Dinar Guru Uncut

TNT Super fantastic Conference Call (Uncut) – Friday, January 03, 2025

TNT Super fantastic Conference Call (Uncut) – Friday, January 03, 2025

Blog talk radio. Tony, how you doing? Yeah, I’m super fantastic every day super fantastic. Wake up, wake up.

It’s the TNT Denard. We’ve been waiting so long but we made it this far. If you’re feeling like I’m feeling, you know it’s so hard gotta keep your head up, keep your faith in the lord and re restore the truth Breaking down the walls over 10,000 people waiting on a call and win it all coming to real it’s over with it’s so close I can feel it like a super ID you never had it you keep your head when you cash it, outlast it, you ain’t even got a flash. How you doing, Tony?

I’m super fantastic. Far from past it now close your eyes in the mask those have been down bouncing back like elastic how many really trying to do something that’s so drastic? Asking if you see another fella of the north era of making their life better? Yeah getting ready for the rv yeah, we getting ready for the rv.

Let’s go. Ready for the rv we getting ready for the rv Getting ready for the rv. We getting ready for the rv. We getting ready for the rv.

We getting ready for the rv. Remember that we on the same map Tony and Ray ran the brothers on the same path. It’s time for a transference of wealth and ain’t trying to be left with my life on the shelf can’t do it by myself we gotta do it together. A life of wealth we living life to living forever.

Let’s go. Getting ready for the rv we getting ready for the rv. Let’s go. We getting ready for the rv we getting ready for the rv Getting ready for the rv yeah, we getting ready for the rv we getting ready for the rv yeah, we getting ready for the rv it was all a dream but now it’s a reality now it’s what it has to be to keep your faith and you was a catastrophe feet but just be patient though Incredible how he used the hottest things to bless your soul.

TNT the nar. Tony. Raven, where you at? People waiting on the intel call they hit you back?

Raven got the ladies going crazy on the open mic call. Midnight till the break of dawn is going on living in a time where we really know we need it you gotta believe it ain’t no time to be this blessed life I cherish like the air that I’m breathing no grieving listen to the words that I’m speaking Lifetime of wealth transfer to the believer know somebody ready y’all can hear through the speakers IQV Real evaluation Waiting with anticipation I’m patient and impatiently waiting to be patient Getting ready for the RV yeah we getting ready for the RV Getting ready for the RV we getting ready for the RV Getting ready for the RV yeah we getting ready for the RV Getting ready for the RV yeah we getting ready for the RV we ain’t got the ladies going crazy on the open mic Midnight breaker down is going on Living in a time where we really know we need it you got to delete it Ain’t no time to be conceited this bless life I cherish like the air that I’m breathing breathing Listen to the words that I’m speaking Lifetime of wealth transfer to the believer know somebody ready I can hear through the speakers IQ D re evaluation Waiting with anticipation I’m patient and impatiently waiting to be patient let’s go. Getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V.

getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V. getting ready for the R.V. Yeah we getting ready for the R.

V. Let’s go. We getting ready for the Rv yeah we getting ready for the Rv getting ready for the R.V, we getting ready for the R.v. let’s go.

Super fantastic. It’s time. Welcome to the information superstation tnt hosted by that dynamic duo Tony and Ray Renfro. They’re super fantastic and fantabulous served to the empty green bringing you the latest and greatest Iraqi dinar revaluation information from around the globe east to west is the best.

So sit back, relax and get ready to have your mind blown in the TNT intel zone. Zone. Good afternoon TNT super fantastic family. Today is.

What day is this? It’s Friday, January 3, 2025. Man, we’ve been having too much fun bringing in this New Year Ray Ray 98 here along with Good Morning CNC. Happy New Year to everybody.

You guys can see Ray is a year older. Alzheimer’s kicking in a little bit or. Or just old age. One of them.

But we are here. Well, I didn’t want to be here, you didn’t want to be here. But we’re here. Good news is we shouldn’t be here for long.

We know when. It didn’t happen on the 31st. It wasn’t going to happen until maybe tomorrow is the first opportunity. I say that because Iraq banks are closed.

They were only four day closure. Said to do their audit, not accepting deposits, no withdrawals, nothing. They go back tomorrow. So these are our options.

Our options are it could happen anytime in the next 72 hours. I mean well from Saturday morning through Monday morning. It could happen at any time. Is it done?

Yes. Banks are telling banks that it’s done. Yes. I’m hearing from our bank people, well, actually from Tuesday, Wednesday, that we are next.

You are next. When it starts again, it’s your turn. I’ve heard all that. I just don’t know when it starts again.

I do know this though. Iraq has been telling their people they’ve been taking in the 30 notes. They’ve been explaining on television, billboards everywhere how to turn their notes in, how to exchange them. They did stop the auction.

Now they stopped all of the international payments, imports, exports that through the auctions. They have to complete them through the bank and they are allowing it through the banking system. They are still giving the travelers dollars because they need those when they’re traveling. But other than that, there are none.

It’s over. Now. What’s the next thing that’s going to happen? Iraq either going to change the rate or the dollar is going to go ballistic like they think it is because the dinar is still worthless.

So one of those two is going to happen over this weekend or by Monday or should happen anyway. So this thing will be over with. So that’s what I’m looking forward to as of this moment, as of the people I’ve already talked to today. Once again, it’s in.

The bank has the green light. They’re supposed to be able to go. Everything is done. Nobody’s given us a definite answer at what moment in time, but it is completed.

We do know they still wanted by the 15th. We do know they wanted before the new administration comes in. We do know Iraq needs it again before things go crazy with the dollar. They have to have something with purchasing power and air.

Dinar doesn’t have it. Nobody’s walking around with wheelbarrows full of dinar for next three, four weeks or for next week just to buy a loaf of bread or to pay for anything for that matter, since they can’t use dollars. So we’re in actually a great place. Nothing has changed.

Bankers at lower level are confirming they have the information. The procedures are still the same. I’m still waiting for authorization number if they’re going to give it to us, because they keep saying they are and they haven’t. That’s why I keep seeing that, what the procedures are, how it’s going to work.

But other than that, yes, I know they are exchanging or they did. I know what the rates are. I know the different interest rates. And I’ve been Sharing those with you, the highs and the lows.

Well, I didn’t give you the high highs yet because I’m scared to give them to you. Thank you. Well, some of them’s just crazy. And that’s because some people will absolutely be upset at what some get and some don’t.

But it shouldn’t be was how it is. There’s levels to this as there’s levels to everything else. The more you have, the more you can get. The more you have, the higher interest rate you can get.

The more you have, the more perks you’re going to get. Everybody should already realize that. But here’s the good thing. I don’t care how much you have.

If you have 1 million dinar, you’re going to make enough money that during the next phase, when I tell you about the next phase, going to be able to come one of the super rich. If you have at least 1 million dinar and you follow instructions, do what I say, what I’m going to share with you, you should be able to become part of the super rich. Maybe not this time, but next time, which is going to be within the next six months, things will change drastically. Okay.

So not a whole lot to tell you guys, except I’m hoping that tomorrow morning I’m doing another call. I’m hoping it happens that early. Now, while we’re on this call, I got three people trying to research. They do know it’s a green light.

They do know everything’s done. We just don’t know what moment in time we are next. Everybody knows we’re next. The bankers are saying we’re next.

People have already been paid are saying they were told we’re Next. So the three letter agencies are saying we are next. It’s 2025. This was supposed to happen before the end of the year.

That’s what Shazani told his people. So he didn’t get accomplished, but it is read. We’re in a good spot. All right.

What you guys want to talk about? Okay. Right. Okay.

Let’s see. 007, Secret Squirrel says my wife and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary today. She was born in Winston Salem of a Yankee father and a southern bail from Kingston, North Carolina. I’m just a darn janky from 71 6.

All right. Happy anniversary, Secret Squirrel. Mr. Mrs.

Secret Squirrel. Okay, let’s see. Mushu Gina. I guess that’s how that’s pronounced.

Mushy Gina. Anyway, questions for Tony. Once you have the authorization code that you negotiated for the TNT group, rather than giving the code out on the final RV call, can you just discuss the process regarding authorization code then text out the code to the paying TNT members. I know that a lot of us have been paying monthly for years and there are many who don’t pay and get on the calls for free information.

Thanks. You know, somebody sent me an email over the holidays and suggested something similar. There’s got to be a way just to get this to TNT people and hide it from all these freeloaders who never even offered $10 or even $5 back when it was in all these other so called gurus who are spreading our call around because that’s all they’re doing. And again they do their calls after us so they can get her information.

Okay. She even went so far she see this is women suggesting this. That I should only give the code to people who would promise or. Or pay for it a million dollars or more.

I mean I can’t make people pay a million dollars for it or pockets or something. It’s kind of like the give and play that what’s the name Bill Gates does or that’s who. Let me say yes, it gives an authorization number or those are the only people. I said let them see the next group because they definitely are going to make a whole lot of money if they would pledge a million dollars towards a charity.

Not my charity, not yours. They’re saying they’ll at least give a million dollars to society in some form or fashion. Which again I would have absolutely no way of controlling that. But it’s just a thought.

We want to think that people who commit to something like that would do it. But I don’t know. And I’m saying this, I’ve been thinking about it. I’ve been trying to think about a way I get isolated.

So it was just you guys subscribing. But I know what happened. I can send it out on the email and you guys can get it first and down the 800 number or the 800 number. You guys will be the only one who has an authorization number until each one of you give it to 10 of your friends.

Give it to 10 of their friends, give it to 10 of them so they can get the best rate there are out there. So I just want you guys to have the first opportunity at it. If there’s a way I could do it and I’m open to suggestions if you guys suggested there’s a way I can do it, I certainly would because you guys are going to those who are paying 100 subscriptions already deserve it. Those who’ve been contributing the last year or two years definitely deserve it.

So I’ll have to see if either our email system or strike itself to give me a way to do that. But. Good question. That would be my.

My job. I’m gonna see if there’s a way to isolate. Just you guys first. All right?

All right. Cujo dad says when we do the contract with the bank on a joint account for money we have them to manage. Do we need to note TOD on the paperwork or is it necessary? I certainly would.

Did you say Cujo Dad? Yes, that’s the member’s name. Really? Do you know who Cujo is?

Yeah, I remember Cujo. I forgot what type of. It was a dog, wasn’t it? Junkyard dog.

Yeah, a dog. A rabbit dog. I’m trying to think. Junkyard.

Oh my God. All right. Anyway. All right, yeah, I’ll do that on my contract anyway.

Or, and, or assign. I mean really. Both. Both.

I don’t know if you’re going to assign it to your trust or you’re going to sign it to your brother, sister, uncle, cousins, great grandkids. But I’m going to include that on everything I signed. Okay? Right.

Good. Okay. Garbear says who or when determines when it gets placed on forex? I don’t know.

I really can’t tell you. Unless it’s the treasury department. I really don’t know. I’ve never even asked that question.

Okay, that just took out Ann the Shack’s question. A Canadian person wanted to know something about Forex also. Alright, so we have stranger Solo says did the currency auction. Stop and write.

Okay, you address that. That leaves us with birthday folks. And we have quite a few folks celebrating the birthday on today. Actually eight people all together.

We have Judy Chalak, Class Act 7, Kilgore. God is so good. Sweet toffee, great faith. Bam and Curly.

All celebrating birthdays on the day. So happy birthday to those eight. And any others that we didn’t get a chance to acknowledge. Happy birthday to you.

I wanna wanna wish you a happy birthday. I wanna wanna help you celebrate. I wanna wanna wish you lot. I wanna wanna help you eat your cake.

If you’re bossy, bossy, bossy in the island way. You’ll be jamming all night to the light of day. Your birthday, birthday is your day to shine. Another year and you’ll be looking fine.

So have a no worries touching his time to party be time to celebrate. Yeah. All right. Happy birthday.

Right, hold on, hold on, hold On. Okay. All right, let me add this for a minute. Okay, listen, guys, I need to address two things so you guys understand and either one of them.

And first, I was, I, I should have started this call about the, the terror attacks, what’s going on, and people that are involved in giving our, our sympathy and our prayers. Both attacks that went through New Orleans and Las Vegas. I don’t like what’s going on. You shouldn’t like what’s going on because it’s going to affect our future if we let it affect us today.

And what’s happening, as soon as we see something, the first thing that comes out is it was a terrorist attack. Terrorists. Next thing comes out is migrants coming across the border. All that is fear mongering, worrying, causing issues with the R.

None. Or just adding fuel to the fire that already is, which is unnecessary. Then we find out that guess what, these are Americans. Both, both Americans, both military soldiers, both use the same car rental place.

Both born in America, raised in America. But we quickly look to blame somebody else and cause things in our society. So that’s where you have to be more vigilant in finding out what’s really going on before you start forming opinions, before you start listening to everything else somebody else says. Get the information yourself and make decisions because this could have went totally the wrong way.

Now we know something is going on when it’s two military guys, you know, army guys, I mean, decorated soldiers decorate. So something is going on, but it’s not what you’re seeing on tv. It’s not what people are running out saying. So let’s, let’s look at that.

But I’m addressing it because some of you are asking the question, is it going to hold up the rv? Is that what’s stopping us from going through the bank? Because now we have to deal with this. And I’m going to tell you no, because those two incidents don’t control the whole world.

There’s just two incidents here in the U.S. terrible incidents. People lost their lives, people got hurt and it scared everybody else. But it shouldn’t hold up what we’re doing.

The other thing is, as we know today, right now, they’re taking vote for the speaker in the House, for the new Congress to go to fit. Who’s going to be the speaker? Is it going to go through today? We have no idea.

I don’t know. It’s not going through on the first vote is what we’re hearing. Well, right now because I already said three people voted for somebody else. So that means Johnson doesn’t have enough votes because he could only afford to lose two and he’s already lost three.

So they’re just doing this to be doing it. But is it going to hold up the RV? No. Why?

This is the U.S. congress. It’s not the world’s Congress. Iraq still needs to do the things they need to do.

The rest of the world, who’s involved in this, the other countries still need things to do. Iraq still needs their money to be worth value for all these contracts that have already started being paid up. So I said, let’s not borrow trouble. And you guys are old enough to know what that means.

Let’s not borrow trouble. Worry about things that we don’t have to worry about before we have to worry about them or cause issues where they at, because they aren’t. So some of you text about different ways to give out the code and some of you have text me already about why is there anybody else worried about who gets to coach? Why is it an issue?

Well, it’s an issue with a lot of people because they figured they’re doing their fair share or they’re doing what they’re supporting it by paying that $10 a month. Now, guys, I can’t get mad at them because I gotta say it. I don’t know anybody on this call. Anybody.

I mean, I don’t know a homeless community. Homeless community that’s on this call. So I don’t know anybody who can’t pay $10. I know thousands of people have decided they don’t want to because they want years and years of information for free, get their money, go about their business.

Not one person listening to this can’t afford $10. They just choose not to. They choose to do something else with it. Even though this is about their entire future.

But I bring them probably more money than anything else they ever invested $10 into. So I can see where the ones who are doing it are concerned with it because that’s the ones who tell me these different plans. So I can only give it out to people who are paying. And I’m not mad at them for that.

And I’ll look at it. But some of you want to know, why are they worried about other people’s money? They’re more concerned, worried about what they contributed to and they want the full benefit of it. That, that’s why discussion.

That’s why I got the emails. That’s why I’m getting the text right now. So I wanted to address that. When you hear people saying that or suggesting that they have just as much right to do that as you to want something for free or for nothing, or not care and haven’t contribute anything.

And at some point, I mean, we’ve been doing this for 15 years. That’s a long time. I came on, it was supposed to be a week, one week. And it’s been 15 years.

And it’s crazy. So I want to address that so we don’t get into it with the live people. The terrorist acts are just that. They’re homegrown terrorists, though now they’ve been influenced by somebody.

But so far, if you’re watching news, paying attention, they can’t find any links with either one of them to anybody outside the country. So listening to that, I mean, domestic terrorism, but for terrorists or if people coming across the border, again, aliens, just nonsense like everything else. So we’re gonna go with it, all right? But it’s not affecting what we’re doing.

Everybody I’ve talked to, because it’s done, even banks. I will tell you that we did have a conversation today. Banks who are not directly involved have found out about it this week and said that it’s live. They’ve been told that it’s live, that the RV took place on Tuesday, the rate was fully exchanged and they’re just waiting for us because we’re next.

But we don’t know what the start time is. So that’s where they’re at. Nobody, not one three letter agency has said, hey, we gotta wait till they solve this terrorist day. Nobody.

Nobody said, hey, we gotta wait until they get a house speaker. Nobody. But we are waiting for is, first of all, Iraq. Banks open back up, which is tomorrow.

Then the only thing we may wait for is for it to go on forex on Sunday. Monday, we may wait for the banking weekend to be over, start Tuesday morning. I don’t know, but that’s our window. It could go as early as tomorrow.

Because Iraq has to work with something for the next three days besides worthless currency. They don’t have dollars anymore, they don’t have the auctions anymore. And only the import exporters can get the dollars through the bank through the new system. So something has to change.

Let’s see what it is. All right, Ray, let’s go. Let’s get that out the way. Okay?

Yep. Okay. All right, first caller, 206 area code, you’re on. Greetings, Ray.

Greetings, Tony, and happy 2025 to both of you and to all your family members, Excuse my voice, I got a really bad cold. Tony, first of all, thank you for what you just said. For what, 15 years you and Ray have been trying to give people ears that hear and eyes that see and minds that think for themselves. And aside from the details of the RV and the currencies and all that, that’s a skill that is worth a lifetime of investment and use in all kinds of ways, I guess, down to what kind of apples you buy.

But thank you for that. Beside the inside information and all of that, you’ve been giving people eyes to see and ears to hear, minds to think with. And in addition, what you were just talking about with people is a heart to live with. You’ve been doing all that, and I just wanted to thank you.

I’ve thanked you a lot, and many people have thanked you a lot. But one of these days our calls will be over. And I just was particularly touched by what you said. And, Ray, you don’t say so much, but I know darn well you live by the same standards.

And every once in a while you bring that forth, and in all your teaching, you have that under the surface of the facts and the figures. So both of you guys, thank you with all my heart. And now, Tony, I have been doing spreadsheets for years, intelligent spreadsheets that are highly automated and integrated, so that when I’m in the settlement meeting, the exchange meeting, I can just put in a few key figures and it will recalculate everything on numerous spreadsheets. And one of the things that I am perplexed about is what your thoughts would be on how much as, like, a fractional amount.

Right Now, I’m reserving 10% of the gross proceeds that I will receive as holdout money for the next basket. And if things go as we’re being told right now, my entity’s proceeds will be substantial. And I’m. But I’m holding back 10% of that in the formula that I’m using to get down to the bottom line.

What I can leave with the bank on this first move and the way this is working out is that it’s a very substantial amount so that the bank will take me seriously. But do you think holding back 10% is enough, or do you think that the opportunity in this second basket is going to be so big that I should formulate this to hold back more than 10%? Listen, guys, I’m gonna tell you something. First of all, thank you for what you said, and I’m gonna shock you in a minute, but thank you for what you did.

And even. And I showed you guys over the Years. My niece is a dean at a college. She is the dean.

He listens to this call. Her kids listen to this call and she says, you have given them a whole college education for free. A whole education for free about a whole host of things, but something they can’t even get in school. They are getting here.

I’m gonna say that. Hold on a second. Yeah, that noise was killing. I would say that, to say this because Ray constantly reminds me.

Well, not constantly, but enough. I’ll tell you, he says, hey, these people only hear because they want the money that you’re offering. They here because they love the education I’m getting. I gotta say, okay, and, and he’s right.

I mean, you can’t get this stuff anywhere else, not all of it anywhere. The finance, the long term, the investment strategies. Nobody in a right mind is giving you this for free. I’m thinking, God, what’s his name?

What’s the third richest guy’s name? Berkshire. Right? Not Berkshire.

He runs Berkshire. But anyway, I’m thinking, you know, he does lunch. Lunch for $400,000 an hour. I’m gonna spend a lunch with you for $400,000 and give you what I got.

If you can’t get it in 60 minutes, too bad. Most of these people are getting it for absolutely nothing for the last 10, 15 years and don’t want to part with $10. Okay, so I’m done with that part. But I want to thank you for saying that.

Now, as far as your strategy goes, everybody’s strategy, I’m gonna give it to you right now. You don’t need to save 10%. Warren Buffett. Yeah.

You don’t need to save 10% because it’s not going to require that much, anybody. When I give you the currency, which I will at some point, well, I’m gonna give it to my thousand dollar guys first. But anyway, when I give it to you, if out of all this money you just made the millions and millions like I said, if you got 1 million dinar right now, you should at least make $4 million. At least $4 million.

If you move $100,000, 100,000 over to the next basket, you should make $400 million. If you move 100,000 to the next basket, when I tell you what it is, you should make $400 million. That’s crazy, isn’t it? That is absolutely crazy.

But that’s what the numbers are. Let’s know what the numbers are right now. What they are between what they’re going to be. I can tell you that so everybody, you don’t have to go out and calculate.

You don’t have to lose a third of your money, a half of your money. You don’t have to worry about investing millions and millions of dollars, but you have to worry about is where’s your position in line? Because those who get in first are going to get in. They will restrict it anyway, as I said to sophisticated investors, more than likely it will all be online.

So we don’t even have to buy it like we do now because I’m going to take it about online, which is going to cause something within itself. Some of you get physical currency in some of them. So there’s a host of things. But what you don’t have to do and that you’re doing it but is do big calculations and everything else and adjustments to do that.

Do the numbers during your exchange that benefit you and the next basket is going to take care of itself. Okay, okay, that’s, that’s really great. And I didn’t quite understand what you were saying about being where you are in line. Do you mean that getting in on this first exchange or where you’re going to be in line on second basket?

Oh yeah, I meant second basket on who I’m going to give the information to, who’s going to go out and be able to purchase. You know, it’s going to be like I bought the gym at 10 cents. Right. And now it’s at a hundred dollars a note, I think 100 and something.

So I’m gonna give it to the guys who can buy their 10 cents. So there’s gotcha some guys. And it goes up because it’s gonna go up quickly because I’m gonna do that. That’s all.

That’s all I’m gonna do. Those who aren’t, don’t, period. All right, made sense. Right, right.

And then my last quick question is, are we likely to be able to move into another bank based contract investment like a five year term like the one that you would get on our first exchange? Once we go through the second basket, will those kind of interest rates still be available on 5 year renewable contracts? Okay, I’m going to say yes. I haven’t discussed it with the bank.

But what you guys don’t know is those kind of interest rates are available anyway. You just don’t have enough money to give them. And now you do. And that’s why you’re being exposed to it.

They’ve always been available, but only through the people with the money to get. Now you’re the people. Right, Right. I’ve understood that.

And I again, just thank you with all my heart. You’ll always be a brother to me. And so the same with writing. Thank you so very, very much.

All right, thank you, sir. Okay, thank you. Next is three. One, two.

Erica. Good afternoon, Mr. Ray Wren. How are you, sir?

Hey there. Pretty good, thank you. Good, good, good. Good morning, Tony.

How are you? Happy New Year to both of you. I’m good. What’s going on?

Chantel? Hey, I just got back in Chi town today. Yeah, just touched down a few hours ago. Go.

Question. Well, I’m saying this before I ask for a question. Shame on them folks that are texting you and emailing you over the holidays. I mean you talk about how they text you and email you every day anyway, they just don’t care.

They don’t give a hoot about you and your personal life and having some peace. But then to go as far to do it over the holidays. You are awesome. Selfish sobs.

And you need to be ashamed of yourself. Not over the holidays. On Christmas Eve, on Christmas Day, I’m like, that’s what I’m saying. Selfish, self centered.

Anyway, anyway, you look it teased me off. But hey, you, you, you a gam. And you tolerate it. So I’m done with it.

But now about the auctions in Iraq. Do you think that they are completely stopped never to come back or they just stop over this, their four day banking holiday. Do you think they will start back up again? Oh, no, no.

Auctions are over. CBI is no longer in that business and now belongs to the banking system through the U.S. treasury. Hmm.

That’s a good thing. That’s a real great thing because that stops smuggling and everything else. That stops Iran from being able to get 80, 90, $100 billion a year out of Iraq. That stopped all oligarchs from doing that.

But it’s also the reason Iran has been saying they want to make a deal with Trump because the money is cut off. Okay, Biden, everybody else cut the money off. It’s all, it’s over now. And they would have to make a deal with Biden.

They had to make a deal with anybody because now they have no money. So it’s time to come to the table. Okay. Okay.

Well good. I just wanted that clarity because they stopped them before for a few days and all of a sudden they was back and they were stopping. They was back. But this is a 100% good thing and I look forward to what the next 72 hours will bring us.

So thank you both very much for all that you continue to do. It is much appreciated by all of us. Thank you. All right, thanks, guys.

Okay, 3, 8, 6, Erico, you’re on. 3, 8, 6, area code. Okay, I guess you’re not on. 3, 6, 0, Erico, you’re on.

Good morning, Tony. Good afternoon, Ray. It’s Walt. Hey, sir.

Hey, how you doing, man? Happy New Year. I’m alive. And that’s a good sign.

And you guys are. That’s a good sign. And so all. Well, that ends well, or begins.

It begins well. Yeah. Listening to this and all the things that are going on and so forth, it’s. It really is a mixed bag of things.

And I think the decision process having planned for it will probably be a big benefit. No question about it, I guess. Tony, my first question is for you. My second question is for Ray, and my third question is probably for the both of you.

Is there. Is there been any change in the. Originally there was conversation about 1/3, 1/3, 1 third, and then saving a certain portion for yourself to set aside, but that three different banks to be in competition to give you a. How much money am I going to make over the trial period before we would start to localize the people that perform the best in order to focus the amount of money you’re going to assign to those banks?

Has there been any change in that concept or that plan that you suggested way, way back? Okay, so first of all, you guys need to know this. The more you leave with the bank, the higher interest rate they’re going to give you. So the more you leave for a longer period of time, you’re going to get better rates, better rates on your money, and you’re going to get a better interest rate.

So here’s just an example. That’s all. So I’m gonna leave 60%, let’s say that. No, I’m gonna make it simple.

I’m gonna leave 70% or 30, whichever half you want to do. So now I’m leaving with them so I can get the highest rates, so I can negotiate my very best terms. Why? Because the longer I leave it and the more I leave, then the higher rates I’m gonna get.

So now I got more money anyway. So now I got my 30% left. I said I’m gonna take my 30% and I’m divided up in three, because I’m gonna put it in three different banks and put them in competition with what I’m going to do afterwards, whether it’s iPodOS, whether it’s in business strategies, whether it’s starting certain businesses, whether it’s investing in communities, whatever it is. And I’m going to see which one of them can produce the best return on my 30%.

Now I’m going to live off of my money’s money. What is my money’s money? My money’s money is the return I get on that 30%, plus the monthly interest that the bank is paying me on the 70% I let them have. That’s my money’s money.

My return is my money’s money. I can do whatever I want off of that money. It’s going to be a significant amount of money. Every month it’s going to be more than what I’m making today, so I can adjust my lifestyle to it.

And then it’s going to multiply every month and be more and more and more so I can do the things I need to do. If I’m concerned about taxes at this point, just give me enough money to pay the taxes. At least make a deal with the IRS if I have to. But it should be more than enough to pay my quarterly taxes and still make money.

You just have to do the numbers and it’s a very simple plan to follow. That’s what I’m gonna do. Well, it hasn’t changed. Explain it.

That’s what I was always gonna do. Well, yeah, but it doesn’t. The very first initial deal you’re gonna make is going to be with the people that are going to give you the highest amount. Right.

I mean, that’s what I. If I. And that you’ll divide that, the proceeds from that up in three different patterns after the initial agreement is made. That’s what I thought I understood you to say.

Yeah. Okay. So that. Yeah, so that.

Okay, good. I, I did. Now, the, the next question is the 1 million dinar for the next time, is that something that we buy on? We cash it all out now and then we’ll get new currency when.

With our money, that is. Okay, I’m looking for the word. That is an example. Listen, if you have 1 million dinar, you’re going to get $4 million, right?

Yep. If you take 100,000 out of that 4 million and put it in the next basket, it could probably bring you $400 million. If you’re one of the first people I give it to. Sure.

So you don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to buy any more dinar. I’m just saying if you have it right now, if you end up Being one of those people who make $400,000 and if you save 50,000 of it for the next basket, you’re probably gonna make $200 million or a whole lot more than that, 50,000, even if you made another $50 million just based on the currencies that they are and the rates they’re supposed to go to. Now I’m saying all this unless I sign my NDA, unless they come and get me, unless they say, hey, you can’t be involved in this next one.

You can’t tell, I don’t know. But right now it’s free and that’s what I plan on doing. Okay. Yep, yep, I get that.

Good. Okay, now, well done, Tony. I didn’t want you to feel I was interrogating you. I was just wanting to clarify.

And I have one more question for you, but I want to wait. That’ll be my last question. Ray. My question that I said I had for you was when we talked about the.

The small percentage gains on the currencies as we look towards their activities and so forth, at what point? Or we originally talked about 10 currencies at a million dollars apiece. And my question is, has that figure for the amount of the initial investment, has that stayed the same or has that changed either more or less? Okay, go ahead.

Here he is. Yeah. Say the question again. When we originally talked about the investment opportunity of small percentage gains on a watching activities either up or down at the percentage point or portions of a point, we had talked about a million or 10 million, and having divided it up amongst 10 different currencies, has that changed at all or is there a thought as to maximize the chances of it being successful to look at a certain amount?

It was kind of like the question, the initial questions that came at you. But I’m just kind of curious what, relative to this just avenue of the. The small amounts mounting up because of it doesn’t have to be a huge gain in percentages, right? I guess.

Yeah. So nothing’s changed. The concept’s still the same. Okay.

Okay. All right. All right. So that’s good.

Okay. Now, Tony, I still want to understand because I just, I renewed the morning early in the morning when you made the comment the other day that from now on it’s going to be if you, if you got refused or you didn’t get this, you were canceled. And so when is there a date that we have now as to when we contribute the hundred dollars or is that still on hold until the RV actually happens? Okay, so two things.

First, of all everybody understand those of you who are on a subscription already, you’ve already chosen your subscription. You don’t have to do any nothing. The system automatically charges your card a hundred dollars on your due date. You don’t have to do anything.

You’re already included in the next group because you’re done. Now if you need to change something, change your card. Because some of you guys send me the craziest stuff. Your car got lost, card got hacked, blah, blah, blah.

And then I said, well, wait until two days before your due date. It will let you change your card. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to send me emails and text or anything else.

It’s going to tell you right here, hey, we’re going to charge your card in the next 24, 48 hours. Anything you need to change and then you change it. That’s it. And life goes on.

Nothing I can do now. If you say, hey, I don’t want to do the hundred dollars and I’m gonna say, fine, you signed up for the subscription, you don’t want to do it. You sit in counseling. I’m going to counsel it.

I’m also going to counsel you from TNT because I told you guys before you did it. I’m not going back and forth. I want to do it this month, I don’t want to do it next month. I’m not doing that.

You’re out. I’m gonna make sure you can’t resubscribe because I’m not doing that. There’s one of me, there’s hundreds of you. And the easiest thing for me to do, unsubscribe, block be done, not going back and forth.

I hope you guys understand that. Now, for everyone who hasn’t done the subscription, who wants to go on with tnt, and we’re in January, so block talk is going to be over with in 27 days or whatever it is. And we’re gonna go on. I said, when the RV is announced, when they send me the information, the 800 numbers, everything else done, you know, we can now go.

You have 72 hours to enroll in the subscription. After that, I’m going to take all options off the table. We’re not accepting any more members. Nobody else is going to go forward with us in tnt.

That’s in the chat room, on the site. Or, or have the opportunity to go to the thousand dollar level. That goes into effect when I say, hey, we have an RV, 800 numbers coming. You’ll be able to go there, look and see there’s one option and it’s there for 72 hours and there will be no option from that point on.

Got it? I think I got it. Yeah. But there’s no.

So in other words, the discontinuation of the ten dollar is at the end of this month, Is that right? It’s gonna be when they announce the rv. There’ll be no, when they announced the rv, there was nothing but the hundred dollars period. Yeah, yeah.

Right. Gotcha. Okay. All right.

Well that makes it simple, I think. And I, I, oh God. And I’m, I guess I’m. Because I’m sitting here looking at the kind of the global situation and there’s a, there’s a curiosity as to who’s running the country right now.

And with our, as I understood it, Yellen had resigned or his resigning. And so our Treasury Department, which is supposed to be our directive for the release of these things and so forth, there’s a gray area apparently as to who would be, who would be giving the go ahead on it now. So the banks would have clearance to run with. What is your opinion about the current situation road is our government and the stability of it to have the in limbo condition of our Treasury Department and our presidency.

So what, what’s your opinion? Well, my opinion is that she did resign. Since he’s done with it, the deputy treasurer took over and he said he’s not changing a thing. So it is what it is.

And she already gave the go ahead. It’s a go in. There’s no question at the treasury except where we’re gonna go. He said he is not going to change a thing.

Okay, good. Do you have any question as to whether or not whoever’s running the White House at this point, although it’s still still listed as President Biden, there is question as to the validity of that. Do you have any question about that? I don’t have any question about who the President of the United States is, no.

So until January 20th it’s Biden and they’re making any decisions. Look, he doesn’t want to. There’s things that Trump is saying and try to get Republicans to block and stop and wait till I become to do it. But this supposedly isn’t one of them.

They’ve already agreed. They met I said in December UN those seven countries were given the green light and it’s supposed to happen when we say before January 20. They wanted before January 15 just to make sure and it should be in the next, well starting tomorrow morning within the next 72 hours, and it’d be open. Okay.

All right, well, good. Well, Happy New Year. All right. I’m glad for it.

And your families, too. I sent you guys a note. I got a notice that you. You got it, so forth.

So that’s good. And for everybody in the group who’s been with us for a long time, I’d say Happy New Year to them. And we’ll look forward to the next couple of days for sure. All right.

Thank you, sir. Yvette, thank you. Okay. 713 Erico, you’re on.

Hey, Happy New Year’s, Tony. Happy New Year’s. Ray. Yes, sir.

I had a couple questions. Yeah, man, Walt is long winded, man. He is long winded. Yeah, Tony, I almost went to sleep, but.

But anyway, my question is, has anybody that, you know, have been paid out in the. With the Saberno? No. Okay.

All right. Well, that was one of my questions. I can tell you. I mean, the banks are still bullish on.

They say it’s going. It’s the one. Okay, well, I have. I have.

I have some of it, too. So, you know, I. You know, that’s good. I’m just waiting on that.

And the other question that I have, did you watch any of the. You mean four games over the weekend? You mean, did I watch Alabama get stalked on? Is that the question?

Yeah, man. Did you see that? Wow. It kind of reminded me when Louisiana Monroe ran over him like that.

You know, I’m kind of curious to hear what Bama boy has to say, but I’m gonna say this on my way out. Tide roll. Ty Garrow. Yeah, so anyway, but.

But, man, hey, looking forward, waiting, you know, looking to do other things, so. Have a good day. Take care. All right.

Thank you, sir. Thank you. Next up is 918 area code. Gentlemen.

How’s everything with the both of you? Pretty good, sir. Thank you. Hey, I’m doing good.

How are you doing, sir? I’m doing great. I hope to hear, you know, bus lady today, because she put a smile on my face. Listen, guys, I’ve got one thing I wanted to ask is can you give us the new rates?

I mean, I’d like to know what the rate tie. It’s been a while since I’ve heard them. I don’t know where you got the race. Right there.

There’s no change on the rates. Yeah, there’s no change. They’re all still the same. Oh, no, I got it.

I got it. Okay. The dinar was. I think I got 349.

You peep it? Yeah. Dinar 349, VND 247 right here. 106 over here.

Should I have a date on them, Pierre? 187. The Venezuelan was 83. The Savarena was 83 cent.

Right. It’s about best I can remember right now, guys. That’s great. Now everybody got different rates when they got paid out, guys.

Depends on 2 years interest, 52 years, you got 25 interest at 720. Now this is what I will say so far. Everybody that did do their Exchange took the 720 to 780, I think because overall the number came out there. They did the 50%.

I don’t think anybody’s done over 50% yet. And they did a three year and five year program. So I’m telling you I’m gonna do over 50% because I don’t really need that. The monthly coming back out of my interest is enough to live life and do the type of investment that I really want to do.

And I hope I live another five years because my interest will have doubled my whole principal by that time. So that makes more sense to me. Okay, that makes sense to me too. Let me ask you, I don’t know if you’ve given any thought to this there.

Yeah, I’m here. I don’t know if you gave me any thought to this, but now that Syria has fallen, I think it’s just like Iraq. I mean, they have no government, they have nothing right now. And that’s a possibility down the line here, wouldn’t you say?

Always was a possibility. Just depends on when they took it over. So, yeah, I sent you guys a video. I’m sure I sent it to you.

I might not after, some of you might not understand, but the plan 15 years ago was to take over that whole region, to completely take over the other confessions of economic hitman. And then I just sent you guys the video. The plan was to take it all over. So, yes, now it might take another 10 years for it to revalue.

They may have to rebuild the government through everything they did in Iraq and even keep Iran out. And that’s what they’re trying to do now, but eventually that will happen. There’s too much oil in Syria for it not to happen, guys. So there is, there is that possibility down the line.

Okay, well, the only thing, the only thing else I have to add, gentlemen, and I will say this, I will follow up on what you said, Tony, and that is you think you got friends when you get this money. And by any chance Your people start finding out about it, you’re going to find that all of a sudden family members become enemies because they want something or they think you didn’t do anything to get this money. So I’ve already, I’m telling you, been there. So it absolutely is going to happen.

It’s absolutely happening now. And I can tell you guys, we don’t even have the money. And I’ve experienced it already. And I say it.

And I say it because a lot of, you know. Well, not a lot people will say, man, I know you’re going to give me some. I know you’re going to do this or that. All that money you’re gonna have, I know you’re gonna give me a couple million.

I know you’re gonna. But. And I’m looking them right in their face saying, no, I’m not. And they act like they don’t believe me.

You know, they like, yes, you are. And I’m saying, no, I’m not. You gotta sit here and laugh and think as funny you want to, but you’re gonna be shocked when it doesn’t happen. That’s all.

Well, yeah, and they’re gonna get mad. And, you know, perfect strangers are probably gonna be mad, but friends, family, relatives, who for the last 15 years have told you you were crazy and everything else, and now you got all this money and now you think you better than we are, or you did this, or, you know, you living in that big house, you driving that fancy car, all that hate is going to come your way. Trust me. Even if it’s not to your face, it’s going to be like.

But it’s going to come. And there’s total strangers, if not will think you owe them something because you didn’t work for it. Well, I worked once, Trust me, for 10 years. But for a lot of people, you just won the lottery.

You just did what that guy said, so give me some. Oh, you don’t experience that a lot. I hope you’re prepared for it. Well, the sad part about it is that family, your own family, they feel that, my gosh, you know, you’re there and you, you got lucky.

And I didn’t get lucky. I worked at it for 15 years. That’s right. So.

But I mean, lottery winners go through it right now, their friends, and they like, But I’m the same guy. No, you’re not. You’re rich, so I can’t hang around you anymore. So you lose your friends because they can’t do the things that you can do.

That’s right. They don’t have what you have now, so they don’t really want to be around because it makes them feel bad to be in your presence. That happens and it’s gonna happen, so I hope you guys are prepared. Yeah, we’ve already.

I’ve already lost a daughter on this one because basically she thinks that she’d be. She’s entitled and I’ve done enough. Okay. All right, have a good, sir.

Okay, take care. All right, thanks. Bye. Bye.

610 area code, you’re on. What’s going on? Hey. Good afternoon, Ray.

Good morning, Tony. It is G Man, mpa. Happy New Year to you, gentlemen. Yes, sir, thank you.

Likewise. Back at you. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Again. It’s the beginning of the new year. Is it okay if I do that longer version? Go ahead, help yourself.

All right. No, because it’s coming to an end real quick. Very good, very good. All right, ladies and gentlemen, it is a new year, new month and a new day.

And there are new subscriptions that need to be renewed. So I’m going to go over how to get on those lists that Tony sends out all the emails to and all the text messages too. So here we go, ladies and gentlemen, for all of you who are new to the call and all of you who didn’t know all these calls and all the means of communication that Ray and Tony used to keep us informed need to be paid for. And it’s up to all of us out here in the currency community to send in our payments in order to buy airtime.

To keep this information superstation on the air. You can help by going to www. TNTsuper fantastic.com, clicking on that red payment button and when you do, scroll down to where you will see the sentence that says click here to use the debit or credit card of your choice. Click on those click here instructions that will then take you to the payment support page where at the top of the page it says subscribe to our paid members list.

Under that it says, this is to enable your name to be added after payment. Very important, ladies and gentlemen, this is to enable your name to be added after payment. Under that, you’ll be asked to type in your email address. And when typing in your email address there, please double check the spelling.

Make sure everything in your email address is spelled correctly. Under that, you’ll be asked to type in your first name, your last name, and then under your last name is a block to type in your SMS phone number. That is your cell phone number, ladies and gentlemen. Where you can receive text messages.

Please double check that cell phone number. Make sure it is the correct cell phone number and make sure it is typed in there correctly so that when Tony sends out that text message saying that it’s time for the RV call, you get that text message sent to the correct cell phone number. Under that is the all important subscribe button. After you’ve clicked on that subscribe button, stay on the page for a second or two.

You’ll then receive a sentence that says thank you for subscribing. That is your confirmation that your email address and cell phone numbers are now subscribed to the paid members list. Now your next step in order to activate your subscription is to then scroll down to the menu page of payments that are provided for you and click on the payment that you would like to send in. That will then take you to another page where you’ll be asked to type in your email address, your name on the card, and your debit or credit card information.

After you have typed in your debit or credit card information, at the bottom of the page is the blue pay key. After you have clicked on the blue pay key, stay on the page for a second or two. You’ll then receive a circle with a check mark and a sentence that says thank you for supporting the TNT blog talk radio show. That is your confirmation that your payment has gone through successfully.

And now your email address and cell phone numbers are active on those lists that Tony sends out all the emails to and all the text messages to. Please keep in mind, it still takes 48 to 72 hours for both of those lists to be updated. So remember to do it today, ladies and gentlemen. You’ll be very, very glad that you did.

And when you’re sending in your payments, it’s easier to send in your payments from a desktop computer, laptop computer, or your tablet. Those are bigger screens and it’s much easier to see the payment support page on those larger screens. And as Tony has said on prior phone calls, if you’re sending in your payment from your cell phone, turn your cell phone sideways. It will give you a little bigger screen.

You’ll just have to scroll up and down on your cell phone in order to see the entire payment support page. Now if you are someone who’s going to be changing their email address and or changing your cell phone number and you need help doing that, go to the TNT super fantastic.com website. Click on that blue forum button. That will then take you to the TNT latest Blasts and Tweets.

Click on the latest blast and tweets that will open up a menu page of instructions and information. The second sticky note there reads step by step, instructions on how to get on Tony’s new email list. Click on those instructions that will open up that page of instructions that Ray has put in there for us. Follow those instructions to change your email address and or cell phone number.

And for any reason you’re not getting Tony’s emails, please check your spam mail, please check your trash mail, please check your marketing folder, please check your spam folder, and please check your promotions folders. If you still don’t find Tony’s emails there, you must then call your email service provider and ask them where those emails are. Tony can’t do it for you. Ray can’t do it for you.

I can’t do it for you. You’ve got to contact your email service provider and question them and have them help you find out where those emails are. As always, Ray and Tony, thank you gentlemen for all you continue to do for us. Thank you again to both of your families for continuing to share you with us.

Thank you to those 13 task force members who are still out there making sure that the bankers and meeting facilities are going to be available for us post RV so we can get all that banking information. And remember, as Ray has taught us, verification, negotiation, diversification, protect your principal. Kyw, know your worth, meaning that when you’re walking into that bank, know how much you are worth. You are already a rich person.

We have the minimums that we can get for our currencies. So calculate that out. Know how much you’re worth before you’re walking in. And kym, know your math so that when you sit down in front of that banker and that banker gives you the current rates, you know how to correctly calculate those rates times the amount of currency that you have so that you know exactly how much you’re supposed to have in your bank account before you leave the bank.

As always, Ray and Tony, thank you again gentlemen for all you continue to do for us. Thank you again to both of your families for continuing to share you with us. And remember, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas and Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh. So I can come join you and enjoy some of that good home style North Carolina barbecue.

Thank you gentlemen. Make it a dynamite day and a dynamite weekend. All right. Thank you, sir.

You’re welcome, Ray. And you’re welcome. Thank you, sir. Appreciate you.

As usual. All right. Okay. All right, hold on, Ray, let me answer this question real quick.

All right. You got get confused. So somebody said you keep saying you’re going to take the interest monthly off of the money that you leave at the bank. But you also keep saying it’s going to double in five years.

If you’re taking the money that would be used to compound it to double, how can that happen? So if I’m getting 20% a year off of my hundred thousand dollars, 100,000, 100 million, I’m getting 20% a year. That means I’m getting $20 million a year in interest, correct? Correct.

That means that’s $200 million that I’ve gotten over five years. That means my initial 100 million doubled over five years because I’ve already spent 100 million, which I’m not gonna spend it. I’m invested into something else. And I still had 100 million sitting there.

So now at the end of that period of time, if I collect it every year, I got 200 million or what I did was took $20 million every year and put my money to work like I know I’m going to do. And I’ve made even more with the end of that five year period of time. I have over $200 million is how it doubles. You can’t just let it sit there and sit there and sit there.

I’m taking the interest they’re paying me, putting it to work. That means I still have my principal amount plus the profit I made off of the interest. That’s how it doubles. All right, Ray, what’s the question?

All right, seven zero four here because. All right, Appreciate you squeezing me in today, Ray. I got a question for you and one for Tony as well. And since you’re going to be the first mouse for us, what kind of things are you going to bring back for the TNT members?

All the information that I can possibly get. Everything. Everything that pertains to us. But we tend to have all that data.

So we’ll know exactly what’s going on, what to expect. Some of the stuff that I was planning on getting after the fact. What some stuff that Tony is working on getting before the fact be some of the same information. Okay, sounds good, Tony.

Tony, I’m trying to understand when you give us the codes and we go into the exchange center and we meet with a wealth manager not our own, but it could be that that puts us in a position to earn the best exchange rates. I believe that’s correct. And then we go with the exchange rate and leave in from that an amount for. And then we leave in that amount, 70% or whatever we leave in their bank.

Does that automatically Give us the best rates for the investment. Okay, so I’m waiting for what the parameters are that they’re going to give us. But supposedly, just like the contractors that are going in there, they have authorization. So that authorization number gave them the ability to offer 2850.

One guy, they offered him 2850 on 20 million. Another guy, they offered him 2850 for 50 million, but they had the same authorization code. So I don’t know what it does. Now.

It was based on the amount. One guy got 720 for everything, but the other guy got 780 for everything. But they had different amounts. But they could have done none of that without the authorization code.

You understand? I do. That’s for the exchange rate, correct? Right.

Well, when it was the exchange rate, it was how long they were going to live there, and it was the interest rate. So if one guy got 20, one guy got 25. I know somebody that’s going to get 30%. I know somebody that’s going to get higher than that on this package that they put together.

Excuse me. Okay. All right. Well, that.

That works. I was gonna see if there was anything else. I believe that’s gonna get it for today. Appreciate y’all squeezing me in and hope that this weekend turns out to be our weekend and have.

Okay, thank you, sir. All right. Happy New Year to you, too, sir. Nine, five, four, Erico, you’re on.

Well, well. Good morning, Tony. Good afternoon, Ray. It’s mahjong lady.

I never thought I’d read. Yeah, I’ve been trying for three weeks to get on and I just never get called on. So thank goodness I’m here. First off, Happy New Year to both of you.

A happy and a healthy new year. The question that I have, and I’m having difficulty trying to understand it, and it’s never been asked. All these people who got money already who have been funded, even though it’s digital, they still can get their hands on cash. I’m trying to understand how the banks are paying out millions of dollars to people.

I don’t care if they’re privileged or the President of the United States States. If this has not gone on Forex, and it is not a rate that is tradable, how is everybody walking out with actual money? Because it is a rate that is tradable in the back room, bank to bank, and that’s what they’re doing within the select individual. It’s just like anything else.

Privileged people have access to things we don’t have access to. That’s no big Secret. So in other words, in the banks, this is a, these are live rates that they are getting in cash for and being able to pay out the people because they’re privileged. Privilege.

Because they have an authorization number that’s allowing them to pay them based on the live rate. We don’t have that yet. Okay, that’s, that’s the part I didn’t understand where, where, where the actual money was coming from that they, you know, you can give it to them on paper and say as soon as it becomes a library, you’ll be able to have money. But from what you’ve been saying in the past, they have been.

They’re able to go out and use the actual physical money already, which we are able to use it. It’s in their bank account. He called me Monday, Tuesday, he got 100 of his money. Hundreds of millions of dollars.

He’s not the only one. They all are able to use their money. They are completing transactions. Just not up yet.

Okay, that was my question. That, you know, I’ll let somebody else get in before the call ends. Thank you. And hopefully this is coming to an end soon.

Appreciate it. All right, thank you. 626 area code, you’re on. Thank you.

Thank you very much. A lot of those folks were long winded, by the way. Hey, listen, Ray, I saw the tweet you sent out the other day and I just. No, no, no offense to Tony, but did you get all the good looks in the fat in the family because I’m not gay.

But you’re pretty good looking guy. Yeah, sure did. Yeah, you got them all good, huh? All right, thank you, sir.

No offense, Tony. I don’t know that I’ve seen any pictures of you though. Look, I took no offense at all because drunk people don’t offend me. You obviously drunk.

I like that line. That’s pretty good. I’ll have to use that. Listen, real quick.

I am curious. The. Are we not supposed to ask for the highest rate anymore? I mean, you’re talking about these rates of 2850 and dropping down to 7.

Are, are these things still negotiable for. For the highest rate? We’ve been talking all along about asking for the highest rate possible, not the 2850. So I’m just curious.

What, what is the deal? There’s. And there’s nothing apparently in between that 28.50 and, and the seven, seven something that you keep saying, talking about. So what, what.

How is that changing recently? Great question. Okay, well, here we go. First of all, guys, the Contractors themselves didn’t even know about the 2850.

They’re just going in, taking a rate. Just like the first guy who exchanged a year, two years, you. He did his exchange. They didn’t even offer him the 28.50 because they didn’t know about it.

So now. And I said, learned about it from us. So. Which is kind of funny because now they go in there and they’re like, hey, you didn’t offer me this.

They say, you didn’t ask for it, so I didn’t offer it to you. So, yeah, I can give you that amount on this, or I can give you 780 on all the rest. Instead of 28.50 on this and 391, the fourth rate on the rest, I would just give you 780 on all of it. So that’s the number they negotiated, and that 780 came out higher than 340 on the balance in 2850.

You understand? So you might go in there and say, well, okay, don’t give me 2850 on all of it, but I’d rather have $12 on all of it than 7.88 and see what happens. You have to negotiate that. I can’t do that.

I tell you, one guy took 720. One guy took 780. I don’t know what the next number is because I don’t know what you’re going to negotiate. I just know what I’m going to negotiate.

Okay, that sounds good. And 15 seconds on. Who are these 13 members that we keep hearing about on the. From the 610 area code?

610 guys, just real briefly. Oh, that’s something Ray has set up for you guys because he’s continuing his education even after this. This happen. So 13 locations where he’s going to hold some educational seminars.

No, that’s. That’s not the question. Right? That’s not.

The 13. The 13 members that area code 610 always says thank you to the 13 original 13 members. Those are the. The people that are actually planning each one of those sessions.

So it’s what Tony’s talking about. But we have. But we have. We have planners.

They’re called liaisons. And that’s what he’s referencing when he says to those people, thank you for still planning it. Okay. Thank you.

Yeah, yeah. They’re just the planners. All right. All right.

Thank you very much. Let’s keep it. Sure. Keep those questions short, folks.

Bye. Walt likes to have conversations, but they’re interested conversations, and sometimes they should be questions you guys are answering because it’s more than about give me the money. It’s about life, it’s about Iraq, about the government. I don’t mind walk myself, but anyway.

All right, go ahead, Ray. 832 area code, you’re at one. Thank you, Ray. Tony, first question since the Iraqi bank closed and our banks here in the States are got the green light, why can’t the banks go right now?

If I knew the answer to that question, we wouldn’t be having this call. Okay. All right. Okay.

So when you get called with the 800 number and they want us to start two hours after they give that to you, is. Do you have any idea if it’s going to be like 6am Eastern time or around that time zone? Because I, I want to get up and get on the call because I don’t want to get the second or, or get it laid. I want to get in and get out.

So what’s your plan when you get that, the time frame that you’re planning on doing that information? My time frame is doing the call two hours after I received it or within that, because they want you in the bank two hours after it goes. So soon as they give it to me, actually, and I can go over and make sure I understand exactly what it is what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m going to schedule the call as far as possible.

I know they want the first person walking in the bank two hours after this release is done. So somewhere in there I’ve got to get the information, discuss it, make sure we’re on same page, send out the notice, do the call so you guys can dial the 800 numbers and start going in the bank. So within that. Now, normally or over the years, they wanted all that to happen at 8:00 in the morning.

Now that’s 5:00 West coast time. I don’t know how that’s supposed to happen, but 8 o’clock in the morning they want us to start going in the bank. It may be midday, I don’t know. Okay.

Okay. All right. When, when you do that call, are you still going to go over this is the strategies that you spoke with them. They said that’ll work and this will work.

Are you still going strategies over that call as well? I’m gonna try to do that, but over the next 10 days I will do that and anything else that they want you to know. But I’m gonna let people go in and come back and share with us their experiences and then we’ll adjust it as we go. Oh, I see.

Okay. Thank you, Tony. I appreciate it. Ray.

Thank you so much. I appreciate it, guys. Talk to you guys. Okay.

All righty. All right, thank you. 281 Erico, you’re on. What y’all were able to get to me?

What the. How y’all doing today? Hey, I am super fantastic. How you doing?

Well, happy? I’m good. Happy New Year to you guys. I spoke to the King this morning and I haven’t said anything but spoken.

Hold on. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Am I hearing Churchville? No, that’s my place.

That’s not me. That’s the King. Oh, that was. Anyway, that’s the King.

You know, when you the King, you’re gonna hear those types of things. You know what I’m saying? You got to be ready. The King got all kind of stuff going on anyway, so.

Well, I’m glad you guys had a good holiday and everything. So will we see anything going into the Gazette at all this weekend or. No, we’re going to see it after they announced the RV and then we’re going to see that. Yeah.

Yeah. Okay. So the Forex thing. So you’re thinking that it will be on Forex after we exchange or after we get to go or just say?

I don’t know. To be honest. All I know is our three letter agency saying they expected on Forex by the tip, but they thought we were already going because we wanted to go before it hit 4x but it was supposedly forest by the tip, but it nothing to do with us. Okay, and the last question is, what about the Lord’s and arms?

Are they all out? Obviously, if we’re ready to go. But we haven’t heard or seen anything about that, right? We haven’t seen any, but we’ve been told by multiple sources that they’re out.

They’ve been out. Yeah, the last three months, but more so the last week, two weeks, they’re on television explaining to them the process of exchanging exactly what they need to do, where to do it at everything else. So it’s occurring. But yeah, nobody’s giving us a picture of any yet, so.

So the three things that is most pertinent is being hidden until I guess after the fact, which is the budget, the Lord, the Nams and the Gazette. And I think that’s intentional. It’s on purpose, I guess, for whatever reason. And so hopefully without those things being mentioned, we will still be able, like you say, to go without them having some type of an excuse.

Because we know, like you say, everything is done, but we let some want them to pull a rabbit out of the hat and say, well, you know, this and that. So hopefully we’ll see this thing this weekend. Now, everything you shared with us today points to us going very, very soon. If it doesn’t and we still don’t see the same by the end of the month, then what?

We just gotta wait until Trump get in? Well, first of all, everybody needs to understand the U. S right now is paying contractors and they’re paying them at the new rate. They’re paying contractors employees at the new rate.

They’re paying internationally at the new rate. Iraq is paying contractors at the new rate. Iraq is paying contractors employees at the new rate. So we know what the rate is and we’re just waiting to get paid.

Now, if for some reason we don’t get paid by the end of the month and then do it, we don’t get paid by the 20th, we gonna have a problem. And biggest one is I’m a group you with, with Tish. So now both of y’all gonna be over there standing outside. If we don’t give anybody.

Well, wait a minute, hold up, hold up, wait a minute. Well, but I mean, all of the things that you have just explained to us. Yes, I agree, because we know things are happening, but yet that’s the key. Yes, we have not gotten paid yet.

So what’s the issue? That’s my point. If this goes to the end of the month and we still have not gotten paid. Yeah, it needs to be a problem because that doesn’t make sense to me.

They’ve done everything though. But. Yeah, yeah. What I told the last guy, if I knew the answer to that million dollar question, we wouldn’t be having this call.

Okay, yeah, this is it. And we’re going. Yeah. So I, I don’t know why.

I just know they’ve been given the green light and for some reason we’re not moving again. Whether it’s because the banks were closed in Iraq and we’re going tomorrow, or they want to wait till Monday after the holiday last holiday weekend, I don’t know. Yeah, somewhere between tomorrow morning and Monday morning, morning we’re supposed to be added to the bank is what I’m getting. Yeah, well, I’m.

And all of that’s good. And I agree with everything you said. I believe everything you said. But we know people can push shenanigans.

And so I just want to hope that they don’t pull another shenanigans keeping Us waiting. That’s it. That’s why I asked that question. Because we can see the writing on the wall.

Everything is done. Everybody’s getting paid. So now it’s our turn. Let it go.

For us to go. That’s all. That’s all I’m saying. All right, so you’re not talking to me.

You. You. You talking through me to them. That’s what you’re doing?

Yes. Okay. Oh, oh, okay. Yeah, you get it.

You. You been up at me three. You know how I go when you talk through folks. You know how I do it.

All right, well, y’all have a good day. I enjoy. All right, talk to y’all later. Bye.

Bye. Right. 404, Erico, you’re on. Hi, Tony.

And hi, Ray. Happy New Year to the both of you and your families and to all the callers, TNT family. And my thanks to 954-626-832281. All the prior callers to this, they were asking all the questions like, check, check, check.

That’s what I was wanting to ask as well. So that’s, I suppose, the disadvantage of being one of the last callers, although historically, it would be nice to be the last caller on the last call. Pre rv. If I may, with what time is left, that will kind of segue in from some of the answers that you’d already given about the 720, the 780 rate that people are taking for the entire amount rather than the contract rate.

There was a comment, Tony, that you just kind of said under your breath earlier in your preliminary talk there about, gee, the high, high rates, some are crazy. And then you didn’t give anything of what the crazy rates. But then a little later you said something around $12. Are you under some sort of restriction that you weren’t able to share what those crazy high rates are?

Or can you give us a window? Or do we do our mathematical calculations of 720, 780 to 28 $50 and $12 over, you know, calculation that that’s what a contract rate issue might be. Can you give us any clarity on that in what little time is left, please? Yeah.

Okay, so you guys understand something. Years ago, when I was with Pete, ptr. Ptr. That was the name of it.

Yeah, ptr. And Dan said if the DND was over 5 cents, the whole world was gonna be turned upside down. All of you guys remember that because it was outrageous. Like, okay, nobody believes that years ago, when we started in, the dinar was gonna be 28.50 and they got a contract.

Everybody said that was just outrageous. And then I heard that 10, 12 years, some people got $60 and $70 person off back then and it was outrageous. Like that cannot be true. I mean, you know, it just doesn’t make sense.

Logic. And then we hear that the sovereigno is that 38 cent ray or 83 cents, one of them and the other one’s 83 cents. And I’m saying that just does not make sense. Not computing these numbers are making everybody way, way, I mean, too rich.

So when I say there’s some interest rates out there that I’ve already been told that are just ridiculous, I mean, ridiculous rates, guys. And they’re going to be offered to people who have a whole lot of currency and others, you guys, but I can tell you, you know, well over 25%, they’re over 30% a year. And I don’t want to give them out. It’s not that I don’t want to give out hope, but I want first people to go in and see what they get.

And then I’m trying to figure out how I can give out these other numbers to select people. CNT people still trying to figure out how to tell you guys this is available just for, I mean, it’s available for whoever asked, I’m pretty sure. But everybody’s not gonna know that, that’s all. And some of the rates are just unbelievable.

But I’m telling you, I’ve talked to people at the bank, they said, yep, yep, it’s there. But people don’t know that. And that’s why I hinted at. They’ve always been available.

We just didn’t have the money for the knowledge to know, to go ask for it. They’re saying that’s nothing. People with millions, billions of dollars, they get these color rates because they know the people at the IMF who are doing 20% a month because they know people at the bank who already know that the overnights are 22% a month and they wanted their share and they were getting their shares and now we’re able to get our share. Well, that to be.

Oh, no, wait a minute, here’s the biggest factor. Oh, that was a lot of noise, right, man. The biggest factor is I don’t want to change the system. I don’t want it to put out there.

And then they say, wait, wait, we can’t do it. Wait a minute. He just exposed this, that or the other. And now we gotta fix that before we get started.

And that has been the reason I haven’t said it over the last month because we know over the last 10 years, 15 years, we come out here and I tell you guys something. They actually rewrote the law so it couldn’t happen. Okay? They rewrote the law and they sent it to me and said, this is not gonna happen.

This is not gonna happen. And those are things I’ve been trying to protect and say after we get implement. Okay. Or after the RV gets started.

Indeed. And again, it’s Happy New Year and thank you to both of you for. For all of this and to me, theme for this particular episode, phone conversation, conference call, is we are next. And you also referenced the fact that there were sources that you hadn’t gotten that kind of information from that are now more down into the teller level, if I heard you right, which to me is exciting, because it’s starting to be like, this is our weekend.

And with that, I will let you say adios to everyone. I’ll say adios. But again, happy New Year. It sure looks like it’s going to be a happy one and a wealthy one and hopefully a wise one as well.

We appreciate it. Thanks again, guys. Have a great one. All right.

All right, guys. Thank you, right. For being here. Happy Happy New Year to all of you.

We’re hoping and praying. I mean, I’m hoping and praying for tomorrow morning, but if not, I’m not going to panic. I’m not going to text y’all 10, 20 times and email you for updates or anything else every minute or every hour because I don’t know any more. You do until it happens.

If I find something, if I hear something, if I’m told something, I will tweet it out to you. You don’t have to worry. I’m going to do that, and we’re going to go on, but we’re as close as we’re ever going to get. Everywhere I heard is your next, your next.

Starting Tuesday evening, it was next. Couple of days. Couple of days. You’re next.

So we’re gonna see when we’re next. All right? And it’s a good time. It’s a good year.

Let’s start it off right. Hope for the best and get over with. I want you guys to do what I’m gonna do. Enjoy the rest of your day, your weekend.

Be super fantastic it while you’re doing it and share the super fantastic. Ray. You have 2 minutes and 12 seconds. All right, ladies and gents, that’s going to do it for us for this fantabulous Herb Friday.

Keep believing. We sure do. This keeps me going on those days when I feel like giving up that fire? I believe the storm will soon be over?

I believe the rain will come? I believe that I can make it through it? Oh, I believe it’s already done? I want you to already see yourself out of the storm.

The clouds will move. Time for you to smile again. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap. Enjoy your fantabulous Earth Friday.

Enjoy the weekend. Let’s see what happens. Or when the sun comes up, we’re out of here. It.

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