on with you guys.
Chalet on TV, talking about delaying the budget. He says, if you delay it again, otherwise you’re going to hurt a lot, and you’re going to delay the projects that Sudani has further. He’s talking about, he’s talking about really holding this up, needs to go to Parliament.
And that’s good. We saw a bunch of articles from many different sources, from Trump, from economic experts, from GOI members. Get it done, Parliament.
And you’re seeing it again here. I then say to him, no, that’s good. Let’s just stop with that.
So, family, you have had a wonderful report. You got to look at these articles, and you saw them in a way that you’re not taught. I pray to God that I helped you.
Number two, that bank story, wow. I mean, wow. It is continuing the pattern where no one is saying it’s a scam.
If they do say it’s a scam, it’s probably a teller, that’s all. But everything behind a teller, what do they say? Not at this moment. Not right now.
No, we’re not exchanging. But they don’t say it’s a scam anymore. That’s good.
Now, the last thing that a small portion, allow me to share a small portion of my team’s, as they try to explain, oh, and by the way, before I go any further, the last time that we were together, I made a note of this. Yeah. I want to apologize.
I was just tired. It was towards the end of our show. I said that my IQ is 161.
Somebody posted on my YouTube. They said, really, Frank? Really? You’re smarter than Einstein who was 160? And when I read that, I thought, oh, Shiite. So I went back and I looked up when I was 18 in high school.
No, 121. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
The range for IQ in the United States is usually from 90 to about 160. I don’t even fall in the middle at 121. But I humbly apologize when I said that my IQ was 161.
Really? And to the person that brought it out and made fun of me, I hope this satisfies you. Eddie, or I should say Mr. Sammy, says there are new issues. Well, Mr. Sammy, let us think twice about that word.
New issues. And the only reason that there are new issues in the monetary reform study and with what you’re doing, Mr. Sammy, at the bank is because of my President Trump. The only new issues are being introduced as he talks to Sudani and Sudani talks to the rest of you.
So the issue itself is not at all a delay it’s not a problem. It is to answer the question, float or basket? But as you ask that question, Iraq, you will also, but you will also keep in mind and carry it heavily in your thoughts. This new issue, Trump has declared a mandate to Iraq stop using my dollar.
The only way you can use my dollar is to buy medical stuff, you know, medicine, equipment. If you want to travel abroad, you can get some of my dollars or GOI in your functions as a government. That’s it.
Nowhere else can you use the American dollar in your country. Citizens can’t touch it. Businesses can’t touch it.
Iraqi Stock Exchange can’t touch it. Nobody is to touch the dollar. Okay? All right.
So number one, the new issue is not a problem. Number two, keep in mind the new issue is telling you to de-dollarize and you did by stopping the auctions. And number three, the American dollar, Trump is hinting that maybe it should go in a basket with the Iraqi dinar.
But the American dollar in a basket with the American, with the Iraqi dinar is de-dollarized. So, there is no auction. They de-dollarized.
Where? Besides the auctions. The American dollar is not found in the black market. The American dollar is not found in the banks of Iraq.
The American dollar is not found in any financial institutions in Iraq. Nobody, citizens, can use the American dollar in Iraq. The country of Iraq cannot touch the dollar except three ways.
Trump wants Iraq to keep the American dollar in a basket with the IQD. All of this that I’m sharing with you is strictly my opinion because I don’t know. And he wants it in a basket with the dinar and dollar to bring the the dinar to one dollar.
And he wants other currencies in that basket to help each other, to help the American dollar, to help the Iraqi dinar. And in doing so by helping each other in that basket, these currencies will gain security and stability and value internationally recognized, et cetera, et cetera. De-dollarizing was pushed by President Trump while he was running for president.
And today, Iraq has listened even more to Trump concerning the American dollar Trump protects the American dollar and he uses the IQD and an international basket to stabilize the American dollar from the damages that were caused in the last four years. P.S. Drill, baby, drill. The United States administrations want Iraq to keep the American dollar as a reserve currency.
That was the article that we read today. Actually, that you will read. Trump wants the American dollar and the IQD in an international basket to strengthen both of them.
Trump uses money to make money Trump uses the IQD to stabilize the USD. Brilliant. How can a program rate stabilize the American dollar? Because it’s not at a program rate.
Pick one. Pick one. Basket or float? Pick one.
Basket. Float. Acid-backed.
Pick one. Basket. Float.
Acid-backed. Both of them. Which is what I believe Trump is pushing for.
You’re in the basket with other currencies. But you’re not going to be pegged to the American dollar. You will be paired with other currencies in that basket and one of them is the American dollar.
It looks like to me in my opinion that Trump is voting for the basket with limitations on how to use the American dollar in the country of Iraq. Because it’s not a secret to anyone. Especially President Donald J. Trump.
Yeah, I can keep talking to you. But I think I’m going to stop because I’m in some pain now. Family, you remember I was trying to collect $3,500 for Pastor Amos in Nepal? We had a gentleman that donated $1,000 and we had a lady that donated $3,000.
My wife and I we will be donating too and yeah, maybe we’ll be able to do both things. I don’t know. But it seems to me that $3,500 can build a church.
Anything past that and if I put in our we’re at about $4,500. $1,000 for the Bible machines. A church and a hundred Bibles.
God is good. And I thank the two that helped. If anybody wants to help Pastor Amos and the missionary work that we’re doing right now with him please let me know.
Call me. What’s my phone number? 419-283-2552. 419-283-2552.
Look at Lori’s joy. She says, I’m just joining in. Any good news? No, not really, Lori.
It’s the same old, same old. Lori, you got a lot to catch up on. God bless you.
So, I apologize about my IQ. I told you about Pastor Amos and now I wish to thank all those that helped us financially. I also had we also had Mordecai helped us the last time we were together and I didn’t get a chance to thank you, Mordecai.
Thank you, my dear brother. For right now, I want to thank Brian Wharton. I want to thank LL Shadow, Shadow Fury, Peg Veach, Rebecca Hill, James Sullivan, Duane Jocks, Patrick S., Mark Anglin, Richard Garcia, Bus Driver, Mr. Holiday and Galway Girl, Brittany Reese’s, Vicky Rowe, and Dr. Tooth Fairy, Happiest Little Place.
Oh, I like that. And Donnie Inman. Here, give him a call and I’ll get him on that.
I want to thank all of you that helped us with financial contributions. God bless you all. Very, very sweet of you.
Very helpful. We’re collecting for WalkingStick’s next immune therapy, which is, which is coming next week. One more little thing, and that is our dear brothers, oh, are they not answering? Hey, Mo Better, go ahead and call me back.
I’m sorry. You got him? Okay. The floor is yours, gentlemen.
Go for it. Oh, no, the floor is not yours. Wait, I muted you.
Now it’s yours. Go for it. This ain’t the first time I’ve been muted.
Thank you, Frank. I appreciate it. Hey, I looked at the TV while I was doing a suggestion and I stood on my head and I was able to read the TV perfectly.
You were standing on my head. Only problem is there was a blood rush to my head and I about passed out. Hey, Frank, we want to do one quick thing here.
We won’t take much of your time. I know you’re tired and you’re hurting, buddy. I want to get you off here, but Cliff and I have been doing these songs and writing for everybody and we just, we’ve done some jingles and we thought, hey, wait a minute, we need to do a jingle for us.
So we did a little, if you don’t mind, can I play just a one-minute jingle from Mo Better Studios? Yeah, Mo Better Studios jingle. Let’s hear what it is. All right, here we go.
Okay. Hold on, man. Take it off this way.
Here we go. It’s backwards. It’s all backwards.
Okay. Four, two, three, two, three, six, seven, seven, six, four, eight. Well, there you go.
We figured we needed to have our own jingle. That’s cute. Got your website, got your phone number in there.
That’s all right. I like it. Yeah, man, we want to do it and also let everybody know, I just want to let you know an update on me personally.
We did get a couple of songs in this week, birthday songs, which was a good break from the Valentine Love Jibby stuff. We got one rock and roll, one character in, so i’m back normal plenty love songs for now the rest of the month i think i’ll be good okay thank you guys i love you muncho muncho yeah thank you sir get you some rest and thank you for everything you do buddy yes sir we’ll see you on the next yubi tubi bye-bye oh lordy lordy lordy i feel older than 40 yeah because i’m 70. well i had a wonderful time i hope you did too three hours of sing-along and yeah just about three hours of study it’s power packed i dismiss us and i do so with a prayer abba heavenly father i thank you so much i thank you so much for what you have done tonight giving me the strength and helping us to put all of this together i pray that those that are with us that they would that they would take this to you in prayer that they would talk to you about it help me lord and show me the right way forgive me of my sins take care of my children my grandchildren bless my wife thank you so much for my soulmate for my sister in christ for the mother of my children i appreciate her i love her i respect her in front of you in the name of your son jesus by the holy spirit that i pray amen amen amen amen oh you’re still with it go for it amen amen amen thank you my brother andy as always love you muncho muncho muncho family i leave you in peace i leave you uh with the holy spirit you know i find it interesting us human beings why do we think that our our ideas are better than god’s i don’t know i don’t know but i uh i realize that i have put myself in that position where i think that i that i know more than god i don’t know um i i i i encourage you to read god’s love letters to you in case you didn’t know that god wrote you many love letters to his children and you find them all in in the bible read the word of god read the love letters that god has for you i um i i i didn’t used to i do now more often than before i can see my past and yeah i’m ashamed of it but thank god that i don’t i don’t live there anymore i have learned that i have learned that death is the doorway to eternal worship and that’s not that i look forward to it but i don’t fear it 70 years has taught me a lot if you would have told me when i was 30 years old the things that i know and the way i feel now today i would have fought you i had too much vinegar in my blood i had too much testosterone i want to be like president trump a peacemaker blessed they are says the word of god a peacemaker that’s why you don’t see me fighting with people anymore like you used to there’s no need to fight i have superheroes that uh that do all the fighting for me i actually call them spiritual heroes and those uh superheroes those spiritual heroes are my angels you have angels trust me you have angels you need them you need to be protected on this planet earth i leave you in peace i always have something for dessert but tonight i’m keeping things i think we we shared a whole lot so when do we meet again family what does it say on the calendar tink nothing about tuesday nothing nothing how about tuesday family 6 p.m eastern standard time i’ll see you then okay and i’d like to tell my wife something i need more cookies i need more cookies no i think i may not be your first love i may not be your first kiss i may not be your first date but i want to be your last everything i love it i love you wife too okay now can i have my cookie no you didn’t get a thousand i didn’t get a thousand three hours how well what i get 953 953 you can let me smell a cookie can’t you maybe half a cookie okay god bless you all sweet aloha thank you kindly for being with us as i say goodbye and play our song take care see you on tuesday i used to be a dinah newbie until i watched frank’s you be to be be with a twinkle in his eyes and god by his side frank’s teachings reaches far and wide so whenever i need a dina fix i tune into frank’s 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so i wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever i need a dina fix i tune into frank’s 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the dina d sit up be patient and get ready frank’s got some news from walking stick and eddie frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on iraq can you give us the rain so whenever i need a dina fix i tune into frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the dina beat hey hey tink i need a cookie come on tink i deserve some cookies come on three more cookies cookies cookies oh now we’re talking come on give up the cookies my cookies got a hole in it so god bless you all take care i’ll see you on tuesday we’re gonna have fun again and that every every yubitube is just a lot of fun we thank god for it ain’t that right sweetheart huh ain’t that right you speak rosie sit speak speak good girl can you sing what’d you do no there’s no cookies no there’s no cookies she actually sings yeah she sings the frank 26 song