Why Gold and Silver Matter More Than Ever in 2025 (Uncut)
Why Gold and Silver Matter More Than Ever in 2025: Mark O’Byrne’s Perspective
Welcome everyone, this is David Morgan of the MorganReport.com and today I’m interviewing Mark O’Byrne. Mark was the founder of GoldCore and full disclosure I have an account with GoldCore and he basically branched off not all that long ago and started TerraCoins but I think we’re going to get into that a little bit later. Well maybe we should just do it now.
Mark, why don’t you go ahead and introduce yourself and we’ll get right in. You have a long association with the precious metals and I remember our first physical meeting together so many years ago and when I finally made it to Ireland you were the host with the most man. I really enjoyed going through that part of Ireland with you and seeing the pubs and some of the history and all that we did together.
So go ahead and give us a bit of an introduction. Some of course we’ll know. You’re very good David.
Well thank you for having me on and it’s a massive pleasure to get to know you over the years and you’ve been like a mentor to me you know and I’ve learned a huge amount from you over the years. I think it was one of your videos many years ago, it was a fascinating video it was looking at the movie, the rollover movie and you did a sort of an analysis of that which it just was very very interesting and very captivating and when the bank manager tells his wife to go down to the bank they got their savings out and put it into gold and silver and that’s a brilliant movie with Chris Christopherson. If people haven’t seen it I suggest they watch it because it’s still relevant today you know.
But Annie that was my first introduction to you, a very compelling introduction and then I went on your website and I learned a huge amount from you over the years. So thank you for all you’ve been doing for all of us and for the community you know and it was a pleasure having you in Dublin as well. We had a really good time, we didn’t go too crazy on the beer, I think we had one or two, we were very civilised but I remember it was a good night out.
So yeah basically my background is I studied history in university, college Dublin and Greek and Roman civilisation so I was always interested in the genesis of things and the origin of things and many things as a young man didn’t make sense to me at all and that’s why I found history interesting because I was trying to really understand how are things so messed up you know and how have they seemed to always been quite messed up you know. So yeah and as I went along I sort of realised that a lot of it is related to the money and to follow the money because you know when I was in what you guys call high school, we call secondary school, it was always like there was this war here and there’s this battle here and this war in this year and you have to remember what year all these battles were and all these wars and who won the wars and it was like but there’s no analysis of the context like why, why were all these wars, what was happening you know and obviously it’s about power and it’s about money and it was very simple. So I realised you have to start follow the money as they say, they’re very important three words follow the money.
So I started following the money and I started going down rabbit holes at quite a young age and I realised a lot of the sort of conventional narratives were not that true in the historical narratives you know and history is frequently nearly always written by the victors you know. So and I got very interested in the rise of empires and the fall of empires and then I saw how gold always basically had a role as money throughout history and it protected people throughout history you know and there’s a lot of bad things associated with gold and negative things but there’s a huge amount of positive things as well you know. So yeah I then I went into my you know I was thinking about lecturing, teaching and then my dad brought me into his business which was actually a recruitment agency, employment agency and I suppose I learned how to run a business and to manage people but it never really never excited me let’s put it that way.
So I started doing a bit of travel and I travel around the world and actually learned a huge amount by going to India and Southeast Asia and South America and meeting other people and their cultures and some ways I learned more from those travels than I did from the textbooks in the university you know. So anyway long story short I basically I was looking around the tech bubble 2000, 2001 and September 11th I had some money basically Irish property went crazy obviously with a big bubble so I sold Irish property and I had some money there and I was looking to invest it and I couldn’t buy it. I was looking to buy gold and silver coins and I couldn’t buy it anywhere in Ireland.
I was shocked. I had to buy it in the US and I bought from a company called usagold.com. You probably remember a wonderful man called Michael Kassaris and his son Jonathan there runs USA Gold. So I was buying gold coins from them in Colorado of all places and they were shipping them to me in Ireland and I sort of realized this is very interesting that no one’s doing this in Ireland and people were literally laughing at me literally like smart people you know and people who are working in stocks and brokers and they’re saying gold that’s barbaric relic from the past why would you be doing that sure that’s $250 per ounce and it’s only going to go lower sure Gordon Brown is selling his gold and you know so it was it was amazing just how negative everybody was you know and I knew from reading about investments and from a contrarian perspective when everybody’s negative like that means a huge opportunity so I set up a brokerage in 2003 was actually called gold and silver investments limited that was the name because I knew silver was fundamentally undervalued relative to gold so I always felt silver was going to be a big part of it was called gold and silver investments limited and basically about a year later I brought in my business partner Stephen Flood and myself and Stephen basically grew the business over the years we rebranded to gold core 2009 we brought in David Russell I watched your your excellent interview with David there recently and he’s a good guy who’s running gold core now and basically the three of us really grew that business particularly during the financial crisis and it was a great business and yeah I left in 2020 to spend time with family to spend time with my dad who wasn’t well and and I was actually thinking about doing more well-being and and I’m very passionate about I suppose breath work and you know sort of these sort of energy modalities so I was looking at that but I mean there’s no there’s no money in it and I had different people saying you know you you’re great at precious metals why you should be writing about precious metals you should be telling people about precious metals and talking about it and giving talks so I started people getting me to talk about it again and then I said I don’t really want to sell Krugerrands or or American Eagles from the US mint anymore you know but then but I mean long story short I realized there’s many it’s actually Irish Americans but also Irish people come to you’re saying why aren’t there Irish gold coins it’s like Austrian gold and silver coins there’s Australian Canadian American British why aren’t there Irish gold coins you know and I never really had a straight answer you know so anyway I started thinking about it and I said well why don’t we so I said I’m going to do it so we’ve done it now and for the first time ever we have Irish bullion gold and silver bullion that’s four nine pure and indeed three nine pure being minted in the US as well and yes it’s the first I’ve never been done before we the Central Bank of Ireland have done a few funny collectors coins you know so this is the first time so I’m very excited by it and yeah because there’s a massive Irish you have Welsh ancestry there’s a massive Irish Welsh and Scottish diaspora in the US you know and I’m very much targeting that niche within the global precious metals market you know so yeah that’s that’s who I am in a nutshell great well let’s go ahead and get the biggest question that why why are gold and silver important in 2025 yeah I think it’s it’s funny you wouldn’t know it from the media coverage because it’s it’s like it’s a taboo particularly here in Ireland and much of Europe I think maybe slightly less of a taboo in the US but it rarely gets any media coverage you know it’s been quite shocking in recent days gold hit all-time record highs against the euro or to put it more succinctly if you look at the euro price of gold it’s just gone down you know since the foundation year of 1999 so last Thursday gold hit record highs in euro terms and there wasn’t one article in in the Irish media and and I didn’t see anything in in European media either you know so it’s just it’s it’s people aren’t aware you know it’s it’s crazy and that that was not the case in 2008-9-10-11 was getting much more coverage you know so so it’s it’s in my opinion it’s actually more important more relevant today than then than it has been in the modern era you know given the scale of risks that’s in the world and yet it’s more of a taboo you know so and I think obviously we’ve got very significant risk in the world and you know I don’t want to be going on about it because I think most people are aware I want to focus more and more on the solutions you know but there’s there’s massive micro macroeconomic risk I think we’re on the verge of very sharp recessions in most major economies and in the global economy and there’s huge geopolitical risk obviously the war in Ukraine the wars in the Middle East uh it’s it’s very very unstable the whole world you know uh the systemic risk uh the system itself is unstable given the levels of debt in the world we’re barely talking about the debt anymore D-E-B-T because I think we just got so sick of talking about it and I think people have almost come to the conclusion that ah well there must be not there’s no really if nothing’s happened but the risk is still there it hasn’t gone away you know the debt is just going through the roof I think the credit card debt now has gone over a trillion in 1.1 trillion I think it is in the US and it’s increasing exponentially you know and so and then finally the most probably the monetary risk because all these other risks create the the risk to the to the fiat currencies as we know and and I was talking to you before and we used to be warning about the paper money you know and so that’s what can happen to paper money uh so that’s Zimbabwe 100 trillion dollars and Zimbabwe people go well that’s Africa Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of Africa it was the most most wealthy economy a nation in Africa and they went bankrupt from from excess creation of paper money but I actually think today given what we have going on in the digital world and and and the increase in the so-called money supplied increase in the fiat currency supply just by creating digits on the screen I mean we’re getting to a stage now where we have infinite currency we saw that just the other day with Trump’s uh meme coin became worse a billion or two billion in in a few days was created out of nothing you know and a meme coin isn’t it’s absolutely nothing there’s no there’s no value there’s no intrinsic value there’s no earnings it’s simply almost a branding exercise you know so that’s just one example of how uh what they call uh I don’t want to be cruel but an sh1t coin or a fart coin become the word brilliance overnight you know so this is creating massive uh increases in in the values of all sorts of things and yet gold and particularly silver are still very very undervalued you know but the bottom line is it can lead to very significant inflation and we are seeing that obviously in terms of you know the value of things that that matter to us which is you know food energy are the two primary things accommodation you know housing and mortgages rents and you know the cost of living is it there’s a crisis at least that’s acknowledged by the mainstream media but I think that cost of living crisis is worse than people realize and people are you know the middle classes are are suffering out there and working classes if we want to get into definitions of classes but people who are on lower to middle incomes are struggling you know and I think we’re only you know unfortunately I think that’s only going to get worse you know so sorry they’re the problems so the solutions the solutions are going back to you know what are looking to the wisdom of our ancestors you know and and there’s nothing new under the sun and I think gold and silver physical bullion is going to be a key part of what actually protects people families communities in the coming months and years and and I think things of intrinsic value so going back to the land growing our own food organic food one of the biggest solutions to most problems the world is actually growing organic food you know and in terms of a huge health challenge as well you know so so I think yeah land water gold silver I think these are the things that people need to focus on and start diversifying into if they haven’t done so already let me interject there let’s go back a little bit to the crypto space do you think that the crypto space has taken away from the gold and silver investment community and if so do you think it’s been mildly significant very significant a major factor what’s your thoughts um I think it was mildly significant early days and I think it’s become more and more significant in in recent in recent months um and I think it’s it has I’ve no doubt I mean it’s you can see it in the data you can see it in the in the conversations in twitter the whole all the generation is being sucked into speculating on on mem coins and sh1t coins and and the bitcoin itself which is obviously you know that there are merits to bitcoin vis-a-vis these other cryptocurrencies obviously but it yeah a lot of the younger generation and men particularly in their you know mid late 20s and 30s and 40s they would have been buying both gold and particularly silver I remember in goco we always had a younger demographic of of a buyer of silver who wants to make a return but they haven’t got the return on silver in the last 10 20 years not particularly I mean it’s done roughly six six six and a half percent brand which isn’t bad compound return you know um but they they want bigger returns they haven’t got returns on silver so they’ve actually they they’re now going to bitcoin and ripple and all these these cryptocurrencies you know so I think yeah and I think in the last year that has accelerated and I really do think I mean it’s amazing gold’s at record highs silver’s close to breaking out but when I talk to the dealers across America dealers across the EU they’re they’re just huge inventories there and they’re and they’re they’re they’re under pressure you know and the the premiums are tight and it’s quite a difficult business which is incredible when you think the amount of risk in the world and as their gold price is at near record nominal highs you know I think gold is only about 1.2 percent below its all-time record uh higher nominal high uh from about was it two months ago or so yeah I think it was October 31st actually I think it’s Halloween so and yet there’s no excitement there’s no buzz uh it does the retail investors nowhere near this you know there’s no speculative you know there’s no coverage in the media even that gold is pretty much touching record highs you know so I mean that is is it’s worrying in some ways but I I do generally think it is very bullish from a contrarian perspective you know and but I I think you know we’ll need to see record highs we’ll need to see silver break out before and possibly a sharp correction in the cryptocurrencies before we see a wave of of money’s flow from that sector into into gold and silver but I think it will happen I think that the smarter money in that sector will be taking profits um and they will be diversifying those processes into gold and silver because there’s a lot of education been done I mean I I was never anti-bitcoin I was actually quite pro-bitcoin as a libertarian I saw the some of the qualities of gold you know um but as time has gone by I think unfortunately it’s become more and more speculative and I think it has become a plating of I think it’s manipulated and I think it’s been used as a pump and dump um asset you know by very speculative people who let me interject let me interject something there I know you can’t answer this question but I’m gonna give it to you anyway just to spur some thinking because I can’t figure it out which doesn’t mean that you can but why would a young investor buy a trump coin or a fart coin knowing that really there’s no value there but yet they’re almost compelled to do it whereas you know there’s there’s silver has an essential need I mean you can’t run a modern society without it’s in everything electronic so I have no idea to me the only thing that comes to my mind is follow the leader you know it’s like follow the leader over the cliff I mean what’s at the bottom of the cliff well hopefully an ocean so you don’t die but um it’s it has no meaning and yet it catches a wave it’s like it’s like drinking the poison I just don’t get it maybe I should kool-aid but they can’t have any rhyme or reason I mean to me this is the kind of behavior you see at the end of the great inflations that at the end people grasp for anything that isn’t a dollar anything isn’t the currency that’s failing but the dollar really isn’t failing in in such a rapid degree that that you know the bankers are running away from it I mean they’re just continue to quietly accumulate more gold anyway let me turn over to you what’s your thoughts on why would someone do something as naive as buy these mean coins when they have other options available well I think it’s a combination of of desperation and greed and and also follow the leader as you said you know um and it’s a that’s a toxic combination that’s the FOMO the fear of missing out you know because there’s so much very very sophisticated marketing is going on on YouTube and on TikTok in particular and you’ve all these influencers including even Elon Musk is an example of this you know at the very highest levels you have the chap Michael Saylor these guys and then there’s an army of other they’re marketeers basically and they’ve jumped on the the crypto bandwagon and they’re basically pumping it and they’re and they’re and they’re basically saying it’s digital gold and they’re talking about all the qualities of gold in terms of and saying it’s a safe haven and they’re telling these young people that there’s no risk and there’s huge risk you know so so you know and obviously bitcoin is very different we have to not to conflate that you know the different cryptocurrencies there’s a few of them that have quite interesting properties but most of them are you know just highly speculative and very dangerous so but the young people are desperate you know the the vista in front of them is you know even people who have degrees and have you know BAs and Masters and PhDs the job landscape their job prospects are very very low so it’s it’s I think that’s contributing to this and then they can’t afford to buy a small little you know one bedroom apartment studio apartment they can’t get the deposits together for that because the cost of living is so high so they can’t save so it’s a form I think it’s a desperation more so but a little bit of greed FOMO um and it’s as you alluded to it’s it’s it’s that herd behavior there’s a mass mania going on because it’s just they’re being bombarded on on TikTok and YouTube you know I’ve been told that you are going to this is how you will you know you make success of your life you know and uh so it’s and it’s extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds you know it is this group thought and I’m hearing this now from people I’m meeting particularly in the last few days and they’re saying all my friends are buying now and you know so there is a mass mass delusion going on about these cryptos and it’s not being warned of you know the mainstream media has a role to warn of these things and it’s not being analyzed you know there’s no analysis uh anymore of a lot of these things you know because the media is just I saw it and it’s long derogators duty as reporting the facts and then analyzing the facts you know from a non-partisan perspective you know but you would think the media are so anti-Trump that they would and I’m not particularly pro-Trump I don’t have much time for politicians any of them really I always thought Ron Paul was the one guy it was a true libertarian who had a lot of time for you know hopefully Trump will look to Ron Paul and Ron Paul and some of these libertarian people and he will actually bring them into positions of power but that’s not looking good either you know but anyway let’s we’ll suspend judgment and we shall know him by his fruits so you know he’s doing some good things already some bad things but but I you know sorry I’m straying into into that but long story short yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s FOMO it’s greed it’s uh it’s it’s it’s but it’s the group behavior which has been informed by this massive you know digital juggernaut you know of the social media and and the Twitter as well I mean Twitter is a very very pro-crypto space most social media is very pro-crypto and it’s actually quite anti-gold silver there’s no you know on Twitter you know you don’t get what’s the word there’s a term for those images that they have on Twitter so go go I’ll have to google it again I’ll go back onto Twitter you know there’s like an image that you can put on with your tweet and and when you look for that for Bitcoin or cryptos you’ll get really cool and interesting and sort of sexy images gifts and and there’s another term for it as well but when you look for that for gold they’re always really quite negative uh uh images uh for gold like you’d have sort of a greedy dragon who’s hoarding gold you know or you’ll have some evil leprechaun or you’ll have some uh uh you know Austin Powers uh I like gold it’s sort of it’s almost trivializing it or taking a piss giving it a negative a negative spin whereas the the spin towards the cryptos is hugely hugely positive you know so I think uh the people in our space in the gold industry the world gold council the LBMA but more so you know uh the people who are actually uh the people like yourself myself uh people who who do analysis and talk I think we do need to cover it more and look at it more but also the the bullion dealers themselves and the industry themselves need to do a better job of saying you know why gold and silver are better you know and the reason they’re better is because it is gold and silver are through safe havens which have been proven as safe havens throughout history they’re money they’re the ultimate forms of money as seen throughout modern history and ancient history you know and that’s because they are they’re rare they’re tangible they’re portable uh divisible durable and fungible and and bitcoin has some of those properties but it doesn’t have all of them you know and and that’s the power is in all those properties coming together is what makes gold and silver true true safe havens you know and I think the portable one is quite an interesting one in the world today because you know there’s a lot of risk in the world and it’s great to have you know a few coins and bars you know and in the worst case scenario god forbid most of us will never have to leave our our family homes or you know our the jurisdiction we live in or the country we live in you know but we’re seeing a lot of crazy things in the world and some people do have to you know we’ve seen it in the fires in LA as an example a very tragic example just in the last few days you know and if those people had a few gold coins gold bars you know whether it be in their house or in a safety deposit box or in a vault somewhere they could head off and they could start again you know but if they had all their money in their property that’s not insured they’re in big trouble you know and so you know that’s that that portability thing is more important and when and people don’t talk about the portability aspect of gold silver it’s very very important you know the physical aspect the tangible aspect and the portable aspect and and and people say oh bitcoin has that as well I’m like well on your iphone so you’ve got that bitcoin on your iphone but there’s risk on to your iphone because your iphone can be hacked your iphone can be robbed uh it can be issues which are solved for your iphone uh the iphone itself can be taken off you or it can be robbed or it can break down and not work or uh maybe you’re in a position whereby you can’t charge your iphone then you don’t have liquidity so you know well the worst case scenario really is loss of power you know you look what happened with uh you know hurricane helene and you know all these other weather events that have taken place or a cyber attack or whatever and if you want the money at last resort i mean a lot of people consider you know physical cash to be the money last resort in many many instances it is whether you’re in cyprus or uh you’re in washington dc however uh you can’t use the atm if the power’s down so uh you know there’s that aspect as well but i wanted to talk a little bit more about you know how to analyze uh the bitcoin situation that very few seem to do my friend uh steve san angelo who writes the srs rocker report he’s done a pretty good deep dive which encouraged me to i wouldn’t say do a deeper dive but at least swim alongside of him and what’s interesting is that the two major bitcoin miners united states marathon and riot mit a bitcoin for about a hundred thousand dollars so you know being in the gold business i mean in many aspects i mean i write a financial newsletter with the macro picture politics but you know focus primarily on resource real resources real tangible wealth you know the adage that if you can’t grow it you got to mine it so it either comes from the it’s all based on the land it’s either what’s in the land or under the land or what you do with the land grow crops or build on top of the land i mean it’s all hand-based when you really think about it so coming back bitcoin if i’m a gold mine and i’m mining my gold at 2700 the ounce and all i can sell on the market is 2700 the ounce i’ve never got a very good business so if i’m mining bitcoin at a hundred thousand and i’m selling a hundred thousand i don’t really have much for the business and what’s been happening is that these major bitcoin miners have been diluting the crap out of their shareholders they just been issuing more and more stock well it’s the fiat game all over again when you hold a public company you are allowed to issue more shares it’s called dilution just like when you dilute the money supply when there’s more uh you know british pounds being pumped up or us dollars then you are diluting the money supply so each unit has less value and that’s what’s happening in the shares of these bitcoin miners and what’s happening is the uh the top the management of these companies are lining their pockets and the shareholders are taking it because they’re not making a profit and sooner or later i think someone’s going to be smart enough to look at the sec filings and find out that these companies are not profitable and if you look at the downside of it from a human perspective there is a very unknown uh youtube channel called proof of waste rather than proof of work i think there’s like less than 200 people as subscribers but this young woman and she leans left and i lean in the center i really hate politics as anyone knows it knows me well but regardless i don’t care where the political leanings are i care about you know what the truth is and she points out that some of these what they call data centers which really bitcoin miners is that the noise level is so high and it goes 24 7 once they turn these computers on people are actually losing their hearing uh there’s a case purportedly i’ll say purportedly of a girl having epilepsy epilepsy because of this and the property values go down down down because no one wants to live in an area where all you hear is this loud hum 24 hours a day seven days a week on top of that what most people don’t know about these bitcoin miners is they have one purpose and one purpose only and that’s to guess a number basically work the algorithm and guess and when they guess the right number they earn a bitcoin but those computers only last about two two and a half years and they have to be replaced the pitiful thing about it mark is that those computers can’t do anything else they’re useless now if you could use them as a desktop frame you know for uh learning you know having word and email and all the stuff that we’re all used to on our computers well then you know that wouldn’t wouldn’t upset me you know you’d give them away to communities you’d uh give them to the goodwill you’d wholesale them out for a small fee now you use them but they basically throw them away and have to buy a newer version of a bitcoin miner that’s all they do so there’s a lot that i’ve learned after diving in uh through uh steve’s lead that makes me more um questioning the whole bitcoin’s situation and how much more energy it takes you know you listen to michael say they’re always like flaring off you know an oil field well they have to flare it off or otherwise they can have an explosion there’s a reason for it and yeah it is a waste of energy and some of them actually use that heat but i’m going down the rabbit hole too far the point is that the amount of bitcoin energy usage is about ready to triple 2028 and this is a lot so i looked at it after steve’s first kind of got me going on it what i discovered was as anyone can think about it’s really an exponential function when you have the bitcoin every four years or so it takes the same amount of energy to get one half the amount of bitcoin it took the previous time frame the previous usually four years well that’s a two it’s actually two to like 29th power well if you work out to the 29th power you’re somewhere around a billion do you really think that it’s that a bitcoin is worth a billion i don’t um but it certainly uh become kind of front and center i mean he talked about trump and his coin and his wife’s coin and then becoming successes and failures literally overnight in both directions but uh what happens when people wake up to the bitcoin reality and uh what is it really good for i mean it’s an excel file on the on the web that’s held by millions of people and it’s immutable and it’s all that i get what it is but you know i don’t think i’d pay that kind of money for an excel file that you can access so having said all that it looks as if it goes back to what we said about these other sh number one t coins that i’m not putting in the same classification it is the granddaddy of all of them but the reality is if there’s so much emphasis on this market and you realize that the market for bitcoin is about an order of magnitude less than the gold market so the gold market’s about 10 times the market cap of bitcoin and as we both know mark being you know in the places we are with gold gold is about one percent of the financial system and bitcoin’s one tenth that amount and yet i’m going to make you know crypto or bitcoin the or i’m going to make you know the us of crypto capital the world so we’re focusing on one tenth of one percent of the financial market that’s going to save us i mean have i lost my mind or have they lost their mind straighten me out here mark i’m confused they have lost their minds there’s no doubt about it i think when the history of these times are written i think that will clearly be seen you know i think what’s going on is uh i think it’s a desperate attempt to maintain the dollar of the reserve currency of the world because they successfully shut down a lot of the avenues of being able to buy bitcoin with other fiat currencies and now the major exchange is you actually have to have dollars to buy bitcoin and some other cryptocurrencies you know so that’s why the likes of black rock uh one of the most corrupt uh institutional funds in the world um you’ll own nothing you’ll be happy you know these these guys are pushing this these narratives uh and you know without getting personal larry fink only yesterday i think it was larry fink came out with a target for bitcoin and he’s pumping and dumping it like these guys are going out larry fink the top guy in big in i was gonna say the top guy in bitcoin the top guy in black rock is basically saying that bitcoin’s going to go to seven hundred thousand dollars you know so that’s his target you know and why would a man like that like he was the head of this fund you know going out into the media putting price targets on these things i mean it’s you know actually unheard of like you know for a man of his status and his power to be putting giving price predictions that’s a form of financial advice that he is giving and it’s very very dangerous and and if any financial professional did that and said i believe that the sp500 is going to go to 50 000 or whatever prediction it is they’d be they’d be laughed at you know but he gets away with it it’s outrageous you know so and it’s become so corrupt the whole thing and um so sorry but you’re quite i’ve gone off a bit of a tangent on myself but i think that’s an important wider context but so your question was oh yeah just how crazy the whole thing is well you’re right it doesn’t make any sense at all and man michael saylor is rolled out as if he’s some sort of ghoul you know and the stuff he comes out with is nonsense like to honestly to tell the people that we’re going to sell all the gold and gold become worthless i mean the chinese and the indians and most of the middle eastern nations central bank and the singaporean central bank and western central banks the european central banks that they’re laughing at this guy like you know it’s actually completely non-fact based to what’s actually happening in the world and no one just points out simple facts to him he you know if you or me got into a debate with him on a stage you’d wipe the floor with him not that i want to wipe the floor but you just you just say hang a second these are the facts you know but you’re not allowed to give these facts you know because people like him are rolled out because i actually do think there’s an agenda to to actually suppress gold and silver so i don’t think it i know it you know there’s been a war on gold and silver for decades you know and you know gold antitrust action committee gata have done a great job exposing it and and dozens and dozens of other people that have exposed this have been books written about it so this is just another uh installment shall we say or another and it’s an evolution of the war there’s almost a an attack from the you know an unholy alliance of the technocracy uh of the technocrats and the technocratic elites and wall street have got together you know and they’re targeting gold and silver you know and also and another example is is the front page of financial times used to quote at the bottom of the page you would see gold silver platinum uh oil brent oil nymex they would be your commodities then you would have your stock stock market indices you would have your bond markets and you would have euro dollar and cable sterling dollar they’ve actually taken the silver price out uh reuters have taken the silver price out of their main um financial pages like market prices but and they’re putting bitcoin in you know so you have to ask questions and you know people it’s not paranoid it sort of stands to reason you know that that they have been under attack so do we why do we not see this as an evolution of that you know so i’m pretty calm that’s what what’s going on and what you said there about bitcoin is completely unsustainable in so many ways you know the energy uh i follow steve over the years he does great work steve san angelo and his big thing is e or oi and energy return on investment and it just doesn’t make sense and what you’re saying there in terms of environmental damage we mean the amount of energy mental electricity that’s used for it you know um and then these i didn’t i wasn’t aware of the thing that you they’re just used for solely one function and then they can’t be used but hopefully we the metals that are in it can be recycled and i might say you might buy some of those computers recycle them and put them into some of these beautiful gold and silver coins because uh that’s where they should end up you know uh so let’s go let’s go there i i told you i wouldn’t go more than half an hour and gone quite a bit longer than that so we could go on all forever you and i so why don’t we go ahead cut there and go to uh a little bit of a self-promotion tell us about you know the irish coins you’re the first you did it why you did it and what they’re looking at how to get a hold of you yeah so why i did it was because well this conversation gold and silver are safe havens they’re they’re money they’re stores of value and just people really just need to think about what a store of value is you know uh and and you know it has value it always has value particularly in in extremists uh when there’s sort of extreme events or there’s an extreme increase in the in the in the currency supply you know economics is very simple but it’s complicated by all these phds and by wall street so the more supply of something the less value it has and today we have a near infinite supply of digital dollars and digital cryptos and they’re trying to they’re trying to convert everything into digital they want to they want to basically put a stable coin on every single natural asset on this planet the land the water the trees and they want to trade it all they want to monetize it all it’s very very dangerous you know so so any real value is in nature and wall street realizes that and they’re trying to they’re trying to monopolize it and monetize it so but anyway so i’m getting back into that so why gold and silver so we’ve covered why gold and silver they are safe haven forms of money and and and i’ve was basically selling big swiss gold bars and there’s nothing wrong with that but i think in the world today people should be aiming to to have in the same way central banks have repatriated their goal letting people need to to have gold closer to home you know where if you feel safe enough to have a small amount in in your home that’s great uh some people don’t uh and then you keep it in safety deposit box as close to you as possible or evolved as close to you as possible you know and um so so but i i do think that coins i was always fascinated in in numismatics and in the the history of coinage and and i just i think coins are very very important you know and that’s why they called it bitcoin and that’s why they call these things coins you know because they know how important they are they’ve been important trade history so i think the visibility uh smaller amounts that’s why people love the one ounce silver it’s a lovely size you know uh so what i did was uh there’s a niche there as i said for there’s 33 uh million irish americans and then there’s a huge amount of of of celtic people scottish welsh uh descendants in irish america but also in australia and canada you know so this is a niche now for people for the first time they can actually buy irish and celtic bullion coins that’s four nine pure and yeah they’re the sacred symbols of ireland so that’s what’s called on crown on crown baha which is the tree of life and that’s a sacred symbol in nearly every tradition every spiritual tradition around the world and we put the heart to add it because the heart is is important it’s the heart of everything you know and there’s a lot of symbolism there’s a lot of uh mythology there’s a lot of consciousness actually in in the in the symbols that are on the coins you know um so they really capture the i suppose the essence of of what ireland is the people of ireland are and they honor our ancestors and basically celebrate uh because we’re a nation that went through we were targeting quite a big way between naughty vikings and naughty normans and then naughty english elites uh they came in and they ransacked the place you know this was a very abundant place we we have a huge amount of gold and silver in this country and the goddess breed and the saint breed she was actually known as a goddess of of the sun and of fire she’s also known to be a metalsmith so she was known to be working metals and they they use metals basically in the day-to-day living you know they had amazing chalices and cups because they have medical properties particularly silver it’s antibacterial antimicrobial so they would drink their water they would drink their mead they would drink in celebration from the chalices and the only people who do that today are the catholic church you know it’s interesting so a lot of the gold and silver went into the vatican so we need to take it back it’s in ireland we have these amazing amazing works of art i show you this is an amazing book it’s the treasures of early irish art from 1500 bc to 1500 ad so three and a half thousand years ago our ancestors were making these amazing amazing works of art in both gold and silver you know and that’s what gold and silver are that they’re not just their money they’re not just money though they are gold is actually the metal of the sun uh and and we used to think that was metaphorically but it’s actually literally uh the the some people believe it’s either come from asteroids or it’s come from from bursts of sun and solar flares and then silver is the metal of the moon so silver is the masculine energy because the masculine energy is giving and radiating and then the feminine energy whether it be the moon and the earth which are closely connected the earth receives the energy of the sun you know so they’re very complementary and that’s why uh yeah and they’re very grounding as well and in every spiritual tradition there’s huge respect and reverence in in in christianity in buddhism uh in islam in all the great religious traditions and spiritual traditions that they they they value gold and silver you know and because they know that they are metals that are connected to the energy of the universe or the energy of god so we should treat them with respect and with reverence and and you know there’s nothing wrong with buying big gold bars and put them in vaults in switzerland or whatever but i think it’s important in the world today that people actually truly value what these things are you know because it’s funny one last thing to let you go i think you know people i had people i met a woman today and she said oh but it’s so gold is so expensive you know and and this is what i hear all the time it’s expensive you know because they they don’t know its relative value but i said it’s expensive relative to what how much does the price of bread gone up that you buy and where do you buy your bread she’s oh i buy my bread here and it’s actually gone up from 250 to five euros so i said well there you go the price of bread that you buy has gone up 100 you know so we have to think of it uh i think it’s we have it in the podcast another day david we look at the relative values of of of this of irish bread right i’m getting hungry i’m getting hungry just looking at it but in ireland this this is our gold here this is a very gold oh boy i’m familiar with that one that’s irish butter yeah the best of irish butter big big gold bar so so the price of all these things is going up and and the ratio of gold uh it’s interesting that you could buy throughout history you buy roughly 400 loaves of bread with one ounce of gold and i’m sure it’s probably a similar ratio with silver except one tenth or one fifteenth you know i don’t know if there’s any research or any writing on that so this is the these it’s an inflation hedge and it’s a form of money and it will protect people and so yeah have a look at tara coins.com that’s where you’ll find us we have distributors the most the biggest uh distributor and it’s going really well for them and i have a great partnership with money metals exchange they’re really good guys up in idaho you know stephan gleason he’s a lovely guy lovely company they have the biggest vaults in america now i believe outside of fort knox so they’re selling the silver trees and the gold trees and it’s going really well with them you know they’ve done a bit of marketing and just with a little bit of marketing they’re selling really well with them you know so but we have distributors in the uk uh we’re going by post in ireland with the dealers you know here in ireland and in many countries around the world you know so yeah don’t be buying coins with king charles on them uh you know buy buy sovereign truly sovereign coins and not that i’ve had against king charles good luck to him you know he doesn’t seem to be he’s not the worst of them there’s definitely worse in this world than king charles but uh but yeah it’s funny the legal tender that’s one last thing to say sorry one last thing is why do we need a legal tender value on a on a bullion coin and what’s interesting is people are beginning to buy what’s called gold rounds and silver rounds these things um they’re beginning to buy these because they’re looking for the intrinsic value they don’t need a government or a central bank to put a stamp of one dollar or or five dollars or ten dollars that doesn’t have to be a legal tender value it’s the intrinsic value so these have actually become more there used to be a big difference the rounds would be much cheaper than than the legal tender coins but what’s interesting is now there’s less of a difference in the price and people are beginning to say gold is gold and these my coins are commanding similar premiums um and and the round trip cost the between the buy and the sell the bid bid offer spread is not as high as it used to be on the rounds you know so so it is interesting and and and i think that’s a phenomenon that’s going to continue because i think people want you know sometimes there are advantages to the to the the bullion coins in certain jurisdictions you know so that’s one reason you might buy the coins but for people who want bullion in their hand and they want something truly beautiful truly sacred make beautiful gifts as well we should be buying these things rather than buying jewelry that has crazy markups and sales taxes these are absolutely beautiful gifts and one last thing yeah we’ve done fractional gold so to make it accessible obviously the one ounce silver with the one ounce gold but i too long said that the currency is going to be devalued and when gold goes to 10 000 the next few years i’ve no doubt gold will go to 10 000 euro dollar pound and they’ll probably fix all the fiat currencies and we’ll have 10 000 and it could be in five years it’ll be in 10 years but it will happen when that happens your fractional gold of 0.1 ounce and one gram will come much much more important so i think people need to be looking at the smaller and you know and if you’ve got you know a lot of your people would already own gold and silver coins and they don’t want to buy more but maybe do a little swap say right well swap three of my one ounce gold coins and i’ll get with that you get 91 gram uh little gold coins they’re beautiful uh i want to i want to show you that they’re there on the table somewhere so you get 91 gram coins for your three one ounces it’s nice in the world today to have that little bit of visibility you know because then you can go to your your local farmer your local butcher your local candlestick maker and you can buy by the necessities of life you know but you won’t be able to buy it with a one ounce gold one is gold is for buying property and land and businesses and and paying off debts and things like that you know and i think we need to see it more and more as a form of money rather than as a form of a lonesome investment what we see to make a return you know um so that’s it david yeah thank you for your time i really appreciate it well it’s been a pleasure thank you thank you thank you with the great work