New Year’s Coffee at noon. 01/01/2025
[Music] [Music] try that again good morning everyone Kevin it’s because it appears to be so we got some pretty fun stuff for uh this morning hello R forever grumpy Cheryl boka bum Barbie Peggy Moose Country Girl hello Jay hello Tahoe and who oops and Sharon hello busted Beverly and Robin hello Samurai and Hill City and dragonfly girl Hello Tristan yeah F fun can be good hello crypto Mojo PGH always a pleasure hello Canada girl Todd anonymous [Laughter] okay you got to find the sense of humor in this one if you can’t probably needto reassess some things with this blessing we’re about to receive I’ll strive to be a good man GNA give 50% of my money to charity but if she’s not working I’m giving it to Destiny hello Andy happy New Year hello Joe let’s see no I’m well we don’t know for certain you know and I’ve got got thoughts on that one uh prayers headed to the folks in New Orleans people visiting New Orleans the families involved for those that haven’t heard well why assume everybody has heard New Orleans Mayor calls Bourbon
Street Massacre a terrorist attack somebody plowed through a crowd um uh jumped out assault rifle started firing 10 dead I guess 30 or or so still in the hospital at the last update um anybody else uh sounding off with more current news um out of uh New Orleans I’d like to hear it the mayor saying it’s a terrorist uh regular news stations I shouldn’t say that other news sources trying to share nothing uh or as little as possible because they either they don’t know or they are hiding who it is I’m just curious are they setting it
out are they setting us well how how do I put this one um do you think it’s going to be from across the border a terrorist attack meaning outside the US or they setting the stage for a domestic terrorist probably one that’s got you know they mentioned that there was a flag holder on the truck a lightning a a electric Ford F-150 are they setting this up for um some kind of Psy some kind of Trump supporter maybe I’m just spitballing here and I hope not that I’m even doing that feels really icky that
we have to question the whole world and our news organizations and our government but it’s where I’m at right now until I get more information a triple daughter said I’d call it a preview of coming attractions uh Mr brights side saying he had an ice well let me try to catch that one he had an Isis flag you know it is it is it crazy uh let’s see love said truck crossed the border two days ago at Eagle Pass supposedly they had um Richard saying already said he crossed two days ago from Mexico through Mexico doesn’t mean he’s
Mexican guys um Middle Eastern Chinese who knows excuse for Marshall Law say we’re under attack postpone election I mean I’m throwing everything at it here the desperation you can smell out of the globalist mama bears husband uh celebrating a birthday today happy birthday to them see campy now we got to ban electric vehicles assault electric vehicles assault trucks uh let’s see now magga Texas Angel says actually I found out he had entered the US November 16th had he gone back cross the border come back
in yeah that’s where I’m just going on that one we need to uh pause collect more news we can certainly entertain thoughts but we definitely need to get to the bottom of it morning Miss KLA happy New Year hello Graham hello swizy and sasketchewan Canada I’m just reading a few of these great Panic he app apps are us birthday today A P P Sr us happy birthday I like how you Ed the sirens there that was well done I see one over there want to laugh at but I can’t let’s see well his Airbnb caught fire they found two e uh IEDs and
possibly another in front of Jack’s Brewery I told most of my friends I want to go anywhere big especially not this New Year’s uh Lonnie for all those who believe it was a trump sport in part yeah I mean which is it that’s one thing we’ve got to find out because they are using hate to divide us right now so we’ve got to stop drop roll and think Trey said they started to walk back the terrorist description earlier but it looks like they walked back the walk back Floyd how was the power outage in Puerto Rico I don’t know about the
rest of the island I know ours came back around 8 or 900 p.m. last night local time um I was still on solar other than shutting off all AC SL whatever fortunately it was a cool day so it wasn’t a big deal we ran on solar lucky I don’t know when the rest of the island if the rest of the island has their power back yet looking across from the hill where I was watching uh fireworks looked like uh one of the two towns had power back and the other one was a little questionable let’s see fit ask my brother and
sister-in-law are going to New Orleans for New Year’s Eve but didn’t do the high hotel rates boy I’m glad they didn’t yeah who let them through the barriers if you’ve seen the way they set up Bourbon Street I can see how he could easily get through the barriers because they take him down in the morning for delivery trucks clean up all that good stuff and especially I mean so they’re no more than those like plastic almost like uh saw horses with stuff across them at the ends of the streets so I could definitely see how he
could plow through those fireworks were fantastic amazing Bel birthday today too happy birthday all right we got a where we at TimeWise we’re almost there starting the news news says they think the shooter is dead I mean it’s a great question I mean the last news uh story I caught from the mayor this morning said it had not been apprehended yet trying try to keep up with these Greg I appreciate that Greg and Rossy you guys are great looking forward to a awesome 2025 for you guys hello Mark and Chile
Scotland let me leave that one up for those Tommy no part of me believes that all banks are basil for compliant right now oh wait I’m going to try to catch uh Bernard’s comments I would have more confidence in Keystone Cops investigating the norleans attch and getting to the truth than the FBI yeah right do they realize how badly they have compromised any belief or faith in their own organization by what they have done has it occurred to them what they have done to themselves and the American people and their faith for not only law
enforcement but for government it’s suicide we’re watching The Go the we’re watching our government commit suicide suicide of a Nation but we’re changing that that’s 2025 and I do find it interesting because all Daye yesterday all I could think of is this is going to be the year that the eagle becomes the Phoenix and we Rise From the Ashes uh of this global Assault on Common Sense and sovereignty and 2025 is that year 2024 was the year that most had their eyes open we were already there overwhelming majority of us were
already there we were the early wakers the early risers um a and that Theme played throughout the day in my mind like this is it I I could just picture the eagle becoming the Phoenix and Rising again um yeah this lady may have stumbled but she ain’t never fell the globalists don’t believe it they can all go straight to hell we’re going to put our feet back on the path of righteousness again God Bless America again all right borrow a few uh phrases from Charlie Daniels um I’m so excited about 2025 and
then I was reading an article this morning and they’re talking about civic education the Phoenix arises and they made the same correlation that I did it almost felt good to know that people throughout Humanity are thinking the same thing that this is our year to rise again so excited I don’t mean rise in some authoritarian craze conquer the world no I mean uh rising of the family of a love of God of direction of knowing what we’re doing which way’s up what is right what is wrong um the difference between the two
of them I’m just so excited for us and I’m just uh filled with it I know it’s going to be a fight it’s going to be a slugfest but I’m up for it put me in coach uh what’s the latest race you’ve heard regarding darar uh and Vietnamese Dong uh most recently I am hearing about 390 for dinar for Street rate don’t know what to tell you if there’s a contract rate or not or what it’s going to be I do believe there’s going to be one but I don’t know what to tell you any difference dong we’ve heard anything from 47 cents
to about the same to almost $4 most of my sources are still telling me that they expect in the mid2 range we hope it’s accurate but I just want to make certain I covered that I saw you uh take the time to do that Super Chat you are appreciated um oh Mama D un C4 we got some good stuff on that that one on the whole International SL whatever I’m sorry I should have already taken the dive now that I’ve uh shared my excitement for what I’m calling the year the Phoenix the year the eagle became the Phoenix that we rose
again shaky we’ve been through it we have been through one of a battle and we mostly survived it not all of us we’ve lost too many part of the reason I’m wearing this shirt today today Alabama shirt roll tied for spoon lady p homage to one of those that went before all right now let’s get to news because uh on the international front there’s a lot happening where was I at okay we already did that one let’s dive in over here Central Bank of Iraq announces the transition from the electronic platform uh to banks with foreign
transfers this is international now uh to uh put an exclamation point on it I’ll drag this story over uh the CB announces the official closing of the dollar selling window she’s done she’s closed they announced the transition to the new platform the new process the 95% of the way there we’re now eclipsing the last steps Central Bank announces major achievement in foreign transfers how many more articles I mean guys I brought in a bunch I could have brought in probably three times that this morning
out of Iraq in the Middle East uh there is a tremendous amount of excitement going on right now in Iraq because of this and I’ve got another Humdinger one coming in here as well Central Bank we’ve started working on the correspondent banking system this is the new system this is the system that the rest of the world these are international standards let me repeat that International standards so now working on a system like everybody else does in the world instead of that restricted dollar price dropping Baghdad
herbal markets with the opening of stock exchange at the beginning of the year in other words they were expecting things to go sideways they have not meaning that people are are having even more faith in the dinar after this transition so coming out of the gate this one’s a big one I think this is part of the stability they needed to see I know I’m ripping through these there’s going to be plenty of time to have conversation after this because how quickly I’m just excited the general authority of Customs adopts the iuda
system and deposits paperwork in the major reform step in other words World standard they’re using the system of all the Civilized nations from across the world starting today they’ve been putting it in place they’ve been putting it in place they’ve been telling us this is the plan these are the reforms and boy they are checking off that list should have another fun one or two oh look here on Forex news comprehensive guide to trading the Iraqi dinar on Forex who wait a minute comprehensive guide to trading the Iraqi Nar and Forex
bam International guys uh let’s see oh and then I just wanted to make certain I included this one from the CBI uh because everybody for the most part have just seen really cool little screenshots feels really good good to hear the CBI talking about instructions and standard for the circulation replac of Bank notes and the mechanisms of counting and sorting can I tell you also how many people have had check in very excited about the conversation and the education the talk has been overwhelming about small notes meaning
small denomination so small note conversations have uh dominated many any conversations in news Etc and government employees and banking employment employees throughout Iraq uh over the last 24 hours or so smaller notes why do you need a smaller note I’ll let you guys piece that one together because I think most of you already have what Miss jeie say how about the USA owning Canada could this be the reason Trump alluded the 5st state bring on this RV mama needs a new home state side uh not to upset you folks in
Canada but it doesn’t take much of a deep dive to figure out that the Canadian government if you look at the corporation that owns and operates it corporations lodged in DC Washington an American corporation yeah I know saw that this morning I’ve not had an opportunity Deep dive to find out how accurate or inaccurate it is um my brief four or five minutes of research showed that there are many uh articles government filings Etc that support the opinion that it is a US corporation that owns the Canadian
corporation that runs Canada I know crazy we’ll see what it means because I am certain that crap and disclosure is hitting the fan in a good way Angel’s birthday today yeah I’ve just I’m having a similar you know issue Angel M said it’s my birthday today it’s not my birthday though guys I’m not giving my age it would ruin my street cred I’m starting to get more street cred from being old than from being young like it used to work I got kind of like this change uh let’s see breaking Nola reports the suspect to New Orleans TCH
Was A 42-year-old sham Den Jabar who was found with an Isis flag uh Kathy I’m not certain where you’re getting your news but if you could give us an idea of the size of of the organization reporting it might help us decide whether we can uh get excited about it well I shouldn’t say ex whether we can take it with some uh do we need a grain of salt do we not but it would certainly make sense reading a few of these we’re going to keep going triple daughters not shocked face Tommy does anyone know bring an NHL
hockey team back to Arizona I it could it’s going to employee people see I got called Sir a lot since I turned 40 it’s not a bad thing to be called Sir we’ll just call it a respect thing we’re going to run with it Kevin no auction today Kevin asking the very obvious question but I can tell you with what I believe to be absolute confidence no auction today we do know that over 60 billion US were spent by Iraq in auctions this year buying dinar off the street guys let’s do a little bit of math it was actually like 60 billion1
158 million something like that but let’s just call it 60 billion for poops and Giggles so we got 60 billion I’m going to figure out how many dinar wow that’s a lot of zeros so I got 60 billion US Dollars spent now it’s times 1310 because that was the rate that they were paying so that is going to be 78 trillion 600 billion darar removed from circulation through auctions some of that clearly probably did go back into circulation but much of it did not that is how much they have reduced their circulation guys that’s huge that tells
you that all of the stories about overprinting probably can be uh either looked at with a massive truckload assault or discounted completely that’s exciting news somebody else did the math in emails which was pretty awesome let’s see Mark everyone is starting to report uh what she said about New Orleans attack I Isis flag remember Isis was Obama’s baby well Obama and Hillary uh it was their baby they spent six billion US doll um Stevens was exposing it all and they created and trained and used US military
to train Isis leaders in tactics Etc and arm them the whole Benghazi thing as they created Isis leading to the deaths of quite literally tens of if not hundreds of thousands of Christian Africans in the northern part of the country continent excuse me it’s not a country it’s a continent oh prayers for those folks all Jay-Z there should be a transition before Fiat becomes worthless in which they will transfer it to you even one for one with your uh for your asset back currency G if dard bre’s based on oil dong
combination of that gold that they hold we’re also told that in what used to be the DMZ Jeep there’s actually a number of articles I think uh trying remember some of the ones that have done it enormous iron deposits other minerals heavy heavy heavy metals uh in the old DMZ Zone including a lot of oil SL petroleum reserves that have been untapped so it’s my understanding that a lot of that is going to back Vietnam’s uh currency value along with a large amount of um call it Chinese banking Family Gold call it Dragon
families I always hate using that because it sounds like mythical and I think people discount us because of that term what coffee am I drinking this morning I’m still on the Ethiopian I’m kind of digging it kind change from the Sumatra uh let’s see G saying CBI showing that a lot of the dollars spent come from the reserve account went right back in reserves in the form of other currencies and gold oh that’s important uh they seow no reduction of Nars in currency or they say no but if a lot of them went back
into other currencies and gold I think that tells us that a lot of it went out of circulation um DG they would be going backwards could they possibly wikip wow Wikipedia already has an article about the shooter would name Judith we do always have to go back and go you know when did they write the article was it like two weeks ago and they were already telling us what’s the first big item you’re going to buy after the exchange peace Peace of Mind Mr C did check in today guy well let me double check that let me not make
a liar because he checked in yesterday positive he checked in today though oh yeah he checked in uh this morning and uh let us know Happy New Year score is still z z Jay to the Rescue Canada US DC Inc yeah they even have a Dun and Brad street number for the corporation for trading it cik number 0000230098 House of Commons has a number form governor of General candidate has a in other words very corporate looking I’m paying attention here hold on all right got that part done work stuff already coming through I’m like what in
the world why’s work stuff coming through it’s New Year’s Day all right KLA take care I am not going to keep them long I’m going to hit a few more stories and get the mods out of here so I can celebrate their New Year’s Day not doing a podcast this evening two tomorrow two Friday one Saturday going to get things back to normal uh after the holidays as far as I’m concerned the holidays are pretty well wrapped after today hold on Tommy asking us a question guys who’s heard of this one I’ve got to
uh cough and Clear My Throat suddenly a little bit of a tickle all right let’s keep going just in case the tickle takes over and we have to end things so fantastic news out of Iraq no news from bonds Mr C not paid not surprising guys uh Bond folks I do not expect News until tomorrow it’s possible we could get something late today but it is a holiday in the banking world today for all of my contacts so I am not expecting an update from the bond side if I get real lucky and get a group one maybe I’ll either do a short or just put
it in Telegram keep an eye out for it uh you can’t get any of your qf money qfs money yet regardless of what some talking head out there is telling you all right what’s holding up the passage of the oil and gas law so far just a little recap as we go into the years they are preparing uh in a nutshell politics you had a number of politicians the new banking system is going to change this great greatly yet had number of politicians SL power Brokers in the Kurdish region as they were fighting over it they used that as
an excuse to sell under the table out of area uh oil for money revenues millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars guys uh folks that have been on the take for quite some time some of them very how do I put this one illegally covering the bills like doing the right thing but not doing it the right way uh or at least that was their claim they’re saying heyy we had to sell this oil so we could continue to pay people because the government wasn’t there for us at the same time they were
refusing to be there for the government and do it through official channels because they were making so much money under the table a real mess but they’ve called it it is an obstacle that was a problem that they are now working past in other words look for the settlement of the HCL law at any moment which that kind of fits out fits Sita Bandit I appreciate you great L for that super sticker much appreciated Anthony good to see you in the house hope you have a wonderful New Year’s all right let’s get
back over here to uh one or two more before we call her a wrap today five years after Wuhan outbreak who request for covid-19 data remains unmet now I get a bit of a hoot out of this one because I’m gonna continue to call bsbs the who the same organization is now really upset with China the same organization that buried the lab leak theory that told us we were all crazy that helped lead to the shutting down of the world that same organization is now pissy because China won’t share the information on all the
things that the who said never existed yeah I’ve got it’s kind of a hoot now they’re coming out saying by God you better give us that information so this never happens again where were you when we were telling you what was going on where were you when the facts were overwhelming now now you’re here because the public knows it all and you’re going to pretend like you were on our side the whole time and you weren’t screwing the whole world I’m just a little pissy about the who thing yeah all right got that part done
these are just some very good reads that I very much think you all should take or many of you guys that are interested should take some time to uh read civilizations die from suicide here are 16 signs that our society is doing exactly that that um suicide rate keeps going higher and higher it is now uh peaked the highest since 1941 going into World War II when people were losing hope around the world we’re hitting those same rates now um what do we have for number two birth rate lowest level ever recorded in the
US three as a society we are increasingly rejecting the traditional family unit that wore on the family unit number four instead of greatly valuing our children were becoming anti child Society oh this one is nuts when you read these numbers let’s come right back up to here 2023 the US fertility rate fell another 3% from the year before to a historic low of about 55 births for every 1,000 females aged 15 to 44 according final data published Tuesday by the CDC just under 3.6 million babies were born last year about 68,000 fer
than the year before there’s no way we can sustain our population at those numbers Society is broken right now number five the number of abortions the United States is actually higher than it was before Road ver Row versus Wade so I wonder how that fits with the uh narrative uh six apparently approximately one out of every 10 abortions in the US happens via pills prescribed via telea health patients and states where it’s banned tissue from B is some of the most horrifying way okay a woman uh was burned alive while she
was riding the subway in New York and everyone was acting like it was perfectly normal just many of the signs that we were watching all around us as the world is falling apart and nobody was paying attention I think this is what changes because we’re all paying attention the so many more awake right now some other interesting ones I just thought this one a great civic education uh this one done by the folks over at real clear education I just wasn’t certain um what was going to happen if I used their Source if it was
behind the pay wall so I ran with the Zero Hedge U but a study of American history and government is undergoing an unprecedented renewal akin to the Phoenix a mythical bird that is reborn by rising in other words private organizations individuals and universities have started um their own education on Civics in other words going back to teaching the truth instead of some clouded Dei field good whatever they’re giving us The Good the Bad and the Ugly so we don’t make it in other words there’s been a Resurgence in
actually learning Civics actual history things that really happened sanity and it is so inspiring to watch the waking up that is occurring what else the Great Awakening did you see my about from profet um I saw it but I don’t know when I’m gonna get time to T tackle it catastic I did see the email from you uh Janette we talked about a possible value range for the dong already earlier this morning every time you hear who yeah we probably going to learn more about what really happened with Co and the lockdowns and the pandemic
we’ll probably learn more from reading a Dr Seuss book than anything who has to say um all right I’m just uh going to try to catch uh let’s see didn’t read actually I don’t think was it 347 or 322 somewhere in there in country no that would not be correct GRE man it was same international rate around the world when they went yeah Richard I think it’s safe to say the cats out of the bag in Iraq I know there’s a lot of saying oh there was a difference in country and out of country that’s BS now they base it on
the fact that they came out with a new currency step in between for like six to nine months where they replaced the currency that they were using when Iraq invaded Kuwait they changed it then they re value the new changed one which is exactly what they’ve done in Iraq as well they changed the currency from the Saddam Hussein one to the newer one and then that’s the one they’ll revalue this is textbook we’re not watching anything that hasn’t been done in history yet the only difference is going to be the
scale try oh wow I got a lot to keep up with here John thank you we already said Sanita thank you uh ch Irish thank you Karma happy New Year thank you thank you thank you looking forward to having you I think Patriot mama I was told it had it had uh gone all the way to 988 before it settled back down that there was a free float for a while I’m told that because of that lesson that they’re uh only going to allow Iraq to fluctuate Within % in a year to avoid just that and the instability that it caused I think that’s a good place to
wrap for the day that’s how we are going to start our New Year’s Day start our 2025 full of hope uh they have ended the auctions they were discussing the let’s see small note discussing the small notes and educating on small notes in the uh Iraqi news uh and we’ve just loaded up plus they’re telling us that uh people are preparing for Forex Trading the N which means International like full unfettered wide open Forex Trading I’m very excited guys super excited hopefully through the day we will get a lot of news and some point
tomorrow we should start hearing from bonds pay masters Etc to get an update how close are we heck we may get the news before tomorrow morning it is highly possible based on what I have been getting so far I just trying to keep us all off the roller coaster well until we pull into the station and get to punch our tickets oh Jesus fre thank you for saying that I have forgot to sing PGH happy birthday to your 15 old grandson Jaylen happy birthday Mama Bear abs are us believer in Angel actually Mama Bear’s uh what was son or
daughter oh no husband I think angel please off guys I don’t want to get it wrong trying to look through to see if there’s any more I’ve missed Mor I just finished your third coffee I’m about two and a half in myself so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love make all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you to all those celebrating us see we have a Maria joining our birthday list as well happy birthday happy happy birthday
excited for you folks it’s great way to start the year but I’m like I said again guys I’m calling the year of the Phoenix whatever it takes we are going to Rise From the Ashes this year we’re going to pull people out of homelessness we’re going to give people hope we’re going to put our feet back on the the path and may we all put God first see you guys tomorrow morning 10:00 a.m. eastern unless we get breaking news