Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me Gregory Manorino. Thursday, January 30th 2025 pre-market report.
Let’s start off with this European Central Bank interest rates now lower to a near two-year low Let me read this to you in an effort to boost the economy The European Central Bank on Thursday cut interest rates by a quarter point The European Central Deposit rate was cut to 275 from 3% the lowest in nearly two years Okay, blah blah blah. What’s missing here? What is missing from this? Well, it’s pretty obvious to me and it should be to you whenever a central bank cuts rates, it means a loss of currency purchasing power People in economics and finance, if you’re new here, you might want to write this down There are two and only two Fundamental truths. These are number one to have a strong economy.
You need a strong currency Number two to have a strong currency. You need a corresponding rate of interest high enough to support the currency These are universal Fundamental truths, period. So when a central bank here lowers rates or when a politician says We’re gonna lower rates, although they don’t have the power to do that They can work with the central bank to make it happen.
That means you lose the purchasing power gets Destroyed. There’s no other way to put it here. It’s pretty obvious.
Okay, this mechanism in my opinion is going to continue as Rates are lowered to zero or possibly even negative I would say negative rates are a near lock right now. Look what they’re saying here Look how this is being sold to you in an effort to boost the economy. The world economy is in free fall What do we have right now? Nearly historic rates across the board historically low rates across the board So, let’s see.
Let’s do more of the same thing and expect a different outcome I mean you really got to be kidding here Now a couple of other things are going on here and I want to explain this to you real quick This is a good thing that this is actually coming to life, but there is a Magnificent or a mega wist to what I’m going to show you So on the back of the Fed yesterday not lowering rates President Trump went on a tirade Against the Federal Reserve It’s epic and you and I nailed it to the wall. We knew this would happen again. This is a game It’s not real.
First of all, you don’t need lower rates. You don’t want lower rates We want higher rates why again as I just told you going back to the fundamental truths in economics and finances To have a strong currency. You need a corresponding rate of interest high enough to support it Okay, we really don’t want this fiat monetary system.
Are we on the same page? We want to go back to a constitutional money system, which we’re not going to get. Okay, so with that so President Trump did accuse the Fed of failing to stop inflation. They created inflation during the campaign This was not the fault of the Fed.
Remember it was Biden’s fault Okay, so finally the truth is coming out and I commend the man. Let’s really honestly give credit where credit’s due He’s admitting that it’s the Federal Reserve who’s responsible for monetary Policy, you understand, you know, the truth always comes out. You can’t hide from it.
You can duck You can try to tuck it away some way, but you can’t you can’t do it Trump goes on to say this Fed failed to beat inflation and I will do it. What is Trump’s solution here lower rates? He’s demanding lower rates now Because you’re smart you already know what the two fundamental truths of economics and finance are How is lower rates gonna fix the inflationary situation? Is it gonna boost the economy really again? We already have historic rates low rates here around the world economies of free fall around the world lower rates is an economic and middle class Wrecking ball, that’s what it is. If we had higher rates here again, it would First of all, it would people around the world would want to hold dollars.
Let’s just say any currency here. That’s stronger You want to hold it? You don’t want to even hold dollars in most of you here are American citizens You don’t want to hold these things. They’re garbage.
They’re being systematically destroyed. They’re being wiped out. So this is this is a joke Again look I have to I have to say this there is no way that President Trump does not understand the two fundamental truths of economics and finance that I told you to have a strong economy You need a strong currency to have a strong currency your corresponding rate of interest high enough to support the purchasing power of the currency Okay, so there’s no way he doesn’t understand that but he thinks you don’t understand that This is a game that Politicians play he cannot tell you again when he’s out here demanding and having his tirade about the Fed not cutting rates yesterday Can’t tell you that that means you will lose purchasing power.
You have to work harder and longer to buy everything here. You understand? so politicians prey on You or Believing that you’re stupid. We’re not stupid We’re watching a systematic takedown of global rates here in an effort to prop up the economy They can’t save it right now.
It’s being systematically destroyed. This is a Deliberate, okay World leaders working with their central banks. Now.
This is a game that you and I called would happen We were going to see a back-and-forth fight between President Trump and the Federal Reserve every central bank wants the lower rates here Okay, this pause by the Fed yesterday was a setup We everyone knew was gonna more than likely be a pause anyway And there’s this rate cut by the European Central Bank. This was widely expected. Anyway, it’s a token 25 basis points Okay, whatever, but that means again the person however, the currency is gonna be destroyed my European friends My heart goes out to you and we’re in the same boat everywhere now This the setup here was too easy to call and you and I nailed it to the wall so yesterday when Trump went on his his crusade here To to you know called out the Fed for not lowering rates.
I put this out to you This is in your inbox I don’t want to read this to you and I want to give a shout out to President Trump because he actually is doing a Pretty good job in in certain aspects of things So I wrote lions Trump assails Powell for not cutting rates exactly as we expected This is nothing but a game to get people who don’t understand what’s actually happening to believe it’s real again You’re gonna hear a lot of MAGA people who don’t understand finance They don’t understand economics say hold on a minute The Federal Reserve should be lowering rates because Trump said so meanwhile, they don’t understand that that means they will lose Purchasing power you understand anyway first. Let’s give credit where credit is due President Trump has honestly done a fantastic job with securing the borders among other things thus far Keep that in mind because I got to discuss something with you, but really Trump is the easiest man on earth to predict what he will do when he’s it’s not even a challenge Moreover, this was already set up this battle between the Fed and Trump. We called it months and months ago Prior to this election or election, okay Moreover all this is already set up today’s pause by the Fed was to put on a show for those who have zero understanding of what is really going on and why a 100% fake and staged event.
We all knew it was coming. That’s how we knew would be faked and staged I mean, come on guys. We have their playbook all the world is a stage and I put up a few headlines Trump goes after Powell President Trump Dishing out heat to the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell But cuz not lowering rates Fox business here Trump blast the Fed for not cutting this like we didn’t see this coming.
I mean Trump Attacks the Fed for no change in interest rates again. They got to sell this to you Politicians got a package things up in such a way to prey on people that are weak weak minds They don’t understand what’s happening They rely on another entity to tell them that in other words They have to be dictated to to tell them what has to and what is not going to happen here when any World leader in this case. We’re talking about look gargoyle or President Trump here You know is calling for low rates saying we’re gonna raise lower rates moving forward it means you lose I can’t describe this under the way to you I did a whole paper on on the fallout of Lower rates what that actually means for the economy.
You have to borrow more devalued dollars and pay them back with even more Though whatever you take loan you take out pay back those loans with even more devalued dollars It just makes your life harder and it’s an economic wrecking ball if we had a real leader Which we do not anywhere in the world. They would be number one We’d be going back to a constitutional money system, which we’re not doing but they’d be screaming from rooftops that we need to raise Rates think about again just 25 30 years ago when when rates were Monumentally higher than they are now it only took one income to support a family people could buy a Single detached house and have a brand new car all that great stuff on The back of higher rates not lower rates low rates is an economic wrecking ball. It’s a mechanism of Destruction for the currency.
Are we on the same page? I would imagine that we are All right. So anyway, it’s it’s astonishing and not really how we’re able to call things months before the selection What did we say? But if Trump was selected he would call for lower rates. We got that We also said we would see a battle get set up fake stage between the Federal Reserve and President Trump to get those who have no idea of how finance and economic Work those people who have no conception whatsoever that there are only two fundamental truths just to go at your economic professors or your Finance professors those of you that think maybe I’m making this up to have a strong economy You need a strong currency.
Does that sound right to you? Of course it does because it is to have a strong currency. This is not real money Of course, you need a corresponding rate of interest high enough to support the person the power of the currency. So I mean, come on.
It’s a no-brainer and Trump is saying he’s gonna fix inflation. How how how’s he gonna do that? Okay, he has no power to do that monetary policy is run by central banks and we have an admission here Let’s give him credit for this that it is In fact the Federal Reserve and it wasn’t biting the who was it? Let me come on. We knew this was a game They’re blaming each other.
I mean, come on, man Anyway, look, I want to bring up one more things to you one more thing to you I know that a lot of people and I got some comments on this this morning are happy about this. So Trump is going to apparently be sending about 30,000 migrants to Guantanamo Bay. Does this sound good to you? Does it sound good to you? Do you really realize what’s going on here? All right.
Let me tell you Trump says he was in migrants to Guantanamo Bay. Let me just read this to you as of 2022 the United States was spending more than 540 million dollars per year to detain the prisoners that were there at that time and at that time There were only 40 prisoners there 540 540 can you see that million? For 40 prisoners now Trump is talking about sending 30,000 migrants and we have to support them. I think this is Really going back on what he said he was going to do.
Let’s get these illegal people out of here You know, we need secure borders. Absolutely. We need to secure a nation period the end.
I mean, there’s no argument here It’s just a no-brainer But this means that you and I are going to be forced to pay to keep these people housed there Is that what you want? Or do you want Trump to stick to his original planning? Export these people back to where they came from. Yeah sounds about right to you So if you do not want to spend it would probably be in the trillions again 540 million to support 40 People now 30,000 do the math people. So what I would suggest doing is tell Trump you don’t like this idea stick to your original plan Sir, it’s not so hard Anyway, people look we’re being hoodwinked.
We’re being bamboozled and everything else you want to think about here It’s pretty obvious and I’m gonna say this the trajectory for what is going on now tells me and should tell you We’re gonna be sold another epic lie to boost the economy to to increase economic growth We need to kill the purchasing power of the currency Oh, they’re not gonna tell you that they’re gonna that that’s what needs to happen again You lower rates it destroys the purchasing power of the currency. Does this make sense to you in any way shape or form? Yeah, you get it, right? So when you hear Look gargoyle Trump, whatever it might be telling you. Oh, we’re gonna lower rates Really Oh Fantastic.
We already have historically low rates. The world economy is cratering off the floor off the wall The freaking middle class is getting systematically eradicated as the one in two percent is 11 It’s easy money does nothing but help the one in two percenters get richer here. It’s called the Cantillon effect Look it up for yourself.
Greg’s not making that one up either Guys or girls, I know I’m getting through to you But I want you to start holding your leaders accountable if you live in the eurozone With this gargoyle creature over there. Tell what are you doing? We’re not that stupid Why are you lowering race in an environment where we’re already getting destroyed with the economy in freefall? Oh, but that’s is gonna boost the economy really by wiping out the purchasing power of the currency No, Trump same thing. Tell him we don’t want this.
This is not what we need to do here It’s interesting what you’re gonna see watch mark my words on this You’re gonna see certain youtubers out here saying look Trump is calling out the Fed. Oh, that means it’s going away No He’s trying to make the Fed stronger when it’s when it when a world leader calls for a central bank to cut rates It allows them to inflate when a central bank inflates. What does it do? Does it make them weaker when they get to issue their product to the world? Stronger you know that cuz you’re smart, you know that could you follow this blog all these people out hold them to account on these youtubers youtubers that are gonna sell you that story call them out to Call them out to it.
I’m personally calling every single one of them out because they have no idea what they’re talking about They’re selling you a lie Just like the mainstream media is just make sense to you people know the truth when they hear it You know my old friend Greg Hunter over there It’s incredible. And if you are not for for this and having to fund this again 540 million per year you paid for it. Okay, this is in 22 I think there’s only 15 prisoners left there.
You could do the research on your own, but in 2022 This is the numbers is 540 million to support 40 prisoners. Now, we’re gonna send 30,000 Who’s gonna pay for that, where does that cash come from? Oh That’s right. It’ll come right out of the Federal Reserve.
We have to borrow it into existence Yes, and that’s obviously Currency purchasing power negative. Do you see the game here? Do you have any faith in a world leader anymore or is it all just gone right now? They’re lying to you and the more lies they tell to you the more lies they think you’re gonna believe But not you not you not you on this lovely morning here because you’re way too smart for that We know the games that they’re playing here and it is frankly diabolic. I don’t know the way to put it Love all of you from the heart.
I want to hear from you on these things. What would you get out of this? All right, is it interesting that well, you know, it’s almost like we’re the puppet masters We know what these puppets are going to do The battle the fake battle between Trump and the Fed how this is being set up right now The him calling for lower rates here this let me tell you what this is here This isn’t going to this this mechanism here is going to allow the Federal Reserve to inflate even further because we don’t have the cash Let’s keep the prisoners. Let’s keep the migrants here Let’s pay for their meals and their exercise and their parties or whatever they do over there.
Let’s pay for all that instead of doing what Trump originally said was Getting these people out of here. Okay, I’m all for that Whatever. All right.
I think Trump should be sticking to his original plan. I don’t want to support these people. Do you? It’s a no-brainer man.
All right. Love you all from the heart. I will see you later For 5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream.
Okay, if you got something at his video if I have earned your thumbs up I would appreciate it and uh That’s all right. I’ll see you later