Dinar Guru Uncut

FRANK26 (Uncut) 01-10-2025

I promise you I will secure you did you see that it’s green oh we’re on the air J mhm you’re going to learn a low tonight no I’m sorry we’re live well he is C what am I doing oh we’re going to do a uv2 aren’t we oh for Godot what we’re doing there’s so much happening today family that Tink um think um set things up but in order to remove the fuzziness that we’ve been having they have a new format on our phone and as soon as Tink put it up it came live to you and we’re not ready we’re not what honey at least the

picture’s good the picture’s there yeah the picture is good but we were not technically ready we are now sort of kind of hold on I’m almost there that’s funny Krypto Tasha says we’re having a good time already you’re gonna have a great time tonight by the time we’re done if I was you I would take pictures tonight so uh we have to do a ubby tuby tank yeah bummer can can you see can you text Claire and see if she’ll do it for me tonight no what oh I see tell her that I’m asking her to do the UB tub for me for tonight okay

please pleas please with sugar on top and she’ll like Steve uh strange Str Str strand sky ski ski yeah Steve stransky says picture and the and and the sound are great okie dokie thumbs up well then with that in mind let’s get to work okay um oh yeah we got to play our something you’re going to like tonight’s UB Tu let’s see here a new invention hit play p l a Ying there’s Rebecca hi Rebecca oh I’m muted I’m sorry I used to be a until I watched Franks ub2 with the twinkle in his eyes and got by his side Frank teachings reaches far

and wide so whenever I need a or f i tune into fight 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tuning now tun in here this is the now take itank is but he likes his cookies it’s okay think give this man a cookie just started you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I need a I tune to Frank 26 come on Logan he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the de sit up be patient and get

ready Frank’s got some news from walking stin and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us come on Iraq can you give us the R so whenever I need f i tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the D he think I need a cookie she’s on the phone T I deserve some cookies get off the phone cookies cookies cookies cookies come on Tink give up the cookies greetings family welcome to another one of your ktf always.com UB tubies another one of you Frank 26 UB

tubies is that was that important thank you uh it’s good to be with you it is the uh 10th of January 2025 I greet you in a gap of love we are ktfalways.com it stands for keep the faith always in our heavenly father we are a Christian based organization and before we do anything I always go to God and I’m about to talk to you in my opinion but I also go to God there’s a reason why I do that and the reason why is because I can’t do anything without him if you haven’t found that out yet when you do

pray ABA Heavenly Father it is so good to be with you once again I love you thank you for loving me thank you for loving my family you are our God you’re the god of Abraham the god of Isaac father it is my desire to share that with people but there’s a lot of people that don’t want to hear it now you taught me that if they don’t want to hear it I’m to wipe the dust off my sandals and turn around and and go to the next person that wants to hear it I my prayer is that people would want to hear your

word my prayer is that people would give give you your son a chance uh to to to know him to love him and understand what he what what the both of you did for us your children yeah I pray that with all sincerity I pray for the Sodom and gomor of the United States of of America one of them is making some amazing Court rulings that do not belong in our country to those rulings were made today in New York on the other side where from One S Sadam to the other Gomorrah uh it’s hell and I pray for those people that are that are suffering

and going through hell right now and I feel really bad when I see it on TV Father I remember the fire in H it destroyed Maui it still hasn’t recovered this is destroying a state I indeed pray for these people because these people I see them on TV father they’re walking all over their ruins but they they shouldn’t just like in in Maui they didn’t allow the people to go into lah there’s a lot of power tools there’s a lot of batteries there’s a lot of mic microwaves there’s a lot of radiation on the ground in the trees

everywhere these people could get violently sick I hope that they that they are I hope they’re compensated I hope they’re praying to you I hope they have shelter I hope they have food water it’s so sad because there’s this huge huge flow of water that goes from the East all the way to the west of the north part of California and it’s dumping millions of gallons on a daily basis into the Pacific Ocean and the governor of California says no I don’t want that water to come down to the South and the reason why is because he

wants to prove his point about global warming somebody should tell them it’s cold outside and somebody should tell him that he needs to get closer to the son of of God in Jesus Christ and it is in his name that I pray for tonight because I need strength father I’m excited but I need strength because because you know me I need strength for discipline help me Father not to look over here to the right help me father to focus on what I’m supposed to say I’m grateful for our teams I’m grateful for for all these people that you have

brought to me for I’m nothing without them I’m nothing without you and I’m nothing without your son and I’m nothing without the holy spirit in his name through the Holy Spirit I pray to you father amen amen amen is Andy with us okay got to unmute Andy no he’s not muted he’s probably eating there he is hi buddy amen amen amen thank you Andy love you my brother yes sir love you guys yes sir see you at the end well ladies and gentlemen we’re here to study the Iraqi dinar yeah now tonight is going to

be a little special a little different what is um the title of your UB tub oh Frank don’t play games with us you know it says right there uh The Next Step yeah the next step of what of our study of the monetary reform hi there’s Jan Jan says it’s called The Next Step and Scotch says the next St Misty the next St Robin I’m going to step what no oh The Next Step okay uh oh oh you say Mr yeah the next step of the monetary reform now as you know family we we we break our study down into three parts

we’re going to look at some articles and then what we do is I read you Eddie’s report I don’t think I’m going to do that tonight for those of you in premium and for those of you in club 26 um I went in last night was it last night no it was the night before wait no it was last night I went in there I thought I was going to answer about a 100 questions it was about 50 questions uh we did a Q&A in premium and it seemed to help a lot of people that’s good that’s good well family um the the the the the the pattern is

that we look at the Articles and then we we look at uh Eddie’s report that uh that I get from him and then we look at uh anything that my my teams want to share with you walking stick well it turns out that uh we got a little bit from all of them so with your permission oh we’re Frozen Jen oh I’m frozen because I froze myself I hit pause over here by accident I’m sorry I just I just I just work here I just started okay so yeah uh oh that’s beautiful honey bunny what he restores my soul that’s in the Book of Psalms

isn’t it Psalm 233 that’s right he restores my soul so yeah we’re not going to probably do Eddie’s report Club 26 uh premium you guys get it anyways yeah but instead I’m going to talk to you about something in fact check it out I brought I’ve brought uh I brought an easel board to make it easil I mean easier and um and the reason why family that I’m going to focus on that normally we we’re together until about 8:30 9:00 I’m going to get straight to the point we’re going to look at these articles there aren’t

too many of them and then I want to tell you something what do I want to tell you the next step of the monetary reform because unfortunately the oh poor Jerry he means well he’s just trying to help but we don’t talk about that here Jerry and the reason why is because we focus on the Iraqi dinar yeah but thank you I get a lot of phone calls and and a in a in a large portion of these phone calls want to know when is it going to happen you can’t ask that question it’s an insultive question why do you think that for so

many years welz Fargo kept telling you it’s a scam Chase it’s a scam and why do you think they don’t tell you it’s a scam anymore you’ve studied with me you’ve seen all the rocks that have been throwing at me I just made a rock garden out of them you saw all the knives that were stabbed into my back even though I explained everything everything they they still stabed me in the look at this J yeah it does that three or four times so what do I do refresh your page knuckle ahead you’ve seen the people uh that complain when I tell them

something the auctions are dead no they’re not they’re not dead oh my word how ignorant are you look they’re still having them look there’s the numbers you’re the one that’s ignorant oh my gosh you don’t know the difference between the auctions of the private banks of the CBI versus the auctions for for foreign currency exchange oh my goodness what are you doing in this investment what are you talking about yeah I know yeah sure it bothers me but there’s not much I can do about it so I’ve learned to roll with the

punches I took all the knives that they stabbed me in my back and I made a ginso set a ginso knife set out of it oh it’s nice shiny sharp and my rock garden is doing very well with my roses in fact there’s a holly bush growing in it it is my desire tonight to talk to you about the next step of the Iraqi dinar no purple violet it’s not a scam is it and that’s my whole point they kept saying it was a scam and now they say it’s don’t say it’s a scam why did they say it was a scam family the reason why

is because this is a speculative investment and you insulted the banks every time you asked them about the Iraqi dinar they saw it as a currency that was on the oax list they saw it as a currency that was of no value they saw it as a currency from a country that was at War so they told you it was a scam but that scam rumor started a few years ago around 2012 to 2014 when maybe an article that’s in the final article thread that came out and said Iraqi citizens we are in the process of adding value to your

currency and then when they said that Wells Fargo started saying when you asked them about the dinar he that’s a scam why would you say that because they’re going to be involved in exchanging the Iraqi dinar what are they gonna tell you got the Nars oh you you won’t be rich dude yeah we’ll exchange them yeah yeah I don’t know but but yeah okay no they can’t do that only the ignorance would talk like that ignorance is not a bad word ignorant is not a bad derogative word it’s a verb that defines somebody’s lack

of information of knowledge so the bank’s uh workers the tellers they didn’t know anything and they sold you the dinar I bought Dinars at Wells Fargo long time ago 20 years ago uh they stopped because they got a wind of what’s going on around 2012 2014 but now they don’t say that it’s a scare anymore because they got wind of of the US treasury’s uh Communications with them whatever maybe they’re reading the final article thread huh so it is my desire tonight to say to you that the monetary reform

policy has been going through some some steps it it has been evolving the policy and they’ve been using many mechanisms to assure this and now now they’re sitting in a position it’s just like my Detroit Lions they’ll March all the way down the field to get to the one yard line just to score a touchdown Sudani and the CBI and the US Treasury have been like this you know where the US Treasury is right now on the eighth floor of the CBI building that’s the whole floor belongs to the US Treasury you think they’re

going to be there because they’re going to keep the monetary they’re going to keep the exchange rate at uh 1310 you think that sincerely you see the evidence of what we’re studying and because the evidence is nothing like you’ve ever seen before you that is a true student you say to yourself oh thank God we’re getting somewhere it was my desire to see this at the beginning of last year you know how disappointed I am it was my desire to see it at the beginning of this year you know how disappointed I

am but do I throw my hands up in the air do I act scandalous do I say that this is a scam it’s a nightmare No in fact if anything at all I allow you to jump on my back and I carry you as far as I can until I can’t no more and then I politely ask you get off my back and keep walking with me keep study with me family I know that you want uh to know when this is going to happen but you cannot ask that question but you can ask this question the auctions have stopped yeah what’s next and what did I say Well

they’re not going to have any currency foreign currency well they’re not going to have any American dollars they’re going to have their dinar that’s worthless at 1310 right now I mean what are they going to use what are they going to use and here we are on the 10th of January and I still asked the question what are they going to use would you like an answer yep well okay but the answer I give you you already have it in your notes here just give me a second okay Robin says please yes please just

give me a second okay caded Lewis says me too Tink I want know me too me too give me a second book you’ve known all along I told you it’s in your noes what did I what do what have I been hinting at since the beginning of this year if Parliament doesn’t do what Sudani wants him to do an operational government why not that’s what and what does an operational government use it’s like a set of books I told you we’re going to have fun tonight doie doie unbelievable oh somebody’s already angry at me unbelievable um yeah is that something

so family um the question is what is the next step well I think you can answer that by going backwards what was the last step what was the last step that we just studied and tore it apart as much as people stabbed me in the back and said you don’t know what you’re talking about it turns out we do know what we’re talking about now that time has gone by they’ve all caught up with us they did stop those auctions didn’t they yeah oh you do you they did metamorphosize the auctions into a different way with their

Banks now huh yeah you were right maybe maybe maybe but it all belongs to all honor and glory to our Heavenly Father so we we know that the auctions have stopped hi christabella beautiful picture uh of you not of me my picture beautiful picture of you christella not my picture that’s also on there oh boy oh boy so if if the last step was the closing of the auctions which was going to to stop the usage of the American dollar and we’re now into the 10th of this month I wonder if Sudani has a has has a a secondary operational Market

running uh uh yeah right now running that’s a good question last night when I came into my form in premium and I opened it up for Q&A you had some wonderful questions some good students I’m proud of of you all so family here we are we’re at this point right now where where we know that the monetary reform has taken us to this point where the auctions have ended so the question is what is the next step now my desire is to tear that apart tonight so you understand what it is and then when we’re done you know and when

you’re done understanding it you’re going to feel very good you’re going to feel very good I did it with uh I did it with Eddie um two days ago and uh the last yesterday he was happy today he’s still happy so so that’s that’s what I want to do tonight family okay we will have our one Advertiser that’ll be at 7:00 Dr Rich will be here 7 to 7:20 so let’s see how far we can get I think we’re going to be able to finish the Articles and um I really mean it when I say that tonight take notes with what I’m about to to show you

on this easel board take notes if you got if you have a camera take pictures speaking of pictures there’s this uh Bank uh worker in Iraq that um he took a picture he took a picture where he works oh gee whiz look at all these are you serious holy cow all these calls that came in now I can’t find what I’m my name is this is not good family I had it and since I’ve been talking to you I’ve got like 15 phone calls and now I’ve lost it oh my goodness gracious praise God here we go so it turns out um this gentleman he says to

me what am I doing I I just realized I broke away from we were going to do the Articles get ready uh go to final article thread uh the last page and we’re going to article number 4,886 final article number 4,886 we’ll catch up there in a second but um this gentleman says to me Frank uh I want you to look at this picture so he sends me this picture right here I don’t know if you there that’s good enough that’s good enough right there right okay and uh um he says I’m not you know I I’m not sure lower oh dear God I showed the phone oh

my dear God what did I just do oh my dear God please family please please please don’t call this man please please please oh my dear God then again maybe it didn’t show let me go back oh praise God he didn’t show the phone number yes thank you okay so um yeah so he sends me this and he says hey Frank I’m not sure um it’s kind of maybe looks like a lower note what do you think so I look at it and I say to him well if you look at the very very top that there is a 500 note okay that’s a 500 that this is a three

note that’s a 500 note now look at the one underneath it I said oh yeah yeah yeah yeah well that’s that’s a 250 note that’s a 250 note and he says look at the one underneath that and I said uh oh that’s that’s a 50 note they don’t they they don’t that’s not in circulation anymore that that that’s noan void you you if you got those you you just keep them as a souvenir you cannot exchange those any at all and then he says well what’s the one underneath it and I said that’s a twn I said I don’t know what that is I

don’t know what that is uh so I said to him dude just you know I’m just asking okay where’d you get this and he says well I’ll got it from a friend of mine tell me more about your friend he says well Mr Frank I messaged my buddy it it’s from a contractor in Iraq and when he went to the bank one of the bank guys there is a friend of his and he passes this picture on to him then he sends it to me and I said tell me more about this because those top three no those are three zero notes but that last one that fourth

one that has my curiosity and the reason why is not just because of what it you know the the the the domination that I see there and that’s not just because of the the color that I see there it’s the packaging that’s what attracts my attention then he says Frank I message my buddy he said he got the pictures from his interpreter friend who goes out on patrols with him daily the interpreter’s brother Works in a very small bank here in this area I’m not going to say where he had to pay the brother three bottles of Old Spice

cologne in order to get this picture to him I guess they can’t get it over there pretty valuable but the brother also said that they have pallets I told you this is all my opinion right yeah this whole call is in my opinion my name is uh uh Gorgonio uh Alexander in my opinion Goron where the heck they uh he and and he said that they have pallets of the of of the smaller bills there in the vault but they haven’t released them yet to anyone I guess I guess he could he could get in serious trouble if they found out

that he took this picture that’s the best that I can do right now we are stationed at la la la la court and he sends me everything I need to know and then I say so then just a double check I say to him so so if I’m understanding this correctly your friend who’s a contractor his interpreter has a friend at a bank and he took a pictures and he smuggled them out and he gave them to your friend and your friend gave them to you exactly exactly exactly I said H well thank you I will share this very carefully tonight just

thank you sir I don’t want to get anyone in trouble but I thought that you should la la la la la la la la I appreciate all that you’ve learned I learned so much of you and uh oh you’ll be here tonight oh I no you’re not a soldier but still what’s up H loose like a rubber goose in Iraq oh my goodness H so yeah this is just in my opinion that maybe maybe because it I know it had three had three qualifications didn’t it but the one that got me was the packaging yeah so anyways let’s let’s let’s go to uh the Articles okay all

righty fin article number 4,886 Al Sani from Taran an International Conference in Baghdad for the regional stability and we support the Cho choses the choices of the Syrian people what do I say up on top with what the blue title for this article security and stability the goal of the monetary reform for you to even be able to accomplish this with Syria Sudani I’m impressed fin article number 4,887 Sudani position in Taran Iraq and Iran plan to resume pumping gas Iran and Iraq are going to resume

pumping gas are we going to make money not like we used to can we still steal from the auctions no it doesn’t ex How Can you steal from something that doesn’t exist anymore we’re going to be resuming pumping gas with a with with with Iraq yeah I got an idea why Sudani is a booger butt what Sudani takes a shower with his shoes on what no comments from the peanut over there Sudani is Bowlegged what I don’t know start anything and it was today is Friday it was Sunday Sunday night it started and when was when is this

article the 9th what was the ninth babe what day was the 9th yesterday Thursday yesterday Thursday so this uh a few days two days later it comes out but what happened family is that around Sunday into Monday it lasted Tuesday Wednesday and into yesterday and a lot of the internet you know the other gurus they jumped on this and they said yeah it’s true it’s true it’s true it’s true and quickly I went into pre premium I went into my form right away when I had phone calls and I told everybody family of what’s the blue title for this

article Cash Cow dead move over Cash Cow is dead so let’s start a rumor about Sudani he’s a Boog but he’s got two left feet yeah I saw it and one of those feet looks like a camel’s foot uh-huh you know what else he stole money from from from from Iran yeah from his own no from no no from Iraq he stole money from his own people you know where he sent it to Iran to us you think they’ll buy it and they did for a while because they don’t want to have any success or they don’t want Sudani to have success with the monetary

reform the next step is very crucial the next step is you listen listening the next step is suff right now this right now we’re going through the next step What’s the title of u2b the next step you know what the next step is doing right now it is choking the the the the the the bad guys and you know who the bad guys are okay so the bad here once again what does the title say Sudan’s position in tahan Iraq and Iran plan to resume uh pumping gas well we’re not going to make any money doing that I want to go the I

want to go back the old way let’s start a rumor about Sudani okay yeah yeah uh Sudani and Maliki uh two birds uh like two peas in a tree and they were what no I don’t know make something up but you’re good students and you belong to ktf o.com and I went in there right away and I told you don’t you dare believe this no but it’s all over the place don’t you dare believe this no but they’re talking about it don’t you dare believe this ktfa family within about 48 Hours it was garbage but it shows you the

urgency it shows you the sadness in the thieves minds and their spirits and their hearts they are defeated it was at the 9:15 Mark in the third quarter of the Detroit Lions game against the Minnesota Vikings it was only 10 to6 or 10 to yeah 10 to six that’s all it was but then all of a sudden we scored and then we scored 2 minutes later then we scored again two and then about another 2 minutes later and then we scored again three in a Minnesota Vikings said where’s the towel throw it in I we quit and they

did and I felt bad for them because I played the game I know when you quit and I know when you fight and Iran is desperate right now they should throw in the to but they refuse to Stubborn yeah we’ve talked about this told you it would there cockroaches would be there so let’s look at the next article final article number 4,888 Central Bank Governor um there is no financial problem threatening employees salaries yes there is no there isn’t okay there isn’t because you have plenty of reserves plenty of uh cash on

hand liquidity huh uh yes we do but when you you know what you don’t have what a new exchange rate for that cash oh that’s right so what do I say up on top listen to very carefully now listen carefully the black market is dead yeah you said that in the article before and and Sudani uh prepares uh for the next step of the monetary reform the cash the black market is dead the cash cow is dead the auctions are dead yeah and Sudani prepares the next step of the monetary reform yeah when now he’s he’s already started it what is

it I’ll tell you tonight okay what does the article say oh it’s red five times blown up it must be an important article let’s just see what it says let’s see what it says the governor of the Central Bank allot confirmed today Wednesday that there is no financial problem threatening employees salaries wow he indicated that the dollar smuggling operations have been reduced yeah the auctions are gone yeah that’s why they’re not stealing the dollar yeah that’s why it’s been reduced yeah so now you have to make a change in

your exchange rate don’t you because you can’t use a dollar anymore right yeah hey family look at this guy look at that you see what I get you see the stuff I get and I don’t mind showing you his phone number he’s working with ir that’s why oh I got to read this hold on you see this is one of these type of people that are brainwashed by some other Guru hey Frank you ain’t you know kak uh Sudani is full of you know kak and with Iran that’s why the raid hasn’t happened yet uh dumb whatever he calls me um and when

you say in my opinion you should be telling the truth you franking idiot well first of all I have to get rid of you that’s you block this collar block the collar and put on a collar you you female dog what what what you say for him now let me get rid of this one so that he’s no longer even in in my in my sight boom okay took care of that so family let’s see here he said he continued by saying that look we got no problems there’s no financial problem threatening employees salaries while he indicates that the dollar smuggling

operations have been reduced yeah and um he continues he says and by the way do you remember last time we were together we read where they said don’t believe the rumors don’t believe the rumors he continued the parallel right are you listening this is who done or this is a lot what is he talking about the next St he continued the parallel exchange rate is no longer an indicative price cuz it doesn’t exist there is no price there is no exchange rate who 1810 that’s not all right continue sir the parallel exchange

rate is no longer an indicative price and our reserves are fortified and the Central Bank enjoys Independence you are totally independent yes we are your article 8 yeah you can do anything you want with your currency yeah are you going to leave it at 1310 of course not yeah stressing that the electronic payment is witnessing development oh the transfer yeah that replace the auctions yeah that a lot of people don’t seem to understand yeah like maybe this guy yeah stressing that the electronic payment is witnessing and develop uh

witnessing development and we have the best global system of infrastructure the program rate is not the best infrastructure sir well we don’t have that Frank well okay uh he pointed out that we launched a project to establish a national company for electronic payments and it has reached an advantage stage what would that stage be oh disadvantage right now because the 13 1310 makes it very disadvantage a uh and he says that uh uh adding that the the the commissions that the outlet are not licensed by the central bank and we are

working to close them and transfer them to exchange companies you understand that good oh he so oh my friend is back look look he says you can’t get rid of me you dumb whatever tell the people it’s simply facts that you’re be lying Donnie didn’t keep an Donnie who’s Donnie oh sud Don hold on let me help you got it okay uh didn’t keep any promises the auctions didn’t end on the 31st okay genius this is fun um the people didn’t get purchasing power before the year ended in 24 an a Anthony allegedly gave some

Oath a Anthony allegedly gave some oath oh I’m sorry you’re an illiterate I’m so sorry I’m sorry okay I’ll leave that Al here you don’t think I can’t get rid of your watching watch okay go ahead now and send Okay okay so yeah that was a great article we read the whole thing and you understand what it’s saying good it’s telling you what the next step is what was the word what was the word let me go back here the parallel uh exchange rate um is no longer in is no longer an indicative price the parallel exchange but that’s

what they’ve been using what are they going to use what are they going to do right I’ve asked that question before we’ll show you tonight final article number 4,889 uh regulatory controls for combating money laundering financing terrorism and preventing the prolification of weapons so what do I what do I say up on top the Cockroaches are being starved when you read this family you’re going to find out that Iraq is or excuse me Sudani is in full control I don’t care what it is I don’t care what it is if it’s a vending

machine in the bathroom somewhere in one of their shopping malls he’s in control of it if it if if it’s the if it’s the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar he’s in control of it if it’s the black market that’s trying to creep back in he’s in control of it if it’s Parliament that’s trying to cause trouble he’s in control of it if if it’s this person that keeps that that can’t call me no more he’s in control of him well he is now anyways final article number 4,000 890 the Central Bank of Iraq sets a pricing

for banking operations for banks the Central Bank of Iraq sets a pricing for the banking operations of prices uh of excuse me four Banks let me read that again because I destroyed it the Central Bank of Iraq sets a pricing for banking operations for banks this is a documentation that’s been released what do I say up on top what did you just say is this the new exchange rate is what I am asking about this article once again the Central Bank of Iraq sets a pricing they set a pricing for banking operations for

banks okay final article number 4,891 Al nari which is someone we trust explains the new mechanism for external transfers after the platform is closed whoa now listen very carefully what is the title of this year of this uh of this article what is the title of this article listen carefully now first let’s reread the article al- nasari explains the new mechanism for external transfers after the platform is closed hey save me that phone number when they find out that Sudani is okay I want to deal with this

man I’m not I’m not going to hurt just save me the number I I I turn my enemies into my friends you know that Al nari explains the new mechanism for external transfers after the platform is closed family this man is is being sent by alak and Sudani to the Iraqi citizens to explain something to them what the monary re form education yeah you always say that and and and and what is this education I sorry explains the new Mech there’s a new mechanism for the external transfer after the platform is closed what do you think that new

mechanism for external transfer write that down please write it down fact let me write it down with you I write it on the back of this blue one here so we have a mechanism for first I’ll underline mechanism for external external I’ll underline external uh transfers and we underline transfers as well too after the platform is closed platform underline closed so there’s a mechanism that we underlined for for external transfers that we underlined since the platform was closed that we underlined there is a there is a there

is a way there is a path there is a next step to the monetary reform for what reason for for for external transfers what are you going to externally transfer your underwear no our currency because you’re article 8 and you can move freely right yes so you have a mechanism that’s going to move your currency out of your country yes because the platforms are closed yes what is the blue title for this article the next step of the Monet AR reform has two options the next step of the monetary reform has two options

family now at the very bottom this article is just filled with so much information that we’ve already talked about especially like for example the three ways that the American dollar will be able to be used inside of Iraq the three ways okay and they talk about them at the very bottom i p i I say I summarize I put in blue blue parenthesis there profiteering has ended allowing the monetary reform to flourish I should have said profiteering has ended allowing the monetary reform to enter the next step and that’s what we’re

going to analyze tonight final article number 4,892 Al sedani confirms progress in the projects to reconstruct radim and Rashid Bank what do I say up on top Iraqi Banks instructed for the monetary reform this is a new policy once again the article Alani confirms I I’m telling you there is progress in the projects to reconstruct the radim and Rashid bank and you know what those Banks were selected to do you have the articles for it what do I say up on top Iraqi banks restructured for the monetary

reform reforms new policies and those are the there’s two options huh from what I told you tonight I should have asked you how many options are there so there are two okay let me ask you this what are those two options in this article that I just read to you Alani confirms the progress of the projects to reconstruct Raad and Rashid bank I tell you up on top what is the what is the blue structure or the blue title Iraqi Banks reconstructed for the monetary reforms new policy in the body it says the latter the L the

meeting that they had the latter held a special meeting uh to discuss developing the work of government banks in the presence of Representatives of erns and young for auditing and financial consulting if you know what erns and young do then you know very well that that’s extremely encouraging right now the Prime Minister explained that the the completion rate of the project to reconstruct radim has reached its final stages that is a big clue stressing that it will enter into Force within the next

few days within the framework of a plan that has been studied and implemented according to the established standards and specifications the Prime Minister said reconstructing the government’s Banks to ensure a an availability of cap of capabilities and openness with International specifications we’re going abroad we’re going overseas ladies and gentlemen what are the two options what do you think are the two options that I will teach you tonight we have them it’s in the final article thread since

2014 they came out and they told the Iraqi citizens Iraqi citizens we are in the process of adding a mechanism to add purchasing power to your currency h Sudani constantly kept talking about it in November and December of last year I promise I’m going to do it I promise you’ll have more purchasing power than the dollar I promise I promise I promise you know what’s crazy he actually kept his promise you know why because there is no Dollar in the country of Iraq the only currency in Iraq right now is the Iraqi dinar and

whatever value it has it has more value than the American dollar that has zero value inside of Iraq therefore the Iraqi dinar now seeks a door what is the next step who’s out there lots of currencies the American dollars out there you divorced it are you thinking with me the mechanism movement auditing woohoo love the blue no nothing nothing nothing brother Frank we are here in spirit in presence of the Lord uh My Sweet Daddy would be saying show me the paperwork show me the paperwork no uh International banking

Robin we need more than that Robin what are the two options it says I’m going to teach you the next step and I’ve taken you that far so far oh look at Keith very good Keith you’re the first so I will focus on you you are saying to me that um the basket is an option right let me ask you something Keith what’s in the basket the American dollar do you want do you want the Iraqi dinar that you invested in to be valued at a at a dollar no good wait a minute Melissa Melissa says yes yep you want it to be valued at a

dollar that’s not good so hopefully by the end of tonight you’ll understand why that’s not a good thing to say um I believe we’re done with the Articles and now do we have uh our two with us good ladies and gentlemen the next part of our study is going to be very powerful I’m going to take you uh on a on a little tour I’m going to take you on a little tour it goes back to uh uh 2016 and I’m going to we’re gonna we’re going to ride the wave okay like Surfers and we’re going to hit the shore we’re

going to and we’re going to rest on the beach as we talk about what uh what I’m going to teach you tonight yeah so so far I’ve brought you up to this point that the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar is now entering another step another stage because the last one is just finished and we were hoping that they were going to expose the new rate Edie told me something interesting maybe this is the only thing I will answer or I will share with you all let’s see where can I find it sir Parliament just uh uh uh

announced uh that uh the next session they will include amending the budget it’s on TV now isn’t that interesting he want Sudani wanted this done by the sixth no later than the seventh and now they’ve come out three days later saying okay okay okay we’re going to do it TV keeps going over the parliament plans on amending the investment budget uh in the next two sessions uh that are coming uh next week I said Eddie if if if they you know just like like the salaries you know if they truly do anything with the budget

it will be exposing the new exchange rate look go ask Mr Samy about what I just said to you I’d like to see if he agrees with my opinion thank you Eddie oh Eddie one more thing tomorrow at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time I will do my YouTube and I am going to explain the next step of the monetary reform I encourage you to listen and learn this will help you a lot and I pray that you’re with us right now Eddie and if not then then later on that you’ll be able to listen on okay Eddie says he is so glad to hear something about the am

amending of the budget because he knows that it’s going to reveal the rate yes even Mr Sammy said so uh yes Eddie and that’s why I’m encouraging you on that I just pray to God that they actually do it in order to show the new rate Ed he says that the investment budget that would be definitely need a new rate it definitely oh shoot hold on somebody just sent me something and it messed up what I was reading something like they would definitely need a new raid in order to pay all the projects if they expose the

the U if they expose the budget Yeah Eddie says that he will talk with uh with Mr Samy later day and had some more information for you and then he sends me more information Mr Samy says all of the reserves 120 in New York USA and and need to be back in the hands of Iraq CBI control to continue our Sovereign wealth I said yeah this will come in handy of the CBI yeah I didn’t want to read Eddie sweet report so family let’s turn our program over to um our brother will and to our brother uh Dr Rich then when

they’re done y’all get ready okay I’m going to use this um this easel board and I’m going to draw it out uh for you and I’m going to start with 2016 and work our way up to today you need to know what the next step is and I’m going to share it with you in my opinion if you disagree with my opinion okie dokie it’s okay thank you I’m glad you came to listen to what I had to say in the first place so for right now will are you there I am can you hear me okay hey brother I know you’re very good at keeping time you got 20 minutes go for

it all right I appreciate it listen we’re gonna talk about something a little different tonight folks we’re gonna talk about U oxidative stress and what food does to roate stress you know there’s a lot of uh there there’s a lot of things that really impact our health these days uh it’s uh there’s alcohol of course and then there smoking of course these are all terrible things but then there’s food and uh did you guys know that 73% of everything in the in the grocery store on the shelves is really not

food it’s processed nonsense it’s not really food 73% somebody’s doing a great job advertising I I to tell you Dr Rich you with me I’m me I’m here will all right good now we’re GNA talk about some other things that aren’t really really good for you as far as food is concerned and and listen I’m I’m just as bad as everybody else I’ve got Cravings that I really really want I used to Crave McDonald’s hamburgers I I don’t crave those anymore thank God uh but I know I know how it is some of you might

crave a a cocacola a quarter pounder cookies you know so you might want to try to limit those things because of what it does to your body it kills you actually now uh let’s talk about some cancer poers as far as food is concerned five fructose corn syrup aspiran uh BHT or BHA those are those are preservatives found in our Foods uh some some coloring agents red three red 40 yellow five and six what about fluide I mean they’re putting that in the water for goodness sakes guess what that is it’s a

neurotoxin it totally wrecks the brain and the thyroid so ladies gentlemen are you having a thyroid issue you might consider drinking some bottle water that doesn’t have fluoride in it yeah artificial flavorings did you know that there are 700 different synthetic chemicals that are considered artificial flavorings by the FDA it’s it’s an umbrella term artificial flavorings for those 700 synthetic chemicals now 80% of chronic disease and America is preventable now because you got to stay away from certain

things one in5 spent in America is on Heth care diabetes diabetes is cured in the kitchen folks that’s where you cure diabetes is in the kitchen with what you’re eating food is officially killing more people these days than smoking cigarettes or cigars are or vaping food is killing people 42% of America is obese and most are victims of the food industry because the food industry likes to make things addictive and they make food addictive these days Ultra processed food like I said earlier is 73% of what’s on the store

shelves and alra processed food is not really considered food guys answer rates are up 60% in the ages under 50 years old and check this out diabetes is up 400% Nationwide now I’m going to give you an example an extremely good example of how you’re being poisoned okay there is a chemical out there called acryline a c y l i n e I know that one it’s a toxic cancer causing substance found in cigarettes Did You Know listen to this now did you know a large fry from McDonald’s has as much acine in it as

aund cigarettes we need to stop eating poison people we really need to stop eating poison now if you can’t stop eating it you can limit it but all of the things that I just mentioned to you is a is is is a contribution to the oxidative stress in your body now Dr Rich what is the number one cause of disease and illness worldwide period go ahead well the number one cause of everything that people go to doctors for for treatment is something called age related oxidative stress well and and oxidative stress in simple terms is

and that’s and if you go to pubmed.gov you’ll see every article about every disease and I’m talking cancer cardiovascular disease and kidney disease and neurological diseases all the respiratory diseases rheumatoid arthritis etc etc etc all 249 diseases the Common Thread relative to the cause in all of those peer-reviewed studies is massive free radical damage called age related oxidative stress and oxidative stress is simply an imbalance of free radicals in the and antioxidants in your body that leads to selling DNA

damage that’s the leading cause sell and DNA damage that starts in your mid 20s and gets worse as you get older and you couple that with everything you talked about and eating the wrong things and eating too much and and you know what’s in our food the pro highly processed foods in the bi engineered Foods etc etc well it’s why people aren’t getting better they’re getting worse and worse and worse let me just cover one thing because I I’m already hearing this in my ear in my mind because I’ve heard it

before oh well something’s gonna kill you who cares about the food I was raised eating it it’s h it’s the same as it was when I was young no it’s not no it’s not french fries from McDonald’s used to be fries oil and salt that’s it that’s all it used to be now there’s about 30 different ingredients in your fries hamburgers from McDonald’s used to be meat salt seasoning and pretty much that was it now there’s about 30 or 40 different chemicals in your in your food yeah and it’s built to be addictive it

is it’s it’s it’s manufactured to be add now believe it or not the reason that we bring this up is things are about to change things are about to change you never ever heard government talking about the health as far as the food was concerned okay never ever hear about that but you’re getting ready to as soon as Robert Kennedy takes over the department of he home of Health and Human Services you’re hear a lot about it now I don’t think he’s going to get rid of McDonald’s I don’t think he’s going to get rid of much of anything but

I know he’s going to give you options he’s going to put a label on the food to where you can understand hey if I can’t pronounce that word or I don’t know what that is that’s in that box that I’m trying to buy I don’t need to buy it because it probably ain’t going to be good for those are the types of things we’re talking about you can limit food their family and listen if you don’t do it your children are going to do it your grandchildren are going to do it and they’re going to tell you about it so

you can look forward to getting an education from your children and your grandchildren because it’s going to be just like cigarettes they’re they’re going to be preaching to you about what you’re eating and what you’re drinking go ahead Dr Rich will well you’re you’re preaching to the choir brother uh because this month when I start doing some some uh Zoom presentations to teach I mean I’m already getting I’m already getting calls from people who are saying to me I I’ve blown it my lifetime I you

know Dr Rich what you’re saying and what’s will saying and what Frank says and you know what they hear and and you’re right will they just think well I think I can do another month six months I’m going to die something I go until they get something that’s really really CNY and bad and may be painful and not a good diagnosis and then they’re ready to do anything it’s better to to to do things when you’re younger but it’s more difficult now because of the scenario that you brought to light about the

the our food and how bad it really is and in most cases it’s really not food so you’re going to have to look folks you’re going to have to look at labels you’re going to have to grow your stuff you’re going to have to try to find local eggs and raw milk and and maybe barter and get good good sweeteners and fruit and veggies and so on it’s the important thing but what I did to start this off in our in our telegram room was I’m I put in there articles that teach people you need to eat less and and have

portion control on your meals and eat clean and hydrate and eliminate properly and overcome sluggish elimination so there’s information in there that it’s really good that people can learn committ fasting and and healthy eating and we’re talking about Mayo Clinic and really good stuff uh dietary patterns um related to oxidative stress but boy will Bo I found a couple of of videos from do McCord short ones uh one of them is the plan okay and one of them has to do with the free did you put did you put them in the did you put them in

the room yeah and they can contact you and folks you can go and you can learn okay you you you can learn but here’s the issue now people just as you said will they’re eating all this food that’s literally killing them and they’re doing other things also that are causing cancer and diabetes and clots and so on that they weren’t doing for and so on so it’s a lot more difficult so folks if you want to stay well if you’re well you’re going to have to work at it and if you’re not well you’re really going

to have to work at it I’m working with a couple people now trying to get their gut biome to function it it’s not functioning a month without a b movement my God but we’re GNA get there we’re going to get there but eating that chunk that you’re talking about called food is what’s causing these things to occur so what did Dr mcord say yeah oxidative stress the massive free radical damage he said in in the one video that taking handfuls of antioxidants isn’t the issue it’s not going to work according to Dr

McCord he said our antioxidative enzyme production it begins to shut down at the in the mid 20s and will can’t get a prescription there’s no supplements there’s no nutriceutical there’s no drinks there’s nothing else out there that’s going to get those genes to start producing those antioxidative enzymes to stop the cause of all disease which is oxidate raage related oxidative stress so the solution is simple and it’s not long to discuss it turn on the genes again activate the cells flip the which

it’s a breakthrough pretend folks if you haven’t researched for Tandem Nrf2 there’s so much out there but the Breakthrough pandum Nrf2 activates the cells increases the gene expression causes the cells to make those antioxidative enzymes stops the dam makes the free radicals normal cells again like when you were 10 and 15 and 20 stop the damage begin the repair so if you if you do that if you begin to do that if you resolve to do that this year and take control of your health and start looking at labels and working at

eating better things and drinking good water mostly water they have to have a beverage once in a while I understand that but make better choices be label Watchers and Lookers and if it’s not good put it back on the Shelf and eat less but but when what what happens when you start taking for Tandem Nrf2 long story very short research validated Dr mccort talks about it in the video couple videos I put in there he says that in 30 days you’re going to neutralize 40% of the oxidative stress 40% okay but we have the means if people

are really chronically ill we can teach them how they can neutralize 78% almost four fifths almost 80% of what’s causing them to be ill in one day one day one day will okay so in the end with this in the words of Dr McCord he said the benefits of taking for Tandem and rf2 to overcome the Relentless progression of free radical damage as we age the benefits of taking that yellow tablet accumulate over time the longer you take it the more protection you will sustain 40% resolution of what causes us to be sick

in 30 days 78% in in uh 70% in in four months but we have the means Frank talks about it all the time inter F1 nf2 and NAD the tri Synergy pack you can take that folks and in six hours your cells are activated as powerful as they were when you were born just out of the W and neutralize 78% of what’s causing you to be sick validated by pubmed.gov all of the research so folks you can’t do it any other way go to the doctor and say give me a pill to reduce my AG related oxidative stress I’m not sure some of

them would know what you were talking about but those that did would say there’s nothing available we have nothing ail and they don’t there’s no there’s no herb there’s no supplement there’s no nutriceutical there’s no juice there’s nothing that can do can activate that cell and increase your gene expression so that your own cells make glutathione super oxide disputas cataly and hem oxygenates and get you in 24 hours to start neutralizing a million free radicals per 24 hours a day like you did when you

were 10 and when you do that and continue to do it and again in the words of Dr MCC the longer you take it the more protection in yourselves you will sustain so if you do that and eat right and get your gut to work my God it’s so difficult working with some people to get that digestive system to function again but it can be done it can be done it’s hard sometimes but it can be done for most people it’s not a difficult thing once they drink water and they eat clean and they eliminate and they activate their cells so that your own

body is eliminating what’s causing you to be sick you’re going you’re going to improve and stay away from that food as best you possibly can are growing their own Gardens now have chickens you know some of them have chickens some of them have a beef and they sh and they barter and they I mean we got a minute and a we got we’ve got the solution listen listen folks you might be asking yourself why didn’t my mom have to do this why didn’t my grandma have to do this because they work that’s food W around when they were

around they had real food they were growing their own Frank you grow your own food don’t you you better I well to a degree yeah we have a greenhouse we grow a lot of our food my intentions are to be on an island where nobody will ever find me and I will have a cows I I’ll have cows for meat I’ll have H for milk for cheese I’ll have goats I’ll have sheep and we’ll have a garden and then we’ll have about anywhere I’m going to try for 300 fruit trees that I can just walk through the garden just walk through the garden read

God’s word and and pick as many fruits as I can and eat them that’s what I’m going to do and and and and feed off and feed off of the ocean as well listen yeah folks folks here’s here’s what we got to do uh if you’d like more information about what Dr Rich and I were talking about with pendum nf2 the tricer and all the rest give us a call or give us tax to say more information but we can certainly send it to you if you need to speak with Dr Rich specifically about your situation your health concerns please get in touch with

me I’ll I’ll send you a number no big deal uh because this is his mission he doesn’t charge people to speak with him concerning these things okay this is his mission uh if you need to know about Dr Rich’s uh the the uh the the the room on the net that he’s talking about with the educational material in it hey get in touch with me we’ll send you that information as well so you can read up on all that we’ve got all the information you need there’s no excuse not to at least explore it and see if you can improve your

situation like Dr Rich was say you’re not going to stay away from these types of things if you’re raised on them all the time you you just you probably won’t but in order to lessen the effect of those foods and we didn’t even talk about the chemicals in your house we didn’t even talk about the exterior threats to your body and the O stress situation we just talked about food tonight okay but that’s a big one it’s a big one because it goes in every day right three times a day more than likely maybe more but anyway my phone

number if you need us is 910 690 68 you can call or you can text and you just say I’m with Frank send me the information if you prefer to email you can email at always saving 77@gmail.com always SA 77@gmail.com and uh let us help you let us help you we’ve been helping people here in the family for about the last goly since 2013 since 2013 what 11 years now that we’ve been with you Frank golly that’s a time yeah and uh we’re we’re blessed to do it we’re honored to do it it is our honor to work with you and to improve

your lives and uh anything we can do just just give us a call give us an email and uh and join the land of the living because things are changing quick and uh at the very least in the future we’re going to see a label we might see a label on McDonald’s franch fries that says be aware this is a cancer causing product we we seriously might see that I mean if do it on cigarettes and they’re considering doing it to to liquor now we may see it on some of the food please let me a seat 20 seconds folks I I say this to you if you’ve been

diagnosed with an issue and you’re going to the doctor if you’re not going to the doctor but you don’t feel well uh if you’re overweight you’ve lost your energy you’re depressed you’re just not physically and emotionally and or spiritually as well as you would like to be and you don’t like it please please listen to this last statement if if that’s the case with you things aren’t right and and and you’re not well you’re you’re you’re not well if you continue to do the same things this year that you did last year that

are causing you to be unhealthy you’re going to stay unhealthy all year so let’s work together and let’s fix it and let’s get healthy amen amen it’s very possible thank you Frank for having us it’s always a pleasure and thank you Dr Rich for coming in and filling our minds up and our hearts again well you’re welcome will and thanks Frank and appreciate it and uh we’re getting ready to get blasted with snow again here uh but it is what it is it is winter and uh just sit by the fire and watch it and

enjoy it thank you gentlemen God bless you will thank you Dr Rich God bless all of you you’re welcome bless family I believe in the product I was taking it for about 5 years before cancer came into my life I’m glad I was it made my cell stronger you may say well how in the world did you get cancer you want to trade shoes and live my life for a few weeks you might understand the pressure that’s on me every day there are many ways to get cancer and I believe that I got cancer by oxidative stress that got out of

hand thank God this product existed in my life because there’s actually a study that actually truly says if you take this product it’ll add five years to your lifespan how can a product make such a statement without getting in trouble because they can back it up all righty family we’re now back again to study the Iraqi dinar and um here we go you ready so we’re not really going to look at Eddie’s report we looked at the articles but before we go any further I want to point out an article Claire can you help me what

number is it in the um the video that I’m looking for where do I find it Jan I’m right here look do I click on this first one click on it double click it’s at the very bottom at the very bottom oh my well done you girls thank you Claire thank you chan oh my that’s nice I don’t know let’s see oh it means I’m going to have to pick this up and turn it and do all kinds of stuff but I do want to show this to you you see this is pre um yeah this is premium so as you can see there is information that I shared throughout the

week and down here after all that information we shared we put this video you see this video and I assigned this video to our ktfa family as homework and the reason why I signed it as homework is because this is a video that is part of the monetary reform education that is being given to the Iraqi citizens so that they can compare what once was oh bless your little heart thank you sweetheart here my wife uh put it up here so this is the uh video and I encourage you if you are not a member of ktf always.com if you’re not a member of

Premium well then you won’t be able to probably see this but this is a of an an amazing video and what the video does is it explains the reasons to the iraqy citizens of why why they stopped the auctions and what the next step is so where a lot of people are going around saying oh Malak is a thief oh it’s never going to happen oh this and that uh I’m busy looking at the reality of this investment that video is so powerful now here’s what you have to do so remember I told you you might want to take pictures tonight you might want to

take notes so go ahead and do me a favor and write this down when you get to this video what you’re going to do is you’re going to go to the the gear you know what the gear is it looks like a gear you know something that turns and turns and turns and turns and turns you know so it’s a it’s it’s it’s a i icon and it’s a little gear you click on the gear then it’s going to take you to the subtitles you look under the CC because that’s what you want close caption you click on that then it’ll take you to a page where

it’ll say that you have now uh Auto translate here scroll down scroll down and you’ll get to English when you get to English click on it and what you’re going to see is the monetary reform education through the monetary policy that is next this is an explanation of the change of the auctions and why they explained that profiteering the stealing of the money of the Iraqi citizens is dead this video is a before and after example of the monetary structure of Iraq before they had their hands tied they couldn’t do

anything they were sanctioned um and now they are article 8 they are free they’re leaving their borders and because they’re leaving their borders it is important for the Iraqi citizens to know what the next step is the problem that uh Iraq has had forever is the the the bad guys they saw the leadership in Iraq to be very weak and they took advantage of it and you saw all the four or five prime ministers in the last 20 years have all been removed right ask yourself Who removed them you can’t answer me so

then I ask you Sudani is the prime minister I ask you this who put him in you can’t answer me was wait a minute Frank I remember the citizens all had purple fingers and they voted for Sudani uh as the prime you know the new prime minister no you didn’t oh yeah there wasn’t a vote was there who put him in it’s not important but my point is for you to be observant of that so we got the right guy in in my opinion and what he was trying to do was accomplish what Dr shabibi was uh was was was telling everybody he told our

dear friend Blue Star John yeah as soon as we have security and stability back we have the video of it when he talked to John directly Dr shabibi yeah John um yeah we need security and stability and uh we you know we can bring back the value of our currency it took 20 years well the problem is that the security and the stability was only acquired by removing Iranian influence I don’t know if anybody else is stealing from Iraq so the security and stability was needed in order to be established and it

has been and it was established about a year after Sudani came in power so we now are looking at a video that you’re going to look at you’re going to study and you’re going to realize that they’re telling the Iraqi citizens what the next step is because what used to be the remember the 4 AG Club any of you are farmers remember the 4 Club yeah the 4 Club was attacking Iraq uh endlessly like a man abusing a woman sexually and just keeping her locked up as a slave Iraq was being brutally raped every day in front of the

world and because it was because of that there was no security and stability to protect the money in the banks the money that belonged to the Iraqi citizens the money for investors what investors we don’t have any investors in our country the whole mansion I my thank you for sending that by the way Mel Gibson just lost his home his whole his whole place oh God bless him he’s a good man so the security and stability was uh extreme extremely needed in order to bring forth uh the new exchange rate the

purchasing power for the currency of Iraq and um it turns out that once we had uh uh Sudani in in charge things started to improve a lot better and we are now at the point in the monetary reform where the auctions have stopped and family that was the instrument that was the tool that was the weapon that Iran was using to steal the power the money the life out of Iraqi citizens their currency we’re talking billions the latest numbers I’ve seen is is is half half a trillion that has so far been brought

back so security and stability was extremely important and during that time we had the 4 club that was running around rampant uh in in Iraq uh in in Iran man uh in in in the Middle East and that 4 Club was uh Hamas uh the htis uh healah Hezbollah Hezbollah and um and uh and and Hell itself it just ran rampant in the streets killing it didn’t matter I mean you know Saddam was a a sick man if you didn’t agree with him he’ walk into your home and shoot your in front of your children I mean this is not

right what is that I don’t know but they come too fast they’re gone now well ban the person so that they can’t do it again yeah wait till it stopped what the Dickens is that see what I have to do with now I think I can I can remember what I was saying yeah so the Hamas the hoodies the hasbullah Hezbollah and and Hell itself the 4 Club was constantly attacking Iraq and they had no security and stability that uh that 4 Club is is now uh is now being replaced by China China is moving into Iran and trying to have a

nice relationship but unfortunately even China cannot fund the 4 Club anymore they got their own problems that’s why they don’t even go to war with anybody they can’t afford to do so so ladies and gentlemen what is the next step of the monetary reform uh this video is the number one thing that I want to share with you okay that’s the number one thing I want to share with you is this person still doing it my page is frozen oh there it goes back now oh such evil people family will you pray ABA heavenly father I’m asking you

please this is what I prayed for at the beginning please remove these demons that are attacking these people that are attacking us they’re innocent they’re just answering to Satan please Papa soften their hearts and let them see the evil that they are doing in the name of your son Jesus by the Holy Spirit I pray amen so security and stability was extremely important in order for things to come back and when you watch this video you’re going to see some things number one it is an explanation of the

change of the auctions profiteering is dead this is a before and after before it used to be that they would steal the money it used to be that they stole it through the auctions but now the after there is no more auctions the cash cow is dead and the security and stability is blossoming inside of Iraq because of the efforts of uh Sudani and the United States Treasury and Donald Trump everybody’s running like crazy in the Middle East because of Donald Trump not because of Sudani everybody knows the truth

so ladies and Gentlemen let’s see how I can take you on this oh by the way at the write this down 19.41% possession the property of the evil Iranian politicians in Parliament that stole from the CBI auctions the black market was another powerful weapon that they use to manipulate the exchange rate of the Iraqi currency itself of their National currency they would manipulate it and take advantage of the sanctions that Iraq was going through as well you’re going to see in this video where they talk about the exchange rate the black

market rap it is dropping it is dying number two you’re going to see in this video that they’re going to tell you that in the coming days there will there will be greater strength and you’ll find that at the 19.41% number three I’d like to point out that they’re talking about the parallel Market profiteering which is what what the which is what was the problem but it’s no longer we have security and stability in order to introduce the new exchange rate that Dr shabibi and the US Treasury have been protecting for a long

time there are no more CBI auctions it is now called let me ask you that the Articles you’ve been studying with me what is it now called when a bank makes any type of transaction transfer P I like that I like that okay but that is the action that occurs after you do this first action uh exchange window you’re you’re in the right direction keep going keep talking to me my question is there are no more auctions in fact let me give you a clue oh who did that who is that just view it girl you go girl uh this person puts re

mittens ladies and gentlemen it’s important for you to understand that the Central Bank of Iraq no longer has the auctions that you are so familiar with they are now doing remittance just like the American Banks do do you understand the power be behind what I just said to you just like the American banks are doing uh just like when you go into an American Bank and you say hey I want to give you my American dollar for some Vietnamese Dong uh that is called a remittance that’s what the CBI is doing

now so when a citizen goes to a bank and they they say I need Dinars you got them but if he says I need American dollars you can only have them for under two reasons are you traveling abroad yes okay do you have medical needs yes okay you’re not the GOI so you don’t have the third option oh okay so ladies and gentlemen the black market where’s my glass I bet I’m not making mistakes I know I so the black market does not feed the enemy the black market does not feed the corrupt parliamentary Iranian

politicians that used to use the exchange rate and manipulate it for their advantage they would sell and buy at rates that were for their pockets you cannot auction any further you can’t do that can you the black market does not feed the evil people anymore Banks Place orders now and in in the United States I gave you that example if you place an order for dong they’re going to go to the US Treasury the US Treasury is then going to send you a remittance so now that this has been established in your mind you understand

that the CBI is now functioning exactly like International Banks exactly like American Banks good let us continue in my opinion and everything that I share with you is strictly in my opinion in my opinion if you study the black market you’re going to notice that it’s starting to drop literally every week it is slowly dropping you may say to yourself but Frank I just looked up the rate and on the CBI it says 1310 I am talking about the black market not the official exchange rate oh okay well what about

that black market it is no longer a weapon it is no longer a tool for the evil profiteering the black market does not feed the Iranian politicians in Parliament any longer last week I looked at it and I followed it from Monday onward on Sunday it was 1310 on Monday it was 1275 on on Wednesday it was 1170 yesterday it was 1160 excuse me that was Wednesday the 8th 1160 in my opinion Sudani is looking for the black market to reach 1,000 when he does in my opinion game is on that is the next step ladies ladies

and gentlemen Sudani and his crew his people US Treasury whoever you want to include in that in that group are watching The Parallel well it’s not parallel anymore they’re watching the illegal Black Market they are noticing oh you you you you can’t get dollars can you no we can’t so what’s the value of the dollar it’s dropping thanks to you CBI thanks for stopping the auctions good so Sani and the CBI and the US Treasury study as the Black Market drops and drops reflecting to the official exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar as it

also then drops and drops and I just gave you a scenario of what I watched it from 11 excuse me from 1310 to 1275 to 1170 to 1160 then it goes back up again why because we start a new week what causes that fluctuation the supply and demand of currency in the country but there is no American dollar that’s why the value of it is dropping and that’s why the value of the exchange rate that you see at the CBI is dropping that is the next step no we’re getting close to to the next St so ladies and gentlemen um let me now

um share the the the the concept is that President Trump gay girl that’s interesting gay is going to get even more interesting get ready man hold on hold on okay now the thing is that Donald Trump is telling not just Iraq not just Iran but he’s telling everybody that that disrespected Us in these last four years to pick a finger and leave the American dollar alone we don’t need your help we don’t need no basket we don’t need to be paired we don’t need to be pegged leave my currency alone China because you

abuse it don’t you and you know that because you keep your Exchange in very low you abuse it Vietnam you abuse it all you countries let in fact everybody let go of the American dollar Sudani I love you man we’re going to do good let go of my dollar if you do your that your your currency will grow automatically yeah that’s true supply and demand kind of stuff huh yeah let go my dollar I don’t care about what you do I don’t care about your RA in your country I don’t care about your currency yeah we got a bunch of it in our

reserves I care about the American dollar that’s what I care about I care about the American people Coach Campbell all he lives is for his players Sudani Trump trump all he lives for his American citizens leave my dollar alone grow up and they did have you been to Iraq back my wife and I were a few hundred miles away from it last year so what was the the the weapon what was what was the weapon again what was it again I the black market the auctions okay oh and the and and the black market wasn’t using the official rate it was

using their rate and that’s what they mean by parallel rates here’s the official rate and here’s the kataa rate you know that the that the evil ones use you know like China here’s the regular rate that everybody else uses but no they keep it super low so they can steal money from everybody when they export and import so what was it again let me see uh we had the black market uh and we had uh the parallel R mhm well well well both of those are gone I know they’re gone I know okay so ladies and gentlemen this

is where I introduce to you the next step The Next Step God bless you my brother God bless you my brother be safe all right be safe um so if the black market and the parallel rate which is you know The Offspring of the black market if they’re gone well then what what are you going to do now CB Sudani what are you going to do CBI what are they going to what are they going to do US Treasury the answer is you have two options the first option was already posted by somebody here on the on our on our UB tub and what was that first

option that they posted go ahead and post it again show me what’s the first option that Sudani the CBI the US Treasury now that they have removed these auctions what’s the first uh what’s the next step what’s the next step that they can do thank you uh Travis the answer that he put down is uh a basket okay a basket all righty now let’s talk about that basket basket um the thing about that basket like I said earlier is that it it it it has other currencies in that basket do you honestly think that the

Iraqi dinar wants to Peg to the American dollar when the Iraqi darar wants to go way past a dollar it wants to return back to what it was back in 2003 $322 how you going to reach that gold if you reach a basket slowly yeah but you don’t want to waste time do you anymore probably not all righty so what’s the next option let’s see here um a basket and then Travis goway girl says basket and then I see Travis I believe he’s the only one that says uh float so the Iraqi dinar in my opinion right now is being studied by those that

study it very well and they’re watching and you should too watch it as the rate goes down and in fact have you ever noticed oh dear I’m not going to be able to find it dear God I just realized there’s no way I’m going to find it somebody sent me uh a chart uh from Forex this morning yeah do you have it honey do you know the phone number you find it for me okay and this uh is an interesting example because the the the the rate of the Iraqi dinar like for example on Forex it bounced all over the place last

week it bounces all over the place every week why again supply and demand but but but but but the the supply is limited and the demand for the Iraqi dinar um is going up because there’s no other currency in Iraq even at 1310 yeah but externally oh really yeah when they buy they sell and they trade with foreign currencies and when then when they use the iri dinar they’re showing what rate they’re using for it are they really yeah is it a dollar to match to the to the to the dollar the US dollar is it

one to one no I see $2 I see $3 no I see a lot of stuff and this is the example oh jeez I want to block this name sticky yeah give me a sticky and this is an example of what I’m talking about oh thank you very much and you all have seen this I mean we’ve studied it and it’s very difficult you say what does that mean and then you look at it the next day well wait a minute the the rate is different again and by the way the red the the numbers in the red they they they they’re showing you the rate there

and there it is different again so yeah here I’ll read you the numbers so that you have an idea of this type of fluctuation that occurs I got ooh 405 that was uh 405 202 $22 202 49 cents yeah so it depends um what the market uh calls on and the rate is established and in my opinion I strongly believe that Sudani and the US Treasury are watching this uh this this black market rate and uh they they will consider one of two options and the first option as we have established uh would be a basket and and and and

what we’ve talked about it is that I don’t think that that would be the best route it can go that way but I just don’t I don’t know you know why go slower and and why Peg yourself to a dollar who else is in that basket it better be currencies from the Middle East that are at least three plus if not you’re wasting your time Iraqi dinar right yeah okay so what’s the other option that you have float okay now we talking let’s float I say let’s float yeah I think that floating would be a good idea every many everything in my opinion

is moving extremely fast um when we reach this 1,00 to1 and we have an article that says that don’t we we sure do they’re looking at it they’re studying it that article is like about 2 three years old but it’s in the final article thread and their desire is that when they get to 1,00 to one you know how quickly they can lift those three zeros like that pushing a button and now you’re one to one but do you want to stay that way is that really what you want to do go into a a basket no well then why don’t you float it go

ahead and float it and start at one and see where it goes from there and that’s why in my opinion everything is moving so fast family because the dollarization actually the dollarization of the whole Middle East is because of what Donald Trump is doing yeah there’s no more there’s no more cash cow the CBI brings the value of the IQD up by remittance now hey why Why by remittance well didn’t we say we need a security and stability yeah and then we say that we got that yeah you see the remittance

process versus the auction process um they’re doing that because the CBI can control the rate they have full autonomy over it the black market does not control does not dictate the exchange rate not the black market no and and and it and and it and it it does control the fluctuation of the prices as an example of what I just gave you indeed but dollariz uh will gave dollariz gave the CBI full control of their exchange rate of their currency and it put them in article a compliance no restrictions yay

therefore uh there is no outside interference anymore there’s no outside influence right now uh concerning their monetary reform um nothing can affect nothing can stop nothing can delay the new exchange rate that is coming they are now in full control of their exchange rate of their currency the black market is uh pretty much dead now there is uh no money for the corrupt to funnel the national currency out of the country and that truly without a doubt is brilliant I told you the cancellation of

the auctions was brilliant there is no outside influence no nothing is affecting the monetary reform nothing is touching the IQD exchange rate in fact walking stick said that alone that alone being article8 that nobody can touch them and if you have children cover their ears right now okay if you have children cover their ears it’s no big it’s no it’s no biggie but he says that right there that’s badass that is serious you got control of your currency you know how long you haven’t had control of it yeah and

you’re going to leave it that way no that’s badass Frank I said yes sir it is yes sir it is you see a lot of countries manipulate they control their uh their their their their own uh currency uh they they they do they do it also to foreign currency via uh through through through suppression uh via uh uh depreciation and and I don’t think that the IRA like China does like China does and I don’t think China is the biggest manipulator of foreign currency right now whoever is connected to China in that bricks good luck you’re gonna get

sucked they’re gonna suck the blood out of you you might as well call call China Kula all of you in that basket they’re gonna suck you alive and you don’t even know this you know that but you hate Trump you hated America so much you love the the the pity stuff you have full control you have full control of your currency of foreign currency so I believe that reaching 1,00 to1 um has been their goal all along all along 1,00 to1 seems to be within reach I believe that that is their goal mission accomplished sir no Frank

accounting accomplished yes I understand that statement the the Simplicity of this accounting is genius thank you Dr shabibi family it will be very easy to lift the three zeros uh my teams want you to know when they go from 1,00 to one to one: one but the question is what will they do next after that at one: one will it be the float for the real effective exchange rate but also we want to point out that we don’t believe that fractional banking is going to be a part of it it is being avoided at the onset

and that is also I think a very smart move by the CBI question will they release the new currency and the new exchange rate asset back what if you’re going to float it why don’t you make it acid backed can we do that really for over how many times over five six that many times we can double really why so why are we thinking about three or four man why we oh inflation okay uh will they release the new currency and the new rate um as as as you know their Fiat as acid backed gold backed because they got a they got four

rivers full of it could could you could you could you consider that CBI it would go quicker it would be acute boom right now you can come at it hey R right that’s what you’re doing come out at 322 you want to I I want you to yeah please don’t go the long route okay unless you really need to control and you know watch every step okay you know consider the basket but the basket’s going to tear you down it’s going to bring you down you’re not you’re worth more than a dollar okay consider coming out when it hits 1,00 to1 okay consider

coming out gold back assd back okay holy cow you know why because didn’t didn’t didn’t didn’t President Trump tell you grow up didn’t he tell you stand on your own two feet didn’t he tell you stop using the American dollar why would you like to double the dollar you can trip why don’t you triple it why don’t you quadruple it you got this ability this is interesting in my opinion CBI Sudani US Treasury I think we should do something acutely right now at at at the start um Iraq um who who who needs to stand on its own two feet

um uh you you you you you you you you you should float it with banss control it so that when it reaches a certain point that you know that the RV showed you that it’s feasible and it doesn’t affect your inflation or your M figures then then go ahead and cap it at that point okay how many how many times how many times can can we bring back our currency how many times over how many woo answer uh a lot because it’s not just oil we have much much much much more and on top of that all of our futures are based on not only tapped but

untapped resources we’re Filthy Rich rank I know and it would be an insult for you to consider a basket I say you should because the the basket is a chronic thing I think you should go ACC cutely right now and get yourself uh uh out there at 3:22 welcome back you want something welcome back welcome back what you think K well V I know okay we come back at 322 okay we will and if we do um uh we’ll just put bands on it like you know and and and keep an eye and control it and watch it and if it gets growing going to

stop it stop it stop it stop it right about there and that’ll be our official that’ll be the real effect of exchange rate huh okay one one in a basket with who um I don’t know well look if you did may I suggest if you’re going to go with a basket may I suggest you go with uh Kuwait they’re like three plus Saudi Arabia Dubai United United Arab Emirate yeah yeah oh it doesn’t your basket you know that’s it doesn’t have to just be from the Middle East I don’t know of any other countries other than the Middle East they’re in

the $3 range but but if you’re going to go in a basket go with a basket that that’s got big boys the dollar yeah I know the dollar is in the it may probably won’t be in the basket huh if I was Trump I wouldn’t put it in no basket do you know if anybody any basket where the dollar is right now so that would be a good idea those are the The Next Step you now know and then the next step has two options and you now know and I believe that one of those two options is better than the other one and you now know which one

ladies and gentlemen we have articles on on both of these options yeah we do it’s final article thread please enjoy you have to go back and dig them up I’m not going to find them for you be a student for those of you that are good students you already have notes don’t you we have articles on both of these options but we have no answer yet on which one they will pick and um but but we sure are going to study it very deeply together aren’t we we’re going to walk watch it as the days go by collection of old currency notes uh

and coins uh is actually popular in Iraq there are many coin collectors uh currency collectors in uh Iraq right now uh and most of them are from the Middle East they have a love of the history of their currency um the picture that I kind of showed you that picture looks like um like a collector’s inventory but it also might be truthfully as that young man said from that bank I don’t know the monetary reform um starts with a redenomination it uh it went into a dealing with the sanction and dealing

with article 8 and then it went into a revaluation phase and then it went into a second set of books that were tested approved and successful and then the CBI decided to kill uh the auctions and that equaled the the the cash cow dying and that equaled security and stability for the new exchange rate to come out in the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar now Sudani is going to look at the black market and decreasing daily weekly uh because there are no restrictions on his currency thank you for those that are helping us

financially we we we we need your help with walking stick for next week thank you so much I am humbled by your help thank you he is too pray for him the new medication they’re giving him it burns his stomach really really bad he told me he said it feels like you know when you get shot you get shot in the arm and the leg you know shoulder it’s okay what happened what fell down the flowers falling oh my don’t go boom how long has it been that way I don’t know Tammy just said it’s dying it’s dying

really you guys saw that and you didn’t say anything you kept looking at the flower sideways and crooked and you went what was I saying yeah it’s because he has no restrictions his hands are not tied and he’s watching it slowly decrease so what you’re going to do sadani you’re going to float with other currencies uh or are you going to come out with asset backing at maybe $3.22 and then cap it CU you know if you if you if you if you float with other currencies at least let the those other currencies have some $3 value to it the

American dollar is not as valuable as the other Middle Eastern currencies that I suggested to you I strongly believe that asset backing and coming out with a float would be better therefore when the official rate is which is at 1310 when it hits 1,00 to1 then you can go to 1: one and game on one to one hm then the question is uh do we float or do we come out at at an r at at three plus assd back um I don’t know that is the question that will that that’s where we’re at right now in our study family it is a giant leap for all

mankind isn’t this a lot better than oh God forgive me um I I I I hope that you’ve enjoyed my teachings to you tonight and that’s um that’s what’s going on uh with the monetary reform right now uh not not the insult uh question of many that constantly are asking when is it going to happen um stop abusing the dollar says Donald Trump stop abusing the dollar says uh Donald Trump I hope that they don’t go on par uh Donald Mr Trump I hope that Iraq does not go on par with the American dollar I want their I want their

official rate uh I want their official rate I don’t want the the black market rate to start out with but you know what uh uh Mr Trump whether it comes out at a float or whether it comes out of the basket either way you know if it comes out float or basket or AET back either way we win so in in quick summation let me see my Detroit Lions blue color Honolulu blue I found out today Tink why the Detroit Lions are are are Honolulu blue color what well the team was bought out of a com a man in uh Ohio but then he

sold it to a company in uh Michigan and uh up in Michigan they they had the colors red and white but they already had the Pistons the Red Wings you know and all that color so he decided to lay out these colors because he had just come back from Hulu Havi he was hanging Lucy still had his hoola skirt on and and he laid out the one of the uh the the things that I guess it was a towel or something he brought back there was a Honolulu blue and he laid out other blues and he brought in uh this couple a friend of

his that he had been friends with for a long time and he asked them he says which one of these uh three blue colors do you like and they said that one which was the Honolulu blue which I wear today I wear my Lion’s color black and blue that’s how we end up all right let’s see if if if if if I can do this I don’t even know if I can let me see so roughly around 2,000 and uh oh man so much Rana Lulu blue let me go with red maybe that way it’ll stand out better for them too so back in uh back in 18 no back in in

2000 and roughly uh let’s go 14 16 we had uh can you see that yeah okay we had um a situation where they came out and they gave them uh the mechanism in order to add value to the Iraqi dinar so it was uh it was was basically the Mr I always refer to it as the Mr didn’t I yeah then the monetary reform started to teach the Iraqi citizens that Hey listen we need to uh r d what you mean I’m real dumb no I no I didn’t say you’re you’re real D I said we need to Rd Red denominate oh what’s that mean we’re going to collect your

three zero so get into the banks okay we need you to open account no and it took forever for for uh for the uh for the education to allow these uh these Iraqi citizens to trust the banks and eventually they did go in there so they learned about well we got and and we have the Articles we have the Articles so they learned when they went into to the banks um we got what coming yeah when wow so while the redenomination of the uh monetary reform education which is exactly what is uh monetary reform

education which is what exploded right around that time they started to tell them a lot of stuff and they were very interested then while that was going on this was going happening the RV the they the the the computers remember we talked about the supercomputers the the black solid black supercomputers that were on the second floor of the CBI where is the US Treasury where I tell where did I tell you they’re at now on the eighth floor so anyways then the monetary reform education told them we are reevaluating

our currency what does that mean well we want to recalculate recalculate recalculate recalculate recalculate you know based on all of our M figures M12 and three figures based on our inflation uh based on our GDP J based on many things okay yeah we are reevaluating uh the the the possibility of a of a new exchange rate yeah you are yeah and and so far uh so far we we like one two uh one to one with the American dollar okay whatever so they recalculate recalc Rec and they did everything that they wanted

and it was at that time that all of a sudden a second set of books started to test it and we told you about it remember so uh a walking sticks firm uh that were testing uh paying them in American dollars versus Iraqi yeah you remember all that so after the Set uh the second uh the set of books tested it all then we walk into what we are uh where we’re at right now pretty much and that is that the auctions Au u c t i o n you see uh uh auctions uh dead uh oxy’s gone yeah okay bye-bye so now what is the next thing to do well the

next thing to do is pay attention to the official official rate why because the this rate it doesn’t exist anymore the street rate the market rate well it kind of does but it’s dying yeah I know and when it dies to the point that it can reach to 1,00 to one well then we can see one to one very easily and then you have to decide okay are we going to go with a float or are we going to go with a basket well boo boo I would rather go with the roof beer float myself okay so there it is okay you here let me hold it

up if you want to take a picture of it this is what you’ve been studying with me for so long is that bounced out there you only that that’s what you’ve been studying with me for so long and this is where we’re at right now so as the as the as the days the weeks the months whatever go by we are going to be studying the very same thing that the CBI is study is that okay with you will you join me will you be a part of our study I hope so you’ve learned an awful lot tonight family an awful lot more than I

intended to actually sh sh I thank you kindly for being with us I um I always save something for the end and I will like I always do so right now we start to um start to tear down we start to uh say thank you to those that helped us with financial contributions um Rebecca Hill God bless you thank you Donnie enman hey it was good talking to you on the phone yesterday Donnie thank you brother uh ch Bella Beth bartone gotcha gotcha and then again gotcha gotcha huh twice Beth Barton again oh that’s twice too you go

girl uh Dar darson yeah darlon uh valy valy Mr holiday how you doing buddy uh Linda tetric Red Dirt oh I like that why do I like that Tink Red Dirt shirt Red Dirt man Red Dirt shirts yeah you see in Hawaii if you wear a white T-shirt and if you come with me where should I take him bab take him up the halaka ranch take him the col Ranch yeah take them uh oh where we got remarried again what’s it the firm G where is that in Kawai isn’t it that’s in Kawai yeah yeah because you see the islands uh they’re they’re not Coral

like like the Caribbean islands they’re not Coral they are um Lava and lava is a lot of iron that’s what uh the middle of the Earth has a lot of iron it is that iron that magnetic core that allows us to to be protected from the sun’s Rays if not we’d all be dead hold on gentlemen so yeah it um the the lava when it comes up and the iron when it lays on the ground it oxidizes it turns red when you go to Hawaii the land the land is all red the trees are all green and the sky is blue and white it’s

beautiful ladies and gentlemen uh allow cliff and Tony to give you a quick little update here and then we’re going to continue uh gentlemen the floor is yours go for it hey brother Frank how you doing Budd it’s Tony Gooding good Tony go for it yes just want to let the family know that we are still out here kicking out songs um and I sometimes take for granted Frank so let me take just a minute to explain what we do s cliff and are songwriters and we’ve been on the program and we write custom songs

if you have a birthday anniversary uh remembrance uh special occasion Love Song Valentine’s Day is coming up we will write a customized song with uh your name in it and we’ll make it special to your occasion and it’s a gift that gives on and on and on and uh you heard a testimony show last week very powerful some of the songs we write are very touching and we just did one this week for a young lady that was married for 55 years her husband had passed away recently and we did a remembrance song for him that was just

blow her away she said and so we were happy to do that and we just want everybody know that we’re running a special right now for a valentine special uh Mr Freedom or or God has put up there uh that we’re doing 20% off of our songs our songs cost for one song $125 but we’re doing it for a 100 uh just a special for the ktfa family and we really enjoy doing what we do and we we’re really excited about the opportunity that uh Frank you and Jan have given us and we’ve just got a special prod again that I want to

mention briefly we were contacted recently by a angel mom to write a very special song for her uh and we’ll be releasing that more we can talk more about it later but we were able to do that that’s going to be a national release song that we’ve written for them and and hopefully soon on the show we’ll play that song for you all but we just do a lot of Special Projects like that that we’re excited about uh again if you want to get a hold of us 423 367 7648 is our number uh we look forward to talking to you and we answer all the

phone calls and uh like I say it’s just a joy to us to put a smile on people’s face I also want one last thing the last day to order of Valen time special song is going to be February the 10th that gives us time to create the song and get it back to you in time for that special day so that’s what we got buddy we appreciate it hey I appreciate you guys a national song wow it seems to me that Frank 26 song should be National do on it yeah yeah I I think it already is it’s International there there you go

yeah there you go oh yeah yeah we call ourselves International songwriters thanks to your show because we did London we’ve done a different ones from all over the country Australia we’ve had some International success I guess because of the Frank 26 show you have a lot of countries watching you right now I mean a lot of countries P about man we appreciate the opportunity and like I say we uh we put heart and soul into every every song we do and we uh cliff and I argue and fuss over every line and every word but we come up with

a good uh us a good rendition and we try to tell the story based on the form that the people fill out and uh you know if you just click our link and go to that that put on the screen that would be great if not just call me and we’ll get you a link that you can go and fill out a form Roger that thank you and God bless you all by God bless you appreciate yes sir take care bye bye yeah they make me so happy because they make so many other people happy they’re very talented what a special gift to give to somebody a song that belongs to

them forever and ever look at my song anyways family um we had some Bank stories but I’m tired it’s been a long night it’s already 8:30 and it’s uh it’s best that we say goodbye let me see real quick here let got I think you got anything else that I need to when do you want to do your next YouTube oh yes when are we going to do our next YouTube Holy Cow honey bun here’s another whole pile of notes here that I didn’t even get a chance to look at oh what’s this oh look at somebody sent this it’s a such an unusual envelope but look at

that isn’t that precious hold it so yeah watch it it should work oh I got to push the button there is that cute or what guys than for my birthday a birthday to me that was Mr holiday is that is that who Mr and mrs’s holiday oh this is so cute it’s mine it’s mine it’s mine it’s mine oh yeah here it is we wanted to wish you and Frank happy birthday we are so grateful for the both of you God bless you guys one day we shall meet on that Beach uh I can’t think of anything else so let me just simply dismiss us with

the prayer and if if if Andy’s here he’ll blow the show far yes Tink YouTube when do you want to do the next one oh when I do one the next YouTube never hold on honey let me look at the calendar over here Monday Tuesday Wednesday uh we did two this week we did Tuesday and today all right our next ubtv will be the 14th Tuesday the 14th 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time if I get in the mood to sing maybe I’ll come in early and if not I’ll see you at 6 all righty let us uh let us be dismissed and let us uh let us pray in

doing so ABA Heavenly Father it is your child it is me I come to you you know me you know my name you know every hair on my head even though I’m losing them but you still know me I know you and I love you and I and I’ve grown to love and and to know everything that everything that I do father is for you belongs to you it’s by you it’s of you it’s you’re you you are a part of me I am a part of you and I fear nothing you have protected me in ways that I had never even dreamed about I love you and I thank you for

this evening because I think it was successful I I didn’t I didn’t scream that much I didn’t I didn’t act too silly and I think we got the message across I sincerely believe that people are are going to say tonight I understand better and that and that and that’s my purpose isn’t it right now God I’ve been talking to you about this hav’t I I’ve asked you am I doing the right thing have I wasted 20 years of my life on the internet am I deceiving am I misleading people why do you have me doing this

when it doesn’t come about and the reason why is because you have asked me to you’ve asked me to I don’t hear your voice but I hear everything else thank you for the beauty that you allow me to see thank you for the for the my family my children my grandchildren the love that they bring to us thank you for my wife my soulmate my sister in Christ my true friend thank you for my sister sister and my aunt thank you for the little family that makes me so happy forgive me of my sins for there are many and I’m sorry about

them rather ashamed to talk to you about my sins but I have to I confess them and I and I turn myself over to you again thank you for allowing your son to die on that my cross for my salvation I will talk to you again very soon when I eat I love you in the name of your son Jesus by the Holy Spirit I dance with you I talk to you I pray to you I worship you amen amen amen amen amen amen amen thank you Andy love you my brother yes sir I love you and your beautiful wife I’m beautiful too he stopped

talking the parent took over I can’t think anything W to say I got you I got you I gotta I can’t anything with it to say that’s too funny anyways oh man I had something in my mind I had a thought and now it’s gone I oh you my goodness I forgot what I was going to say I think it was probably the the dessert the last part there there’s a there’s a bank in Georgia it’s called a it’s a Chase bank and the person that called me to a couple days ago they said Frank they they said they know about denar

no how they know because of a meeting no because uh it’s in the system what I didn’t even know that in in what do you mean in the system well she says that she could see it so yeah they know about the dinar but she says um but they they can’t do anything uh until they get a phone call I like that one they can’t do anything until they get a phone call hello who this and that’s my dessert to you God bless you all thank you kindly for being with us I’ll be with you um next Tuesday now obviously if if something important

happens you know it’ll be in premium and premium yes I will continue to share uh Eddie’s report in fact Tink Claire remind me tomorrow uh to release uh information in premium and in club 26 I get so busy I forget sometimes oky doie yep Okie did Claire say okie doie no no what’ she say she’s busy oh she’s busy right now okay okay well family I leave you in peace I’ll see you on Tuesday at 6 pm. Eastern Standard Time uh pray for the fires pray for our country pray for Israel um pray for our soldiers this is Desert

Storm and this is Iraq Freedom thank you all of you that uh that protect our country God bless you I used to be a de on until I watched Frank’s UB with a twinkle in his eyes and got by his side Frank teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need a f i tune into Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in out tune in here this is the now take it me Frank is no it’s okay T give this man a cook abely you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because

they are so glaring so whenever I need a fix I tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street to in now to in here this is the thing I be set up be patience and get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on Iraq and you give us the R so whenever I need a dinar fix I tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street now here this is the hey T I need a cookie come on tank I deserve some

cookies so cute cookie cookie cookies cookies give up the cookies ladies and gentlemen I want to show you something because uh good we’ve lost five or 600 people and for those of you that stay I want to show you something this is from a malberry bush and these are um the red berries that grow what is this called this is um malberry Bush but it’s also called um Holly yeah this is a time of the year for it and and when the berries the holly berries come out it’s a good sign isn’t it Brad God bless you all sweet Aloha I’ll see

you on Tuesday except uh in premium and Club 26 bye-bye well of course I showed it I mean look what we released tonight goodbye yeah goodbye cut raater alligator see you later peace out CB Scout yeah byebye okay


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