MarkZ (Uncut) 01-23-2025
Coffee with MarkZ. 01/23/2025
And that’ll be better. Hello all. PGH, it’s good to see you.
Daily Word. Hello, Mr. Detmar. All battles are fought by scared men who’d rather be someplace else.
Isn’t that the truth? Hello, I don’t think I can even say that one. Good morning, M. Pascal, Charlie Doodle. Hello, Vegas.
Hello, Goose and Treebeard and Questor and Easy Does It. Hello, Lone Wolf. Hello, Miss Iris and Karen.
Mmm, gold’s coming. Gold is coming. It’s gonna be one heck of a year.
Hello, Drew. Hello, Terry. Dr. Hare, I got a warning when I clicked on this live saying this content might not be appropriate to some viewers.
I knew the war wasn’t over yet. We certainly are winning more battles. The Alphabet Company doesn’t want to give in.
Hello, Beth. Hello, Skyline Missions of Faith. Leah, Savvy, Hill City, 72z, Send Stone.
Hello, Ken, Howdy Howdy. Loha Patriot said YouTube hit it, had to find it. You know, I should probably check to see if they’ve done anything funky.
Nope. Yep, that’s just what we call passive aggressive shadow banning because we’re doing victory laps. Makes it all better in my book.
Whose bullshit is that? Reports say whose reports? Bullshit. That’s what I got to say about that. And whoever said it is full of it.
All right. Anyways, that’s my two cents on that one. Anyone else watching the stars align literally and figuratively? Definitely watching them align.
But now we’re talking about the planetary line where it’s unaligning it. It’s maximum alignment. What? 21st, 22nd.
Michael, we don’t know when. The RV is going to go. We certainly are getting a lot of signs that it’s close.
We certainly are getting a lot of chatter out of bonds. And we’ll talk about it at the news time. Now, yeah, I don’t give disinformation on purpose.
I don’t share some things for security purposes and reasons for people or because it hasn’t been vetted yet. And the last thing you want to do is without qualifying it so people don’t unnecessarily ride a roller coaster. And you certainly don’t tell them every day.
Today’s the day when you’re not certain. Today’s the day. Grandson Phoenix’s 23rd birthday.
Happy birthday. I couldn’t believe some of the things that Mike said last night. Oh, I’ve not seen this one.
Bobby Lay Sharon, seven officers shot in San Antonio overnight. I’ve not heard that. But very interested.
I mean, it did. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. But at least it’s going to get better now.
We’re taking the uncomfortable medicine that this country has needed for some time. So Wolverine said we’re being used. Oh, all right.
I’m certain there’s a lot getting taken out of context right now. Toadstool, I have not. And I did do a little digging.
It’s my understanding here and be closed. But I have not seen an actual like closed statement from one of the banks personally. So for now, I’m just going to consider it a rumor.
Oh, Lorraine, enjoy it. Class reunion happening in Arizona this weekend. But New Yorkers are coming out to Arizona to do it.
Oh, it’s going to be good to catch up with everybody. That’s neat. Michael, I’m curious if the RV may occur in early February since the rate of 1310 happened during February 2024.
Just some thoughts. 2024. Yeah, I guess I’m trying to do the math.
Make certain it wasn’t 2023. Boy, it’s running together. Little Fern, we’ve already talked about it many times.
I’m guessing you did not catch that podcast on the digital IDs and the necessity of the digital IDs. You need it in today’s world if you’re going to give. Yeah.
Is it scary? Is Big Brother scary? Is the technology scary? Absolutely. But how do you make certain that your people are your people? How about in the US? Just like when you’re screaming for voter ID? How do you check that? It’s kind of a double-edged sword. You can’t have it one way or the other.
You can’t have complete electronic control. You can’t have nothing. Neither one of those systems work.
So, what’s the happy medium? We’ve got to think it through. Is it being used for evil or not being used for evil? That’s the question you’ve got to ask yourself. Is it being used for authoritarian reasons or not? Could it be? Yeah, sometimes they can be.
Just like a gun. It can be used to do evil or it can be used to do good. But we have.
We’ve talked about that many times. Tony’s birthday. Happy birthday, Tony.
Evan’s birthday. Phoenix’s birthday. Tony’s birthday.
Born day for dawn. A new day dawned for dawn on the born day. I kind of like that one.
Infinite-edged sword. Is that better than a double-bladed warped weapon? It’s the four-pole bunnies, right? That we’ve got to worry about. Domestic international wires will be suspended Saturday at my credit union.
There’s a lot of things like that this weekend. Don’t know if it necessarily means it’s happening this weekend or if they’re preparing it. JHC, I’d be interested in seeing them.
Let’s see. 10FullPatriot would like to address something mentioned yesterday. My opinion.
You were wrong on Featherman’s attire are for fathers. And wanted regular people to represent us in Washington. Possibly.
See, I’m not looking for a suit. I’d be totally okay with a pair of decent jeans and a shirt like this. Or even a regular t-shirt.
But there are certain times where you still show up. Even like us regular folks. Have you ever noticed when we go to church, we put on something a little better? Kind of like when you go to the presidential inauguration.
You’d think you could dress somewhat accordingly. Yeah, maybe I’m just getting old and picky. But I understand what you’re saying on that front.
Like a bunch of stuff suits in D.C. I don’t need three-piece suits. I don’t need Italian suits. I don’t need all the pomp and circumstance that they have.
But there are certain times where a little pomp and circumstance is to show the sanctity of the event. I think inauguration warranted him putting on a decent set of clothing. It’s a respect thing for the people he represents.
But I totally agree that many of them have completely disconnected from us. Blackwell, have you reached out to Bob Locke directly? Like at debtlawyer at gmail dot com on that one. Because we don’t know what the laws are going to look like.
So I don’t know what to tell you on using a real estate investment trust. An REIT after or whether it’s even going to be necessary. Because you won’t be trying to avoid the capital gains if the system changes.
In other words, you may be trying to research something that’s not going to exist after. Oh, I’m being interrupted by EBS testing. Trying to slow the roll.
All right, let’s get to it. Now, here’s a great one, guys. And it’s just a good solid reminder.
I’ve been missed a bunch. Ed Morton, you believe the Sudanian company are being controlled by Iran. CIA paid groups, a lot of back and forth.
There’s some belief in that one, especially with how they’re handling. I know they have a delicate situation with where they’re at and how they’re handling the removal of militias. And there is because of the Shiites.
They are, you know, they’re not specific to one country that way. So the influence they have is a little outsized. So, I mean, I can see your argument.
I don’t believe you’re entirely right, but I also don’t believe you’re entirely wrong either. 55-gallon swear barrel after last night. I think you’re ready for it.
I definitely need it. Yeah, I needed it after last night. I gave my two cents.
Keno, I appreciate that one. I appreciate that one. And oftentimes, guys, folks aren’t attacking me.
They’re just giving thoughts and opinions and people because they do. The mama bear comes out, the daddy bear comes out, and they go straight into defense mode. TiredC5, always appreciated.
Greg, I’m glad you like the shirt. All right, let’s get back to the news. Shouldn’t have taken it down.
This one’s a great one. I want to drop it here. This one is Mike Johnson talking about how Joe Biden, he hit him with the LNG, how he stopped the exports.
He said, no, I didn’t do that. I signed a piece. I signed an executive order.
Yeah, I signed a piece of paper. They were just going to do a study. No, President, you signed one.
He was shocked. He did not know what he had signed. And I believe that was much of the last couple of years, if not the entirety of the Biden administration as he was used.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think he’s without sin. I think there is plenty, plenty there.
But I also think that he may have willingly become the puppet, but I don’t think he truly understood the size of the hand that was getting shoved up inside of him to control him. There, we’ll leave it right there. All right.
Now, let’s get into Iraq. Dollar drops. Oh, wait a minute.
Let’s stop by Vietnam first. Dollar drops against Dong. Dong is gaining strength over the U.S., not over, but gaining strength against.
As they have changed policies, we know they are taking the doge approach. They want to cut 20 percent of their government. They want to become much more democratic and much more open market, leaving its communist roots.
It’s kind of fun watching those changes at the same time that our State Department is telling them they need to increase the value of the dong. Makes me feel really good about Vietnam when I see those stories. Sorry, some funny comments in there.
Hello, Jenny. Yeah, David, he thought he was doing a good job with all the lies they told him exactly. He truly thought that things weren’t as bad as it were.
You want to know why he got mad? Because he assumed everybody was lying about him. He had no idea that what they were telling him was true. None.
He had no idea what was going on while he was in the White House. Well, some idea, but not enough. International report confirms the strength and sobriety of the Iraqi regime in combating money laundering and terrorist financing.
There is a very important direction of the news in Iraq, and they are focusing on these different aspects of safe and stable. They need to be seen as safe and stable to the world so that they can justify the value. Now, this has become the reoccurring theme in their news.
And I only shared, I just wanted to grab a couple of the stories just to point it out. I didn’t share. Probably another 10 of them printed just today in different publications in Iraq.
As the international report confirms, the strength, sobriety of the Iraqi regime in combating money laundering. It’s not going where it’s not supposed to. We’ve changed everything.
FATF praises the CBE’s anti-money laundering measures over and over and over throughout the news in Iraq today and yesterday has been this reoccurring thing that things are so much more secure and stable. Here’s another good one on that one. Trump opens speculation on theory of changing the political system in Iraq, meaning people think it could change and they go into a nice little breakdown saying no.
It’s going to strengthen the position. Trump looks at Iraq as its cornerstone of stability or new stability in the Middle East, meaning that they’re not going to go in and overrule. I’m not going to go in and try regime change.
They got a regime they want to work with. They want to make things better and they need the stability. And that is that key reoccurring thing.
Stability, stability, stability, safety, stability, so that they can justify that value change. Shared last night that I am being told that it is a key priority, top priority of the administration to see those currencies and rate changes. And I did get some interesting stuff from a from a aggregate of bond sources.
Doesn’t give me really a better idea of timing because I still have some that are convinced that they will see things starting to roll today and some that don’t think things are going to roll till the first week of February for them. So where are we at in between there? I don’t know. I do know that three days in is not enough for Trump to have done everything he wants to do.
But we are seeing great progress. It’s the groups that I want to hear from next. I did hear some interesting things from one group, not on timing, but on some of the logistics.
And I heard similar things from a. Prosperity group, Omega specifically. And then from a bond. So I’m hearing this from like three different places right now that the tax exemption for the settlements that will be done in Fiat.
And I want to say that everybody back up with me to the beginning of this thing. Originally, we were told Al Hodges told me a number of people told me, Mr. May, that we would see the fines and penalties portion paid in Fiat. Then we would RV, then we would reset, meaning move to parity.
Then we would pay all the trust portion out. Trust portion, meaning for a for B, CMKX settlements, the larger portion of your prosperities. So the original design was pay those things out in Fiat.
And this process was only supposed to take about 10 days. They pay everything out in Fiat. They RV, then they reset.
So. Could we be back on that original plan? Very possible because of what I am hearing from some of my bond and FNP or prosperity holders that they are expecting to get paid their initial portion in Fiat. They were told over the last day or two to expect it.
They were also told no taxes. And this is from like different groups, from bonds to groups to prosperity, that two generations of taxes won’t exist, meaning you can give it two levels. And I wouldn’t have repeated that at all if it had come from one source, but it came from multiple sources, meaning that you go exchange.
If this if this goes to exchanges outside of bonds and FNPs, you go to exchange and you want to give money your kids. Great. You go, you exchange.
There’s no tax because you weren’t taxed. They’re not taxed because that’s the second drop. But now they want to turn around and give it all away.
Then it would be taxed. Think of it as two jumps before there is a tax consequence where you’re allowed to give it. I was like, OK, that’s pretty cool.
I can live with that. But they did believe that by the time they finished the process, there would not be a tax to be paid after, like in the future. In other words, unless you transferred it all out in the first so many days, it wasn’t going to be an issue.
Trying to figure out the logistics on this thing, we’re starting to get more and more pieces, makes me feel really good because it lets me know that there is indeed progress and movement happening. I’m just trying to piece it all together for you. And I do not have all the answers yet, guys.
Denver girl, I’m hoping I could live with that. I would rather no tax at all, period, even down the road. But I could live with a two generation jump in it.
Could totally live with that. Yeah, Rain Man, it sounds complex, but. And I appreciate that one.
How do I think a seven trillion dollar investment in the U.S. will affect national debt? Depends on where the money is coming from. That’s my take on that one. It’s money that’s already going to be spent.
They’re moving it from going out to help other countries. They’re moving it out of going nowhere. And now it’s going to go to build.
Totally depends on where the money comes from. Trying to slow down long enough. I got to get back to it.
Jordan, we’ll get into my honest raw feelings. Don’t worry about that one at all. Vivek did a fantastic.
We can take the news banner down for now. Vivek did a great breakdown on this whole like birther concept for citizenship. Nice little history lesson.
He did a great job in this video. I’m going to drop it in chat for anybody that wants to save it. That doesn’t want to wait for links to be put up.
All right. Let’s see, David. How do I get on a list to get an appointment to exchange my NAR, etc.
on the R.B. Heavens? David, I’ve been told over and over and over and over that you need to sign up at the news aggregating site. Sites like the NAR recaps or chronicles or whatever for their regular email updates that the banks will issue directions to them for them to send out to their email list. That’s what, you know, if you were my family, David, if you were my cousin, my uncle, my brother, and you’d just come to me and you’d finally said, that’s it, I’m going to buy a currency.
Don’t know how long it’s going to take or when, but I’m willing to roll the dice. You pick some up. I would tell you the exact same thing.
Go to NAR recap. Sign up for their free email newsletter. And when it happens, they’ll let you know.
I’m going to try to find this one. Mark Indian Groups. A few more days.
Just got this, that this morning from an actual group. And the people said, I’m getting a lot of that. I just, I feel more comfortable.
I don’t know how to put that one. I don’t want to make the roller coaster worse. It’s bad enough right now.
But we are. We’re getting inundated from it, from bonds to groups. I’m getting dates from groups, from bonds to Indian nations, to prosperity packages, anywhere from today to first week, end of the first week in February, is what I’m getting from all of them.
So all I know is we got a busy week or two in front of us. Hopefully it is going to be a well-paid early in that process. I’m just looking to see if the video that Vivek had done was on YouTube or not.
Somebody make a comment. All right, let me keep going. We do have Stacey Zee at the end of today, too.
She’s moved to Thursdays for now during tennis season. Just the beginning. Trump plans 10,000 troops on the border to restore national security.
Now, we got to keep in mind that there is something different. The first Trump administration also had full duty or active military. That’s what I’m, active duty military on the border.
The Biden administration went to a different plan, National Guard, etc. And that was only because Abbott forced the issue. I did not realize that we had active military before.
I mean, I knew we had it before, but I did not realize that Biden had removed the active military from the border. So Trump is putting more back there, putting the troops back there, plus some from his first administration. Okay, that’s what I was trying to get at.
He’s already sent an extra 1,500 active military duty troops to the border, joining the 2,500 National Guard and Reserve Forces already in place. New reports, and if they, reports are showing that Trump could soon order the Pentagon to mobilize upwards of 10,000 troops. That means he will.
He is sealing the border. He is very adamant about it. It is a promise made, promise kept.
Orders direct border agents to block entry to immigrants on the grounds that they have passed through countries where communicable diseases are present. This is where the bird flew, the swine flew, the whatever flew that they are touting right now. This is where it bites them back.
He gets to use their own creations against them. Acting Defense Secretary Robert Solis has stated in a DOD, Department of Defense, press release. This is just the beginning.
In short order, the department will develop and execute additional missions in cooperation with Department of Homeland Security, federal agents, and state partners to address the full range of threats outlined by the president at our nation’s borders. They are ramping it up. Promise made, promise kept.
AP News, all of them, are reporting it. They are to work on a 90, they have 90 days to determine if they need to activate the, was it 18, is it in here? It’s got to be in here. Yeah, the 1807 law, the Insurrection Act, which then would allow the troops to be used in civilian law enforcement.
Right now, they can be there to deter people, but they cannot take part in active law enforcement duties, meaning they’re not allowed to arrest them. I guess they could detain them until law enforcement gets there, then it’s up to law enforcement to either book them Danno or not. But it is a massive increase in what is going on at the southern border.
He said he’d do it, he did it. Trump orders schools, colleges to end DEI or lose federal funding. We already had this in the government yesterday.
Now, of course, Trump made the beginning orders, beginning of the week with his executive orders, but he is now telling colleges, and they are doing active investigations. If they have a trust fund over a billion bucks, I think it’s, what’s the term I’m looking for here? It’s a long a trust fund for the university. If it’s over a billion, then they are targeting them first.
They had to come up with some lineup for where students had been discriminated against because of their color of skin, where they were denied, even though they had more merit. They are actively using, they took a page out of the Democratic playbook. They’re using the legal system now like the Democrats use the legal system, kind of like the ballot harvesting in states where it’s legal.
The Republicans used it against them this time. Early voting, they used it against them this time. They took the gloves off, and he has taken the gloves off here.
They could lose their federal funding. You’re about to see a next generation of actually educated people. Now, here’s one that I get a kick out of.
New York governor proposes school cell phone ban. I finally found something that I can agree with Kathy on. Kathy Hochul, the governor of New York, who I have very little respect for politically, kind of a party hack, but it’s occurred to her.
That students don’t do as well when they have their cell phone in the classroom with them all day long. The teacher has to compete for their attention. They’re too busy getting a text.
On average, these students get about 250 messages a day. So while they’re supposed to be paying attention in school, they’re getting messages. So she is looking for a cell phone ban.
Not that you can’t take them to school, just you’re not allowed to use them during class. So when class starts, when the teacher starts, no cell phone. You can have it back when the teacher’s done and you’re off to your next class.
Who would have thought something as common sense as that would make sense? I don’t know about you, but we weren’t allowed to walk in with a video game or anything like that, heck. We weren’t even allowed to walk in with our calculators unless it was a pre-approved thing. Not happening.
Because the teacher wanted you to pay attention Isn’t it crazy how we went from number one in the world for public education to one of the lowest in the Western world? So I’m like, whoa, maybe common sense is going to happen all over the place. Tommy Chicago, wait, wait, wait. No, this is the one I was looking for.
Our daughter teaches high school English and picked up the phones last week before a test and the students surprised themselves. I bet they did. You can look at the mental health.
Do you have any idea how good it is for us to put these things down? Take these phones, put them away for a while. Disconnect. Your happiness level, if you walk away from your electronics, even 30 minutes a day, an hour a day, is proven to increase greatly.
When you limit your screen time, your happiness improves. In other words, go out in the real world and try living. My calculator was a slide rule.
My granddaughter is the only one in her fourth grade class that doesn’t have a cell phone. Rafe absolutely does. And that is what’s needed, unfortunately.
Rafe, the mama. But Mark, with cartel being designated terrorists and lethal force allowed, doesn’t that carry over for more face-to-face engagement? Yes, it does. The engagement that should have been happening for years and wasn’t.
This is similar to El Salvador. At some point, they had to take a stand and say no more. At some point, they had to push things.
They had to go door-to-door. They had to remove them. And that’s what you’re seeing in Chicago and other locations, is they’re going after illegal immigrant cartels, gangs, criminal gangs.
I’m not beating on immigrants, guys. I’m beating on illegal ones that are part of gangs. And they’ve gone after them.
I mean, they’re going in SWAT teams, ICE, you name it. This is the face-to-face that we have needed for— we needed it when Trump was here last time and we didn’t get it. Was he better than the previous presidents, the president after, or Biden? Absolutely, exponentially.
But even then, he did not have the will or the people were not ready for that. The people weren’t ready for him to order the agents in there. They had to get to a breaking point.
The breaking point was Lake and Riley. That breaking point was New Orleans when the crazed person went running down Bourbon Street. You look at it over and over and over.
I guess we had to hit a breaking point before people were okay with this. Now we’ve hit it. And we said enough is enough.
I hate to say this, but I think it worked out better for all of us in humanity that Trump didn’t take the 2020 election. What do you guys think on that one? Yeah, Ben. Going out in the real world is scary.
You expect us to do that? I know it’s tough, but we got this. Q has said many times, timing is everything. Goose girls always use my fingers.
They’re going to take that away from me. James, my gut feeling, with the number of conversations with prosperity people, with groups, when CMK was in contact last week with a couple of bond folks, what makes the most sense is anywhere from Saturday to somewhere in the next two weeks. I mean, that’s what makes the most sense based on everything I’m getting.
I could be wrong, and I reserve that right to be wrong because working with imperfect knowledge on this one, my guess is somewhere between Saturday night and here. Here, let’s pick a date just so everybody feels good, and I don’t know, 9th, 10th of February, one of these next two or three weekends, I think we cross the lexicon. I think we go to the point where there is money, you and I are making appointments and going somewhere in that spot.
I know it’s a broad window, but that’s definitely what I feel like right now. Todd, no confirmations on my side in lower denominations. No more than we had before with cut sheets showing security, et cetera, explaining what to look for.
Why would they be training people on all that if they weren’t getting ready to put them out? Why would they have set up the ATMs to handle lower denominations? And this we know for an absolute fact. You can look up specs for some of the ATMs that we have seen, and they handle multiple different bills, not just one or two bills, but multiple. Something totally unnecessary if your currency requires bigger bills to buy, you only need your top currency.
They would have only handled 25K or 50K notes. David, you’re welcome. But yeah, try not… Oh, before I forget, well, I’ve got mods.
Be really easy on the folks first thing in the morning before I start talking when they come in 30 minutes before. Let them have fun with their emojis. The emojis are only a problem once I start talking because it makes YouTube and Twitch specifically jerk.
I could care less what you guys do on Rumble. Go have fun. It does not hiccup.
And that might be because there’s fewer people on Rumble, although there’s like five times more people on Rumble that are on Twitch. Twitch is the fewest by far. But the emojis don’t mess things up on Rumble.
The emojis on YouTube and Twitch when you guys do too many of them, it jerks and I miss all your questions. You could ask a million things. If you’re on YouTube and Twitch, if your fellow folks are loading me up with emojis, I can’t see it because it jerks.
It’ll do one or two and then it’ll do 100 chats and it just goes scream and pass. So you’re screwing yourself. But like in the morning, you want to say hello? You want to have fun with all your emojis? Have fun.
When I start talking, if you want to get anything answered, stop. Also, if you haven’t figured it out, once I start talking, before I start talking, I don’t care. Have fun with your caps.
God knows we have enough over-authoritarian or overzealous authoritarian people in our lives. Before I start talking, have fun. Use your caps.
Use your emojis. Once I start, I can’t see what the moderators are saying. If you guys use caps, save all caps for the moderators unless you are blind.
Just one of those. Yeah, no. Rumble really, I mean, there’s a few tech things they need to change to make it easier on us.
But from y’all’s experience, like in the actual chat room, it’s much smoother. Obnoxiously difficult to search for any content on their site. I’m having fun reading some of yours.
That’s a fun crew over there. Your morning latte. Nobody really moves the goalposts on bond payout dates.
They’re responding to what they’re being told and what they know. You’re looking for who’s moving the dates. You’re going to have to go to probably the Chinese family, excuse me, the banking families that have the dollars or the nations that have the dollars.
It’s not the bondholders that are moving the dates. It’s not the paymasters that are moving the dates. They’re waiting for their permission.
They’re being told, hey, you’ve got to be prepared in case it comes now. And then, bam, it isn’t here. Please don’t speak in code, Jason.
You’re going to have a difficult time being a newbie. You’re just going to have to pay the dues like everybody else. You’re going to hear things like QFA, certain words, and you’re just going to have to ask in chat what they mean.
It’s like asking somebody not to use half of their vocabulary. We’ll do our best, but you’re also going to have to meet us in the middle. Is there a reason why we can’t RV without Iraq? Yeah, Iraq’s the cornerstone.
They’re the linchpin. They are the biggest value change in the nut. They’re much of the equity that we need to cancel debt around the world.
Yeah, it’s part of the gold treaty. So, yeah, no, we’re not RVing without Iraq. We couldn’t have Sarah without Iraq, but you’re not going to RV without Iraq.
In your opinion, what do you think the holdup is after all these years, JT? Honestly, I think it was Biden, Obama, Klaus Schwab. I think, I mean, we’re in the middle of a war. At the beginning of a war, can you come up with the end date of it? Can you say, hey, you know, hey, look, we just started fighting today.
It’s going to end on this day because we’re going to win every battle between here, here, and here. You can’t. It’s a war.
You got to keep fighting until you win it. Linchpin needs some oil, right, Bernard? Flipper, I have heard the same thing with Vietnam, but at the same time, now we’re starting to see, obviously them getting antsy was a good thing because now we’re starting to see a cleanup. We’re seeing a 20% reduction in government.
We’re seeing them go after corrupt officials. We’re seeing them go after corrupt businessmen, bankers, et cetera. So, you know, perhaps Vietnam has got Vietnam to blame for us not being done already because they’re just now knocking out all the things over the past year that they should have been doing to prepare for it.
So maybe them getting antsy was a good thing because they are suddenly making great progress that we need. Billy, if the price of gold is going to skyrocket, why do the American, oh, it’s going to be fun. I mean, if they have a $50 denomination one now and you can buy them, how much does it cost you? If I buy a $1 silver coin from the US Mint, a walking Lady Liberty that says it’s worth $1, but nobody in their right mind would ever let it go for a dollar, would they? Just like your Morgan silver dollar, it’s the value of the metal.
Yeah, don’t worry about the denomination they print on it, at least not for now. I think what you see printed soon will reflect a much different value. That’s when it’s going to get fun.
Quit, arrest the crooks and asset-backed currency. No, I’m with you. That is the opium in my book.
That’s the real nuts and bolts fundamentals. And they have been going after the rats. Kelly just saying a few weeks ago, Trump has got to get the rats out before the RV and he has been doing just that, guys.
He’s been cleaning the house. That’s why I keep saying, give it a few more days. Everybody’s like, bam, you got to have it day one.
I think it started day one. I mean, started some time ago as they prepare, but I think the, I very much believe that we are full tilt now to the end. It’ll be fun quizzing him tomorrow.
Guys, bring your questions, be prepared ahead of time. I’m guessing some people are coming in late, not listening to chat or they’re just way behind because they’re asking questions we’ve been talking about for 10 minutes. Oh God, yes.
For the folks in chat, dig deep, be patient. We were all newbies at one point. Try to answer some of their questions constructively.
Mike, I very much agree with you on the silver rounds are the way to go unless you’re a collector. I mean, I see what Andy says where some of the mint coins are good because they’re official from government so that’s not like they can, counterfeiting them would carry a much higher penalty. So I go and legally accept it.
Yeah, I see what he’s saying. I see what he’s saying on some, but yeah, I’m not gonna pay the premium for too much of it. Here Bearded, this is where I completely 100% disagree with you, brother.
Would you want Trump to go ahead and pull it immediately? Let’s say he had pulled it at 12.05 Monday afternoon but he had not secured your monetary system for its reset. Would you wanted him to do it and then they take all your money and then you get nothing and all you did was give the money back to the rest? I’m not looking for this to be a long process at all. Oh, sorry, I misunderstood where you were going with it.
Now you’re saying never ending reasons keep this going on and on. What we’re really waiting for is a crash. A crash would force it but I don’t think we’re waiting for the crash anymore.
I think he’s gonna do it before the crash. Jay Branch, a lot of people are pissed for a good reason. Let them, but they do need to vent some.
They just need to not attack other people in the room, etc. But yeah, they definitely need to vent. And when you need to vent, guys, just do it constructively.
Boy, who else is YouTube messing with? B. Reid, thank you all. Now here’s a good question. If the RV goes, won’t Trump need to step down? I don’t know anymore, Karen.
This is a good question. This is a good question. What are we watching? We’re watching all the political changes that Trump is making that fit with Nassera from pushing to change monetary system, debt, medical system, patents.
I mean, he’s doing so much right now in plain sight where you guys can see it. We’re talking about the articles, the executive orders, etc. I mean, he’s pretty much burning through most of Nassera as we speak right now.
Now we’re waiting for the financial part of it Could they just revalue and reset the financial system, then give us just the truth? Because he’s already doing most of Nassera right in front of us from secure borders to returning people, getting rid of unnecessary laws, resetting stuff like that. I’m kind of wondering if they’re going to do it very quietly. If they’re just going to keep pushing it that way and then they do the financial reset and then tell us about it.
After the fact, I’m beginning to believe they’re not going to remove them. I’m beginning to believe they’re not going to ask for snap elections unless the deep state monster fights more. If it rolls over and we’re allowed to do exactly what Trump’s doing, I mean, he’s bringing the case, he’s exposing everybody.
I mean, he’s doing exactly what we want from Nassera. They’re just not coming out with a big TV ad that says, Nassera 2025. So he’s already doing all of those things.
Do they even announce it or do they do the same thing in all the countries? They just go ahead and expose everybody like Vietnam’s going through, exposing everybody, cleaning up, making their government more efficient. Or is that how they handle Nassera and don’t come out with a big announcement? What do you guys think? I mean, this is just something I’ve been playing around in my head with since yesterday evening. Are we watching a slow rollout or a normie-friendly version of it as they roll it out or a normie-friendly rollout so that they don’t panic and make it worse than it has to be? I’m just curious.
Rick, slow roll. I’m sorry, guys. I’m doing a reading.
I’m going through on all the platforms and reading. Michelle, I noticed that over on Rumble said Vietnam went from quiet to noisy pretty quickly. They did.
Whip just said, sure seems like it’s going via legislation, executive orders, and agencies. It’s like we’re watching it. No, you don’t want the panic.
It’ll make it worse, guys. As much as you and I want them to rip a Band-Aid off and just let the chips fall where they might, it will be bad for the world. Bet Napal, the American people have been traumatized too much lately, hence smooth transition.
That’s what I’m beginning to believe. Ruthann, do I believe the market will still crash? It’s got to correct, Ruthann. The P&Es are too high.
Derivatives are too high. Unsupported. There has to be a correction.
I don’t know exactly what that’s going to look like. I think Bearded may be right on that. If there’s a complete crash, it forces it.
You get your reset right away. I’ve just always been told there’s two ways. If the president is on board, if enough world leaders are on board, they don’t take the crash route.
They do the reset in a kinder, gentler way. If they’re not on board, they let it crash and then fix it. Ooh, I’m having fun.
Oh, I’ve got a… And I’ll agree with your numbers on that one. I’ve always… Mr. C, I think we’ll ask him tomorrow, but I believe that number was somewhere between 40% and 60% correction is what they believe is needed. He just threw out the number 50, so I’ll run with you.
Yeah. That’s certainly what I’ve always heard that we would see in the way of a correction. Stevie G, a crash would hurt a lot of 401k regular people.
It would. It would be very painful for many. There are only bonuses.
Let’s see if they lose half their money with a correction, Stevie. But their money suddenly has four times more purchasing power than they may have fewer dollars, but they have more spending power, meaning it won’t be a negative for them. Does that make sense? I know that’s a difficult one to understand, but let’s say I’ve got 100,000 in the market and it crashes.
Now it’s only 50,000 in the market, but the dollar’s reset and it’s now worth way more. My 100,000 is now 50K, but that 50K will now buy $500,000 worth of product compared to what it would have bought right before the crash. Then am I not still a massive net winner? That’s the way I’ve been looking at that one.
That’s the way it makes sense to me. Deanna, do the bond people have to wait for Mr. C? I was told no, they do not in any way have to wait for Mr. C, that it’s a different bucket of money. Go tight, right? And that’s why we probably think that way more go tight than others.
Rip the mandate off. If you hold currencies, you’ll be okay. Yeah, the problem is for all those that don’t, which is the overwhelming majority of people.
That’s why I don’t think they’re going to rip it off as much as I want them to. Bobby, Mr. C has said that a key, a key factor for them was to make certain that pensioners were going to be protected, but he doesn’t know what that mechanism looks like. He just knows that he was told that they are going to be protected.
All right, let’s call this one a wrap. And then we’re going to turn it over to Stacy Z for a short bit. Then I’ve got an appointment in San Juan, so I’ll be hitting the road soon.
Back for tonight, if I’m running a little bit late, Zester will start things with Dr. Scott. I should be back in time before. Either way, it’s still happening.
Evan, Phoenix, Tony, Dawn, anybody else with a birthday, sound off. So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling.
May you live, may you love, may all your dreams come true. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to all those celebrating.
Bobby, I think we need to all ask ourselves why the Simpsons are so right so often. All right, all you birthday people, enjoy it. Wait, happy birthday to somebody else.
Trying to read those, don’t want to miss them. All right, let’s do this thing. Let’s put you on here while I read.
I’ll keep hanging out. Okay, I’m going to go fast so that you can get on the road. How’s that? Sounds good.
Just wanted to remind everybody that we have plenty of the DLP1 stock in stock. So don’t worry about any issues with that. And then also, this is the last week that you can order and enter the $30,000 Thrive, Activate and Thrive in 2025 contest.
So we’ll get to that in just a second. So we went over the results of the new third party study on the NRF2 and the MB Enhance DLP1 system. They were freaking amazing.
We also remember we are launching internationally in March 15th. Everybody will be able to get it in New Zealand, Europe, Mexico, Thailand, and Australia and Japan. April 24th, that’s to consultants, sorry, for March 15th.
April 24th means everybody can get it no matter what in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Mexico, and Thailand. So anybody in Canada who wants to get it because getting it all approved in all the different provinces is a little bit more difficult, there is a way for you to get it in Canada as well. And if you’re interested, just text me and I will help you get it.
The DLP1 system, I know we’ve talked about this a bunch, but let’s talk about it again. What is it? It’s a hormone produced in the lower gut, regulates appetite and blood sugar, slows down digestion, steadies blood sugar and glucose spikes, which means it reduces cravings, communicates feelings of fullness, satiety, and reduces food noise along the gut-brain axis. So when you use both products, the MindBody Core Pills and the MindBody Enhance system, and by the way, the MB does not stand for magic bullet.
That’s something else that you don’t want to do. You actually activate all the genes required along the DLP1 pathway in the L cells. So you’re helping to create your own, you’re turning God’s super duper amazing plan back on in your body.
You’re activating what he had us planned for. So you’re turning up all the genes that create DLP1. And the really cool thing is it suppresses the genes that try to get rid of your glucagon-like peptides.
So it does amazing things together, increasing your genes and expressions. Wonderful thing. The top five about it.
There is 140% increase of DLP1 on average within 12 weeks. That is totally unheard of by anything in the marketplace. And it’s natural.
You can lose nine pounds in eight weeks and up to 25 pounds in 12 weeks. The most amazing thing about this is 100% who lost weight maintained muscle. That synthetic stuff that’s out there, no, you’re losing mainly muscle.
And that’s why it has all the horrible side effects that it has. You have an increased chance of thyroid cancer, an increased chance of losing your vision, increased chance and probably a huge possibility, probably a 90% possibility you’re going to lose hair because you’re losing so much muscle so fast. Pancreatitis.
Good googly mooglies. That’s painful. My poor little mini schnauzer is prone to that.
And when she gets it, she’s in the hospital for like days. So I can’t imagine what it would be like for a human being. So you also have up to a 27% reduction in visceral fat and 5% reduction in body fat.
So why is that so important? Because that visceral fat is where disease comes from. That’s where your heart attacks, your strokes, your diabetes, metabolic diseases, all that stuff. That’s where that comes from.
And a 5% reduction in body fat. Did you know the synthetics only reduce visceral fat by 7% at most? And the body fat reduction is even less. And we are patent pending.
I know it’s a natural product, but because of all the different nutrigenomics, all the different plants that we have in this product, because of what it does together, we can patent it. It’s really cool. So turn up the GLP-1, turn down the food noise.
So no more snacking urges, reduced cravings. What you need is stronger and louder than what you want. We have a lot of people that do get the munchies and get hungrier, but it’s for the healthier things.
They want to snack on the good complex carbs, the fruits, the fresh fruits, the fresh veggies and such. 82% took back control of their relationship with food. 95% reduced sugar cravings.
96% chose smaller portions and 85% felt less hungry. 90% ate less at meals and 85% now eat for health, just like I was saying about the fruit, instead of emotions. That 95% reduced sugar cravings is amazing because I no longer eat dark chocolate after my dinner.
Don’t even think about it. So what are the benefits? Naturally increases the GLP-1, supports sustainable weight loss and fat loss and wellness for results you can see and feel. It helps balance hunger hormones to increase satiety via the gut-brain access so you feel full longer, quiets the food noise to cut down cravings and reduce the desire to snack, and helps maintain blood sugar levels already within a normal healthy range.
And actually, I am so excited about this statement. I know we can’t claim to cure or prevent or whatever because, you know, we’re not FDA approved, but no supplement is. But I have some amazing results for blood sugar in the documentation beats conversation every time for you today.
That was my whole focus for today. It’s pretty cool. So we talk about fat loss versus weight loss, and there’s a reason why we do it.
If you have a scale and you’re doing this and you’re trying to lose weight, trust me, losing fat is way more important, and you should probably take that scale and go give it to your neighbor or lock it away somewhere because it’s not going to help you. So what’s the difference? Weight loss refers to a decrease in overall body weight, which includes fat, muscle, water, and bone mass. That’s not something that you want to do because sometimes we’re at a certain age, like myself, that we don’t get that back.
And that’s how you live a long, healthy life. You’ve got to have lean muscle and bone mass. Weight loss might not always improve health if it involves losing muscle and essential fluids.
So while it’s broader, it does not provide the same depth of health benefits, especially if it includes muscle loss. Fat loss is the more effective approach for improving both health and aesthetics. While weight may be the beneficial fat loss is the primary driver.
So fat loss, very important. It focuses specifically on reducing body fat while preserving or increasing lean muscle mass. It’s a better indicator of improved body composition and health than weight loss alone.
It offers a more targeted, sustainable and health promoting benefits by improving body composition and reducing the harmful visceral fat. Right? Don’t forget. Hey guys, whenever you get the chance, when you’re putting, Hey Flying Squirrel, don’t use that link for ordering.
Please use the original Mark Z or Stacy Z. Brian and Holly, thank you for that though. So for weight loss, right? You’re losing water, fat and muscle. Not good fat loss.
You’re literally just losing the fat that’s all around your organs. And that’s where you get all the disease. So it’s a much better way to go about it.
Fat loss, which is way more important. You’ve got better cardiovascular health. You have better blood sugar control.
You have inflammation reduction. You’re keeping your muscle mass, your metabolic health increases and it’s sustainable when you’re just losing weight. And that’s it.
When you’re losing all that stuff, you’re doing yo-yo dieting. You’re doing synthetic stuff like that. The problem with that is as soon as you get done with it and you think you’ve lost your weight and you stop doing it, it all comes right back on and sadly you’ve just started a whole terrible vicious cycle of going around and around and around.
So focus on fat loss. Way, way, way more important, way more important. So, so what’s the difference, right? Somebody who weighs pounds can have 35% body fat mass.
And then that same, another person can weigh 130 pounds and only body fat. And look at the difference in the size of the person, right? So fat, it’s not, it doesn’t have composition. It’s all over the place, but muscle is lean and compact.
So this person, same thing weighs the same, but has a higher fat ratio. So you can tell this person weighs the same, but is it’s lean muscle. So they’re much smaller.
And just for another really good visual, the five pounds of fat versus five pounds of muscle. You want to go with muscle. It’s much smaller and compact and it’s much healthier for you.
So the healthy weight stack equals amplified oxidative stress protection with four new antioxidant pathways, right? The NRF2 is amazing for antioxidants, right? It, they kill antioxidants a million every second of every day, but this actually altogether, because of what it does together, it gives us four new antioxidant pathways to go along with the superoxide dismutase, the hemi-oxygenase, the catalase that God gave us, and we’re turning them all back on. So you’re lowering that oxidative stress and that inflammation even more. And that oxidative stress and inflammation actually lead to weight gain.
So it’s very important if you can, to add that NRF2 with the healthy weight stack. So it also, per our studies, amplifies metabolism with nine new fat and fatty acid pathways. Guys, that’s amazing.
You’re getting nine more ways to burn that fat. Love it. So we can see the impact of age on one of the largest organs of our body, which is our skin.
But what about aging’s impact on other organs in our body? This is huge. The healthy weight stack has now shown the world that it is a renovation crew activating 22 new genes to restore, rebuild, and renew internal organs. Guys, this is amazing.
So it’s not just about weight loss. It’s about your overall health. What it does for it is crazy.
So LifeVantage announced the results of a groundbreaking third-party cell study on the synergistic impact of protein and NRF2 synergizer in the mind-body GLP-1 system. The findings reveal that when used together in combination, known as the healthy weight stack, the products not only amplify each other’s benefits, but also activate 22 new genes that target key causes of age-related organ decline to help organs stay structurally strong, support tissue cells, regeneration and repair, and improve coordination, signaling, and impulses with tissue cells and nerves. Guys, that’s very important.
And especially if you’re diabetic, we’re talking about all the things that this can help, that diabetics actually have to deal with on a daily basis. Nerve issues, we help heal the heart, the pancreas, all kinds of good stuff. I’ll see, I’ll break it down by each organ just shortly.
So you can actually click here. I’ll be posting this in the telegram site. You’ll be able to click here and you can actually get the study and read it for yourself, share it with anybody you want.
So it promotes antioxidant defense. We enhance, we activate four additional antioxidants pathways and compared to just the NRF2 synergizer alone, we support fat metabolism. So we enhanced it.
It’s activated an additional nine fat fatty acid metabolism pathways as compared to just the mind-body GLP-1 system alone. It promotes tissue cell strength and integrity. So it activated 10 genes involved in cell barrier and tissue strength.
It supports tissue cell regeneration and repair. Activated six genes involved in the spindle lipid pathway. That’s a very important pathway for not only nerves, cells, but stem cell production as well.
And we promote coordination, signaling, and impulses with the tissue cells and nerve cells and overall nerve health. So we activated six genes involved in neuronal pathways. That is huge.
So a whole bunch of studies, great numbers, right? We increase these genes and proteins by like 1246 percent, 605 percent, 713 percent. They’re all linked to that. ICAM-5 is very important for neurons and brain health.
The CTMB-N1, that’s for your stem cells. Your PLPP-2 is 572 percent. Your SGPL-1 is 1731 percent increase.
It’s huge increases, people. Huge. Your myoid, that is very important.
Brain, RNF-112, also brain, 810 percent, 605 percent. What does this mean, right? Those are just a bunch of numbers. What does it mean? Okay, your GLP-1 is essential for your overall health.
It affects the brain, the heart, the kidney, the pancreas, the adipose tissue, the stomach, skeletal muscle, the gut, and the liver. These are all our organs, right? And skin is also one of our organs, our most important one. So protective roles increased GLP-1 hormone levels across organs, right? There are receptors, GLP-1 receptors in cells in every single one of your organs.
So increased levels of GLP-1 hormone provide multifaceted protective effects across key organs by enhancing metabolic control, reducing inflammation, and improving tissue health. These benefits highlight the therapeutic potential of GLP-1 receptor agonists in managing diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration, and more. So what does this mean for the brain? So it means for the hypothalamus, right, that’s what regulates everything.
It regulates our appetite by promoting satiety and reducing hunger. For neuroprotection, it reduces neuroinflammation and enhances neuronal survival. It protects against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease by reducing amyloid beta deposition and tau phosphorylation, right? We can’t say that we heal, cure, or whatever, but these are amazing results, and they’re found in studies.
So also key benefits, supports weight management, enhances cognitive function, and protects against neurological decline. A lot of the comments and testimonies that we get on our Facebook group is everybody’s like, oh, my gosh, I don’t have brain fog anymore. It’s huge.
So for the heart, what does this mean? It reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in cardiac tissues. It enhances myocardial function and cardiac output. It improves vascular health by increasing nitric oxide production, which supports endothelial function.
And it may actually also lower blood pressure and your heart rate. Because what happens when you have a lot of visceral fat around the heart, it has to work harder. It’s pumping harder.
And when you get rid of that visceral fat, it doesn’t have to work so hard because it’s not all cramped up. So the key benefits, reduces the risk of heart failure and atherosclerosis. That atherosclerosis, that’s what happens when your lipids, your cholesterol and everything start blocking up your blood vessels.
It enhances overall cardiovascular health and function. Huge amounts of studies on it. Also, what does this mean for the lungs? Guys, this is important because usually the lungs don’t get talked about in these kinds of ways.
So it reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in lung tissues, has potential benefits in conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. That’s huge because a lot of people have that issue. It supports respiratory health, reduces risks of lung inflammation and associated complications.
For the pancreas, very important. Your pancreas is your best friend, especially when it comes to blood sugar. So for the pancreas, your beta cells, it stimulates glucose-dependent insulin secretion, preventing hyperglycemia.
It enhances beta cell proliferation and survival. Very, very important for insulin. Maintaining insulin production and capacity.
For your alpha cells, suppresses glucagon secretion, reducing hepatic glucose, and hepatic means your liver. It lowers liver glucose output and stabilizing blood glucose levels. So key benefits, improves glucose homeostasis, preserves pancreatic function and delays progression of type 2 diabetes.
That’s very important. Anybody who’s insulin resistant like me, and I know there’s a bunch of us out there, this is very important for protecting those beta cells because that’s what keeps us from being, those of us with insulin resistant, that’s what keeps us from going into diabetes. We have to protect those beta cells at all costs.
So for the stomach intestines, slows gastric emptying, leading to reduced postprandial glucose spikes. What does that mean? It reduces after meal glucose spikes. Prolonged feelings of fullness, aiding in weight loss, improves gut motility, which just means moving food through the digestive tract, and reduces gastrointestinal stress.
Key benefits, improves metabolic control, and supports gastrointestinal health and reduces overeating. The kidneys, guys, this is awesome. The kidneys, it helps modulate sodium reabsorption, contributing to better blood pressure control.
It protects renal cells from high glucose induced oxidative stress. It reduces albuminary urea, that’s a big word, preserving kidney function in diabetic patients. So key benefits, slows the progression of diabetic neuropathy, enhances renal health and function.
Adipose tissue, what is adipose tissue? Adipose tissue, a big flag bob looking thing. So it promotes lipolysis, aiding in the reduction of fat stores. It’s connective tissue that is part of the endocrine system that regulates the metabolic system.
So that is exactly what your adipose tissue is. It’s simply connective tissue that is part of the endocrine system that regulates the metabolic system. So it enhances insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, which are the cells that store fat for energy.
It’s decreasing systemic insulin resistance, reduces visceral fat, which is linked to metabolic syndrome. So key benefits, aids in fat and weight reduction, improves overall metabolic health. The liver, very, very important, because a lot of us deal with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
So indirectly reduces hepatic, meaning liver, glucose production by suppressing glucagon. It improves insulin sensitivity in hepatocytes. 80% of the cells live in the liver.
So very important. Reduces hepatic liver fat accumulation, mitigating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. So key benefits, prevents liver-related metabolic disorders, supports healthier glucose and lipid metabolism.
And the immune system. It actually helps by modulating immune responses by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokine production. Decreases chronic low-grade inflammation associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome.
And it protects against the inflammation-driven conditions. And most of those are autoimmune diseases, right? And supports the immune system balance. Very, very important.
So DLP1 is essential for your health. It’s not just a fat loss or a weight loss system. It’s very important for your overall health because it protects and heals your organs.
There’s over 11,000 studies on DLP1 in diabetes. Over 9,000 studies on DLP1 in weight management. Over 5,000 studies on DLP1 in cardiovascular system.
500-plus studies on DLP1 in the immune system. And over 500 studies on DLP1 in autoimmune diseases. So the gut-brain access, the gut is called the second brain.
What does that mean? There’s over 500 studies on DLP1 in cognitive function. 31 studies on DLP1 in bipolar. 41 studies on DLP1 in mood disorders.
138 studies on DLP1 in addiction. 218 studies on DLP1 in depression. And let’s see.
Ooh, this one little thing’s in my way. I can’t remember how many. Over, I think there’s over 200 studies on DLP1 in anxiety.
One of the other things that a lot of people talk about when they give their testimonies, they talk about less anxiety every day. It’s wonderful. So, I always love this part.
Documentation beats conversation. We’ll fly through this so Mark can get on the road to San Juan. So, guys, the fat composition, sometimes the scale doesn’t tell you everything you need to know because he didn’t lose any weight, but look at the fat that he lost in this time frame.
Guys, it’s amazing. And it’s a much healthier situation because that fat in that tummy is what’s causing all kinds of diseases. I always love to show Dr. Brinkman in here because she shows off how important it is and how much women love to look good in their dress and just how much of a transformation this was.
She lost a total of eight pounds altogether, but look at how different that dress fits. It’s amazing. So, here, same thing, guys.
They’re not losing weight. They’re losing inches. Way, way, way more important.
Losing inches is what matters and what is sustainable. Same thing here. She has Hashimoto and going through menopause.
She’s been packing on the weight and she’s got brain fog but no more. So, she’s got more energy. She’s lost weight.
She’s lost six inches altogether but only four pounds. Isn’t that amazing? Wouldn’t you rather lose the inches than the weight? Same thing here. It’s been a minute since she hopped on the scale simply because the scale is usually detrimental to my brain.
I know how hard I work. I know the scale doesn’t tell the full story. She started, this is Chrissy W., she started October 13th, and she’s down now 13 pounds.
Fantastic. But even more impressive is she’s down 16.2 inches. Way more important.
It didn’t happen overnight, and, guys, it’s not supposed to happen overnight. The MB, like I said, doesn’t stand for magic bullet. It stands for the mind-body.
It goes slow sometimes, but that’s how you sustain it. Non-scale victory, down 12.5 inches in three weeks, but no weight, right? I would rather have down that 12.5 inches. Angie, same thing.
Oh, my gosh, she did great. She lost a couple of pounds but mainly lost fat. Same here.
Went through the holiday season. Did great. This is her six weeks results using natural GLP-1 system.
She’s down 10.8 pounds but 11.75 inches. Important, important, important. Same thing here, you guys.
You guys are just no fair. You lose weight so much easier. Down in 21 days, down 8 pounds but 13.5 inches.
Guys, that’s amazing. So this one I love, and people have a hard time wrapping their head around how you can lose inches and look so much better. It’s because fat has no composition.
It’s all over the place. She’s only lost 2.4 pounds but 13.25 inches. Huge difference.
Okay, Jeanette W. So she’s on day 27 of GLP activation. She’s been to the gym three times over the period and has not been hungry or had cravings. So who would have believed such a huge change was possible? So for the first time, she feels like she can reach her target weight easily and even better able to sustain it.
And through this time, she’s only lost 4.6 pounds but is losing way more fat in this instead of worrying about the weight. Look at that. Look at those little back fat handles going away, that tummy going away.
That’s fantastic. This one, she’s down 9 pounds, 9 inches. Jake is down 14 pounds, 13 inches.
30-day results, right? She’s not down weight. She’s down fat. Isn’t that great? Same thing in its most important place, down the belly fat.
That’s where all the disease comes from, your stroke, your heart attacks, your diabetes. So I just love showing this to show the difference for the ladies that with the love handles and then the buttocks and hips areas, it makes a huge difference in getting rid of that body fat. So Margaret is down just in eight weeks.
So she’s lost 4% of her body fat. She’s gained 10.5 pounds of lean body mass, very important, but has lost 8.5 pounds. So this is very good.
She’s lost inches, major, major inches, very important. Here’s another one. So she made this post and she started the challenge, our weight loss challenge, our Activate and Thrive in 2025 Weight Loss Challenge, started at January 6th.
But she had been on the system for a little while before that. She started in October. She’s, let’s see, she’s gained one and a half pounds, but lost three inches since January 6th.
So her picture’s dated from 10-21 to today, 1-20-25. This is awesome. Look at that.
Look how much she’s lost in the belly. That’s fantastic. So big, big difference.
All that in the belly. Big, big difference. So she started the weight challenge.
She lost 9.6 pounds and approximately five inches. And now she’s lost 22 pounds since October in 22.5 inches. Guys, this is amazing.
And she’s going to keep going because she’s part of the challenge. You guys, no fair. You just lose weight.
Whatever. Nine weeks, she lost, what, 20-some pounds. Fantastic.
And then Marcy. This is the part that I was so excited about because we’re getting so many comments and testimonies from people with insulin resistance and diabetes. And not just type 2 diabetes, but type 1 diabetes as well.
So after 45 days, Marcy was down 8.4 pounds and 12.75 inches. Her cholesterol dropped 31 points. Her A1C dropped 0.3 to inside the normal range.
Most importantly, her cortisol dropped from 20.5. Both had noticeable results. Yay. Awesome, Doug.
Fantastic. I love it. So her cortisol dropped from 20.5 to 15.1. Guys, that’s really important because guess what makes us gain weight? Cortisol.
When we get stressed out, that cortisol goes up and causes issues. Her uric acid dropped 0.3. Her insulin dropped from 11.3 to 6.5. Her glucose went down from 103 to 95. Guys, this is amazing.
So just more along that. So, okay, Heather G. Seven days. She’s only been on it seven days is when this post was made.
The first three days she was hungry. She was crazy hungry. She didn’t change her eating habits, continued to eat the foods that she normally ate.
She loves eating fruit, salads, any kind of protein, and tacos. Taco Tuesday. Wait, can we make it Taco Thursday? So no matter what her diet, her sugars always run high.
High being 280 well into the 300s. She can be vegetarian and still have high blood sugar. She’s very insulin resistant.
Being type 2 diabetic, I take two long-acting insulin shots per day. And a short acting shot with every meal snack and a Jardians pill daily. My triglycerides have been through the roof.
Highest being 2,800. Wow. But thank goodness I’ve never suffered from pancreatitis or heart issues.
Three months ago, my cardiologist wanted to start me on the injectable GLP-1. She refused. After just seven days on the MindBody GLP-1 activator, her glucose levels are remaining within normal levels 60% of the time.
Guys, that’s huge. Because look at what her sugar levels were. 280 to 300.
So she’s reduced the units of both her insulins. Her sugars were dropping too low at night. Her hunger is satisfied throughout the day.
No night hunger. And she’s sleeping longer and deeper. And only get up once during the night to use the restroom instead of three to four times.
This is a game changer. Guys, make sure you monitor your blood sugar levels and keep up with it, right? Okay. Another one.
Dot H. October 26th update. So suddenly she’s down exactly three pounds. I stepped on the scale this morning.
At first, I was depressed. This is my two-week weigh-in. At first, I was weighing every day and realized it was a terrible idea.
It is a terrible idea, people. Get rid of the scales. It’s not doing any good for you.
At one point, I was down four pounds. But victory on the scale is I did not gain. The non-scale victories are plentiful.
Before Mind and Body, I was waking up two to three times a night for a bathroom break. Now I’m waking up one time or not at all. I’m also sleeping deeper.
Love it. I’ve lost seven inches. And I was on the product about five days before I measured.
She is off Ozempic for over two weeks now. No weight loss with the Ozempic, but it kept her blood sugar in check. Sometimes on Ozempic, her blood sugar was even down to 120.
One time, it went a little lower. Since starting the Mind-Body DLP-1 system, it is still going up and down. But check out the photo of my meter below.
It was 92. I haven’t seen numbers like that since my type 2 diagnosis 20 years ago. My blood pressure has also shown signs of improvement.
I’m in this for the long haul. And I still believe it is the answer to my prayers. Okay.
A couple more. So Sherry Lynn B., she, on January 9th, non-scale win. My morning blood glucose is 106 to 126 from 174.
Diagnosed with diabetes two years ago. No medications. Using MB about Mind-Body system about two months.
Also on NRF2 and liquid collagen. Have labs next week. Joanne M., October 26th.
Anyone using this product that is diabetic? I became pre-diabetic soon after donating my kidney to my husband. They placed me on metformin. My blood sugars are so much lower now.
Wondering if you had to adjust any meds if it went much lower. It’s so profound. Heather E., my fasting blood glucose went from between 125 to 135 to amazing 80 to 85.
This is a huge win. Eric K., January 17th. Okay.
Had to share. My blood glucose numbers were running a little high. One of my big goals with Mind-Body GLP-1 was to get them lower.
Well, I’d say mission accomplished. If I can maintain this pre-diabetic level, I’m going to be a happy camper. This was taken after nine hours of fasting before I started my day.
In addition, I ran out of mushroom coffee this morning and was filled with so much energy I did without anyone else having a substantial energy increase. So, he’s down to 88 on fasting. Guys, that’s amazing.
Here’s another one. Deanna M., November 22nd. Hi, everyone.
So, I’m not great at wanting to post before and after pics, but here it goes. Six weeks out, GLP-1, Mind-Body, I’m down 14 pounds. Not sure on inches, but all my clothes are starting to become big.
Looks like I will be needed in a shopping trip. I’m sleeping better, more energy, no stomach issues. My A1C has dropped.
The food monster that normally is talking to me has left the building. Feels so much better. Guys, this innovation and technology in the Mind-Body GLP-1 system is changing lives.
I love Shauna’s story. She’s tried everything in her life to lose weight. After four months, she’s still losing weight.
She got to be part of our test group. She is down 27 pounds and four and a half inches just in the waist alone. And then also in six weeks, down 20 pounds and 6% body fat.
It makes a difference. So how long does it take for the body to create GLP-1 receptors? Everybody’s going to be different. The creation and regulation of GLP-1 receptors is a continuous and dynamic process influenced by various factors like diet, exercise, medications, and over metabolic health.
However, the exact timeline for the body to increase GLP-1 receptor synthesis depends on the stimulus and individual physiology. So what does that mean? Every body is different, and everyone’s results will vary. We have some people who gain weight, and there’s a reason for that.
If your body’s not used to fiber, it’s going to cause you to gain weight before you lose weight while you’re healing your gut. Don’t freak out. Let it do its job.
GLP-1 receptors are proteins synthesized through normal cellular processes, and the turnover rate for receptor proteins, synthesis, and degradation generally occurs over days to weeks, depending on tissue type and metabolic demand. So high fiber diets and nutrient-rich meals that stimulate GLP-1 release can lead to gradual upregulation of GLP-1 receptors over a period of weeks to months. That’s why all of our studies are based on 12 weeks.
So there were breaks, right? We talk about how much weight you can lose at 8 weeks and how much you can lose at the 12 weeks. So regular exercise also enhances GLP-1 sensitivity and promotes receptor upregulation with noticeable effects within several weeks of consistent activity. GLP-1 receptor agonists, natural mind-body GLP-1 system, right? That’s one.
Work by directly activating these receptors in response. The body can increase receptor expression in some tissues over days to weeks. That’s why some people have great results.
They get on the scale after the first week and lose 7 pounds. It’s disgusting, but congratulations. It’s fantastic.
I’m just jealous because I’m insulin resistant, so it didn’t work that fast for me. But that’s why everybody’s going to be different. It works in days to weeks.
So study results show MB, mind-body GLP-1, increases GLP-1 140% on average by 12 weeks. So what can cause this to slow down? People like me, insulin resistance, right? Our bodies have a little bit more to work on. Not only am I insulin resistant, but I was put in surgical menopause when I was in my 20s.
So I have had an uphill battle pretty much the whole entire life since my 20s. I’ve never had a six-pack tummy ever, and I am actually starting to show muscles in my tummy area. It’s fantastic.
So chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes or obesity, GLP-1 receptor function may be impaired, and improvements through the lifestyle and mind-body GLP-1 system can restore receptor activity over weeks to months. So like I said, everybody’s going to be different. Your body’s going to go through different changes.
There’s different phases you’ll go through, and I’ll show you a place where you can find out what you should expect and what your body’s the different phases it’ll go through. But the keys to sustainable, healthy fat-slash-weight loss, protein intake is very important, and it’s weight-dependent, and there’s a special calculation you do to find out what it is. Water intake, no less than 64 ounces a day.
Guys, you have to drink the water to flush the fat. You’re not going to get results if you’re not drinking water. You’ve got to have healthy fats.
You’re talking olive oil. You are talking cold-pressed organic olive oil, healthy olive oil, not something that’s just full of linoleic acids and really not olive oil. Healthy complex carbs.
Avocado is really good for a healthy fat. Healthy complex carbs, what are those? Those are your fresh fruits. Make sure you get them.
So to get your protein intake, you divide your weight by pounds, by 2.2 to get your weight in kilograms, and then multiply your weight in kilograms by 1.2 or 2 to get your daily protein range. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you divide that by 2.2, that’s 68 kilograms. So 68 kilograms times 1.2 equals 81.6 grams.
That 1.2 is if you’re not very active. If you’re super active, you multiply that 68 by 2, and you get 136 grams is what you need. So somewhere between the 81.6 grams and 136 grams, depending on how active you are.
For an example, my goal weight is 115 pounds. I’m getting closer every day. So I am very active.
I play tennis almost every day, except when it’s freezing cold outside like it is now in North Carolina. What the heck? You northerners can take your weather back up, please. Pretty please? So my 115 goal, right, divide that by 2.2 is 52.27 kilograms.
I take that, times it by 2 because of how active, and I’m supposed to get 104 grams of protein a day. So everybody’s going to be different. I’ll have this in the telegram channel so that you can see how to calculate your protein.
So real quick, the MindBodyGLP-1 system just by itself is $159.99 if you’re a consultant. It’s $179.99 if you do a customer subscription. To become a consultant, it’s a wild whopping $50 once a year.
There are no selling requirements necessary. But if you would like to make a business out of it, hint, hint, this industry is worth $23 billion. Just a hint.
You can also do a one time order, but that’s kind of silly based on the studies. You’re not doing yourself any favors because you may or you may not lose any weight or inches. And it is way more expensive.
The Healthy Weight Stack, the one that we did all the studies on, that you will get increased for four more antioxidant pathways, nine more ways to burn fat, and 22 new genes turned on to heal and protect your organs, is for consultants $189.99 or for customers $213.74. It’s wonderful because you’re getting that NRF-2 for a wild whopping $33 instead of $62. So when you could do it in stacks and bundles, they help discount the price for you. And the Premium Stack.
Guys, we went over a couple of weeks ago how important the NRF-2 and liquid collagen were for autoimmune diseases. So I cannot wait to get the study results of the MindBody system with the NRF-2 and liquid collagen. Those results are probably going to be mind blowing.
But it is a great option. I do this every day. Can’t get enough of it.
For consultants, it’s $299.99. For customers, it’s $337. It just enhances and lowers the inflammation in the body and the cellular stress. It helps get you back on the right path.
Where it all started, right? Our NRF-2 reduces oxidative stress. We got a prime time, ABC prime time, tried to show that we were just lying about our product. John Kionis will never go off our product now because we proved to him that we not only said what we did, but did it better.
We reduce oxidative stress by 40% in just 30 days and 70% in 120 days. Washington State University dubbed it as potentially the most extraordinary therapeutic and preventative breakthrough in the history of medicine. We are the activation company.
We literally activate God’s given plan for our immune system to make what we need. So we take the protandium NRF-2 to make the antioxidants. We take the liquid collagen to make collagen.
There are 10 collagen types in that liquid collagen, and we have the studies to prove it actually works. The mind-body, we take it to make GLP-1. We activate the GLP-1.
And don’t forget, this is the last week to enter and get the MB enhanced to enter the Activate and Thrive in 2025. So the details, if you would like, there’s over actually it’s now 30,000 in cash prizes. So there is a first place prize of three thousand dollars for the best male or the best female.
There is a three thousand dollar prize for the best couple. So you each get three thousand. Right.
It’s six thousand. And then for the couples, it can be mother, daughter, father, daughter, mother, son. It can be best friends.
It doesn’t matter. Be a couple. Help push each other and help do the best things for your body.
So if you would like to join that challenge. So if you start by the 31st, your last day will be. Whoops.
What day will it be? Oh, shoot. I took that part out of the slide. But I can let you know.
It’s yes. Just text me 704-249-5565. I can get you all the information you need to be able to get on that into that and get registered for it and win some money.
Please order through the Mark Z team dot LifeVantage dot com link to get all these wonderful products. It helps Mark and I both. And it helps Mark put business in the right place.
It’s actually our sister Wendy’s link. So when it comes up, you’ll see referred by Wendy ZW. She’s also you know, her as the person who’s helping out with the CBD gurus.
Yes. So remember, save money and order stacks. If you have questions, text me.
I can help you. Oh, awesome. Flying squirrel.
Fantastic. One week. No after dinner snacking.
And then I think you said Moose is already doing wonderful. So be a fantastic. OK, there is a wonderful place to get information on what to expect and in the four different phases your body will go through on this.
There is success tracker. There’s a start guide to make sure you’re doing it correctly. You take your MB core pills first thing in the morning on a completely empty stomach.
Your stomach has to be empty for four hours. So take it first thing in the morning when you wake up. Wait 30 minutes and you can’t have any calories in a spoiler alert, everyone.
I hate to tell you this, but even black coffee has calories in it. And especially if you put milk or sugar in it, it’s loaded with calories. Don’t do it.
Drink water. Your body will thank you for the water instead. Do the MB enhance.
I like to make mine with my protein shake. So I do two scoops in the morning around 10. Keeps me full all through lunch.
And I do a small lunch. And then usually around four, I do my next two scoops of the MB enhance. So that way I don’t do snacking after dinner.
Also, just remember, we have a whole nutrition guide. What macro nutrients you need, what protein you need, what carbohydrates you need, what fats you need, all that stuff. But I love this picture.
I came across it in our Facebook Web site, our activated weight loss site. If you would like to join it, please text me. I will send you the link so that you can join us and see everything.
But you are your body is what you eat. So when you put in the healthy things, you get the healthy body. And just remember, all the foods that we have now are pretty much processed.
So you have to be careful. Shop the outside aisles of the of the grocery store because those are your healthier foods. And just one last thing, Mark, and I’ll finish as you get closer to the inside of the store.
That’s where all the processed foods are that are killing your body. So shop the outside aisles. They are safer for you.
- Good morning. I didn’t get the chance to tell you.
Hi. OK. Whoops, you’re muted.
I would say kind things wrap up, but I am so far behind. I got to go. See you tonight at seven.