The Great Reset Is Here (Uncut) 02-12-2025
The Great Reset Is Here: Dollar Rejected, Gold Stockpiled | Bill Holter
What you’re viewing here, in my opinion, this is the great reset. The 300 billion of treasury reserves were basically absconded with. Nation after nation is looking at that, and they’re saying, well, if they can do it to Russia, then they can do it to anyone.
They want to make sure that their monetary reserves don’t get canceled. And, you know, gold is the obvious choice, because if you hold it in your possession, it can’t be canceled, it cannot bankrupt. This is Kaiser Johnson with Liberty and Finance, and these are the Miles Franklin Weekly Specials for February 10th through February 17th, 2025, while supplies last.
This week, we feature pre-33 AU $20 gold St. Gaudens coins at just $50 over melt per coin. We also have backdated silver Austrian philharmonics at just $2.85 over spot. Backdated Canadian one ounce gold maples are just $59 over spot.
And pre-65 junk silver dimes and quarters are at the lowest price in years at just $1.49 over spot. Pre-65 junk half dollars are just $1.69 over spot. And one tenth ounce gold Britannia are just $29.99 over melt per coin.
To order our specials or any of the many other options we have available, call us at 1-888-81-LIBERTY. That’s 1-888-815-4237. We’re available after hours and on weekends, and we look forward to speaking with you.
Welcome back to Liberty and Finance. We’re always privileged to have this widely followed returning guest, Bill Holter, a former Wall Street branch manager, as well as an experienced student of all markets and a gold and silver broker, joins us again this Monday, February 10th, 2025. Bill, thanks for joining us on Liberty and Finance.
Thanks for having me back, Dominic. Our viewers look to you for your seasoned experience at studying the metals markets and having your finger to the pulse of what’s going on in the bullion market. You’ve been involved in some of the biggest retail deals in the bullion space in recent years, and you have contacts in the industry, etc., as well as keeping tabs on the news flow and what’s not making the news but is just below the surface that people need to understand.
You’ve talked to us for years about a coming monetary reset, and there seem to be shifting tectonic plates right now that we wanted to get you to weigh in on. Two things in particular we want to make sure that we cover today. One is the enormous flows of metals from the London bullion exchange to the Comex, ostensibly ahead of Trump tariffs or whatever, but is that just a cover story, etc., because we have seen, even on the Comex side, extreme difficulty getting silver Comex bars off the exchange, which is absolutely unusual in our experience.
Secondly, we want to talk about the story that came out over the weekend from the Trump Oval Office. We have Scott Besant saying, we’re going to monetize the asset side of the U.S. balance sheet. To a casual observer, that could be interpreted as being a major step in the direction of the monetary reset that you’ve warned us about for years.
So if we could first start with the physical flow of metals from London to New York and the shortage. We’ve heard delivery shortages changing from days to up to four to eight weeks off the exchanges. Can you bring us up to date on what we know about what’s really going on with the gold and silver moving between the major exchanges in the world and the shortages, the inability to deliver promptly? Yeah, there’s been a huge influx of metal moving from London to Comex.
You can look at the amount of contracts standing for delivery for February for gold. Those are definitely outsized. Even January was outsized.
January was a non, if you want to call it a non-delivery month, it was not one of the major months, yet there was a huge amount of gold. I think it was close to 3 million ounces, 2.9 million ounces in January. So one school of thought is this gold is moving from London to New York to meet anticipated deliveries.
Same thing with silver. Silver’s the following month out, it’s March. So if we get through January, then we got, I’m sorry, if we get through February, then we’ve got March for silver.
So in the next 45 to 60 days, are going to be nail biters for the shorts, just simply because if they don’t have enough metal, then you get a failure to deliver. A failure to deliver really blows the exchange up. Because in the words of my late partner, James Sinclair, what’s the value of a contract they cannot perform? If they can’t deliver, then what’s it worth? It’s worth zero.
That’s one school of thought on the metal moving from London to COMEX. Another school of thought, if you look all over the world, nations have been repatriating their gold over the last, really over the last two years, nations have repatriated their gold out of New York, out of London, and brought that gold home to their own territory. And I think that is a function of what was done to Russia back in October, November of 2023, when the 300 billion of treasury reserves were basically absconded with.
Nation after nation is looking at that and they’re saying, well, if they can do it to Russia, then they can do it to anyone. And I think that’s a function of nations not wanting to be, if you want to call it, canceled. They want to make sure that their monetary reserves don’t get canceled.
And gold is the obvious choice, because if you hold it in your possession, it can’t be canceled, it cannot bankrupt, it can never become a black hole on a central bank’s balance sheet. It’s always going to have value. And we can get into this later in the discussion.
But what you’re viewing here, in my opinion, this is the great reset. Now, you call the monetary reset. I’m going to call it the everything reset.
We can talk about that in a little bit. Yes, I would like to get into that right now, if we could, because when you talked about gold repatriation by different countries, it seems that it was often countries that had stored their gold in London or in the U.S. saying, we want our gold back. It started with Germany, we had Poland, we had Cyprus, we had all these different countries saying, you know, give us our gold.
And there were interesting delays proposed by the so-called holders of that gold. If we could first touch on that before we get on, why has it been so? The motivation, I think, is you made clear. It’s all these sanctions, et cetera, weaponization of financial assets by the U.S. and by the West, drawing the understandable reaction from countries saying, fine, if you’re going to weaponize the dollar, weaponize the SWIFT system, weaponize our own assets that are on storage with you against us, then forget it.
Game’s off. We want it back now. Why would that result in metal flowing from London to the U.S., though? That’s one thing that’s not obvious to a casual observer in that.
If you view this entire thing, first off, going back to Germany was the first one, really, to repatriate anything of size. They asked for 300 tons of gold. They were told, oh, it’s going to take at least two to three years to do because of the logistics, blah, blah, blah.
It was all bullshit. I mean, if they could not do 300 tons in two or three years, then how can they do 400 tons now in, what, 10 days, two weeks’ time? That clearly shows that they were lying back then. It’s my guess that certainly there’s some credence to these COMEX contracts have to be delivered because if they’re not delivered on, then they go to zero and the confidence in futures will collapse.
Looking at it from the standpoint of a global reset, this could just be on-shoring gold to the United States because the United States understands there’s a reset. The old saying, he who has the gold makes the rules, you want as much gold on hand as you possibly can. Now, this 400-plus tons is chump change compared to what has been accumulated by central banks over the last three to five years and really chump change if you compare it to what China has has sourced over the last 10 to 15 years.
It was really back in, I think it was 2011 or 12, when China began leaking some of their treasuries and unloading gold. I mean, I remember six, seven years ago saying, and I mean, it was easily done, on the back of a napkin, I could show you by 2017-18 that China already had 25,000 metric tons. That number, in my estimation, is probably 35,000 metric tons compared to the supposed 8,300 tons that the US has, which I don’t believe they have.
Our gold reserves have been dwarfed by China. Now, getting into the reset aspect of it, I think the last three weeks, and three weeks ago was the inauguration for Trump, the last three weeks, if you cannot see that this is a complete reset upheaval of the status quo business as usual, then you’re not paying attention because everything is changing. I mean, just look at the executive orders, and I’m not happy with all the executive orders.
We can get into that if you want or not. But the executive orders are upending the status quo. The way America had been run for the previous 50 years is already changed, and it’s going to continue to change.
So you’ve got social issues, you’ve got financial issues, you have monetary issues. The entire system is in the process of resetting, and I would think that within, I don’t know, 90 to 180 days, you’re going to look back to where we were just three weeks ago under the previous administration and the previous, if you want to call it, world order. You’re not going to recognize in three to six months where we are compared to where we were.
So this idea that you’re proposing of, in addition to all the Eastern countries wanting their gold back, and Eastern European, et cetera, the US may be needing to scramble to get some gold back if everybody is ducking for cover here, running for cover in the face of an impending reset. Official words sometimes give us a tip. If they don’t tell us exactly what’s going on, they don’t tell us the truth, at least they give us a hint.
The Treasury Secretary, Scott Besant, in the Oval Office saying, we’re going to monetize the asset of the US balance sheet. How do you interpret that statement? Well, one obvious thing would be to re-monetize the gold that we hold. It’s on the books at, what, $42 an ounce.
So if they were to re-monetize that or revalue that to the current price of $2,900 plus per ounce, you’re looking at, I don’t know, I think a number somewhere in the neighborhood of $900 billion, close to a trillion dollars. So the gold that we hold actually has value of, use the figure of a trillion versus a paltry figure well under $100 billion on the balance sheet. So that would free up, if you wanted to call it collateral, that would free up collateral that they could either borrow against or spend.
And that’s assuming that they use the current number of $2,900 an ounce. Now, I had done the math, I don’t know, four or five years ago, that in order to cover the debt, gold would have to be $125,000 an ounce. And it’s obviously more than that now.
But if we had a reset and you got to really high numbers like $125,000, $150,000, that would allow the Treasury to basically cover the debt with gold holdings. And that would, I don’t think, would be frowned upon by foreign nations because they’ve been picking up gold left and right for the last few years. And they have gold on their balance sheet.
So it would reliquify central bank balance sheets across the world. So that’s the obvious aspect of it. Revaluing assets, what about BLM land, other assets that the US holds, could they sell those off? I’m not privy to everything that they’re considering monetizing.
But you’re talking about national assets now that they could be monetized. I lean toward it’s a gold solution, it’s not necessarily a land solution. And I say this because Scott Besant, the Treasury Secretary, one of his biggest holdings is physical gold.
And you have to look back, Trump’s family was a gold family. His grandfather or great-grandfather was actually invested in mines. So that family understands gold.
And I think they would understand what remonetizing gold would mean. And I think Trump also does understand that the Federal Reserve is, well, it’s neither federal, they don’t have a reserve. And the way it was done originally and the way it still is now, basically, it’s an illegal operation.
It’s private bankers. So it wouldn’t surprise me to see what all is said and done where the central banking system itself collapses and you start seeing nations issuing non-interest bearing currency. There’s several things you’ve covered a lot there.
So we’re gonna have to go back and unpack a few of those things. One of the things you mentioned was the gold assets of the US, if they were revalued to the current market spot price in dollars would be roughly a trillion dollars in value. And as soon as you say that, everyone listening who’s been with us a while and has been paying attention to the size of the national debt would say, well, wait a minute, that doesn’t hardly solve anything because you got a trillion in assets against 30 plus and 200 if it’s unfunded liabilities, et cetera, of trillion.
So it would take something much higher to really be a game changer, perhaps in that regards. And you said that there might be some welcome effects and knock-on effects of that on other central bank balance sheets worldwide. But what about balance of trade, that sort of thing? Because it seems that if the dollar would be essentially devalued like 10X or more or 100X or whatever from it, or is the current valuation of gold against the dollar not affecting the world’s view or the Dixie or anything relating to the dollar? Because after all the treasury has been treating it like gold, like a barbarous relic for decades, and so it just isn’t in the factor right now, but suddenly would come into play.
And how would that affect other aspects of the global economy, global balance of trade, et cetera, if there was a sudden radical devaluation of the dollar versus gold? That’s like an all-encompassing question. I think if you look at trade, trade is a very finely-tuned machine, if you will. You get any type of shocks or big changes to trade, and what it does, it’ll slow trade down.
And I expect to see big disruptions in trade. You’ve got the tariff issues, and you’ve got the issue of how is the world going to settle trade? I mean, when this reset goes through, how is the trade going to be settled? Is it going to be settled in dollars? Is it going to be settled in gold-equivalent fiat currencies? And then the pie gets sliced in half. You’ve got the BRICS currencies, and you’ve got the Western world.
So are the BRICS going to be willing to accept Western fiat for trade? I mean, I don’t know the answer to this. I do know that the BRICS will trade amongst themselves, and trade will be pretty smooth because they’re all joining a new common currency. I guess the best thing to say at this point is there’s nothing in concrete at this point, but we see a lot of signs that the world that you knew is not the world that you’re going to know.
When you mentioned other potential assets, physical assets that the U.S. has, you mentioned land, like Bureau of Land Management land. What about federal facilities all over the place? What about 750 military bases or different things? It’s so bewildering to think about the potential, especially with now 40,000 and growing federal employees having accepted the buyout offer, etc. How many unoccupied office buildings, and they’re already low occupancy, are going to be available, etc.? Oh, yeah.
That’s what I was going to get to is if you hold commercial real estate and you see this going on, you’ve got to be crapping your pants right now because it’s already a busted market. I mean, the average valuation is probably 50 cents or less of what it was back in 2017-18. You’re seeing building after building being turned over to lenders because the original owners, borrowers, they can’t refinance and they’re not able to make a go of it as a going concern.
The valuations have already crashed. Then on top of that, you’re going to get the government offering even much, much more office space, commercial buildings. I think the timing is disastrous for commercial real estate.
As an offshoot, it’s really bad for the banking system because somebody lent those funds out originally. Now, all the equity has been wiped out and it’s chewing into debt. I mean, you’ve got some bond tranches that aren’t even worth 40, 50 cents on the dollar.
They’re worth less. I mean, that’s all the property would fetch now. In addition to this, as long as we’re on now, before we leave the topic of commercial real estate, if we could just lump, I guess, residential real estate in there as well, we’ve had BlackRock and other large REITs buying up to 25% of the real estate in some areas of the country that were in unprecedented valuations.
We’ve interviewed some analysts in that regard who have said that generally, it’s those that are on the top of the food chain that have the most strategic oversight of what’s coming. They’re going to want to get out first before the moms and the pops of the world figure it out and that they’ll be the last holdouts. Unfortunately, the little man and gal will be the last holdouts thinking that real estate always goes up.
You just write out the dibs and you’ll always find a willing buyer later and all that. In your view, what is the state of reality in the real estate market from an inability of closures to happen? We just spoke with a realtor this week who said that she hasn’t made a single deal this year, which is absolutely unheard of for her. She had to take on a second job, etc.
We’ve talked to mortgage brokers who said they haven’t written a deal this year. Anyway, your view of where we’re at in this rollover of the, you can start with commercial, which is, I guess, where you started, and then look at residential as well, real estate and see where you think we’re at in that process and who’s getting out first and what comes next. Yeah, well, you’re absolutely right.
The volume of, and I’m talking about single family, about housing at this point, the housing market, the volume has collapsed. Volume of deals going to close are at 50% or slightly less than 50% of what it was a year and a half, two years ago. The volume has collapsed.
I’ve spoken on this. I’ve written on this. I’ve posted articles on this on my website.
Price always follows volume. If you’re at normal valuations as opposed to the astronomical valuations that we’re at now, when volume collapses, the price follows. You’re seeing that.
I look at many parts of Florida. You’re in Florida, right, Dunnegan? Yeah, I mean, look at Florida. Florida has quite a few sectors where people can’t sell and people are walking away either because of taxes or insurance or they’ve lost a job.
I mean, you’ve seen it. I’ve seen it. We’ve talked about this, the precious metals area.
I’ve never in my entire career seen so much selling and now the selling has come in size and the bids compared to spot are poor. The bids are actually below spot, but yet people are still selling. That tells me they’re selling because in many cases, they need to.
They need to sell and raise cash just to continue to go forward. What has hit the precious metals sector is hitting the housing market. I think the best area to look in the housing market are starter homes.
If you look at the average price of starter homes nationwide, the average person cannot afford to buy those. If you gut the foundation of a market, any market, you basically gut that market. Now, are they going to feel it immediately in $3 million, $5 million houses? No, but $250,000, $350,000 starter home range, you have people with these higher interest rates and an economy that has done nowhere near as well as what they have told us and unemployment much greater than what they’ve told us.
That reality is coming through the final numbers of closings on houses. And again, just look at the starter home market. The average person, the average buyer cannot afford a starter home.
One of three things has to happen. Either interest rates have to come down drastically, people have to start making more money, or simply the prices have to come down. And history shows us that after bubbles form, and after they burst, the prices collapse.
And I think that’s, you know, we’re right there. The pin, the pin is hitting the balloon right now. Yeah, you just touched on something I wanted to drill into a little bit.
And that’s the hidden, the hiding of inflation. We’ve known for years that there’s been a denial of the reality of inflation by the official numbers, as John Williams from has come on our channel multiple times and talked about the CP lie, talking about how they just keep whatever it takes to cook the books to make it look like it’s not as bad as it is. But then there’s also people have been aware of shrinkflation, where the packages that they would buy anything in are maybe looking the same, but the inside there’s they got cardboard baffles to make the box half empties, they’re willing to ship and truck around the country, half empty boxes in order to make it look like the things aren’t shrinking on the shelf, even though they are containing fewer ingredients.
But then we’ve also got the, the passing on of fees, you’ve got vendors all over now saying you’re going to pay the 3% or 4% convenience fee if you’re going to use a charge card, we’re not going to eat that anymore. Because and they’re not saying is we can’t afford to and we just can’t hide this any longer where you’re going to start burying those costs up front. But this whole, this whole culture of hiding and denying even officially to the, to the point of repackaging your, your product and shrinking it down to avoid the reality of inflation is one of the areas that’s biting people really hard.
And then also you mentioned, you mentioned insurance and taxes, we definitely have neighbors and acquaintances who are actually having to sell their properties, relocate that just to get out from underneath unbearable burdens of both taxes and insurance. Any further thoughts from you on the hiding of inflation and how it can no longer be hidden and how that bites when the reality gets into the head of people and they realize that the, the currency is what’s, is what’s being destroyed, right, right from within their accounts and their earnings and their retirements, et cetera. Yeah.
Uh, I guess my thought on that is we’ve had inflation all along, go back to from 1982 when inflation supposedly peaked, we’ve had, uh, inflation of asset values of asset pricing. We’ve had, you know, the stock market go up, we’ve had real estate go up, we’ve had asset prices explode in, in valuation levels, if you will. That’s inflation that was caused by the creation of money supply and the creation of credit.
So that was inflation. But the average person views that as good inflation because, you know, my hamburger still only costs two or three bucks, but you know, my $250,000 house is now a million dollars. I portfolio that I put, you know, a hundred thousand dollars in that’s a million dollars.
It’s all good stuff, you know, and you’ll hear them start chanting USA, USA. Where we are now is we’ve reached a debt saturation level. So the inflation that they can push into asset prices has, it stopped, it stopped in your, you’re starting to see that roll over.
So that inflation coming down is obviously not going to be good as thought of by the average person. It’s the end. And we’ve, we’re also in since, uh, since COVID unmasked the, uh, the supply chains since COVID and obviously the money that was put into the system during COVID, you know, we’ve had inflation of stuff we need.
And this goes back to what I talk about for at least 10 years, that when, when the final, uh, chapters are written, you’re going to watch deflation of the things we have an inflation of the things we need. It’s a double whammy. Your cost to live goes up, but your ability to pay for that lifestyle with your assets shrinks.
And that’s where we are now. And it’s, it’s, uh, I guess the best way to explain it is it’s the end of a Ponzi scheme because the amount of debt outstanding or the amount of debt that can and needs to be issued. When I say needs to debt needs to be issued at, at higher and higher levels, exponentially higher levels in order to feed the Ponzi.
And what you’re having here is you’re, you’re watching, uh, you’re watching the new credit, the new funds come into the Ponzi shrink. And at the same time, which I think is, is interesting. I have not heard really hardly anybody talk about this, but all of this government waste that they’re uncovering, you know, billions, hundreds of billions over, you know, trillion dollars, that’s no longer going to be coming into the system.
So that’s that money that had continually flowed into the system. Now, all of a sudden those spigots are getting shut off. So I think what you’re, what you’re going to be looking at is, uh, asset values and the real economy just going into full on shrink mode.
Yeah. The, um, the change of environment is what you’re talking about. The people have gotten used to the last 40 years following certain mega rules, I guess that, you know, uh, interest rates always go down.
Assets always go up. The currency supply goes up at a certain rate. And so therefore, uh, asset values continue to increase always buy on the dips and buy and hold, et cetera.
What are your suggested rules for cert to survive and thrive for those who want to make it through the new reality that is no longer, as you have pointed out several times in the last half hour here, the new reality is not going to look like the old reality, uh, for the foreseeable future. Well, we got to the point in what, 2016, 17, when they were talking about negative interest rates and debt was considered equity more or less, it was considered part of the value. Um, and I think people are going to learn, they’re going to find out that, you know, your equity in a down market, your equity shrinks, your debt doesn’t shrink and a debt doesn’t go away unless you, yeah, let me, let me just interject there.
The, the poster child for that, if that was the moment we jumped the shark, it’s when the United States announced that its single largest asset was the student debt loan portfolio. Yeah. That’s, I mean, that was hilarious.
How, how could the biggest asset, the biggest national asset be loans guaranteed by the federal government to what turned out to be, you know, a bunch of woke, you know, a bunch of wokesters. Yeah. Well, both in terms of real, real value and the fact that it was incest to us anyway, because the United, the government had created that, that overpriced, uh, higher education by, by being, having this gravy train.
And then as you mentioned, once the gravy train gets turned off, all of a sudden you find out not only is that new injection of funding stopping, but the, the junk that you misallocated all that, uh, all that capital into over the past decades, didn’t provide any, didn’t create any productivity. Well, it actually created, uh, it created a shit show. If you will.
It was done by, by design. It was done by plan. If you, if you’re promoting, uh, young people to go to college, borrow money, go to college, and you’re making it easy for them to go to college.
Then on the other hand, now we’re finding out DOJ is looking into this. All this money was going to universities being paid to professors. And what did they do? They brainwashed the kids.
So in reality, the American public paid to get shit on by a bunch of, you know, young 20 year olds that went to college and know everything because they’re, you know, their professors taught them this and everybody believes it. And that’s the way it is. I mean, we paid for that.
I mean, it, it’s not, what you’re not saying is we paid, we paid, we, you’re not saying, but you’re, you are saying, I think is that the hardworking, uh, industrious, uh, greatest generation paid for the Marxist indoctrination, Marxist indoctrination of the next generation. Right. Exactly.
Savers, people that, that, you know, have a conservative thought process. They, you know, they might’ve taken a mortgage for their house. They might take, uh, loans for cars, but they’re not, they’re not debt monsters.
They don’t, you know, go and, and spend and live a lifestyle that they can’t afford. You’re talking about the average, uh, hardworking American, their tax dollars have been used against them. Right.
Uh, basically it’s another example. In by hostile ideologies and hostile actors who are, who actually hate your, your country and, and all that it, that it was aspiring to, to be exactly. Bill, Pete, you, you write fairly prolifically on an interview on these topics and you keep a close eye on all of this.
And people, uh, are glad for your visits. Our audience is extremely glad. And I am for your visits here with us, but it’s never often enough.
So if they want to follow you more frequently, where should they make sure that they go? I just go to my website, uh, bill Um, there’s four or five different categories there. There’s the interview category stuff that I post. Uh, there is a good category there on prepping.
I would urge everybody to go through and spend a couple hours reading through the prepping stuff. Uh, cause I, I know that you’ll, you’ll come across things. You’ll be like, Oh, that’s right.
I hadn’t thought of that. Cause I’ve done that myself. And I mean, I’ve been avidly thinking about this, you know, for at least five or 10 years now.
So there’s, there was new stuff to me. So, uh, that’s a, a, a good resource. So yeah, just go to bill And if you do want to contact me, there is a contact button on the website.
And, uh, along the way you said that, uh, in order to be better prepared, people need to be thinking about that. A lot of the contracts they may have entered into unwittingly or unknowingly have been structured in such a way that they’re not going to be able to perform it at the end of this reset that we’re watching play out in real time and remind everyone what your, uh, perhaps top priorities in addition to physical preparations that they’re going to find there about secure, uh, strategic living locations and food and water supplies and protection, uh, in terms of monetary protection, uh, being out of the harm, harm’s way as much as possible in our current culture, uh, of this being basically done in financially. Yeah.
Uh, I, I think, I mean, this reset is going to be a reset of everything, a reset of thought process, a reset financially, uh, a reset of the world order. Your entire world is going to change. And I would just say, make sure that you’ve got yourself emotionally and spiritually hardened.
Uh, you want to get yourself in, in good physical shape. Uh, uh, and I probably shouldn’t even do this because I, I mentioned this one time on an interview back, uh, just before the first of the year, I started having back problems, uh, August, September, October. And I found out that I’ve got bone spurs and the doctor wanted to give me beta blockers.
He wanted to give me, uh, epidurals. I did an epidural. It did nothing.
And my thought process was the whole shit house is going to come down. And I do not want to be a liability. I want to be an asset to whoever, you know, whatever my situation is, I want to be an asset.
And if I can’t walk because of a back problem, I’m a liability. I’m not an asset. So I got, I had surgery done a month ago and it worked out fabulous.
Uh, I’m not a hundred percent yet, but I’m getting better. But my, my thought process was when this thing comes down, what if I can’t get pain meds? What if I can’t get beta blockers? What if I can’t get an epidural? What if I can’t get a surgery? So I wanted to get it done. So that’s, you know, that’s me practicing what I preach.
Uh, I just think in, in every, in every facet of your life, like I said, emotionally, spiritually, physically, uh, financially, your location itself, you need to look at every aspect of your life and just do the best you can and try to prepare for the worst. Well, Bill, once again, we’re grateful for your presence here with us. Uh, always Sage, uh, advice and things to consider and to take seriously.
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This is Kaiser Johnson with Liberty and Finance, and these are the Miles Franklin Weekly Specials for February 10th through February 17th, 2025. While supplies last this week, we feature pre 33 AU $20 gold St. Gaudens coins at just $50 over melt per coin. We also have backdated silver Austrian philharmonics at just $2.85 over spot backdated Canadian one ounce gold maples are just $59 over spot and pre 65 junk silver dimes and quarters are at the lowest price in years at just $1.49 over spot pre 65 junk half dollars are just $1.69 over spot and one tenth ounce gold Britannia are just $29.99 over melt per coin.
To order our specials or any of the many other options we have available, call us at 1-888-81-Liberty. That’s 1-888-815-4237. We’re available after hours and on weekends, and we look forward to speaking with you.