Dinar Guru Uncut

Militia Man (Uncut) 01-23-2025

MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Global Achievements-Globalism-Balance-Stability-Back to an Era-Commitments

Hey everyone, before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content, hit that like button, subscribe to my channel, and then join the Militiaman and Crew Patreon community by clicking the link in the caption. Good evening everybody, Militiaman and Crew. I just wanted to welcome everybody on this fine day.


It is Wednesday and I’m looking forward to getting through this. You know, I like to on a lot of occasions to go over a little bit of dated stuff but it’s usually really relevant and ties things in and I’ll do my best to try to convey that tonight because we are in a powerful situation and in brief though, to the end of the day, I think everybody’s been noticing this deflection when it comes to the general budget law, that amendment. They haven’t done that yet and in brief today if you’re in Patreon, patreon.com forward slash mmandcrew, you’ll find that there’s an article that specifically talks about them suggesting that there was some problems with one of the prime ministers, sorry, the parliamentary finance ministers and he was challenging that the constitutional right of Iraq and what they’re doing, it wasn’t right.


But one of the things that they don’t talk about is that they didn’t talk about the budget law, they were talking about other laws. Amnesty, I think there’s a lot of people in Iraq that have a lot of risk involved in that amnesty law because they could lose immunity. So anyway, I’m not going to get into that but anyway, I’m going to move forward.


This article here is about the economist, an economist says the central bank’s policy is moving towards globalizing Iraqi banks. Okay, so this is a little bit dated, it’s not that long but it’s in January of this year. It says the central bank’s policy is moving towards consolidating the issue of globalizing Iraqi banks in the process of ending dealings with the electronic platform, which they’ve already done back in December of, I think it was the 31st.


With the electronic platform, it will contribute to accepting local banks that have the ability to provide guarantees and international compliance. And they have the conditions with international correspondent banks. So that’s international correspondent banks.


So the system is, if you guys have been paying attention, it’s getting to that point where they’ve got everything ready to go for Iraq to be an international entity. Okay, he adds that the correspondent banks can carry out the process of changing the Iraqi dinar to any global currency immediately. So that means like instantaneously.


That sounds like new technology, modern technology that they’ve been working on for a long time. Artificial intelligence is going to be in play. You probably heard it in the news.


They’re talking about artificial intelligence. There’s some big deals in this world, in the hundreds of billions, with respect to this new technology. But it says here the correspondent banks can carry out the process of changing the Iraqi dinar to any global currency immediately, to reiterate it, for more than a million banks around the world.


So you guys can remember this. There’s a possibility to develop the performance of other banks in order to succeed in international acceptance and the process. So on to the next part, there’s a little bit more to it than that, but I’m trying to keep this kind of short for you.


It says the central bank will move from the issue of accepting local banks internationally to the issue of participating in the development process. So Iraq’s going to be part of participating in the development process of the system. And this will certainly contribute to achieving part of the government’s program’s goals in employing the unemployed, taking care of the citizens, and informing productive Iraqi capital.


And it says, yeah, informing productive capital. So they need that extra capital, especially since a portion of Iraqis own Iraqi dinars outside the banking system. I’m sure you guys remember that.


And whenever we start the issue of convincing them to trust Iraqi banks, we’ll have new doors to operate the monetary mass. So they put the word out, and that was on the 12th. He goes on and says that, he stresses that the steps will contribute to raising the status of Iraqi banks globally.


So in other words, they’re going to raise the status. In other words, the global banks are going to have confidence, meaning that they will succeed in the process of having a name in international financial transfer operations. So Iraq’s going to have a name in financial transfer operations.


So they’re going to be well known. So there’s something’s up about that. You got to think about it, because they haven’t had that at 1310.


So something’s coming. And gradually confidence between banks will be strengthened. And there is what is called credit cover.


Remember that, the insurance issue I talked about? Between Iraqi banks, international banks, the level of confidence, they bring that up. Again, confidence will be reflected in that credit cover. Because as we all know in America, having insurance is really important, especially in disasters.


Banks feel the same way when it comes to risk. He points out that rehabilitating these banks, especially the TPI bank, can contribute to our having international acceptance for international correspondence for these banks. Now, I realize this was a couple of weeks ago.


So that information right there is basically telling me that Iraq has been working on going international, and they’re looking to be accepted by the local banks on a global scale. And on a global scale means that they need to be in line with all those currencies that they’re talking about that they can do now immediately. Why? Because they have a new system.


They got rid of the old dollar auction system, and as of, I think it’s 12-31-2024, and they are going into a newer system. And I believe they’re waiting for that new system to click over so that they’re ready to go and likely because of regulations in the international world, inclusive of the United States. So, you know, infer what you may, but new technologies, there’s some big stuff in the news.


So if you’re not paying attention, I suggest you take it to consideration and think about it, because the new global technology they’re talking about in that artificial intelligence and modern technologies is blockchain oriented. And if you don’t know what that is, I suggest you look it up. But you’re going to remember that a lot of these cryptocurrencies out there are needing regulation.


And we can see that that’s 100% on the table about having that. And tomorrow might be a big day, not because of Iraq, but because of the international world being able to have regulation in the least here in the United States to protect you, protect me, protect investors, so that everybody on the level playing field has to do with the SEC, Securities Exchange Commission. Okay, so keep that in mind.


So if it’s a digital world we’re going into, if Iraq’s going to have a digital currency, if the central banks around the world are going to have digital currencies, that’s something to put that into your thinking cap. Okay. All right.


But anyway, the central bank successfully completes its external transfers, the statements on strengthening balances and stability. This is again on the 12th of this month. The Central Bank of Iraq succeeded in adhering to its program related to the transition from foreign transfers via the electronic platform to the work of Iraqi banks through their foreign correspondent banks.


The gentleman goes on and says that the transition took place, so something’s already been done. And it did it through stages that external transfer process went through, starting with the window for buying and selling foreign currency and moving to the stage of electronic platform. So there you go.


It’s proof that they did do what they said they were going to do, and they did it. For external transfers and the ending of the operations to gradually enhance balances during the year 2024. So they’ve been working on it throughout 2024, and it was fully achieved in the last week of this year.


Well, there’s an article that supports that, that says it was around the 31st. That was the last day, at least for their year. The central bank promised that the achievement of radical transformation in line with the best international standards and practices to achieve a stable and secure financial system.


A secure financial system. All right. And this work received international support.


So the government is working and they, by doing what they’ve done, the central bank’s doing what they’ve done, they received international support and praise throughout the stages of all of this implementation. The transfer methodology is consistent with international practices that are followed in the field, which separate the responsibilities and duties of the central bank from the obligations and responsibilities and role of commercial banks. So it says the central bank of Iraq will continue to enhance the balance of Iraqi banks with their correspondent banks in the U.S. dollar.


And it goes on to say that they’re going to use different currencies, the Indian rupee, Chinese yuan, the euro, Emirati dirham, Saudi riyal, Jordanian dinar. They go through that. Okay.


But remember, they can do it instantly now. They have the ability to do so. And I think international trade is going to need that on a global scale.


And then again, if they’re using modern technology like the Acecutta system, I think you can see where we’re going with it. It says here, the efforts in this important achievement came so they’ve finished something, achievement, came through a series of ongoing detailed technical procedures and agreements and great support from the Iraqi government. It says, which will be positively reflected in the confidence, again, they use that word, just like they did back in Davao one year ago today.


Well, not today, but one year ago. It says that the confidence and support of the external financial sector of Iraq and international financial, so we’re talking about international financial and economic organizations. So they’re not just talking about Iraq, they’re talking about international financial and economic organizations.


It says a statement explained the management of the central bank of Iraq seizes this important opportunity to express its thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed to achieving this great accomplishment. Once again, they did this. First and foremost, the cadres of the central bank, the banking sector in Iraq, and all international partners.


Everybody was on board in this month. The central bank of Iraq expresses its full readiness to support all Iraqi banks that work to develop and enhance their performance in the field of governance, compliance, combating money laundering in a way that positively reflects on the confidence of international and regional banks in them to contribute to strengthening the Iraqi banking system and the Iraqi economy in general. So you can see where the stage is set.


That’s only been a couple of weeks ago or on the 12th. So you can see that Iraq is actually literally ready to go, but we still haven’t seen that 2024 budget voted on yet, have we? That amendment 12C, 12-2C, okay? We haven’t seen that yet and they keep deflecting it. It was supposed to be done, they told us yesterday or a couple of days ago, and subsequently they moved the goalpost each day.


But why? Is it really because of Iraq or is it just because those regulations I kind of implied weren’t quite ready yet? We’ll see what happens. But tomorrow could be a big day because of those regulations, and that has to do with XRP, RIPPLE, and a lawsuit that’s supposed to be ruled on tomorrow. So we’re going to see because RIPPLE and XRP are going to be used for cross-border payments.


And Iraq, I think, is going to be involved in that. Okay. As 2025 approaches, Iraq’s three-year budget faces a critical test as it is supposed to have provided a better financial and executive stability compared to previous annual budgets.


However, the reality reveals a faltering implementation, a lack of clarity in the distribution of resources, threatening widespread economic confusion. So this is still, like I said, I’m just doing a little bit of a recap, okay, because this is for January 18th. That’s what, three days ago? No, four days ago? It says, although the budget did not achieve the expected success, it is still better than its complete absence.


And they go on to say, well, will the government succeed in passing these schedules? The schedules they’re talking about, well, 2023, 2024, and 2025 have budget schedules. They haven’t given the budget schedules from 2023, 2024 to the parliament with the amendment to do the 2025 just yet, because why? You’re going to find out, I think, in my view. In light of these complications, the federal government is still racing against time to send the budget schedules to parliament for approval before entering into an administrative impasse that may disrupt implementation of government projects at a time where there are only eight months left until the end of the current government’s term.


So anyway, it says, the issue of quickly approving the financial schedules for 2025 has become necessary. So it’s a key word, necessary, not only to ensure the smooth running of government operations, but also to maintain the stability of the Iraqi economy, which is facing increasing external and internal pressures. So Iraq’s under pressure, but it may not be Iraq that’s holding it back.


They could be just kicking the can because they can’t just yet. They need to be able to have that budget, which goes in line with my thinking in the past and our thinking at Militiaman and Crew is that it’s got an exchange rate orientation because they’re going to be going international. They’re going to be doing cross-border payments, and they’re going to be doing it instantaneously with all kinds of currencies.


Let that sink in. That’s big. So it should be exciting.


It should really be exciting for everybody. Okay, so Central Bank. It says, closing that electronic platform enhances financial stability.


And this one I’ll briefly go to. It says, the decision to close the electronic platform for foreign transfers, opinions differed in many circles. I’m not going to get into what all these different opinions are because there are quite a bit of them, but the bottom line is we know that they shut that down.


But one of the guys that, I want to reiterate this, this is big because this gentleman goes by and he says, his name was Han Tush. He also points out that if the Central Bank wanted to reduce the gap in the dollar, it should open the door to competition between banks and rely on a basket of currencies. Iraq has been in basket of currencies before.


The Arab Accounting Dinar is one of them. They have a direct relationship to who? The Arab Monetary Fund. Okay.


To expand the options available in the market, calling for amending the criteria for evaluating local banks and raising their financial capabilities, which they’ve already done, which would contribute to achieving stability and increasing competitiveness, and thus stabilizing the dollar price. He also suggested the possibility of transferring the dollar to trading platforms in the stock market. Okay.


So effectively in Iraq, they’re going to be using the dinar. That’s all there is to it. But if they change the value of their currency, it’s likely that they’re going to be using the dinar because it’s going to be a strong currency and it’s going to be relative likely to a basket of currencies.


Just like everybody else is relative to a basket of currencies in some shape or form. It says he also points out, excuse me. So it says at the basket of currencies, sorry, to expand the options available in the market, calling for amending the criteria for evaluating local banks and raising their financial capabilities, what can again contribute to stability and increasing competitiveness.


He also suggested the possibility of transferring the dollar to trading platforms in the stock market, to be sold to those entitled to it through direct transactions, instead of sending the dollar exclusively to banks, stressing the need for these operations by switching to the Forex market. So that was a few days ago, you guys. They’re talking about the few, it’s an economist, it’s his opinion, but guess what? This guy has been around, these people that have been talking about this have been talking about it for a while.


Some of the stuff dates back for years. Well, since 2023 anyway. It says implementing mechanisms that ensure the funds are not transferred until the goods arrive and the banks have a guarantee.


So what does it do? It strengthens the national economy. So this just, I’m not sure if, Al Tamimi who says it, the transfer platform in the central bank of Iraq was a mechanism for conducting financial transfers for merchants and importers through local banks as the platform supervised these operations. But now it sounds like that the central bank has created the necessary conditions for conducting transfers by establishing direct relations between local banks and international banks through those major correspondent banks, which means that the transfers can be conducted in accordance with international standards without the need for an electronic platform.


So their new system, they don’t have the one they had in the past, is going to be able to do that. It’s going to create that environment where that they can move money, transfers, okay, in accordance with international standards. They didn’t say they just did it yet, but they said that they have the ability to do so.


And when they do this, to me, it’s likely going to be, it’s not going to be a 1310 as far as I’m concerned. So it doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever. Here’s an article that says the auction does not build on the economy.


And this gentleman, his name is Abidey. He has, I went into Patreon and I did my research a little bit, and I knew that the guy’s name was familiar. And I did some buzzwords and some checking.


I found that we found, I found three articles specifically from this gentleman that date back to March of 2020. I think it was 2023. Yep.


And I think it goes back a little farther. So as far back as it goes is 2023. So let me, yeah.


So I’ll start with this one and I’ll move back and I’ll kind of backtrack a little bit, but it says this article is March 14th of 2023. So that’s how far back it goes, but it says time to get back to the previous era. So what are they talking about? They’re talking about the previous era.


What was the previous era? What was the value of Iraq’s dinar in a previous era? Well, for example, it says in 1987 as a whole, they transferred the amount of 160 million dinars from its annual surplus profits to the Ministry of Finance. And the price of $1 at that time was $3.30 US dollars. So they’re talking about a previous era in 1987.


I’m not calling a date. I’m not saying a rate. I’m just telling you, calling a date or a rate.


I’m just saying that this was from 97, giving you an example of what they were like in a previous era. We know that we have articles of support. They told us that the glory days, the previous era.


Remember what al-Sudani had said? He didn’t say a time specific about when the dinar was going to be stronger than the dollar. He just said that it was, and he told his citizens to be careful. And that is my view on that.


So it says let’s see. Anyway, it says it is better today for the central bank to return to its previous era. And it says the bank of banks.


So anyway, clearing a clearing bank, the bank of banks and clearing bank. I think that’s a translation, everyone. But it says whose objectives are to adjust the rhythms of the economy, control the interest rate, defend, they use that word defend because that’s what central banks will do when it goes into the market.


And if it goes on the forex, they will come in and go, they’ll buy and sell and trade to defend their currency, to keep the value stable. So, but what it says is that they will defend or preserve the real value, real value. I think that means to me, a real effective rate, exchange rate, real value of the national currency that’s in circulation and work as much as possible to zero the currency, make that the price of one dinar, one dollar to leave the currency auction and gradually return to the import process used before the year of 2003.


And to adopt discrete correspondent banks according to the SWIFT mechanism. What he says is we need to stop insulting the dinar and stop the game of the dollar in its auction and restore its Iraq’s prestige. This year, we see evidence that they are doing that.


So keep that in mind. Even though it’s a little bit dated, you guys, sorry for doing that to you, but it’s relevant because it’s all coming full circle. And again, we haven’t seen that 24 budget investment side yet.


Yet. But will we? Yeah, I think we will. I think that’s imminently.


But anyway, here’s an article. Passing the amendment budget today is impossible. So what we heard was they were going to do it one day and not do it another day.


But here in this article, it says a paragraph on amending the budget law will be passed in the next session, which will be held tomorrow or the day after. So that was supposed to be for today. Didn’t happen.


Or tomorrow. Interesting, right? We’ve got some regulation situation with a new modern technology on the table tomorrow. Also interesting.


So keep that in mind. Again, I’m not saying that tomorrow is our day, but I’m just saying that that’s what they’re telling us in the news. It says the paragraph amending the budget law will not be passed today.


So they basically said that it wouldn’t be done yesterday, but it could happen today or tomorrow. So that’s still on the table. Okay.


And it could be as early as tomorrow for sure, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it will be. And so if you guys remember, back in Davao, they talked about confidence. Okay.


And they talked about confidence in the UN assembly. You’ve heard that before. In Davao, that was the slogan of the 2024 slogan was restore confidence.


And who was there? Al-Sudani was there talking about restoring confidence to Iraq. And they were basically showcasing that they’ve done all this work. And so there’s been an effort on his part to do all that plan to get those things done.


And in the last two years, you’ve probably all seen it before your own eyes. This article is a good one, you guys, and it’s today. But interestingly enough, it invokes Vietnam.


And I know there’s a lot of people out there that have an interest in that. It’s not my study, but it’s in the article. So I wanted to you guys aware of it.


So if you wanted to come into Patreon and see it, we could talk about it. But moving back to a more present time, in this article, it’s talking about, forgive me, it is the launching of the activities of the International Scientific Conference under the slogan, again, reiterate it, confidence in the Dinar. That was back in October of 2024.


No, October 15. Yeah, that’s pretty interesting. So keep that in mind.


And he talks about here in August of 2023, if you want to go that far back, it has come to Iraq’s attention that they want to take their place in the international community. He also talks about Iraq’s accession into international financial system will enhance the world’s confidence in Iraq financial and banking system. And this matter opens a new door for foreign investment in Iraq.


Iraq needs that world confidence in its financial and banking system and removes any suspicions about it. So you can see that in August 2023, you can see later in 2024, which is, you know, early part of 2024, they talk about this stuff. And if you go far back enough time, this gentleman, Abadi, is effectively stating a lot of different things that, what are they doing? They’re going to be restoring confidence.


And they did that at the DeVos conference. And what do they have today? They have a DeVos conference, but I believe they also have something else that’s going on that is important, because it says Iraq’s UN representative emphasizes synergy to achieve sustainable development. And Iraq’s permanent representative to the United Nations, his name is Dr. Aba Khadim Obeid, or I think it’s, they spell it wrong a couple of times.


But anyway, we’ll go with Obeid. It says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by the news outlets, Obeid addressed the joint briefing session of the presidents of the UN General Assembly and Economic and Social Council in New York, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77. Iraq has the chairmanship of that.


This is the foreign ministry speaking, who I just mentioned, the Group of 77 in China. And he reaffirms Iraq’s commitment to global development initiatives. So all the initiatives everybody’s been talking about, Iraq’s been on board, and they’re reiterating it.


It says the significant constraints, this is important, this is really big to me. And I think it gives credence to what I said about the deflection that Iraq can’t show that budget just yet, because there’s things that need to be done. And I think this supports that fact that they need to do something outside Iraq’s control.


And that has to do, I think, with things that are happening with protection of the digital world, and that those protections are on the table. As far as I can know, I can see, and that’s as possible as far as tomorrow. It says the significant financial constraints that impede the implementation of these objectives that we talked about, and called for enhanced international cooperation to expedite progress and ensure adherence to global commitments.


So this is Iraq telling the world, the G77, that they need to have enhanced international cooperation to expedite what they’re doing, expedite progress and ensure adherence to global commitments. So there’s global commitments for Iraq. Iraq’s done what they need to do.


Now you, international community, need to finish what you need to do. And that, to me, is some evidence that supports what I just got through saying. So it says the current phase demands more than ever a unified response to global challenges.


So that means everybody needs to pull together at the same time. Through what? Solidarity, collective action, multilateral collaboration. He goes on and says that the pivotal role of the Economic and Social Council as a primary body within the United Nations system for overseeing implementation of processes, setting priorities, and ensuring fulfillment of commitments, particularly in areas related to the financial mechanisms.


But yeah, what are we waiting for? The financial mechanisms, such as official development assistance, debt relief, and restructuring. But his key point was we want enhanced international cooperation to expedite the progress, ensure adherence to global commitments, and they are also – they want insurances that the fulfillment of commitments, particularly areas related to financial mechanisms. To me, that’s Iraq’s money.


So anyway, thank you for being with me, guys, tonight. It’s been a good night, and I hope you like my content.


Much, much appreciated. Thank you so much and have a great day.

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