Okay, everybody here we go. It’s me Gregor Manarino Friday March 7th 2025 pre-market report people this market we’re in a lot of trouble here and this morning I Put out a breakdown of the S&P 500 right on my website for all of you there is a link in the description of this video if you’re not into the The technical jargon there just read my outlook at the very bottom if you feel like doing this There is a link in the description of this video click on that It’ll take you right to the spot where I want you to look Just read through that and if you don’t get it just read where I put the outlook Now if you do subscribe to my newsletter free to everybody this is in your inbox right now I want to read read this to you So I wrote lions. I posted an in-depth breakdown of the S&P 500 to my website now Here we are right now.
The market is at a critical level and if this level doesn’t hold where we are right now we could see a Much bigger drop going back to the the outlook that I posted for all of you now For those of you out here that are technical people that understand this kind of stuff I want to hear from you is what I wrote does it sound right to you is it off look man like I say I don’t know everything. I don’t even pretend to Excuse me You are free to disagree with what I put there my interpretation of it So let me know where you stand now with regard to the market We have a couple of problems look man Everyone’s focusing on the stock market everyone’s focusing on again. It’s important people are concerned about their investments all right beautiful This is where stock futures are this morning Higher not by much again.
We got a hold here. We have to hold right here If not, I mean it really could be look out below. Let us move forward Here’s a phenomenon that I’ve been talking about lately This is not a good sign Instability in the debt market the debt market still remains unstable This is just up and down and up and down and up and down with the global benchmark Yields, it’s a problem The debt market is supposed to be stable when you see this look man.
We already know you and I it’s a time bomb It’s gonna go off and when it goes off. It’s gonna go off with such ferocity People are gonna know what to do with themselves, and it’s really not about the stinking market It’s about the flow of credit through the world Economy flow of credit the flow of debt through the world economy. It’s gonna.
It’s gonna get turned off I mean people don’t understand what most people have no idea what I’m talking about This means all transactions stop all Transactions stop what are you trying to try to swipe with your credit card you try to swipe with your debit card don’t work Zeros across the board on your bank accounts zeros across the board on your investment accounts. This is a serious issue And this is where we’re going. This is what started to happen During the financial crisis henceforth why the lovely? Ben Bernanke was rushed before our loving caring representatives, and he told them if we don’t start pumping hundreds of billions into The system over that weekend.
He said by Monday. We wouldn’t have an economy not the market you understand That’s where we’re going. We don’t even have any what we have The economy of the world is is crashing everyone’s focused here in the United States.
Okay, I get that start to Expand your mind you’re not allowed to think outside the box the world today. We’re all in the same boat We’re in an inflationary environment Which is going to get much worse as a matter of fact we got a warning here from Costco and some other big retailers We’ll talk about that in just a moment So anyway look man The global debt market is is warning us all that there’s a problem Which we have all known about if you’ve been with me for any length of time. You know what I’m talking about here It’s a big issues the biggest issue facing the world right now is the global debt Market, which is going to implode not at a time of our choosing at a time of theirs And this is central banks here working together To inflate the largest bubble that we’ve ever seen the most largest destructive Financial bubble in the history of the world and that is of course the debt market and on the back of that We’ve seen you know asset prices with the stock market Skyrocket, you know even though the markets taking a hit as of late.
We’re not too far off from record highs Meanwhile the world economy is coming apart and the people cannot survive the mechanism here people you know what I’m gonna say of Artificially suppressed rates is a wrecking machine for the middle class a wrecking machine for the economy It just dissolves the purchasing power of the currency and we haven’t seen anything yet There’s no roadblock not a single roadblock right now being put up anywhere in the world I look for common denominators common denominators common denominators It’s too simple to see this if we the developed nations of the world and the people who exist in these Developed nations are all in the same boat together at the same time. There must be a common denominator Am I correct on this does that make sense to you the common denominators is central banks working together to destroy the currency working with Respective world leaders. We’re not hearing from world leaders about raising rates.
We’re hearing from world leaders including Senator Elizabeth Warren President Donald Trump And Scott Besant we got to talk about Scott Besant something very interesting just came up with him we’ll cover that in a second, but Calling for low rates lower rates. No justification as to why oh, this is gonna help the economy. Are you kidding me? It’s a wrecking machine these people either.
They know what we know either This is deliberate and they want us on our knees What they just too stupid to see what’s going on here. I personally don’t think that’s the case. I believe They know exactly what’s going on here so that makes it even more diabolic Anyway, let’s move forward the dollar here another another issue people.
This should not be happening. Look at the dollar index, man We were 109 recently We should be seeing dollar strength The dollar has since like time immemorial been seen as a safe haven This market is crashing pretty much It looks like that doesn’t it it may if we do not hold where we are now, we’re gonna see a crash Okay, I’ve been telling you right now we should be seeing a Stronger dollar on a relative same basis. We’re not we’re not Seeing this this should be sending a message to you that there’s a problem here with the US already No, the world doesn’t want our dollars You don’t even want our dollars if you sit if you’re a citizen here the United States, you don’t want them They’re being dissolved losing purchasing power every freaking day and the mechanism here is only gonna make it worse.
It’s incredible thing, man again with We’ll talk in a second. I got well, I got a lot more to go over with you, but this is a problem So just understand what you’re looking at. At least I hope so.
So Costco and Big retailers are warning higher prices are coming when it rains it rains on Everyone now hold that thought Hold that thought no, we’ve been hearing from us Treasury Secretary Scott Besant That the tariffs were not going to hit you in your pocketbook This was corrected by President Trump to his credit Doing his address to the nation here now all of a sudden Scott Besant is singing a different tune Treasury Secretary Scott Besant has gone on the defensive because he’s getting hacked Hold on a minute, sir You said the tariffs were not going to affect us. We were not going to be hit in our pocketbook. Look at this statement Treasury Secretary Besant I’m having a Treasury Secretary Besant is saying the American dream is not about access to cheap goods.
He’s trying to justify Oh, I don’t know what he’s trying to do here. Okay, he told us we were not going to be hit by higher prices Obviously, this was a blatant bold-faced lie now He’s saying you don’t want cheaper goods. You want to pay for higher prices for things and make it up make it up When is someone gonna hold this? beautiful human being When is someone gonna hold this beautiful man to account? Maybe you will at least I hope so Do we deserve better than this or should we be lied to and lied to and lied to even more? I mean, I really just don’t get it.
I really just don’t get it now Let us move forward here with regard to Doge it looks like President Trump has somewhat declawed Doge President Trump’s is putting the limits on Elon Musk authority and with regard to Doge a lot of pushback here again Look, man, we need we need the government to be more efficient. We understand this I mean this is a kind of a no-brainer here and I’ve already told all of you guys the way that this is happening in My opinion you’re entitled to your own obviously President Trump agrees with me Not you many. I got a lot of pushback to Greg.
You don’t know what you’re talking about We need this wrecking machine this chainsaw Well, guess what the illustrious leader here President Trump happens to agree with Greg Manarino now So maybe you want to change your tune so Doge is getting somewhat declawed. We got to do this We got to make the government more efficient. Absolutely, but we don’t need a chainsaw here.
We need to do this more strategically Methodically you understand because what you’re seeing here I get it I get it. I’m gonna tell you again This chainsaw that’s been taken to the federal jobs here This is gonna bleed right off to the private sector and that means to you So again, just for those of you that have attacked me over this Trump now agrees with Greg Manarino Does that make you feel working out for you pretty well, you know, sometimes, you know, I got a pushback to people now Let me go over this too. So Trump has made it official.
We have now a Bitcoin reserve Okay, lovely and fantastic. This is where Bitcoin is right now this morning. I’m checking through a message Hey Greg, how come Bitcoin isn’t taken off because President Trump officially made this official because this is priced into the market This is priced in it may fall What President Trump here may not be aware of or I don’t know what’s actually going on Is he is this asset class and Bitcoin as a whole? Extremely volatile you could see 70% swings 70 And down with regard to the price of Bitcoin now that Bitcoin has been added to the reserves how we’re paying for this Maybe you guys and girls want to let me in on that one.
Okay, maybe we’ll hear about it today President Trump is gonna have his Bitcoin summit. We’re not having a constitutional money System summit today. We’re not we’re having a Cryptocurrency summit today.
Does that tell you anything? Maybe a little bit? Come on guys and girls. It’s time to wake up snap out of it Those of you that have been psyoped into thinking that let’s just go back to those real quick Oh Greg, you’re a hundred percent wrong. Don’t should be using the chainsaw now President Trump agrees with Greg Manarino So maybe you should bring yourselves up to speed here, okay, maybe you’ve gotten it wrong Maybe you’ve been psyoped.
I think so. It’s time to snap out of it people snap out of it Because what we’re seeing here again, it’s gonna hurt you too. And This isn’t working clearly the economy of the world is done I’m telling you right now and there’s not a single world leader today putting up a roadblock for the tsunami of inflation That’s coming at us.
They all know it’s coming. There is no way that they don’t know that Okay, there’s no way that central banks don’t know that and they’re fostering it They know the world economy is cratering at as fast as pace. We’ve ever seen They know that US GDP is gonna be negative moving forward here.
What are they doing? They’re continuing to inflate We just found out that the trade deficit imagine our shock. Oh, no, no one saw this one coming It’s ballooning ballooning at a pace that’s never been seen before Does that sound familiar to you because four months ago I told you that was gonna happen We discussed it right here, and we’re not done. We’re not done debts Deficits pressure on the middle class pressure on the economy is going to be so extreme in six months Like I said, I did a video about this just recently The United States and the world economy you think it’s bad now, it’s going to be Unrecognizable from where we are.
So I went in from you those that called me out Specifically saying Greg you’re wrong about doge How do you feel about this one the Trump now agrees with Greg Manorino? Maybe he’s getting some of the the correspondence, which I’ve sent him. I’ve written to President Trump many times 20 maybe okay. So, uh, what does that put you guys and girls that that have tried to shred me and discredit me? Maybe you’re waking up Maybe oh am I triggering you? I hope so.
That’s my goal Honest, I really is because I love the comments. I laugh laugh at these freakin Pigs infected brain Sub morons. Oh, you don’t like my presentation Please you can leave at any time here You don’t have to sit here and be berated by Greg Manorino Unless of course you like the abuse some people like that kind of stuff turns them on Turns me on truth man, tell me where I got this wrong a single one of you Love you guys and girls.
That’s all I got. Look man With regard to the market. Let’s go back here.
The dollar is sending us a Very ominous signal the debt market instability not good Will central banks get in here and start buying more I believe they will and that’s gonna obviously exacerbate The underlying situation. It’s unbelievable. It really really is now with regard to the stock market We need to hold where we are if we don’t hold where we are It really honestly be could be look out below Anyway, we’ll see where this goes.
All right guys and girls I am working my hardest for even those of you that said I was wrong about this now Trump agrees with Greg Manorino putting limits on doge I have to admit I freaking love it. I really do Anyway We got this man. Let them play their freaking games We’re gonna continue to play ours and we are freaking unstoppable and anyone who tries to get in our way of this pride of lions We’re gonna eat them freaking alive either.
They can run with us If they don’t run with us well The siphon I really really do I love all of you I mean that with all I got and we’ll see you later 4 or 5 p.m For the live stream. We’re gonna do our usual thing that we do every Friday. All right I hope you join me with that too.
So any guys and girls. See you later. Please.
Take care of yourselves. Take care of each other