Economists Uncut

Gregory Mannarino (Uncut) 01-05-2025

Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregory Mannarino. Sunday, January 5, 2025. My newest segment of markets, a look ahead.

Now, I want to talk about something right off the bat real quick. And, and look, we understand how the system works. They tell you or make you aware in a roundabout way of what’s going to happen before it does. It’s kind of a common theme.

We see this all the time now. For many, many months, you and I have been discussing food inflation, currency devaluation, what we can expect moving forward. Over the weekend, we got a couple of interesting headlines here. Here’s one for you.

So experts, whoever they may be, say that high food prices are here to stay. That’s one headline. Headline two, that was cnbc. His Bloomberg rebound in food prices set to be followed by trade uncertainty.

Forget about trade uncertainty for a moment. Regardless of anything with may happen or may not happen with regard to trade uncertainty, currency devaluation is going to accelerate much faster, moving into 25. And there’s something else going on too, and I’m going to talk about that in just a moment. So look, what you see here is they’re preparing people psychologically to accept what is going to happen.

People feel like they have no power anymore. No say so in anything. And the fact of the matter is, you don’t. The system, the system is being run by obviously central banks who have an agenda here.

And if they can weaponize food, food inflation is outpacing every other kind of inflation. Now, inflation is brought about by what? Currency devaluation brought about by what? Artificially suppressed rates people mentioned in your face.

Okay, there’s no pushback. People aren’t taking to the streets about it. They’re not going to. They’ve been lulled into a sense of, I guess, learned helplessness, which is a real thing.

Look it up for yourselves. You know, Pavlov’s dog, the boiling frog. Call it whatever you want to, but we, you and I, look, expect currency devaluation, which is one of my prime. In fact, I would say it’s probably my, my number one projection into 20, 25 and moving forward.

Moving forward. And not just here in the United States. This is a global phenomenon, as the middle class gets squeezed harder and harder and harder and are forced to accept something else. Now, with regard to being forced to accept something else, what specifically are we talking about?

A new system, a new paradigm, a new set of rules. Sound familiar to you? I’ve only been warning about this for ten freaking years. Okay, there’s something going on and it’s already started.

And more than likely your financial institution is either already offering this or is going to be offering this to you. Part of the bridge that’s being built into the new system as we’re being pulled further and further and further away from any kind of a constitutional money system, being thrust into a system we, we didn’t vote for, we don’t want again. This, this, this tokenized system which will emerge out of first, the crypto system, getting people used to transacting, accepting cryptocurrencies. What’s happening right now, it’s already started.

What banks are doing is they’re going to offer you, and some already doing this, you make a deposit, whether it’s from your paycheck or whatever it might be, into your whatever account. Let’s say you got some spare change. 17 cents, 32 cents, 59 cents, whatever it might be, they’re going to offer you this. And again, somo already doing it.

Okay, Mr. Or Mrs. So and so, you have 52 cents here left over as spare change. Would you like to invest that in bitcoin?

That’s what they’re doing. So what’s happening here is they’re going to make people comfortable with it. They got to break you in slowly. And as I said, check with your own financial institution.

Whether or not you’re interested in this or not doesn’t matter. This is what they’re going to do. They’re going to start to gently get people used to this. Oh, wow, you mean I could Invest in Bitcoin?

14 cents, 10 cents, 9 cents, 32. Hey, why not? It’s just some spare change. Let’s just throw it into Bitcoin and see what happens.

Do you see what they’re doing here? It’s a key component to the new system and you all know that they got to get you comfortable with it. They got to, they got to get you willing to accept it. There’s no way out.

Again, we’re being bridged. Curiosity, it can’t be stopped. And they’re going to get more and more people to accept this slowly and incrementally. So be prepared for that.

You’re going to start seeing TV commercials about this. Hey, you know what a bank xyz. Hey, you have a few some change here with your deposit. Why don’t you invest that in bitcoin?

You see what they’re doing here? It’s so obvious. But is this a surprise to you if you follow this blog? No.

You knew this. This is what they’re going to do. And the mechanism here, it’s just an incredible thing to see evolve. Is the merger again, something else that you and I have talked about?

Between deregulated banks and deregulated cryptocurrency as the bridge into the new system, they’re going to get people to accept it. The scheme is epic. How they can get people’s minds around something without them even really suspecting that it’s happening. Kind of rule by secrecy.

It’s kind of a weird concept, but it’s the truth. Now with that, with regard to food inflation, which obviously means currency devaluation, this is from the usda, the Bureau of Economic Research. I’m just going to read the summary of findings here and I want you to see if you can pick up a particular theme. There’s a theme here.

Let’s see if you can pick up on it. So, USDA Economic Research Service US Department of Agriculture summary of findings 2025 prices for all food are predicted to increase 2.3% in 2025. But they break this down. Food at home prices are predicted to increase by 1.2%.

Food away from home prices are predicted to increase 4.1%. Prices for all foods are predicted to increase 1.9%. It’s kind of interesting. Food at home prices are predicted to increase 0.8%.

I mean, they break this down, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But what’s the theme? Higher prices. And I think these projections here have no bearing on reality at all.

None of the data has any bearing on reality as it is. So what you can take away from. Don’t listen to Greg Manorino or even your, you know this is going to happen because currency is being destroyed. Central banks are not going to stop.

It’s their goal. It, it’s their mission to destroy the purchasing power of their currencies. Collectively. This is part, again, part of, again the bridge into the new system.

We have a crisis. Prices continue to rise. It, it didn’t turn out to be temporary. It didn’t turn out to be transferable.

You can invest in Bitcoin, you make a deposit. We’re gonna take X amount of, you know, if you like, whatever spare change, you can put that into Bitcoin as they bridge us all into the new system. Come on, man. Do you see it?

Anyway, that’s, that’s, that’s what I want to bring to your attention here. I’ve been trying to raise awareness with regard to this for, for many, many, many months now. Here’s something else. I want you guys and girls to pay attention to what’s in place.

Play. With regard to the stock market, there are five, five specifically factors in play right now. I want to read this to you so you can understand what appears to be about to happen here. Now this is in your inbox if you subscribe to my newsletter.

Again, 100% free in the description of this video. So just bear with me. I’m going to read through this for you so you can have an understanding of what is happening and what’s in play right now. Everything.

Everything’s in play right now. Obviously, this mechanism here of, of easing you into the new system, you know, being bridged into it, the crypto capital of the world. It’s crazy how this is all set up here. And anyway, let me read through this.

Let’s get forward. So I go on to say right off the bat, all right, so title. Is it over for the stock market? 5 factors in play.

You guys can go get this information. First, just so you know, this is going to show up in the Trends Journal, probably a couple of other publications as well. Now let us do this. History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme.

And when it comes to the financial markets cycles do more or less repeat. There’s a widely known and followed trend called the January Barometer. This may be new to some of you. If you’re a market guy like myself, you are very well aware of what the January barometer is.

But I’m going to describe this to you very easily to understand. Historically, the January barometer has proven to be an effective way to gauge how the s and P500 or the broader market will perform for the entire year. Yes, it’s true. Specifically, this barometer runs from January 1st to January 31st.

How the stock market performs between January 1st and January 31st, pretty much. I mean, you can go back and look on. History defines the entire year. Now, we all want to know honestly what’s going to happen here.

We already understand what the mechanisms are in play. And gauging from these things, we can make very accurate, accurate calls as to where things are going to go anyway. So I go on to say with that, and in my opinion, stock market performance can be further zeroed in by looking at the first full trading week of the year. That’s beginning tomorrow, Monday.

Anyway, let’s move on here. So the first trading week of the year is interrupted by New Year’s Day. So this is the first full trading week where investors start to say, you know what, maybe, you know, the party’s over, the holidays and we’ve had a nice New Year’s and the big fat cats on Wall street with their, with their, the big. Just in case you don’t know, this year, well, last year the Wall street fat cats got their biggest bonuses ever on record.

Ever on record. Meanwhile, you know, people can’t get by. They’re struggling. And you know the rest of the situation.

Wealth is being sh. Right up to the 1 and 2% is faster. No surprise. All right.

Anyway, this year’s setup is going to be especially interesting and here’s why. Let’s call this factor one. Now, there’s a chart here. You know this already because I’ve been telling you about it.

Below is a snapshot of the Fear and Greed index. Now read this in a time as shown above. When the Fear and Greed index is showing fear, extreme fear, fear, this is generally a buy signal. On the opposite end, when there is extreme greed or greed, then that’s, that’s a sell signal.

No. Factor two. The second factor here in play is the continuing bad economic news. People.

I feel sincerely that there is a very high probability that we are going to see negative rates this year, more than likely this year or maybe even into next year. But they’re coming. Now. Bear with me.

The second factor in play is the continuing bad economic news. Now on Friday, just this past Friday, according to their own numbers, which we know are all fabricated anyway, the manufacturing sector remains in contraction. In other words, manufacturing factory activity here in the United States, it’s losing steam. It’s contracting and contracting and contracting and contracting.

This is a phenomenon around the world as well. Again, we’re in this environment here where not only is the global economy in dire straits, but the mechanism here of central banks devaluing the currency via artificially suppressed rates. It’s a wrecking ball. It’s a wrecking ball swinging through the economy and it’s taken out the middle class with it.

It’s an incredible thing to witness. Are we on the same page? I think we are here. So anyway, so the manufacturing sector remains in contraction.

However, immediately following this is just typical the announcement of this further contraction in the manufacturing sector that every single major stock market indices index put on strong gains on Friday. Okay, amazing. Now, the reason behind that was obviously the market is believing that the Fed will act, that the Fed will get in here and further cut rates moving forward, making more easy money available for the market. That’s what it’s all about.

Nothing matters to this market at all except currency devaluation. Lowest artificially suppressed rates and economic destruction as a result, the gap between the markets and the economy. There’s no connection anymore. Now factor three.

Factor three. Below is a snapshot of the Manarito market risk indicator. The MMRI is available free to everybody at my website. There is a link below.

Now look at that. That is a rising wedge. Now look what I wrote. Admittedly my lovely friends, I am doing a bit of tea leaf reading here.

Let me read some tea leaves for you. So generally this rising wedge, you see that rising wedge pattern there? Okay. Generally a rising wedge indicates a growing potential.

Doesn’t mean it’s a lock potential for a drop. In this case, a falling of the mmri. A falling of the MMRI would indicate an upcoming rise in stock prices. Again, artificially suppressed rates, more easy money for the market.

Bam. Up we go. So on December 24, the Federal Reserve cut rates another 25 basis points. With that, the longer end of the yield curve from the 10 to the 30 year.

This, it went higher. It sold off. The dead market sold off having the opposite effect. I guess what was supposed to happen.

This precipitated a sharp sell off in the stock market with the dow falling over 1100 points. And as of yet the market has not recovered. Also, on December 24, I made a public announcement that I closed all of my positions in the stock stock market. My reasons were twofold.

Number one, on the back of the Fed announcement on monetary policy, the 10 year yield spiked rapidly. Not a good thing to see, which pushed the MMRI over 300, for which it still remains 11.2. Number two, during the prior 7.5 years, I have been long this market with you, my lines buying every single dip which came along. And frankly, I needed a freaking break.

Moreover, it’s never wrong to pull profits. You all know that. Amateurs across the board are going to say, well you know, if you were to held on. First of all, the market hasn’t recovered.

If, if this was a top, and I’m not calling the top anywhere, hold that thought for a moment because I just took up a small position again in jepq. As most of you already know. We’ll see where that goes. But it’s never wrong, ever, ever wrong to pull profit and just sit back for a while.

That’s what you need to do from time to time. Anyway, Factor four. Are you ready for factor four, my beautiful friends? A show.

A show is being set up for the public and it’s a fake battle. A fake battle between the Federal Reserve and soon to be inaugurated Trump. Trump is an outspoken Advocate for low and even negative rates. We know this from his last presidency when he called the Fed boneheads.

I still can’t get over that name. And I want to give him kudos for that. Yes, they are. They’re not.

These people are not even human, okay? They’re those that run the Federal Reserve. They don’t have a single human quality. Boneheads, I think, is a nice word that he used during his last presidency.

He called them boneheads for not lowering rates to zero and even possibly going negative. Now, more recently, during the campaign, Trump promised that if he were elected quotes, he would lower rates. Now, as you well know, no president can lower rates. Presidents do not possess a printing press and they can’t create Federal Reserve notes out of the Oval Office, nor can they use that to buy debt, which would keep rates suppressed.

However, a president can work with the Fed to lower rates. So the game is pretty simple. Here’s the setup. The economic news will continue to be bad.

We all know that. We’re going to see more currency devaluation on a massive scale. And I mean massive. Okay?

So what you can expect is Trump is going to call on the Federal Reserve to lower rates. A campaign promise. And the Fed is going to pretend to push back. The Fed is going to say, are you ready?

Mark my words on this. We will lower rates as appropriate. They use that word all the time. Of course, the Fed wants to lower rates, as every central bank does, as doing so allows them to inflate, which is the single goal of every central bank, allow themselves to issue their product to the rest of the world.

They win, we lose. You understand? So it’s a game. Watch for the game and when it comes out, we’re going to laugh because we called it right here, factor five.

This is again, pay attention to what I’m saying here. Tech giants like Facebook and Amazon are donating millions of dollars to Trump for his inauguration. Other multimillion dollar donors to Trump for his inauguration includes the Wall street super bank, Goldman Sachs, among others, bank of America and AT&T. With that as one of my top trends for 2025, we can expect massive and highly destructive currency devaluation.

Sound familiar? Which is the direct result of artificially suppressed rates. However, this is highly stock market positive. I think we’re on the same page now.

On Friday the 3rd, I reopened a single small position in JEPQ. JEPQ is an exchange traded ETF fund which gives the investor exposure to the tech sector. Now, I did this specifically understanding the current factors of which there are Five in play for the market. With that, I am far, far, and I mean far from being fully invested into the stock market.

It’s kind of funny. I move money around this market. Some people lose their minds. They can’t handle it.

Read through the comments. It’s unbelievable music in a way that I have such an influence on people’s lives. You guys and girls know exactly what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. I’m an open book.

And I go on to say that here I bought just 350 shares of JEPQ. I am also prepared to be wrong here. Okay? You all know that.

So it is certainly possible that we are just in the early stages of a much worse sell off in the stock market henceforth. Why, I am only risking a relatively small amount of cash which I reinvested in jepq. Now I go on to say, every move I make in this market, I publicly announce how many people do that. Okay, in my 100% free substack newsletter link, in the description of this video and in my twice daily market reports on YouTube.

I am an open book when it comes to this market. I want to know really sincerely, how, how many other guys are doing that? People. Look, man, I’m not saying any of you should emulate what I do, but I would have to say that you and I have been so far ahead of the curve on all this, it’s frankly incredible.

And I’m going to say this, if our track record means anything, and it’s pretty freaking amazing, we’re going to be right on what we’re talking about here as well. Let’s move forward. If the MMRI continue to spike and I intend to watch this very, very closely, and I’m talking about this here, people. I watch this every day, multiple times throughout the day.

The MMRI. Again, free 100 link in description of this video. So if the MMRI continues to spike and I intend to watch this closely, I am fully prepared to close my position in jepq. Okay?

So I’ll take a little loss. Big freaking deal. That’s the game. Let us move forward.

Moving forward, I am planning on adding to my current holdings of physical gold and especially silver. I am also planning to add more to my cryptocurrency holdings. I will make public announcements on all this. When I do it, I want everyone to know what I’m doing and when I’m doing it.

Not that you should copy me, but I’m just letting you know what I do. You guys and girls are free to do whatever you want now with all this. And in my opinion, I go on to say next week, starting tomorrow, should be a very interesting week. Now, I hope what I wrote here makes sense to you.

And if I went through this too quickly, it’s in your inbox right now. You can focus on the five factors that are in play right now. I think we got this pretty much covered here. Everything we spoke about, we’re already seeing it happen here.

It’s an amazing phenomenon. We’re already being told higher food prices are coming, you can’t get out of this. And it’s. There’s multiple factors here, but the number one is currency devaluation.

The cost of living is going up. Get used to it. Unfortunately, again, the middle class is being squeezed and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed. The more they can squeeze out of you and push wealth right up to the 1 or 2 percenters, well, the faster we’re going to be bridged into the new system.

And this, what they’re doing now, I have to say, is brilliant. It is. Think about what they’re doing here, these institutions, these banks are going to say, hey, you know, you got a few extra spare, you got this 31 spare change you just deposited, Mr. So and so or Mrs.

Smith, whatever your name may be. Oh, this is a nice check. You’re going to put $1,000 into your, into your savings account. You have a few extra, you have 31 cents here left over.

How would you like to invest in Bitcoin? That’s what they’re gonna tell you to do. They’re doing it now. They’re gonna make you comfortable with it.

It’s brilliant. You have to say, you have to give credit where credit’s due. And how they have. You think, this just came up yesterday.

This has been well thought out for years. How they were gonna ease the public into accepting a completely digital cashless system, into accepting cryptocurrencies and then get you to accept, accept a completely tokenized system, a trans world, one world system. Do you see what they’re doing? It’s too easy.

And it’s brilliance. I don’t like it, but it’s brilliance. The way they have thought this out, the players that they’ve chosen. Trust me on this, makes it make sense to you.

There’s no accident here. There’s no comedy of errors. This is all deliberate. The players are being, the players have been selected before, way before, years ago.

They put people in office at the times that they need to be there. Whether it’s to divide and Conquer. Whether it’s to issue in a new system, whatever it might be. It’s an amazing thing that we’re in now.

You have to give credit where credit’s due. And understanding the literal brilliance behind what they’re pulling off here to the general population, I mean, you and I, we see it. So it’s disturbing to us and it’s. I don’t want any part of this.

I think you don’t either. But it’s pretty astonishing the how much thought had to go into this leading up to the presidential selection, the players in play, who they’ve chosen to make it happen. It’s astonishing. It really, really is.

All right, guys, you guys, listen. I’m gonna let you all go. I really hope you got something out of this video. I think it’s been very important.

With that, I want to hear from you. What do you think about all this stuff? Makes sense to you? Does it make sense to you either way?

Tell me why. Either it makes sense to you or why it doesn’t. I’d love to hear from you. Plus, you know, when you make a comment here, you know this.

It helps the algorithms, man. Let’s get this stuff out there. The thumbs up. You got some AS video.

You like it? Thumbs up is very welcome. You hate this video. You don’t like me?

Sure, give me a thumbs down. Whatever. Whatever makes you happy is fine by me. I really don’t care.

I want everybody to be content. It’s really the truth. Anyway, share this stuff, people, please. Get it out there.

I will see you. I will not see you in the morning. Whoa, hold on a second. Tomorrow morning, I have to take my little dog Vega with the eye problem to the ophthalmologist.

It’s almost a two hour ride away from where I am, so unfortunately, I will miss my pre market report in the morning. Vega is doing much better. For those who have Asia, she’s going to be on that. She’s on like six different eye drops and oral medication.

It’s a big deal. She’s too old for surgery. She’s 16, but she’s doing okay. My little girl, I got her from the shelter when she was like one or two years old and.

And she’s been one heck of a perfect dog. And it’s very sad to see our. Our little furry children, you know, kind of get old and sick. Anyway, with that said, I will see you tomorrow post market.

All right, we got this down, people. We know that what’s going on, we see it. The writing is everywhere. And that’s it.

All right. Until we meet again, please to kill yourselves and each other. All right. Love you a lot.

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