Dinar Guru Uncut

FRANK26 (Uncut) 03-14-2025


I still had three minutes. I’m going to take a nap for three minutes, okay? Okay. I can eat a lot of cookies in three minutes.


Oh, hey, um, this time, sweetheart, babe, we’re gonna flip it. I’m so sorry to do that to you. That was only because of some of the issue, okay? Thank you.


We’re gonna flip a house, okay? Oh, Lordy, what do I have home? Man, I’m hot. Do we have a fan? Oh, yeah, yeah, why not? See what the fan does if it can reach over here, huh? I’m just a little worn. I’m tired.


It’s been a long day of talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. What am I doing over here? Oh, we gotta find articles, but what am I doing on my right side? I forgot. Oh, it’s up.


It’s up. What do I, um, oh, yeah. Boy, I need help.


Okay, there it is. There it is. Anytime you want.


Okay, there, there, there. Um, today is what, babe? What was Tuesday? 14th, so I’m looking for 15th. 15th is tomorrow.


No, honey, when we were on was, um, Tuesday. What? 11th. That was the 11th.


Thank you. So, I’m looking for 12. My goodness, a bunch of 11s.


Is there a 12 anywhere to be found? On the last page, huh? 259, I just found it. There was one more that came in from Claire. Did you see that, Jen? All right, all right, um, I, um, I am, uh, ready.


Let me do one more. Come on, call, Jen. Okay, getting on now, but if there’s something to share, feel free to call me.


I will stop what I’m doing. All branches, all branches here. Ready? Three, two, one, go.


The recording has started. Greetings, family. How you doing? Good to be with you.


Welcome to another one of your Frank26 YouTubeyTubeys. It is the, um, I don’t know, pick a date, 14th of, of, uh, what month? Pick a month. March 2025.


I greet you in Agape Love. We are KTFA. It stands for Keep the Faith Always, and actually our website is ktfoways.com, ktfoways.com. I greet you in Agape Love.


We are a Christian-based organization. We study the Iraqi Dinar, and everything that I’m about to say to you is just strictly in my opinion. It is so important, it’s so crucial that we establish that before we take another step.


Everything that I’m going to show you, everything I’m going to say, everything I’m wearing, whatever, everything about this show is just strictly my opinion. It’s just my opinion, and, and the thing is, what is my opinion worth to you? Nothing, right? Well, that’s what they say. But before we do anything, we always go to our Heavenly Father, and the reason why is because we, we want to ask Him to guide us.


Have you ever noticed that everybody shows up about 10 minutes after I start my UB2B? They don’t want to hear me pray. Isn’t that fascinating? Yes. You forgot to song, and Kendall is there.


In case you want to do it. Okay, we do. Hey, family, our pastor Kendall insisted that I do this part that I forgot.


I used to be a dean on UB, until I watched Frank’s UB2B. With a twinkle in his eye, God by his side, Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide. So whenever I need 26.


He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. To him now, to him here, this is the dean on me. Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie.


It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing. So I wear my sunglasses, because they are so glaring.


So whenever I need a dean on a fix, I tune into Frank, 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. To me now, to him here, this is the dean on me.


Sit up, be patient and get ready. Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie. Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight.


Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a dean on a fix, I tune into Frank, 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. To him now, to him here, this is the dean on me.


Hey dink, I need a cookie. Come on dink, I deserve a cookie. Cookies, cookies, come on dink, give up the cookies.


Now I can officially say, greetings everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Hey PatriotGirl444.


Yeah, they may not have gotten our notice. Maybe that’s why they’re late. But to be honest with you, I study patterns.


For old timers, they know I study patterns. And the moment that a pattern changes, you better get ready for something. But the moment that a pattern is established, that’s the truth.


Texas Twin, how you doing? Y’all come back now, you hear? I talked to a guy from Texas today. He says, I’m from Lubbock. I said, that’s Texas, ain’t it? He says, where else? Okay, okay, okay.


Love it, Texas, it is. Family, before we do anything, we always go to our Heavenly Father and we ask for guidance. And the reason why we do that is, number one, because we’re Christians.


Number two, because we want to show you what we do. We want to set the example. And number three, I pray for you.


Tonight, we have my buddy who’s with us, Pastor Kendo, I’ve been told. We’re going to have Pastor Kendo pray for us. He’s going to pray for you.


He’s going to pray for me. He’s going to pray for America. He’s going to pray for Israel.


He’s going to pray that I behave tonight. And then we’re going to have our brother Andy’s going to blow the shofar. And then we break up our study into three parts.


But tonight, it’s just two parts, with your permission. Okay? I don’t even have an advertiser. Well, maybe I’m the advertiser.


But we’re just going to look at the articles, which are, they’re good. And then we’re going to look at what Eddie’s got. All righty? Now, family, what’s the title of your UB2B? Casper? No, no, no, no, no, no.


What does that word mean? So we’ll, when we start to study, I’m going to come back, I’m going to ask you, I’d like for you to prepare yourself tonight and define, give me the definition. Why is our UB2B tonight called ghosted? I mean, we all know what that means in today’s terminology, when a young, when a, what is it? Gen Z, Gen XY, ABC, whatever they are. When they say, I ghosted, we know what that means, don’t we? So with that in mind, we’ll talk about that.


But first, we’re going to go ahead and bring in our Pastor Kendall. And the reason why is because your body is the temple of the spirit. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, ladies and gentlemen, and you are the church of God.


You understand? It’s not a building. The church is not a building made out of bricks and mortar and foundation. The church is you.


And if you understand that the church, which is you, we worship in the temple and the temple contains the spirit. Pastor Kendall, would you please come and bring the Holy Spirit to us into our temples that we would be ready as a church to study together. Pastor Kendall, the floor is yours, brother.


Thank you. Thank you. Good evening, Frank and Jan and family.


You know, it’s funny that you use the word ghosted. My prayer is that people will not get ghosted from God. You know, we used another word last night in our Bible study, and so many people came on and they unmuted and they gave us their definition of the word faith.


And then I kind of understood that everyone has faith. No matter if you’re saved or not, amen. But what do you put your faith in? That’s the key.


What do you put your faith in? Because you can put your faith in man will never disappoint you. The only way to please God is by faith. And you know, you have to believe that Jesus will save you from the wrath to come.


There’s punishment coming. But I believe that Jesus died on the cross. He was crucified for us.


They pierced him in the side because the Bible says without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. See, in the Old Testament, there was an old system. And we learned that there’s a new system.


And that is Jesus Christ, a new covenant that God made with man. You believe that Jesus was crucified. He was hung on the cross for you.


He bore the punishment. You believe he was buried. But then he rose again on the third day.


God said, Jesus said, I’m knocking at the door of your heart. And if you open up, I will come in. And you desire to be saved.


And you believe that in your heart. Just tell God, dear God, I know I’m a sinner. But I believe that Jesus died for my sake.


I believe he was crucified. I believe he was buried. But I believe he’s living now.


Come into my life. Save me. That’s going to take faith.


The only faith that pleases God. The only faith that can save you, your faith in Jesus. My prayer is that you prayed that prayer.


And now that you did, your name is written in the book of life. The Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. We rejoice today if you made that decision.


Father, we come right now. And God, we thank you for this time. We thank you for this call.


We thank you for what you’ve put into Frank’s mind, God. Lord, regulate his heart. Regulate his mind, God.


Allow him to come and give us what you want him to share. Lord, allow us to be thankful and grateful. Let us have a grateful heart, God.


Because, God, you said in your word that he has not heard, I have not seen, nor has his heart. What you have in store for us, God, we pray for. As Frank said, yes, we pray for our country.


We pray for our president. Lord, we pray for those that are here, God, in this country, Lord, doing the work so that you would be glorified in the United States of America. Have your way with us, God.


Lord, bless those that are here, those that will be listening to the recording. Lord, bless each household. God, you know what we all stand in need of.


God, the word came out yesterday, it was patient. We have to do it, but wait. It’s patient.


Wait for you, because you will renew our strength. And now, God, we thank you. We bless you.


And we ask that you would just rebuke anything that is contrary to who you are, to your word, and to your way. Have your way in this call tonight. Lord, we’re here to give you praise, glory, and honor.


For it is in Yahshua, Jesus, the Christ, the living Christ, we pray with thanksgiving. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Thank you, Pastor Kendo. It sure is good to hear you again and being with us.


We love you and respect you, sir. Thank you. Hey, by the way, Pastor Kendo, I told somebody today, God doesn’t, because we were talking about, you know, God and heaven and punishment and all that.


I said, God doesn’t send you to hell. And the guy says, what are you talking about? If I’m bad, I go to hell. I said, yeah, listen to what you said.


If you’re bad, you go to hell. Now, it’s not that God is sending you to hell. God wants to send you to heaven.


And you see, Satan will destroy your body, I told him. And Satan will send you to hell. But God wants to send you to heaven.


Think twice about that. And it really made him think. I just wanted to share that with you, brother.


All righty, family. Let’s get to work here. Thanks, Andy, for blowing the show far, brother.


All righty, let’s get to work, family. And what we’re going to do, like I said, we’re going to bifurcate our study tonight and have a very short little advertisement. The first part is the articles.


Go ahead and get to the last page. We’re on the last page of final article thread inside of my form. I know you’re a member of ktfoways.com. And if you’re not, you might want to think about it, because there’ll be a lot of benefits.


I’m not going to go down the list, but there’ll be a lot of benefits that will help you once this blessing occurs. Right now, our banner ads, there’s a lot of help there that can be useful right now. So we’re going to look at, did you hear that? Yeah.


All right. First, we’re going to look at the articles. So come on in to the final article thread.


We are at the last page, page 259. We’re going to start with final article number 5173. And then when we’re done with these, we’ll do a quick little advertisement.


And then after that, we’re going to talk about Eddie’s report. And the report will help you to understand the title of our UB2B for tonight. Claire, our admin, posted in premium today.


Hey, by the way, premium members and Club 26 members. Huh? We had Q&A. It was almost 100 questions last week.


This week, what did we have yesterday? I gave you a newspaper to read. But we’ll talk about all of that tonight as well, too. And so the second part is what Eddie has for us and the definition of our UB2B for tonight.


Let’s get started, family. Let’s have some fun tonight, okay? All right. Final article number 5173, al-Sudani advisers denies any sanctions on Rafahdin Bank and confirms continued gas supply from Iran.


Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Al-Sudani, you deny that there are any sanctions on Rafahdin Bank? Yeah, Frank, you know very well. What did I tell the citizens of Iraq? You told them not to believe any of the rumors that were coming from the media or from parliament.


That’s right. So here I am. Al-Sudani adviser denies any sanctions on Rafahdin Bank.


Don’t believe any of the rumors, especially from parliament. You know that. Okay.


And what’s the second part? And denies any rumors of Rafahdin Bank and confirms continued gas supply from Iran. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Al-Sudani, didn’t Trump tell you to stop getting gas from Iran? Yeah, but he gave me about 30 more days.


Oh yeah, that’s right. So you see, what I explained to you last week made no sense when I said 30 days. I see your postings in my form.


What do you mean by that? But I don’t leave you hanging. I never abandon the ship. I always do my best to and I set things up.


No, it’s an itch. Oh my goodness. I set things up in advance.


That was funny. You don’t know what just happened. Don’t worry about it.


We use a lot of call signs, right? So they thought I was trying to say something. Oh gee willikers. Okay.


Is this guy making fun of me? I think so. Two weeks. What’s ground forces? What the? The last, you were black.


Oh, that’s none of his business. What laughing out loud and no walking stick report nor nor Aki’s report. What do you? Is he blind? We had a bunch of reports from Aki last week and in premium too.


Lord God, Lord God, Lord God released tonight through Mr. Frank new info. Info that we haven’t heard of of and not old info. Old info.


I bring you stuff you don’t even know. Lord Jesus, help us all tonight. You’re at the wrong side, brother.


Here, let me help him. His name is Mike. Mike, Mike.


Bye bye. You’re no longer with me. Ban him.


Get him out of here. Tell me when he’s gone. Is he gone? Oh, that’s good.


Oh, wait a minute. He posted it here. Let for for for more forever.


More. Is that what he means? Well, now, how can you be so? How can you be so double tongue like that? Frank and Teens has the latest and greatest news. Yeah.


Yeah. Now we’ve got to convince everybody else of that. Government shutdown avoided.


Really? They finished the filibuster. Darn. Yeah, I know.


We I we I wanted a shutdown family because then Trump would have got he would have had 100 percent control of the government. But I guess the Democrats were not as goofy as I thought. All right.


Now, let’s say that was just a filibuster. Let’s see if they pass. Yeah.


So part two is coming. So, yeah, what am I talking about? Yeah, Mike, then you say all praise and honor and glory be to God forevermore. No, brother, you can’t play that game with me.


That’s why you’re gone. You come in here and you spit in my face and you say, oh, yeah, new information. We don’t want this stuff.


No, no, no, no, no. Hey, Frank, what? What’s the matter with you? What do you mean? Why are you being so silly? Just get to work. Yes, sir.


Final article number five thousand one hundred and seventy three. All Sudanese advisers deny any sanctions. Well, that’s the truth.


And you don’t want to listen to the rumors, family. There’s only three people that we told you to pay attention to. Right.


A lot. Sudani. And I threw Bersani in there.


But let’s replace Bersani with Trump. Yeah. And then the second part.


And it confirmed that we will continue to get gas from supply from Iran. And if you remember last week, I told you that they still had time to to get gas from Iran. And everybody said, no, no.


Trump said, no, no, no, no, no. I said, no, no, it’s OK. Trump is giving them just like he gave Mexico 30 more days, just like he gave Canada 30 more days.


He’s going to give Iraq 30 more days. Behold. How did you know that, Frank? Not important.


What is the blue title for this article? Sudani sticks his tongue at Parliament and tells them we got 30 days with the gas and electricity. So shut up. All righty.


Thank you very much. Fine article. No, I told you.


No, it’s clear. And then then Mike. Mike says to tell us stuff that we don’t know.


Like you knew that like you knew about the 30 days. It’s not even in an article. But yet it makes sense when you stop and see what you say, Sudani.


I’m still getting my gas from it. I thought they told you. I thought Trump told you no.


Well, we got a little extra time. Why did you tell me? Because Frank told you. Fine article number five thousand one hundred and seventy four.


Central Bank prudential policies to counter the impact of changes in the global economy. This is a good article, family. Now, I’m not going to go over it.


I want to ask you to check it out. Hey, Dwayne, how are you? Love you, too. Appreciate the education, information and the knowledge, Frank.


Oh, yeah. The Central Bank prudential policies to counter the impact of changes in the global economy. What’s the blue title? CBI explains what the monetary reform has done.


And that’s why this is a good article. When you read this, you’re going to realize, wait a minute, we did all these things already. Yeah.


Well, if you’ve done all these things already, doesn’t that mean that you’re kind of in a position now maybe to to raise the value of your currency? Maybe you’re in a position to float your currency. It doesn’t have to be in a basket. But if you want a basket, Yogi said it’s OK.


Let’s see what they say. And concerning the stability that we have now with the financial and monetary systems, the Central Bank’s precautionary measures in twenty three and twenty four and its objectives outlined in its third strategy until twenty twenty six in light of expected developments in the future crisis require a fundamental reliance on building foreign reserves, on building foreign reserves. Check that.


Check, check, check, check the box. At foreign reserves at a level that covers the local economy and circulation. You can double check that and covers the imports.


Got it. And external debt repayments being done and and other international obligations. All of this is said, but none of it is being done in the sense of in the physicalness.


It’s all in a second set of books. It’s all digital. It’s all a ghosted.


Is it? Well, I guess because here you are talking about it, but I don’t see any of this kaka. Where is it? You know, well, we we’re going to repay. We got the retiree payments.


We got the key cards coming out. Our local currency is getting getting strength. We have a lot of foreign.


Yeah, but I don’t see any of it. And you know why, don’t you? Because we haven’t shown you the new exchange rate yet. It sounds like two words.


OK, of course. So all these obligations you have to continue reading. It also seeks to diversify reserves to include a basket of currencies and.


OK, see me telling the citizens all that you’ve done and what you’re about to do, and it also is doing it also seeks to diversify our reserves to include a basket of currencies and gold bonds and securities. It also adopts policies and mechanisms to regulate the foreign trade financing and comply with international standards for the basket that you’re talking about. Maybe.


OK, final article number five thousand one hundred and seventy five. Make sure you read that article. Final article number five thousand one hundred and seventy five.


Ramadan, Ramadan. I’m sorry. Ramadan re revives the Iraqi dinar and official expectations of a continued decline in the dollar.


But ironically enough, there are many articles that are out there that are saying the dollar is climbing like crazy because there’s a great demand for it. Not really. The citizens have already figured it out.


I wish I could tell you how they figured it out. I wish I could tell you what they’re doing, but I’m not going to tell you. If it’s not in an article you think they want you to know, how are they surviving? Actually, I already told you before.


I already told you what Eddie’s doing, what the citizens are doing in order to survive. There’s no purchasing power. Fine.


No problem. We’re our own freaking banks. But for right now, Ramadan revives the Iraqi dinar and the official expectation of a continued decline in the dollar.


Well, Ramadan is when a lot of people are taking holy pilgrimages. They’re going on long treks to reach holy ground where they worship and they pray. OK.


And that requires El Gasolino. That requires transportation, that requires food, that requires sheltering, that requires lodging, that requires probably more extra insurance. That requires a lot of money.


And the only thing of value is the American dollar. So, yeah, it’s OK. The dollar is going to go up during this period.


But for how long? Probably less than 30 days. That’s about right. So when you see the articles that are telling you that, oh, give me, give me just a second.


Give me just a second. You got it, too. Here, here.


Listen, family, I’m sorry to have stopped for a second, but walking stick. I was hoping. But unfortunately, he’s at a friend’s house right now because one of our one of our vets.


Who stays with the nurses that take care of walking stick, he took his life, he took his life, he took his life. I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m so sorry.


We will talk tomorrow. It’s not easy. It’s it’s it’s not easy sometimes when you lose.


Pastor Kendall, are you there? Oh, yeah. Look at that family. Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t that amazing? Here we are, the death of a person, an innocent person that served our country.


And we’ve got this asshole that decides that he wants to bug me right now. That’s pure evil. Sir or ma’am or it, whatever you are.


How dare you do that? This is a man that just died and you want to call and do that kind of nonsense right now. Were you raised by Satan himself? You should be ashamed of yourself. I know article number 5175.


We already talked about it. What is the blue title? This was the goal of the monetary reform. This is the accomplishment of the monetary reform.


You understand, family? Inside of this article, they said concerning the gold of the CPI, stressing that any trading outside of this framework is considered unofficial dealing. I’ll praise the central bank’s announcements of implementing digital transactions and encouraging tourism, stressing that these steps contributed to easing pressure on the parallel market for the exchange rates. Thank you, Don.


Oh, thank you, Donnie. God bless you. So as you can see, family, this article, you know what? You read it.


You’ll understand. Final article number 5176. Arkachi.


Yeah, Arkachi. That’s all those oil companies that are working in Iraq. Arkachi.


Trump’s message will be delivered to Iran soon via an envoy from an Arab country. Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Arkachi announced that Trump’s message will be delivered to Iran soon through an envoy from one of the Arab countries. The blue title for this is no, no, no.


You have already received Trump’s message. Stop messing around, Iran. The article that’s right underneath it says a senior emirate official will meet with Arkachi tonight carrying a message from Trump to Iran.


What’s the blue title for that article? Whatever. So Iran is the reason why we don’t have purchasing power. Iran’s policies have constantly been the thieves through the auctions of the CBI of Iraq.


Iranian politicians in Iraq’s parliament, Iranian media owners of television and newspapers inside of Iraq have been the reason why there’s no purchasing power in the country of Iraq. They steal everything. Everything.


Everything. Oh, check this one out, family. Here, write that phone number down.


I think it’s 7736917054. This one says that I am a complete ass, a liar, and a money fraud. You know what to do, family.


Final article number 5177. Iran may lose Iraq. Iran may lose Iraq.


Trump and the possibility of exploiting fear in nuclear negotiations. Well, if I was Iran, I would be extremely scared, too. The American magazine Foreign Affairs reported that Trump administration has an opportunity to expel Iran from Iraq.


What is the reason why we don’t have the purchasing power right now, family? Yeah, Trump has the opportunity to expel Iran from Iraq. Then that would be good for us, wouldn’t it? Not through military action, but rather through firm diplomacy and threats of sanctions and intelligence operations, giving the Americans greater leverage at the negotiation table with the Iranians. He added that Iran is terrified of another domino falling, with Iraq considered the most likely place for this to happen, as Tehran’s allies in Baghdad are already on edge.


So it turns out that Trump is changing the landscape, the political landscape, the geopolitical landscape, the geofinancial political landscape of the whole freaking world. And it’s starting very heavily within the Middle East. You can see it.


You can read about it. And Iran, they know what Trump is going to do. If they don’t stop what they have been doing, that’s the beauty of it.


That 773 hit him hard, family. He just won’t stop. Anyways, will you take over my phone? Thank you.


He added that Iran is terrified of another domino falling, and that’s about right. So it turns out that it goes on and it says, and as well as approving a significant budget amendment long sought by the Kurds, whom the report described as the segment of Iraq society most closely connected to Trump. Now, I don’t know if you even heard what I said.


I don’t know if you’re even paying attention, but that’s powerful right there. That’s very powerful. You think that Iran wants to mess with Donald Trump? Do you? There’s China, there’s Russia, Ukraine, Mexico, Canada.


Anybody pick someone. Does anybody want to go against Trump? No. No.


And the reason why is because he has the most powerful military on this planet. In the solar system. You don’t even know what’s above your atmosphere, do you? But you know it’s called Space Force.


They just returned a plane from space that was up there for almost two years. You have no idea, do you? Well, they do. And because they have a little bit of an idea, you think that Iran is going to mess? No, I think that Iran is going to seek a peaceful solution.


I think that Hamas is going to let go of the last American hostage, because Iran is telling them to do so. I think that they will try to save whatever’s left. You know, the supreme leaders of Iran.


Yeah. I don’t think they’re suicidal. No, they want money in their pockets.


So I believe with all my heart that Iran is actually going to start working out a deal with Donald Trump. And when they do, wow. Well, wasn’t that the reason why we didn’t have purchasing power? Yeah.


So security and stability for the monetary reform for the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar, it’s just, it’s growing. It’s not growing like cancer. No, it’s growing like a wheat, a wheat field, a beautiful field of golden wheat that will feed so many people.


This is a good article. He added that Iran fears losing its influence in Baghdad. It’s too late.


And that Trump administration could use this fear as leverage in negotiations. Well, he is. And you’re responding to it.


The report continued saying that Trump may engage with Tehran while tightening the noose on its network inside of Iraq. Yeah. The auctions are gone.


The banks are well secured, which would encourage Iran. Oh, what, what, what? Which would encourage Iran to come to the negotiating table rather than evade or prolong the negotiations. And may I add, rather than being a pain to everybody, the whole world fears them.


The whole world fears them. You know that. What do I say down in the bottom? As we have been teaching, Dr. Shabibi wanted security and stability for the new exchange rate to be released.


And you family and Trump know who to remove for the security and stability, don’t we? Well, well, that’s what this article has just told us. This is fantastic news for the monetary reform. Fine article number 5178.


Important details about the 2025 budget schedules and the date for submitting them to parliament were revealed. Let’s read that again. Important details about the 2025 budget schedule.


And the date for submitting them to parliament. Well, if you’ve got a date of when you’re going to submit it to parliament, then they’re going to see the budget tables. They’re going to see the.


They have a date. I wish I would have said that. Important details about the 2025 budget schedule.


Well, the only important details about it is the new exchange rate, in my opinion. And the date for submitting them to parliament were revealed. What’s the title of the blue? What’s the blue title? This may be true because it’s coming from Chalet.


Ladies and gentlemen, this article may be true because of where it’s coming from. The financial advisor to the prime minister, and you’d think that, I mean, who sent him out to tell the citizens this? Sudani. Important details about the 2025 budget schedule and the date for submitting them to parliament.


What is the title of the UbiDubi? Ghosted. Why? Because parliament is ghosted. By by choice, by command, by orders, by whatever you want to call it.


It’s ghosted. They don’t know Jack. They don’t they don’t even know the beanstalk of Jack.


They don’t know nothing. How many times have they said to Sudani, send us a look, we want to know what you’re doing with the monetary reform. 4572 times.


How many times has parliament pointed the finger at Sudan and accused them falsely? Many times. How many times has parliament said, hey, what happened to the auctions? What happened to what? Many. They’re lost.


They’re confused. How many times has parliament said rumors like, for example, Rafa Dean Bank has sanctions on it by the U.S. Treasury? No, it doesn’t. Where’d you get that from? It sounds good, doesn’t it? For you.


Important details about the 2025 budget schedule and the date. If you’ve got a date of when you’re going to give it to parliament, then that means you’re going to give it to the whole world. Doesn’t it, family? Say yes or no to me.


Post while I take a drink. Wanda says, but of course. Wolfclaw says yes or no.


Yeah, it could be. It could be either way. You’re right, Mr. Dean says yes.


Otto says yes. Jeff Duffer says yes. It absolutely should, says Adam.


Yes, says Texas Twin Kingdom. All of you. All of you.


Wendy says, well, that would be great if they did. And that’s why the blue title says this may be true if it comes from Chalet. So, ladies and gentlemen, the 25 budget schedule has the budget tables.


And I believe that the budget tables contains the exchange rate. And I don’t believe that the exchange rate is 1310. No.


Let’s see what this article says. Oh, look here. For its part, the Parliament Finance Committee confirmed that the discussion of the 2025 budget, it will be resolved after it reaches Parliament.


Just give it to us. No. What does it say down there in the bottom? Don’t forget, ladies and gentlemen, trillions can become billions at the flip of a switch.


Got it. The ghosting, in my opinion, will continue into the very, very last nanosecond just before they give it to Parliament. Why? Because that’s what I would do.


If I want to hold something close to my chest and I don’t want anybody to know what it is, I’m not going to release that from my chest until three, two, one, now. Final article number 5179, the Association of Private Banks organizes a dialogue session to discuss the latest developments in the banking sector of Iraq. I can’t stop thinking of it.


Yeah. The Association of Private Banks organizes a dialogue session to discuss the latest developments in the banking sector in Iraq. What is the blue title for this article? A lock addresses developments in the banking sector.


Why? Because there’s been a lot of changes. A lot of changes. So a lock said, welcome, everybody.


Yeah. Welcome to this meeting. The governor and the participants are stressing the importance of a joint cooperation between the central bank and the electronic payment companies to enhance financial stability.


Yeah. And also to develop the banking system in accordance with the latest international standards. What for? Your currency ain’t leaving your borders.


Yes, it is, Frank. Think about that, family. Providing modern banking services that target border segments of society, emphasizing that the transition to a digital economy is a fundamental step towards enhancing financial stability and economic development.


What do all those words mean? It means that the monetary reform has been successful. And what is the goal of the monetary reform? To give purchasing power to the Iraqi citizens. Final article number 5,180.


Issue number 4,818 of the Iraqi Gazette was published on March the 10th, 2025. Do you remember last week that Eddie said, Mr. Frank, there’s a Gazette missing? You remember that? Do you? I hope you do. There it is.


So a week later, you read an article that backs up what we said with Eddie. Issue number 4,818 of the Iraqi Gazette was published on March the 10th, 2025. Take note, KTFA family, take note.


There are now two missing Gazettes. Number 4,817 and number 4,782. What is the blue title for this article? Oh, Larry and Carol Lee, they say, I remember.


Thank you. Thank you for working with me. What’s the blue title for this? Another one bites the dust.


Yeah, we get another article. Thank you, Baby Crab Cakes. We have another article that bites the dust.


I wonder why. Let me see, let me see. No, but we parliament.


I don’t care. Final article number 5,181. Iraq begins project to extend gas pipeline in Barsa to feed power plants.


Iraq begins project to extend gas pipelines in Barsa to feed power plants. What’s the blue title? Dear Mr. President, President Trump, is that okay? Well, he gave you a little more time to figure out how to get it. You got it, and I think he’s very pleased with it.


Good job. What does that do to Iran? Iran? You mean financially? That’s right. Final article number 5,182.


Oh boy, it turns out that this is the last article that we’re going to talk about together tonight, and it turns out that this is a good one. This is a good one. In fact, you know what? The whole article was read.


The whole article was read and blown up five times. That means it wants your attention. It wants your attention.


Let’s see. First of all, let’s read what the blue title is. Let’s do the opposite this time, okay? Security and stability continues to win against terrorism in Iraq.


Good, because that’s what we need, right? Security and stability to bring out the new exchange rate. What? I thought this was going to be good. Oh, it is good.


Okay. Iraqi forces kill Deputy Shafi. If I’m pronouncing that wrong, I humbly apologize.


Well, he’s dead anyways, I guess. One of the world’s most dangerous terrorists. Sudan, you guys did this? Yeah.


You know, there’s a lot of people that say that you’re a terrorist. I know, but I’m eliminating them. I noticed that, and so did Trump.


That’s why he’s helping you. Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mohammad Shia al-Sudani, announced on Friday the killing of the so-called Deputy Background Operative of ISIS, and one of the most dangerous terrorists in Iraq and the world. One of the most dangerous terrorists in Iraq? Oh, this is very good for the monetary reform, isn’t it? One of the most dangerous in Iraq and the world, it says.


al-Sudani said in a statement received by Safak News Agency, the Iraqis continue their dazzling victories over the forces of darkness and terrorism as the hero of the Iraqi National Intelligence Services, with the support and coordination of the Joint Operations Command and the international coalition forces, damn, were able to kill the terrorist Abdullah Maki, whatever his name is, who holds the position of the so-called, I like how they keep repeating that, of the so-called Deputy Chaplin, who holds the position of the so-called governor of Iraq and of Syria, the head of the authorities committee, and the head of foreign operation offices. He’s the head of all of that? Yeah. But no more, because they cut his head off.


Yeah. He added, he is considered one of the most dangerous terrorists in Iraq and the world. Not anymore.


Not anymore. Well, then no wonder. Let’s reread the blue title.


Security and stability continues to win against terrorism in Iraq. Well, that’s great, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s pretty darn good. Very, very good.


All righty. Well, there you go, ladies and gentlemen, that’s what I wanted to share with you. The articles, I think that’s the last one, is it? Yep.


So we’re done with looking at the articles. Now what we’re going to do is we’re going to walk into Eddie’s report, and we’re going to look at that. Go ahead and ghost it too.


Isn’t that ironic? We’re using the same word again. Thank you. I’ll read it later.


Thank you. Anyways, let’s get back. SpaceX, what? Godspeed.


Was it Falcon? Thank you. It just took off. Thank you.


All righty, family, let’s get to work. Let me go and find, here he is. We were together Tuesday.


So let me go back to Tuesday. This is yesterday. Wow.


Tuesday. Here we go. Good morning, Mr. Frank.


Thank you for your files. We now understand. Okay, I don’t want to say that.


Mr. Sammy agrees with you, by the way, on that last file you sent. And we will be in position on that time frame. I’m telling him to look to do something for me, family, in the first week of April.


That’s all. We can also tell you that the World Bank is on TV, channel one, talking with the Iraqi officials. And this World Bank official is giving their support for our economy challenges that we face.


He’s saying that Iraq is in a position right now to remove all of our economic challenges. He must be talking about a new exchange rate. Wink wink.


Next report on Tuesday. TV say in tomorrow there will be another meeting between the oil minister and the Kurds and the oil companies. We were told that the last meeting last Thursday there was an agreement on everything and all was good to go.


Why do they keep having these meetings, Mr. Frank? And I say, that’s a good question, Eddie. But, obviously, they are meeting to reach the target date because, in my opinion, these meetings have generated not only the approval of the contracts, because they have shown, or should I say, gentlemen, they have shared the information about a new exchange rate. And for that matter, they have agreed upon a target date of when to show that new exchange rate.


Sudan is calculating when to show it to parliament. Now, in my opinion, they are ghosted. They are blind.


A bat can see better than they can. In my opinion, right now, what Sudanese bank is doing is finishing up the application of software that deals with foreign currency to be recognized. And the Iraqi dinar will be one of those currencies that the whole world will have to recognize because it’ll be new, lower notes.


This software is being presented to all banks and places like this are all in preparation along with the monetary reform that is being given to you, Iraqi citizens, that will soon bring you purchasing power. Everything waits for the new exchange rate, gentlemen. Even the exchange rate waits for the new exchange rate.


Now, you may say that’s a double talk, but it’s not. Look at what happened today, and that will explain my statement regarding why we are moving forward in the right direction. There are no delays.


The only delays are found in the hearts of those that are negative and demand this blessing to occur now with or without proper steps. These type of people would eat a spoiled fish and get salmonella because they’re just so hungry for information. I read this to you.


Now, look at the World Bank, IMF, how they’re bragging about all you guys. Do you think that they’re talking about 1310? Of course not. They’re talking about new exchange rate coming to purchasing power.


Shang, yeah, I’m reading it fast, because don’t worry about all this. I’ll tell you when to pick up, Shang. Coming to the international world digitally in order to even touch the Iraqi dinar, because nobody has ever laid a finger on your currency for decades, but its value will soon be in great demand around the world, and that’s no secret anymore, is it? No, it’s not, Mr. Frank.


In fact, Sammy said last Thursday they had the same meeting, and everybody agreed on everything, and the oil would start flowing immediately. Well, still nothing, nothing. Another meeting, just another meeting, and still nothing.


I said, look, the best example that everything waits for the new exchange rate is the latest signing by BP. Yeah, I read all that to you. I read all of this to you.


I read all of this already to you. Wow. Copy.


Sending. There it is, and then I showed you, yeah, and then I showed you that video, remember? Okay. Continuing.


Wow. Oh my goodness. Okay, hang in there, family, because this is stuff that are files that we send to Eddie that I really can’t share all of this with you, so hold on a second.


Television is now saying that the Iraqi government has released today over 1 trillion dinars to pay the February salaries in Kurdistan. This was a purr of an order from the prime minister, Sadani. You will not see this in any articles, Mr. Frank.


He doesn’t. Oh, I see. I don’t want to say that.


Television is showing advisor to Sadani saying that there are no sanctions against Rafahdin Bank. It’s all a bunch of lies. Stop listening to the rumors.


And Iraq is trying to make sure that the United States of America view of Iraq is not with file of Iran. Ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah. You don’t have to worry about that.


You don’t have to worry about that. You’re not considered a terrorist country. Continuing.


Mr. Frank, they’re talking about the budget tables, and they’re saying that it will not reach Parliament now for another two months, possibly into October. You know what we said about that? Putting it very lightly, family, let’s just say that they disagree. They disagree.


Yeah, that’s good. Eddie says the budget tables is from a Parliament guy, so we can say that that’s 99.9 percent a lie. So this news about the oil is actually very good, but we don’t pay attention to what he was saying.


Please don’t listen to this nonsense, Mr. Frank. This is to make the citizens lose trust in the Sudanese government. These are the Parliament ministers who are still beholding to Iran and the dollar market, Mr. Sami says.


Well, no, no, no. I’m the one that tries to encourage you, Eddie. I’m not at all concerned about the lies of Parliament or the left of my government.


I say to them, gentlemen, this is my response back to them. I said, look, nobody, nobody listens to Iran. Nobody listens to Maliki.


Nobody listens to Parliament. Nobody listens to the fake media of Iraq. Nobody listens to the Shiites.


Nobody listens to the framework. Nobody listens to Maliki. And you know why? Because they are all against you receiving what they have been stealing.


And everybody knows that. Television shows that the Kurdistan people are saying that their sake, their stake, yeah, that’s what that means. They’re part of the oil money.


We’ll go to Baghdad. Kurdistan has no problems with Sudan. And they will send the oil because they want whatever.


So now we start. Let’s do it. Let’s just go into yesterday.


Yesterday at seven in the morning, television shows talks with the IMF, and they are saying that they backed the strengthening of the Iraqi dinar. This is amazing, Mr. Frank, because you once told me the IMF is the only outlet that can tell a country’s banks whether or not they can raise or lower the value of their currency. So if we have the IMF on our television and saying that they backed the strengthening of the Iraqi dinar, if we have them telling us that, that they backed the strengthening of the Iraqi dinar, then they talked about oil and non-oil revenues.


Well, it seems to me, yeah, let’s raise the value because IMF says to do so. Then the parliament put out bottom line of up and coming budget, 216 trillion dinars. And the date, possibly two months from now, it appears that they don’t have any rate if it’s in trillions, to which I said, Eddie, what did you expect Sudan to do? Put up the right figures? If he did, you would figure out what the exchange is, don’t you? And what did you expect for parliament to tell you? That it’s going to happen like Sudan he says, they’re going to tell you that it’s two months away, three months away, but you’ll never get it, right? So stop it, Eddie.


You know very well that everything is on track. You all agreed with the files yesterday, 1218. They are now revealing important details about the 2025 budget to us.


And the date of sending them to the parliament. Well, funny enough, funny enough, that’s exactly what they said in an article to us, Eddie, about them apples. Eddie, if that’s true, because it’s coming from Chile, if this is true, Eddie.


Wow. So what did he say, Eddie? He said that the budget depends on two main wings. Two wings? Oh, you mean two stages, just like Sammy was talking about, right? All right, go on, tell me about it.


They said, which constitutes between 68 to 70% of total public spending. And it covers the salaries of employees, the retirees, the social welfare. These are all the things that they have been promising, but we don’t have them because we don’t have the new exchange rate.


Then they said, while the second part is to, is allocated, there’s a first part and a second part to the budget family. Oh, surprise, surprise, you learned something. And they said that the second part is allocated for investments in development and service projects.


Chile pointed out that the budget will move according to the exchange ceilings, estimated at around 200 trillion dinars, with a hypothetical deficit of about 60, 64 trillion dinars. They talked to us about the price of the barrel of oil. He stressed that the government is committed to ensuring the salaries of employees.


Well, that would mean a new exchange rate, right? And he said, we also will be paying the retirees, pointing out that 8 million citizens receive government income, which contributes to the support of about 40 million people indirectly. This is all amazing, Mr. Frank. He went on and he told us that this is for electricity, for schools, for hospitals, for parallel priority to secure salaries.


All of this is from, all of this is going to be presented to the Parliamentary Finance Committee that confirmed that the discussion of the budget will be reached to Parliament and Parliament will pass and they will agree. They got no choice, Eddie, the committee. Then we have Jamal Cougar explained that the committee will hold a session to discuss the budget as soon as the tables reach the consul.


Bingo. So Donnie, I thought you said you were going to send it to Parliament. Well, I was.


It says here, you guys talked about this. This is just, this is fresh. It’s still warm.


I can still feel a little warmth underneath the nose. This is real. So after you finished, you told them that, okay, so we discussed it with Parliament, explained that the committee, which holds a session to discuss the budget from Parliament, as soon as the tables reach the consul and it will submit a report to the presidency of Parliament in this regard.


So first it’s going to the comm. Yeah, right. What’d I say? Who should be the last and when? Three, two, one.


Now. The last nanosecond. This is going to the comm first, see Donnie? So the comm is, your consul of ministers is going to review every penny of this budget.


And then it’s going to Parliament. So they can’t screw around with it by then because then it becomes official, right? Through the comm. You son of a gun.


And you told this to the citizens, when? Yesterday? And you used all of this beautiful, okay. That’s a good article, by the way. Hey, Frank, what? The television also has been saying that we are implementing bank reforms.


They’re running out of ways to tell us. Because now, according to what was approved in the agreements that we just talked about with the United States and Baghdad, well, shoot. That means that they’re going to be showing us the new rate.


Mr. Frank, Sammy says that Shaleh, when he went on TV, he said, the budget will be in two parts. The first part will be, the first part will take up 70%. Yeah, roughly about 68 to 70%.


Remember the article said that Shaleh is saying that the TV, on the TV, that there will be two parts of the budget. And the first part, oh, I’m sorry, the second part is 70% that takes care of the salaries and the bills. No, that’s the first part, 70%.


And the second part is 30% for investment and projects. They’re breaking it down now to us, Mr. Frank. Hmm, yeah.


The Television Association of Private Bankers are also meeting today discussing the banking reforms that are being implemented, that are being implemented. That are, R-A-R-E, that are being implemented. These reforms, Mr. Frank, require the budget tables with the new exchange rate.


And I’m glad that they’re telling us that they’re implementing them. To which then I responded to, I responded to, to Eddie and his teams with a long report that you can see is there. I’m about to read it to you.


So this was late last night, as I’m getting ready to end the day. Like always, Eddie, just pay attention to Sudani. Pay attention to Chalet, because Sudani sent him out to talk to you.


He hinted about there being a date. And then I want to tell that Mr. Sammy, what I’m excited about, my president, I’m excited about the monetary reform and the positions that it’s in right now with our president. The monetary reform education continues to spill the beans.


So today, they tell you Iraqi citizens that what we agreed upon in those meetings last week, you know, concerning the monetary reform plan for you, for our banks, for our country, this plan is about to be given to you, about to be implemented. But in all honesty, it’s already been implemented in what I believe, in my opinion, to be called a second set of books. Now, Eddie, the next chapter is going to be sensitive.


Because when the new budget comes out, it’s up to Sudani if he wants to release a new exchange rate, or if he wants to continue to protect the new exchange rate. And even if it comes out at 1310, the IMF said to you guys today that they agree with your banks and your banking reforms. And you think that the IMF agreed for 1310? I mean, you read it.


You read it. And you think that the IMF approved of your banking and monetary reforms at 1310? Of course not. Look, Eddie, they told you that they are implementing the banking reforms.


We’ve been studying the banking reforms. You know what it contains. The banking reform that was agreed upon by everybody that was at the meeting last week.


And you know that this meeting was ruled and led by the United States Treasury. He had the IMF. You had the World Bank.


You had the BIS. You had everybody there. You had the World Bank.


I said that already. Everybody there, all the investors, all the contractors. And they all walked away knowing.


They all walked away knowing that there is a target date. There is a reason why Shelley told you the budget would be in two parts. Now, I can’t explain or express that reason to you just yet, Eddie.


But stay focused with Mr. Sammy. He will guide you during this next sensitive phase. Mr. Frank, Mr. Sammy asked you, could the budget come out at 1310 for the first part and then increase for the investments? Is this why it’s broken in two parts for the back half of the budget? To which I say, Mr. Sammy, Aki is one of those private bankers.


And he knows very well what is about to be implemented. In fact, so does the whole world. It’s not a secret anymore.


So tell Mr. Sammy that, in my opinion, that’s called a backup for a backup. Sudani has been receiving very good advice from some very smart people from the United States of America. Look, just stay strong with Sudani, Eddie.


Do not abandon your support for him. No, we have no intentions to back away from him, Mr. Frank. He has proven himself to us.


We know who the enemy is. They spit in our faces constantly. Television is now showing Iranian backed politicians saying we are prepared for the worst case scenario without gas from Iran.


Can you believe that, Mr. Frank? They want to exaggerate anything. But we already have plans, don’t we, to get gas from Qatar and Oman. And they didn’t even say that.


Just like I just like I told you, Eddie, there is a place for Iraq to get their gas and electricity from. Because President Trump told you earlier, go to Qatar and Oman. And thank goodness, Sudani is going to obey.


Oh, Shaleh. Shaleh said that the electricity was canceled, but the gas was still allowed. I said, yeah, because of the relationship that Trump has established and also because gas produces electricity.


Mr. Frank Shaleh said electricity was not allowed from Iran, but we still get gas limited quantities for the time being, wink, wink. Today, let me start with today’s report. Sammy says that the television and the articles are becoming misleading.


But it looks like they’re doing it on purpose because everybody knows they’re lying. Wow. That sure sounds like here in America, doesn’t it? We all I mean, we all know what ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, we all know what they do.


They lie to American citizens. This is interesting. Another mirror image.


Mr. Sammy says that the television and the articles are becoming misleading. There are no sanctions on Rapadim Bank, Frank, here. They are all working together to do the monetary reform and to meet the standards in order to bring out the new exchange rate.


Heck. Heck? They say heck? Yeah, it says heck right there. Heck.


Heck. Today, CBI announced 65 people just finished. You see, that’s where you come.


You didn’t know about this. This is cool, Eddie. This is cool.


Here, let me start. So, yeah, there are no sanctions on Rapadim Banks here. They’re all working together to do the monetary reform and to meet the standards.


Heck. Today, CBI announced 65 people just finished international auditing training that can handle all transactions of international financial services throughout Iraq. Another great step for the monetary reform.


And Mr. Sammy was excited about it. He says, watch for, now listen to this, and Mr. Sammy was excited, and he says, watch for when the budget tables make it to Council of Ministers, to the Comm, because they already said that they would review it and vote on it as soon as possible. Then the Comm is where and when that rate will show up, Mr. Frank.


That’s what Sammy told us. We really don’t have to worry about Parliament getting, no, I told you he superseded them. We really don’t have to worry.


We really don’t have to worry about Parliament getting the budget tables. It’s a side event. When they get them, it’s still being adjusted.


And when it goes to the Comm, that’s when to get excited. That’s when to get excited. Because soon they will vote and the Comm will do it quickly.


And they’re saying that the oil flow is imminent. So we know what the oil needs, a new exchange rate. And it’s so good that the Kurds are bringing their share to Iraq.


He’s saying the budget tables are being worked on still. And we’ll go to Council of Ministers. And they already said we will review it as soon as possible and vote on it quickly.


That’s what we need. Council of Ministers first to pass. Then that rate will show.


That’s what we need. That’s what we need. Council of Ministers first.


Then that rate will show. Going to Parliament is just a formality on the tables, and oil is imminent to flow. Oh, yes, indeed, my dear brother.


Yes, indeed. Now, TV shows Iraq starts new pipeline in Barsa with gas to supply power plant there. This is amazing, Mr. Frank.


We are constantly on a daily basis finding more for our reserves. Hold on, Fannie. How’s everybody doing, Tink? Good.


Are they bored? Wow, only 1,700 people on. Interesting. Maybe they’re busy tonight.


Eating pie. What, honey? They’re eating pie. They’re eating pie? No, not pie you eat.


You mean pie, like 3.1467… Everybody eats pie today. You don’t… No, no. It is National Pie Day.


Not P-I-E, is it? It’s P-I Day. Yes, but they play on that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


You can’t eat 3.14… whatever that number is. And Smuckers, they have Pie Day for today because they have those big pies that are like… Okay. Now, Fannie, I then say the following.


I agree with you… Oh, here, let me show you right there. That’s today. I agree with you, Mr. Sammy.


What a one… In fact, hold on. How much is it? It’s just a little bit, so you might as well just relax, okay? Oh, my word. This goes on and on and on.


Here’s what I said. I agree with you, Mr. Sammy. That’s a wonderful point.


And in my opinion, this has been Sudanese tactic all along, you know, in order to bring security and stability by avoiding Iran political… by avoiding Iranian politician influence in his government. He never sent a lot to them. He has refused to send a lot or any information to Parliament to explain the monetary reform.


He has kept the Gazette publications a secret. Now we have two that he’s put away. He only sent a tiny part of the budget to Parliament to vote on and approve for his benefit, not Parliament’s.


Indeed, Sudanese has done everything possible to bring security and stability to the monetary reform of the Central Bank of Iraq. That is soon to bring you a new exchange rate with purchasing power. This may be my opinion, but the evidence makes it look like a fact.


This may be my opinion, but the evidence makes it look like a fact. And now Sudanese sends the budget tables to the Com. Are you kidding me? I didn’t know he was going to do that.


He did. He’s not going to send it to Parliament. Oh my goodness.


That’s like Sudanese telling Parliament, pick a finger and you might as well pick the middle finger. That’s like Sudanese telling Parliament, pick a finger and you might as well pick the middle finger because he’s not going to share anything with them. He never has.


He never shall. He’s not going to show them anything. He’s not going to explain anything to Parliament.


He’s not going to show them the rate. He’s not going to show them the tables until the very last second, because they are the source of terrorism. Sudani ghost them.


It took me this long to say it. Sudani ghost the parliament. They are the reason why you don’t have purchasing power.


They are the cockroaches that he and President Trump are trying to remove in order for you to have what belongs to you, because they have stolen it for decades. So yes, Mr. Sammy, Mr. Eddie, all of you guys, the next step is when the Com receives these budget tables, I believe that they are trustworthy enough to be given the new exchange rate. That’s a powerful statement.


I believe that the Com is worthy, is trustworthy to receive the tables. I believe that they are trustworthy enough to be given the new exchange rate, but not to parliament. Notice what Sudani is doing, gentlemen, with your oil.


It is now flowing with so many different countries, so many different contracts, because your oil is the blood in your veins of your monetary reform. Mr. Frank, all the ministers are not on the television. This is rather surprising.


Right now the agriculture minister is talking, and he’s on TV saying that we are self-sufficient and we have seven crops and we’re exporting 13 others. That’s very impressive, isn’t it? They are explaining to the World Bank and to the IMF that they are, well, actually that you mean to say that we are, that Iraq is. They are explaining to the World Bank and the IMF that they are self-sufficient and other non-oil revenues of oil we have play up.


And even if all prices drop, we have more than enough in our reserves to cover. Plus, we are self-sufficient and other means of revenue, like taxes, tolls, we’ve lost our UB2B. How long has it been? It just started.


That means that we’re probably going to be hit with a lot of people that are trying to get in all at once. Give us just a second, and I think we’re back. I think we’re back.


Okay, we’re back. So let me finish, or redo again. So he said that even if all the prices were to drop, they, which he means, you know, Iraq.


I’m going to change it. We have enough reserves to cover. Plus, we are self-sufficient.


That’s what they just told us. And we have other means of revenue, like taxes, tolls, tariffs, agriculture, and the TV. All of this is on the TV right now.


All these are non-oil revenues that are working for us to help us. Then I said, I responded, and I said the following. I said to you, Eddie, that oil is the backbone of your monetary reform.


And I stand by that, because oil is not only, is not the only product or service that your country is in great demand of worldwide right now. Like I told you, the potential, the potential, the potential, the kinetic energy, like I told you, the potential, the kinetic energy of your country is immeasurable. And today they tell you, we have a lot more than oil to back up your purchasing power.


Notice that almost every day they tell you, don’t pay attention to those idiots from Parliament. Don’t pay attention to any of the rumors. Just pay attention to the CBI.


Pay attention to Sudani. Is that not an echo of what I have been teaching you for the last two years? Is that not an echo of what I’ve been saying to you? Today they’ve been showing a rock building, 16 new hospitals we’re building. Oh, 16 new, 16 new hospitals.


TV says we have opened up to 37 countries with e-visa cards. I hope it’s not, I told them I hope they love 1310. I said, I hope they love 1310.


They said, yeah, unbelievable. And then we get in the file. So no, we stopped.


We stopped. We stopped. You know what? I never even did my commercial.


How about that? I said, you know what? Give it to me. Give it to me. What I did, I don’t know, it was a couple of weeks ago, three weeks ago.


I did my own commercial and I told you about this product. So very quickly in one minute, allow me to rehash it again. Ladies and gentlemen, these patches work.


These patches work. You peel off the sticky in the back and you put it wherever you want in your body. And whatever pain you’re dealing with.


So if you’re interested at all in ordering or talking to me about these patches, give me a holler. I’ll teach you the science behind them. I’ll teach you how they work.


And it’s not just for pain. They have many others. Some of them are, oops, I’m sorry, upside down.


Some of them are for sleeping. Some of them are for more energy. Some of them introduce glutathione.


Some of them are for losing weight. Some of them are for the energy enhancement of your body. There’s many different ones.


So if you’re at all interested, give me a holler. My phone number is 419-283-2552. 419-283-2552.


You see, I have a lot of operations. And I have, you know, some scar tissue. Every now and then it hurts.


Before I sit down and talk to you, I’ll put these patches on. It gets me through the night with you. Now, that’s my present.


Oh, look at that. They’re already dropping. It didn’t take long.


From $1,900 to $1,600. Okay. Anyways, family, the last thing is, we’re talking about ghosts.


Well, how many of you are familiar with the Shadow Fleet? The Shadow Fleet. Go ahead and post and say, I know what it is. And then just say one.


Tell me what country. The Shadow Fleet. Go ahead.


Tell me if you know. Hi, Donnie. Thank you, my friend.


God bless you. Those of us that matter are still here. True, true, true, true, true, true.


Look at that. They’re dropping like crazy, like flies. Let them go to the other places.


Okay. Not familiar? Oh, okay. Not familiar with the Shadow Fleet? We are just wanting some dessert, Frank.


Really? I worked my heart out to give you what I already gave you, man. I know what it is. The U.S. No, no, no.


I don’t know. Oops. Whatever.


I don’t know. I don’t know. Amen.


The Shadow Man, like the Casper? No. Oh, there it is. Yanni.


How do you know, bro? Yanni got it. Everybody else is saying Korea, Russia, duh. Duh? What do you mean, duh? Yeah, Ronnie got it.


Yeah, so, ladies and gentlemen, there is Iran that causes so much trouble. And once again, Donald Trump is dealing with this. You remember watching on television where you have these big, giant oil tankers, and then out of nowhere, these tiny little boats with their Molotov cocktails and throwing it against the body of this massive ship, or going up there with their bows and arrows and, you know, their little BB guns and shooting at the ship? In actuality, they captured one, I think, and they took it back to Iran.


This is called the Iranian Shadow Fleet. It’s a joke is what it is. It’s just a, you know, rinky-dink little speedboats that they put these people in, no more than like three people in one little boat.


And they’ll go out and they’ll cause trouble. In the beginning, they were successful because nobody knew what they were. Well, oh, maybe they need help here.


Let them up. Come on up. What? You want to? Okay, we’ve been captured here, right? Tom Hanks.


Tom Hanks made a movie about them. Yeah. Although in the movie, they didn’t call them Iranian.


They called them pirateers. No, they’re from Iran. And what they do, oh, look at Kevin Thompson just put the word pirate also when I said that.


Yeah, so Trump is going to stop the Iranian Shadow Fleet. And what does that do for the Middle East? What does that do for Iraq? It increases security and stability. That’s what we need, don’t we, for the monetary reform? Yeah.


They’re scaring the Middle East. They are scaring the Middle East. Would you want to go on a cruise in the waters where these pirates are at? No, that’s what terrorism does.


That’s what evil does. So the scaring of the Middle East, which means you’re scaring Iraq, you’re not going to have no increase of no currency. So I’m not saying that the Shadow Fleet is what stopped it.


I’m saying that it is Iran that stops the new exchange rate from coming out. It is so obvious. I mean, look, it’s being protected.


The exchange rate from Iranian influence inside of Iraq’s parliament. So Trump is going to stop an Iranian Shadow Fleet in order for security and stability to increase inside of Iraq. This is important, isn’t it? Where is this oil going? Where is this oil going? Hello.


Hello. Hello. Hello, Jack.


Hello. Maybe it’s time to say goodbye. I’m tired anyway.


Where is this oil going? Eating cookies. No, it’s not going there. Originally… Oh, Simon.


Thank you, Simon. Originally to Russia. How’d you… Not bad.


Also known as the Dark Fleet. Okay. Great Britain says all over.


Yeah. No, no. It was targeted.


And it really pissed off Trump. Here, let me help you. It went to China and also to India.


And you know, India doesn’t like our Trump. So this is money. This is money that is being propagated for terrorism.


For terrorism. I’m sorry. That’s all there is to it.


And they’re selling the oil to China. Hey, China. Why do you guys keep doing cyber attacks on our computers in our country? What’s the matter with you? Why do you do those type of cyber attacks? Because you want to cause trouble.


Because you want terrorism around the world. And you want to support those that do it, don’t you? Terrorism, family, is an ugly thing. In fact, may I show you one more very ugly thing? Let me see.


How do I do this? Okay, watch this. You’ll recognize… Well, I might as well tell you. This man’s name is George Soros.


And for the last four years, we suffered. Because he sponsored terrorism. Donald Trump is going to stop terrorism sponsoring by removing the Iranian Shadow Fleet.


Look what this man says. George Soros is a bogeyman. He is, I believe, the top contributor to the Democratic Party.


And in my opinion, he fundamentally hates humanity. Really? Well, he’s doing things that erode the fabric of civilization. There’s a problem in San Francisco and L.A. and much of other cities.


And he’s very smart. And he’s very good at arbitrage. Famously, he shorted the British pound.


Have you ever heard Soros’ interview with 60 Minutes where he says, I see myself as a god? No. Oh, my God. Jimmy, do you mind pulling up the quote? L.A. Times, Soros, God.


This is the one. I did have juvenile fantasies of saving the world. So I had what I called messianic fantasies.


I’ve been somewhat more successful of actually acting out those fantasies. What the hell is going on here? So this man thinks of himself as God, or a god or whatever. No wonder he’s trying to destroy humanity.


I mean, there’s Musk, a very brilliant man, that tells us this man is crazy. This man is funding terrorism around the world. Well, so is Iran.


And these are the things you need to pray for, family, that have to stop. You have to ghost evil. It’s amazing that some people think that there’s no problem with sinning.


Family, I can talk to you. I can open it up for Q&A and stay with you a little longer. But I think you’re done with me, is what it looks like.


So allow me to say I love you. I thank you. My greatest weapon.


My greatest weapon. I mean, based on what I just saw from this evil man. From what I see from the evil terrorism in the Middle East.


My greatest weapon is the guilty conscience of my enemy. And it’s fueled by their jealousy. I wish you all goodness in your hearts.


And I want to thank those that helped us. I’d ask you to pray for WalkingStick and his friends. We lost a veteran.


I have a feeling he was Air Force. I’ll find out who. But thank you for all of you that helped us with financial contributions.


Texas Twin. Sabrina. Mr. Holiday and Galway Girl.


Duane Jocks. Donnie Inman for WalkingStick. Brian Wharton for WalkingStick.


Rebecca Hill for WalkingStick. LL Shadow. Hold on, gentlemen.


LL Shadow. Mark Anglin. Hey, Mark.


For the Bibles. And Donnie Inman. And also God Wins.


Thank you. God bless you. I’m a little tired.


We’ve increased that. We talked to Mr. Freedom. And we got him dressed up for St. Patty’s Day.


So we are going to do a 30% discount to all FTA family members of KTFA. And that’s 30%. So that means you get one song for $105 an ounce instead of our new pricing.


So it gets you kind of back in that range that we want to be at with you. And we’ll move that around. But for the rest of the month of March, you can get 30% off any custom song.


That you want to order through us. And simply call me at 423-367-7648. Oh, hey, babe.


Yes. Oh, guys. You did it again.


They disconnected me from him. For Cliff and Tony. It wasn’t me.


Hey, hey, hey. I’m not. I’m not.


I’m not. No caller ID. I’m not in control of it.


My teams are doing it. And they push the wrong button sometimes. Go ahead and finish that last part right there.


No cookies for them. Yeah, I hear you. Go ahead and finish that last part.


Well, I was just saying, I was getting my phone number. Yeah, I’m holding it up. 423-367-7648.


And we just want to let the family know we appreciate it. And look forward to doing many more custom songs for you. And we’re excited about the opportunity that is lying ahead.


And that 30% discount is to the KTFA family only. No one has that code when you go to checkout. Be sure to put that Frank26 in your coupon code.


It automatically gives you a 30% discount for any product you buy from us. Thank you, gentlemen. Love you mucho, mucho, mucho.


That’s Chinese for right on. Mucho, mucho, mucho, my friend. Thank you very much.


And we look forward to seeing you soon. Okay, bye-bye. Bye-bye, Frank.


All righty. Yeah, I think we’re done. I was going to maybe stick around and answer questions.


But that’s good enough. You know, family, sometimes is Kendall with us? I think he’s in class. He’s back with us.


Oh, that’s wonderful. I’d rather have him pray for us. You know, family, live your life as if it’s the last day of your life.


Because one day it will be. I leave you with peace in your heart. And I want joy in your heart.


This thing that we saw about George Soros, it’s very sad. Maybe we should pray for him. Sometimes, family, we want more than God himself.


I would tell you to just trust in God. He’s doing a pretty good job. Pastor Kendall, would you kindly dismiss us from our program tonight? Yes, Frank.


I missed what you said earlier, but I believe I know what’s going on. So I just want to say this. Jesus said this in Matthew 5-4.


Bless our films with more, for they will be comforted. And then in Psalms 34-18, it says, Father, we heard some news that wasn’t pleasant. But, God, nothing cuts you off guard.


So, God, I pray for the person’s family. Lord, they’re the ones who are hurting right now. So, God, we pray for your comfort.


We believe and trust in your word. For you said in your word, God, that you would comfort those who are mourning. And those who are brokenhearted, you’ll save them.


Lord, we all need our spirits to be lifted up. So, God, we know that you said in your word that if Jesus is lifted up, you’ll bring all men to you. So, God, my prayer is for those who don’t know you.


And even for those who do that are mourning. Lord, I pray that your spirit would move in our lives, where we would know that it’s you touching our hearts. Lord, be with our friend WalkingStick.


Lord, it hurts. I know we’re men and I know we’re strong. He’s military, but God, he’s human too.


So, God, touch him. Wrap your arms around him. Lord, if he needs to shed a tear, allow him to.


So, God, I pray for everyone under the sound of my voice. No matter what they’re going through, God. No matter if it’s mental, emotional, financial, physical.


Suffering is part of this world. But, God, you said that he that is in us is stronger than he that is in the world. But that’s only if they know you, God.


And so, God, my prayer is for those who don’t know you that you would move in their life so that they could cry out, what must I do to be saved? Lord, continue to bless Frank and Jan and their sacrifice of love for us. Continue to bless them as they bless people, God. Supply all their needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus.


And for those who are here listening, God, like I said earlier, Lord, I pray that we could understand that you are our provider. No matter what happens, you are the one that sustains our lives. Lord, protect us and watch over us.


Protect our homes. Protect our loved ones. And, Lord, as we leave this call, I pray that your spirit would rest, rule, and abide.


I pray, God, that you would watch over the little ones. I pray, God, that you would guide and direct us to those who are lost, that we may be light in this dark and fearful world. Amen.


Lord, we thank you and we bless you. For it is in the matchless, powerful name of Jesus. Lord, we say thank you.


Thank you. Thank you. And amen.


Amen. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Thank you, Pastor Kendo and Brother Andy. Love you guys very, very much.


Appreciate you and respect you. Amen. Well, I had fun tonight, family, and I hope you all did, too.


We covered three subjects that were not in articles. Three subjects that I hope enlighten and help you. You add it to your notes.


Don’t forget everything I said. It’s just strictly my opinion. When’s our next Ubi-Tubi thing? On Monday, the 17th at 6 p.m. We have Dr. Harry with Cardio for Life.


Oh, Monday. Not the dinar, okay? Not the dinar. Monday, 6 to 7. We’re going to have Dr. Harry, and he’s going to talk to you, and you can ask him questions about cardio life.


That’s been a blessing to a lot of people. I had a guy that said, my feet were numb. Not anymore.


Not anymore. I said, that was quick. He said, yeah.


So, that would be Monday. Then the next day? What’s the next day? Is it open? Oh, yeah. I should be done.


Oh, no. What if I’m in pain? No, we have to do it Tuesday. For the 21st, which is Friday.


Okay, so the next one is Monday, 6 p.m. Infomercial Cardio Life. Tuesday, 6 p.m. Our next Ubi-Tubi on the Iraqi dinar. Got it? Now, I’m going to have some surgery on Tuesday.


Okay. So, if I’m in a type of pain that I just can’t be with you, please understand if we just canceled it. If I canceled it, I’ll let it be known inside of my form.


Yeah, I guess that’s it. Wanda says, I got it. Wanda says, Frank’s health first.


Before I say goodbye, in the next, hopefully, five minutes, can you answer me a question? Can you answer me a question? Should I continue what I’m doing on the Internet? Go ahead and answer, please, if you would. I’m very serious about this question. Should I continue what I’m doing on the Internet? Or should I stop? Because there are many others that you can go to, right? Did you know that they have an AI? They take Shang Doodle’s work.


They take Shang Doodle’s work and then they talk like a man and a woman back and forth. They’re just reading our notes word for word. Talk about being lazy.


It’s just not right what they do. It’s not right at all. Let me see.


Should I continue? And let me see. No, yes. No, go away.


Leave us alone. Don’t talk no more. Please don’t leave us.


Oh, please don’t. I’m sorry. Wow.


Look at you. That’s very kind. Okay.


Thank you. Thank you. I understand.


Frank, most of us go nowhere else. That’s funny. Somebody called my wife and said, a guru so-and-so said so-and-so.


What did you say? They asked me, did you hear or did you see what so-and-so said? And I said, why would I see what so-and-so said? I have Frank. That’s my girl. Anyways, I’ll stick around.


We’ll continue. I don’t want you to follow. What’s the word that I want? We have worked so hard.


We have worked so hard as a family here, studying the Iraqi dinar. And I want to continue to study with you. By the way, look at that.


You know what that is? What honey? Stinky? Actually, this is a lobster. Yeah, he’s a lobster from my fish tank. I’ve had him for about two years now.


I call him George. But you know, we have worked so hard that it would be a shame to be misled. It would be a shame to have people call and bother us while we’re trying to teach.


It would be a shame for everything that we’ve done together as a study group to just all fall apart. Stay strong. Don’t let your spirit fall apart.


Stay strong with God. Stay in prayer. And I’ll see you on Monday.


It’s going to be fun talking with Dr. Harry. And then on Tuesday, we’ll get back to work. And like always, premium.


Club 26. I’ll have some information in there like I always do. I will admit, there was a week, I think, when I didn’t put anything in.


I was just so busy. Look at this. You know what this is? This is… Oh, I broke his little leg off.


I’m sorry, bro. This is a bandit. A coral bandit.


A coral bandit shrimp. This is also a mole. Yeah, I wouldn’t want all of our work to come to turn into crumbs.


Unless it was cookie crumbs. God bless you all. Thank you kindly for being with us.


Sweet Aloha to you. And I will see you on Monday and Tuesday. Nope.


Let me see. Was that somebody trying to get on? Oh, okay. Alrighty.


So, God bless you all. And I will see you Monday and Tuesday. Sweet Aloha.


Bye-bye. What did he say? I used to be a Dino newbie. Until I watched Frank’s UB2B.


With a twinkle in his eyes. And God by his side. Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide.


So whenever I need a Dino fix. I tune into Frank’s 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.


Tune in now. Tune in here. This is the Dino beat.


Now take it from me. Frank is no loggie. It’s okay, dink.


Give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing. So I wear my sunglasses.


Because they are so glaring. So whenever I need a Dino fix. I tune into Frank’s 26.


He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now. Tune in here.


This is the Dino beat. Sit up, be patient and get ready. Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie.


Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight. Come on, Iraq. Can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dino fix.


I tune into Frank’s 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now.


Tune in here. This is the Dino beat. Hey, dink.


I need a cookie. Come on, dink. I deserve some cookies.


Cookies, cookies. Come on, dink. Give up the cookies.


Wow, dink. This is all for me? No, they’re not in boxes anymore. This is strange.


I’ve never had a recycled cookie before. What? These are recyclable cookies. Reclosable.


Oh, reclosable. Check it out. It’s got a big gorilla.


It’s got a big lion. It’s got a big elephant. It’s got a big zebra.


Was that a zebra? Wow. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, sweetheart. And thanks all of you for being with us.


Dr. Tooth Fairy. What, honey? Dr. Tooth Fairy. Dr. Tooth Fairy.


Thank you, Dr. Tooth Fairy. God bless you. Extra cookies for Frank.


Okay, okay, okay, okay. I’ll take them. Y’all take care.


Sweet Aloha. Bye-bye. They didn’t ask for it.


There she is. They didn’t ask for dessert. I’m safe.


Okay. You know what? Poor Ellen. Ellen asked the question, What does the 26 mean at the end of your name, Frank? Hi, Ellen.


The Hebrew language associates numbers to their letters. When you look at the name Yahweh, the numbers add up to 26. But that’s not the reason why.


I was conceived on the 26th of a very cold month. Y’all take care. Bye-bye.

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