Weekend Coffee with MarkZ. 01/11/2025
bill I’ll check it out hello Debbie Miss C I was supposed to call you this morning I just remembered we’ll Rectify that soon hello flying squirrel Deo jot Salo moose uh your quick bite before we uh add gurus ad SL whatever one I’m throwing in a uh a quick one on Western North Carolina snow started falling last night and what they’re expecting um just a update from the folks at Deep River Farm uh we will quickly hit this morning uh parliamentary Finance the Amendments for article 12 or the back and forth on the
HCL gets its second reading on Monday we’ll now have its second reading on Monday so that is uh some serious uh progress it appears on the Hcl side uh other than that all other sources have been very quiet Mr C checked in hasn’t been paid uh we don’t have any fund updates from cmkx or Bond folks or groups uh yet this morning we’ll talk about what there is when we get to the news part after the gurus now on to the necessary stuff as we enter 2025 dollarization accelerating China and Bricks nations are reducing their
dependence on the US dollar in their secret weapon gold see I want more gold gold shirts gold shirts gold main Kies China’s buying gold quietly Under reporting their purchases why because they know Gold’s Global value its ability to withstand economic shocks and its immunity manipulation it’s not just about Nations it’s about you gold is your personal hedge against uncertainty Noble gold Investments can help you secure your financial future with gold you can visit them at noblegold investments.com now with a qualified
account receive 10 one out silver American coins that is Noble investments.com now on these things I mean they’re nice they’re just lovely uh now I would like to point out that Lucas has completely thumped Matt this morning after yesterday’s Tech issues where he desperately tried saw off a leg to get out from underneath the tree so he could make it to a signal to join us okay that didn’t happen guys but Lucas good to see you you as well yeah no I just wasn’t able to get on you tried valiantly I I most
certainly did but uh I’m back in Colorado so I have a little bit more uh consistency how does that feel after being in Florida for a little warmth now back in Colorado to uh you know cool down surprisingly enough it was actually pretty cold that’s what I’ve heard well and we were in so we’re on the North side like right under uh or just you know just we’re kind of on Panhandle looking at uh other spots and uh you know it was couple of the days the highs was like 49 and I’m like you know and for them
they’re all in parkas and I’m in you know shorts and a long you know button down and and flipflops they’re like what are you doing I was like this is this is perfect weather guys I was like when I left you know when I when I left uh it was uh you know the morning it was like ne4 so this is this is amazing 60 degree switch oh yeah oh yeah and they’re just like we don’t understand this at all crazy Yankees you ain’t a kidding how are you doing oh I’m doing fantastic it sounds like though this kind of has you and I
written on it though uh Lucas morning all late to the party but celebrating my January 9th birthday today on the ice in West Yellowstone fishing tournament birthday fishing ing luck to Montana uh in a great day you know Mt Montana man I am I mean not only do want a birthday but a fishing contest on the ice in Yellowstone that sounds Wonder everybody here every Outdoorsman here or Outdoors lady or person is uh envious right now and wishing you luck I know I mean I’d be in Lucas you you know I I’ve been in some fishing
competitions and uh they Mark I’ll tell you like they are fun don’t get me wrong they’re a blast but I get overly stressed out you’re too competitive oh like it’s just go go like and so like they’re like I’m okay with like one every other year or something like that but it’s like it is just it wears people like oh it’s just fishing guys when you’re out on the water for like four days in a row for you know 10 hours a day trying to do this stuff like it is mentally emotionally physically exhausting it is
it is I me it’s fun don’t get me wrong but it just wears you out it does looking at all the snow everywhere so what kind of s uh snow you got going on there um you know what we don’t have a ton maybe just like you know five six inches on the ground but we’ve had a lot you know when I’ve been gone what’s crazy is they they actually had school canceled a few days uh just because and they pulled kids out early lot of blizzard conditions 50 60 70 M hour winds there’s white outs semis going off the side of the road uh from
the wind from the white out conditions uh it’s been um not a lot of snow but a lot of just bad bad uh you know weather right uh see Mary uh she you know she’s got a birthday tomorrow she’s not out fishing but she’s going to be hunting coyotes oh that’s that is a blast that’s I’ll have to admit that is actually kind of fun I got one in the ures um they’re becoming endemic they’re becoming a serious problem in the Carolinas yeah I uh had a had a two of them attacking my daughter’s bunny Hutch probably 10 years ago when she was okay
more than that now all right fine I’m getting old whatever stop picking on me hey no I didn’t say a thing I didn’t say a thing that was in the Carolinas in rural Carolinas like near a big town and and CO’s attacking in the yard they back me down that’s for certain I stepped away have you ever hunted coyote uh with like thermal never done that but I have heard of a lot of people that do or I’ve seen a lot of their videos I have a setup for like thermal it’s it’s awesome also old school style with just the you
know green or red light uh what do you do with the c you kill so many people are starting to offer rewards you turn them in for the reward because they need to thin them because the devastation they are inflicting on um from household pets to farm animals Etc well and people don’t real people are like okay like oh but don’t you know kill the cow we even had someone out here was like no leave them alone and this woman wrote this great explanation she was like I had 16 cabs she had so she you know her family
raises cattle they had 16 cabs the first night there was like 30 coyotes came in and killed all her brand new cabs at them K and and the thing is guys some the it’s like all those coyotes they could have killed one calf and ate that calf and it would have been totally fine but that’s not what these guys do they will go in and kill a calf for the joy of killing the calf for the joy the kill and they will leave that calf dead I mean they they ate on maybe two Cavs and they killed 13 Cavs didn’t even touch
them they just killed them to kill them yeah exactly they when they hit a frenzy and a pack it’s anyways uh a lot of uh yeah a lot of folks that grow up in a town or in a city don’t fully appreciate what it’s like in the wild oh uh see here let’s get into serious questions and I would like to point out that uh big Matt finally got out of bed to join you Lucas that is wonderful hey good morning you guys that yeah no I I was I was out driving I’m doing a big delivery this morning so stopped at the gas station
I’m just sitting here but I had to take a rest here but how you guys doing hey doing fantastic uh I mean well seed is coming like launching questions at you when will the Lions man and turkey tail dog treats be available again uh hopefully we’ll have them in by Wednesday if the uh yeah by Wednesday some stuff we’re out of right now and hopefully we get it in as soon as we can and trust me the easiest thing to do is just go in there and take a look every now and then because we’ll put in the second we know we’re going to get it
that’s for sure shipping’s been pretty rough I I don’t know uh you know it’s always this rough this time of year mark but uh um for instance I ordered something uh actually like a holster and it I ordered it and granted it was during Christmas it was like December 23rd I still don’t have it and and they’re showing that I won’t even have it for another week and I’m like what is going on on but I understand like these carriers they’re they’re all over the place mhm they are what’s C got there geez
Matt where’s some coffee what’s that about get some coffee she’s like you know wake yourself up get in here man yeah stop stop being lazy I honestly I think she said pitter patter Matt get at her yeah yeah hey those coyotes too I know guys that know long time ago they used to go out and they’d get about 150 a year and the Connie paid him 30 bucks a piece yeah so all the animal lovers out there hey yeah they do a lot of damage so you gotta get rid of them man you know you got to control the population I’m not
trying to make them all going away and if they all wanted to behave and uh not you know kill farm animals and threaten uh small children I I mean we had one person here comment had been been surrounded in the field by him I I was there I got stared down by two of I got backed down and uh I was I was wearing nothing but boxers and a t-shirt as I ran out to uh well shuffled out to uh rescue a bunny uh so I was completely unprepared I thought it was uh some neighbors dogs screaming at it and that was uh that was scary as heck yep they
they can get dangerous I’ve had them in the city too taking a walk around the around the pond and next thing you know there’s six of them standing there you know what are you gonna do right you know they’re fast too they’re big they’re fast and they’re tough so anyway happy birthday to Charlie Doodles mom just saw that one over there yeah so uh one of those uh pet treats coming back in uh hopefully Wednesday I think we’re gonna have in Wednesday I’m hoping you know but we’ll see you know just as long
as a truck doesn’t hit a storm or a fire you can count on that right now yeah you know there’s uh there’s problems out there everybody so just take your easy because we get about four or five calls a week that say oh I usually get my order in three days well not if you’re on the other side of a snowstorm it might be uh eight days now you know so no no problem or a fire who knows how long that’s going to be so if you’re right next to a fire zone keep that in mind oh that would be tough California
anyway okay so let’s go to the uh gurus the CBD gurus.com and uh when you get in there you go to the wholesale you guys and uh I’m doing it from the phone two phones today in the car but on the phone you know what it really looks good I’m surprised how good it looks you know I think it looks better than the computer but anyways um you go to after you put in Mark Z wholesale you put in lowercase k r a m CBD and then and uh and then you just scroll down and you’ll hit those blue buttons and but you’re in the specials
already and at $75 total or more not including discounts and postage receive 4,000 dinar 5 million Boulevard and at a 100 then you can use the discount too so you get both of them okay and then if uh you have any questions there’s been a couple times where people call and say hey I’m trying to put an order in and uh and I can’t get through okay that’s fine just send a text with your uh phone number your name and say I want to put in an order and then I’ll pass that off and uh we’ll get your get you called and
get an order and okay it just it makes it easier for us too you know so anyway and then uh let’s see that’s uh 612 412 8343 and we’ve got people standing by you new people you want to put an order in put her in if you got a question we’ll uh get it answered for you okay hey can you guys hear me oh yeah oh my God thanks oh yeah 100% oh we should have said no though more hear you okay okay I know well you know he he he’ll get you know he’ll get all Twitter ped we can’t do that yeah yeah Twitter PID
is a bad thing especially on the weekend yeah I’m I’m fine hey I hope you guys are too but anyways hey number one special Miracle Gold gummy 25 bucks for a 30 count save to Miracle Gold uh 1 o Miracle Gold 2 O with THC Miracle Gold 2 oce without THC and the best CBD oil in the business the 14,000 with THC a 2 O bottle for 95 bucks you won’t find anybody else even selling that for twice that much that’s the truth too and then we got our, 1500 uh CBD oil with the THC in there too you know for pain
inflammation whatever 29 bucks the Delta eight gummies the Sleep gummies the regular gummies and then a 10 count of 5 mgram THC and guess what you save two bucks plus you get a th dinar with that one as soon as I put that out yesterday we had about six imagine in about actually 15 minutes that’s a truth so anyways yeah you’ll like that and then we got our 10 count gummies people say where’s the 30C count gummies well they’re in the 10 count bags you know so we got three bags it’s the same price as
the 30s used to be uh five flavors and uh you’re all set and then we got the 120 count gummies and uh save 18 bucks you got five flavors there we got the 2 and2 count uh gummies 125 count there Sav 1069 bucks and then we got the cough coffee the mushroom 60count mushroom four mushrooms pain cream uh Summer Breeze that’s Summer Breeze it’s called Summer Breeze I know it’s wintertime it’s just a regular lotion God I don’t know I’m bending my head down I don’t think I’m talking too clear oh you’re good okay okay cool and
then I got the lotion 20005 cents 25 bucks a piece the uh brain support we got the weight loss we got the turkey tail oh the mushrooms again three of those for 95 save 22 sometimes I didn’t even know the stuff’s in there but it is okay four gummies for 95 bucks the regular gummies we got the pet oil and the uh the delta8 soft gels three bucks for 10 of those fives and then we got the Delta 8 uh excuse me Delta 9 gummies God we got a five count for three bucks and we got the chocolates we got 50 of those for 75 put them in the
refrigerator or the freezer if you want but then we got the Trump shirts medium and small 788 right now and I’m just going to keep lowering the price till I get rid of them because uh you know it’s just one of those things you know I got a lot of Smalls and mediums and that’s it for all the specials what did I do Lucas Lucas was pressuring me you guys he said I got to get more lively during the special I mean yeah what I heard I’m kind of think thinking like uh Ron uh the the guy from like uh you know said
it and forget it or or maybe the other guy that had like this the whatever seal stuff the infomercial guys you know infom you know this every time here’s the thing working with Lucas you guys and this is it’s like I’m on Shark Tank every time trying to persuade him someone’s got to it is hard you should have you should have heard us before the show honest he was on me like crazy I haven’t been that bad since since my my dad was yelling at me but anyways okay that’s all the specials everybody and uh back to the questions
and uh you know what I woke up this morning it it felt like uh almost like Christmas time and I was three years old again you know so yeah but what because of fresh snow and it fell like Christmas or because you knew you were going to spend time with uh with Mark and Lucas well that both of you guys for sure but just knowing that it’s just a week and a half till is there really a Santa Claus is trump our Santa Claus or is it you know you know what I mean it’s just an anticipation I haven’t felt this good
since I was three or four years old I woke up to spor I couldn’t believe it I said good Lord I feel great because in a week and a half from now man it’s just I’m just going to leave it at that you know so anyways every time I talk I get in trouble I’m Todd asking you guys a question although Kate thank you it was Ron popel was the uh the famous guy guy that D died entirely too young because I enjoyed his uh commercials they were fun all right any recommendations for nerve pain associated with spinal stenosis
surgery helped for a minute but now it’s getting difficult to walk yeah um which is just just of life um you know again like okay so since you’ve had you know surgery not surgery you still need to consult with your doctor um but we like I would suggest especially for the pain go to your doctor bring him the the 14,000 and the the tincture that Matt was talking about and it does have uh about 2 and a half milligram of THC uh per dropper full so not a ton so even like a half dropper uh is only you know
a little over 1 milligram but the amount of CBD and that uh that would be a good one to bring to you know to your doctor um and see if it’s something that you’re you know that would work because I don’t know what other medications you’re on anything like that but take that to your uh to your doctor and uh say that you want to try you know more of a natural homeopathic approach um but that that would be what I would do um that’s really GNA help with your inflammation and pain all of that I would also
consider uh taking the uh Lion’s man with them because that does help the nerves regenerate because that uh spinal S I mean it’s definitely something I would consider yeah yeah it’s just that the Lions man’s going to take more more time um and and if you want something that’s uh you know quicker um the other thing to look at uh yeah I guess we don’t have it really I think we have the 50 milligram in stock but the uh 885 or oh the 85 or the something and then we lost him I assume he’s talking about
the water soluble would certainly help with the pain immediately and we’ll wait for him to bounce back in and join us uh and then we’ll let uh K say please pet CBD K9 lymphoma Bella needs help they actually have their pet oil on special right now that you can add to uh F uh to their food and they are getting back in their pet treats that have turkey tail and CBD in them yeah uh that’s that one to me is an easier go-to for what to do um because both turkey tail and um CBD THC that derivatives have been shown to
do huge help for uh lymphoma definitely ask your vet but that’s that’s I wouldn’t hesitate on that one you know uh and just uh you know just for the future you know just uh keep a couple on hand what you really need all the time for your pets or yourself you know it’s just a good habit to get in you know where and I’m not trying to push a lot of stuff I’m just saying that you know we do have it on special you know get a few of them you know and then hang on to them because uh we do go out of stock
now and then it’s uh that’s just the way life is kind of yeah it is I love this regag uh tardiff given suggest too what they did with similar conditions that’s why I love having these talks because you guys uh teach me more every Saturday morning I mean every Saturday morning I Walk Away Learning something new and I love that yep and uh you know the nerves like the guy was talking about the back nerves and Lucas knows about that more than me but I’ll tell you the best thing I had when I had nerve damage and you
know it’s still a little bit there you know cu the nerves they’re hard to fix you know uh God they’re just hard to fix but anyways the um it just seemed like the Delta 9 especially when I was sleeping at night was really good delta8 works good too but Delta 9 lasts longer through the night you know so it was more pain relief but uh yeah so it just takes wi long time those nerves take a long time to heal up it does yeah and that’s what the lines man is goods for think of it as like taking the ones that
just numb the pain as putting grease on the Wheel think of taking the liines man and the other things as putting a new set of bearings on in other words uh that’s that’s the longterm fix uh but in but but in the short in between you want to treat it symptomatically as well uh Penny just said my mom has aneurysms in her brain is there anything that could help shrink those I’m I’m not an well aneurisms I’m not certain to understand what she has on her brain Lucas any thoughts not something I’m familiar with I’d be uncomfortable
uh research I was thinking aneurism but aneurism maybe that’s some kind of growth that I don’t understand oh I don’t I don’t know that that’s a that’s that’s a little bit means just an aneurysm you know the bulging uh ve that could uh that could pop I of course I’m thinking something that helps uh circulation Etc uh to alleviate pressure I’m thinking ah you need to run off and pick up some cardio or something like that CIO for life or something like that yeah aneurysms it just misspelled okay so good oldfashioned
bulging veins the problem is when they pop you can die or stroke yeah they’re not something to mess around with no God knows Jeffrey you don’t have to have a discount code for when you get over 100 it just does it after your initial purchase as long as that initial to purchase minus any kind of discount is still over 100 you qualify you don’t have to do anything extra right Matt no you got to put in eight off oh eight off eight yep you’re all set not not EIG ght just the number eight and then off off
and you’re all set y yeah K boy is Delta 8 synthetic that’s a that’s a question what do you mean by synthetic so that’s that that’s really the Delta 8 is na it is natural found naturally found in the hemp plant but in very very low quantities and that is why it’s been kind of allowed to stay um whereas the majority of all the the changed cannaboids like thcp um uh HH see all those have kind of Gone by the wayside um but delta8 is naturally found it’s in lower quantities and so what happens is that um you know D d8
actually comes from CBD and it is altered so the de so it’s not synthetic in the sense that it’s completely created um but I understand what you’re saying is that it is not a naturally made uh cannaboid it’s actually CBD the actual molecule of CBD and that molecule is changed what you do is you take the the chain the hydrogen chain um on the tail end and you move it over so it is the CBD molecule it’s just altered all right how do you move it is it some like costic chemical or is something that’s
safe for us it’s more just heat and pressure okay that was I think that’s where they were going because I you know I hear so many hard stories about the chemicals used when you get stuff from China you just immediately go yeah well of course and that’s why that’s why I was a huge at like I did not want anything to do the worst one that came out was thco and they finally banned it but there I mean for three years Mark people were doing thco in near everything it’s like five times or 10 times as potent as
uh you know Delta 9 THC um it’s you know they use extremely harsh chemicals uh to get thco and like I mean we had tons of orders for it and we just wouldn’t do it and I was like no I’m not gonna because it was super unstable too it unable for that weight too d10 was the same way um I wouldn’t ask Matt Matt asked me about the T d10 because he’s like I’m starting to see this stuff in stores I’m like I won’t touch it I won’t I I will not do d10 I won’t do thco I won’t do hhc hhco t uh thcp thcb I I mean there’s like 30
of them Mark I mean there’s so many different ones that they’ve tried to chemically make and alter and uh you know like I do a lot of research um and then we have a few chemists on staff that kind of look through it and if they give me they’re like well it’s kind of in the gray I’m like no then no I’m not going to play that game so there there’s like we do have a line in the sand that we will not cross no and I appreciate that we appreciate that hey and I and I’ll vouch for Lucas on something you
guys and you gotta understand what exactly what I’m going to say you there is not too many guys like Lucas in the business that’ll watch out for the consumer that’s the truth especially in our business but he does you’re lucky to you’re lucky to have him the guy who makes your stuff that’s all I can say what really what what I think is necessary is people like well it’s legal that that’s what all these guys say to me you know they come to me as so so was the shot everybody took well I don’t disagree and that that’s the thing is
like I feel and what I’ve always told them and what they always come that they don’t really have a response back for is I always come back with listen I have a moral and ethical obligation as as well as a legal obligation but once it passes the legal then I have to you know differentiate whether you know it’s morally and ethically you know good for it to be made and to be distributed and if I don’t think so then I won’t do it and you know honestly Mark you understand how many customers I’ve lost
and and people that I’ve really really pissed off because of it but it is what it is like I’m not I’m not going to go that direction yeah let me add something that okay because I we’ve got some stores here in Minnesota you guys where we out sell all the other Gummies at least five six to one you know and I said to one owner this about a month ago I said why is that and he said truthfully he says there’s a lot of people they said that when they take the other gummies from all these other companies they and I go
what’s the comment you get they go they feel itchy they said when they use yours they never get that at all and that’s why you and and people say oh really you you’re just sitting there saying that y’all sell them 510 to one yeah we do in stores we got stores where there’s six other kind of gummies and ours are in there and they might sell 25 packs in a week and we sometimes sell 150 200 to all of them and that’s the truth because of people feel good on their stuff you know that’s well it’s the hu the biggest
thing Matt as I try is consistency is making sure that it’s a consistent product now there is one thing Mark that we’re not consistent on but I think ethically it’s better and so I have to so I kind of have to choose which way I want to go is the flavor and color because we use an allnatural fruit puree for the gummies um you don’t necessarily always get the same color or the same strength of flavor because it’s just an allnatural fruit and so depending on the season depending I mean on a lot of variables
um you know it does change throughout the year depending on uh you know and we’ve kind of got it down to a you know tea because in the summertime uh you know you get more of the more vibrant colors um and then in the winter time and you know early spring they’re not as vibrant but I think I’m going to CH I’ve always chose to keep with the uh you know the fruit puree and keep that mentality because I don’t want to use any uh chemically altered flavors or colors I’m not going to play that game so that’s
why the gummies are a little more dull than other gummies you see out there um just because whatever color the fruit is is what color the gummy is I don’t add any FL or any coloring at all right yeah that’s all right I I like the way you do it in today’s world um you ready for more questions yes kidney disease before you do a question can I do just say hey you guys just because I gotta I’m going to be listening driving you know Mark so okay I’m GNA keep the mute on after I see this but anyways go to thus CBD
gurus.com and go to marxy wholesale and then put in lowercase KR CBD and then you’re in the site and then remember you can have a discount this uh this time and you can also have the currency and remember the one product there if you buy one you get a 1,000 dinar with it and uh all our 5 milligram uh Delta 9 gummies are all the same sometimes you get a little bit different uh shapes you know but uh that’s it and the delta8 all our stuff is the same all the time the Delta 8’s the same the uh Delta 99’s the
same and uh there you go oh and the tens I I think we’re going to have those in sometime next week but uh that’s it for the specials you guys um all right now we’re going back to uh let Lucas have a little fun anything for kidney disease I want to say that was the one for Rishi but I do not off the top of my head remember which one was showing uh um good in studies showing positive effects I think it uh the one that we saw or what you know the the case studies it was actually both I think it was think it
was Rishi and maybe the ceps um had a little bit of uh prominent Health as well in that uh gosh darn it I need to go back through speak yeah I I would you know so so take a look at say those two the REI ceps um and I can I can go back and I’ll send Mark send an email I’ll send Mark the uh case study and you can take that to your you know your family physician uh that’s uh you know kind of helping you whoever that is and uh you know maybe they can work with you on a you know really because of your medical
history and everything like that they can work with you on you know the amount you should take um and frequency of that uh you were right with your ceps our physicians take on using corep for kidneys corep sinesis and kidney function lot of doctors in here talking about how effective the corep mushroom is and uh I see one or two smaller ones on the Rishi but yeah your corep seems to be the right one and it is in some of those uh uh complexes you guys have on your mushroom side I’m trying to remember if it was the five Matrix uh
the one that had the C as well the one that’s really strong I believe it’s in there Matt or he’s probably not on anymore is the uh the 1400 milligram gummy Uh it’s a matrix uh has I think four or five mushrooms in it uh 1400 milligrams per gummy um and I think it comes in a 60count jar too I don’t know if we’re out of those I know we just made a huge batch of those because that’s the one I Mark honestly that that’s the one I take nearly every day um or twice a day so I I uh I kind of keep a personal stash of those I
can’t remember but they should be they should be back in stock pretty soon if they’re not I I don’t know if they’re out of stock don’t take my word for that but uh we’ll take a G oh they are yeah they’re in excellent all right here’s Tim with your next question and I assume the best product instead of flavor what’s the best thing to replace Gaba Penton for nerve pain who’s who’s had success now I do not this is not medical advice this is what’s worked for other people this is and medical studies definitely shoot
any of this by your doctor if you guys have any concerns 100% um but we have had a few people make comments on the Gaba Penton uh so maybe in chat unless Lucas or Matt remembers specifically I I would not be able to even begin with that Mark pretty certain that’s what most people because they were having the the uh you know the dying of legs and extremities the um boy why is that word uh escaping me right now neuropathy uh so they were using a combination of like lotion 2000 on their extremity the Miracle Gold Miracle gold
and some Lions man I’ve got an Indian buddy of mine who who swears he has been able to effectively keep his neuropathy and reverse symptoms by adding um like I want to say I forget what he came up but his his whole family they’re all doctors from India uh and I want to say it was like 15,000 milligrams of lions man a day is what he was saying is an absolute must yeah Gaba Penton is under serious investigation I’ve seen that I think it’s going to be one of your next commercials by can you tell me a little bit about it
what what happened what the gab a pen yeah oh just in general the there’s so many side effects are coming out I mean it’s uh is another another one of those where the side effects aren’t worth the [Music] benefits uh let’s see trash dog said my latest try for neuropathy Miracle goat and croil a tiny bit of olive oil apply every night so they’re I guess they’re going topical uh ruthan uh the friend that had the neuropathy issues was rubbing lotion 2000 to kind of numb the tingling and then taking Li man um uh
capsules if you want to what he was doing we’ve had a number of people in here suggest that um symptomatically The Miracle Gold seems to really help them warm warm machine saying gabop pentan nurtin cause irreversible nerve damage I guess that is when when it calms the nerve it’s killing the nerve maybe uh I’ve not studied any of that yet because I don’t suffer from it so you know when I’m researching it just hasn’t been a focus for me let’s see flying squirrel says Gaba Penton wigs out the hubby he refuses to
take it I’ve had a lot of people say that all right let’s find out uh lot of people saying wow I’m getting so many comments on this one all right let’s get back to mushrooms or uh CBD what what are you feeling here uh Lucas man I I just uh I’m really feeling that this is why we stress so much is to to one create a good diet and secondly you know to get CBD THC and the mushrooms in your diet as quickly as possible and not in crazy high doses but just a lot you know just little bits micro doing it even
um just in your regular diet to kind of help alleviate down the road problems that you can have because it’s unreal the research that shows um you know what can happen if you just micro do even the mushrooms uh in small doses um and that’s why we kind of do you know the the capsules in the in the Lion’s man turkey tail the the complex or even the gummy Uh the 1400 um just you know one a day you know some do two or three a day but if you just want to do one a day um how you’re going to feel it is just Mark
the even what I’ve experienced um just Co like increased cognitive function uh just increased energy throughout the day it’s just been it’s been great uh just My overall you know what I’m able to feel like I mean I feel better than I did 10 years ago yeah which I feel better than I did 10 years ago I wish I had cared this much about my health back then and I thought I cared back then um learning so much um I’m just reading some of these uh CLA uh Claire just saying I took GL Gaba Penton for years
and I for neuropathy and I didn’t care if I lived or die for that one Sheila said I take lines main for chemo rated neuropathy um jelly my dog died on Gaben it’s a reading some of these is horrendous I I don’t know enough to properly comment so I’m I’m I’m just sharing what you guys are saying endometriosis is endometriosis fungal anybody out there ladies um I know like uh actually uh Cody boy my suggestion is going to be to ask my sister Wendy she has studied it at depth she I believe is answering the phones today uh if you’re
looking for suggestions uh the number 612 412 8343 shoot her a text I guarantee you you are going to get a plethora of information if you want that much inform information what do you think Lucas I think that’s a good answer I think that’s the best answer did you like if she studied it I’m telling you right now guys like texting Wendy um I’m just telling you right now like she is just a book of knowledge super super awesome to talk with um she can help you out more than you know probably even me or Matt uh can on a lot of
things so uh definitely utilize her as a resource oh absolutely you’d be foolish not to because of her knowledge base uh Norine saying no soap wait are we out of soap or we just out of certain flavors maybe just out of certain flavor let’s find out let’s have a little fun here paines cream ah we’re into the soap let’s click see what kind of options we’ve got let’s try lavender out of stock let’s try milk and honey ah they got they do have some soaps guys they just don’t have all the flavors or all
the scents I should put it um yeah Click on each one uh the milk and collagen is uh in the oatmeal milk and honey is out passion is out eucalyptus yeah they’re down to just one they’re down to just the milk and collagen one that’s oh great for you guys you’re selling so much soap just bad for everybody that wants to clean up yeah I I know there’s more that are coming out um or that are you know that were getting made but uh yeah right now that’s the only one available uh wi Ridder said uh what was
the gummy that Lucas said he likes to take to help him what’s that go to you were referring to a mushroom based I believe it’s like 1,400 milligrams you know what though I bet the label says probably 60 times 1400 so probably what like 84,000 or 990,000 milligrams yeah it’s a 60count mushroom Matrix so it has like four or five mushrooms in it I can’t remember what um i’ have to go back to the stack we certain are you looking at your screen right now Lucas no I’m not but I can go to it right now I was gonna
say if not i’ got like in the specials you’ve got a 14,000 let me look yep yep it’s got the Rishi the lies M the chaga and the ceps and of course the Rishi and the corps are the ones that are supposed to be so good for uh kidney function uh so yeah and they’re special this week uh 60 gummies 39 bucks hey look we found it uh don’t always find it so you’re right that’s good I’m just re oh some of these I’m just seeing if they uh referencing oh crap we’re over time what time is it oh G many Christmas get going right what
was I doing I trust me I don’t ask me I mean I was enjoying my time hey have a good have a good rest your weekend Mark you too enjoy the snow with the kids all right hey have a good one we’ll see you take care guys again the gurus they are a huge help sponsor of the show and we appreciate everything they do for us I saw that somebody’s friend committed suicide on that is just so scary I I’ve heard some of the horror stories but um I’m not a doctor all right let’s get to uh some news let’s dive in as quickly as we can on the RV
fr not a whole lot but we will hit what we do have this is an update last night from the folks at Deep Riv Farm who have been so instrumental between my community and others in helping the folks in Western North Carolina uh them and the uh Lindsay Graham uh crew the the the they have been probably some of the best organizations for for getting stuff to the ground on the ground in the hands of the people that need it these folks are uh giving you an update it will be the very first one in my links
today I’m going to leave it right there but there is still a crisis your government is still their government our government is still lacking in the response for these people in day-to-day life they’ve made it difficult um hopefully they learn and improve but um just wanted to give that update all right now let’s get into what most of you guys are interested in another time where the headline doesn’t properly reflect the article part parliamentary Finance political blocks do not agree to amend article 12 on regions oil what
they’re actually trying to tell you is they haven’t agreed yet they’re doing the second reading straightening out the rates between the herbal re the Kurdish region and or the herbal region and Baghdad region uh this is the second reading this is a big breakthrough uh I am being told that if the second reading goes well nobody uh complains slash whatever that they will immediately do the third reading and boom we will finally have our HCL um Todd is saying heard a rumor that Sudan said the IQD could be worth 54
cents within 72 hours I’ve not seen that rumor yet Todd but who would who would jump let’s say it comes out at 54 cents how many people would jump I would very much consider it depending on what they say uh and then hold money in a multicurrency account that’s my thinking I’m not a professional I’m not giving Financial advice but man that would be something no the second reading is going to be on Monday ruthan it’s going to be on Monday which means they made good progress in Parliament today in
Iraq uh NH debster this is probably a good line one I know it’s uh makes a lot of people uncomfortable but we need to have these conversations hey original Mark Z heard from a few other podcasters RB not going to happen until after Trump is sworn in stating he won’t let Biden get credit for wealth influx your thoughts it’s possible uh Mr C is of that belief that it will wait until right after uh my banking sources seem to think that there is a good possibility of a rate change this evening uh late this evening which
always fits with the best time to do this I’ve been told is between 11: p M Eastern and 2 am. uh Eastern on a Saturday night into a Sunday morning would be their preferential time to pull it so maybe maybe that fits with what they’re being told I don’t know what to tell you I know a number of Bond contacts are now telling me very clearly 21st 22nd but they’re about split is it possible it’s very possible we have to be prepared no matter which way it goes all right now let’s keep going huge progress Hcl side now we just
need mondy to get here to see what happens Zimbabwe’s currency Cris crisis worsens as ill legal Traders flourish I know a lot of you folks are panicking when I read this don’t this is showing you clearly why they need to move forward they are having a tough time with the zig it is not inflating nearly like any of their previous currencies their biggest issue has been because they will only issue so much of it based on the amount of physical gold they have they can’t meet the demands of the populace for a functional workable
currency which is causing issues this is one of the problems in the past with uh gold standards there wasn’t enough to put enough liquidity into the markets and that is the problem Zimbabwe is having it’ll sport the value but there’s not enough so they look for alternative means like a US dollar that there’s enough of so that they can conduct trade this is one of the things that’s very different as we work towards a basket of assets and currencies so there’s more liquidity in the market uh so I think it’s worth
studying why we have not gone before and what’s different about where we are headed now and how it did work very well in the past and how it has not worked other times you need to study the differences and I think that one is huge Zimbabwe needs all of us to go for it to work well for them or they need a ton more physical gold in their reserves uh so that they can print more currency without inflating the currency they F the pinch Bobby said no militia man and I spoke yes yesterday guys he’s very
excited I’m very excited we’re hearing some fantastic stuff out of Iraq right now I mean some really fantastic stuff not a joke joke new J oh wait a minute we can take this one down as much as I would like to uh stay on the RV side of things the news has been slim overnight into this morning uh I do have a number of Bankers hopefully I’ll have a big update to to start off Monday morning unless the update tonight is so good or I should say the Wei hours of the morning is so good that I need to be
here tomorrow and then I’ll just be here tomorrow I’m flexible I can wear a manini on a Monday a Sunday any day of the week that it needs to be worn be me up good to have you here excus Dell um rates baskets they’re watching the currencies around uh to see they’re trying to get an idea of what to expect when they add it to the basket in other words when they go fully International that they are having that conversation preparing with said currencies we’ve talked about them some in the past um I
don’t want to get myself in trouble so unless I go through notes very uh meticulously I don’t want to go into exactly which ones we know some of them we’ve been told Jordanian United Arab Emirates um and Saudi currencies for certain in that basket with them um they Kuwait did a similar approach when they revalued their currency and you saw its effects it was huge Iraq is positioning to do something nearly identical and how they are uh planning their reinstatement so for me it’s very exciting to watch cuz we know
it works the most valuable currency in the world did it this way makes me excited all right let’s get into uh some politics yeah suszie Q I appreciate you I do and I’m with you we will uh maybe we can like uh where where’s the doll back there maybe the um Renaissance doll can wear the man or something maybe we can get one for for Penny little golden bikini somebody did saw this one on an article it might be worth using I don’t know what you guys have to tell me your thoughts I saw this one on an article
and is this more appropriate when it is time that I just show a picture like this something like that instead of uh modeling my own I think it would be better uh yes uh Cub so they discovered the New Jersey teachers couldn’t read or right we’re going to talk about that one some of these are fun all right let’s keep going no grape Smugglers May wants both pcks Hoops wants a side by side noren I’m with you I want to maintain my dignity what little is left all wait let’s see if I can find this one Tracy what does it mean to hold in a
multiple currency account why would that benefit you um all right in today’s world the way the banking system works where we do not have parody uh currencies fluctuate against each other sometimes there’s more value in the Euro than the dollar there have been times where the dollar is more valuable than the Euro so it it fluctuates it moves that’s just one of the examp examples one of the easiest to track and Trace um under parody that won’t exist so if a currency were to change its value and we don’t go to a onet toone a
parody uh it’s just a few countries changing then I would want to hold if I believe it’s undervalued I’d want to hold it multicurrency account so it’s held in in the bank account as irq and are so let’s say he came out at 54 cents I do not expect it to work this way but I am prepared in case it works that way where it is just about the nard just about the dong one or two currencies that’s it then if I think those currencies should have a higher value I will hold them in a multicurrency count as that currency not as US dollars so
that when it goes up I can wait and change into whatever currency I want down the road so I can take advantage of more value does that make sense to some of you it’s going to make sense and to some of you guys you’re going to be scratching your head going holy crap that sounds confusing yeah do I need to yeah probably gonna need to shave them although I think that’d be even weirder think that would be even weirder nobody I’m definitely ready for Joe Biden to be held responsible and there have been some Shenanigans and a
number of governments from the US government Israeli government there’s been some Shenanigans star in the UK I can think of a few that well I think of a lot that need to be held responsible let’s see buddy said the real reason this RV has not happened is because all of Iraq has said no to the mainini now this makes sense they do not want pictures of you and a manini associated with them they are worried there will be pictures of you posted all around Iraq as they celebrate their freedom and success you should rethink
the manen for the good of humanity nater did a whole video on how his people feel you know buddy one it would not surprise me for nater to do something that like that he’s got a wicked sense of humor but you may be on to something and you in here whipping it up lady I’m dying here okay let me get a little coffee thank you Janice I’m glad that made sense uh yeah that did it let’s keep going a little more news for the day oh man have you seen some of the really positive things we do have going for us
in the news worldwide metas scraps Dei mid Brader Corporate Retreat from diversity policies two or three days ago few days ago they announced that they are changing their censorship policies they talking now here it gets even more interesting because as the political winds around the world have changed Zuckerberg is getting a little more open perhaps he’s just figured out he was on the losing side now he wants to be on The Winning Side so he’s picking up his toys out of the sandbox running somewhere else I’m not certain I can
forgive them okay I’m positive I can’t forgive them yet but I am happy to have sanity returning to the crew he of course has some really upset employees because they are moving back to Merit based hiring oh this is some good stuff in here guys uh as you uh read through it in some of his comments it’s time to get back to Our Roots around free expression on Facebook and Instagram Zucker book said in a video the fact Checkers have become too politically biased and have destroyed more trust and then they created
especially in the US now one of the best ones in here is him saying that um oh let’s see there’s some really good one in here uh on him admitting that the Biden Administration was calling and speaking directly to employees and harassing them to remove anything covid related that they did not like they were forcing it uh they uh he said he even said they had like a uh employees that after speaking with government people and being threatened so much that they had to do these things they were in tears
they were upset and now they’ve gotten employees upset because they are going to Merit based for everything it doesn’t matter what your preferences are how you feel your pronouns anymore can you do the job which is of course what it should have always been but they’re doing the same thing with their vendors meaning when they bring in a caterer it doesn’t matter if the caterer is pink purple um by Straight pink LGB 2 whatever did they do they have good food is it a quality price and do they give good service that’s what’s
important now before it wasn’t didn’t matter if the food sucked didn’t matter if it was three hours late none of that mattered they just had to be of alternative sexualality which of of course was discrimination against anybody that might not be that so they’re going to Merit base and he’s embracing it and he has been very very vocal including a do I have that in here I may not have pulled that one up he uh did a podcast with Joe Rogan I think they dropped it yesterday and he goes deeper talking
about just how bad the manipulation was under the Biden Administration that is going to shake a lot of people up wait a minute Roy here uh so the dude that hired fact Checkers says they’re biased if they can still determine most relevant comments on a stranger post this suck up is as bad as Teletubby looking I mean he’s really sucking up guys he is really sucking up and I hate uh I I had a great article on it I may be able find a heck it might actually still be in here somewhere all right Black Rock exits un back Net Zero
climate pack I think this is the final straw Black Rock one of the most evil woke corporations out there is abandoning much of it they’ve already halted Dei and now they are getting rid of their um Net Zero asset managers Etc they are saying we will still invest in sound things we still care about the uh environment all those but we are no longer going to uh make Bad Business decisions just to be politically correct uh several major Wall Street Banks recently exit similar climate I mean Wills Fargo chase you name it The
Bigs um saying hey we’re not going to do this anymore we’re no longer going to play your game with uh there’s a term for it they have like an entire group that was set up report uh for the climate pact and Net Zero banking Alliance they’re exiting it which is imploding is people move back towards the right which means towards the center because they had gone so extremely left this we’re not talking about some right-wing lunatics out here it’s hellbent on taking over the world we’re talking about people with just common
sense of course we have gone so far left in politics that many think that that is Extreme move to the right it is not historically speaking at all for those that stud history uh now if you wear your feelings on a sleeve and Common Sense doesn’t work for you at all then it may feel like an extreme swing uh huge news we’re going to keep it moving uh oh I had more okay I’ve got things out of got things out of order we’ll just run with them the way we have them Greenland ready to talk with Trump as
status quo no longer an option it appears that while they don’t necessarily want to be a state they want much much closer relations with the US especially if they ever want to go independent they want us they want the us to help them develop their mineral resources and just the US they are not interested in China Russia other countries helping they realize their strategic location they realize who can help them the best the most who that their society agrees with where the best resources come from the best military so
Greenland is now ready to come to the party it’s part of how Trump negotiates he puts the extreme out there uh he pushes and then they find the common ground classic Trump negotiating and you’re watching it pay off I know it may scare a lot of people that don’t understand them but you got to study the person this is the Art of War love watching sanity returning Trump says meeting with Putin being set up how big is this well you got a problem with a guy you got a problem with the world politics down have a talk
something the B Administration should have done but refused to do something the other side suggested many times something many in the world have suggested many times but Biden refused many of the leaders around the world wanted to have the meeting wanted to push or I shouldn’t say wanted to they pushed for a sitdown hey let’s let’s hash this out let’s find somewhere some some way forward and let’s do it in person refused nay used all kinds of political influence to stop that from happening Trump says yeah we’re we’re already
working on it our people are setting it up we’re setting it up in a neutral place so that he doesn’t have to worry about the I Etc they can have a meaningful discussion and try to work through the differences and come up with some answers this is how real grown-ups handle business even when it’s uncomfortable just like me when somebody’s going oh my God I heard somebody said it’s not happening till March or the reasoning or those we have to hit things head on so that we can deal with them this is how you handle
things I am love love I loving watching the progress the fight back doesn’t mean things are fixed yet but it gives me hope that we can head in the right direction what else do we have UK father whose daughter was gang raped police told me to let it go that uh the police said hey look right wrong and different whatever we don’t like it either but we’re going to end up having to arrest you uh for um xenophobic Behavior Etc he was just wanting to get his doctor ju I mean his daughter back he’s just
screaming we have another one and this goes over and over with examples real life examples of what really happened uh where another father who was trying to rescue his daughter got arrested and taken away twice as he was trying to get to his daughter uh as a father this is hell and then when uh they just took it to vote it was voted down to have a inquiry into what happened when how why the Labor uh went 100% voting against well I shouldn’t say 100% voting against nobody nobody voted for an inquiry from the labor party they got a
good breakdown on it but it is devastating when you look at the efforts they are going to to cover things up I know I don’t have all the facts but what’s wrong WR with getting all the facts uh they’re fighting you not to learn the facts Wednesday evening MPS voted 30 364 to 111 against an effort to set up a national inquiry into the situation after labor party ordered ministers to vote down now not all vote uh not not all ministers voted it down um meaning on the labor party I think it was 49 of them just abstained to vote uh
instead of actually voting against it of course the way I look at that one that just you know the right thing so you’re GNA try to not piss off both sides and you’re going to sit on the fence and just say I’m gonna abstain from the vote you know you know it was wrong you know they should have gone in and done in quer inquiry but you don’t want to upset your political party so you go lock step it’s a dangerous dangerous dangerous approach to politics history will show you how dangerous that approach
is man up woman up human up put it on the table make the right decisions when you know what they are these folks that abstained they knew what the right answer was and they still went there special place in hell as I read these guys if you’re up for it read them some of these I I share I know many of you guys aren’t interested so I just share a little and I put the article if you want to read them read them uh Maloney loved this I I like this lady I don’t always agree with her politically and some of you guys are
like who in the heck is she Italian Prime Minister Georgia Maloney uh recently sat down with uh talking about musk and his political post on X says they do not pose a threat to democracy many leaders in the west are saying oh my God he’s a threat to democracy she calls it to the mat and tells it exactly how it is uh so at a press conference in Rome earlier this year Italian Prime Minister Georgia Maloney said that elam’s political post on X do not pose a threat to democracy why oligarch George Soros
however continuously interferes in the politics of other nations according to Italy’s leader the problem is when wealthy people use their resources to finance parties associations and political exponents all over the world to influence the political choice of nation states Maloney till reporters annual press conference that’s not what musk is doing Elon Musk financed an election campaign in his country by his candidate in a system in which by the way I would point out that this is quite common Loney said but I am not aware of Elon
Musk financing parties Association or political exponents around the world this for example is what George Soros does and yes I consider that to be dangerous interference in the Affairs of nation states and their sry referring to what Soros does um she pointed out that other wealthy people actively funded parties and NOS around the world influence local policies must she said a very rich man who Express his opinion does not pose a threat here’s where she Nails it though absolutely blows it out of the water is
the problem that Elon Musk is influential and rich or that he is not left wing asked Maloney that’s exactly the problem Bill Gates George Soros they fund it all actively around the world musk only funds campaign parties here but he does fund Free Speech around the world this is this is a big difference uh Maloney denied taking money from musk unlike those who have taken it from Soros the people saying musk should not have a voice in Europe have already taken money they just took it from somebody that’s liberal and left
Soros Gates Etc I am enjoying this massive push back towards common sense yep nine days till the second coming of trump return a common sense we hope guys we could have this one wrong I I I I just caution everybody question everyone when they’re your leaders don’t give anybody a free pass I’m not saying being overly critical but be critical I don’t think there’s anything scarier than it’s okay if my party does it wrong because it’s my party know I think you I think we should hold our own parties to a higher standard than we
hold the other parties all right guys it’s a good place to call it a wrap right any birthdays we need to uh Chase oh we do keep hearing bird flu bird flu bird flu but is anyway actually verified the bird flu as a thing oh boy you’re going to love this one Roy course I had mentioned it earlier this week the gentleman in Alabama that passed away I mean the pre-existing health conditions were through the roof um so then we turn around and people on the left are going oh my God I can’t believe you’re saying that he’s still
dead and you’re just saying look at all these preexisting conditions it is important you you had a young person get very sick you’re going to have that in anything can I tell you how many times people get sick or get hurt for cars but we don’t ban all cars I mean we lose what thousands a day in the states uh at this point we’ve lost one to bird flu and we’ve had a couple that got really sick we didn’t ban all the cars we haven’t shut down all the McDonald’s and the Burger Kings we haven’t got rid of the snack food
industry you can still go buy a pack of cigarettes I come on folks where is the common sense associated with this one take care yourselves be responsible for yourselves uh Joe’s birthday was yesterday happy belated to Joe Mt Mary uh birthdays today looking for a few others I’m with you all natural Nanny we will not comply I will not comply they can try to shut it all down unless people are dropping left and right around me I will continue to live what good is like going through life controlled not doing anything sitting
there yeah you’re you’re absolutely safe or locked up in a jail cell absolutely 100% safer locked up in a jail cell somebody puts your food through the slot uh little chance of somebody coming and shooting you all those things but are you willing to live that is that living that is not living yeah the bird flew South flew south for the winter uh Deb my son-in-law went to Cali to help with fighting fires please keep uh him and all the First Responders in your prayers Deb praying all right guys Aussie mom’s birthday tomorrow all right
looking forward to it so they tell me that wait wait wait I can’t remember the song all of a sudden it’s one of those days so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love make all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to all those that are celebrating and hopefully we will get to do a special one soon bye guys thanks mods and all I’m G to hit the ground running look forward to seeing you all Monday if not sooner