Gregory Mannarino (Uncut) 01-16-2025
Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregor Manorino, Thursday, January 16, 2025, pre-market report. People, I want to outline a few things for you here.
I want to start off with this. But 15 minutes ago, I sent this out to all of you who subscribe to my newsletter again, 100 percent free, link in the description of this video. I want to read this to you real quick, and I want to cover what I’m talking about.
So I wrote, extreme caution advised, lions, it is 8 17 a.m. Eastern. My suggestion here is to still remain neutral with regard to this market. I am 90 percent out of the market, right? I am sitting in a large cash position, not a pretty place to be right now, but there’s too much risk here and let’s move forward.
So I wrote, lions yesterday, short positions got wrecked. And with that, it is exceedingly difficult to predict what central banks will do next. Now I’m going to talk about this right now.
Let’s, let’s outline what drove yesterday’s rally in this market. Okay, two factors. Number one, an absolutely stunning turn of events where the entire global dead market of the world saw massive capital inflows who’s doing all the buying.
I’m going to give you one guess. This was clearly a coordinated effort by central banks who had to act because you and I have been speaking about this for at least a week. What do we say? If central banks don’t take immediate action, immediate, repeated, all going over again in several videos that I put out for you guys and girls, I said, this whole thing was going to melt down.
Well, they coordinated their effort and yesterday they acted. We were, we witnessed a phenomenon. I don’t think it was ever been seen before.
This was no small affair. Could you imagine how much cash had to be pumped into the debt market to drive bond yields down across the board like that, mostly the long end of the year curve around the entire world, untold astronomical amounts of cash had to be pumped into the system. Now on the back of bond yields driving that obviously put quite a fire underneath the equity markets, stock markets of the world and shorts got decimated.
So a lot of short covering, two factors, again, this epic pumping of the debt market yesterday and then short covering now. As we discussed yesterday, this cannot be a one and done. What this means is this effort of central banks buying it all, which is their goal anyway, must continue to keep fostering a stock market that will go higher.
Without that, we will implode the debt market will implode on itself, which will cause the stock markets of the world to melt down so fast people’s heads are going to spin around like the freaking exorcist. I don’t know why I like to say that, but it’s the truth here. So the shorts that got decimated yesterday, they’ve already been wiped out.
Okay, me, I still remain in a relatively neutral position. I would say me being me being 90% out of this market should tell you something. Okay, but look, man, don’t don’t, whatever I do, you need to think about your own personal situation.
Let’s back up a little further. I pulled out of this market at the last FOMC meeting, the photo reserve meeting on monetary policy here. After what I witnessed, we had, again, a massive sell off spiked in the long end of the old curve in the United States.
I’m talking about the 10 year to the 30, which caused the stock market to crater the Dow 1100 points and a big spike in the MMI. Since that time, the market has not been able to recover, even till right now. So again, understand the factors that are involved to push this market higher.
Central banks must repeat what they did yesterday. Are they going to? I don’t know. And then the other thing is, look, we know for a fact you and me that central banks are going to lower rates moving forward.
Is it enough? Is it enough to keep this thing inflated? The debt market is a monster, and I’ve been telling you guys in this for many, many years, it’s a Frankenstein that’s engulfing the earth. It is going to swallow the earth and everything inside. And you can imagine what they’re going to come up with next to pull more cash into the now, whatever they got to do to spend more moving forward.
Maybe we’re going to buy Greenland because that’s a bill right now getting put together to buy Greenland. Yeah, that’s a way to allow the Fed to inflate, of course. Where does that cash come from? We don’t have it.
Obviously, cutting rates here allow central banks to inflate. They’re not going to stop burning down entire states, false flag events, whatever they got to do to keep the system of liquid, because liquidity people, I’m telling you again, listen to me. Okay, liquidity is drying up very, very rapidly.
And even though the world is appears to be saturated with debt, there’s not enough of it to keep the system going. Now with that, please write into what we’ve been speaking about yesterday and right now without more action here in the debt market. In other words, if central banks don’t continue to buy epic sums of debt to keep rates suppressed, because that’s how it works, you can expect the market to give everything back that we just gained yesterday and then some.
Now, let me show you this chart from yesterday. This is the S&P 500 again, going back to December, the December high to where we are now. This is a falling down the stairs pattern.
Are we done here? I can promise you that if the federal reserve and central banks don’t yet again coordinate their effort, we’re going right down the stairs further. You understand? If in fact, they get in here and they start pumping the debt markets, is it even going to be enough? Maybe, maybe not. They just crossed all the short.
So no boost from short covering. So I mean, look, man, everything we’re seeing right now is 100% dependent on what central banks are going to do moving forward. It has nothing else to do with really anything else.
It’s just about more easy money, the promise of lower rates, and is it going to work and the spending here? Like I said, Trump and his party over there, whatever, they’re putting together a bill to maybe buy Greenland. We don’t have the cash. It has to come from the Fed.
That would allow the Fed to inflate. Okay, maybe that’s going to work. I don’t think we’re buying anything, but that’s just a smoke screen, whatever in my view.
But if you guys think this is a great idea that we need to borrow more so we can allow the Fed to inflate so we can buy Greenland. Okay, I guess that’s something that you’re all into out here. Imagine a shock, but you can’t make any of this stuff up.
It really is beyond belief. But anyway, besides that, pay attention to this. This falling down the stairs really may not be over and that can accelerate because we do not know.
Number one, what central banks are going to do? We have a very good idea. We know they’re going to inflate. Okay, we know they’re going to cut rates.
Period. Okay, is it enough? Is it enough to support this system here? We already understand that the economy of the world is contracting at its fastest pace we’ve ever seen. Meanwhile, central banks continue to inflate along with puppet leaders who are doing whatever they can to allow their central bank to inflate like, for example, buying a nation.
For example, promising you lower rates here, which is obviously massively negative for the purchasing power of the currency. They’re not done destroying us here. They’re all involved.
All of all the politicians, every single one, are coordinating with their central banks here to destroy the middle class of the world, to foster an oligarchy, to push the cash straight up to the 1 in 2% as it comes right out of you, because we are moving very rapidly, not just into a new system here, which we don’t vote for, and we don’t want. But a two-two society, and I’ve been telling you this for 10 years, neo-futalism is where we are going. Now, going back to the debt market and all this stuff I just spoke about, right now, treasury yields are rising, not much rising nonetheless.
You got the 10-year yield higher than yesterday, and you still have. What I believe is the best tool that’s ever been created to gauge market risk, and it’s a 100% free. The mannerino market risk indicator, still in a red zone here, people, look at this, man.
You got to be kidding me. You’re going to follow this. Follow this, people.
It’s going to help you if you get your head around it again. This is not the end all, but it is quite a tool, and it’s free to everyone. So don’t think I’m, there’s a lot of people, or Greg wants to, people to what? Look at the effort.
It’s free. So what do I get out of it? I’m not motivated by money. I’m motivated by helping you.
That’s the truth here. Henceforth why this is free. Link in the description of this video.
We have a problem, and we don’t know if any of this is enough what central banks are doing. They have unlimited firepower. They actually do, and they could print into oblivion.
But what that means is the more cash they create out of nothing, the more purchasing power is robbed right out of their currency. This is grand theft. You realize what’s actually going on here, but no one’s holding anyone to account.
What central banks collectively are doing is a crime. It’s a crime in progress, and they’re robbing you, and they’re robbing me blind by stealing more purchasing power. Whenever you hear a politician or a central banker promise you lower rates, that means they’re promising to rob you.
You understand? Lower rates means a loss of currency purchasing power. Are we on the same page? Are you guys still completely disconnected from reality? You understand what’s going on here? Is it finally hitting home? Anyway, look, that’s what’s happening here. That’s really the story.
So me, I will remain in a neutral position with this market until there is a clear sign to me of one way or the other. If I believed again, even though we have particular patterns like just flowing down this stairs pattern, look, this is not the end all the other. None of this is.
This gives us little clues as to what may happen. We have to put together many dynamics. You understand? That’s why this is a challenging environment.
Why do people like me work? I would never work for an investment bank. But an investment bank would probably pay me an exorbitant amount of cash to work for them, to make calls as to where this market may or may not go. That’s what they do.
They employ people like me every single one of them do. Again, you know, my take on this, they couldn’t pay me enough to work for one of these institutions here. This is part of the Babylon system.
And really, as I’ve been telling you, we may be in the Babylon system, but we don’t need to be of it. But we can take advantage of this because we know what they’re going to do. This makes sense to you what I’m saying here, people.
So anyway, look, the bottom line is I’m going to say this, remain neutral in this market. My lines that are in the stock market here, because it looks like we could be in for quite a ride moving forward. There’s no reason at all to rush back in here.
You understand, you want to dabble in here, you want to throw a little play money around. And I mean, play money. Okay, that’s fine.
You and I, we’ve been along this market for seven and a half years straight. And frankly, we ripped the face off of it. You have some money to play with if you want to, but I’m still going to see be extremely cautious here.
If you’re not in this stock market, or you’re just a stack or you’re laughing, because you need to stack, you need to continue to bet against the system here by holding hard assets, silver remaining my favorite asset of all time. You do need to have some cryptocurrency in your portfolio. XRP big, a big one right here, as you know.
Anyway, look, that’s kind of where we stand here. I don’t know another way. I am working so hard and trying so hard to keep every single one of you ahead of the curve.
And I think to collectively, we’ve done it, we’ve done it better than I think anyone else could possibly have done. But there are, there are uncertainties here. We do not know if in fact, we know they’re going to cut rates.
Is it going to be enough? Are they going to continue to pump the debt market more so than they pumped yesterday? This was a coordinated effort. At the same time, we watched global bond years fall to the floor. You think that was by accident? Do you really believe that this just happened? Really? No way.
You won’t know that. But let me ask you, why is it that none of this is being discussed on Fox Business, CNBC, Bloomberg. They played up as if it’s just normal.
That’s just okay, really, really honestly, because you can’t know the truth. They can’t allow you to know what’s going on and who is really in control. You must be deceived and you must be distracted.
Sound about right to you? All right, people, look, I’m going to let you go here and think about these things that I’ve discussed with you. Understand the dynamics that are in play here, and there’s quite a few. So the my best take on all this is if you’re in this market, you got to be very careful.
If you’re not in this market, you’re in a neutral position kind of like Greg is right now. Just stay there. Okay, let’s just see where this goes.
Obviously, you should be heading to your other positions that I’ve spoken about. I unfortunately am sitting and I would say a pretty large cash position is the worst place to be. I understand that.
I will be taking action soon with regard to adding to my holdings of gold, silver, especially crypto currencies. I’m definitely looking to buy more XRP. I am looking to buy more Bitcoin as well.
We’ll see where this goes here. And again, I will let all of you know what to do and I’m open book. I don’t know another guy who tells you what they’re going to do when they’re doing it.
And that’s exactly what I intend to keep on doing. And again, just because I’m doing something doesn’t mean you should you need to evaluate your own situation as well. All right.
All right, people, that’s kind of it. I will see all of you later. Please comment.
If you got some matters video, if I have earned your thumbs up, I would really appreciate that. Share this stuff, get it out there. I will see all of you later for 5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream.
All right, I really hope to see you there to be meeting and people. Please take care of yourselves and each other. All right.