Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 01-13-2025

Gary I hear you nobody wants to shovel that snow Lori hey Tony from TNT said it’s definitely tomorrow morning I hope he’s correct oh we did get some interesting stuff Hello public news band hello Darnell 2856 debug LG lady and moose and hoops and Patty and Cheryl and Keith hello Bliss and young at heart hello CG Mama 39 and Alberta Southern Alberta USA Mama that was funny oh dear Jesus I see the Floyd saying mention birth certificate bond this morning reposted a 2021 video I did on that one debuts at 7:30 central this evening has

perfect timing I’ll be wrapped up I would not be bothered by the uh Parks one hello Claris does everybody do that to you hello Claris after okay I’ll stop now maybe 23 in UDA Pennsylvania that’s too cold they are forecasting snow for Georgia again next Sunday or Monday yeah that’s a yikes hello Miss milk Dr pops Texas artist hello Miss Kathy Sergio always a pleasure hello 67 and 66 GTO in Peachland or if we say it in the South Peachland hello Ontario Canada Temple Swift and we got a bunch of folks

checking in from Canada yeah what’s up you guys are warmer than we are okay fine it’s warm down here Grand solar maximum right like wait a minute this isn’t working out little Fern at all hello oh miss C thank you for that make certain I get it in here let’s see that one’s not in uhuh give me just a minute guys give me just a minute make certain I do this one right I got it a Cutting Edge 2024 study reveals nearly half of all ad adults the United States have high blood pressure according to the CDC only about one and four adults

have their blood pressure under control putting millions of people like you and me at risk of heart disease and stroke might seem like an uphill battle but taking control of your heart health doesn’t have to be complicated that’s why I started using saof and product to help manage blood pressure manage my cholesterol manage weight it’s a triple acting formula packed with clinically proven all natural ingredients like white mulberry leaf and cinnamon bark powder I really have R good stuff on Cinnamon bark powder too this powerful

formulation is designed to support balance blood sugar levels and healthy weight like nothing else out there and thousands like myself wouldn’t go a day without it do your body a favor and grab it today while it’s up to 40% off during their holiday special at Boost withth mark.com that is Boost withm mark.com plus ordered today and your delivery will be rushed at no additional cost once again that is Boost withm mark.com I mean yeah the glyco Boost it’s got some really awesome ingredients is the

earth going to be hit by niber wait wasn’t that already supposed to have happened guys didn’t I miss that one wasn’t Planet X supposed to have wiped us out a few years ago or is it coming back around the Sun again I’m not gonna I am not g to deny that craziness has been happening and I will have to admit I shouldn’t say that I’ve studied the Nibiru thing there’s a lot of evidence pointing to to the existence of a long elliptical um boy words are uh disappearing suddenly orbit yeah let’s see what in the heck

happened to the market right Goose girl was supposed to be off it was supposed to be a down market and we hit it like pretty much the jackpot right I mean like bam up 358 points is this a dead count bounce is this where the market pivots we’ll know soon we look at the bond market and the bond market screaming either a short Rally or a bust uh because the bonds are dying in China shooting up here it is really confusing so what happens do we stagnate now go into recession Metals go sideways until

they shoot up or do we get a bit of a bounce before the bear cards were interesting I shouldn’t say were are interesting right now hello Sandy from the city formerly known as hotlanta oh hotlanta Chris 2025 project CBI Towers almost done Porta fall is partially open already as they did with the current exchange rate oh I see what you’re saying Chris because they want to maximize it we’re going to get into some of that because we got some really good IND indicators today only one or two that’s all it

takes not a huge amount of news but it’s good stuff happy H right I do need to get back on I just need to slow down I got too many things cooking at the brain at one time we are due for a magnetic pole shift I mean that’s just science and geology good evening Jamie saying Mark Z and everyone please keep me in your prayers I have a loved one pass during the night last night night uh sa prayers we had another person that um uh lost a good friend to Suicide over the weekend very difficult so much of the world

giving up hope before I forget though one of our own kinheim has passed just prayers a comfort for his wife Colleen I know that’s got to be a tough one just uh like Jamie just more people before we hit the Finish Line each one hurts Huna flash uh just uh Ed of a just every time we turn around it’s another kick in the teeth Markman too you are so right brother they want to confuse us they’re doing a great job reading a few of these we’re going to get we’re not going to get hit by a Subaru this is a

newu okay it does say sounds similar hello Bobby hello nard looking at the time okay we got another moment or two we’re going to dive into what we did get Colleen Arizona magnetic pole shift does that mean all that sag down will now lift up Robin saying men Mike and Jen had a very encouraging show today if they shared anything fun share it in chat hello verie appreciate you too Susan loved all who are saying goodbye to loved ones my big brother passed recently Susan I know it’s tough uh Sharon sharing that one about

Huna flash was so inspirational I’m so sad he’s gone uh how many of you guys remember when Huna joined us CLE 48 in Texas just granny we lost a family member tonight s he didn’t make the med beds prayer for another family member who was terminal so many right now so many say prayers Ted it’s good to see you made it into the house reading a few of these Tommy you’re just not right darn it Michael wait Michael F Huna had a huge heart Huna had an enormous heart Robin who said that they said notifications Tuesday or Wednesday I

mean don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of chatter out there nobody knows the exact timing is there a lot of chatter saying they expect them this week yeah including a number of my bond contacts but stay grounded because it’s going to happen when it happens let’s see AC mini good morning from Australia Markham also in wheelchair I’m thinking Coming to America for a holiday what is the level of accessibility there in your opinion question mark thank you it’s going to depend on where in the US but I can tell

you overwhelmingly that the US is the most handicap friendly country on the planet and I’m not saying that out of some kind of American Pride or whatever I have traveled quite a bit and as a handicap person you learn to look for these and it is absolutely one of the most handicapped friendly countries in the world if not the most uh so if you want to be specific feel free to email me and I will give you my thoughts from one person in a chair to another oh wait wait be me up Ken add the heart oh now we’re talking about Ken

Heim guys um that passed said he had the heart the size of the Moon he would give you the shirt off his back if you need he was worried he had too much Zim um because he wanted to do so many projects oh isn’t that neat simply L played part of your last night’s Intel show with Dr Scott that was kind all right let’s get to it some of these are just funny yeah no I don’t fly American they are not so friendly that is my carrier of absolute Last Resort if there is no other way to get there they have treated me so poorly

over the year years he does have a huge heart Miss KLA all right I’m going to miss some of that it’s uh it’s time though we need to get on with the news so that we can call it an evening sorry guys let me get back to this one I continue to uh oh I didn’t mean sorry guys I Contin but I do continue to track the form uh remittances uh and support um with the old mechanism and the new one it is definitely a very altered system where they track everything which is uh which is good I didn’t mean for this one to be

here guys sorry about that one that was simply me doing research this is where we’ll start the House of Representative votes to amend the passport law and extend the work of the election commission okay there’s your headlight headline but if you read further in here the council complet completed reading the report discussing the draft law on the first amendments of the federal budget law of the Republic Iraq for fiscal years in other words second reading was successful I had a better article on that one I think did I no I

think I’ve already closed it out um but let’s just uh keep running with it we did indeed have our second reading today we did have competing articles saying oh they didn’t have Quorum they didn’t have a meeting and then we find out they did indeed uh so this is the uh type of smoke that I’ve warned you folks about that um we were to expect which keeps us on our toes and lets you know they’re trying to Cloud timing Gage’s 11th birthday today Gage happy birthday hopefully you have had a good one looking in two more years we

get to start calling you teenager of course you are like double digits which is pretty cool hello Patrick Downey good to see you in the house uh wait UNIF rumors of President Maduro speaking in v in Puerto Rico all right guys um let’s see if I have some of that let’s let’s let’s drop that one on you all see if you guys want to uh give me your thoughts here is the supposed video If you do a little deep diving there’s some clues that it might not be really current that it could be a madeup um some tech reasons Etc but you

guys watch it tell me what you think tomorrow one I’m not worried about it two totally understand why he would do it just to uh throw a curve and keep things uh upset and unsettled but personally I think it’s BS that was whipped up by somebody trying to cause contention uh yeah Jamie I saw that one uh Chuck Todd is very openly flirting with other options you have so many people like bailing on mainstream media part of it is because they’re about to get bailed on Don G Herby’s ninth birthday today

happy birthday we do not want to be liberated down here we’ like be liberated from like excessive taxes and Corruption but like proper representation uh Joanie I appreciate that one thank you yeah right Floyd he might want to meet Tom it would not go well for him hello Miss Laney all right now let’s get back to it you guys can wait did I share that link let me make certain I share that link for anybody that wants to can go and watch that and then give me their thoughts it’s going to be in the chat all right now you got it now let’s

get back into uh news okay we did this one House of Representatives okay we got our second reading of the uh budget law that we’ve been looking for looking for a third building a bridge comprehensive dialogue revealing the details of president’s meeting with leaders in Baghdad this one’s all I we talked about it this morning the meetings starting Etc um these are a little more details the barzone uh buzani barzone and Kurdish president along with Sudani Sudani headed today to England for some dialogue to uh bring in well all part of

going International specialist lack of coordination between customs and ports exas exasperates the money laundering crisis we’ve talked about as they moved to the new system uh or as they transition to the new system how much more Revenue they’re getting now I do find this one interesting timing because this is coming this is one of the discussions that was had between uh representatives from the Kurdish region and Sudani uh this is also something we were told we would see they’ve got to make certain they control the borders when

they pull the trigger on the reset so it doesn’t uh lead to um what wealth running out of the country to Iran Etc terrorist organizations so I think this is a bit of a tell because they want to make certain that they work out all of the differences and make certain the new system is plugging along on the uh borders and Customs for security and international so I found the timing of that one be very interesting parliamentary Finance this is another one that leads right into those same white reforms banking reform

form enhances Iraq’s financial position globally here pay attention to that globally AKA International uh stressing that they it will enter into force during the next period in other words like now during the period as they move International we’ve already started to see them popping up on different apps banking Etc IQD IQD pairings we’re even seeing IQD pairings with certain um crypto pairings on markets this is big let’s see what do else do we ah us bonds shooting up Chinese bonds tanking this is all part

of I think I still have an article from this morning give me a minute guys I do Chinese W Yan Juan hits new 16-month low as Trump tariffs Loom they’re in freef Fall Chinese economy right now is in freeall you’re going to see a lot of desperation coming out of China what to save them uh we’re going to couple that at the same time here on the US side of things with uh plunging bank deposit Rec I mean we dropped down to where we were at at September when there’s a chance that before Trump started exploding in

the polls um a lot of people were concerned people were pulling money from the banking system and then As Trump started doing better they scaled it back uh well now we’re seeing it run the other direction again like maybe it’s a reality hitting of some sort to realize just how bad they’re trying to screw the system pre-trump uh so we’re watching bank deposit balances in the US I mean plummeting plunging uh we’re watching uh money running it again to other assets mostly to the money markets where

they’re a little more protected uh so yeah it’s some interesting stuff I mean we had the director of the 18 t f resign Mad Dash Mad Dash Texas Mary thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you God bless all right let’s get back to you all take off that news Banner I’m certain there’s more I’m just tired of looking at it reading a few of these then we’re going back to it Barry whis drops another major truth bomb California is run by politics policians who don’t know basics of governing amen they know woke they don’t know

business they don’t know legistics I really feel like people that in politics we need a combination of real world business economists who have been in the real world you know run businesses had employees um and then we definitely should be hiring they City directors um um city managers things like that I mean they really should be leaning towards uh the military or former military that specialized in Logistics in other words how’s the best way to get something done and work with a bureaucratic crap

show yeah Makita I mean you’ve got a number of folks in the Trump Administration calling for the dissolution dissolving ATF because they have so outdistanced their original um Charter what they were created for Jason what’s your word of hope my word of Hope is the overwhelming number uh yeah where do I go on that one where’s the best single piece I mean because there’s so many uh from Iraq uh watching rates pop in pop out uh I’m getting a lot of Hope right now from the bond side because just the sheer overwhelming number of

sources that are expecting something between now and the next well roughly 10 nine days or so let me think on that one for the best opium that I’ve heard that I really consider accurate because I’ve heard a lot of it out there that to me makes no sense any new bank stories I’m gonna try to track you down and follow up on a zim story before tomorrow I just don’t I’m working on it because it’s a very hopeful one but I need to make certain I got it right gez a Believer we could Chris that is exactly why I’m a little bit hesitant

to allow myself to get bouncing but I’ve never heard it from that many contacts at once Virginia I’m hoping for the fourth ring we only need three Virginia we don’t need a fourth we just need three we’ve gotten through two uh let’s see do you recall the Llama pra earthquake during the World Series fire department had to pump water from the ocean to fight the fires that o wind rider I actually wondered that today why have they not dropped the biggest pumps on the planet and started shooting that I mean you know basically

flooding the area I know it’s saltwater be kind of hard on stuff but not that hard on it not as hard as a fire all right let’s uh finish through this one Chad no it’s not that bad this one is not specifically HCL this is partial HCL and budget this one’s a little different we’ve had HCL readings and then they go back to the drawing board I don’t think we ever made it through a second reading though yeah I’m looking forward to singing uh some James Brown ah let’s see Su uh this is Petra part of one so good to good to have you

in the room Petra part and live 20 minutes north of Palisades they are dropping seawater now Noah thank you for chiming in thank you for your hard work and an extra thank you for every time somebody gets something wrong out there I don’t know if you’ve noticed that as much as I have but no matter how awesome uh the people transcribing her stuff a lot gets left out um UFO Wisconsin do you think the online currency sellers will hit the brakes for it I really don’t think so UFO Wisconsin um because I don’t think

they’re going to be given enough of a notice to hit the breaks I think they’re going to be many of them are going to get the notice the same way we do unless they are licensed by the uh US Treasury I don’t think they’re going to get a heads up I’m too busy reading all right let’s hurry through this one only one or two actually we only have one more uh and I thought the irony of this uh would be well I don’t know if I’d say appreciated but uh would be well ironic zalinsky offers to send 150 Ukrainian firefighters to

California after stinging rebuke from Trump Jr this one specifically on um all of the equipment Etc that was sent to the Ukraine uh Trump Jr made the comment oh look of course the LA fire department donated a bunch of their supplies to the Ukraine so now the Ukraine saying well you know we got a lot of firefighters that had a lot of practice we’re preparing them to send them to you if you need them like you’re in the middle of war with things burning and everything don’t you need your own firefighters I mean you needed our

equipment I mean it’s kind of neat and I’m not busting on the Ukrainian people because I know they are going through hell right now because of worldwide politics and I truly feel bad for the good people because there are good people on all sides Judy I am new new to crypto where’s a good place to buy xrp uh probably the easiest play place to get xrp and zester has done a couple of videos one specifically on this one um do you guys remember the app the easiest one to get it is right there on the tip of my tongue uphold there it is

Leslie K look for uphold do a search uphold currency purchase unless one of you guys has a direct absolute fantastic link I’m distracted reading you guys’ comments okay I think we’re going to call it a wrap let the mods get some sleep I’m going to get some sleep I still have some articles to get through as I’m already working on tomorrow morning I just need a chance to vet them more uh Dr har uphold really is by far the easiest to use the fees are a little bit High really not bad at all especially when you consider the

ease Dr say our coinbase is great and I didn’t think about it xrp is back on coinbase finally isn’t it oh I see just curious what are your plans after the RV vacation I’m hoping after all the years a little one not much of one I hope to get busy helping a lot of people just hello Jimbo it’s good to see you hello Michael natural girl jabil what’s the next step as I understand it we got to pound through HCL we’re seeing a lot of the other signs uh that um Sudani has talked about that okay that’s bad video

to put you on um that Sudani talked about heck we’re we’re starting to see a lot of completion in the stuff that um shabibi talked about as well probably the biggest thing I’m looking for is them working through the Hcl side of this thing which appears to be very close that one would be a good one I’ll see if we can get militia man and crew maybe some of those guys on this uh later this week or early next to talk about what is next if we’re looking at just take the out of it take the white hats black hats whatever and look at

this as an Iraq only thing what would they be waiting for next cuz that could give us something to track and give us something we can feel good about where would a vacation probably my own house and just shut off the phone throw it out the door all right love you guys see you tomorrow morning did I forget something probably I don’t know you tell me did I forget something don’t make make it a guessing game I don’t have it in me what did I forget oh no I don’t sing the birthday song in the evenings I sing the birthday

song in the morning because I rarely have a voice by evening ah that yeah it’s one of those days we will work on fixing that one man it’s been one of those all right I will see you guys guys tomorrow and I deserve the pinch

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