MarkZ (Uncut) 01-24-2025
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 01/24/2025
Good morning, all. Yeah, RWI, I’ve definitely noticed very few people go to the… seldom go to the trouble of scratching the surface of things to find any inner truth. They just don’t care.
Because then they’d have to be resp… actually, they do care. And that’s why they won’t do it. They care a little, but not enough to do something.
So if they scratch the surface, they know the truth. Then they gotta act on it. Much easier just to play dumb.
Is the way they do it. I can’t go that way. Not built that way.
Hello, Nancy Davis. Good to see you. Hello, Barefoot Gypsy.
Hello, Chris. Hello, Jay Sample. Mile high, Trish.
Welcome to the wrench. Hello, Georgia. Boy, I can’t do that very well anymore, can I? Should we try any more? Your ears hurt now.
Yeah, that didn’t go well. Hello, Towboat. Hello, Eeyore.
Hello, Chuck. Hey, look, I think you were doing the right thing. Took a break waiting for Trump to take over.
I appreciate it. It is looking good, though. Hello, Kenneth.
Whoa, slow it down. See what Bowler just dropped in. Mountain Goat’s stuff.
There’s a new sheriff in town. His name is DJT. What will his policy be towards Iraq’s financial system? Four years have passed since his last administration.
There has been way too much progress in the banking and financial reform to turn back to the days of the prior Trump administration laden with sanctions. We’ll talk about the CBI contact that Al Sudan is hoping for, an invite to visit the new president in Washington. Or better yet, have him come to Iraq.
Yeah, it’ll be soon. Hello, Mr. Legare. It’s good to see you in here, brother.
Hopefully you are holding up. Mary’s birthday. Happy birthday, Mary.
Now I am. Everybody say a prayer for tech. Phone calls have been dropping here a lot.
It’s always difficult to talk to Mr. C. So everybody cross your fingers and say your prayers in the background. Anybody else enjoying? Oh, wait, before I get into more birthdays, a cutting edge 2024 study shows collagen can drastically can have drastically positive effects on skin health. This study found that women who take a daily collagen drink see a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and firmer, more hydrated skin.
But it’s important not to use just any random collagen. Make sure you use collagen that’s backed by real science. Yeah, but that’s why I use this amazing multi collagen.
Absolutely love how it’s transformed my skin for the better. Unlike poorly sourced collagen, you’ll typically find on store shelves. It uses the top five critically important types of collagen for skin health.
Unique formulation in its designed to reduce visible signs of aging, reducing wrinkles, promoting a youthful glow, promote elasticity and promote skin hydration. Simply mix this in your morning coffee, protein shake or smoothie to give your skin the support it needs each day. Do your skin a favor and grab some while it’s 51 percent off during their holiday promotion at… Yeah, you can’t make this one up.
Health with Mark Z. I love that one. They did well with it. Plus, order today and receive free VIP live health and fitness coaching for life, a free e-book titled The 14 Foods for Amazing Skin, 60-day satisfaction guarantee and free shipping with your order.
Once again, that is Oh, wait a minute. Carol just said hospital bed prayers needed. Carol sending prayers.
We have a couple of people needing. My inbox has just been absolutely inundated and blown away. All I can say is if you emailed me, I’m trying.
Listen, pay attention if you’ve emailed questions because I’m probably going to ask it live rather than take the time to type just because I’m that crushed. Get pressed for free time to get to those. Where were we at? I was trying to see if I could find the other prayer request.
No, I’m not seeing it quickly. I don’t want to take too much time away. All right, back to it.
But prayer is headed your way. If you have a prayer request, guys, please sound off in chat so that people can see it. We have so many awesome prayer warriors in here.
Oh, boy. See a hopeful girl. I was laid off yesterday, along with most in my team from a tech company.
I pray the RV really takes place in the next couple of months. I think you’re going to get it way sooner than that. Trump is expected to make the stop in the Reno area.
I see some of these. I’m enjoying them. The storm in Scotland is bad.
Pray for those having storm damage. Donna, give us a little more details. What kind of storm? Like thunder, lightning, snow, ice, jewels, bells.
I don’t know why. And I’m wondering if Flynn comes in later. In other words, Trump’s still trying to get through appointments first, so he doesn’t want to create any more backlash.
Although, boy, a few Republicans threw a little gas on the fire for fun and trolled and said, hey, we’re considering legislation to allow him to run a third term. Liberals all over the world. A whip brought up a great point.
I love that whip. It said, don’t forget the prayer room in Telegram. If you want to find that one, you just go to the original Let’s refresh that puppy.
You can see the button over here for Telegram. You just click it. It will give you a link to those so you can go straight to Telegram.
It’s a great way for you to put in your prayer request there. Please say happy birthday to my granddaughter, Lillian, for today. Happy birthday, Ms. Lillian.
Hey, look. The last president to serve more than two terms was a Democrat. Right? Let’s see.
He and Melania have already boarded the helicopter coming to North Carolina. They need to not forget Hawaii in that. They have pushed and said, no more foreign aid until we take care of those in America first.
They’re freezing it to make certain that the folks in California, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, all those areas are taken care of from the storms and fires, natural disasters. We need to not forget that we still have Americans suffering in Hawaii. Good morning.
Where is Gary seven? Guess what I’m going to do this weekend. I’m going to read the ice wall escape. We have so many authors in here.
I love getting to brag on them whenever I can. David, I don’t have any news on when Trump is going to visit the Middle East. I would expect when he does that it will be a surprise trip for security reasons, but also because he has set a precedence of America first.
It would not have the proper look for him to take off across the seas unless it is something extremely pressing and take away from his domestic agenda, even though he is very much working sending people, sending his most trusted people all over the world to make certain that things are happening overseas, Middle East, Ukraine, you name it, bring peace and values to some currencies, but he also has the optics that he has got to be here, so I can live with that one. Panama Canal number ship toll rate, 250 grand a ship, carries 25,000 containers, holds 250 big screens, TVs. Holy crap, it really is.
Boy, that’s some good money. I need that gig. I’m reading a few of these.
You haven’t missed any bond news or anything. We haven’t started yet. On the news, just dealing with don’t forget the Barrett Jackson auto auction this week.
Well, I get to look at it and dream and wish we’d have already RV’d beforehand. Mark, remember there are hundreds of campers sitting in Florida. FEMA refuses to release.
They need to go to the people in need ASAP. Eric, amen. Give me as many details and email me, Eric, anything you can on that, if you’re up for it.
I will post social media, Twitter. I will do this. I will get other friends that have larger followings.
Maybe we can get Elon’s attention so he can amplify it. Then it makes it to Trump. Some folks from the Trump administration occasionally watch our podcast, though.
Sit in. I’ve had conversations with some of them, so I know they watch it because they’ll talk about some of the content. So having these discussions in here and in chat, guys, are very, very important.
Prayers for your brother on his birthday in the hospital. I just saw that, Jamie. Prayers.
And Michael with a birthday? It might be kind of fun. Can I just start randomly making up a name and talking about their birthday? That’d be kind of fun. Storm Eowyn is impacting Scotland with strong winds and causing significant disruption across the country, particularly on the West Coast.
Prayers for Scotland. Be nobles, I’m with you. FEMA, a lot of heads need to roll.
Figuratively, I’m talking about jobs, people being held responsible, being punished, whatever, to make certain they’re disciplined so that the failures in FEMA never happen again. All agencies need that. All agencies, all companies, all people need to take a look and learn from past failures and figure out how to be better.
We can either, guys, we can keep walking around quacking and complaining like a duck or we can fly above it all with eagles. What are you holding yourself to? I couldn’t resist. One of you guys sent me an absolutely epic feel-good little video, one of those motivator videos, and it really resonated, so I’m sharing it with you and then we’re getting in with news.
Because it is that time. Just reading a few of those. I know I’ve got to get to it.
Let’s do the news banner and get to it. Man, is it running fast? I’m missing so many of these. Anna Liberated, the link for Vivek’s speech was on the website in last night’s links.
Once I get through the news, if you’ll remind me then, I’ll find it for you. Or I’ll show you how to find it. Just go to, look for last night’s video, look for the links under here.
Pretty certain it was last night or was it yesterday day? Let’s see. CNA planning mass layoffs, Trump executive order, Judge Block’s birthright. Okay, it’s not there.
Maybe you’re right. Daily for the 23rd. Let’s look there real quickly.
I’m reading through these, see if I can find them. Never let there be any doubt. Right there it is.
That’s the Mike Johnson one. You guys might be on to something. I’ll have to look.
There it is, the kid of a Mexican diplomat. There it is. I’ll make it a little easier for you folks.
Let me do that really quickly. Then we’re getting into the news of the day. Because I’ve gotten some really fun stuff from some groups.
And I found it curious that the wording was so similar between them, so I’m really looking forward to sharing just a snippet from it because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Did you get that link? When I dropped it, I’ll drop it again. That is the Vivek link.
It was a TikTok video. Now we’re to it. And I know I’m going to miss a whole heck of a lot when you guys are commenting, so let’s just get to it.
The $25 billion cost for Iraq’s oil deadlock. Without the oil flowing to Turkey, this is the financial drawback as the Kurdish region and Iraq or Baghdad fight over all of these things. So you have a few self-empowered politicians because they’re making a lot of money selling on the black market that don’t want things to move forward for the betterment of the people of Iraq and the region.
Bury lost $22 billion in over 22 months. That is just from the pipeline. That’s not counting all of the other oil revenue, etc.
It is crippling the Iraqi economy. It’s still doing well, but it could be doing considerably better in covering shortfalls if they get their thumb out of their butt. And man, are they fighting over it.
Trump’s storm hits OPEC, ignites fear in Baghdad. They did their best to sensationalize this headline. It’s not nearly that crazy in the ignites fears in Baghdad, but now the Trump storm hits OPEC.
That is true. That is very accurate. Remarks at Davos and Trump’s drill-baby-drill policy in pushing OPEC to lower prices pick up production caused a drop in oil prices below $75, Brent crude below $79.
It’s the trade-off. Trump’s push. Trump wants it more like $50 a barrel or so because he believes that is something sustainable and would lower worldwide inflation.
And he’s right. It would lower the cost of groceries, etc. And he did.
Just his speech yesterday at Davos, just his approach for drill-baby-drill has lowered the cost of oil, lowered the cost of the pump. This has lowered the cost of your eggs. This has lowered the cost of everything you purchase in your life has started to come down because of that approach.
Energy is 90% of food costs. So it may take a while, but everybody out there, oh my God, he hasn’t done a thing to lower food costs yet. My ass, my butt, excuse me.
He has already started the process and working quickly. Does a couple of things. Iraq wants to be able to sell more production.
It allows them to fill in. So if he takes the approach he’s taken, it puts a real squeeze on Russia because their cost reduces higher than everybody else’s. So as he pushes, it brings stability around the world.
Price drops, stability. Iraq’s still well within. Guys, they are well within the range they need for an RV.
They would love in an ideal world, picture-perfect world afford to be $70 and stay there, but they’re OK. Do you guys remember how much oil was per barrel when this whole thing started? Yeah, like a fourth of what it is. They can afford to go there.
Don’t panic when you see these and the talking heads out going, oh, now they can’t do it. That is not accurate at all. And they are working on massive diversification in their economy with their development road, agriculture and industrial and gas and pipelines.
Trump’s really working with. I find this one very interesting. I was thankful that it got shared with me.
Central Bank of Libya introduces new lower denomination 5, 10 and 20 denominations. Why would a country from Africa, Middle East, et cetera, why would they add lower denominations when their currency takes five of their ones to equal one of ours? It takes a $5 bill to equal one of ours, but they’re reprinting a 20 cent bill. It costs them more to print it than it does than the bill’s worth.
Why would they do this unless they were expecting new values? This one, the only thing that makes sense to me to invest that kind of money, security features, et cetera, is they expect their currency to be worth a little more. There’s not a huge difference in value. So I would not be rushing out to buy the Libyan currency personally, not when there are options out there that are just a better return, in my opinion.
This is not financial advice, guys. Education, entertainment. But what do you guys think? Countries in the region printing new bills, and we’re getting this a lot in a lot of these countries that don’t have much value are printing lower denomination bills.
Pretty unnecessary unless things are going to change. Yeah, I’ve been cursing so much was I’ve been ticked off that I’ve gotten in a bad habit. I got to correct it.
To me, it’s a great signal that we are on the right road. All right, let’s leave that behind. We’re going to come to politics next.
We’ve got a few things to talk about. Multiple Forex traders are reporting that they’re having to sign new terms of agreements focusing on currency exchange values. I find that very interesting.
Doesn’t mean it’s happened yet, but it definitely would be a key thing before they flip a switch. We have reports. I have reports.
I got another one this morning to go with some from yesterday, and it made me confident enough to feel to share it. Being told from a couple of groups at this point that and an Indian nation that funding transactions should be complete in the next few days. What does that mean? That means in the next few days, these folks in the groups expect people to be funded.
That would be huge. Buckle up. We do not know for certain, but that to me was probably the best sign that I’ve had in a while.
And speaking of Indian nations, I cannot believe that I did not mention this one last night. Having grown up for much of my life in the Carolinas, I had many friends that are Lumbee Indians. Donald Trump officially recognized the Lumbee nation yesterday.
That was huge. I mean, I teared up for friends. Can I tell you over the years how many Native American festivals or Lumbee festivals I have been to? I just wanted to say congratulations.
That’s 100 years overdue. 200 years. That’s way overdue.
I just thought that that was a great day for the Lumbee nation. Congratulations. I did too, guys.
When I heard that news, Esther called me yesterday as soon as Trump did it because I was driving. I don’t remember if I was on the way to or on the way back from San Juan, but that really did. I think of the families that I grew up with, the friends that I went to school with, elementary, middle school, high school friends that I’ve worked with.
Just, it was awesome. Yahoo for the Lumbers, right, Rebecca? I have Lumber friends too. I just, it was exciting for them.
Grandma Evie, been to a bunch of festivals also. Congratulations to the Lumbee nation. Just reading a few of those.
Taking a moment out to acknowledge that. Beheasy, many Lumbee friends. I mean, yeah, some of the… All right.
Nothing specific on bonds other than when I got the stuff from the groups that were expecting funding transactions, one of the groups that responded were bondholders. But I have not gotten a response, Pastor Daniel. I wanted to know specifically if that group, was it on their bonds or was it on their currency? Because most of the responses I’m getting about that, that they’re funding transactions, all that should be complete in the next few days.
The only ones I’m certain of are the ones that held currencies. So trying to get a verification as to what on that one group of people. I’m really surprised by how quiet it is on the bond side right now.
That’s not a bad thing at all. That means transactions may well be moving forward quickly. Agro update, nothing new, Cynthia.
I’m still told to expect it to go, that there’s nothing new to say, that it is all organized, squared away and ready. That’s what I keep being told. Janice, I’ve had many tearing up since Monday.
I’ve had a lot of them. I’ve also had some worries sometimes. Yeah, watch for the deep state to start setting fires on Iraqi oil.
Wait, like they did in the past? Alright, let’s keep going. What the means for the Indian, well, part of the fines, penalties, settlements is settling out historic things that are owed. And the Indian nations, it would mean a tremendous inflow of cash.
But if you’re talking about the Lumbee nation being, it means that they are going to be open to so many benefits from the US government for the Indian nations, meaning setting aside time. I mean, heck, I’m thinking about calling all my Lumbee friends and saying, you ready to crowdsource? I mean, hey, we get to have our, I mean, where they get to have their casinos and everything else right now. So I’m pulling for Lumbee Reserve.
I don’t know, somewhere around Lumberton or something in North Carolina. Going to be new eras there. So the tribe can afford to make money and pay for education.
Bill, absolutely, positively a possibility, or it’s a fact in some cases on bondholders and NDAs. Not all of them, though. Some of them are still talking.
They have not been paid yet. I don’t know what to tell you on redemption centers and working, but I am quite literally going to break this out, though, and ask a question, see if I can get a response as to if anybody is working this weekend, if they will let me know what they’ve been told. All right.
As you know, recognizing the nations that have historically been ignored by Democrats and Republicans in all fairness, but yes, by the Democrats that say they care, that have ignored them, it really is. I mean, he must be racist. Sunshine, I’m ready to go.
I’m ready for this to be over. Now here’s one, absolutely. Floyd just popped in and said, as a Muskegee Creek Nation citizen, I encourage everyone to do the same.
If they qualify, contact your tribal citizenship office online to get an application and requirements. Absolutely. If you are certain that you have Indian ancestry lineage, reach out to the nation.
Find out. Swell those numbers. Reach out.
It’s good for them, too, to have bigger numbers, legitimate numbers, of course. Guy, I’m with you. They need to.
But that’s also interior. The Indian nations need to stand up to their tribal leaders and demand better use of dollars as well, just like we, the people. You give leadership too much sway and don’t hold them accountable and they get slack.
Same thing at work, like, you know, the boss. You don’t hold your employees to a higher standard, you don’t get a higher standard. That’s the way it works.
Mr. C is supposed to be in today and I’m glad you said that. I need to whip through the last few ones and we’re going to pray for a useful use of technology today because it has been fighting me. Trump signed sweeping cryptocurrency executive order.
Your takeaway from this one is buried in there or not actually buried in there was executive order. Looks like he is going to get enough that it could stick for up to 10 years. No central bank digital currency outlawed with an executive order.
Senate confirms Ratcliffe is new CIA director. He made it through confirmation. It is official.
Wildfires scorched another 10,000 acres of North Los Angeles. Prayers for you guys. More whipping up.
160 national security staffers are sent home as the White House aligns its team to Trump’s agenda. Boy, he should have done this last time around. He is cleaning house for anybody inside that is going to fight the making the putting of America first.
Got to go. If you’re an unknown, you got to go. We’re only dealing with knowns.
Some Senate Democrats signal support for Trump’s border security agenda. This one is absolutely huge. 13 Democrats jump ships as we will work with the Republicans closely.
We believe in their we believe in the cause. We need more security. We need to overhaul the broken system.
We’re going to want a couple of compromises. These are compromises I can very much live with. They want to make certain that there is a path for DACA children.
In other words, their entire lives have been here. 20, 30 years. A system needs to be put in place to get them legal.
I agree. They’re overwhelmingly 100% American. As far as their mindset, everything else, I agree.
It doesn’t need to be just a rubber stamp because we need things like background checks. We need to make certain there needs to be an effort. They need to learn.
They need to jump through the hoops just like every other legal system had to jump through the hoops. Hoops have changed over the years. When most of our families came here, there were no hoops.
You save. You scrimp. You do whatever it takes.
You get here as desperate, poor, and as broke as you are and you sign a piece of paper. You hold your hand. You take your oath.
You’re in. It was that easy. Of course, that wasn’t easy if you think what these people had to go through to get here and the voyages that it took.
You have a tough time convincing me that it’s harder now than it used to be. Really difficult time convincing me. It’s worth it.
I’m a firm believer in that one. They want something for DACA. I’m trying to remember what the last one was.
I thought it was pretty reasonable as well. And protecting farm workers. They want to make certain that there are still provisions for seasonal labor.
They want to make certain that what’s the word guys? Somebody in here sound off. Where they roll through seasonally, help on the farms, and then go back to said country. They just want to make certain that there is protection there so that some of the bigger farms don’t get screwed and we have a food crunch.
One last one. The deportation flights. Migrant workers, I think.
Seasonal migrant workers. That’s the word I was looking for. Deportation flights begin.
White House announces first jumbo jet of illegals departs America. Two C-17s, two C-130s. They’ve already started positioning them.
They’ve already started taking out. These are ones that were already in the legal system where they were being fought are already headed home. We have seen massive roundups.
Hopefully nobody that’s truly innocent gets wrapped up, but it’s going to get figured out. We have a rule of law in this country again. We’re getting reports of checkpoints in the Midwest near construction areas and zones to make certain as well.
It is a massive effort. Now, there is an extremely interesting one. Here are your numbers per day of encounters.
1,501 a day. January was the average encounters of illegals crossing per day. January 2023 through December 2024.
They average that. And the beginning of this year, just the January 17th through 19th, right before Trump took office, they were seeing 1,645 a day, a spike trying to get in before Biden is gone, before Trump comes in, before the border closes. Then you drop to January 20th post-inauguration.
It drops down to 463 a day the next two days. Then it drops. Yesterday, it dropped to 44.
We went from on average for pretty much the entire Biden administration of 1,500 down to 44. I don’t know about you, but that’s a big difference. That’s huge.
And just getting started. Angel, yes, the bondholders that have not been paid are still talking. All right, let’s do it.
Mr. C, before I say anything else, All right, I think the mic’s working. It went out for a moment. Sorry about that, guys, when I moved it.
Mr. C, I’ve been having tech issues, so I’m praying this goes well. Good morning, me too. Good morning, Mr. C. It’s been kind of wild to stay online, but we’ll try and see what happens.
Right, amen. This is an exciting time. I am really, really, really excited about what’s going on.
It’s finally kick-ass time. We lost Mr. C for the first one. All right, what are we getting now, guys? They do not want you to listen to Mr. C today.
All right, they can hear me again. We’re going to keep trying. We may try a different route with Mr. C because he rarely uses a phone.
We’re going to try something different. If you’re listening, Mr. C, let me try to reach out to you via, well, if they keep finding us, Mr. C, I may try a different approach to reach you via Internet. Okay, fine.
Oh, that’s interesting. They may think you call me, but they’re still playing games. That’s interesting.
They desperately don’t want us talking today. Oh, really? Before we go too much further, I’d like to say my thank yous before they cut me off. Nevada Handyman Bob, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Exciting times. And Lyman, I know you’re ready to go to work. I hope they’ll let me talk to you, but we will see.
So thank you very much. This is wild, Mark. I can’t believe this.
I was going through some stuff earlier today, and I was going to try to bring it up. They may not let me now. Who knows? Let’s go for a couple of questions, and then we’ll see what happens.
All right. The one I’m getting a lot, because there are new people, Mr. C, and I know this is one that we ask you to cover probably 15 times a year. What does Nisera mean to somebody with no currency? Well, first off, you’re going to get your the taxes that you paid into a fraudulent internal revenue service is going back to you penny for penny.
That’s number one. So you’re not going to be totally out of the loop, and that’s total. That’s a great thing, and that has been in the works since 2010, literally.
The other thing is you’re going to see a massive reduction in the expenditures for everyday expenses because all that’s going to come down when they revalue the dollar go to a gold-backed currency. It’s not like you’re out of the loop. It’s just that there are various parts that will take care of you.
There are various trusts that will come open. So I’m not really worried that you’re going to be left out in the cold. Fantastic.
Whimsical wants to know is that business tax or just personal tax? Literally, it’s across the board because the IRS is a fraudulent Puerto Rican corporation in Dunfield, mostly to the Bush people. And the Bush senior in particular, that’s how they divvied up the goodies from Republic 12. Across the board.
That guy. Oh, man. Alive.
We just dropped the call again. We got another question coming. We’re going to keep trying, guys.
We’re going to keep trying. They do not want us talking today. Let’s see.
We’re trying again, guys. Man, I can’t believe these guys. I mean, they do not want us talking.
Let’s go back to the Wanta days. Right. Yeah, it hadn’t been this bad since Wanta was screaming and Bill Bonney wanted nobody to talk to him.
Questions for Mr. C. Please explain to us what we should expect for the collapse of the USD. 30 days after the IQD revalues. Do you expect it to crash at all? I don’t expect it to crash at all.
If we pull the trigger before the crash, what do you think? How do you feel? Oh, I quite agree. But the IQD has nothing to do with the coach coming to me. It’s a separate barrel of funds of gold allocated for that purpose.
So it has nothing to do. And I was told that specifically by the Interpol guys. They’re totally separate operations.
And I think that the… I’m sorry. I’m trying to keep track of where we are. I don’t see any crash coming about, especially now because of what… All right, guys, we’re going to keep trying.
This may be a frustrating one. We’ll go as hard as we can until Mr. C. just had enough. Right.
They definitely do not want us talking to today, guys. Boy, that one didn’t come out. Actually, there was a good one from Michelle in there about taxes, and suddenly it disappeared.
I don’t know who removed that one, but moderators may need to ease up a touch. Let’s try this one again. I mean, if it doesn’t drive you nuts, if you don’t mind calling back when it drops, we can keep grinding through, Mr. C. We’ll just keep at it.
Somebody asked if their business taxes were coming back, and I just don’t know what to tell you. I’ve been told personal income taxes. I was told across the board, so I have to assume it’s both, but who knows? I really don’t know for sure.
We never really talked about it. I was told just across the board because it was not a legitimate operation. That’s all I know.
Yeah, this one’s kind of a confusing one. When they happen, they’ve got to go back to the countries to receive anything coming from the country or settlements. Yeah, Laurel, I don’t understand your question.
Rephrase it and do not do it in caps. Too good a chance of it being removed. Unless you have a vision problem.
Let’s see. Savvy, yeah, no. This is one thing I’ve noticed, Savvy just pointed out, that AI bots have started just shadow banning at random.
You don’t even say anything offensive. They do that to reduce viewership. I was told specifically that that has become an attack modem to get you mad at us when we did nothing, just randomly remove something or somebody.
Great. I’ll tell you, the AI operation excites me because they’re now setting up the agenda for JZ, no tax old house vehicles, exactly. No, you’re not getting pass car registrations.
At least I’ve never heard anything like that. Is it possible? Sure. I was told very specifically only federal income taxes.
Not your state income tax, not your whatever, only your federal income tax is what I was told. Pretty certain that’s exactly how to do it. Yeah, if you guys don’t understand why we don’t let you guys use the caps, that’s how we communicate when there’s something we need to handle between the moderators and myself.
Say there’s somebody in true need and I don’t see the chat, the caps or the mods wave screaming at me. If you guys use it, then it causes problems. As we just keep pounding away at it, Mr. C. Absolutely.
This is incredible. I thought they replaced these guys already, but apparently not. Okay, with regard to AI, I think it’s a precursor to the public being made aware of the amendments.
It’s very exciting. It just did it again. Capital gains, rent wife.
As I understand it, yes, capital gains count as a federal tax, so that would count as something you get back. If it’s federal, no on property tax. You’re not getting that back.
I’ve never heard that from anybody at all. Ever. I’d say we just keep grinding until we wear them down.
They’re not going to keep you quiet. I’m calling you on the corporate line, so we’ll see what they do on that one. At this point, in the past, they just targeted you.
Now I think they target both. Yep. Answers that question.
I may have to get the burner phone. Kevin, I’m going to tell you, they really, last day or two, have gone hard at communication. Let’s see.
We’ve had these interruptions all these years. These guys, yeah, they are. They must be desperate.
Michelle reposted her question. Laurel, let’s see. Yes, you would have to go back to your own country if you want to receive your NACERA-DACERA.
Doesn’t mean you can come back if you can do so legally, but if you want your NACERA-DACERA, you’ve got to go home. I’m back. It’s good to have you back.
Okay. Unreal. It’s a very exciting time for me.
Yeah. Let’s see. Hey, look.
See, that’s why I asked for a few prayers on this one. This is nuts. Gee, DeSanto, it has nothing to do with Wi-Fi calling.
At this point, I’ve switched it on, switched it off as we try to make it work. Kathleen, isn’t it great? Yeah. Who has the ability or capability to shut down communications when they’ll work all day long until it’s the two of us talking? Well, that’s somebody with some tech power.
Absolutely. I’m not quite sure what they’re afraid of from me because what I have is out there. Right.
Question, if you’re a dual citizen, Graham, I’m being told you’re good to go either place as a dual citizen, that you may need to go back for benefits from that nation, but your benefits here, you don’t have to go anywhere. So you’re probably, to take full advantage, probably going to have to go back for a couple of days and then come back to wherever you prefer to be. And boy, it’s happened again.
Let me see if I can talk him into joining us on Monday or something. Yeah, I’m with you. Something’s got to go.
We’re close. We’ve got to be close if they’re this desperate. Absolutely.
Yeah. Lady Magga, probably no mod took you out. It’ll tell you that.
But once again, we are being assaulted. All right, keep going. Unbelievable.
Oh, well, anyway, so be it. I don’t know. There were things I wanted to talk about today, obviously, but they’re not going to let me.
So just take some questions, I guess. They must be on their way. Yeah, I think they’re on their way.
That’s why they’re trying to keep it quiet. They’re around the corner. That could be, that could be.
Yeah, I don’t know if you have any other apps on your phone for communication from a phone call on WhatsApp. Do you have WhatsApp? No, I haven’t. Oh, man, we got to get you up to tech.
Yeah, I mean, they have really shut off all my ways of communicating. So I’m sorry. No, that’s OK.
We’re just going to do the best we can. I don’t know if you have any more availability earlier next week. If you want to squeeze in a short one.
As far as I know, we can do that next week. Yeah, maybe we could squeeze in some extra time first of the week. OK, sounds good to me.
Oh, yeah. I’ll probably go pick up a burner phone today and not use it at all. Until then, see if that gets us through.
This truly reminds me of the 2006, 7, 8, 9 and 10. They just harassed the hell out of us. Oh, God.
Oh, that was miserable. I had a friend that worked for the federal government. Send me a portion of one of our emails.
Yeah. Unreal. He’s already gone again.
Lorraine. I keep being told we don’t have property tax after this is what I’m hearing the most often is that property tax will come out through a national sales tax. It won’t be a property tax.
That’s what I keep hearing. Mr. C, what do you think on property taxes? Will they go away or just get cheaper? I think they’ll get cheaper. I’m not sure about going away as the local administrations have to finance themselves somehow.
And I think that’s all in the process of changing our system. But I think the package. Yeah, I think that’s going to be the question for him when he gets back.
Why are you so excited? I think that is where we need to focus. Then I should probably let him call it because this is probably going to be very difficult for him. Taj, absolutely could be the good guys keeping us quiet right now.
Absolutely could be. So we’re going to wait. Let him pop back in and focus on why are you so excited right now? I think we’ll get that question in and then they’ll be OK.
Wow. They don’t want you to have that conversation. This is unreal.
Yeah, they don’t want us to give us that one. Let’s see. Six or seven questions.
That one’s a really easy one, Liberty. All right. We’re going to try to get that question in.
Why are you so excited? Well, I’m excited because we’re so close. And what I saw with Trump with the Davos people yesterday was just so encouraging. I am really, really impressed with what’s going on.
And we’re riding a ship. We’re changing course. And we’re very, very close to this thing going down.
Amen. I believe we are, too. Everybody’s like, hey, maybe we can just put them in chat and let them chat.
A number of people going, yeah, a lot of them. I tried that. They won’t let me do that either.
I’m shut off. Yeah, exactly. A number of them keep going.
Why is he not joining on Rumble? Why is not joining us? Guys, he doesn’t have a computer set up for it. It’s not an option for him to join that way. So, yeah, and I saw some mods removing some of the ones that keep spamming it.
I know you’re trying to be helpful, but trust me, if he could join that way, he would already be that way. Absolutely. Yeah, I think your flight’s on the runway.
They must be on their way at the airport in the area or something. It would seem that way because I have never seen this before. Obviously, it’s been decades since we’ve seen their attitude and behavior like this before.
Yeah, now look, this is the longest conversation we’ve had since today started. Once we said, hey, let’s just, you know, let’s just wrap it up and you’ll join first of the week and then bam. Yeah, really.
Let’s start this on Monday. Let’s see what we can do on Monday. Yeah.
See if we’ve got a new crew on, but maybe it will happen over the weekend. Maybe that’s what’s going on. Yeah, if you’ve got a little bit of time to play some tech over the weekend, we’ll see if we can get the mic on the laptop just to listen.
That way you have a backup option. I can do that. Yeah, we’ll work on that this weekend.
Is there anything you want to add before we wrap today and then drag you back in here on Monday? No, I think my patience and their patience have probably been extended. I mean, come on. Anyway, well, thank you for the opportunity.
We’ll try again on Monday and see what happens. All right. Thank you.
Bye. Guys, I know a lot of people with some lovely suggestions on the tech side. He tried from an old school landline.
He’s tried from a couple of cell phones. It is. Yeah.
The only common denominator in there is mine. And the two that we’re talking. So for me, I’m very excited either direction, but it’ll give me a chance.
Hey, look, we got a few more minutes before we talk to Matt and Lucas and cut up and have a little fun. So ask me questions. And there’s some of these that I know the answer to.
Excel. My friend has a business and is late on her taxes is financially strapped. Does she need to pay? You know, I always have to say yes, because I can get in all kinds of trouble if I don’t say yes.
Yeah. I have found or I’ve had many in here report that they have paid like bare minimums. They send them they send them a tax bill for, you know, 50 grand.
They send them five dollars and that forces them to go on their system, update everything, acknowledge the five dollars and they their system forces them to send another letter out. So, I mean, I don’t know what to tell you. Yeah.
I really wish I could say something, but I don’t get to say anything. Bo, I’ve not gotten a response yet. I asked that question.
My guy that works in redemption, he’s actually works in wealth management. They trained in redemption and they are some of the people in the area that he’s in that we’ll be going to see. James, I am planning on a show this evening.
File. Yeah. File an extension.
Send a little. There’s so many ways to work with that one. Boy, I hate to have to and some of these questions I really want to answer, but today’s litigious world, I don’t get to answer them.
I’m loving you guys’s comments. Hello in the UK. Yeah.
Isn’t that a great question? When marriage license, driver’s license, when they start changing laws, guys, a lot of things we take for granted suddenly change. That’s why it is going to be a transition period between bar law and common law. It’s going to be a lot of training necessary.
Penny, to me, I’ve never understood the need to go get the license when you do it. I mean, because your marriage is in front of God as you commit. It’s one thing that I really have never really understood.
I’d have to go back and find out when they put that in the law, but I would assume that they will still be good because marriage was a thing long before the Civil War. Happy birthday tomorrow. Mother-in-law Doris is going to be 87.
Toby, we’ve talked about it a lot. Unfortunately, it cannot be proven. The author of it said, hey, I took another case and elevated to get people talking about it.
We do know that the case exists not at Supreme Court level, but at a circuit level. Reading all of these. Jordan, personally, I am not a lawyer or anything, so do not construe this as legal advice or whatever.
I would wait if the legal system is going to change. Unless you’ve got extra money and can do a common law, you just have to be prepared. I would not spend a lot of money doing a trust.
I guess that’s my take on it because we keep being told that the legal system is going to change. So do you even know if the trust is going to be valid or good with the new system? If we’re going back to common law, if it’s a common law trust, it should already be good. I would spend more time educating myself than getting one.
That’s just my opinion. So that’s my take on the trusts. I don’t understand the point in spending thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars on them when there’s no asset yet to protect, unless you just have a lot of money laying around.
Ooh, can we trade Fauci for Snowden? That would be awesome. Tanya, scary proof of how much our calls are taped. Every one of them.
Every single bit of metadata you guys do is recorded. Now, whether or not they take the time to listen to it or just record it, that’s the question. There are mega computers searching through every conversation that we have, every phone call that you have, every dirty text you send your date, every whatever.
It is seen. Well, figuratively seen. Isn’t that reassuring? And therefore, Snowden is living in exile because he had the audacity to tell us what we already knew.
I’m just having fun reading all these things. Are you looking for the case in de facto or de jure? No, we need the present sitting Supreme Court case. Let’s see.
I think the marriage certificates from the days when they did blood tests beforehand, they were looking for syphilis back in the day when they were also looking for incompatibility because that was kind of a inbreeding kind of thing going on in some places. Or at least that’s much of the stuff you read. I’m curious.
Somebody lives by a brand new medicine center that is being built for the last year and a half in Kansas. How big is it? Penny, I would be curious. Gloria, Mr. C is confident that nobody will have to tell you he got the codes because you will be getting notifications for everything else and it will be all over the news how you’re about to get new looking bills.
He doesn’t think that we’re going to have to tell you because you’re going to have so many notifications. You’re going to be sending time to go to the bank that you’re probably not going to care. I mean, you care, but meaning you’re going to have so many other things going on that you’re already going to know that he’s been seen.
You can also, guys, there are a lot of things. Bob just saying Private Trust 495 with the FBI. There are so many free trusts out there that you can do yourselves to.
Seeds of Wisdom has one. Bob Locke, I think, put part of one up at one point. Floyd in here.
Fearless Floyd, he’s got one up. Ed of Ocali used to have one up. I don’t know where he may have that now.
A lot of them had free and there are a lot of free templates out there. If you’re just worried about having one, yes, in an ideal world a fantastic whiz-bang lawyer does it for you. One that’s trained in constitutional law, but until then, there’s options.
Don’t feel like you got to go broke doing anything. I’m just enjoying some of you guys’ comments. Banana, the husband is married to the state, not the wife.
Isn’t this just nuts? Yeah, Penny, I don’t know what to tell you. You got to go through the government or not. Let’s see.
Mark, if they shut you down, what will they do to us? Joyce, I’m the bigger target with the bigger mouth, so they’ll shut me down first. It is always a concern the way I look at it, because we’ve seen how this works in the past in authoritarian governments. One, I’m not as concerned as I used to be.
I will admit during the Biden administration there were many times where I considered leaving the states altogether after being debanked, after being targeted, you name it, I very much considered going into exile, and I probably would have if somehow Harris, if they had pulled that off, I probably would have found another place to live temporarily to fight from afar. You would have seen me in some place like Argentina or El Salvador getting debanked as often as I’ve been debanked, de-apped or whatever because of my political views. It’s persecution.
Wow. Who am I? That is exceptionally kind of you. Thank you.
Let’s see. My last message too long. We’ll keep it short.
For a family in the U.S., refund federal tax and lower property tax. Yeah, if you don’t have any currency, that’s pretty much what you can look forward to and a much stronger dollar, so the money you do have should go way further, which is exciting. All right, let’s sing happy birthday and get to the fellas.
I know today, and thank you guys for sticking around with that. I know it was difficult. We still got some awesome questions answered, and to me, it shows you just how close we are.
WKW, send your money to me. I’ll watch it. Mama, boys, agree.
Mark, old days, they recorded births and marriages in the family Bible, and that was it. Karen said it was kind of exciting. It was kind of exciting.
It was fun. Mr. C was a great sport to put up with it, but we’re going to work on a couple of alternative communication methods so that they can’t pull that crap again. WK was actually fun.
Yes, dummy, I’m just reading these. We’ve definitely been under attack by our own government. They’re supposed to be here for us.
It’s just, it’s a sick, twisted world, and we got to redefine it. You know I’m dying. I’m not going to read that when I allow, but I want to.
All right, Mary, Lillian, Michael, and others, who else? Marilyn, two cans and a string. I’m going to need one of you guys to bring a string down from Pennsylvania. All right, before we start that one.
So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live, may you love, may all your dreams come true.
Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you, to all those celebrating happy birthday. All right, guys, now let’s, oh, wait a minute, I just saw a breaking. What was that one? Oh, wait a minute, happy 91st, your dad, church, and your husband on a 66.
That one’s awesome. I saw another one. I wanted to see if I can find it.
Social security is expected to still be paid. I’m not hearing from anybody that that is going away. I’m hearing that the value will go way up.
Russian President Putin says Ukrainian crisis won’t have happened if the 2020 election hadn’t been stolen from Donald Trump. Whoa, I need a news source on that one. That is wow.
Wow. Yeah, I need a news source on that one. That one’s going to be fun.
Nancy, I like that one. Yesterday I saw an article that talked about the Kuwait-Nars war 323 with 105 men in reserves. Also said that Iraq has 145 in reserves.
So just for giggles, I did the ratios right. It is fun, isn’t it? It is fun. All right, lads, let’s add these fellas and have a little bit of fun for those that would like to have some fun with us and talk to the fellas.
Good morning, Mark. Good morning, Lucas. Matt here.
Hello, Matt. Matt, thanks for popping into Whiskey and Wisdom Wednesday. That was a lot of fun.
One of these days we’ll make Lucas join again. Yep. You know what? I think in a couple of weeks he’ll be ready.
He’s been Matt knows me well and what’s on my plate right now. Oh, yeah. I don’t know how you’re getting through what you’re going through right now, Lucas.
I just appreciate that you’re still taking time to join us. Yeah, it’s good. It’s good.
It’s just a lot, especially with moving facilities. And I told Matt, well, because now and, you know, Mark, I don’t know if you know where we’re going, but we’re kind of going in the Panhandle and we’re kind of moving up there to a huge facility up there. Now, why did you decide to move to the Panhandle during the biggest winter storm in the Panhandle history? I mean, we didn’t realize that there was going to be, you know, the biggest snowstorm in the last hundred and thirty one years that was going to hit the, you know, the Panhandle and like we can’t even fly in.
We haven’t been able to fly in for the last week because the airport shut down and we can’t even we can’t even drive in because all the major highways are shut down. So it’s like, oh, my God, like it has just been I mean, but we got to, you know, a huge facility up there now and, you know, moving everything up there and, you know, still dealing with Matt yelling at me every day. You know, it’s just a lot of extra anxiety.
Oh, God, especially and then I have an idea. So I send you a message and you’ve already got so many other things on your plate. I mean, I get it.
I, you know, I still I didn’t respond. I looked at I told Matt I talked to Matt about it. But yeah, I just need to get my head straight, but it’ll issue we should be done here.
I’ll be down there for the next two weeks. So hopefully I’ll have everything kind of squared away and done in two weeks. So maybe you’ll get, you know, me back on Wednesdays because I do enjoy Wednesdays a lot.
No, I know you do. You always have fun when you get to join. But I swear you like joining from home more than you like joining when you’re not at home because this gives you a chance to tell the wife, hey, honey, I really need you to get the kids ready for bed because I got to do this work thing.
And then you get to go have a whiskey with the fellas. I mean, sounds like pretty sweet gig to me. Well, first off, Mark, let’s not say that out loud because I don’t want to watch this show later on and be like, oh, so this is how it’s actually going down.
Oh, geez. It’s like you want me to get in trouble. I just don’t understand it.
It’s half the fun I have in life. That’s fair. Josh, no Zimbond updates, but we should probably let Matt tell us how to get in here first and then go back to cutting up.
You bet. So you guys, you go to our company is and and then when you’re in there, you go hit that wholesale button up there and then the mark, there’ll be a drop down of different wholesalers. So you just hit Mark’s name, you guys, and then you’re in the site.
And then if you got to get in the site and put in the code to be in there, you put in lowercase k r a m c b d. That’s Mark’s code. And then you’re in the site. And then when you’re in the site, you guys, you got the the specials for this week We got a 10% code for everybody can use, but you got to put that in there, you guys.
JAN10. JAN10. And then we get every order gets $1,000.
We got 10 products below with Bolivar on it. And then if you got any questions on it or you need help doing an order, you’re a new person, give that number a call. There’s 612-412-8343.
Or if you want to text a question, we’ll get to answering it as soon as we can during the day and we’ll help you out there with anything you need. And then questions. If you have a questions on like a health thing, you need a certain product, keep it one at a time.
Okay. So like don’t make it like a 10 I mean, not too many people do, but like a 10 part text, you know, but it just gets to be a little much to answer the question. It’d be kind of fun to write you a chapter.
Oh my God. Then I end up calling Lucas and some of the stuff, asking him questions, but I know pretty much all of it, but most of the time I don’t. But anyway, okay.
And then we’ve got products here. Just take a look at them. We’ll go in more in depth tomorrow, but 2.5 million Bolivar on a few of them.
We got 5 million Bolivar on some products. And check them all out in there. We got mushrooms, we got CBD, THC, everything else under the sun.
And yeah, just check them out. That’s the specials, you guys. So we’ll go over it tomorrow too, if you need it.
But just check them out and read down. And I do have some small Trump shirts left. I got them at lowered them down to 488 now.
So there you go. That’s all the specials, you guys. So just check them out.
We got, you know, what’s the best special we got there? I would have to say it’s probably I don’t know. I like the Delta Delta. It’s always a good product.
The Miracle Gold. Yeah, we got nine bucks off the one with just the regular and the tea. Yeah, the THC one.
Yeah, we got nine bucks off that double bottle. That’s a great product. And then we got the pain cream.
That’s at $25 plus the Bolivar. So check out the products, you guys. We got the coffee in there, five bucks off.
CBD, mushrooms. There you go. That’s all the specials.
We’ll go in depth tomorrow. And then I’m going to you want me to give away the thing that could make Trump’s economy just explode, Mark? Do you want to hear what it is? Yeah. No, I totally want to hear what it is.
Okay. And maybe I don’t know. Maybe you guys.
I don’t know if anybody’s ever brought this up on your show, but all he’s got to do with the stroke of a pen is just make all the FHA mortgages assumable overnight. Oh, my God. Has anybody talked about that? No, I’ve not seen that.
But if they did, of course, with somebody that can qualify, I mean, to go back to an assumable mortgage would save a lot of foreclosures, including on the commercial property side. But no, you’re right. Yeah.
So if there’s any Trump people in the audience, bring that to Big Daddy there and tell him to pull that pen out and just make them all assumable so the housing market and 90% of the country can get moving. So the young guys who are busting their ass, they can go out and get that 2.5% mortgage that you don’t want to leave your house with. That’s why you’re not moving.
So there you go. That’ll just explode the economy. There you go.
And we can just have that crypto go to the moon. No, that’s if they did non-qualifying assumables, that would be actually, you know, if they could put up the money, that would be huge. You know, in 1979, I was one of the last people to get one of those mortgages, and they stopped it right there before 1980.
I don’t know if people know that, but they did. See, back in the old days, you guys, you used to be able to take the rate of the person you’re buying the house from and take their mortgage, you know. And a lot of those, most of the mortgages out there right now are under 3%, and they’re under 26 years and under.
So that would just explode our economy. Thank God that moron Biden didn’t think of that one. Oh, I wish he had, because the economy in a better stage.
But the negative, he might have actually… Yeah, then there would have been a new euphoria, and then Lucas probably would have even voted for Harris. Jimmy Christmas. I’m just kidding.
Good Lord. Are you even going to be able to join us tomorrow, Lucas? What? Yes, tomorrow. I’ll leave pretty much Sunday.
So, yeah, I’m free until then. Well, you hope you get to leave Sunday. Yeah, that’s true.
Snowstorm doesn’t hit. Oh, my gosh. Well, hopefully.
I mean, next week is supposed to be in the mid-60s. So we’re hoping that it melts and we don’t have to deal with it. But we’ll see.
I just don’t understand. It’s like six inches. Come on, guys.
We have like 39 inches. I don’t know what it was. What, a month and a half ago? It’s like the kids got off one day of school.
All right, everyone back in the car. Let’s go. And they shut down the entire town for two weeks.
But I guess they’re not prepared for it. No, no, they’re not. I mean, there’s.
Let’s see if I can find you a good picture here. Of what a Florida snowplow looks like. But they’re not impressive.
And I think this will be a good one. Here you go. This is what a Florida snowplow looks like.
They’re just hardly unprepared for it. Just goes on the front of their golf cart. I love it.
That is great. You know, yeah. You’d need a ton of snowplows to get that snow out of everywhere, you know.
And it’s just. The snow. You know what? There’s more snow in Florida than there is in Minnesota right now.
That’s wild. That’s nuts. That is nuts.
Yeah. Oh, Matt, you started something. All the people commenting in here.
I got one of those loans in 70. I remember those loans. I remember those loans up through like the 90s.
Yeah, maybe, you know. Yeah, I’m just saying that. Yeah, it was kind of weird.
We were looking at a house in the fall of 79. Yeah, and all of a sudden. They cancel them right there because the interest rate, you guys was.
On a regular mortgage and it was like 14%. And so we, we were looking at a house and the guy had a. It was a five and a half percent loan with a place called GMAC. It was called at the time.
So we were able to assume it, but then they stopped doing that. But maybe, you know, maybe they kept it in a lot of loan documents, but. Yeah, but none of the loans are assumable.
No, he’s going to do is just get out that fat pen and just sign away, man. And then he could say, yeah, I heard this from the Matt guy on the Mark Z. Because I know there’s some of his people. They’re listening right now.
Yeah, I mean, yeah. To me, it’s just it’s downright criminal what they have done to. The market for kids, for millennials and all that good stuff.
I mean, and generation X, we’ve got to break that. And a reset fixes breaks that. Well, one, do we want to keep talking about life? We probably shouldn’t be holding up Lucas with everything he’s got on his plate.
So anything big new in the pipeline, Lucas? We actually have some some new things coming. But gosh, we’re probably what Matt next week. We’ll be able to kind of unveil a lot of that stuff.
Yeah, I don’t know if I’m like you. Don’t put me on the spot like that, because Matt gets very angry with me when I just start telling what’s on the horizon. It’s so funny.
Angry. Oh, no, I don’t. I don’t at all.
But. But no, we’ll be able to kind of unveil some things we’ve been working on for the last actually over a year, Mark. Things we’ve been kind of working toward.
And it’ll be fun to kind of, you know, to kind of tell you guys all about it. Now. Yeah.
Somebody a lot of people are asking, are you headed towards Pensacola? Yes. I was going to say, well, do you want to tell folks where Pensacola is? But I think I think everybody pretty much knows where Pensacola is. I mean, it’s it’s, you know, right there.
You know, we’re not in in there. We’re, you know, kind of around it. But it’s it’ll be a good move for us.
It really is. Plus, southern southern Florida has been gosh, it’s just a nightmare down there, Mark. I mean, with traffic and people, it’s a whole different ballgame.
It’s like Pensacola is almost southern. Like, I almost feel like we’re, you know, we’re going to be in Alabama. You know, that doesn’t scare me.
Haven’t grown up in the south. I mean, I’m from the north. I grew up in the south.
So I’m good with it. My peeps. But you guys, the truck and shipping going out of south Florida down there.
It’s tough. You know? Yeah. And Pensacola will be a thousand times better.
Yeah, you get a load there. Yeah. They just grab it and go across the country.
Yeah, it’s nice. Yeah. So it’ll be good.
Maybe a lot more truck drivers willing to come and pick things up right now. They don’t, they don’t want to go down to south Florida because there’s, there’s not very many loads coming out. So anyway, Lucas, I don’t know if you know this, but the, you guys just in Pensacola got 8.9 inches.
Do you know what the record snowfall for Pensacola was before that one? It was three inches and 1895. Wow. That’s.
I mean, they, they tripled it and it’s been 129, 130 years since it happened last. That’s crazy. That is nuts.
In 1895. Oh yeah. They just had horses.
So wait, did I even do that math? Right. Yeah. I think I did that math.
Right. Yeah. That’s crazy.
Yeah. And I’ll bet in 1895, that area had a hundred people for every person they had back then. And yeah, you just hunkered down, man.
It was anyways. Snow in Florida. Wow.
God, I’m glad I’m not vacationing there today. And anybody who isn’t vacationing in Florida right now is the whole thing. Cold.
Even in the south. It’s cooler. I don’t know if I’d say cold.
Anybody in here in the Miami area, I mean, it’s been like Miami and stuff. It’s been like fifties, forties, fifties. Oh, that ain’t bad.
Oh, wait a minute. I like this one. Richard, who drives trucks and Matt, I’ll buy a truck and haul just for you guys.
Yeah. I don’t know if he’s moving enough volume to justify that, but you guys could have Richard. All right, guys, you can have Sam Elliott deliver your CBD.
Maybe Lucas, but in the future there, maybe. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. So.
But. It’ll be, it’ll be a lot better than South Florida. That’s for sure.
You know what? You got to stop being so negative all the time. Mm hmm. Oh, me.
Yeah. Yeah. You.
Who else? Mark? No. You. You’re the one.
Oh, okay. Okay. I’m not negative.
I’m happy. You know, I love stirring the pot. Yeah.
No, it’s. You’re right. I’m negative, I guess.
Yeah. I like how he just takes it, Mark. Like, okay.
I guess I, I guess I am the problem. No, it’s. Yeah.
Yeah. I’m glad I got my mushroom coffee. That’s the damn sure right here.
So I’m all right. Yeah. I’m going to throw a little THC in there.
Right. I’m thinking about making some THC coffee. Just a little bit.
You know what I mean? Just, you know, put it like we can do some powder THC and just put it in the bag. Mark. I don’t know.
We’re throwing around the idea. Don’t know if it’d be good or not, but we’re going to throw it around the idea. Yeah.
Throw it around. I mean, you guys going to open like a physical store where folks in the area can come like in person and pick up the coffee. We talked about that.
We’re out there in the crab Island. I think we’re going to have a floating THC barge. Now we’re talking.
Now we’re talking. I mean, we can open a, you know, CBD guru’s location in Puerto Rico. I’ll do that.
I mean, I mean, Lucas will do that for sure. Lucas, you’re ahead of that deal. Yeah.
It was Mark. You and Mark got that deal going. Yeah.
Yeah. A lot of people, I did get one question and then then we’ll wrap just because I know you guys need to go on. It’s a Friday.
It’s not a Saturday. We spend more time on Saturdays, but some people asking, you know, why get the CBD version? You know, what’s the difference between going to the dispensary and getting one, getting something and getting something from you guys? One, it’s going to be so like, I, the thing is the dispensaries are pretty good in that they’re consistent with their, you know, with their testing, which is a huge thing for me. I’m not really big on a lot of people that just go to want to go to gas stations or, you know, or their CBD air everywhere because of testing requirements.
So dispensaries do have extremely stringent testing requirements, but it’s more on if you go in to buy a 10 pack of 10 milligram THC gummies, you’re going to spend 40, roughly $40, um, 35 to $40 for those 10 gummies. And what are we selling those for Matt? Like 20. So like 50% off.
So you can, I mean, that’s 100% an option. You’re just going to pay twice as much. And now keep in mind guys, an actual, like a THC dispensary, the licensing is extremely expensive CBD store.
You don’t have that licensing. Um, Hey, and then the other thing too, the people, if you want to go, I’m sorry, and the CBD product you can take to 50 States because of the farm bill. You take that one from your dispensary, your legal state, you can get in a whole heck of a lot of trouble when you go visit the grandkids in Alabama.
That is absolutely correct as well. So, and then to buy it from a dispensary in Minnesota, you have to, uh, you have to go through this medical thing with the doctors and that thing costs like $500 for the appointment and the evaluation where you can just go get the same amount of strength of stuff and pretty much in the CBD store, you know, and it’s going to be a lot cheaper to a lot of people. A lot of people have had suddenly had problems with firearms and permits and stuff that went and got a medical marijuana license in some States.
So for me, that just, I’d rather get my stuff from you guys and know that I can take it with me when I fly to Brazil, I’d rather get it and know that I can take it with me. If I’ve got a function in Tennessee, if I’ve got something in California or whatever, not that I, you know, I do need to get to California soon to visit your folks, some great people out there. But anyways, um, I’m a big fan since Trump put in the farm bill.
Yep. And I just, I’ll be a bigger fan when he makes Canada the 51st state so we can just ship up there like nothing. That’s the reason for you folks in Canada to embrace becoming the 51st state.
It’s so that you can get stuff from CBD guru shipped directly to your door. That is totally enough reason why it doesn’t matter that Trudeau’s nuts. I mean, I know you liked your own flag and your Oh Canada song and all that good stuff and you’re, and you’re hot.
I think we keep all that, you know, I, I mean, which is worth more, your national pride or getting CBD gurus to your door? Yeah. Well, you know what, I, I would love to go to Canada truly and not hear that we’re under the rule of the queen, you know, and uh, you guys ever been to Canada and hear the people talk about that? I want them to be their own state, their own boss. They can be their own boss.
Now I’m with you. Um, I just, uh, I, I, I just got a kick out of this one, uh, well, not a kick, but, um, looks like when I visit you in Pensacola, uh, Lucas, we’re going to have to go to McGuire’s Irish pub. It’s supposed to be an awesome place.
Perfect. Wait a minute. I know exactly where that’s at.
See we, we, we ate at this place the, uh, last time I was there and it was kind of, it was right next to it. And I’ll tell you what, um, interesting enough, what, and I got to take you there too. Big old lamb shank.
And they had a big plate, like they’re like, you want some cornbread? And I was like, is it extra? And they’re like, no, no. Well, you can just give you a big old piece of cornbread. And I was like, yeah, sure.
You know, I think of like this, you know, especially like free cornbread, right? Oh my gosh, it was like my favorite kind. It was like the size of my plate. It was like three inches thick.
And it was, it had, they even put like cream of corn in it, drizzled it in honey. Oh my gosh. It was, it was one of the best things I’ve had in the last year.
Yeah. See, that’s it. Cornbread.
I’m just saying, if you, if you like yourself some cornbread, I will help. I will set you up. I make pretty good cornbread.
I do too. But it’s very rare to find someone who can make decent cornbread that I enjoy eating in a restaurant. Amen.
I am with you on that one. Usually it’s just some grainy, yellow looking sand in the shape of a cake. Exactly.
Exactly. This will, don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.
Now we’re supposed to go to someplace called Bamboo Willies for a crawfish boil. Perfect. Right? I mean, I’m loving this.
All right, let’s get out of here and give these mods a break. Everybody else, I’ll be back this evening. Matt and Lucas will be back in the morning, 945 AM Eastern.
Right on. John, the password is KRAMCBD. I am going to put a little screen up on the side.
You can see it right there and it has the website, the CBD Gurus. It also says call today or text, talk to my sister, 612-412-8343. And the passcode right below where it says wholesale page is KRAMCBD, so you can read it right there.
Right on. Hey, thanks for having us on, Mark, and everybody have a great day and blow them up on that assumable mortgage. We want the country to go nuts.
Thank you. It would unleash some dollars. Yes.
All right. I was an economist for half a semester at one time before I dropped out. I was pretty good.
No wonder you’re so good at this. I’m just kidding. I think I had, I’ll bet I had more economics than Lucas, though, I know I did.
Not you, Mark, but I’m sure Lucas. There’s no way. No, I took, I took business law for two and a half years.
You know what? You’re right though, Matt. Did you really? Yes, I did. I did business law for almost two and a half years.
I double-majored. My God. That’s unbelievable.
Good for you, Lucas. Before I went and got my master’s and I was like, I didn’t want my master’s in business law because business laws, like it was like, I, every time I want to think that I’m somewhat intelligent, I meet like even one or two people that are just like, and then I just feel like I’m, you know, my IQ is below 40. You know, I think it’s good to meet people like that just to remind you that you’re not as smart as you think you are.
Not even, not even as smart as you think you are, that you’re absolutely like, you think you’re a 90 and you’re really a 10, right? But it’s good. You gotta have those kinds of people in your life. You need to be humbled on occasion.
So, well, hey guys, have a great day and we’ll see you guys in the morning. Are you smarter than a CBD guru? See ya. Take care.
Oh man. New program. We’re totally going to do that.
Are you smarter than a CBD guru? Uh, we’ll have to make a segment. I like this. Matt, it’s your goal.
See you tomorrow. Take care. Bye.
Bye. I really like that idea. All right, guys.
Sorry about all the tech issues today. Mr. C, while they were talking, has made provisions, has uploaded some other apps so we’ll be able to use the internet backbone instead of what we have been doing. So we got some options there.
We should be good to go for the next Mr. C episode. See you guys later.