Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 01-20-2025

Inaugural Coffee with MarkZ. 01/20/2025

So, uh, how crazy is the world gonna get? Hello, Whip. Hello, Sunflower and Moose. Hello, Mike.


Hello, Ruth and Deli and Gary7. Hello, 72Z, Jason. Good to see you in the hat.


Yeah, right. Just a minute. Here’s a pardon.


Here’s a pardon. A car for you. A car for you.


Uh, yeah, yeah. He went there. In the wee hours, Joe Biden decided to pardon Anthony Fauci and much of the J6 committee.


Blanket pardons for crimes never committed supposedly. It’s gonna get interesting. I would not be surprised after Trump’s remarks yesterday to see even more pardons flying around.


Some very unexpected ones. Uh, many rumors, and you guys sound off here. Did Trump indeed say that we would know today who killed the Kennedys and Martin Luther King? Is he gonna drop that news? Is he gonna declassify that material on Martin Luther King Day? The, uh, killers of Martin Luther King, or at least what they know in the government.


I mean, this could get crazy before the day is done. Yep. They can’t plead the fifth now, right? Can’t plead the fifth, but if they lie under oath, that’s a new crime.


Oh, this is gonna get interesting, isn’t it, Sharon? What does my gut say? My gut says we’re about to see two of the craziest days in American history. World history. Dink said, I heard that too, Mark.


Yeah, J6 crew. Oh, James, we’re gonna get into that one. Why are they telling us? Very easy reason.


This is great, great piece in our rack over the weekend about new bills and new security features. Great way to softball. Slow pitch.


I mean, they put it on a tee ball. Loving it. Let’s see.


I don’t know or follow Holly, but someone sent me a video where she says the RV won’t happen until the U.S. Senate is released and the public’s announced. Dana, we’ve been told from day one, 20 whatever years ago, that they would happen at the same time. So is she right? Yeah.


Is she wrong? Yeah. I mean, you pick. They’re expected to happen at the same time.


So I mean, to me, even making the comment doesn’t make any sense because it’s supposed to happen at the same time. Yeah. Disgusting with a pardon for Fauci.


And they took the time to remind us that these people had done great things and we owed them a debt of gratitude. Yeah. I got friends and family that are dead because of them.


So, yeah, I gonna be a little miss in my opinion. So that gratitude is going to be M.I.A. Hello, Casper Cajun. Appreciate that one, Shane, Sean, Jan, Jane.


Thank you for that for that comfort there. R.W., it’s good to see you in the house. Hello.


Hello, Fred. Hello, Miss Divine. Boy, I tell you, I don’t want to forget.


You know, with a second. Vortex get this one right. Get another Arctic vortex, get another polar vortex hitting so we get more cold weather ahead.


Americans are expected to spend more money on heating bills this season than they did on holiday gifts. Home heating is expected increased by eight point seven to an average of nine hundred and forty one bucks this winter forecast, which beats the expected nine or two that the average household spent on Christmas. This is why I use portable secret weapon.


It is pretty cool, guys. Yeah, it’s going in the luggage. When I go back to see you all makes the home warm, toasty without all the extra heating costs.


Vice portable, but powerful mini heater that makes nearly any room warm and cozy in no time. It’s compact enough to take anywhere, but strong enough to warm up bedroom, office, living room, anywhere you want near instant warmth. Plus, it includes building overheat protection, adjustable heat levels and simple warmth to toasty level, making it perfect for the family.


Do your wallet a favor and grab one up to 60 percent off this winter season. Stay warm. Stay warm now.


Stay warm now. I’m going to have to practice that one. Plus, order a day and you’ll receive free expedited shipping, 60 day satisfaction guarantee and several other free bonuses.


Once again, stay warm now. It’s even got a cool little remote so you can sit there and relax while you’re hitting it. Hello, Osbury.


All right. We’re going to have to keep diving in. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


You guys got to slow it down. Thank you for the prayer. Surgery went well.


Doctors sure that mass is not cancer. Praise, praise God. Praise Jesus.


Please continue to pray for quick healing as it’s difficult walking, sitting or kneeling. Thank you for the prayers. Continue prayers for quick healing.


That is awesome. Jeff, there you go. Ohio State.


All right. I’m going to sound off. Who in here is pulling for Ohio State? Who in here is pulling for Notre Dame? Yeah, Divya, I’m with you.


If they didn’t do anything wrong, why do they need a pardon? Although now that it’s like the end thing to do to get a pardon, I’m hoping Trump will give me one, like, you know, little after 12 today when he gets inaugurated. Let’s see. Bernard was not the person we were led.


MLK was not. I’ve definitely read some very interesting things on that front. I would certainly like to know the history.


Hello, Shell Bell, Big Bopper, Busted Gia. Hello, Rhonda. Hey, I appreciate you.


We are looking for, we will be over at, I don’t know if I can pull the link now because we’ve already jumped in. There’s Ohio State sounding off, Notre Dame sounding off. We will be at Liberty on Maine as soon as I wrap up this morning’s podcast.


Maybe a five-minute break, and we will be at Liberty on Maine. Zestronaut planning on being there. Guests will be stopping in and out.


It’s more of a watch party. We’re going to have fun. We’re going to do this together as we get through the ceremonies, et cetera.


So we got a thousand bad guys and ten cities supposed to cause riots, and we have missing nuke material plus monkeypox spraying. Meanwhile, busy day for the Cabal. Whoa, wait a minute.


Aliens, what else have we got scheduled for today? Yeah, Mike, if Trump was already sworn in on the 17th. A lot of ifs going around, and a tremendous amount of crap all over news and Telegram and you name it. Now here’s the fun part.


Our Farmer 1. It’s good to see you in here. It’s been too long. We just had a new grand baby boy born January 15th.


So blessed. Tremendously blessed. Liberty on Maine Street.


Here, I’ll find it for you guys. It just occurred to me. I can find this.


I don’t need any help. I got this one. I go to Liberty on Main Street.


Let you guys help me over here. Here, we’ve got it set up. Inauguration watch party with Mark Z, Zester, and guests.


I can hit the share button. I can copy the link, and I can drop it in over on chat. That’s where we’re going to be watching.


We are supposed to have Fernando with an important human trafficking update today, which to me is fantastic timing because it is all about the children. Let’s back up a few years. It is all about that something, that freedom, saving children, saving people.


So I am particularly excited to have him today, and then we’re supposed to have Wade. We set that one up, and I don’t know if both of us brain farted that it was Inauguration or not, but it ought to be a fun one with Wade before we break to Inaugural coverage. We’re having Inaugural coffee.


And now, let’s get prepared to cover the news, but most importantly, I want you all to remember something very important. We will soon be un-Bidened, but what has been Bidened? Yes, we are about to be un-Bidened, but what has been? It’s a pretty exciting day in America. All right, let’s get into some of the news out of Iraq.


Boy, it was quite an interesting weekend in Iraq. Eagles call, sounding off, protect the children always. Amen.


Free bird with a birthday, Inaugural birthday. All right, Iraqi Parliament adjourns its session after breaking the quorum. Yeah, yesterday was a crap show in Iraqi politics.


They get to budget portions. We get a little fits. We get some whatever.


We have a number of ministers walk out, so then they come back in. Look, we are reconvening Tuesday at 1. We are going to take this up. One of the laws is the new $7.5 billion provision for oil costs, pumping costs, etc.


We are going to settle the herbal thing, and anybody that doesn’t show up pays a $1 million fine that day. In other words, there is no excuse for not showing up and doing your job. You’re elected, and you are paid by the people to do your job.


You will be there, so the politics here is interesting. In the early morning hours of Tuesday morning after the inaugural event, we may well have that vote we have been waiting for. For me, I think things are getting crazy exciting.


Now, it would be easier if they had a rate because the budget tables would make sense. Maybe something big today. I’m certainly hoping and praying, but that is politics.


We’ve got a few articles on it, guys. Imposes a fine of $1 million in the MPU. This is a member of parliament.


Absent from one session. You miss a session, $1 million. But when I tell you at a new value, that is one heck of a fine.


Even when you look at the income, it’s already one tremendous fine. You throw in the curve of what it could be with a new value, that is massive. Massive.


Let’s see. Carrie Ann says it’s happening. I’ll have to agree.


I believe it is happening. I do believe it’s happening. All right.


Let’s keep running. Delegation from the region’s finance heads to Baghdad to discuss salaries and budget amendments. This is, of course, over the weekend with the issues that occurred in the quorum with the stunts there.


They have sent emergency delegations back and forth so they can settle this before Tuesday. Here’s your really big one. CBI unveils new bank note security features.


They show us on the old bills where some of these features could be and what to look for. Now, this one is important to me because this is great cover. This is great cover for new bills and distributing them to the banks, et cetera.


I mean, this is a world class approach. Oh, we’re going to put in new security features, and we’re going to need to distribute these throughout banks, et cetera. There is a transition.


It doesn’t mean the currency we have now is suddenly going to be like not accepted or anything, guys. It doesn’t mean that at all. It means that they’re coming out with new security features and printing new bills and distributing new bills.


Now, they show you on the bigger ones, so nobody panics. They now have the perfect cover, in my opinion, to distribute to the big box stores, whatever they have there, banks throughout the country, region, and area. They now have the perfect cover to distribute denominations and low denominations.


That’s how I read that one. I can’t wait to get some other opinions on that front. This one had me awfully excited right out there yesterday announcing it for the world to see.


It’s going to be the most sophisticated currency in the world, and it should be because I believe it’s about to be the most valuable currency in the world. Parliamentary finance amending Article 12 will cause the state 7FB. I should have squeezed it over here.


This is part of what all the hubbub is about, walkouts to discussions on. It comes to a head tomorrow at 1 p.m. Iraq time is what I have been told. Also, here in the article, they talk about it.


Monday, amend the agenda. The parliamentary session should be scheduled tomorrow at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, according to Baghdad Today. That’s where we pull the times from, guys, right there in Iraqi press from the Iraqi government.


I know it will be a lot to cover. I’m going quickly today because we do get Fernando and we do get Wade, and I’m pretty excited. Musical lady, it’s the truth.


Unfortunately, people always seem more motivated to do the right thing when money is on the line with Iraq not showing up and paying the big fine. Accountability is coming. It’s coming everywhere.


It’s coming around the world, and we’ve got some more articles on that to share. Wade, we will soon be unobeyed and de-heirest again. Let’s see.


Do a search for IQD and look at XC and see what it says. Jerry, I’ve been watching. We’re seeing some absolutely crazy things and crazy value.


Buckle up. We’re seeing a lot in the next few days and already have in the last couple of days after a couple of weeks of just crazy things are heating up. Trump plans to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America and restore Mount Denali’s name to Mount McKinley.


I kind of like that Gulf of America. Well, I mean, it is. North America, Central America.


I mean, it’s literally the Gulf of America. Speaking of security features, I pulled out my denar last night just for grins and notice that I have several 25K notes that do not have the clear security window. Yes, Greg, that’s what they all look like before they change them.


Still good. Similar to like our old 20 bills, our old 20s, our old 10s, the newer 10s have the red coloring to them. The older ones didn’t.


Same gig. Still accepted. Now, my curiosity is will they have us exchange it for the new bills and then have us exchange the new bills similar to what they did in Kuwait? Still accepted.


Still traded. Still got. But they added a little step so that they knew the old bills would disappear without them showing up five years later.


It’s going to be an interesting week. It’s going to be an awesome week. Hello, Kirby.


Good, beautiful American morning. You almost feel the red, white and blue pumping through your veins this morning. You almost smell freedom.


Fortunately, Freedom Forge brewed the coffee this morning. And I’ve gone to grinding it and getting it whole bean. I’ll admit it’s a little better that way.


A little more work. But Libby’s birthday. Libby, there’s a great chance it could, Libby.


I mean a great chance it could. Somebody said Julie was good. Reliable.


God always says pack the suitcase. I might just wait until the polar vortex is gone. Big Daddy’s home.


Yeah, Big Daddy’s returning to the house. You know, only smell hatred for Dr. I know I got nothing formed. You know, I think hatred would be too strong a word because I don’t know.


To me, hatred is a very strong word. But yeah, I trust him as far as I can pick him up. And I think he’s got a tremendous amount to answer to for the American people and people around the world.


Greg, happy belated. I got to hurry, guys. Hopefully, we will see Fernando pop in soon.


Let me make certain I haven’t missed a message that there’s an issue or anything. I’m supposed to tell you guys Freedom Port is doing Inauguration Day special. Let me retweet that one just so you guys see it.


Yeah, 15% off on all coffee use code Trump 47. Trump 47. Now, let me make certain I haven’t missed anything.


All right, we’re good. And we do have some pictures to share and some stuff to share when it’s time for the folks from for Fernando and crew. And all the trucks can name McKinley’s.


I kind of like that name, too. Hmm. Derek.


Brother Derek, is it your birthday? Happy birthday, Derek. It’s ripping so fast. I’m going to miss a lot today.


I’m celebrating my 52nd. Tom, happy birthday. Donna, no fresh word on dawn rate.


I haven’t heard any fresh news on rates other than just a lot of different things popping in, depending on when you’re checking your currency calculators. It’s been crazy. WKW is not.


54 today for Derek. Happy birthday. Austin’s 27th.


All right, let’s get to a couple of these. It’s going to seem like a busy one, guys. You’re going to get way more time with me today.


For any of those that want the time over Liberty and Maine, we’ll answer questions. We’ll do what we can. We’ll cut up.


We’ll have fun. It’s going to be friends watching this historic event together. Davido’s birthday.


It is a great day. Rafe, I don’t know what to tell you on the aggro other than I’m still hearing it’s going to be accepted. I’m still hearing $330,000 per billion.


That’s still what I’m hearing. So I’m still very upbeat. All right, let’s get some of these so that we can get Fernando in here soon, guys.


Out of Iraq. We’re down now. Let’s talk some dirty politics, etc.


Well, after we get a little love, the basics here. Trump, of course, started with a day of prayer. The swearing in ceremony slated to begin just before noon Eastern on Monday, the 20th.


We plan on being live by 1130 over at Liberty on me. So going live, of course, they swear to uphold and defend the Constitution. Something this past administration shat upon, in my opinion.


Vance swears in just before that, just before Trump swears in. And I assume that is for a safety mechanism. NBC, of course, all these different companies and news outlets.


Right side. I totally understand. For me, I don’t think our coverage is going to be unique other than it is going to be a watch party with friends and community may have a few cutting edge things.


We will be watching live. Of course, it started off at St. John’s Church this morning. The thumbnail I picked is from that service.


Looking forward to it. Trek for life. Just want to say thank you for that very kind trip for life.


I don’t want to miss him. There’s so many in here. Rob J. Keep thinking of Aladdin.


A whole new. Oh, that’s great. We have to sing that one.


Rob J. Rhonda, thank you. Thank you. And many ways we can’t speak of here.


Kirby. That was back to the gratitude we’re supposed to fill towards Fauci and crew. All right.


Let’s just keep running before I let myself get distracted more. There’s a humdinger. Epstein’s cellmate claims the feds offered a plea deal in exchange for framing Trump peers.


There were a lot of shenanigans behind the bars. This is one of many things dropping. So what he was said now, supposedly, we are talking about a former police officer turned contract killer.


So you got to question the source a little, I would think, or at least that’s the story I’m reading. I don’t know. The gentleman may it may have been.


I don’t know. I don’t know the details, but he’s saying that the government told me I don’t have to prove this is what Epstein supposedly said to his cellmate. So Epstein says to him, but the government told me I don’t have to prove what I say.


You just got to. You just got to implicate Trump. Doesn’t have to be proved.


You just got to be willing to be on press sound bits, bites, whatever, implicating Trump and all of this Epstein child trafficking. Yeah, just the foul stuff going on there. But look, you don’t have to prove it as long as Trump’s people can’t disprove it.


Targalyen allegedly further claimed, adding that Epstein even considered making stuff up to save himself. Epstein saying they offered him right here. He said, yeah, well, let’s let’s back it all the way up.


Targalyen Tony allegedly told an independent journalist in California that Epstein asked him when you were caught, what do you know about proffers and cooperating? I said, just pretty simple. The prosecutors, you know, they caught a fish. You they’re not going to let that fish off the hook unless you give them a bigger fish.


The inmate who’s now serving four consecutive life sentences then recalled what Epstein told him that big fish the feds wanted was Trump. He said, yeah, well, that’s what they said. They told me they’d let me plead out something small and I’ll do just a couple of years in a camp.


If I can give them something on Trump to get him impeached. So that’s what he reported and commented. He said the government told me I don’t have to prove it.


They just can’t disprove it. And considered making stuff up. Inmate also remarked Epstein told him he didn’t really know Trump, that he had nothing on him and there was bad blood because he’d been thrown out of a party at Mar-a-Lago by Trump after being too forward with young women.


Is anybody surprised our own law enforcement, our own feds sit down to try to frame Trump because they fear him? But that’s that would not surprise me. I’m not saying it did or didn’t happen. I’m saying this is alleged until proven one way or the other.


And it’s going to be really difficult to prove because somebody turned the cameras off, which is really dang on convenient. If you’re trying to peddle a story like this on either side of it. Miss Jeannie just watched Trump meet Biden at the White House.


He says Trump gets out of the SUV. Welcome home. Now that would be funny.


Welcome home. I lowkey think Biden’s ready for Trump to take it. I think that’s a part.


That’s a crazy he wants out of and hopes he can take his skin with him. Trump to suspend the security clearances for CIA contractors who colluded to discredit Hunter Biden. Laptop story made my day.


This article did so many things. Trump is promising day one with orders, etc. This should be a roller coaster of a day, folks.


Buckle up with Trump in power. Orban vows to expel source network from Hungary, urges patriots across Europe to do the same. I love this one.


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who bet big on Trump victory, is now making broad predictions about a new golden age for Hungary with Trump in the White House while taking shots at Democrats and George Soros. Including a promise to expel his organizations from Hungary. Everything will change.


A different day will dawn over the Western world on Tuesday morning. The failed democratic governance in America will come to an end. My garden is that reported Viktor Orban as saying in his first interview this year on Kosovo Radio’s Good Morning Hungary program.


So this is a this is what was said by Orban. These are powerful words. Everything will change.


A different day will dawn over the Western world on Tuesday morning. The failed democratic governance in America will come to an end. The whole world is betting big on this.


The fight back against Soros. This is much bigger than just Trump beating Biden, folks. Or, excuse me, Harris.


Does anybody really think he ever really ran against Harris? TikTok restores U.S. service. Credits Trump as Democrats freak out. They are very unhappy because it is a wildly popular app.


I forget what the number is, guys, but it’s like 120 or 130 million Americans a day log into it. It’s widely used by over a third of Americans. Got a 90 day stay as they get it figured out and worked out.


Giving credit to Trump directly. All right. Russian media alleges a NATO F-16 pilot killed in a strike on Ukraine somewhere where they shouldn’t have been.


Of course, there are claiming that the person was on the ground and was just there in training capacity. But we do have a NATO soldier and flight instructor dead in the conflict zone. This not going to play well, not going to play well because they’re not supposed to be there.


It’s going to get interesting, guys. It’s going to be crazy interesting. All right.


Now, let’s speed things up. You’re going to get more, guys. You can quiz me all afternoon as we’re doing live country of the inauguration.


Right now, I’m going to take advantage of having Fernando in here. Welcome to the show. Thank you.


Thank you. Good to have you here. Same here.


Thank you. Thank you so much. I know today is a big day with Donald Trump and everything, so I won’t take too much of your time.


But I want to give you guys a little update. And, yeah, so first things first, we were able in Colombia, there was an American citizen that was 24 years hiding in Colombia for raping his 14-year-old daughter. And we finally got him.


I mean, we didn’t have the case for 24 years, but they asked us for our help. And we went undercover and we got him. I mean, the whole 24 years, I mean, that part hurts and all those things.


But it’s also very reassuring that 24 years later, 99% of law enforcement, they would have already walked away. They would have given up. You guys got justice.


That’s damn exciting for me. Yeah, the U.S. Marshals came down, got him. He’s back in the States.


He’s going to do his time. Once I find out, like, how long he’s going to do, I’ll let you guys know. But one of the things that I wanted to speak about based on that case and cases similar is that I need a tool that is called cobwebs.


And it’s basically a tool that does facial recognition, pinning the phones. It speeds up the investigation process when we’re looking for Americans in other countries. It’s very costly.


So one of the things I want to ask, if someone in your group or yourself knows about how to do events like fundraising events or galas or something, please email Jennifer because I would like to do a couple of those in the U.S. this year to raise funds for, like, cobwebs, for example, or Babu Street. These are, like, tools that law enforcement uses to combat human trafficking. It’s rare that a nonprofit has it, but since I’m active law enforcement, they’re willing to sell it to me because I already spoke to the salesperson’s personnel and stuff like that.


So that’s one of the things that I would like this year is a high end technology to speed up the process of catching these people. Well, that’d be huge. And, yeah, I’ll work with Jennifer because I’ll be back in the Carolinas over the next month or two.


And we’ll set up a event in whether it’s Hickory, Charlotte, somewhere like that with donations going to don’t know how well it’ll do, but it’ll get us a start. So I’ll have that conversation with Jennifer. Now, she did send me some pictures.


Do you want to talk about any of these things yet? Yes, that’s the guy that we arrested, the American citizen. He was actually hiding in a store like he worked in the store for 24 years. So our undercover person went in and asked him to come out to negotiate a another business because they didn’t have the arrest warrant for the store, but they had the arrest warrant for him.


So as soon as he came out, the police grabbed him and he got arrested. So justice is done for that. His daughter, you know, 24 years, like you said, she was 14 at the time.


So she’s an she’s an adult now. But trauma is, you know, or or or the piece of not not justice hasn’t been there for over 24 years. So now, you know, she’s going to face her, you know, abuser and hopefully does a lot of time in jail in the US.


That’s just yeah, I don’t know what you want me to show or not show. But this one to me, I mean, I’ll just let you explain. Yes, this will actually happen last night.


Well, in yesterday. Well, you know, after midnight, so can’t give too much of the details, like how many females was rescued or anything like that. But I wanted you guys to see the the tenacity.


I was going to say, you know, in other words, the tenacity of these guys, these traffickers that have the pricing on the walls. And I translate to English and equivalent to the dollars as Colombian pesos. So you see how how in in our in our U.S. mindset is cheap.


But for them, it’s a lot of money. But eleven dollars and forty eight cents is the price to have sex with a Colombian victim in Colombia. And they have to work at least four days in a row according to the the the words in Spanish and white.


So I just wanted you to see, like how they sell these women, like like it was vegetables or bread or McDonald’s or something like that. You know, it’s like rent and dryer time at the laundromat. Yes, this is big.


Yeah, that’s that’s just it. OK, now these there’s three girls that we had, we rescued 16 teens two years ago that were being exploited by traffickers, that one of them was doing grooming, like having them send them acting like a young teenage, like Justin Bieber type person over the Facebook. And they had them like fall in love with him.


None of them knew that what was happening, but then they started like sending like little sexy pictures and stuff. And then he used that against them. The trafficker was actually an older person.


And then the main trafficker was acting like a pastor from a church and made them skip school to have sex with foreigners in the Dominican Republic. So we was able to do the rescue. We rescued them.


A lot of them, we help graduate these two sisters actually graduated high school. Thanks for supporting them. So now they took trade school, how to do nails and hair.


And they were like their own nail salon. Three of those victims. So I’m seeking help or supporters to help me help them have their own nail salon.


It will be from their house, not a rented place, but to get the tools they need so they can have their own business. Because they got into it because, you know, one of them was like trying to help their mother that she couldn’t work. You know, two of them was without parents living by themselves, teens living by themselves.


So so they could sustain themselves. They would like to have a nail salon. So I’m looking for support for that as well, which would be great.


I’ve got more another picture or two to hit, but I’ve got a lot of people want to know how much the software is. You might have it sooner than you think. Well, they’re willing to sell it to me because I need two licenses, two licenses, meaning two people could operate that.


And they wanted to sell it to me for 60,000. It’s actually 120,000. And we know what our goals are.


All right. Let’s start on this one. Yeah, she’s another one that we we rescued that same rescue.


And she also went to we paid for her to go to trade school and she would like to have her own nail salon. She’s only 17. She was abandoned by her mother and she was taking care of her two sisters.


So imagine a 17 year old taking care of two sisters, couldn’t go to school because she’s taking care of two sisters. And that’s why she fell into that trap. So where, you know, we want to get her entrepreneur, you know, her and her sisters, like entrepreneurs.


And a lot of trafficked victims. We do this. There’s other ones that already have their hair salon.


There’s other ones that have a cooking business. So we try to, like, kill them first and then give them opportunity to be their own boss. You know, so they can keep moving forward and don’t fall into the same trap.


One, just seeing people in here talk about their past abuse, Jeff, and a number of folks in here have talked about it. And all I can do is say, God bless you for being strong enough to have the conversation. We need to be more vocal about that.


So we know I mean, this it is so real. It is so real. They try to convince you it’s not because they don’t want you to say anything or upset their apple cart.


But it is the human trafficking industry has surpassed the drug industry. Oh, yeah. Big time.


Big time. Because, like I always said, you can sell a drug once, but you can sell the same human over and over and over and over again. You know, so another thing for the parents out there that don’t want their kids.


We just lost your audio, Fernanda. I think I just heard you again. Oh, wait.


Now we just got to hit the mute button. How about now? Yeah, not as good a quality, but it works. We can hear you.


I see the microphone. Check, check, check. We can hear you.


You’re just fine. Just have fun like that. OK.


Battery. You have worked with them before, but compared to the size of Tebow’s group, you guys are small potatoes, but you do big stuff with little dollars. I’ve worked with Tim Tebow Foundation rescuing 45 Haitian kids from Haiti.


These kids were. We lost you again on audio. Is this one OK? No.


Yeah. Fantastic. OK.


I had to change the settings. OK. So, yeah, I worked with them before rescuing Haitian kids from disabled Haitian kids from Haiti to for them to be able to go to Jamaica.


And I just would like to point out, guys, you all were instrumental in raising the funds for that Haiti operation that got the special needs kids out. I mean, it’s that was particularly rewarding for I mean, horrific that it happens, but rewarding that we got to help. Oh, yes, because they went in.


I mean, you guys went in a hot zone. I mean, you went in during the height of which I mean, it’s still going on for those that aren’t paying attention, the unrest in Haiti. But you guys went in like two or three weeks after the gangs threw the president out.


I mean, you guys were like at the forefront of that. It had to be serious. Your wife had to be terrified for you or you were just smart enough not to tell her what you were about to be doing.


Sometimes I tell her afterwards. Yeah. In the ATB website under education, if you guys scroll down, I created a guide, a parent’s guide for protecting your children against human traffickers, pedophiles and groomers.


So it’s absolutely free. You download it and you guys can learn how to speak to your children and what to look out for. Also show you how to go to the settings of Facebook and Instagram so you can just keep tabs on your children so that make sure that they don’t get trafficked or groomed into stuff that they’re not supposed to do.


So if you go to education and you scroll down, you’ll you’ll see the guide there. And I do want to point out just real quick, anti-trafficking bureau or guys, you can find out you can do training, get more education. You can find out more about them, more about Fernando.


And, you know, Fernando stuck in a tough spot because he is, you know, head honcho. They are making things happen. Head fundraiser.


But he’s also the man on the ground. So, I mean, it puts you this recognition for you to raise money for the organization, puts one hell of a crosshairs on you when you do undercover work. So I just want folks to remember what what you’re doing here is pretty dangerous.


Oh, yeah. I mean, the most dangerous we’re doing now is that group train the Agra, which is the Venezuelan gang that’s running rampant in the U.S. But we’ve been fighting them since June before they even came into the U.S. And we have we were able to arrest a lot of heads because the number one income is human trafficking. So that’s a dangerous group.


You guys know it because they’re in Tennessee, Florida. I mean, Colorado. Yeah, Colorado.


But before you guys even knew the name, I was already combating them in Colombia. I just I read some of these stories and I just thank you guys for sharing them because I know they’re not easy. They’re difficult things to share.


Captain Peggy said, I have a special needs brother. I can’t even wrap my brain around that. I mean, to me, I mean, that is a special level of just depravity and evilness.


Yeah. Bobby Neese just said apply where needed. Now it does take guys.


If you go if you donate directly to ATB, it gets to them faster with fewer fees. YouTube obliterates when we do live chats. I mean, they take by the time it’s all said and done and taxes are gone.


About half of it disappears and goes off to that alphabet company that owns them. So if you can always go direct to ATB, it just it just it’s more efficient and fewer dollars get filtered out for other people’s pockets. Yes.


Yes. How there’s Jennifer, you guys. Jennifer’s made it.


She’s joined us. She is the stateside rep for ATB fundraising and she’s told us her personal story as well. We we can’t thank you guys enough.


I mean, it’s been great having you all so that we can truly make a difference. No, the honor is mine. Truly.


I mean, you guys have done a lot. All right. Anything else you want to cover before we keep moving? I know we need to get you back in here sooner than we did last time.


Yeah, I’ll be heading to Columbia back on February 15th for that. What I was talking about during the Agra, there’s a big. Well, I’ll stay signed for that, but there’s something huge coming.


So after that. Yeah, I will let you know. So you can be back and then I can speak about it more in detail.


That’d be great. We’ll get you back in early part of February before you leave again. OK, perfect.


And I can’t thank you enough for taking the time today. Thank you, guys. I know today, like I said, is a special day for the US.


I’m American citizen, so I know. So I got the American flag up here. I’m very excited.


So I’m going to watch it live as well. We appreciate you, Fernando. God bless and Godspeed and all the endeavors.


Thank you. Thank you, guys. Thank you.


God bless. Thanks. And Flying Squirrel, thank you for putting that in, put in the Web site and also Fernando’s personal PayPal.


If you want to make, you know, just skip and go straight to it so that funds are there faster, et cetera. They are working on their 503 C, I believe, for the state side. It’s kind of a nightmare and it opens up a door.


It’s got it’s a real pain in the butt, but they are doing their best, guys, to make certain you guys can discount as much as you want. Leo’s in the capital today. Did you see their meeting, Lillipad, when he got off the plane? They look like old friends.


That one felt good. There is a large number of new. How do I say this? New centrist leaders, leaders with a little sane and common sense that will be there.


Pretty excited about that one. Let’s see. Whip just said Deanna Mason’s new grandbaby Camilla Raquel to the world.


Eight pounds, 12 ounces. Wow. A big baby girl right around 805 today, this morning.


That is awesome. That is just awesome. Boy, I hate I missed the troll that we were having in there.


Yeah, all I can see based on their name, Melania is like the inauguration. She was at the church this morning, too. Shorty, thanks.


Yeah, the occupation ends at noon. Let’s see. Mesa, Colorado, blue.


Thanks for bringing a to be on your site. We need to know who are trying to save the children. Tebow and other one that I hope to help with.


Yeah, they do good work. Everything I have found and researched and talked with people directly involved, including some of the agents. They say great things about the Tebow group and operation.


Dr. Hair, it’s good to see you on Biden. But what has been? We’re an hour and 13 minutes away. I should probably go ahead and see if we can get Wade and Gina in here to speed things up so that we can get over for that live coverage.


For those that would like to join while he is speaking, I will drop the live link for Liberty in Maine to all my son and daughter. Each weighed in at eight pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Wow, that’s neat.


Wow. She’s blessed in a beautiful and important day. It is a blessing.


Important day. I should probably sing first before we turn Wade and Gina loose. So I’m just going to warn you, Wade.


I see Gina wandering around and wait. I’m just going to cover your ears now. All right.


I’m going to sing to the folks. We’re going to have a waiting Gina on. Talk water for a bit and then we will bounce over to the other channel for coverage.


The watch party. Brent Freebird, Libby, Greg, Derek, Tom, Austin, Davida. Anybody else? Please sound off.


So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live.


May you love. May all your dreams come true. Happy birthday.


Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday.


Allegedly Obama was having an affair with Jennifer Aniston. Big Mike must be serious. Oh, you can’t make up all the craziness in our world.


All right. Let’s get Wade and Gina in here. Good morning, Mark.


Great singing this morning, buddy. Are you feeling Biden? But what has been yet? Yeah, we’re going to drive in 25. Drive in 25.


I’ll tell you, the excitement that’s going on everywhere is absolutely incredible. You know, we actually I mean, it has made such a big difference in our community. Just knowing.


And so there’s the hiders and all the rest, buddy. We’ve been having a good time. But, guys, I tell you, it’s a little chilly this morning.


We were minus 14 when I was driving in and they’re calling for some wind chill coming in today. You know what? Is that light okay, Mark? Ouch. Yeah, minus 14 when I was driving in.


Let’s try it. Which light’s better? Is that better? Oh, I don’t know. We’ll let them all sound off.


I think either one works pretty well. So it was minus 14 coming in, but they’re talking about the wind chill coming in today about minus 40. Because it’s clear, clear blue skies.


And when that wind blows that snow, it is cold. Yes, absolutely. And then I was talking to my dear friend, Micherie, this morning, New Orleans.


They’re talking eight inches of snow tomorrow, six to eight inches of snow tomorrow. That’s the most snow. The last time that happened was 1895.


So, man, what a weekend, what a week this is starting out to be. But I can’t wait for the inauguration today. I can’t wait just to get rolling, and I’m excited about that.


So, guys, let me introduce myself real quick and my wife. My name is Wade Holder. We own MyFreeWaterStore, Willamette Park, Colorado.


This is my wife, Gina. She is my partner. Everything we do, guys, is because of her.


So, I’ll tell you, guys, years ago, a doctor said to me, Wade, you have cancer. I’m like, oh, no, no, doc. I don’t accept this diagnosis.


I was 50 years old, lost a few million dollars in the middle of all this stuff, right, 2010, like it hit everybody. And I started my search. I started looking into all the things that we talk about with Stacy and all of them, actually, and started looking at different supplements, different things.


But I’ll tell you, guys, the thing that caught my attention most, my body is 70% plus water. Our bodies are 70% plus water. And I’m like, man, we need to look at that.


So I reached out to some very dear friends, and they said, Wade, listen, Japan, in Japan, they make this what they call an ionizer, and it takes ordinary tap water. It separates off the acidity and keeps behind the alkalinity. And when you consume this water, it’s full of antioxidants, so it helps get into the body, restore the body, and create an environment in which a degenerative disease cannot thrive.


Doesn’t mean it can’t exist, but it cannot thrive. So I started drinking water. Five weeks later, when I got in to see that specialist, they could find no symptomology of cancer.


That was awesome. That was basically our introduction to this. But what was really, really cool, what was amazing, is I had a lot of arthritis.


I was professional motocross when I was young, and then I’d broken my back, my lower back, in 2008. So I had a lot of inflammation in my spinal system, and all of that washed out. Guys, and so that led me to purchase a machine, and then praying about it, the Lord told me to water his people.


Thus, here we are. We give out about 15,000 gallons a month into our community. It’s an amazing business model.


So we never talk about that on here, but it’s an amazing business model. If anybody is looking to do something where they can help their community, this is amazing. And that is part of our humanitarian project, guys, is once we have everything in place, right, and that’s coming very soon, we want to put centers like our center throughout the world, and starting here, starting here, in the United States.


But anyways. So our theme is we’re going to thrive in 25. That’s right.


Okay, so if you guys are not thriving, we are here to tell you, look at what you do. Yeah. And we’re going to show you why.


That’s right, that’s right. You know, I absolutely love the other people that come on the show that show all those different things, and the mushroom girls and CBD gurus. But guys, nothing, nothing operates in the body without hydration.


It’s the start of everything. And so, you know, hydration is the key to all success in the body. So today we’re going to talk about that.


We’re going to talk about what hydrates your body, what also creates the acidic environment in the body, and what can help you with alkalinity in the body. Okay. Now listen, this is not alkaline, as in using chemicals.


This is utilizing the minerals that God gives us in the first place in water, separating off the junk and keeping those alkaline minerals. And through this process, it’s called electrolysis. We steal electrons, send them down, put them into the cup, and then when you drink them, they can completely flood your body.


So you cannot go to Walmart or Sigway or Kroger or one of them and buy 8.8 water or 9.5. You are not getting electrolyzed reduced water. That’s right. You’re going to get chemicalized water.


And by the way, I was going to do our stick today and our bubbler, and my bubbler is broken. I had not unpacked it. I got it in when I went to unpack it.


It was broken. So the next time we’re doing the stick, we’re doing the bubbler. We’re going to show you all of the reasons you want to stay away from all of that stuff that they’re advertising because alkalinity is the key.


And so what we’re going to start right off, guys, is we’re going to talk about the antioxidant properties of things. And so what we have here is we have a meter. And Gina can just read the numbers to you if you want.


What we’re going to do is we have this little probe and it tests things to tell you if they’re if it’s an antioxidant or if it’s an oxidizer. Right now, we have it in a cup of what we call 2.5 acid water. This is so such a positive electric charge.


It literally when it meets something, it steals their electrons. So they cease to exist. And so we’re just the probes in there.


It’s probably 1,000 plus. It’s 1,100. 1,128.


Yeah, I don’t know if you need it. Maybe go up there or not. But 1,100 positive.


Okay, so then the star of the show today is going to be our energy, Kangen water, 9.5. And it should be around negative. So it’s got this little negative number on it. And it’s negative 844.


Negative 844. It’s going to show it right now. What that means is it’s full of electrons.


It is giving antioxidants to the body. The beauty of this is it’s water. When you consume this, it immediately floods the body.


There are tons and tons of videos out there where doctors have utilized this type of water. And in just moments, it’s throughout the whole body. So you can drink a glass, prick your finger, and you’ll be able to see the difference.


As a matter of fact, so people that, you know, coagulation of blood is an issue for a lot of people. Well, that happens when your blood turns positive or acidic. And so what we’re getting ready to do is just test these different liquids.


We’re looking at Sprite right now. So we’re looking at all sodas. We use Sprite because it’s clear or 7-Up or whatever that is over there.


We use that because it’s clear. But any soda, it doesn’t matter, root beer, the ginger ale, you know. Grandma used to tell us drink a little bit of ginger ale for an upset stomach.


Don’t do it, guys. 285. 285 positive is what soda is.


Now, I want you to understand something, guys. The body starts breaking down. When it starts breaking down, it turns positive.


Cancer turns on a positive 35 millivolts in the body. So here we are, and it has now just hit over 300, just over 300, almost 10 times what it takes to turn cancer on in the body. So when you drink a soda, what are you doing? You’re introducing a liquid that can literally turn on microbes in your body to take you back to the earth.


  1. There we go. Okay, so back to a negative.


Let’s go to Propel. Propel represents any of the sports drinks. So Gatorade, any of those.


We just happened to find Propel because it was clear, because the next test that we do is going to show you the differences in the alkalinity of these. So here we are moving up towards 300. You know, Propel, people believe that they’re drinking Propel for the electrolytes and to hydrate their body.


You guys, this is how much it’s stealing from your body. Almost 300, 280 positive. Positive.


So it’s stealing away from your body. Now let’s go back. Hey, now let’s look at the top two drink waters.


And listen, guys, usually I do like seven. Oh, there’s three waters here. Usually I do like seven different waters.


But let’s just look at this. Aquafina is Pepsi Cola. Guys, if you don’t know that, it’s bottled tap water.


There’s a couple of few bottling places. Denver, Colorado is one. Dallas, Texas is one.


And I hear there’s one in Kansas. Somebody was telling me that one day that they have a bottling plant up there. Listen, guys, they take tap water, run it through the filtration process, and then put it into a bottle.


Here it is going up 300 plus. This is higher right now. This is higher in oxidation than the soda is.


So this is literally robbing your body every time you drink this. Guys, this is water. This should be giving life, not taking life.


So just, you know, Brooke, where are we at? So we’re 360, almost 70, 370 positive. Positive. So the plastic bottle that it’s sitting in, we’re putting water in it that’s already not good, and now we’re putting it in this plastic bottle and then we’re consuming it.


Everybody’s afraid of their tap water, their other stuff, so they’re buying all this water, but they’re not getting what they’re hoping for. Right. Yeah.


Okay, where are we at? Almost 400. There it is. It just went to 400.


So it’s always a little bit of a race between Aquafina and Dasani. Dasani is Coca-Cola. You know, I’m not here to try and pick on anyone in particular, guys, but listen, these are the top two waters in the world.


Do you know that Pepsi, excuse me, my understanding is Pepsi makes more money on water than they do all their soda products. I’m like, that’s amazing. Of course, water is almost zero cost.


Okay. And then the bottling process and out they go. And these are, you know, a buck and a half a bottle, a buck a bottle depending on if you catch them on sale someplace.


So if you, we’ll talk about how much water you should drink, and I want you to keep that in mind. That’s about, what is it, 12 ounces or 16 ounces? 12 ounces. That’s 12 ounces, right? So 300 plus and still climbing on Dasani.


Guys, this causes oxidation in the body. It causes an environment that allows degenerative disease to thrive. Now I’m not going to be doing testimonies and stuff today, videos, but I can show you what happens with people with dementia or Alzheimer’s or autism or cancers and such, because we’ve had so many.


So 373 headed to 380. Okay, now let’s do this. What’s this? This is.


So this is the cheap stuff. This particular one is great value. Everybody has their own water these days, and now they put it in these nice little cheap bottles.


They sell it 40 or 50 bottles at a time for nice and cheap, but here’s what it’s good for. And so great value I think is Walmart brand? Okay, so this is their Walmart brand, and so we’re just testing it, seeing what it does for the body. And so 270.


Look how fast it’s climbing. I don’t know if you guys, I think you can see it. I’m trying to get it.


I could see it there. So we’re climbing as fast as soda and 300. 320, 330.


Man, I mean, it’s just going up, going up, going up. So when you drink this water, it’s stealing. It’s robbing your body.


It’s robbing the antioxidants that your body makes naturally. So no matter what we’re taking in supplementation or anything else, if you’re drinking bad water, it’s stealing everything that your body is doing and producing. Okay, so let’s check that again.


  1. 360, just went over 360. Okay, now let’s go to tap water.


Now, listen, guys, I’ll tell you, I’ve always was kind of proud of our tap water here. We’re on the top of the food chain. We’re on the top of the mountain.


We’re at 9,300 feet, which means there’s no other cities or anything above us, nothing to pollute our waters, with the exception of animals and such, right? Oh, might be some chemtrails and some stuff. I get Gina every time I start talking about that. But listen, guys, nothing is there to pollute it.


But they have to treat this water, okay, in order to put it out to the public. It is positive 500 plus. Guys, at 900, everything dies, including you, okay? If you fill a swimming pool full of 2.5 acidic water and start swimming in it, it will literally steal all of your electrons from your body.


Now, it takes time, of course, because you have trillions of cells, trillions of electrons in your body, but it will steal away, steal away until life doesn’t exist for you anymore. See, that’s how it’s affecting bacteria. Well, that’s what they’re doing in this water.


So here we are. That tap water, which, by the way, I’ll drink tap water before I drink these others, is almost double in antioxidant or in oxidation. It’s just about to hit 600.


It’s going to try really hard to hit 600. Now, it’s been super cold here. So they’re not getting any tap water.


They’re treating the very deep water. So that’s part of it. We’ve got chemicals that are driving 620, 630.


So, guys, look at that. That’s incredible. Okay.


Then the rest of these are our 9.5, negative 800. So that’s all these. Now, the reason why I show you that.


Okay, so that negative 800, listen, it takes around what’s that? Oh, thank you. Yes. Got a little frog going on there.


It takes negative 160 to turn degenerative disease off in the body. Okay. So when you’re looking at things, guys, if you’re drinking these things that add inflammation to the body, that add a positive charge to the body, what’s it going to do for you? Well, it’s going to take away anything that your body is trying to do to protect itself.


It’s going to break down the immune system. And so with that, we’re going to show you now the alkalinity of these different liquids. So we’re going to show you what happens.


We’re just putting in a region that shows the alkalinity of these. So you can see, all right, what’s going on here. Now, hopefully you guys can see these colors real well as we’re stirring these up.


Okay, so the body is supposed to be nice and alkaline. So, again, when I very first was diagnosed, everything was telling me to, you know, eat fresh veggies, eat moss, eat kale, eat seaweed. Listen, we raise our own steers, okay, because I’m a meat eater, right? So we raise our own steers.


By the way, we have our own chickens. We have our own steers. We have our own pigs.


Guys, we try to get away from everything that we possibly can. I’m so thankful that RFK is coming in this year. We’re going to start educating people about all this stuff.


Anyways, okay, I know, back to water. This shows the acidity level. There’s a little chart over here on the right-hand side.


You can’t really see it, but can you? Okay, all right, maybe they can. So the orange, as you can see, is completely acidic. It is devastating to the body.


It is around 2 to 3 on the acidic scale, equal to that 2.5 water that we were showing that kills every germ virus and bacteria known to man, every virus, bacteria known to man. Okay, so they’re telling me I need to eat foods to make my body better, right, more alkaline. But here’s the problem.


I go to eat some food, I do a real good job, and then I drink a soda. I can’t even make a soda become alkaline. Propel can’t make it to become alkaline.


Aquafina, I can do that, right? I can make some changes because it’s mild, though it had a positive charge that steals everything from my body. Think about that, right? Propel. Now, even doing that, okay, even just diluting that soda, okay, when I put this into my body, boom, even diluted.


Now I’ve got my body nice and alkaline, I’m doing everything right, doing everything the doctor said, and just taking that little bit destroys my body. By the way, tap water, you see there is green. They have to add soda ash or lye to make it alkalize so that it doesn’t eat the pipes.


Now, these were all completely acidic. It’s eating the pipes. It’s actually eating the very pipes that you bring it to.


So when you drink bottled water, guys, you’re drinking the plastic that’s in there. Not only that, there was a last year, 2024, they did some testing, and they showed that each bottle of water had around 300,000 nanoparticles of plastic. Nanoparticles can cross blood-brain barriers.


Nanoparticles can get into organs. Nanoparticles can completely take over your body. We work with doctors all the time who are doing extraction of plastic out of the bodies.


They’re seeing that more than they see anything else these days. And so, guys, taking and having a device where you can create your own antioxidant water and eliminate the plastics. Listen, glass is always the best, guys.


Some people do drink plastic, but at least refilling it so it’s not the new fresh plastic every time you go to do something. Listen, this is just full of those plastics. Okay, now, what Gina is getting ready to show you, and I don’t know if that’s got enough white background to show, but let’s show you guys what Gina just did, is one of the waters that the machine creates is so alkali that it actually emulsifies oil.


And so your fruits and vegetables – oh, there you go. Stop messing with my mojo, man. Okay.


This is the water that came off of the strawberries. No, this is – Where’s the water that – what’d you do with the water that came off the strawberries? I didn’t do anything. Oh, that’s the water that came off the strawberries.


I’m sorry. Sorry. Pink.


Yes. All right, let’s see. This is tap water in this one.


Okay, what she’s showing me is we’re cleaning our fruits and vegetables. There’s a couple other things, guys. As these get cleaned, the leaves all start standing up.


These things start coming back to life in the glass, just sitting in the glass. We poured that just before we started the show because we wanted to be on time with Mark today. Here’s the one that came out of the tap water.


It still did. Yeah, it still did. By the way, that’s the water that came off the strawberries using tap water, and this is what came off using 11-5.


It cleans off herbicides, pesticides, that sort of thing. The tomatoes, the oxidation. Tomatoes, same thing.


This is the water that came off the tomatoes, and that’s the tap water. So when Mom told you to wash your tomatoes, wash your fruits and vegetables, guys, what are you getting off there? When you’re using tap water, you get very little. Now, the reason why is because they use oil-based pesticides, herbicides.


And so to break down that oil, 11-5 does that for you. So get away from the veggie wash. Get away from all the rest of that junk.


Clean your fruits and vegetables with 11.5 high alkaline water. Okay. Now, Gene’s going to put up one of the machines, right? Okay, guys.


So we’re talking about a device that you can use at home, hooks up to your faucet, okay, and when you hook it up to your faucet, it’s got a filter inside of it. It’s a basic filter. It pulls chlorine, soda, ash, lye out of it, okay? And then it goes across titanium plates that are dipped in platinum.


As water hits that platinum and electricity is there, it literally breaks down the molecular structure of the water. It separates the acid from the alkali. The acid can go down the drain, but it can be utilized for hair, skin, plants, polishing glass.


I mop my floors with it. I clean mirrors and windows. When I travel, if I have wrinkles in my shirt, I can use a little 6.0 and it drops the wrinkles out.


It gets into the fabric and lets it out. Then on the alkali side, we can make the 11.5. We can make the 9.5 drinking waters. We can make all of those.


We don’t go anywhere without it. As a matter of fact, we went down to see Mark last October. We had our machine there.


They were in the process of just finishing getting their houses ready and everything else. We’re like, oh, no, we’re going to be there with our machines. We go anywhere.


It doesn’t matter. We go camping with them. Everywhere we go, we have a machine or we go into a machine.


That’s right. Because I don’t want to be without my water and the disinfectant water. You know what I did? I’m going to tell on myself because I was putting wood in the stove this morning.


I was in a hurry to get here and slipped off of the handle and, of course, touched the stove, which is raging because it’s cold outside, right? 11.5 water, which is the same water that cleans our fruits and vegetables. I wrapped and sprayed my hand. I have a little white patch, but I don’t have a blister.


It doesn’t hurt anymore. I may have a little white, sloughy skin, and that’s about it. If you’ve ever had a burn, they hurt for a long time.


That’s just another thing that we have that these machines produce. If you’re not driving in 25, I think you need to look at what you’re drinking and what you’re eating, what you’re drinking. You don’t need the electrolytes that they put in all of these pretend stuff if you’re just hydrated.


Your body produces it itself. Salt and water. Salt and water.


That’s what’s vital to life. Salt, water, and oxygen, guys. Without these three components, life does not exist, period.


The first thing you should be looking at is the water that you’re taking into your body and what you’re doing with it. It makes an absolute awesome cup of coffee. I haven’t seen any questions or anything this time.


Okay, guys. Let’s talk about the price of these. This is not a filter.


This is a device. This is a medical device. This is recognized as a medical device in Japan.


This is our $4,500 model right here, our SD5148. No, that’s tax. Oh, okay.


Because tax is based on where you live. Okay, and this is our $5,400 model. So, guys, this is not just a cheap little thing.


This is an appliance that’s going to last you the rest of your life. We’ve put over 1.5 million gallons of water through an SD501. Now, our favorite machine is our K8 model.


That’s our mighty eight-plate machine. It carries the most plates, so it creates the highest antioxidant, also uses less electricity. It’s more efficient.


It’s our newest one. It’s been out for now 10 years. Okay.


Let’s see. What else is there? So you can make all the different waters that we talked about. So the replacement filters, we just had a question.


The replacement filters are? $170 with shipping and taxes. With shipping and taxes. We do have a lot of people asking what website to go to so that they can find you guys.


Is it MyFreeWater.com? Yes. Correct, yes. And when they question, hit Mark Z. Okay, guys.


Make sure you hit Mark Z so we know where you come from, because we’re all over the place. So I want to make sure you guys hit Mark Z. So MyFreeWater.com. If you want to call us on the phone, it’s 719-687-8732. Yes.


So if you want to get us on the phone, 719-687-8732. And guys, we’ll be inundated today, of course. So yeah, there we go.


Perfect. That’s the website right there. Do not order online, okay? And the reason why is because we want to make sure that Mark gets credit.


If you order online, I don’t get to keep track of that. So I want to make sure. And I will tell you guys, when you call us, we have a special for those who call when you buy a machine and a pre-filter.


And we didn’t even talk about pre-filtration today because we ran out of time. But pre-filtration is vital, vital, vital to life, I think. So we have a great pre-filter that will pull, I mean, cyst viruses, bacteria down to 0.02 microns.


Guys, that means things like anthrax and things like that. We have some sort of, and I’m not trying to scare anybody. I’m just saying, okay, we pay attention to water.


Water is what we do. Water is what we are. And so, oh, Gina probably went to find me one of those filters.


But we will have a special. They’re really nice. They fit right underneath your sink.


So they’re right at your water supply for your kitchen sink. And you know what, guys? I’m telling you, everybody who buys that combination this week, we are going to put $200 off each of them to Fernanda. That’s what we’re going to do.


After watching Fernanda, Gina was like, oh, man, we need to support this. Everybody who buys that combination, we’re putting $200 off every machine and filtration. Filtration, I control the cost.


Machines, I don’t. This is all through the company. But we will get our profit off of this filter, and we make $200, guys.


It’s a $750 filter set up. We make $200, and we’re going to give that to Fernanda. You guys, I know we’re right on the verge of this reset.


I hear it every day. Trust me, I hear it every day. But if you can do this now, don’t wait for that because you need to be ahead of that.


A lot of you have called and said, you know, this is our humanitarian. We want to do this, blah, blah, blah. Get yours now so that when that strikes, you know what you’re doing, and you can help the masses.


You know, we all want to help the masses. That’s what we’re doing. That’s why we’re here.


But get yours today so that you know what you have, and you can help them. And, you know, there is financing. There is a hefty down payment.


I’m not going to lie to you. But, you know, if that’s what you need to do, then call us. We’ll set up some payments, you know.


It is a down payment, and they’re hefty payments. I’m not going to lie about that. But at least you don’t have to come up with the whole thing all at once.


Be sure. The filter is approximately once a year, 1,500 gallons. The machine tells you.


On the pre-filter, it’s good for about 9,000 gallons, about three or four years. I saw that question come up. Anything else? We want to make sure everybody gets off to the inauguration today.


I hate to cut you guys short, but we do need to get over and get it set up for the folks over there. But we’ll drag you in again in February, which isn’t too far away and should be a fun event. And I’ll have the stick.


I’ll have the bubblers. I’m going to have all of that stuff, Mark. We’re going to do some wondrous things.


We’ll do some fun stuff. I like it. Thanks, Mark.


Happy New Year. Thank you both. Much appreciated.


Thank you all out there. Going to be headed after about a five-minute break over to Liberty at Main Station channel and getting it started earlier. If you guys want to meet me there, I’ve been dropping the link in chat.


See you guys in a little bit. Remember, no podcast this evening because we’re going to be podcasting all afternoon on Liberty and Main. So if we get any breaking news throughout the day, I’ll be sharing it during the live on Liberty and Main.


All right. Thanks, everybody. Bye, guys.


And remember, we’re about to be un-Bidened by what has been. Amen. Amen.


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