Gregory Mannarino (Uncut) 01-20-2025
Okay, everybody here we go. It’s me Gregory Manorino Monday January 20th 2025 my newest segment of markets to look ahead and it’s gonna be beautiful and freaking fantastic as always people look man We got to have a little fun once in a while, but but then again, we got to get serious. I want to start off with with this couple of things going on right now and I’m concerned about this on multiple levels, but I’m gonna name one Scammers be very careful for this.
Most of you already know that on Friday President now Trump did release a meme token this thing took off It has been on quite a wild ride as of now, but the reason why I’m bringing this up. First of all, look I am NOT Suggesting in any way that you buy Trump’s meme token or now Melania’s meme token, which just came out yesterday The reason why I’m bringing this up is because right on this very blog we got Slammed with scammers. I didn’t even know about it.
One of my fantastic moderators brought this to my attention and They’ve all been removed at least for the most part But anyway, I wanted you to be aware of this this new Trump meme token Let me just read this to you real quick here. So Trump’s crypto token surges to 10.7 billion market cap, but it’s been on quite a wild ride so Launched on Friday Trump’s meme coin also known as dollar sign Trump This is his newly created Cryptocurrency Anyway, that’s kind of what’s going on with this one now just yesterday Melania followed suit with releasing her own Meme token here. So, let’s see and this is under dollar sign Melania.
Look man. I am doing my best To make sure you guys and girls don’t get scammed and I look man I’m not saying you guys are gonna do you want with this? You’re all smart enough. Okay? As a matter of fact, I’m running a poll right now.
Do you believe that meme coins are? Store value or are these just another scam and you guys and girls can make up your mind on that So anyway, this is a Melania on Sunday This is what this is Fox business. So on Sunday the incoming u.s. First Lady Melania Trump Okay has followed her husband’s lead with launching a multi-billion dollar Cryptocurrency meme coin and Cryptocurrencies are Rallying massively. We did hit a record high with regard to Bitcoin Did come down just a little bit.
This is what’s happening here right now You got XRP continuing one heck of a run and it’s a pretty amazing All of you know, I did people look Greg’s an open book. I told you what I did at the end of last week I did buy more Bitcoin and XRP. I am not sure I am done there.
I will probably be buying more Now look if you guys are curious as to what I’m going to be doing with Trump’s meme token or Melania Wrong one this one I will not I Will not be putting any cash to work in these but you guys and girls again Smart enough to know what you should and should not do now. Let us move forward as to what’s happening I want to show you something that really should not surprise you because we’re not the only ones watching this Here’s a headline here from market watch Stock market rally depends on the answer to this real question about bond yields Look you and I and it seems like a lot of others now clearly understand that this whole The stock market itself has become a scam too on the back of currency devaluation Artificially suppressed rates here and everything depends on the debt market You know that moving forward now right now the 10-year yield, which is the key is lower. It did push the MMR I lower let me let me let me put this to you a different way and And I really do hope that this makes sense to you what I’m about to say what happens with The entire financial system forget about the stock market for a moment Depends on one thing and one thing only are you ready for it? Are you ready? You probably know what I’m gonna say currency devaluation exactly the the more pressure that central banks and World leaders can put on the currency in other words sucking its purchasing power out of it The more they can do the higher the markets of the world could potentially go now It is very possible and we started to see this already the Federal Reserve central banks getting in here buying epic sums no Astronomical sums of debt stepping in at just the right time.
You remember how you and I call this What did we say if they didn’t get in here they central banks get into the market and start buying all the debt Well, this would melt down and wouldn’t you know it a week after we started saying that Whammo a miracle happened. Of course, it’s a miracle right an act of Whatever it might be central banks get in here and they started buying the debt like there’s no tomorrow now What does this mechanism do? You know what? I’m gonna tell you at least I hope you do when a central bank gets in here and just Creates cash out of nothing in this case to buy the debt. It’s it’s an astonishing mechanism here Think about it.
They issue debt through one door in the form of currency currency is what units of debt? There’s a not use of wealth then they buy it back through another door treasuries here It’s crazy and that mechanism this revolving door itself. It’s a vortex of inflation. It’s a vortex of inflation Currency devaluation and what happened stock markets boom Around the world but as of right now we have still not recovered from the December high With regard to the S&P 500 in December, and I’m waiting.
I want to see where this is gonna go You all know that and you will all be made well aware of what I’m doing I’m gonna tell you what I always say on open book. All right, Greg does this that the other thing I tell you what? I’m gonna do When I’m doing it doesn’t mean you should follow suit. You should think about what it means for you now.
Listen if we understand here The only way and I mean this the only way they can continue to prop up these These world stock markets here, which have no touch with reality and whatsoever. No price discovery anymore Whatsoever is they have to kill the currency they have to kill the currency Which is obviously what they’re trying to do here. Look at what’s happening here the crypto capital of the world Trump’s meme coin millennia’s meme coin right on the on the cusp of the inauguration today lovely and fantastic and You know, look what they got to do man.
This is what we were being pushed into this new system. You all know that And they gotta kill the currency. They have to get people to accept crypto currency And get used to utilizing and use using it You’re gonna see a lot more this moving forward but part of this the switch from the old system into the new is Killing the currency and making it harder on people and that my friends out here Could be a setup for a couple things.
Is it going to be enough to prop up the stock market? They’re gonna kill the currency moving forward. They’re gonna kill it and this is not just the Federal Reserve This is central banks around the world. And and again, this is their strength.
This is their power the more Currency they issue the more which is debt the more debt they issue and buy back the stronger they become That’s how the mechanism works And I sincerely believe what I’m about to tell you and I’ve already said this multiple times and I’ll tell you again There’s no way that the world economy is going to recover here from the disaster that’s been set up You know that but you’re gonna hear a lot of Talk about you know, we’re gonna be cutting rates and that’s exactly what we need to strengthen our economy You know that this is a complete lie here cutting rates is what a mechanism to kill the purchasing power of the currency They sell you these things and I’m gonna go over this in just a moment You’re gonna find this in your inbox. If you subscribe to my newsletter again 100% free link in the description of this video But as the economy gets worse off and it ain’t getting any better just in case you’re wondering if it’s gonna change after today You’re gonna see debts and deficits balloon faster than we’ve ever seen in history That also means again who makes up the debt who makes up the difference in the debts and deficits that we’re making We can’t just keep running these it’s the central banks in this case the Fed they have to get in there more than happy to Of course lend it gets added to the debt that you and I owe to I guess them of course And we get sucked completely dry You see how the mechanism works here and you’re gonna hear calls for lower rates We’re lowering rates and possibly even negative rates moving forward So let me just to just recap what I’m saying here real quick in in in a sentence in Order to prop up the stock markets. They have to kill the currency, which means What does it mean for you again? Massive loss of purchasing power.
So with that said let us let’s cover this real quick and People look man, I put this stuff out for you. It’s free information this is gonna show up in the trans journal and a few other or Publications as well you guys and girls as part of my team out here our team you get this first Share this stuff and get it out there because I can’t imagine what you’re gonna get this anyway, so markets and the economy listen to the title here a Grand deception and a fundamental lie plays right into What I’m discussing with you and you can see the you know, the move Into this crypto system a meme coin system, whatever. It might be getting you comfortable with it So they can eventually switch it.
You understand Anyway markets in the economy a grand deception and a fundamental lie, and here’s just a quick review in finance and economics there exists only two fundamental truths which when implemented are Beneficial to we the people of the world and these two fundamental truths are number one to have a strong economy You need a strong currency a strong currency meaning having purchasing power not relative strength now pay attention to this Relative strength only refers to comparative strength now both the mainstream media and of course politicians pray They pray on people not being aware of the difference between relative strength and of course Absolute strength relative strength is nothing but comparative strength Okay, they pray on that and they think you’re stupid politicians will say things like our currency is strong This is deceptive as most people perceive this as purchasing power It isn’t now number two to have a strong currency meaning a high purchasing power You need a corresponding rate of interest high enough to support the purchasing power of the currency. No, we don’t look man We want a real money system. We want a constitutional money system Am I correct on this would most of you agree or do you really want to be pushed into yet another central bank run system? That’s what they’re doing.
I don’t think you want that we could eliminate central banking Trump couldn’t do it today if he said today was the day we’re going back to a gold standard a Constitutional money system the Fed would have to close their doors, but that’s not what’s happening what’s happening is the release of the Trump’s own meme coin Melania’s meme coin were being thrust into a tokenized system You all know that anyway, so again, these two listed fundamental truths are universal however, when these two Fundamental truths are flipped upside down both the economy and the people suffer. However for those who run the system And know how to take advantage of it. They benefit greatly from turning them upside down That’s why you’re not gonna see this change the billionaires here.
They all thrive on this system here You can see how it’s playing out right now If this doesn’t make any sense to you If you think I’m calling out Trump because he’s a billionaire. They’re all in the same boat We’re being run now by the ultra-rich the one in two percenters the oligarchs you realize that is what’s happening here That’s what you voted for, right? anyway Selling a fundamental lie Central bankers politicians and Wall Street all work closely together And they are in the business of selling lies, deceptions, distractions, half-truths, backtracking, propagating public misinformation and the like This is devilism in my opinion An integral part of their coordinated deception is selling we the people of the world on the grand idea Are you ready that lower rates is what we need to make our economy strong? And I go on to say go ahead make it up because we already know what the two Fundamental truths are to have a strong economy. You need a strong currency But they think you’re dumb they think you’re stupid Anyway, if we understand that lower rates steals purchasing power from the currency How is it that lowering rates is beneficial to we the people and the economy? Having lower rates sounds good to those seeking to borrow However, pay attention people having lower rates now means you need to borrow more weakened currency brought about directly by lower rates Moreover now that it will take even more devalued currency to pay back what you just borrowed Well, how does that put you in a better spot? Explain that to me the overall effect of lower rates and therefore currency purchasing power losses is inflation But no one’s gonna tell you that you remember it’s the blame game.
It’s this person’s fault. It’s that person’s fault It cannot possibly be the fault of a central bank, right? You can’t know that That’s why not a single question came up during the presidential debate on monetary policy make it up Moreover the effect of lower rates creates massive price action distortions by weakening the currency This is what I’m leading up to with the stock market by weakening the currency and therefore creating Inflation weakening the economy lower rates are also responsible for producing asset bubbles stock market bubbles and real estate bubbles today losses of currency purchasing power are also among other things causing cash to seek yield in Cryptocurrencies, what do we already know? What do we all know cash seeks yield? Does that ring a bell? All right, low rates inflate stock market and real estate bubbles cash always seeks yield Low rates are directly responsible for inflating stock market bubbles when rates are low It opens up a doorway for cash to flow into risk assets like stocks This mechanism invariably leads to wild speculation in the stock market and the result is massive price action distortions stock market bubbles Really? Oh, wow Make this stuff up At her low rates and therefore currency purchasing power losses Inflate real estate slash housing prices. The result is higher rent and vastly inflated real estate prices Really? No one’s gonna tell you that one either are they no no no low rates and therefore currency power losses are also lower our standard of living people now must work harder and Longer to acquire more devalued currency to retain a particular lifestyle This is why this is what they’re doing the mechanism of killing the currency and then then Transitioning us into this crypto capital the world.
It looks like mean poking capital the world now By the president and the first lady and probably the other I would imagine the other Trump family members are gonna get on board here Why would they not they got legions of people who will blindly throw cash at them? Beautiful dad do it. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with capitalism, right? This is what we’re all about. I guess so, right? Anyway Anyway, you understand what I’m talking about here The mechanism here is such a lie to people and they’re gonna sell it to you that this is and this is what they’ve been Doing selling it to you as a way to strengthen the economy.
How’s it look around the world? How’s the economy of the world look to you creating at its fastest pace on record world that is surging at its fastest pace ever Do you see what’s happening here or use or does the truth still elude you lower rates accelerates global debt hyper bubbles the simplest way For me to put a perspective on how lower rates accelerates debt hyper bubbles is this as lower rates are responsible For currency purchasing power losses the demand for more currency grows Central banks get to inflate via this mechanism and they get stronger Too much. It really is The effect of low rates slash currency purchasing power destruction is an economic wrecking machine We’re almost done. However, this mechanism allows central banks to inflate and Introduce more new money into the system The effect of new money pumped into this system does not affect all people equally as those closest to the money benefit this close to the money benefit is Due to the inherent lag effect of how cash moves through an economy now to further understand this concept people I’m going to urge you again Look up the Cantillon effect.
No one’s gonna tell you this stuff is a central banker gonna tell you this stuff is the newly Selected today President Trump gonna tell you that or his wife Melania. I Don’t think so. Anyway, let’s talk Stock market investors real estate investors crypto current currency investors Wall Street super banks central banks the ultra-rich multinational corporations all Benefit from low rates and currency purchasing power losses by knowing how to capitalize on price action distortions That’s all we got left Low rates and the promise of even lower rates to come possibly even negative rates I think that’s the setup as the world economy free falls faster will assure the creation of a modern global neo-feudalistic paradigm now, listen, you guys and girls are free to Disagree with me on all that and I would love to hear from you on these things You think I nailed it to the wall? Do you think we? Nailed it to the wall.
This isn’t my thing. This is our thing people and we’re not gonna stop The scammers aren’t gonna stop and we’re gonna reveal all of it all the lies all the nonsense They want us they want us gone They want us gone and I can’t believe the speed at which we are being thrust into this new system Honestly, it’s it’s um, it’s incredible and that means in my opinion I would think most of you would agree that we are gonna see purchase your power destruction on an epic scale moving forward Remember to have a higher stock market here. They have to kill the currency You have to see rates suppressed further And that mechanism here as you as we just outlined opens up a doorway for cash to make its way into risk assets It’s inflating a bigger stock market hyper bubble.
We do not need lower rates We need vastly higher rates Which would strengthen the purchasing power of the currency and your life my beautiful friends out here would get a lot better Does this make sense to you what I’m saying or is just it’s not if it isn’t Like I said, this is in your inbox this paper. I want you to go through this. I want you to read it slowly Some of you are in economics school bring that piece of literature to your economics professor See what they have to say about guys and girls.
I love you all so much from the heart I mean that I really really do So look, I think we’re on the same page. We understand what’s happening and what to expect at least I hope you do and We’re gonna see the effects of everything that we’ve been speaking about over the last At least a year leaving up to the presidential selection What’s gonna happen moving forward here and everything is just really honestly Following exactly along the dots that we have connected and just by connecting these dots a little further It’s too easy and that Really it maybe it’s just too easy because you and I have a really really I think in-depth understanding of the system Most people have no idea at all whatsoever how it works why it works what’s actually happening to them. They don’t know it It’s it’s it’s it’s got to be I’ve never in my nearly 60 years of life I’ll be 60 years old come July.
I can’t believe that I’ve never seen anything like this before never heard of it But again, what else did you expect as they take the system apart piece by piece? As we’re being pushed into this new system. It’s an incredible thing to see honestly, but um Anyway, look man What we’re gonna do is take advantage of this and as in every way that we possibly can moving forward people I’m gonna tell you right now You gotta if you are new here you need to start hoarding Gold especially silver here betting against the system as I’ve been telling you since day one bet against the debt You’re gonna see mark my words here And if I’m wrong, I will call myself out right here because a lot of you believe that The Trump era which begins the new Trump era which begins today. We’re gonna see debts and deficits shrink dramatically I’m here to tell you that the polar opposite is going to happen not just here But around the entire world again, think about why central banks are in here They’re buying it all their mechanism They’re their very existence depends on them killing the purchasing power of their currency to allow themselves to inflate Understand this is what we’re seeing rate rate cuts rate cuts rate cuts why Trump promised you during the campaign? You’re gonna get lower rates.
Let’s see how he follows through with that again. He can’t do it He has to work with the Fed to lower rates here all world leaders have to do that They don’t have printing press in there in their offices They don’t have the ability to buy debt to create it or buy but a president in this case can work with the central bank to allow this to happen a President can work with the central bank to issue in what they wanted since forever here a tokenized system a cross border Trans world system. This is what we’re going.
Does this make sense? You do not see it Anyway, look I’m preaching to the choir here for the most part people All right. That’s kind of where we’re at I want to hear from you on the things that we’ve spoken about here and I want to hear one thing from you honestly, and and look With regard to these mean coins, we’ve got Trump’s coin Trump’s again dollar sign Trump be very careful people Be very careful for scams on this and I’m expecting to see more right on this blog Hashtag Trump. I’m sorry dollar sign Trump dollar sign Melania if you see these things Okay with links in any Comments here.
These are Probably 100% going to be scams. I will do my best to get rid of these along with my Moderators, let’s do this. We don’t want anyone to lose you understand, but Do you guys are you guys and girls planning on investing in meme tokens, or do you think these are scam tokens? Interesting.
All right. Love you all from the heart. I mean that people I will see you in the morning and We’ll get this done as usual.
Okay people look until we we see each other again, and we will all right Please secure yourselves and each other