Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel (Uncut) — Tuesday. 11 March. 2025
Welcome, everybody, the big call tonight. It’s Tuesday, March 11th, and you’re listening to the big call. Welcome, everybody, wherever you’re located around this globe.
We’re excited that you’re here. We’re looking forward to having a really good call tonight. I’m excited for what Sue is going to have for us, and what Bob is going to bring to us, and even what I have to bring to you.
So let’s do this. Let’s pray the call in, and then we’ll go to Sue for what is going to be, I’m sure, another stimulating, uplifting teaching that we all can appreciate and enjoy. So here we go.
Heavenly Father, we just thank you so much that you have us right in the palm of your hand, such that no person, no thing can take us out of your hand. We appreciate the fact that we have you, and that you have us. Thank you for everything that’s moving forward for us in the way of the blessing, and thank you for everyone almost ready to participate in it.
Thank you for all that you’re doing in our lives currently, and everything that’s about to happen. In Jesus’ name, amen, and amen. Sue, this is a special time for Bob, and you, and me, and everybody else in Big Call Universe across this globe.
So we’re excited to hear what the teaching is tonight, Sue, and thank you for bringing it to us every Tuesday and Thursday night. I’m really thinking about it. It’s such a privilege to think that to select something that you think will resonate and uplift people, and to use your voice to help express love.
It’s just a once in a lifetime opportunity. So thank you, Bruce. Tonight, two voices.
Which one are you choosing? In life, there are always two voices competing for your attention. The voice of faith, and the voice of defeat. Just as I did, you’ll hear a voice piping in, you can’t possibly do that.
It’s insurmountable. It’s not going to work out. Just accept it.
You’ll be tempted to worry, to be negative, to complain. But if you listen carefully, you’ll hear another voice. The voice of faith is saying, God has a way.
Favor is coming. Healing is coming. Breakthroughs are coming.
One voice will point out that you’ve reached your limits. You’ve gone as far as you can. You don’t have what it takes.
The other voice is clear and matter-of-fact. You are well able. You can do all things through Christ.
Your best days are still out in front of you. Now here’s the beauty. You get to choose which voice comes to life.
The way you do it is by what you speak and what you think. When you verbalize that thought, you’re giving it the right to come to pass. If you mope around saying, the problem’s too big.
I’ll never get well. You’re choosing the wrong voice. You have to be in agreement with God.
And the other voice may seem louder, but you can override it. You can take away all of its power by choosing the voice of faith. Maybe you’re going to a job interview.
One voice will warn you, you’re not going to get it. You’re wasting your time. These people are not going to like you.
And another voice will counter, you have the favor of God. You’re blessed. You’re confident.
You have what it takes. If you get up that morning and tell your spouse, I don’t think I’m going to get this job. They’re not going to like me.
I’m not qualified. There’s no use in you going. You’re being trapped by your words.
You have to dig your heels in and say, I’m not giving life to any more defeat. I’m not speaking lack. I’m not speaking sickness.
I’m not speaking mediocrity, fear, or doubt. I can’t do it. I’m choosing the voice of faith.
It says I’m strong, I’m healthy, and I’m blessed. I’m favored. I’m a victor and not a victim.
God gave Jeremiah a promise that he would become a great prophet to the nations. Jeremiah won. But when he heard God’s voice, he was very young and unsure of himself.
He instead listened to the other voice and said, God, I can’t do that. I can’t speak to the nations. I’m too young.
I wouldn’t know what to say. God said, Jeremiah, say not that you are too young. The first thing God did was to stop his negative words.
Why did God do that? Because he knew that if Jeremiah went around saying, I’m not qualified. I can’t do this. I don’t have what it takes.
He’d become exactly what he was saying. So God said in effect, Jeremiah, tip it up. You may think it, but don’t speak it out loud.
It goes on to tell how Jeremiah changed what he was saying and he became a prophet to the nations. The promise came to pass. And that’s our teaching for tonight.
Thank you, Sue. Wow, that was great. I really enjoyed that as an additional teaching about self-talk, and how we express ourselves, and what we say, and how important it is for us to keep what we say in tune and in alignment with the Word of God.
Because by expressing something in doubt, you’re already doomed to fail. And the example that you gave, Sue, with the couple, and the person was going in for an interview. And if it was a she, she was saying, I’m not qualified.
They’re not going to like me. All of that self-talk is condemning her already to failure. And it’s just important to realize that your words basically are like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you speak certain things out, you’re basically prophesying on whatever you say in your own life. You know? Oh, this will never happen. Oh, I don’t believe them.
Oh, you know what I mean? We’ve heard things like that. I tend not to receive those, as you know, Sue and Bob. But I think it’s important to realize that if you think like that, the Bible says, as a person thinketh, so is he or she.
So it starts with a thought. And then it next goes to a spoken word. And that’s why it’s so important that we use the term bridle our tongue and not just fly off saying just any old thing willy-nilly, but keep it in check.
Keep it in check and don’t get out there saying things that basically are condemning you to failure. It’s really important that we keep our talk positive, uplifting, and edifying, and just really good at not speaking evil, even of ourselves, certainly of ourselves. Before we can love other people, what do we have to do, Sue? We have to love ourselves first.
And that was the greatest and last commandment that Jesus gave was love each other or love other people, love your neighbor as you do yourself. And it’s important to use that concept of love in everything that we speak. And I think that’s what I was getting out of the teaching so far.
I really enjoyed it, Sue. Thank you for bringing that tonight. I think it was excellent.
Bob, what do you think about this teaching? I’m sure you got something out of it that you can build a story about. Thank you, Bruce. And Sue, thank you.
I love the teachings you do that offer like these stark comparisons between things like faith and deceit. And it’s a really great way to get people thinking. And for me, I started thinking about that phrase or the concept of you’re not good enough that you mentioned in the teaching.
And then I started thinking, well, wow, what would be the best way to change that? And so I started thinking, well, maybe I can just sit quietly and pray and listen and listen some more. And then I started thinking, you know, what might God say to me if I was praying about how to get rid of this defeat? And I was like, he’d probably start by saying, you know, you are my child. I created you and I hold you in the palm of my hand while I’m blessing you and I love you and you’re everything to me and you are everything.
And you have infinity as part of the core essence that I gave you. And as a result, you can manifest anything. You can manifest the highest of all possibilities in every circumstance.
And go forward and choose your path because you can create anything. Choose what you want. Choose your path, choose your destiny, choose your paradise.
And then go to the other side of the divide and muster up your faith and be bold and focused and go forward and make yourself proud just as I am proud of you. That’s good, Bob. That’s really good.
I love the way that you opened that up and expanded the concept and brought in the concept of infinity. Sue, how would you comment on this teaching that you brought us in terms of faith, speaking in faith and speaking in doubt? It’s interesting. While I was reading it and then listening to you, Bruce, and to Bob, I was realizing that it’s more nuanced than teaching.
And the reason being, and I’m going to key off Bob for a second, Bob was about receiving and not just the dynamic speaking. And I was reflecting on how this happened for me. And it started when I decided to become a runner at a very young age and nobody in my family was a runner.
It was an impulse. And as I was reading it, I was literally seeing pictures in my mind of going out and 10 below zero because I was committed because I liked it. But there was always that voice.
And then as I got to do this and help people do it so they stayed healthy, I remember the voice that said, you can’t go out there. You won’t do it. It’s too cold.
And to me, the nuance is, just like Bob was talking about it, it’s a muscle. And I’ve seen a lot of people that will speak words, but it’s not in their body. They’re in their head, they’ll speak it, but they don’t really embody it.
And so I was thinking about the practice for everybody that’s listening to this call, the practice of committing to do, just like Bob did, really expanding what you thought is possible. And I remember, and I have to say this, I remember the difference between who I am today versus who I used to be. I used to run at things I feared, like doing a big talk or something.
And I remember I would do it just because I feared it so much. Literally, because I feared it so much, that was the thing that made me want to do it. And I don’t think that’s right.
I think what we want to go for, and here’s the closing nuance, is to take what Bob was saying and saying, listening inside yourself, and getting into that feeling of infinity. See, he was bringing in the feeling, so it can get into your nervous system. And then you take the action.
Instead of forcing it or making yourself say it, and you don’t really mean it, it has to be so that you get it. So, I’m going to try. I’m going to try to do this thing.
I’m going to be paying attention to what I feel as I do it. And I’m going to, every time I practice, every time I do it, I’m going to get stronger and stronger. It’s not a switch that you just say, I’m going to do this.
It doesn’t work like that. It’s making a choice, it’s practicing, and it’s giving yourself great credit when every day you try a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, and you notice that. And that’s how it becomes a really strong, clear, powerful connection to the infinite that you are.
The infinite faith, the experience of infinite love that you are. So, those are my thoughts on it. That’s good, Sue.
I like that. That’s really good. You know, if you give Sue a challenge, if you say, oh, you can’t do that.
Oh, boy. Don’t even think about it. Well, in the old days, maybe, yeah, but not so much recently.
It’s like, are you inspired? See, that’s the difference. That’s coming out of survival. Are you inspired to do this? Are you inspired to do this? I’ve left needing a challenge, and I would write this down, everybody, because a lot of people are in this loop.
You don’t need challenges to overcome. That’ll just keep you in a loop like you can’t even believe. That’ll keep you in survival faster than anything.
Am I inspired and using my faith to bypass survival and move into joy and into thriving? Does this help me thrive? That’s my new thing. That’s good. I like that.
Very good, Sue. Bob, good stuff, as always. Appreciate that, and let’s do this, Sue.
As we segue in to prayer and praise, let us know if we have any praise reports or any prayer requests that we can pray for. Yes, and give me a second because technology is requiring a… Yeah, sometimes it takes a while to catch up on it, yeah. Yeah.
Hold on. How’d it all wind up here? Okay. Thank you, J&K.
Okay, let’s see. Prayer requests. Here we go.
I know in the big scope of life this seems trivial, but please pray for my husband and I. Our hearts are broken. We had to put our healthy six-year-old husky down due to aggressive tendencies. We knew it was the right thing to do, but it sure doesn’t feel like it.
We are hurting terribly. Thank you for your prayers, Lori. Wow.
There are a lot of people that resonate, and I love that you were making it so that everybody that loves animals, Lori, could share in the heartbreak of having to separate from that love. You know, honor yourself for that. So let’s just put our hands on our hearts and I want everybody to pray for themselves first as someone that lost a good friend and just honor the times that you’ve loved someone, something, some experience so deeply and it hurts your heart.
Just do that first and then realize how Christ loved you so much and wanted so much for divine love to come to this planet, and that’s the time we’re in. And imagine that we could surround Lori and her husband and their six-year-old husky and anybody that has had a pet, a loved one, something that they love to transition, and we surround you and your pet and you realize that taking care of that pet and having the courage to do that is a great act of courage and love and that that pet knows that and you’re surrounded in our love, in Christ’s love, and in the gratitude of your pet, healing your heart, connecting you through infinity and surrounding you in love. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Amen, amen. Dear Sir, Madam… That’s funny. I’m asking for… I love that, sorry.
What? Dear Sir slash Madam. I know, it’s so funny. I’m asking for prayers for my daughter who has been… and I’m not laughing at you, I’m just amused, let’s make that clear.
I’m asking for prayers for my daughter who has been trying to find a job and her chances are thwarted by her criminal record. As I send this email, she’s been to an interview recently and the HR called her that she has been successful and they’re waiting for the CEO head of the organization to sign, but to date there’s no contact to confirm her appointment. She’s highly distraught.
Her name is Nomphundo and is 40 years old. She prays a lot and today she’s attending a half-night prayer at her church. Yours in Christ, Sanduwe.
So Sanduwe and So again we’re going to send the perfect love through our hearts and understand that your daughter is surrounded in opportunities, this opportunities and others to grow in forgiveness, in clearing and in grace and so we see grace flooding both of you so that she doesn’t go to the worry or the slight potential for self-condemnation or limiting herself. In this moment she’s pure, she’s criminal free and the more she can anchor that experience and be that feeling in Christ and celebrate that that’s who she is and her gifts and what she can bring and send that energy and say Mr. CEO or the next opportunity I am such a profound and prayerful and beautiful and free being that will create so much value and good. I can’t wait to share in our future together.
We see that as happening and blessing her and you and you walk in that together make that pact to be the energy and the experience she wants not to be the energy of her past and worrying about that and carrying that with her. She’s free, she’s clear, she’s valued and she’s now employed in the most incredible new job in Jesus name. Amen.
Amen. Good. We have one more and then we have Jeannie.
Dear Bruce and Sue, this prayer request from someone living in the direct path of the cyclone can be held in the prayers of the Big Hall family. In all light and love always. Forwarded from Willoughby’s chosen room.
Hope you could ask the beautiful people on your channel to pray for all of us in southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales. We’re awaiting the arrival of Cyclone Alfred and it’s quite scary the possibility of what’s going to happen for all of us. Personally I’m in Lismore.
We’re expecting major flooding and high speed winds also. We have four young children and both my husband and I have had to pack up our workplaces which means we have no income for an unknown amount of time. We need the RV desperately as I know do so many others.
Thank you, Donya. And this is many thanks, Jem. And Jem, let me know if you heard this on the call tonight.
And so we’re praying for you in New South Wales and we’re praying and seeing and we’re activating the stabilizing grids of our prayers so that everything is calmed down and tamped down. We understand we can support the easing of weather. We have millions of people that are sending and flooding your area with their capacity combined to put a barrier all around Australia in totality and to flood everyone involved in this with the knowing, with the higher knowing, the higher intelligence to come up with solutions to be out of emergency in their nervous systems to get quiet and to imagine how can we move into a way to work around this if we have to.
We have access to infinite knowing no matter what is happening to us. We’re not the victim of anything outside of us. We are that powerful in Christ.
And so we see that everybody that’s supporting you surrounding Australia and holding you in the light of Christ is blessing you, comforting you, and you’re activating that knowing inside of you right now as we send these prayers out to you and see it all calming down. You acting as if it’s calming down. You acting in with the best wisdom you can provide by quieting your mind, getting clear and receiving from Christ what to do.
It’s healed, it’s supported, and you are loved in Jesus’ name. Amen. Sue, was that also did she mention a part of Queensland plus also New South Wales? I’m not going to be able to find that right now.
I think it was. I’m sorry. I think it’s I’m just trying to keep No, I think it was.
I don’t remember hearing it. Okay, here we go then. Okay.
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a humble heart, acknowledging your presence and giving thanks for the countless blessings in my life. Every day be thankful, grateful, kind, and helpful. Nine days until spring, three, twenty, twenty-five.
Thirty-two days until Passover. Passover in 2025 begins on the evening of Saturday, April 12th, and ends on the evening of Sunday, April 20th. Forty days until Easter, four, twenty, twenty-five.
Seventy-six days until Memorial Day, five, twenty-six, twenty-five. And National Dream Day, Tuesday, three, eleven, twenty-five. What about that, Pod? We did a thing that is like taking yourself into ideal dream state, and we just did that.
Oh, that’s good. That’s convenient. Face your dreams on National Dream That’s weird.
On National Dream Day, celebrated on Monday, on March 11th. This holiday was created to make everyone, both old and young, realize that they can build and go after their dreams. National Plant Flower Day, Wednesday, three, twelve, twenty-five.
So let’s spread the love and plant more flowers this National Plant of Flower Day. We pray and thank our Heavenly Father for all the leaders and listeners. Pastor Scott’s Healing, R&R, Social Security Increases, Med Beds for Everyone, Doge Dividend, and RV Blessing.
Everyone have a safe and blessed week, exclamation mark, genie. And those are our prayer requests for tonight. Very good.
Very good, Sue. Yeah, National Dream Day today? Well, you know what? It’s not too late to have a dream. Yeah, yeah.
It’s not nighttime dreams. I was seeing it as a nighttime dream. Well, I’m going to take it as a nighttime dream tonight.
I’m going to get in on National Dream Day tonight because it’s just I’m going to take it day and night. That’s great. Yeah, that’s good, Sue.
Well, thank you. Thank you, Jeannie, for that. Yeah, we’re rolling.
We’re in dialect savings. That was just that was just on the night. We’re only two days in the daylight savings, and man, I’m appreciating the extra daylight.
I know Bob is, and you are too, Sue. Thank you very much for that, Sue. Let’s see, Sue.
We’ve got a lot going on right now. You just finished up a two-night class right before the big call tonight. You want to comment on that? Tell us anything else that you’ve got going on.
I’d actually appreciate Yeah, actually, I just found it. Thank you. Yes, I want to talk about some really cool information that I think could be very novel and sort of change people’s lives.
It’s coming from neuroscience, and when combined with Christ, I think could just remake our world, and I want to start with a testimonial, if I could, and it’s the reason why I want to bring up this really cool science. This is a testimonial. Sue, what can I say? The MedBed 100 program isn’t just a program, it’s a readiness door.
It helped me so much to clarify how I would speak to my family members, and most importantly, how I would conduct my interview, how I can talk to my husband so we can make the best decisions and changes. We also bought, as you know, the Quantum program, which helped us to see where we were having difficulties with boundaries, and it could affect our decisions as we were just writing to let you know how much we appreciate all you do, both you and Bruce and Bob, and you and Jessica. Gratefully, Jessica.
Why is this important? Why is it important that somebody is kind of getting these programs, and what’s the difference if you decide to invest? This is going to be very different. You’ve never heard this before. There’s a neuroscientist by the name of Dr. Tali Shero.
She did a study on people that went on vacation. I don’t remember how many people were in this study. I just focused on the study and the results of the study itself.
What she found was that when couples go on a vacation, and they’re thinking they’re going to do something new, and they’re going to have this whole new experience. Think about that. That applies to us in the RV, and buying a new house, or buying a new car.
It turns out that after about two and a half days of wanting to go and do something new, the novelty wore off. They studied how long it took for that feeling of excitement and novelty, how long that takes to wear off. She was on a show called The Diary of a CEO.
She was talking about the implications for relationships. It could be going for a job. It could be that feeling of, oh, yeah, I’m going to get this really great new job.
How long it takes for that reality to set in. For you to get habituated and accustomed. I’m going to give a tip to everybody.
I think relationships will be changing dramatically based on Number one, it’s not going to be on can somebody buy you something. It’s going to be on creating experiences that enhance and deepen connection. That’s number one.
Number two, designing things like MedBed100 and the Quantum Leadership Future Founders. What we hear is because they have meditations on them, every time people go and listen to the meditation, they get something new out of it. Every time they get something new.
They hear something new. They deepen in something new. That’s going to be very important that people learn how to create within themselves the I’m going to call it neural architecture.
The ability to even think about this. Do you take yourself for granted because you’ve been living with yourself for so long and you keep doing the same thing and the same thing with the same people, with the same person. You wake up with the same person.
You have the same coffee. There are implications for that. What we did and what we’re suggesting is can you imagine when was the last time and this is what you compare it, when was the last time that you actually got to discover and learn and remain excited about something.
What if you could think about and reflect. Look at the difference between this picture. You don’t get the MedBed 100 program and they call you up and they say okay you can come in.
You haven’t thought about it. You haven’t given yourself the love of saying okay what could I have? What’s out there? How much time do I have to do this? We did all that for you. We made it so that you would be able to expand, go on a tour of the possibilities, figure out how you’re going to conduct an interview and what you’re going to say and then you’re going to hear people that like we’re tourists and they’re going really I can have my actual hair back or I can be as tall as I want or I can play the guitar.
Where are you going to hear that? Where are you going to find something that makes it possible for you to get the structure of what you’re going to need to create and the excitement that you’re going to live with for probably you know possibly over 100 years. Where? Are you going to find that? Where are you going to find that? Only MedBed 100 Sue. Only MedBed 100.
You just want to scream at me. It’s so funny. Just breathe.
So funny. This is so authentic. Right Judy? Anyway so the thing about that we’re going to do tonight that’s new is Ignite.
Ignite the fact that you have access to something that’s been designed for you so you can go on a tour. You’re going to learn what you need. You’re going to love yourself like you’re on a vacation and just like that woman you’re going to be able to share that novelty that motivation but most importantly when you lack novelty when you lack that desire to learn your decision making goes down.
Dopamine and decision making. Dopamine is your novelty and reward chemical in your brain. And if you don’t have that that’s the thing that I don’t really need it.
And you stay stagnant. You stay in the same old same old. So if you’re a person that is thinking about the MedBeds and I know you’ve heard this a lot on the big call but you know that we can spin it so that the goal is you have one shot.
One shot. This isn’t like oh I can go anytime I want. You’re going to get called in and you want to be prepared and you want to maximize that.
So here’s what we’re going to, very simple. What we’re going to suggest is do you want to feel clarity, ease and joy about your decision to invest $100 to know what you’re doing and make the best choice for that one shot. Just answer that question.
Are you inspired to get what will set up your best decisions? That’s number one. Number two, I’ve worked with so many people doing world class presentations, doing I don’t want to even tell you. It’s almost, it’s way it’s bordering 200 classes.
And I pay deep attention to how they’re processing information. But number one let’s say that when the top five issues is the way I should say it is people’s boundaries need to get elevated so they can bring a higher standard to the planet. Quantum leader future founder is the class also $100 that made it possible for a grandmother she gets talked about every call to say I want my grandchildren to hear this.
It’s powerful when a grandmother in Christ wants like with all her heart she thought it was so important because it doesn’t just give you boundaries it keeps anything that’s toxic away from you. It helps you understand how you’re going to make decisions. It helps you move into a higher more elevated standard that’s in Christ that’s in purity and that’s removed from maybe habitual mediocrity and we need more people moving out of mediocrity into clarity into motivation into balance and into thriving.
So all you have to do if you want you can get both of them you can get one it’s all up to you. Just send us an email to integratedminds at and put your name your telephone number and we’d love it if you tell us if you have PayPal or not. We do not need it.
We will send you an invoice and just ask yourself as I get ready to leave what would I be missing? What new level of freedom of clarity of resting in my relief. These are designed to bring you relief. These are designed to bring you relief.
That’s a cue, Bruce. And all you have to do is make a small investment and you will be able to design that for yourself. And that’s my segment for tonight.
Thank you, Sue. Very good. Yeah, really inspiring.
I think the MedVed 100 if you combine that with Quantum Leader you’ll have a really nice combination of two great sets of classes. And I think a lot of people should take advantage of this because we are so close once we see numbers coming out, it’s over. You won’t have access to this anymore.
If you don’t have it yet really consider seriously getting one or both of these classes, courses. Thank you, Sue. Appreciate that very much.
And I know I have a sigh of relief. It’s really, really good. Thank you for that.
Well, I’ll tell you what let’s do, you guys. Let us keep on moving forward into the direction that Bob has for us. And let’s see what Bob has in the way of testimonials like Sue had.
Let’s see if he’s got something we can listen to. And maybe we refresh the sale and maybe find out something we didn’t know which is very possible when it comes to our health, when it comes to nutrition, when it comes to nutraceuticals, all of those products. Bob, tell us what’s on your mind tonight.
Thanks, Bruce. Yeah, so it’s really a great time actually to be following along with health and wellness because today was the first major announcement out of the Make America Healthy Again camp. Good.
And it turns out that one of the very first things that RFK Jr. started talking about especially with the food industry was the issue of seed oils, how bad they are for you. And already we’ve seen major food companies, restaurant chains switching out and no longer using seed oils. And that was talked about today.
And I think that that trend’s going to continue on. And I think that that’s a really important way to start getting rid of seed oils because almost every restaurant chain, fast food place used those seed oils. And today there is some major announcements of companies that won’t be using them anymore.
It’s not that they have health food or anything yet, but it’s a really good start. And I got this testimonial that came in, Bruce, from a man. It’s the first time he sent us a testimonial, but he’s been using the products for years.
And he says, I’ve been using Boomer Boost and Gladiator Barley for years now. I usually replace my evening meal with a Boomer Boost smoothie and frozen blueberries. Oh, nice.
I don’t go to a gym or work out, but I get comments about my muscles now and then. My job keeps me active and I do some heavy lifting occasionally. For the most part, I’m healthier than years past without the products.
I have more stamina and energy. Thanks, Boomers. And this guy sent us in a picture of himself and he looks like someone that goes to the gym all the time.
He’s using his Gladiator Barley and Boomer Boost and just working at his job and staying in really great shape. Yeah, if anybody wants to see that testimonial, just go to the website. It’ll be right on that front page because they put them in order of the last one that came in.
we got a few other testimonials too. We got one that says, I like all the products. Then we got one that says, I love all the products.
Another one says, great products. Helps me stay fit. Best digestive enzymes I’ve ever taken.
So people send brief testimonials. One about the new Boomer Boost. Talking about how they like the flavor now that the new stuff is out.
Another person talking about how great she feels taking the magnesium and like that. So the sale is still on. The one we had that was last week.
We’re doing the same sale, which is great. I talked to a few people today that were taking advantage of it. And this is a buy one, get one 50% off sale.
So if people are already using Boomer products, this is going to be a really good time to get the ones that you like and maybe even try a new one. If you have never tried them before, this is a really great way to get started because the prices right now are really low. And we have some of our best selling products on this sale, including both of our Barley’s, the Heirloom Barley and the Gladiator Barley, and also our premium probiotic powder and our Lignans powder.
Lignans are really great, particularly for women who are going through menopause, whether it’s just starting or you’re right in the middle of it or you’re kind of in post-menopause. Lots of people that take these Lignans report that their symptoms have completely disappeared. And we also have our Resveratrol is on sale right now, and Ashwagandha, which we’ve got lots of testimonials of how it helps people feel really calm.
And then we also have vitamin D3, which almost everybody in the United States, and we know that it’s about 4 billion people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D. And I’ve actually only met one person, Bruce, that didn’t need to take vitamin D of the 20,000 people that we’ve met through our company. Only one person that didn’t need it. And also our Omega-3 fatty acids, our fish oil capsules are on sale.
So is our vitamin B complex. And the magnesium we just talked about from that testimonial is on sale. And so is olive leaf extract, which is really good for people’s immune system.
And just to say a word about that, the dynamic combo that the gentleman in the testimonial was talking about, he’s talking about taking two of our products, one called Boomer Boost, the other one he’s taking is Gladiator Barley. And they really were designed to go together. So when we learned about the existence of the Gladiator Barley about 15 years ago, we took that new creation and all the new things that we discovered it was going to do that no other nutrition products had done before in the past.
And around that we created the Boomer Boost formula that would fill in all of the gaps that couldn’t be filled in by the Gladiator Barley. And so the barley, when you take it, you have to start really slow and be careful because it’s about 400 times stronger than regular green drinks like barley grass juice or spirulina, that type of thing. And you can’t take a large amount all at once.
And we got, a person had sent in an email with a question and I’m going to be calling the person tomorrow and was asking is this barley the same barley I used to take years ago called da-da-da? And the answer is no because there isn’t any other barley like the Gladiator Barley and what that person was taking was dried out blades of grass of barley grass. And it’s not the same thing at all as sprouted seeds, especially if you’re sprouting an ancient 2,000 year old seed from the time of the Gladiators and then amplifying its power by sprouting it. And that is one of the two products.
It cleanses out your whole body. It cleanses your blood, your lungs, your liver, your kidneys, your spleen and it even cleans mold out of your body as well which will mostly come out through your skin and it also cleanses your small intestine of the plaque that’s in your intestines and will restore the little veli that absorb nutrients so you can absorb nutrition as if you were a much younger person. And it’s really, really helpful for people’s lower intestines as well.
There’s a lot of prebiotic in that barley, a lot of fiber that good bacteria can feed on and create metabolites and the other product, Boomer Boost, has 66 different nutrients in it and it goes in perfect synergy with the barley and that’s why you get people like this gentleman who’s been using the product for years and notices a distinct difference as a before and after. So anybody that’s interested in learning more about that can give us a call. Go on our website, check it out.
We’ll be happy to help you. We answer the phones from 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, Eastern time. And even though it’s light out until almost 8 o’clock now, we stop answering the phones at 5. It gives us three hours to go to the beach and that’s about it.
What I have for tonight, Bruce, and it is 9.58. Thank you, Bob. And it gives you a little time to get to the practice to hit golf balls before sunset. And that’s another bonus too.
There you go. Walk to the beach, you can hit some balls, maybe get in nine holes, depending on the course and where you are. Yeah, that’s good.
That’s what I used to… I used to play a golf tournament on Thursday afternoons at we’d start at like 6 and then we’d go to 5.30 and maybe even as early as 5 o’clock sometimes and play and get nine holes and have a nine-hole golf tournament and then come in and have some buffet dinner of some kind, which was prepared by the chef, and collect the prizes. Yeah. As the winners of the longest… Usually it wasn’t as much long drive as it was.
Closest to the pin, on the par threes, and best overall score and this and that. It was a great little tournament every Thursday afternoon in the Men’s Golf League, which I was a member of that. So, that was a lot of fun.
So listen, Bob, that’s cool. Let’s tell them how to get to the website. All you’ve got to do is go to That’s my site.
And when you get on that landing page, you’ll see a banner at the top that says Boomers. That banner is your direct link to Bob’s website. Click on it.
Boom. You’re right into Bob’s website. And then you can see the products that are on sale.
You can look at all the products, read product descriptions, and so on. And also down at the footer of the page, you’ll see, you know, a lot of the podcasts and you know, archived YouTube broadcasts, everything. A lot of information down there.
And I recommend you check out the site. And then you can put together an order, put it in your cart, go through, and take care of it that way. Now, also, Bob mentioned that they have a phone number that is good from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday.
And that’s eastern daylight time now. So, they’re there until 5, but you can call 800-861-4609. 800-861-4609.
And they’re really very, very helpful. Customer support is just that. It supports the big call.
Bob has done a wonderful job in working with his staff and training them to be, you know, sort of very helpful for us. And I really appreciate that. And I highly recommend take advantage of this sale while it’s still going for a little while longer.
Because it’s really a good deal when you can buy one product and get the other one half off. 50% off or half off. So, thank you, Bob.
I appreciate that. And I love the fact that the barley is so unique. There’s nobody that has this type of an heirloom barley or a gladiator barley, which is the one I take, in combination with Boomer Boost.
And I’m on the new Boomer Boost now like four days. And it is terrific. I love it.
Tastes great. And I highly recommend that combination. The dynamic combo.
Very dynamic. And take advantage of this sale. And stock up a little bit.
It’s a great idea. Okay, Bob. Thank you very much.
Let’s get into the Intel portion that we’ve got right now. What I’m happy about is when we get information that lines up with other sources. That is very cool when we can get new puzzle pieces and they seem to fit well together.
For example, Iraq over the, let’s say, when was it? We got Sunday that Iraq had a new rate. Now this is prior to the 4X opening at 5 o’clock Eastern time on Sunday. We heard this earlier in the day that there was a new denar rate.
And that new rate jumped up about would have been let’s see, 15 cents in a short period of time and so on and so on. And it’s moving up. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be really, really good.
Well, it ends up that that particular information that we got directly from Iraq from a source that speaks to the president of Iraq and also the head of the, what they call the CBI, Central Bank of Iraq, which we think changed the name to Sovereign Bank of Iraq. Either one that most people still use CBI, but it’s a sovereign bank and they set the rates for the denar and so on. Well, what’s really cool is we find out that the information that we got is also saying for us here to get our paperwork together and get ready for exchanges to start very soon.
And I’ll get into that timing in a minute here. Very soon. And I thought, oh, that’s pretty cool.
It’s the first time that source has ever said that. Talking about getting our paperwork ready for exchanges. Okay.
So then we find out that today from the same source to another source in the States, an Iraqi American, that they are about to pay out back pay for three months. That would be December, January, and February. They’re paying everything you can think of.
Military, contractors, educators, people that were prisoned under Saddam Hussein. All of these different things, they’re loading up and about to pay them on their debit cards, really. They have these debit cards.
They’re about to pay them tomorrow, which is Wednesday, the 12th of March. So they’re gearing up for that, loading those cards up, and those are going to be happening tomorrow. And the people that we talked to that are Iraqi are very happy about this.
Because this is finally they’re catching up. Now listen, they’ve caught up before, but this catches the last three months. December, January, and February.
At the new rate that they just established. You know, Sunday, and then of course it gets traded up on the forex since then on Sunday night. Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday, you know, it’s been trading.
And that’s a good thing for us and for them. Now, what I’m going to tell you tonight, I’m going to be a little bit cautious because I was informed that they don’t really want me to go into much detail or depth when it comes to anything about rates or where the money’s coming from or anything regarding that. So I’m going to honor that and stay away from it and talk sort of in general terms.
And you know, like I said, I was advised and so I’m not going to want to say anything that will get any of us in trouble, including me. So what we’re getting is that the bondholders and sometimes it comes back, and I like talking about bondholders, which are tier three, bondholders, they started paying into their accounts, the individual bondholders started today, Tuesday, the 11th, and are going to pay those guys out for the next five days and should be complete 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th. Okay, which is Saturday, right? Yeah.
So they’re putting the funds into those bondholders accounts over the next five days. So how does that affect us? We’ve been told we’re going to go right behind bondholders, but in front of others, I mean, listen, we’re supposed to be receiving our notifications in the next 24 to 48 hours. And even more recently, this afternoon, evening, before the big call, I’ve heard it’s more than likely going to be in the next 24 hours.
Today’s Tuesday, Tuesday night, this was obtained earlier in this afternoon, so we could very well be notified tomorrow, which could be great. We could get notified tomorrow and start exchanges on Thursday, or we could get notified Thursday and still start exchanges on Thursday. The thing that we’ve heard from our Redemption Center leaders is when the toll-free numbers come out to us and we’re calling to set our appointments, they would be ready to exchange us and redeem our ZIM three hours after we received those numbers.
That’s as soon as they would be ready at the Redemption Centers to take us. Obviously, if we get this in the morning, it looks very good for us to exchange in the afternoon. Whether it comes tomorrow, whether it comes Thursday, we’ve heard from one source, exchanges Thursday, Friday.
We’ve heard from another source, exchanges to start before Saturday. Another source said exchanges to start by Sunday, by or before Sunday. We’ve heard, of course, like I mentioned, the possibility of being notified in 24 to 48 hours.
That is very good when it comes to our timing and trying to create some kind of a timeline that we can adhere to. There was also something that had to be completed by this past Monday, which was yesterday morning. That was that banks all over the country needed to be completed as far as the digital currency was the digital currency reserve was concerned because there is a number of digital currencies, so-called tokens or digital coins that are of value and will stay in value and be used to back up the USN as far as its value is concerned as part of the asset backing of our new currency.
I’ve also heard that I’ve heard from a very good source that the USN does not have to be out, and I mean announced out for us before we go on these exchanges. It’s sort of the opposite of what you might think would be the case, but I’m going to take that source and say that’s fine with me. The USN can come out whenever it needs to.
I’m not going to worry about that part of it. I know we’re going to get more and more and more when it comes to disclosure, when it comes to Nisara, Jasara, all of that. It’s hard to predict exactly when it’s going to happen, but I know that’s very close.
Now, I’ll say one thing, and that is that there have been checks that have been received, and we think these may or may not be doge checks or what we’re calling direct deposits. Just kind of keep an eye on your accounts, especially if you’re retired, keep an eye and watch for those possible direct deposits. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
The other thing I want you to know is if you haven’t already sent Sue an email and bought the MedBed 100 course, two-night class, then you should by all means grab it and get it. Same thing would also be true of the Quantum Leader Future Founder course. Really, really high praise on both of those.
And people, and you’ve heard some of Sue’s testimonials on them. I mean, look, guys, this is your only chance to learn everything you need to know about the MedBeds, about what you can ask for, what you should communicate to them in a 15-minute interview period before you go into the MedBed. I mean, imagine if you went in and you didn’t know anything about what to do, what to ask for, what your options would be, and all of a sudden you get in and two or three things are fixed, and then you get back and go, oh, man, I wish I had known I could have asked for that.
I could have told them I’d like to get this. I could have told them any number of things, 65 different aspects of things that you should know about to see if any of them are things that would apply for you. I’m telling you, I think it’s valuable.
For only $100, to get the MedBed 100 and be totally prepared, and then you can relax knowing you’ve got a list that includes everything that you want, not only physically in your body, but other things that they can download in your brain and get you some pretty cool stuff added to you. Oh, man, I’m going to get a lot of things, you guys. Besides physical attributes and physical improvements and my new eyesight back and everything else like that, I’ve got a lot of other things, probably more things in terms of downloads and the abilities to do this, the abilities to do that better, to speak this language.
All of that you should learn about, and you should take advantage of this. This is probably going to be your last chance to get the MedBed 100 before we go for exchanges and before we get the toll-free numbers, which could come out as early as tomorrow. It might be Thursday, but it could very well be tomorrow.
What I would suggest is to send Sue an email. If it were me, I’d go ahead and get both of them. I’d go ahead and get the MedBed 100 and the Quantum 100, and that will set you up to where you can come out of the Redemption Center and be in a position to say, Wow, I can sigh, I can pause, I can look back and reflect on the experience and know that I’m walking in the right direction.
Extremely valuable. I would get both. Send Sue an email to IntegratedMinds, I-N-T-E-G-R-A-T-E-D IntegratedMinds, M-I-N-D-S, at In the email, just put your name and your cell phone number in case she needs to text you.
Everything will come to you by email, But just in case there’s a question or a problem, she can give you a quick call or a text. And then the fact that she takes PayPal, and she can do an invoice through PayPal which allows you to not even have a PayPal account to pay for it. So some people are getting both of these which would be the best suggestion, the MedBed 100 plus the Quantum 100.
That’s $200 total. And that way you can be all set. You’ll be just terrific.
So I would do that tonight after the big call tonight. Send it off because remember, when these numbers do come out, and we don’t know when exactly by time. We think it’s sometime tomorrow.
Could be Thursday. But go ahead and send those off to Sue tonight. And then she’ll do her very best to get those out right away to you.
And be watching your emails. Watch your emails 2 or 3 times a day to watch for those to come in. She’ll give you instructions on how you can pay for it.
And that will come by email. So I would highly recommend everybody do that. You’ll just think this is the best thing I could have done to prepare for the MedBeds, the best thing I could have done to prepare for walking out my Quantum aspects of my leadership, and everything that I’m going to be doing, everything that you’re going to be doing in the future.
So I’m highly recommending that. And that’s what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight. And I do appreciate everybody that has been listening to the big call.
We’re in our 14th year. You realize that on the 15th of March, which would be what, Saturday, I will have fulfilled 20 years of being invested. I’ve followed it for longer than that, but it will make 20 years to the day that I invested in these currencies.
And I’ve been following more or less every day since. So I’m ready for this. You guys are ready for this.
Remember, we’re going to be doing projects, Rebuild America. We’re going to be doing Rebuild International. And I want to say something very quickly about Rebuild America.
I’ve been watching some of the HGTV shows on, let me think for a second, what it’s called, Hometown Takeover. Now I’m not in love with the concept of a takeover. I don’t know why they didn’t call it Hometown Makeover, but whatever, takeover.
And there are some good shows. There are some things that I think we should do in Rebuild America. There are definitely some aspects to their show on HGTV that I think we want to try to emulate.
And I can’t wait to let you guys know what that is. I think we’ll be doing some regional get-togethers. We can talk about how we’re going to do that.
But obviously, we’ve got to get our two websites up. I want to make one pretty interactive where we allow you to fill out a form online, and then we can go ahead and see what your interests are, where you are, what your experience is, what you think you might want to do, how much time can you put in this, etc., etc. We’ll probably have a list of about 20 questions.
We’ll see. But we’ll try to take that information and use it to put certain Big Call listeners and Big Call Universe together to work on similar projects in similar areas, blah, blah, blah. We’ll see.
We’ll see how it all comes together. But I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. I’m excited about it.
But I do know that one thing that’s very important is that we create gathering places. That we create community gardens. That we create spaces like parks for walking and enjoying music, maybe an amphitheater.
Music is going to be very important, especially as far as a gathering place goes or a gathering space. There are quite a few things that we should try to do in almost every town, and primarily small towns. We’ll do some things in the city too.
We’ll definitely do some things there. And that’s a little different prospect. But I can’t wait to get started on Rebuild America, Rebuild International, especially the housing aspect of both of those as a first concern.
Get the housing really right for people to rebuild houses. Some of it will be new houses. It will be a real different thing in every town probably, but we’ll have some things that will be similar.
And then of course, the Veterans Retreat Network. We’ll get that together. Pastoral Retreat Network too.
Got ideas about that. And I’m excited. If you want to be part of any of that, after all this goes, after the dust settles, and you’ve had a little vacation time, and you’ve also maybe thought about moving or buying a new place, whatever.
That’s all cool. We’re all doing that. So I would say it will take us a few months, a couple months anyway to get our websites up, but I’ll be in touch with you.
But I’ll be in touch with you by email. So what you need to do is just make sure that you’re registered on so that I can send you guys an email with a podcast link of a call that we might do. See, we’re not going to be using FreeConferenceCall.
whatever it’s called, that much, maybe occasionally, but the intent is to keep our calls a little more private and to target those two Big Call Universe listeners with information about our projects, meeting times, and all that stuff. So keep that in mind. I hope that I can get 5,000 volunteers to help us rebuild America.
And then Rebuild International would be great, especially if you speak Spanish like I do, and you want to work in the island of Hispanola or Hispaniola, whichever it is, and work in the island. And then Haiti is another thing that we can look at as well. So we’re going to do some things in the Bahamas as well.
You don’t have to speak anything but English in the Bahamas, I believe. It does help if you understand Bahamian, though. It does help a little bit.
But it’s going to be great. I’m looking forward to it, you guys. I’m excited.
Let’s go ahead. Keep in mind, get that email out to Sue tonight. Get one out to her.
Tell her what you’re looking for, either the MedBed 100 and the Quantum 100 class course. And then don’t forget, this is a great time to stock up on some of your most popular items with Boomers. And be sure to do that.
In fact, I’m going to make an order tomorrow on that, and take advantage of that sale. So let’s pray the call out. And I want to thank everybody.
Thank you, Sue. Thanks, Bob. You’re doing a wonderful job, both of you.
It’s just been great to work with. And you know what? Guys, I don’t know if this is our last call. We might even do a short recorded call if we get a number tomorrow or Thursday and do a short recorded call on Thursday as a celebration call.
So that’s a possibility. So I want to thank everybody, my satellite team for getting the signal out, the call out all over the globe. Thank you, Jeannie, for your continued support to the big call with your prayer requests and praise reports, and all of the calendar dates and everything.
That’s really cool. As well as GCK, the great creative Kendall for all the artwork and help that he’s given us in the past. And also, Pastor Scott, your continued healing, very important, very, very important that that continues and that you remain healed, totally healed and made whole.
And that’s our prayer for you always. And then, who am I forgetting? Anybody? Of course, I talked about Bob and Sue, and of course, Big Call Universe, our listeners all around the globe, thank you so much for your faithfulness over the last 14 years to listen to the big call. And I’m excited.
Let’s go ahead and pray the call out. Lord God, we just thank you so much for all that you’ve done in our lives to get us to this point. Thank you for the blessing that is going to be so great we almost can’t even contain it.
Thank you for helping us to do the right thing with all the money, and to be good stewards of these funds. Everything that we have comes from you, ideas, everything, the funds, everything. This blessing, thank you for it.
Help us, Lord God, we’re not going to go through this thing alone. We’re dependent on you, on Jesus, on the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and direct us in all of our steps. And it’s in Jesus’ name that we pray, amen and amen.
Everybody have a great night. Let’s see what happens tomorrow. Keep an eye on your emails, okay? All right.
God bless you guys. Good night.