MarkZ (Uncut) 01-16-2025
Coffee with MarkZ. 01/16/2025
Hello all. Hello Qball, hello Jay and Amy, hello Brando, hello RW, hello Weezer, hello Moose, hello Mitts, Spanker, Eagle Claw, Jay Semple, hello Happy Hound. Everyone enjoyed the Biden last night.
Seemed to be the one with the cleft chin. Haven’t seen him for a while. The semi-coherent one, if that can be found.
51 in Florida, 30 in Virginia Beach, hello Graham, Texas Twin, hello Todd. He didn’t have any fun stuff. He believes it was the government.
Hello Iris, Dario, Ronnie, hello Morseus, Dink, morning Dink, hello Peach Tree Patriot, Eeyore. I always thought that Obama was difficult to watch and listen to. The director of dementia brings a whole new load to the humanity.
It’s tough, but boy did he give us some good humdingers last night to play with. It’s like he certainly couldn’t have believed what he was saying. He couldn’t, in any rational world, have believed what was coming out of his mouth.
It’ll be fun though. Hello Savvy, it’s good to see you in chat for however long that lasts, right? Q2’s got a thing for you. Stop what you’re doing and ask yourself this.
If the food supply collapsed tomorrow, how long would you survive? A week? Three days? The harsh reality is most people wouldn’t even make it that long. Look around, a catastrophic event of biblical proportions is looming. Prices skyrocketing, crops failing, cyber attacks, natural disasters, solar flares, terrorist attacks, fires, and more put us at risk of not being able to eat or provide food for our family.
This is why I’m protecting my family from this risk with Famine Fighter and wouldn’t want to be caught in disaster without it. Famine Fighter is designed to help my family not only survive, but thrive in 16 scrumptious varieties of food for long-term storage. The long-term food storage includes beef, white meat, chicken, buttermilk, pancakes, macaroni and cheese, honey, wheat, bread, chocolate, pudding, and so much more.
Plus, all of this food is stored in thick, ultra-durable packaging, securing its quality for months or years. Do your family a favor and secure your food storage while they are having a New Year’s special only at before disaster strikes. Plus, if you order now, you’ll also receive a 30-day risk-free trial and free copies of the Final Famine and the Red Dragon Report.
Once again, that is or you can just click on the link. You may have to hit the more button at Rumble or YouTube. Soldier, morning, brother.
Still cold in southwest Virginia. Not far from, no, you’re not far from the stomping grounds. Do I feel like, I do.
We’re going to get, well, we’re going to talk about the Ferris wheel, too, and then what I’m hearing. I do believe we are across, have crossed the lexicon. We have crossed the finish line.
Now we’re just waiting for them to come out and announce it in the winner’s circle. That’s my take on it. Appreciate you, soldier.
Hello, Adam. Hello, Weezer. Yeah, Joe, I’m with you.
They don’t get to ride in their Ferrari. Oh, yeah, I’ve heard it all. But to me, it is, Warren Buffett bought it, said it was a great long-term investment.
It was going to have real power. Donald Trump, Treasuries, some of the most connected people I’ve ever met in my life with vaunted military careers to foreign dignitaries, bankers. They’ve all told me it’s real.
They just don’t know when. So I’ll buy it and sit. I’ll see you on the other side, right? The way I look at it, we can either believe some paid hack that reads from a teleprompter or we can believe the people that write what goes on the teleprompter.
Brad, we’re working on an option. Ask me that tomorrow. But short term, if you need it, it just takes a while to get in it.
It’s They’re pricey, not certain of the quality. There’s a number of places on Amazon that sell it right now, too. But I do think you’re about four or five days away from being able to get it where you were getting it.
BigDaddyMike, we missed you. We report San Juan. We got off on a late start.
I’ll catch you next time. Sounds like a plan, BigDaddyMike. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks.
I’d have had a tough time. Skyline, we do appreciate Pastor Dan and Beth. Thank you.
I like your take on this. It means I get to eat mom’s mac and cheese. Totally worth it.
Hey, mom, make extra. Shawn, cold and snowy here in the Berg. Give me some sun, margarita, and a beach.
Really don’t do margaritas here, but how mojitos and a beach. Make it with rum. I will get into the timing.
Do not worry. Hello, Jeffrow. Stock market down.
Expected that after yesterday’s shoot up. It needed to rethink, do a little tweaking. I believe you’re right.
XRP Guru just said SEC’s last feeble attempt at suppressing the price of XRP failed. Next week, Phoenix rises from the ashes. Generational wealth and blue skies are in the future.
I think you’re right. We’ve already seen it go from 30-some cents in just a handful of months to $3. That’s huge.
I’m just reading a few of these before we have to dive into news and such. Byron, we don’t know for certain. We’re told it’s not really a basket so much as they’re going to go individually when they’re ready.
Byron’s question is, do you know what’s in the second basket of currencies? As excited as I am, can’t wait for the med beds. Bad back, I’m ready to get my golf swing back. I might even take up golf with you, Byron, just because I can post-med bed.
I’m personally looking for me and guys, this isn’t investment advice. It’s just education, entertainment, see how it goes. I’m looking at the central and west-central African currencies.
We call them the SIFAs. I’m looking at Afghanistan. I’m looking at Mongolia.
Those are some of my favorite long-term plays. I know they’re going to be worth something going down the road because of their resources, strategic locations, etc. No margaritas? What? Goes up that lane.
All right, I’ll make some margaritas. The mojitos are bigger here. They’re crazy about their mojitos here.
They do them with passion fruit, parcha, coconut. You name it, they have a mojito version for it. Some really good ones, too.
Mango. I may be asking on behalf of thousands, but any further word from you here beyond Connected? Yeah, we’re going to actually, Alan, we’ve got some more of those sources about the 21st, 22nd to share when we hit the news button here in just a minute or so. It does have me very, very tentatively excited, cautiously excited, extremely optimistic.
Mr. Frausto, you do bring up a good point. I think it’s going to be really, really tough to keep this one under wraps, but it is supposed to be a private event. They can’t keep that big a change completely private, though.
Brian, listen to whiskey and less wisdom. Last night, I should have drank before. It’s always fun, even on slow ones.
Last night wasn’t even particularly an extra funny one. Sometimes they are just hilarious, but they’re always fun. Denver girl, I’m convinced.
Mojitos, it is. JC, high marking community. This roller coaster is getting me so crazy.
Sometimes I feel like jumping out of my balcony. Only problem with that is I live on the ground floor. No, that’s a good thing.
It’s difficult. It’s tough. At some point, you reach, and for most of it, it takes somewhere between the 15 and 20-year mark where you just get punch-dumped, where you go, this has always been a when and not an if.
Boy, did I mess that one up. It’s always going to be a when and not an if, and the waiting for it has just been painful. Because after all, at the end of the day, fundamentals win.
They always do. Always win in the end. So just play them.
Old Stokes, good morning. It’s my birthday. Happy birthday, Old Stokes.
And more importantly, attention bowling fans, a hearty good morning to the fans and everyone else here. Monday’s bowling scores, 179, 180, 197, 556 total pins for a 185 average per game. We’re looking forward to catching the next one.
Go North Dakota, that is definitely not too little to exchange. That could be very meaningful, in my opinion. Clinton, some of those will not let themselves roll in, so I still think they’re going to be substantial.
Talking about Afghanistan, Mongolia, things like that. African countries, it would be tough to roll them into anybody in the region, because there’s nobody in the region with a currency worth it, but the assets are there. All right, let’s put up the news banner and start with the crazy yo-yo game we’re getting out of the herbal region.
Parliamentary finance responds to, oh wait, we’re going to start with a little international statement here, which to me is just, hey, leave us sovereign, even if you’re right. Parliamentary finance responds to State Department statements on the budget, blatant and unacceptable interference. All right, Matthew Miller from the U.S. State Department, in which the Iraqi parliament called for speeding up the vote on the budget.
He just made a comment, hey, things are going really well, but now they need to go ahead and vote on it. Just al-Kazemi, whatever it’s going to look, we’re working hard on it, leave us alone, stop pushing us. It doesn’t look good, but they keep screaming about sovereignty.
They keep saying we are sovereign, we are taking care of our own. I kind of like that one, just because that was one of the things in the reform papers that they kept talking about, sovereign, in control of their own decisions. All right, protect the savings, dollar fluctuations force Iraqi citizens to acquire gold, and their government is actually encouraging them to buy gold to make things more secure.
So they’re just buying it to make it more secure. It’s crazy to me when we look at our own U.S. government trying to, I mean, they’re afraid of us buying gold, but governments around the world encourage their people to buy gold. 81 billion in 2024 record sales shake Iraq’s history.
This one’s important because it breaks down the amount of money now that they’ve got the new system in place. Going back to a previous statement by the prime minister, 12 billion a year is enough to fill imports. The rest is smuggling, and we eliminate it.
In other words, when they were selling millions and millions, what, $80 billion a year, I’ve seen $60 billion a year in foreign currencies. Overwhelming majority was going to smuggling, etc. They have now limited that, and I shouldn’t say limited, they’ve just about obliterated it, and it all goes through proper channels now that they have changed the foreign currency auctions, the banking system, etc., and they’re giving us the numbers.
This is important because it’s part of what they needed to be allowed to go fully international. The region’s oil revenue is a prerequisite for guaranteeing salaries and resolving disputes. This is the fight between Baghdad and the Kurdish region.
Kurdish region, the back and forth, even in the same publications today, has been pretty extreme. So I don’t know if this is just a smokescreen. KRG, which is the Kurdish regional government, challenges Baghdad, we will not send our internal revenues until you give us our dues.
Of course, Baghdad is kind of like putting the chicken before the egg, nothing’s going to hatch, because you’ve got to send us the dues so we can pay the bills and then send you your revenues. In other words, you have to send it to us before you get your cut of the revenue. So it’s a lot of back and forth.
Kurdish citizens know who is negligent in the issue of salaries and did not abide by Baghdad’s decision. Okay, this one will fool you. What it’s showing is the Kurdish people know that leaders in the Kurdish region are playing shenanigans, selling oil under the table, not sending money, a lot of corruption going on.
And the people are very aware of it because they experience it in their day-to-day life. So the people in the region are calling BS on it. So to me, it’s been very fun watching the people go back and forth, finger pointing, nobody wanted to take responsibility, really felt like Congress here in the United States.
Maybe the Iraqi people want to be more like the American people and have a useless Congress. Maybe it’s the thing where politicians just point fingers at each other. The positive is the vote is supposed to occur on Sunday.
The vote is supposed to occur on Sunday. I think I forgot to put the news time banner up yet again. We started a few minutes ago on news.
The fun stuff I’m getting now are a couple of check-ins. One, I was pretty excited about it, really good contact. Then another one of my great ones checked in, their counterpart in Asia, now being told that they should expect the 21st and 22nd.
Immediately following the inauguration and swearing in, they are going to get extremely busy, which to me I found very encouraging because of the region coming from, and it’s been very quiet of late, and just the level of connections of these folks. This is a worldwide event. It is not just about America.
So when we get check-ins from around the globe, that lets us know that it’s not just a bunch of us crazies here in our little chat rooms. It is a worldwide event. I’m going to take that off.
We’re going to keep going on some of the news, but I just wanted it out of the way. Right, Darrell, they better get busy. They’ve got everything in place.
They have it in place. Specifically, bond folks paying out, and when bond folks are paying out, that probably means we’ll be making appointments. Let’s see.
Who am I going to cheer for in this one? One represents gold, one represents silver, right? It’s the Ohio Buckeyes are silver and the Notre Dame is gold. Did I get that right? Pulling for gold or silver. Mary, 71st.
Happy birthday, Mary. I’m just reading a few of these. I’m going to go back to it.
Don’t worry. Alessandra, most of what I’m seeing right now is pointing towards around four bucks, about four U.S. dollars per denar. Most of what I’m seeing right now is close to that, either slightly below or slightly above.
Lydia says gold, go Irish. Martha’s, 47th. We do have Stacey Z joining us in a little bit today.
Does the Iraq administration like Trump? They understand him more and are willing to work with him more. There are some leaders in Iraq that don’t like him because, well, they’re not going to get away with selling oil through the border to Turkey and all kinds of other countries, so they’re going to have to be responsible. Sudani and a number of others are very much excited about having Trump on board.
They’re looking for the peace in the region. They talk about it a good bit in the news. I didn’t bring in a couple of these other ones.
Just the settling of Hamas and all that good stuff in the comments in Iraq foreign policy today. They’re talking about the stability and how it will free up attention. They’re talking about Lebanon, Syria.
Of course, the Palestinian and the ceasefire is being extremely well received in Iraq right now. Do you guys want more of that out of Iraq? I try to leave it down to just the ones that I think are very germane to RV, but if you’re curious about the people, their life and some of those others, I can start sharing more of those articles. I read them.
I just don’t share them because I don’t think most of you guys have any interest. Savvy, you were born yesterday. It’s good to have you here.
Stan, the projected values for the dong has started going a little all over the board from about just under 50 cents to almost three and a half, three and three quarters. I’m still of the belief that it’s going to be in the low to mid twos. Dwayne, I would have to do the math on the contract price of wages for Iraq.
Now that we’re 80 something, I don’t know where it’s still sitting. Jazzy, I think I’ll be able to tell you the rates. I don’t think there’s going to be a secret, meaning I don’t think there’s going to be an NDA on currency.
I think there’s going to be an NDA on your humanitarian projects, I think. At least that’s the latest I’m getting from my folks. Indonesian rupiah, Tom, I continue, and this has gone for years.
The only value I have seen personally on any of the screens that have been shared or back and forth with some of my bank contacts have been $1.47. So for me, I really think that’s where we’re going to see it. Saying that, nobody knows for certain, but I very much think, Tom, that’s where we’re going to see it. Oh, Wu Danfu, don’t do it.
Venezuela reports inflation of 48% in 2024. Maduro promises to increase workers’ salaries. Yeah, I’ve often wondered what happens if we’re the ones that get all the news wrong.
I don’t think so in this case. Nicholas Maduro, he’s touting his record. They only had 48% inflation in 2018.
Of course, he took power in 2015. Guys, when did he take power? 2013, 2015, he became the latest of the Chavistas. Wait, do you guys follow Venezuelan politics? I probably follow them more than I ever should have.
Supposedly, their economy grew by 9% last year. Of course, remember, as I say these things, he refused to show any records about the election, and he’s probably very much the illegitimate leader of Venezuela right now, at least based on the news I read and contacts both in and outside of Venezuela. We’re starting to get inflation under control.
People are starting to return to the countryside. I shared some of this internal stuff yesterday with you all from some folks inside of the country, but things are starting to improve. I’d mentioned that they’re starting to invest in their manufacturing production again.
I’m wondering how much of this is made for television, how much of this is we’re about to see a renaissance with new values. Of course, many of us have the currency, so we’ll be excited about it. I’m wondering how much is made for TV.
The top 10 most powerful currencies in the world. Arab countries top the list. I thought you guys would enjoy these.
Kuwaiti dinar, Bahrainian dinar, the Omani rial, the Jordanian dinar. Drop down to number five before you get the Westerners, British pound sterling, six, the Gibraltar pound, seven, Cayman Islands dollar, worth more than the US dollar, Swiss franc, euro. There in number 10 spot for strongest currencies, the US dollar.
Why is this important? All of these top ones are going to be what is in the basket and pegged with the Iraqi dinar as they go asset and free market, aka floating, not that there will be much of a float. You purchase them for your children. Who would exchange themselves or gift them to them to redeem themselves? Keno, I would be prepared to do either one.
When I say that, I mean, as soon as this happens, if we find out if there’s taxes or not, just go exchange and give them the money. If there’s not taxes, I mean, if there is taxes, then hand it to them and let them exchange. That’s what I’m thinking right now.
Again, not legal advice or financial advice in any way. That’s just what I’m thinking. Although, that was an issue for me when I first got into this.
Since then, all my children are over 18. We got regular politics we can have some fun with when you guys are ready. I’m getting a kick out of trolling right now.
Politics and their comments as the tides of power change. You listen to these folks that made horrendous governing decisions. You listen to them try to justify the decisions they’ve made.
Many of them were just outright blatant lies. Some of them are just self-delusional. Of course, we can’t leave out Michigan Governor Whitmer.
This one, though. Warren’s tariffs on Mexico and Canada could damage the U.S. auto industry. It could cost us a few billion a year to the car makers.
Of course, she’s missing the part about the more secure border, about, I think, what is it, almost $150 or $180 billion that goes just to illegal immigrants in the U.S. each year. Getting rid of those, making everybody legal and hopefully common sense or make them do the process legally with common sense. But she gets into, hey, imposing tariffs could really damage supply chains and slow production lines, cut jobs on both sides of the border.
Of course, the policies we have now we know don’t work. So what she’s saying is, you know, there’s a chance it may not work well. Now, I get a kick out of this one.
Every time a Michigan auto part crosses over the border and gets taxed, the cost will be passed on to you at the dealership, Whitmer said. Sometimes it happens a couple times throughout production. That means you’ll pay more to buy a Silverado, fix the engine of your Mustang, or replace the fender on your Jeep Grand Cherokee.
Did you notice how she went, like, totally blue collar here? Yep, not that anybody but the working class buy Silverados or Mustangs for the most part. Jeep Grand Cherokee, that’s kind of like the yuppie working white collar. I mean, excuse me, blue collar.
But she definitely did her best to pander to a certain subset here. So somebody is paying attention to PR in her group. Then they get into the amount of trade back and forth, but she doesn’t do the math.
If she’d do the math and figure out what it would bring to her, the people around her, the country, she would realize that they’re going to sacrifice $10-20 billion to save $200-300 billion. I don’t know about you, but a 10-to-1 return, totally worth it, totally worth it. It’s just, man, do you see it? If we start making everybody play fair, who’s going to pick our food and build our cars? So certainly we can’t, I mean, we’ve got to control our cheap labor.
It really does sound like the Democrats of the 1840s, very much so. Now, this is probably the most fun we’re going to have all day. You all may be disappointed with the rest of your day after this one.
Let’s see, this is low IQ of Democrats. If the cost of auto parts becomes too high to import, they will be made domestically, which will be a boost for the auto industry. Yes, there is short-term pain in that, but there is a long-term fix, Jesus believers.
It’s kind of like when you have a really bad infection and you need a shot of penicillin. The shot’s going to hurt, but it’s going to be worth it. That is exactly the same process here.
When they reset a bone, it hurts. But guess what? It’s the only way you can heal. That’s the part we’re at right now.
All right, in a farewell address, Biden touts achievement, warns of a tech industrial complex. That’s right, guys. He broke out and channeled his inner Eisenhower and warned us about a tech industrial complex that could rise to power.
Now I would like to point out some similarities. Do you think it was well-intentioned? Do you believe it was an omission of guilt similar to Eisenhower’s? Eisenhower helped build the military industrial complex, and then he warned us that it was taking over and controlling us. Now, Biden, who worked directly, enabled, created the back channels.
Him and Obama and Harris and et cetera, they created these back channels into all the tech companies. They put CIA—we now have whistleblowers, documentation showing that CIA has people embedded in press and these tech industries working for both parties. So they created it.
We know they created the entire censorship machine, the back doors at Twitter, because with the Twitter files, we may soon have some Meta files or Facebook files as they get dropped, too. So it’s all coming apart around them. So now he’s going to warn us that they have created a tech industrial complex.
No, wait. I mean, this is just after 50 years of public service. I give my word.
I still believe in the idea for which this nation stands, a nation where the strengths of our institutions and the character of our people matter and must endure. Biden said before ending his speech, now it’s your turn to stand guard. He sold us out, and now we’ve got to stand guard? No, we should have been—he should have been standing guard.
We elected him—well, they elected him to stand guard or supposedly. Biden’s political career will span decades, including serving as senator from Delaware, vice president under Barack Obama. We’ll come to an end.
Boy, I’m so ready. In the past four years, our democracy has held strong, and every day I’ve kept my commitment to be present for all Americans through one of the toughest periods in our nation’s history, Biden said. All Americans, present for all Americans.
Do you guys remember him telling you you couldn’t keep your job? If you didn’t take something experimental, that you were going to be denied medical care, you were going to probably not make it through the winter? Do you remember him saying if you had a differing view, perhaps you should be locked up? Him, no, but under his watch, many people did. Do you remember him saying that if you believed in America first, you were a domestic terrorist? Do you remember his DOJ or FBI, excuse me, creating files on good Catholics because they believed in a Bible but they might be terrorists? Do you remember them working with local school boards to keep an eye on dissenting voices? Yeah, for all Americans. No, I kind of remember you screwing over half of America, me particularly in that group.
Many of you guys feel the same way because it’s personal once it’s against you, but this has got to be one of the funniest. I mean, the sarcasm dripping throughout this thing as he appeared or, excuse me, tried to appear like he was the good guy was laughable at best, but let’s sum it up. Biden’s leaving office with his approval rating at the lowest point of his term, according to a recent CNN poll of only 36%.
Of course, CNN did the poll. It’s probably more like 16%, but who’s counting? CNN, perhaps the most inaccurate news agency in the world, but Biden, he did. He told you how he did great, how he planted the seeds, and we may not have seen the seeds of greatness that he planted, but we would.
You know what? Maybe he’s right. He did plant a lot of seeds in us, meaning he upset us so much that we knew we had to stand up and do something. He planted the seeds of an uprising, a reformation, a changing.
He made things so bad that many folks that were asleep are now awake, so maybe he did plant some great seeds, but he didn’t do it for the right reasons. That’s more one of these biblical moments where God took what was meant for bad and turned it for good. So maybe Joe Biden did good, but he’s warning us today.
An oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power, and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms. A fair shot for everyone to get ahead. Boy, isn’t this fun? He is.
He’s really going after his Eisenhower speech. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist, Eisenhower said. All right, now we’re going to get in here.
Six decades later, I’m equally concerned about the potential rise of a tech industrial complex that could pose real dangers for our country, Biden said. Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation, enabling the abuse of power. The free press is crumbling.
Errors are disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact-checking. No social media is giving up on government-controlled fact.
And I don’t think I would call it fact-checking. I would think I would call it fact-production as they produce their own version of the facts. Free speech allows us to have the information on both sides, all arguments, and to make a rational decision on our own.
This is how that works. But I love it. The abuse of power.
They buried actual facts in science. All in the name of misinformation and disinformation. It really is laughable reading this.
I mean, laughable reading it. As a land of liberty, America, not China, must lead the world in development of AI. Well, Biden, you pretty much sold America to China.
Wait. We need to amend the Constitution to make clear that no president is immune from crimes that he or she commits while in office. Ooh.
Can we really do that? I mean, I’m down. I’m really down. I mean, I think it would be a great idea.
It only sucks that you’re not going to be around long enough to serve a full term because of your age and health. I mean, when I say a full term, I mean in the pokey. I had to have a little bit of fun with it, guys.
Israel and Hamas reached a ceasefire deal, now awaiting Netanyahu cabinet approval. Once again, the Trump effect. Social media.
The left is screaming, this is all Biden, this is all Biden. The crazy thing here, though, is so many people at the peace table and in the negotiations and involved with the negotiations have come out and said, thank God for Trump. We’ve gotten more done in days than we’ve gotten in the last year and a half, which is crazy because the people signing the deals are giving credit to Trump.
But for some reason, the left is convinced that Trump had nothing to do with it and Biden did it all. Hey, we’re used to letting them be delusional. I mean, they believe men can have babies and periods.
Pentagon contractor fired after undercover DOD stopped Trump expose. Of course, he didn’t work for the government. He worked for a contractor that worked for the government.
So he indirectly worked for the government and saying, yeah, I’m meeting with one star, two star, three star generals. He could have just been trying to get laid, guys. He totally could have been telling her whatever BS she wanted to hear.
Absolutely may have been telling her he wrote books and did all kinds of cool stuff worth millions of dollars. We don’t know. In other words, was this just an effort to fulfill some kind of, you know, desire? Or was this the truth? He certainly went into a lot of distinct.
Excuse me. What would I call it? A conversation as to what they would do or how or possibly that they were actively meeting. To figure out a way to keep Trump from having control effect or taking office to me absolutely deserves going into this one, of course.
Oh, my. Keith O’Keefe Media Group doing the work in the undercover. Pretty young lady talking to him.
Got him talking, loosened up his tongue. Since then, it has been in the intelligence circles in D.C. It has been who can throw who under the bus the quickest, who can distance themselves the quickest and get away from this thing. Nobody wants to take responsibility.
Are we finding out? Is there any truth to it? Is there a plot, an active plot this time again to I mean, the last time the plot was from Obama and Biden and Clinton or one of the last times they got the DOJ, the FBI and everybody else. And we’re talking about laptop. We’re talking about Russian collusion.
I mean, there’s a lot to talk about here and unpack here. What are we going to do this time? We do anything different. We’re going to get to the bottom of it.
I mean, this visa saying, hey, military people are meeting to to figure out how to not let Trump rise to power. I mean, boy, this sounds a lot like treason to me. Treason probably deserves a little investigating.
I don’t know about you, but it does to me. All right. That’s all I wanted to cover.
Other than birthdays, do you believe Biden’s still alive? I believe most of the people that the stories are telling us have been Gitmo to probably still here and still active. Do I think some of them are probably factual? Probably. We have active military that serves in Gitmo.
So there’s not as much going on there as we all hope. There’s more going on there than the official story claims, though, that we know for certain. So my guess is the truth is somewhere in between.
That is the most logical explanation. Sabrina, he was also arrested in 21 for meetings with 15 year old. Which one are we talking about? Oh, the same guy.
Get out of here, Sabrina. That would not surprise me. What do you guys think? I definitely believe parts of these are made for television or made for movie.
I definitely believe that use of body doubles are happening regularly. I mean, that’s happened throughout history. This is not like a new idea.
I know as a fact from folks that I both trust and have done deep dives on character locations, et cetera, that there are indeed some tribunals happening. So for me, I think the truth is somewhere in between, but I am very curious what you guys think. Yeah, no, I’m with you, Fred.
Which Biden earlobe? Reading a few of these. Let’s see. You got expert permaculturist.
Oh, I do like permaculture on your program today. I’m just reading these pictures to say it all. Lots of smoking.
There are lots of smoking mirrors. I’m having fun reading these. Stacey Z is going to talk for a while, which means I get to hang out and chat.
Oh, wow. Arizona said it. They caught the chump on the camera meeting a 15 year old for sex.
Yeah, so he may have been just I mean, although stop and think about this one. What kind of think tank? What kind of reputable think tank is then going to invite that into their inner circle? That doesn’t make any sense. I mean, any, because it shows that he would be easy to compromise.
And then that those same organizations get hired by the government. I don’t think they ever want me to be president. Because I would not be nearly as nice as anybody in the past.
Music fun lacks. Actually, I think some of the changes we’re watching in Venezuela are telling me that there may be more going on already in the regime change there. And we may see it in the first basket.
I really do. And I go back and forth on whether Venezuela can be in the first basket or not. Right now, I I’m leaning towards in it.
I mean, my sources very much think it is in it. Yeah, Maverick, I’m in. Problem is, can I only serve for like 12 months and then I get to leave? OK, we did all that.
What is that outgoing? Let’s let’s check in to see the level of disconnect from Main Street and Wall Street. Claiming it’s down one twenty three. I shouldn’t say claim.
It says it’s down one twenty three. All right, folks, I’m going to start singing. We’ve got old Stokes, Mary, Martha, who else? Now Smith’s got to go into listening mode, got to use brain cells to listen to Stacey.
I’m just reading these. I’m going to go back to reading. Let me sing so I can take time out, really pay attention over there.
So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live.
May you love me. All your dreams come true. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to all those that are celebrating and those that are too embarrassed to give us their names.
You’re the same folks at the restaurant when there’s a birthday that don’t want anybody singing. You just want the free cheesecake and I’m with you. I’d rather them not sing and I get the free cheesecake.
Who doesn’t like good cheesecake? All right, guys, that’s it. Let’s bring her in. Everybody loves cheesecake, right? Right.
I think so. Anybody in here not like cheesecake? I mean, I totally understand if you’re lactose intolerant or you’re allergic to something in it. I totally understand.
But you wish you could eat it, right? Exactly. Especially homemade real cheesecake. Realize it’s birthday, too.
I missed realize. See, Becky’s like free cheesecake. I’m in.
See, right. Yeah, it’s good thing we got a big community. I’m thinking like we should like every day of the year we should eat someplace like as a group once we’re all living closer to each other or the RV community.
We just find the local Denny’s or wherever that gets the free birthday thing. And we just go as a group because there’s always going to be somebody with a birthday. Yeah.
And we share the cake. There you get. Well, how big of a cake are we going to need that? Right.
Ha, ha, ha. Yeah. Good question there.
Oh, Jeremy, Sue. Oh, that’s our dad’s favorite. And it is one of mine.
Yeah, it’s for some reason it’s not one of mine. Good morning, Jennifer, everyone. So my favorite I know it’s crazy is chocolate.
Cake with chocolate, I think I might love chocolate just a little bit. It’s kind of crazy, but oh, that with Twinkies on it, I think, Mark, for our 50th birthday, we had an amazing cake. It was chocolate with chocolate icing and then Twinkies on top.
It was cool. Yes, because Twinkies used to come to to to a pack and that’s what our used to always call us. So, oh, my gosh, I am so excited, guys.
I can’t stand it. And thank you, Mark, for changing your schedule for me for my tennis schedule. I’ll be playing tennis on Monday mornings this spring.
I would do the same for Mr. Cottrell. So that shows you, you know, you’re up there in importance. Oh, fantastic.
Yay. I’m important. I love it.
OK, you want to throw up my presentation? Oh, Lilypad, you’re going to have to send it to me, please. Yes. OK, so I am super excited.
We had so a lot of the results coming in from our new MindBody DLP one system. A lot of people haven’t seen weight come off the scale, which doesn’t always tell the story. And I’ll I’ll explain that in a minute.
But we have seen so many people losing inches left and right off their body. So we had a third party study that went over our RNA sequencing with a bunch of genes and cells. Right.
To see what exactly was going on. And these third party study results are in and I cannot wait to share them with you because they are dumbfounding. Absolutely wonderful.
- Also, big fun announcement for parody and all of our friends over in New Zealand and Australia and all the different places in the world. Europe.
Guess what? The MindBody system is going international. Full launch March 15th in Japan and Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Mexico and Thailand. So I know we have a lot of Mark Z listeners from all over the world.
And then April 24th. Oh, sorry. That’s two consultants.
March 15th. So there’s a couple of parody. You’ll be able to get it come March 15th.
It’ll go on full sale. Anybody can get it come April 24th. And then, guys, in Canada, it’s available in a strange way because what happens is all the provinces have to get together and OK the product.
And it’s kind of really hard to get all the provinces to come together and agree on something. So it takes a little bit longer. It’s probably going to be more like May or June before just everybody can get it in Canada.
But if you are a consultant in Canada, you can get it. And if you text me, I can teach you how to do that because you have to order it through our not for sale. Not for resale program.
And I have a whole little instruction sheet on how you do that. So everybody is going to be getting it soon. I am so excited.
So this GLP-1, this mind body system, right. What is GLP-1 and why is it so important and why is everybody talking about it right now? So it’s the hormone produced in the lower gut, regulates your appetite and blood sugar, slows down digestion, steadies blood sugar and glucose spikes, which means you have reduced cravings. And it communicates feelings of fullness, satiety and reduces food noise along the gut brain access.
So when you use both the products, the mind body core pills, right. This is the wonderful thing about this product. There are no injections and it’s not synthetic.
It is all natural. So what does that mean? Like the synthetics, you have a 50 percent chance increase in getting thyroid cancer. You have a 50 percent chance of losing your vision.
You have a higher chance of getting gastroenteritis where your body will never digest food ever again. You have major either you’re in the bathroom constantly or you’re not in the bathroom at all. Forty percent of the people who use the synthetics drop off of it because they can’t handle it.
I mean, they actually have people that will do their shot and then plan it. So it’s on the weekend, spend the whole entire weekend in bed and then get up and go to work on Monday. That’s not a way to be healthy.
And the worst part is it’s a bandaid. It’s not fixing the issue. And if you ever go off of it, you’re going to gain all your weight back or more, which is not cool.
And the weight that you lose is muscle, bone and water. And that is so very unhealthy. And another reason why people stop taking is they lose all their hair because when you lose that muscle that fast, you lose all the nutrients.
Your body’s trying to figure out where to grab nutrients from. And so it starts delaying what your body needs and pulling it and saving it in different places. So you need nails.
Can’t have it. You need hair. You can’t have it.
It’s your skin health. You can’t have it. So it’s just yes.
When you go with natural products, it’s just safer and it’s going to be long term. And when you use both the products, the pills, the core. Right.
You take those two pills first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Wait 30 minutes before you have any calories. And then you take the the enhanced powder.
And between the two of them, it activates a 95 percent increase of the GCG gene. That’s your glucagon like receptor genes. Right.
And then it also upregulates the PCSK1 gene, which is the enzyme that cleaves to pro glucagon into active GLP1. So it’s working synergistically in creating more GLP1. It increases your GLP1R expression, which promotes increasing GLP1 receptors in your in your intestines, in your L cells.
And then the other really cool thing is it downregulates the gene DPP4, which tries to steal and stop GLP1 production in the body. So it works by increasing upregulating the good genes and downregulating the bad genes. So when the MBG GLP1 system helps restore communication along the gut brain access, ensuring hunger hormone signals are clear and balanced, it’s increasing the PPY gene, creating more neuro peptides that communicate along the gut brain access.
Right. Very important. There’s a reason why they call it the gut brain access.
It’s all your neurotransmitters. The majority of all of them are created in your gut. So it increases that one thousand two hundred and eighty percent.
And then the PYY genes. Very important. Also, it increases those 55 percent.
It’s just amazing. So the top five amazing things about the mind body system is it increases the GLP1 on average in 12 weeks. One hundred and forty percent.
Those synthetics are actually killing your GLP1 receptors and just putting them on the back burner, which is not good. You can lose up to nine pounds in eight weeks on average and up to twenty five pounds in 12 weeks on average. And then one hundred percent who lost weight or fat.
We really should change that to say fat maintained all of their muscle. If you do not understand how important your muscle is, it is like the hottest topic of how to live a long, healthy life. Because with muscle, you lean muscle, you your body can fight fat better and you just have more balance.
You don’t fall. It’s just very important for longevity. The fourth important thing is up to 27 percent reduction in visceral fat.
Why is that important? Because that visceral fat that is stuck around all of your organs, that is what causes the heart attacks. That is what is causing the strokes. That is what is causing diabetes.
That is what is causing cancer. That is what is causing autoimmune diseases. It kills the mitochondria.
So that 27 percent, 27 percent reduction in visceral fat is so important. And then another five percent reduction in body fat. But wait till you hear these test results.
They are amazing because it keeps getting freaking better. It’s also patent pending. I know it’s a natural product.
But when you combine all these together and it does what it does, we actually are having we are getting a patent on it. And then, yeah, we’ll be getting another patent soon. So you turn up your DLP one to turn down food noise.
No more snacking urges, reduced cravings. What you need is stronger and louder than what you want. I used to after dinner, I would always eat dark chocolate as my dessert.
Well, now I usually have grapes or an apple or something like that. That’s my new sweet go to. And the good thing is those are complex carbs and they’re healthy ones that help your thyroid function.
So all those in our study, 82 percent took back control of the relationship with food. Ninety five percent reduced sugar cravings. Ninety six percent chose smaller portions.
Eighty five percent felt less hungry. Ninety percent ate less meals. That’s huge, right? I can’t eat as much anymore, either.
Eighty five percent now eat for health instead of emotions. That’s a wonderful thing. So the mind, body, GOP one system benefits naturally increases GOP one supports the sustainable weight and fat loss and wellness for results.
You can see and feel helps balance hunger hormones to increase satiety via the gut brain access. So you feel fuller, longer, helps quiet food noise to cut down cravings and reduce the desire to snack. And it helps maintain blood sugar levels already within a normal, healthy range.
Guys, we have people that are on our GOP one system that have cut down their type two diabetics. And there are some type one diabetics that are cutting down their insulin levels because it’s making that big of a difference. Heck, we have people on this that are talking about they used to have IBS.
They no longer have IBS. It’s incredible how important it is for gut health and what it does. But I keep referring to fat loss instead of weight loss.
This is very important. Why you want to lose fat and not necessarily weight. So weight loss, it refers to a decrease in overall body weight, which includes fat, muscle, water and bone mass.
When you lose that, that’s not good. Weight loss might not always improve your health if it involves losing muscle or essential fluids. While broader, it does not provide the same depth of health benefits, especially if it includes muscle loss.
Fat loss is more effective approach for improving health and aesthetics, while weight loss may only beneficial may be beneficial if fat loss is the primary driver. So fat loss, it focuses specifically on reducing body fat while preserving or increasing lean muscle mass. Very important to have lean muscle mass.
It is a better indicator of improved body composition and health than weight loss alone. And it offers a more targeted, sustainable and health promoting benefits by improving body composition and reducing that harmful visceral fat that creates disease. So weight loss, you’re losing all of your water, your bone, your muscle, your fat, fat loss.
You’re just losing the fat. You’re keeping the important thing. Right.
Big difference. So focusing on fat loss reduces fat mass. And visceral fat weight loss just reduces overall body weight.
So you’re still going to be carrying that weight around, that fat around and especially around your organs, which is so bad. So cardiovascular health, fat loss, significant improvement for cardiovascular health, weight loss. It’s only moderate improvement.
Blood sugar control, substantial improvement in insulin sensitivity. When you lose fat, when you lose weight is just general improvement. Inflammation reduction.
So fat loss actually targets key inflammation sources. Weight loss is just less targeted muscle mass. You preserve or increase.
Most people are increasing their muscle mass on our natural GLP one system. Weight loss. You just reduce your muscle mass.
Metabolic health. It’s improved due to fat distribution changes. And weight loss may decrease if muscle mass is lost.
Sustainability. Fat loss is a long term focus and sustainable. Weight loss is short term.
It’s your yo-yo diets. It’s short term, not focused on fat loss and isn’t as healthy for you. So we’ve had multiple people just dumbfounded as to why they look skinnier and their clothes fit better, even though they’re not showing anything on the scale.
Well, there’s a there’s a reason why. So think fat loss, not weight loss. Muscle is way smaller and denser than fat.
Fat has no shape. So it’s all over the place. Right.
There you can see here we have an 130 pound person who weighs, you know, has 20 percent body fat, weighs 130 and is skinny. We have the same person who weighs 130 pounds, but has a 35 percent body fat. And they’re considered chubby.
Right. It’s because fat has no structure. It’s loose, no shape.
Muscle is very fine and compact. So people losing inches is way more important. And look at how much of a difference this woman in this illustration weighs the same thing.
But look at how much skinnier she looks because she has way less fat on her body of fat composition. OK, the healthy weight stack, our results are in the healthy weight stack, which is the MB core, the MB enhanced and the pro tandem NRF2. We’ve always known the pro tandem NRF2.
That’s our flagship product. It’s what got us our start. It gets rid of oxidative stress and inflammation, which helps with weight loss.
Right. Well, when you combine them together, they amplify oxidative stress protection with another four new antioxidant pathways being created. So we are taking that superoxide dismutase, that hemi oxygenase, that catalase and upping the game even more.
So you have even more antioxidant protection. Right. What are those antioxidants? It’s what gets rid of all the bad stuff in the body.
It’s like when you eat an apple, you take a bite out, you leave it sitting on the counter. You come back an hour later and it’s brown. You leave it out for a day and it’s shriveled and disgusting.
That’s oxidative stress. The NRF2 in the MB core and enhanced have created four new pathways to get even more antioxidant results. It’s fantastic.
And then drum roll. Not only does it do that, create those four, it creates another nine new fat and fatty acid pathways for amplifying the metabolism. Guys, this is crazy.
Right. This is why we’re finding that the fat disappears more than the weight disappears, which is way, way, way more important and healthy to do it that way. So we can see the impact of age on one of the largest organs of our body, right? Our skin.
It is our largest organ. Most people don’t realize it’s an organ, but it is. But what about aging’s impact on other organs in our body? Right.
Our brain, our lungs, our heart, our liver, our pancreas, all that good stuff. Well, this is amazing. The healthy weight stack now equals renovation crew activating 22 new genes to restore, rebuild and renew internal organs.
Guys, this is amazing. There’s nothing else on the market that can say that. And this is natural.
There’s no toxic side effects. This is just making sure your organs are getting the best health and everything they need for cellular signaling and to make them healthy and keep them healthy so that you don’t age unnecessarily. So our protein, a matter of two in mind, body, GOP, one healthy weight stack study results.
So we announced the results of a groundbreaking third party cell study on the synergistic impact of protein, a matter of two synergizer in the mind, body, GOP one system. It’s all based on RNA sequencing. Right.
The findings reveal that when used together in a combination known as the healthy weight stack, the products not only amplify each other’s benefits, but also activate 22 new genes that target key causes of age related organ decline to help organs stay structurally strong, support tissue cells, regeneration and repair and improve your coordination because your neurons, your neurons are firing and signaling and your muscle skeletal system is stronger. And then it also is signaling and impulses with tissue cells in nerves. The results are amazing.
So it promotes antioxidant defense. It enhances activated and additional four antioxidant pathways as compared to the NRF2 synergizer alone. And guys, they studied the effects of NRF2 just by itself on these same cells and genes.
And then they also studied just the mind body system on just those as well. And then them combined. And that’s how they came up with this.
And when they are combined, they amplify. So they support fat metabolism. So enhance it enhances in activated and additional nine fat and fatty acid metabolism pathways as compared to just the GOP one system alone.
Promote tissue cell strength and integrity. So activated 10 genes involved in cell barrier and tissue strength. And what does this mean? This just means also you’re having amazing gut health.
No more leaky gut. Right. One of the biggest issues with autoimmune disease supports tissue cell regeneration and repair.
So new. Right. It activates six new genes involved in this thing.
Spingo lipid pathway. Gosh, cue ball. I need you to pronounce these words for me.
So, guys, I’ll go over why that pathway is so important. Next week, it promotes coordination, signaling and impulses with tissue cells and nerves and overall nerve cell health. It activates six genes involved in neuronal pathways.
Guys, that is amazing for brain health. Like one of the big things that we got when people were starting this system, a lot of people were like, oh, my God, the brain fog has been listed lifted. It’s like the haze is gone.
It what it does for brain health is amazing. And so I just wanted to go over a couple of these key genes that were crazy activated just as an overview real quick. So that I can five.
What’s it for? It increased it one thousand two hundred and forty six percent for its gene expression. What does it do? It is your brain and neural health. Right.
Who doesn’t need that one thousand two hundred and forty six percent increase in brain health? I know I did. Right. Seeing as I lived through six brain surgeries, it makes a huge difference.
OK, the other one, let’s look that seven hundred and thirteen percent increase. I was so excited about this one. I was texting Mark back and forth all day yesterday about this because it just oh, I was so, so excited.
What is this C.T.N.N.B. one gene? It is the gene. It’s in charge of gene transcription and stem cell renewal and differentiation. Right.
Amazing. Because everybody needs stem cells. OK.
And what does the F.B.L. I am one. What is it in charge of? Cellular architecture and signaling. Important stuff for your body to work right and your cells to talk to each other.
And very important for organs because your cells have to talk to your organs and make everything function right. OK, so another one thousand seven hundred and thirty one percent increase in the S.G.P.L. one gene. What is that? And why are diabetics and insulin resistant people seeing amazing results with this like me? Right.
That is in charge of glucose absorption. Very, very important. Look at that.
A seventeen hundred percent increase in then another five hundred and seventy two percent increase in the P.L.P.P. two gene. What is that? That’s your lipid metabolism and cell signaling. Another very important thing.
OK, last slide for all the crazy science. Right. OK, what we had another eight hundred and ten percent increase in the R.N.F. one one two gene.
What does that do? It’s your neuronal development and brain function. Right. Doesn’t get any better.
Your brain’s getting amazing benefits from this. And then the M.Y.O. one D gene. What is it? Intracellular processes in your nervous system.
Guys, this is just amazing results from this study and what it does for your body. So GOP one isn’t just about weight loss or fat loss. It’s literally essential for your organ health, your liver, your brain, your heart, your kidneys, your pancreas, your adipose tissue, your gut, your stomach, your muscle, skeletal system, your muscle, your bone.
It is very important. And how important is it? Right. Over eleven thousand studies on GOP one and diabetes, over nine thousand studies on GOP one and weight management, over five thousand studies on GOP one in the cardiovascular system.
Five hundred plus studies on the GOP one and immune system and also on the autoimmune disease system. Right. The gut brain access, the gut is called the second brain for a reason.
There’s over 500 studies on GOP one and cognitive function. Thirty one studies on GOP one and bipolar. Forty one studies on GOP one and mood disorders.
One hundred and thirty eight studies on GOP one and addiction. There is. Oh, happy birthday, Courtney.
There’s also like crazy amounts of studies on GOP one and depression, also anxiety. Guys, it’s essential for health. It’s just something that is just important for your body.
You’ve got to have GOP one receptors in the sad thing about our world. And our food supply is the linoleic acid acids in the processed foods that we are being given by big pharma, big food industry and the tobacco industry. Because the tobacco industry, when they got in trouble for making cigarettes so crazy, addictive, they moved into the food industry.
So they create food that’s not good and actually shuts down your GOP one production. It overrides it. It creates mitochondrial dysfunction, which then creates issues with creating GOP one and the L cells in the gut.
So I always love to say documentation beats conversation. Right. Mark even said it a little bit ago.
Pictures tell a thousand words. Right. They tell you everything you need to see.
So with the mind body system. Right. We have a lot of non scale wins, but a lot of body composition wins.
Right. This is he still weighs the same thing. But look at how much fat he’s lost around his belly.
It’s amazing what this can do. Right. This is Dr. Gloria Brinker.
She’s actually a nutritionist and helps us with a lot of this stuff. She wanted to show the ladies just how important a fat redistribution of fat can be when you want to get into a special dress. This was she only has lost what a total of five.
Wait, five, six, seven, eight. No, seven, eight, nine. Yep.
Eight pounds. Right. Yes.
I forgot how to count today in six weeks, but look at the fat redistribution and how much of a difference it makes in her new dress. Also, same thing here. No weight loss.
But he’s down 15 inches on his body overall. Guys, this is amazing because this right here, these bellies. And I can’t say anything because I’ve got that belly because of my of my insulin resistance.
And then to top it all off, I was so lucky I got put into menopause surgically when I was in my 20s. So I’ve had an uphill battle in that. So this is where all those disease, the heart attacks, the strokes, the diabetes come from is this belly fat.
And look, in 30 days, how much fat he got out from around his belly in those organs. Very important. Here’s another one.
Jamie P. So she actually has Hashimoto’s and she is losing a little bit of weight, but mainly losing inches. So down four pounds, but down six inches. Do you see how much of a difference that makes around the belly? Very, very important.
Another one, Chrissy. She hates the scales because they’re depressing because they don’t give you the true story of what’s really happening. So she ended up being down 13 pounds, though, but is losing more in inches.
She’s down 16.2 inches, but her muscle mass is up 2.4 inches. Very important. But you can just see how much it changes the body getting rid of the fat.
Here’s another one. Nonscale victory down 12 and a half inches in three weeks. Right.
Amazing. More energy. Angie Harper.
Look at her transformation. No, no difference in the scale. Just in body composition.
I’ll take body composition all day long. Right. Melanie B. With the holiday season, she was doing her GOP one.
She’s down 10.8 pounds and 11.75 inches. Guys, the inches are more important than the pounds. Right.
Here we’re down 21 days, eight pounds, but 13 and a half inches over here. Only 2.4 pounds, but 13.25 inches lost. Look at that difference in the belly area.
OK, Jeanette W. So she’s been on it for 27 days. She’s been to the gym three times, didn’t make huge changes, but some changes. She only lost four point six pounds, but she’s lost crazy amounts of inches.
Look at the difference, guys. Look at the difference in that belly. And then the love handles on the back area.
OK, here’s some more down nine pounds, nine inches. Her husband, Jake, is down 14 pounds and 13 inches. So it’s kind of interesting.
Some people lose weight right away. Some people have more stuff going on or inches. Some people have more stuff going on in their bodies like I did with my insulin resistance and with my hormones because of my menopause.
So it takes a little while to do its job. Some people get really lucky and lose weight right away. Some people it takes longer, but don’t give up.
Be healthy because we’ve got the study results to show what it can do. Here’s another one. 30 day results.
No weight loss, but look at the fat loss. Isn’t it great? Same thing here. I love showing this picture just to show the ladies the back love handles, the thighs and the buttocks area, how much fat you can get rid of there.
This one, this is Margaret. So she’s down four percent in body fat in eight weeks. Two inches off her hips, one and a half inch off her stomach.
She gained ten and a half pounds of lean body mass, very important, but lost eight and a half pounds. So sometimes you might gain a little bit of weight because you’re creating more muscle, which is a very good thing. Here’s another one for the ladies getting rid of those thighs and hips.
Oh, I love this one, Marcy. She she shared all of her blood tests with her. Her husband, Dr. Gandhi, love him to death.
She actually was only down eight pounds, but lost 12.75 inches. But here’s the other amazing results. Her cholesterol dropped 31 points.
Her A1C dropped point three to inside the normal range. Her cortisol, which loves to put weight on us because of stress. And none of us are under any stress with our wonderful roller coaster ride in what’s going on in the world today.
But her cortisol dropped from twenty point five to fifteen point one. Her uric acid dropped point three for those that have a problem with gout. That’s huge.
Insulin dropped from eleven point three to six point five. Her glucose went down from one oh three to ninety five. It’s fantastic what it does.
Here we go, Tyler. Nine weeks lost almost what? Twenty three pounds. Yes.
And everybody is going to be different in how they do it. It could be weight. It could be fat.
It could be both. It could be just fat. It’s wonderful, but it gives everybody a fighting chance to have a healthy body.
And the innovation and technology in the mind body GOP one system is literally changing lives and will continue changing lives. I love it. Shawna had been fighting her weight her entire life, trying anything and everything and nothing would work.
She would always just go, go four months in. She’s down twenty seven pounds and four and a half inches off the waist alone. And then her hubby, he’s down after six weeks, down 20 pounds and six percent body fat.
It’s amazing. So how long does it take for the body to create GOP one receptors? Like I was saying, some people get lucky and lose fat and weight right away. Some people not so much.
It depends on what’s going on. So the creation and regulation of GOP one receptors is a continuous and dynamic process influenced by various factors like diet, exercise, medications. There’s a lot of medications that cause fat gain.
It’s crazy. The exact timeline for the body to increase GOP one receptor synthesis depends on the stimulus and individual physiology. Everybody’s different.
So what does this mean? Everybody’s different, right? Your body didn’t get to where it is today in days or weeks. It took years. This 20 pounds that I want to get off didn’t just show up in a week.
And so I can’t expect it to disappear in a week. People, you’ve got to be realistic. It took me 30 years to build that 20 pounds.
It’s not going to take that long to unbuild it, thank God, but it’s not going to take it away in a week. So be realistic. This isn’t a magic pill.
If you are just dying to get rid of that weight, there’s other things that can do it. I don’t suggest it because it’s just going to come right back on and it’s going to be worse and your body is going to be in worse shape for it. So GOP one receptors are protein synthesized through normal cellular processes and the turnover rate for receptor proteins, synthesis and degradation generally occur over days to weeks, depending on tissue type and metabolic demand.
Like my metabolic demand. I, I have to have my body has to work harder. The GOP one system has to work harder because of my insulin resistance and my hormones.
So just keep in mind what your body has to go through to fix things. And it’s going to fix the worst thing first. So it might take a hot minute to fix the gut before it gets to the weight and the fat loss.
So regular exercise also enhances GOP one sensitivity and promotes receptor up regulation and notable noticeable effects within several weeks of consistent activity. So if there’s any way you can get out there and walk as well, because it’s going to make a big difference. So GOP one receptor agonists, such as the natural mind body GOP one system work by directly activating these receptors.
And in response, the body can increase receptor expression in some tissue over days to weeks. And study results show the mind body GOP one increases GOP one one hundred and forty percent on average in 12 weeks. So chronic conditions such as type two diabetes, obesity, GOP one receptor function may be impaired.
So improvements through lifestyle and mind body GOP one system can restore receptor activity over weeks to months. So some people are going to take longer. Some people are just going to be those lucky people that just drop it like it’s nothing.
And some people are going to struggle. But that’s what your body’s got to fix things. But let’s give you a couple of keys to sustainable, healthy fat slash weight loss.
Your protein intake is going to make a major difference. So and it’s also weight dependent on how much you need. So your water intake, you have got to have no less than 64 ounces a day.
You have to have that water to flush the fat. It’s the only way lipolysis can happen, right? You’ve got to have healthy fats. And whether you like it or not, you need some healthy complex carbs because your thyroid cannot convert that T4 into T3 and function properly without it.
Flying squirrel, once you hit your maintenance and you reach your goal, it’s it depends on what you want to do. I will be honest. After seeing these study results, I will probably never go off of the DLP one.
I how much it protects the organs in the brain. It’s I will I will stay on it. Now, some people won’t want to stay on it.
That’s fine. Once you’ve created healthy habits, you’ll be able to go off. You can always once you get to your maintenance level, you can always also go to like a half dosage if you want and still get some benefit out of your organ health in your brain health.
It just depends on what you want to do. But you’ve got to create the healthy habits before you can just drop it. So calculate your protein intake.
I put this in there so everybody can see you essentially like, OK. My OK, my goal is to get back to one hundred and fifteen pounds, not quite there, but I’m close and I am very active. So your protein intake is going to depend on your activity level.
So you’ll take your weight, divide it by two point two to get kilograms and then take those kilograms and times them by one point two. If you just have a normal lifestyle and then either two point oh to get the grams that you need if you’re very active. So let’s say I’m at my magical one hundred and fifteen pounds.
I am very active. I walk every day. I play tennis, all kinds of different stuff.
So one fifteen divided by the two point two gives me fifty two point two seven kilograms. That fifty two point two seven times two point oh because I’m super active is one hundred and four point fifty five grams per day. So you’re going to be surprised at how many grams of protein you need.
That’s a lot. So how do I get all my protein in? I do protein shakes with my mind body enhanced powder. So that gives me 30 grams.
I have a high protein, whey protein that I use from Melaleuca. It’s I do. It’s like a yummy cake once you do.
And it’s funny how different it tastes if I forget to put the NBA enhance in it. But I do the chocolate, half chocolate, half strawberry and the NBA enhance. And it is so yummy.
So, so yummy. But that’s how I get the majority of my my protein, because if not, that’s a lot of protein to eat in one day. Right.
And it needs to be lean protein. It don’t. It needs to be like lean chicken breast needs to be like lean fillets, that type of thing.
Very important. Lean meats. OK, so the mind body GLP one system just by itself is one fifty nine ninety nine for consultants, one seventy nine ninety nine for regular customer on subscription.
Right. It’s a wonderful thing. It’s still going to help you lose fat, still going to do all that good stuff.
And goodness gracious, the healthy weight stack after getting the test results, the study test results, it’s amazing. You actually get the NRF two for thirty three dollars. It’s half cost.
If you do this stack, we’ve seen why with the study results you want to do the healthy weight stack. Right. Eight new or nine new fatty metabolism pathways.
Right. Four new antioxidant pathways. Twenty two new genes to enhance your organ health.
That is the Mac Daddy way to go. Or you can do even more. If you have skin that you’re going to need to tighten up as you go along.
Also, what this can do for autoimmune disorders is amazing. It lowers the NF kappa B tumor necrosis factor interleukin one beta and interleukin six like crazy. It is amazing what this does right here.
Just the NRF two and true science, what it does for autoimmune diseases and inflammation and cellular response and stress. And then when you put it with the GOP one. Oh, my gosh.
I can’t wait to get the study results for this stack. It’s going to be out of this world when you combine these. The consultant pricing is two ninety nine ninety nine.
Customer subscription is three thirty seven forty nine. So it helps also. Same concept with the healthy weight stack.
It just throws things even further with getting rid of inflammation in the body, which inflammation and oxidative stress are two of the key factors in to what as to what causes weight gain. So it’s a very important stack as well. So where it all started.
Right. I said our protein and our two is our flagship product. Washington State University said is potentially the most extraordinary, therapeutic and preventative breakthrough in the history of medicine.
And we got our biggest start on ABC primetime investigative report where they thought they were going to debunk our product. And we actually. Understated and overdelivered what it does, and now Don Quijones won’t ever get off our product.
We did. Yeah. The results were amazing.
They were so amazing that 30 high universities, high ranked universities went out and started studying our product on their own dime. The American Heart Association, MIT, Stanford, Washington State University, Texas. All these different universities paid their own money to study our NRF to.
We are the activation company, right? You take it to make it. So take your protein a man or two to make those antioxidants we talked about. You take the true science liquid collagen to make collagen, because what happens is if you don’t have collagen, you’re a blob on the side of the road, right? You don’t have an exoskeleton if you don’t have collagen.
It is so very important. Same thing. It helps create the protective barriers around your organs.
The mind body, you take it to create GLP one. It is amazing. And don’t forget about the activate and thrive in 2025.
You have until the 31st of this month to get in on this challenge over twenty five thousand in cash prizes. If you would like to get into it, text me. I will tell you exactly how to get in and plug in.
Right. You can come in as a male and win three thousand bucks. Or you can come in as a couple and win six thousand bucks for first place, female, male or couple.
Couple can be father, daughter, mother, daughter, best friends, whatever. Just a couple who creates a great team that wants to get results. So if you would like to get involved, text me.
I will tell you everything you need to know. Please order at the Mark’s team that LifeVantage dot com as that will give both Mark and I credit. And then if you have any questions, I have problems getting signed up.
Or if you would like to know which stack or which thing would be the best thing for your situation, just text me. Right. My number is 704-249-5565.
And don’t forget, when you get your product, there is an amazing little pamphlet inside that has. Oh, that’s right. Jennifer Lee, thank you for putting that up there.
You had amazing results with your NRF to. Yes. I forgot about that.
Thank you for putting that up. There’s a start guide when you scan the QR code is success tractor tracker. And then what to expect, because there’s different phases, four weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks.
What to expect in every body is going to be different. Right. And then we have a whole nutrition section which teaches you the proper fats, your proteins, meal plans.
And even if you want to do it based on they even have stuff for like the keto diet, all that kind of good stuff. So it’s amazing, guys. We have like over 7000 doctors who also rep this product, help sell this product.
And we get to use them. We have a scientific advisory board. And a lot of those people are the ones that are nutritionists, have their Ph.D. in all this type of stuff.
And they help develop a lot of this stuff. But we knew to make everybody healthy. We had to create a couple of changes in our in our daily habits.
So there’s a whole eating guide, everything, movement guide, all that great stuff. So there’s all of our studies, who studied us, all that kind of good stuff. So anyway.
OK, Mark, I’m sorry. That was a lot of information, but I was just super excited to share it. Oh, you’re muted.
It was a lot of information, but now it’s time to get to work for the rest of you. See this evening with Dr. Scott at 7 Eastern. He’s got some information about the history of gold prices, etc.
And this value that should be pretty interesting. And that’s it. See you guys tonight.
Bye, everyone.