Evening News with MarkZ. 01/14/2025
hello oh Carrie I’m still laughing said my grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60 now he’s 97 years old and we have no idea where he is that one is just awesome Texas Mary those mental gymnastics will wear you out uh Kathy just saying so great to see you Gary s we short do need your humor we do uh savic Gary so many of you guys just I I I don’t think you realize the amount of help you give us all helps to laugh it helps to laugh we live in an insane World Florida Gator
now what do you think all right Florida Gator let’s try to do this I got to move the mic did you like today’s shirt that means you guys can to have a good season this coming fall remind me to wear it again in August total clencher hello Rob hello Cheryl hello Eddie it’s good to see you Jeff Mr M love you man third reading rumor is tomorrow Gary we’re gonna see how that one plays out we do have some interesting stuff just pounding out of Iraq this evening well just a couple of ones not a huge amount
today Mr B isn’t that interesting the whole like changing of the tax structure I mean we got some interesting stuff doct Sarah always a pleasure Jack lisy it’s good to see you when’s the chair good question back and forth Parts I hope within a week could be two or three weeks catastic before the chair is fixed and I get to be like a normal height not overly happy about it Charles said big wins for the Gators when it counted Billy Napier was on the way out hello R Mr Templeton always a pleasure Jeff Demers good to see you LS
you I got a getting a kick out of this one my guts telling me to box a pizza a whole box Roberta my bank sent me an email today my bank will be down January 27th and 28th upgrade on digital banking important details they you want to make sure I know Abby good to see you in the house Carolyn uh when I have some ch-ching I want you to choose a fighting Irish Notre Dame shirt deal we’ll pick a good one miss KLA it’s a pleasure to see you in the house uh Clinton CBI told Banks to expand more T ATMs in rural areas oh
before I can forget uh thank you a Cutting Edge 2024 study reveals nearly half of all adults in United States have high blood pressure according to the CDC only about one in four adults have their blood pressure under control putting millions of people like you and me at risk of heart disease and stroke might seem like an uphill battle but taking control of your heart health doesn’t have to be complicated so why I started using awesome product to help manage blood my blood pressure manage my cholesterol
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rushed at no additional cost you can find the link in the description on YouTube and on Rumble it is Boost withm mark.com Paul Roll Tide you do know I have a uh a tender spot for the tide because of the spoon lady Jason Unfortunately they told most of us that what are some Chris you know I’ve really was pretty much just going to ask the basic one are you giving me the absolute best rate you can and will you put it in writing gotta think on that one we’ll see if we can bring in some folks with uh talk that one
through chos for most you’re not wrong brother unfortunately Dinar Guru is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday and today that’s where I’ve come to like peace with the fact I don’t know the timing I know some great things I’m nailing many things I know that the signs are there I know what the fundamentals say and I’m just going to hang on to them so I don’t go nuts uh Jerry you’re not the only big uh Buckey fan in the crew we got a bunch of Michigan fans too for you to fight
with uh Fred good to sell there you go go there is the biggest Georgia fan on the planet go dogs Janny I do keep the gold Hat close H do we ask for the contract grade exchange it’s my understanding Ken we don’t have to ask for those it’s going to be that is the only one they’re going to offer don’t rush off to be the very first one try to be the second or third so that a number of us can figure this out ahead of time and share it’s up to you I know it’s going to be a hard hard hard fought gut response because you’re going
to rush in there but if you’re not hurting it would probably be best to wait a few days so that we can uh figure out all those things for you or somebody else can be your learning [Music] curve you need a booster yeah agree you and Rosy just come put a pillow under my seat Brian I don’t ride the roller coaster for someone who’s been battling the rats for 46 years we are as close to reconciliation as we have ever been hang on the fundament amen Brian well put sir uh L shark I won’t forget you Penn
State fans it is what a beautiful area got a lot of family up in that area there a vaccine for the econ e unfortunately it’s called welfare too many people are going to need it as we work through these changes Jacob I love this one we held our tongues wanted to say you could just call them the commanders wait aren’t they the Redskins Barb checking in for you Michigan fans uh JB you’ll probably get there and have to turn around and fly back but that’s okay hey beautiful misunderstanding out of chat jail finally so many of you
folks get put in pulled out it’s not us it’s that psychotic crazy dystopian orwellian YouTube Texas Mary just said good news goldilock said the real estate Market’s about to start resetting prices perfect timing for the RV since this allows to purchase homes cheaper than the overinflated prices going on now I will very much agree with Goldilocks you’re getting ready to watch a serious revaluation in Real Estate Pros cons KLA I am so excited uh got the coffee yesterday love the Sumatra dark roast um KLA
I get to try some different flavors we’ll be working might be working with tomorrow and E uh sorry a oh boy I’m gonna forget this one de Nicaraguan coffee and an espresso bean that we’re going to uh try working on some different roasts looking forward to it oh that Sumatra is one of my favorites um be uh drinking some Ethiopian this week some Nicaraguan and maybe for one of the maybe for Mondays I can try some espresso probably a bad idea L shark Redskins want their name back on the team it’s the face of their
tribal leader they never wanted it removed from the team yeah speaking of which the family of the tribal the the tribe of the tribal leader wants it back Karen that’s all right I know where we can get another one Costa Rican G at some point we’ll go there man don’t worry definitely hello JayZ oh it’s 811 let’s get to it Hulk you did not miss the news there’s not a huge amount this evening but we’re going to get into what we do have um let’s start here I told you guys what was it yesterday I told you guys
look for oil to start shooting up up there you go above 80 new oil price price rise this is all about um the latest round of new and improved sanctions from the Biden Administration 65 of the 180 uh and more expected from the shadow Fleet to be shutting down which means expect a serious increase in oil prices and you know how that works within a month six weeks you suddenly see a spike in inflation couple that with ch China massively inflating their M1 monetary Supply over the last few weeks yeah it’s like horrendous timing I
think it’s a goal to leave Trump with as crappy as economy as you can just in time to reset that’s my take where was I at I was supposed to have that on let’s leave that on as we do the news you may have to back up a few minutes if I didn’t click it uh so we have oil prices rising which makes it much easier for Iraq now some of the crazy things we have running out of Iraq is Sudani confirms that Iraq is proceeding with its plans in the field of expanding the energy sector and investing in Associated gas within the
next year or two they want to be 100% energy independent uh meaning they’re going to have to really develop their gas infrastructure over this year this is huge this is something Saddam Hussein didn’t do this is enormous for the Iraqi economy and for the value of their currency uh now here’s your crazy one Al Maliki Iraq is Keen to involve American companies in infrastructure and housing projects this man has his butt so far up America’s well his nose so far up America’s butt right now what has
happened with Maliki guys anybody want to take a guess do we have somebody that saw the light somebody that’s been replaced somebody that is finally on board because they know which way the wind is blowing I mean I I’m open here for you guys but this sudden massive change in Maliki has me thinking that we are this this this this close oh I still don’t trust him I trust him as far as I can pick him up but we have we’ve seen some massive changes over the last week or two Zuckerberg Maliki I mean you guys want to pick
somebody else M French 25% 25 cent jump per gallon today yeah it’s going to go unfortunately those things I’m really good at predicting because they are 100% fundamentals I mean you can nail what is going on on those commodity prices because it’s all about fundamentals oh Ian Ian’s got a good one for us hey Mark I told my wife that I was going to make a car out of spaghetti you should have seen her face when I drove past them yeah Bezos Adam also kind of changing his tune no you’re right a great point there
Adam maybe somebody held his hot dog a little closer to the fire trash Panda that’s exactly what I think is going on Texas Mary finally saw the light and I think the light was the fire by his hot dog Carolyn Bryce I mean Carolyn Brown JD will be attending the inauguration he made a joke because one of his favorite teams is going to be playing uh the same day for the college championship so he was merely saying he was joking saying yep gonna have to miss the inauguration that would be like me uh
the inaugura let’s say the Super Bowls on January 20th I just got elected president and the Steelers make it the Super Bowl I would totally joke about going to the Super Bowl he is going to the JD is going to the inauguration mainstream media took it totally out of uh context nothing on the Zim front guys too funny St starm yes starmer the UK right now their military is requesting Americans to ride along excuse me on their Naval vessels they consider the best Ator not to be a well-trained military but throw some
Americans on it so that if somebody strikes them you have to fight America uh meaning we would retaliate This Is How They are covering things if you drive too far out of your area you get tax they monitor your cell phones to see where you’re going the craziness in the UK right now is insane not to mention they’re monitoring your social media posts your comments your this the dystopian hell you guys have descended to in the UK is nuts will this here antan that’s the greatest question will this be our 3ay
weekend Deb at this point I’m still thinking the lowest I’ve Heards 11 million for 100 Chote the most I’ve Heards 50 million for 100 T note most of what I’m hearing is somewhere between 33 and 50 in other words we don’t know we we can guess had a lot of people well what’s going on with the boulevard I expect it to be in the first basket no idea what to tell you to expect value-wise but right now I’m being told to expect it with the first basket um Ruth I’m not certain SSA like on Social Security
Etc you should be good to go you should be safe I’m told purchasing value should go up considerably so what you’re taking home you should be much more comfortable if I understand the question correctly joa go watch Jean Ho’s video on the map that was in George magazine showing the National Football winning trophy in Notre Dame I mean it is like silver and gold in the Super Bowl Black Rock Trum crumbling all right we just need to go we’re going to wrap it pretty early tonight it’s been one of those days just long good day great day
uh very positive stuff I I did and I probably actually’ be a really good time to slip one in now that the news screen’s not up Timothy could you please address the value of Le yellow dragon chines Bond I can’t find any yeah you’re not going to find anything really solid on it because it really depends on who’s buying the bonds it’s like a negotiable thing it’s a difference between selling a used car somebody might give you more somebody might give you less I’ve heard anything from about 10 million per Bond up to a
billion per Bond where it falls Timothy I don’t know what to tell you kind of a crap show Venezuela Mar and this one’s a tough one because I know we got a lot of crap going on now Madura claiming that Brazil’s going to jump in with them they’re going to liberate Puerto Rico start World War III I mean just craziness going out there personally I think you should ignore it I have been told repeatedly and over and over that Venezuela is going in the first basket I question it because of the politics going on right now but I’ve
been told repeatedly by some exceptionally connected people matter of fact I had them reaching out uh today to see if I knew any very large holders of aggros that they may be adding uh may be looking for some more to add in early days I don’t know but I’m I mean I’m suddenly hearing more positive notes that the aggro checks are in there Zim’s in there Venezuela’s in there definitely makes me feel better Fred uh nothing yet on bond payments uh what I’m seeing right now for most my contacts run between the 16th and the 22nd although I
did Fred get some check-ins from some how do I phrase this without getting myself in trouble we’ll call them tier late tier three right before tier four groups that are now saying they have been informed the 21st we’ll see how that plays out Frank said I did the same three Rock pattern same exact size my mother’s Rock Garden before she passed knowing unknowing about anything Zim I think it was a sign still hearing the dongs going haven’t heard anything new or fresh on it uh what to expect value wise Etc just
more confirmations that it’s indeed there uh rambling girl it is not ready all right where was I at on this ah here’s the one does this scream ner who else thought this when they read uh the I don’t know plethora of of articles on this Trump says he will create a new agency to collect revenue from foreign sources he calls it the external Revenue Service he wants to replace what you and I pay with taxes collected in other ways the new agency will collect all tariffs duties Trump has relied far to
wait Trump says the US has relied far too long on the IRS tax collections I’ll agree US Customs and Border Protection Agency now collects tariffs so in other words a new agency to help work with them to collect so that you and I don’t have to pay personal income taxes as much so what have we seen in the last week we’ve seen proposals external tax coming from foreign sources and tariffs and a overall uh vat style or national sales tax combination so that we no longer file your income tax returns jump
through the Hoops screams Nera for anybody paying attention I thought it was pretty exciting uh Gary I’m hearing both of them are going to be accepted but I’m hearing the value is is 330,000 us per 1 billion so just do the math if you had a 50 do the math if you had a 100 that’s what I’m hearing Abby just said Dr Young posted it and said n it screams ner to me I mean it just screams it uh Maus 71 said there’s the site the values a dong at 39 cents every weekend we days it’s back to zero in other words
it’s up to 39 cents when maybe somebody can slide in behind the scenes a connected person in exchange and then it changes something like that it sounds suspect but very possible you know that’s a great question what did you make are you sending food maybe some lamb maybe a OS yeah Todd you know that’s not a bad idea if Trump wanted an incredible uh military recruitment he could offer like lifelong if you serve like a certain number of years five years 10 years Todd you would have a reduced tax rate for
the entirety of the rest of your life how many people would Todd that’s actually I mean dude that she Brilliance that you just put up there Patty I’ll have to ask what is considered a large sum but my guess is probably a few thousand dollar spent on them bare minimum Joseph fiser I’m told no it doesn’t matter because it’s coming out of a humanitarian fund not out of the uh Central Bank of Zimbabwe I’m told it doesn’t matter well I can’t call them Gyros can I like pull the American thing oh I want a
gyro because that wouldn’t be proper Taco Tuesday GG’s GG I’m on the way reading a few of these uh let’s have fun with Gary my friend was accused of stealing a laundry detergent he claimed that his hands are tied d [Music] oh Mongolian beef sounds good trash Panda but are you sure it was beef Doritos Locos Tacos oh little indigestion but probably tasty Chris oh I like this Chris Gordon post that after everything Trump and family have been through it should be called Trump Sara I don’t know what to tell you on
the rate over there somebody asked like a few thousand but what what would the rate be on them I don’t guys they did not give me that part uh I’m told Ren wife that there isn’t a limit on caching in Zim but I was told that they may uh reduce how do I put this not the value but trunch it meaning they would have to pay you over time if you have a an obscene amount they didn’t tell me what that amount would be uh Susan I’ve not seen anything on the Pango and I have searched but I haven’t found a thing Mongolian beast beef Mongolian
beef see Infidel exactly yo you now have the pronunciation thank you we actually had I think it was kookla didn’t you like pronounce it for us one time like live when we had you on a phone call and if not we need to sign you up to do that uh speaking of which KLA added I pray that we are anxious for nothing but come to you in prayer with all needs let them trust in your love and fill them with your Everlasting Peace Hope and joy in Jesus name I pray amen amen all right guys Jody I’m not hearing
a sliding scale on Zim the only thing I’ve heard that’s irregular is that if you have an exceptionally large amount I mean you like spent 10 grand buying Zim or something that they would have to trunch over time instead of giving you Allin one lump sum you’d probably get like 10% of it per month or something like that they’ve not given me any specifics so I don’t know what to tell you on that other than there is a chance if you have a large amount that they may trunch it so that they do not hurt
liquidity Floyd good to see you in the House John Mark Z my cousin’s a soldier in Iraq and he said it should revalue on the 23rd hopefully he’s right John man that doesn’t surprise me because I had somebody that is beyond connected today tell me between the 21st and the 23rd and I I don’t know the timing did the person have the potential to know the timing I mean extremely connected more so than me uh and gave me that so when your cousin saying that I it could be we do not know for certain but it very well could be
spot on uh no fresh news on the Ria Stephen we what was it almost two weeks ago though we did see actually about a week and a half ago we did see it another pairing um with Chase uh talking about what they will be accepting or not and it was in there which I found curious like pretty much everything was in that list on their website ciny I’m beginning to believe that I’ve been wrong for some time and the they’re waiting to get rid of Joe I don’t want to admit it but I do believe I missed that one darling said no fresh news on yellow
dragons we did talk about them a little earlier though all right guys let’s call it a wrap I need to call it a wrap do you really think Trump is going to announce the recovery of the American Republic I don’t know I think there’s a lot of disclosure that would have to happen to keep people from taking to the streets at some point do I think he’s going to announce that I do Secret I’m with you it feels like forever waiting for this inauguration and we put so much into it guys we are so emotionally invested what
happens if it’s like a nothing Burger meeing it’s a great day great party great inauguration really pretty jets fly over people raise Flags swear on an actual like with the right hand on the Bible and then we don’t see any huge changes that’s probably my biggest fear I have no doubt that we can fix it it’s still going to happen because of fundamentals but that right now really is my biggest fear how many people put so much hope in this that it let’s say it happens six days after seven days after it’s the 21st I think you’re going
to have people jumping off cliffs if they don’t see something immediately and all I can do is caution you folks don’t lose it it’s coming KR look I’m not the only same mind too uh definitely Jay protection there is I don’t I don’t know if there’s ever been a time in American history where so many Bloodlines need prayed around our nation our people around the world not just us here in the US Pam Gator you can’t change God’s plans nope not even going to try Jerry I can’t wait to see the car you buy brother maybe we can go cruising
together there so many people similar and it’s just all I can say is it’s our job to survive this till we get to the other side Jerry and keep slugging man we’re here for you much as we can be uh Rosie he can’t get through confirmations until after the inauguration but they can get through the as I understand it but they can get through the questioning Etc Joan Jet yes absolutely have whole bean coffee available you can pick ground or whole bean your choice I’m with you Brenda Will height it’s coming oh before I forget bom thank
you you are the best so many great people out there ah and then there there they are there’s the guys oh Sharon right I did I did and I didn’t mention it over the weekend I did have a great cmkx contact just said hey they’re going to release us at the same time they’ve updated our prices just stay you know stay calm I’m like at least I finally heard something illuminatus noas just notified of no bond payment inst Trump is in I’m getting that more and more from Bond sources that were expecting it earlier
they’re now saying 21st or 22nd so hang on tight we got this thing we’re gonna get there uh trying to make sense of some of these I’m going to miss many of them Joe I think think I think it’ll mean we’ll automatically get notifications Joe I’m not 100% certain all right guys uh ruthan it’s my understanding that he only needs one over half to get confirmed uh meaning that as long as you get a lock step movement with um Republicans since they hold a majority he gets approved that’s my understanding I need to dive in there’s
so much going on I haven’t had time but I jabril no part of me thinks that think the world would come to complete stop if they tried to wait that long fundamentals don’t fundamentals don’t support waiting too much longer all right guys I’m getting out of here mods thank you thank you thank you uh for your time your effort KLA thank you for the prayers um to the rest of you see you in the morning what’s tomorrow whiskey and wisdom tomorrow I’ll see you on Wednesday folks wild Wednesday hump day or as zester has
renamed it Trump day see you guys tomorrow oh wait did I do oh I did forget one or two other things I did say thank you to bom very important to me tonight Allan on the credit card settlement stuff reached out and said look I got hit with over, 1500 people business owners people that accepted it uh he said give them time he’s working through them all in the next few days so bear with Allen as he works through that that was the it on the public service announcements I will see you manana