MarkZ (Uncut) 02-06-2025
Coffee with MarkZ and “EGG-sanity”. 02/06/2025
Good morning. Ruthann, they were writing articles of impeachment before the inauguration. They’ve had them ready.
You knew it was going. Lawfare en masse. They are doing their best.
I mean, how many suits? Where are we at right now? I mean, there’s like a whole list of them. Let’s see. Legal battles.
Federal workers union sued to block Trump’s program that offered federal employees to resign in exchange of eight months. Faye, trying to kill it before the deadline tonight. They won’t be successful.
Families and doctors sued to challenge the executive order that ended federal funding for transgender surgeries or minors. I mean, stop, drop, think about this. We’re funding transition in our prison system.
The same prison system that can’t officially get to the medical needs of their everyday inmates. Folks with cancer, folks with COPD, folks that aren’t getting monitoring for heart conditions. But they can afford to pay an obscene amount for hormone therapy and et cetera.
But we’re going to have a lawsuit over it because they know this. This is the way the left works. Lawsuit, lawsuit, lawsuit, lawsuit.
They try to just wear you down. They ran into the wrong guy. They ran into a guy that’s got more stamina than they do.
Medical group, of course, we got, wait a minute, another medical group sued the personnel management of several U.S. health agencies for removing Web pages and data from agency websites. Of course, what they were moving was all the DEI, trans, whatever stuff. But still got to have a lawsuit over it to see if we can stall things.
Anything to slow the progress. At this point, they are desperately looking to delay, delay, delay, delay, delay in hopes that there will be something big for their midterms. They are just desperate.
Unions, which to me is nuts, because overwhelmingly at this point, most union membership has become or returned to their fiscal conservative roots. But unions very soon to block U.S. Doge service from accessing computer systems at the Department of Labor. Now, how in the world can Doge go in and remove like bad material, people that aren’t supposed to be getting paid, overpaid, double paid and all that if they can’t have access? I mean, just stop and think about it.
Do the unions really care about that? No. But the Democrats, who they give their money to, care about that. Unions are being used like little biatches right now by the Democrats.
It’s cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo right now. But it’s fun. Shows you the desperation of the Trump train, the Trumpolution that is well underway.
Katie Lane, I’m with you. I mean, that’s that’s a scientific, biological, well-documented fact. Yeah.
Anyways. Rick, yes, but I cannot comment and will not comment. If I get something I can, you’ll hear it.
All I can say is they went west. It is getting it’s getting crazy. It’s getting fun.
We do. Oh, I should probably stay a little bit on it. Noble Gold Investment Alert.
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At Tahoe, there you go. It was very reassuring, though, to see somebody that I know in the real world be called to travel like that really is. Trek for life.
You are greatly appreciated. Thank you, sir. Treebeard Treebeard was here last night.
Greg, you haven’t seen Treebeard this morning, though. Haven’t seen Treebeard this morning. All right, guys.
I mean, we’ve got a little bit of time. Have you been following any of this? Hundred thousand eggs stolen as Pennsylvania police try to crack the case just southwest of Harrisburg. Pete and Jerry’s organic eggs worth about 40 grand stolen off of a truck.
Yep. The earner very egg index. It has skyrocketed.
Seems to be when you murder. Put down and center a terminate. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of egg laying hens seems to really affect the egg supply.
I know it’s crazy thing, right? But the the avian bird flu panic in the West and the government agencies attached there to it caused an egg shortage. Massive egg shortage, one of the key affordable proteins for the working class in America. All right.
Who’s already planning their chicken coop? Of course, by the time we build our chicken coop, raise our chicks that we pick up now to tractor supplier, wherever else cheap. The crisis will be over. Because the replacement hens will have aged enough, so eggs are going to be expensive for another what, like two months because of when they killed the chickens.
Chickens rule. That’s right. Chicken flockers understands.
Gina, I already have chickens already, a.k.a. chicken math. I like it. But, you know, I enjoyed having chickens.
I think it is time to put a little hen house out. Mark, you said that banks wouldn’t use. I did not say banks would not use QFS.
I said they may have a different term for the system. But, I mean, you can call it QFS if you want. They just may have a new term for it.
It may say ledger based, may say blockchain based. They may only know nothing more than, hey, we got a new ledger system. Hey, we have a new account.
Hey, we got a new software system. Most of them aren’t going to take the time to find out who programmed what and what the code’s written in or how. Trisha said, I heard QFS is KENDOR.
Is that some kind of new abbreviation? Carolyn just said, over on the Rumble side, I paid $10 for a dozen eggs. Deep Painter, I’m thinking the chicken came first. Zester had ducks.
They were a pain in the butt. Muddy Purple said, takes six months for chicken to start laying. Does anybody know when they started killing? It’s been a few months ago that they started killing the hens.
So that would be when they started replacing the hens. So we just got to extrapolate the math. And that’ll tell you when your crisis will be over.
Trish, you’re doing well. Six bucks for 18 large eggs. You’re doing well.
Let’s see. Gary says, I have nine chicken coops and getting 12 eggs every day. Nice.
Holly, pretty accurate, buddy, said they’ll use any name for their own advertising. They will. It will not take us long to figure out if it is quantum based or what we call the QFS.
It won’t take us long to figure that out. Just be prepared. Don’t get a fight over a different name.
Doesn’t make any sense. I mean, how many things out there in the world have different names? A whole heck of a bunch. And we don’t fight over those every day.
A flower, a rose. Specifics, I mean, depends on when you… Yeah, you get the idea. When the chicken wing shortage, again, Tony, right? You remember the great chicken wing shortage? When everybody was stuck at home, they had… Hey, look, they were killing a bunch of chickens and chicken processing plants were going up in flames around 19… I mean, excuse me, 2020.
You guys remember that? 2020, 2021, right? Shakerbilt, happy birthday, Shakerbilt. I’m ready to party. Let’s get this thing done.
I have chickens and give them to my children when we get too many. Jay-Z said, waiting here to… See, I think you’re going to find that security. I think you folks are going to find what you’re looking for.
We’ll get to all that information. I don’t have to repeat it. A lot of people asking me for specifics.
Oh, wait, it is that time. And I was sitting there getting ready to chastise you folks for asking too early, and I was the one that was running too late. But yeah, for the folks over on Rumble that are trying to put up links in chat, we do that for a reason, because we’re responsible for the links you put up.
So we remove your links. If you want a link put up, communicate with a moderator first so that they can make certain the link isn’t taking our folks to something questionable that may get us in trouble with Rumble. It’s necessary.
Unfortunately, we had in the early days, like many channels, we got inundated with the normal free porn type whatever sites, OnlyFans, Girls, all of them trying to troll for some customers. So we have gone out of our way to protect ourselves. That same rule in YouTube has, although YouTube has a click where you can get a button, you can just say, hey, no links allowed.
Makes it much easier over there, but we don’t allow them for a reason. At some point, hopefully Rumble will add that to the moderation for safety. All right, let me put that one back up and get over here.
A few folks were wondering, you’re not being singled out in any way. The President of the Republic stresses the governor, the central bank need to develop services to provide to the citizen. I know, translations.
They just want to make certain that we know that, or they know, that they are making banking, personal banking, et cetera, very secure. What is going on right now, and this is important. Stimulating hoarded money in homes is one of the most important challenges of the stage, of the stage, this stage, where they’re at right now for the government and the Iraqi nation.
It is time to unleash all the savings, all the pen up ingenuity, all the whatever. This is what happened in the late 1920s, early 30s. People hoarded their cash, and then the system broke because money wasn’t moving and flowing through the system.
When people decide, okay, when things are safe, things are secure, it’s time to grow, and it happens as an entire nation. It lifts everybody up. Everybody goes up.
They are trying to nurture the feeling of prosperity and abundance because it draws in more prosperity and abundance. Plus, it unleashes a tremendous amount of stored capital from projects to as small as a bagel shop, a home bakery, somebody washing cars, just in general. It does massive amounts to stimulate the general economy, the general mood of the populace, which is extremely important.
Things can be financially rock solid stable, but if everybody suddenly loses hope for whatever reason, a mass psychosis, it all breaks down and it crashes. What we’re seeing here is a very, very, very concerted effort by the Iraqi government to unleash that. And here we have, and then seeing articles like that to me is very reassuring because it shows me that the leaders understand economics and human nature.
And this one’s important. They are making certain that they are giving the people all the services, all the security and stability they need to unleash the people. The people are far more capable than the government.
The people can fix it all. Small businesses have always been the answer. Small businesses owned by mom, pops, neighbors, friends, children, et cetera.
That is what unleashes economic activity. If you’re going to have a true Renaissance, you don’t need the big corporations getting in jeans. You need the small individuals in mass getting creative.
And that is what Iraq is unleashing upon their economy. Really neat seeing those articles. Our relations with Washington, Riyadh and Tehran are special.
We will end importing Iran’s gas by 2028. They have a clear timeline. They have a clear timeline for U.S. International Coalition mission being over with.
Sudani going into everything they have done. Keen to keep with OPEC on the rights of consumers and producers, but they would like to produce more. Iraq’s attractive environment in the field of investments.
We’ve contracted electricity interconnection projects with Saudi Arabia. They’re letting us know everything they have done. We agree with Washington on timetable that will complete the mission of the International Coalition, coordinating with Syria on border security, coordinating with Jordan.
The demand for electricity in Iraq is more than production. This is a key problem that they have. This is one where if they wanted to end gas importing from Iran, this could be sped up tremendously with an international effort.
It is clear to me that Trump has shown that he is willing to make things happen at a, well, a breathtaking speed. We’re seeing that in the domestic energy production here stateside already with experts in the field, actively working in the field, saying they are already seeing the effects as more crews are coming on, more investment from companies, updated equipment. In other words, they are very keen on the future.
They would not have spent the money. It has unleashed a renaissance in the energy industry stateside already. They can do the same thing there.
Member of Parliament voting on amending the budget will solve part of the Baghdad herbal differences. Now, when we say this, they don’t mean in the future. They mean when they voted on it recently, it has solved part of the Baghdad herbal differences.
Now, the only other part is the situation with the cost of oil. They have an answer. They’re waiting for response in the budget table.
They want you to know that they made great progress. That’s all this is about, letting the people know that they have made great progress and are continuing to make progress. Kurdistan region launches January salaries through Hasabi.
Speaking of those answers, here we go. Like 700 and some thousand of them getting paid through the new system, 300 and some thousand still getting paid on the old system through debit cards. Now, still more efficient.
They try to get them all on the new system just for ease. It’s one button. Literally, they put, hey, pay payroll.
Bam, it’s paid. This is a big step, huge progress, big obstacle that has now been overcome. Let me turn that one off now.
Let’s see what we got. Oh, most of this is the other one. I do, my contact has indeed now out west.
This is a first in years. I am very upbeat about that. Bond side continues to be pretty quiet.
Most of my bond people are still telling me that they understand it to be somewhere around the 10th, 12th for them to get paid. Of course, Mike told you guys he’s got somebody that expects to have their fees sooner, like with that, what, day or two? But he shared that one last night. Groups, it has been exceptionally quiet, except for that one that has taken off for the West.
I’ve heard nothing on Prosperity or CMKX. Yeah, remember, Heinz Kissinger, Henry Kissinger, stated the best way to control society is remove their food. We don’t have an Aldi’s, Marty.
Not the cheapest. You can get eggs right now here, for a dozen and a half at Sam’s Club. And usually more expensive everywhere else.
There are certain exceptions to it. Beverly, great point. Back salaries are paid to Iraqi citizens only through direct deposit, and then them seeing their money is safe might help them trust the bank.
Beverly, that’s exactly why they are doing it, why the government is doing it, because there are so many government employees that by forcing that issue, every family has a government employee in Iraq, just because of the size of the government to take care of the people, or pensioners, because the population, they’ve got a lot of young people now, but a lot of the older people are from before the war. So every family has a member, two members, hell, half the family may be receiving money from government one way or the other, whether it’s an employee, whether it’s retirement. So they see that.
They put them in the banking system. Those folks don’t have a choice. They gotta go in the regular banking system, and now the family sees, hey, wait a minute.
It’s really convenient. When they go to the store, they’re not back there counting out all their cash, carrying it in these huge stacks because of the value. They just go down, knock it out.
It’s smooth, it’s safe, it works. It is a huge thing, and it’s exactly why they did it to get that widespread adoption, because it takes that money that’s right now theoretically because it’s printed. It’s M1, but it’s not M1 because it’s sitting over here like M3.
I mean, nobody’s spending it. Heck, you can make the argument it’s M0, that it’s an asset outside of the system because it’s sitting there not being used. Once it goes into the banking system, it’s being used, which means then it allows leveraging of labor instead of just sitting there.
It’s moving, it’s growing. So yeah, huge. Well thought out, Beverly.
I love that one. I have two retired border agents guarding my chickens. I bet those dogs are loving their retirement.
Barbara, I never thought 467 for eggs would be a bargain. The world we’re living in, that one to me was a big one, Patsy. President Trump protects safety, fairness, and dignity in women’s sports.
That one was a big one for me. All right, yeah, we’ve got some fun Doge stuff, although before we get into too much of it, and there’s a couple articles in here that are just for your information for you guys to read when you want to. Until then though, I have had a couple of interesting conversations with some military personnel that are being prepped for deployment.
Now these are special groups. Some of them straight up special forces. The kind you drop in, not specifically Navy SEALs or anything like that, because I’ve spoken with some in three different branches, but they are all not your atypical military, and they’re all being prepped for deployment against gang-related activities slash terrorists now that the gangs have been named as terrorist organizations, but they’re being prepped for deployment abroad for actions against these transnational gangs.
To me, this one is huge. We have active specialists, and I’m not talking about your IT guy. I’m talking about the guys that go in there and Osama bin Laden’s not there anymore.
I’m talking about like the elite. I have elite telling me they’re not giving me exactly where they don’t know. They are just being told to prepare themselves and family for deployments for active military ops against these.
It would be a bad time. If you are an international organized crime syndicate. Oh, they did tell me.
They did tell me that they were specifically told it was not all targeted in Central and South America. In other words, some of these operations are, let’s say, European, Middle Eastern, African. In other words, around the globe.
It’s South of the border for the U.S. and I think that is a key point to take in that they are preparing for active military deployments. I’m not saying you can go sit here for six months and kick up your feet in a tent in the middle of a desert. I’m meaning active ops go in, do the op, get out.
I wonder how many, I don’t know, what do you guys want to call them? Yeah, Jill, worldwide cleanup. I wonder how many mafia bosses or cartel bosses sitting around with their palatial mansions in whatever country while the people suffer are about to have a really bad day. I think if I were one of those guys, I would make it a point to get legit quick.
I mean like really legit. Maybe even walk away from it while you still can walk. It is heating up.
Those made for some great conversations. All right, Corey said, I personally think all these operations are done and the stories are just coming out. I think maybe some of them are already done, Corey.
I would not be surprised if he didn’t start operations the night of the 20th. Michael F., you know, I did not think about that, but that is an absolutely fantastic observation. We know that Doge and Trump and et cetera have some serious eyes and whistleblowers inside of the CIA right now and the Five Eyes organizations.
You could be right. They could be getting ready to target poppy fields. Hmm, I hadn’t thought about that one.
Power man eggs are a staple for diabetes. I did not know that. I should have known that, have friends that are diabetics, but I did not know that one.
- Strong, I specifically said I would not mention which forces. Arthur, you’re welcome. I’m just reading some of those.
Oh, wait. Let’s wish Casey, let’s see, one and only child a happily heavenly birthday. Happy heavenly to Casey.
Reading a few of these, we’re going to go back to it. I would love to see more parking lots. It’s for the good of humanity.
Yeah, exactly. Burning, not guarding the poppy fields anymore. Greg, I forgot about that.
It is indeed your birthday for the bald Sasquatch, as you are lovingly known by your wife. Actually, I think it’s a bald Bigfoot, but I wasn’t, you know, paying attention very closely. Francis is heaven and six heavenly.
- W. Good to see you in the house. Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. Oh, that’s a great, great, great, great one.
I like that one. All right, guys, we need to keep running. Yeah, they found USAID-funded irrigation waterways for poppy fields.
Kevin, the things that they are finding are absolutely overwhelming on USAID. Now, they did do some good. There was some good being done, and for those that are worried about it, those programs are already being rolled directly into the State Department.
They haven’t stopped the good things that are happening, guys. They’ve only stopped the bad things that are going. People on the left out there losing their mind as Trump continues to extract free rent in their cranial cavities.
They’re, oh, my God, but they do so much good. The good’s still being done. We’re just no longer funding condoms and drag shows and et cetera anymore.
We’re actually taking care of foreign policy. All right, Trump wants a sovereign wealth fund. Here’s how other nations run theirs.
Wealth funds are used in more than 90 other countries and districts, including Saudi Arabia, Australia, Norway, China, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Singapore, Hong Kong. Heck, for that matter, did you know, what is it? It’s like 29, I think it’s 29 states, 23 states in the United States already have sovereign wealth funds. The strongest of which are in Alaska, New Mexico, and Texas.
You see anything going there? Countries that have a lot of oil? Seems to be, I mean, excuse me, states. So I put this one in here so you guys can read. This one is a pretty long one.
As you guys can see, it goes on and on and on and on and on and on. But they talk about some of the sovereign wealth funds, what they do, how they operate. I’ve had a lot of questions in the last few days.
What is a sovereign wealth fund? So I thought that would be a neat link to put in there for you all. All right, at least 40,000 federal workers accept the DOJ buyout as the deadline looms tonight. Tonight midnight in their perspective time zones is when I am told it ends.
They, well, just hugely successful. We’re already at over 40,000. And we do have millions of federal workers, but 40,000, many of these are ones that have been targeted for waste, so that is a huge one as they are taking that early out option.
Shrinking the size. One-time payment instead of years or decades saves the American economy, American taxpayer a lot. Guatemala agrees to accept U.S. deportees from other nations in a deal with Rubio.
Happy belated. Gordon turned 66 a few days ago. All right, let’s get back to Guatemala.
We have another country saying, yeah, bring them here, we’ll take our deportees. We will gladly take ours and put them where they belong in the big house. And we also are interested in taking them from you as well for other countries, meaning they could be deportees for, I don’t know, India, Mexico, wherever, if you need a temporary place to house them as you work through extradition, et cetera.
In other words, it would be considered a safe third country. They would step in and hold them. U.S. would, of course, pay for them.
Guatemala, because they can house prisoners at a lower cost than in the U.S., saves the U.S. money and removes the criminal element because we have an overcrowded, poorly utilized prison system. And a lot of our problem for the U.S. prison system, guys, it kind of lost the notion that it is supposed to rehabilitate. And it has largely, I shouldn’t say, I don’t know if largely is the right word, I should just say a troubling amount of the time it is a mental health facility.
Folks that have mental health issues and they have nowhere else to put them, so they end up in the prison system. Whether it is they can’t take care of themselves, blurting out, all those things. And the next thing you know, somebody is screaming because this person that is clearly cuckoo is urinating on a street corner.
They should have been in a home, not a prison. Many of them don’t have the facility mental faculties to be in the prison system either. It is, to me, a very scary thing.
I mean, we do, we need a lot of overhaul here stateside. A lot of overhaul. So we can thin the numbers.
I don’t know what this is. I’ve heard the Cubans are getting 25 grand each. I wonder what you mean by 25 grand each.
Are you talking about illegal aliens or whatever? Yeah, anyways. HUBAL, U.S. prisons are profit centers. You know, HUBAL, let’s take that into account because I think you bring up a great point here.
They are. It has become a for-profit center. Judges get kickbacks, you name it.
The more you send me, the more they get kicked back. We had, what, two Pennsylvania judges prosecuted in the last probably five years on that and a number of others around the nation where judges were making money from the prison system. I know it’s a scary thing.
But they are profit centers. So perhaps part of what Trump is doing in order to break the U.S. prison industrial complex, perhaps he is taking their profit away by moving them. It would make sense.
Much of what he is doing now at first, I’m like, what in the heck is he doing? And then I’m like, ah, that’s what he’s doing. You can. Referring buyouts, understand some requests might be accepted because of critical need, healthcare providers, et cetera.
Yeah, you can. I have been told that as well. But there are some where the jobs are necessary and they don’t want to lose the people.
They’re like, hey, you know, if you got a job not essential, then sure, we’ll do the buyout. If it’s an essential, we really don’t want you taking the offer. We need you.
Let’s see. Matt Sachs breaking Panama pulls out of Chinese Belt and Road infrastructure program. Wow, that’s huge.
Do remember the newly elected president of Panama is a pro-Trumper and has vowed to shut down the dairying gap, has also vowed to remove the NGOs from his country physically if he has to. Now, I think you are seeing a renaissance. Matter of fact, I meant to do a deep dive on that more when we did this Guatemalan one.
I am looking for an absolute renaissance in American relations. Not all, of course. Some are too diametrically opposed or ideologically opposed.
But Colin, I’m calling it right now. You are about to see an amazing renaissance of the Americas, not just North America. You are about to see a renaissance of Central America, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Belize, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, El Salvador, so many countries.
And you are about to watch unprecedented cooperation between Mark Rubio and Secretary of State has been a big one. Wasn’t overly fond of him as a presidential candidate, but I think they have found where he belongs. So I’m loving this one.
And now you see Guatemala coming on board, warm and real coming on board. You see Venezuela offering to normalize relations and make internal changes in the country of Venezuela in order to do it. Of course, Guyana was already on board.
Many, many, many countries are signaling. And even Mexico, as much as the very left-wing president down there would like to claim she is going to stand to Trump, nope, working with, not willingly, but people aren’t giving her much choice. And the political tides have turned.
You’re watching them come in line with the people. It’s not like they’re coming in line with Trump. And this is very important.
He’s just a catalyst. He is just, how do you put that one? He’s the mento in the Coke bottle that makes it all like go phew. He’s the catalyst.
They’re doing what the people wanted. They’re doing the populist work now. They’re doing the right thing.
He just happened to be what forced them, the table, to do what they should have been doing all along. So this one to me is just so reassuring. And I don’t know how many of you guys get excited about that revolution, or I should say that it’s renaissance, the renaissance of the Americas.
At one point, some of the wealthiest nations in the world were right here on these continents. Argentina was stunning. Venezuela was stunning.
Per capita, the most wealth of any nation in the world. Venezuela, stunning. And they’re going to go back to that over the coming years.
I like mentos too. I haven’t had them in a long time. It will keep going.
Jesus, believer, the only way to grow a for-profit prison is to add more prisoners. They can cut costs a little, but you’re right. You’re pretty much spot on.
Oh, siding with a winning team. Oh, I see. Let’s see.
I appreciate that. I do have to buy more eggs tomorrow, and I’m not looking forward to it. Teddo, I appreciate you.
I hope things in Stockholm and Sweden are lovely. I’ve never put mentos in a Coke, but I’ve seen all the cool videos. Jackie, today’s my third birthday here with you and the Z family.
See, I would run with that one too. Jackie, oh, New York, happy birthday. Denar dude, would have been easier to do what the people wanted the whole time.
That way the people could only blame themselves when stuff goes sideways. Isn’t that curious, Denar dude? That’s what the Democrats did for the last four years. They did what the Democrats wanted them to do, and it went to crap, but they didn’t reflect and blame themselves.
Some did, and said, screw this, and in record numbers, jumped the partisanship and came over to the Republican side. That is just awesome. All right, let’s see.
What else we can cover this morning? Randy, you are so right, brother. The U.S. has been the sovereign wealth fund for many of our enemies. Yes, it has.
All right, a couple more, then I’m going to see the news that is affecting you guys. I want you to tell me what you are seeing, hearing any of the stories that I have missed today. Pentagon, 10 high-threat criminal are members of Tren de Arewa, the gang, started in Venezuela, has become just massive multinational criminal organization.
I mean, they’re in Europe, they’re in Asia, they’re in the U.S. everywhere, and I do understand they are one of the main targets for these forces. Probably a definitely time to get out of the gang gig, guys. Pentagon’s confirmed on February 5th that the first military flight carrying illegal immigrants to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in Cuba is complete with 10 high-threat individuals now housed there.
Temporary measure as they work on moving them to their home countries where they can be properly, properly, and guys, when I say that, it’s not as simple as taking these gang members, and that’s part of why Guantanamo Bay is very important in this one. If they do not have assurances from the destination country that they are going to keep and house that criminal, they don’t send them back because they don’t want to take this high threat, this violent criminal with international connections. They don’t want to take them, send them back to that country just for them to be released.
So that’s part of why it is taking longer. They have to negotiate to make certain that these people will pay for their crime in those countries. These people are here because they ran from the crimes that they had already committed.
So the U.S. is making certain before they release them to their home countries or countries of origin, they are making certain that they have rock-solid guarantees that they will be held and not show back up the southern border in 30 days. That’s part of what takes this longer and part of why Guantanamo Bay is necessary. If they take these violent criminals in that destination or in their country of origin, then they are not sending them.
They’ll leave them in Guantanamo Bay indefinitely if they have to. This is one of those right, wrong, indifferent is what makes sense. Zelensky demands NATO give Ukraine nukes.
Yeah, you can’t make up this level of crazy. During an interview with Piers Morgan, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, suggested that NATO countries should supply his nation with nuclear weapons to deter Russia. How about we make a different deal, Zelensky? I know you’re worried and you want deterrence, but how about we house them somewhere else and we just do apersonic nuclear missiles and we house them someplace friendly, perhaps something like the UK or Sweden or something like that where they can quickly be deployed if Russia violates any terms of peace against the Ukraine.
In other words, they have to be housed in the Ukraine. Ukraine has a tremendous history of corruption and I am not in any way beating on the Ukrainian people here. I’ve met just some wonderful Ukrainian people.
I am beating on their systemic corruption issues that they have had in their government. And trust me, the people of Ukraine are very familiar with that level of corruption. They have been dealing with it for decades.
It has been a plague upon the Ukrainian citizen. At this point, what? We can only account for 58% of the money we gave you and it’s been hundreds and hundreds of billions. That’s a lot of money missing that we can’t explain so far.
So yeah, that one is there in the insanity. I thought this one was great and a good read for you folks that want to do a little deeper dive just to be more informed. You’re going to have these conversations.
Some of your liberal friends are going to tell you just how dangerous, how crazy and all those. And it’s going to be best for you to learn the subjects. You’re just like, whoo.
They were just corrupt enough to be able to logically explain and show the level of grip and waste. So this article is how USAID and its $50 billion budget became a target for reform. It gets into a deep dive, influences power, their creation, where they went awry, some of the good they do, where they are putting those programs now.
This is part of that where you can go in and say, yeah, oh no, that program still exists. But instead of being held here at a somewhat outside government organizations, it’s now being done by your actual State Department where it should have been done from the beginning. So I thought this one was just a fantastic read for you all.
Mike, we know a couple. My suggestion of late, you guys know the best price. I like I’m going to do a quick search for, I think it’s Mahoney Live.
You can also go to Mahoney Live. Just tell them Mark Z sent you. Put it in the notes somewhere.
They’re supposed to be giving us a code. But you can go right into their med shop. They even do a one that is a combination of IVERT and FinBEN.
But they’ve got a lot of good stuff in there. I’ll drop the link. Just make certain you tell them you came from us.
Because they have not given us a code yet. Maxine Waters is cuckoo. Yes, she is.
Cuckoo, Cocoa Puffs. And I’m completely… I love that one. Thank God we have a neighbor and get them for $3 a dozen.
I’m jealous. All right. There’s a picture I really want to show.
But it is poor humor. But at the same time, I think you guys will appreciate the poor humor. So I’m going to do what I feel like I probably shouldn’t.
Amazing what a wig and jewelry can do. Duggly up an alien. I mean, it is really similar.
Really similar. All right. That was kind of funny.
I know we’re not supposed to be mean-spirited. But do you have any idea what they continue to call us? Have you guys watched any social media lately or looked at or cruised through any social media? The level of cognitive dissonance going on right now in the left. It’s no wonder.
They have zero hope. I mean, Trump is going to have to implode spectacularly for them to have any hope because they are so darn delusional. At the same time, guys, we need to, in our personal lives, make America great again as well.
We need to be there for our communities. We need to strive. If you’ve got a business idea you think is going to work, it helps bring manufacturing or money back.
We need to execute. It is time to unleash the American spirit. And that’s the same thing in your own countries, guys.
If you are not even American, it is time to unleash the power of the people. I don’t mean in some revolution. No, I mean in shaping and molding the system into something that we can be proud to leave for our children, something that is safe, secure, and has hope for generations.
It’s time for us all to dig deep, put on our work boots, put on our work gloves, and get out there and make her happen. I know it’s tough because so many are aged out of the traditional. It’s tough, I know.
I’m just reading a few of these. I need to get to it. It’s about time to bring Stacey Z in.
She does seem kind of possessed, doesn’t she? Faith, family, we were busy moving and settling. We had chickens stateside, and we just were not settled enough until recently to get them. That’s all.
Now it’s time to get some. Time to work on it. I’ve been sold.
Poor alien. Before I bring her in, let’s do birthdays. Shakerbill, Casey, Greg, Jackie in New York, a few heavenly birthdays.
Anybody else sound off? I may not be able to see it or scream for you, but your friends in chat will. They tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling.
May you live. May you love. May all your dreams come true.
Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you.
To all those celebrating, Stephanie, I just paid over seven bucks a dozen. That is painful, which is about exactly what I’m paying right now, Stephanie. Why do we need to be sending any money outside the U.S. until we have no homeless, no hungry, no suffering in this country? We need to put oxygen mask on the U.S. first.
No, we do. We need to prioritize us first. There are some incidences, though, where it will save us money if we use foreign aid, but we need to be selective, logical, and apply our common sense to it.
All right. Now I will be ready. I’m going to hang out and chat while she is speaking.
Guys, just you know where to find me. Hello. Hello, Stace.
What’s up, Twinkie? So did everybody have fun meeting Wendy Z last week while I was vacationing and busting my butt on the tennis court? They did, and they enjoyed her, and hopefully you enjoyed your tennis. I did, until I fell and busted my butt, but that’s okay. The 85-degree weather was worth it.
The only downside was the rain that came with it, but I had a lot of fun, a lot, a lot of fun. Good. All right, how do you want me to handle this? Do you want me to go like this? Yep, perfect.
And you go play in the background. Good morning, everybody. How is everyone? Things are shaking.
I love it. Mark, I can’t believe the light bulb just went off on what Trump was doing with Gaza. That one was a dead giveaway.
I love it. The art of negotiation. Ask for the biggest thing you can think of and get exactly what you truly wanted on the bottom end.
It’s great. Okay, so today, we are going to be talking about the great cholesterol hoax and rethinking heart health. So it’s January, February.
Yes, yes, February. So it’s Valentine’s Month, right? So it means it’s heart health month. So we are rethinking heart health because a lot of studies have come out that have not been paid for by Big Pharma that show actually the roles of cholesterol, inflammation, and oxidative stress and what’s truly behind heart health.
Spoiler alert, cholesterol is not the number one bad guy. Heart disease remains a leading cause of death worldwide. And the traditional view was that high cholesterol is the primary cause.
Cholesterol, inflammation, and oxidative stress play a bigger role than previously thought. So cholesterol, it’s essential. You’ve got to have it.
It is vital, which means your body can’t function without it. Vital essential means you cannot function without it. It is vital for cell membrane integrity, hormone production, everyone, everybody who’s having all the issues with hormones, right? Vitamin D synthesis, brain function, it goes on and on.
We have to have cholesterol. So the cholesterol myth, higher cholesterol does not always mean higher heart disease risk. Some studies actually show that low cholesterol is linked to increased mortality, particularly in older adults.
And there’s new emerging evidence that the lower the cholesterol, the more inclined you are to Alzheimer’s. Your brain has to have cholesterol. So while statins lower LDL, they increase the risk of diabetes, muscle damage, cognitive decline, and even cancer.
The actual benefit of statins for people without pre-existing heart disease is minimal, minimal, mini, minimal. Okay. So there’s a couple of different types of cholesterol, right? You’ve got your LDL, which is considered the bad cholesterol.
And then you’ve got the HDL, which is considered the good cholesterol. It is really wacky. My HDL level is higher than my LDL level, which is very unheard of.
But you want the LDL is what adds cholesterol to plaque in the veins and vessels. And HDL, actually the reason why they consider it good is because it actually helps remove cholesterol from plaque. So, okay.
The real culprit for heart disease is inflammation. Chronic inflammation damages arteries, making them more prone to plaque buildup. And C-reactive protein, CRP, is a stronger predictor of heart disease than cholesterol.
CRP is a protein produced by the liver in response to inflammation. And it’s part of the body’s immune system and increases when there is infection, injury, or chronic inflammation. So, a lot of tests done now to find out what your heart disease risks are.
The CRP, you want to have less than one milligram per liter for low risk. One to three milligrams per liter is your average risk. And greater than three milligrams per liter is a high risk.
So, pay more attention to the CRP. It’s going to tell you whether or not the cholesterol is going to cause an issue or not. So, factors contributing to inflammation.
Essentially, processed foods, high sugar intake, so, believe it or not, Big Pharma, Big Food, are huge factors contributing to inflammation. Your gut microbiome imbalances. Guys, I’m going to blow you away with a percentage when I get to a slide that talks about your gut microbiome and cholesterol.
So, just know, if you have a cholesterol issue, you probably have a gut microbiome issue. Insulin resistance and diabetes. Chronic stress and poor sleep.
So, why is that C-reactive protein level more important for heart health as a marker? High CRP level is linked to heart disease. CRP is a strong predictor of cardiovascular disease, even in people with normal cholesterol levels. So, it indicates inflammation in blood vessels, which can contribute to plaque buildup, atherosclerosis, and heart attacks.
And strokes. I forgot to put strokes in there. So, unlike acute inflammation, like from an infection or injury, chronic inflammation can silently damage arteries over time.
And when arteries become inflamed, they are more likely to rupture and have the plaques rupture and create those blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks. So, inflammation is not good. It’s a dangerous enemy.
So, I just wanted to show you a little something. So, cholesterol levels then versus now. So, cholesterol levels in the 1980s.
Doctors went for total cholesterol of up to 280 milligrams per deciliter was often considered normal. Many doctors only became concerned when levels exceeded 300 milligrams per deciliter. So, the LDL, your low-density lipoprotein, your bad cholesterol, there was less emphasis on LDL as an isolated risk factor.
And HDL, your good cholesterol, levels below 35 milligrams per deciliter were considered concerning, but there was less focus on raising HDL. And your triglycerides, or as I like to call them, triglypides, they were acceptable levels of 200 milligrams per deciliter and higher than today’s standards. So, what are today’s guidelines? So, total cholesterol, below 200 milligrams per deciliter is now considered desirable.
Did you know that they were actually, Big Pharma was trying to get those levels lowered even more? Is that not crazy? So, 200 to 239 milligrams per deciliter is considered borderline high, and 240 plus milligrams per deciliter is considered high. Look at that. That’s a 40-point swing from the 1980s to the 2000s, right? Is that just not insane? So, the levels for the LDL, your bad cholesterol, was optimal.
100 to 129, near optimal. 130 to 159 is borderline high. And then, 160 to 189 is high.
And 190 plus is very high. So, yeah, they keep raising the bar. They keep changing the target, right? So, HDL, your good cholesterol, below 40 milligrams per deciliter for men and 50 for women is now considered low.
And that’s not too far off, right? And 60 and above is considered protective. It finds actually close to 100. It’s crazy.
Triglycerides, or triglypides, below 150 milligrams per deciliter is now the new target. Do you see that? That’s a 100-point swing. And guess what happened in the 1980s? In 1987, the first statin drug by Merck was introduced.
So, these wonderful people holding this target essentially just spinned it completely around and changing the target area. It’s absolutely crazy. So, it’s a good thing.
to be able to keep making money. Okay. Coronary artery disease, CAD, is the most common form of heart disease.
It occurs when plaque, which is a combination of fat, cholesterol, and calcium and a blood clotting material which can cause chest pain. It can also lead to blood clots, which block blood flow and are the most common cause of a heart attack and stroke. This causes the heart muscle to weaken and causes a risk of heart failure and arrhythmias.
The next biggest one is coronary artery calcification. So when your doctor is telling you to go out and take all this calcium. Maybe you should talk to your doctor a little bit more.
So the buildup of calcium in the arteries that supply blood to your heart, right? It’s a calcification often occurs at the same time as atherosclerosis. Calcification is a precursor for atherosclerosis. So this process starts around the age of 40 and men are more prone to start the process 10-15 years sooner than women.
So calcium supplementation is needed for your bone and teeth health, but it can actually increase your heart disease risk by 20 percent. When you keep taking all that calcium that your doctor tells you you’ve just got to have, because it ends up in your blood vessels. So you have to have vitamin K to get it to go where it has to be.
What does this mean? So osteoblasts build up bone by taking calcium out of the bloodstream and pushing it into the bone. Osteoclasts demineralize the bone by taking calcium out of the bone and into the bloodstream. And osteocasin is the hormone that binds calcium to the bones and is produced by osteoblasts.
And to activate the osteocasin, you must have vitamin K2 and D3 so that calcium does not stay in the bloodstream and create calcification. So you have to be real careful. It’s a crazy balance.
So you’ve got to make sure when your doctor’s saying, oh, just take all this calcium without any vitamin K or any vitamin D3, you’re creating your own issue. They are because they might be misleading you a little bit. So vitamin K, very important to keep calcification out of the bloodstream.
Now, however, if you are on blood thinners, just make sure you talk to your doctor. But most of the time, vitamin K levels that are needed to keep the calcium in the bones and your teeth is usually way lower than what can interfere with blood thinners. So just keep that in mind.
So NRF2, protanin NRF2, because inflammation and oxidative stress are the main culprits for heart disease, not cholesterol because you got to have that. It just depends on what’s happening there. So NRF2 activates your antioxidants to fight oxidative stress and inflammation.
So the heart has one of the highest metabolic rates among all organs in the body. And this is due to continuous pumping action, which requires a substantial amount of energy to maintain. The primary source of energy for the heart is derived from the oxidation of fatty acids.
Although it can also utilize glucose, lactate, and ketone bodies for energy production. So your mitochondria, your ATP, your body feels very important. This high metabolic rate also makes the heart susceptible to oxidative stress, which occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the cell’s ability to detoxify or neutralize these harmful molecules.
So these excessive ROS production can damage cellular components such as the lipids, proteins, and DNA, leading to oxidative damage and dysfunction. In the heart, oxidative stress has been implicated in various cardiovascular diseases, including myocardial infarction, which is a heart attack, heart failure, and ischemia, hyperperfusion injury. So oxidative stress can also impair endothelial function, which refers to the ability of the cell’s lining of the inner blood vessels to regulate vascular tone and maintain vascular homeostasis.
And when endothelial function is compromised, it can lead to reduced nitric oxide bioavailability, impaired vasodilation, and increased vasoconstriction, contributing to elevated blood pressure. So this NRF2 is a wonderful thing. Ohio State University did this amazing study on it.
It actually helps lower oxidative stress, helps lower blood pressure. Anybody who’s had a stent, it actually protects those stents because God didn’t make those veins that they take out of our legs to be put into the heart. So they are damaged by oxidative stress even faster.
And Ohio State University found that taking NRF2 actually helps protect all those veins and vessels so that you don’t have that same problem happen again. I actually had a listener call me yesterday. She was so excited because her husband had a bypass last year, two years ago.
And his doctor was amazed by his blood work because they have to check and make sure those stents aren’t refilling. And he said he hasn’t seen blood work like that ever. It was perfect.
Guess what he’s on? The Tri-Synergizer. Guys, NRF2, Ohio State University did the study. It is amazing for heart health.
Most of the doctors that work with LifeVantage are actually cardiologists because it is that good for heart health. So to counteract oxidative stress and maintain redox homeostasis, the heart employs various antioxidant defense mechanisms, including enzymatic antioxidants, your God-giving antioxidants. He had a plan.
He’s made superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and hemioxygenase. And you’ll see just how much NRF2 plays a role in that. And non-enzymatic antioxidants such as glutathione, vitamin C, E, magnesium, so important.
So, so important. Your B vitamins, so important to give your heart the energy it needs to work. But essentially your body uses these to protect the heart.
So, oxidative stress and inflammation play significant roles in the development and progression of atherosclerosis and heart inflammation. Oxidative stress caused by an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defenses leads to the oxidation LDL. So that LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol that they do worry about, when it gets oxidized, when your body is doing its normal everyday thing, it becomes oxidized, that’s where the problem is.
And it can lead cholesterol and mitochondrial dysfunction, contributing to plaque formation. So inflammatory processes driven by dysfunctional endothelial cells and immune cell recruitment perpetuate the progression of atherosclerosis. And there’s a reciprocal relationship between oxidative stress and inflammation.
And the oxidized LDL, not just LDL, is the real problem. LDL becomes dangerous when it’s damaged by inflammation. That’s when strokes happen.
That’s when heart attacks happen. And NRF2 reduces oxidative stress by 40% in just 30 days and 70% in 120 days. Activates the production of glutathione by over 300%.
Activates the production of superoxide dismutase by 30%. And activates the production of catalase by 54%. And increases the production of hemioxygenase by 700%.
That’s your anti-inflammatory right there, huge for that. Very, very important. It does a lot of other amazing things.
We can talk about that on another day. So why do you wanna take Protanum NRF2? Why don’t you wanna take the ingredients separately? Because the beautiful thing about synergy of Protanum is that the same ingredients really act differently together than they do individually. This means that small amounts of each herb, this is neutrogenomic, completely natural.
It means that small amounts of each one of these herbs are needed and this reduces the potential for unpleasant effects which may be seen with larger and less effective dosages. So the power of phytonutrients, neutrogenomics, and RFK Jr. has been talking about it because God had a plan. We can heal our bodies with what he gave us.
And when combined in a carefully crafted formula and optimal ratios work more effectively, thus it up-regulates a multitude of health-promoting and cytoprotective genes and maintains healthy cellular middle ground and combats oxidative stress. So you take one Protanum and you kill a million free radicals every second. You can take vitamin E, you can drink orange juice, you can eat blueberries, you can take, oh, drink a bunch of wine, take vitamin C. They’re only killing one free radical at a time.
So not sure about you, but I think I’d rather take one Protanum and it happened 24 hours a day, seven days a week constantly. So we said that the heart is the most busiest pumping machine there is. So you gotta have energy for that to happen.
So it’s a high energy demanding organ and mitochondria are responsible for generating most of the energy needed for its proper functioning. Mitochondrial dysfunction leads to increased oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in the arterial walls. Mitochondrial dysfunction within endothelial cells, inner lining of the blood vessels, right, can impair their function resulting in reduced nitric oxide production and increased production of vasoconstrictive molecules as well as impaired lipid metabolism, causing abnormal lipid accumulation within the arterial walls.
And this lipid buildup is a key feature of atherosclerosis and contributes to the formation of plaques. So mitochondria play a role in regulating the balance between collagen production and degradation within plaques. Alterations in mitochondrial function can disrupt this balance leading to the lining of fibrous caps and increased vulnerability to plaque rupture, which can trigger acute cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes.
So the NRF1 protein is responsible for regulating the expression of genes involved in mitochondrial DNA and messaging to repair and reduce mitochondria. So think of it this way, if your body battery’s full, you’re happy and healthy, your heart is just pumping along, doing everything right, it’s electrical system is working right, when your body battery’s low and your mitochondria don’t have the energy and ATP they need, you’re creating heart disease and a lot of other diseases, cancer, autoimmune disease, vascular diseases, all kinds of different stuff, neurodegenerative diseases. So you want to be full and the NRF1 helps that happen.
So you can activate your overall heart health with the NAD synergizer. NAD is a coenzyme involved in cellular metabolism and energy production, so it helps and synergizes with the NRF1 and NRF2 and helps create even more energy. And it also helps with the sirtuin family of proteins which rely on NAD for enzymatic activity.
So your sirtuins, which are your longevity genes, can’t function without NAD. Those sirtuins regulate various cellular processes, including oxidative stress, inflammation, and lipid metabolism, all of which are implicated in atherosclerosis. NAD and sirtuins contribute to maintaining endothelial function, modulating inflammatory responses, promoting lipid homeostasis, and influencing vascular smooth muscle behavior.
Dysregulation of NAD levels and sirtuin activity can disrupt these processes, contributing to atherosclerotic crack formation and progression. So sirtuins also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both, sorry, both of which are risk factors for heart disease. So it helps keep the heart happy and healthy, and there’s actually a study on the protanin of NAD and healthy cholesterol levels.
Goodness, okay. So these three items, the Protanin NRF-2, Protanin NRF-1, and Protanin NAD synergizers, all work naturally together, help you get even better benefits. They are all certified drug-free.
They are all natural. Much better plan. God created all of those plants and phytonutrients that go in them to help us keep our bodies happy and healthy.
Another thing, omega-plus fatty acids are the building blocks of our cell membranes and fuel our muscles, including the heart, brain, and other vital organs. Omega-plus delivers a powerful three-in-one blend of DHA for the brain and EPA for the heart, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-7 fatty acids, and vitamin D3 to support brain health, cardiovascular health, skin health, and immune health. So chronic inflammation is closely linked to oxidative stress, and DHA and EPA fatty acids have been shown to reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules in the body, such as cytokines and certain enzymes.
And by reducing inflammation, omega-3s help minimize the generation of free radicals and resulting oxidative damage. They can directly neutralize free radicals and protect cells from their harmful effects, as well as enhance the activity of endogenous antioxidants. Endogenous just means the God-given antioxidants he created for us, such as the glutathione and superoxide dismutase, catalase, and hemioxygenase that we were talking about to help contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress.
So the key here is a healthy diet in achieving the proper balance between omega-3s and omega-6 fatty acids, because the typical Western diet can have ratios of omega-6 to omega-3s as high as 20 to one, which contributes to chronic inflammation. So what is that? All those crazy linoleic acids that they introduced, the margarine that Mark was talking about, that’s not good for us. They said it was, but it’s not.
Cottonseed oil, flaxseed oil, all those are manufactured chemicals byproducts of oil production. So you’ve got to be careful and stay away from the linoleic acids because it’s killing your body. It’s an endocrine disruptor and creating all the issues with your gut, which then in turn is creating the issues with your cholesterol level.
So I know it’s crazy, but liquid collagen plays a significant role in one of the most important muscles in your body. It helps maintain blood pressure, protect against atherosclerosis, and gives your arteries the strength and flexibility they need, as well as improving your cholesterol balance. It even helps fight inflammation.
So it goes way beyond skin deep. So fibroblasts help signal to stop the stress cycle in the immune response. They help stop unnecessary signals so there’s not uncontrolled chronic inflammation and balance action.
Fibroblasts are one of the most abundant cell types in the heart and play a huge role in protecting the heart by maintaining its structural integrity, repairing tissue damage, modulating inflammation. It means it’s up-regulating, down-regulating so your body can do the right thing. If there’s an immediate response that it needs to, like if you’ve been injured or you have an infection, it needs that inflammation.
But here lately, our bodies are getting stuck in those inflammation cycles and it’s creating autoimmune disease. And it helps support angionesis, which fibroblasts contribute to the formation of new blood vessels. That’s what angiogenesis is in the heart and they secrete factors that stimulate in the steel cell proliferation and migration.
That’s very important for blood pressure, everyone, facilitating the growth of new capillaries to improve blood supply to the heart tissue. It is responsible for maintaining electrical conduction. So this helps with your a-fibs, your arrhythmias, all of that stuff too.
And it regulates cardiac remodeling. So like if you have a heart attack, it helps create new muscle, new blood flow, all that good stuff. So collagen goes way more beyond just skin deep.
So just to show you, a lot of people now are finding in studies that tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, interleukin-1 betas, and like your inflammation and cardiovascular disease is causing the issues more than cholesterol. So the NRF2 and the liquid collagen create amazing anti-inflammatory results. In some cytokines, proteins that help control inflammation are beneficial, whereas others are unwanted.
When using both for TandemNRF2 and liquid collagen together, we saw significant down regulation of all 10 mRNA gene expressions coding for proteins acting as unwanted cell modulators. So in the early stages of heart disease, such as atherosclerosis, the release of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1 beta, and interleukin-6 contribute to the inflammatory process. And this inflammation then leads to the formation and progression of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries, which can weaken the fibrous cap of the atherosclerotic plaques, increasing the risk of plaque rupture, which then results in heart attacks and strokes and other heart disease.
So the dynamic duo actually decreases interleukin-1 beta by 97%, interleukin-6 by 94%, your tumor necrosis factors by 41 and 61%. And you can see that whole study at this link over here. It’s amazing what it does for autoimmune health.
Why is it so helpful and why does it work so well? Well, number one, it’s a liquid, your body can use it easier because it’s hard to break down all those protein peptide chains. So with the liquid, you have a 90 to 100% ability to use it bioavailability with powder only 30, 10 to 30% gets used. And the other amazing thing about it is we have 10 different types of collagen in it, which your body has a lot of different collagen types, not just one to five, there’s 10.
So that’s what makes it work as well as it does. There’s another thing that can help with your heart health. So they are now studying insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control is related to heart disease.
And why does blood sugar matter for heart health? Insulin resistance is the leading cause of metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease, the leading cause. So high blood sugar damages blood vessels, increasing the risk of hypertension, arterial plaque and heart attacks, which also means strokes. So many people with normal cholesterol still have heart attacks due to high insulin and blood sugar levels.
So did you hear that? Okay, many people with normal cholesterol still have heart attacks due to high insulin and blood sugar levels. So 80%, here’s this amazing fact I was talking about earlier. 80% of cholesterol is made in the liver and regulated by gut bacteria.
So like I said, if you have a cholesterol problem, you have a gut health issue. Protanum Nrf2 and MindBodyGLP-1, the healthy weight stack. It actually helps with this because LifeVantage announced the results of the groundbreaking third-party cell study of the synergistic impact of Protanum Nrf2 Synergizer in the MindBodyGLP-1 system.
The findings revealed that when used together in a combination known as the healthy weight stack, the products not only amplify each other’s benefits, but also activate 22 new genes that target key causes of age-related organ decline to help organs stay structurally strong, support tissue cells, regeneration, and repair. I don’t know about you guys, but that’s awesome. That’s for every one of your organs in your body.
And it improves coordination, signaling, and impulses with tissue cells and nerves. So it also activates four new antioxidant pathways. Remember, inflammation and oxidative stress are the key things to heart disease.
So we’re adding another four new antioxidant pathways on top of what the Nrf2 does alone with the superoxide dismutase, hemioxygenase, and glutathione, and catalase. Then it activates and amplifies nine new fat and fatty acid metabolic pathways. Guys, that’s very important.
Increases GLP-1 hormone 140% on average in 12 weeks. Where it also helps you lose up to nine pounds in eight weeks and 25 pounds in 12 weeks, which is an average of one to two pounds a week, which is very sustainable. Here’s the most important part, people.
There’s a 27% reduction in visceral fat and 5% reduction in body fat. That visceral fat that is around your stomach is around all of your organs, and it is creating disease. So very important.
And 100% of people who lost weight with it did not lose muscle. It regulates your appetite, regulates blood sugar and glucose spikes, and helps heal and repair the gut. A couple of weeks ago, I talked about all the people that are type 1 diabetic and type 2 diabetic and how they are lowering their insulin levels.
Guys, that GLP-1 is the real deal for keeping your insulin levels regulated. It’s doing amazing things, healing the guts of people that had IBS when they started the product and now no longer have IBS. It’s just doing amazing things.
So protective roles of increased GLP-1 hormone levels across organs. Increased levels of GLP-1 hormone provide multifaceted protective effects across key organs by enhancing metabolic control, reducing inflammation and improving tissue health. These benefits highlight the therapeutic potential of GLP-1 receptor agonists in managing diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegeneration and more.
So just quickly, why is this important? So for the heart, it reduces inflammation, oxidative stress in cardiac tissues, enhances myocardial function and cardiac output. It’s strengthening the heart, people. It’s healing the heart and strengthening it.
Vascular health by increasing nitric oxide production, which supports endothelial function, and it can help lower blood pressure and heart rate. So the key benefits reduces the risk of heart failure and atherosclerosis, enhances overall cardiovascular health and function. I threw in what it does for the pancreas as well, because that’s where you’ve got your beta cells for insulin production or just overall homeostasis.
So why is it important for beta cells? They stimulate glucose-dependent insulin secretion, preventing hyperglycemia, enhances beta cell proliferation and survival, maintaining insulin production capacity, very important. For those of us that are insulin resistant, you need to protect those beta cells with everything you’ve got, because that keeps you from becoming a type one or type two diabetic. Helps protect the alpha cells, suppresses glucagon secretion, reducing hepatic glucose output and stabilizing blood glucose levels.
It improves glucose homeostasis. It preserves pancreatic function and delays progression of type two diabetes. So another thing, and Mark used this before we had our DLP-1.
This is a wonderful thing. If you need to lower your cholesterol immediately, throw in some Cardio for Life. It does amazing thing.
It’s got L-arginine, L-citrulline, which increase your nitric oxide and create a very happy, healthy heart. I take it every day. I don’t have heart issues, but I never plan on it, so I take it every day as well.
So you can get all of these wonderful things, and I know that’s a lot. So if you want, you can text me to figure out which one’s gonna be the best thing for you and what your situation is, but you can order at, and that is our Sister Wendy’s site, so it’ll pull up her name, but that way the credit goes to Mark and I, so that’s a wonderful thing. And you can find the Heart Health Stack under Stacks and Bundles.
You can find the Mind-Body Healthy Weight Stack under Mind-Body or Stacks and Bundles. The Nrf2, Nrf1, and NAD are under Intelligent Aging. The True Science Liquid Collagen is under Collagen, or you can find the Healthy Glow Stack, which is the Nrf2 and Collagen together.
They’re such amazing things under the Stacks and Bundles. You’ll find Omega-3s, D3+, that have the K vitamins and such in them are under Essential Nutrients. So there we go.
Okay, oh, and you can get the Health Guardian, the Cardio for Life. There’s Mark’s link and my link there as well. So if you have questions, just text me.
I can help you get the right thing for what you’ve got going on and get you healthy. Healthy’s important. All the wealth in the world means nothing if you can’t do anything with it.
Exactly, and the other really cool thing about Pertanum Nrf2, guess what? It increases your lifespan by 7%, and that’s scientifically proven. Nobody else can do that. Gotta love it.
Yes. Like, scientifically proven. That’s huge.
All right, guys, Dr. Scott this evening going over some numbers. I have a extremely busy afternoon. For all we know, Dr. Scott might be the anchor tonight.
I got a lot to get done, so I gotta get to it. Bye, guys. Bye, Stacey.
Bye, everyone.