Economists Uncut

Gregory Mannarino (Uncut) 01-15-2025

okay everybody here we go real quick if by some of course turn of events this gets shut off I’m going to come right back with another live stream okay so uh let’s hope we don’t get a Repeat Performance of yesterday anyway people so here we go post market wrap up hold on a second here uh Tuesday January 14 2025 lots of fun stuff to talk about and we’re gonna have a good freaking time because that’s what we always do uh anyway look let’s let let me just get my head on straight I got such a disaster

around here um but let’s let’s do this so with regard to the market we got a couple of things well we don’t even have a market you know that right this is some kind of a some kind of a freak Show which has no bearing on reality but we finished mixed across the board uh we had a loss here for the nasda that guys D did pretty well S&P 500 did okay a very volatile day today up and down and up and down gold and silver do doing all right catching a bid here I know we’re all happy about that we’re all happy about

this as well right fantastic and beautiful how about this is that fantastic and beautiful budget deficit 40% higher than it was a year ago now tell Greg manino one more time because I don’t know uh who makes up the difference for the debts and deficits that we’re running who’s more than happy to lend oh yes it’s the Federal Reserve isn’t it of course it is you see you have to understand when a Central Bank in this case the Federal Reserve seees something like this the members that dwell the freaking non-human entities

that dwell within the Halles of the Federal Reserve they spray themselves okay um but because they get to create more cash out of nothing we watch obviously them make up the difference we can’t continue to run these kinds of deaths and deficit some entity out here has got to be making up that difference oh I wonder who it is people make this stuff up make this stuff up uh if if you could now look I want to show you a couple of other things here we got a bunch of stuff to talk about um this is the fear and greed

index from today now you should be seeing some buying here with pinned deep into fear generally when you see that well it’s a it’s a go sign for you know people to get in here and buy the market now we did finish finish higher again with regard to the S&P 500 fractionally and the Dow okay whatever um what’s keeping a cap on this are you watching the debt Market we still have a big problem here people I can’t stress that enough now I want to talk about some economic news and some uh projections by our own

government agencies oh yeah we’re making the government bigger did you hear about this we’ll talk hold that thought because I thought we were supposed to be making government smaller hey hold on a second you know Gregory manarino Greg manarino sitting I have a really good idea tell me if you think this even maybe sounds right to you so we’ve been hear hearing about we’re going to cut government spending we’re going to we’re going to slash it how do you do that how about let’s take a chainsaw to the

government let’s cut it in half you want to cut the spending in half cut the government in half but what we’re doing in case you haven’t noticed is we’re adding this agency and we’re adding another agency and now today we got the announcement that we’re adding yet another agency yes we’re making government bigger and according to this poll that I’m taking over here 94% of you already know because it’s the truth that we don’t need a bigger government bigger government never never invariably never helps we the people you want to

get rid of government spending you want to cut you really want to stop this you cut the government in half which can be done okay well let’s start with the Federal Reserve well wait a minute the Federal Reserve they’re not federal no they’re no more Federal than Federal Express and they have no Reserves but they run the entire show how what do we get rid of that there’s no talk about that is there no there isn’t but let’s make the government bigger and uh anyway we’ll talk more about that so with regard to the

information that we got today you know their own numbers you know producer prices are are rising inflation continues to ride to rise tomorrow we’re going to get another number the the CPI and we’ll see how that plays out but I want to read this to you because I wanna I want to actually give some Kudos here to Reuters I know I pick on reers all the time but right here they’re actually telling you the truth and once in a while the truth sneaks through so let’s talk about this us producer prices up

marginally wholesale prices increased in December after shooting up the prior month as well um and they were driven by a 3.5 % jump in the prices of energy now food prices accelerated as well in November did come down 0.01% this last month hereo listen to this wholesale egg prices are up 0.5% after surging are you ready for this this is insanity 55.6% in November I would call that hyperinflation so I’m going to givee you know a little Kudos here credit where credits due to Reuters for letting us

actually know what’s going on now let us move forward to some government agencies here the US uh economic research Department of Agriculture here uh in 20124 okay this is what was predicted that food prices would continue to rise oh wow they did now they’re saying in 2025 this is just ridiculous in my you their projection for the prices of food in aggregate to rise in this year is just 1.9% how many of you think that is so disconnected from reality that it’s just frankly insane yes there’s no way on

this Earth off this Earth anywhere else that you’re not going to see food price prices Skyrocket now let’s move forward to another government agency here the US here we go you see this US Energy Information Administration and you knew about that one didn’t you US Energy Information Administration projects listen to this this is this is craziness all right that residential electricity prices will average are you ready for this 16.23 cents per kilowatt hour in 2025 rising to their highest level in 30

years now the price of natural gas will increase are you ready from 2.22 mmbt which we just came out of to 3.20 mmbt in 2025 they’re predicting a 44% increase in the price of natural gas now you you’re not surprised about this because you and I have been talking about this for many many many months Energy prices Energy prices and guess what happens food and everything else is shipped using energy so what does that tell us all that this one 1.9% projection with regard to the rising of food prices has no bearing on

reality they’re telling you come on man this is just a Nob brainer now talking about tomorrow just real quick this is uh this is what we’re going to get tomorrow so stock investors brace for possibility of the most important inflation reading in recent memory uh tomorrow the CPI data for December is going to have investors on edge as they are exposed to surprises in either direction like the data is going to be real anyway you can’t make this stuff up you can’t do it but I’m going to tell you here and now what you

already know that we are going to see the price prices rise across the board why dollar devaluation now let us talk how many of you actually know that this this exists the international trade Administration here in the United States do you know what this what this this branch of government does you probably don’t this branch of administration branch of government is responsible for collecting foreign revenue and tariffs but that’s not enough we’re going to expand the government Trump is saying that he’s

going to create another branch of government on top of the one that already does exactly what this one is supposed to do yes I’m not making it up this one does exactly which already exist is going to do what this one does but we’re making America great Again by expanding the government isn’t that what you want you want bigger government why why do we need this if we already have this can someone here that’s smarter than me explain people again you can’t make the stuff up that’s going on here you w to

really honestly you want to cut spending get rid of half the government we have now but we’re making it bigger yes we are and that’s exactly what it looks like well six% of you want a bigger government according to the poll that I’m making well you’re getting it here because now we’re can have a redundancy we have Trump’s new e maybe he doesn’t even know that this exists is it possible that he doesn’t know that this exists and he just is making this one up because he thinks it’s a great idea because we need a bigger government no

of course he knows that this exists duh but we’re gonna have this too so we’re gonna have two government agencies who we’re gon to combine them and it’s G to make us all great right is that what we’re gonna do anyway make it up make this stuff up make any of it up I dare you let’s talk you and me um so apparently on the first day of office here read this for yourself president select I’m sorry elect I mean select Trump is expected to sign pro crypto executive orders on the first day now this is apparently going

to be Pro cryptocurrency legislation you know what’s going on here let’s deregulate crypto let’s deregulate the banks let’s merge it together and maybe we’re going to make that a part of government too because that’s how we make America really really great was by making everything deregulated and we make it all bigger because bigger is always better right people look man make this stuff up make this stuff up uh yeah I know am Amanda’s here Amanda we’re all happy to see you here she’s just playing with us she’s

allowed to play let let let Amanda talk we like Amanda we Amanda we like you I I like you I think we all like Anyway government government guys and goes how many of you are surprised really I want to know you do understand that you know this already exists what Trump is trying to create now now if you were to go to his Twitter page he there’s a big thing there why we need to create this part of government which already exists but we need to create we need to recreate it again because governments of the world

are going to pay what they owe to us like they have been well then why not just make this stronger but we’re going to create another branch of government because we got to make government bigger right because it’s been going to benefit all of us isn’t it right Amanda Amanda knows Amanda knows anyway guys and girls look I’m having fun here and I hope you are too um the bottom line is this the bottom line is exactly what you and I have been calling for the longest time here unfortunately we the people are

going to continue to pay for everything as we have the middle class always loses I mean you think I’m wrong go back as far as you want go here uh we it’s always the rich the one in two percentage who get all the wealth they get sucked right out of you right up to the one and two percent is and in this case running massive debts and deficits we just got I mean this is I mean I’ll be honest with you I didn’t even me even me I did not see that I did not believe it was going to be 40% higher did you we

knew it was going to be higher and I’m I’m going to let you in on a little secret you’re ready it’s going to get worse from here just so you know and it’s just it’s not just here people the world economy is really falling apart or being taken apart this is not an accident again no Comedy of Errors got us here but again let’s make government bigger because let’s let’s take yeah let’s just make it bigger we already have we already have a part of government that’s supposed to collect tariffs and foreign Revenue but

Trump wants to make a new one because he think too stupid to know that we already have it oh maybe he doesn’t know which do you think let’s take a vote does Trump know that there’s already an Administration in place part of government that’s supposed to do exactly what he’s saying the new part of government that he’s goingon to make even bigger does do you think he knows about it of course he knows about it but he he thinks you don’t know about it and that bothers me because uh he thinks you’re

stupid and I hate that I hate that exactly Steve Trump knows all things and everything knows him Jeffrey thank you Yay good to good to see you here anyway guys and girls is there anything in particular before we get out of here unfortunately this video I got to cut it a little short today why believe it or not I got band practice yes I’m gonna be slinging my Lush Paul back here and I got to make it over I got well three houses I got to walk I got to carry my amp I got an amp over here yeah I got my little line six over

there and uh I’m going to be jamming and I’m excited about it anyway the 446 packo the 426 Hemi it’s a no-brainer here man it’s the 426 Hemi the elephant motor you know that um anyway you know post it you remember I posted a jam recently my friend’s wife took a little picture of us a video of us doing rock and roll night I forgot where I posted that anyway Detroit Rock City we’re actually doing a couple of Kiss songs we’re doing lick it up we’re doing rock and roll all night uh I don’t know if we’re doing any

other ones um anyway it’s it’s a fun little thing we got going on anyway guys and girls look man let’s just go back real quick to this entire this situation that we have we’re making government bigger we’re not cutting it okay uh I know there’s a lot of talk about getting rid of the IRS sounds great on paper we’ve been hearing about it for a thousand years but we’re adding this external you can’t make it you take the Internal Revenue Service and now we’re making it an external Revenue Service here or that’s what it’s being called

here Trump’s calling it the uh yeah he’s calling it The the external Revenue Service to collect tariffs and foreign Revenue meanwhile we already have the international trade Administration government agency which does exactly the same thing but let’s make government bigger of course right flash news alert thank you Jonathan thank you my thoughts on bricks what are they trying to do what are they trying to do they look despite the fact that Trump threatened the bricks he said you better not circumvent

the dollar you better stay in that freaking dollar they’re laughing of course and more nations are joining the bricks Alliance here it’s a nice setup here um and this is a big re I’ll tell you something the brics alliance here and the reason why we’re being accelerated into this crypto system which I don’t know in here not a sing SLE one of you voted for no you wanted wanted and then we got and we are expecting executive orders on day one to make the United States the crypto Capital world you know how we could

really win let me tell you something here all this these tales and all of these stories we could fix it all and we could end the Federal Reserve at the same time you know how we would do that hm why is no one talking about it return to a constitutional money system the fact of the matter is cryptocurrencies Bitcoin xrp all that I love of it you know I do okay but what we’re seeing now I don’t think any of us really wanted to see I would again want to go back to a constitutional money system we could fix

the entire system by doing that but we’re not going there we’re being thrust into the crypto system deregulating the banks and making it easier for them to implement the tokenized system G wor it uh uh I have a small position in JQ you know that I’m 90% out of all of it uh look man uh we’ll see the markets all right now this is actually a good question here Lance all right the markets right now are 100% dependent on Mor EZ Money that’s all it is um and the fact that we just ran this enormous deficit gives the FED a chance to create

more currency and they get stronger you understand it’s it’s a terrible thing to see honestly um but um everything depends on what central banks are going to do collectively the selloff in the debt Market is a problem but it’s something that you and I have been ready for we’ve been talking about for forever um are they ready to let the system come apart I don’t know but look we know we know what they want they want to bring us to our knees all right in my opinion and this has nothing to do with uh

Amanda’s TDS thing here Trump is here for two reasons one to bridge the system to help bridge the system into the crypto system it’s started before the presidential election selection okay it really got going started then it’s moving forward now and we got what eight seven or eight days here before he signs executive orders with regard to cryptocurrency this is the bridge that’s being built to the new system number two we all know the economy is coming apart we don’t need any proof of that it’s in

our freaking face it’s going to come apart faster Trump already promised you during the campaign lower rates which is exactly what the FED wants every Central Bank Foams at the mouth drools sprays their shorts whatever about the prospect of lower rates because it allows them to inflate Trump was put in here he’s a proponent of negative rates we know this he doesn’t hide it from the last last time he was President we know that you’re going to see what’s going to happen here as the economy comes apart

faster he’s going to call on the FED to cut rates which means currency pures of power destruction and and you know we’re already being told by all these already existing government agencies like this one like this one that prices are going to continue to to rise they’re they’re not they’re not going to stop um period the freaking ends is not going to stop anyway um Trump wants $1 million Bitcoin what Trump wants okay Bitcoin was probably going to a million anyway okay uh his son did predict it would go to a million

okay and you think that’s going to benefit you or the United States really you think we’re gonna pay off the debt no we can’t pay that even it just ain’t gonna happen at face value what do we at 37 trillion 37 trillion it’s not getting PID back um and again you want to end the fed you want to end the fed you can do it in a nan second just stop them from issuing a single dollar of debt or go back to a constitutional money system imagine if on day one Trump would sign an executive order putting us back on a

constitutional money system the Federal Reserve they wouldn’t know what to do it themselves they would probably half of them would immediately go into sudden cardiac arrest you understand but instead of that we’re being pulled further and further away from that we could fix it all if we went back into a constitutional money system here ain’t happening sorry so just get used to it anyway it’s just out of control people yes you’re right and that world debt over 300 trillion at face value I’m crooked

finger crooked finger right uh i’ you add in derivatives and it’s in the quadrillions and it’s just completely out of control where’re who owns the debt I’ll tell you who’s responsible for it you are oh yeah it’s on your back and you’re paying for it bya currency devaluation but you’re not supposed to know that either oh no no no no and they’re going to continue to inflate and create currency out of nothing you all know that oh anyway so what’s happening on July 4th nothing unfortunately you already know that I I

I reached out to very few YouTubers out out here wanted to back this up and I reached out to everyone some I haven’t even heard back from they don’t want to look man there is a certain amount of risk being on the radar of an institution that runs everything I’m talking about the Federal Reserve which is not federal and has no reserves and is not even part of the freaking government um oh anyway man you know just real quick being that this already exists here why do we need this is Trump gonna get rid of this I really I mean the guy

doesn’t know that this already exists or he thinks you’re stupid which one is it I don’t know exactly by Bitcoin people this guy’s been telling you to buy cryptocurrencies for so long I don’t even know what to say about it anymore uh I personally believe I think everybody should have have some exposure to cryptocurrencies obviously you need to be loading up on on on on gold and silver I was on today with John Dowling we had a very nice talk about gold and silver and crypto and stuff in fact the

talk will’ll be out it’ll be out tomorrow I’ll share it with all of you we covered over a lot of stuff honestly um which sa for to go into during collapse I don’t know what I don’t think anything is going to be completely safe during a collapse here um of the system first of all look the system is collapsing everyone say where’s the collapse these kind of people are blind what they do is they look at the stock market yes the stock market remains pretty close to records yo mamy thank you exactly

um the only real safe haven is to have something in your hands here okay and even then I believe there’s going to be pandemonium in the streets here because it’s not about the markets I you guys and girls I don’t know how many times uh Greg likes to lie about P djt president Donald J Trump what am I lying about Amanda this is true you don’t believe that this is true we’re talking to Amanda here and this organization does the same thing is this a lie Amanda is just goofy I know she is because no one could be that

stupid we’re goofing back and forth right anyway look man the bottom line is the markets the markets aren’t real there’s no price Discovery mechanism here at all it’s all built on the back of skyrocketing debt we’re pretty much on the same page all right it’s not going to stop deficits debts all of this it’s going to balloon faster which is going to make the FED stronger period exactly it’s all Pol Trix um we gota there’s another one Jonathan absolutely you got to be some kind of self-sufficient here

when when we need each other all right we’re being systematically destroyed we’re being systematically wiped out I don’t know another way to put this to to us all here um the markets used to be fun for me now it’s become a mode of survival here if in fact this is the top do you realize that you and I got out of this Market really at the Top If this is really it um it’s it’s an incredible thing to do I knew we would I mean this look this and it’s the mmri uh I don’t even know what the it’s the mmri is right now I

didn’t make a print out but I I honestly believe this it’s free to everybody so I’m I don’t gain anything by you looking at it Link in description of this video but uh I think it’s the best risk indicator that’s ever been created it’s it’s Simplicity is um is is it’s key I I really think so anyway um guys before we get out of here um and I really got to kind of end this here is there anything really important that you guys want to talk about it’s said 325 yeah you know it’s it’s a bad spot to be in

324.50 would have showed the market I would tell you but if you subscribe to my newsletter free everybody Link in description of video I put out three trading strategies I outline exactly how to do it if you were to let’s say if let’s say if you’re neutral to bearish here how you could capitalize on it so again you you guys and girls got to uh if you haven’t yet subscribed to my newsletter it um I really try to keep you guys and girls in the not honestly I I every everything that’s in this head

of mine I I try to let you guys and girls know so you at least can stay ahead of the curve on all this even Amanda lava’s here lava all right guys and girls I think we’re kind of um I think we’re kind of done but anyway look does any of this surprise you exploding death and deficits this is not going to stop here uh bigger government even though we have an agency that already does the same thing how many people even know that you see I hate it when when politicians think you’re stupid and they make an

announcement like this because they think you’re stupid this organization does exactly what Trump is saying this external Revenue Service is going to do that should bother you unless of course he doesn’t know and I’m not saying he’s stupid it’s possible that he doesn’t know um anyway look everything that’s happening here you and I I really believe have been way ahead of the Curve how many of you agree with me that instead of adding government agencies we should be taking a chainsaw to it cut it

in half you want to cut spending really cut the government in half you would benefit I would benefit but that’s not what we’re having here we are going to see government expand and get bigger and larger it is not shrinking any thought to the contrary means that you’ve bought the lies un unfortunately and uh yeah know Ron Paul did try it’s unfortunately um yes I would love to see the government C but it’s not going to happen we’re going to see more nonsense and they’re going to be and what they’re

going to do all right whether it’s Trump himself or someone else from the administra they’re going to package it up nicely and try to sell it to you because they think you don’t know any better unfortunately I think just a no-brainer that we need smaller government um larger government and I don’t mean just it it never helps the people it never does it’s just more bureaucracy more spending more nonsense on the same page all right guys and girls we’re gonna get out of here honestly love you from the heart with all I got uh please

comment on this stuff uh if you got something out of this video if I’ve earned you a thumbs up I really appreciate that um share this stuff get it get it out there honestly and will see you in the morning and uh well that’s pretty much it me I am off to band practice it’s going to be cold it’s literally a garage band we play in the the my neighbor his name is Greg by the way we play in his garage and um if I can get a a video I’ll um I’ll put it out for you guys and girls all right that’s all people please take care of

yourselves please take care of each other we got this no drag racing tomorrow I’m sorry uh Showtime is is closed for the next two weeks but there’s a run with you br on the 5th of February and I’m G to be running the Copo there I’m excited about that I’m also going to be running the Copo this Thursday at brington I got to control these wheelstands I’m I’ve been doing a lot of work on the suspension and stuff Amanda’s back we love you Amanda all right guys and girls I will see you all of you in the morning all right that’s all

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