Dinar Guru Uncut

FRANK26 (Uncut) 01-14-2025

go in again we are about to start send them all in send them all in house passes the ban okay thank you so no more of this nonsense in women’s all right praise God thank you 10 was the last one 10 was the last one then yes thank you I hope this is ours and not Logan I forgot if I don’t know it says Logan one says Frank okay I think it says my doesn’t say anything really here okay I’m sorry are we here um so I’m looking for 11 W that’s a whole page it’s going to be one of those long nice are you serious it’s at the very

bottom of the are you Ser wow it was nine for the last one so go back 245 it starts right at the very top what a coincidence 245 I’m sorry we should get this thing going here okay um speakers on boom boom boom and uh three two one go the recording has started I used to be a until I watched Frank’s with a twinkled in his eyes and God by his side Frank teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need a dinar fix I tune in Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street now take it Frank is

Noank it’s okay this a cookie you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses cuz they are so glaring so whenever I need a dinar fix I tune into Fray 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now to here this is the sit up be patient and get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us the R so whenever I need a fix I tune in Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here

this is the D hey I need a cookie come on tank I deserve some cookies cookies cookies cookies cookies come on tin give up the cookies welcome to another one of your ktfa Frank 26 yubby tubies it’s good to be with you we are ktf always.com s we keep the faith uh in our heavenly father we’re Christian based organization and we just happen to study the Iraqi dinar we have our personal reasons why we do that yeah it is a a little bit strange really a Christian based organization you want to talk about the uh Iraqi

dinar why before we do anything we always go to our Heavenly Father we always do and we pray we ask for guidance we have we ask for strength I ask for forgiveness and um and by doing so I set the example no seriously I set the example well what I’m trying to say is that I set the example uh for the for the God that I believe in I’ve I actually took uh six six theological courses in college yeah they they they they bothered me because I knew the doctrine I knew the word of God but they wanted to teach it

um like like a like a like a like like a college professor would teach it not like not like a minister would teach it not like an apostle would teach it and one time I got into a discussion I said you know I I respect what you just said but with all due respect um that guy that you just mentioned he’s in the grave and it and he said yeah he died I said so is Gandhi and that’s when he stopped and he looked at me he goes what’ you say I said so is Gandhi okay so is Buddha he thought about it he said yeah yeah there’s a shrine for him

yeah yeah okay he yeah he’s dead so is Muhammad so is Muhammad they P they they they travel every year to respect him yeah he’s dead finally after I’ve rattled off about 10 of them he says what’s your point I said uh my point is that my God is not dead that’s the difference between what you’re teaching and what I know let’s pray ABA heavenly father I pray to a living and true God God I thank you for this day and I ask you to please forgive me of my sins for there are many of them there are many of them I carry them

in my pockets because I don’t really want to practice them but they’re here they may be buried deep in the back of my mind but my sins are here and I ask for your I ask for the Forgiveness of my sins by the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but you know what father in my other pocket I got something for you I got something for you father I brought you flowers a purple one for the royalty that you are a red one for the blood that your son shed for me a white one for the Purity that you are a pink

one because I wore it today these are my gifts to you papa I hope you like them you may say but I made those flowers Frank what have you made for me and my answer father is that I have made an attempt I have made a an attempt I’ve taken a step forward in your direction I bring you I give you your flowers but that you created but I also bring you and give you me that you created and I and I ask you to continue to please take care of me and my family my loved ones my friends my brothers and sisters in

Christ set the hostages free Let The Killing stop bring your son back it’s okay with me anytime you want okay bring your son back all the signs point that that you’re thinking about it bring your son back until then help me to honor and glorify you everything I do say think every action every molecule everything about me is for you I bring you a gift that you made but I bring you another gift me that you made protect us father for you are our God and thank you for your son who died on the cross for the Forgiveness of my

sins but you lifted him that is a good feeling that is a good relationship with you that is a good understanding I am comforted by this relationship with you and I pray that others that hear me talking to you would long to have that same relationship I pray that they also as I said take the first step be with me tonight father be with all of us that are here studying this uh this investment of ours give us the patience give me the patience God father I’ve noticed what you’ve been doing a lot of people are telling me the same

thing now they’ve noticed a change in me I will admit I used to tear into people but now I now I have it I’m sad for them when they call me names when they spit in me whatever it may be I’m sad for them because I know it’s not them it’s the demons that are in them I’m sad for for them for they are contaminated they are infected they’re dying so I pray for them also thank you for this beautiful day another opportunity to serve you and again help me tonight and thank you for our teams I am very grateful for

everybody that pitches in it’s a long effort it’s a lot of work but it’s worth it because in the next hour and a half when I finish here many people will be happy with a better understand we don’t offer a date or a rate do we God but we offer an understanding it makes them feel good it gives them that comfort that you give me thank you again Lord for this opportunity tonight protect me protect me protect me by the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit and my strong faith it’s immovable amen amen amen

hey am hey Andy you know who blew the showa far yesterday thank you Rebecca you know who blew the show far not yesterday uh Sunday for the Sunday service you know who blew the show far no huh me you yeah I almost passed out yeah and I did a good job I went and I I went Bo and I went like you do and it when I got to the third Boop that’s when all of a sudden the the room started spinning and I said okay I’m done there was too much back pressure man but I did didn’t I think yeah you did I did good job no Yeah I broke my

lungs I’ll have to listen to that record you you may be proud I’m not sure but blow that Chau far with your beautiful lungs I hope I hope I don’t pass out I’m back to normal oh that’s right right you’ve been struggling and thank God that you’re getting better noral for me anyway yeah I hear you buddy I hear you oh my goodness that’s a different octave very well done sir God bless you and I hope you feel better and stronger okay I’m 90% better you know tomorrow I’ll be better yet for a couple days it

was pretty rough Pastor Kendall was also very sick Jan and I we were very sick your wife was very sick a lot of people are getting their uh flu shots right now by being by being naturally inoculated but thank you me I’m not getting a blue shot I felt sorry for for pastor kendle he told me we were talking today he had this for a week I had it for two days and I was ready to give up I felt that P he had it for a whole week uh my wife and I we had it for three weeks three weeks and it I I agitate myself because of all the Talking that I

do every day uh we we deal with you know at least 100 calls a day and it’s just a lot of work to talk love you my friend God bless you and I’ll see you at the end yes sir love you guys and I’m GNA mute myself I’ll see you at the end yes sir well it’s good to be with you family God bless you all I greet you in a go of love we are ktf always.com which stands for keep the faith always in our heavenly father will you please uh study with me tonight family the title of your UB tub is 1 two 3 boom well what do you what do you think

that means what do you think that means go ahead and post while I while I talk I I’ll look from the corner of my eye here to see what your answer is and what we’ll do is like we always do we’re going to study the Articles okay and then we’re going to uh look at Eddie’s report now if you remember last time I was with you I didn’t give you Edie’s report but I gave you walking stick report and it was a masterpiece wasn’t it you remember the easel board in fact I didn’t even erase it I still have it

on that easel board it was probably the best conference call I’ve ever I’ve ever done because because because it ironed the wrinkles if you wear a shirt that’s really wrinkly you know it doesn’t look good on you but when you iron it you you almost look professional uh there were just too many wrinkles in our study there were too many opinions too many options so I drew it all out and I said let me tell you what the next step is okay it’s not what you think it is and when I drew it all out and I show

showed it to you many of you responded by emails and phone calls thank you I said you’re welcome so tonight it’s the reverse tonight everything I say to you is in my opinion everything I say to you is in my opinion everything I say to you is strictly in my opinion this is St it’s a speculative study okay there is no date or rate and if you’re looking for that you it’s best that you go now just just go somewhere else okay go to those places to talk about dates and rates okay good um so the first part we

tricade but we’re only going to bipoc tonight it’s going to be the Articles and then it’s going to be Eddie’s report but we’re not going to give you walking stick conversations with us so that’s what we are are going to do tonight and we’re also going to show you H A Bank story it’s a good one I’m gon to I’m going to call the individual and we’ll be able you’ll be able to hear our conversation a good bank story so that’ll replace the third part for our study tonight so let’s get started let’s get started and I’m asking

you I know that you are a member of ktfalways.com and I don’t say that with uh with with Cockiness I or or arrogance uh I say it with uh with joy uh with the right TR with the right type of Pride I’m very grateful we are we we have and still uh exploding every every week every month many of you are joining us welcome and thank you kindly you have to get to know us okay first of all my style is it’s not like anyone else’s style hello and that right oldtimers all of you that are with me I had a guy called

me the yesterday and he says I’ve been watching you for 16 years 16 years he goes yeah I’ve learned a lot 16 years goes yeah I said you’re going to need therapy when this is over with from watching me that long and he says yeah probably Red Dirt Hi how are you white what do that say white shirt Red Dirt green ties and blue skies thank you brother oh you remember I talked about those colors last week I at least I think that’s what you’re trying to say there but uh thank you thank you for your financial

contribution um so yeah family we’re going to talk to you about the Articles and then I’m going to talk to you about the uh um Eddie’s report and right now what I’m going to do is I’m going to go back and read your postings and see if anybody had an answer when I asked the question what does one 123 boom mean what do you think it means let me go back a little bit here let’s see amen we finish here we go uh 13 135 350 people no that ain’t that one two 3 boom yeah that’s what I what we said captain John but what do you

think it means boom goes the rate okay trading with Integrity oh I like that uh yeah boom goes the rate you got it uh three simple steps says uh Dwayne three simple steps um no they’re not very simple they’re making them as complicated as possible ah flea flea firm says HCL reading that’s one of the one two3 is very good bus driver the reading’s good uh Gregory J the votes are are done are getting done uh Matthew reading the budget very good uh s sjr boom qu uh boom after the third reading that’s exactly it boom there you

go that’s it it means it’s time says hos uh three budget reading positively Mel I like this I’ll be like I’ll be all like oh Jeff is picking on people uh and then the rest of you that have posted many of you posted afterwards and you all seem to understand okay good let me catch up with you and get it where we’re at here so with that in mind let’s start uh let’s start with the Articles and we’re going to final article thread you are a member of my form thank you and now go ahead and get into the form and

uh I’d like for you to oh man I just made a mess hang in there with me family my ship is sinking here you can’t see that side and you can’t see that side so I got to make sure that you are is it crooked you let me know no I think it’s even there so we’re now going to uh find article thread and let’s go to the second to the last page page 245 page 245 the second to the last page thank you we’re out of here as soon as this goes boom he’s in California oh he’s out of California I thought I thought he meant he’s out of

ktfa I thought well that doesn’t sound right you’ve been with us for so long and you’ve always been polite and cordial but now I understand what you still working H bashery what the heck is that nobody knows I think he’s talking about my clothes all righty so back to what I was saying and we’re going to start with uh second to the last page page 247 we’re going to start with final article number 4,893 4,893 security and and economy security and economy well you you wouldn’t really have an economy in in Iraq if you didn’t

have the security and stability that we now have that is so precious hi bus driver I can’t get over how sharp that’s suit is Frank I know I cut myself twice so SEC security and the economy the top agenda hey hey bus driver also got matching underwear with this too yeah it’s kind of rough but TMI okay never mind security and the economy the only reason that you’re talking about there your economy is because you have security and stability in your country uh TOPS oh it does yeah top the agents the agent uh the details of the expected

visit of the Syrian foreign minister delegation to Iraq well you know what this is this article is telling you that Sudani is taking a trip actually Sudani is leaving every week you haven’t noticed ever since he got back from the United States Treasury in New York in DC Sudani has been all over the place what do you think he’s doing so what do I say up on top Sudani and Trump want peace in the Middle East so you’ve got Sudan that’s visiting Syria uh and he’s talking to them about certain issues and the issues are ladies

and gentlemen peace security and stability security and stability security and stability those are the two words that is the formula in order for us to have a new exchange rate right the CBI floor must be so clean you could eat off of it right the part politicians must not have the ability to steal from the auctions anymore like they’ve done for decades right do they have that ability no are the auctions there no all gone so everything looks good doesn’t it you sure does so what do we need well you said Frank we need to

float or we need a basket but what do we need in order to do that uh oh the exchange rate that’s right and where’s the exchange rate uh uh in the budget that’s right final article number 4,8 I told you I was different imagine people watching me for the first time Martha give me the remote control I’m gonna watch football what’s wrong with this idiot final article number 4,894 the House of Representatives discusses uh amending the unified uh retirement law and the budget uh the general budget itself all righty what do

I say up on top let’s see it says read it or weep Parliament what are you doing uh we uh we we’re amending we’re amending uh the budget why well Sudani asked us to amend it no he didn’t yeah he did no he didn’t yeah he did he asked you to amend a paragraph of the budget he didn’t ask you to amend the budget it’s the same thing what are you talking about Frank no no no it’s not the same thing don’t you understand Parliament haven’t you caught on you got cooties nobody wants you nobody wants to be near you you’ve been asking Sudani

for the End of Time send Us ack we want to know what the monetary reform is doing has he done it no are you angry yeah do you still want him to send him a lock down to you to explain what’s going on it don’t do no good anyways they already stopped the auctions we don’t have anything to steal with anymore no we don’t want to talk to them we don’t we know what happened that’s right any other questions Parliament no read it or weep did you read it yeah did you do it on the sixth Sudani asked you to no did you do it on the seventh

no have you done it we did the first reading have you done the second reading no you want to bet what scheduled to hold another session on Monday yesterday the 13th uh and 10th and its agenda includes 10 paragraphs the most important of which is a second reading of the draft Amendment of the federal budget law what’s in the budget the the new rate how many readings does it take for get the budget uh uh let me see one uh two three and then boom yeah okay so three readings huh you thought it was three laws three readings mhm do we have

the first reading y do we have the second reading uh Parliament says no do you pay attention to Parliament no do we have the third reading oh no you tell me Frank 26 I will final article number four out in my opinion final article number 4,895 the 2025 budget is on the verge of legislation and delaying the schedule will not stop the decision what decision you know what decision we’re talking about Frank ain’t nobody going to stop the budget Parliament doesn’t want to do anything that they’re being told to do

we need these these these readings it doesn’t matter Sudani is superseding them isn’t he yeah yeah he is it’s angering them isn’t it yeah it’s really making them even more Angry good what is the very top what do I say up on top uh so the the title itself says the 2025 budget is on the verge of legislation you hear that Parliament and uh no no no seriously do you hear that Parliament do you hear that gurus of the internet the 2025 budget is on the verge of legislation who’s saying this well let me see if I

need Sudan’s people who is he saying it to a finance committee in Parliament what is he telling them that the 2025 budget is on the verge of legislation based on what the first reading and apparently he must have already done the second reading I think they’re working on the third reading that’s why they say the 2025 budget is on the verge of legislation and delaying the schedule will not stop the decision Parliament did you try to stop it stop what the second rating Maybe it didn’t work what you mean

Frank any delaying in the schedule will not will not stop the decision the decision the decision what is the decision Frank silly rabbit final article number 4,896 curtisan government what’s up ban are you still in a good mood yeah did you give up all the oil to Baghdad I just got back I just got back yeah I all the oil yeah yeah all right did did Sudani support the uh uh salaries for geran region yeah where did he get the funding where did he get the you know how did he do that I can’t tell you

right now okay Kuran government three decisive decisions oh hello we already made decisions I thought you was Parliament was going to make these decisions but let’s find out Kurdistan government three decisive decisions the end of the salar crisis and the Region’s share of the budget Sudani you cool with the budget yeah parliament’s not cool with the budget who cares hey Sudan what do you know that the first reading has been done yeah did you know that the second reading is done yeah I found out when I

went yeah why you know about the third reading shut up all right what do I say up on top everything in the budget needs the new exchange rate it’s that simple and that’s what this article is telling you it’s a long one too I mean it is Inu with a lot of information now here we go you ready now you know how I do this you know how I put these articles together in sequence for you to understand what’s going on okay so you’ve seen so far what’s going from from Parliament okay to the readings to what I tell you one

two three boom budget exchange rate look at the easel board that I showed you so final article number 4,897 parliamentary Finance host TF Sami who’s TF Sami she’s that it’s a lady by the way and she’s the speaker of the house okay parliamentary Finance host t t Sami to discuss the 2025 budget schedule and salary Insurance what do I say up on top uh finally uh Sudani sents us something to Parliament here’s a little paragraph why don’t you guys just check it out because the article says quote the meeting will also discuss article 12

of the 2025 budget law Amendment uh which relates to the resuming of the exports of Kurdistan region oil and preparing the final draft of the amendment in order for Kurdistan to move that oil family you need a new exchange rate this is my opinion in order to move that oil in order to get it through the budget you need these uh three readings done and in my opinion we have the first reading done in my opinion we have the second reading done in my opinion the third reading is something that I will talk to

you about but Frank there’s no evidence they said that they haven’t read the second reading then you believe that okay because for 20 years I have been with you and I’ve always told you something and then when I tell you and you you say oh no what happens every time doesn’t it and I give honor and glory to God for that now for those that are outside of ktfa and they want to believe what what they want to believe let them let them knock themselves out I have guided you I have guided you Brandon told you that God even told him

you need to pay attention to Frank 26 if you don’t know who Brandon is Brandon is the guy that told everybody that Trump trump was going to be shot in the ear months before it happened God works in many ways and none of them are mysterious this is very interesting because they are preparing the final draft for the amendment for what for pushing the oil but the oil has to be pushed with a new exchange rate well that’s what they’re doing final article number 4,898 Minister of Finance the S Sudan people what’s up Sir Minister of Finance

uh we have fully funded the salary of the regions EMP employee for the year of 2024 what do I say up on top uh fully funded means a new exchange rate doesn’t it based on logic yeah thank you if you look at the article you’ll see the word fully funded U highlighted for you in this article you can figure it out final article number 4,899 Trump’s Envoy on his way to Iraq a new message to Al Sudani whoa Trump are you going to Iraq what does it say Trump’s Envoy oh you’re sending people this is the second group

I’ve sent Frank yeah I know I remember the first one you sent them hours after you won the election this is the second Envoy you sent and you’re telling Sudani you’re said that a new message to Al sadani what do I say up on top family what’s the blue title for this a new message for a new monetary reform policy of the CBI I can just see it in my in in in in in you know in in the theatrics of my brain here I can just see it hi we’re here representing Donald Trump Union United States of America the

government US Treasury that’s right that’s right Sudani did you do everything that uh that Trump told you to do right after he won the election I did yeah we do see the evidence of it that’s good so we have the Monet we have a new policy right with the monetary uh with your monetary uh uh uh uh structure with your monetary uh for banks uh with everything that you do with your money you have a new structure right uh Trump trump envoys on his way to Iraq a new message uh to Al Sudani an American Envoy is expected

to arrive in Baghdad carrying uh direct messages from Trump about the secur oh there’s that word again about the security it should say stability also of the region and Iraq’s role in it uh meanwhile a government source told safak news agency that Iraq is working diligently uh to establish security don’t you love it uh to establish Security in the region and that the Prime Minister uh uh presented Iraq’s Vision uh to this uh regarding during his visit to Iran look what I say in blue in the parenthesis so Sudani you went to Iran I

went there last week I went to Turkey the week before Frank I’m in London right now and it’s falling Frank it’s falling just like you said the brick is in the ocean falling I’m telling them what they got to do yeah yeah yeah well I’m not you know who I I mean who am I representing Frank Trump that’s right so I say to you wouldn’t you love to be wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall wouldn’t you love to know what that message is that is being being delivered to Sudani right now by Trump’s people he’s confirmed

100% can I do it can I do it do that right oh my gosh he’s going to be good he’ll kick every one of those little Sissy’s out right now so anyways family uh I’m sorry I I had a little message so yeah wouldn’t you love to know what it is that this conversation is and look at look at the two pictures there hey Sudani what pay attention to me oh I I I am I am I am Sudani yeah go on a middle eastern tour I have been I know since I was elected right yeah everything I say is in my opinion right right black that’s

why pink we are expecting a new message to Al sadan is being a new message the blue title a new message for a new monetary reform policy of the CBI yeah I agree because Trump wanted them to stop using the dollar stop the auctions Trump wanted them to stop allowing Iran to abuse the CBI auction stop the auctions Trump wanted security and stability just like Dr shbi wanted we got it final article number 4,900 brazan to Baghdad on last chance Last Call Last Chance a visit to end kurdistan’s region

suffering brani you’re going to Baghdad and this is the last opportunity you’re going to have in order to end kurdistan’s regions of suffering yeah the only thing that will end your suffering for everybody anybody right now everybody is money is is an increase in purchasing power in your currency is is an increase in your exchange rate is a value to your country to your V to to your assets a value a real I mean of a real value not a a program made of 1310 okay so bani this is your last chance so when you went to go see

Sudani in Baghdad you turned over all the oil yeah and you agreed everything on the budget yeah that was your last chance you pass you get a cookie what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article yeah last chance for the monetary reform when you look at this article look at this is I’m going to hurry the Baghdad does not abide by the agreements and then then if they didn’t then it was going to be all held to pay and and and if they do not send it to the the the budget share uh and and in

and Implement and if they don’t agree upon the legal articles which are law uh law 140 then uh which is the legislation of the oil and gas law and it goes on and on and on all these things need a new exchange rate it’s that simple why do you think you’ve never had the HCL because you’ve never had an exchange rate you got the HL sitting in a little box on the top right hand it’s just my opinion it’s on the top hand desk or top hand drawer of Sudan’s desk man open it Sudani it’s got a blue ribbon on it man

this final article number 4,901 491 the Central Bank calls the Central Bank calls calls on banks to expand and expand ATM services and cash payment machines what the Central Bank okay calls on banks because Sudani told you to do what why you ack CBI board of directors you called the banks of of Iraq to do what to expand and expand to expand and expand why did you say the word twice there’s a reason for it Frank okay the Central Bank calls on banks to expand you understand Frank we want the banks to

expand what they got to add a kitchen they got to ask add an extra bathroom to the banks what do you mean expand what do you mean what what what you talking about we need for them to bring things out now the Central Bank calls on banks to expand their services when they bring some other things out and expand oh so that’s why it’s too twice you Ed the word so you want them to expand not like like a rubber band you want you want something in the banks to expand something to come forward to come out to be sh some the Central Bank

calls on banks to expand okay and to expand ATM services and cash payment machines whoa the central bank is telling all the banks in Iraq to expand whatever that means and also also to expand the ATM services and cash payments machines which are the ATM machines the cash payments uh machines but but to expand the ATM machines ring a ding ding ring a dingding hello this is Frank who’s calling how can I help you you lied Frank I lied when two years ago two years ago in my notes it says here that you said that that the

ATM machines uh were out two years ago I said the ATM machines were out oh oh oh oh oh I know what you’re talking about yeah it was about two two years ago that I said that um that I said that they’re they’re putting out a bunch of new ATM machines yeah you did say that and I said that uh they were not activated okay I’ll give you that you said that okay okay okay okay okay and I said remember where in the cities you said here in my notes you said you in the major cities wow you are a good student I

don’t mind talking to you let me help you okay so two years ago I I announced in my opinion that the CBI uh had had put out these new ATM machines in these uh major cities you know and what happened was that they uh they didn’t activate them no now you you you remember people were asking me do they have the new lower notes in them and what did I say uh you said no they did not have the lower notes in them that’s right yeah that’s right they’re they’re still being guarded uh do you remember who I said is guarding

them space force hey you know maybe maybe not I don’t know what a better place to hide him in so now you’re saying I’m a liar why am I a liar because it says here that they’re telling them to expand the ATM machine services I thought you said that that they were already out they’re already out in the major cities but unfortunately dear friend you must have forgotten that there are rural areas that I have talked about in depth I have explained that these people these bins the the these tribal areas you know

these Nomads you know these places that don’t even have running water electricity or anything they’re just tents they’re representation um these rural areas okay that are not quote unquote even cities okay they didn’t get no ATM machines the Central Bank calls on banks to expand and to expand the ATM Services I have a feeling that they’re putting a lot of uh ATM machines in areas that they have not put them in before does that help you and the guy said yeah it does make sense thank you for being patient with

me and talking to me and all that good stuff and I told him a few jokes and we laughed and that was the end of it and I hope this helps you family to explain uh this article says that the Central Bank calls on banks to expand whatever that means and to expand the ATM services and the cash payment machines which are the ATM machines so they’re putting out now all the other ATM machines all over the freaking country doesn’t that exciting you what do I say up on top what’s the blue title Family why not use the old ATM

machines because they got rid of them and they were replaced right y okay and you now know that they’re also going to put more of them outside in the rural areas okay okay that’s what this article is trying to tell you in fact let’s read the whole dogon article you want to come on here we go so it says uh what I just read to you and then it says the Central Bank of Iraq calls on banks on Sunday to expand the spread of cash delivery Outlets why because we got a lot of currency we’re going to have to deal

with pretty soon Frank uh why didn’t you ever have them before because we didn’t have this massive amount look Frank not only do we have currency going out the lower notes but we have Curren coming in the 30 noes this is going to be oh yeah okay yeah you know the logistics of all of this come on Frank so I mean why do you think Sudan’s got all these private Banks all these all these exchange centers open right now because because because because Valentine’s Day is coming no okay okay okay the Central Bank of

Iraq calls on banks on Sunday to expand the spread of cash delivery Outlets through all available channels such as ATMs po cash payment devices as get them all as well as authorized exchange companies which we just talked about as well as electronic payment company Outlets which we just talked about and POS electronic payment devices spread throughout Iraq they are spread everywhere while people people were complaining and asking when the CBI and Sudani and Donald Trump have been extremely busy to make sure that the

monetary reform does not fail with the Iraqi citizens I don’t care when this comes out I care for it to be a successful introduction this is a masterful article look underneath it Central Bank of Iraq we are working to provide ATMs in all regions you know now why don’t you because they were not everywhere you remember look at your notes we told you very clearly they put some out but only in certain areas are they activated Frank no do they have a any new notes in them yet Frank no now we can also tell

you now they’re putting the rest of them out this is serious you send your scouting troop send the first division tell you what send them all now there’s got to be a reason for it yeah it’s cuz we’re Victorious this article look at that building look at that building that’s the new CBI building and the eighth floor belongs to the United States Treasury the Central Bank of Iraq we are working to provide ATM machines in all regions the Central Bank of ver confirms on Sunday that is working to provide ATM

machines and cash payments while indicating that it has direct it has directed all banks to spread their financial services in all regions and it should say as quickly as possible what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article ATM machines ATMs next on the monetary reform plan indeed oh I’m sorry I just realized what time it is family we’re going to stop right now because um we have our Advertiser and they’re going to talk to you until 7:20 then we’re going to get back and then we’re going to read uh

Eddie’s report all of this is going to start to fall into place a little bit better especially when we get into Eddie’s report uh Aaron are you there I am good evening Frank good evening Jan good evening family how’s everyone doing I’m mighty fine the floor is yours let me know when you’re done go for it all right uh before I introduce uh two guests will’ll be having on tonight I want to give everyone a quick update on uh on myself for those of you who heard my story before I’ve been a type two diabetic I was diagnosed in 1988

nothing I tried over all these years has been able to slow down my disease which caused a kidney transplant which caused my blindness and many other health issues I have now been on a product that aloa makes by the name of immune and I’ve been on it now for 29 months I just had another set of blood work done recently and my A1C for those of you who are familiar with that test which is probably the most accurate test in measuring a diabetic uh and their their seriousness of their disease is now 6.0 I started in double digits over 10

29 months ago for someone who is not a diabetic the average or the normal uh blood sugar range on an A1C is 5.5 so I am very very close to actually having a normal A1C and it’s totally given me my life back again the consistency of putting this in my body every single day for the last 29 months and persevering and seeing what this has done has been an incredible incredible journey uh now I would like to introduce um one of the ambassadors with aloa uh someone I work with a very good friend of mine who has that incredible

information she wants to share on the something that’ll blow you all away uh this is Marlene Copeland good afternoon or good evening Marlene welcome to the call hey Aon thank you so much and good evening to all of the ktsa family we’re really excited to be back with you so I did want to take a quick minute thank you so much because after or since we’ve added this new product that U Mr Burns will be referring to um I just have been getting phone calls that are just exciting uh in a different way than than

has been happening I mean things are just really beginning to wake up in people and I got a phone call from Corey she’s a friend and she lives out in Utah and Corey is a research nurse um by her career and a big part of her career was spent in research at UC Davis famous out there in California and Corey has her own Amazing Story with her brain tumor that wasn’t responsive with um the chemo and it was surgically removed but it grew back left a lot of scar tissue she has seizures just a lot of she has so

much detail in her story because she’s Tred it all medically um but you know she got on immune and her story she told me I said Cory what is your real story she said my real story is consistency it had you have to be consistent and she got un immune and her um Regular MRIs began showing that regrowth went away and in November she called me and her latest MRI showed the remainder of the scar tissue has gone that’s medically impossible all of her doctors told her it will never happen and she is so

excited she’s able to get off of her seizure mess because of that it’s just if we have to stop and thank God for the ability to heal when we do the right things it’s the ability that split in our body and we just must not Overlook doing that but I just had to also tell you she called me other day and told me about her husband Mike he has been dealing with long Co 15 months sleeping maybe 18 hours out of 24 no energy other things too that he’s been dealing with as a result of the long Co and she added

the core this new product that St is going to Mr B going to mention um added a new product to what he was already doing with immune and with in days he was up breaking leaves bagging leaves able to go and he continued each day to do more and more and that is a super exciting Story justed by supporting what the American already do and what this new product is offering um and I can’t say understand it all but what I’m hearing I really really like it’s to blessing people’s Liv so Aaron I’m gonna turn it back to

you thank you so much for um bringing me on for a minute thank you thank you very much marleene now I’d like to um introduce a returning guest the head of the global formulation team of aloa Welcome once again Mr Steve Burns hey Steve good evening hey Aaron hey ktfa family thank you again Frank for always allowing me to speak a little bit about these amazing products as Marlene was stating you know Supernatural is the only way to describe the way the body heals science can’t even go into how amazing it is when the

body heals itself our creator put in us a system for us to be able to heal ourselves and so we have these products that are available and and the root of all of our technology aloe vera is something called aloe vera AE it’s it’s an ace Manon extract and this Ace Manon comes from the inner Leaf gel of the aloe vera plant and they discovered the process to stabilize this product so it could be put into supplements back in the late 1980s and my friend Sam Caster took that into the marketplace he is the CEO and

founder of Alaba and he learned it has to be sold as a supplement it’s not a pharmaceutical they tried to make it a pharmaceutical they spent over1 million dollars at Carrington Laboratories trying to get it through drug approval but there was one little catch they couldn’t establish a lethal dose of this Ace man and molecule so in order for something to be a drug you have to be able to kill 50% of the rats or rabbits or whatever animals you’re testing on and they were unable to even kill they couldn’t even get to a 5% kill

on these animals because this product is completely non-toxic well what does it do for you when you consume it it modulates the immune system and when your immune system is modulated when your cells can communicate more effectively that’s when your body starts to use that material as building blocks to heal itself our products don’t treat cure or mitigate disease they’re designed to support human physiology as to where drugs alter human physiology and I’m not a scientist who is against drugs I believe there is a time and

place for drugs drugs save lives but it’s not normal for us to have to be on medications forever and ever our body should heal itself we have to support the physiology of our body so that can happen one of the biggest problems that we have in health not just in the United States but all over the world is that our guts are in trouble the microbiome that is our our gut biological terrain it’s made up of many different things including friendly bacteria bad bacteria and there’s also an epithelial lining that protects our

gut or at least it should be there so what we should have beneficial to harmful bacteria is a ratio of about 85 to 15% and disruptions to this balance can erode the gut lighting and restrict nutrient absorption and allow toxins to enter the bloodstream so we took our aloa AE and I know that Frank you have been on the immune product for over almost two years now and that product is a therapeutic level of Alaba a but we added it to other ingredients and we created this amazing gut support product

and so people have heard me talk on this product and they say oh yeah you talked about that’s the collagen product or that’s the colostrum product no no no no no there are wonderful collagen and colostrum products out there that’s not what this product is those ingredients are in this product but this is a combination of specific ingredients to support the microbiome of the gut now I can take up an hour just going through this it took me over two years to formulate this product but I I’ve got a

simpler solution Marlene has sent you and Tin the paper Jan uh the the paper on this that I wrote It’s a white paper it’s got all of the ingredients listed out the scientific validation and the studies that support that all of the published studies so you can share that with any of your listeners any of the family that want to get a copy of that and for those people that have been on immune they understand this is an ongoing process the longer you’re on it the better it does for you just as Aaron

was saying but there also is if you look at the aloa AE section of this white paper there is several studies listed on that and the scientific validation but I want people to understand our products aren’t just something where we look at the trends and we put things together we use only very validated scientific fact products that actually make a difference in human physiology we are here to make a difference in the lives of the consumers that consume our products and for every serving that we sell we

nourish a child in need because aloa is a public benefit Corporation and that designation in the state of Texas means that you must aggressively give to a social cause and our social cause is eradicating childhood malnutrition because there are many many children out there that are dying every year about seven million kids worldwide die of malnutrition related causes and there’s probably another 13 to 40 million suffering from different nutritional challenges from being malnourished and a malnourished child isn’t NE necessarily

A Child in Ethiopia who is emaciated and has a distended stomach it could be an overweight child in the USA who is just eating a very poor processed food diet and they’re not getting the nutrients they need and what happens is when our guts are in trouble and we’re not getting those nutrients we keep feeling hungry we find ourselves in the pantry rooting around at 11 12:00 they call it the midnight snack you’re looking for something because your body is saying I need nutrients and you’re not finding it

in there and then we’re eating cookies and candy and chips and popcorn and things like that and it’s not that some of those things aren’t bad in small amounts but we’re using them as a staple in our diets we need to clean out the junk get our energy back get our body working the way it’s supposed to work on bringing our blood sugars to the level that they should be getting our cholesterol levels to the where they’re supposed to be we start in the gut and this product core that we came up with is an amazing amazing product I’ve been

blessed by God with knowledge on how to put these things together and we take very very good care making sure we are bringing you the best products with the highest quality ingredients and that’s why we get results and I know Frank you have your story on what Ace man and what immune has done for you and I I would rather see the rest of the time to you so that you can once again share your story but before I do that I do want to tell you about a lady I spoke with earlier today whose husband is dealing

with a brain Challenge and as he’s gotten older he’s very forgetful of things there are a lot of things going on he’s become non-communicative after several weeks on the core his sugars came to where they’re supposed to be his bowel habits are where they’re supposed to be and her his wife went to him and they’re in their 80s and and she said do you know what you want for breakfast today and he has been indecisive and mind you nonverbal for a long time and for the first time she heard her husband’s voice

in many many months and he said I would like yogurt for breakfast and it stunned her it stunned her but getting that that affirmation of what this product can do for people and what it is doing in the body that makes me feel good about what we do it makes me feel good about what we have to offer and again Frank I do always appreciate you and Jan allowing you to be on to address the family but I if you would take it away and share your story I would be very grateful well I want to thank you my brother because those uh

anybody that has a testimony that usually comes from the heart not the pocket and um you you told your story because it happened to you you believe in it it’s your testimony you want as many people to hear it in my situation it turned out that uh will will brought prandom into my life gosh Dar uh I’m going to approximate maybe like around 2013 or 14 you know I’m giving it a ballpark figure and I started to take it because I liked what it said it was going to make it was it was it was going to take

two proteins nrf1 and Nrf2 and the nrf1 was going to go to the mitochondria you know that’s the electricity that’s that’s the the power grid of of all your cell and the n F2 was going to go to the nucleus that’s the computer that’s the brains so I had power to the to the computer to the brains of each one of my cells which told me this is going to help for me to resist bacteria fungus all these nasty things viruses and I started to take it uh in two in in 2020 the third week of April exactly when they announced Co to the

world a little Chinese doctor in h in Hawaii at a clinic because I was passing blood I went in there and they did an MRI and he he comes out and he says uh Mr via you have uh two months to live I said you party pooper what are you talking about what and you know what to this to this day the floor of that doctor’s office is still staining red all the blood rushed from my head down to my feet because you start to take inventory of the time you have left and we weren’t scheduled to come home for about another two more

months but my wife my my superhero my Supergirl she got everything arranged and in a cough in a Plane full of coughing people we made it back home and and I and I went through four years of uh immune therapy well actually two years of uh 18 operations and two more years of immune therapy and three months of uh chemotherapy and every time that it would attack me another operation they took out five parts of my body I think one of them was my brain it hurt my body hurts to this day but it’s the price I pay for being

alive but the doctors every time that had attacked me and they took care of me the doctors said you’re very strong a that right T yep every time a it all the doctors yep every one of them and my wife sat there really proud and she say he is strong my husband’s strong but they were talking about me being strong biologically I I understood what they meant but I never put two and two together it turns out that later I read a report from many many good institutions that had been working with prandom and the Frank yes oh oh dear God

oh oh dear God I’m talking about okay okay I started to talk about protan please forgive me I I messed this up my brain is filled with so much stuff Erin I humbly apologize you started taking protan but I I’ll take I I’ll take it from there I’m sorry so I started taking uh yes prot tandum and it was at that very same time that immune was introduced to me 2022 started in 2022 y so forgive me I just did a quick advertisement for pandum but that was in 20 and it made myself strong thanks Ain I’m sorry about that it made myself

strong the doctors kept telling me you’re very strong but I’m not strong like you know like I’m a weightlifter I was I was biologically strong medically strong I was recovering every time cancer was hitting me well it turns out that the good Lord conquered cancer in me and I I I I I I thank prot tandum because there’s a report that says that if you take it it adds five years to your lifespan how can they say something like that how dare they say something like that but five years later after cancer

I’m alive now because I’m alive Aaron picks up the phone and he calls me he says brother Frank I’d like for you to consider a product called immune I said why because it’ll keep your sugar level down I said ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ring that cowbell man yeah you got my attention the doctors told me Aaron that I can’t have sugar above a certain amount because if it it kept coming back here it kept coming back it kept coming back it just was it was a re it was basketball it kept bouncing and

rebounding right back to me that’s and to be honest with you eron I’m a little concerned that cancer will come back into my life so Aaron says start taking this product Frank and I did and look cuz you see it every time I show it to you every time you can’t this is called my chart it’s not like I made this okay now this is not some kind of AI technology this is my chart look it look it look at who’s that who’s that right there who’s that who’s that who’s that that’s me this is my chart this is from my doctor my chart and and what is

it it it is is over a year of me taking immune now when it kept my blood sugar under a 100 I said dear God this is exactly what I need when I went to Israel they have the aloe plant everywhere I’m serious you walk out of your car you walk out of a restaurant you walk out of a building a business whatever you see aloe growing everywhere the Jewish people use it for medicinal purposes because the Holy Bible talks about it and this company immune uses it and look what it does to my sugar but I said

to myself you know let me experiment with this thing let me let me experiment with this thing and what I did I can’t see the months that are right there but I did one month and then I did another month of not taking it because before that boom boom boom bo boom boom all under a 100 I don’t know if you can even see the numbers right there all under a 100 so I experimented I think it was August and September and then I I said no no I’m going because it went it shot up to about 120 130 140 I said no cancer doesn’t

like protein it spits it out cancer doesn’t like fats lipids and oils it spits it out cancer loves sugar it’s the only thing it eats you think I’m going to you think I’m going to prolific at cancer and give it what it needs to overtake me again no and I take this Faithfully it is a part of my life I want it you can’t take it away from me so I’m grateful to Aon and I’m grateful to this company because I love cookies more than I should but I don’t want cancer again it hurt it HT it hurt it was depressing and when I did

chemotherapy oh my I’ve never gone through anything so vicious so violent and I played football for many years I cancer is is is a demon that that is inside your body and you got to get rid of it and I’m here to tell you with a very proud heart that this product immune I think it’s $128 for the large bottle and that’s more than a month Supply but when you start please take 4 in the morning and 4 at night in my opinion that’s what I did 4 in the morning 4 at night somebody just checked me and said

I love cookies too 4 in the morning and 4 at night okay and then after a week go to two and two and if you have those you know those little those those blood test kits you know check your blood see where you’re at now just because you’re taking this it doesn’t mean that you can eat po the chips at 1:00 in the morning on the couch just because you’re taking this doesn’t mean that you can have candy anytime you want just because you’re taking this you can’t have a whole bowl of fruits and vegetables because they’re

carbohydrates that can convert into sugar be careful be smart you’re nothing more but water you’re nothing more but water 80% of it drink lots of water and help this product too and stop eating when the Sun goes down what do he say stop eating with the what I say do you know what I mean by that you don’t do you this is me this is me and this is the Sun and when the Sun rises above the Horizon the water in my body says Hey and the water rises from my lower intestines to my upper intestines but as the sun travels and

sets in the west the pole is not there and the water that was helping me to digest as I was eating during the day is now down here where it doesn’t do me any good in digesting if anything it turns my it turns my my my my my my matter uh into uh dark and and hard substance interesting isn’t it you’re nothing more you’re just like the Earth you have Evan flow you have high tide you have low tide work with it don’t work against it if you’re interested in this product my name is Frank via Frank 26 my phone number is 419 28 28 32552

419 283 2552 call me I’ll be glad to order it for you I’ll be glad to teach you I’ll be glad to answer your questions about it okay not bad right at 7:30 there huh thank you Erin and I’m sorry that I messed up but yes sir go ahead no no thank thank you Frank I don’t know if Steve if you’re strong on the line would you like to close yes go ahead well listen we don’t have there is no one Magic Bullet right you need other products Frank knows what other products to take and so incorporating that’s part

of his story I don’t mind it talking about Pro I know that product that’s a good product and Frank only only actually advertises good products I appreciate your integrity Frank and I appreciate your story and the fact that you’re still with us and that God has healed you so God bless you God bless your family I appreciate all of you and you J God bless you Aon and marene thank you for being ambassadors of Al working with this mission of Health I love it almost as much as I love my cookies God bless you Steve God bless

you Erin thank you God bless you well all righty Dy let’s get back to work let me see we’re at 1,600 it’ll grow to over 2 ,000 in a minute here and then that’s good I’m glad that um the 1600 that stayed and listened because you know the products that we talk about maybe uh maybe it’s not an acute situation where you need it right now for you but it could be for someone that you love so much all righty family we left oh uh George give me give me a little bit more time about 15 20 more minutes and then

I’ll call you for the bank story thank you George we left off with final article number 4,912 I think that was the one we left off of is it oh dear me no it’s not I’m sorry let’s go back uh Shang dudo can help me maybe uh I think I think I figured it out honey I believe we left off yes final article number 4,92 breaking the quarum who who breaks the Quorum family go ahead and post it and tell me breaking the Quorum who breaks the Quorum family who breaks the Quorum now you know what a quorum is right it’s a

gathering of people that are going to make a decision or thank you uh who makes a okay Greg Greg is saying uh a parliament that’s exactly right look at that Randy Matthew el el el naika naika oh that’s interesting oh no ELA saying hello um well uh not the Kurds but they may have some representation there but what is this Parliament spit spit spit where to go uh uh Abel yeah family breaking the quarm that’s Parliament for you I mean it’s almost as if that’s their Duty or something right good creep

it’s their it’s their Duty uh to create duty all the time H break in the Quorum a demand to publish the names of those absent from the Iraqi Parliament session what you say well it turns out that Eddie told me hey Frank what well I’ll read it to you you’re not gonna get you’re not gonna believe it we’re we’re about to do the second reading oh good but guess what what they didn’t show up Parliament didn’t show up how can you not show up there a they they said they were going to Eddie I know they didn’t can you

believe that but here’s the cool part what does this article talk about it no it doesn’t well you’re going to find out first of all what’s the blue title hi Howard how you doing mate I got my uh I got Sudani over there visiting your country thank you Howard Crockett um final article number 4,92 says says that they broke the Quorum and uh and uh they didn’t have any voting or any passing of laws what do I say up on top what’s the blue title busted busted and the reason why well when I get to Eddie’s part I’ll I’ll let you

know why they are busted no more okay we have security and stability no more you can you can try every day you can try every day part of to delay to to to to to not show up to lie to try to steal none of it is going to work none of it is going to work and that’s what I love right now final article number 493 currency smuggling none of it is going to work none of it is going to work Parliament did you catch that none of it is going to work I mean that’s six times I say it in a row because this article is telling you exactly what I’m

just telling none of your shenanigans are going to work ever again currency smuggling the Central Bank punishes 10 Iraqi Banks due to foreign transfer violations what do I say up on top the monetary reform demands this type of security and stability from now on Final article number 494 the central bank is working to provide uh uh various Services uh to bank card holders what do I say up on top what’s the blue title the monetary reform at the state-of-the-art not for a program rate look at this look at this I

know that you’re a member of ktfa I know that you’re in our form and by the way for those of you in premium uh and Club 26 I gave you a lot didn’t I in the last few days a whole lot we’re gonna talk about it in depth tonight uh I had a guy he sent me an email and he was angry he said you don’t even show up at premium anymore the problem is Sir is that you don’t show up final article number 494 oh by the way I have an announcement what was that there you go uh I have an announcement Steve Steve l l o w l l Steve L first of

all Steve if you’re on can you post and tell me that you’re on okay because uh I’d like to talk to I’d like to call you and discuss your bank story I think you’ve had enough time for it to mature and I’d like to see if we can talk also Steve L I would like to talk to you for a second reason you’re going to be working with president Trump and because of that yeah we want to talk let’s see nope I don’t see him posting Tink if you should see Steve L posting let me know he might catch the show later and then if he communicates

with us in email phone text whatever let me know okay all right so this look at this family look at this ladies and gentlemen you think that this type of uh this type of advanced technology this state-ofthe-art this type of banking system and structure and services is for a program rate no what is the blue title to this article the monetary reform at the state-of-the-art not for a program rate the Central Bank of Iraq Works within its strategy to provide various services to bank card holders by

expanding the spread of cash delivery outlets and through all available channels think about that the what is it the the the EXP in the spread of cash delivery Outlets stop stop and think about that you need to buy a a loaf of bread so Eddie go to the store and buy a loaf of bread well Mr Frank it’s not just me I need to take a few of my people with me why Eddie you know how many Dinars it takes to buy a loaf of bread yeah so these uh uh this article is telling the Iraqi citizens that these M what they’re doing right now is going to

provide these card holders by expanding the spread of cash delivery Outlets uh not for the 30 notes I want to buy a loaf of bread okay put put put your card in put your key card in there you go and how much do we need $100,000 okay uh hit the button okay here we go let’s go buy her stuff okay you think that’s how it’s going to work silly rabbit I make you think outside the box I make you think farther than you than you do and the simple words are right in front of you but you need someone to help you and guide you to understand

them I pray to God that we’re accomplishing that tonight because by expanding the spread of cash delivery outlets and and and through all available Channel Chels all of them man flood them all including the ATMs including the POC cash payment devices as well as authorities exchange companies electronic payments uh payment Outlets the POS electronic payments devices spread throughout all of Iraq just get it out get this get the currency out but nobody wants the 30 notes that’s not the currency we’re talking about I

know final article number 4,95 establishing a Kurdistan Oil Company establishing establishing a Kurdistan Oil Company a movement maturing Under the Dome of the Iraqi Parliament holy cow what do I say up on top what’s the blue title bani works with Sudani bani works with Sudani that’s why bani came over and deposited the oil into the budget because he knows what’s going on and then and they rewarded him with the ability to have a Kurdistan Oil Company yeah oh we are seriously far advanced in many things

here aren’t we is there any more you can tell me about this this this this little this little little Arrangement this little deal this little uh Christmas present that is being given to the Kuran region because of what they did well during his meeting with Al Mahi uh bani calls for amending the budget and ensuring kurdistan’s dues oh so brazan now you want to make sure the parliament does everything that that Sudani is asking for right what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article Sudani ensures

brazan I got your back you did good we’re rewarding you final article number 4 96 establishing a Curtis what was that Claire Claire put it up twice that’s funny poor Claire she does so much work as it is but look at the article underneath out Parliament Kurdistan uh agreement to amend the budget law to guarantee salaries of Kurdistan in employes to do what to guarantee to guarantee salaries to the Kurdistan employees yes what’ you do for I worked with with with with with Sudani I I approved the budget I’m

pushing Parliament on um hey yeah you sure are but know uh hold on second for example what else did you doid well the statement explains that the two sides agreed to amend the 2025 budget law to guarantee all the rights and entitlements of the Kurdistan region and the salaries of employees without any type of problems or any obstacles whatsoever the program rate is an obstacle no it’s not okay final article number 497 during his meeting with uh with um almash with with with bani bani calls for amending the budget and ensuring

Kurdistan dues what didn’t I just read that yeah CLA oh bless her heart Claire I know if I know Claire she’s like what final article number 498 the House of Representatives completes a second reading of the draft amendments to the dra to the budget law now here’s what we’re going to have to stop for a second what does it say uh the House of Representatives uh completes the second reading of the draft Amendment to the budget law well is that the second reading to the budget well it’s actually the second reading to

A draft of the amendment of the budget okay let me try it again is that the is that the second reading of the budget not fully but technically you could say okay let me ask you something does Sudani need for Parliament to do the second reading no why do you answer me so quickly so cocky like that what are you talking about if they don’t do it in 15 days it becomes law that’s right you hear that yeah you hear that there it is you hear that um the House of Representatives completes a second reading of the draft Amendment to

the budget law is that the second reading of the budget itself no it’s the second reading of a budget law that is amending the the the the the budget itself um by doing so then that law basically in my opinion is all that’s needed you can read it all you want you don’t have to read it 15 days later it it becomes law so do you understand what I’m telling you okay so they didn’t read the whole budget they only read the read the part that they amended for the second time therefore should we not just start the

third reading now final article number 4,99 parliamentary Finance spit spit spit banking reform enhances Iraq’s Global Finance standing Parliament financing spit spit spit banking reform enhances Iraq’s Global Financial standing what’s the blue title for this article you think Captain Obvious Parliament just shut up every time you open the amount to make fools of yourselves you’re saying something that has been studied for years now you want to come out and say yeah well yeah you know if we do something to the

banking reforms if we enhance uh you know our banking reforms in Iraq well that’s just going Iraq will be Global Financial uh standings will really improve final article number 4,910 Iraqi foreign minister in New York to assume the presidency of the g77 and China oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen wait a minute Iraqi foreign minister in New York to assume the presidency has any other Guru talked to you about this do you understand the power behind this the the Iraqi foreign minister will sit behind the the presidency of the g77

meeting and with China I mean I was like grabbing China by the year and saying come here junior this is fantastic what do I oh my gosh oh my goodness I forgot look at the blue title on my word of Honor I forgot it says Iraq leads 77 and China by the ear isn’t that something I forgot that I said it but subconsciously I I brought it back out again because yeah that’s what this is Iraqi Deputy uh prime minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs fra Hussein arrived arrived in New York on Monday to

participate in the ceremony of Iraq assuming the presidency of the group of 77 uh and China for the year 2025 holy cow you know why I’m excited about that who’s Sudani paying attention to right now huh his wives no who’s Sudani paying attention to right now somebody answer me who’s Sudani paying attention right now while I take a break and drink something who is Sudani that’s why I’m excited about this I mean he’s already telling London and all those brick people you’re crazy there you go that didn’t take long

where to go Robert Travis Jeff Timothy Matthew what’s that Sergeant Sergeant hey uh snow whisper bus driver Dwayne uh Randy Linda uh hey Peggy no that doesn’t count Carrie uh Karen uh J hey there’s my buddy okay so anyways yeah that’s what’s going on this is exciting China what do you want uh we want to do what do you think no it is noteworthy that Iraq achieved a remarkable diplomatic achievement wow by being officially elected to the chair of the group of 77 I mean this is better than the than the Group of Seven this is

70 more that’s a lot of countries to be uh let’s see not in control of but to be uh uh uh to be in to be not in control of not to be in charge of but to discipline my goodness gra it is noteworthy that Iraq’s achieved a remarkable diplomatic achievement by being officially elected to the chair of group 77 in China during the 48th annual meeting which was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York I know and in September with the uh with the participation of Hussein this is fantastic and if and if you haven’t been

studying this which you haven’t because you have haven’t seen it on my form you bring me garbage from other forms instead but we throw it out final article number 4,911 granting a license to Al amid exchange company uh private jet private joint stock companies uh what do I say up on top what’s the blue title Sudani prepares for the collection of the three Z notes Sudani prepares for the collection of the three Z notes what is the title of uh of this article again granting a license to al- amid exchange

company going to need a lot of help aren’t you sunani yeah we are final article number 4,912 Alani discusses with the British uh King establishing a productive partnership between Baghdad and London what is the blue title for this Sudani talks to London to Iran to Turkey to the World As Trump talks to sadani oh okay go to the next page page 246 and uh it looks like we just have a few on this page final article number 4,913 uh Brit uh London Brit Brit Brit uh Britain what about it uh trade volume

with Iraq will increase tenfold yeah yeah I suppose Sudani went over there and he made a lot of promises because he told you to stop using the American dollar and you pretty well obeyed um he told you that he’s going to be able to you know send you oil you’re happy about that um you’re going to help with the uh issues of uh Iran you know with war conditions and uh and what not uh Britain trade volume with Iraq will increase tenfold yeah and that’s only because Sudan is allowing it okay and what do I say up on top H uh how can you

lead with a program rate that nobody wants well you can’t let me see uh trade volume will increase in Iraq tfold and I asked the question well how Britain London how can you lead how can you lead with a program rate that nobody wants why are you going to increase the your business with Iraq uh tenfold that’s a large number dude uh at a program right why in the world would you do something so stupid oh you’re not are you is that why Sudani went over and talked to you privately final article number

4,914 Economist describes the establishment of the first radin Bank as an excellent step what do I say up on top what’s the blue title uh Iraq Banks ftuned yeah they are oh boy are they ready he added that the new bank will help the state enhance its payment and electronic transactions capability in addition to assisting the trade uh the the the the the trade Bank of Iraq in transfers and credits yeah you’re leaving the borders final article number 4,915 21 Arab and foreign countries and 600 companies at Baghdad International

Fair what 21 Arab and foreign countries and 600 companies at baghdad’s International Fair what do I say up on top I bet you you couldn’t come or wouldn’t come it says I bet you you wouldn’t come I bet you let me see 21 Arab for countries and 600 companies at the Baghdad International Fair I bet you you guys wouldn’t come at 1310 and those are the articles that I wish to share with you family now what I’m going to do before we get into the reading of of uh well no yeah yeah yeah before I go into readings Eddie’s report

I’m going to talk to you uh I’m going to show you a bank story uh George I’m about to call you and also family remember last time we were together and I showed you four pictures uh four pictures of currency one two 3 four and the uh the last one was a 25 note and it was green well the more we we we we we talked about this we don’t believe there’s going to be a 25 note we don’t believe that and we already told you what we believe the notes are that are going to come out I don’t need to go over them with you I

don’t wish to go over them with you so look at your notes and you’ll know which ones but what you saw what you saw in that picture they are real uh and and and this is one of the ones that you saw now it’s important that you realize this is no longer allowed this is no longer allowed this is a 50 note you see the 50 right here okay and then when you turn it around you see the number represented by that symbol right there in uh in Arabic so ladies and gentlemen the 50 notes that you saw in that picture these are Nolan

void that is the lowest that is the lowest note that uh that Iraq uh is dealing with now the next one is u a 100 and uh the next one that they showed in the picture was this one this is legal and tender look at the symbol looks like a seven or a zero or something but that is the Arabic symbol for 250 Dinars 250 dins okay you stop and ask well no okay I I all right I won’t I won’t I won’t the next one that I’ll show you is a 500 this is a 500 legal and tender Iraqi note okay you can see it has a zero and two

dots this is legal and tender this is a 500 Iraqi dinar note and the last one I’m going to show you to help you because you had a lot of good questions when I showed you those notes is um is this note can anybody tell me what this note is this is legal and tender anybody tell me what this note is very good uh all of you yes it is a 1,000 my goodness we got some good students tin we got some good students now somebody just asked well is this uh is this one still legal like the 50k did I not just show you the currency

that is not legal did I not just show you that the 50 din note is not legal and did I not then say that everything else is oky doie okay so to you’ve answered your question where I’ve answered your question the 50 th000 note is extremely legal there’s even a 100 there’s even a 100,000 note that will be legal but that will only be used by the Central Bank of Iraq and the GOI okay so it was nice to uh help you with that now what I’m going to do is I want to share with you a uh a bank story and then when I’m done with the bank

story what time is it oh it’s already 8:00 then when I’m done with the bank story we’re going to um we’re going to um no I’m just a little tired I’m sorry hang in there with me I get dizzy sometimes what am I doing to bank story you’re calling Bank story thank you oh there it is contacts ABC G what’s that put thank you good evening General good evening my dear friend how are you I am blessed sir and you oh I’m telling you what I’m sitting here counting my cookies I love it yes sir now you’re you’re yes it is very exciting what’s

going on and in fact I think that your story is also going to be very exciting to help people uh brother George you have a friend we called Mr T and he’s uh he’s with uh Wells Fargo right that is correct sir he is a personal banker who’s been promoted within the organization to manager of the teller line of the drive-in Line and other higher level positions within the bank wait till you get to that part in fact allow me to just simply be silent now I’m handing the ball over to you score the touchdown for us start at the very

beginning how I mean even even at the beginning of this Mr T who was your friend and became a friend uh a year or when was it a few a while ago he told you some things take us through the whole Gambit and if I and and along the way if I recall anything I’ll I’ll I’ll remind you so you can talk about it the floor is yours thank you sir uh greetings uh ktfa family I have been involved with this for on my goodness 16 plus years I have followed uh our leader Frank and tank and I want want to personally acknowledge and thank them

for their they’re exceptional due diligence and I wanted to share this with you and I want you to know my excitement but I have to set the stage for this because of the the Beast we know being Wells Fargo we know all the hype and everything that’s been happening and being fulfilled through Chase and other Banks but Wells far has always been like it Enigma but I want to tell you so you get the full monty of my excitement first of all I want to tell you I am one of many that was gut punched when things didn’t happen at the

end of the year by you know Sudani but you know we don’t live in in in Iraq we don’t know all the variances but I have been blessed to travel this world in business I’ve been very successful and I know many regions in the world have corruption that reachs out of pores I mean it’s almost if you can see it corruption and greed and graft is is the law of the land and Iraq is no exception so I I thank God that things are turning to the point where because we don’t see a lot of this stuff and one one thing we hear and we hear

other gurus saying this and whatever and Frank tells us what he tells us because he is on top of the game and he tells us factual stuff things can get stretched but that’s not his control it is the environment he has no control over so things are working thank God we have a new Administration coming in so I wanted to lay that out there that corruption in this part of the world is is is the way of life and we know where it’s driven it comes from Iran and the Parliament and uh the group that is there

that that thanks to running things are they’re just loud symbols claim symbols the Sudan’s got things well under control so we know from the teachings of Frank where we’re at and where we’re going and things are extremely positive if I can add this those of you most of the cath family are Are Spiritual based the Bible speaks of mosul speaks of badad it speaks of Babylon of being very wealthy Financial Centers in the region that is now and coming so and they’re not going to be Financial region on a program rate so you can take that

to the bank so let me get back to my story I just needed to set that up I have been dealing with this branch and I want to say uh geographically it’s you can consider it to be the Orlando greater greater Orlando Central Florida region just for for protection of certain people I want to keep names out of it but I have been dealing with this particular Wells Fargo branch for now 11 excuse me excuse me nine years going on 10 I have had a personal relationship with one who is my Frank has referred to

as Mr T and we’ll go with that and several other people within the bank they know me they know I have multiple accounts with other Banks within the region because of the teachings I’ve G I have went out and I prepared for this blessing to happen because of FDIC rules etc etc etc so I am stage with like eight different accounts uh in the region where I live for that reason now this one particular Wells Fargo branch is very small so I’ve been dealing with them and with my relationship with with Mr T

he knows knows that I’m very heavily invested in the of course Frank can you still hear me oh yeah perfect you’re very loud and clear very sharp go ahead you’re with Mr T go ahead they know I am very well invested heavily I’m saying heavily invested in international currencies and I am a student of Forex I asked you to adop I asked you to adopt me because you’re so heavily invested well but it’s not in the one I would like to be heavily invested in now I don’t mind telling you I’m very heavily invested in

the daong rupia uh and and some other currencies so we can talk to it a later date but I am very well healed when it comes to the thear I’ll leave it at that okay so they know and we’ve had discussions over the last years about the Iraqi dinar okay first of all I want you all to know that words are very very important and Frank stresses that when he says certain things you better take notes because words have meanings when I first got involved they told me because I had bought the uh dong and rupia

through their branch and they stopped selling it for a while but they were not handling at the time I was involved I was buying by my dinar through Frank uh claymar clamar I believe that was the name of the company but prior to that saying this they know and they would they would tell me we do not recognize the word recognize the Iraqi dinar and let just go back say four or five years on this journey on this point because things are starting to evolve skip ahead four years to a last year around

Thanksgiving Christmas when we were all anticipating the reinstatement to happen because we know years ago the revaluation has occurred they they put it to pencil Frank has taught us they know where they’re going to go with this they one to one or whatever and then will probably go float we know all this history we were thinking that was going to happen but due to corruption has gotten delayed we all know the story we’re here now in January 25 with good things happening a year ago I was in there and I asked Mr T about what’s

going on because of the heightened activity at that time he says well there there is activity however official Wells Fargo does not recognize still the Iraqi than are he says I can help you with these other cenes if you want to buy more or or sell them I said no I’m G I’m just holding them I’m letting that right so he told me at that time George what’s happening though this is he said to me this is strange because I feel like I’m a mushroom I’m getting fed little you know as you would say Frank

and Spanish VI a little little floss a little a little fertilizer here even though I’m in management but I know there’s activitys Fargo but I can’t I can’t Pierce that armor so he said however now this bank has the banking side and one wealth manager already in this Branch he says George we’re building three more offices for wealth managers and I think I reported this to the family A year ago about this I’m saying where are you going to put the offices yeah okay let’s now jump to now yesterday and why I’m so

excited I said well I’m G to go in because I do Santa Claus as as my hobby I do and I just got back off the season and I had 13 checks that I was going to go put in my business business account because I have four different accounts with this Branch at Wells Fargo so I said yeah I’m not going to go to the driveing window because the last Almost 10 months I’ve been going through the drive drive up window and not going inside because I hadn’t really had to the drive to go inside I can handle my business at the drivein but yesterday I

said now I’m G to go in and say hi to certain people I know and maybe check with let’s say Mr T so I went into the branch and oh my goodness this little shabby branch office I thought I was walking into the foyer of a Marriott Grand Marquee Hotel this place was redone they had new offices the cubicle partitions were gone and all of a sudden and every one of these offices had a very well-dressed what I noticed out of the two offices that were open a gentleman and there could be lady wealth managers but I’m not aware at this

branch that this is the case but I saw well-dressed suited looking very professional men and these offices I’m going oh my goodness and and the cubicles were no longer in the floor space so I’m going and I looked where my friend Mr T’s cubicle used to be it wasn’t there no more so I didn’t know where he was at in within the bank knowing however I knew he got a promotion so I walked over they had three tellers working and I walked over and my particular teller I always go to was was open and I walked up to in hey how you

doing she said I haven’t seen you inside but I’ve seen you come up to the drive-in many times I said yeah I wanted to deposit these checks into my business checking account and we started doing small talk and this is where I’m getting excited folks she said well how’s your uh your business situation because they know a lot of my business because I’ve been blessed to have certain assets that make revenue and I’ll just I’ll refer to those as the rent or scenario we had problems with renters and the Co in the

past then cleaning up the act and then I happened and we were chitch it’s just hey George George it is it is only you and her this conversation started and it’s only you and her so far correct that is correct continue continue nobody else that could hear me at the point but now we had another person that came up to the other teller well the other two tellers were there but they we were just doing chitchat now I have to tell everybody this for the last four or five years the branch manager knows that I was talking

to Mr T as we’re calling him now and he would look at me with a SC scowl in his eye every time I walked into the branch especially going into the cubicle to talk to Mr D because he knows I’m gonna be talking about the dinar and he didn’t like like don’t the way I read it was don’t talk to him about that but he never told me that however Mr T said we’ve got to be careful how we we we discuss this okay our W Fargo’s official position was we do not recognize a scam yeah there you go that too probably but I gotta say I got to go on

record Mr T never once said the scam word to me he says we do not recognize the Iraqi dinar period very infa they were they were changing their their speech but I think by looking back at things the branch manager knew more than what he was letting on that’s why he gave me the evil eye every time it came in okay now we’re back to today I’m standing and lying the branch manager I’m talking rather very you know chitchat with a with a teller the branch manager who’s in the corner behind the teller line I

can I have a line of sight to him I my eye met his eye and we now I Shook and I bowed my head like in a courtesy not nothing be verbal he looked at me but he looked at me this time with a pleasant smile and he a gleam in his eye like and he’s never looked at me this way so I said well that’s pretty cool so I’m talking to the tell her and then I happened to say after she asked me about how the business situation was developing and then this is where the the happiness starts I said I can remember exactly the words I used I said

well you know we we got things cleaned up and I’m expecting a banner year this year and I’m expecting to come in in the next 30 60 at 90 120 days I I I said that with a more substantial deposit in my business account seeing that there’s a lot of activity in the world the international World banking world with International foreign currencies nicely put go ahead nicely put nicely put go on yeah I’m just I’m trying to walk on egg shows because of this branch manager and not to alert the tellers that stuff’s

going on you know with with the denar per se okay right they know because they they they they handle uh dong and stuff of that nature so the current International currency verbage was was acceptable so no time did the branch manager look up and say you can’t you know like enter try to to stop me talking then I said well I understand there’s a lot of activity in Wells Fargo and other large Banks concerning International currency currency and at that time Mr T comes out around from the corner because his office I guess

because he’s the manager now of the of the tellers and all that stuff he comes up walks over with a big Garfield smile on his face walks over to the teller and I said again I said well how you doing I called him his name of course but I’ll say Mr T I said how you doing thanks good I said congratulations on your promotion I hear he said yeah it’s busy then I said well I guess you heard me he says yeah that’s why I’m walking over here I said so there is a lot of activity in in Wells Fargo and other

Banks concerning International currency now this is what he said now I did not mention the word dinar neither did he but he knows me intimately and he knows what I’m referring to that goes unsaid he he looked at me he says yes especially Wells Fargo he looked at me and he winked you get the Frank wink at me with a big old smile and he said to me and he made the gesture like he’s going to call me you know with your hand to your to your ear and mouth like that gesture so I’m anticipating to follow up

with him but but folks that got me excited because he did oh excuse me I gotta say one thing a year ago when he told me about the expansion of the uh the offices for New Wealth managers he did tell me the word the verb exchang from we don’t recognize is we do not handle the Iraqi dinar this time now that’s a big difference folks and that was a year ago look at where we’re at now there it’s it’s out in in print there’s uh Wells Fargo is acknowledging there’s there’s discussions about the Iraqi canar but that’s as far as I got if

you’re looking at me saying well this is this is definitive I’m going to get more information from Mr T but if that don’t like your candle your Wick as wet because their first time they’re admitting now going from we don’t recognize we don’t handle the Ry dinar at this time a year later to now they’re acknowledging there’s there’s a lot of communication and there’s a lot of activity within International banking world including Wells Fargo when it comes to the dinar and that’s all I got to say at this point and that’s factual

I put my hand on the word of God and that got me excited folks things are in motion and oh I did mention too uh when when I was in the 30 6090 Day deal I say due to the new Administration coming in there’s a lot of confidence in the business world that was thrown out there and people heard that so there you go folks that’s that’s why I’m excited beautiful story you have reason to be excited George to summarize about a year ago you started this relationship with this bank it’s a small bank and the guys

uh we call him Mr T and then you walk in recently and it just shocked you because this simple little mom and pop Bank it looks like the state-of-the-art you looked like you walked into Dubai everything was uh redone in that place it was beautiful you looked at Mr T and he said hey not only that but we’re also adding three more wealth managers not tellers wealth managers uh to our division here that we that we just fixed up and uh you get to go you go up to the teller and you’re talking to the teller and uh you see the

manager and uh normally he gives you a nasty look because there’s that guy again asking about the dinar and uh but this time the manager or the yeah the manager he was staring at you but with a Chester cat smile a big grin and you’re you’re like what what’s wrong with him and as you’re as you’re uh talking to the teller um out of nowhere you know the the the the word dinar pops up and lo lo and behold Mr T comes around the corner cuz he heard you and he says George how you doing and you get to talking and the next thing you know uh

look at here I’m not I’m not asking for anything I’m not asking a date or rate but and the guy the the guy Mr T says George yeah we’ve been hearing an awful lot uh and now you have an appointment again correct George I am GNA call him because gave me the hand just to call me so I can get with him and meet with him it’ll probably be offsite to be honest with you with that I like that I like the word be honest I like I say is honest to be factual they’ll probably they’ll probably be off site his office

isn’t out front like he used to be it’s behind the teller line take him out to dinner I’m gonna I’m gonna get get on top of this one but just just for the record straight and your synopsis is pretty much right on Frank but I’ve known him now for about eight nine years oh my private Banker a year ago and and their position was just to clarify all that time at nine years up until presid up until excuse me a year ago they said we do not recognize that Iraqi dinar last year his verbage changed too we do

not handle the Iraqi dinar at this time that’s when they were doing that expansion that had three more wealth managers year later being now this you heard the activity he’s they’re excited there’s things going on that’s why he gave me the call me signal and I’m I will call him and I will report back to you as soon as I get more information from at that point you want to you you want to you know like I said do it privately not at the bank uh just somewhere you know in a in a in a in a corner of a restaurant away from cameras

you want to find out what uh what type of insurance this bank is going to offer you um you want to ask them about their lawyers will their lawyers be able to represent you will if you get involved in real estate will they be able to collect your property tax sales tax whatever it’s required can they help you with stuff like that they uh they basically are your your your super siiz bookkeepers and they are your investors as well remember I held up all the pamphlets every time I talk to somebody that goes to Wells Fargo they tell me

they they gave me the same pamphlets that you held up the same pamphlets I said good I said good and the other thing George is that you have you have us you with with me when you’ve talked to me the two of us we have taken note of the evolution of verbiage yes sir we have noticed that they have slowly changed their tune and it was last year uh right about this time yeah last year or a few months from now we started to tell the family the banks are now going to be changing their verbage their tone their tune it’s no

longer it’s a scam and L behold as the summer approached a lot of people were calling me and telling me Frank nobody is telling me it’s a scam anymore they just say they’re they’re not they’re not doing anything with it right now I said good because they are going not not not the tellers but the managers are going to the meetings the same meetings that Aki the same meetings that Aki who runs his bank is has to go to the same meetings and understand what it is what the latest steps are now granted his

meetings are with the CBI your friend’s meetings are with the US Treasury although it’s not him it’s his boss and that’s why the tune has changed and we told everybody that these words would be used we gave examples of what they were going to say and they have been doing it find out uh what type like I said what type of insurance uh find out what how much money you can move on a daily basis how will you be able to move it you can probably move uh uh as much as you want electronically with whatever card ask

them what kind of card are you going to get are you going to get the black uh MasterCard uh or excuse me U American Express uh how what do you what are you your limitations how long does it take if I want to bring in 50,000 in cash uh how long will that take for you know to get to me um your your your investment portfolios can you please give me all the pl pamphlets that you have right now so I can start studying what it is that your your your investors uh want to talk to me about everything that you that

they that you want them to do for you is what you basically want to ask you know I did under your tood when I went to Chase yeser good good good good good George I’m really proud of you I’m excited as you are I had my doctor uh one of my doctors I should say well actually he’s my only do he’s my number one doctor this doctor uh George kind of like what happened to you when you called me one time and you introduced yourself to me this doctor called me out of the blue and he says are you Frank I said yes sir I go by

Frank 26 well I’m a doctor here at the this you know place here in Cleveland and um I don’t know how to tell you this but I mean I’m sure it was God because I don’t know anybody else in my bedroom at 3:00 in the morning but a voice woke me up and said take care of Frank amen and I have no idea except that all of a sudden then I found out about you Frank 26 I said okay uh nice to meet you and we became friends 10 years later it was that connection that allowed me to get the best treatment at the best hospitals with the best

medicine and I was healed then about 3 months ago when I was healed my doctor friend calls me and he says it happened again I said what that that that voice I said you’re kidding me yeah well it was I don’t know what to tell you but uh I I I asked I said why why did you have me get a hold of Frank and boy I was so I was on pins and need of what what he say what what he say what what what he say wow amen and I thought it was going to be something profound the the Iraqi dinor you know what he said to him to him what

you know apparently supposedly what God said to him he said when he asked the question why why did you want us to why did you want me to get a hold of him the voice said I wanted you to be friends oh my goodness wow my friend was the reason why I was able to get the best medicine 10 years years later amen I love you George I respect you George and I thank you for all that you’ve ever done and um I just think the world oh by the way that doctor a friend of mine that I’m telling you about George it was so funny it was

so funny he was treating a patient and the patient was telling him that he wasn’t probably going to be able to you know pay for whatever treatments down the road but very soon though uh he was going to be able to uh because he’s involved in something uh that that that is going to you know help him financially and my doctor’s like oh really oh you know backing off you know because because he’s involved now with me right and and and and the C the patient he he says yeah I’ve been watching this guy uh uh he goes by Frank

26 and he’s really you know he says all these nice accolades and my doctor he said Frank I bit my tongue three times man lovely I wanted to tell him that’s my friend and I saved his butt amen but but no I I just let him go on his way he’s probably listening right now the patient and he’s probably going to tell my doctor was that you that’s that is lovely Frank but you know Frank you know our journey and where it started many many years ago and the word of God came and I was thank Lord I was faithful to deliver it’s

nothing about me is all about him and the great physician ABA father through Jesus Christ his son his sacrifice for all of us that believe for all of humanity and through the power of the Holy Spirit he’s got great things for you Frank and I told you way back when when it was really dark and you know what I’m talking about it’s not me I was just a delivery I was a voice a pass through you have got great things to do for the kingdom and you’re not going anywhere buddy so just thank the Lord and the

power of the Holy Ghost you know and Al the Father the great position he’s got you in the hands because there’s a lot of people that listen to you and Frank I want to say this you’re the only Jesus somebody sees what and that is a blessing so carry on General I’m there you call me for thing you gave me my marching orders I will go and get a hold of Mr T and I’ll get back to you when I have that accomplished yes sir God bless you I’ll wait for your response and then we’ll move forward after that and uh

like I told you you are part of my plan thank you my brother well God bless you I love you and tank and the C of family and to God be the glory I’ll be calling you soon sir now Rog bye-bye now byebye now byebye wasn’t that beautiful family huh wasn’t that beautiful tank yep very he’s a good man he’s a good man I’m very grateful to him ladies and gentlemen it’s getting very late but look at here let me at least share a little bit of uh Eddie’s report the last time we were together was Friday correct somebody say

yes yeah the last time we were together it was Friday that means that I have to uh find um Saturday today oh wow that was long that’s all of today this is yesterday yesterday was what Monday my goodness yesterday there’s so much to read Sunday Sunday holy cow Sunday still Sunday Saturday I’m G to read as fast as I can because I’m in pain and I’d like to end this but I also want you to have this Mr F now this is uh Saturday let’s start in the afternoon okay tomorrow the Kur delegation is coming to Baghdad to meet they say that

it’s an extraordinary meeting with Parliament this same day budget uh they’re going to have the second reading it is being moved to Sunday we were supposed to have it today but the second reading is now moved to Sunday that’s very interesting Eddie to see the Kurds also coming down for the budget they make it sound serious I pray that they expose the budget soon Mr Frank I am here with Samy Mr Sammy says to you that the investment one H is done and they will have number two started the Kurds are coming they

have been promised certain amount by Sudani and they are coming they’re coming also to make sure that what is promised to them by Sudani will be given to them this is going to be an extraordinary session Saturday next report now Mr Samy says uh the news about the budget coming Monday for reading because they’ve got updated that it wouldn’t be do done Sunday they were going to move it again to Monday yesterday so Mr Sammy uh the news that we have about the budget now is that it’s coming Monday before its

reading Mr Sammy says this is a fantastic thing tomorrow they will discuss some critical laws that they have had issues with forever so they may not get to the budget until Monday but it’s it’s been sitting idle until it’s time for a rate change so it’s really good to hear this Mr Frank I agree Samy and I want to thank you for the extra information that you’ve been sending oh Frank basically the budget has been hid I mean I told you all these things so Sammy is confirming some stuff that we already know but let me read it

basically the budget has been hid since October because they’re using the second set it’s been hid since October and the reason behind it it’s no need to bring out the budget up until the rate is ready to be revealed and now all they’re talking about is the budget for this coming Monday which they didn’t do yesterday I say to him Eddie I am grateful to Mr Sammy explaining things to you so that you can calm down and realize what is happening around you indeed these are definitely exciting times you see that budget is the key I

know we’ve had the first reading t technically I think we’ve had the second reading see what Mr Sammy says about that uh because I think that the third reading is actually being done right now hi Donnie good to see you Donnie Inman God bless you sir now we walk into Sunday uh early in the morning Chalet on TV and he’s talking about the UDA uh system and uh it’s all going to promote the international trade uh that’s what they’re using at their borders at the airports at the ports uh it’s all going

to promote International Trade he’s talking about it at our borders and how it’s going to help us we never had this before because of the program R Mr Frank wink wink uh also brazan and the Kurds are here in Baghdad today to resolve salary issues fifth report Sunday CBI on the news this morning saying that they are working on providing ATM machines all over Iraq Mr Samy says this is extr extremely good he’s going to be a part of it next report five something still Sunday next Report TV voting today on

the controversial TV I’m sorry I said TV uh they are voting today on the controversial HCL law they didn’t have enough to show up for a quum and the T on the TV so Sudani got them he posted all of the names of those who did not show up and their pictures today to shame them uh for not doing their job to help promote the country tomorrow is still on for the budget let’s see but it wasn’t to which I said ATMs ATMs don’t worry about the budget it’ll take care of itself get me everything you can on those ATMs

get to them you know what what I what I’m looking for get me that then he says yes concerning the budget the readings what he’s responding yes Mr Samy says that he was about 99% sure today that Parliament would not meet that they would not show up but he says Frank don’t worry all that all that today was some controversial laws but tomorrow which was yesterday is the key that’s why they put the names of the ones who did not show up all over the TV to shame them and to show up to which I say stop and think you guys

why not just use the old ATM machines why not just use the old ATM machines wink uh yes that budget is a game Cher for Iraq yep yep you take care of the budget no no no I’ll take care of the budget you take care of the ATM machines okay I can deal with the budget and you can deal with the ATM machines what was that you can see the ATM machines okay Mr Sammy says he’s retiring to America and he will come visit all of us after this Rose he told Eddie to let us all know this well Mr Sammy uh here hold

on Mr Sammy I welcome you to America espe to retire if you have any family in America who are holding 30 n la la la la you know what I shouldn’t read this and he was grateful and then continuing Frank Eddie says that Mr Samy has he has no family in the United States uh but Eddie’s family is waiting for you Mr Sammy is heading to after the rate change you know what I don’t want to show where he’s going huh even if I cover it you can still see it but anyways um yeah so okay well Mr Sammy that’s a

beautiful state that’s a beautiful state my friend and if you need any help Coming to America in any way shape or form you have a friend of me okay so I say so that means that Mr Sammy has Dinars that’s why he’s coming to America in my opinion he has Dinars in the USA that are waiting that are waiting for him because he cannot leave Iraq with Dinars uh uh excuse me I should have said with the three notes correct that for me Eddie uh I’m kind of curious what his plans are if he’s willing to share them

with me uh Mr Eddie says the game plan for Sammy he oh he has this much and he’s going to hook up with Eddie’s Brothers when he comes to America they’ll come and see see you Frank and so forth and so forth and that’s a long conversation Roger that let them know if they need okay okay okay okay U Mr Sammy try to get a little no can’t read that okay copy copy and then on Sunday he sends me this pictures watch I said that’s pretty cool did you see that building look at that building right there wow that is massive and

huge anyways I said that’s nice Edie appreciate you sending it what was it he said is uh hey we just celebrating but a lot of this was also from the New York’s fireworks that we had here remember I told you Mr Frank we have never seen anything like this before we have never seen so much fireworks here uh my friend uh and and my friend and uh sent this to me Sunday the next report CBI did did short little news clip and the News break saying CBI is pushing in the banking system to go globally yeah

internationally uh Eddie says that the kurs are saying that not having enough to vote today was a shock to them and it’s the fault of the new speaker of parliament to which I said Eddie it’s nobody’s fault it’s just Parliament people that don’t want the success of the monetary reform now what is very important is the readings can you please help me with this yesterday uh first report yesterday in the morning second reading of budget completed today in Parliament now Family un can uh you know whatever other gurus say to you um

respect them whatever you have in your opinion about the the second reading I respect you but this is uh my site this is my UB tub and this is my opinion you know the first reading is done the second reading of the budget has been completed today in Parliament Sudani is is in the United Kingdom uh today on official visits also they’re explaining that the parliament uh read the second reading of the amendment to the budget explaining about the amount that is going to be given uh to the Kurds for for the

production cost so the TV is explaining to the citizens that the second reading was done and that this is going to be the amount that is going to be given to the courage for the production of their cost because bani guaranteed it what Frank come to pain man oh aren’t you kind you’re very kind to suggest that but my pain will be with with me forever it’s Scar Tissue I have so many rivers of pain I have so many roads of scars but I’m still here TV is explaining the parliament read the second reading of the amendment to the

budget and we talked about that didn’t we we said that the second reading might be just for the amendment of the budget not the whole budget but for me if you did the second reading of the amendment you did the second reading already then that’s enough so they tell the citizens they did the second reading of the amendment to the budget explaining about the amount that’s going to the Kurds because Sudani promised and guaranteed everything to brazan the kurd delegation in Baghdad is saying that they are here

to zero in on the crisis Parliament members are meeting with Ministry of Finance about the saler this is all getting very interesting all of these meetings that are going on with these with these right people CBI is saying the new system is working what CBI is saying to the Iraqi citizens the new system is working now Sammi says if all goes well now this is you have to understand that this was uh yesterday I believe Sammy says if all goes well with the meeting with the Ministers of Finance now that the second

reading has been done we should see an immediate reading for the third and the final reading and that will be the HCL and you know what happens after that what boom so I share this part with you because I find it important and by the way premium and the club 26 I know you’ve already received all of this you get this on a daily basis but I’m explaining it in depth so Mr Sammy says that if all things go well with the meeting you know with Parliament with the Minister of Finance uh uh now now that the second reading uh has been done

uh we should see an immediate we should see an immediate uh reading uh for the third and final reading and that will be the HCL and then boom to and then I said to him uh I agree Sammy or I should say I agree Mr Sammy um and and also the HL just like the budget it those two things will expose the new exchange rate not only that but the salaries that have now been guaranteed will expose the new exchange rate but the HCL and the budget will be the first indicator of the new exchange rate in my opinion uh yeah yes and and and then

okay so that’s and then they say one more time yes the second reading uh done okay second is uh done now they met now uh today with the Minister of Finance uh and we hope that all will go well uh because then we will see the third and the final reading uh to which I said I must admit Ed Neil and Sammy I’m extremely excited because that third reading is basically guaranteed why would I say such a thing because if they don’t do the third reading 15 days later the budget is exposed yes sending Eddie says the third

reading will be the boom because it exposes everything and once it does then you got to figure out float or basket cream or milk just he says he says the third reading is going to be a boom I said yeah just like your fireworks he says exactly TV shows uh deputy prime minister in New York to take leadership uh for Iraq over the group of 77 and China uh for the year of 2025 that is extremely impressive very powerful position Mr Frank for a program rate laughing out loud yesterday 3 pm on Monday the president of the Kurdistan

region bani agreed with the head of uh Alliance to amend the budget to guarantee the rights and entitlements of the region the salaries and employees this is getting closer and closer Mr Frank and I said winner winner Kentucky Fried Chicken Man they need to read it for the third time they he he tells me we just got it one more time and then boom or then I said AB boom and my contact says he’s going to love this yes Jen no my screen just got really blurry for a minute Cy he’s going to love this uh Frank to

which I said smile yesterday 10:40 in the morning television is showing brazan saying goodbye to Baghdad and he’s renewing support and agreements for a strong and stable Iraq this is excellent news excellent news I say to him that yeah a stable new exchange rate is why he is excited in my opinion Eddie said that he thought that he was happy for the new Kentucky Fried Chicken that is coming tell him hey I tell him I I’ll help him and I’ll sell tacos okay sndy uh today oh finally thank God today here we go television is talking about

Kurdistan and they’re saying that over 400,000 companies have registered with Kurdistan for trade this is leading the way to foreign relations with turkey and and Iran we will have peace Mr Frank your Donald Trump knows what he’s doing Everybody’s scared of him here Sudani went to the United n to the United Kingdom yesterday and he announced export packages to the United Kingdom now they’re saying it’s going to be 10 times more than what it was last year oh great 10 times more 1310 well well I can’t say what he said

there the speaker Parliament said on TV Iraq enjoys stability the speaker of part uh what’s her name uh uh Sammy uh a speaker of parliament said on TV Iraq enjoys stability and it’s about to return to economic prosperity and leadership in the region oh this is Fant hi James thank you God bless you for your support thank you look at that and then that’s the Speaker of the House everybody knows man next report to which I say all right all right all right that’s nice speaker of the house but I got to

ask you a question H how can you be a leader with a program rate that nobody wants anything to do with uh nothing today on the budget uh they seem to have uh shut down M’s the word uh to which I said in other words they are telling the there is a new exchange rate coming it’s that simple Eddie because you cannot get blood out of a stone but you can get it from the enemy for security and stability of a Nation Mr Frank we all right this is where Eddie got confused because he was not able to go and be with uh Mr Sammy notice that uh

this whole report from yesterday and today doesn’t include Sammy at all nothing to the budget another la la la la and he says Mr Frank we’re all confused my family we look we look like yes like today they say just we plan on voting for the First Amendment to the budget very soon since yesterday’s success but it looks like it was just the first amendment only they read that that that they read and they have come to and they have come to success so maybe they don’t have to read all of it they’re saying also they will speed up

the remaining budget tables to Parliament uh we thought that it was it was whole budget yesterday it appears to only be the first uh the only be the first amendment that they read to which I told them I say yeah and I don’t care uh the First Amendment which was about the uh which was about the HCL and that’s why I don’t care Eddie uh about the HCL basically the rest of the budget was just a formality and this is part of the biggest thing that we have seen today this is interesting so they talked and they amended the HCL part and

they left the rest of it alone to which I said yeah that’s correct Eddie I thought you knew that you see Sudani did not want to show the whole budget to Parliament because you know that they would they would have changed it so he only sent the part in the paragraph that had the HCL in it so they could take care of it they amended it uh they amended it although a week later a week later when they felt that it when they felt like felt like it like doing it uh with with their stupid attitude but now

that it’s done uh the first reading is over and done and the second reading is uh pretty basically done but it is the third reading that is being kept undercover it is is being kept quiet uh for for for for obvious reasons said he it’s being kept quiet for obvious reasons you know they’re going to mess around they’re going to interfere with it um I do believe that the third reading is uh oh oh okay thought I said the wrong thing I do not believe that the third reading is complete yet now there will

be those that tell you that they have not done the second reading fine fine fine so be it um I don’t want to argue about it so whatever other gurus tell you uh just tell them thank you accept it and keep walking with them Eddie says that he’s asking Mr Sammy about it right now and he’ll find out exactly what’s going on and of course I already gave you the report about it uh to which I then I went a little further and tried to help him out I said look my opinion is that the first reading is done the second reading was

also done by threats okay the second reading was done by threats okay whatever that means okay whatever that means to you um second reading by whatever that means and the third reading uh was conducted yesterday but this is just in my opinion and that’s why it’s being kept top secret until it’s ready to be released now let’s see what Mr Sammy says and see if he what he thinks about uh about that that opinion uh of mine and then uh I I’m I’m waiting to hear back from Eddie uh and Mr Samy uh to see uh what what what the deal was

and I said okay thank you I appreciate it and then boom hey Mr Sammy says uh uh what they did uh yeah they did read it yesterday and came to an agreement with uh was uh was article 12 of the amendment also of the HCL and they also read other amendments too however that was just 1/4 of the total uh that was supposed to be done the real budget part is still with Council of ministers and we should see the rate change before that part goes to Parliament so we are very close to the rate change now all of

this is just in Mr Samy’s opinion this is my opinion so you have seen a marriage you have seen a Crossing uh of of Mr Samy’s opinion and my opinion on the concerning the first reading the second reading and where the third reading is right now uh then I respond and I say agree Mr Sammy and uh I thank you because you updated me on a certain point now that I didn’t know about in my opinion the new exchange rate is so obvious uh he said uh Frank he says uh he Mr Samy says back to you the rate will change before the crooks at

Parliament can see it to which I told Mr Sammy I love that I love the way Sudani is protecting the new exchange rate he keeps showing every that that that needs a new exchange rate I mean how much more can Sudani hit especially with what he just did with with bani this is a good monetary stand for Sudani to take right now yes indeed continuing to then I said and by the way that’s funny Mr Sammy what you said the Sudani will change the rate before the crooks have a chance sincerely that is very funny but it is

also very true because that’s what’s going on and it causes you to get confused it causes gurus to jump the gun and say well I know what they’re doing okay whatever oh this phone just threw up on me isn’t that wonderful where’ I leave off what was I saying um I don’t know where was second oh GE whiz oh GE whiz will change the rate before crooky Parliament okay here it is and S that’s funny but but it’s also very true then he said television says Iran has lost its ability to to supply hell remember the 4 club we were

talking about here it is TV says Iran has lost its ability to supply halusa with any weapons and that changes the balance of power in the region is this not what we taught security and stability that’s why we are so excited about the near proximal future to which today I respond to Mr Sammy and I said hey bro hey dude yo Eddie everybody that is that I agree 100% you see on my last you YouTube I called it the 4AGE club that you know halabi uh the hoodies uh Hamas and Hell itself those four have been stealing and

raping your country your precious currency power uh but now they don’t have that power you have it Eddie they cannot steal your currency anymore they are dead peace in the middle ease is not just a slogan anymore it is a demand by my president and it is happening happening why do you think the hostages are about to be released because they cannot defend themselves against what Trump will do to them in the next six days if they don’t your monetary reform is marching forward and just like a tank it is running over

anybody anything that wants to cause any delays just like just like two days ago when Parliament did not show up for a full Quorum vote on the part of the budget that Sudani asked him to vote for what did Sudani do he overrode them you think it bothered Sudani of course not he re he moved without them he moved forward without them and you know what they’re very angry they’re very angry about it and I’m very happy about it sending sir also uh Frank uh Mr Sammy wants you to know that he says that the rate will

show before the budget is approved in Parliament he just wants to double check with you that you understand that yes I know that move but but I don’t talk about it I don’t teach about it because I don’t get near a date uh but but but but Frank he wants you to know about that I said I know framework saying framework framework saying very soon uh we will vote for the First Amendment of the budget they’re so far behind very soon we’re going to vote for the first the first amendment of the dude that’s long

gone funny look at that so Parliament Maliki framework the the thieves are saying that very soon uh we will vote for the First Amendment of the budget since yesterday’s uh a session was successful you don’t know anything uh hopefully hopefully with all the voting oh no this is Eddie uh hopefully with all the voting starting and going on we will see the rate Rel least okay Eddie I told him I said Eddie Parliament is so ridiculous they’re so ridiculous what you the second reading and the idiots and they don’t know and

Sudani third and so forth and I’m not reading it to you because I tell them where where I think the second reading is at la la la la no Frank the first and second read was confused yeah yeah okay and they’re trying to tell me well okay Frank but it’s only a little part and I said to me to me look look if they took 90% of my kidney out I could still function with 10% of what’s left they amended what Sudani wanted they didn’t have to do the whole thing in my opinion and you’re going to find this out

they they were dealing with article 12 they were dealing with the HCL and they didn’t even know it Sudani tricked them and that’s all I want to share because it’s getting so late I’m tired we’ve done more than enough I hope you enjoyed yourself uh tonight family you know I always say something at the very end I want to thank all of you that helped us financially God bless you Wanda Wanda leam God bless you Rebecca Hill God bless you Red Dirt thank you God bless you bus dri faithful loyal thank you Howard talking about faithful

thank you Howard Crockett God bless you Linda trick tetri tetric excuse me I’m so hungry and thirsty hold on uh Linda tetric thank you Donnie Inman thank you God God bless you Nick and uh Nick and uh uh Chanda thank you God bless you uh James uh SZ s SZ M I’m going to leave it at that okay that’s all I know and very quickly uh a cliff Tony uh I sang uh I sang Logan his song today when I was doing the uh singing part and he was dancing and having a good time uh go ahead the floor is yours tell me when you’re done

and I’ll hold up the sign all right yeah thank you FR man yeah we uh I got text from Sabrina his mom and said that he had passed out and didn’t make it to the end of the show so he was uh and Sun out we we we got him but now family we thank you for just a brief moment here we won’t take much of your time Frank you’ve been a trooper tonight six hours on the air and and feeling in pain and we we appreciate everything you do and you and Tink and we thank you uh so much for that but our our part of the show guys is simply uh

real quick we do custom songs uh for people for special occasions birthdays anniversaries we had a lady call in after our last show her and her husband married 29 years and they had songs that they called their song but they never had their very on song so what we did was we were able to create a special song for them based on their journey together of the 29 years they’ve been together and she sent us back a message today and said it was absolutely amazing uh it was a slow R&B love song that will

be their song now for the rest of their life and they uh are excited about that so we can do that for you uh we’re doing our special right now Frank’s holding up the deal there we’ve got a 20% off for our Valentine’s special if you have somebody you want to write a specific song for be an occasion or just a love song uh we would love to create that for you and we look forward to uh to doing that for you if you want to call us you can call me at 423 367 7648 and we’d be happy to get back with you

and or you can click the link and and go there but we thank you Frank for your time and your effort and your energy and your inspiration to all of us buddy indeed God bless you my dear friend and the both of you thank you so much for what you do thank Frank to you that’s here well family I had a wonderful time George thank you so much for your for your story that you shared with everybody uh all of you that uh that were listening on the phone all of you are watching on the YouTube God bless you all and don’t forget I am trying to

raise $3,500 for pastor Amos Pastor Amos um it’s late again I wanted to show you the pictures they hold up these little black devices and it’s the Bible uh in their language so we can raise $3,500 to build another church or uh that money can be used to buy 350 of the these devices I’m leaning I’m leaning in towards those devices I really think that uh for these people to hear the word of God in their own language is fantastic yeah yeah because uh the U you know the the bad government up there they’re looking for the Bibles to to to

burn them but they won’t burn something that looks like a cell phone I hope um God bless you all thank you kindly and if you feel that you want to be a part of helping us with Pastor Amos please call me uh my phone number is 419 283 2552 419 283 uh 2552 and um I had a wonderful time with Y all you learned a lot tonight oh my goodness it was a lot and we we you know me I always leave some dessert look at they’re dropping we were at 2,500 people and now we’re at about 2100 so um I was talking with

a long long time ago oh I was talking with a Jewish man and um we had spent some time and he said to me after spending some we’re working on a project I think it was and he says uh I want to I want to ask you a question I says yes sir he says why are you so nice to me I said what why are you so nice to me is it because I’m a Christian I said why why why why do you ask me that question why am I nice to you he says because I’m a Jew Oh I thought about that I said I had nothing against anybody and I and I certainly don’t have

anything against Jews you know why he said why because Jesus was one of you ABA heavenly father I come to your throne room I present you these flowers it’s my gift to you I present you my life it’s my gift to you do with me as you wish command me and I will obey ask me and I will run to you father let me come home one day and change my name father until that time give me the strength to walk on this land I pray for my children I pray for my family I pray for my Christian family those that believe those that believe that Jesus

died on the cross and you Rose him from the dead He’s Alive they’re all dead I thank you for tonight I thank you for the strength I thank you for the opportunity and I ask you father to these hear the they’re talking to you right now most of these people that are are listening to me pray they’re talking to you too hear their prayers remove their debt cancel their pain wipe their tears away let them finish their mourning Let There Be joy in their hearts for I love them I have learned to love them for I have no

enemy in the light of the Holy Spirit and it is through the name of your son Jesus by that light of the holy spirit that I pray to you amen God amen amen amen amen leave that up don’t take it down leave that up amen amen amen Shalom to you all Shalom that we are in agreeance Shalom that we are one Shalom that we know God I want to thank you all for being with us tonight I um I will play our Our Song you know what I just realized we didn’t did we play it at the beginning uhhuh oh did we okay thank you Andy for blowing

the show far God bless you my brother and I’m about to uh blow the uh oh and thank you all those that helped us with walking sticks money somebody s $500 you know who you are boy oh boy that we we we we we we met the quota we were able to help uh all of ktfa helped uh paid for it this time thank you anyways family um yeah I’m going to give you dessert and I guess I’ll give you the dessert now and then we’ll just play the song and and that’ll be the ending of it ladies and gentlemen I need for you

to pray for Aki family Aki has invited me we will be wearing these devices in our ears and we will be communicating talking and he will answer all my questions but a week ago his wife and his daughter uh were put into the hospital because they have that uh RSV I believe it’s called respirator that infection well it turned out that yesterday or excuse me Sunday when when Aki calls us um he told us that his uh his wife is now home but sadly and I and it’s okay because well I shouldn’t say but sadly his daughter has been

moved from the hospital that they were that that they were in which is a good hospital to a much larger a university hospital so please pray for Aki’s daughter and and his wife that they would get well that there would be no complications that they could that the medicine would be there for them and I told Aki you take care of your family man the last thing I’m worried about right now is asking you any questions we are unique that because of our relationship with Aki we are going to be able to have a

list of all the banks that are exchanging the Iraqi dinar that represent the cbii and they’re you we’re talking thousands of them all around the world and we’re the only ones that I know that are going to get that list let them give you the 800 number okay behave Frank okay I’ll be in it so uh so I I I’m going to I’m going to try to hold off I was going to try to go next week or the week after but I’m going to let this month go by I told Aki about you family yes so we have about 880,000 members or

more we could take care of them I know you can so that’s what I wanted to share with you and that was my desert God bless you all you want to know when our next UB tuas don’t you I’ll tell you as soon as we’re done with the songo I am so tired I used to be a until I watched Frank’s Q to be with the twinkle in his eyes and God by his FR teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need a I tune Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the streets tune in now he this is the team now take it from me Frank is no

it’s okay TK give this man a cie you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I need I not fix I tune into FR 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the streets to to this is the sit up be patience and get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Edie Frank breaks down the mussic and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us the R so whenever I need not fix I tune into Frank 20 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tun this is

the T I need a cookie no come on t i desert some cookies it’s empty cies cookies cookies guys come on give up the cookies I have my Buckeye oops oh gosh I just broke it I gave it a black eye and then I take my immune to keep the sugar down welcome LL Shadow Fury B to Club 26 God bless you all thank you kindly for being with me and I’ll see you uh oh yes our next u2b you ready Friday Friday 6 pm. Eastern Standard time look forward to seeing you then premium Club 26 almost every day I have to load you up don’t I and then we talk

about it in here go God bless you all pray for each other visit each other call each other love each other and do it all in front of uh the presence of Jesus Christ swe bye-bye goodbye goodbye goodbye


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