Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 01-15-2025

Coffee with MarkZ. 01/15/2025

where y’all wake up already not right Mr legary good to see you hello Kevin Hello Mickey champagne flying squirrel LG Annabelle’s mom morai hello Eric how is everyone this morning let’s see Hello shiny hello Ben in New Jersey hello Hunter guy how’s everybody this morning what’s the weather like wherever you’re at hello Georgia whipper wi keza Patricia kkb good morning good morning hello J hello Blake and Fred Freddy you’re ready Jeremy’s birthday today going to be a big one Milton whoa 34 and Alabama no thank you

yet happy Trump day the market will correct Bears always that they’re rarely just a crash they’re usually a slow descent snowed again say it’s not so 5 degrees in Fort Wayne Indiana 30 in Dallas 11 in Pennsylvania truck tiny said 16 snowed last night in northern Maine morning sloozy 27 in Virginia it’s 30 degrees in Vegas had another sighting of Five Guys in maninis running in front of the bagio they’re just hadam they’re preparing 7 in Illinois 21 in Kansas wait 12 in Kansas City 16 in Michigan 35

in Arkansas 16 in pamic Montana 47 in Waco 26 in northern Idaho Reese is going to do a seventh birthday happy birthday Rees that’s worth celebrating Hall of Fame Ohio 13 52 in Pensacola crypto keny you probably shouldn’t have said it you’re about to get a lot of visitors at your house let’s see good morning Italy is celebrating Georgia Maloney’s birthday she’s crushing the old boys club and she is killing it in a good way I have become a fan of that lady she gets it done three three below east of Cincinnati Jerry that’s

nut I’m seeing 14 Northeast Ohio 26 K May New Jersey even South Carolina Michael checking in to Big 42 hello Joyce in Nashville on her birthday as we read all right I I better focus here stop what you’re doing ask yourself this if the food supply collapsed tomorrow how long would you survive a week three days harsh reality is most people wouldn’t even make it that long look around catastrophic event of B biblical proportions coming looming prices skyrocketing crops failing cyber attacks natural disasters solar flares

terrorist attacks and more put us a risk of not being able to eat or provide food for our family it’s why I’m protecting my family from that risk with famine fighter wouldn’t be caught and disaster without it famine Fighters designed to help my family not only survive but Thrive with 16 stumptuous varieties of food for long-term storage is long-term food storage solution includes beef white meat chicken buttermilk pancakes mac and cheese honey wheat bread chocolate pudding and so much more plus

all this food is stored in thick Ultra durable packaging securing its quality for months or years do your family a favor secure your food storage while they’re having a New Year’s special only at surviv aam.com before disaster strikes plus you order now you’ll also receive 30-day risk-free trial and 50 Co and excuse me not 50 I guess if you want them they’re free right with the order free copies of the final famine and the red dragon report once again that is survive aam.com the links in the description on YouTube and Rumble

survive aam.com wait wait is anyone else headed to real J are you going to the inauguration who else here is going do we have people popping in going to the inauguration hanging out with uh Dawn 45 in Magnolia Texas minus 15 in northern Wisconsin car fantastic a Chile 84.2 here in the Philippines uh V Stark probably very smart growing a garden and lots of potato soup how my great grandma made it through the depression a lot of family stories that are similar V start Deo it’s good to see you hello

Carl feels like eight nope nope not interested at all Grand risings seven Silverman Jack I’ll beat the game with JD and G North Carolina left the house in the uh yeah that’s what’s happened they move Michigan moves South on you Gary beard I’m expecting a pretty normal inauguration Miss Devine minus four thermometer on the oh geez no Miss Linda in central oh high that’s too cold bond news Donna nothing fresh since yesterday right now everything I’m hearing is focused between the 16th and 22nd with

most of it being focused on the 21st and 22nd but we’ll get into it when it’s news time at the 10-minute Mark Maverick feels like one in blairesville I swear it was always colder in blairesville wasn’t it Stephanie you haven’t missed anything fun yet did you see Michael rapaport’s rant about Newsome no I didn’t see that was it a good one let’s see us all Texas snakes at IQD on Forex at 417 J salac for moments uh boy did I get a lot of excited uh folks when it popped for a very short moment testing is my

belief it wasn’t there this morning but you now yeah I was going to say last night has a lot of folks thinking that’s uh going to be the street rate or the international rate my daughter Heather’s 2 7th today happy birthday Heather yeah Robert it would be colding that man key right now but I’d be okay I I could survive it don’t know if you guys could survive it Susan I made chicken and beef stews as they are divided into servings in the freezer just me since husband pass have enough for month Susan smart move I need

to do more of that I used to be really good at that prepping ahead keeping jamble ey potato soup things like that ready fly to be free I’m happy I’m content because I see us uh closing in on this one well I shouldn’t say content or I’m happy and content as I can be because I do believe we are that close to the Finish Line Roman I appreciate you 1109 whoa whoa wait wait make it slow down ABC News Bragg that Democratic senators tore Pete up at the Senate hearings Pete nailed it holy smokes did he nail it with class facts and strength

if that’s the most they have gonna sail through it I don’t think ABC CB they they’re still coming to grips with their Fall From Grace from their pretty much absolute irrelevance in the news cycle it’s like I guess doing a uh I don’t know how to describe but it’s like putting on a play and for only your own family and they tell you how good it is and anybody else that doesn’t just love you unconditionally like Boo this sucks that’s kind of like people that watch ABC they’re their own like Echo chamber IRS going by yeah I’m telling

you that was big the external Revenue Service he’s like pounding ner down your site down our mouths just like boom boom boom he’s like flat tax sheriffs no Internal Revenue I mean he’s screaming what the plans are Mark hug I didn’t want to think it but I do believe at this point that that’s exactly it do you think everyone is holding out till Biden is out so the Slime bag can’t take credit for it Mark I didn’t want to believe it didn’t want to believe it but it’s looking more and more likely that that’s exactly it

Kathy happy birthday uh Stephanie should turn the Coast Guard back into the cutter Revenue Service they can help us on those tariffs Sharon said some of us have returns hung up at the IRS from 20203 I’ve heard of many folks in that boat including IRS agents are like look we don’t have the resources they’re telling us you know send a warning letter or two and let it rip we don’t have time or the efforts or the resources to go after them just do your best throw it out there get what you can it has been very

interesting getting inside information as to nothing illegal guys totally totally legal what they share and don’t share and never specifics on anybody just overall uh stuff they’re wounded over there and they don’t know what their future is if they have a future which means the ones that are there most of them are like yeah it’s not very important I do my job you know I’m just coasting out until there isn’t one at least that’s what I’m being told from multiple sources that work for them or with them or however you want to call

that one JC I’m with you I hope that’s wrong because I’m hearing before uh that’s probably a very wise statement B saying I think it’s more about protecting the RV rather than taking credit for it that would make sense we should have already been on this guys with the uh news cycle I did want to First mention LA County Inferno expected to top 250 billion in losses uh it it is still there still going still still people losing uh everything um we did check in pickles and gabs are fine guys as of yesterday

evening I did check in with them which made me feel a little better we’ll keep our eyes on it we do know that a poorly handled crisis pretty much like every crisis recently in America we just don’t either don’t have the resources or if we’ve got the resources we just can’t execute it’s lack of management capability going on here in a big way or Preparation failing to prepare well is preparing for failure now let’s get to Iraq in numbers quantities of oil exported from the region despite the suspension of exports

what in the heck are they talking about specifically the unaccounted for oil that disappears out of the herbal region daily and then lines somebody’s pocket about 300,000 barrels uh or so is estimated to be what is going through back black market this is the reason you have so much push back as they are trying to settle things in the region in Iraq Isis created a void you you had a number of people take advantage of it that is big money millions of dollars a day is what’s at stake and why they are fighting it so

hard and why they’re putting in all these new electronic systems why they’re making all these differences it is enormous on the bills and Iraq I just thought I’d get into some of their Inside Stuff Iraqi delegation signs memorandum of understanding in London this is part of your International working together working together uh under Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs political planning receives Kuwait’s new Ambassador as they work through all their common goals uh what they’re working on how do they

settle uh making it easier for Visas so that people can tourists can go back and forth between Iraq and Kuwait Iraqis as they work through banking can go into Kuwait to purchase more modern store this is all pretty neat but here as we get to the end I’m digging this one two brotherly people the two sides also discuss the possibility of facilita travel procedures for Iraqis wishing to visit the sisterly state of Kuwait for the purpose of Tourism and enhancing the exchange of visits between the two

brotherly peoples so we got sisters and brothers here this is a closeness this is not one that is a contentious this is one that’s settled their differences and why am I saying this because it’s important it’s part of removing all those sanctions on Iraq uh from the uh Bond side just what I’d shared earlier still hearing somewhere about people with different meetings from the 16th to 22nd most of them now focused on the 21st and 22nd continue to hear positive things uh on the um them Agro one I am trying to

get details I don’t have enough details now to share if they’re going to take in more or not but I’m working on it so I can get you guys an idea don’t pestor me when I have the information I will share it if they will take in more let me move that up off so we don’t have to look at it in the way market shooting up they’re consolidating after it’s been nuts and they’re looking at inflation we’re going to get into that one we’re really gonna get into that one piku I can’t find it in the news that they’ve done a third reading third

reading uh according to my sources yesterday we’re expected on Wednesday or Thursday today’s Wednesday maybe that means tomorrow I don’t know it could have been today I just have not been able to find it in the news Norine said JFK Jr’s moving van was at Dwight house that’d be fun uh Kino said happy birthday to me and Dr Martin Luther King that’s a good birthday happy birthday Kino wow xrp 282 right now Jack saying 298 is it on a rip just said worried if they wait until Trump’s elected they will say Trump’s

the reason for the RV because he invested in the currency conflict of interest I always kind of thought that’s why it would make more sense before he takes office why I’m still not ruling out the next few days um same time maybe we just exchange quick and uh play dumb no he needs it for the stability of the region foreign policy reasons they desperately need Iraq to be very prominent strong and powerful uh especially with the void and vacuum with a retreating Iran right now anytime you have a void or vac you need

to fill it quickly and positively or it can well go real south consumer prices sort over 21% under Biden according to your United States government everything you buy overall on averages up 21% so we did like 15 years of inflation 15 16 years of inflation and just four years I mean that’s pretty impressive rate I don’t think anybody else could have done it in American history uh Carter wasn’t capable of doing it in that short amount of time I mean so Biden Takes the Cake now 21% is what’s your government is telling you what does

that mean that means it’s probably twice it probably more like 40 42% is what Biden cost you in four short years see it was all better under Biden right just joking miserabl we look at this meanwhile the market for some reason seems to be enjoying the fact that it’s not as bad as it could have been yeah that’s why you’re watching the market in the CPI print run the market is like celebrating that they only had one arm chopped off instead of both uh what does what make any sense land lover Mr M we we’re over closer to

Indiana county uh close to blairville mck I know my shotgun shells doubled in price that doesn’t surprise me and you may have to do more of your own hunting so you know for me maybe we should start bringing some more hunting type folks on here civil serpents that’s kind of funny instead of civil servants many of them fit in that and there are some people that go into civil Serv that are just world class human beings that do it for all the right reasons 297 Robert Bobby Bach checking in 297 xrp does seem to be on a

run uh Mary only on P pars excuse me a portion of it on one of the tables you were talking about that second reading happy birthday Barbara 90th birthday isn’t that awesome I’m going try to keep up you guys are running at such a level Jesus believer a lot of them do I know a lot of teachers that do it the same way not for love of teaching but for steady paycheck and steady uh benefits paa’s birthday today happy birthday is it P or paila Jay pick you all right you’ve been picked Jay the chart did look like the

capital Todd no because at least if I’m guessing which one Biden already renewed the executive order that allows us to hold it and own it oh I have heard some interesting unrest in Venezuela affect the boulevard uh could it possibly but what we are hearing from people on the street we had a checkin that I thought was just fantastic um uh here we go inside Venezuela news about Madura has gone quiet uh no one even knows where he is at the moment uh the dollar is out of circulation now hard to find or rare on the streets

people are hopeful about the future and are returning to their Farms to work the land lots of talk about new stability coming to the country the word is the property Market will start to increase in value after the second quarter of the year uh anyone investing in Venezuelan property should probably go earli this year is this person’s take because they are expecting a Renaissance in Venezuela Now isn’t that interesting madur pretty much Mia um US Dollars coming out of circulation uh starting to be able to

purchase more returning to Farms great hope increasing property Market to me that sounds like revaluation inbound title town we talked about that probably first thing this morning he is not the only person that saw it at about the 419 rate overnight uh by this morning you couldn’t have traded it anywhere and it was already a back at a lower level so what does that mean does that mean they’re testing it preparing it um I have heard a couple of comments from folks expecting that to be the street rate international rate whatever you

guys want to call it Dow up 705 that’s nuts Davey I was told very explicitly that the most they would allow it to float is about 2% in the course of a calendar year so I not too I don’t think you’re going to see much of a float if any um I have heard it will go in a basket of it’ll be backed by a basket of having a tough time getting this out of my mouth for some reason of other currencies from the region as well as phys fcal gold and foreign currency reserves um so they’re going to back it with

assets uh back it with assets and then put it in a basket part of that asset backing it will be um foreign currency reserves inside of that meaning like uh Jordanian uh Saudi money Arabs money everything from the Middle East I don’t know why that was so difficult to get out reading through you guys this morning Kevin’s ex-wife’s birthday happy birthday to her nasdaq’s up 446 that’s probably the more stunning one Monica you know that’s something we would probably do right maybe they’re playing with the rates just to see who’s

watching in the middle of the night evil bastards in there playing with them reading through a few of these we’ll keep going don’t worry yeah I’m reading those to Frank on the TNT stories oh I I shouldn’t even uh have you seen guys you started seeing some of the pictures from California where there’ll be like a devastated Street and there’ll be like a blue car I guess there weren’t enough blue roofs uh wkw Andy is traveling today Andy is traveling today he gave us a heads up like last month that he was going to be traveling

today so I’m not expecting an Andy today boy I’d be okay with it if he messages me and suddenly here though it’d be great saw a photo of a blue retr van that survived amongst the Armageddon blue plastic trash cans next to melted cars reading through all right let’s keep going let talk about some of the Biden to remove Cuba from state sponsored terar list request by us allies the movees part of a deal for Cuba to release anti-communist protesters that were imprisoned at a 2021 rally I believe it was if I

remember the story correctly uh taking it off the terror list Trump Administration or the incoming Trump crew saying hey you know that’s okay for now we will continue to review it live and see if they can maintain um Trump put them back on it after Obama took them off but it was only because of their behavior um trying to remember like uh yeah it did it on January 11th 2021 right before the inauguration Joe Biden redesignation as a state sponsor of terrorism due par allegations to Cuba was harboring leaders from the leninist

gorilla terrorist group out of Colombia so they were harborist harboring terrorists from Colombia when they put them back on so they will be watching them I wonder if this is like a prep one of you guys pointed it out is this a prep maybe Cuba’s the 51st state that would be a strategic win like huge win Dan’s birthday today happy birthday Dan how many birthdays have I missed because I only have light one I’ve only got nine so far I POS the questions and I really want to know the answers and then I go

quiet because I’m reading the chat um Rainman it would have to be based on the numbers as Zer is attached um they couldn’t do just one at least I don’t see a mechanism so the way I look at it your thinking and my thinking is right if but still can be used then Maverick said you missed 63 wait 63 my bir I missed it happy uh bladed from Rumble Pure Country I’m still hearing you have to have a trust in order to get the contract rate um that’s just every single one of my sources every single one of them have

called BS on that you have to have one now they have commented that they have been told that you will need one for your humanitarian project once it gets full funding in other words they’ll get you started you form it you do it um should you have a trust you should probably get educated if we have changes in laws common law would it make sense to spend the money now my common sense and I’m not an I’m not an advisor I’m not a whatever consider this for entertainment and education wouldn’t it make much sense to go out and buy one

before legal system changes if we’re going back to common law unless you can just be guaranteed you got the right common law one I just I don’t understand the uh I I assume the people spreading those rumors are selling trusts there’s so many free ones out there Floyd’s got them so’s got them uh you I mean there’s so many don’t spend a fortune if you’re going to do it it’s my opinion did I cover that without upsetting anybody people get I don’t know why but Avery happy birthday I think it’s going to be a

quick switch Christine I don’t think it’s going to be a slow roll out Lily Pad just said boob loock creates a trust it’s a good price that’s who I used for mine simple common law trust uh divy Duke we don’t know D Duke W know how many Zer they taken zeros off all that we simply don’t know so rather than go down do the mental gymnastics when there aren’t enough facts to do it I’m waiting for more information jelly to you I would imagine yes although I’ve heard they’re going to give you a skeleton trust style account

like a clearing account guitar Tom there’s a good suggestion Legal Shield they have everything you need uh Maverick 200 200 or 250 bucks I believe is what it was don’t remember off the top of my head but I think it was somewhere right in there Annabelle’s mom over on the rumble side said people are so attached to what they believe we don’t know till it happens keep an open mind that is the best recipe we don’t know all the answers we have General directions we may know some of the answers keep your

mind open and be Flex fible learn everything you can so that you are prepared no matter what happens or as prepared as you can be there are probably hundreds if not thousands of videos on trust different types of trust family limited Partnerships um revocable irrevocable there’s so much you guys can learn on all those fronts uh all over YouTube and the internet study learn all right Cuba’s off the list may go back on the list for watching it we still have a couple of interesting things Biden’s SEC sues musks over the

Twitter Twitter purchase in the 11th Hour of course it’s a whole sham thing SEC just trying to throw down they wait until nine days before is when they file this um saying that musk should have disclosed that he was going to buy that much musk waited until he already at about 9% legally once you accumulate 11% you have to uh do a filing telling him what you’re doing he didn’t file it until he already owned 9% um they’re saying hey he knew he was going to 11 he should have already filed he’s like I did everything that was

legal sorry if it was later than you wanted it um it’s G to go nowhere it’s G to get dropped in five days but they couldn’t resist The Parting shots watching this Administration on their way out this doj Jack Jack Smith with his late minute pointless um reports that mean nothing do nothing other than his woohoo I got you it really is child and childish and Petty watching this departing Administration go hey look you don’t have to leave happy just leave I I when I was reading these this morning just looking at the last minute

desperate effort um and they know they’re going nowhere they know other than costing him you know a 30 minute meeting with a couple of attorneys as they file and hold everything until everything gets dropped I mean it’s they’re doing it just to be on the way out burning every bridge they can and this is what makes me want the Trump Administration to go for Retribution so that they don’t do this stupid crap again so that there is some kind of consequence for that behavior how about you guys that’s my

take on it m French they will not set up a trust currency exchange I’m told it will go into a clearing style account uh then you can go off and get your own trust form that’s what I was told it makes sense to me what it actually is is probably going to be a surprise to all of us Chinese grown firm DJI eliminates automatic no fly zones one week before Trump’s inauguration there are many drones that don’t have a Geo fence that that keeps them from flying in certain areas DJI had them programmed into theirs I assume

it’s because they want to do business in the US and they were under scrutiny because they are a Chinese manufacturer with closed ties ccpi I mean CCP let’s see people’s yeah whatever CCP very close ties uh point of making some military grade equipment as well their drones originally would not fly over anything that was questionable or restricted or military now they are putting in an FAA warning and you can still fly it over it just lets you know that you’re flying in an area that you probably shouldn’t be um most drone

companies that’s the way they’ve always worked that’s the FAA rules you just have to let them know then it’s up to the person flying the Drone to be responsible or held responsible DJI had simply made it where it can’t go they just changed that which means they could fly it over presidential inauguration they could get really the person doing it could get in trouble but it wouldn’t change that they could do it does that mean they could take 100 drones strapped with an explosive um just to take pictures U

maybe they could use it to help them Target maybe they could use it to strap a little C4 to it um put a little Anthrax on it uh I just it it’s very worrisome the timing that they choose right now to drop that what do you guys think I mean a thousand drones flying into a presidential inauguration a Super Bowl uh a world college football championship in Ohio it’s kind of spooky to me I think the timing was questionable have to kill me first that’s a hobby I want to get into said BYOD build your own drone that’s a hobby

I would like to get into probably first I should get into building custom wheelchairs just repairing them has uh helped me learn more than I ever wanted to chaos chaos yeah I want my that’s right surf I want my wait wait wait I’m trying to catch the comment my anti-gravity wheelchair just give me a medbed I’ll walk uh buddy just said they stopped an NFL playoff game the other night because they saw a drone I’m reading some of you guys’ comments one titon drone pilot here you’re absolutely right Mark I mean

it’s I fly mine I thoroughly enjoy it wish I could fly it more it’s neat to have the uh Mobility that they bring when you’ve been so restricted uh breaking Tik Tock shut down immediately in the US on Sunday when the ban takes effect oo yeah Jr that’s what I’m counting on I won’t need a wheelchair anymore that’s what I’m praying for all right I thought this one was uh pretty good the scariest thing that’s ever happened will the Twitter files for entire US Government expose biolabs in the Ukraine conservative political

commentator Tucker Carlson released a wide ranging interview Monday with journalists and auth author Michael shellenberger they sat down for a long talk what’s the chance with musk with Trump and Trump has commented or made references to that he’s very much for a Twitter file expose on everything the government has done from Russian collusion to uh Co Origins um government biolabs in the Ukraine in other words airing the dirty laundry and I think they should so what do you think that would look like let’s say Trump

takes a uh takes office and he goes in there and starts declassifying material left and right we’re talking like a Twitter files dump and they get to go through it and we get disclosure I’m talking serious disclosure what do you guys think Eagle Claw said Mark I think the white hats are in control because if they are not then what are the risks of major events like an inaugurate I mean they they’re not fully in control and I I still think the full-blown inauguration is probably a bit scary in my

book I’m reading through you all stuff uh deuman I’m With You Dean talking about cigars over there on the rumble side on rare occasion I enjoy one daily word that’s my book it’d be awesome it’d be scary a lot of upset people it could cause uh some unrest or some righteous indignation but I think that is exactly what we need we need truth aired out on the Public Square so that we feel more comfortable with our government don’t know what Trump’s planning on announcing the 19th bogles I wouldn’t expect anything too big

oh Tammy this might be fun Biden’s last speech night at 8 Eastern oh so immediately following whiskey and wisdom did I get that right no8 Eastern yeah immediately following whiskey and wisdom I’ll get to watch uh some uh Biden’s last speech let me guess he’s gonna blame Trump and he’s gonna tell us how well off America is after he and kamala’s wonderful job together I think you’re right I think we’re going to have civil unrest either way flippers so I think the best approach is to rip the Mandate off give

us the truth so that any public or civil unrest is productive and welld deserved oh wait a minute Daisy said nope it’s when whiskey and wisdom start so maybe we’ll just watch it in the background on Whiskey and wisdom tonight because I’m having a serious tough time doing the mental math on the timing yeah Biden’s already uh convinced that he left a better economy that’ be perfect we will have whiskey and wisdom and a speech to have fun with from Joe Biden that’s going to make perfect one can don’t oh come on we’re going to be

making fun of it so it’s going to be okay we’re going to be mean-spirited okay I’m not going to be too mean-spirited but I’m G to be honest then we’ll be there to call out his lies oh Peggy you’re killing me uh Lori I said that exactly if you’ve been paying attention or following for the last couple days following up that we may have a group that wants to intake more aggros into their group um most of what I found when they’re looking for them they’re looking for boxes of at least 1,000 bills before

they will even consider to sit down and talk with you had a number of people saying I’ve got 10 of them when they consider I was like yeah no don’t even think about it um but I’m going to try to get details in case there is a way to put um any buyers and sell sellers together oh I am trying a new possible variety for us in Nicaraguan today it’s Pretty stinking good and smooth all right let’s see just following up uh work stuff already coming in we won’t know who’s drunk Joe or y’all right see it’s going to be

perfect there probably will be Joan Jet there’s probably going to be more folks watching whiskey and wisdom than watching Biden probably will be uh Alo no um I didn’t say anything about Trump signing the Sarah I said he’s like seems to be pushing it we were talking about his move to start a external um Revenue Service and going to a national sales tax meaning that um he appears to be pushing everything that is ner related down our throats and putting it right there out there for the public oh we’d be trashed if we drank

every time Biden told a lie uh hard thinking hard head Ash’s very much struggling I’m just reading through everybody’s Alejandro it’s good to see you should I take a gummy for the speech or maybe two just reading a few of these H oh Phil I like that I’m a hunting coach about to start my business former hunting guide see Phil we got to bring you in here right give some uh hunting uh ideas for folks like if you had to live on squirrels what would be the best way to do it what would be the most effective gun I don’t know it might

be a fun little content thing I don’t know if many people would watch it but yeah most people seem to uh use uphold to get their xrp in this community not all but many uh Dr mom qfs accounts don’t don’t exist yet for us or at least not that we can access so I’m a little confused when you got if you checked your qfs if you signed up for your qfs account you can’t sign up for one yet there are crap ton of uh scams out there for them though sling let’s oh slingshot Jared you know as a kid I was dag on good with

a a slingshot and I could go hunting with a slingshot I should probably learn again uh one squirrels are tasty and they’re not too cute to eat of course they are kind of like rats with fuzzy Tails a lot of people agree with you on the squirrel thing they think I’m crazy and I just remember that heartfelt moment with my grandfather uh when I was a teenager um when he told me about uh having to survive on things like that through the uh depression and it left a mark on me man if you’re not too proud to e a

squirrel you’ll survive tastes like really good chicken too bowlegged Li rats oh wait Kevin I tried to catch that one uh Kelly it’s upset a lot of people on FEMA putting up all kinds sending all kinds of resources to California but they were largely missing or incompetent in Western Carolina it’s it hurts a lot of folks not to take away from the folks in California that desperately need it not at all not trying to detract from what they’re going through in any way but it is an extra slap in the face for all those

from Florida through the Carolinas and Eastern Tennessee and Georgia uh that lost everything and couldn’t get a government to show up flying squirrel I don’t think you need to go into hiding yet well don’t know flying squirrel we do have Sharon over here fried squirrel and gravy Roy tree rats are good eating meat rabbits y’all are ARA my dad Cooks squirrel in a dark gravy good H Alejandra I think we’re I think many of us are going to be um rejoicing on Monday least we’ll have hope we’ll have a light at the end of the tunnel even if

we’re not out of the woods yet at least we’ll have hope huh reading some of you guys’s comments my mother was a little girl that used to live across the street from the White House he used to go over there and play on the lawn all the time boy those were the days can you imagine 72 Blazer I did pick up a 72 I mean some of the new air or compressed air guns are I mean their ballistics are like world class 72 Blazer Comon air guns are what I use for squirrels with silencers which is legal since they’re

not technically a firearm pretty much is capable as one but 72 Blazer a lot of folks down here have gone that route for Guana hunting and stuff and it just makes sense you don’t have government breathing down your neck you don’t have them chasing you down because you have bought some lead pellets and you still get to go hunt just to put food on the table I like him daily word said the same thing I use an air gun perfect for small game so many of you guys sounding off we’ll get Phil to come in and share

some of his favorite air guns or um or uh slingshots that might be a fun one Jennifer from ATB it’s about time to get you guys in yes the government missed the mark in Western North Carolina the volunteers are still looking for bodies in my neck of the woods in West you know I kind of forgot Jennifer for a little bit that you were uh affected greatly you were you were right there in the midst of it it’s good to see you we got to grab and get Fernando on sometime soon this year a Donnie super sticker thank you

for that super sticker um Gary I’ve been told over and over and over that unless you have a very large amount of gifted you don’t need to give them a gift letter but if you want to give them one these letter includes a name and address to the receiver Gary if it makes you feel better write one I’ve been told you don’t need one that the currency or the bills count as a beab meaning if they’re in your possession they’re yours but if it makes you feel better grab one g Kimo Sai I do have a 22 Henry Lever

Action rocker mom says just be prepared with food gas generators water Etc these swamp rats will not give up power without a fight I think things will start to shake quickly on the 20th it’s possible you’d rather be prepared than than not if you can afford to prepare Cajun eat what’s from the Bayou but I don’t eat squirrel shark alligators Turtles rabbit I draw the line not real fond a shark but I’ll eat some Gator tail I’ll eat some turtles and I’ll definitely eat some squirrels and rabbits but I won’t eat green beans

and there a lot of them I’ve shared a couple of links send me an email and I’ll just include the links and send them back to you cheese head making cheese head hungry Ellen meanwhile don’t don’t mess with my bunnies black and Moo’s great frog legs not a big fan but they’ll work uh should buy a big bag of potatoes and butter oo potato soup you know I know it’s not really the weather for it but I kind of want a pot of potato soup uh Black Rock has not bought coinbase at least not that I could prove

um anybody out there MSN nursing escargo nope not a fan I’m just reading comments I know we should probably wrap it up and save it um Tristan yeah Brooks is a good spot forever men all day chemist is a good spot uh as well all day chemist.com uh let’s see might as well share some here is Brooks agnu site the incredible Brooks uh super nice guy if you are not familiar with him I’ll drop the link but he has uh so right here Ivan and Roxy with no prescription he’s got it ships out of uh Japan I think so you got that one I can go after

uh I use my my spear back there for the squirrel I do love that one okay there’s Brooks’s one of my favorite ones that I use for just prepping All of My OTC stuff and and Guys these things count uh the US is one of the rare countries around the world where you have to have a prescription for everything most countries you don’t unless they are more powerful or they are um opiates most countries you don’t because you know what you need you got a sinus infection you you’ve been diagnosed so many times

you’ve been gone to the doctor so many times you’ve taken it by the time you’re 50 you know what you need 99% of the time you don’t really need doctor so you go talk to a pharmacist pharmacists in most other countries have a better training than they have here or different training I should say so you just walk in you get what you need and you only go to the doctor when you really need a doctor uh so that’s Al day chemist.com that is one I’ve used a lot myself personally I’m not trying to work around

the medical system I mean consult a doctor whenever you whenever you feel like you should definitely I’ve never eaten an armadilla and of course there is always the Aon for buck 87 attractor Supply people have done that I don’t know if I would suggest that personally okay I want it I could get in trouble suggesting any of that I’m just reading along Osprey all day all day chem is great man I got zero zero zero complaints and 90% of the time the stuff that I would normally take is cheaper from them than getting it from

even with insurance taco soup and leave out the sour cream Tim Fu it doesn’t sound bad though I’m just reading along seems like the car keeps moving oh ZZ Sheila nah I the progress they’ve made has been huge last two years are so different than anything we’ve experienced before when you look at what’s happened in Iraq the last few months different than anything we’ve ever experienced before I could see that so A mies up over there Deborah I’m glad you put it in there Phil you have any info on the 23 German

Mark 20 trillion bank note no but I will highlight that one German and see if I can find anything out I mean I I know nothing right now but highlighting it I will probably have one of my uh historic folks comment so I might be able to find out something for you we’ll see yeah that’s the negative with all day chemist it does take about 30 days to get it you got to like be ahead you got to plan ahead to use them I’m just reading along all right right I’m calling it a wrap mods get out of here no info on the Pango that is one

that has proven to be very difficult to get any information on I’m told it’s in the group have no idea what a value is doesn’t make me feel warm and fuzzy because I can’t figure out what to expect all right folks let’s do this Jeremy the illustrious notorious it’s seriously buddy happy birthday reys Joyce uh Heather Cathy Pino Barbara Pia or paila Dan Avery anybody else celebrating jump in so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love oh your dreams come true happy

birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you to all those celebrating Happy Birthday um I’m dropping those links again I just did the Brooks agon one now I’m doing the all day chemist one um in case you want it there you go guys now I’m getting out of here see you this evening at 7 for a brief news one then we will end and do um whiskey M wisdom bye folks

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