Dinar Guru Uncut

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel (Uncut) 12-10-2024

Welcome, everybody, to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, December 10th, and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody for tuning in wherever you’re located all over the globe. Good to have you.

And we look forward to a good call tonight and maybe give a few answers tonight for questions that we all have, including moi. So let us begin with a prayer, open it up with prayer, and then we will go to sue for what will be a wonderful teaching, I am sure that will edify us all in this Christmas season. All right, let’s go. Lord God, we just thank you so much that you are in control and that you are over everything and that every good and perfect gift comes down from above.

We appreciate that. We appreciate the fact that we can come to you with our cares and that you said, cast your cares on me, for I care for you. Take my yoke. My yoke is easy and my burden is light.

And so we appreciate that and love turning things over to you if we can’t solve them here on this earth. So thank you for everything you’re doing to prepare us in advance for this immense blessing. Thank you for bringing it in. Immediate amenti In Jesus name.

Amen. And amen. Sue. This is a great time for all of us, and we all look forward to hearing the most beautiful teaching that you have found for us so that we can talk about it, discuss it, divide it, rightly divide the truth between us and come up with some additional answers for it tonight.

And I’m going to celebrate everything that you just said and say, unify the highest truths. And unify as I celebrate. I’ve really noticed lately that we need people that are cherishing and exalting life. And exalting life is about celebrating, celebrating the spirit of Christmas, celebrating the spirit of unity, celebrating literally a lot of our listeners are probably, you know, on their whatever number of listening to you every maybe a little bit to Bob and I every week.

Bruce. So this is a celebration of everybody that’s tuning into the call and then a celebration of the following people. I want to celebrate Monica, Adela, Brenda. I want to celebrate Doug.

Going to call Mr. RTD right there, Doug. And he’s going to be turning. He’s Mr.

RTD. I want to celebrate Paula, who’s Henry’s wife that is going through so much. Yeah, I want to celebrate my little songbird, Ms. S.

And finally, I want to celebrate Ken. And I want to celebrate my two. And they know who they are, my two Malinois, my two protectors.

I know who they are.

Mr. Insider. Yeah. Knows it.

Knows everything. From whom. Nothing is hidden. Yeah, I want to celebrate them.

Celebrate the vowels. I want to celebrate Bob for listening to this long celebration.

And yes, I know.

Above all else, I want to celebrate everything that matters. That matters. Coming out better Many times when we go through disappointments and things we don’t understand, we’re just grateful that we made it through. It’s one thing to come through a difficulty, beat up and bedraggled, looking worn and tired.

But when God restores you, you’re not going to look like what you’ve been through. Nobody’s going to be able to tell that you went through the sickness, through the divorce, or through the unfair childhood. He’s going to bring you back to your original condition, back to you, who you were created to be. Before the heartache, before the bad break, before you ever could say, I’ve never known how to love someone.

Some people make it out, but they age 10 years in the process. The challenge takes so much out of them that they look rundown and tired. That’s not you. God is not just going to bring you through.

He’s going to bring you out better, refreshed, renewed, re energized. Nobody will know what you’ve been through. I met a young lady who was visiting with her husband and children. She’s a very sharp woman.

She handed me her book that is titled Beauty for Ashes. I asked what it was about and she said it was her life story. I thought, you’re only in your 20s. What kind of story can you have?

She told how as a little girl, her parents were on drugs and abandoned her, left her on the street. She was passed from foster home to foster home and went through abuse and rejection, all kinds of unfair things. When I looked at her, what she was saying didn’t match who I was seeing. I should have seen someone who is battle scarred, run down, insecure and struggling.

Instead, I saw someone who is beautiful, confident, strong and well spoken. I never dreamed she could have gone through that. I thought she’d come from a loving family and had a healthy childhood. But it was just the opposite.

All the odds were against her. But she had her college degree, two beautiful children, a loving husband and a successful career. That’s the way God restores. He brings you through with no sign of the difficulty, no sign of the betrayal, no sign of the loss.

You may be in a challenging time now. Maybe it feels as though it’s taken something out of you that can’t be replaced. You’ve lost this spring in Your step, you’ve accepted that you’ll always be at a disadvantage. Get ready.

God is about to breathe new life into your spirit. God is going to renew your strength and renew your youth. Like the eagles what the challenge took out, God is about to put back in health, vitality, freshness, passion. He is going to bring new opportunities, good breaks, the right people and favor that catapults you ahead.

God’s not just going to bring you out. God’s going to make up for what was unfair. It’s just as we read in the previous chapter that God says because you got a double dose of trouble, your inheritance in the land will be double your joy. It will go on forever.

When you come into double, nobody will know that a business partner cheated you. Nobody will know you had an unfair childhood. Nobody will know you went through that illness. You’re going to be so blessed, so healthy, so strong, so infinitely loved and so favored that nobody will know what you’ve been through.

That’s our teaching for tonight.

Thank you, Sue. That was an amazing teaching. And yeah, you got to wonder in a story of a 20 something year old, how could she write a book like that and yet you know that you could if you went through everything that she did. And what I like about this teaching, the more I heard of everything that you brought out, the more I compared it with many of our lives on this call not to single me out or any one person out.

I think many of us have felt what she felt in terms of going through. And God’s not going to take us to and jump over situations, but he is going to take us through situations and through problems and we are going to experience trials and tribulations in this life. The beauty of ashes for beauty is that after something is burnt down and there are ashes left, the ashes can be put in a garden and then the rose will come up as a result of that. So the beauty for ashes would mean in this sense roses or other beautiful flowers blooming from the ashes that were placed around the garden.

I think we are all going through a lot and maybe some of us more than others. But we all have these trials that we’re going through. And the more I listen to that teaching, sue, the more I realize this describes us as well, it describes us going to the other side of this blessing, having received it shortly and everything that comes with this financial blessing as well as the blessing of the technology in the med beds that will restore our youth and restore us physically. So we’ll have financial restoration, we’ll have physical restoration, and in some cases, possibly mental restoration.

And it’s up to us to find the spiritual restoration that’s with relationship, that’s through relationship with God, through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. So I feel very good that this teaching tonight describes all of us in where we are now and where we’re almost going through that blessing that’s coming and what it will be like after we come out of the med beds. We will be fully restored. And as long as we don’t tell everybody everything that we’ve been through, they won’t know it.

They’ll see us restored, they’ll see us renewed. They’ll see us as youthful people that have been through a lot but don’t need to carry it with us any longer. We can leave that baggage behind and move forward toward the great things that God has for all of us to do and who God has for all of us to become. Because that’s what we look forward to.

Putting one foot in front of the other, one step ahead, one step, then the next step, and so on as we walk right into and through this incredible blessing. That’s what I got out of the teaching, Sue. It meant a lot to me, and I appreciate that very much. Thank you for bringing these teachings to us.

Thank you especially for tonight. And now I want to see what Bob would say to this teaching and how he would read what he sees in it to us.

Thank you, Bruce. And thank you also, Sue. It’s that special time of year when there’s cause for celebration, but also cause for reflection, you know, of people that are no longer with us. And I started thinking about you, sue, in terms of the celebration and how you’re always choosing to celebrate the people in your circle.

And as you do, they literally become celebrities, celebrities that are revered and graced by God as you highlight their incredible beauty and you highlight their greatness and their accomplishments and their beingness. And it’s such a great service to help create celebrities from people that are not on TV or the movies, but can be celebrities nonetheless. And, you know, the teaching about restoration and, you know, faith is really, I think, what it is reminds me of a friend who passed away just a short while ago, and he was a professional helper of the highest degree. And I remember when he spent a whole year counseling a woman who had multiple personality disorders.

And she had 30 different personalities that had been created from being abused severely when she was a child, for many, many years was tortured and created these personalities one after another. So torture wasn’t happening to Her. And this therapist worked with her for a whole year and little by little helped to subdue and dissolve the personalities that were not useful, that were violent, that were angry, that had diabetes, that had possessions. And he painstakingly dealt with each personality, which was really a different person altogether, and performing multiple exorcisms and dissolutions of these personalities till he was able to come down to only two.

And he decided as the counseling was coming to an end and she was functioning as a normal human, he would leave her with two personalities. So she always had an escape hatch during the hardest times. And then I saw another time when a woman had witnessed a horrific murder of her best friend. It was so, so terrifying and gruesome.

You couldn’t even imagine. And I saw how he did therapy for this woman to help restore her from a catatonic state, laying his hands on her and counseling her when she came around. And then the worst I saw was when his own daughter died, which was later in life beyond these great works that he did. And I speak to him now from the other side, and he always says, carry on and be there for the blessing.

That’s what he says, be there, all of you, for the blessing. Because it’s going to be such an enormous celebration and opportunity for helping others that the works I did will pale in comparison. And so stay around, stay healthy, stay faithful, because it’s coming and the world is going to be so glorious, it’ll be hard to differentiate it from where I am now. And so celebrating him in my mind, in my sharing, his story is inspired by you, sue, and the spirit of celebration.

So that’s what came to me tonight.

Bob, thank you for sharing that side of yourself. Thank you for sharing something so valuable and intimate with your experience with this individual and who he is and was to you. And we can all appreciate that. Yeah, I think you’re right.

You know, stay around for the blessing, stay healthy for the blessing, stay committed, stay faithful. All of those are great ideas that we all need to do as we await this incredible blessing. And we maintain those things and think those things, not only as we await the blessing, but as we go through it, experience it, get on the other side of it and continue to receive from it as we move forward. I think that’s very, very strong.

Thank you, Bob. Great sentiments. And thank you for sharing that with us tonight. Really?



How did the teaching come to you? And I. I’m familiar with this teaching. I think I heard it previously, and it’s met.

It said some things differently. I tried to hear it in another voice. And then I heard it in your voice tonight. This teaching is something that I got a lot out of and spoke to Bob in quite a different way.

But all of these things that we feel and that we hear and that we speak about individually, when we bring them together in collaboration like we do on this call, it brings a greater kaleidoscopic image of the teaching. What aspect of it will you bring to us and discuss tonight?

Well, it was a. What’s the word I want to use? A very rich and deep, really rich and deep scale going from where I was talking about, you know, exalting life and life contains. And I was very moved by what Bob.

I mean, Bob, I could feel the depth of your emotion and I’m sure a lot of people on this call felt that and the depth of your closeness to witnessing and being in the grace of suffering. And that you were so close to both the celebration that I was talking about and could honor that. And then what we all. And this is what you were pointing to, Bruce, what we’ve all experienced as trauma.

And so to me, to be able to just leave this segment and realize the depth of God’s love for you, like, and in the presence of somebody like Bob that could be with his friend, that could have friends that could share and have a space to share the depth of their suffering, a lot of people will shun that. They can only go to celebration. I remember when I was going through a. A period in my life, my friend said, oh, you just need a party.

It’s the last thing I needed them to say. And to have people like Bob that can be with the deep part, the part that nobody can listen to. And I could literally feel your emotion, Bob, to be able to be there for the scale of human experience, the celebration and the sometimes trauma and release of trauma. And so when you were talking, Bruce, you talked about trials and tribulations that we’re going to go through those.

I have a little bit different take on this. I think we’ve all been going through the fires of transformation and it’s a deeper cleansing so that you could confront the things that maybe you weren’t aware of. And that’s the path of refinement. And I think that once we get.

I think once there’s abundance and there’s not scarcity, a lot of this energy is about lack and scarcity and not enough time. And, you know, it’s going to be hard. And it’s been a long, acute and chronic condition that has been placed Like a veil over humanity. And I think this is just my opinion.

I think that as you become more self aware and you walk with Christ, that the more you refine, the more you can sidestep the trials and tribulations through wisdom. In other words, I don’t want to put in people’s heads that there’s going to be. You’re going to go through trials and tribulations, that it’s just going to go on and on and on. I think you can refine and move into higher state where that becomes.

I mean, if I look back and I’ll be talking about this in my segment, if I look at what I knew back in my 30s, just a few years ago, that’s funny, you know, and how I am now, the things that I can avoid, the things that I know, the, the experiences, the unity, the sense of oneness with life that I have, which acts as a buffer to the trials and tribulations. I think you move more and more as you unify with God. You move closer and closer to a stabilized sense of it’s going to be better. So I just want to leave and close this out with.

To be able to hold everything, the celebration, whatever the experience, to hold and celebrate that with love, just like Bob did. He celebrated the exaltation, the spiritual celebrities, the elevation. But he also held the space for everything, for all of the emotions, for all of the experience. And he held that in love, just like you did, Bruce.

I think that with practice and awareness that what we’re going to be doing together will be able to make it so that something that is coming is beginning to lighten the load on the trauma and the suffering. I think it’s going to be better. Didn’t say it’s going to be perfect, but I think to look forward to less suffering, to intend to increase your awareness, to increase your capacity for all experience in love. That’s the goal, that’s what can be celebrated.

And that is coming. And I think that’s going to be much, much better. That’s what I’m.

Okay. Well, thank you, Sue. Well said. Your comments are deeply appreciated and thank you for expressing what I think many of us were feeling when Bob was speaking.

We heard his authenticity, his depth of emotion, his truth is true inner self, his heart and his heart. That’s right. We sure did. Well, thank you, Sue.

Now as we transition.

All right, now I got move on.

Yeah, you got to look it up. You got to look it up.

Yeah, I got.

I don’t know if we were in Your segment almost in your segment or through your segment.

But no, we got it. We’re all locked. I did. I did all my emails prepared in advance.

I was on the call early so Bob would notice.


Okay, so let’s.

Let’s go into to see if we have any praise and prayer request for tonight being The Christmas is 15 days away from today. And while you’re looking that up, Sue, I’d shout out to Canada. Oh, Canada. They do have a beautiful national anthem, by the way.

I’m on set.

And if Canada does become our 51st state. No, just kidding. Canada. Just kidding.

President Trump was making a joke. He was kidding. At least I think he is. I believe he is.

And we love our neighbors to the north. We love Canada. And those of us who have traveled to Canada know how good and beautiful it can be up there, especially on the Coquihalla Highway. I was just kidding.

That’s a rough road to be driving on in the winter. And our neighbors to the south. Yes. Mexico.

We love you too. Mexico. Yeah. Te amo.

Mexico. Que figue de nasarante. Okay, Sue, I am ready for you now. Please proceed.

From Pastor Scott. My praise goes to Jesus for. Okay, my prayer. Praise goes to Jesus for picking.

I don’t know what that means. So something ordinary. Ordinary people you do extraordinary things for and through him. My prayer is personal.

I fell head first into the tub. My newly relaxed hip. I guess it says high hit the edge. Ouch on both parts.

Been out of sorts the last two days, but will be better. Always do and am be. Blessed be all, universe. Love, Pastor Scott.

Pastor Scott, think we thought. I mean, don’t be falling head first into the tub anymore. Feet first, yes, but not head first. Sorry to hear that.

That is. That is not good. And we hope that you have not sustained any lasting damage from that. That everything is going to be okay.

Wow. We don’t need any of that. You guys need. We need to be careful in and out of tubs, that’s for sure.

Okay, Sue. Anything else?

Yeah, hold on. We have David Floss. I know. Yes, agreed.

Good morning from Canada. Family in the Lord. I’ve been suffering for over two months with a rash over much of my body that is exceedingly itchy. No cause is known, but as we read the Gospel of Luke today, we hear of Jesus sending out his disciples to heal and cast out the demonic.

My prayer is that the same power would be manifest in my body to heal this malady which is so irritating. Thank you. And may the love of Christ shine into Each of your lives, the special Advent season. David.

And so we’re going to pray for David, everybody coming together, that all the systems, his spiritual, mental, emotional and physical systems be unified in Christ. So right now we want you to see, David, that there’s literally like a grid, a healing grid of Christ’s energy, energy, information, connection. And it’s soothing that itch. And I want you to try to see and feel that this whole community of over 18 million people are pouring their love, adding to Christ’s love and soothing that itch.

So that whatever information, it’s not just outside of you, you’re part of that information. You have access to waking up suddenly and getting an idea, having access to something that’ll heal you, looking up, you know, itchiness or whatever. I’m just being very centered, very knowing that you are already healed and that there’s always a way to bring your system back into balance. It’s just a temporary imbalance.

And give thanks for it because it’s your body talking to you about something that needs love. So we’re surrounding you in love, in the love of Christ and the love and gratefulness for your healing. And we’re seeing this sealed around you until it’s manifest or you’re in the med bed. Just know and choose that you’re healed now in the name of Christ, and we say amen.

Amen and amen.

Now we’re going to go to Ms. Jeannie. Advent Wreaths are circular, representing God’s infinite love and are usually made of evergreen leaves, which represent the hope of eternal life brought by Jesus Christ. 11 days until the first day of winter.

15 days until Christmas. 15 days until Hanukkah, 16 days until Kwanzaa and 22 days until New Year’s. 1125. Dewey Decimal System Day, Tuesday 12th, 1024.

We honor the library classification system created to efficiently maintain our library’s inventory of books worldwide. Candle lighting day, Tuesday, 12, 1024. It’s believed to be the world’s largest candle lighting ceremony. I have candles going on right now.

Holiday Food Drive for Needy Animals Day. Get out there. Get out there and don’t stop at J&K’s. Holiday Food Drive for Needy Animals Day, Wednesday, 12 11.

Help raise awareness of animal welfare and become part of the solution. National app day, Wednesday, 12 11. Take a selfie for the gram. Tweet your thoughts or play your favorite music.

And whatever you do, whether in words or deed, do it all in the name of Lord Jesus. Giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17. Thank you heavenly Father for loving us unconditionally.

For all the leaders and listeners on the big call for Pastor Scott and his three times praise, for being there for us 24 7, for having the freedom to pray anytime, getting us closer to this rv, keeping us together on this big call with prayers, updates and great information for the medved and R and R. May everyone be blessed through Jesus Christ. Amen and amen. Everyone have a safe and blessed week.

Be thankful, be grateful and be kind. Jeannie.

Thank you, Jeannie.


Praise reports and prayer requests. Yeah, sue, when, when Jeannie was talking about National App Day.


I was thinking it was National Nap Day and I was just picturing everybody kind of nodding off. Funny story, some of us, some of us snore differently though. Some of us snore like this, but most people snore like this. Hello?

Anybody home? Hello?

So funny. I like your. I like you entertaining yourself with random ubiquitous things.

Yes, yes, it is ubiquitous. Great Scrabble word by the way. You Victor?


And the hardest Scrabble word to fit on the board is anti disestablishment Arianism. I think the board runs out, but you don’t have enough letters for that. Oh man, I do entertain myself a lot. And if you only knew when I was thinking about singing half the time that I don’t sing, you would truly be amazed.

Excuse me. So sue, thank you for that segment. And now we enter into your segment and you know, this is a special time for everybody to gather around. Whether you’ve had a shout out or not, whether you’ve been celebrated or not, whether you’re part of the inner or outer circle, you’re still all part of Big Call universe.

And you all can be benefited from what sue has to say. And I for one am always impressed by what sue brings to the big call in this segment. We call Sue’s segment.

So. That’s so kind, Bruce. And it’s interesting because I’m looking at the artwork for the upcoming class. Let me just describe it because it’ll be good for your imaginal skills.

It’s a picture of the earth surrounded by clouds out in the universe with this huge golden portal, like literally a doorway and the whole Milky Way is in the background. And we’re going to be launching a course with a little nudge on the date. Anybody that plans to attend, this is what it’s called out of the shadows 10 game changing instant processes to transform the past and create the new. So wait to learn about that out of the shadows.

But before I get into the class and one other little announcement I want to make. I want to read you a testimonial. I hope I didn’t lose it now. Okay, I want to read you a testimonial that came in and we are going to still be offering the Med Bed comprehensive and a lot of people have really enjoyed it.

But I thought this testimonial was particularly clear. Sue, I want to take a moment to extend my gratitude to you, Bruce and Bob, for your long term commitment to us all, to the excellent information we receive and the sense of community you all provide for us. You’ve outdone yourself with a med bed pop up. I would have been left out of so many possibilities, being lost not knowing how to conduct my interview and choose from those possibilities.

And I really enjoyed the meditation for getting myself in the right frame of mind and making decisions. Thank you. Thank you for creating this package. I’m sure many, many people feel the same.

Something. I can’t read the last part, Jack. Okay, so here’s my question to everyone. And it’s the reason why we create these courses and why we created the Medbed comprehensive package.

Let me just go there for a second. If you don’t know what that is. It’s called the Medbed Pop up for Bruce and Energy loving people. But it’s really 65 different organic, researched, scientific possibilities, like really increasing your eyesight.

Seven different categories, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, creative. All these seven different categories of where you can augment your ability to contribute to the future of this planet. 65 of them. And then we give you a simple framework and we literally walk you through how to write down what needs to get improved.

That means your chronic or acute condition. And then going through and reviewing the 65 possibilities and some of them are going to just pop right out at you like, oh, I really want that. And we tell you how to do that in the right timeframe, how to build out your time. So it may be a week.

So it’s not. You don’t have a lot of time necessarily. You may, but it’s also possible that you don’t. So we show you how to focus your attention instead of going, oh my God, I’ve got my appointment, what am I going to do?

And losing your opportunity. This is kind of like being called in for a major award. So you’ve got to be prepared for it. And that’s why we created the Pop Up.

And then you’re going to listen to other people in a call, in a class Two classes and you’re going to pick up information. You’ll resonate to the people’s emotions. You’ll resonate to getting out of isolation. A lot of this is very isolating and you can’t.

It’s like listening to a reality TV show and you’re going to resonate to people’s emotions. When one guy says, you mean I really can have a full hair? Head of hair. A lot of people can’t even imagine what’s included in the med beds.

So it’s a very powerful package. If you’re interested in that. Very powerful. Please send us an email to Integrated Minds that’s I n t e G R a T e d minds@hushmail.com and just put med bed.

Yeah, medbed 100, that’s fine. Medbed 100 and give us a little time. We’re getting an awful lot of emails. You’ll see our autoresponder talks about that.

Just watch your email. We tell you to do that. Watch your email. And we’ll be getting that out to you until the 800 numbers come out.

When the 800 numbers come out, the garage door closes and will remain forever closed. So if you want to get that, if you want to have access to 23, 26 years of research in this, literally being able to connect to some of the best scientists by being around Bruce and the people that he knows, I think you might consider it a very, very powerful and meaningful investment. And the next piece I want to talk about, and this is very important, and this relates to our next class, is have you ever thought of, why does your project matter to you? Have you ever thought about, like, why will my project matter to the world?

I want you to just think about that for a second. And the reason being is this upcoming class is going to start for people that have received an email. We just changed it today. It’s going to start on Friday.

Forget the numbers, forget what your subconscious has. It’s going to start on Friday that coincidentally has the number 13 on it. And then it’s going to be Monday the 16th and Tuesday the 17th. So it’s 13, 16 and 17.

And Doug, if you’re listening, I bet you that’s a shock to you. But what’s so powerful about this is we’re going to go through the areas in your personal life and we’re going to give you processes that are scientifically proven from some of the top neuroscientists and people that are transforming the way we heal that will remove your sense of separation From God, from yourself, from the people around you will allow you to move into freedom from your past. And the reason why that’s so important is if you think about 95% of you just like what Bob was talking about with the Multiple personality person, 95% of you is outside of your awareness. And everything you hear going forward, by the way, you have to filter everything through the lens of major improvements that will happen.

If you’re getting into the med beds. When you get into that med bed, they’re going to be. Especially if you get the med bed program, they can remove a lot of trauma, they can remove a lot of imbalances. Neurochemically.

They can make your. We have all this in our package. They can make it so that your energy centers in your body are flowing correctly. Many things that have distorted or corrupted your ability to bring your best to your projects.

But whether it’s in your intimate partnerships, your professional teams, or broader communities, the shadow of the past, it’s actually. They’re calling it an echo. I know Bob probably does this. They’re these echoes and they’re actually almost like filaments that connect you to.

I don’t want to get too deep right now. This is for the class. It’s kind of like a. It’s like a.

It’s like a quantum entanglement with a fragment of your memory and your energy. So let’s say you used to like to drink, maybe too much beer, and you watch a movie like I was watching of going skiing in Vermont. And the whole movie is about drinking beer. That echo.

That echo could trigger for someone susceptible some really destructive or sabotaging behavior. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to show you in the first class, we’re going to work on you with two processes and I’m going to give you a hint. One of them is called the completion process. And it’s going to literally be able.

We’re going to give you the science of how to like, put a pin in a balloon that you don’t want anymore. And we’re going to show you how you can literally combust, destroy, eliminate, dissolve some of the things that may have been plaguing you. So think for just a second and think of, do you worry too much? Are you anxious?

Is your nervous system overloaded? What is it that is getting to you right now? A lot of it. Remember, filter everything through med beds.

But this is pre med bed accountability. This is teaching that you are the Creator with Christ and that you can heal your Mind, your body, your spirit, the system that is you. And if you come to this class, you’re going to walk away with how to, number one, remove the past. The past that is no longer serving you.

So anybody that’s going, God, I keep seeing myself in these loops. We’re going to be featuring award winning neuroscientists like Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, who works on OCD, which is loops that people have. You’re going to get the latest science and the Christ based principle to not only do this for yourself, but to see with compassion where other people.

So think about your role as a leader on a team, avoiding the trap of people that have too much stuff going on, maybe burnout, like we talked about before, maybe they’ve got a little bit too much stored something going on and they’re just not going to be a fit for the team that you want to start out as being integrated. Integrated. So they’re compassionate people can make mistakes. They allow for a human centric approach to prototyping, new emerging possibilities.

This all has to be very nuanced. And that’s what you’re going to get. 10 different processes. It’s really going to be two and a half, you know, over, over three days you’re going to get 10 different processes, all uniquely designed just for humanitarian founders.

So that here’s the goal, here’s our number one learning goal. Why do we do this? Because we want people to have the strategies, especially the humanitarian founders, not to get entangled things that will slow their contribution. So we have to get them right so that they can get their team right, so that they can see with clarity.

And when we get enough of those people activated, then the momentum on the planet can really take off. That’s the why we do this, the why. And as Brenda. Thank you.

Brenda said, she goes, this sounds like the best. She’s been to like a lot of our classes. She said, this sounds like the best class of all. And I said to a friend today, I’m about to get off, Bruce.

I said, you know, it’s, I pushed it, pushed it a little bit. We’re pushing it again, Bruce. Friday the 13th, Monday the 16th, and Tuesday the 17th. It’s hard because it’s like I’m, I’m, I’m sitting there with my partner cooking this up and saying, this is going to be the best class and I want to bring this.

So I know, let me tell you when this is going to come out. I’m going to send out maybe something to the people that know about it tomorrow. And then I’m going to send send out Friday at 4. If you send us an email, here’s your action.

Here’s your action. Your action is, do I have something that I don’t want to take with me into my new life? Do I want to get out of my own shadows? Do I want to help humanity get out of their shadows?

If that rings, if that’s a why for you, send us an email. Just say out of the shadows. Integratedmindsushmail.com the cost is 150 for those three nights. It’s incredibly transformative.

It’s been proven to work. If you just do a couple of days of practices, you’re going to be releasing a lot of old material and you’re going to be making room for the new. So it’s a very, very powerful class. And we’ll see if.

Hold on a second. We’ll see if this happens on Friday. Just know send in your email tonight. So we get you on the email list.

It’s a little bit limited so people can get the attention they need. And you can also listen to the replay. So if we have it and you can’t come on Friday night, you should still consider investing if it resonates so that you can listen to the replay. You can be a lurker.

We welcome lurkers. And you can learn the whole point. Why do I want to learn this? Why would I want to learn to get out of the shadows and not bring my past with me?

Is that valuable to you? Tell us by sending us an email. And that’s my segment, Bob and Bruce.

Thank you, Sue. That was. Thank you very much. Yep.

And we’ll see whether that class occurs or not. But for right now, sue, thank you for putting it out there. Subject line, out of the shadows. For me, if I were doing it just be shadows but out of the shadows.

And done that, as you know, do integrated minds@hushmail.com and just say I’m in, count me in, count me in. And then she’ll be able to orchestrate that with you and send out the information as she said. All right, thank you, Sue. Appreciate that.

Wow. Don’t forget the med bed pop up and I’m going to talk a little bit about the med beds in my statement and maybe answer a few questions about them that everybody should be aware of. All right, thank you, Sue. Appreciate that.

Very complete. And now we switch gears and we go to Bob. And Bob, we know when in the midst of a sale with an additional sale, components and as you know we’re always interested in what the latest feedback is in the way of testimonials and anything else that you care to bring to us tonight.

Yeah, sure. Yes, we actually added some things tonight at about 5 o’clock and sent emails to everyone. Bruce. To let people know about something we added to our list of sales, which I’ll tell you about in a second.

But the new thing is we put together a bundle of three products that are herbal products. So Ashwagandha and Turmeric and olive leaf extract are products that, you know, come from the earth, so to speak. And they’re really, really helpful in having as either something that you take every day or something that you have in your medicine cabinet. And so Ashwagandha particularly right now is real important because it’s the calm down herb and it’s the kind of thing that when people take it, the first thing they’ll say after a couple days is wow, I just feel calmer.

It calms the background anxiety that’s constantly being produced in a lot of people. And also turmeric is a really, really great anti inflammatory and the olive leaf extract is really good for a lot of things. But what it’s most known for is helping people boost their immune system. If you can reduce your inflammation and boost your immune system and also calm your nerves, which stress and anxiety weakens your immune system, you have a really great combination.

And so what we did so everybody can get this is normally the price of getting three products like that together is over a hundred dollars, like $119, something like that. And we decided to put the combo on sale for 59.95. So and we’re also, even though the free shipping threshold is normally $99, we’re going to give free shipping on this as well. And so when you calculate in the free shipping and the discount, you’re getting a 50% discount.

And to be able to get this type of products which are very hard to make, I mean these are products that the, you know, the ingredients come from foreign countries, right? They come from different places around the world and they’re, they’re harvested, you know, by the people in those countries and then, you know, sent to formulating houses in the United States where they’re tested for purity and tested for, you know, safety before they’re put into a pill form. That makes it really easy for us to take them. And that’s what we have, that’s what we added Bruce.

But already we have all, all of our other best selling products are already on sale 25% off, including our total health systems, which is a really great savings. When you get a total health system which is already significantly discounted and then add 25% on that, put it onto the auto ship program and get another 10% off. And this is a time when, if you were to add up the cost of the products in the total health system and took this cascade of discounts, it’s close to 50% off as well.

That’s right.

And then we also have, you know, the dynamic combo, which is actually our best selling product. More people buy the combination of Boomer Boost and barley than anything else that we have. And that’s on sale as well. 25% off.

The individual bottles of Boomer Boost and barley are. So does the collagen, the lignans, the probiotics. And if you make your way to our website and click on products and then on sale, you’ll be able to see the list of everything that we have on sale. This is the best sale of the year and right now is the peak of it, Bruce.

Because if you remember, we started with a certain number of products and we added like five more. Now we just added those other three. And so everything now that’s going to be on sale is on sale all at once for a period of time. So be sure and do it as soon as you possibly can because the way, you know, with Christmas and New Year’s coming up, the office will be closed, you know, for a couple of days.

And so, sure, a lot of times people will wait until the last minute on a sale to try to get things on the last day. But it’ll be hard if you try to do that this year because of, you know, people being off for the holidays. So if you’re listening to this or you get your email, you know, just do it as soon as you can so you can get individual help if you need it from the people answering the phone for us.

And not only that, Bob, but the author. The other thing is mailing time with all the additional packages and so on that the post office is delivering. The sooner you take advantage of a sale like this, the sooner you’ve got it in your possession prior to the holidays themselves. And I think it’s really, really important to get it and do it now.


Yeah, the post offices are really busy this time of year, especially around here in Florida because of the hurricanes, like the hospital. The post office in Treasure island is still closed. Three months later, there was three and a half feet of water in the post office in Treasure island nearby our office. And so now everyone’s heading over to 66th Street.

You couldn’t go to the post office today. When I went there, all the parking spots at the post office were full. There were cars lined up around the corner waiting for wow. And say it’s, it’s hard to get things out.

The mailman picks up our packages and gets them into the back area of the post office on 66th Street. But there’s going to be a log jam over, over in Tampa, which is the main hub where everything goes first before makes its way out.


So, yeah, thanks for mentioning that. And I do have a couple testimonials, Bruce. This one about the dynamic combo that came in over the weekend. It says it’s a five star review that says I have more energy, greater focus, and I feel fuller, longer, which helps my weight loss journey.

Great product. And I’ve been telling people this for 14 years, Bruce, that when you get super well nourished, you are, are going to eat less food because you’re going to have less cravings. And this is just now, you know, almost 14 years later, here we are still getting testimonials from people saying that exact same thing.


This lady is talking also about the dynamic combo. When I take my Boomer products, my youth comes back. I decided to put it on auto ship to make sure I never run out.

That’s good.

That’s great.

That’s wisdom.

Yeah. Here’s a guy who’s taking my troll that is homeless and he’s talking about rationing his Myatrol to make it last longer. And I’m going to send an email to myself.

Yeah, okay.

Here’s another testimonial. This is about heirloom barley. This is a really good thing to know. This lady says, I began my day drinking.

I begin my day drinking it, which is very easy to do. It only takes two minutes. It gets my water intake up first thing. I’m finding it very noticeable and very noticeably helps speed up my digestion process and I have no more bloating.

I will write again in a couple of months and we’ve heard this a lot also, Bruce, about our barley that people have bloating, it tends to go away, tends to normalize your digestive system, and when it speeds up, it does help with releasing weight. The last thing that I wanted to say, Bruce, is there is a study that came out today and sue is going to be very interested to hear this. You know, when people have spinal cord injuries, quite often they get paralyzed and there’s tons of research around the world trying to help figure out ways to help people like this. And just recently.

And they don’t even tell in this study, Bruce, how they came up with this idea, which I wanted to know. But there’s a section of the brain that’s called the lateral hypothalamus. And up until now, it’s been associated with different functions like eating and waking up from sleep and things like that. But somehow these researchers got the idea that if they stimulated that part of the brain, it might help people walk again.

And so they put what’s called deep brain stimulation. It’s a device that goes into the brain and provides little bits of electric current. And sure enough, the first two people that they put this device into the lateral hypothalamus started feeling their feet and their toes right away and then feeling their legs and then getting the urge to get up and walk. And they told one of the men, they told the story about how now he’s able to go to the beach, and with the stimulation in his brain, he’s able to actually walk in the sand to go out to the beach.

He’s been paralyzed since 2006.

Oh, really? Wow.

Yeah, 18 years. And so this is like. Who would think that just stimulating the brain is going to help people with spinal cord injuries? Right.

It doesn’t really make a lot of sense because, you know, where the spinal cord was injured, there’s all kinds of scar tissue which is blocking the communication.


But somehow this brain stimulation is kind of bypassing that. Yeah. And they don’t even say how they came up with the idea to put this stimulation into a part of the brain that no one had ever before associated with mobilization. But somehow somebody got information.

And I think I know how they got it. I do. I think they took their two hands and put them together in front of their face and bowed their head, entered into the realm of the spirit and said, give me a message as to what we can do to help. And.

And sure enough, here we are now, a report in a major medical journal about this.

That’s terrific, man.

That’s a great thing.

Yeah. So anyway, that’s. That’s it, Bruce. Tomorrow’s Wednesday.

People want to give a call. We’ll be at the office to help people use the best sales for the year. And. Okay, that’s it for tonight.

It is 20 minutes after 10.

Thank you, Bob. That sounds great. And I want to remind everybody how to get to Bob’s website when you go to big calluniverse.com. that’s my site.

You’ll see the banner at the top that says Boomers, and it’s a direct link into Bob’s website. Click on the Boomers banner. It will take you right into Bob’s site and you can see all the various products. You can bring down the product page and see the on sale tab.

And it’ll tell you all about these sales that we have, including the additional sale that was added today as a bundle with those three products. And that’s a super buy at that price. $59.95 for the three ashwagandha, turmeric and olive leaf extract for under $60. It’s terrific.

And then get free shipping with it. Such a deal. And I know people will add products to that and maybe get a few of the other sale products that are available, but that’s a good one. That’s a very good one.

And I think people should move on this right away to get that shipping time down so they can receive all this well ahead of the holidays. Okay. Because we’re only 15 days away from Christmas right now. And by the time you enter an order, either later tonight or tomorrow, take into consideration the time and the ship time.

You want to go ahead and move on that. Now that you know the sale, you can go through the website and see what it is you need and just take advantage of it. Go ahead and grab it. And you guys might be busy this week with other things.

Hint, hint. So this would be a good time to do that and knock that sale out for Boomers. Go ahead and get it. And the phone number, if you have any questions or need any assistance on anything, the number is 8008-6146-0980-0861-4609.

And you might want. That’s good. Nine to five, Monday through Friday, Eastern daylight, Eastern Standard Time. Right now, I keep thinking I want to be back in daylight savings, but I’ve got a little bit of a.

Wait until we get there. The only way to get daylight savings now is to go below the equator and hang out down in South America. And then you’ll be on the flip side and you’ll have a little more sunlight. But I think it’s really important to take advantage of this and get into it now.

And if you have any questions about the circulation mat, let them know and they’ll get you the information about the circulation mat. And you can see how that will also improve your circulation by up to 30%. Great for peripheral neuropathy. If you’re suffering from that.

So check into that. All right, Bob, thank you so much for your segment tonight. Really good consider where we are right now. I want to talk first of all, since we kind of talked briefly about the med beds in Sue’s class that she did, which we affectionately called the med bed Pop up.

It was a two night class, about three hours between the two nights and really a great way to see 65 different aspects that could be utilized when putting together your interview, which is usually 15 minutes prior to jumping into the med bed. They’ll give you time to talk about what it is you want to see done in your body, in your mind, in whatever aspect it is. And then they’ll enter that on the computer and plug all that in when you get ready to go into the med bed. And it’s important that I mention this, that, okay, we haven’t talked a whole lot about the med bed on the big call.

We’ve talked about it around about it. But let me let you know it is going to be available by referral. And so each one of us there is a priority to it. Dire need is the top priority.

If you’re near death, if you’re just in an emaciated state and you need help, whatever the dire need is. And you combine that with, okay, I’m a Zim holder, I have a lot of Zim and I’m about to start these projects. What they want to do is keep those of us who have Zim and have projects around for two or three hundred or plus years or more to see our projects to fruition to completion. So in that regard, those with dire need and Zim holders are in the top category and will have first shot at getting into the med bids.

And I don’t know that we’ve talked about it in that light before, but it’s really important that when you go into your appointment for your exchange and your and your redemption of Zimbabwe that you let them know, hey, now they may know it for me, they’ll know it because I won’t be able to see hardly anything and say, oh, he’s almost blind. Yeah, that’s right. And whatever other issues you’ve got, let them know that when you go in and they’ll be hitting some keystrokes that you’re definitely a med bed contender and probably right away, okay, so urgent or dire need. Now each one of us has six referrals that we can make when we go into the med bed appointment, we should have a list of six people.

Now they might be old. My list has older people in their 80s. It’s got people with loss of leg or this problem or that problem. That’s considered a dire problem.

I’m going to be bringing a list and my list, because of the big call and who I am, I have a larger list. But everybody can have six people on a list. And make sure that, you know, if you have a large family, consider that a separate list, you might be able to get away with having family plus six other people. Okay?

So just consider that if you’ve got older relatives or uncles or parents or grandparents that are still with us, then you can put them on your list. Now, you don’t need to put their condition or situation, but just put their name, maybe their age and their phone number or the person that you need to call to get in touch with about them, okay? So that would be a way for them to have a record of what you’re telling them. And they’ll have that, and they’ll enter that, and they’ll be able to get up with those people and set an appointment for them for the med bed.

And I’m looking forward to it, and you guys know I am, because I haven’t been able to read anything in about 11 or 12 years, and I can’t wait to get in there. I’m looking forward to it dramatically. So that’s what I wanted to say about med beds. Consider bringing a short referral list, because here’s the thing.

They don’t want just anybody getting into the med bed. It’s under very careful scrutiny. You’re going to have an NDA of sorts with the med bed because they don’t want you to disclose where the center is. You can’t tell them where it’s located, and you can’t tell them the name or names of the people that help you.

When you’re in the med bed center, you can talk about your experience to other people. And if you see them, they’ll see some things, okay, about you that might be different or they should see some change. That’s okay. That’s okay to talk about, but you cannot talk about where it is, the town it’s in, the location of the med bed center, and the people that helped you when you were in there.

Nothing about them. Okay? Just keep that in mind. I don’t know if anybody’s told you that, but that is what I’m telling you tonight.

All right, let’s move into more intel. So we had information late last night that was pointing toward us getting notified. Well, let me. Let me Back up a minute.

Sometimes I get ahead of myself. The emails that were going out to the banks and to the leaders or principals of the redemption centers were to go out and have not yet gone out as of the big call tonight. They may be going out already now or they may go out in the morning. But the word is that once those were received, we in Tier 4B and Tier 4A, which is Admiral’s Group, and the bondholders in Tier 3 were to be notified today by early this afternoon and set appointments this afternoon.

I was told. I thought I would have numbers today and be able to put them out live on the big call tonight. Didn’t happen and we found out for once we found out the reason why it was pushed and the reason it was pushed till tomorrow, which is what I was told tonight right before the big call started, was because there’s a certain person inside the treasury of the Restored Republic, our new treasury that needed to be removed today. Now that evidently was enough of a reason to move our start date to tomorrow that would be receiving notifications, setting appointments and most likely starting exchanges and redemption of Zim on Thursday.

Now, I don’t know what time this is to come out. We don’t have that. But we are understanding that this is to come out for us to get our numbers and set those appointments tomorrow and then go in for exchanges and redemption of Zimbabwe at the redemption centers on Thursday. Now that’s not me calling it, that’s me telling you the information that I’ve heard late this afternoon with an additional confirmation 15 minutes, 20 minutes prior to the big call tonight, an additional confirmation that that is the intention.

So we’ll see obviously what happens about that regarding Iraq, because remember, Iraq has been and is considered the linchpin of the RV and everything going with the global currency reset. Well, with our Iraqi contacts, which we have several, we heard that they were supposed to receive funding on their debit cards from the HCL retirement pay, whatever other monies they would get on their cards after 2pm today. Now with this change that’s taking place for us, I don’t know if that has moved their funding till tomorrow or whether they did receive those funds on there. They call them happy cards because it makes you happy when they’re funded, whether they have received Those funds after 2pm today or not, whether they had that liquidity.

We’re hearing that bondholders are to receive their emails which give them access to funds. They’re supposed to get those emails tomorrow and maybe the same time we get our emails to get the numbers and call and set our appointments at the call centers. Okay, tomorrow. And the appointments would probably be on Thursday for us.

Now, I’ve heard that bondholders may get access. No, let me say it this way. I don’t want to get this wrong. 10% of the bondholders may get liquidity as early as tomorrow with the emails that they receive.

But the 90% of bondholders should receive access to their funds on Thursday. I believe we are going to be setting up our appointments and there might be some, based on the time these come out, that can get exchanges started tomorrow afternoon or evening. It’s possible. But the vast majority, 90% or more of us in Tier 4B, the Internet group, would probably get notified tomorrow, set appointments tomorrow, which is Wednesday, and go in for our exchanges on Thursday, 12th December.

President Trump wants us to have money for these sales that are going on and also to have it for Christmas. I mean, they have it for Christmas and Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and Festivus. If that’s a real festival, I think it’s just Seinfeld, but whatever. Festivus for the rest of us.

I always thought that was funny. So that is the majority of what I wanted to bring out to you guys tonight. We were so close, according to what we had heard from a couple of very strong sources last night. And it was late last night, but it looks like because of this individual in the treasury that needed to be removed, that has pushed us to tomorrow.

And that’s what I’m telling you. And that’s what I’m hoping is the absolute truth about it. Now, in the meantime, two offerings from Sue. Number one, the Med Bed 100, which is the Med Bed, pop up.

The two night class you would get by recording. You’ll receive that for $100. And all you need to do is send sue an email to get all of those 65 different aspects of what to consider for yourself in the med bed and other information that’s there in Q and A and all kinds of things on two nights of classes, about three hours, two classes combined. So what you want to do is send her an email.

And the email address you all know by now is integrated. I N T E G R A t e d mines m I n d s mail.com send the email and in the subject line, put Med Bed 100. It’s $100 and you’ll really benefit from that. And I mean, can you imagine going into the med bed and not knowing exactly what you should ask for or could ask for to make these changes in your body and in your mind.

Yeah, you can do quite a few things. I’ve got a pretty good list in mind. I probably have about 30 or 40 things that I’m going to request in my list right now because I can’t read is in my head. So I’m just trusting the old noggin here that I can remember everything that I have wanted to put in.

So you want to send that to integrated minds@hushmail.com in the subject line, put Medbed 100. And then in the body of the email, just let them know, I will use PayPal if you don’t have to have a PayPal account. But if you say, I’ll use PayPal to pay for this and put your name and cell phone number in your email. Body of the email.

That way, if sue needs to call you or text you, which is most likely, otherwise everything comes out by email. So get it on your email. But it’s good if she has your name as well. Okay, now you want that to go out right away, like tonight, Short and sweet.

If you want this, get it out tonight. So she’ll have it and then she’ll be able to knock those out hopefully before we get our numbers, which are scheduled to come out tomorrow. So we’ll see how that goes. The other offering sue had was for the new class, which I’m going to refer to as Shadows, but it’s out of the shadows goes in the subject line and in the body of the email.

You know what the class is going to be? $100. No, excuse me, it’s going to be 150. It’s three nights starting this Friday the 13th and Monday and Tuesday.

If this carries and we do not get the numbers and we don’t go, the class will go on if. And it sounds like a great class. I told Sue I think she should go ahead with it and go for it. And let’s see what happens on the other.

Because we did get pushed today and you never know if we’re going to get pushed again tomorrow. We’ll see. But put that in and let her know that you’re in for the class. Just let her know I’m in for the shadows.

Out of the shadows goes in the subject line, out of the shadows and let her know, yep, I’m in. And that’s really what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight. Now, if we get numbers tomorrow and we set our appointments and we start exchanges Thursday, we might have a celebration call Thursday night. And then make sure that everybody has the numbers.

If they haven’t got it elsewhere. Our numbers are going to be on. When we get the toll free number, we’ll put it on the homepage of bigcalluniverse.com and then also we’ll send out an email to anyone who has given us their email to notify them about it when we get the 800 number. Okay, so you’re probably all registered by now, but there could be a few new listeners that have not heard this before.

And just take all we’re doing. There’s no cost. You just put your email in and register on bigcalluniverse.com bigcalluniverse.com okay. And that way we’ll be in touch with you after.

We’re not doing any more big calls on a live call like we are now. And we’re not getting the calls out with the Starlink satellite system with our SAT team. That’s done a great job to get the call out to an average of around 18.5 million listeners around the world, which is a real blessing. Wonderful.

And they get it in their own language, translated in about three seconds after I speak it. That’s amazing and very, we’re very thankful about that, you guys and you know who you are with the SAT team. Thank you for knocking that out for us and doing such a great job. I’m glad that we could reach this many people.

I’m really, really happy that we could. And I’m thankful to Big Call Universe for listening in to us for 13 years and for everybody that is helping the Big Call directly, like obviously sue and Bob and Gck, great creative Kendall with the artwork that he’s done for us on our projects. And also Pastor Scott, continued healing for you, including that your head, when you hit your noggin getting into the bathtub or falling into the bathtub, I want you to be completely and totally healed in Jesus name. And also Jeannie, for being so good on sending us prayer and praise reports and keeping us up to date with all the cool things that are going on with the calendar a few days at a time.

And thank you for that, Jeannie. It’s really cool. And then. Am I forgetting anybody?

Of course. Big Call Universe, all of you listeners out there, thank you for your faithfulness. Let’s see what happens tomorrow and Thursday with exchanges, if that is what happens. And we get these numbers and we call in to set our appointments through the call centers that are tied directly to the redemption centers, which has been indicated by the zip code that we entered at some point with the call center, we get directly transferred to the redemption centers so that we can set our appointments and they’ll know and we’ll be talking to people at the redemption center that we probably will be exchanging with or through.

Okay. The only other point I want to make before I pray us out is Social Security increase this month. Question mark. I don’t have that absolutely confirmed.

It might still be this month. My gut is we’re talking January on the increase in Social Security. The R and R, however, should be there for us this month, especially if we’re going to do exchanges. It will be deposited into our quantum account, which we activate when we get into the redemption center.

For those that are not currency holders that are not going in for exchanges, they should get it if they’re old enough, they’ll get it in their Social Security bank account. Okay. In the bank account where they have their social coming in by direct deposit. If they are younger than 62.

Well, 60 years old is still supposed to get direct deposit, but in the age group of 30 to 45, you’ll be getting your RNR, your restitution and reclamation allowance. You’ll be getting that over three years time, monthly. For three years. Okay.

If you’re in the age group of 45 to 60, you get yours in two years time monthly. So all of that, I’m sure will come out. Is that part of Nesara? Yes.

When will we see Nesara or get announcements on it? Hopefully we get it pretty soon when we’re getting ready to start because some of the disclosure that should come out is cover for us going for our exchanges. So we’ll see how that comes together. I’ve heard a lot of different things about it.

I’ve had different start dates on it, and it’s just no sense trying to put one on it right now. So we’re just kind of stay tuned and see what’s going on in that regard. I have heard some things about the Supreme Court. I have heard some things about Justice Clarence Thomas making an announcement with the Brunson, one of the Brunson brothers on the Brunson case and so on.

That would be favorable, obviously, for doc for President Trump, and we’ll see when that is to surface. I’ve heard as early as today it was supposed to and yet it did not. So I’m not sure when it’s actually going to come out. I know there’s still a lot of arrests going on in certain parts of the country still, but I know overall they’re way over the hump and on their way down.

And these arrests are happening very quickly, and they’re moving these people out as they need to. So there’s a lot of cleanup on aisle three still. You have the information that I have. All I try to do is bring you what I’m getting.

Not trying to add to it, just clarifying it slightly. And I’m excited about where we are. I just need for this to be true and to come through as we expect. So that’s my prayer for tonight.

Let’s pray it out. You guys. Thanks so much for listening. Lord God, we just thank you so much for bringing us the information that we can share on this open platform known as the Big Call.

Thank you for Big Call Universe listeners all over the globe and for their faithfulness in adding their faith to our call. Thank you for this very special time of year where we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our savior. And thank you for Hanukkah and other festivals at this time. Thank you for bringing this blessing home to us in the relative timeframe that we have so that we can go about upleveling the globe for everyone in humanity with our projects like Rebuild America, Rebuild International, the Veterans Retreat Network, and the Pastoral Retreat Network.

Thank you for those. And thank you for anyone in Big Call Universe that wants to help us to do that. And we’ll be in touch on how to do that. Thank you, Lord, for bringing all of this together, having us to enjoy a Christmas unlike any other we’ve ever had.

And thank you for all that you’re doing in our lives and will continue to do to support us and to be there for us. In Jesus name, amen and amen, everybody. Let’s see what tonight brings. Get in touch with boomers.

Get that sales order in so that you can concentrate on other things. And let’s see where this is going to go, especially tomorrow and Thursday. All right, everybody, have a great night and we’ll talk again.

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