Militia Man (Uncut) 01-14-2025
MM&C Iraq Dinar News-CBI-Systems Adjusting-Political Support-Global Financial System-United Kingdom
hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia man and crew patreon Community by clicking the link in the caption good evening everybody militia man and crew it’s Monday it’s uh the 13th I understand it was a a full moon and the stars are out where I’m at and it’s was pretty nice so uh let’s see what happens uh articles here about customs electronic payment service will be temporarily suspended that was earlier
this evening our time but um in Iraq it was probably a few hours ago so what they were doing is the Central Bank of Iraq informed us that the electronic payment service will stop on Monday January 13 2025 at 12 midnight for two hours so is that uh something that we should be watching or or see if there’s any results from it’s a good question but I find it to be interesting and I’m probably you know fascinating because you know right now we’re seeing a lot of things that are happening is it part of an
interconnectivity I don’t know but we’re going to we’re going to see how this rolls out next article is called State Administration Coalition confirms support for financial economic reform package so the state Administration Coalition the newer government on Sunday lends its support for the financial and economic reform package adopted by the government stressing that there is no political position on the issue of employees salaries in the Kurdistan region of Iraq so the Prime Minister Shel Sudan Sudani and the
speaker Parliament M Mahmud Al mashhadani they were to discuss these issues um of the citizens lives so that’s probably a key component for Al Al Sudani so at the beginning of the meeting uh and it was attended by the Kurdistan region of Iraq uh nesan barzani they stressed um that last year of the Parliamentary governmental session which requires all parties and National forces to be highly uh careful to various aspects in a way that supports stability and the executive bodies to continue to complete their tasks at various levels
of economic developmental service and security files and you’ll see that those were some of the items that um Al Sudani was taking to Great Britain uh UK so it’s support what’s it for it’s uh to support the package of Financial and economic reforms adopted by the government which would preserve financial and economic stability those are powerful words powerful the absence of a political position on the issue of employee salaries in the Kurdistan region of Iraq except for technical issues so who knows
it’s it I gu that could be resolved through dialogue and understanding away from media escalation platforms so in other words they’ve got uh consensus it’s looking good and then obviously we have different faction but it’s coordination framework announces agreement to move forward with the amendments to the budget law so like I said the consensus it says we announce our full agreement to move forward with amendments to the budget law to ensure the implementation of the government program in a manner
consistent with the aspirations of the Iraqi people so it sounds like those two entities are dominant pretty much in the uh polit political side of things and they’re moving forward um they’re looking towards those amendments to ensure that they’re in line with the government and the citizens aspirations that’s their focus so that’s that’s that’s very interesting that they have U somewhat of a consensus it sounds like the Civil status and passport directive or the director announces the launch of
the reservation system so it says that the passports and residents um part of the directorate of civil status they were to launch the electronic reservation system to facilitate citizens transactions in the National card departments when January 13 2025 can you find that quite interesting the Central Bank of Iraq uh had a a downtime for updates and they’re talking about they’re having electronic systems um on the same day so that’s powerful and we have another one here that is going to be talking about the
Parliamentary Finance that’s where it’s coming from it says the banking reform uh reform enhances Iraq’s Global Financial standing I think if you go go back in time you’re going to understand that they’ll refer back to 2023 uh with respect to Iraq and what was said back then uh they’re even invoking some of that uh today it says restructuring of Rapidan and Rashid Banks is a decisive step to improve Iraq’s financial situation enhance its position in the Global Financial system uh sounds like they’re
you know they’re doing what they said they were going to do and if you I think if you read the U IMF Article 4 consult ations uh throughout all the way back to probably 20 uh 20 2003 you’re going to find that there’s a big component one of the last things that’s done is when they privatize Banks because this country is going to go into a private sector so if they’re privatizing these Banks and restructuring these banks with ernston young which we know they’ve been under contracts it’s something to pay
attention to so it says restructuring the banks is very important has and has many positives and these banks have not reviewed or have they been reviewed for many years these measures will contribute to consolidating the National economy and addressing some of the errors that may exist in the current Financial system remember Iraq was said to be in September of 2023 at the UN assembly meeting to be um a savior of the financial system then they go on into davo and they talk about restoring confidence and I think you guys have
probably paid attention well enough those that you have been around long enough to see that some of those bu buzzwords are really important because confidence is a big deal especially with banking especially with banking so reforming banks will lead to their development in line with the conditions of the US Federal Reserve and the Swift system I believe that’s the iso 2022 it’s noteworthy the Prime Minister Shel sadani reviewed the plan for the restructuring project of rafadan and rashid’s Banks and the technical
administrative procedure is related to the project which includes comprehensive review and structural administrative reforms with the aim of providing integrated banking services to Citizens and companies that’s the commercial aspect so it says he goes on to explain the completion rate of the project to restructure Rapidan bank has reached its final stages stressing that it will enter into Force within the next few days uh sounds to me like this is part of a final stage there’s been ongoing work that we know of it’s been happening
for uh well earn nope pun intended but it’s pretty crazy uh within the next few days so and that came out today so that’s that’s an interesting um point of view I believe it says the Parliamentary Finance banking reform enhances Iraq’s Global Financial standing it says the re o the restructuring of the bank sorry you guys I think I’m not going to go over this more than once but it looks like I had two articles on that so the next one we’re going to move on to is the uh Al Sudani he says that we aspire to
see the UK as a strategic partner in our our ambitious projects well remember one thing the United States of America is the largest financial center in the world second is the UK and they both have good relationships between the two and we talked about the other night about um Insurance credit cover so keep that in mind because uh some of the biggest insurance companies in the world are in the UK so if you saw fud in New York the G g77 and then you see Al Sudani with the king of the UK you got to start thinking
about well who’s who’s the largest uh Financial entities uh Lloyds of London Barkleys things like that so they’re involved so it almost seems like um they wanted to see the ink on the paper with Al Sudani he’s only coming for one day so it’s going to be interesting they had a lot to cover they talked about economics they talk about reforms they talk about security uh all those things so anyway it says this visit reflects my government’s commitment to strength lening the Strategic partnership between the Iraq and UK it’s
a partnership deeply rooted in history and that aspires to broader Horizons of Economics trade and cultural cooperation uh he met with his majesty the King which holds great symbolic significance as it underscores the enduring historical files between the two countries and highlights the importance that they place in deepening dialogue coordinate excuse me coordination issues of security stability and development in the region uh there’s a lot to this one but I’m going to go down to a little bit
further where it says he confirms that we aspire to see the UK as a strategic partner in our ambitious projects foremost among the the de development Road initiative that’s support for the you know let’s go keep moving uh with that development Road initiative which aims to position Iraq as a global trade Hub connecting the East and West adding that this project offers a genuine opportunity for British expertise in managing and financing major infrastructure projects providing a very collaborative platform
that benefits the Strategic interests of both countries while promoting broader economic stability in the region the Prime Minister explains he says that the visit will address other key issues including continuing the reform of Iraq’s banking sector like we talked about in collaboration with British financial institutions isn’t that interesting what do they talk about the economist that came out and kind of gave us that layout of um how it’s going to be done that’s that’s part of it those financial institutions providing credit
cover are going to be big and exchanging expertise digital transformation and modern techn technologies that reeks of blockchain Technologies that’s that’s what I get from it and artificial intelligence probably too what are they for to improve government services and enhance administrative efficiency sounds like what we’re headed here in the United States uh my upcoming meetings in London carry a clear message Iraq is committed to building Partnerships based on shared interests and forward-looking vision we
seek a global partner with political and economic weight and the UK is well positioned to play this vital role the Prime Minister confirms we have embarked on a new chapter of growth and reconstruction and it goes on to say just a little bit more it says Al Sudani has concluded today’s Iraq with its Human Resources its natural wealth and strategic location aspires to be a Haven for investment and a destination for Global businesses we can think of no better friends and partners than those in the UK to continue this journey and
fulfill our shared aspirations for a f a future of Greater prosperity and stability and what have they’ve been talking about the citizens okay I would imagine the citizens are probably looking forward to it themselves uh purchasing power will probably go a long way this particular article is uh neron barzani and the president of the Republic I think that’s Rasheed uh publicly stresses the importance of resolving pending issues in and salaries of the Region’s employees he says that they’re giving priority to the interests
of the citizens there it is again and securing the salaries of employees and retirees of Kurdistan region like their brothers in the rest of Iraq that’s going to be a unification if you will the unified treasury account um salaries being paid from the federal government without any influence I think that’s going to be a big deal so they go on to say his support for establishing strong relations between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional government is part of that equation the necessity of
strengthening cooperation and coordination between the two parties because of its direct impact on resolving common issues and focusing on construction reconstruction and development projects so you can see that the development Road project um is not going away it’s actually just picking up steam and we’re seeing evidence of that says a finance committee hosts Finance officials and head of Securities Commission the Parliamentary Finance hosted on Monday officials in the Ministry of Finance and the head of the
Securities Commission on three files says the parliament finance committee hosted the head of the Securities Commission and the H and his general managers in the budget and accounting and the director of public at the Ministry of Finance complementing the hosting of the Ministry of Finance or the Minister of Finance the hosting came to discuss budget tables really okay I like that salaries of Kurdistan Regional employees there you go tax reform and other financial matters so basically what are they focused on budget tables salaries
tax reform and other financial matters all of these things are looking to be be like right in front of us and uh it’s almost like they’ve been just knocking a dead set set in the stage it’s it’s quite nice so here’s an article that says Iraq’s championship of the g77 and China so it’s a 48th an annual meeting of the group of 77 and China held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York that was I guess started today Iraq’s Assumption of the chairmanship of 77 in China for 2025 so obviously Iraq is going to be in
a new position they haven’t been there for a long long time okay they they started out about 60 years ago but now Iraq’s Assumption of that chairmanship so they got the top situation remember they just got the top seat too for the year the country of Iraq for tourism tourism is going to be a really big business they have unbelievable amount of of um ancient artifacts and all those types of things the city of ER all that above and beyond that but anyway it says Iraq achieved a noteworthy noteworthy
diplomatic accomplishment last September when it was formally elected chair of the group 77 and uh yeah and China at the 48th annual meeting held in the United United Nations Headquarters in New York that goes back to just prior to I think it’s late August but but it was like probably the 30th or the 31st so they Ed September but remember Al Sudani showed up to the UN assembly meeting um in 202 uh3 in September and talked about being effectively the savior of the financial system what have they been
talking about Finance development reconstruction all of that and then again in Devo they’re talking about confidence again back to that okay so it says here that the the g77 is the largest intergo governmental organization of developing countries in the United Nations which provides the means to promote their Collective economic interests and enhance their joint negotiating negotiating capacity on all major International economic issues within the United United Nations system so Iraq’s going to go from not
even having a internationally accepted currency to do all this really I don’t think so so uh hey they if they at the top seat of those two things um and publicly and openly I think that we all should pay really close attention to it and lastly but the House of Representatives adjourned its session today one of the key Parts I want to focus in on is that the House of Representatives completed the report in discussion of the second reading of the draft law amending the first law of the federal General budget law of the
Republic of Iraq for fiscal years 2023 24 25 Number 13 number 2023 so so think about it again fahud Hussein the foreign minister New York City top seat chairmanship at the um um forgive me the G g77 and Alie donning is U with the king of the UK and then all subsequently um some of the largest uh what do you call it um insurance companies in the world finance insurance and so I went over that the other night so keep that in mind with the four with those two guys gone the same day some of the things that
happened electronic CBI was to be down for uh electronic transfers for a couple hours you see that they have electronic reservations done again same day isn’t that interesting that’s pretty powerful I’m looking forward to seeing what time U Sudani lands in Baghdad tomorrow if that’s when he’s coming home it doesn’t say but anyway everybody uh that’s what I have for you tonight I hope you guys appreciate it and like it please if you like it a lot hit that subscribe button because I’m pushing pushing that 50,000 and I I think it’ll
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