Economists Uncut

Gregory Mannarino – We Have A Problem. THE ECONOMY IS COMING APART FASTER! (Uncut) 01-23-2025


Hey everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregor Manarino. Yes, it’s still me.


And I’m still here. January 23rd, 2025, pre-market report. We’re gonna have some fun.


We always have fun, don’t we? Let’s start off with this. On the economic front, this printed kind of small, so let me just read this to you. So more Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week.


This came as an unexpected shock to those who predict this kind of stuff. Oh, we were gonna see gains. Oh yes, no way.


Well, obviously the polar opposite happened. How can these people be wrong 100% of the time? Can someone here explain this to me that’s smarter than Greg Manarino? So yes, unemployment benefit claims higher than expected and continuing claims at a three-year high. Now let me explain this to you maybe if you’re new here.


This is not gonna stop. As a matter of fact, the pressure that is going to be deliberately forced on people of the middle class is going to get exponentially worse as people now walk themselves to the slaughter. Let us move forward here.


How many of you are surprised to hear that a record number of consumers are now making not just minimum payments on their credit cards and other loans, but delinquencies are skyrocketing? This mechanism has been in effect for quite a long time. And that is not gonna stop. You know, it’s a very interesting phenomenon.


I don’t think another YouTuber does what I do. I deliberately go out of my way to trigger people, to purge the channel of the useless, you understand? And actually, we lost 115 subscribers yesterday. I expected way, way more than that.


So I guess that says something for this thing that we’ve built here. But I deliberately go out of my way from time to time to set people off and they did not disappoint. You’re gonna see more of these kind of comments here.


People who just cannot handle the truth at all. And when they’re shown the truth, they don’t know how to handle it so they lash out with seething hatred. I love to see it.


Because it reflects upon them in their miserable lives. You and me, nah, we laugh at this stuff. You wanna have a little fun? Go check out the comments on my last two videos and a couple of posts that I put out.


They don’t cease to amaze me, these kind of people. And amuse me too. They’re like little pawns.


We can play with these kind of people because they’re so weak-minded. They’re so easy to bait, I have to say. And their response is exactly what you’d expect to see by these kind of people.


And that’s okay. Our channel did get stronger and we’re gonna continue to grow. Anyway, with that said, people, look, let’s talk about the bigger issue.


Imagine if these kind of people would get disenraged or triggered about what’s happening to them by central banks, in this case, the Federal Reserve, and the unholy alliance between Trump and the Federal Reserve promising you lower rates here. And if you think, again, that debts and deficits are not going to balloon moving forward, then obviously you really have been psyoped. Anyway, let’s look at the MMRI this morning.


It is on the rise. Not just this. Bond yields around the world are rising.


That means what? Bonds are selling off. And what did we say? Let’s just put this into perspective. Couple of weeks ago, you and I, I came out here.


I said if central banks around the world do not act immediately to start to buy more debt, this thing was gonna implode on itself. And it’s an incredible, as a synchronized action, central banks around the world started buying debt. Federal Reserve included here, and that did put a little spark under the stock markets.


Many of you, it seems, were correct in believing that this was a bull trap. It may be. Because if central banks don’t get in here again and start buying debt, like today, we’re in a lot of trouble.


Now on the back of bond yields rising around the world, stock futures are mixed here. Okay, nothing dramatic. You got gold and silver under pressure this morning.


You got cryptocurrencies across the board under a little bit of pressure here. What does this really come down to, people? Let us put a perspective on this, okay. What do we know is happening? The world today, we are in a multiple crisis environment, a multiple crisis environment.


But the root cause of all of it comes down to monetary policy, which is not dictated by presidents, by kings, queens, dictators, or monarchs. No, it’s central banks who are going out of their way to kill the currency. This is nothing new to you.


If you follow this blog, I’ve been telling you guys for 10 years, central banks, they’re literally in a race to the bottom to see who can destroy the purchasing power of the currency faster. Now, as we here, the United States, are being thrust into this cryptocurrency system, which is nothing but a bridge, into full control, into full tokenization. Where’s the outcry? It’s nowhere.


You know why? Because people just don’t get it. They would rather focus on other nonsensical things. And these are the kind of people I want out of here.


Out of here. And I’m sure I’m gonna get some pushback. And I’m looking forward to seeing some of the comments again.


I wanna thank all of you for entertaining me. I was reading through the comments all night laughing. It’s hysterical.


But anyway, the bottom line is, the root cause of the problem is a liquidity crisis, and you all know that. Liquidity is drying up. Central banks must inflate the system, which means they must devalue the currency.


They must pick leaders who will help them fulfill their goal. In this case here, to transition us into a crypto system run by the Federal Reserve, the banks are foaming at the mouth, waiting for this to happen here. It’s a backdoor battle, you have to understand.


With regard to this, you all know that already, the bad debt that’s on the balance sheets of these banks, which are predatory institutions, at least in my view, they cannot wait. And they’re loving the fact that Trump is deregulating them, as a matter of fact, calling for complete deregulation, no regulations at all for the banks here, and merging that with deregulated cryptocurrency. His task force, Trump’s newly created cryptocurrency task force, the SEC, is working diligently on making this happen.


And we just literally heard from Brian Moynihan, the CEO of Bank of America. He said, they’re ready, just flip the switch right on to the new system. And that’s where we’re going here.


But people, again, they got other things they wanna talk about. They’re being deceived again, they’re being distracted. But what else could you expect in this environment where people have no idea what they’re doing anymore? But not you and me.


I mean, for this channel, for the most part, the smartest people out there. And we’re gonna get rid of those, believe me. And if I have to work harder triggering them, I will.


Because I want them out of here. I don’t want them here, honestly. But you see, they’re gonna stick around for the most part.


They may yell and scream, they’ll stick around for the most part because they’re not gonna get this information from anywhere else and they know it too. Anyway, because I got everybody’s back, even them. But that’s okay.


But look, here we go. So the issue here is liquidity. There must be another avenue to pull more cash into the now, you know that.


I believe the mechanism here of obviously currency, purchasing power destruction and the mechanism to create dependency on the current system as we’re bridged into the new system. Again, Trump was selected for two reasons. Two only.


One, to issue in, help the Fed issue in the new system. Bring cryptocurrencies into the mainstream. To allow full tokenization.


Number two, to bring about lower rates. Again, presidents can’t do this. Trump did promise you that during the campaign.


That’s how stupid he thinks you are. And his followers, it’s an insult. But they just take that kind of stuff in stride.


They don’t push back against it. He can’t make it up. But anyway, but he can work with the Fed and is planning to and is right now to bring us lower rates moving forward which is an economic wrecking machine.


So things like, you know, unemployment. So they’re gonna find a scapegoat. Again, it’s gonna be set up here.


The economy is free falling because of fires. Because of this natural disaster or whatever it is. They’re gonna set it up.


But the bottom line is, we are gonna see the global economy continue to contract. As we have been saying for many, many years. It’s not gonna stop.


And global debt balloon. And that’s obviously a mechanism. What they’re doing here, selected presidents working with central banks around the world, whatever it may be.


Giving people enough rope just to hang themselves. And pressuring the middle class into extinction. That’s really what’s going on.


But the issue of liquidity is why we’re seeing again another sell off here in the debt market. Why the MMRI is in the spot that it’s in right now. Make no mistake.


The global bond market is a time bomb. You all know that if you’ve been with me. And it’s gonna go off.


It’s just a matter of when. And it’s all gonna tie into the new system. It’s always the same.


So again, remain distracted. Those of you that can’t snap out of the PSYOP that you’ve been put in. Are you getting triggered? You getting triggered? I bet they are.


Whatever it is. This whole disgusting, whatever. It’s just too much what we’re seeing here.


But that’s okay. Let the weak minded fall through the trap doors that have been set for them. And it will continue to trigger them to the best of my ability.


If they can’t handle it, they’re free to leave. I love this stuff. Anyway guys, it goes look.


So here’s the situation here. Nothing has changed except it’s accelerating. The global debt problem is a monster that’s gonna swallow the earth and it is already.


It’s destroying the global economy. It’s taking down the people, the middle class of the world here at a very, very rapid pace. And we’re gonna see a lot of things happen, move forward again.


We’re seeing, again, the setup here is to make people as desperate as they can possibly be to create dependency on the system. To allow people, people are gonna willingly surrender their freedoms and liberties here. This is a direct attack on the US Constitution right now.


I mean, you want me to trigger those that are involved in Trumpism? Okay, this whole birthright thing. 14th Amendment protects it here. That’s directly threatening the Constitution here in the Bill of Rights.


That’s just a setup to see what people will allow to happen. I believe the Constitution is gonna be suspended potentially under Trumpism here and people are gonna be willing to do that here. To accept whatever they got as they’re being squeezed under this.


Trumpism is gonna prove to be something for the history books and people are gonna look back on this time and say, how did they allow this to happen? But of course, people can’t see things until it’s too late. But you and I, I think we can see through it all. What we’re gonna do here is band together.


We’re gonna unify. We don’t give a damn about this politics game. It’s devilism as far as I’m concerned.


And I think that Trump is the grandmaster at this particular point. Okay, whatever. Am I triggering you a little bit? That’s what I’m looking to do.


So let’s see how many of you fall through that trap here. You gotta let me enjoy this a little bit, people. Anyway, look, man, we’re gonna continue to do what we’re doing but I want you guys to remain diligent here.


The debt market is a time bomb. It’s gonna go off. When could it go off today? Let’s see.


Let’s keep our eyes on the debt market. The MMRI, again, is 100% free to everybody. We’re sitting at what, 314? Where is it? My disaster area of a desk here.


Here, 312. Let’s see where this goes today, okay? This is bad. I have not yet again still put a single dime back in this market.


I wanna see things change. I wanna get back in here, believe me. I wanna take advantage of the distortions in this market.


This has become not just a job anymore. It’s become a mode of survival. And if we don’t take action against what’s happening here across the board, we’re gonna pay for this, honestly.


And we already pay for it. The middle class always pays for everything. You know that here.


It’s a wealth transfer effect on a grand scale. Easy money, that’s what the market wants. The one and 2% is that’s what they want here.


That’s why you’re gonna get lower rates moving forward. Period, the freaking end. You know that.


But people would rather focus on other things which they have no power in anyway, but that’s okay. Love you all from the heart. I mean that.


I wanna hear from you on all this. And read through the comments that are gonna be placed here. Let them ramble on and let them get triggered so we can laugh.


Let them entertain us. We could all use a little entertainment, right? And if you wanna have even more fun, look through some of the comments on the posts I put up yesterday and the videos I did. Thank you, really, for entertaining me.


I enjoyed it all and I will continue to do so. I’ll see you all later. 4 or 5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream, okay people? We got this.

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