Evening News with MarkZ. 01/15/2025
Gravity Warp Drive. Not quite that. No, that is the, that’s the invading Venezuelan army.
Excuse me, Navy, trying to get to Puerto Rico. Hello, Jason Middie. He’s still, I think it is a marker.
We were told peace would suddenly break out in the Middle East. In the past, all seems to be coming together. Hello, Fred, Tommy.
Hello, Kay Short, LG, Lady, Dee Dee Diddlebug. Hello, Moose and Crypto, Kenny, right? XRP is on a rip with no real sign of resistance in sight either. When it broke out, it broke out.
Hello, Jan. Is Sherwood? Yeah, when XRP Steven. Hello, soda pop.
Hello, Shell Bell, Missouri and Davis. I am in the old chair. I got it working today.
I played a, got real handy with electronics again. A little lot of practice, but I remember he’s through it. Hello, Tony V. Could use some cafe cubano.
That sounds good. Ladies and truth, good to see you, Tahoe. Third reading was not today, guys.
Presently, it appears to be scheduled for Sunday. We’ll talk about that. We got, we got articles on it.
So you don’t have to take my word. Hulk, the, some of the electronics went out on my other chair. So I’ve been the repair guy and happy to say got it up and running.
Still need some work, but I got it functional, which is a big relief to my back. The other chair is not comfortable for long term. It’s only meant for going to the store, short outings, et cetera.
Um, hud, gummy. They haven’t been looking for a surge before crash, but I don’t know if that’s coming. Yeah, I am taller now.
Feels good to be tall. It’s at a pivotal point. Our galding said asking for prayers.
Husband got laid off. I’m the chairman. I’m in charge.
I don’t think so. I don’t think it’s smoking. I’m going to miss a lot of these guys.
Oh heck of a lot of these. You guys are chatting at a break. Next speed.
LTJ to love the black honey coffee. Oh, it is so rich. So tasty.
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You can find that boost with mark link in the description and YouTube and on rumble. Now, what are we talking about? I had the black honey medium. It is smooth, isn’t it? I’m trying some new roasts that we’re considering.
They’re fun though. Yeah. Sitting on phone books.
I’m a big boy now. You know, absolutely. The Fed setting up the new administration with 50 bases cut.
They knew money would go in. The new stimulus was coming. They knew that inflation wasn’t beaten.
Absolutely. The problem is in order for them to sabotage Trump, they have to sabotage all of the American people and considering most other central banks and currencies around the world. Peg and Momoy are the other US dollar.
They are so deranged from their hate. They’re irrational, irrational dislike of Trump that they’re willing to let the whole world suffer. I mean, it will mean famine.
It will mean, well, maybe not famine, but it will mean starvation. It will mean tough to get goods in other countries. Yeah, they got no problem with it.
It doesn’t matter a few hundred thousand children go hungry because they wanted to get even with Donald Trump. Yeah, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if families here in the States lose their homes, can’t afford their bills.
Seniors can’t afford their prescriptions. It doesn’t matter to them. What matters is they stuck it to Trump.
Gary, my friend asked the yard doctor if he could do his own stitches. The nurse replied, suit yourself. Fred was a good point.
It wouldn’t matter if it was Trump or any of us uncovering their crimes, Mark. They would hate whoever it was. They would.
You got a point. He just the person. So much to get through today.
I mean, fun stuff. I mean, where do you all want to start? I can’t believe we hope so. Trying to get through the next few days and through the inauguration to see if things change.
Where do I start on some of this, Mary? It has to officially be voted on. We keep hearing the rumors. They’ve agreed to the framework.
They’ve agreed to the framework. That’s what we found. Back in 23, they’ve agreed to framework, but they never finalized.
You got to finalize the thing. That’s the short of it. Staying racer, you nailed it.
Bolivar expected to go in the first basket. Nobody that I have found yet. Myself absolutely included that has any reliable information on the value.
If somebody else does, ask them directly. I don’t. I don’t know what to tell you guys.
I wish I did. Green tea, not anymore. Based on how long they were effective, I’m guessing maybe every four to six months I’m going to need to go back to maintain.
Yeah, Guardian Morgan, there are all kinds of strange rumors going on about the rally on Sunday. Now, Fred, that’s a loaded question. Depends on what you’re in the mood for.
My normal go-to is the dark Sumatra. Jay Branch, a lot of gurus are expecting an RV tomorrow. I’m not.
That’s to me, the earliest that I’m seeing possible is tomorrow, most of what I’m seeing is 21st, 22nd. But wait a minute. Do we have Savvy in here? Try to post Savvy.
See if you can post. See if anybody can see Savvy on YouTube. See if we had it fixed.
Dr. Susan, that’s a great question. Why is the pain goes such a mystery? I can’t find enough information to help me solve that mystery. Sarcastically so sad that 200 pieces of hunters are worth millions was lost in the fires.
Oh, lady, it just occurred to me. I shouldn’t even say it because I don’t want to make light of the folks in California. But as evil as so many narcissistic as he has been in the past, what’s the chance he started the fire just so he could collect the insurance on his $200 million in art? I mean, yeah, I can’t believe I just went there.
I can’t believe I just went there. Let’s see. That’s what I’m hoping firecracker announces we’re now a republic or once again a republic.
Hey, we can see Savvy. Look at that. Don’t know how long it’ll last.
Pretty cool though. Ha ha ha. There you go.
Hopefully we can keep you this time. All right, let’s roll some of the bond. No, I’m kidding.
We’re not rolling bond, put a GI parliamentary finance customs in taxes, take a toll on building the budget. It appears that with Donald Trump talking about a department of external revenue, that other countries are paying attention, parliamentary finance. It has occurred to them suddenly that they could pay a substantial portion of their taxes if they would just streamline their customs and tariffs that they’re already supposed to be charging and perhaps look at changing their own people.
I’m loving this, guys. This is like Naseer DeCera screaming it all over. You get Trump pushing in the US.
You got Iraq. You got other countries paying attention stepping up. It’s either that or just good old fashioned common sense returning parliament to add budget amendment clause to next Sunday’s agenda.
This coming Sunday is what we’re being told now is when they will do that last reading. Iraq signs of memorandum of understanding would be to develop the Kirk Cook fields again. My contacts in Iraq are telling me that the Kirk Cook fields are a huge sign and piece of this.
The closing of the Cook fields is what broke Saddam Hussein broke the money of the Iraqi or should I say the Hussein administration. Restoring it is what allows them to rebuild it. This is supposed to be huge.
This is both a financial part in real life, but is also I am told by them is a symbolic win as they watched Kirk Cook pop back up because that’s when they lost their value. When Kirk Cook fell, they lost their value to the Iraqi people. At least this is how it’s being explained to me.
This one is extremely important to them. There they are the developing. We’ve so many articles in the last week and a half on that front.
This one I found interesting about 100% of the CBE sales of foreign remittances to dollars. What does that mean? About 96% of it now that they are not doing the auctions the way they were are 100% legitimate back and forth between banks and goods and exchanges. Not people just grabbing cash to go around and do whatever.
They have cut 96% of that out and now it is legitimate stuff run through legitimate channels that is an enormous step. They are there guys they’ve arrived. Now we get to change some values in my opinion and I forgot to put the news banner up.
We’ve been doing the news for the last like 10 minutes well seven or eight minutes guys. Pat Bondi she kicked butt today. I’m still surprised that did the left watch what we watched with HEGSIP.
I mean pickles it is good to see you in the house. Hopefully it’s not too smoky for you to join for whiskey and wisdom tonight. Yeah no news banner do it again.
Yeah you’re on your own on that one. He was awesome. All right let’s uh let’s let’s do one or two more quick ones and let’s get out of here so I’ll be ready.
They did their best to beat the crap out of HEGSIP. I thought he handled it well. Pilda Rico’s governor Yennefer Gonzalez asks Trump for help after Venezuela’s Maduro issues threats.
Yeah it’s gotten that real. Of course when I originally read it I just assumed it was a joke. He’s trying to throw Brazil under the bus.
I’m betting Brazil is not overly happy about that. Trying to throw Brazil under the bus with him with the threats course I shared this morning he seems to be am I a presently but the Puerto Rican governor is like hey let’s take this seriously. Let’s consider bringing back some military presence or more of a military presence back to Puerto Rico.
Maybe we should reconsider something. One it was very good for the Puerto Rican economy. So now the talks have quickly ramped up about with with the incoming Trump administration to increase the presence here which I am for personally.
It’s a protection thing. Puerto Rico’s strategic they’re taking it seriously. You should see I mean they’re ready.
I’ve never seen such a response social media response. But what’s in Puerto Rico? They’re like all right bring it. We’re American.
Really surprised at just how and I just adamant they are. Texas artist exactly that it is has everything to do with Venezuela and Puerto Rico and Venezuela’s threats to liberate Puerto Rico when Puerto Rico doesn’t want to be liberated. Now don’t get me wrong.
There’s a few crackpots everywhere that want that. I mean there’s a few crackpots that want an asteroid to collide with the earth and end it completely and they’re on the earth. Hadn’t occurred to them they’d be gone.
So I’m certain you can find a handful of people that would like to be liberated somehow or think they do. So we were talking about that but a number of articles from Reuters to epic time just the article I liked the most was the one that Epoch Times did on this one. Her comment was a trust your incoming administration will swiftly respond and make clear to the Maduro regime that under your leadership the United States will protect American lives and sovereignty and will not bow down to the threats of petty murders dictators.
Gonzales Colón her name is Jennifer is what you guys are going to call her Jennifer Gonzales Colón. The new governor she is she is very supportive of Donald Trump. A pro-Trump candidate won the governorship here in the last election.
So we watched that. The interesting part to me was it suddenly became politically expedient Puerto Rico to have more military presence here. There used to be a push to get them out back in the 90s.
It has changed very much which I find interesting. It’s kind of that sway that I keep talking about in worldwide politics a little back more back towards the middle and then the biggest breaking news I am certain of the day. Trump on boy sued Netanyahu more in one meeting than Biden did all year on God’s a piece.
New piece of court suddenly being agreed to of course Donald Trump was the very first one to announce that we have a deal for the hostages in the Middle East. They will be released shortly. Thank you.
Even though the new administration had talks or the incoming administration had talks and things suddenly after 15 months of no progress fix themselves. Suddenly we had all kinds of compromises being made and agreements being made and progress in the peace process but Biden administration is taking credit. Trump said there will be hell to pay on January 20th when I take office if you don’t have this figured out.
What do you guys think? Should Biden take off me? Biden’s getting pissy about it. The left is getting pissy about it right now saying that all the credit goes to Joe Biden and team. What do you guys think? Seems to me they don’t have it right.
Liberty Justice my 90 year old mother greeted me by telling me there’s a ceasefire when I walked into the nursing home today. She is sure all that that she is sharp. Hello, Lucinda.
Hey, I did not know you named it. He claimed credit for it and Kamala Harris. She backed him up.
Oh, wait. The speech tonight or Biden’s farewell tonight is going to be just on zoom that doesn’t surprise me. Dr. Sarah, there’s a good chance it could turn into a Biden roast.
If not, we’re just going to have fun. Charlie Reagan did the same thing. I mean, actually, I think it was before.
You can remember the exact timing on that. Yeah, it took him no time. Hostages were back.
The Carter one, that was embarrassing where the helicopters went in, dust shut everything down. They couldn’t even get them out. Had to abandon equipment.
That one was rough. Reading a few of these. Meghan is definitely a movie for the sheeple.
Yeah, my class, why they lost the economy, the election, they did so well with the economy. It’s exactly it. All right, guys, I need to call it a wrap there so I can get ready for whiskey and wisdom.
No fresh updates out of the bond, folks. Since earlier today, nothing’s changed on that front. For those that aren’t coming to whiskey and wisdom, I’ll see you tomorrow morning at 10.